ABCDEF Critical Care
ABCDEF Critical Care
ABCDEF Critical Care
C r i t i c a l C a re
Annachiara Marra, MD, PhD(c)a, E. Wesley Ely, MD, MPHb,
Pratik P. Pandharipande, MD, MSCI, FCCMc, Mayur B. Patel, MD, MPH
Pain Spontaneous awakening trials Spontaneous breathing trials Sedation
Analgesia Delirium Early mobility Intensive care unit
The ABCDEF bundle is an evidence-based guide for clinicians to coordinate multidisci-
plinary patient care in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Assessment of pain is the first step before administering pain relief. The Behavioral Pain
Scale (BPS) and the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) are the most valid and
reliable behavioral pain scales for ICU patients unable to communicate.
Disclosures and Funding Sources: E.W. Ely, P.P. Pandharipande, and M.B. Patel are supported
by National Institutes of Health HL111111 and GM120484 (Bethesda, MD). E.W. Ely is supported
by the Veterans Affairs Tennessee Valley Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center
(Nashville, TN). E.W. Ely and P.P. Pandharipande are supported by the VA Clinical Science
Research and Development Service (Washington, DC) and the National Institutes of Health
AG027472 and AG035117 (Bethesda, MD). M.B. Patel is supported by the Vanderbilt Faculty
Research Scholars Program. This project was supported by REDCap, a secure online database,
supported in part by the National Institutes of Health TR000445. E.W. Ely has received honorar-
ia from Abbott Laboratories, Hospira, Inc, and Orion Corporation, and research grants from
Abbott Laboratories. P.P. Pandharipande and E.W. Ely have received research grants from Hos-
pira, Inc. A. NIHMS: 834685. The authors have no other disclosures relevant to this article.
Center for Health Services Research, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medi-
cine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, University of Naples Federico II, 1215 21st Avenue
South, Medical Center East, Suite 6100, Nashville, TN 37232-8300, USA; b VA GRECC, Center
for Health Services Research, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Vander-
bilt University Medical Center, 1215 21st Avenue South, Medical Center East, Suite 6109, Nash-
ville, TN 37232-8300, USA; c Division of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine, Department of
Anesthesiology, Center for Health Services Research, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 1211
21st Avenue South, Medical Arts Building, Suite 526, Nashville, TN 37212, USA; d Division of
Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, and Emergency General Surgery, Section of Surgical Sciences,
Department of Surgery, Center for Health Services Research, Vanderbilt University Medical Cen-
ter, 1211 21st Avenue South, Medical Arts Building, Suite 404, Nashville, TN 37212, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mayur.b.patel@Vanderbilt.Edu
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226 Marra et al
Coordination of spontaneous awakening trials (SAT) with spontaneous breathing trials
(SBT) is associated with decreases in sedative use, delirium, time on mechanical ventila-
tion, and ICU and hospital lengths of stay.
Delirium monitoring and management is critically important because it is a strong risk fac-
tor for increased time on mechanical ventilation, length of ICU and hospital stay, cost of
hospitalization, long-term cognitive impairment, and mortality.
Early mobility is the only currently known intervention associated with a decrease in
delirium duration. Physical therapy is safe and feasible in the ICU, even while on mechan-
ical ventilation, renal-replacement therapy, and/or circulatory support.
With more than 4 million intensive care unit (ICU) admissions per year in the United
States, there is increasing recognition of the long-term consequences of ICU care
on the physical and mental health function of patients. An acute care hospitalization
and critical illness has tangible consequences of cognitive decline,1 posttraumatic
stress disorder,2 and depression.3 In a multicenter cohort of 821 critically ill patients
with respiratory failure or shock, our group demonstrated that one of four ICU patients
had cognitive impairment after 12 months after critical illness that was similar in
severity to that of patients with mild Alzheimer disease and moderate traumatic brain
injury.4 The largest risk factor for this ICU-related cognitive impairment was delirium.
Disability associated with ICU care and hospitalization is an unfortunately common
occurrence in older adults with significant consequences for patients and caregivers
(Box 1).5
Box 1
Factors related to hospitalization-associated disability
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The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 227
ICU survivorship has become a top concern and methods to optimize patient recov-
ery and outcomes are important objectives for the health provider, families, and re-
searchers. In 2013, the American College of Critical Care Medicine, in collaboration
with the Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists, updated the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Pain,
Agitation, and Delirium in Adult Patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU PAD Guide-
lines) to provide recommendations for clinicians to better manage critically ill pa-
tients.6 Many elements of the symptom-based ICU PAD guideline are implemented
using an interdependent, multicomponent, evidence-based guide for the coordination
multidisciplinary ICU care, the ABCDEF bundle. The ABCDEF bundle includes:
Assess, prevent, and manage pain; Both spontaneous awakening trials (SAT) and
spontaneous breathing trials (SBT); Choice of analgesia and sedation; Delirium:
assess, prevent, and manage; Early mobility and exercise; and Family engagement
and empowerment.
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228 Marra et al
Table 1
Clinical Pain Observational Tool and Behavioral Pain Scale
BPS greater than five or CPOT greater than three indicate significant pain.
Adapted from Payen JF, Bru O, Bosson JL, et al. Assessing pain in critically ill sedated patients by
using a behavioral pain scale. Crit Care Med 2001;29(12):2259.
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The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 229
for escalating doses to achieve the same analgesic effect. For the treatment of neuro-
pathic pain in ICU patients, gabapentin or carbamazepine should be administered
enterally, in addition to opioids. Nonopioid analgesics, such as acetaminophen,
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or ketamine, should be used as adjunctive
pain medications to reduce opioid requirements and opioid-related side effects.
Use of regional analgesia in ICU patients is limited to the use of epidural analgesia
in specific subpopulations of surgical patients, and in patients with traumatic rib frac-
tures.6 In managing pain in the ICU, nonpharmacologic methods are often effective
and safe (eg, injury stabilization, patient repositioning, use of heat/cold).13
Daily SATs are the stopping of narcotics (as long as pain is controlled) and sedatives
every day and, if needed, restarting either narcotics or sedatives at half the previous
dose and titrating as need. Daily interruption of sedation shortens the duration of me-
chanical ventilation and the ICU length of stay. The 2013 ICU PAD Guidelines empha-
size the importance of minimizing sedative use and maintaining a light level of sedation
in patients, using either a daily sedative interruption strategy (ie, SAT), or by continu-
ously titrating sedatives to maintain a light level of sedation (ie, targeted sedation strat-
egy). Kress and colleagues14 conducted a randomized, controlled trial involving 128
adult patients who were receiving mechanical ventilation and continuous infusions
of sedative drugs in a medical ICU. In the intervention group, the sedative infusions
were interrupted daily until the patients were awake; in the control group, the infusions
were interrupted only at the discretion of the clinicians. In this study, daily interruption
of the infusion of sedative drugs shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation by
more than 2 days and the length of stay in the ICU by 3.5 days.14 These data suggest
that daily SAT uses less analgosedation while improving ICU outcomes.14
There is a consistent relationship between deeper sedation and worse ICU out-
comes. Deep sedation in the first 48 hours of an ICU stay has been associated with
delayed time to extubation, higher need for tracheostomy, increased risk of hospital,
and long-term death.15–17 Shehabi and colleagues15 examined the relationships be-
tween early sedation and time to extubation, delirium, hospital, and 180-day mortality
among ventilated critically ill patients in the ICU. Every additional Richmond Agitation-
Sedation Score (RASS) assessment in the deep sedation range in the first 48 hours
was associated with delayed time to extubation of 12.3 hours, a 10% increased risk
of hospital death, and an 8% increased risk of death at 6 months. Balzer and col-
leagues17 examined short- and long-term survival after deep sedation during the first
48 hours after ICU admission. In this study, 1884 patients receiving mechanical venti-
lation were grouped as either lightly or deeply sedated (light sedation, RASS 2 to 0;
deep sedation, RASS 3 or less). Deep sedation (27.2%; n 5 513) was associated
with an in-hospital mortality hazard ratio of 1.661 (95% confidence interval [CI],
1.074–2.567; P 5 .022) and a 2-year hazard ratio of 1.866 (95% CI, 1.351–2.576;
P<.001). In summary, deeply sedated patients had longer ventilation times, increased
length of stay, and higher rates of mortality.17 These studies show that early deep
sedation is a modifiable risk factor and that the implementation of sedation protocols
to achieve light sedation is feasible and reproducible in the early phase of ICU
Daily SBT has been proven to be effective and superior to other techniques to venti-
lator weaning. Numerous randomized trials support the use of ventilator weaning pro-
tocols that include daily SBTs as their centerpiece.18,19 About two-thirds of the time on
mechanical ventilation is spent during weaning, so anything that reduced this period
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230 Marra et al
would have a high likelihood of improving outcomes. Girard and colleagues20 under-
took the Awakening and Breathing Controlled (ABC) trial, a multicenter, randomized
controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of a protocol of daily SATs paired
with SBTs (intervention group, n 5 168) versus a standard SBT protocol in patients
receiving patient-targeted sedation as part of usual care (control group, n 5 168). Pa-
tients in the intervention group (both SAT and SBT) spent more days breathing without
assistance during the 28-day study period (14.7 days vs 11.6 days; mean difference,
3.1 days; 95% CI, 0.7–5.6; P 5 .02) and were discharged earlier from the ICU (median
time in ICU, 9.1 days vs 12.9 days; P 5 .01) and earlier from the hospital (median hos-
pital time, 14.9 days vs 19.2 days; P 5 .04).20 During the year after enrollment, patients
receiving SATs with SBTs (intervention) were less likely to die than were patients
receiving only SBTs (control) (hazard ratio, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.50–0.92; P 5 0.01). For
every seven patients treated with the intervention, one life was saved (number needed
to treat, 7.4; 95% CI, 4.2–35.5).20 Conversely, the SLEAP trial (protocolized light seda-
tion in combination with daily SAT vs protocolized light sedation alone) found no dif-
ference between the groups with regard to time to extubation, duration of ICU, and
hospital stays.21 One reason the SLEAP study might not have showed an effect is
because both the treatment and control groups received high sedative doses that
would result in moderate to deep levels, rather than light levels of sedation.22
No sedation has also been applied as a strategy in ICU patients. Strøm and col-
leagues23 enrolled 140 critically ill adult patients who were undergoing mechanical
ventilation and were expected to need ventilation for more than 1 day. Patients
were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio (unblinded) to receive no sedation (n 5 70 pa-
tients) or sedation (n 5 70, control group). Patients receiving no sedation had signifi-
cantly more days without ventilation (mean, 13.8 days [standard deviation, 11.0] vs
mean, 9.6 days [standard deviation, 10.0]; mean difference, 4.2 days; 95% CI, 0.3–
8.1; P 5 .0191) in a 28-day period, and reduced stays in the ICU and hospital. This
study did find increased hyperactive delirium in the group receiving no sedation.23
Ultimately, the core features of the ABCDEF bundle involve coordination of SATs
and SBTs emphasizing narcotic and sedation titration resulting in earlier liberation
from mechanical ventilation, ICU, and hospitalization (Fig. 1).
The 2013 PAD guidelines emphasize the need for goal-directed delivery of psychoac-
tive medications to avoid oversedation, to promote earlier extubation, and to help the
medical team agree on a target sedation level by using sedation scales. Of the avail-
able reliable and valid sedation scales, the PAD guidelines recommend the use of the
RASS and the Riker Sedation-Agitation Scale (SAS). Table 2 shows the psychometric
properties of the RASS and SAS. The SAS has seven individual tiers ranging from
unarousable (one) to dangerous agitation (seven).24 RASS is a 10-point scale, with
four levels of escalating agitation (RASS 11 to 14), one level denoting a calm and alert
state (RASS 0), three levels of sedation (RASS 1 to 3), and two levels of coma
(RASS 4 to 5). A unique feature of RASS is that it relies on the duration of eye con-
tact following verbal stimulation. The RASS takes less than 20 seconds to perform with
minimal training, and has shown high reliability among multiple types of health care
providers and an excellent interrater reliability in a broad range of adult medical and
surgical ICU patients.25
To maximize patient outcomes, it is essential to carefully choose sedatives and
analgesic medications, and consider medication doses, titration, and discontinua-
tion.25 For example, there is a clear association between decreased exposure to
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The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 231
Fig. 1. “Wake up and breathe” protocol: SATs with SBTs. FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen;
PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure. (From ICU Delirium, Vanderbilt University. Available
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232 Marra et al
Table 2
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale and Riker Sedation-Agitation Scale
14 Combative 7 Dangerous agitation
Combative, violent immediate danger to Pulling at ETT, trying to remove catheters,
staff climbing over bedrail, striking at staff,
trashing side-to-side
13 Very agitated 6 Very agitated
Pulls to remove tubes or catheters; Requiring restraint and frequent verbal
aggressive reminding of limits, biting ETT
12 Agitated 6 Very agitated
Frequent nonpurposeful movement, fights Requiring restraint and frequent verbal
ventilator reminding of limits, biting ETT
11 Restless 5 Agitated
Anxious, apprehensive, movements not Anxious or physically agitated, calms to
aggressive verbal instructions
0 Alert and calm 4 Calm and cooperative
Spontaneously pays attention to caregiver Calm, easily arousable, follows commands
1 Drowsy 3 Sedated
Not fully alert, but has sustained Difficult to arouse but awakens to verbal
awakening to voice: eye opening and stimuli or gentle shaking, follows simple
contact >10 s commands but drifts off again
2 Light sedation 3 Sedated
Briefly awakens to voice: eyes open and Difficult to arouse but awakens to verbal
contact <10 s stimuli or gentle shaking, follows simple
commands but drifts off again
3 Moderate sedation 3 Sedated
Movement or eye opening to voice: no eye Difficult to arouse but awakens to verbal
contact stimuli or gentle shaking, follows simple
commands but drifts off again
4 Deep sedation 3 Sedated
No response to voice, but movement or eye Difficult to arouse but awakens to verbal
opening to physical stimulation stimuli or gentle shaking, follows simple
commands but drifts off again
2 Very sedated
Arouses to physical stimuli but does not
communicate or follow commands, may
move spontaneously
5 Unarousable 1 Unarousable
No response to voice or physical Minimal or no response to noxious stimuli,
stimulation does not communicate or follow
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The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 233
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234 Marra et al
2. Inattention:
• “Squeeze my hand when I say the letter ‘A’.”
Read the following sequence of letters:
0 –2 CAM-ICU negative
S A V E A H A A R T or C A S A B L A N C A or A B A D B A D A A Y Errors NO DELIRIUM
ERRORS: No squeeze with ‘A’ & Squeeze on letter other than ‘A’
>2 Errors
4. Disorganized Thinking:
1. Will a stone float on water? >1 Error
2. Are there fish in the sea?
3. Does one pound weigh more than two?
4. Can you use a hammer to pound a nail?
0 –1
Command: “Hold up this many fingers” (Hold up 2 fingers) Error
“Now do the same thing with the other hand” (Do not demonstrate) CAM-ICU negative
OR “Add one more finger” (If patient unable to move both arms) NO DELIRIUM
Fig. 2. (A) Confusion assessment method for the ICU (CAM-ICU). (B) Intensive Care
Delirium Screening checklist. Normal, 0; delirium, 4–8; subsyndromal delirium, 1–3. Score
your patient over the entire shift. Components do not all need to be present at the same
time. Components 1 through 4 cannot be completed when the patient is deeply sedated
or comatose (ie, SAS 5 1 or 2; RASS 5 4 or 5); Components 5 through 8 are based on
observations throughout the entire shift. Information from the prior 24 hours should be
obtained for components 7 and 8. ([A] Courtesy of E. Wesley, MD, MPH and Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN; and [B] Adapted from Bergeron N, Dubois MJ, Dumont M,
et al. Intensive care delirium screening checklist: evaluation of a new screening tool.
Intensive Care Med 2001;27(5):859–64; and Ouimet S, Riker R, Bergeron N, et al. Sub-
syndromal delirium in the ICU: evidence for a disease spectrum. Intensive Care Med
narcotics (98%).44 The mean number of identified risk factors for delirium in these pa-
tients was 11 4 with a range of 3 to 17 risk factors present. Patients with three or
more risk factors were considered at high risk for delirium.42,49,50 In delirious patients,
a systematic protocolized search for all reversible precipitants is the first line of action
and symptomatic treatment should be considered when available and not contrain-
dicated (Fig. 4).51
Antipsychotics, especially haloperidol, are commonly administered for the treat-
ment of delirium in critically ill patients. However, evidence for the safety and efficacy
of antipsychotics in this patient population is lacking. Moreover, the 2013 PAD
Guidelines include no specific recommendations for using any particular medica-
tion.6 Ely and colleagues are conducting the MIND-USA (Modifying the Impact of
ICU-Induced Neurologic Dysfunction-USA) Study ( Identifier
NCT01211522) to define the role of antipsychotics in the management of delirium
in vulnerable critically ill patients.
Delirium prophylaxis with medications is discouraged in the PAD guidelines.
Recently, a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial compared a low-dose
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The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 235
No of events/total
Study or Subgroup Patients with Patients Mantel-Haenszel Weight Mantel-Haenszel
delirium without delirium random risk (%) random risk
Fig. 3. Impact of delirium on hospital mortality in critically ill patients. CI, confidence inter-
val. (From Salluh JI, Wang H, Schneider EB, et al. Outcome of delirium in critically ill patients:
systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2015;350:h2538.)
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Marra et al
Perform Delirium Assessment via CAM-ICU
Consider typical or
atypical antipsychotics 6
Fig. 4. Sample delirium protocol. CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; EKG, electrocardiogram; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PS, Pressure
Support. (From ICU Delirium, Vanderbilt University. Available at: Accessed December 29, 2016.)
The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 237
Early mobility is an integral part of the ABCDEF bundle and has been the only inter-
vention resulting in a decrease in days of delirium.54 During ICU stay critically ill pa-
tients can lose up to 25% peripheral muscle weakness within 4 days when
mechanically ventilated and 18% in body weight by the time of discharge and this
process is higher in the first 2 to 3 weeks of immobilization.55 The consequence of
physical dysfunction in critically ill patients is profound and long-term with significant
reduction in functional status being observed even 1 year and 5 years after ICU
ICU-acquired weakness is caused by many different pathophysiologic mechanisms
that are not mutually exclusive given the diverse diseases that precipitate critical
illness, the drugs used during its management, and the consequences of protracted
immobility.54 The reported incidence of ICU-acquired weakness ranges from 25%
to 100%.59,60 The diagnosis of ICU-acquired weakness is made by the Medical
Research Council scale for grading the strength (ie, 0 [total palsy] to 5 [normal
strength]) of various muscle groups in the upper and lower extremities. The scale
ranges from 0 (complete tetraplegia) to 60 (normal muscle strength), with a score
less than 48 diagnostic of ICU-acquired weakness.61 Patients with ICU-acquired
weakness should undergo serial evaluations, and if persistent deficits are noted, elec-
trophysiologic studies, muscle biopsy, or both are warranted.54
Although clinical providers may have fears about early mobilization, there is good
evidence regarding the strategy of minimizing sedation and increasing the physical ac-
tivity of ICU patients to the point of getting up and out of bed.54 Physical therapy has
shown to be feasible and safe, even in the most complicated patients receiving the
most advanced medical therapies (eg, continuous renal-replacement therapy, extra-
corporeal cardiopulmonary support).62,63 Early activity can be done without increases
in usual ICU staffing and with a low risk (<1%) of complications.64 Studying patients
early in the their course of mechanical ventilation (<3 days), Schweickert and col-
leagues65 showed that a daily SAT combined with physical and occupational therapy,
versus SAT alone, resulted in an improved return to independent functional status at
hospital discharge, shorter duration of ICU-delirium, higher survival, and more days
breathing without assistance. However, in a study where ICU patients were enrolled
4 days after the initiation of mechanical ventilation (average, 8 days), an intensive
physical therapy program did not improve long-term physical functioning when
compared with a standard of care program.66 Although both these studies demon-
strated feasibility of physical therapy, it may be more effective to embark on physical
therapy early in the ICU course, rather than later when it is much more challenging to
improve ICU-acquired weakness.65,66
The focus on rehabilitation of critically ill patients should begin in the ICU and
continue all the way to recovery at home. The close collaboration and coordination
with medicine, nursing, and physical therapists is fundamental for an efficacy and
safe strategy.62 This is particularly important because the burden of illness affects
not only the patient but also his or her family or other caregivers.54
The ABCDE bundle has evolved to include family engagement, because no ICU treat-
ment plan is complete without incorporation of the family’s wishes, concerns, ques-
tions, and participation. Family members and surrogate decision makers must
become active partners in multiprofessional decision-making and treatment planning.
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238 Marra et al
Through this partnership, patients’ preferences are identified, the anxiety of families is
lessened, and physicians can have appropriate input into decisions.67
Family presence on ICU rounds is beneficial, and it does not interfere with educa-
tion and communication process.68 Families have reported increased feelings of in-
clusion, respect, and having a better understanding of their loved one’s care.
Nurses have indicated satisfaction with team communication and facilitation of fam-
ily relationships.69 Several studies suggested that increased focus on communica-
tion with family members, through routine ICU family conferences, palliative care
consultation, or ethics consultation, can reduce ICU length of stay for those patients
whose trajectory is ultimately mortal.70–73 One study of communication occurring
during ICU family conferences sought to understand how ICU clinicians conduct
communication concerning withdrawing life-sustaining treatments or the delivery
of bad news, and how this communication might be improved.74 Most clinicians
failed to listen and respond appropriately, failed to acknowledge the expression
of family members’ emotions, and failed to explain key tenets of palliative care.
An important missed opportunity when communicating with families is exploring pa-
tient treatment preferences that are key to clinical decision making in the ICU
Ethics and palliative care consultations have been introduced into the practice of
medicine during the past several decades as a way to help health care professionals,
patients, and surrogates come to a decision about medical treatment ensuring that the
process of decision making is inclusive, educational, respectful of cultural values, and
reflect appropriate resource utilization. When ethics consultation have been used, they
have been associated with reductions in hospital and ICU lengths of stay, and more
frequent decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment.72,75 When tackling treatment
conflicts, most (87%) ICU physicians, nurses, and patients/surrogates agreed that
ethics consultations are helpful. However, in a recent randomized study in four med-
ical ICUs in those receiving mechanical ventilation for greater than 1 week, family
discussions conducted by palliative care specialists (intervention) versus standard
ICU-led family discussions (control) did not alter anxiety or depression symptoms in
surrogate decision makers.76
Beyond sharing of communication, family presence has been encouraged in trau-
matizing medical events and procedures, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR). In some studies, the family presence during CPR is associated with positive re-
sults on psychological variables, and did not interfere with medical efforts, increase
stress in the health care team, or result in medicolegal conflicts. In fact, relatives
who did not witness CPR had symptoms of anxiety and depression more frequently
than those who did witness CPR.77
Critical illness usually impacts not only an individual, but their entire support system,
which may or may not be their nuclear family, or some combination of family and
friends or other caregivers who are actively engaged in supportive roles. In light of
this, it is crucial not only to recognize the needs of the identified patient but also the
needs of their family.
The core evidence and features behind the ABCDEF bundle have been reviewed,
which was created to combat the adverse effects of critical illness related to acute
and chronic brain dysfunction. The ABCDEF bundle represents one method of
approaching the organizational changes that create a culture shift in treatment of
ICU patients. The multifold potential benefits of these recommended strategies
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The ABCDEF Bundle in Critical Care 239
outweigh minimal risks of costs and coordination. Ultimately, the ABCDEF bundle is
one path to well-rounded patient care and optimal resource utilization resulting in
more interactive ICU patients with better pain control, who can safely participate
with their families and health care providers in higher-order physical and cognitive ac-
tivities at the earliest point in their critical illness.
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