The Seven Princes: T I iHE Following Few Pages, Dedicated To Dr. L. D. Barnett in Memory of Many
The Seven Princes: T I iHE Following Few Pages, Dedicated To Dr. L. D. Barnett in Memory of Many
The Seven Princes: T I iHE Following Few Pages, Dedicated To Dr. L. D. Barnett in Memory of Many
Ch 00269
24 II aurrasa, hasda bisa chika gulai u dum samgalaka ha * khu va, fia-
25 sam bisadi kamacu am rrvi parau pastamda si k$macu buram rrispura
26 bayana, -» u nasam blsam tta tta parau na ye si ami ttyam tsvakam
27 ram hivi pamuha: u stura spasara, u khu jsam nasa bisa radanaha: a-
28 vamdum khu spastamdum stura u sau ri va rrispuram hivi ammaga ni
mumde bisa
29 pahaiya cu stura ttyam jsam hervi aspara. ni haudamda u nasa ra tta. bisa
30 vasti vl hasda na yuda yudamdum si khu tta hasda. yinam si stura gauda
31 s^are ka nam tta tta par! pa^te si blsam am na, ksami tsve u nva parau
tsvamdum khu
32 jsam pamdayi vista, hamyamdum vara jsam va vasta hiya samda ni ya
u pam-
Omit ha.
33 dayi sanam hM pyana u khu jsam staha: bisi avamdum vara ana cimu-
34 dam jsa hamgvamdum auda sacu bura cu pada pada bisa mahe yamdum
35 spura mahe svaha :ksem sacu avamdum cvam va nu stura harya vastairma
u hvanda
36 u hera u hvaihu:ra ttam bisa cimuda hatcastamda cu jsam stura ya ttam
37 bisa pamdayi vasta tsvamda u tta tta am harya -» cu giimattlrai rrispura
38 ya drrayi ula ya tta sau la * na parye hamye ttamdi ra sacu se vastairma
asa jsa a
39 cu s§ye rrispura stama hiya ula ya drraya u asa dva tta a si ttamdi sacu
40 aula ajimde ysbadaparrum ana sacii bura bi3a payai tsve ~* cii rrispii-
41 ra thiya tcuna hlviya 8 tcaura ula ya sj ttamdi sacii sau aula a cvai
42 gumaistamdum •* cii rrispura yinaka hiya ksa ula ya tta sacu drrayi ava
43 u 6au asa •«. cii rrispura sVakalai hlyai ttamdi sacii sau aula a •» drrvattirai
44 hiye hlvl aula cvai tcirthus'I jsa giryamda sa ttamdi dva padyeha: sau hada
45 tsva hamye sau vai ra va, asa a -^ cu. hira sira dira cu. va budamdum
46 mam dls"ta ye ttu cimudam padamja haudamdum cvam jsam mvam *
harye ttii jsam cimuda ha-
47 tcastamdS. u sacu ra ttusa-dasta avamdum stura jsam vasta tsvamda
u ja cii pa
48 giimattlrai hiye hlvl drraysa bida tturka uha: hlvl rrvi ^kyesa ye ttu
49 pa bisa cimuda budamda •>. khu va nasam bisam parau pastai ya paste si
50 pamdayam tta tta tta cimuda stare iiasa blsai namsa phara bvimasti si
tta ttam
51 tsufil ttamdi v | dasau 6 rad^naha: hada byaudamdum ya 6e tcamjsa
bimdam mam-
52 gari ni hamlya ttamdi vf garl tta tta hamye cu sa pada yamdum u
53 dva u tta tta hatcastamdum cii ttura ttattaha: uhadpl tta nafia n|na
hira rau-
54 stamda u ham bada hvaihu:ra jsam va drrayi asi ajimdamda cu nayu cha-
55 ra nfma siili sa jsam va sau tcamjsa ni ajimde ttye stura bisa ja u hera
56 pace khu rri ha a u tcamjsa ra va ni byaude bisai cimuda thlphamdi
bijnai ma sti
57 khu jsam sacu vasta stiiram kimna samgalaka parye vara jsam va stura
bi^a kama- •
1 a
Read «fa. * tta deleted. vi deleted.
Read maiji. * da corrected from dm. • Read hftna-.
VOL. i n . PABTS 3 AND 4. 9
618 H. W. BAILEY—
58 cu h|fia hastamda, sau stura ni byaudem •» khu nasa bisa 1 sacii avamdum
cu hina ya ttye s"a, ma,6ta ya 2 tta n|fia dasau pam-
59 jsusa, hada, parya u hina 3 ttl ava cu bagaraka attema uha: uha ya
59a (interlinear) khu kamacu tsvamda
60 vaira uha: uha: uha: u kanurapa saha:na uha: •« u biruka cl-
61 na, ttaha: 4 u biruka tta va baisa mara mlnamuka biruka 5 dum ttamga
u saraiha: chara, aha:cl
62 tta va sacu-pavanye hamtsa, hifia, jsa pahaisa sacii vasta, haysa tsvamda
tta tta cu
63 patca, kamacu bisai khaha:na> jsamdi ci 6 u ttaysl dagyina, ha nastamda
tti mlm
64 bisa baduna arra. ttyam pahaisam fdamda, si cu am mam mafiam bada
vl a-
65 phaja ni j^re amani arra, ste ttl jsam ' bagaraka kamacu bisa, ha:ha:na hi-
66 ya jasta sase u maista-ujai hamya ttl jsam tta, sacii bisa hina tta tta
67 si ci bura, kamacu hauvausta hvaihu:ra imde tta bisa, jsanam u ajsam
68 cii bisai uha: khinda, tcirthusl fii u kamthi jsam sacii vasta, spase u ha:-
69 ha,:na ra jsam va na, hame u khvai baduna ttu hera bausta u tta va
hvanda, samda,
70 tta tta pa&imda cvam hvaihu:ra bi£a, astamdamda, jsana, cu hvaihu:ra
tta baisa
71 hama hamya natca ldthasta naramda kithi ra va ttamdi diimta imda
ttyam jsam kitha 8 vi 9 na
72 khaysa, u na, stura «s vina mam ^a, tvada masta hamya u h i m ra va
phara na
73 na 1 0 hista, si kithi va khu ste cu bidaga, sah|na sa pa, hamtsa hvaihu: u
jsa hamye
74 cu va bagaraka jsa hamtsa hvanda, pahaiya tta va, hirvi nara piira na
75 sta, yud|, buna, va ava •*. cu jsam kamacu baduna tta vafia drrai pacada
76 cu. ttiidisa u tturka, bayarkava u hattabara u ica, imjiiva12 tta yipaklna,
ttaha: u beda,-
77 daruka, ^asta stare ci buri hvaihu:ra tta bisa. karattaha,:13 nasta u
78 cu dumva u caha:spata u siilya tta jsam kitha khu tta vina drrai pacada
bisa, ham-
1 2
na&a bisa subscript. cu . . . ya subscript. * na over ha.
4 5
Read ttallaha: ? tta va baisa mara deleted with minamuka biruka subscript.
• ci blurred. » jsdm.... to . . 69 bausta with line drawn through.
• kitha subscript. " t of vi deleted. na (of unusual form) ?
11 12 13
Read hvaihu :ram. u ica imjuva subscript. tt or st 1
1 2
vina,ttadeleted. Ichvarp, va vina subscript. * Omit hq.
1 5
Change of handwriting. After nqma add na ra.
' na subscript. * sta deleted.
8 9
tsum hva me si deleted. A large part of the roll is blank from this point.
first, and the two . . . (vgstairma), and so we were broken (?, hatcastamdum,
' robbed' ?). Who were Ttura ttattaha: (*Tur tutuq) and (?) UhadpI
(tigd Alpi ?), they lost money (him) in various places (?, nana- <
*nisddana seat, settlement) and at the same time Uigurs brought three
horses. Who was Nayu chara (*Nayu Chor) by name, a Suli (? Sogdian),
he did not bring one . . . (tcamjsd). His animals all perished, and
he lost (?, pace) money (hero) in the mountains. When he came
and got no . . . (tcamjsd), all of it the Cimuls . . . . ed (ihiphamdi).
He was naked (ma sti ?). When Samgalaka, got through to Sacu to
procure animals, there all the animals they had sent to the Kantsou army.
I got not one animal. When we, the humble servants, came to Sacu, what
was the army,—of this second month thus in the place (?, ndna-) fifteen
60 days had passed. And the army then came. When they went to Kantsou,
who was Bagaraka Attema. uha: (Bdgrdk Atern uga), Vaira uha: and
Kanurapa Saha:na uha: (Qongur Apa Sayun uga), and the buyruq
(official) Crna, ttaha: (*0in tutuq) and the buyruq [all those here]
MMamuka, the buyruq Dum Ttamga (Tonga) and Saraiha: Chara, Aha:cl
(*Sariy Chor Ayacl), they with the Sacu people's army (sacu-pavdna-
adj. ' of the inhabitants of Sacu ') as fugitives went away towards Sacu,
just those who afterwards killed the Khayan resident in Kantsou and
established Ttaysi Dagyina (tegiri). Then all the buduns laid the blame
upon those fugitives, saying, That in our land the troubles (dphdja-
' trouble (?)', as from *dphdr-ja-, rather than the connection given in
BSOS 8. 883, note 5), do not cease, is your fault. Then Bagaraka
married (?) the Khayan's queen resident in Kantsou and she conceived.
Then the army resident in Sacu removed (?, hamgdr- = Tib. dran
' remove '), saying, All the Uigurs who are powerful in Kantsou we will
kill and we will . . . (ajsdm, ajs- = -?-). As if being (?, kh\ndd = ' like ')
the uga resident in Suha:cu (Sutsou) Tcirthusi is settling down (na-
< *nisada- ' sit, settle ') and the city looks towards Sacu. And there
is no longer a Khayan. And when the buduns heard this matter, then
they so sent men by land (?), all of whom the Uigurs began to slay.
70 Who were Uigurs, they all were together (?, hama), they went outside
the city. In the city are only the Dumta. For them in the city there is
no food and no animals. Now indeed one more month has passed and
no report at all comes as to how it is in the city. Who is Bidaga Sahana
(Bilgd Sayun), he then was with the Uigurs. What men had fled with
Bagaraka, they could not at all protect (?, pammastd yuda(mdd)>) wife
and son. They came naked. Who were the buduns in Kantsou, they now
are three kinds. Who are Tolis and Turk Bayfrqu and Hattabara and
Uc incu (' the three appanages'), they have settled in Yipkin-tay and
Bedadaruka. As many as are Uigurs, all of those have settled in Qaratay
[and Qaratay]. Who are Dumva and Caha:spata (Tib. jags-pa ' robber')
and Sulya (? Sogdians), ,they are in the city. Since now these three