Equity Home: Karen Li Daniel Lee 2615 S. Union Ave. Apt 2F Chicago Il 60616-2534
Equity Home: Karen Li Daniel Lee 2615 S. Union Ave. Apt 2F Chicago Il 60616-2534
Equity Home: Karen Li Daniel Lee 2615 S. Union Ave. Apt 2F Chicago Il 60616-2534
Checking Balance
Regular Checking $2,981.98
Savings Balance
Insured Money Market $5,030.82
Student Loans!
Need money for college? Citibank has all the solutions - check
your education financing options in the enclosed insert.
When determining your rates and charges for this statement period, Citibank considered your average
balances during the month of June in all of your qualifying accounts that you asked us to combine.
These balances may be in accounts that are reported on other statements.
Please refer to your Citibank Account Terms and Conditions for details on how we determine your monthly
fees and charges. Please note that when your qualified transaction activity exceeds the designated level,
you may be subject to fees for transactions performed.
All fees assessed in a statement period, including per check and non-Citibank ATM fees, will appear as charges
on your next Citibank statement (to the account that is currently debited for your monthly service charge).
Regular Checking
906655066 Beginning Balance: $0.00
Ending Balance: $2,981.98
Date Description Amount Subtracted Amount Added Balance
7/05 Transfer on 07/03¹ from IMMA 384.05
Direct Access Reference # 000263
7/05 Payment 42.56
7/05 Payment 62.11 279.38
7/17 Check # 501 564.90
7/17 Checking Plus Transfer to cover Overdraft 285.52 0.00
7/18 Check # 502 100.00
7/18 Checking Plus Transfer to cover Overdraft 100.00 0.00
7/21 Transfer from IMMA 1,600.00 1,600.00
Direct Access Reference # 000607
7/25 Check # 503 1,474.06 125.94
7/26 Transfer on 07/25¹ from IMMA 3,000.00
Direct Access Reference # 002451
7/26 Payment 25.74
7/26 Payment 118.22 2,981.98
Total Subtracted/Added 2,387.59 5,369.57
¹ Transactions made on weekends, bank holidays or after bank business hours are not reflected in your account until the next
business day.
¹ Transactions made on weekends, bank holidays or after bank business hours are not reflected in your account until the next
business day.
Checking Plus
906655066 Credit Line: $2,000.00
Amount Available: $2,000.00
Beginning Amount Owed: $0.00
Ending Amount Owed: $0.00
Date Description Amount Paid Amount Borrowed Amount Owed
7/17 Transfer to Cover Overdraft 285.52 285.52
7/18 Transfer to Cover Overdraft 100.00 385.52
7/21 Transfer from IMMA 386.23 0.71-
Direct Access Reference # 000606
Total Paid/Borrowed 386.23 385.52
Payments were applied as:
Principal $385.52
Please read the paragraphs below for important information on your accounts with us. Note that some of these products may not be available in all states.
The products reported on this statement have been combined onto one monthly statement at your request. The ownership and title of individual products reported here
may be different from the addressee(s) on the first page.
In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Fund Transfers other than for Investment Transactions:
If you think your statement or record is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or record, telephone us or write to us at the address
shown in the Customer Service Information section on your statement as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you thefirst
statement on which the error or problem appeared.
Give us the following information: (1) your name and account number, (2) the dollar amount of the suspected error, (3) describe the error or the transfer you are
unsure about and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. We will investigate your complaint and will correct
any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will recredit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of
the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation.
Checking Plus - Fixed Rate and Variable Rate
Average Daily Balance: The Average Daily Balance is computed by taking the beginning balance on your account each day, adding any new advances and
adjustments as of the day they are made, and subtracting any payments as of the day received, credits as of the day issued, and any unpaid Finance Charges or
other fees and charges. This gives you a daily balance. Add up all the daily balances for the statement period and divide the total by the number of days in the
statement period. This gives you the Average Daily Balance. For Checking Plus (variable rate), the Daily Periodic rate and the corresponding
Annual Percentage Rate may vary.
Finance Charge: The Finance Charge is computed by applying the Daily Periodic Rate to the principal balance of your account each day in the statement period.
The resulting Finance Charges are totaled at the end of the statement period and disclosed on the statement as the "Finance Charge". You may verify
the amount of the Finance Charge by (1) multiplying the Daily Periodic Rate by the Average Daily Balance for the statement period, and then (2) multiplying the
result by the number of days in the statement period. (All of these numbers can be found in the table called "Finance Charge Computation").
Finance Charges are assessed on loans as of the day we pay your check or otherwise make funds available to you from your account.
The total Finance Charges (Interest) paid during the year will be shown on the first or second statement following year-end.
Other Information
Checks drawn against a business account are not acceptable as payment for a personal loan obligation.
Request for Credit Balance Refunds: If your statement shows a credit balance it means your loan payments have exceeded the total amount you owe. You may
request a full refund of the credit balance by writing to us at the address shown in the Customer Service Information section on your statement.
Line of Credit (other than Checking Plus), Loans and Mortgages: Information about these products on this statement is summary information as of your last individual
product statement(s). You will continue to receive your regular monthly statement(s).
Billing Rights Summary - In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Statement: If you think your statement is wrong or if you need more information about a
transaction appearing in your statement, write to us at the address shown in the Customer Service information section on your statement (Attn: Checking Plus) as
soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us
at the phone number indicated but calling us will not preserve your rights.
In your letter, give us the following information: (1) your name and account number, (2) the dollar amount of the suspected error, (3) describe the error and explain, if
you can, why you believe there is an error, (4) if you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any amount in question
while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. While we investigate your question we cannot report you as
delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question or any related finance or other charges.
KAREN LI Account 906655066 Page 5 of 5 ¦00001/R1/20F014
DANIEL LEE Statement Period - June 28 - July 27, 2000
Citicard, Citicard Banking Center, Checking Plus, MasterCard, Visa, Citibank Preferred Visa and MasterCard, Citibank Platinum Select, Checks-as-Cash, Equity Source
Account, MultiMoney and Ready Credit are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. CitiGold, Safety Check and CitiPhone Banking are service marks of Citicorp.
1. List in your checkbook any deposits, withdrawals and service charges which are shown on Checks and Other Withdrawals Outstanding
your statement, but not recorded in your checkbook. Adjust your checkbook accordingly. (Made by you but not yet indicated as paid on your statement)
2. Mark off in your checkbook all checks paid, withdrawals, or deposits listed on your statement. Number or Date Amount
3. List and total in the "Checks and Other Withdrawals Outstanding" column at the right all
issued checks that have not been paid by Citibank together with any applicable check charges
and all withdrawals made from your account since your last statement.
4. Deduct from your checkbook balance any service or other charge (including pre-authorized
transfers or automatic deductions) that you have not already deducted.
5. Add to your checkbook balance any interest-earned deposit shown on this statement.
9. Enter Total "Checks and Other Withdrawals Outstanding"(from right). Sum of check charges
on above if applicable
BALANCE (8 less 9 should equal your checkbook balance).