This document provides a checklist of 16 items that are required for an application to implement a Senior High School program in an existing Junior High School or Integrated School. The checklist includes requirements such as a letter requesting implementation of the SHS program, certification that no other public SHS offers the same track in the catchment area, a 5-year implementation plan, certification of available classrooms and resources, an operations plan, and lists of prospective students and tracks/strands to be offered.
This document provides a checklist of 16 items that are required for an application to implement a Senior High School program in an existing Junior High School or Integrated School. The checklist includes requirements such as a letter requesting implementation of the SHS program, certification that no other public SHS offers the same track in the catchment area, a 5-year implementation plan, certification of available classrooms and resources, an operations plan, and lists of prospective students and tracks/strands to be offered.
This document provides a checklist of 16 items that are required for an application to implement a Senior High School program in an existing Junior High School or Integrated School. The checklist includes requirements such as a letter requesting implementation of the SHS program, certification that no other public SHS offers the same track in the catchment area, a 5-year implementation plan, certification of available classrooms and resources, an operations plan, and lists of prospective students and tracks/strands to be offered.
This document provides a checklist of 16 items that are required for an application to implement a Senior High School program in an existing Junior High School or Integrated School. The checklist includes requirements such as a letter requesting implementation of the SHS program, certification that no other public SHS offers the same track in the catchment area, a 5-year implementation plan, certification of available classrooms and resources, an operations plan, and lists of prospective students and tracks/strands to be offered.
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Checklist for the Application for Implementation of Senior High School (SHS)
Program in Existing Junior High School (JHSs) and Integrated School (ISs) Annex C-1, DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2015
____ 1. DepEd School Identification (ID)
____ 2. Letter Request for implementation of the SHS Program addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent ____ 3. Certification signed by the SDS stating that no public SHS is offering the same SHS Track within catchment area. ____ a. Justification signed by the SDS, in case will offer the same SHS track. ____ 4. Implementation Plan for SHS program covering five (5) years to include among others: ____ a. Current and projected enrolment for five (5) school years, by grade level ____ b. Proposed budgetary requirements for its Personal Services, Maintenance and other Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay. ____ c. Operation Plan regarding curriculum and instructional supervision of the proposed SHS. ____ d. School Site Development Plan to include proposed school buildings, as needed. ____ 5. Certification signed by the School Head, duly attested by the SDS on the excess classrooms, tables, chairs and other resources to be used in the implementation of SHS program ____ 6. Inventory of learning resources prepared by school’s Property Custodian, as validated by the Schools Division Office ____ 7. Updated Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel of the concerned school ____ 8. Updated Status Report with regard to the school’s existing crucial resources ____ 9. Map, preferably drawn to scale, showing the vacant lot where the proposed SHS classrooms/ school building are/will be constructed, duly certified by the City/Municipal Engineer ____ 10. List of prospective enrollees in SHS per track and strand, indicating their names, Learner Reference Numbers (LRNs), where applicable, ages, addresses, school names and DepED School ID Numbers where they are currently or previously enrolled ____ a. Justification signed by the SDS, in case the required minimum enrolment and/or number of tracks are not satisfied ____ 11. List and types of establishments and industries in the community, as attested to by the Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Labor and Employment or the Municipal Planning Officer ____ 12. Certification from the SDS that the track(s) and strand(s) to be offered are aligned with the Local Development Plans, as evident in the list provided by the City/Municipal Mayor, and are decided upon by the Regional Director, SDS, Division Planning Officer and the School Head concerned ____ 13. Results of internal assessments or surveys done with the prospective enrollees ____ 14. List of tracks and strands to be offered, duly signed by the RD or SDS, Planning Officer and School Head ____ 15. MOA executed between the SDS and the partner entity enumerating the respective roles of both parties ____ 16. Immersion deployment plan