The Thirty-Nine Steps: John Buchan
The Thirty-Nine Steps: John Buchan
The Thirty-Nine Steps: John Buchan
My Dear Tommy,
I was getting to like the little chap. His jaw had shut
like a rat-trap, and there was the fire of battle in his
gimlety eyes. If he was spinning me a yarn he could act
up to it.
I did not give him very close attention. The fact is, I
was more interested in his own adventures than in his
high politics. I reckoned that Karolides and his affairs
were not my business, leaving all that to him. So a lot
that he said slipped clean out of my memory. I remember
that he was very clear that the danger to Karolides would
not begin till he had got to London, and would come
from the very highest quarters, where there would be no
thought of suspicion. He mentioned the name of a
woman—Julia Czechenyi—as having something to do
with the danger. She would be the decoy, I gathered, to
get Karolides out of the care of his guards. He talked,
too, about a Black Stone and a man that lisped in his
speech, and he described very particularly somebody that
he never referred to without a shudder—an old man with
a young voice who could hood his eyes like a hawk.
'I reckon it's like going to sleep when you are pretty
well tired out, and waking to find a summer day with the
scent of hay coming in at the window. I used to thank
God for such mornings way back in the Blue-Grass
country, and I guess I'll thank Him when I wake up on
the other side of Jordan.'
it would have been all right but for that infernal dog.
Under the impression that I was decamping with its
master's belongings, it started to bark, and all but got me
by the trousers. This woke up the herd, who stood
bawling at the carriage door in the belief that I had
committed suicide. I crawled through the thicket,
reached the edge of the stream, and in cover of the
bushes put a hundred yards or so behind me. Then from
my shelter I peered back, and saw the guard and several
passengers gathered round the open carriage door and
staring in my direction. I could not have made a more
public departure if I had left with a bugler and a brass
'Which was?'
'Of course I do,' and he held out his hand. 'I believe
everything out of the common. The only thing to distrust
is the normal.'
'Now I'll tell you what I want you to do,' I said. 'Get
on your bicycle and go off to Newton-Stewart to the
Chief Constable. Describe the two men, and say you
suspect them of having had something to do with the
London murder. You can invent reasons. The two will
come back, never fear. Not tonight, for they'll follow me
forty miles along the road, but first thing tomorrow
morning. Tell the police to be here bright and early.'
'In bed wi' the colic,' I replied, and the herd passed
on ... just about mid-day a big car stole down the hill,
glided past and drew up a hundred yards beyond. Its
three occupants descended as if to stretch their legs, and
sauntered towards me.
'They can have the money back,' I cried, 'for a fat lot
of good it's done me. Those perishers are all down on a
poor man. Now, if it had been you, guv'nor, that had
found the quids, nobody would have troubled you.'
'I do not propose to let you go. If you are what you
say you are, you will soon have a chance of clearing
yourself. If you are what I believe you are, I do not think
you will see the light much longer.'
The mill had been long out of use. The ladders were
rotten with age, and in the loft the rats had gnawed great
holes in the floor. Nausea shook me, and a wheel in my
head kept turning, while my left shoulder and arm
seemed to be stricken with the palsy. I looked out of the
window and saw a fog still hanging over the house and
smoke escaping from an upper window. Please God I had
set the place on fire, for I could hear confused cries
coming from the other side.
But I did not stop till I had put half a dozen miles
between me and that accursed dwelling.
For the better part of ten days he did all the rough
nursing I needed. I simply wanted to be left in peace
while the fever took its course, and when my skin was
cool again I found that the bout had more or less cured
my shoulder. But it was a baddish go, and though I was
out of bed in five days, it took me some time to get my
legs again.
'No. But for the last fortnight they have dropped you
from the list of possibles.'
'The one thing that puzzles me,' said the General, 'is
what good his visit here would do that spy fellow? He
could not carry away several pages of figures and strange
names in his head.'
'Not they. They have their own snug secret way, and
they won't be hurried. I know Germans, and they are
mad about working to a plan. Where the devil can I get a
book of Tide Tables?'
Whittaker brightened up. 'It's a chance,' he said.
'Let's go over to the Admiralty.'
(1) Place where there are several sets of stairs; one that
matters distinguished by having thirty-nine steps.
'I can tell you that, Sir,' said the coastguard man. 'I
once was lent a house there in this very month, and I
used to go out at night to the deep-sea fishing. The tide's
ten minutes before Bradgate.'
'I never heard the name before,' said the old man in
a dazed voice.
I shook my head.
'O Lord,' said the young man. 'This is a bit too thick!'
But the old man was the pick of the lot. He was
sheer brain, icy, cool, calculating, as ruthless as a steam
hammer. Now that my eyes were opened I wondered
where I had seen the benevolence. His jaw was like
chilled steel, and his eyes had the inhuman luminosity of
a bird's. I went on playing, and every second a greater
hate welled up in my heart. It almost choked me, and I
couldn't answer when my partner spoke. Only a little
longer could I endure their company.
'Oh, damn,' said the young man. 'I thought you had
dropped that rot. I've simply got to go. You can have my
address, and I'll give any security you like.'
I blew my whistle.