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The Resource Group (TRG) : Business Process Outsourcing Pakistan's Success Story

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Case Study

The Resource Group (TRG)

Business Process Outsourcing
Pakistan’s Success Story
Tariq Jalees
Associate Professor, Director CoMS
204 PAF-Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, Pakistan

Brief History grown at an enormous pace to become one of the

The story begins in 1998 when Align technology, a largest Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Company
Bay Area-based medical device manufacture in the world with an estimated revenue of $185 million
established its offshore operation in Lahore, Pakistan and 4,000 employees’ across the globe. TRG has
in order to reduce the cost of its back office controlling stakes in a number of business services
operations. T he founder and CEO of Align companies in North America and Western Europe.
Technology Mr. Zia Chisti selected Lahore city for TRG has repositioning itself for growth using a global
his offshore operations because he felt that the service delivery model. The company is publicly listed
familiarity he had with his home town would be on the Karachi Stock Exchange. (Khaishgi, 2008).
beneficial in establishing, executing, and operating
the company. The Lahore based facility comprised TRG Vision
of (1) three-dimensional graphic modeling services “To be the global leader in providing business process
to support Align’s manufacturing operations, and outsourcing services” (TRG Annual reports, 2007).
(2) a call center ser vices to support its marketing
efforts. By the year 2000 this offshore centre of the TRG Mission
company had grown substantially having an employee “We aim to be the most efficient provider of business
strength of 700. Then September 11, 2001 happened- process outsourcing services by setting the industry
the consequence o which was the increase in the standards for cost and quality services”. (TRG Annual
geo-political Risk Perception of Pakistan and its Report, 2007)
surrounding areas. The company was therefore forced
to relocate part of its offshore operations to Costa We will grow though acquisition of other business
Rica. Sometime later in 2002, The Resource Group process outsourcing companies that can benefit from
(TRG) was established in Lahore, Pakistan, through our expertise, as well as through organic growth resulting
the acquisition Align’s offshore call center operations. form the strength of our franchise. Our long term
(Khaishgi, 2008). success will be driven by our relentless focus on recruiting
and developing the most talented pool of human capital
In the 6 years that TRG has been in operation, it has in our industry”. (TRG Annual Report, 2007)


Case Study

The TRG Business Model offshore locations made TRG one of the largest
TRG’s business model was based on a strategy and offshore BPO companies in the world. In view of its
structure that was pivoted around the fundamentals of large scale it became easier for TRG for absorbing
labor arbitrage value proposition, and at the same time fixed overheads such as bandwidth, real estate, etc.
was, also, highly scalable and executable. It was based (Khaishgi, 2008).
on an acquisition-driven model, which primarily involved
acquiring business services companies in North America Access to capital
and Europe, and providing offshore and onshore service In order to acquire companies in North America and
delivery to clients of the acquired companies. TRG’s Western Europe, TRG was in dire need to raise sufficient
offshore customer programs are manag ed by capital. The institutions in North America and Western
experienced onshore teams, with some of the employees Europe in the year 2002 were still reluctant to make
located “onshore” in North America and Europe and investments in the IT sector of the collapse of the dot
some ”offshore” in low cost locations. Thus, it provides com bubbles. TRG therefore decided to raise the
a blended or ”hybrid” solution. (TRG, Annual Report) required capital from low cost and buoyant capital
markets of India and Pakistan (Khaishgi, 2008). 205
Key Drivers of the TRG Strategy
The key drivers of the TRG strategy as envisaged by Location Considerations
the CEO of TRG are discussed below (Khaishgi, 2008). The TRG had deliberated whether to build its offshore
presence in Lahore Pakistan, or move it to other new
Maintain onshore customer relationships viable locations. Despite the challenges, of operating
The majority of the customers requiring BPO services in an emerging location, Pakistan, it decided to stay on
were concerned regarding whether to in maintain their at the same location in view of the bright future potential
existing vendor relationships after the takeover of their for the BPO industry in Pakistan (Khaishgi, 2008).
existing on-shore vendors by TRG and the subsequent
transfer of the business to offshore location. TRG’s Attractive fundamentals
were not only able to successfully to convince its existing Labor availability and operating environment, is a pre-
customers to leverage offshore savings but were also requisite for BPOs. TRG realized that Pakistan had
able to and selling new organic offshore businesses in the following advantages: (1) huge untapped labor pool
the marketplace (Khaishgi, 2008). of English-proficient graduates available in Pakistan
who are happy to accept wages that are 60% below
Leverage onshore domain expertise their US counterparts. (2) Estimated consolidated
In view of rapid growth of BPOs, there were accelerated operating costs in Pakistan were 30% lower than
promotions and high turnover of the employees. This countries such as India and Philippines. (3) The
resulted in lack of experienced supervisors, trainers willingness of the government toward making heavy
and managers, which had a negative effect on the investment in the infrastructure required by the BPOs
motivation amongst the employees. TRG’s realizing sector, as well as, providings other incentives to the
the importance of trained employees launched an investors (Khaishgi, 2008).
extensive training program for their employees to
overcome the problem (Khaishgi, 2008). Requirement for near native language
Achieve scale rapidly Hybrid model is an extension of the onshore ”brands”.
Economies of scale is vital in reducing offshore costs. Therefore, it is crucial to recruit employees with near
The TRG due to is visionary approach of acquiring native language or neutral accent, especially, in the voice
on-shore business and transferring part of it to its business. TRG succeeded in recruiting employees that


Case Study
have considerable exposure to developed countries experts on the factors that are required for offshore
such as North America and the UK. Moreover, the business. In Pakistan the non-existence of competition
English proficiency of Pakistan’s labor was comparatively between BPOs in Pakistan was perceived negatively by
higher than the Philippines. The accent of Pakistan’s the potential customers (Khaishgi, 2008).
labors was also less pronounced then countries like
Srilanke, India, and Philippines (Khaishgi, 2008). Lack of “support“ organizations
In view of the fact that in 2002 Pakistan lacked
Challenges in a Nascent Location headhunting, staffing, and training organizations and
As TRG had decided to operate in a nascent location, institutes, TRG could not afford to focus exclusively
therefore, the kind of challenges it faced are discussed on service delivery, it had to allocate a significant part
below (Khaisghi, 2008). of its resources towards recruitment and training
(Khaishgi, 2008).
Mitigation of the perceived country-risk
issues Overcoming the Challenges
20G In view of its adverse image of Pakistan the customers Labor
in the developed countries were concerned whether; TRG first priority was to attract and retain higher
Pakistan could be a good offshore location. TRG was quality employees. In this context, it was important for
however able to mitigate this apprehension by providing TRG to inform the prospective employees about the
a “hybrid” solution which included “existing onshore prospects and potential in the BPO industry, as well
relationships”. The decision of the Pakistani government as, about the late and long working hours. For this, the
to become a close ally of US in its war against terror TRG arranged seminars and workshops in business
also helped in changing the customers perception about schools. They also used newspapers, television, and
Pakistan. Another important factor in reducing the radio for this purpose. TRG, also used its ”onshore”
perceived risk was TRG’s strategy of acquiring multiple management to recruit, train, and supervise employees
operations globally (Khaishgi, 2008). of their offshore facility in Pakistan. In view of fact
that a neutral accent is vital for an offshore call center,
Employee expectations TRG acquired the ser vices of US based speech
At the time of inception the general perception in therapists to refine the accents of their Pakistani
Pakistan was that the scope of BPOs is limited to employees. TRG essentially leveraged its onshore
outbound telesales, and the employees’ remuneration management to execute the programs in their offshore
was limited to sales commission. Another problem was facility and over a period of time groomed the next
that US working hours in Pakistan were late evening generation of offshore management. It paid above
and employees, especially females, were reluctant to market price to their employees. In order to compensate
work during late evening hours (Khaishgi, 2008). them for their night time work, as well as, reduce
employee turnover (Khaishgi, 2008).
Management experience
Being the first company in the BPO business in Pakistan; Infrastructure
TRG had difficulty in finding managers with BPO Other than the labor cost, another major cost
working experience (Khaishgi, 2008). component in an offshore business is telecom cost. In
early 2000, the average cost of high-speed 2Mbps
Country not on the offshore radar screen dedicated Internet access to the domestic fiber backbone
In the year 2002, Pakistan was hardly considered by in Pakistan was over $8,000 per month. Aggressive
the world BPO industr y as a possible offshore lobbying by the TRG management was able to get the
outsourcing location. There were no reports by the bandwidth cost of 2Mbs reduced to $2000, which was


Case Study
internationally competitive (Khaishgi, 2008). to improve and upgrade its technology by investing
$20 million on the infrastructure in the next two years.
Perception (TRG Annual Report, 2007).
A major challenge which TRG is still facing is the
negative perce ption of Pakistan that (1) it is New Sales Efforts
politically instable, (2) it is a relatively inexperienced TRG launched an extensive branding effort, which
offshore destination and (3) the security risk is high required significant expenditure towards developing
to o v ercome this c hallenge . T RG took the the sales and marketing infrastructure. This initiative
unprecedented steps to arrange several prospective not only helped in increasing its sales significantly, but
client trips to Pakistan with a view to eradicate also helped the firm to penetrate into the institutional
these exaggerated perceptions about Pakistan. market with ease. The sales strategy helped TRG win
a $25 million contract of Charter Communication
Key Development and Process in the which is the third largest cable company in USA. The
Year 2007 contract with Charter Communication provided a
Acquisition and employment platform for TRG to provide new and innovative
services to Charter Communication base of cable
The company acquired several subsidiaries in the year
customers. TRG was also able to significantly improve
2004/2005. The major focus of the company in the last
its relationship with renowned companies such as
few years has remained on integration and consolidation
Aegon Insurance, Coverdell Markeing, Rog gers
of the acquired operational subsidiaries. In 2006-07 the
Communications, and Verizon Communication. (TRG
companies ventured into new direction with the
Annual Report, 2007)
acquisition of non-voice business process outsourcing
(BPO), which is expected to help TRG’s entry into
sectors such as insurance and healthcare back office Restructuring of Philippines Operation
processing. The policy of attracting and retaining leadingThe launch of its Philippines operations in the year
talent coninued in the year 2007, which has further 2006 had been difficult and not of the desired level.
enhanced TRG’s image as the most attractive BPO TRG was able to successfully restructure its Manila
employer in the industry. (TRG Annual Report, 2007) operations in the year 2007 by reccruting seasoned
management, and by upg rading its Manila’s
Complete integ ration of acquir ed infrastructure. The restructuring of its Manila operation
helped in the firm achieving cash break. Moreover, the
operational subsidiaries firm launched its second site in Manila at a prestigious
In the year 2006, the TRG acquired Startasfot, which mall, which is expected to be fully operational by the
developed the software solution that is now being used year 2008 (TRG Annual Report, 2007)
by the company for all its global call center operations.
TRG has adopted a new operational model for its BPO
operation which is inclusive of introducing ‘new and
Acquisition of AEI
In the year 2007 TRG acquired Administrative
highly empowered client service function which is used
Enterprise Encorporation (AEI) at $9.7 million. AEI
as primary interface to cater the demand of TRG’s
is a third party based administrator located in Phenoix,
expanding clients’. The centralization bulk of TRG’s
Arizona. AEI provides administrative ser vices to
operations has been facilitated by it newly acquired
organizations that have self funded insurance plan.
operational subsidiary, TRG Customers Solutions. TRG
This actualization which caters to the demand of non-
off shore technology team based in Lahore and Karachi,
voice back service industry will help TRG diversify its
which has now reached a total 200 developers and
BPO operations (TRG Annual Report, 2007)
represent 90% of TRG global software team has also
played a major role in this effort. The TRG will continue


Case Study

Expansion of European Business despite the turbulence were comparatively, higher

In mid 2007 TRG expanded its European operations (TRG Annual Report, 2007).
by investing in a high quality business team based in Future Outlook and Strategy
London. The objective of this expansion to have a TRG aims to will continue with its successful strategy
presence in London, and to provide support to it Bristol of acquiring new Business Process Outsourcing
Operations. This scale-up strategy is expected to companies and reengineering their cost structure to
contributes a significant sales growth in the year 2008. take advantage of favorable operating locations. TRG
(TRG Annual Report, 2007) in near future aims to concentrate on (1) International
listing (2) bringing additional liquidity to the share
Attracting High Quality Talent holders, (3) and penetrate deeply in the capital market
In 2007 TRG was successful in bringing into a told for future growth. (TRG Annual Report, 2007).
high quality leadership talent. This development is
expected to help TRG in achieving a high growth in Lesson Learned By TRG
the year 2008. In 2007, TRG acquired the services of According the Chief Executive of the TRG, following
208 Frank Kelly as CEO of TRG Consumer Solutions. are some of that the lessons they have learned by
operating in Pakistan.
Kelly was previously responsible for Convergy’s $1.5
billion contract operations. TRG, also inducted Andy Establish local support to shorten time to market.
Turton, who was previously heading Customer Develop a business model that fits customer
Satisfaction Department at Taylor Nelson. He (Andy needs and the operating environment.
Robert) would lead TRG-iSky and would be responsible Actively work with local government to establish
for TRG’s market research operations. (TRG Annual incentives to create a competitive environment
Report, 2007). to support business objectives.
Build a coherent marketing and communication
Financing and Fund Raising strategy to work with international media and
In the mid of July 2007 TRG through its international research associates.
subsidiary, was able to sign an investment commitment
of US$300 million with Emerging Market Partnership Business Process Outsourcing in Pakistan
(EMP). The Emerging Markets Partnership is one of Business Process Outsourcing has grown at geometric
progression in the last few years. The major beneficiary
the large private equity firm in the world specializing
of BPO are the large population of fluent English
in investments in the emerging markets with investments
of more than $10 billion, world over. This investmentspeaking youth of the country. The English speaking
is equivalent to Rs.13.60 billion that represents a youth in Pakistan are primarily attracted to BPO, because
premium for TRG. With this quantum of investment, of the lucrative salary package, and the opportunity of
EMP is entitled to have one seat on the Board of TRG.working parttime. The time zone difference provides
(TRG Annual Report, 2007) opportunity to the English speaking youth to work at
night, and pursue their academic career during the day
Current Operations BPOs can afford to pay lucrative package, because the
In the last quarter of 2006 TRG lost the contracts salary package they offer in Pakistan is still 30% lower
of MCA, and JP Morgan which had an adverse than that in the neighboring countries (National Master,
affect on the fir m’s operations and margins. The 2008).
integration efforts and new sales strategy, however
was able to reduce the impact of this loss, and else According to an estimate, there are more than 500
played a cr ucial role in improving the operational active call centers in Pakistan, most of which are located
margins of the copies. The revenue in the year 2007 in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. According to an


Case Study
estimate about 21,000 agents are employed in the BPO, billion, while the industry size is estimated at US$ 2.8
industry. (National Master, 2008). billion. It is important to note that Pakistan’s IT exports
In order to cater and serve the international customers, growth in the last few years has been in excess of 50%.
training and development of the youth is vital. Presently The growth of the IT industry in the last one year has
there are several training institutes catering to the been grown by 61%. Considering this pace of IT sector
demand of the BPOs. Unfortunately, their quality is growth, Pakistan is eyeing to increase the size of this
not of the desired level. In order to improve the quality sector to over US$ 11 billion by 2011. (National Master,
of the training being provided to the call center 2008).
operators, the Pakistan Software Export Board is Opportunities in Pakistan
providing substantial subsides to the training centers A brief list of the opportunities as envisaged by National
of the BPO. (National Master, 2008). In the past BPO Master, (2008) is quoted noted:
operations in Pakistan were primarily restricted to call An IT workforce of 133,000 with good English
centers providing in bound, and out bound services. languag e and people skills g rowing at a
The area of activities of BPO operators in Pakistan phenomenal rate of almost 20,000 a year.
has expended. They are also providing outsourcing
services in other areas such as medical transcription,
110 ISO-certified IT companies, with over 25
undergoing CMMI rating.
telecommunication, marketing and legal, banking and A reliable digital telecomm unications
financial. (National Master, 2008). infrastructure with backup and reliable energy
and transport networks.
In 2007 to Gartner, the world’s leading information An ambitious program of world-class IT Parks,
technology research and advisory company has placed with a rental rate of approx. US$1 per sq ft
Pakistan amongst the “Top category of countries of /month.
the World in ter ms of suitability for offshore A prosperous economy that offers lucrative
outsourcing. In 2006 Pakistan was placed amongst the domestic opportunities and is attracting increasing
“Third Category Countries”. (National Master, 2008). amounts of international investment.
A steadily improving risk rating and a tightening
A country is rated for suitability of BPO on the basis environment for intellectual property protection.
of ten macro factors: language, government support, A streamlined government regulatory process of
labor pool, infrastructure, education system, cost, one of the most attractive incentive programs
political and economic environment, cultural anywhere, which includes tax exemptions, 100%
compatibility, global and legal maturity, data and foreign equity and earnings repatriation.
intellectual property security, and privacy. Garner has
rated Pakistan as ’very good’ in cost, ’good’ in language Indians Contribution in Pakistani BPOs
and ’fair’ in most of the areas despite the prevailing The BPOs in India are more developed, and the size
political environment. (National Master, 2008). Gartner of its industry is also comparatively larger. BPOs in
has also ranked Pakistan as one of the favorable Pakistan have therefore obtained the services of Indian
economies among the South Asian countries. The BPO experts for the development and training of the
ranking is based on certain economic indicators such local BPOs. According to Mullick (2006) about 18 to
as; ease of doing business, dealing with licenses, and 20 Indian BPO trainers are already working in two
protecting investors as identified by the analysts. newly-established call centers in Pakistan. The Indian
(Gartner, 2008). Experts helping the BPOs in Pakistan belong to middle
and senior management level, they are involved in
Industry Size training, operations, HR, and IT helpdesk. (Mullick,
Pakistan’s IT Industry exports are estimated at US$ 1.4 2006). The salary package for the Indian experts is


Case Study
Rs.1000, 000, plus other perks such as fully furnished Information enabled Services (ITeS) companies.
apartment, and company provided car. However, getting Entrepreneurs and staff working in the ITeS sector
visa, and working permit to work in Pakistan is a bit need a significant investment in training in order to
difficult. (Mullick, 2006). succeed. Most of the Chief Executives of BPOs in
Pakistan very candidly say that their biggest fear is not
What Ails The BPO Industry In Pakistan? losing the customer but the availability of human
Some of the reasons for the success of Indian BPOs resource if they gets any project. TRG’s initial estimates
are (1) strong quality orientation among players, (2) of having a base of 1.6 million English speakers in
ability to offer round-the-clock services based on the Pakistan was highly optimistic. Although TRG is putting
country’s unique geographic location, (3) positive a lot of effort into training and development of human
which encourages investments, and a tax friendly resource for call centers, the desired results will not be
structure. By the year 2008, the ITES- BPO sector is achieved without the help and resources of the
expected to employ over 1.1 million Indians, with its government (Faisal, 2007).
revenues expected to touch an amazing 21$ to 24 $
210 billion dollars. Despite the same geographic location,
and positive for example sustained reduction in cost
Training and Development
In view of the shortage of skilled labor in Pakistan
of bandwidth international companies are still focusing the training and development costs for the business
on countries such as Ireland, Philippines, India, and are high. Business g raduates will not face any
China, with least focus on Pakistan. The problems and problem in fullfilling the role of a customer service
the challenges that Pakistan is facing with reference to person, but these graduates when employed at BPO
BPOs are discussed below: (Faisal, 2007). have to be taught something as basic such as
politeness and listening to the customer, which
Lack of Leadership: takes about 2-4 weeks. PAF-KIET and a few other
The BPOs in Pakistan hurriedly jumped on the band business school have included soft courses like
wagon of technological revolution without serious personal skill development, self grooming, public
thinking, developing a vision, or ascertaining whether speaking in their BBA/MBA programs, but other
or not they are on the right track. The biggest challenges business schools do not have these kind of courses
for local BPOs is therefore lack of vision and leadership. in their cur ricurilum. In order to cater for the
Another draw back of the local BPOs is that this specific human resource trianing demand of the
business is not the prime business priority of the BPOs, training schools have mushroomed, where
owners. Companies like TRG, Ovex Technologies, people are paying hug e amount of money for
Touchstone, and Voxel are exceptions. The other BPOs courses aimed at preparing them for call center
in Pakistan venturing into this business primarily aim related skills. There is a need for PSEB to support
to make a quick buck, and to move out if the going and monitor the activities of these so called BPO
gets tough rather than developing a brand name. Most training centers, so that the money spend by the
of the entrepreneurs in this business do not have people in these center do not go waste. Team
exposure or experience in the BPO area, they have leaders/super visors are the back bone of BPO
short term perspective, and do not have any long term operations. Pakistan do not have a single institute
strategy, to established themselves as the brand leaders, that offers such trainings. (Faisal, 2007)
(Faisal, 2007)
Lack of Human Resource The employees at BPO, after some time experience
Despite the tall claims of the government, Pakistan dissatisfaction, loose motivation, and get burnout
does not have the required talent to work in the at the job. Most universities do not have for mal


Case Study
and effective planning department, therefore, quite while as guest speakers, or for project exhibitions.
after of their students once they graduate take BPO They talk about the coordination between the two
jobs without realizing whether it is in line with their entities, but in reality they do not provide any
long ter m goals because (1) Jobs are available in concrete assistance. PAF-KIET as a pilot project
the BPO sector because of high turnover, (2) Initial has decided that they would appoint the people of
pay is high in BPO as compared to other industry the industr y as course advisors in courses like
(Faisal, 2007). The general perception of the people research, human resources, etc. The PAF-KIET
is that working for a BPO is not a career oriented would also pay them some reasonable honorium,
job; rather it is an interim ar rangement for and in return the course advisors would review the
completing the education, or until the employee course outline, make the required changes, and take
finds a better job. BPOs industry needs to develop a few classes too (Faisal, 2007).
a comprehensive strateg y to change this general
perception. It is also necessary that the Universities What Can Be Done Before it is too late?
need to adopt a professional approach towards Awareness events for business owners
career counseling, planning, and development,
with special emphasize towards the prospect and
Government has provided incentives, opportunities, 211
and subsidized training programs for the BPO sector.
potential of taking BPO as a career. (Faisal, 2007). The same must be continued, but at the same time it
needs to examine why its efforts have not yield the
Unsustainable business ventures desire results. State resources must be spent on providing
Most of the people who venture in to the BPO quality training and conductivity awareness seminars
area do not have any experience of managing call which assist in attracting more BPO business to Pakistan.
center operations. Some of them might have worked The middle level management is the backbone of the
in a call center, but are not fully aware of the institutions in general, and BPO in particular, it is
problems, technicalities, or client expectations. In therefore imperative that, the PSEB must organize
view of these problems most of the call center more training prog rams for the middle level
have a ver y shor t life, especially the small sized management of BPOs. State resources also needs to
ones one or two room call centers which are unable be spent on developing the enabling environment for
to sustain the growing financial needs of the the BPO sector to thrive.
business.( (Faisal, 2007).
Encouraging Export Houses to take up ’s case for BPO
Coordination between Academia and One of the reasons for the success of India’s BPO
Business sector is the IT revolution brought about by its IT
There is lack of coordination between Academia sector. It is therefore imperative that the top software
and business in developing countries like Pakistan. houses of Pakistan should make deliberate effort to
The raw material for the business world consists enter the BPO sector. Established export business
of the students of Business and Engineering houses should also be encouraged to look into the
Schools. It is therefore imperative that the business amazing potential of this industry.
world should be involved in developing the
cur riculum, and providing other inputs to the Forget Call Centers, Focus on BPO!
Business and Engineering Schools in order to Most of the people whether in business, or in colleges
facilitate the development of the students. This and universities think that BPO means Call Centers.
unfortunately is not happening in Pakistan. The There is a need to remove this misconception through
most that the business leaders and entrepreneurs seminars, and workshops. The focus of the seminars
do is to come to the business schools once in a and workshops must be to inform the audience of the


Case Study
meaning and the potential of BPO, that it is inclusive position. The quality of customer service has also
of activities such as outsourcing Financial Functions, improved quite significantly. The people who are
Legal, Medical Transcription, Content Development, attending to the customers are comparatively more
Data conversion, Network Support, Data Processing, polite, and wants to solve their problems more
Data mining, and Quality Auditing, etc. According efficiently and effectively. Local cellular companies,
to an estimate about 70% of the BPO industry’s banks, International air lines have outsourced their
revenue comes from call-centers, 20% from high- call centers to the local BPO, which is an indicator
volume, low-value data work, and the remaining that the BPO industry in Pakistan is maturing. In
10% from higher-value information work. We need view of the impressive results of this outsourcing
not to focus on the other activities too. Pakistan experience in the local market, other business sectors
have the required human resource for these kind of are following suit. Unfortunately, the talent for
work too. All we need to do is to change the call international business is still scare, it needs to be
center mindset. developed. We are in the process of opening several
IT parks around the country, we need to have more
212 All is not lost
In the last five years, the people who joined BPO
coordination between these IT Parks and the BPO
sector, so that adequately trained and skilled people
as an agent have moved to middle management are available for the BPO sector.

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Annual Report http://www.pakboi.gov.pk/pdf/IT%20&%20Telecom.pdf


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