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اسئلة مهمة

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Q1: Write the number of item and the letter of the right option

1.The the purpose of linguistics is to examine the material and to make ………… about its
various elements that relate to regular rules. ( a. specific cases b. general statements c.
specific rules d. specific statements.

2.Typology is a kind of comparative linguistics which attempt to classify languages according

to their ………….. ( a. historical relationships b. synchronic relationships c. structural
similarities d. phonological development.)

3. In traditional grammar, 'spoonfuls' should be used instead of 'spoonsful' because it is

……... ( a. more logical b. found in Latin c. more aesthetic d. more grammatical.)

4. According to TGG, the sentence ' Colorless green ideas sleep furiously' is unacceptable
because it is ………. ( a. ungrammatical b. ungrammatical and semantically not well-formed c.
not characterized by any type of well-formedness d. grammatical but semantically not well-

5. The Prague school followers were interested in the analysis of language as ………… ( a.
system of functionally related units b. system of structurally related units c. whole unit of
functions d. limited number of functional units.)

6.In its second stage, the Bloomfieldian structural linguistic descriptions of English based on
.......... ( a . grammatical rules which could be verified b. actual utterances which could be
verified c. the study of structures and meaning d. structural and grammatical rules.)

7. ……….is the faculty of speech present in all normal human beings. ( a. Langue b. Parole c.
Language d. Significant.)

8.Traditional grammar is characterized by extreme vagueness of ............ ( a. rules b. data

collection c. definition d. oldest meaning.)

9. ………………. describes the facts of language usage as they are and not how they ought to
be (a. Descriptive linguistics b. Historical language study c. Dichronic language study d.
Prescriptive linguistics.)

10. The technical approach to meaning emphasizes the…………. aspect. ( a. subjective b. local
c. objective d. imaginative.)

11. Pragmatics is the study of .......... meaning. ( a. conventional b. visible c. invisible d.

concentual. )

12. …………. is the lexical relation in which one form has two or more related meanings. ( a.
Polyesmy b. Hyponymy c. Homophony d. Homonymy.)

13.In Chomesky 's "Aspects of the Theory of syntax " , the phrase structure componentis
modified and renamed as .......... ( a. base b. morphophonemic c. kernel d. structural.)

14. A speech act is a term used to refer to ........ ( a. act of the speak b. description of fact
which is true or false c. an act performed by means of words d. speech event.)
15. The feature of language which helps us to refer to past and future time, and to other
locations is called ............ ( a. displacement b. arbitrariness c. duality d. productivity.)

16. the structural and lexical ties and connections which exsit within texts are termed .........
(a. coherence b. cohesion c. discourse d. text.)

17. An implicature is ........... when one or more of the conversational maxims is violated. (
a. cancelled b. replaced c. generated d. rearranged.)

18. When the child, in his first language acquisition, starts to use a single form to function as
a phrase or a sentence, he is said to be passing through the ............. stage. ( a. telegraphic b.
cooing c. holophrastic d. babbling. )

19. …………….. can be defined as technical vocabulary associated with a special activity or
group. ( a. Disglossia b. Register c. Idiolect d. Jargon).

20.The device used most frequently in English to show relationships between words is ..........
( a. inflection b. connection c. word order d. modifier( .

21. …………… regards universal grammars as a major task of linguistics. ( a. Chomesky b.

Bloomfield c. Fillmore d. Saussure).

22. The semantic approach help us to account for ............. in English sentences. ( a.
sameness b. oddness c. relationship d. reality).

23.The aims of ......... tests is to find out the strong and weak points as a whole and individual
student so that remedical action can be taken. ( a. aptitude b. diagnostic c. achievement d.

24. A test is said to possess .......... validity if is designed in accordance with a theory of
language behavior and learning. ( a. content b. empirical c. construct d. face).

25. One of the principles underlying the ............ approach is that a foreign language can be
learned in the same way as the native language is learned. ( a. direct b.
grammar_translation c. structural d. communicative).

26. The principle which assumes that " language learning is habit formation " is a ...............
one. ( a. linguistic b. social c. psychological d. sociologistic.)

27. Do you think he feels superior .......... them. ( a. on b. over c. at d. to).

28.The clause type of " She left Tom a card " is ............. ( a. SVO b. SVOO c. SVOC d. SVOA (

29.The function of the dependent clause in " What is more, they lost everything. " is ............
( a. adjunct b. disjunct c. conjunct d. subjuct ).

30. I 'd rather we ............ dinner now. ( a. had b. have c. are having c. were having(

31. John denied ............ the money. ( a. stealing b. to steal c. to have stolen d. having
32.The children were .......... good care of. ( a. made b. kept c. given d. taken ).

33. It .............. , but it has stopped now. ( a. is raining b. has rained c. has been raining d.
rained ).

34.If I had known that you were sick, I ............ you . ( a. visited b. would visit c. had visited
D. would have visited( .

35.The semantic role of the subject in " the gate shut quickly " is ............. ( a. affected b.
recipient c. genitive d. instrumental(.

36.The grammatical highlighting device in " it is John who came first " is ...................

(a. fronting b. clefting c. existential d. extraposing(.

37.Sound contrasts that extend over several segments are called ............... ( a. segmental b.
componential c. supra segmental d. Phonetic).

38. /h/ never occurs ............ (a. in final position b. before a vowel d. before a glide d. in
medial position(

39. ………………. is an aspect of connected speech in which a feature or more of a sound is

influenced by the features of an adjacent sound. ( a. Juncture b. Elision c. Linking d.

40. .......... is the unit used for the analysis of "rhythm " . ( a. Tone b. stress c. Foot d.
Prominence ).

Q2: In no more five lines, state the difference between each of the following :

1.Chomesky 's " Standard Theory" and "Generative Semantics "

2. Language acquisition and language learning.

3.Deep structure and face structure.

4. Tone languages and intonation languages.

5. The emergence of Linguistics in America and in Europe.

A . Affricates are produced with combination of stop and fricative sounds. The stop is
released freely with result that affliction is heard.

B. Affricates are complex consonants. They begin as plosive and end as fricative. The plosive
and following fricative must be made with the same articulator ( they must be homorganic)
.Affricates include (ts) and (d3)

Ahmed Almwali:

Q1/ Choose the right option :

1.performative can be .......... (a. either true or false b. both true and false c. neither true
nor false ). a

2.One of the gabs in Austin 's theory of speech act is that he ................. ( a. set felicity
conditions for performatives b. didn't set felicity conditions for all speech acts c. didn't set
felicity conditions for performatives and constatives). C

3.Pragmatic competence consists of ..................... ( a. the principle of politeness and rules of

speech acts b. clarity and politeness c. the cooperative principle and conversational maxims

4.When any felicity conditions of certain speech act is violated, that speech act will ......... ( a.
be happy b. misfire c. become true ). B

5.One of the concerns of the theory of "conversational implicature" is the additional ...........
( a. meaning b. act c. competence ) . a

6.The politeness principle plays an important role in ............... ( a. keeping the channels of
communication open b. opening the channels of communication c. opening the channels of
communication and keep them open ). C

7.. " be orderly " is a submaxim of the maxim ........... ( a. quality b. relevance c. manner ). c

8.In ................ there is no direction of fit between words and world. ( a. commissives b.
expressives c. representives ) a

9.Intrusive /r/ is .............. ( a. found in the spelling of a word but not pronounced b. not
found in the spelling of a word but pronounced c. found in the spelling of a word and
pronounced ) . b

10.One of the problems which face the phonetic definition of syllable is ............. ( a. how to
transcribe the syllable b. when to pronounce syllabic consonants c. when to put borders
between the syllables ). c

11.Moving stress from the syllable to another may result in changing the .........( a. number
of syllables b. category of the word class c. morphological structura of the word ) . b

12.In the word ........ the suffix doesn't affect stress placement. (a. proverbial b. refugee c.
comfortable) . c

13.One of the functions of the .......... tone is that it gives an impression of finality. ( a. rise
b. fall c. fall_rise). b

14.There is assimilation of ...... in the expression " good night " (a. place b. manner c.
voicing) b

Q2 / Answer the following questions:

1. On what occasion do conversationalists generate implicatures ?

2. What is the difference between direct and indirect speech act?

3. When does a variable stress occur ?

Q3/ Attempt to the following with examples:

1. Cohesion 2. Sociolinguistics 3. synonymy 4. rhetorical question 5. Compounding

A. Direct speech is an action in which the form used such as "interrogative" directly matches
the function "question" performed by a speaker with an utterance , in contrast to an indirect
speech act.

B. Indirect speech act is an action in which the form used such as " interrogative " does not
directly match the function " request " performed " performed by a speaker with an
utterance, in contrast to a direct speech act.

3. stress position may vary for one of two reasons : either as a result of the stress on other
words occurring next to the word in question, or because not all speakers agree on the
placement of stress in some words.

Q4 Choose the right option:

1.The entity that performs the action is known as ..... ( a. agent b. theme c. experience d.

2.The oddness of sentence is derived from ....... ( a. semantic structure b. syntactic structure
c. phonological structure d. morphological structure ).a

3.Semantics deals with ........ conveyed by use of the words and sentences of a language. ( a
thematic meaning b. conventional meaning c. collocative meaning d. associative
meaning ). b

4.Pragmatics deals with .......... meaning. ( a. visible b. invisible c. associative d.

conceptual ).b

5.What a speaker assumes is true or known by the hearer can be described as .......... ( a.
politeness b. presupposition c. reference d. anaphora ).b

6.Actions such as questioning, commanding, requesting and informing refer to ......... (a.
speech events b. speech acts c. semantic relations d. sense relations ). b

7. . ........is the first who suggested that language was like a game of chess. ( a Chomesky b.
Saussure c. Bloomfield d. Palmer ). b

8.In the 20 th the emphasis shifted from language change to ........... ( a. philosophical
linguistics b. anthropology c. language description d. phonology ). c

9.All linguistics since De Saussure is ........... ( a. descriptive b. philosophical c. structural d.

10. .............. is sometimes regarded as the father of pragmatics. ( a. Saussure b. Bloomfield
c. Grice d. Leech ). a

Q3/ Make a comparison between :

1.Diachronic and Synchronic studies .

2. linguist and a language teacher.

3. learning and acquisition.

4. Phonetics and Phonology.

Q4/ What are the characteristics of :

1.Derivational suffixes .


Q5/ Comment on the following sentences :

1."Two people growing up in the same geographical area may speak differently "

2. " If language is innate, it is not acquired "

3. " Linguistics is the scientific study of language "

4. A. " The TV drank my water "

B. " His dog writes potery "

5. A. " My brother is a spinster "

B. " The cobra killed a rat "

Q6/ complete the following :

1.There were four main invasions of England 1...... 2....... 3.......4........

2.. .............. concluded that Sanskrit , Greek and Latin sprang from one common source.

3. .......... added an additional case to the noun in Latin " The oblative case" which was not
found in Greek.

4. Essentials of English Grammar was written by

.5………... In 1962 , Austin wrote a book, its title .........

6. ............. argues that Chomesky 's definition of competence was too narrowed.

Q7/ Choose the right option :

1. Do you think we should leave now? Yes, it is time we ......... ( a. left b. shall leave c. leave
2. How is that your answers and your neighbor's ........ identical? ( a. is b. are c. be)
3. He is hungry ........ knowledge. ( a. for b. of c. with (

4.They congratulated John ...... his medal. ( a. for b. of c. on )

5.We left the home empty .

"empty" is ........... ( a. attributive b. agentive c. instrumental(

6. We are just passing the Eiffel Tower. " Eiffel Tower" is ......... ( a. affected b. effected c.

7. The plan for us all to meet outside was absurd.

" for us all to meet " is ....... (a. subjuct b. complement c. appositive (

8.I was terrified , to tell you the truth. " to tell you the truth " is ......... (a. adjunct b. disjunct
c. conjunct (

9. The police laid the bodies by the side of the road. ( a. SVC b. SVOC c. SVOA (

10.The children are angels . (a. SVC b. SVO c. SV)

Q8/ Write an essay on " Stylistics"

Q1/ State the difference between each of the following sentences :

1.Prescriptive and descriptive approaches to language study.

2. Cohesion and coherence.

3. Kernel and transformed sentences.

4. Linking /r/ and intrusive /r/.

5.The expression and content planus of language.


1.Why do structuralists face difficulties with analysis of the sentences like " John is eager to
please " and " John is easy to please " ?

2. What are the classes of the non_finite classes?

3. Show the difference in meaning between " I regret to tell you that she stole it " and " I
regret telling you that she stole it " .

4. What causes stress to be variable?

5. Why is " behaviorism " considered as an inadequate theory by Chomesky ?

Q1 descriptive and prescriptive approaches to language study

The idea answer :

What is meant by prescriptive and descriptive approach to language :

Descriptive approach to language: tries to explain things as they actually are, not as we wish
them to be, tries to find the unconscious rules that people follow when they are speaking
and writing. Describes our basic linguistic knowledge.

Prescriptive approach to language: tries to tell us how one should speak and write and what
rules of language usage people should know.

Prescription can only occur after the language has been described, good prescription
depends on an adequate description.

Prescriptivists accuse descriptivists of being anarchists who want to do away with all the
rules of language.

Q1/ State the difference between each of the following sentences :

1.Prescriptive and descriptive approaches to language study

2.Cohesion and coherence.

3. Kernel and transformed sentences.

4. Linking /r/ and intrusive /r/.

5.The expression and content planus of language.


1. Why do structuralists face difficulties with analysis of the sentences like " John is eager to
please " and " John is easy to please ? "

2. What are the classes of the non_finite classes?

3. Show the difference in meaning between " I regret to tell you that she stole it " and " I
regret telling you that she stole it " .

4.What causes stress to be variable?

5. Why is " behaviorism " considered as an inadequate theory by Chomesky ?

Prescriptive prescribing rules of correctness and interested in what they think ought to be
said .

descriptive describing language in all it's aspect and interested and interested in what is said.

Q1/ Choose the right option :

1.As a/an ............... scientific study, linguistics operates with publicly varied data obtained by
means of observation and experiment. ( a. exhaustive b. economic c. empirical ( C
2. A ............ study can be used to identify the differences between units at some levels of
analysis in a particular language. ( a. comparative b. topological c. diachronic d. contrastive

3.The .......... school developed the theory of " the context of the situation " ( a. Prague b.
Copenhagen c. Bloomfieldian d. Firthain) D

4.According to TGG, the transformational rule which is applied to the sentence " This is the
dog that chased the cat that killed the rat " is characterized by the property of being ..........
( a. obligatory b. optional c. grammatically accepted but semanticly not)

5. The Prague school followers were interested in the analysis of language as a ............ ( a.
system of functionally related units b. system of structurally units c. whole unit of functions
d. limited number of functional units) a

6. ............. focuses on the semantic roles and relationships played by the elements of
sentence structure. ( a. Case grammar b. TGG c. Bloomfieldian linguistics d. Traditional
grammar ( b

7. The relationship between ........ is arbitrary. ( a. language and langue b. significant and
signified c. language and parole d. language and sign) b

8. ............ believe in the use of one linguistic level to explain issues related to another one.
( a. Transformationalists b. Traditionalists c. New_ Traditionals d. Structuralists (a

9. ........... is a type of reduction process where a word of one type is reduced to another
word of a different type. ( a. Derivation b. Clipping c. Backformation d. Blending (c

10.The technical approach to meaning emphasizes the ......... aspect. ( a. subjective b. local
c. objective d. ) c

11. ............. is a lexical relation in which the meaning of one form included in the meaning of
another. ( a. polyesmy b. hyponymy c. homophony d. homonymy ) b

12. In Chomesky 's " Standard Theory " , .............. is the central component. ( a. semantics
b. phonology c. morphology d. syntax) d

13. ............ is the need to be independent and to have freedom from imposition. ( a.
Negative face b. positive face c. politeness d. face _ saving act (a

Q2/ Do as required :

1.Passivize the following sentence. " Have you looked into this matter "

2.Reducing the finite clause to a non _finite and verbless one in the following : " since I met
you, I have been reading your book "

3.Join the following using a reciprocal pronoun : (I like John . John likes me)

4.Compare between the two sentences :

He is not a teacher.

He is no teacher.

What is the difference between Cohesion and Coherence?

If different sentences in a text are linked properly, it is said to be cohesive.

If a text appears to make sense to a reader, it is said to be coherent.

A cohesive text can appear as incoherent to the reader making it clear that the two
properties of a text are not the same.

 Coherence is a property decided by the reader whereas cohesion is a property of

the text achieved by the writer making use of different tools like synonyms, verb
tenses, time references etc.

• Cohesion can be measured and verified through rules of grammar and semantics though
measuring coherence is rather difficult.

Q1/ Choose the right option :

1.In phonetics, the .......... process terms the actions of the vocal cords. ( a. oro_ nasal b.
airstream c. articulatory d. phonation ) C

2. The ........... has been proposed as one of the solutions to the problem of syllabification.
( a. phonotactic approach b. motor theory c. sandhi notion d. phonemes in contrast ). D

3.The notion of the " archiphoneme " was proposed by the Prague school to for ......... ( a.
opposition b. neutralization c. overlapping d. free variation). B

4. A sound is said to be marked when it is characterized by ......... ( a. lacking a feature b.

having an additional feature c. being infrequent d. regularity ). B

5. In pragmatics, ............. can refer to the speaker 's background beliefs , propositions whose
truth he takes for granted or seems to take for granted in making his statement. ( a.
implicatures b. maxims c. presuppositions d. felicity conditions ). C

6. According to Searle 's (1969) classification of speech acts macro_ classes , there is no
direction of fit between words and the world in ............. ( a. expressives b. commssives c.
representives d. directives ). B

7. According to Lakoff 's rules of politeness , the rule of ........... is concerned with showing
politeness by saying things hesitantly , by not saying things clearly, or by using euphemism.
( a. distance b. camaraderie c. deference d. friendliness) . A

8. The utterance " I have an exam tomorrow " in reply to the utterance " can we go out
tonight? " achieves a/an ......... speech act. ( a. hedged b. direct c. non_ conventionally
direct d. conventionally indirect). D
9. "reference" , "substitution" , " ellipsis" , are devices for achieving ........... ( a. cohesion b.
coherence c. acceptability d. informativity ). A

10.. " turn_ taking " is a basic element of ........ analysis. ( a. register b. genre c.
conversation d. domain ). C

11. The basic unit in analyzing a given text or discourse according to its genre is the ........ ( a.
terminal unit b. utterance c. morpheme d. move ). B

12. " Functional Sentence Perspective " is a type of linguistic analysis associated with
the .......... school. ( a. London b. Copenhagen c. Prague d. Firthain ).

13. .......... deals with the ways by which clauses are held together. ( a. intertextuality b.
informativity c. coherence d. cohesion ). A

14. ............ usually consider the dialect used by political leaders as the correct form of the
language. ( a. language purists b. descriptive grammarians c. mental grammarians d.
teaching grammarians). a

15. Cain and Able in Cockney means .......... ( a. head b. bread c. table d. enable ). a

16.The book ( A short introduction to English Grammar with critical notes ). was written
by ........... ( a. Lounsburg b. Lowth c. Newman d. Fell ). b

17.The great vowel shift took place between approximately between 1400 and ........ ( a.
1600 b. 1500 c. 1700 d. 1800 ). a

18.Ellis refers to ........... as " perhaps the single most important concept in the theory of
practice and education " ( a. transfer b. interchange c. translation d. cross_ association ). c

19. ............. suggests that there are four fundamental categories: unit , structure, class and
system. ( a. De Saussure b. Firth c. Halliday d. Muir ). c

20. For Carl James, ........... would appear to be a model ideally suited to exploitation for
purposes of contrastive analysis. ( a. TGG b. Contrastive Generative Grammar c. Taxonomic
Model d. Case Grammar). a

21.. ............ is defined as a set of linguistic items with similar social distribution. ( a. Dialect
b. Borrowing c. Variety of language d. style ). a

22. .............. is seen as the whole set of people who communicate with each other , either
directly or indirectly. ( a. Dialectology b. Speech community c. Linguistic behavior d.
Standard language ). b

23. ............ means some agency , such as academy which must have written dictionaries and
grammar books to fix the variety so that everyone agrees on that is correct. ( a. Acceptance
b. Elaboration c. Standardization d. Codification ). c

24. Our language Facility is .......... innate. ( a. psychologically b. biologically c. organically d.

anthropologically ). B
25.The process function of working momery is used to .......... the words into constituents.
( a. join b. merge c. organize d. analyze ). d

26. Language process is determined by ............ ( a. linguistic structure b. cognitive system

c. linguistic structure and factors that independent of language d. psychology ). d

27. The meaning is derived from the meaning of words, phrases and sentences in .............
( a. pragmatics b. syntax c. semantics d. stylistics ). c

28. ............ is the leader figure in contextualism. ( a. Sapair b. Chomesky c. Firth d. Fodor ).

29. ............. eliminates certain ambiguities. ( a. Science b. Context c. linguistic environment

d. Non_ linguistic environment ). b

30. Semantics is basically concerned with the ............. meaning. ( a. referential b.

illocutionary c. perlocutionary d. cultural ). A

Q1 / Choose the right option :

1............ designates that human language is most definitely not a haphazard heap of
individual items. ( a. Creativity b. Patterning c. Arbitrariness d. Duality ). b

2. ............. linguistics sees language as a carefully built structure of interwoven elements. ( a.

Structural b. Generative c. Historical d. Corpus ). a

3. .............. considers grammar as a device which generates all the grammatical sequences
and none of the ungrammatical ones. ( a. Quirk b. Chomesky c. Bloomfield d. Aitchison ). b

4. Recognizing what is meant from what is said is the domain of .......... ( a. Semantic b.
discourse analysis c. pragmatics d. sociologistics ). c

5. In ( Ali is a pupil. He is six years old ). the relation between (Ali and he) is an example
of......( a. reference b. anaphora c. cohesion d. all of them ). b

6. The variety of language that differs from the standard in pronunciation is called ............
( a. pidgin b. disglossia c. dialect d. none of them ). d

7.The word ......... is not an example of spatial deixis. ( a. then b. there c. that d. here ). a

8. The oddness of ( The hamburger ate the boy ) is clarified by ......... ( a. semantic features
b. semantic roles c. discourse analysis d. lexical relations ). a

9. The process whereby a listener uses additional information to create a connection

between what is said and what must be meant is called ....... ( a. inference b. anaphora c.
reference d. deixis ). a

10. The static mental images stored in our minds are called ...... ( a. schema b. script c.
presupposition d. all of them ). D

Q/ Choose the right option :

1. ........... linguistics is considered as the central core of language study. ( a. Meta b. Micro
c. Pre d. Macro ). b

2. ............. linguistics is concerned with the description of the ways in which language
operates and is used by a given set of speakers at a given time. ( a. Historical b. Descriptive
c. Comparative d. Topological ). b

3. "meat" versus "meet" is an example of ............ (a. metonymy b. homophony c.

homonymy d. polyesmy ). b

4. The subject in " He feels sad " is a/an .............. (a. experiencer b. agent c. goal d.
instrument ). a

5.the "ee" in "geeze" is called a .......... ( a. bound b. dependent c. replacive-free ). c

6. ............. refers to the abstract knowledge of language.

)a. Parole b. Significant c. language d. langue ). a

7. Bloomfield concluded that .......... is the weak point in language study. ( a. syntax b.
phonetics c. morphology d. semantics). d

8. ( He will be here tomorrow(,

he" and "here tomorrow " are .......... (a. cataphoric b. anaphoric c. deictic d. rhetorical ). ” "
c deictic

9. "motel" is an example of ....... (a. borrowing b. abbreviation c. clipping d. blending ). d

10.The .......... tones shows a " limited agreement" or " response with reservation " . ( a. rise
b. fall c fall_rise d. rise_fall ). c

11. The obligatory element in the tone _unit is the ........ ( a. pre_head b. head c. tail d.
tonic syllable ). d

12.According to the manner of articulation , /v/ is classified as ........... ( a. fricative b. plosive

c. affricate d. glide ). a

13. "stress" is a feature of ........ phonology (a. segmental b. phonemic c. allophonic d.

supra segmental ). D

14. The noun "breakdown" is pluralized as .......... ( a. breaksdown b. breakdown c.

breakdowns d. breaksdowns ). c

15. ( George is fond of her) , "fond of her" is ........... ( a. direct object b. complement of
adjective c. adverb d. subjuct complement ). d

16.) You deserve shooting first ), means ......... ( a. we will shoot first b. you will shoot first c.
both a and b d. neither a nor b ). b
17. The youth ......... more serious than any other generation. ( a. is b. are c. be d. was ). b
18. She is envious ........ anyone ( a. at b. on c. of d. for ). c

19. The term ......... includes all the elements that carry learning experiences to the learners .
( a. acquisition b. assessment c. materials d. technique ). a

20. In structural syllabuses, the criterion of .......... is decided by factors such as frequency of
use, range , coverage and familiarity. ( a. complexity b. value c. regularity d. difficulty ). c

21. Coalescence results in ........... ( a. a new phoneme b. a change in one or more of the
features of a neighboring phoneme c. no change in any feature of the neighbouring
phonemes d. only change in voicing ). b

22. She has been chosen carefully ). The verbal " has" is ........ ( a. finite b. non_finite c.
modal d. bare infinite ). a

23. The sentence ( He will play soon tennis ) is ......... ( a. correct b. incorrect c. well_formed
d. acceptable ). B

Q2/ Briefly, attempt each of the following :

1.Point out the reasons why we begin studying consonants rather than Vowels ?

2. Distinguish between "dialect" and "idiolect ?

3.Distinguish between descriptive and prescriptive approaches to language?

4. What is meant by the scope of the negation and focus of negation ?

5.What is the difference between pidgin and creole?

6. What is meant by the term " language universal " ?

7.Distinguish between "free variation" and "complementary distribution"

8. Show how cohesion is related to coherence .

Q1/ Choose the right option :

1.When producing the sound

/s/ , the soft plate is ........ ( a. lowered b. raised c. neutral d. not involved ). b

2.The sound /p/ is a ....... stop consonant. ( a. weak b. voiced c. nasal d. strong ). d

3. When producing the sound

/t/ , the .......... of the tongue is raised against the alveolar ridge. ( a. tip b. blade c. front d.
back ). a

4. The sound /w/ is ......... ( a. bilabial b. glottal c. labio_ dental d. alveolar ). A

5. ........... forms have changes in their spelling and pronunciation. (a. strong b. contracted
c. weak c. weak and strong ). b

6.In stress _timed rhythm , .......... syllables tend to occur at regular intervals of time. ( a.
stressed b. unstressed c. stressed and unstressed d. arythmic ). a

7. ......... refers to different theories about the nature of language and how languages are
learnt. ( a. Evaluation b. Method c. Approach d. Teaching ). c

8. Allomorphs are versions of ........ ( a. one phonome b. one allophone c. one morpheme d.
one phone ). c

9. Phonetics of a language is part of every speaker 's ......... knowledge. ( a. phonological b.

semantic c. pragmatic d. syntactic ). a

10. The word " cow" is characterized by the semantic feature ........ ( a. +human b. +adult c.
+male d. +animate ).d

Q1/ Do as required :

1.Denotative meaning VS connotative meaning. (Distinguish between them(

2.Derivational affixes VS inflectional affixes. (Distinguish between them)

3.A sentence with three non_assertive forms. (Exemplify)

4. The word "transistor" is resulted from the blending of ........ and ............

”transfer” and “resistor

5. "Excuse" is better than none. (Expand the underlying noun by adding five modifiers)

6. A visitor rang the bell. (Change O affected to S affected) The bell rang

7. He found her a pig. (Disambiguate the pattern of this sentence) He found a pig for her

8. "The table" is shaking. (Give the semantic role of the underlined sentence elements)

9. We made "him" some tea. (Give the semantic role of the underlined sentence elements)

10. I cannot keep my hand warm. (Give the clause type of this sentence) S V O Co

Q1/ Do as required :

11. You must keep a seat. (Give the clause type of this sentence ). S V O

12. He smokes. (Paraphrase as S V C) He is smoker S V C

13. Whenever he was in trouble, Bill rang his friend. (Change the dependent clause into
whenever in trouble, Bill rang his friend or being in trouble, Bill rang his friend

14. Hero, ........... (Write the feminine form) Heroine

15. Soft, a, on the head, pat (Arrange into noun phrase(

a soft pat on the head

16. Book, ............ ( Give a noun diminutive) Booket

17. The are reading "in the library". (State whether the adverbs are optional or obligatory)

18. Transcribe the word (churches) . |tʃəːtʃiz|

19. Transcribe the word (journalese). /ˌdʒɜːnəˈliːz/-

Q2/ Provide a simple and comprehensive definition of the following terms with examples :

1. phonotactics

2. presupposition

3. schemas

4. auditory phonetics

5. hedging

6. lexical diffusion

7.diminutive forms

8. homonymy

9. intonation

10. pitch

11. speech act theory

12. The Prague school

13. overextension


15. pidgin

Q3/ Give the place of articulation for the following sounds :

/k/, /w/, /v/, /b/

1.What is the difference between gradable and non_gradable antonymy?

2. What are the types of deixis ?

3. what is the difference between the open syllable and the closed syllable?

4. What are the onset and coda?

5. What is the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants?

What is the difference between :

1.Free distribution and complementary distribution

2. Allomorphs and allophones

3.Linguistic complexity and communicative complexity

4.Linguistic competence and communicative

5.surface structure and deep structure

6.langue and parole

7. Chomesky 's "Standard Theory " and " Generative Semantics "

Q: State the following :

1. The policies by which a second language syllabus should be graded

2.The communicative approach in language testing showing the aspects it emphasizes

3.The characteristics of the communicative language teaching

4. The characteristics of TGG (Transformational Generative Grammar by Chomesky)

5.Chomesky 's " Standard Theory " and " Generative Semantics "

6. The emergence of Linguistics in America and Europe .

7. language usage and language use

8. The difference between Langue and Parole

Ahmed Almwali:

Q1/ Choose the right option :

1.As a/an ............... scientific study, linguistics operates with publicly varied data obtained by
means of observation and experiment. ( a. exhaustive b. economic c. empirical ). c

2.A ............ study can be used to identify the differences between units at some levels of
analysis in a particular language. ( a. comparative b. topological c. diachronic d.
contrastive ). D
3. The .......... school developed the theory of " the context of the situation " ( a. Prague b.
Copenhagen c. Bloomfieldian d. Firthain ). d

4. According to TGG, the transformational rule which is applied to the sentence " This is the
dog that chased the cat that killed the rat " is characterized by the property of being ..........
( a. obligatory b. optional c. grammatically accepted but semanticly not). b

5. The Prague school followers were interested in the analysis of language as a ............ ( a.
system of functionally related units b. system of structurally units c. whole unit of functions
d. limited number of functional units)

6. ............. focuses on the semantic roles and relationships played by the elements of
sentence structure. ( a. Case grammar b. TGG c. Bloomfieldian linguistics d. Traditional
grammar ). b

7.The relationship between ........ is arbitrary. ( a. language and langue b. significant and
signified c. language and parole d. language and sign ). b

8. ............ believe in the use of one linguistic level to explain issues related to another one.
( a. Transformationalists b. Traditionalists c. New_ Traditionals d. Structuralists(

9. ........... is a type of reduction process where a word of one type is reduced to another
word of a different type. ( a. Derivation b. Clipping c. Backformation d. Blending ). c

10. The technical approach to meaning emphasizes the ......... aspect. ( a. subjective b. local
c. objective d. imaginative ). c

11. ............. is a lexical relation in which the meaning of one form included in the meaning of
another. ( a. polyesmy b. hyponymy c. homophony d. homonymy ). b

12. In Chomesky 's " Standard Theory " , .............. is the central component. ( a. semantics
b. phonology c. morphology d. syntax ) d

13. ............ is the need to be independent and to have freedom from imposition. ( a.
Negative face b. positive face c. politeness d. face _ saving act ) a

Ahmed Almwali:

Q6/ complete the following :

1.There were four main invasions of England 1...... 2....... 3.......4........

2. .............. concluded that Sanskrit , Greek and Latin sprang from one common source.

3. .......... added an additional case to the noun in Latin " The oblative case" which was not
found in Greek.

4.Essentials of English Grammar was written by ........

5.In 1962 , Austin wrote a book, its title was .........

6. ............. argues that Chomesky 's definition of competence was too narrowed.

Q7/ Choose the right option :

1. Do you think we should leave now? Yes, it is time we ......... ( a. left b. shall leave c. leave(

2.How is that your answers and your neighbor's ........ identical? ( a. is b. are c. be( .

3. He is hungry ........ knowledge. ( a. for b. of c. with)

4. They congratulated John ...... his medal. ( a. for b. of c. on(.

5. We left the home empty .

"empty" is ........... ( a. attributive b. agentive c. instrumental(.

6. We are just passing the Eiffel Tower. " Eiffel Tower" is ......... ( a. affected b. effected c.

7. The plan for us all to meet outside was absurd.

" for us all to meet " is ....... (a. subjuct b. complement c. appositive )

8.I was terrified , to tell you the truth. " to tell you the truth " is ......... (a. adjunct b. disjunct
c. conjunct(.

9.The police laid the bodies by the side of the road. ( a. SVC b. SVOC c. SVOA(

10. The children are angels .

) a. SVC b. SVO c. SV( .

Q8/ Write an essay on " Stylistics"

Collected by Ahmed Fadhil

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