SW5e - Player's Handbook
SW5e - Player's Handbook
SW5e - Player's Handbook
Credits 5 Consular 59
Preface 6 Way of Balance 63
Introduction 7 Way of Lightning 64
Using This Book 8 Way of the Sage 65
How to Play 8 Way of Suggestion 66
Speci c Beats General 9 Engineer 67
The Three Pillars of Adventuring 10 Armormech Engineering 70
Chapter 1: Step-By-Step Characters 11 Armstech Engineering 73
Chapter 2: Species 17 Gadgeteer Engineering 76
Bith 18 Unstable Engineering 79
Bothan 19 Fighter 81
Cathar 20 Assault Specialist 85
Cerean 21 Heavy Weapons Specialist 86
Chiss 22 Shield Specialist 87
Devaronian 23 Tactical Specialist 88
Droid, Class I 24 Guardian 89
Droid, Class II 25 Makashi Form 93
Droid, Class III 26 Niman Form 94
Droid, Class IV 27 Shien/Djem So Form 95
Droid, Class V 28 Soresu Form 97
Duros 29 Monk 98
Ewok 30 Crimson Order 103
Gamorrean 31 Echani Order 104
Gungan 32 Matukai Order 105
Human 33 Nightsister Order 106
Ithorian 34 Operative 107
Jawa 35 Acquisitions Practice 112
Kel Dor 36 Beguiler Practice 113
Mon Calamari 37 Gunslinger Practice 115
Nautolan 38 Sharpshooter Practice 116
Rodian 39 Scholar 117
Sith Pureblood 40 Doctor Pursuit 122
Togruta 41 Gambler Pursuit 125
Trandoshan 42 Politician Pursuit 127
Tusken 43 Tactician Pursuit 129
Twi'lek 44 Scout 131
Weequay 45 Bulwark Technique 135
Wookiee 46 Hunter Technique 136
Zabrak 47 Slayer Technique 137
Chapter 3: Classes 49 Stalker Technique 138
Berserker 50 Sentinel 139
Ballistic Approach 54 Path of Aggression 143
Marauder Approach 55 Path of Focus 144
Precision Approach 57 Path of the Forceblade 145
Warchief Approach 58 Path of Shadows 146
Chapter 4: Backgrounds 147 Chapter 6: Customization Options 191
Inspiration 149 Multiclassing 191
Backgrounds 149 Feats 193
Agent 150 Fighting Styles 200
Bounty Hunter 151 Fighting Masteries 203
Criminal 152 Lightsaber Forms 208
Entertainer 153 Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores 209
Force Adept 154 Advantage and Disadvantage 209
Gambler 155 Pro ciency Bonus 210
Investigator 156 Ability Checks 210
Jedi 157 Using Each Ability 212
Mandalorian 158 Saving Throws 216
Mercenary 159 Chapter 8: Adventuring 217
Noble 160 Time 217
Nomad 161 Movement 217
Outlaw 162 The Environment 219
Pirate 163 Social Interaction 220
Scientist 164 Resting 221
Scoundrel 165 Between Adventures 221
Sith 166 Chapter 9: Combat 223
Smuggler 167 The Order of Combat 223
Soldier 168 Movement and Position 224
Spacer 169 Actions in Combat 225
Chapter 5: Equipment 171 Making an Attack 227
Armor and Shields 172 Attack Rolls 227
Weapons 175 Melee Attacks 227
Adventuring Gear 179 Ranged Attacks 228
Equipment Packs 179 Double- and Two-Weapon Fighting 228
Ammunition 179 Cover 228
Communications 180 Damage and Healing 228
Data Recording and Storage 180 Hit Points 229
Explosives 181 Damage Rolls 229
Life Support 182 Damage Resistance and Vulnerability 229
Medical Supplies 182 Healing 229
Storage 182 Dropping to 0 Hit Points 230
Utilities 183 Knocking a Creature Out 230
Weapon and Armor Accessories 184 Temporary Hit, Force, and Tech Points 231
Tools 186 Mounted Combat 231
Trade Goods 187 Underwater Combat 231
Droids 188 Chapter 10: Force- and Tech-casting 233
Mounts 188 Chapter 11: Force Powers 237
Vehicles 188 Chapter 12: Tech Powers 271
Lifestyle Expenses 189 Appendix A: Conditions 305
Food, Drink, and Lodging 190 Appendix B: Recommended Variant Rules 307
Services 190 Index 309
This overhaul was made in accordance to Wizards of Listed alphabetically
the Coast's Fan Content Policy. This is uno cial
content made by me, Galiphile, with some AdmYrrek Jason Edmiston
collaboration (listed below).
Andrew Johanson Jhomar Soriano
Anna Christenson Joel Hustak
First and foremost, I have to thank the person who got Art of Bartlett Matt Difa
me into D&D: my buddy, Ross. That playgroup was not Audrey Wright Metropolis-Hero1125
great, but it started my journey. AV-6R7 Mike Nash
Second, I have to thank the original guinea pigs of
this conversion: Drew, Eric, and Rickey. It was comically Brandon Harris RamArtwork
bad, but we had fun with it. Ben Newman Ron-faure
Lastly, while I would love to say that I created Brian Rood Sam Wood
everything in this conversion, that wouldn't be entirely
canuckcrazed007 Skip Skyhook
true. The following people deserve credit as well:
Chris Trevas Smokeh
THE SW5E JEDI COUNCIL: CloneCommanderNeyo Solo: A Star Wars Story The
Karbacca for the epic cover and SW5e logo O cial Guide
LordAelfric for the awesome theme Cristi Balanescu
Stormchaser6 for his help with the Starships book Dangerous Covenants
DarkMesa for writing almost as many archetypes as I Dark Arcanine
have at this point Star Wars Battlefront
Speedreeder for the epic new website Dark Dream
Star Wars Character
Grelite for all his help with editing and creation Darren Tan
Tomato-andrew for his immense help with the Dave Seeley
enhanced items Star Wars Encyclopedia of
Fynikz for his help overhauling and implementing new David Kegg Star ghters and Other
powers David Nash Vehicles
Playking57 for his help with the artwork Diogo Saito Stu Cunningham
DrakeRyzer for his work on polishing factions and ships Terryl Whitlatch
Toddmoonbounce for his help getting the book ready echostain
for printing Eiluvision The New Essential Guide to
Legobis for creating a whole bunch of monsters Droids
Tyrzaphir for the epic new character creator The New Essential Guide to
Zheadings for his help with content review and Fantasy Flight Games Vehicles and Vessels
subreddit moderation Gregory Vlasenko Weasyl
Aeryn for the awesome new podcast (with Hui Zou Whitelight369
toddmoonbounce, of course)
Hugehuman for his awesome help with archetypes and Jacob Blackmon William O'Connor
content Jake Murray
Mishy for his excellent work on the Dawn of De ance
Heresy for their excellent work with species
Bob the Builder for his work on strongholds and feats
Vesh for making monsters and answering questions
And, of course:
Lucas lm and Lucasarts, for Star Wars itself.
This conversion has been a labor of love of mine since CHAPTER 6: CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS
2015. Back when I was a edgling GM, I undertook the New multiclassing requirements/pro ciencies
foolish e ort of attempting the rst version of this Spell point variant with di erent multiclassing
overhaul, which was comically terrible. It featured four Fighting styles have been completely changed, with
classes, which were just severely bastardized versions paired ghting masteries
of their traditional 5e counterparts. Lots more feats
This version of the Player's Handbook, which is now
o cially complete, took me about two years and 2,000 CHAPTER 7: USING ABILITY SCORES
or so hours. I've had some help from various sources Generally the same, with the exception of skills;
(who have beeen credited accordingly), but for the Arcana, History, and Religion have been collapsed into
most part this has come from mine own brain. Lore, with Piloting and Technology being new skills.
This book is designed to parallel the o cial D&D 5e
Player's Handbook. It includes all the relevant chapters, CHAPTER 8: ADVENTURING
reskinned to t a Star Wars setting. The signi cant Minor changes to better t the galaxy at large.
deviations are featured here.
WHAT'S DIFFERENT? Lots of changes here: Two-Weapon Fighting with guns,
While this expansion utilizes the base rules of 5th Double-Weapon Fighting, damage type changes, and
Edition, there are signi cant di erences that will be more.
illustrated here, broken down by chapter. There is
more information in each chapter, as per the SRD. CHAPTER 10:
There are several changes in this section:
This chapter explains step-by-step character building,
as exempli ed by Han Solo. Spells are now called powers.
Cantrips are now called at-will powers.
CHAPTER 2: SPECIES My own interpretation and simpli cation of the spell
Races relabeled to species, all of which are brand new. point variant from the DMG. Basically, casting a power
at a given level costs that level + 1 points.
CHAPTER 3: CLASSES Spellcasting has been separated into force- and tech-
There are ten classes. Berserker, ghter, monk, and casting.
operative are similar to their 5e counterparts. Scout is Forcecasting uses Wisdom/Charisma and Force
a heavily modi ed ranger. Engineer is based o Points, which regenerate on a long rest.
arti cer, but extrapolated to be a full caster. Guardian Techcasting uses Intelligence and Tech Points, which
is based o of paladin, and consular is based o of regenerate on a short rest.
sorcerer, with changes to better t a force-wielder. While a character can have both force- and tech-
Sentinel is a reimagining of a bard, but as a 2/3 caster. casting, they are kept completely separate.
Scholar is a brand new class. The number of known at-will powers and 1st-level and
higher powers are no longer separate.
Backgrounds feature one major di erence; each
background also o ers a choice of feat. This helps
players realize their characters in a more personal Chapter 11 has been broken down into two chapters to
fashion. keep force and tech powers separate.
HE DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS ROLEPLAYING GAME IS ABOUT of a Force-wielder's shock, or pull o some other
storytelling in worlds of swords and sorcery. It dangerous task. Anything is possible, but the dice
shares elements with childhood games of make- make some outcomes more probable than others.
believe. Like those games, D&D is driven by In the Star Wars DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game, each
imagination. It's about picturing the towering castle player creates an adventurer (also called a character)
beneath the stormy night sky and imagining how a and teams up with other adventurers (played by
fantasy adventurer might react to the challenges that friends). Working together, the group might explore a
scene presents. planet-encompassing city like Coruscant, the wilds of
This overhaul is designed as a Star Wars reskinning Kashyyyk, or the war-torn expanse of Oricon. The
of the core DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS experience. The rules adventurers can solve puzzles, talk with other
are generally the same, and so an experienced player characters, battle the legendary Jedi or Sith, and
of 5th Edition should have no trouble jumping right in discover special modi ed items and other treasure.
to a Star Wars themed campaign. For the less One player, however, takes on the role of the Game
experienced player, this Introduction will cover the Master (GM), the game's lead storyteller and referee.
basics of the 5th Edition of DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, The GM creates adventures for the characters, who
appropriately reskinned for the setting. navigate its hazards and decide which paths to explore.
The GM might describe the entrance to a Black Sun
commpound, and the players decide what they want
Game Master (GM): After traveling the streets of their adventurers to do. Will they charge in, guns
Nar Shaddaa, you nd yourself at the blazing? Convince the guardsmen they belong there?
entrance to the Black Sun compound. Security Or use other means to nd an entrance?
cameras scan the surrounding area, and a
Then the GM determines the results of the
cadre of bored looking guardsmen wait
impatiently by the door. Two twi'lek urchins
adventurers' actions and narrates what they
plead for handouts from the Black Sun experience. Because the GM can improvise to react to
mercenaries, only to be yelled at and pushed anything the players attempt, D&D is in nitely exible,
away. A shimmering barrier covers the and each adventure can be exciting and unexpected.
entrance to the compound, with a manned The game has no real end; when one story or quest
security console on its left side. wraps up, another one can begin, creating an ongoing
Rickey (playing Vinto): I want to talk my way into story called a campaign. Many people who play the
the compound. I approach the guards. game keep their campaigns going for months or years,
meeting with their friends every week or so to pick up
Drew (playing Dash): I want to throw a grenade
the story where they left o . The adventurers grow in
and then shoot them all.
might as the campaign continues. Each force defeated,
Erik (playing Kodo): ... each adventure completed, and each relic recovered
not only adds to the continuing story, but also earns
the adventurers new capabilities. This increase in
Unlike a game of make-believe, D&D gives structure to power is re ected by an adventurer's level.
the stories, a way of determining the consequences of There's no winning and losing in any DUNGEONS AND
the adventurers' action. Players roll dice to resolve DRAGONS game—at least, not the way those terms are
whether their attacks hit or miss or whether their usually understood. Together, the GM and the players
adventurers can scale a cli , roll away from the strike create an exciting story of bold adventurers who
confront deadly perils. Sometimes an adventurer might
come to a grisly end, torn apart by ferocious monsters
Game Master (GM): OK, one at a time. Rickey,
you're approaching the guardsmen?
or done in by a nefarious villain. Even so, the other
adventurers can beseech a powerful Jedi to revive their
Rickey: Yeah. Do they seem to be doing fallen comrade, or the player might choose to create a
new character to carry on. The group might fail to
GM: Make a Wisdom check. complete an adventure successfully, but if everyone
Rickey: Does my Perception skill apply? had a good time and created a memorable story, they
all win.
GM: Sure!
Rickey (rolling a d20): Ugh. Seven. WORLDS OF ADVENTURE
GM: You can see a couple of them crouching The many worlds of the Star Wars DUNGEONS AND
over the ground but you can't make out what DRAGONS game are places of mysticism and monsters, of
they're doing. And Drew, Dash is prepping a brave warriors and spectacular adventures. They begin
grenade? with a foundation of science ction and fantasy and
Drew: Yup! then add the creatures, places, and mystery that make
GM: Okay. Eric, what's Kodo doing? these worlds unique.
Eric: ...
Naturally, this conversion is designed to explore the Sometimes, resolving a task is easy. If an adventurer
myriad worlds of the Star Wars universe. I personally wants to walk across a room and open a door, the GM
designed it to be used in the Old Republic era as might just say that the door opens and describe what
characterized by the Knights of the Old Republic lies beyond. But the door might be locked, the oor
games and The Old Republic MMORPG. Utilizing this might hide a deadly trap, or some other circumstance
timeframe allows greater justi cation for a prevalence might make it challenging for an adventurer to
of force-wielders. complete a task. In those cases, the GM decides what
All these worlds share characteristics, but each world happens, often relying on the roll of a die to determine
is set apart by its own history and cultures, distinctive the results of an action.
monsters and species, fantastic geography, ancient 3. The GM narrates the results of the adventurers'
ruins, and scheming villains. Some worlds are actions. Describing the results often leads to another
dominated by one great story, like the Separatists' war decision point, which brings the ow of the game right
on Ord Mantell. Ultimately they're all Star Wars worlds, back to step 1.
and you can use the rules in this book to create a This pattern holds whether the adventurers are
character and play in any one of them. cautiously exploring a ruin, talking to a devious noble,
Your GM might set the campaign on one of these or locked in mortal combat against a mighty rancor. In
worlds or on one that he or she created. Because there certain situations, particularly combat, the action is
is so much diversity among the worlds of Star Wars, more structured and the players (and GM) do take
you should check with your GM about any house rules turns choosing and resolving actions. But most of the
that will a ect your play of the game. Ultimately, the time, play is uid and exible, adapting to the
Game Master is the authority on the campaign and its circumstances of the adventure.
setting, even if the setting is a canon world. Often the action of an adventure takes place in the
imagination of the players and GM, relying on the GM's
USING THIS BOOK verbal descriptions to set the scene. Some GMs like to
The Player's Handbook is divided into twelve chapters. use music, art, or recorded sound e ects to help set
Chapters 1-6 are about creating a character, the mood, and many players and GMs alike adopt
providing the rules and guidance you need to make the di erent voices for the various adventurers, monsters,
character you'll play in the game. It includes and other characters they play in the game.
information on the various species, classes, Sometimes, a GM might lay out a map and use tokens
backgrounds, equipment, and other customization or miniature gures to represent each creature
options that you can choose from. Many of the rules in involved in a scene to help the players keep track of
these chapters rely on material found later in the book. where everyone is.
If you come across a game concept that you don't
understand, consult the book's table of contents.
Chapters 7-9 details the rules of how to play the The game uses polyhedral dice with di erent numbers
game, beyond the basics described in this introduction. of sides. You can nd dice like these in game stores
It covers the kinds of die rolls you make to determine and in many bookstores.
success or failure at the tasks your character attempts, In these rules, the di erent dice are referred to by
and describes the three broad categories of activity in the letter d followed by the number of sides: d4, d6, d8,
the game: exploration, interaction, and combat. d 10, d12, and d20. For instance, a d6 is a six-sided die
Chapters 10-12 is all about the Force and (the typical cube that many games use).
technology. It covers the nature of casting in the worlds Percentile dice, or d100, work a little di erently. You
of Star Wars, the rules for them, and the huge variety generate a number between 1 and 100 by rolling two
of powers available to characters in the game. di erent ten-sided dice numbered from 0 to 9. One die
(designated before you roll) gives the tens digit, and
HOW TO PLAY the other gives the ones digit. If you roll a 7 and a 1, for
example, the number rolled is 71. Two 0s represent
The play of the DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game unfolds
100. Some ten-sided dice are numbered in tens (00, 10,
according to this basic pattern.
20, and so on), making it easier to distinguish the tens
1. The GM describes the environment. The GM
digit from the ones digit. In this case, a roll of 70 and 1
tells the players where their adventurers are and
is 71, and 00 and 0 is 100.
what's around them, presenting the basic scope of
When you need to roll dice, the rules tell you how
options that present themselves (how many doors lead
many dice to roll of a certain type, as well as what
out of a room, what's on a table, who's in the cantina,
modi ers to add. For example, "3d8 + 5" means you
and so on).
roll three eight-sided dice, add them together, and add
2. The players describe what they want to do.
5 to the total.
Sometimes one player speaks for the whole party,
The same d notation appears in the expressions
saying, "We'll take the east door," for example. Other
"1d3" and "1d2." To simulate the roll of 1d3, roll a d6
times, di erent adventurers do di erent things: one
and divide the number rolled by 2 (round up). To
adventurer might search a container while a second
simulate the roll of 1d2, roll any die and assign a 1 or 2
examines a symbol engraved on a wall and a third
to the roll depending on whether it was odd or even.
keeps watch for enemies. The players don't need to
(Alternatively, if the number rolled is more than half
take turns, but the GM listens to every player and
the number of sides on the die, it's a 2.)
decides how to resolve those actions.
Does an adventurer's vibroblade swing hurt a rancor or This book contains rules, especially in parts 2 and 3,
just bounce o its leathery hide? Will the guard believe that govern how the game plays. That said, many
an outrageous blu ? Can a character swim across a special traits, class features, powers, unique items,
raging river? Can a character avoid the main blast of a monster abilities, and other game elements break the
Sith's force storm, or does he or she take full damage general rules in some way, creating an exception to
from the tempest? In cases where the outcome of an how the rest of the game works. Remember this: If a
action is uncertain, the DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game speci c rule contradicts a general rule, the speci c rule
relies on rolls of a 20-sided die, a d20, to determine wins.
success or failure. Exceptions to the rules are often minor. For instance,
Every character and monster in the game has many adventurers don't have pro ciency with sniper
capabilities de ned by six ability scores. The abilities ri es, but every Chiss does because of a special trait.
are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, That trait creates a minor exception in the game. Other
Wisdom, and Charisma, and they typically range from 3 examples of rule-breaking are more conspicuous. For
to 18 for most adventurers. (Monsters might have instance, an adventurer can't normally leap 30 feet, but
scores as low as 1 or as high as 30.) These ability some powers make that possible. The Force and
scores, and the ability modifiers derived from them, technology account for most of the major exceptions
are the basis for almost every d20 roll that a player to the rules.
makes on a character's or monster's behalf.
Ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws are the ROUND DOWN
three main kinds of d20 rolls, forming the core of the There's one more general rule you need to know at the
rules of the game. All three follow these simple steps. outset. Whenever you divide a number in the game,
1. Roll the die and add a modifier. Roll a d20 and round down if you end up with a fraction, even if the
add the relevant modi er. This is typically the modi er fraction is one-half or greater, unless the feature says
derived from one of the six ability scores, and it otherwise.
sometimes includes a pro ciency bonus to re ect a
character's particular skill. (See chapter 1 for details on ADVENTURES
each ability and how to determine an ability's The DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game consists of a group of
modi er.) characters embarking on an adventure that the Game
2. Apply circumstantial bonuses and penalties. A Master presents to them. Each character brings
class feature, a power, a particular circumstance, or particular capabilities to the adventure in the form of
some other e ect might give a bonus or penalty to the ability scores and skills, class features, special traits,
check. equipment, and special items. Every character is
3. Compare the total to a target number. If the di erent, with various strengths and weaknesses, so
total equals or exceeds the target number, the ability the best party of adventurers is one in which the
check, attack roll, or saving throw is a success. characters complement each other and cover the
Otherwise, it's a failure. The GM is usually the one who weaknesses of their companions. The adventurers
determines target numbers and tells players whether must cooperate to successfully complete the
their ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws adventure.
succeed or fail. The adventure is the heart of the game, a story with
The target number for an ability check or a saving a beginning, a middle, and an end. An adventure might
throw is called a Difficulty Class (DC). The target be created by the Game Master or purchased o the
number for an attack roll is called an Armor Class (AC). shelf, tweaked and modi ed to suit the GM's needs
Chapter 7 provides more detailed rules for using the and desires. In either case, an adventure features a
d20 in the game. wonderous setting, whether it's an underground
enclave, a crumbling temple, a stretch of wilderness, or
ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE a bustling city. It features a rich cast of characters: the
Sometimes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw adventurers created and played by the other players at
is modi ed by special situations called advantage and the table, as well as nonplayer characters (NPCs).
disadvantage. Advantage re ects the positive Those characters might be patrons, allies, enemies,
circumstances surrounding a d20 roll, while hirelings, or just background extras in an adventure.
disadvantage re ects the opposite. When you have Often, one of the NPCs is a villain whose agenda drives
either advantage or disadvantage, you roll a second much of an adventure's action.
d20 when you make the roll. Use the higher of the two
rolls if you have advantage, and use the lower roll if
you have disadvantage. For example, if you have
disadvantage and roll a 17 and a 5, you use the 5. If
you instead have advantage and roll those numbers,
you use the 17. More detailed rules for advantage and
disadvantage are presented in chapter 7. This simple
rule governs the resolution of most tasks in D&D play.
Over the course of their adventures, the characters are Adventurers can try to do anything their players can
confronted by a variety of creatures, objects, and imagine, but it can be helpful to talk about their
situations that they must deal with in some way. activities in three broad categories: exploration, social
Sometimes the adventurers and other creatures do interaction, and combat.
their best to kill or capture each other in combat. At
other times, the adventurers talk to another creature EXPLORATION
(or even a mystical object) with a goal in mind. And Exploration includes both the adventurers' movement
often, the adventurers spend time trying to solve a through the world and their interaction with objects
puzzle, bypass an obstacle, nd something hidden, or and situations that require their attention. Exploration
unravel the current situation. Meanwhile, the is the give-and-take of the players describing what they
adventurers explore the world, making decisions about want their characters to do, and the Game Master
which way to travel and what they'll try to do next. telling the players what happens as a result. On a large
Adventures vary in length and complexity. A short scale, that might involve the characters spending a day
adventure might present only a few challenges, and it crossing the deserts of Tatooine or an hour making
might take no more than a single game session to their way through the winding passages of an
complete. A long adventure can involve hundreds of abandoned base. On the smallest scale, it could mean
combats, interactions, and other challenges, and take one character ipping a switch in a room to see what
dozens of sessions to play through, stretching over happens.
weeks or months of real time. Usually, the end of an SOCIAL INTERACTION
adventure is marked by the adventurers heading back Social interaction features the adventurers talking to
to safety to rest and enjoy the spoils of their labors. someone (or something) else. It might mean
But that's not the end of the story. You can think of demanding that a captured scout reveal the least well
an adventure as a single episode of a TV series, made guarded entrance to the mercenary base, getting
up of multiple exciting scenes. A campaign is the whole information from a rescued prisoner, pleading for
series—a string of adventures joined together, with a mercy from the leader of a group of criminals, or
consistent group of adventurers following the narrative persuading an informant to garner information about
from start to nish. a distant location.
The rules in chapters 7 and 8 support exploration
and social interaction, as do many class features in
Few Star Wars adventures end without interacting with chapter 3 and personality traits in chapter 4.
a force- or tech-caster. Whether helpful or harmful,
powers appear frequently in the life of an adventurer, COMBAT
and it is the focus of chapters 10, 11, and 12. Combat, the focus of chapter 9, involves characters
In the worlds of Star Wars, practitioners of the Force and other creatures swinging weapons, casting
are uncommon, set apart from the masses of people powers, maneuvering for position, and so on—all in an
by their extraordinary talent. e ort to defeat their opponents, whether that means
For adventurers, though, the Force and technology killing every enemy, taking captives, or forcing a rout.
are key to their survival. Without the healing prowess Combat is the most structured element of a D&D
of a Jedi or a sawbones, adventurers would quickly session, with creatures taking turns to make sure that
succumb to their wounds. Without the uplifting everyone gets a chance to act. Even in the context of a
support of a scholar, soldiers might be overwhelmed pitched battle, there's still plenty of opportunity for
by powerful foes. Without the sheer power and adventurers to attempt wacky stunts like sur ng down
versatility of a consular, every threat would be a ight of stairs on a shield, to examine the
magni ed tenfold. environment (perhaps by ipping a mysterious switch),
The Force and technology are also a favored tool of and to interact with other creatures, including allies,
villains. Many adventures are driven by the enemies, and neutral parties.
machinations of casters who are hell-bent on using
power for some ill end. A mercenary leader subjugates
the surrounding community, a renegade Sith saps the
life from their victims, a vindictive droid takes over a
space station with the intent of destroying its
oppressors—these are just a few of the threats that
adventurers might face. With power of their own, in the
form of the Force and special items, the adventurers
might prevail!
OUR FIRST STEP IN PLAYING AN ADVENTURER IN THE These traits sometimes dovetail with the capabilities of
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game is to imagine and certain classes (see step 2). For example, the special
create a character of your own. Your character is a traits of Lanniks make them exceptional consulars, and
combination of game statistics, roleplaying hooks, and Jawas tend to be powerful engineers. Sometimes
your imagination. You choose a species (such as playing against type can be fun, too. Ugnaught soldiers
human or twi'lek) and a class (such as sentinel or and Wookiee sentinels, for example, can be unusual
scout). You also invent the personality, appearance, but memorable characters.
and backstory of your character. Once completed, your Your species also increases one or more of your
character serves as your representative in the game, ability scores, which you determine in step 3. Note
your avatar in the Star Wars galaxy. these increases and remember to apply them later.
Before you dive into step 1 below, think about the Record the traits granted by your species on your
kind of adventurer you want to play. You might be a character sheet. Be sure to note your starting
courageous ghter, a skulking scoundrel, a fervent languages and your base speed as well.
consular, or a cruel guardian. Or you might be more
interested in an unconventional character, such as a Building Han Solo, Step 1
brawny scoundrel who likes hand-to-hand combat, or a Since Han Solo is a human, we record all the special
sharpshooter who picks o enemies from afar. Do you traits of humans on our character, including his speed
like non-Human species like Twi'leks or Wookiees? Try of 30 feet and the languages he knows: Galactic Basic
building a character of one of those species. Do you and Shyriiwook.
want your character to be the toughest adventurer at
the table? Consider the ghter class. If you don't know 2. CHOOSE A CLASS
where else to begin, take a look at the illustrations in
any Star Wars book to see what catches your interest. Every adventurer is a member of a class. Class broadly
Once you have a character in mind, follow these describes a character's vocation, what special talents
steps in order, making decisions that re ect the he or she possesses, and the tactics he or she is most
character you want. Your conception of your character likely to employ when exploring a city, ghting
might evolve with each choice you make. What's monsters, or engaging in a tense negotiation. The
important is that you come to the table with a character classes are described in the Classes chapter.
character you're excited to play. Your character receives a number of bene ts from
your choice of class. Many of these bene ts are class
Throughout this section, we use the term character
features — capabilities (including force- or tech-
sheet to mean whatever you use to track your
casting) that set your character apart from members of
character, whether it's a formal character sheet (like
other classes. You also gain a number of proficiencies:
the one at the end of these rules), some form of digital
armor, weapons, skills, saving throws, and sometimes
record, or a piece of notebook paper. An o cial D&D
tools. Your pro ciencies de ne many of the things your
character sheet is a ne place to start until you know
character can do particularly well, from using certain
what information you need and how you use it during
weapons to telling a convincing lie.
the game.
On your character sheet, record all the features that
your class gives you at 1st level.
Building Han Solo
Each step of character creation includes an example of LEVEL
that step, with a player building the iconic character Typically, a character starts at 1st level and advances in
Han Solo, as he is portrayed during the events of level by adventuring and gaining experience points
Episode IV. (XP). A 1st-level character is inexperienced in the
adventuring world, although he or she might have
1. CHOOSE A SPECIES been a soldier or a pirate and done dangerous things
Every character belongs to a species, one of the many before.
intelligent humanoid species in the Star Wars worlds. Starting o at 1st level marks your character's entry
The most common species in the galaxy is human, but into the adventuring life. If you're already familiar with
there are a myriad of near-Human species available for the game, or if you are joining an existing D&D
play, including the four-armed Besalisks, the cunning campaign, your GM might decide to have you begin at
Trandoshans, the dexterous Twi'leks, and the utilitarian a higher level, on the assumption that your character
droid. The Species chapter provides more information has already survived a few harrowing adventures.
about these species.
The species you choose contributes to your Quick Build
character's identity in an important way, by Each class description in the Classes section includes a
establishing a general appearance and the natural section o ering suggestions to quickly build a
talents gained from culture and ancestry. Your character of that class, including how to assign your
highest ability scores, a background suitable to the
character's species grants particular special traits, such class, and starting powers.
as special senses, pro ciency with certain weapons or
tools, pro ciency in one tools, pro ciency in one or
more skills, or the ability to use minor powers.
8 0 24-25 +7
9 1 26-27 +8
10 2 28-29 +9
11 3 30 +10
12 4
13 5
14 7
15 9
Character Advancement
Experience Points Level Pro ciency Bonus
0 1 +2
300 2 +2
900 3 +2
2,700 4 +2
6,500 5 +3
14,000 6 +3
23,000 7 +3
34,000 8 +3
48,000 9 +4
64,000 10 +4
85,000 11 +4
100,000 12 +4
120,000 13 +5
140,000 14 +5
165,000 15 +5
195,000 16 +5
225,000 17 +6
265,000 18 +6
305,000 19 +6
355,000 20 +6
Height 4'9" +2d6"
Weight 100 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Clak'dor VII
Language Bith
Skin Color Brown
Hair Color Black, brown, or gray (with age)
Eye Color Brown or green
Distinctions Diminutive stature, mood-sensitive fur
Height 4'3" +2d4"
Weight 60 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Bothawui
Language Bothese
Skin Color Gold to yellow-brown with dark stripes
Hair Color Brown, black, or grey
Eye Color Yellow or brown
Distinctions Lion-like features
Height 4'9" +2d12"
Weight 130 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Cathar
Language Catharese
Height 5'8" +2d8"
Weight 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Cerea
Language Cerean
Height 4'11" +2d10"
Weight 110 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Csilla
Language Cheunh
Skin Color Red, pink, brown, or white
Hair Color Brown, black, or white
Eye Color Black
Distinctions Horns or horn spots, long pointed ears
Height 4'10" +2d8"
Weight 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Devaron
Language Devaronese
Height 4'5 +2d10"
Weight 115 lb. x(2d4) lb. CLASS I DROID TRAITS
As a class I droid, you have the following special traits.
CREATION CHARACTERISTICS Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
Cybot Galactica increases by 2, and your Wisdom or Charisma score
Manufacturer increases by 1.
Industrial Automaton
Age. Droids don't age, though they require
Primary Language Varies based on location
maintenance to retain functionality.
Alignment. Droids tend toward no particular
alignment. The best and worst are found among them.
Size. Class I droids stand between 5 and 6 feet tall
PLAYERS AS DROIDS and weigh about 170 lbs. Regardless of your position in
Work with your GM to determine if playing as a droid
is appropriate for your campaign. Droids are
that range, your size is Medium.
impervious to many e ects and vulnerable to others. Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
If your GM approves this choice of species, Work with Type. Your creature type is droid.
them to determine your droids designation, name, Armor Integration. You can not wear armor, but you
and appearance. If you want to play a di erent type of can have the armor professionally integrated into your
droid, work with your GM to nd suitable traits to
chassis over the course of a long rest. This work must
realize your character.
be done by someone pro cient with astrotech's
implements. You must be pro cient in armor in order
to have it integrated.
Droid Resistances. You are resistant to necrotic,
poison, and psychic damage, and are immune to
poison and disease.
Droid Systems. You do not need to eat or drink.
APPEARANCE Additionally, you no longer require a tech focus to cast
Class I droids are typically vaguely human-like in both tech powers.
shape and size, standing at around 6 feet, although Droid Vulnerabilities. You are vulnerable to ion
some are smaller. They are usually a polished metallic damage. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving
color, though this can vary based on tasks for which throws against e ects that would deal ion or lightning
they are created, their a liation, or quirks of their damage.
owner. Force-Insensitive. While droids can be manipulated
by many force powers, they can not sense the Force.
UTILITY You can not use force powers or take levels in
Class I droids are programmed for the mathematical, forcecasting classes.
medical, or physical sciences. Subcategories of the rst Knowledge Protocol. You have pro ciency in two
degree are medical droids, biological science droids, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma skills of your choice.
physical science droids, and mathematics droids. Maintenance Mode. Rather than sleep, you must
Medical droids, also known as meddroids, med spend 3 hours performing routine maintenance during
droids, medical units or surgical droids are a type of a long rest to gain its bene ts, during which you have
droid designed to heal living beings, and are the most disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
commonly found Class I droids. Additionally, if your long rest would be interrupted, you
only need to complete the long rest instead of
NAMES restarting it.
Droids are typically called by their designation, given to Rapid Reconstruction. You are built with internal
them when they are created, or some a ectation given repair mechanisms. As a bonus action, you can choose
to them by their owner. Often this a ectation is a play to spend one of your Hit Dice to recover hit points.
on their designation. Occasionally, noteworthy droids Languages. You can speak, read, and write Galactic
will earn monikers based on their accomplishments. Basic and one language of your choice. You can
Designations (Names). 2MED2 (Toomedtoo), GH-7 understand spoken and written Binary, but you can not
(Geeaych-Seven), TX-20 (Tee-Ex Twenty) speak it.
Height 5'6" +2d4"
Weight 120 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Height 5'2" +2d8"
Weight 110 lb. x(2d4) lb.
As a class IV droid, you have the following special traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
CREATION CHARACTERISTICS increases by 2, and your Strength or Dexterity score
Holowan Mechanicals increases by 1.
Manufacturer Age. Droids don't age, though they require
Uxiol Droid Manufacturing
maintenance to retain functionality.
Primary Language Galactic Basic
Alignment. Droids tend toward no particular
alignment. The best and worst are found among them.
Size. Class IV droids typically stand between 5 and 7
feet and weigh about 150 lbs. Regardless of your
PLAYERS AS DROIDS position in that range, your size is Medium.
Work with your GM to determine if playing as a droid
is appropriate for your campaign. Droids are Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
impervious to many e ects and vulnerable to others. Type. Your creature type is droid.
If your GM approves this choice of species, Work with Armor Integration. You can not wear armor, but you
them to determine your droids designation, name, can have the armor professionally integrated into your
and appearance. If you want to play a di erent type of chassis over the course of a long rest. This work must
droid, work with your GM to nd suitable traits to
be done by someone pro cient with astrotech's
realize your character.
implements. You must be pro cient in armor in order
to have it integrated.
Droid Resistances. You are resistant to necrotic,
poison, and psychic damage, and are immune to
poison and disease.
Droid Systems. You do not need to eat or drink.
APPEARANCE Additionally, you no longer require a tech focus to cast
Class IV droids are typically human-like in both shape tech powers.
and size, though there are many advanced models Droid Vulnerabilities. You are vulnerable to ion
(such as droidekas) that forgo this standardization. damage. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving
They are usually colored to match their a liation, throws against e ects that would deal ion or lightning
though personally owned class IV droids might not be. damage.
Certain models of class IV droids, such as the HK- Force-Insensitive. While droids can be manipulated
series, are made to look like class III droids to disguise by many force powers, they can not sense the Force.
their martial nature. You can not use force powers or take levels in
forcecasting classes.
UTILITY Maintenance Mode. Rather than sleep, you must
Class IV droids are programmed for military and spend 3 hours performing routine maintenance during
security purposes. Such droids tend to perform tasks a long rest to gain its bene ts, during which you have
of violence or combat might be expected. Almost all disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
class IV droids carry weapons. Armed combat droids Additionally, if your long rest would be interrupted, you
are among the rst droids ever created. Security, only need to complete the long rest instead of
gladiator, battle, and assassin droids are all class IV restarting it.
droids. Martial Protocol. You have pro ciency with light and
medium armor as well as two simple or martial
NAMES blasters or vibroweapons of your choice.
Droids are typically called by their designation, given to Rapid Reconstruction. You are built with internal
them when they are created, or some a ectation given repair mechanisms. As a bonus action, you can choose
to them by their owner. Often this a ectation is a play to spend one of your Hit Dice to recover hit points.
on their designation. Occasionally, noteworthy droids Languages. You can speak, read, and write Galactic
will earn monikers based on their accomplishments. Basic and one language of your choice. You can
Designations (Names). K-2SO (Kay-Tuesso), PZ-99 understand spoken and written Binary, but you can not
(Peezee-Ninety-Nine), VL-44 (Vee-El Forty-Four) speak it.
Height 5'5" +2d10"
Weight 115 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Duro
Language Durese
Skin Color Brown
Hair Color Shades of white, brown, red, and black
Eye Color Black
Distinctions Furry, short stature, acute sense of smell
Height 2'9" +2d6"
Weight 40 lb. x1 lb.
Homeworld Forest Moon of Endor
Language Ewokese
As an Ewok, you have the following special traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases
Ewoks are sentient humanoid mammals, averaging Age. Ewoks reach adulthood in their early teens and
about one meter in height, which can provide an live about 50 years.
advantage when trying to hide. They are covered in fur Alignment. Ewoks are inherently accepting, albeit
from head to toe, with brown and black the most naive, and tend toward the light side, though there are
common colors. Other Ewoks have near-white or exceptions.
reddish fur, but red fur is supposedly the rarest shade Size. Ewoks stand between 3 and 4 feet tall and
an Ewok can get. Most Ewoks have solid-colored fur, weigh about 50 lbs. Regardless of your position in that
though a few sport stripes. Ewoks have large, bright range, your size is Small.
eyes, small humanoid noses, and hands that possess Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
two ngers and an opposable thumb. Despite their Crude Weapon Specialists. Ewoks are used to
small size, Ewoks are physically strong enough to making do with less. You can spend 1 hour, which you
overpower combat-trained Humans. Their appearance can do over the course of a short rest, crafting a
has been likened to "little bears," though they are weapon out of loose materials. You can craft any
sometimes referred to as "mini Wookiees." simple kinetic weapon, but the weapon's damage
su ers a -1 penalty.
SOCIETY AND CULTURE Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom
Most Ewoks live high among the trees of the forest (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
moon, in villages built between the closely spaced Musical Culture. Ewoks incorporate music in their
trees. The basic design of a tree village has a "Central celebrations and rituals. You have pro ciency in an
Village" of thatched-roof huts on the primary limbs. instrument of your choice.
These huts are high enough above the ground to be Natural Survivalist. You have pro ciency in Nature
out of reach of predators. Suspended bridges connect and Survival.
the gaps between trees, adjoining distant huts. Knotted Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even
rope ladders allow access up or down. when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy
Ewoks enjoy singing and playing music during rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
celebrations and rituals. They are resourceful and tend Treeclimber. You have a climbing speed of 25 feet.
to make use of everything they get their hands on; they You have advantage on Strength saving throws and
use a variety of crude drums, horns, utes, and other Strength (Athletics) checks that involve climbing.
instruments in their music. Undersized. Your small stature makes it hard for
you to wield bigger weapons. You can't use heavy
NAMES shields. Additionally, you can't use martial weapons
Ewok names are comprised of growled consonants. with the two-handed property unless it also has the
Female names always end in a vowel. Surnames are light property, and if a martial weapon has the versatile
clan-based. property, you can only wield it in two hands.
Male Names. Coostick, Erphek, Grarphil, Moodoo Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ewokese.
Female Names. Booshi, Chela, Fesasha, Lipe, Ypezzi You can understand spoken and written Galactic Basic,
Surnames. Fedrimra, Jellyng, Moomrack, Trantelaa but your vocal cords do not allow you to speak it.
Height 4'10" +2d8"
Weight 150 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Homeworld Gamorr
Language Gamorrese
Height 5'5" +2d10"
Weight 115 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Naboo
Language Gungan
Height 4'8" +2d10"
Weight 110 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Coruscant
Language Galactic Basic
Skin Color Brown, dark red or green
Hair Color Brown, gray, or white
Eye Color Black or blue
Curved neck, two mouths, aural aps,
locomotion tubes, throat sack
Height 5'9" +2d12"
Weight 135 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Ithor
Language Ithorese
Skin Color Orange, red
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black, silver
Rebreathers to survive in oxygen
Height 4'6" +2d12"
Weight 80 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Dorin
Language Kel Dor
Reddish brown, brown, red, cyan,
Skin Color
mottle, salmon, gold, blue, grey, or white
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow, orange, blue, or gray
Large, goggle-like eyes, high-domed
heads, webbed hands
Height 4'9" +2d8"
Weight 100 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Mon Cala
Language Mon Cal
Skin Color Blue, brown, green, purple, or grey
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black, brown, or red
Extrasensory head tentacles capable of
detecting chemicals
Height 5'1" +2d8"
Weight 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Glee Anselm
Language Nautila
Height 4'9" +2d10"
Weight 115 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Rodia
Language Rodese
Skin Color Black or red
Hair Color Black, brown, gray, red, or white
Eye Color Orange, red, or yellow
Tentacle facial appendages, often wear
jewelry or have tattoos, bone spurs
Height 4'8" +2d10"
Weight 110 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Korriban
Language Sith
Blue, green, orange, purple, red, white,
Skin Color
or yellow
Hair Color None
Black, blue, green, orange, purple,
Eye Color
yellow, or red
Sharp canine teeth, two montrals, three
or four head-tails
Height 4'9" +2d8"
Weight 115 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Shili
Language Togruti
Skin Color Green, yellow, brown, orange, red
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow, orange
Reptilian, scaly skin, regenerative
Height 5'5" +2d12"
Weight 130 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Homeworld Trandosha
Language Dosh
Skin Color Brown, gray, or tan
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Pale gray or black
Full-body wrappings, goggles, mouth
Height 4'9" +2d8"
Weight 110 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Tatooine
Language Tusken
As a Tusken, you have the following special traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2, and your Strength or Charisma score
While Tuskens, also known as Tusken Raiders or Sand Age. Tuskens are considered adults when they turn
People, are easily recognizable by their full-body 15. Because of the harsh and unforgiving climate of
clothing, goggles, and mouth lters, little of their true their home world, they rarely live longer than half a
physical appearance can be discerned. From birth, century.
Tuskens are covered in wraps, and, barring very rare Alignment. Tusken culture's violent focus and
occasions, will not bare any part of their skin in sight of disregard of those outside the tribe causes them to
another person. This, combined with their hostility to tend towards chaotic dark side, though there are
outsiders and Tatooine's remote and arid nature, exceptions.
makes even study of Tusken corpses di cult. Size. Tusken stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and
weigh around 155 lbs. Regardless of your position in
SOCIETY AND CULTURE that range, your size is Medium.
Tuskens are a primative, tribal race, mostly living in Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
small clans scattered throughout Tatooine's deserts. Aggressive. As a bonus action, you can move up to
Due to the harsh and unforgiving desert environment, your speed toward an enemy of your choice that you
Tusken clans are often xenophobic and territorial, but can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the
it is not unknown for them to adopt members of other enemy than you started.
species into the clan. They believe that all water is Animal Handler. You are pro cient in Animal
sacred and promised to them alone, and are infamous Handling.
among the other residents of Tatooine for raiding and Intimidating Roar. Once per day, you can cast the
pillaging settlements and farms. fear force power. Charisma is your forcecasting ability
Tusken clans are usually very strati ed, with males as for this power.
hunters and warriors, while females and children Survivors of the Sands. You are pro cient in
maintain the camp. Tusken warriors hold their bond Survival. Additionally, you don't treat desert terrain as
with their gader i weapons and Bantha mounts as di cult terrain. Lastly, you are naturally adapted to hot
sacred, and will choose death before relinquishing climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon
either. Master's Guide.
Tusken Weaponry. You have pro ciency with the
NAMES slugthrower and vibromace.
Tusken naming traditions vary between clans, but most Languages. You can speak, read, and write Galactic
are made up of harsh, guttural sounds. Tuskens do not Basic and Tusken. Tusken is a guttural language
use surnames. characterized by its barks, growls, and roars. While
Male Names. Ur Ur, A'Koba, Qeruru'rr, Gr'Karr Tuskens typically understand Galactic Basic, it is rare to
Female Names. K'Yark, Reirin, K'Orou, Ursarr'u hear them speak anything but Tusken.
Height 5'3" +2d12"
Weight 125 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Ryloth
Language Twi'leki
Skin Color Brown, gray, red, or yellow
Hair Color Black or blond
Eye Color Black, gold, or gray
Tough, leathery skin that provided
resistance to blaster re
Height 5'5" +2d8"
Weight 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Sriluur
Language Sriluurian
Height 6'3" +2d12"
Weight 190 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Homeworld Kashyyyk
Language Shyriiwook
As a wookiee, you have the following special traits.
BIOLOGY AND APPEARANCE Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases
Wookiees are a tall species of furry giants from the by 1.
planet Kashyyyk, who can grow to a height of over Age. Wookiees reach adulthood at about 40 and can
eight feet. They are covered from head to toe in a thick, live to be 400.
shaggy coat of hair with water-shedding properties Alignment. Wookiees tend toward the light side,
that notably came in shades of brown, black, gray, and though there are exceptions.
white. The species has two sexes, female and male. Size. Wookiees tend to tower over other species,
The latter grows long beards in adult life. Wookiee eye reaching heights over 8 feet and weighing 300 pounds.
colors are usually blue, green, yellow, golden, brown, Regardless of your position in that range, your size is
or red. Medium.
SOCIETY AND CULTURE Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Claws. Your claws are a natural weapon, which you
Wookiees greatly value honor and loyalty. Therefore, can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them,
their notion of "family" encompassed much more than you deal kinetic damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength
just blood ties. A part of that most sacred tradition was modi er.
the social institution of life debt: when a wookiee's life Darkvision. Your vision can easily cut through
was saved by someone else, regardless of the species, darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
they would frequently devote themselves to a lifetime as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
of service to their savior and their family. Through the dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only
mechanism of the life debt, the People of the Trees shades of gray.
used to develop unbreakable bonds with their boon Hide. You have a thick hide. While you are
companions and true friends, forming a "honor unarmored or wearing light armor, your AC is 13 + your
family." Dexterity modi er. Additionally, your thick hide is
NAMES naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in
chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Wookiee names are diverse; some names are simple Powerful Build. Your carrying capacity and the
and short while others are long and complicated. The weight you can push, drag, or lift doubles. If it would
majority of names often have softer big sounds and already double, it instead triples.
more melodic tones to them. Since o worlders have Treeclimber. You have a climbing speed of 30 feet.
trouble using wookiees' real names, they often adopt You have advantage on Strength saving throws and
simpler nicknames to go by. Strength (Athletics) checks that involve climbing.
Male Names. Fubbodrrl, Gurrfupayyc, Kioerrr, Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Lavgae oak, Snrowbishutchuh, Zu aarkaykkk Shyriiwook. You can understand spoken and written
Female Names. Bulabba, Bonbaegnh, Hopakleupo, Galactic Basic, but your vocal cords do not allow you to
Keumnebheu, Onninh, Osstatiemmyock speak it.
Pale to dark brown, red, orange and
Skin Color
Hair Color Black, blonde, brown, red, or purple
Yellow, green, orange, brown, blue, red,
Eye Color
or purple
Distinctions Horns, two hearts, facial tattoos
Height 5'1" +2d12"
Weight 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Homeworld Iridonia or Dathomir
Language Zabraki
DVENTURERS ARE EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE, DRIVEN BY A THIRST Adventurers sometimes advance in more than one
for excitement into a life that others would never class. An operative might switch direction in life and
dare lead. They are heroes, compelled to explore the become an engineer. A berserker might discover latent
dark places of the world and take on the challenges force sensitivity and dabble in the guardian class while
that lesser women and men can't stand against. continuing to advance as a berserker. Sith purebloods
Class is the primary de nition of what your character are known to combine martial mastery with force
can do. It's more than a profession; it's your character's training and advance as ghters and consulars
calling. Class shapes the way you think about the world simultaneously. Optional rules for combining classes in
and interact with it and your relationship with other this way, called multiclassing, appear in chapter 6.
people and powers in the galaxy. A ghter, for
example, might view the world in pragmatic terms of Many classes and archetypes add material costs to
strategy and maneuvering, and see herself as just a obtain features integral to the class while most others
pawn in a much larger game. A consular, by contrast, don't. Your GM can choose to waive the time and cost
component if they choose to do so.
might see himself as a willing servant of the Force.
Additionally, certain classes and subclasses will
While the ghter has contacts in a mercenary company often nd themselves with a singular force or tech
or army, the consular might know a number of Jedi or point, with which they can do nothing. Any character
Sith who share his faith. with the force- or tech-casting feature also gains the
Your class gives you a variety of special features, following feature:
such as a ghter's mastery of weapons and armor, and When you fail an ability check, if you added your
an engineer's powers. At low levels, your class gives pro ciency bonus to the check and you did not have
you only two or three features, but as you advance in advantage or disadvantage, you can spend 1 force or
tech point to reroll the die. You can only use this
level you gain more and your existing features often feature once per ability check, and you must use the
improve. Each class entry in this chapter includes a new roll.
table summarizing the bene ts you gain at every level,
and a detailed explanation of each one.
Choose from the following class options:
Hit Primary Saving Throw
Class Description Die Ability Pro ciencies
Berserker Melee combatant who utilizes rage to increase prowess d12 Strength Strength & Constitution
Consular Force-wielder who focuses on utilizing force powers d6 Wisdom Wisdom & Charisma
Engineer Tech caster who enhances items to bene t allies d8 Intelligence Constitution & Intelligence
Fighter Versatile combatant who excels at both range and in melee d10 Strength Strength & Constitution
Guardian Force-wielder specializing in melee combat d10 Strength Constitution & Charisma
Monk Unarmed combatant who uses focus to fuel abilities d8 Dexterity Strength & Dexterity
Operative Controller who focuses on stealth and techniques d8 Dexterity Dexterity & Intelligence
Scholar Academic who uses wits and allies to control the battle eld d8 Intelligence Wisdom & Intelligence
Scout Versatile combatant who blends tech powers with weapons d10 Dexterity Strength & Dexterity
Sentinel Force-wielder who blends melee combat with the Force d8 Dexterity Dexterity & Charisma
his vibroaxe. With a roar he charges at the pair of
trandoshans who dared poach his kin.
A gamorrean snarls at the latest challenger to his
authority over their savage tribe, ready to break his
neck with his bare hands as he did to the last six rivals.
Frothing at the mouth, a nikto slams his helmet into
the face of his foe, then turns to drive his armored
elbow into the gut of another.
These berserkers, di erent as they might be, are
de ned by their rage: unbridled, unquenchable, and
unthinking fury. More than a mere emotion, their
anger is the ferocity of a cornered predator, the
unrelenting assault of a storm, the churning turmoil of
the sea. For every berserker, rage is a power that fuels
not just a battle frenzy but also uncanny re exes,
resilience, and feats of strength.
People of towns and cities take pride in how their
civilized ways set them apart from animals, as if
denying one's own nature was a mark of
superiority. To a berserker, though,
civilization is no virtue, but a sign
of weakness. The strong embrace their
animal nature keen instincts, primal physicality, and
ferocious rage. Berserkers are uncomfortable when
hedged in by walls and crowds. They thrive where the
civilized don't.
Berserkers come alive in the chaos of combat. They
can enter a berserk state where rage takes over, giving
them superhuman strength and resilience. A berserker
can draw on this reservoir of fury only a few times
without resting, but those few rages are usually
su cient to defeat whatever threats arise.
When creating a berserker character, think about
where your character comes from and his or her place
in the world. Talk with your GM about an appropriate
origin for your berserker. Did you come from a remote
planet, making you a stranger in the area of the
A LIFE OF DANGER campaign? Or is the campaign set in a rough-and-
tumble frontier where berserkers are common?
Not every person deemed "berserkers" by scions of What led you to take up the adventuring life? Were
civilized society has the berserker class. A true you lured to settled planets by the promise of riches?
berserker among these people is as uncommon as a Did you join forces with soldiers of those lands to face
skilled ghter in a town, and he or she plays a similar a shared threat? Did monsters or an invading horde
role as a protector of the people and a leader in times drive you out of your homeland, making you a rootless
of war. Life in the wild places of the world is fraught refugee? Perhaps you were a prisoner of war, brought
with peril: rival tribes, deadly weather, and terrifying in chains to "civilized" lands and only now able to win
monsters. Berserkers charge headlong into that your freedom. Or you might have been cast out from
danger so that their people don't have to. your people because of a crime you committed, a
Their courage in the face of danger makes taboo you violated, or a coup that removed you from a
berserkers perfectly suited for adventuring. Wandering position of authority.
is often a way of life for their native tribes, and the
rootless life of the adventurer is little hardship for a QUICK BUILD
berserker. Some berserkers miss the close-knit family You can make a berserker quickly by following these
structures of the tribe, but eventually nd them suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in
replaced by the bonds formed among the members of Strength, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the
their adventuring parties. mercenary background.
As a berserker, you gain the follow class features.
Also at 3rd level, while raging, you gain the
following bene ts:
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack
made with a blaster weapon, you can reroll the die
and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1
or a 2.
You add your rage damage to damage rolls from
ranged weapon attacks using Strength.
You may only apply your rage damage to one
target when you use the burst property.
At 6th level, while raging, when you deal
damage with a blaster with which you
are pro cient, and you added your
Strength modi er to the damage roll,
you can use a bonus action to move up
to half your speed towards your target.
You must end this movement
closer to your target than you started. If
you end this movement within 5 feet of your target,
you can make one melee weapon attack with your
blaster as a part of this bonus action.
At 14th level, when you use the burst property
of a blaster with which are you pro cient, you
can apply your rage damage bonus to every
target that takes damage, instead of just one.
Additionally, when a creature fails the saving throw
against your burst or rapid property, it is knocked
At 6th level, weapons and the force are equally an
extension of your rage. While you are raging and you
use your action to cast a force power, you can make a
single melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Starting at 10th level, as a bonus action, you unleash a
battle cry infused with force energy. Choose up to ten
other creatures of within 60 feet of you that can hear
you. Friendly creatures have advantage on attack rolls
and saving throws until the start of your next turn, and
hostile creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls and
saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again
until you nish a long rest.
At 14th level, you can expel the might of your rage all
at once to unleash a devastating storm of force energy.
As an action, you can end your rage early, forcing each
creature within 15 feet of you to make a Dexterity
saving throw against your universal force save DC. On
a failed save, a creature takes 1d12 force damage for
each round you've spent in rage, or half as much on a
successful one.
When you choose this approach at 3rd level, you gain
skills that represent your precise movement. You gain
pro ciency your choice of Acrobatics or Stealth. While
raging, you have advantage on checks you make with
the chosen skill.
Also at 3rd level, you hone your rage to a razor sharp
focus. While raging, when you make a melee weapon
attack using Dexterity, you add your rage damage to
the damage roll. Additionally, you can use your
Reckless Attack feature to give you advantage on
melee weapon attacks using Dexterity during your
At 6th level, while raging, your critical hit range with
melee weapon attacks using Dexterity increases by 1.
At 6th level your mere presence on the
battle eld rallies your allies. When you rage,
choose up to 3 allies that you can see within 30 feet
of you. Each creature gains temporary hit points equal
to half your berserker level (rounded down) + your
Charisma modi er (minimum of one).
Starting at 10th level, you learn to are up your allies'
drive for combat, urging them to follow you into the
fray. During a long rest, you tell sagas, sing battle
songs, and give inspiring speeches. At the end of the
long rest choose up to 5 creatures that can hear and
understand you (which can include yourself) to add
your Charisma modi er (minimum of one) to their next
initiative roll, and a 10 foot bonus to their speed on
their rst turn of combat.
By 14th level you have memorized the litanies, songs,
and chants of your people and their dedication to war.
When you enter a rage you can take a commanding
stance. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you
have a special reaction you can take on a number of
allies' turns equal to your Charisma modi er (minimum
of one). You can only use this special reaction to use
your Commanding Rage feature.
Additionally, during this rage, when an enemy within
10 feet of you makes an attack roll against an ally, you
can use your reaction to reduce that roll by an amount
equal to your Charisma modi er.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
long rest before you can use it again.
As a consular, you gain the following class features.
Di erent consulars select di erent traditions, called
Ways, to follow as they hone their powers. Your
tradition grants you features at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th,
and 18th level.
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can
weave the Force around yourself for protection. When
you cast a universal power of 1st level or higher, you
can simultaneously manipulate the Force to create a
barrier on yourself that lasts until you nish a long rest.
The barrier has hit points equal to twice your consular
level + your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your
choice). Your barrier can never have hit points
greater than twice your consular level +
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er
(your choice).
Whenever you take damage, the barrier
takes the damage instead. If this damage
reduces the barrier to 0 hit points, you take
any remaining damage.
While the barrier has 0 hit points, it can't
absorb damage, but its power remains.
Whenever you cast a universal power of 1st level or
higher, the barrier regains a number of hit points equal
to twice the level of the power.
Once you create the barrier, you can't create it again
until you nish a long rest.
At 6th level, when a creature that you can see within 30
feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to
cause your Force Barrier to absorb that damage. If this
damage reduces the barrier to 0 hit points, the warded
creature takes any remaining damage.
Beginning at 10th level, your at-will universal powers
grant a small boost to your Force Barrier. When you
cast an at-will universal power, the barrier regains 1 hit
At 14th level, when you cast a force power that
requires you to make an ability check as a part of
casting that power, such as sever force or force
suppression, you add your pro ciency bonus to that
ability check.
At 14th level, you gain resistance to lightning damage.
Additionally, force powers you cast ignore resistance to
lightning damage.
Starting at 18th level, you can increase the power of
your simpler lightning force powers. When you cast a
force power of 1st through 6th level that deals
lightning damage, you can deal maximum damage
with that power.
You can use this feature with no adverse
e ects a number of times equal to
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your
choice, a minimum of once). If you use
this feature beyond this before you nish a long
rest, you take 2d12 necrotic damage for each
level of the power, immediately after you cast
it. Each time you use this feature again
before nishing a long rest, the necrotic
damage per power level increases by
1d12. This damage can not
be reduced in any way.
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, when you SUPREME HEALING
cast a force power that restores hit points, you can use Starting at 18th level, when you would normally roll
Wisdom or Charisma as your forcecasting ability for it. one or more dice to restore hit points with a power,
Additionally, whenever you use a force power of 1st you instead use the highest number possible for each
level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to
creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the a creature, you restore 12.
power's level.
At 6th level, as an action, you can channel the Force
and evoke healing energy that restores a number of hit
points equal to ve times your consular level. Choose
any creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide those
hit points among them. This feature can restore a
creature to no more than half its hit point maximum.
This feature has no e ect on droids or constructs.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er
(your choice, a minimum of
once). You regain all
expended uses when you
nish a long rest.
Beginning at 10th level, the healing
powers you cast on others heal you
as well. When you cast a force power
that restores hit points to a creature
other than you, you regain hit points
equal to 2 + the power's level.
As an engineer, you gain the following class features.
Lastly at 3rd level, when you take damage, you can use
your reaction and expend one use of your Potent
Aptitude to absorb some of that damage. When you do
so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by
the amount rolled on the die + your Intelligence
modi er (minimum of one).
Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your
turn. You must be wearing your modi ed armor or
wielding your modi ed shield to gain this bene t.
At 14th level, when you take the Attack action or use
your action to a cast a tech power of 1st-level or
higher, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you complete a long
Starting at 18th level, your suit is like a second
skin. Whenever you make an ability check or
saving throw that uses Strength, Dexterity,
or Constitution, you can treat a d20 roll
of 9 or lower as a 10. You must be
wearing your modi ed armor or
wielding your modi ed shield to gain
this bene t.
Lastly at 3rd level, when you make an attack roll with
your modi ed weapon and miss, you can expend one
use of your Potent Aptitude to attempt to turn that
miss into a hit. Roll the die and add it to the attack roll.
Beginning at 6th level, once per round, when you deal
damage to a creature with your modi ed weapon, you
can increase the damage by 1d6. The damage is of the
same type as the weapon's damage.
The damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at
17th level.
Beginning at 6th level, you can take a second bonus
action on each of your turns.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Intelligence modi er (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you nish a long rest.
At 14th level, when you cast a tech power while you
have a barrier active, you can restore hit points to the
barrier, provided it is within 30 feet of you. You restore
a number of hit points equal to twice the power's level,
or 1 hit point for an at-will power. This can't increase a
barrier's hit points above its initial hit points. If you
have multiple barriers active, you can divide these hit
points between them as you see t.
Starting at 18th level, when a creature who has one of
your barriers within 30 feet of you that you can see
takes damage, and that damage is of a type that could
be a ected by that barrier, you can use your reaction
to grant them resistance to the triggering damage. If
that damage is the same type as the barrier's chosen
damage, you instead grant them immunity. Whether
resistance or immunity, the barrier immediately drops
to 0 hit points.
Lastly at 3rd level, while
wielding your tinkercannon,
as a bonus action you can
expend one use of your Potent
Aptitude to launch a volley of
unstable energy at a surface
located within 30 feet of you
that you can see. This energy
adheres to the surface for 1
minute, after which it erupts.
As a part of this bonus
action, or as a bonus
action on a following
turn, you can cause the
energy to erupt early.
Each creature within
5 feet of it must make a
Dexterity saving throw
against your tech save DC.
A creature takes 1d6 lightning damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful
The range at which you can launch
your volley increases to 60 feet at 9th
level, and 120 feet at 17th level.
As a ghter, you gain the following class features.
When you choose this specialty at 3rd level, once per
turn, when you deal damage with a weapon, you can
deal an additional 1d4 damage of the same type as the
weapon's damage. If this damage would a ect multiple
creatures, you can only apply this damage bonus to
one of them.
This damage increases to 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 9th
level, 1d10 at 13th level, and 1d12 at 17th level.
Also at 3rd level, you can add half your pro ciency
bonus (rounded up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution check you make that doesn't already use
your pro ciency bonus.
Beginning at 7th level, once per round, roll 1d6 and
add the die to your saving throw total. If applying this
bonus to a death saving throw increases the total to
20 or higher, you gain the bene ts of rolling a 20 on
the d20. You can choose to use this feature before or
after you make a saving throw, but you must decide
before the GM says whether the save succeeds or fails.
Starting at 15th level, when you score a critical hit with
a weapon attack, you gain a bonus to that weapon's
damage roll equal to your ghter level.
At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience in
battle. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit
points equal to 5 + your Constitution modi er if you
have no more than half your hit points left. You don't
gain this bene t if you have 0 hit points.
At 10th level, when you score a critical hit on your turn
while wielding a weapon with the heavy or strength
properties, you can make one weapon attack against a
creature within 5 feet of the target using your reaction.
Starting at 15th level, when you use your
Second Wind while wielding a weapon
with the heavy or strength properties, if
you hit with the rst attack roll you
make, or if one creatures fails the
saving throw against your
weapon's burst or rapid property,
before the end of your next turn,
you treat the hit as a critical hit. If
you miss with the rst attack roll
you make before the end of your
next turn, or one target succeeds on
the saving throw against your
weapon's burst or rapid
property, you instead deal
normal weapon damage.
At 18th level, attack
rolls you make while
wielding a weapon
with the heavy or
strength properties
can't su er from
When you choose this specialty at 3rd level, you have 4th 4 2 1st
derived powers from schematics with the aid of your 5th 5 3 1st
wristpad. See chapter 10 for the general rules of
6th 6 3 1st
techcasting and chapter 12 for the tech powers list.
7th 7 4 2nd
8th 8 4 2nd
You learn 3 tech powers of your choice, and you learn
more at higher levels, as shown in the Tech Powers 9th 9 5 2nd
Known column of the Shield Specialist Techcasting 10th 10 5 2nd
table. You may not learn a tech power of a level higher
11th 11 6 2nd
than your Max Power Level.
12th 12 6 2nd
13th 13 7 3rd
You have a number of tech points equal to half your
ghter level (rounded up), as shown in the Tech Points 14th 14 7 3rd
column of the Shield Specialist Techcasting table, + 15th 15 8 3rd
your Intelligence modi er. You use these tech points to
16th 16 8 3rd
cast tech powers. You regain all expended tech points
when you nish a short or long rest. 17th 17 9 4th
18th 18 9 4th
Many tech powers can be overcharged, consuming 19th 19 10 4th
more tech points to create a greater e ect. You can 20th 20 10 4th
overcharge these powers to a maximum level, which
increases at higher levels, as shown in the Max Power
Level column of the Shield Specialist Techcasting table.
You may only cast tech powers at 4th-level once. You
regain the ability to do so after a long rest.
Intelligence is your techcasting ability for your tech At 10th level, when you use your Action Surge feature,
powers. You use your Intelligence whenever a power you can choose one creature within 60 feet of you that
refers to your techcasting ability. Additionally, you use is allied with you. That creature can make one melee or
your Intelligence modi er when setting the saving ranged weapon attack with its reaction, provided that it
throw DC for a tech power you cast and when making can see or hear you.
an attack roll with one.
Tech save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus + Starting at 15th level, you can extend the bene t of
your Intelligence modi er your Indomitable feature to an ally. When you decide
to use Indomitable to reroll an Intelligence, a Wisdom,
Tech attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus +
or a Charisma saving throw and you aren't
your Intelligence modi er
incapacitated, you can choose one ally within 60 feet of
TECHCASTING FOCUS you that also failed its saving throw against the same
You use a wristpad (found in chapter 5) as a tech focus e ect. If that creature can see or hear you, it can reroll
for your tech powers. its saving throw and must use the new roll.
Starting at 15th level, when you roll initiative and have
no Superiority Dice remaining, you regain 1 Superiority
At 18th level, once per round, when you would roll a
Superiority Die, you can instead choose the maximum.
An unstoppable agent of the Force, the guardian
channels the power owing through him into his
weapons. Their skills with a lightsaber are unrivalled.
Subduing their enemies and bolstering their allies, the
guardian uses the Force to control what happens
around them.
While creating your guardian, consider your attraction
to the Force and its most famous practitioners – the
Jedi and the Sith. Are you a member of one of the two
orders, or do you walk a di erent path? Are you a
soldier tapping into a latent Force-sensitivity? Were you
trained in the force from a young age, or did you
discover it as an adult? How do you treat those weaker
than you? What was your family like? Do you see the
NATURAL LEADERS Force as light and dark, or an impartial river of gray?
The guardian's command of the Force lends them a QUICK BUILD
powerful presence. Whether through fear and You can make a guardian quickly by following these
intimidation or respect and admiration, the guardian is suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability
one of the greatest generals on the battle eld. They score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the
are a symbol of power to their followers. Jedi or Sith background.
As a guardian, you gain the following class features.
Di erent guardians focus on di erent lightsaber styles,
called Forms, as they hone their powers. Your focus
grants you features at 3rd, 7th, 15th, and 20th level.
Starting at 7th level, if you spend at least 1
minute observing or interacting with
another creature outside combat,
you can use your connection to the
Force to sense their strengths
and weaknesses, and learn
certain information
about its capabilities
compared to your
own. The GM tells you if the creature is your equal,
superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following
characteristics of your choice:
By 15th level, when you would be a ected by a weapon
or force power that requires a Dexterity saving throw
or attack roll and would a ect only you, you can use
your reaction to redirect that power to another target
within 30 feet. If the weapon or power required a
melee or ranged attack, make a melee or ranged force
attack against the new target, as appropriate. If it
required a Dexterity saving throw, the new target must
make a Dexterity saving throw against your universal
force save DC.
Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
short or long rest before you can use it again.
At 20th level, the Force ows in perfect concert with
your weapon attacks. Your Dexterity and Wisdom or
Charisma scores (your choice) increase by 2. Your
maximum for these scores increases by 2. Additionally,
you can use your action to gain the following bene ts
for 1 minute:
You gain pro ciency in heavy armor.
When you choose this form as your focus at 3rd level,
you learn the basics of the chosen form. You gain the
Shien/Djem So lightsaber form, detailed in Chapter 6. If
you already know this form, you can instead choose
another lightsaber form. You can't take a lightsaber
form option more than once, even if you later get to
choose again.
By 15th level, you gain one of the following features.
Choose Precise Re ection for Shien or Brutal Strikes
for Djem So.
When you hit with an attack made by the saber re ect
power, you can expend force points to deal additional
damage to the target, which is the same type as the
weapon's damage. The additional damage is 1d8 for
each point spent in this way. You can't deal more
additional damage than the amount shown in the
Focused Strikes column of the guardian table.
The Force owing through you grants you incredible
strength. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a Force-Empowered
Strikes or Improved Force-Empowered Strikes damage
die, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll,
even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
Additionally, when you spend force points to use
your Force-Empowered Strikes feature, you gain
temporary hit points equal to twice the number of
points spent.
At 20th level, your might overwhelms even the most
implacable of foes. Your Strength and Constitution
scores increase by 2. Your maximum for these scores
increases by 2. Additionally, you can use your action to
gain the following bene ts for 1 minute:
Starting at 7th level, you learn to fend o strikes
directed at you, your mount, or other creatures nearby.
If you or a creature you can see within 5 feet of you is
hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to ward the
creature if you're wielding a melee weapon or a shield.
Roll 1d8 and add the number rolled to the target's AC
against that attack. If the attack still hits, the target has
resistance against the attack's damage.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Constitution modi er (a minimum of once), and
you regain all expended uses when you nish a long
As a monk, you gain the following class features.
At 6th level, you've learned to enhance your kata. As a
bonus action while wielding a monk weapon, you can
expend 1 focus point to cause the area within 5 feet of
you to become di cult terrain for 1 minute. This area
travels with you, and creatures within the area can not
make opportunity attacks.
At 11th level, the range of this area increases to 15
feet, and at 17th level, the range of this area
increases to 30 feet.
Starting at 11th level, when you attempt to
perceive your surroundings on your turn, you
can opt to not move on that turn. If you avoid
moving, you gain a +10 bonus to your Wisdom
(Perception) checks until the start of your
next turn. You lose this bene t if you
move or fall prone, either voluntarily
or because of some external
e ect.
At 17th level, your mastery of weapons grants you
extraordinary accuracy. If you miss with an attack roll
using a monk weapon on your turn, you can reroll it.
You can use this feature only once on each of your
Beginning when you choose this order at 3rd level, you
learn to channel the Force into your unarmed strikes
and monk weapons, further enhancing your melee
strikes. When you hit a creature with an unarmed
strike or monk weapon, you can spend 1 focus point to
force the creature to make a Strength saving throw. On
a failed save, it takes 2d6 force damage and is pushed
up to 15 feet away from you. On a successful save, the
creature only takes 1d6 force damage and isn't
At 6th level, when a hostile creatures moves to within 5
feet of you, you can use your reaction to disengage and
leap up to half your speed. If you end this movement in
the air, you immediately fall to the ground.
Starting at 11th level, you learn to channel the Force
into your skin and bones, greatly enhancing your
durability. You can use a bonus action to channel the
Force throughout your body. Until the start of your
next turn, you have resistance to kinetic and energy
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice, a
minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
you nish a long rest.
Starting at 11th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit
points, you can expend 1 focus point (no action
required) to have 1 hit point instead.
Operatives have a knack for getting out of trouble.
They have an instinct for self-preservation that keeps
them alive, but it's usually tempered with a need to
experience the thrills that their profession has to o er,
and many adventurous operatives are also saddled
with a sense of honor that sometimes makes them go
against their natural inclinations. No matter what their
immediate concerns may be, survival is the name of
the game.
While creating your operative character, consider how
you rst started on your path. Maybe you were raised
on the street and fell into the criminal element as a
means of survival. You could be a simple trader who
decided to strike against the Sith Empire when it
encroached on your business. What would you say is
your greatest skill set? What is your core, the truest
OUTSIDE THE LAW essence about yourself that keeps you focused? Why
would society treat you as a criminal, yet your allies
Operatives don't often start out seeking to defy hold you as a loyal companion?
authority and break the law. Some are thrust into the
profession as a means of rebellion. Others wind up on QUICK BUILD
the wrong side of the law due to bad luck, poor You can make an operative quickly by following these
decisions, or circumstances beyond their control. The suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability
skills they pick up along the way make them great score, followed by Intelligence or Charisma. Second,
members of any mission team. choose the gambler background.
As an operative, you have the following class features.
When you reach 17th level, you can take two turns
during the rst round of any combat. You take your
rst turn at your normal initiative and your second turn
at your initiative minus 10. You can't use this feature
when you are surprised.
Additionally, you learn to utilize the momentum of
your fall to make deadly vertical strikes. Whenever you
fall at least 50 feet and land within 5 feet of an enemy
creature you can use your reaction to make one
weapon attack against that creature. If the attack is a
Sneak Attack, you can deal three additional weapon
dice worth of damage and the creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
At 17th level, as a bonus action, you can mask
yourself with the Force for 1 minute or until
you are incapacitated. For the duration,
whenever any creature tries to attack
you for the rst time on a turn, the
attacker must make a Charisma
saving throw (DC = 8 + your prof-
iciency bonus + your Charisma
modi er). On a failed save, it can't
attack you on this turn, and it
must choose a new target for its
attack or the attack is wasted.
On a successful save, it can
attack you on this turn, but it
has disadvantage on any saving
throw it makes against your
powers on your next turn.
Once you've used this
feature, you must com-
plete a short or long
rest before you can
use it again.
Those operatives who choose the Gunslinger Practice RICOCHET SHOT
are the masters of the trick shot. The Gunslinger and Starting at 13th level you learn how to work all the
his blaster are the perfect team, utilizing knowledge of angles. Once per turn, when you take the Attack action
their enemies' vulnerabilities to take advantage of and miss with a ranged weapon attack, you can repeat
every opportunity. the attack against a di erent target within 10 feet of
DIVE FOR COVER the original target (no action required).
When you choose this practice at 3rd level, you learn to QUICKDRAW
quickly move into cover when under re. Once per At 17th level, you learn to perform miracles with just a
round, when you are the target of a ranged attack, or blaster and some nerve. On your rst turn in combat, if
you are subjected to an e ect that allows you to make you aren't surprised, you can use your action to attack
a Dexterity saving throw, and there is cover within 10 creatures that have not yet acted. Choose up to six
feet of you, you can move up to 10 feet (no action such creatures that you can see, making a ranged
required). You must end this movement in cover. weapon attack against each. On a hit, you deal normal
You can use this feature a number of times equal to weapon damage and can apply a single trick shot to
your Dexterity modi er (a minimum of once). You each attack made this way.
regain all expended uses when you complete a long Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
rest. short or long rest before you can use it again.
Also at 3rd level, you learn a number of trick shots you
can use to debilitate enemies and impress allies. When
you deal Sneak Attack damage to a creature, you may
choose to forgo two of your Sneak Attack dice to make
the attack a trick shot.
Some of your trick shots
require your target to make
a saving throw to resist the trick
shot's e ects. The saving throw DC is calculated as
You attempt to blind the target. The target must make
a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end
of your next turn.
You attempt to knock the target prone. The target
must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked
You attempt to hobble the enemy's movement. The
target must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it
gains 1 slowed level and it has disadvantage on
Dexterity saving throws until the end of its next turn.
Beginning at 9th level you can ourish your weapon in
an intimidating or charming manner. As an action, you
can cause one creature within 60 feet to make a
Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus
+ your Dexterity modi er). On a failed save, the target
is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the
end of your next turn.
At 9th level, you are at your deadliest when your
enemies are unaware of the danger they are in. You
have advantage on attack rolls against any creature
that hasn't taken a turn in combat yet.
Additionally, any hit you score against a creature that
is surprised is a critical hit.
Starting at 13th level, you are able to defend your
compatriots from afar. When a friendly creature you
can see within your weapon's normal range is the
target of a ranged attack, or forced to make a saving
throw, and the source of the e ect is within your
weapon's normal range, you can use your reaction to
make a ranged weapon attack against the source. On a
hit, instead of dealing damage, the target of your attack
has disadvantage on the attack roll against your ally, or
your ally has advantage on the saving throw to resist
the e ect.
At 17th level, you've learned to capitalize when you
have the advantage. When you take the Attack action
and make an attack with advantage, you can choose to
forgo the advantage. If you do, you can make an
additional attack against the target or another creature
within 5 feet of it (no action required). Both attacks can
bene t from your Sneak Attack damage, instead of
only one.
As a scholar, you gain the following class features.
When you use your Sage Advice feature, the rst time
each targeted creature makes the chosen skill check,
they gain an additional bonus to the roll equal to your
Intelligence modi er.
Prerequisite: 15th level
When you roll a 1 on a superiority die, you can reroll
the die and must use the new roll.
Prerequisite: 9th level
When you roll initiative and aren't surprised, you can
use your reaction to use your Critical Analysis feature.
Prerequisite: 9th level
When you make an Intelligence (Lore) or Intelligence
(Nature) skill check that lets you add your pro ciency
bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
When you make a saving throw to resist charm and
fear e ects, you may add your Intelligence modi er to
the roll.
You only need 3 hours of sleep during a long rest to
gain its bene ts, instead of 6. Additionally, if your long
rest would be interrupted, you only need to complete
the long rest instead of restarting it to gain its bene ts.
Lastly, you have advantage on saving throws against
When you make a Survival skill check, you may use
your Intelligence modi er instead of your Wisdom
modi er.
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws
against poison.
When you choose this pursuit at 3rd level, you gain
pro ciency with biochemist's kits and your choice of
Medicine or Nature skills. Additionally, when you make
a Wisdom (Medicine) check, you gain a bonus to the
check equal to your Intelligence modi er.
Also at 3rd level, you have learned to deploy
medicine from a range. When you use a maneuver
targeting an ally that is the target of your Critical
Analysis feature, that maneuver's range becomes 30
Lastly at 3rd level, you gain access to new maneuvers
which re ect the progress of your studies into the
medical arts. Whenever you learn a new maneuver,
you can choose from any of the following as well. The
maneuvers are listed in alphabetical order.
You can use an action and expend one superiority die
to inject a creature with regenerative medication that
temporarily enhances their agility. When you do so, a
creature you can touch regains hit points equal to the
superiority die roll. Additionally, until the start of your
next turn, when that creature would take damage, the
amount is reduced by an amount equal to your
Intelligence modi er.
As an action, you can expend one superiority die and
touch a creature. That creature regains hit points equal
to result of the die + your Intelligence modi er, and
when that creature makes their rst ability check,
attack roll, or saving throw before the start of your next
turn they roll the superiority die and add it to the roll.
As an action, you can expend one superiority die to
inject a creature you can touch with enhancements,
granting them temporary hit points equal to the
superiority die roll + your Intelligence modi er, which
last for 1 minute. Additionally, when the target makes a
Strength or Constitution check or saving throw while it
has these temporary hit points, it gains a bonus equal
to your Intelligence modi er.
When you make an attack roll, you can expend a
superiority die and add it to the attack roll. On a hit,
the creature's next attack has disadvantage and it
cannot regain hit points until the start of your next
Beginning at 6th level, whenever you expend
superiority dice to restore hit points or grant
temporary hit points to a creature, you can roll an
additional die d6 and add it to the roll. This die
increases to d8 at 9th level, d10 at 13th level, and d12
at 17th level.
Additionally, whenever you expend superiority dice
to restore hit points or grant temporary hit points to a
creature, if the creature is the target of your Critical
Analysis, you can instead choose the maximum on
both dice. Once you've used this feature, you must
nish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Starting at 11th level, you can use it twice before a rest,
but only once on the same turn.
Starting at 9th level, through your medical studies you
have learned to delay seemingly inevitable death. As a
bonus action, you can stabilize a creature you can
touch that has 0 hit points.
Warriors in their own right, scouts specialize in tracking
and hunting the monsters that threaten civilization—
humanoid raiders, rampaging beasts and
monstrosities, terrible Force-wielders, and renegade
droids. They learn to track their quarry as a predator
does, moving stealthily through any terrain and hiding
themselves in brush and rubble. Scouts focus their
combat training on techniques that are particularly
useful against their speci c favored foes.
Scouts acquire the ability to cast tech powers CREATING A SCOUT
through utilization of a wristpad. Their powers, like As you create your scout character, consider the nature
their combat abilities, emphasize speed, stealth, and of the training that gave you your particular
the hunt. A scout's talents and abilities are honed with capabilities. Did you train with a single mentor, tracking
deadly focus on the grim task of protecting the together until you mastered the scout's ways? Did you
civilization. leave your apprenticeship, or was your mentor slain—
perhaps by some kind of bestial monstrosity on which
you've sworn revenge? Or perhaps you learned your
INDEPENDENT ADVENTURERS skills as part of a band of mercenaries.
What's the source of your particular hatred of a
Though a scout might make a living as a bounty hunter, certain kind of enemy? Did a monster kill someone you
a guide, or a tracker, a scout's true calling is to defend loved or destroy your home village? Or did you see too
civilization from the ravages of monsters and much of the destruction these monsters cause and
humanoid hordes that press in. In some places, scouts commit yourself to reining in their depredations? Is
gather in secretive orders, though many scouts are your adventuring career a continuation of your work,
independent almost to a fault, knowing that, when a or a signi cant change?
rancor or a band of pirates attacks, a scout might be What made you join up with a band of adventurers?
the rst—and possibly the last—line of defense. This Do you nd it challenging to teach new allies the ways
erce independence makes scouts well suited to of the wild, or do you welcome the relief from solitude
adventuring, since they are accustomed to life far from that they o er?
the comforts of a dry bed and a hot bath. Faced with
city-bred adventurers who grouse and whine about the QUICK BUILD
hardships of the wild, scouts respond with some You can make a scout quickly by following these
mixture of amusement, frustration, and compassion. suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your
But they quickly learn that other adventurers who can highest ability modi er, depending on whether you
carry their own weight in a ght against civilization's want to focus on melee combat or on ranged weapons
foes are worth any extra burden. Coddled city folk (or nesse weapons). Your next-highest score should
might not know how to feed themselves or nd fresh be Intelligence. Second, choose the bounty hunter
water in the wild, but they make up for it in other ways. background.
As a scout, you gain the following class features.
You can only have one creature marked in this way Tech save DC = 8 + your pro ciency bonus +
at a time. Beginning at 5th level, you can use your your Intelligence modi er
reaction to mark a creature when it enters your line of
sight, provided it is within range of your Ranger's Tech attack modifier = your pro ciency bonus +
Quarry. your Intelligence modi er
The duration increases to 8 hours at 9th level and 24
hours at 17th level. TECHCASTING FOCUS
You use a wristpad (found in chapter 5) as a tech focus
PATHFINDER for your tech powers.
Also at 1st level, you are skilled at navigating the FIGHTING STYLE
untamed wilds. You ignore di cult terrain, and when
traveling for an hour or more, you gain the following Also at 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of ghting
bene ts: as your specialty. Choose one of the ghting style
options, detailed in Chapter 6. You can't take a ghting
Di cult terrain doesn't slow your group, provided they style option more than once, even if you later get to
can see and hear you. choose again.
You can't become lost by unenhanced means.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while SCOUT ROUTINE
traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you Beginning at 3rd level, you've developed one routine,
remain alert to danger. as detailed at the end of the class description. You
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a develop an additional routine at 7th and 15th level.
normal pace.
When you forage, you nd twice as much food as you SCOUT TECHNIQUE
normally would. Also at 3rd level, you choose to focus on a speci c
When you make a Wisdom (Survival) check, you gain a scout technique, which is detailed at the end of the
bonus to the check equal to your Intelligence modi er. class description. Your choice grants you features at
3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, and 15th level.
Beginning at 2nd level, you have derived powers from ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT
schematics with the aid of your wristpad. See chapter When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
10 for the general rules of techcasting and chapter 12 and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
for the tech powers list. your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
TECH POWERS KNOWN of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an
You learn 4 tech powers of your choice, and you learn ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively,
more at higher levels, as shown in the Tech Powers you can choose a feat (see Chapter 6 for a list of feats).
Known column of the scout table. You may not learn a EXTRA ATTACK
tech power of a level higher than your Max Power
Level. Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your
You have a number of tech points equal to your scout
level, as shown in the Tech Points column of the scout EXPERTISE
table, + your Intelligence modi er. You use these tech At 6th level, choose two of your skill pro ciencies, or
points to cast tech powers. You regain all expended one of skill pro ciencies and one of your tool
tech points when you nish a short or long rest. pro ciencies, or two of your tool pro ciencies. You gain
expertise in those skills or tools.
At 14th level, you can choose another two
Many tech powers can be overcharged, consuming
pro ciencies (in skills or tools) to gain this bene t.
When you choose this technique at 3rd level, you gain DEFENSIVE TACTICS
one of the following features of your choice. Beginning at 7th level, you gain one of the following
COLOSSUS SLAYER features of your choice.
Your tenacity can wear down the most potent foes. ESCAPE THE HORDE
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the Opportunity attacks against you are made with
creature takes an extra 1d8 damage if it's below its hit disadvantage.
point maximum. You can deal this extra damage only
once per turn, and this damage is the same type as the MULTIATTACK DEFENSE
weapon's damage. When a creature hits you with an attack, you gain a +4
bonus to AC against all subsequent attacks made by
GIANT KILLER that creature for the rest of the turn.
When a Large or larger creature within 5 feet of you
hits or misses you with an attack, you can use your STEEL WILL
reaction to attack that creature immediately after its You have advantage on saving throws against being
attack, provided that you can see the creature. frightened.
Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon
Starting at 11th level, you gain one of the following
attack, you can make another attack with
features of your choice.
the same weapon against a di erent
creature that is within 5 feet of VOLLEY
the original target and within You can use your action to make a ranged attack
range of your weapon, no action against any number of creatures within 10 feet of a
required. point you can see within your weapon's range. You
must have ammunition for each target, as normal, and
you make a separate attack roll for each target.
You can use your action to make melee attacks against
any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a
separate attack roll for each target.
You gain pro ciency in heavy armor.
When you choose this technique at 3rd level, you have
advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Beginning at 7th level, whenever the target of your
Ranger's Quarry forces you to make a saving throw, or
whenever you make an ability check to escape that
targets grapple, you can use your reaction and roll
your Ranger's Quarry Damage Die, adding it to the roll.
Starting at 11th level, when you score a critical hit or
reduce a creature to 0 hit points on your turn, you
can use your bonus action to force one creature
of your choice that you can see within 30 feet
of you to make a Wisdom saving throw
against your tech save DC. On a failed
save, a creature becomes frightened of
you for 1 minute. At the end of each of
the creature's turns it repeats this saving
throw, ending the e ect on a success.
At 15th level, if the target of your Ranger's
Quarry feature forces you to make a
saving throw, you can use your reaction
to make one weapon attack against it. You make this
attack immediately before making the saving throw. If
your attack hits, you automatically succeed on the
saving throw, in addition to the attack's normal e ects.
Beginning at 7th level, you've become adept at
evading creatures that rely on darkvision.
While in darkness, you are invisible to any
creature that relies on darkvision to see you in
that darkness.
Additionally, when you hit a creature with a
ranged weapon attack while hidden, you can force
that creature to make a Dexterity saving throw
against your tech save DC. On a failed save, the
creature's speed is reduced to 0 until the end of your
next turn. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your Intelligence modi er (minimum of one).
You regain all expended uses when you nish a short
or long rest.
Starting at 11th level, if you have advantage on a
weapon attack against a target on your turn, you can
forgo that advantage to immediately make an
additional weapon attack against the same target as a
bonus action.
While creating your sentinel, consider your personal
philosophy in regards to the Force and its most famous
practitioners – the Jedi and the Sith. Are you a member
of one of the two orders, or do you walk a di erent
path? Are you an operative tapping into a latent Force-
sensitivity? Were you trained in the force from a young
SOLITARY ACTION age, or did you discover it as an adult? How do you
treat those weaker than you? What was your family
Sentinels are notoriously independent, most
like? Do you see the Force as light and dark, or an
comfortable acting alone and without backup; where
impartial river of gray?
some use a team to make up for their weaknesses, the
sentinel uses the Force to overcome theirs. While some QUICK BUILD
take this independent streak to the extreme, they are You can make a sentinel quickly by following these
usually accepting of authority, as long as they are suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability
allowed to carry out directions using their preferred score, followed by Wisdom or Charisma. Second,
methods. choose the Jedi or Sith background.
As a sentinel, you gain the following class features.
Starting when you choose this calling at 3rd level, you
learn the burst force power, which does not count
against your total powers known. Additionally, you can
use all three Force-Empowered Self options when you
cast it as your action. If more than one creature would
be a ected, and you use your Double Strike feature,
only one creature takes the additional damage. Finally,
you add your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your
choice, minimum of +1) to damage rolls with it, and
creatures that succeed on their saving throw take half
damage, instead of none.
Also at 3rd level, when you deal damage to a creature
within 5 feet of you, you can move up to 10 feet
without provoking opportunity attacks.
At 7th level, your bursts become even more
overwhelming. Once on your turn, when a creature
takes damage from you twice, you can immediately
make one additional attack against that creature (no
action required). This attack uses your Kinetic Combat
die instead of the weapon's damage die.
By 13th level, whenever you use a Force-Empowered
Self feature, you may instead expend no force points
and roll a d4 in place of your Kinetic Combat die.
At 18th level, your bursts can overpower even
the ercest of foes. Once on your turn,
when a creature takes damage from
you three times, you can force it to
make a Constitution saving throw
against your universal force
save DC. On a failed save,
it becomes stunned
until the end of its
next turn.
Starting when you choose this calling at 3rd level, you
learn the psychic charge force power, which does not
count against your total powers known. Additionally,
you can use Wisdom or Charisma as your forcecasting
ability for it, and you can use all three Force-
Empowered Self options when you cast it as your
action and hit the target. Finally, when you hit a
creature with the psychic charge force power and the
target tries to speak, it takes additional damage equal
to your Wisdom or Charisma modi er (your choice,
minimum of +1), and its voice does not produce sound
until the end of your next turn.
Also at 3rd level, you can take the Hide action as a
bonus action on your turn. Additionally, you can try to
hide when you are lightly obscured from the creature
from which you are hiding.
At 7th level, you learn to strike from the shadows. Once
per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one
creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage
on the roll.
The extra damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level and
3d6 at 17th level.
By 13th level, you gain the ability to step from one
shadow into another. While you are in dim light or
darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60
feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in
dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on
the rst melee attack you make before the end of
the turn.
At 18th level, your training has taught you advanced
techniques while you maneuver in the shadows.
While you are hidden from your target, the rst
attack roll you make each round does not
automatically reveal your presence. Make a
Dexterity (Stealth) check against your target's
Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, you
remain hidden. If you are also invisible, you
remain invisible.
Your character's name and physical description might
be the rst things that the other players at the table You choose your character's age and the color of his or
learn about you. It's worth thinking about how these her hair, eyes, and skin. To add a touch of
characteristics re ect the character you have in mind. distinctiveness, you might want to give your character
an unusual or memorable physical characteristic, such
NAME as a scar, a limp, or a tattoo.
Your character's species description includes sample ALIGNMENT
names for members of that species. Put some thought
into your name even if you're just picking one from a A typical creature in the galaxy has an alignment, which
list. broadly describes its moral and personal attitudes.
Alignment is a combination of two factors: one
SEX identi es morality, and is typically de ned in terms of
You can play a male or female character without the Force: (light, dark, or balanced), and the other
gaining any special bene ts or hindrances. Think about describes attitudes toward society and order (lawful,
how your character does or does not conform to the chaotic, or neutral). Thus, nine distinct alignments
broader culture's expectations of sex, gender, and de ne the possible combinations.
sexual behavior. These brief summaries describe the typical behavior
You don't need to be con ned to binary notions of of a creature with that alignment. Individuals might
sex and gender. Some species believe in vary signi cantly from that typical behavior, and few
companionship that doesn't take into account gender. people are perfectly and consistently faithful to the
You could also play a female character who presents precepts of their alignment.
herself as a man or a man who feels trapped in a You can pick your alignment or roll to determine it
female body. Likewise, your character's sexual randomly. Roll separately for Morality and Society.
orientation is for you to decide. d6 Morality
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT 1-2 Light: Usually the needs of others outweigh my own, (...)
You can decide your character's height and weight, 3-4 Dark: Usually my needs outweigh others', (...)
using the information provided in your species Balanced: Usually circumstances dictate whose needs
description. Think about what your character's ability 5-6
are more important, (...)
scores might say about his or her height and weight. A
weak but agile character might be thin. A strong and d6 Society
Durable character might be tall or heavy.
1-2 Lawful: (...) but the means are as important as the end.
You can also roll randomly for your character's
height and weight using that species's Physical 3-4 Chaotic: (...) but the ends justify the means.
Characteristics table, as shown above. The rst dice roll Neutral: (...) but either the ends or the means may be
given in the second column determines the character's 5-6
more important, depending.
extra height (in inches) beyond the base height. That
same number multiplied by the second dice roll or ALIGNMENT IN THE GALAXY
quantity given in the second column determines the For many thinking creatures, alignment is a moral
character's extra weight (in pounds) beyond the base choice. Humans and ugnaughts can choose whether to
weight. follow the paths of darkness or light, of law or chaos.
For example, as a human, Obi-Wan has a height of 4 Lanniks tend to follow the light side, while sith
feet 8 inches plus 2d10 inches. We roll 2d10 and gets a purebloods tend toward the dark. Chiss are lawful,
total of 12, so Obi-Wan stands 5 feet 8 inches tall. Then while aqualish are often chaotic.
we use that same roll of 12 and multiplies it by 2d4
pounds. His 2d4 roll is 3, so Obi-Wan weighs an extra
36 pounds (12x3) on top of his base 110 pounds, for a
total of 146 pounds.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Deception, Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship and sacri ce
must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)
Investigation, Lore, and Persuasion
Languages: Two of your choice Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter
Equipment: Badge or emblem of your faction, a copy of a what the personal cost. (Light)
seminal faction text (or a code-book for a covert faction), Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods
a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 150 cr 3
are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic)
Power. I hope to one day rise to the top of my faith's
religious hierarchy. (Lawful)
As a faction agent, you have access to a secret network
of supporters and operatives who can provide 5
Faith. I trust that my leader will guide my actions, I have
assistance on your adventures. You know a set of faith that if I work hard, things will go well. (Lawful)
secret signs and passwords you can use to identify Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my leader's
such operatives, who can provide you with access to a 6 favor by matching my actions against his or her
hidden safe house, free room and board, or assistance teachings. (Any)
in nding information. These agents never risk their
lives for you or risk revealing their true identities. d6 Bond
BACKGROUND FEAT I would die to recover an artifact of my faction that was
lost long ago.
As a further embodiment of the experience and
training of your background, you can choose from the I will someday get revenge on the corrupt faction
hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
following feats:
I owe my life to the faction member who took me in
d8 Feat d8 Feat 3
when my parents died.
1 Silver-Tongued 5 Linguist 4 Everything I do is for the common people.
2 Investigator 6 Alert 5 I will do anything to protect the faction where I served.
3 Loremaster 7 Observant I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies
4 Charmer 8 Practiced consider heretical and seek to destroy.
2 Burglar 6 Hired killer Charity. I steal from the wealthy so that I can help
people in need. (Light)
3 Enforcer 7 Pickpocket
Greed. I will do whatever it takes to become wealthy.
4 Fence 8 Thug 4
People. I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and
FEATURE: CRIMINAL CONTACT 5 everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts (Neutral)
as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You 6 Redemption. There's a spark of good in everyone. (Light)
know how to get messages to and from your contact,
even over great distances; speci cally, you know the d6 Bond
local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy I'm trying to pay o an old debt I owe to a generous
sailors who can deliver messages for you. 1
BACKGROUND FEAT 2 My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.
As a further embodiment of the experience and Something important was taken from me, and I aim to
training of your background, you can choose from the steal it back.
following feats: 4 I will become the greatest thief that ever lived.
d8 Feat d8 Feat I'm guilty of a terrible crime. I hope I can redeem myself
for it.
1 Silver-Tongued 5 Entertainer
Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That
2 Threatening 6 Specialist 6
will never happen again.
3 Quick-Fingered 7 Feigned Con dence
4 Stealthy 8 Observant d6 Flaw
When I see something valuable, I can't think about
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS anything but how to steal it.
Criminals might seem like villains on the surface, and When faced with a choice between money and my
many of them are villainous to the core. But some have friends, I usually choose the money.
an abundance of endearing, if not redeeming, If there's a plan, I'll forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll ignore
characteristics. There might be honor among thieves, 3
but criminals rarely show any respect for law or
authority. 4 I have a “tell” that reveals when I'm lying.
5 I turn tail and run when things look bad.
An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I
committed. I'm okay with that.
2 Dancer 7 Poet Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold
action. (Chaotic)
3 Fire-eater 8 Singer
4 Greed. I'm only in it for the money and fame. (Dark)
4 Jester 9 Storyteller
People. I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I
5 Juggler 10 Tumbler 5
perform. That's all that matters. (Neutral)
Honesty. Art should re ect the soul; it should come from
within and reveal who we really are. (Any)
You can always nd a place to perform, usually in an
inn or cantina but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or d6 Bond
even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it
free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable 1
reminds me of someone I love.
standard (depending on the quality of the
Someone stole my precious instrument, and someday
establishment), as long as you perform each night. In 2
I'll get it back.
addition, your performance makes you something of a
local gure. When strangers recognize you in a town 3 I want to be famous, whatever it takes.
where you have performed, they typically take a liking I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds
to you. against that person's.
I will do anything to prove myself superior to my hated
As a further embodiment of the experience and
I would do anything for the other members of my old
training of your background, you can choose from the 6
following feats:
d8 Feat d8 Feat d6 Flaw
1 Acrobat 5 Specialist 1 I'll do anything to win fame and renown.
2 Empathic 6 Entertainer 2 I'm a sucker for a pretty face.
3 Performer 7 Practiced A scandal prevents me from ever going home again.
That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.
4 Quick-Fingered 8 Actor
I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a
mistake that I will likely repeat.
Successful entertainers have to be able to capture and I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My
hold an audience's attention, so they tend to have sharp tongue lands me in trouble.
amboyant or forceful personalities. They're inclined 6 Despite my best e orts, I am unreliable to my friends.
toward the romantic and often cling to high-minded
ideals about the practice of art and the appreciation of
FEATURE: LET'S MAKE IT INTERESTING I tend to make friends out of enemies, and enemies out
of friends.
You can convince nearly anyone to put up something
8 I prefer one game above all others.
they aren't normally willing to part with (property or
information) in a game of chance. Your GM might rule
that they will only agree to a game of their choosing, d6 Ideal
and they may only agree if they feel the odds are in 1 Risk. Nothing worth doing is ever a sure thing. (Chaotic)
their favor. Victory. Never make a bet unless you're sure you can
win. (Lawful)
3 Greed. Anything that isn't mine soon will be. (Dark)
As a further embodiment of the experience and
training of your background, you can choose from the Charity. I share my winnings with the less fortunate.
following feats: (Light)
Surprise. Life is a game worth playing, because you
d8 Feat d8 Feat 5
never know how the dice will land. (Any)
1 Silver-Tongued 5 Entertainer
6 Laziness. Working is for chumps. (Any)
2 Empathic 6 Keen Mind
3 Threatening 7 Observant d6 Bond
4 Quick-Fingered 8 Practiced 1 I owe a lot of money to the wrong kind of people.
I still keep the rst coin I ever won. It's my good luck
Gambling is your passion, for better or for worse. Most 3 Most of my winnings go to my home.
gamblers see their vices as virtues, and overlook things
4 Someday I will own my own casino.
in their pursuit of the rush.
I lost a large sum of money to a con artist; I seek to get it
I hide my gambling behind a normal life. My friends
have no idea who I really am.
d6 Flaw
1 I can't step away from the table when I'm losing.
2 I spend money faster than I can make it.
3 Everyone has a price. Mine happens to be pretty low.
4 I assume everyone is hiding something from me.
5 I tend to value money more than people.
I like to think I could drink anyone under the table, but
I'm really a lightweight.
As a further embodiment of the experience and 4 Might. In life as in war, the stronger force wins. (Dark)
training of your background, you can choose from the Live and Let Live. Ideals aren't worth killing over or going
following feats: to war for. (Neutral)
d8 Feat d8 Feat Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter.
1 Empathic 5 Linguist
2 Investigator 6 Alert d6 Bond
3 Perceptive 7 Observant I would still lay down my life for the people I served
4 Survivalist 8 Keen Mind with.
Someone saved my life on the battle eld. To this day, I
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS will never leave a friend behind.
Years of service in the City Watch have led to the rigid 3 My honor is my life.
discipline most often seen in military service. Working I'll never forget the crushing defeat my company
with your comrades has created a strong family bond 4
su ered or the enemies who dealt it.
and pride in your community.
5 Those who ght beside me are those worth dying for.
6 I ght for those who cannot ght for themselves.
d6 Flaw
The monstrous enemy we faced in battle still leaves me
quivering with fear.
I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven
I made a terrible mistake in battle cost many lives— and
I would do anything to keep that mistake secret.
4 My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.
5 I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.
6 I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong.
As a further embodiment of the experience and I would die to recover an ancient Jedi relic that was lost
long ago.
training of your background, you can choose from the
following feats: 2
I will someday get revenge on those who razed my
d8 Feat d8 Feat
I owe my life to the Jedi who took me in when my
1 Empathic 5 Linguist 3
parents died.
2 Investigator 6 Crafter 4 Everything I do is for the common people.
3 Loremaster 7 Healer 5 I will do anything to protect the temple where I served.
4 Charmer 8 Force-Sensitive I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies seek to
Jedi are shaped by their experience in their temple. d6 Flaw
Their study of the history and tenets of the Jedi Order 1 I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.
and their relationships to temples, shrines, or
I put too much trust in those who wield power within
hierarchies a ect their mannerisms and ideals. Their 2
my temple's hierarchy.
aws might be some hidden hypocrisy or heretical
idea, or an ideal or bond taken to an extreme. My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that
profess faith in the Force.
4 I am in exible in my thinking.
I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of
Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the
detriment of everything else in my life.
FEATURE: CHILD OF MANDALORE Aspiration I'll succeed in my goals, it just takes time and
e ort. (Any)
Other Mandalorians know, and will look out for you. If
you're ever in need of a place to stay, or a meal to eat, d6 Bond
other Mandalorians will help you as long as your clans
aren't feuding. This could be in the form of shelters, I lost someone dear to me in battle, I will always honor
meals, even healing. If the Mandalorians are of your them.
clan or a clan friendly to you, they may be willing to 2 Honor is everything to me.
help you even at cost to themselves. 3 I will lay down my life for those beside me.
BACKGROUND FEAT 4 I must keep the traditions of my ancestors alive.
As a further embodiment of the experience and 5 No matter where I go, Mandalore is my home.
training of your background, you can choose from the 6 In death, I will nd glory.
following feats:
d8 Feat d8 Feat d6 Flaw
FEATURE: POSITION OF PRIVILEGE Power. If I can attain more power, no one will tell me
what to do. (Dark)
Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think
the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and 5 Family. Blood runs thicker than water. (Any)
people assume you have the right to be wherever you Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for
are. The common folk make every e ort to the people beneath me. (Light)
accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and
other people of high birth treat you as a member of d6 Bond
the same social sphere. You can secure an audience I will face any challenge to win the approval of my
with a local noble if you need to. 1
My house's alliance with another noble family must be
sustained at all costs.
As a further embodiment of the experience and
training of your background, you can choose from the Nothing is more important than the other members of
following feats: my family.
I am in love with the heir of a family that my family
d8 Feat d8 Feat 4
1 Silver-Tongued 5 Entertainer
5 My loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering.
2 Empathic 6 Linguist
6 The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.
3 Loremaster 7 Inspiring Leader
4 Charmer 8 Observant d6 Flaw
1 I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me.
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my
Nobles are born and raised to a very di erent lifestyle 2
family forever.
than most people ever experience, and their
I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word
personalities re ect that upbringing. A noble title 3
addressed to me, and I'm quick to anger.
comes with a plethora of bonds—responsibilities to
family, to other nobles (including the sovereign), to the 4 I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.
people entrusted to the family's care, or even to the 5 In fact, the world does revolve around me.
title itself. But this responsibility is often a good way to By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my
undermine a noble. 6
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS I will bring terrible wrath down on the Darkdoers who
Often considered rude and uncouth among civilized destroyed my homeland.
folk, nomads have little respect for the niceties of life in I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure
the cities. The ties of tribe, clan, family, and the natural their names enter legend.
world are the most important bonds to nomads. I su er awful visions of a coming disaster and will do
anything to prevent it.
6 It is my duty to provide children to sustain my tribe.
d6 Flaw
1 I am too enamored of ale, wine, and other intoxicants.
2 There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.
I remember every insult I've received and nurse a silent
resentment toward anyone who's ever wronged me.
I am slow to trust members of other species, tribes, and
5 Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.
Don't expect me to save those who can't save
6 themselves. It is nature's way that the strong thrive and
the weak perish.
FEATURE: GALACTIC SCOURGE Adventure. I'm far from home, and everything is strange
and wonderful! (Chaotic)
You've been from one end of the galaxy to the other.
Greater Good. I raid to weaken the Empire that
You know the most lucrative trade routes. You have
3 threatens my people, but I don't steal from civilians.
expert knowledge of the various hyperlanes. In
addition to this, you know a large number of the
models and designs of common space ships that are Strength. The weak exist to feed the strong, and I am
found in the galaxy. Further, the bonds you formed strong. (Dark)
with your crew are strong, and you can call on their aid Crew. A ship is nothing without her crew. Protect your
even if you've been away from their side for some mates. (Neutral)
time. You can expect your former comrades to o er Ambition. One day I will be so much more than a
you passage aboard ship, reasonable aid, or shelter 6
captain. (Any)
when you are in need. Keep in mind that this bond
goes both ways, and they may come to you expecting d6 Bond
the same.
My band and I will be known across the world, and we'll
BACKGROUND FEAT never be forgotten.
As a further embodiment of the experience and 2 My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.
training of your background, you can choose from the 3 Everything I do is for the good of my people.
following feats:
My ship and many of her crew were lost to treachery,
d8 Feat d8 Feat and I won't rest until I discover who was behind it.
1 Brawny 5 Entertainer My ship comes rst, and all other loyalties simply pale in
2 Silver-Tongued 6 Specialist
A crew member of a ship we raided saved my life, and I
3 Threatening 7 Feigned Con dence 6
don't know how to resolve that debt.
4 Ace Pilot 8 Force of Personality
d6 Flaw
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS 1 I never back down from a ght.
Despite the cutthroat nature of the business, pirates
When faced with a choice between money and my
come in all shapes and personalities. Some are 2
friends, I usually choose the money.
bloodthirsty brigands who leave no survivors, others
are free spirits who believe in strength over weakness. I was drunk on watch when my ship was lost to an
The hardened warriors of deep space can be ambush. I can't set the shame aside.
implacable foes who often form unshakable bonds I feel I'm entitled to a greater share of the spoils, no
with their crewmates. The same circumstances that matter the circumstances.
give them their edge can also grind them down, leaving I won't let myself be captured. If a raid goes sour, I'm
them vulnerable to greed, shame, and the scars of fear 5
the rst to run for cover.
and horror left by battle.
I get lost in the thrill of the raid and can't focus on the
details of a plan.
As a further embodiment of the experience and I owe my instructor a great debt for forging me into the
training of your background, you can choose from the person I am today.
following feats:
d6 Flaw
d8 Feat d8 Feat 1 I believe only other scientists deserve my respect.
1 Loremaster 5 Crafter
I fail to understand why people don't understand my
2 Medic 6 Linguist technical jargon.
3 Naturalist 7 Tech Dabbler I experiment on myself without thinking about the long
term consequences.
4 Techie 8 Keen Mind
4 I am paranoid that people are out to steal my research.
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS I believe I work better when under the in uence of
Scientist are interested in things most don't care about. intoxicants.
Their research is their life, and drives their personality I work on my research to the point where I ignore my
traits. Their aws, ideals, and bond are a result of their 6
own bodily needs.
hours spent researching.
2 I shave creds or forge documents. Charity. I distribute the money I acquire to the people
who really need it. (Light)
I insinuate myself into people's lives to prey on their
3 4 Creativity. I never run the same con twice. (Any)
weakness and secure their fortunes.
4 I put on new identities like clothes. Friendship. Material goods come and go. Bonds of
friendship last forever. (Light)
5 I run sleight-of-hand cons on street corners.
Aspiration. I'm determined to make something of
I convince people that worthless junk is worth their 6
6 myself. (Any)
hard-earned money.
d6 Bond
I eeced the wrong person and must work to ensure
You have created a second identity that includes 1 that this individual never crosses paths with me or
documentation, established acquaintances, and those I care about.
disguises that allow you to assume that persona. I owe everything to my mentor—a horrible person
Additionally, you can forge documents including 2
who's probably rotting in jail somewhere.
o cial papers and personal letters, as long as you have
Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn't know
seen an example of the kind of document or the 3
me. I'm making the world better for him or her.
handwriting you are trying to copy.
I come from a noble family, and one day I'll reclaim my
BACKGROUND FEAT lands and title from those who stole them from me.
As a further embodiment of the experience and A powerful person killed someone I love. Some day
training of your background, you can choose from the soon, I'll have my revenge.
following feats: I swindled and ruined a person who didn't deserve it,
and I seek to atone for my misdeeds.
d8 Feat d8 Feat
1 Silver-Tongued 5 Specialist d6 Flaw
2 Empathic 6 Force of Personality 1 I can't resist a pretty face.
3 Performer 7 Snappy Interjection I'm always in debt. I spend my ill-gotten gains on
4 Quick-Fingered 8 Actor decadent luxuries faster than I bring them in.
I'm convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I
Scoundrels are colorful characters who conceal their I'm too greedy for my own good. I can't resist taking a
true selves behind the masks they construct. They 4
risk if there's money involved.
re ect what people want to see, what they want to
I can't resist swindling people who are more powerful
believe, and how they see the world. But their true 5
than me.
selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy
conscience, an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues. I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run
and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.
d6 Flaw
"Trust nobody, not even yourself." I am plagued by
I'm so charismatic that sometimes I woo myself. Who
am I, Narcissus?
Money is my greatest motivator. I'll do almost anything
given enough of it, even if I'll regret it later.
4 I would betray anyone to save my own skin.
I detach myself from the results of my actions in order
to sleep better at night.
Someone who knows me well might call me "two-faced"
but those who don't have no idea what hit 'em.
Many armors and shield have special properties
related to their use, as shown in the Armor table.
While wearing armor with the bulky property, you have
disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on
While wielding a shield with the obtrusive property,
you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
that rely on sight.
While wearing armor or wielding a shield with the
strength property, your speed is reduced by 10 unless
you meet the strength requirement.
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Blasters
Blaster carbine 300 cr 1d6 energy 8 lb Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 16, two-handed
Bowcaster 400 cr 1d10 energy 16 lb Ammunition (range 50/200), burst 4, reload 4, strength 11, two-handed
Ion carbine 300 cr 1d3 ion 8 lb Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 16, two-handed
Light pistol 350 cr 1d4 energy 2 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), light, reload 12
Light repeater 900 cr 1d6 energy 12 lb Ammunition (range 60/240), auto, burst 8, reload 16, two-handed
Light slugpistol 250 cr 1d4 kinetic 2 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), hidden, light, reload 8
Hold-out 250 cr 1d4 energy 1 lb Ammunition (range 30/120), hidden, light, reload 6
Needler 275 cr 1d4 kinetic 3 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), rapid 10, reload 20, special
Scattergun 200 cr 1d6 kinetic 3 lb Ammunition (range 20/80), burst 4, reload 4
Shotgun 350 cr 2d4 kinetic 12 lb Ammunition (range 30/120), burst 2, reload 4, strength 11, two-handed
Slugpistol 100 cr 1d6 kinetic 3 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), rapid 8, reload 16, strength 11
Tranquilizer ri e 200 cr 1d4 kinetic 10 lb Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 4, two-handed, special
Wristblaster 250 cr 1d4 energy 1 lb Ammunition (range 30/120), disguised, xed, light, reload 12
Wrist launcher 450 cr — 1 lb Ammunition (range 30/120), xed, reload 1, special
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Vibroweapons
Techaxe 75 cr 1d6 kinetic 2 lb Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Vibrodagger 50 cr 1d4 kinetic 1 lb Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Vibrodart 5 cr 1d4 kinetic 1/4 lb Finesse, special, thrown (range 20/60)
Vibroknuckler 60 cr 1d6 kinetic 2 lb Hidden, light
Vibromace 80 cr 1d8 kinetic 12 lb Heavy, two-handed
Vibrosta 100 cr 1d6 kinetic 4 lb Versatile (2d4)
Vibrospear 120 cr 1d6 kinetic 3 lb Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Martial Vibroweapons
Chakram 250 cr 1d6 kinetic 3 lb Finesse, returning, thrown (range 30/90)
Doubleblade 625 cr 1d6 kinetic 5 lb Double (1d6 kinetic), nesse, light
Doublesword 700 cr 1d8 kinetic 5 lb Double (1d8 kinetic), nesse
Hidden blade 200 cr 1d4 kinetic 1 lb Finesse, xed, hidden, light
Net 100 cr — 3 lb Light, nesse, special, thrown (range 15)
Techblade 250 cr 1d6 kinetic 3 lb Finesse, light
Techsta 600 cr 2d4 kinetic 8 lb Double (2d4 kinetic)
Vibroaxe 300 cr 1d10 kinetic 11 lb Dexterity 11, heavy, two-handed
Vibrobaton 225 cr 2d4 kinetic 4 lb —
Vibroblade 150 cr 1d8 kinetic 2 lb Versatile (1d10)
Vibrolance 100 cr 1d12 kinetic 6 lb Reach, special
Vibropike 200 cr 1d10 kinetic 6 lb Dexterity 11, reach, two-handed
Vibrorapier 250 cr 1d8 kinetic 2 lb Finesse
Vibrosword 500 cr 2d6 kinetic 6 lb Dexterity 11, two-handed
Vibrowhip 150 cr 1d4 kinetic 3 lb Finesse, reach
Glowrods create a beam of light illuminating the area
around you in bright light for a 20-foot radius and dim
light for an additional 20 feet. The glowrod lasts for 10
hours and can be recharged by connecting to a power
source or by replacing the power cell.
A grappling hook allows a user to climb or ascend large This box contains a cup and simple cutlery. The box
objects. It can be mounted to a blaster, belt, or clamps together, and one side can be used as a
elsewhere. It has a 50-foot length. cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl.
The expenses and lifestyles described in this chapter
assume that you are spending your time between
adventures in cities, availing yourself of whatever
services you can a ord— paying for food and shelter,
paying townspeople to repair your equipment, and so
on. Some characters, though, might prefer to spend
their time away from civilization, sustaining
themselves in the wild by hunting, foraging, and
repairing their own gear.
Maintaining this kind of lifestyle doesn't require you
to spend any coin, but it is time-consuming. If you
spend your time between adventures practicing a
profession, as described in chapter 8, you can eke out
the equivalent of a poor lifestyle. Pro ciency in the
Survival skill lets you live at the equivalent of a
comfortable lifestyle.
If you gain the Extra Attack class feature from more Multiclass Max Power Level
than one class, the features don't add together. You Caster Slot Caster Slot
can't make more than two attacks with this feature Level Level Level Level
unless it says you do (as the ghter's version of Extra 1st 1st 11th 6th
Attack does).
2nd 1st 12th 6th
SUPERIORITY DICE 3rd 2nd 13th 7th
If you have levels in multiple classes that have 4th 2nd 14th 7th
superiority dice, you track the size and quantity of your
5th 3rd 15th 8th
superiority dice for each class separately, but you can
use either classes' superiority dice to fuel the other 6th 3rd 16th 8th
classes' maneuvers. 7th 4th 17th 9th
UNARMORED DEFENSE 8th 4th 18th 9th
If you already have the Unarmored Defense feature, 9th 5th 19th 9th
you can't gain it again from another class. 10th 5th 20th 9th
You become stronger, gaining the following bene ts: Hardy and resilient, you gain the following bene ts:
Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of
Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain pro ciency in the Athletics skill. If you are
When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the
already pro cient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.
minimum number of hit points you can regain from the
You count as if you were one size larger for the
roll equals twice your Constitution modi er (minimum
purpose of determining your carrying capacity.
of 2).
CHARMER Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal
to twice your level when you gain this feat. Whenever
You've master the art of charming those around you,
you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum
gaining the following bene ts:
increases by an additional 2 hit points.
Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of
You gain pro ciency in the Persuasion skill. If you are You possess keen insight into how other people think
already pro cient in it, you instead gain expertise in it. and feel. You gain the following bene ts:
If you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can
Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
understand what you say, you can make a Charisma
You gain pro ciency in the Insight skill. If you are
(Persuasion) check contested by the creature's Wisdom
already pro cient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.
(Insight) check. If you or your companions are ghting
You can use your action to try to get uncanny insight
the creature, your check automatically fails. If your
about one humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you.
check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as
Make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the
it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute
target's Charisma (Deception) check. On a success, you
have advantage on attack rolls and ability checks
CRAFTER against the target until the end of your next turn.
You have a knack for crafting; you work with greater ENTERTAINER
e ciency and produce goods of higher quality. Select
one type of artisan's implements. You gain the You have a natural gift for performing and competing.
following bene ts: Select one gaming set or musical instrument. You gain
the following bene ts:
Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a
Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
maximum of 20.
You gain pro ciency with the chosen tool. If you are
You gain pro ciency in the chosen gaming set or
already pro cient with it, you instead gain expertise
musical instrument. If you are already pro cient with it,
with it.
you instead gain expertise with it.
When you craft something with the chosen tool, the
While playing your chosen instrument or game, you can
total market value you can craft increases 50 cr per
always readily read the emotions of those paying
day. If you have expertise with it, the market value
attention to you. During this time, and for up to one
instead increases by 100 cr per day.
minute after completing, you have advantage on
If you use the tool you've selected to practice a
Wisdom (Insight) checks to read the emotions of those
profession during downtime, you can support a
you performed for or competed against.
lifestyle one higher than you would normally be able to.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you
do so, you must choose a di erent set of artisan's do so, you must choose a di erent gaming set or
implements. musical instrument.
Prerequisite: 4th level Your extensive study of nature rewards you with the
You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just following bene ts:
the right moment. Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of
You have 3 luck points. Whenever you make an 20.
attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can You gain pro ciency in the Nature skill. If you are
spend one luck point to roll an additional d20. You can already pro cient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.
choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll You learn the toxin scan tech power. You can cast it
the die, but before the outcome is determined. You once, using supplies scavenged around you, without
choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, the use of a wristpad and without spending tech points,
ability check, or saving throw. and you regain the ability to do so when you nish a
You can also spend one luck point when an attack long rest.
roll is made against you. Roll a d20, and then choose
whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours. If OBSERVANT
more than one creature spends a luck point to Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain
in uence the outcome o f a roll, the points cancel each the following bene ts:
other out; no additional dice are rolled.
You regain your expended luck points when you Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a
nish a long rest. maximum of 20.
If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a
MEDIC language you understand, you can interpret what it's
You master the physician's arts, gaining the following saying by reading its lips.
bene ts: You are considered to have advantage when
determining your passive Wisdom (Perception) and
Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20. passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.
You gain pro ciency in the Medicine skill. If you are
already pro cient in it, you instead gain expertise in it. PERCEPTIVE
During a short rest, you can clean and bind the wounds You hone your senses until they become razor sharp.
of up to six willing beasts and humanoids. Make a DC You gain the following bene ts:
15 Wisdom (Medicine) check for each creature. On a
success, if a creature spends a Hit Die during this rest, Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
that creature can forgo the roll and instead regain the You gain pro ciency in the Perception skill. If you are
maximum number of hit points the die can restore. A already pro cient in it, you instead gain expertise in it.
creature can do so only once per rest, regardless of Being in a lightly obscured area doesn't impose
how many Hit Dice it spends. disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks if
you can both see and hear.
Prerequisite: 4th level
You are exceptionally speedy and agile. You gain the
following bene ts:
Your speed increases by 10 feet.
When you use the Dash action, di cult terrain doesn't
cost you extra movement on that turn.
When you make a melee attack against a creature, you
don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature
for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.
5 Defense 17 Onslaught You can take the Hide action as a bonus action. If you
6 Disruption 18 Sentinel could already take the Hide action as a bonus action,
you can instead take it as a reaction on your turn.
7 Dual Wield 19 Sharpshooter Creatures you've dealt damage to since the start of
8 Duelist 20 Shield your last turn have disadvantage on Wisdom
9 Equilibrium 21 Snapshot (Perception) checks made to nd you.
AKIMBO STYLE You can use your bonus action to mark a target within
You are skilled at ghting with two blasters. While you 30 feet that you can see until the end of your next turn.
are wielding separate weapons in each hand with When you do so, damage dealt to you by the target is
which you are pro cient, you gain the following reduced by an amount equal to half your Strength or
bene ts: Constitution modi er (your choice, rounded up,
minimum of 1) while marked. You can only have one
When you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can creature marked in this way at a time.
add your ability modi er to the damage roll of your You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength
Two-Weapon Fighting attack as long as it doesn't saving throws to avoid being moved.
already include that modi er.
Reloading a weapon no longer requires a free hand.
Choose one from force- or tech-casting. You are skilled
BERSERK STYLE at ghting and interfering with casters of the chosen
You are skilled at returning pain to those who deliver it. type. You gain the following bene ts:
You gain the following bene ts:
When you force a creature to make a Constitution
When you hit with a melee weapon saving throw to maintain concentration on your turn,
attack using Strength, you deal and they succeed on the save, you can use your bonus
additional damage equal to your action to force them to reroll the save. They must use
Strength modi er if that creature the new roll.
dealt damage to you since the Once per round, when a hostile creature attempts to
start of your last turn. cast a power while within 5 feet of you, they must rst
When you choose to let an make a Constitution saving throw as if to maintain
attack that would miss concentration (DC = 10 + the power's level). On a
you hit you instead, the failure, the power isn't cast and any points are wasted.
creature rolls the
damage as normal
You are skilled at ghting with two weapons. While you
instead of
are wielding separate weapons in each hand with
choosing the
which you are pro cient, you gain the following
bene ts:
You are skilled at When you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can
using your weight to add your ability modi er to the damage roll of your
your advantage. You gain Two-Weapon Fighting attack as long as it doesn't
the following bene ts: already include that modi er.
When you make an opportunity attack, you can attack
with both of your weapons.
You've mastered returning pain to those who deliver it,
becoming a scourge on the battle eld. You gain the
following bene ts:
When a creature within 5 feet of you deals damage to
you with a weapon or unarmed strike, you can use your
reaction to make a melee weapon attack or unarmed
strike against that creature. On a hit, you deal
additional damage equal to your pro ciency bonus.
If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC Whenever you roll the maximum on a weapon damage
bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against die against a creature, you gain a +1 bonus to the next
a power or other harmful e ect. attack roll you make against that creature before the
When a creature you can see damages you, you can end of your next turn.
use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount You can engage in Double-Weapon Fighting even when
equal to your pro ciency bonus. the weapon you are wielding lacks the light property.
When you are subjected to an e ect that allows you to Grasping a double weapon you are wielding in only one
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half hand with your other hand no longer requires your
damage, and you succeed on the saving throw, you can object interaction.
use your reaction to take no damage. Before you make a melee weapon attack, you can
choose to forgo your pro ciency bonus. If the attack
hits, you add your pro ciency bonus to the attack's
You've mastered getting up close and personal with
blaster weapons, maintaining both rate of re and
accuracy. While you are wielding a blaster weapon with VERSATILE MASTERY
which you are pro cient, you gain the following You've mastered using weapons in di erent ways,
bene ts: altering your attack patterns mid-swing. While you are
wielding a light- or vibro-weapon with the versatile
When you take the Attack action targeting a creature property with which you are pro cient and no other
within 30 feet, you can choose to attack rapidly at the weapons, you gain the following bene ts:
expense of accuracy. Your ranged weapon attack is
made without the aid of your pro ciency bonus, but When you are the target of a melee weapon attack, you
you can use your bonus action to make an additional can immediately use your reaction to make a melee
ranged weapon attack, also without your pro ciency weapon attack against the target without your
bonus. If you would make more than one attack when pro ciency bonus. On a hit, the target su ers the
you take the Attack action, only one attack is made attack's normal e ects, and you impose disadvantage
without your pro ciency bonus. on the triggering roll.
Your ranged weapon attacks ignore one-quarter and Once per turn, when you make an attack roll while
half cover against targets within 30 feet of you. If your wielding a weapon in two hands, you can attempt to
ranged weapon attacks would already ignore one- follow up on the attack. If the attack hits, the creature
quarter and half cover against targets within 30 feet of must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your
you, they now also ignore three-quarters cover. bonus to attacks with the weapon). On a failed save,
Other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from the creature is pushed back 5 feet, and you can
you when they move to within 30 feet of you, and you immediately move into the space it just vacated
can use blaster weapons when making opportunity without provoking opportunity attacks.
attacks. Once per turn, when you make an attack roll while
wielding a weapon in one hand, the target is wielding a
shield, and your other hand is empty, you can use your
You've mastered the techniques of throwing weapons,
other hand to pull down the shield (no action required).
readily blending the weapons with your movements.
If you do so, the creature gains no bene t to armor
While you are wielding a weapon with the thrown
class from its shield for that attack.
property with which you are pro cient, you gain the
following bene ts:
Techcasters use Intelligence as their techcasting ability,
which helps determine the saving throw DCs of power
they cast.
Forcecasters use Wisdom as their forcecasting ability
for their light side and universal powers, which helps
determine the saving throw DCs of powers they cast.
Choose a point that you can see within range. Each You attempt to beguile a humanoid that you can see
droid or construct must succeed on a Constitution within range. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving
saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the throw or be charmed by you for the duration. If you or
beginning of each of its turns, an a ected creature creatures that are friendly to you are ghting it, it has
takes energy damage equal to your forcecasting ability advantage on the saving throw.
modi er and then repeats this saving throw. On a While the target is charmed, you have a telepathic
success, the power ends on the target. link with it as long as you are within 1 mile of it. You
can use this telepathic link to issue commands to the
DISPERSE FORCE creature while you are conscious (no action required),
1st-level universal power which it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple
Prerequisite: Saber Ward and general course of action, such as "Attack that
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you take creature," "Run over there," or "Fetch that object." If
cold, energy, re, ion, lightning, or sonic damage the creature completes the order and doesn't receive
Range: Self further direction from you, it defends and preserves
Duration: 1 round itself to the best of its ability.
You can use your action to take total and precise
This power absorbs damage from certain incoming control of the target. Until the end of your next turn,
attacks, lessening its e ect on you and distributing it the creature takes only the actions you choose, and
throughout your body. You have resistance to the doesn't do anything that you don't allow it to do.
triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. During this time you can also cause the creature to use
Also, you gain 5 temporary hit points to potentially a reaction, but this requires you to use your own
absorb the attack. These temporary hit points last until reaction as well.
the start of your next turn.
Force Potency. When you cast this power using a
force slot of 2nd level or higher, the temporary hit
points increases by 5 for each slot level above 1st.
You use the Force to weave an illusion that blurs FORCE BREACH
your form, shifting and wavering to all who can see 5th-level universal power
you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage Casting Time: 1 action
on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to Range: 120 feet (20-foot cube)
this e ect if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, Duration: Instantaneous
or can see through illusions, as with truesight.
Choose a spot within range. All force powers of 5th
FORCE BLIND/DEAFEN level or lower in the area end. For each force power of
2nd-level light side power 6th level or higher in the area, make an ability check
Casting Time: 1 action
using your forcecasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the
Range: 30 feet
power's level. On a successful check, the force power
Duration: 1 minute
Force Potency. When you cast this power using a
You can blind or deafen a foe. Choose one creature force slot of 6th level or higher, you automatically end
that you can see within range to make a Constitution the e ects of a force power on the target if the power's
saving throw. If it fails, the target is either blinded or level is equal to or less than the level of the force slot
deafened (your choice) for the duration. At the end of you used.
each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution
saving throw. On a success, the power ends. FORCE CAMOUFLAGE
Force Potency. When you cast this power using a 2nd-level universal power
force slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one Casting Time: 1 action
additional creature for each slot level above 2nd. Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
1st-level light side power You become invisible until the power ends. Anything
Casting Time: 1 action
you are wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is
Range: Self (15-foot cone)
on your person. The power ends if you attack, cast a
Duration: 1 round
power, or otherwise take a hostile action.
Prerequisite: Horror
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot sphere)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
This power assaults and twists creatures' minds,
spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled action.
Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on
you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw when you
cast this power or be a ected by it.
An a ected target can't take reactions and must roll
a d8 at the start of each of its turns to determine its
behavior for that turn. This power has no e ect on
constructs or droids.
Choose one creature that you can see within range. Choose up to two willing creatures that you can see
The creature reels with extreme dizziness and nausea within range. Until the power ends, each targets' speed
for the duration. Creatures that can't be charmed are is doubled, they gain a +2 bonus to AC, they have
immune to this power. advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and they gain an
The a ected creature must use all of its movement additional action on each of their turns. That action can
to writhe in discomfort without leaving its space and be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack
has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or the Use an Object
attack rolls. While the target is a ected by this power, Action.
other creatures have advantage on attack rolls against When the power ends, each target can't move or
it. As an action, an a ected creature makes a Wisdom take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of
saving throw to regain control of itself. On a successful lethargy sweeps over it.
save, the power ends. This power has no e ect on Force Potency. When you cast this power using a
droids or constructs. force slot of 8th-level or higher, you can target one
additional creature for each slot level above 7th.
9th-level light side power MIND BLANK
8th-level universal power
Prerequisite: Improved Revitalize
Casting Time: 1 hour Prerequisite: Mind Trap
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
Duration: 24 hours
You return a dead creature you touch to life,
provided that it has been dead no longer than 1 day. If Until the power ends, one willing creature you touch
the creature's soul is both willing and at liberty to is immune to psychic and sonic damage, any e ect that
rejoin the body, the creature returns to life with all its would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, and the
hit points. This power has no e ect on droids or charmed condition. The power foils powers or e ects
constructs. of similar power used to a ect the target's mind or to
This power closes all wounds, neutralizes any poison, gain information about the target.
cures all diseases, and lifts any curses a ecting the
creature when it died. The power replaces damaged or
6th-level dark side power
missing organs and limbs.
Prerequisite: Mind Trap
MASTER SABER THROW Casting Time: 1 action
7th-level universal power Range: 60 feet
Prerequisite: Greater Saber Throw Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action You attempt to bind a creature within an illusory cell
Range: Self (90-foot line) that only it perceives. One creature you can see within
Duration: Instantaneous range must make an Intelligence saving throw. The
When you cast this power, you must be wielding at target succeeds automatically if it is immune to being
least one lightweapon or vibroweapon, otherwise the charmed. On a successful save, the target takes 5d10
power fails. When you cast this power, you can throw psychic damage, and the power ends. On a failed save,
two weapons, striking creatures in two lines originating the target takes 5d10 psychic damage, and you make
from yourself, both 90 feet long and 5 feet wide, or you the area immediately around the target's space appear
can throw one weapon in a 90-foot long, 5-foot wide dangerous to it in some way. You might cause the
line of your choice originating from yourself and target to perceive itself as being surrounded by re, a
change its direction to move in a second identical line storm of blaster- re, or deadly toxic gas, for example.
of your choice within range. Each creature in a line Whatever form the illusion takes, the target can't see
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes or hear anything beyond it and is restrained for the
5d8 damage of the same type as the weapon's damage power's duration. If the target is moved out of the
and 5d8 force damage on a failed save, or half as much illusion, makes a melee attack through it, or reaches
damage on a successful one. A creature in the area of any part of its body through it, the target takes 10d10
more than one line is a ected only once. The weapons psychic damage, and the power ends. This power has
then immediately return to your hand. no e ect on droids or constructs.
Force Potency. When you cast this power using a
force slot of 8th level or higher, the weapon damage
and force damage each increase by 1d8 for each slot
level above 7th. \columnbreak
1st-level universal power 1st-level light side power
Prerequisite: Resistance
Casting Time: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You choose one object that you must touch
throughout the casting of the power. If it is an You bless up to three creatures of your choice within
enhanced or modi ed item, you learn its properties range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a
and how to use them, whether it requires attunement saving throw before the power ends, the target can roll
to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or
whether any powers are a ecting the item and what saving throw.
they are. Force Potency. When you cast this power with a
If the item was created by a power, you learn which force slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one
power created it. If you instead touch a creature additional creature for every two slot levels above 1st.
throughout the casting, you learn what force powers, if When you cast this power at 3rd, 6th, or 9th level, the
any, are currently a ecting it. die increases to d6, d8, and d10, respectively.
You gain insight into an encrypted message you are DETECT ENHANCEMENT
holding when you cast this power, granting you 1st-level tech power
advantage on ability checks you make to decipher the Casting Time: 1 action
document. Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
4th-level tech power For the duration, you sense the presence of any
Casting Time: 1 action
enhancements within 30 feet of you. If you sense an
Range: Touch
enhancement in this way, you can use your action to
Duration: Instantaneous
see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in
the area that bears an enhancement.
You touch a creature that has died within the last The power is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
minute and administer a shock to restore it to life. That common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood
creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This power or dirt.
can't return to life a creature that has died of old age,
nor can it restore any missing body parts. If the DETECT INVISIBILITY
creature is lacking body parts or organs integral for its 2nd-level tech power
survival—its head, for instance—the power Casting Time: 1 action
automatically fails. Once this power has restored a Range: Self
creature to life, it cannot bene t from this power again Duration: 1 hour
until it nishes a short or long rest.
For the duration, you see invisible creatures and
DELAYED EXPLOSION objects as if they were visible.
7th-level tech power
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level tech power
Range: 150 feet
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Self
You create a delayed explosion at a point within Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
range. When the power ends, either because your
concentration is broken or because you decide to end You sense the presence, general location, and nature
it, the explosion occurs. Each creature in a 20-foot- of any trap within 120 feet of you that is within line of
radius sphere centered on that point must make a sight. A trap, for this power, includes anything that
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes re damage would in ict a sudden or unexpected e ect you
equal to the total accumulated damage on a failed consider harmful or undesirable, which was speci cally
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. intended by its creator.
The power's base damage is 12d6. If at the end of While the power is active, you have advantage on
your turn the explosion has not yet occurred, the Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation)
damage increases by 1d6. checks to nd any traps that are within line of sight.
If the explosion is touched before the interval has DIMINISH TECH
expired, the creature touching it must make a Dexterity 3rd-level tech power
saving throw. On a failed save, the power ends
Casting Time: 1 action
immediately, causing the explosion.
Range: 120 feet
The re spreads around corners. It ignites ammable
Duration: Instantaneous
objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
Overcharge Tech. When you cast this power using a Choose one creature, object, or tech e ect within
tech slot of 8th level or higher, the base damage range. Any tech power of 3rd level or lower on the
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th. target ends. For each tech power of 4th level or higher
on the target, make an ability check using your
DESTROY TECH techcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the power's
3rd-level tech power level. On a success, the power ends.
Casting Time: 1 action Overcharge Tech. When you cast this power using a
Range: 120 feet tech slot of 4th level or higher, you automatically end
Duration: Instantaneous the e ects of a tech power on the target if the power's
level is equal to or less than the level of the tech slot
Make a ranged tech attack against a creature within
you used.
range. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 ion damage.
Additionally, if the target has tech points, it must make
an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it loses 5
tech points, as though it expended a tech slot.
Some special abilities and environmental hazards, and A paralyzed creature is incapacitated (see the
the long-term e ects of freezing or scorching condition) and can't move or speak.
temperatures, can lead to a special condition called The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
exhaustion. Exhaustion is measured in six levels. An saving throws. Attack rolls against the creature have
e ect can give a creature one or more levels of advantage.
exhaustion, as speci ed in the e ect's description. Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the
attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.
Exhaustion Level
A petri ed creature is transformed, along with any
1 Disadvantage on ability checks object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate
2 1 slowed level substance (usually stone). Its weight increases by a
factor of ten, and it ceases aging.
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
The creature is incapacitated (see the condition), can't
4 Hit point maximum halved move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
5 4 slowed levels Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.
The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity
6 Death
saving throws.
The creature has resistance to all damage.
If an already exhausted creature su ers another
The creature is immune to poison and disease,
e ect that causes exhaustion, its current exhaustion
although a poison or disease already in its system is
level increases by the amount speci ed in the e ect's
suspended, not neutralized.
A creature su ers the e ect of its current exhaustion
level as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature
su ering level 2 exhaustion has 1 slowed level and has
disadvantage on ability checks.
A shocked creature can't take reactions
On its turn, a shocked creature can take either an
action or a bonus action, but not both.
Some abilities, e ects, and hazards can lead to a
special condition called slowed. Slowed is measured in
four levels. An e ect can give a creature one or more
levels of slowed, as speci ed in the e ect's description.
Slowed Level
Level E ect
1 Speed reduced by 15 feet
2 Speed reduced by 25 feet
3 Speed reduced by 30 feet
Speed reduced to 0, and can't bene t from any bonus
to speed
Languages, 17, 148-9 Poisoned (condition), 306 Slug cartridge, 179 Multiclass max power
Level, 11 Poisoner's kit, 186 Social interaction, 10 level, 192
Lifestyle expenses, 222 Poor (lifestyle), 189 Sonic (damage), 229 Multiclassing
Lifting and carrying, 212 Pouch, 182 Space, 225 prerequisites, 191
Light (property), 175 Power alignments, 234 Special (property), 176 Multiclassing
Lightly obscured, 219 Power cell, 179 Special traits, 17 proficiencies, 192
Lightning (damage), 229 Power level, 233 Special types of movement, Power level point cost,
Line, 235 Practicing a profession, 222 218 233
Long jump, 218 Prerequisites, 234 Special weapons, 176 Services, 190
Long rest, 221 Priest's pack, 179 Specialist's kits, 186 Tack harness, and drawn
Longer casting times, 234 Proficiencies, 149 Speed, 17, 217 vehicles, 188
Lore, 214 Proficiency bonus, 12, 191 Sphere, 235 Tools, 187
Luminous (property), 175 Projector canister, cryo, 179 Splitting up the party, 219 Trade goods, 187
Macrobinoculars, 183 Projector canister, Squalid (lifestyle), 189 Travel pace, 218
Marching order, 218 incendiary, 179 Squeezing into a smaller Vehicles, 188
Mechanic's kit, 186 Prone (condition), 306 space, 225 Vibroweapons, 178
Medicine, 215 Psychic (damage), 229 Stabilizing a creature, 230 Wealth by level, 171
Medpac, 182 Ram, portable, 183 Stealth field generator, 184 Targeting yourself, 235
Mess kit, 183 Range (powers), 234 Stealth, 213, 218 Targets, 235
Mine, fragmentation, 181 Range (property), 176 Strength (property), 172, Techcasting ability, 214
Mine, gas, 181 Range, 228 176 Technologist's pack, 179
Mine, incendiary, 181 Ranged attacks in close Strength, 212 Technology, 214
Missile, fragmentation, 179 combat, 228 Stunned (condition), 306 Thermal detonator, 181
Modest (lifestyle), 189 Rapid (property), 176 Stylus pen, 180 Three-quarters cover, 228
Modifiers to the roll, 227 Reach (property), 176 Suffocating, 219 Throw (property), 176
Monsters and death, 230 Reactions, 224, 234 Suggested characteristics, Tinker's implements, 186
Mounting and dismounting, Ready (action), 226 149 Track, 219
231 Recuperating, 222 Surprise, 223 Tracker utility vest, 184
Mounts, speeders, and Reload (property), 176 Surprising foes, 219 Trade goods, 171
vehicles, 217 Remote detonator, 184 Surveyor's implements, 186 Training, 222
Moving around other Repair kit, 182 Survival Traumakit, 182
creatures, 225 Researching, 222 Swimming, 218 Travel pace, 217
Moving between attacks, Respirator, 182 Syntheweaver's implements, Tripod, 184
224 Resting in armor, 221 186 Tripping, 228
Musical instruments, 186 Restrained (condition), 306 Tables: Truesight, 220
Nature, 214 Restraining bolt, 183 Ability check DCs, 210 Two-handed (property), 176
Navigate, 219 Results of roleplaying, 221 Ability scores and Unconscious (condition),
Necrotic (damage), 229 Returning (property), 176 modifiers, 13 306
Noticing threats, 218 Rocket boots, 184 Adventuring gear, 185 Unseen attackers and targets,
Object interaction, 223 Roleplaying, 220 Alignment, 147 227
Obtrusive (property), 172 Rolling 1 or 20, 227 Armor and shields, 174 Use an object (action), 226
One-quarter cover, 228 Saddles, 188 Blasters, 177 Using different speeds, 224
Opportunity attacks, 227 Saving throws, 235 Character advancement, Versatile (property), 176
Other activity on your turn, Scholar's pack, 179 15 Vision and light, 219
224 Search (action), 226 Common languages, 148 Water, 220
Paralyzed (condition), 305 Security kit, 186 Donning and doffing Wealthy (lifestyle), 189
Passive checks, 211 Self-sufficiency, 190 armor, 174 Weapon proficiency, 175
Perception, 215 Shocked (condition), 306 Droids, 188 Weapon properties, 175
Performance, 216 Short rest, 221 Fighting masteries, 196 Weapons, 14
Personality traits, 148 Shoving, 228 Fighting styles, 193 Wisdom, 215
Persuasion, 216 Size, 17 Food, drink, and lodging, Working together, 212
Petrified (condition), 305 Skills with other abilities, 190 Wretched (lifestyle), 189
Piloting, 214 211 Lifestyle expenses, 189 Wristpad, 180
Playing on a grid, 225 Skills, 211 Lightsaber forms, 201 XP and proficiency bonus
Pocket scrambler, 180 Sleight of hand, 213 Lightweapons, 178 progression, 15
Poison (damage), 229 Slicer's kit, 186 Mounts and other animals, Your character's abilities, 14
Poison, 182 Slowed (condition), 306 188 Your turn, 223
aving delved into the depths of character creation,
it's time to consider your next steps. The fun
of D&D is in playing the game, not just
making up characters (though that's fun, too).