Task #1: What Are Increment & Decrement Operator? Explain With Proper Example.
Task #1: What Are Increment & Decrement Operator? Explain With Proper Example.
Task #1: What Are Increment & Decrement Operator? Explain With Proper Example.
What are Increment & decrement operator? Explain with proper example.
Increment operators are used to increase the value of the variable by one.
Decrement operators are used todecrease the value of the variable by one in C programs.
Task #2:
Assignment operators are used to assigning value to a variable. The left side operand of the
assignment operator is a variable and right side operand of the assignment operator is a value.
The value on the right side must be of the same data-type of the variable on the left side
otherwise the compiler will raise an error.Here are some assignment operators/assignment.
= Simple assignment operator. Assigns values from right sideoperands to left side operand
+= Add AND assignment operator. It adds the right operand to the leftoperand and assign the
result to the left operand.
-= Subtract AND assignment operator. It subtracts the right operandfrom the left operand and
assigns the result to the left operand.
/= Divide AND assignment operator. It divides the left operand with theright operand and
assigns the result to the left operand.
%= Modulus AND assignment operator. It takes modulus using twooperands and assigns the
result to the left operand.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 21;
int c ;
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c = a;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c += a;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c -= a;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c *= a;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c /= a;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
c = 200;
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c %= a;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c <<= 2;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c >>= 2;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c &= 2;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c ^= 2;
cout<<" Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c |= 2;
cout<<"( c |= 2) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
return 0;
Task #3:
Create the source file and observe the output of the following program?
# include<iostream>
# include<iomanip>
Using namespace std;
main ()
int Durban=4000, Moscow=5000, Sydney=10, Paris=1;
cout<<" City "<<"\t No. of Schools";
cout<<"\n Durban \t"<<Durban;
cout<<"\n Moscow \t"<<Moscow;
cout<<"\n Sydney \t"<<Sydney;
cout<<"\n Paris \t"<<Paris;
Task# 4:
Create the source file and observe the output of the following program?
# include<iostream>
# include<iomanip>
Using namespace std;
main ()
int Durban=4000, Moscow=5000, Sydney=10, Paris=1;
cout<<setw(10)<<" City "<<setw(30)<<" No. of Schoolss \n";
cout<<setw(10)<<" Durban"<<setw(20)<<Durban<<"\n";
cout<<setw(10)<<" Moscow"<<setw(20)<<Moscow<<"\n";
cout<<setw(10)<<" Sydney"<<setw(20)<<Sydney<<"\n";
cout<<setw(10)<<" Paris"<<setw(20)<<Paris<<"\n";
Task #5:
Create the source file and observe the output of the following program?
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;
main ()
int a = 21;
int c ;
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c = a;
cout<<" (c = a) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c += a;
cout<<"(c += a) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c -= a;
cout<<"(c -= a) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c *= a;
cout<<"(c *= a) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c /= a;
cout<<"(c /= a) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
c = 200;
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c %= a;
cout<<"(c %= a) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c <<= 2;
cout<<"(c <<= 2) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c >>= 2;
cout<<"(c >>= 2) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c &= 2;
cout<<"(c &= 2) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c ^= 2;
cout<<"(c ^= 2) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
cout<<"Value of a ="<<a<<" and value of c="<<c<<" before operation"<<endl;
c |= 2;
cout<<"( c |= 2) Value of c = "<<c<<"\n";
Task #6:
Write a program to solve the following algebraic expression that takes the
values of variables from user.
(Take power of variable from power function)
3x.x+2 / 4a+1