The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Purchase Intention: Consumer Survey in Saudi Arabia
The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Purchase Intention: Consumer Survey in Saudi Arabia
The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Purchase Intention: Consumer Survey in Saudi Arabia
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
The main purpose of the current research was to find out the impact of social media marketing on the purchase
intention of the customers. The study was conducted in Saudi Arabia. It is a quantitative research based primary
data collected through structured close ended questionnaire, distributed online. Results were drawn based on 121
responses using factor analysis, ANOVA and regression analysis. The results showed that 92.4% of the customer
purchase intention has been explained by Social Media Marketing. The results are statistically significant.
Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Saudi Arabia, nnConsumer Purchase Intention
DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/56-03
Publication date:May 31st 2019
Marketing is what an organization must do to create and exchange value with customers, this value creation is by
meeting customer’s need and marketing strategy which is the plan of sustained basis to create (Silk, 2006).
Successful business depends on successful marketing, simply without marketing the company cannot create or
exchange value with customers. One form of the marketing is E-marketing (electronic marketing) or digital
marketing, which focuses on using information technology for the marketing activity. E-marketing increases
efficiency and effectiveness in traditional marketing function, and the technology transforms many marketing
strategies which results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase customer profitability
(Strauss & Forst, 2012). Social media is one big important facet of digital marketing that company must consider
to marketing in and with nowadays. Social media is a term used to describe the type of media that is based on
conversion and interaction between people online. People nowadays are multi-taskers and spend many of their
waking hours tuning in to multiple media platforms at the same time, someone probably very comfortable surfing
the web, texting their friends and perhaps talking on the phone while they sip a latte at the local coffee shop, these
people recently called - digital natives. Today marketers have a huge set of new tools to reach those digital natives.
In fact, for most companies now the question is not whether to include social media as a part of the communication
mix, but how much to use (Tuten & Michael, 2015).
Social media marketing has become a very critical subject to analyze. A study by DEI Worldwide (2008)
prepared the following statistics: 70% of consumers visited social media platforms to get information, 49% of
these consumers made a purchase decision depending on the information they got from the social media platforms,
60% said they may use social media sites to pass along information to others online, and 45% of those who
searched for information through social media platforms participated in word-of-mouth. The report concludes that
companies that do not activate social media in their online marketing strategy were missing an opportunity to reach
consumers. Because the word of mouth and the information passing between customers through social media
platforms, the value of one customer is worth far more than what he originally spends. So companies must think
about the value of customers and also the influence of social media on them (Kim, 2012). What makes this type
of marketing different is that the content is not generated as corporate monologue, such as in a newspaper or most
company’s websites, but as a conversation, with all participants having the ability to upload content and discuss,
edit, or rate each other's content and sometimes these relationships based on these interactions being continued
offline (Strauss and Forst,2012). This research investigated how can companies use social media marketing to
influence consumer behavior specially their intention to purchase.
Statement of Problem
Today, everything is about Social Media. Some industry scholars claim that,” if you do not participate in Facebook,
YouTube, and Second Life, you are not part of cyberspace anymore “(Kaplan &Heinlein,2010). The concept of
Social Media must be in the top of agenda for businesses, decision makers and the most important for marketers.
Social media interaction has become now a day an important part of almost each individual's everyday life.
Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn have a large number of the users and they continue
growing every second of the day. It is estimated that over 3.196 billion people are using social media in 2018
(Kemp, 2018).
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
Social Media with all types enables organizations to engage in direct and adequate end-consumer contact
with lower cost and with higher efficiency than traditional communication tools (Kaplan & Heinlein, 2010). Our
concentration in this paper is on using Social Media platforms in marketing and how will this affect consumer
purchase intention. These growing numbers of social media users must attract marketers. Companies marketers
must have recognized social media marketing as an important tool that must be a main part of their marketing
Research Question
How marketers can use social media to influence consumer purchase intention?
Literature Review
Various studies have been conducted on the social media marketing and its effect on consumer behavior specially
the purchase intention. The study by Darbanand Li (2012) examined the impact of online social networks on
consumers purchasing decision process in food retailer shops in Sweden. The researchers found that online social
networks impact every step of consumer's purchasing decision process to different extent regarding food retailer
shops. They also found that convenience was the main reason for this behaviour. Because of these convenience
consumers spend more time on it. However, these features allow customers to interacts with supermarkets and
other customers and reach to comments on supermarkets Facebook's page. The study by Gros (2012) aimed to
explain the influence of social media on consumers' purchasing decision making process and if the influence has
different levels at the various stages of this process. The study concluded that the influence of social media has
different levels according to the stages the consumers go through during the purchasing decision making process.
Depending on the stages of the process of decision making, the consumers showed to be more or less influenced
by social media.
Research by Sema (2013) examined the influence of social media on travelers' decision-making for their
future vacations. Study implemented in United States and the data collected using online research firm's domestic
leisure travel panel and the condition of required respondents was they must have taken at least one trip in past
year for vacation, enjoyment, or personal purpose at U.S. About 1,048 respondents filled the questionnaire. The
sample depicted for this research balanced by race, gender, age, and ethnicity. The research found that the use of
social media in travel planning influenced travel experience positively. It also approved that sharing behavior and
the experience with social media positively related to travel-experience sharing on social media. These results
showed that with increased perceived pleasure related positively with the use of social media as a source of
planning to travel. Also there is a positive relationship between the level of experience with social media and
sharing travel experiences on social media. Study conducted by Sano (2014) applied in Japan, aimed to explain
how marketing activities in social media work in tourism industry, and how can travel agencies use social media
marketing to increase customer satisfaction and make positive word-of-mouth as well as influence purchase
intentions. The result showed that customer satisfaction influenced by social media behavior intention stronger
than positive word of mouth.
Ahmed and Zahid (2014) aimed to examine the impact of social media marketing on brand equity and
customer relationship management in terms of purchase intention. Findings of this study indicated that most
significant factor which influenced purchase intention was customer relationships management. It also concluded
that social media marketing positively influenced customer relationships and brand equity. Results also showed
that social media marketing does not directly affect the customer’s purchase intentions, customer’s purchase
intention increased when clothes brands care about them, then customers engage emotionally with the brand, as
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
well as customer’s awareness about the brand, satisfaction and word-of-mouth enhance the customer’s purchase
intentions. Study carried out by Chandio et al. (2015) investigated the impact of social media marketing on
customer purchase intention in Pakistani perspectives. The study showed that the customer tried to find out the
information regarding the brand as much as possible with ease. It also revealed that the perceived quality doesn't
has significant relation with the purchase intention in the context of the social media marketing whereas the
information search has the positive significant relation with the purchase intention. Word of mouth showed a
positive significant relation with purchase intention because this variable carried trust with itself. A local study by
Medabesh (2015) investigated the impact of online advertising on the marketing of tourism services which was
applied in Jazan city in Saudi Arabia. Research results revealed that electronic advertising positively affected
buying behavior of tourist.
According to Schivinski and Dabrowsk (2016) brand equity and brand attitude are influenced positively by
social media interaction. The results showed that brand equity and brand attitude have a positive influence on
purchase intention. Another local study of Khatibi (2016) attempted to explain how the influence of social media
is reflected on consumer purchase decision making process. The study found that the influence of social media has
different levels when customer going through various stages of the consumers' purchasing decision making process.
The results of the research approved that consumers in Saudi Arabia are actively using social media platforms as
a tool when they engage in the purchase decision. However, consumers are considered to be unwilling to sharing
their opinions and word-of-mouth to other customers through social media platforms . It further approved that
Saudi consumer were affected by social media in their purchase decision. The research by Akhtar et al. (2016)
showed that there is a positive relationship between social media marketing and consumer purchase intention. It
approved that as the firms increase their spending on marketing on social media, the profitability of the firms also
enhanced. Social media marketing assists the firms to gain competitive edge and enhance the profitability of
Alhadid and Alhadeed (2017) aimed is to examine the impact of social media marketing on purchase intention
of used cars in Jordan. Results showed that increasing number of consumers use social media, all kinds of
industries had to invest in social media to gain new consumers and reinforce relations with current ones. It also
showed that the business can improve social media marketing in a way to ensure success thought long term strategy
rather than simply concentrating on widely known applications and social media. They suggested that corporations
need a set of rules to efficiently handle numerous types of social media as instrument of strategic marketing.
Research done by Alkaya and Taskin (2017) provided a general view of the relationship between social media
and customer equity and gave mobile operators a tool that enabling them to forecast the purchase intention of their
customer in the future more accurately. The results also provide a guide to managing marketing activities on social
media platform. The study by Zabadiet et. al., (2017) investigated the role of social media platforms and how they
can influence the consumers' intention to purchase, and impact on user's trust in a social commerce environment.
The results revealed that trust is the most dominant construct and has a statistically significant effect on behavioral
intention to purchase on the internet, followed by perceived usefulness of website. Study by Zhung (2017)
attempted to assess the impact of social media marketing, brand loyalty and electronic word of mouth toward
purchase intention. It applied in Malaysia using quantitative method and applied deductive approach using
questionnaires. The research results concluded that social media has positive effect on behavior. With social media
interaction consumer intention to buy or repurchase the product in the future increased. It also approved that
consumer purchase intention affected positively by brand loyalty, consumers were willing to spend their time and
their money for banks that they were loyal for. The results also showed that when customer perceived the
information in the social media as worthy and unbiased, they would acquire this information in their decisions.
The research by Scarth (2017) examined how social media communication influenced purchase intention of motor
vehicle brands in South Africa. The results concluded that the brands examined has very positive image in
respondents’ minds, respondents were also perceiving tested brands as brands with good reputation which draw
positive features in consumers' minds. Results also suggested that a strong sense of brand attitude is present in
South African Millennial consumers of high price items and this displayed strong positive relationship of brand
attitude and brand equity influencing Millennial purchase intention. Study by Eekan and Evas (2017) found that
the effect of electronic word of mouth in social media on purchase intention remains uncertain.
Study by Arceo et al., (2017) suggested an explanation on how social media platforms and various types of
social media users through online convergence ultimately influenced purchase intention in the restaurant industry.
Quantitative method used to study the influence of social media platforms used to advertise foodstuff. The study
revealed that influence to visit or dine in a restaurant can be attributed to different factors such as online
convergence, social media platforms, the frequency of use and types of social media user. It also showed that
different social media users through online convergence can influence consumers to visit or dine-in in restaurants.
Social media not only impacts consumers but also businesses who exploit its free-of-charge, faster and accessible
advantages. Research carried out by Toor, et al., (2017) examined the impact of social network marketing on
consumer purchase intention and how it is affected by the mediating role of consumer engagement. Results of this
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
study indicated that social network marketing is significantly related to consumer purchase intention. It further
demonstrated that consumer engagement acts as a partial mediator in how social network marketing impact on
consumer purchase intention.
Study carried out by Flórez et al., (2017) tries to understand the factors that motivate the use of social networks
in the purchase decision of young university students. Research results concluded with a proper approach to the
factors that can affect university students who intend to use social networks to buy. It recommended for companies
to look for strategies that combine information transparency and stimulation of word-of-mouth communication
among users if they wish to promote their products through social platforms, generating a larger impact on the
purchase decisions of clients. A study which focuses in one social network 'Instagram' by Al-Najjar (2017)
investigated the creation of the performance of luxury through marketing work done on the social site Instagram
and the respondents' role in this performance. This was done through using three exemplary brands – Burberry,
Louis Vuitton and Gucci – that represent the luxury fashion sector. The results showed positive attitudes from
followers towards the brands, this positive attitude showed from the positive sensual expressions in comments
about the brand and its practicality. This indicated and confirmed findings that consumers perceived the brand to
be beneficial and therefore emotional attachment towards the brands were shown. Hence, follower’s role on
Instagram sees to boost the luxury performance of these brands. Moreover, results showed that positive comments
can be treated as positive electronic word of mouth and it is in return favorable for the brand’s economic value.
The positive responses and attitudes that followers expressed through comments enhanced the feel of luxury in
Instagram as a whole. Having harmony between the brand’s identity and the perceived image create a pleasant
atmosphere for both the brand and customer. The literature in general showed positive relationship between social
media marketing and customers purchase intention in various industries.
Research Methodology
Data Collection Type
This study relies on primary data. The data collection tool in this study is questionnaire, it included 14 closed
ended questions.
The Model
Dependent variable: Customer Purchase Intention (CPI)
Independent variable: Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Customer Purchase
Social Media Marketing
H1o: There is no relationship between Social Media Marketing and Consumer Purchase Intention.
H1A: Social Media Marketing has a positive impact on Consumer Purchase Intention.
Sampling Design
The unit of analysis was individual who use social media networks selected randomly consisting 121 respondents.
In order to ensure that the sample is appropriate one question about the average daily time spent on engagement
in social media networks was asked.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
Figure 1
The regression model well-fits the data due to that adjusted R square is less than R square with a very small
difference, where it equals 0.037. The Durbin-Watson is equal to 1.991which is between the two critical values
of 1.5 < d < 2.5. Therefore, we can assume that there is no first order linear auto-correlation in our multiple linear
regression data.
Table 8: ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 47.513 2 23.757 711.079 .000b
Residual 3.909 117 .033
Total 51.422 119
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Purchase Intention
b. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 2 for analysis 5, REGR factor score 1 for analysis 5
ANOVA is analysis to tests the effect of Independent variables on dependent variables, large value of F like
what we have in the above value indicate that null hypothesis is wrong, so we reject the null hypothesis of equal
population means and conclude that there is a (statistically) significant difference among the population means
(Table 8).
Table 9: Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Correlations
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Beta Zero- Partial Part
Error order
1 (Constant) 2.367 .017 141.838 .000
REGR factor .228 .017 .346 13.578 .000 .346 .782 .346
score 1 for
analysis 5
REGR factor .590 .017 .897 35.182 .000 .897 .956 .897
score 2 for
analysis 5
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Purchase Intention
In table 9, B column determine the expected change in dependent variable for each unit change in the
associated independent, it is 0.409 here. The relative impact of independent variable on dependent variable is 0.520.
The information in the table above also allows us to check for Multicollinearity in our multiple linear regression
model, VIF should be <10 for variables, VIF in the table above is equal to 1 so there is no problem of
Table 10: Residuals Statisticsa
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted Value 1.0814 4.8746 2.3667 .63188 120
Std. Predicted Value -2.034- 3.969 .000 1.000 120
Standard Error of Predicted Value .017 .075 .027 .011 120
Adjusted Predicted Value 1.0851 4.8531 2.3673 .63387 120
Residual -.52567- .44885 .00000 .18124 120
Std. Residual -2.876- 2.456 .000 .992 120
Stud. Residual -3.152- 2.477 -.002- 1.009 120
Deleted Residual -.63151- .45653 -.00063- .18801 120
Stud. Deleted Residual -3.281- 2.533 -.001- 1.019 120
Mahal. Distance .003 18.952 1.983 3.047 120
Cook's Distance .000 .667 .013 .062 120
Centered Leverage Value .000 .159 .017 .026 120
a. Dependent Variable: Customer Purchase Intention
Table 10 shows spread of values that the model predicts and the range of error within the model.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
Figure 2
Fig.1 examines the multivariate normality of the dependent variable using histogram, which denotes normal
distribution of collected data.
Also using P-P plot, we can check for normality of residuals. Fig. 2 shows that the points follow the normal
line with no deviations. This indicates that the dependent variable is normally distributed.
Table 11: Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.810 7
Table 11 indicates that the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is above 0.7 and equals 0.81, suggesting that the
items have relatively high internal consistency and the reliability of the scale is good and acceptable.
Present study investigated the impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Behaviour. A good number of
researches have been done on the topic specially in developed countries. However presently the Social Media have
gained tremendous popularity in developing countries including the Middle-East in general and Saudi Arabia in
particular. The results of this research showed that Social Media Marketing influences the customer purchase
intention positively, therefore based on the findings of this research Social Media Marketing cannot be avoided by
the companies. Infact social media marketing should be appropriately planned and implemented to increase the
sales and profit. The findings of this study is similar to the findings of previous studies namely Darban and Li
(2012), Gros (2012). Importantly, Social Media Marketing influences different sectors such as travel and tourism,
Sema (2013, Sano (2014), it also influences the brand equity and customer relationship management (Ahmed and
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
Zahid (2014). Social Media Marketing has impact across different nations such as Pakistan Chandio et. al., (2015),
Saudi Arabia Khatib (2016). Thus from the current research and the previous researches it can be concluded that
the Social Media Marketing positively impacts consumer behaviour.
Ahmed, M., and Zahid, Z., (2014). Role of social media marketing to enhance CRM and brand equity in terms of
purchase intention. Asian Journal of Management Research. 4(3), pp. 533-549.
Akhtar, N., Tahir, M., and Asghar, Z. (2016). Impact of social media marketing on consumer purchase intention.
International Review of Social Sciences. 4(10), pp. 385-394.
Alhadid, A. and Alhadeed, A., (2017). The impact of social media marketing on purchase intention. International
Business Management.11(11), pp.1844-1847.
Alkaya, A. and Taskin, E (2017). The impact of social media pages on consumer equity and purchase intention:
an empirical study of mobile operators. Journal of Business Research Turk. 9(3), pp.122-133.
Al-Najjar, N., (2017). Luxury in Instagram’s Eyes Burberry, Louis Vuitton & Gucci. Published thesis (Master
degree). Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Arceo, P., Buenaventura, M., Cumahig, I., Mesa, M. and Tenerife, J., (2017). The Impact of Social Media
Platforms to Online Consumers’ Intention to Purchase in Food Industry. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth
Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, 21- 22 December 2017. Taipei. Taiwan.
Chandio, Z., Ahmed, S., and Zafar, S., (2015). Impact of social media marketing on consumer purchase intention.
IBT journal of business studies.11(11), p.119-129, [online] Available at
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Erkan, I. and Evans, C., (2016). The impact of electronic word of mouth in social media on consumers purchase
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Gros., C., (2012). The influence of Social Media on consumers during their purchase decision-making process and
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Khatib, F., (2016). The impact of social media characteristics on purchase decision: empirical study of Saudi
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Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal DOI: 10.7176/JMCR
Vol.56, 2019
1- Gender
o Male
o Female
2- Age
o Below 20
o 20 - 29
o 30 – 39
o 40 – 49
o 50 and up
3- How long have you been using the Internet?
o Less than 1 year
o 1-5 years
o 6-10 years
o 11-15years
o 16 years and above
4- Which of the following social media site do you have an account with?
o Facebook
o Google+
o Instagram
o Twitter
o LinkedIn
o YouTube
o WhatsApp
o Snapchat
5- How often do you use social media?
o All the time
o 4-5 times a week
o 1-2times a week
o A few times a month
o Never
a. Please answer ALL the questions on this page.
b. Please mark an answer, which you think best represent your stand byusing the following scale:
1. Strongly disagrees
2. Disagree
3. Neither disagree nor agree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree
Please consider your recent view of a brand in social media, answers for the following questions.