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Recruitment & Selection


Name: Roll Number:

Natasha Menezes 540910066

MAJOR: Human resources

Recruitment & Selection

Study Center: Centre Code:

Kuwait Educational Centre 2527

Recruitment & Selection

• Summary:
“Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for
the jobs”- Edwin Flippo

Hiring and firing is an old game that the management has to play. Finding the right people is the most
important and equally difficult job. Recruitment is an important part of every organization. Each point
of placement demands a person with right qualities and qualifications.

Once the human resource needs are ascertained and vacancies are created, the management had to
undertake the task of recruitment and selection. The 5Ws and 1H play an important in the recruitment
process too. An effective recruitment will be an advantage for the company as well as the HR
Manager as well as the person to be recruited.

Every organization has a different unique style as well as time as in when and whom to recruit

 The recruitment and selection process

• Agree vacancy to be filled

• Job analysis – define knowledge, skills and aptitude needed
• Attract a field of candidates
• Sort candidates
• Selection through interview and/or other methods
• Induction

 The personnel specification

• Represents the demands of the job translated into “human” terms

• Involves differentiating criteria which are essential from those which are desirable
• Lists those which would exclude a candidate from consideration

 Criteria to assess the value of selection procedures

• Discrimination : Measurement procedures must provide for clear discrimination between

• Fairness/adverse impact : Measures must not discriminate unfairly against specific sub-groups
• Administrative procedures : Procedures should be acceptable and capable of implementation

The purpose of this project is to study the recruitment strategy as well as selection structure of an
engineering & construction company, IMCO in Kuwait.

This includes how is recruitment done at IMCO and what do they do after the person is selected as
well as his training, performance appraisal, and finally how is he retained if he wants to look for better
pastures in the outside world.
Recruitment & Selection

• Objective & Method

The main purpose was to cover all the aspects of recruitment and selection.
Being part of the company and working in the HR, a brief description, concept and strategy is been
described out of personal experience.

• Company Profile
IMCO Engineering & Construction Co., Kuwait

Vision & Values:

 IMCO’s Vision:

To create a construction entity capable of undertaking the most challenging projects presented
by the Power & Energy markets.

 IMCO’s Objective:

To create value for our stakeholder without compromising our qualities and principles

IMCO’s Values:

1. Safety: We hold sacred the safety of our employees, the safety of our operation & the
safety of all our work sites

2. Integrity: We hold all our dealings to the highest ethical standard

3. Team Work: We strive on our cultural and ethnic diversity, encouraging every
perspective to thrive

4. Quality: We base all our operations on quality planning & quality execution.

Established in 1970, IMCO is currently ISO 9001:2000 certified, & with over 30 million man-hour of
experience spent by our qualified personnel in serving a wide range of industries. The company has
become & is well known as a pioneer in the rapidly growing industrial electrical & instrumentation
fields in the State of Kuwait as well as the region. Our field of specialty covers the following areas:
Recruitment & Selection
1. Engineering.

2. Procurements.

3. Construction.

4. Maintenance.

5. Plant Technical Services.

6. Products & Services Sales.

This professional specialty is dedicated to various industries such as:

1. Oil & Gas Production.

2. Pipeline, Storage & Export Facilities.
3. Oil Refineries.
4. Gas Liquid Plants.
5. Petrochemical Plants.
6. Power Generation Plants.
7. Desalination Plants.
8. Telemetry Systems.
9. Power Transmission and Distribution Networks, Waste Water Treatment Plants.
10. Pumping Stations.

Over the last 40 years, the reputation of IMCO has been proudly built upon a distinguished record of
quality, safe and timely project completion covering a wide range of industries.

• Tabulation
Acme Fair Growth Contacts

What is Recruitment Inducting manpower to Choosing the best Sourcing the right
fill up current and candidate Candidate for the right
future vacant position job.
on ensuring a right fit

How often the process As required Twice in a year As and when there is
takes place requirement of
manpower with a client.

Main sources of Placement agencies, Job Portals and Head Job Portals,
Recruitment Newspaper Ads, Hunting referencing,
Referral, Portals networking, internal
Recruitment & Selection
Selection Criteria Domain knowledge, Confidence and ability Communication,
Competency, Family to commit Qualification, Job
Background, Track profile, employment
Record, Etc. history and most
important his attitude.

Openness to negotiate NO Very much Negotiation is very

important on both
fronts with the
candidate and clients.

Problems during Cultural Background Candidates not joining Sourcing the right
Recruitment and issues, Salary band after offer acceptance candidate for a
Selection problems, technical position
,candidates not
attending the
interview ,lack of
feedback from the

Does MONEY make Profile, Compensation Not so much but Job Scope and
you MOVE and benefits along with definitely a factor to be satisfaction,
money is important considered. remuneration, growth
makes me switch.

Note: The above table shows details about various companies Opinion about Recruitment and
Selection on the basis of the mentioned criteria. They are highly subjective as they are personal

• Recruitment Budget
The costs associated with manual recruitment can become quite excessive, partly because of the
candidates that are produced. One bad candidate can cost a company more than ten times that
individual’s salary, and here’s why:

1. Recruitment Cost #1: Work Load

When a person leaves, someone has to do their job. If an employer has not yet hired another
employee, they are forced to pay their current employees overtime. This as we know, costs twice
as much! The manager must also stop what they are doing so that they may determine a game
plan and find individuals willing to work overtime.

2. Recruitment Cost #2: Exit Interview

Recruitment & Selection
When a person leaves, someone has to stop their current job in order to conduct an exit interview.
They also have to arrange for the payroll to be stopped, benefit deductions, benefit enrollments,
and other administrative responsibilities. It is very time consuming!

3. Recruitment Cost #3: Advertisements

Lots of wasted money is invested into newspaper ads, online ads, job board site fees, and other
avenues that may be pursued. Often times employers receive recruitment company offers, spam
replies, temp agency replies, everything they don’t want and nothing they do.

4. Recruitment Cost #4: Interviewing

It takes time for an internal recruiter to review candidate’s resumes, schedule phone interviews,
perform background checks and conduct a face-to-face interview. Aside from time, internal
recruiters aren’t free and they aren’t cheap!

5. Recruitment Cost #5: Lost Productivity

Aside from not having anyone to fill a position, other individuals are forced to spend less time on
their job and more time on additional tasks. Whether it is the manager, accountant, administrative
staff or general employees, everyone is producing less!

6. Recruitment Cost #5: Training

Not only do you have to train a new employee but you have to pay them during training. Further,
the individual doing the training has to stop what they are getting paid to do so that they can show
the new person “the ropes.”

7. Recruitment Cost #6: New Hire

The new hire has to be added to payroll, registered for benefits, and added to the schedule. The
company has to pay employment taxes and invest money into training. This can be very

8. Recruitment Cost #7: Effort

Because the new hire hasn’t been fully trained, the work that they produce won’t quite be up to
par. For at least the first month, their focus is on improvements.

IMCO follows a procedure in order to mobilize employees.

Recruitment Budget Guidelines

The Project Manager and the Human Resources Manager is in charge of managing the recruitment
budget. The recruitment budget consists of the following expenses:

· Advertising expenses for open positions

· Travel, meals, and lodging for interview candidates
· Moving expenses for the newly employed
· Legal fees incurred from assisting staff and faculty with obtaining permanent residency
Recruitment & Selection
Firstly we need to talk to the concerned Business Heads/HOD's regarding the project plan and ask
them to project their Manpower requirement (making them specify the grade, projected CTC, etc).

The average of the previous yrs can be used to estimate the cost per position for each of below heads.
- Recruitment Agency cost (generally the cost varies between 8.33% to 12% of CTC.
- Cost towards print Advertising
- Cost towards Internet Portal subscription
- Relocation cost
- Pre-employment medical check up.
- Candidate Interview travel, hotel, etc reimbursement cost.

Following are a few templates used for Recruitment Budgeting:

1. Template for Budgeted position

Recruitment & Selection
Budget 2011 -Manpower Requirment Department Wise

Proposed Salary
CEO/Design Per Annum In
Title Operation Marketing Purchasing Finance & HR&Admin Proposed Budget
Office KD

1Qtr 2Qtr 3Qtr 4Qtr

Accountant / Cost / Payroll / Payables Accountant 1 KD 65000

Admin. Assistant/Project Clerk/Receptionist
PRO/Administrator/Front Office Executive 2 KD 370000
Carpenter / Asst.Carpenter
Chemist /Gen
Supervisor -Assembly/Cleaning KD 144000
Commercial Sub. Pilot
Design / Graphic Designer
Design Engineer / Quality Engineer
Ops Administrator /Diver Instructor/ Diver /Jr. Diver 2 3 KD 850000
Draftsman (Mech./Civil) 1 KD 125000
Driver 1 KD 35000
Submarine-Electrician/ Electrical Controller/ / Asst. KD 100000
Executive Secretary

No Manpower Requirement for the year 2007

Supervisor-Fabrication KD 144000
Fibre Glass Manf.Worker
Fork Lift Operator
General Helper/Helper (Technical)
Maint. Foreman/Maint. Assistant
Marketing Assistant/Sales Executive 1 KD 75000
Moulding Maker
Helpers/Office Assistant/Ofice Boy
Project Manager/Engineer / Site Engineer KD 420000
Purchase. Asst/Materials Eng/Purchase Clerk
Quality Controller/ Inspector
Safety Officer /Supervisor/ Fire Watch
Security Officer / Guard (Security) 1 KD 30000
Administrator/HR Officer
Storekeeper/Asst. Storekeeper
Supervisor -Mechanical/Electrical/AC&Plumbing/Site 1 2 KD 950000
Technical Worker /Skilled Staff 2 KD 80000
Un-Skilled Staff 2 KD 30000
Senior Finance Officer 1 KD 125000
Estimator KD 185000
Rigger KD 75000
Naval Architect 1 KD 400000
Electrical Engineer 1 KD 200000
Boat Captains (Yacht Master) 2 KD 240000
Production Engineer KD 180000
Total Manpower for the year 2011 5 5 1 0 2 8 3 KD 4823000
Note: Salary & Benefits in exceptional cases will be compensated as per Experience, Qualification or as instructed by CEO

2. Below is the template used for obtaining prior approval from the management for budgeting for the
overseas recruitment.
Recruitment & Selection

Estimated Budget for Interview Candidate

Candidate Information
Position Department
Name Hiring Manager
Home Address Interview Date

Social Security Number__________________________________________________

(SSN used for travel reimbursements)

Date Air Travel Hotel/Lodging Housing Transportation Meals Misc. TOTAL

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Submitted by:

Approved For Human Resource Use Only


Human Resource Representative

Name Date

• Findings
Recruitment & Selection
“Recruitment is inducting manpower to fill up current and future vacant positions and ensuring a
right fit.”

A rightly said and a well defined concept. At Acme recruitment is done as per requirements and not
on timely basis. The main sources they use for this purpose are Placement agencies, newspaper ads,
referral i.e. internal as well as external sources, and finally job portals. The procedure takes time
depending on the position vacant. If the position is that of a senior level employee then it takes a
longer duration. And the position such as that of a driver can be decided on the day of interview itself.

Criteria that they look for is domain knowledge, competency. Qualification, family background,
tracks record and so on. There are certain problems or say hurdles that also occur during the process.
There might be issues regarding salary bands, cultural background, and many a times the candidate
does not join after committing. Then this process becomes time consuming. Negotiation is an
important aspect of recruitment and selection. The company is not so keen in renegotiating. But still is
the candidate is exclusive then they might consider.

The next step after selection is training and placing on job. There are times when the job becomes
monotonous and you feel like looking for a change. Then what do you do? Acme has a solution.
These are called methods of retaining an employee. It is done by training and development, schemes,
compensation survey, and employee satisfaction survey.

• Analysis On the basis of Findings

Before you go for recruitment you have to find out the details about a particular position. So how is it

The gap comes through the concerned department. They in turn inform the HR. They also give the job
description as well as the age limit and qualifications required along with other requirements. Today
there is a lot of buzz about n term called ‘competency’. This is also mentioned by the department. The
Head of Department of the concerned department takes active part in the recruitment and selection
procedure. At times he/she is present right from stage 1. It might be possible that the CVs shortlisted
by the HR are not accepted by the concerned HOD. So this is discussed further between them in a free
flowing and detailed manner.

It is difficult to retain an employee once he has made up his mind. Still efforts are made by the
company with regards to his retention. It is very important to bridge the gap between the candidate
and the job. Also today there are many environment friendly schemes.

• Conclusion
Today the environment is very hostile. Every day new techniques of recruitment and selection are
defined. Today the candidate had many options available in the market. As the economy is growing at
around 8.4% and the opening of many avenues has always been an added advantage. The construction
and real estate industry is growing at a very high speed.
Recruitment & Selection

Infrastructure is improving and better technology is being made available day after day. By the end of
the day you have to see what the cost of the candidate to the company is. He has to be selected in an
orderly manner. One wrong step can lead to the loss to company as well as waste of time and skills of
the candidate where it is not required

• Recommendations
There would be no recommendations as such. But the gestation period between the interview and
selection should be reduced. A position kept vacant for a long time can lead to instability in an
organization, especially in a construction industry which is growing considerably. Also there should
be a facility of a suggestion box and direct interaction with the senior most executives, directors, etc.

The office timings are too long that is morning 8 am till evening 5 pm. This may turn away many
prospective candidates coming for the vacant positions. To top it all they do not have any of the
Saturdays off. You can always have rotating Saturday’s off. We have the multinational culture today.
The demand at least alternate Saturdays off.

Finally, the HR Department. Since all the people in HR don’t have a degree in management and
hardly have any experience in the field. They have to either recruit trained professionals, or people
with proper degree and knowledge. HR here at ACME ...it needs to be stronger, and a bit bigger.

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