27 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers:: 1. "Tell Me A Little About Yourself."
27 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers:: 1. "Tell Me A Little About Yourself."
27 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers:: 1. "Tell Me A Little About Yourself."
If you're the candidate, talk about why you took certain jobs. Explain why you left.
Explain why you chose a certain school. Share why you decided to go to grad
school. Discuss why you took a year off to backpack through Europe, and what you
got out of the experience.
When you answer this question, connect the dots on your resume so the interviewer
understands not just what you've done, but also why.
For example: "My biggest weakness is getting so absorbed in my work that I lose all
track of time. Every day I look up and realize everyone has gone home! I know I
should be more aware of the clock, but when I love what I'm doing I just can't think of
anything else."
So your "biggest weakness" is that you'll put in more hours than everyone else?
Even so, if you're asked, provide a sharp, on-point answer. Be clear and precise. If
you're a great problem solver, don't just say that: Provide a few examples, pertinent
to the opening, that prove you're a great problem solver. If you're an emotionally
intelligent leader, don't just say that: Provide a few examples that prove you know
how to answer the unasked question.
In short, don't just claim to have certain attributes -- prove you have those attributes.
In either case you learn nothing, other than possibly how well candidates can sell
For interviewers, here's a better question: "What business would you love to start?"
The business a candidate would love to start tells you about her hopes and dreams,
her interests and passions, the work she likes to do, the people she likes to work
with ... so just sit back and listen.