(External) Bangkit 2.0 Detailed Curriculum
(External) Bangkit 2.0 Detailed Curriculum
(External) Bangkit 2.0 Detailed Curriculum
AMLI: Track 01: What is Machine Learning? 5 2
MLCC: Problem Framing 3
Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate 128 6
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra 19
AMLI: Track 02: Data Analysis & Manipulation (*) 15 6
MLCC: Data Prep 4
AMLI: Track 03: Regression (*) 30 8
AMLI: Track 04: Classification (*) 40 8
DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate
TensorFlow: Data and Deployment Specialization 64
Structuring Machine Learning Projects: Coursera 5
TensorFlow Certification Prep 5
TensorFlow Certification 5
Capstone Project 200
Self-study and reflection 200
Introduction & Onboarding 5
Machine Learning Track Hours 808 30
Bangkit Soft Skills Curriculum (Same for all tracks)
Introduction session / AMLI: Life Paths
AMLI: Giving & Receiving Feedback
Digital Branding by Kalibrr
Critical Thinking by Kalibrr
Adaptability by Kalibrr
AMLI: Presenting with Confidence
Bootcamp by Kalibrr
Persuasive Leader by Anson Ben (Livestream)
Idea Generation and MVP Planning by Kalibrr
Effective Communication for Team Management and Users by Kalibrr
Resilence / adaptibility by Kalibrr
Startup Valuation & Investment Pitch by Kalibrr
Business Finance by Kalibrr
Time Management by Kalibrr
Career Preparation Tips by Google Talent and Outreach
Total Soft Skills Hours
Android Learning 907
Course Name Hours
Programming with Java (optional) 14
Programming with Kotlin 48 4
Learn SOLID Programming Principles 13 2
Creating Android Apps for Beginners 43 2
Learn Android Applications Fundamental 150 10
Learn Android Jetpack Pro 76 6
Become Android Developer Expert 86 7
AAD Preparation 38 2
Learning Objective for: Machine Learning
Total number of hours: 770
Total credit:
Common ML Problems
The ML Mindset
MLCC: Problem
2 Tech Identifying Good Problems for ML
Hard ML Problems
Deciding on ML
Formulate Your Problem
Crash Course on Python
Using Python to Interact with the Operating System
Coursera: Google IT
Automation with Introduction to Git and GitHub
3 Tech
Python Professional Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques
Configuration Management and the Cloud
Automating Real-World Tasks with Python
Coursera: Mathematics
4 Tech for Machine Learning: Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
Introduction to Colab
Introduction to Pandas
Intermediate Pandas
AMLI: Track 02: Data
5 Tech Analysis & Visualizations
Acquiring Data
Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Processing Project
[Project #1]
Data Preparation and Feature Engineering in ML
The Process for Data Preparation and Feature Engineering
Introduction to Constructing Your Dataset
Collecting Data
6 Tech MLCC: Data Prep
Sampling and Splitting
Introduction to Transforming Data
Transforming Numeric Data
Programming exercise
Introduction to Regression
Introduction to scikit-learn
Linear Regression with scikit-learn
Regression Quality
No Colab fortothis
Introduction lesson. for Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning, and Deep Learning
TensorFlow Developer Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
9 Tech
Professional Certificate Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
program (Coursera)
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js
TensorFlow: Data and
Deployment Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite
10 Tech
Specialization Data Pipelines with TensorFlow Data Services
Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow
Coursera: Structuring
11 Tech Machine Learning Coursera: Structuring Machine Learning Projects
12 Tech
Certification Exam Capstone Project Introduction
Use a trained
model TensorFlow model to make classification predictions
in TensorFlow
Web Fundamental
7 Tech Web Fundamental (Dicoding)
Skill Badge -
36 Tech Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google
Cloud and Configure
(Challenge a Cloud Environment in Google
37 Tech Skill Badge - Cloud (excluding Cloud IAM: Qwik Start, Multiple VPC
Infrastructure Networks
Deploy and&Manage
Cloud Monitoring: Qwik Start)
Cloud Environments with Google
38 Tech Modernization Cloud
Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud (Challenge
39 Tech
40 Tech Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Operations Suite
Cloud Architecture (excluding Multiple VPC Networks
41 Tech Skill Badge
Understanding Your Google Cloud Costs (excluding tour
42 Tech Quest Badge
Optimizing Your GCP Costs (excluding Cloud
43 Tech Quest Badge
Monitoring: Qwik Start)
Security & Identity Fundamentals (excluding Cloud IAM:
44 Tech Quest Badge Qwik Start & User Authentication: Identity-Aware
45 Tech Quest Badge Cloud Logging
Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud (excluding
46 Tech Skill Badge
Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start)
47 Tech Onboarding Training
48 Tech Cert Prep Training
49 Tech Introduction to Data on the Google Cloud Platform
50 Tech Big Data Tools Overview
51 Tech Exploring your Data with SQL
52 Tech Google BigQuery Pricing
53 Tech Cleaning and Transforming your Data
54 Tech Storing and Exporting Data
55 Tech Ingesting New Datasets into Google BigQuery
56 Tech Data Visualization
From Data to Insights
57 Tech with Google Cloud Joining and Merging Datasets
58 Tech Advanced Functions and Clauses
59 Tech Schema Design and Nested Data Structures
60 Tech More Visualization with Google Data Studio
61 Tech Optimizing for Performance
62 Tech Data Access
63 Tech Notebooks in the Cloud
64 Tech How Google does Machine Learning
65 Tech Applying Machine Learning to your Datasets (BQML)
Skill Badge - Smart
66 Tech analytics and data Engineer Data in Google Cloud
Skill Badge - Smart
67 Tech analytics and data
Insights from Data with BigQuery
68 Tech Quest Badge BigQuery for Data Analysis
Cloud SQL (excluding Loading Data into Google Cloud
69 Tech Quest Badge
NCAA® March Madness®: Bracketology with Google
70 Tech Quest Badge
Applied Data: Blockchain (excluding Introduction to
71 Tech Quest Badge
SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL)
Scientific Data Processing (excluding Introduction to
72 Tech Quest Badge
Industry Connect - SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL)
73 Tech Authorized Training
Partner Sessions
74 Tech ACE Exam
Capstone Project Introduction
75 Tech Capstone Project
No deliverable for this lesson.
Design Documents
Materials needed:
Introduction session / Self stick easel pads (flipchart)
76 Soft skills Introduction session / AMLI: Life Paths
AMLI: Life Paths
AMLI: Giving &
77 Soft skills AMLI: Giving & Receiving Feedback
Receiving Feedback
Time Management by
78 Soft skills Time Management by Kalibrr
79 Soft skills Critical Thinking by Kalibrr
80 Soft skills Adaptability by Kalibrr Adaptability by Kalibrr
Digital Branding by
81 Soft skills Digital Branding by Kalibrr
Communication for Effective Communication for Team Management by
82 Soft skills
Team Management
Idea Generation andby Kalibrr
83 Soft skills MVP Planning by Idea Generation and MVP Planning by Kalibrr
Kalibrr Valuation &
84 Soft skills Investment Pitch by Startup Valuation & Investment Pitch by Kalibrr
Business Finance by
85 Soft skills Business Finance by Kalibrr
86 Soft skills Bootcamp by Kalibrr Bootcamp by Kalibrr
Persuasive Leader by
87 Soft skills Persuasive Leader by Anson Ben
Anson Ben
Learning Objective
● Understand what Python is and how it relates to automation
● Setup,
● Understand how toand
configure, useuse
Python structures
developer environment in Python
● Manipulate files and processes running on the operating system in Python
● Understand
● Understand why
& useversion
expressions (REGEX) tool for coding
is a fundamental
● Install and run Git on your local machine
● Analyze real-world IT problems and implement strategies to solve them
● Techniques
The benefitstooffind & solve themanagement
configuration root cause ofandproblems in IT infrastructure
infrastructure as code
● Manage a fleet of computers using Puppet
● Automatically deploylibraries
Use Python external new virtual machines
to create runningfiles
and modify in the cloud
●●Understand & use Application Programming Interfaces
Deeper CSS: Understand more about CSS selectors, understand (APIs) the application of styling to fonts and text
(change font type and size, change text color, etc.), understand foreground color and background color,
understand the concept of box model, and layout using floats . At the end of this material, we can create a
profile page by applying semantic structure, styling, and layout using floats.
● Responsive
Cloud LayoutArchitecture
vs Traditional using Flexbox: Understand about using flexbox as a basic layout for building a website
Iaas PaaS and SaaS
Install and Configure Cloud SDK
Use Cloud Shell
Configuring Elastic
Lab Intro A Tour of Apps with Autoscaling
Exploring PaaS with App Engine
Lab Intro App
Exploring Engine
Cloud SQL
Lab Intro Loading Data into Cloud SQL
Lab Intro: Cloud Endpoints
Using Apigee Edge
Managed Message Services
Explore encryption options
Lab authentication
Intro: VPC Networkingand authorization with Cloud IAM
Multiple VPC Networks
Cloud Deployment
Lab Intro: Multiple Manager
VPC Networks
Monitoring and Managing Your Services, Apps, and Infra
Lab Intro Dataproc Command Line
Lab: ETL Pipelines
ML Engine using Cloud
Qwik StartDataflow
Cloud AutoML
Lab Intro Classify Images of Clouds
Learning Objective
Learn how to build your first app with Android Studio. The