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Section 15


















15 - 1
Section 15

This troubleshooting section is divided into three parts. The first part, ENGINE
TROUBLESHOOTING, is intended as a general guide for troubleshooting all 645 engines.
Within the context of this general guide, particular applications are noted. The second and third
SHOOTING, contain information applicable only to the specific model designated on the cover
of the manual.


STARTER WILL NOT c. If the engine is equipped with a turbo pump or

priming pump security interlock, make
CRANK ENGINE certain that the pump has been activated and
the interlock functions properly.
If the engine fails to crank, release the starting switch
immediately and perform the following steps:
When these steps have been performed, another start
can be attempted. If the engine still does not crank,
1. Test for proper battery charge and inspect cable
release the starting switch immediately and proceed to
connections of control circuit batteries.
the next step.
2. Check that all switches and circuit breakers in the
NOTE: No further starting attempt should be made until
engine control and protective circuits are properly
it is determined if the engine will rotate freely.
This can be done by opening all the cylinder
test valves and engaging the manual barring
3. If the equipment has an Isolation switch make
sure it is in the START position.
If the engine can be barred over one complete
4. On a turbocharged engine, make sure that the
revolution, proceed to ENGINE CRANKING
turbocharger lube pump circuit breaker is closed.
engine cannot be barred over one complete revolution,
5A. Engines with electric starting:
a. Check that the battery switch is fully closed.

b. Test the starting fuse for continuity.

5B. Engines with air starting:
1. Remove all air box handhole covers and perform
a. Check that the starting reservoirs are fully a complete visual inspection. Look at all
charged to the proper pressure and are free of assemblies for broken or damaged components.
water accumulation. Check for debris in the air box and liner port area.

b. Check that all valves in the air line to the

starter motors are open.

15 - 2
Section 15
2. Remove all oil pan handhole covers and inspect clutch will engage, preventing engine rotation
for: in the normal turning direction. By reversing
the direction of rotation, the clutch is
a. Damaged or bent connecting rods. disengaged, which takes the turbocharger out
of the system.
b. Damaged counterweights.
c. Evidence of overheated main bearings and STARTER MALFUNCTION
supporting "A" frames.
Engine starting systems using separate electrical
d. Damage to the lower skirt of any cylinder starting motors.
1. Establish whether or not there is voltage potential
3. Check that all piston cooling oil pipes are in across the starting motors with the engine start
place and intact. If a damaged piston cooling oil pipe is switch in the START position.
found, the related power assembly should be inspected
closely for damage. 2A. If voltage is present across the starter motors,
then remove the starter motors and bench test in
NOTE: If the engine was recently overhauled, then accordance with instructions in the engine
inspect all fork rod power assemblies for maintenance manual.
proper matching of serial numbers on the
basket assemblies. A mismatched basket could 2B. If voltage is not present across the starter motors,
result in a pinched connecting rod bearing then determine whether or not the ST and STA (if
shell. so equipped) contactors have picked up.

4A. If the previous steps have not disclosed any 3A. If the star starting contactor(s) has picked up,
evidence of a failure and it is not possible to rock then check its internal contacts for damage, and
the crankshaft back and forth, then a main bearing check for loose starting cables.
inspection should be performed. If the engine is
turbocharged, proceed to Step 5. 3B. If the starting contactor(s) has not picked up, then
trace the starting control circuit for open
4B. If the previous steps have not disclosed a failure interlocks, or loose or broken wiring.
and it is possible to rock the crankshaft back and
forth, and there is no other evidence of bearing Engine starting systems using main generator for
failure, then engine driven accessories and starting.
equipment should be examined for seizure. Check
the air compressor for mechanical damage or loss 1. Establish if there is a voltage potential across the
of lubricant. Check the main generator (where generator start winding terminals at the generator
applicable) for signs of bearing heating or rotor to with the engine start switch in the START
stator contact. If both the air compressor and the position.
main generator are in satisfactory condition, then
inspect the front (accessory) and rear (auxiliary) 2A. If voltage is present at the generator start winding
gear trains of the engine. A failed component or terminals, examine the generator itself for
gear bushing could cause the gear train to bind damage to the bus bars connecting the starter
which might prevent the engine from cranking. windings, or possible loose connections to this
5. On turbocharged engines that cannot be barred
over in the direction of normal rotation, reverse 2B. If voltage is not present at the generator start
the direction of engine barring by installing the winding terminals, determine whether or not the
barring tool on the opposite side of the engine. If GS contactor has picked up.
the engine can be barred over in the reverse
rotation direction, then carefully inspect the 3A. If the GS contactors has not picked up, check its
turbocharger for rotor shaft binding. internal contacts for damage, and check for loose
starting cables.
NOTE: If the rotation of the turbocharger rotor is
obstructed or the shaft has failed, the one-way

15 - 3
Section 15
3B. If the GS contactor has not picked up, trace the Engine starting systems using air starters.
starting control circuit for possible open
interlocks or broken wiring. l. Check that there is adequate air pressure in the
reservoirs and that they are free of water
Engine starting systems using air starters. accumulation.

l. Establish if there is air pressure available at the 2. Check that all air line valves are fully open. 3.
starter(s) with the engine start switch in the Check that there is no restrictions in, or damage
START position. to the air supply lines to the starters.

2A. If air pressure is available at the starter(s), then ENGINE WILL NOT START WHEN
the starter(s) should be removed and bench tested
in accordance with instructions in the engine
maintenance manual.
1. Check that the governor low oil button is not out.
Reset if necessary.
2B. If air pressure is not available at the starter(s),
check the air start control valve for failure to pick
2. Check that the engine was assisted in starting by
up, and check for closed valves or restrictions in
advancing the injector control lever
the starter air supply lines.
approximately 1/4 of the total rack travel.
STARTER ENGAGES BUT CRANKING NOTE: If no advance of the injector control lever was
SPEED IS TOO SLOW TO START ENGINE made, it takes about 30 seconds of engine
cranking for the governor to move the injector
Engine starting systems using electrical starting motors. rack from fuel off to idle position which
allows the engine to start.
1. Check for proper battery charge, preferably by
testing each cell with a hydrometer. 3. Check the fuel supply to the cylinders by opening
each cylinder test valve and cranking the engine
2. Check battery cabling for loose connections or with the injector control lever advanced. A dense
broken cable. spray of fuel should be emitted from each
3. Check that the starting motors are of the proper
voltage, and are connected correctly for the 4A. If a dense spray of fuel is observed at each
battery voltage in use. cylinder then the following steps should be
NOTE: Installations with starter motors connected in
parallel across the battery require that the a. Check for correct injector timing and rack
starters have a voltage rating equivalent to setting.
battery voltage. Installations with starter
motors connected in series across the battery b. Inspect air box for evidence of broken rings or
(two motors) require motors which have an cylinder scoring. Either one can cause
individual voltage rating 1/2 that of the compression loss which could prevent
battery. Starter motors with different operating starting.
voltage ratings are never mixed in the same
installation. c. If the previous checks disclose no problems,
qualify the engine valve timing by
Engine starting systems using main generator for performing an exhaust valve timing check
starting. (refer to EXHAUST VALVE TIMING in this
section) on both banks of cylinders (only one
l. Check for proper battery charge, preferably by power assembly on each bank need be
testing each cell with a hydrometer. checked). If the engine is out of time, check
the condition of the timing gear train by
2. Check battery cabling for loose connections or performing an idler gear check (refer to
broken cable. EMM).

15 - 4
Section 15

4B. If a dense spray of fuel is not observed at each 4. Check engine oil level to determine if fuel oil
cylinder then the following steps should be might be leaking into the engine lubricating oil
performed. system. Inspect the top deck area of both cylinder
banks for leakage from injectors, injector jumper
a. Check that the overspeed trip lever is not in lines, or top deck fuel manifolds.
the tripped position. Reset if necessary.
5A. Installations with no return fuel sight glass or
b. On units with an electric fuel pump make with engine driven fuel pump:
certain that the control and fuel pump switch
is on and that fuel flow can be seen in the a. Inspect all suction lines for air leaks into the
return fuel sight glass when the pump switch lines.
is in the "FUEL PRIME" position. If no fuel
flow is seen, check for adequate fuel level in b. Check pipe connections and unions for proper
the fuel tank and possible suction leaks, or a tightness.
plugged suction strainer. If fuel flow is seen
in the bypass fuel sight glass, change the c. Remove and inspect the screen in the suction
engine mounted fuel filters. strainer. Clean if necessary.

c. On engine driven/manual prime fuel pump d. Check that all suction piping is the
installations, make sure that the system was recommended diameter or larger.
properly primed with the hand priming pump
prior to starting. If no resistance was noticed 5B. Installations with a return fuel sight glass and
while using the hand pump, check for electric fuel pump:
adequate fuel level in the fuel tank, suction
leaks, a plugged suction strainer, or a jammed If bubbles are seen in the fuel sight glass while
fuel line check valve. If extreme resistance the engine is running, then shut the engine down,
was noticed while using the hand pump, hold fuel prime/engine start switch in FUEL
check for plugged fuel filters. PRIME, and continue to observe the sight glass.

FUEL SYSTEM If the bubbles disappear after the engine is shut

down, then the probable cause of the bubbles was
an injector with tip leakage.
If the bubbles continue after the engine is shut
1. Check for adequate fuel supply in main fuel or down and the fuel prime/engine start switch is
day tank. held in the FUEL PRIME position, then the
probable cause is a fuel suction leak. This fuel
2A. On locomotive installations and installations with suction leak may cause air binding of the system
engine mounted fuel sight glasses, observe the 60 and loss of fuel pressure. The following steps
psi bypass sight glass to make certain that the should be followed to eliminate fuel suction
relief valve on the sight glass assembly was not leaks:
stuck open.
a. Inspect all pipe connections and unions in the
2B. On other installations that have a bypass or fuel suction line for proper tightness.
pressure relief valve from the inlet side of the fuel
filters to a tank return, check that the bypass or b. On locomotive installations, inspect the
relief valve is not stuck open. condition and check for tightness of all piping
leading in and out of the fuel tank. Clean the
3. Observe pressure drop across the fuel filters. If screen or element of the fuel suction strainer
pressure drop is near or above the changeout if necessary.
value given for the filters, replace the filter
elements and again observe fuel pressure. 6. On units equipped with a fuel preheater:
a. Remove the body end caps and inspect the internal
NOTE: Use only recommended filter elements. header bends for possible trapped material
obstructing the flow of fuel through the heater.

15 - 5
Section 15
b. Inspect the supply and bypass circuits in the 5. Remove several oil pan handhole covers and
fuel suction lines for partially closed valves. inspect the entire length of the oil suction line
leading from the governor end of the engine into
7. Inspect the fuel pump itself for leaks or the oil sump. Any mechanical damage to this line
damage. Inspect the pump drive coupling and must be repaired before operating the engine.
check drive shaft keying or lock screws.
8. Foreign material in the fuel supply tank may LEVEL IN THE STRAINER BOX
be intermittently obstructing the pick-up of
fuel. Drain the fuel tank. If that doesn't solve l. If the oil level in the strainer box does not return
the problem, then it may be necessary to open to approximately 51 mm (2") of the screen, within
the fuel tank and inspect for foreign material. 45 seconds of engine start, then take a reading on
the Michiana tank pressure gauge (at idle) and
LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM shut the engine down. The engine can be shut
down by pulling out the oil trip button on the
governor (rail engines) or by tripping the
NOTE: Many oil system problems, as well as
overspeed shutdown lever (marine engines).
overall engine troubleshooting problems, can be easily
identified through lube oil analysis. Refer to Table 1 for
a. If the pressure reading was low or zero, then
interpretation of analysis statement.
the scavenging oil pump and its suction line
to the strainer box should be
LACK OF OIL DELIVERY FROM THE inspected. If necessary the scavenging oil pump
SCAVENGING SYSTEM should be removed and overhauled.

ALL INSTALLATIONS EXCEPT MARINE b. If the pressure reading was higher than 69
ENGINES WITH ENGINE MOUNTED RAW kPa (10 psi), then change the oil filter
WATER PUMP elements and repeat the procedure. If the
pressure is still high, then remove and clean
Preliminary set up for troubleshooting the scavenging the oil cooler core.
oil system should include the installation of a pressure
gauge (0-50 psi) at the quick disconnect fitting on the 2. If the oil level in the strainer box does return to
Michiana filter tank. An external source of clean engine within 51 mm (2") of the screen after engine
lube oil must be supplied to the main oil gallery while startup, then operate the engine and slowly
troubleshooting the lube oil system. A sufficient increase the speed. Observe the oil level in the
quantity of lube oil is necessary to protect the engine strainer box at all engine speeds. At maximum
bearings. operating speed take a reading of the Michiana
tank pressure.
NOTE: The pressure readings given here are appli-
l. Check for adequate supply of oil in oil pan. cable only to installations with radiator type
oil cooler cores. For switcher locomotives
2. Make sure that the strainer housing is full of oil to and industrial engines with shell and tube
within about 51 mm (2") of the screen under the type (bundle) coolers, use the alternate
large cover. pressure readings provided in "Switcher
Locomotive And Industrial Engines ".
3. Also under the large cover, make sure that the
Michiana tank drain valve (with the "T" handle) a. If pressure reading is above 172 kPa (25 psi),
is fully closed. change filter elements.

4. Remove the scavenging pump coarse strainer NOTE: Use only EMD oil filter elements or equivalent
element which is held into the strainer box by in the Michiana oil filter tank.
three bolts. Inspect the interior of the suction
strainer for foreign material and clean if
necessary. Make certain that the clean strainer is
installed with a gasket and tighten securely.

15 - 6
Section 15

b. If pressure reading is 69 kPa (10 psi) after START THE ENGINE AND OBSERVE
changing filter elements, remove and clean PRESSURE OUTPUT OF SCAVENGING
the oil cooler core. PUMP ENGINE AT IDLE SPEED
c. If the pressure reading is 21 kPa (3 psi), 1. If pressure output is less than 69 kPa (10 psi),
check the Michiana tank bypass valve to qualify the following components (in the order
determine if it is jammed open. listed) and specifically check the valves to make
certain they are not stuck open:
ENGINES a. Main lube pump suction relief valve
1. Change filter elements at 345 kPa (50 psi). b. Filter bypass relief valve
2. If pressure is above 138 kPa (20 psi) after filter c. Lube oil cooler bypass relief valve d.
change, then clean oil cooler. Scavenging oil pump
3. If pressure is below 69 kPa (10 psi), then check 2. If pressure output is greater than 276 kPa (40 psi):
bypass valve to determine if it is stuck open.
a. Check pressure differential across lube oil
MARINE ENGINE INSTALLATIONS filter elements. If pressure differential
WITH ENGINE MOUNTED RAW exceeds 69 kPa (10 psi), then change filters
and retest.
b. Check pressure differential across oil cooler.
NOTE: These engines are considerably different from
If pressure differential exceeds 69 kPa (10
other EMD engines in that much of the oil
psi), then clean oil cooler core.
system and piping is installed by outside
contactors. These variations cause the normal
pressure characteristics of the oil system to be
1. Check pressure differential across lube oil filter
elements. Pressure differential must not exceed
Preliminary set up for troubleshooting the scavenging
138 kPa (20 psi).
oil system should include the installation of a pressure
gauge (0-50 psi) at the filter tank connection labelled
2. Check pressure differential across oil cooler.
INLET. An external source of clean engine lube oil
Pressure differential must not exceed 138 kPa (20
must be supplied to the main oil gallery while
troubleshooting the lube oil system. A sufficient
quantity of lube oil is necessary to protect the engine
NOTE: Due to greater oil system capacity and in-line
strainer, the scavenging oil pump on 20
cylinder engines occasionally exhibits a non-
BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE: linear oil pressure response (oil pressure does
not follow engine RPM).
1. Check for adequate supply of oil in oil pan.

2. Remove the strainer(s) and check for any EXCESSIVE USE OF LUBRICATING
obstructions to oil flow. Clean strainers if OIL
necessary. Reinstall strainers with a good gasket
and tighten securely. A preliminary inspection checklist is provided to
indicate possible areas of oil loss.
3. Check scavenging pump suction line in the oil
pan. Any mechanical damage to this line must be 1. Inspect stack and carbody roof for evidence of oil
repaired before starting the engine. loss.

4. Make sure that the lube oil system is primed 2. Inspect engine exterior for leaks.
(hand pump) and the drain valve is fully closed.

15 - 7
Section 15

3. Air box drain should be inspected for oil loss. 4. the stack. On a blower engine, the absence of this
Cooling water expansion tank should be screen can cause excessive oil consumption.
inspected for any indication of an oil film on top
of the sight glass water surface. 3A. On blower engines the air chutes from the blower
to the air box should be inspected from inside the
5. Inspect all drains to determine if they are partially air box for any evidence of oil delivery down the
open or obstructed. chutes. If oil is found running down the chute, the
blower should be removed and the blower rotor
6. Check oil level in governor sight glass. Engine oil end seals replaced.
could be leaking into the governor oil which
would raise the level in the sight glass. If this 3B. On turbocharged engines the turbocharger screen
occurs considerable external oil leakage will also and taper joint should be removed. The exhaust
be visible. manifold interior should be inspected to
determine if the oil loss is originating from the
7. On locomotive installations, inspect all external engine or the turbocharger.
piping to the load regulator vane motors for oil
leakage. NOTE: In many instances this exhaust manifold
inspection will reveal a specific cylinder
8. On marine and stationary installations using responsible for the oil loss.
pedestal bearings, inspect the bearing housing and
all external oil lines for any sign of oil leakage. 4. On turbocharged engines, if inspection of the
exhaust manifold indicates that the problem is
NOTE: The brand name and viscosity of the originating in the turbocharger, then inspect the
lubricating oil should be established. Use of air inlet system for plugged filters. Plugged filters
oils should be confined to those that meet the could cause a high inlet vacuum and draw oil past
qualifications published by EMD. Use of an the turbocharger labyrinth seals. If the external
improper oil or oil that is not the correct systems are found to be in good condition, then
viscosity can be a contributing factor to changeout of the turbocharger may be necessary.
excessive oil consumption.
NOTE: Engines which are operated for extended
OIL LOSS OUT THE EXHAUST periods of time under light or no load may
experience varnishing of the cylinder walls.
STACK This varnishing greatly reduces the
effectiveness of the oil control rings and can
1. Perform an air box inspection and pay particular
cause a condition known as " souping."
attention to the condition of the piston, rings, and
"Souping" can cause light brown or tan
liner. Worn rings should be replaced if wear
deposits on cylinder liner walls. If light load
exceeds recommended limits provided in Fig. 15-
operation is continued, then these varnish
1. Broken rings should be replaced immediately
deposits may interfere with ring to liner seal
regardless of their wear state.
effectiveness. In extreme instances of light
load operation it may be necessary to load the
NOTE: The condition of the piston crowns may be
engine either through temporary change of ser-
used as an indicator to isolate the
vice or through use of a load box in order to
troubleshooting procedure to a specific
remove these deposits and restore the
cylinder. Excessively wet crowns and carbon
efficiency of the ring set.
throwoff from the inlet ports may point out
cylinders with oil control problems.
In instances where extremely severe oil loss through
"souping" at the stack or through air box drainage is
2. The oil separator should be disassembled to
experienced, shop overhaul practices should be
verify the presence of the separator screen. On a
investigated. On EMD 645 engines, piston rings in the
turbocharged engine, the absence of this screen
No. 4, No. 5, and No. 6 grooves are directionally
can cause excessive oil consumption and oil out

15 - 8
Section 15

A new or like new ring. This classification will only be

evidenced during the first phase of top ring life.

On a shallow groove ring, these classifications will be evident

on the top ring for a relatively short time. On a deep groove
ring, these classifications will be evident for the major portion
of ring life.

Chrome grooves are completely worn away, showing only a

smooth chrome face. This will exist for the major portion of
shallow groove ring life. It will be evident for a short time on
only a small percentage of deep groove rings.

Rings are starting to wear into the cast iron, except for the
grooves, which still contain chrome.

CAUTION: To prevent liner scoring, stainless steel rings

should be replaced at this time.

Chrome is completely worn off and wear is concentrated on

the cast iron. Rings in this classification are to be considered
worn out and should be replaced.

NOTE: When classifying chrome plated stainless steel rings, substitute references to "cast iron" with "stainless steel". In addition,
stainless steel rings have five grooves instead of seven.

Fig. 15-1 - Chrome Ring Wear Classification

15 - 9
Section 15

sensitive at installation and all six rings in the set must 4. Inspect for excessive oil leakage from around the
be properly oriented in the correct slot. The installation power assemblies or from the center gallery of the
and directional orientation of each ring is provided. air box. Leakage here might indicate a failed or
absent seal or component.
No. 1 ring is labeled "TOP GROOVE ONLY"
and stamped with a part number. It may be 5. Inspect air box piping in the oil pan for any
installed with either side up. evidence of leakage or external damage to the
piping which could cause oil loss.
No. 2 ring and No. 3 ring are identical. They are
both stamped with a part number and may be OIL IN WATER EXPANSION TANK
installed with either side up.
This indication is usually seen on installations with
No. 4 ring is labeled "TOP" and has a part shell and tube type oil coolers because in these coolers
number stamped on it. It must be installed with the local oil pressure is higher than the cooling water
the "TOP" label upwards and only in the No. 4 pressure.
slot. If this ring is installed upside down, its
tapered face will tend to pump oil past the upper On installations with fin type oil coolers and pressure
compression rings. cooling systems the water pressure is higher than the oil
pressure in the cooler. Because of these pressure
No. 5 ring is a double hook scraper and must be differences inside the cooler, an internal leak usually
installed with the hooks pointing down. If this results in water contamination of the lube oil. Pressure
ring is installed upside down, it will cause heavy test and qualify the oil cooler core for leakage.
oil loss through the air ports and considerable oil
draining from the air box. LEAKING SUMP DRAIN

No. 6 ring is a special spring loaded scalloped oil The pipe plug should be tightened and the valve (if so
control ring and must be installed with the equipped) qualified or replaced.
scallops downward. If this ring is installed upside
down, its oil control efficiency will be greatly LOSS OF OIL INTO GOVERNOR
reduced and may result in excessive oil loss.
The low oil pressure actuating diaphragm of the
NOTE: At time of overhaul or if rings are removed governor should be replaced.
while troubleshooting excessive use of lube
oil, make certain that the oil drain holes under LOAD REGULATOR PIPING OR VANE
the oil control rings are not clogged. MOTOR LEAKING
EXTERNAL ENGINE LEAKS Tighten or replace as applicable.
Leakage of oil from the engine will generally require IMPROPER VISCOSITY OR OIL
tightening of the affected part or replacement of
If either improper viscosity or oil contamination is
LOSS OF OIL FROM AIR BOX DRAIN suspected, immediately take a lube oil sample for
analysis. Follow the specified corrective actions as
1. Perform a complete air box inspection. Replace indicated in Table 1 - "Interpretation of Lube Oil
any power assemblies that are found to be scored Sample Analysis." If necesary pressure test the fuel or
or running with excessively worn rings. cooling systems as required to isolate the source of
contamination. Refer to Dilution of Lubricating Oil.
2. Inspect the air delivery chutes for any sign of oil
leakage into the air box from the roots blower or
the turbocharger.
Replace the bearing seals and check the return line for
3. Investigate shop practices for proper installation
continuity. Check that the orifice is in place on the
of piston rings as noted under "OIL LOSS OUT
supply line.

15 - 10
Section 15

LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE 4. Check for suction leaks at the main pump inlet
elbow where it mates to the main pump and to the
When troubleshooting low engine oil pressure it must strainer housing. Replace gaskets if necessary.
first be determined if the problem is an inadequate 5. Remove and qualify the main oil pump.
supply of oil to the pump input, a worn or defective
pump, or some component in the pump output circuit If it was found that the main pump pressure was
causing the pressure loss. adequate after installation of the auxiliary gauge, then
the following steps should be performed:
NOTE: Lubricating oil should be qualified to ensure
that it is not diluted, which could cause a 1. On turbocharged engines, change the turbo-
pressure drop. charger oil filter element.

1. Check for adequate oil level in the engine oil pan. 2. Qualify the main engine oil pressure gauge and
inspect for any closed valves in the supply line to
2. Observe the level of oil in the strainer box (if so the gauge. There is a 1 / 8" diameter line leading
equipped). With the engine idling the oil should through the right bank top deck of the engine to
be visible about 51 mm (2") below the screen the pressure gauge. Inspect this line carefully for
(inside the rectangular cover). If the oil level in damage. If necessary disconnect the line at both
the strainer box is low, then the scavenging oil ends and blow air through it to make certain it is
system is suspect. Inspect the scavenging pump, clear of obstructions.
the scavenging pump strainer, the Michiana filter
tank, and the oil cooler as outlined in LACK OF If the main engine oil pressure gauge is found to be
OIL DELIVERY FROM THE SCAVENGING correct, then a defective engine protective device could
SYSTEM. be causing a false oil pressure drop. The engine
protective devices must be checked:
If the oil sypply to the main pump is found to be
adequate, an auxiliary oil pressure gauge (0-150 psi) 1. Disconnect and block the connecting line from
should be installed at the outlet elbow on the main lube the oil pressure sensing line to the engine
oil pump using the 3/4" NPT plug hole. protector and the hot oil shutdown device (if so
equipped). If this results in restoration of a
If the main pump pressure as read on the auxiliary normal oil pressure reading on the main engine
gauge is still low, then the following checks should be gauge it indicates one of the following areas:
a. The "O" ring seals on the engine protector
1. Remove the two fine screen strainers in the plunger may have failed.
strainer housing. Clean the strainers and inspect
the seals for possible suction leaks. Drain the b. The activating section of the hot oil detector
strainer box and inspect the chamber for any may be jammed open.
foreign material. Remove and blow compressed
air through the seal vent line to make certain that 2. Qualify both of these devices.
it is not obstructed.
If: -
2. Remove all oil pan handhole covers. Visually
inspect the external surfaces of the main and 1. The engine protective devices are found to be in
connecting rod bearings for evidence of heating proper operating condition.
and look for missing or loose components.
2. The auxiliary oil pressure gauge indicates an
3. Operate the engine at idle and remove the engine adequate main pump output pressure.
protector. Observe the pressure relief valve,
located directly behind the engine protector, for 3. The main oil pressure gauge is still indicating
excessive oil loss. If the valve is found to be stuck inadequate oil pressure.
in the open position it should be removed and
replaced with a qualified valve.

15 - 11
Section 15

Then investigate the rear gear train of the engine for restart the engine and allow it to idle for 15 minutes.
possible causes of low oil pressure. This should include This allows the oil temperature to drop which cools the
the following: turbocharger bearings. The engine can then be shut
down and the electrical control and soak back pump
NOTE: The engine must be shut down for these checks. circuits can be investigated to determine the cause of
the malfunction.
1. Use the recommended tool to check the clearance
in the No. 1 idler stubshaft bushing and, at the If the engine cannot be restarted within 2 minutes of
same time, inspect the interior of the end housing shutdown, then do not restart the engine until the
for debris under the gear train. operation of the soak back pump has been restored and
the engine has been allowed to cool down.
2. On turbocharged engines, remove the auxiliary
generator drive (if so equipped) or the cover plate l. Inspect the camshaft bearings on the engine top
on the rear of the right bank. Inspect the deck while the soak back pump is operating. If oil
manifolding to the turbocharger filter for loose or flow is observed around the bearings it is an
missing components or seals. Make certain that indication that the check valve (located in the
the upper pipe plug is installed in the gauge line soak back filter housing) has jammed open. This
connecting block, and inspect the cam manifolds. is a very undesirable condition because it makes it
possible to backflush oil contaminants into the
3. On blower engines, remove the auxiliary main gallery. Remove the housing immediately
generator drive (if so equipped) or the engine oil and inspect the check valve.
separator housing. Inspect the oil jumper
lines to the camshaft bearing brackets for loose or 2. The soak back pump filter is mounted in a small
missing components or seals. canister close to the pump itself. There is also a
bypass valve and a pressure relief valve mounted
DILUTION OF LUBRICATING OIL above the filter canister.

1. Check to make certain that all the fuel jumper CAUTION: There is no backup filtration for the soak
tubes to the injectors are not cracked and are back system. If the filter clogs, then the
properly seated. bypass will allow dirty oil to reach the
turbocharger bearings. Never extend the
2. Inspect all brazed joints in the top deck fuel changeout intervals of the soak back
manifold and check all manifold pipe plugs for pump filter beyond those specified in the
leakage. Scheduled Maintenance Program.

3. Check injectors and injector filter cap gaskets for 3. The turbocharger oil filter is in the large canister
leaks. on the back of the right bank of the engine. There
is no bypass valve for the turbocharger oil filter
4. Check for stuck piston rings. so clogging of the filter may result in a low oil
pressure shutdown. This shutdown can occur
5. Check for leaking valves in the fuel lines. because the oil pressure sensing line to the
governor low oil pressure shutdown is taken off
6. If water contamination of the lube oil is of the discharge side of the turbocharger element.
suspected, then visually inspect for water in the Use only EMD recommended filter elements.
oil pan and on the top of the cylinder heads and These are resin coated cotton paper with a 30
take an oil sample for analysis. micron rating. Never use a wood pulp filter in an
EMD engine. (Note: The Michiana tank filter
elements have a 13 micron rating and cannot be
TURBOCHARGER used in the turbocharger filter).
SYSTEM CAUTION: Changeout intervals for engine mounted
turbocharger filter elements should never
If the turbocharger soak back pump fails to operate be extended beyond the recommendations
when the engine is shut down, then immediately given in the Scheduled Maintenance

15 - 12
Section 15

4. To check oil delivery from the soak back system installation. If there is any indication of a faulty
while the pump is operating, first remove the rear filler cap, remove and check it on an external
oil pan handhole cover on the left bank of the pressure tester. Replace cap if necessary.
engine. Inspect under the gear train for oil return
draining from the turbocharger. If oil drainage is WARNING: On installations with manual vent
not evident, then check the motor to pump (blowdown) valves, use only the
coupling, the motor brushes, and the pump itself expansion tank caps with the crosswise
for failure or restriction of oil delivery. bar. This is a protective system designed
to prevent injury of personnel from
NOTE: Many installations are equipped with an expansion of hot coolant, its purpose is
indicator light to show that the soak back pump defeated if a plain expansion tank cap is
is being energized. Electrical power to the used.
pump does not necessarily mean that the pump
is delivering oil to the system. HIGH COOLANT
5. Some installations are equipped with a security TEMPERATURE
interlock which will not allow the engine to be
cranked for starting unless the preliminary INSTALLATIONS WITH RADIATORS
turbocharger soak back or priming pump
sequences have been completed. If the engine l. Check coolant level in expansion or supply tank.
fails to crank, then investigate these security Check for adequate cooling system pressure
interlocks for failures. (some installations have quick disconnect fittings
for this purpose). If the cooling system pressure is
not adequate for the installation, then check the
COOLING SYSTEM condition of the expansion tank filler cap (if used)
and make sure the cap is marked with the proper
2. Cycle the radiator shutters (if so equipped) with
Install a pressure gauge on the expansion tank and the temperature switch test button or the shutter
monitor the pressure rise at the tank as the engine heats test valve. Make certain that the shutters are
up to normal operating temperature. opening completely. If necessary check the
temperature at which the shutter control operates.
1. If the pressure reading was inadequate, then This can be done by either operating the engine
shutdown the engine. Test the manual vent valve until it reaches the temperature at which the
(next to the expansion tank filler cap) for leaking shutters open or by removing the temperature
when closed. This is done by placing a bucket of switch and testing it separately. The switch can be
water so that the end of the vent line extends tested off the engine by placing the heat sensing
several inches below the surface of the water. The element in a pan of hot water with a thermometer
release of bubbles or coolant inhibitor through the and noting the temperature where the switch
water indicates that the vent valve is not seating operates.
properly and must be replaced.
3. Make certain that all radiator and water pump
WARNING: Do not get hands or face close to the water vent lines are in place and not obstructed.
bucket while performing this test. Disconnected radiator vent lines can cause air
binding in the radiators which results in a loss of
2. Blow down the tank pressure by opening the cooling efficiency. Water pump vent lines that are
manual vent valve. disconnected or not the correct size can cause
cavitation of the water pump which results in a
3. When the tank pressure is completely dissipated, loss of coolant delivery pressure.
remove and inspect the expansion tank fill valve.
Check for proper seating of the snifter valve
(metal disc) in the center of the cap and check the
condition of the gasket. Make certain the pressure
range marked on the cap is correct for the

15 - 13
Section 15

4A. On installations with electric cooling fans, check 5A. On installations with engine mounted raw water
for proper operation of all fan motors and pumps, check the valve positioning on the suction
temperature control switches. Check all the fan and discharge circuits of the pump. Make certain
fuses for continuity and proper rating. that piping connections are properly sealed and
tightened and that gaskets are in good condition.
4B. On installations with belt driven cooling fans,
inspect the belts and make certain that they are 5B. On installations with belt or shaft driven raw
properly tensioned. water pumps, check the shaft couplings and belt
tension. Check that all valves are open in the
5. Inspect the exterior of the radiators for clogging suction and discharge lines to the pump.
and restriction of air flow. Clean radiator baffles
(fins) if necessary. Carefully check the cores for 6. Monitor the temperature change across the engine
leaks. cooling side of the heat exchanger, and if
possible, across the raw water pump from suction
6. Hydro-test the cooling system for leaks. Coolant to discharge side. If the temperature change is too
leaks decrease cooling capacity and could small across either the cooling side of the heat
introduce exhaust gases into the cooling system. exchanger (drop) or the raw water pump (rise),
Gases in the cooling system might cause air then clean the radiating surfaces, or, it may be
binding of the radiators or water pumps. necessary to rod out the exchanger (shell and tube
NOTE: Do not exceed 172 kPa (24 psi) during hydro-
test. This limit is notably conservative to 7. Hydro-test the cooling system for leaks. Coolant
account for older equipment that might have leaks decrease cooling capacity and could
some long service deterioration. The engine introduce exhaust gases into the cooling system.
alone can be blanked off and tested with air and Gases in the cooling system might cause air
water at 620 kPa (90 psi). binding of the exchanger or water pumps.

INSTALLATIONS WITH HEAT NOTE: Do not exceed 172 kPa (25 psi) during hydro-
test. This limit is notably conservative to
EXCHANGERS (AND KEEL account for older equipment that might have
COOLERS) some long service deterioration. The engine
alone can be blanked off and tested with air and
1. Check coolant level in expansion or supply tank. water at 620 kPa (90 psi).
On pressure-type systems check both the cooling
system pressure and the condition of the filler HIGH LUBRICATING OIL
2. Check that all vent lines are in place and not COOLER (COOLANT
obstructed. Make certain that all cooling system TEMPERATURE) PROBLEMS
piping is physically located below the level of
coolant in the tank. 1. Check oil level in oil pan and monitor main oil
pump pressure.
3. Check that all cooling system piping connections
are tight and that all gaskets are in good 2. Remove the square cover from the scavenging
condition. Leakage on the presure or output side delivery compartment in the strainer housing.
of the water pump will cause coolant loss and Check for sufficient oil delivery from the
decreased coolant pressure throughout the system. scavenging oil pump. The oil level should not be
Leakage on the suction or input side of the water more than two to three inches below the screen
pump will draw air into the system which results with the engine running. If scavenging oil
in cavitation at the pump. delivery is inadequate, the Michiana filter tank
pressure should be checked as a test for plugged
4. Check the operation of the temperature control filters and/or a jammed bypass valve.
(thermostatic) valve if the installation has this

15 - 14
Section 15

NOTE: The purpose of the oil cooler is to use engine

coolant to remove excess heat from the 3. On locomotive installations only: -
lubricating oil. This relationship leads to high
oil temperature if engine coolant temperature a. Check that the engine was not inadvertently
becomes too high. shutdown by moving the throttle handle
beyond the detent position at the right end of
3. Determine if the engine has had high water the quadrant.
temperature problems. High water temperature
reduces the efficiency of the oil cooler thereby NOTE: Moving the throttle handle to the right beyond
causing a higher oil temperature. If the engine has the detent position will also shutdown all other
an above normal water temperature, follow the locomotive units connected in tandem.
troubleshooting guide for that particular problem.
b. Check the annunciator module for fault
4. Marine and Stationary Power installations are indications and look for an illuminated alarm
frequently equipped with a temperature control indicator light on the engine control panel.
(thermostatic) valve. If the engine has this
equipment, then qualify the opening of the valve. 4. Observe the engine protector crankcase pressure
On some installations, failure of the valve to button.
function can deprive the oil cooler of coolant.
WARNING: If this button has popped out, do not work
5. Put inline thermometers or temporary ther- on the engine for at least two hours. Do
mometers in the wells provided in the engine not open any of the air box, oil pan, or top
cooling water piping. Monitor temperatures in deck access covers.
and out of both the oil and water sides of the oil
cooler. Compare these readings with a standard After two hours has passed the engine can be
chart (locomotive installations) or with opened up to inspect for the cause of the
installation records to determine oil cooler crankcase overpressure. Consult the applicable
efficiency. Reduced efficiency is caused by oil section of this troubleshooting guide for further
cooler plugging, scale or corrosion. If oil investigative procedures.
temperature drop or coolant temperature rise
through the cooler are not adequate, then remove 5. Observe the engine protector differential water
the cooler for inspection and cleaning. pressure button. If this button has popped out,
check the engine coolant level in the supply or
ENGINE PERFORMANCE expansion tank. If the coolant level is low,
carefully inspect the engine and piping for
internal or external leakage. Pressure test the
UNEXPECTED ENGINE system if necessary but limit maximum pressure
SHUTDOWNS to 172 kPa (25 psi).

NOTE: Quite often on startup, and occasionally on WARNING: Remove expansion tank filler cap
shutdown, the engine protector buttons may be cautiously as steam pressure may be
activated by pressure differential transients. present.
These may cause a false indication of engine
problems during routine startup and shutdown. Check that all drain valves are fully closed on the
engine and in the external piping. On locomotive
If an engine shuts down unexpectedly while operating installations, check that all cab heater drains are
under load, the following steps should be performed: closed. Refill the cooling system with the proper
coolant and attempt to restart the engine. Monitor
1. Check the position of the overspeed trip lever and the engine temperature after load is applied. If the
reset if necessary. Consult the applicable section temperature rises beyond the normal level, then
of this troubleshooting guide for further consult the "HIGH COOLANT TEM-
investigative procedures. PERATURE" section of this troubleshooting
2. Make certain that the engine did not run out of
fuel and that the emergency fuel cutoff or engine
stop switch was not activated.
15 - 15
Section 15

NOTE: The engine protector crankcase pressure and engine down and then reset itself during the cool off.
differential water pressure buttons shut down Load the engine and watch the engine temperature
the engine by dropping all oil pressure to the gauge closely for possible overheating.
governor engine oil pressure sensing
diaphragm. Therefore, the governor low oil 7. If after any of the preceding steps, the engine
button should always pop out if one of the cranked over readily but failed to start, a fuel
engine protectors is activated. This series of system failure is probable. Check for adequate
events takes place in the normal actuation of a fuel supply in the storage or day tank. Check for
crankcase overpressure or differential water fuel pressure (duplex fuel filters) or for fuel flow
pressure shutdown and has an entirely (sight glass) at the engine. If fuel pressure or fuel
different significance than the governor low oil flow is not evident, then perform the procedure
button popping out by itself. outlined under "LOW FUEL OIL PRESSURE" in
this troubleshooting guide.
6. Check the governor low oil button. If this button
alone has popped out, then check the oil level in 8. On installations with electric fuel pumps, the
the engine oil pan and in the engine mounted oil shutdown could have been caused by an
strainer box. interruption or fault in the fuel pump control
circuit. Use the appropriate wiring diagram to
WARNING: On locomotive installations, the hot oil qualify switchgear and wiring connections and
detector can also cause the low oil button check for continuity through electrical interlocks.
to pop out. When the low oil button is
popped out, and a hot engine condition is 9. On turbocharged engines only, if the engine
suspected, wait two hours before checking unexpectedly shut down when the throttle was
the oil level. reduced, accompanied by bogging of the engine
and heavy smoke, the turbocharger clutch may be
a. If the engine oil level is unusually low, check failing to engage properly. Check the operation of
for a partially open oil pan drain valve and a the turbocharger clutch using the EMD
loose or missing drain pipe plug. turbocharger troubleshooting procedures.

b. If low oil is evident in the chamber below the 10. On locomotive installations only, several unique
screen in the square section of the strainer characteristics of the control systems could cause
box, check the scavenging oil system as an unexpected reduction in engine speed while
indicated in the appropriate section of this operating under load:
troubleshooting guide.
a. Unexpected locomotive engine speed
c. If the oil levels at both locations were reductions can be caused by activation of
adequate, inspect the inside of the oil pan for THL or EFL protective relays. These relays
evidence of overheated metal surfaces or function to reduce engine power if a hot
extruded metal around the main and engine or clogged air filter condition occurs.
connecting rod bearings. Inspect under the On most freight locomotive applications,
lower end of both gear trains for debris. pickup of THL or EFL will reduce No. 8
throttle engine speed to No. 6 throttle speed
If all the preceding steps do not point out the reason for and reduce No. 7 throttle engine speed to No.
the governor low oil indication, then close up the engine 5 throttle speed. Check the annunciator
and attempt to restart the engine. If the engine starts, indications and the fault lights on the engine
then closely observe the engine oil pressure gauge. If control panel. Check the engine temperature
the engine does not develop oil pressure on the gauge, control system or change the air filter
then peform the procedure as indicated under "LOW elements as necessary to correct the problem.
ENGINE OIL PRESSURE" of this troubleshooting

On locomotive installations only, if after the engine

starts the oil pressure gauge builds up to normal, it
could have been the hot oil detector that caused the low
oil shutdown. The hot oil detector might have shut the

15 - 16
Section 15

b. Qualify the control stand microswitches. Inspect the 5. With the engine not under load, attempt to slowly
connection of the control wire flexible cable to the increase engine speed from idle to maximum
governor for tightness and terminal engagement. RPM. On installations with PG or PGR
governors, check that all assigned engine speeds
c. Pickup of the ground protective relay will cause are properly activated. On installations with a
engine speed to be reduced to idle regardless of throttle PGA governor, check that the engine responds
position. This action is accompanied by an annunciator evenly to increased throttle throughout the
indication, an engine control panel light, and an alarm. operating range from idle to maximum RPM. Use
a hand tachometer to check that the engine has
LOSS OF POWER reached maximum speed. If the engine failed to
reach maximum RPM, check governor solenoids
NOTE: On installations with a load regulator or load on PG or PGR governors and the control air
control system, the correct injector is essential to the supply and pressure settings on PGA governors.
proper loading of the system. Whenever improper Return engine speed to idle and attempt to load
loading occurs with this type system, check the injector the engine. Advance the throttle slowly and
part numbers to make certain they are correct for,the smoothly from minimum to maximum speed.
Qualify the maximum speed of the engine with a hand
ENGINE RUNS WITH CLEAN STACK tachometer. If the engine cannot reach its maximum
speed rating under load, examine the position of the
1. Shut down the engine. rack as indicated by the quadrant on the governor and
verify the following conditions (while under full load).
2. Open all top deck covers and visually inspect the If the governor rack is shorter than the specified
injectors, racks, and followers. Make certain that maximum position on the governor nameplate (while
all injector racks are engaged to the transfer arms under full load), and the engine is running at or below
and that all pins and linkages are in place and maximum rated RPM, then:
properly tightened. Observe fuel jumpers, rocker
arms, and exhaust valve bridges for any abnormal 1. On locomotive installations, check the position of
conditions. the load regulator.

3. Close top deck covers and prepare for a normal a. If the load regulator has moved to minimum
startup. Check fuel supply. Prime engine fuel field position, the problem is most likely of a
system and check for adequate return fuel flow mechanical nature. Carefully inspect the
(sight glass) or fuel supply pressure (duplex mechanical condition of the injectors and
filters). check them for correct part numbers. The
injectors should also be pressure tested.
4. Start the engine and allow it to reach normal (Refer to INJECTOR PRESSURE TEST in
operating temperature. Observe fuel system this section.) The governor part number
pressure or delivery. If fuel system shows any should be checked to make sure it is the right
indication of inadequate delivery, then follow the one for the installation. If necessary, the
procedure outlined under "LOW FUEL OIL governor should be removed to check the
PRESSURE" in this troubleshooting guide. If load regulator.
bubbles are evident in the return fuel sight glass,
see Section 5B of Low Fuel Oil Pressure b. If the load regulator has moved to maximum
Troubleshooting. field position, the problem could be of either
a mechanical or electrical nature. Injectors
NOTE: The following procedures apply only to engines should be checked for proper part number and
with notched or continuous throttles; then pressure tested. The electrical excitation
Woodward PG, PGR, or PGA governors. system should be qualified according to the
procedures established in the appropriate
locomotive service manual.

15 - 17
Section 15

c. On a marine or power generating installation, for leakage. (Refer to INJECTOR PRESSURE

an overload condition or a mechanical problem with the TEST in this section.)
fuel injectors is most likely. Pressure test the injectors
after checking them for correct part numbers. (Refer to 2. Close the top deck covers and prepare the engine
INJECTOR PRESSURE TEST in this section.) Make for a normal startup. Observe fuel system
certain that the governor part number is correct for the pressure or delivery for any abnormal conditions.
installation. If the governor and injectors are If fuel system delivery or pressure is low, refer to
functioning properly and their part numbers are verified "LOW FUEL OIL PRESSURE" section of this
for the installation, then an electrical or mechanical troubleshooting guide. If bubbles are evident in
overload condition is probable. On power generating the return fuel sightglass see Section 5B of "LOW
installations, refer to load rating conditions in the FUEL OIL PRESSURE" troubleshooting.
applicable manuals. On marine gear box installations,
refer to the applicable propeller cube curves to 3. With the engine at normal operating temperature
determine if an overload condition exists. and not under load, slowly advance the throttle
from idle to maximum speed. Check that all
If the governor rack is longer than the specified engine speeds are reached smoothly and verify
maximum position on the governor nameplate, and the maximum engine speed with a hand tachometer.
engine is operating below its maximum speed, attempt
to increase fuel injection (shorten rack dimension) by 4. With engine at maximum speed, with full load
manually advancing the layshaft lever. applied, use a water manometer to check exhaust
back pressure.
1. If increased resistance prevented the injector
control lever from being manually advanced to On blower engines, the back pressure should not
the specified maximum position, then suspect exceed 559 mm (22") of water.
either an engine injector rack is binding or the
governor stop adjustment on the power piston is On turbocharged engines, the back pressure
improperly set. should not exceed 127 mm (5") of water.

2. If it was possible to manually advance the injector If the exhaust pressure is too high, then check for
control lever to maximum fuel position, the obstructions in the exhaust risers and stack
engine speed increased, then suspect: extensions.

a. Improper governor setting (high speed unloader 5. With engine at maximum speed, with no load
limit). applied, use a water manometer to check engine
air inlet depression.
b. (Marine only) Deliberate speed limiting setting.
If inlet depression exceeds the value provided in
c. (Locomotive only) Improper adjustment of "Air Filter Pressure Drop" data, either change or
governor. clean filters.

On PG and PGR governors (rail and drill rig), the NOTE: All air filter pressure drops are measured in
governor should be removed from the engine and clean air plenum downstream of the filter
operated on a governor test stand to make adjustments. elements.
Check governor and injectors part numbers to make
sure they are correct for that particular application.


1. Open top deck covers and perform a visual
inspection of all injectors, racks, and followers.
Make certain that all injector racks are engaged to
the transfer arms and that all pins and linkages are
in place and properly tightened. Check injectors
for proper part number and pressure test injectors

15 - 18
Section 15

Application Turbocharged Blower Type Engines

Paper Fiberglass Oil Paper Fiberglass Oil
In. mm In. mm In. mm In. Mm Im. Mm In. mm
Marine 14* 356* 7 178 16* 406* 18** 457** 7 178 20** 508**
Marine Drill 14* 356* 7 178 16* 406* 18** 457** 7 178 20** 508**
Stationary 14* 356* 7 178 16* 406* 18** 457** 7 178 20** 508**
Drill Rig 20** 508**

Inertial + Inetial + Inertial+ Inertial + Inetial + Inertial +

Paper Fiberglass Oil Paper Fiberglass Oil
In. mm In. mm In. mm In. Mm Im. Mm In. mm
Locomotive 14 356 14 356 16 406 18 457 18 457 14.5 368

Inertial filter readings should not exceed 5.5” (140 mm).

*For remote mounted filter applications, subtract 3” (76 mm) H2O

**For remote mounted filter appliacation, subtract 10” (254 mm) H2O
Air Filter Pressure Drop

6. Attempt to load the engine. If the engine bogs and 3. On installations with fuel sight glasses, check for
smokes, check for excessive air box adequate fuel flow through the return sight glass.
accumulations blocking the inlet ports. On If fuel flow is inadequate, refer to the "LOW
turbocharged engines only, check for a plugged FUEL OIL PRESSURE" section of this
exhaust screen and qualify the condition of the troubleshooting guide. If bubbles are evident in
turbocharger by performing the inspections the return fuel sightglass see section 513 of
outlined in the Turbocharger Troubleshooting "LOW FUEL OIL PRESSURE" Troubleshooting.
4. On installations with fuel block and duplex filters,
7. If all the preceding checks prove negative, qualify check for adequate fuel supply pressure. If fuel
engine timing by checking exhaust valve timing pressure is inadequate, refer to the "LOW FUEL
on both cylinder banks. OIL PRESSURE" section of this troubleshooting
5. Inspect the exhaust valves and check for valves that
1. Pressure test all injectors using the appropriate are stuck partially open, operating with damaged
EMD tool. This tool checks for free follower heads, or misadjusted so that they cannot seal
action and adequate injection force. completely.
2. Inspect the part numbers on the bodies of all
injectors to verify that the entire engine set is
correct for the installation. 2. Perform a complete top deck inspection. Check all
injectors and injector control linkage. If bubbles
CAUTION: EMD does not make hollow rack injectors.
are evident in the return fuel sightglass with
Hollow rack injectors cannot be set
engine running, see Section 513 of "LOW FUEL
correctly with an EMD injector rack tool. If
OIL PRESSURE" Troubleshooting.
they are mixed in an EMD engine set with
EMD injectors, and set with EMD tool, 2. Repair any injector linkage with loose adjusting
then these cylinders will be too light on fuel and locknuts or missing pin clips. Make certain
volume (rack too long). This can result in that all injectors are properly engaged between
misfire, vibration, poor overall fuel their racks and the control linkage. Pressure test
economy, and possibly, serious damage to all the injectors (refer to INJECTOR PRESSURE
the engine. TEST in this section).

15 - 19
Section 15

3. Set and time all injectors in accordance with in place and properly tightened. Pressure test
procedures provided at the end of this section. injectors for leakage (refer to INJECTOR
PRESSURE TEST in this section). If bubbles are
4. Check exhaust valve lash adjustment. Remove evident in the return fuel sightglass with engine
and test any valve bridge which shows inadequate running, see Section 513 of "LOW FUEL OIL
lash adjuster tension or which PRESSURE" Troubleshooting.
operates loudly when the engine is running.
2. Inspect engine to generator coupling disc for any
5. Check all injector part numbers to make certain evidence of failure.
that the entire engine set is correct for the
installation. 3. On marine installations, inspect torque tube
couplings for evidence of failure.
6. Check for engine overloading or overheating
problems. Observe the load and temperature 4. Inspect all drive shafts that operate auxiliary
gauges with engine in operation. If necessary, equipment for any sign of failure.
refer to the applicable section of this trouble-
shooting guide for corrective action. 5. Remove all oil pan handhole covers. Visually
inspect crankshaft area for loose or damaged
7. If all the preceding steps prove negative, then main bearing caps and connecting rod baskets.
perform the following steps; although these are Look for signs of overheated or extruded metal.
more unlikely to be the cause of engine knocking:
6. Inspect for debris under the gear trains at both
a. Check the exhaust valve timing on both ends of the engine. Visually qualify the
cylinder banks. crankshaft damper. Check engine records to make
certain that crankshaft damper is not past
b. Carefully inspect the engine to make certain changeout date.
that 567 and 645 power assemblies have not
been mixed in the same engine. 567 and 645 7. Inspect top deck on both banks of cylinder for
power assemblies cannot be operated, at the broken rocker arms or broken rocker arm shaft
same time, in the same engine because the mounting studs.
difference in weight make counterbalancing
impossible. 8. If installation has been subjected to any shock
loadings, check engine to generator or engine to
NOTE: An entire set of 645 power assemblies can be gearbox alignment.
used in certain 567 engines providing that all
9. If engine was recently overhauled, check
instructions in the EMD Modernization
camshaft counterweight timing.
Recommendation on this subject are followed.
Consult your dealer or EMD representative for ENGINE SMOKING
more information.
c. Make certain that blower-type pistons and 1. Check the governor rack quadrant with the engine
turbocharger pistons are not mixed in the at maximum rated RPM and full load. If the
same engine by checking piston part numbers indicated governor quadrant dimension is shorter
(bottom of piston skirt) from inside the oil than the limit specified on the governor
pan. identification plate, then the engine may be
operating overloaded. If bubbles are evident in
d. Take lead wire readings to check for bent the return fuel sightglass see Section 513, of
rods or piston pin insert distress. "LOW FUEL OIL PRESSURE" Troubleshooting.

EXCESSIVE VIBRATION 2. Check maximum engine RPM with a hand

tachometer on the end of the camshaft. If the
1. Open top deck covers and perform a visual engine is running below its maximum rated RPM
inspection of all injectors, racks, and followers. and short on rack, then overloading is the most
Make certain that all injector racks are engaged to probable cause and the following steps should be
the transfer arms and that all pins and linkages are taken:

15 - 20
Section 15

a. On locomotive and power generating

installations, standardize horsepower output 7B. On turbocharged engines only, remove the inlet
and check all calibrating and load control boot and inspect the inlet impeller for damage.
adjustments. If possible, adjust to obtain Remove the section of the exhaust manifold
proper rated output. adjacent to the turbocharger. Examine the
condition of the protective screen and clean if
b. On marine gear box installations, it may be necessary. Inspect the interior of the exhaust
necessary to adjust pitch or diameter of the manifold for debris. Have someone else rotate the
propeller if continual overloading is turbo shaft from the inlet end while you inspect
experienced. the exhaust blades with a flashlight. Refer to
Turbocharger Troubleshooting in this section.
3. If the engine was operating below its load limit,
then remove the load and run the engine to its SPEED DEPARTURE (ENGINE
maximum rated RPM without load.
a. Check the engine air filter inlet depression
l. Make certain that the injector control linkage is
with a water tube manometer. If the inlet
working properly. Replace any injector which
depression exceeds the value provided in
shows evidence of rack binding. If bubbles are
"Engine Runs With Dirty Stack," then change
evident in fuel return sightglass, see Section 5B
or clean the air filters.
b. Check the exhaust back pressure. If the
exhaust back pressure exceeds 127 mm (5")
2. Check governor for correct oil level. Either too
of water on turbocharged engines or 559 mm
high or too low oil level in the governor may
(22") of water on blower engines, then look
cause engine hunting. If the governor
for blockages or restrictions in the exhaust
"manufactures" oil (oil level constantly rising) or
if the governor oil becomes excessively dirty after
a short operating time then engine lube oil is
4. If the preceding checks prove negative, shut the
getting into the governor oil. Check for the
engine down and perform a complete inspection
following possibilities:
of the injectors. Make certain that all injectors are
the correct part number for installation. Check
a. The governor oil pressure sensing diaphragm
injector timing and rack setting. Pressure test all
may be ruptured.
injectors for leakage. (Refer to INJECTOR
PRESSURE TEST in this section.)
b. The load control pilot valve (if so equipped)
may have a failed seal.
5. Check the exhaust valve timing on both banks of
NOTE: These problems may require removal of the
governor for correction or rebuild.
6. Perform a complete air box inspection. Check for
broken compression rings. CAUTION: Never
3. With the engine running, vent the air bleed screw
operate an EMD engine in routine service with
in the governor body to remove any trapped air
broken compression rings. Ring fragments can be
from the governor control passages. Adjust the
drawn through the liner air ports into the inlet air
compensating needle valve to limit the hunting
stream where they may damage the liner, piston,
condition as much as possible.
cylinder head, and exhaust valves. Pieces of ring
can also be drawn up the exhaust stack where
4. If hunting continues, the cause may be the
they could damage the turbocharger (if so
a. On locomotive installations, the operation of
7A. On blower engines only, check for leaking shaft
protective devices such as current overload
end seals by observing the air box end of the air
relays and excitation limiting may be causing
delivery chutes for oil flow. Leaking end seals
hunting. Check the electrical system to make
can be an indication of impending bearing failure
certain that the excitation circuits are
with possible rotor damage.
functioning properly.

15 - 21
Section 15

b. On drill rig and DC power generating d. Badly worn valve guides.

installations, the cycling of calibrating and
overload relays may cause hunting. Check the e. Hardened lower liner seals.
circuits for proper operation.
f. Inadequate injector crab nut torque.
NOTE: Marine engine gear box installations may
exhibit a load fluctuation in rough or shallow g. Extreme cylinder scoring which could allow air
water which should not be confused with box blowdown past oil control rings.
h. If engine was recently overhauled, investigate
PROTECTIVE DEVICES shop practices for installation of oil control
rings on rebuilt power assemblies.
CRANKCASE PRESSURE i. Inspect the interior of the air box for evidence
DETECTOR of carbon combustion which could cause seal
hardening and component failure.
WARNING: After a crankcase pressure detector
shutdown, do not open any engine j. Inspect oil pan for any indication of
handhole cover, top deck cover, or oil overheated metal surfaces.
strainer housing cover for at least two
hours. k. Check for debris under the gear trains at both
ends of the engine.
NOTE: Combustion is created in the oil pan when oil
vapors come into contact with an overheated 1. If the preceding steps did not disclose the
engine component. The force generated by this cause of the shutdown, then while the engine
combustion frequently bends or damages the protector is still off the engine, examine the
sensing diaphragm backup plates in the oil pressure relief valve. This valve is
crankcase pressure detector. If oil pan mounted on the oil distribution manifold
combustion is suspected in a crankcase pressure directly behind the mounting opening of the
shutdown, then the detector must be removed engine protector. The port on the oil pressure
and qualified on a suitable test stand. relief valve should be facing downward and
90° away from the end sheet of the engine. If
1. Check for plugged separator screen in the the relief valve is installed either facing the
crankcase aspirator unit. end sheet or at 180° to the end sheet, then the
oil discharge may hit the actuating diaphragm
NOTE: Do not remove any of the calibrating orifices of the engine protector causing a false
that are part of the total crankcase aspirator actuation.
system installed at the factory.
2. Check oil level in the engine
1. Check the possibility that the load on the engine
3. On turbocharged units, check if there is carbon was suddenly dropped. Check the operation of
blocking the angled end of the eductor tube which overcurrent protective and excitation limiting
projects into the stack riser. relays. On locomotive or generating installations,
look for annunciator or engine control cabinet
4. After the engine has been shut down for two indications.
hours, remove the oil pan and air box handhole
covers and check for the following problems: 2. Run the engine to maximum possible speed with
no load and check the speed with a hand
a. Cracked pistons. tachometer. Use the hand tachometer, through the
access cover on the end of the camshaft
b. Broken cylinder crab studs. counterweight cover, to read camshaft RPM.
c. Cracked cylinder head.

15 - 22
Section 15

This is a valid indication because the camshaft is

in a 1:1 overall drive ratio to the engine TRACING DEFECTIVE OR
3. While the governor is maintaining the engine at
maximum speed, increase fuel injection by These are several checks and procedures which have
manually overriding the governor with the proven useful to determine if a particular cylinder is
injector control lever until the overspeed device experiencing mechanical or fuel supply problems.
trips. Note the speed that the overspeed device Cylinders with these difficulties may show symptoms of
trips on the hand tachometer. smoking, misfiring, or operating with an unusually low
stack temperature. The following is a summary of
a. If the overspeed does not trip when engine cylinder problems and their related symptoms.
RPM reaches approximately 10% over rated
speed, back off the injector control lever and EXHAUST TEMPERATURE
shut the engine down. With the engine shut
down, remove the front cam counterweight 1. On marine engine installations with exhaust stack
cover and check the overspeed mechanism. pyrometers, check readings between cylinders
with the engine running under load.
b. If the overspeed tripped at too low of an
RPM, it may be necessary to increase the NOTE: Exhaust pyrometers are unreliable indicators of
spring tension on the overspeed flyweight. engine malfunctions. Do not use only one set of
This is mounted on the front camshaft pyrometer readings as a basis for an exploratory
counterweight on the right bank of the teardown of a power assembly. Always
engine. Retest until proper RPM trip value is compare readings of the individual pyrometers
obtained. Correct trip speed should be by switching the sensing bulbs between the
approximately 10 percent over the maximum suspected defective cylinder and one cylinder
RPM rating of the engine. For example, a 645 which is indicating properly.
engine with a maximum governor speed
tolerance of 908 RPM should trip the 2. On locomotives and stationary power instal-
overspeed at about 1000 RPM. lations, an approximation of individual cylinder
exhaust temperature can be obtained with a hand
4. With the overspeed trip qualified, run the engine held pyrometer. The pyrometer must be used on
to full rated RPM under load and observe its individual riser legs with the engine under load.
operation. It may be necessary to bleed air from These readings are useful only for comparison
the governor or adjust the governor compensating between cylinders. Because the pyrometer is
needle valve if the governor shows any tendency being positioned outside the manifold, the
to hunt. Consult the "SPEED DEPARTURE" sec- readings alone should not be used as a basis for
tion of this troubleshooting guide. power assembly teardown. Only the range
relationship between cylinders is meaningful to
5. On locomotive installations, repeated overspeed detect a suspicious cylinder.
tripping under load may be caused by electrical STACK SOUND
malfunction causing the load to be interrupted.
Consult the appropriate locomotive service 1. Using a four foot length of 1/2" or 3/4" pipe held
manual for troubleshooting the electrical against the riser leg, listen to the sound of the
excitation and protection systems. exhaust in each stack riser. A defective exhaust
valve or a cylinder with an injector not
6. On marine engines that are operated over functioning can often be located this way.
extremely rough or shallow water, considerable 2. Disconnect the injector rack link on the suspect
load fluctuations are possible. This should not be cylinder. With the engine at idle speed, slowly
confused with load hunting. These sudden load open the rack for that cylinder and then return it
variations might cause the engine to overspeed. If to idle position. If the injector is functioning
this problem occurs, consult your service properly, a pronounced laboring of the cylinder
engineer or the EMD Service Department for will be evident with the rack advanced.
recommendations based on the requirements of
your installation.

15 - 23
Section 15

INJECTOR TESTING tank and one in the locomotive cab. (The function
of these buttons is not trainlined).
Refer to INJECTOR PRESSURE TEST in this section,
to check injectors for leakage. 2. Move the throttle handle in the controlling unit to
the extreme right corner of the quadrant by
pulling out the handle enough to clear the detent.
AIR BOX INSPECTION This will shut down that unit and all units in an
MU equipped consist which have isolation
Heavy cylinder scoring or badly worn or broken
switches in the RUN position. This will not shut
compression rings can cause smoking, high oil
down other units that are isolated.
consumption, or loading and operational problems.
Consult the appropriate one revolution inspection
3. Turn off the control and fuel pump switch on a
sequence charts that are provided. These charts give
single unit or the lead unit in an MU consist. This
detailed data about each period of crankshaft rotation
will stop the fuel pump and result in engine
for different engine configurations. This information is
shutdown from lack of fuel. This procedure will
necessary to perform a thorough air box inspection and
only shut down trailing units that have their
will also minimize the amount of engine barring needed
control and fuel pump switches in the OFF
to do the inspection.

INJECTOR TIMING AND RACK 4. A unit can be shut down from the right catwalk by
SETTING pulling the injector control lever all the way
towards the outside of the unit and holding it
Injectors must all be set properly to achieve even there until the engine is completely stopped.
loading of the engine. Unevenly set injectors can A unit can be shutdown from the left catwalk by
contibute to excessive vibration, smoking, and pulling out the low oil trip button on the
premature wear on power assemblies. To set the governor.
injectors refer to "SETTING INJECTOR RACKS."
NOTE: Do not rely on body grooves or any other
On installations with emergency fuel cutoff switches,
superficial means of identifying injectors.
this switch should be used for emergency shutdown
Check the injectors only by part number and
only, otherwise any of the following procedures should
then make certain, through the appropriate
be used.
EMD parts catalog, that all the injectors in an
engine are correct for that installation. 1. Push the manual shutdown button on top of the
governor (if so equipped).
ENGINE WILL NOT SHUT DOWN 2. Trip the overspeed shutdown with the manual
lever on top of the camshaft counterweight
STOP POSITION 3. Energize the governor shutdown solenoid
(controlled electrically from primary control
1. Injector linkage may be improperly adjusted. location).
4. If the governor did not go to the fuel shut off
2. Injector rack may be stuck or incorrectly meshed position, then override the control linkage with
with injector gear. the injector control lever by pulling the lever out
as far as it will go and holding it until the engine
EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN is completely stopped.
PROCEDURE 5. On marine engines, if the overspeed lever did not
shut the engine down, then engage the ahead or
RAILROAD INSTALLATIONS astern clutch to stop the engine provided that the
vessel is not in motion.
1. Push one of the three emergency fuel cutoff
buttons. These are located one on either side of NOTE: In an extreme emergency an EMD engine can
the locomotive on the catwalk edge above the fuel be shut down by depriving it of fuel by opening
the suction strainer.
15 - 24
Section 15

INJECTOR PRESSURE TEST Items which govern correct valve timing are given in
the following procedures.
Special tool 8414877 is used to pressure test injector for
leakage while they are installed in the engine. Pressure MAINTENANCE
test injectors as follows:
l. Ensure that engine fuel lines are fully charged.
If it should become necessary to check the position of
2. Place straightedge across exhaust and injector the flywheel or the flywheel pointer for top dead center,
cam rollers. If injector cam roller is higher than proceed as follows:
the exhaust cam rollers, bar engine over until
injector roller is below the exhaust rollers. 1. Remove an air box handhole cover at the No. 1
3. Apply test tool to the injector rocker arm of the
injector being tested. The tool should straddle the 2. If necessary, bar the engine to position the No. 1
rocker arm with the lower end of tines under the piston below the cylinder liner ports.
rocker arm shaft and the top end of tool covering
the rocker arm adjusting screw lock nut. 3. Insert a brass "stop-bar" (minimum 13 mm [1/2"]
hexagonal or square preferred) of suitable length
4. Remove retainer spring and clevis pin securing through the ports of the No. 1 cylinder so that the
injector control lever to adjusting link. end of the bar passes through a port on the
opposite side of the cylinder, Fig. 15-2.
5. Place injector rack in full fuel position.

6. Apply 1/2" drive torque wrench to pressure test

tool and apply 107 N-m (80 ft-lbs) of torque.

Hold torque for a minimum of five seconds. If

torque indication drops off, or wrench must be
moved to maintain torque, the injector is leaking
and must be replaced. If torque remains constant
for five seconds without movement of the
wrench, the injector is acceptable.

7. Remove torque wrench and pressure test tool Fig. 15-2 -- "Stop-Bar" Inserted Through Cylinder Ports
from the injector rocker arm.
NOTE: A bar of sufficient length to prevent
8. Connect adjusting link to injector control lever reapplication of the handhole cover while the
with clevis pin and retainer spring. bar is in place is recommended. A flag on the
end of the bar will caution against inadvertent
9. Test all remaining injectors. rotation of the engine with the bar in place.

4. Manually bar the engine slowly in the normal

EXHAUST VALVE TIMING direction of rotation until piston travel is stopped
by the bar against the upper surfaces of the
DESCRIPTION cylinder ports, Fig. 15-3.

Exhaust valve timing is very important as it ensures CAUTION: Use extreme care to avoid excessive force.
correct relationship of valve operation with the other
events in the cylinder power cycle. 5. Mark the position of the flywheel pointer on the
To check or adjust exhaust valve timing, it is necessary flywheel, Fig. 15-4.
to know the top dead center of each cylinder as shown
in Table 2.

15 - 25
Section 15

Fig. 15-4 - Limit of Piston Travel Marked On Flywheel Fig. 15-5 -- Second Limit Of Piston Travel Marked On
6. Manually bar the engine slowly in the opposite
direction from normal rotation until piston travel
is again stopped by the bar against the upper
surfaces of the cylinder ports.

7. Mark the second position of the flywheel pointer

on the flywheel, Fig. 15-5.

8. Determine the number of degrees between the

two marks on the flywheel. Divide that number
by 2. See Fig. 15-6 for a sample calculation.

9. Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction of

rotation the exact number of degrees determined a. Mark flywheel as indicated in Step 5.
in Step 8 above. Remove the brass "stop-bar" b. Mark flywheel as indicated in Step 7.
from the engine. c. Determine number of degrees as indicated in Step 8.
Divide by 2.
10. The pointer should indicate 180° (bottom dead 214° 70° = 35°
center). If it does not, position the pointer so that - 144° 35°
it does indicate 180°. The pointer will now 70
indicate top dead center for the No. 1 crankpin
when the engine is rotated so that the pointer is at d. Rotate 35 '. Pointer should indicate 180°. If it does not,
adjust pointer to indicate 180°.
zero degrees (0°).
Fig. 15-6 - Sample Calculation


To check timing, place a dial indicator on the rocker
arm adjusting screw as shown in Fig. 15-7. Valve end
of rocker arm must be in its highest position, so that

15 - 26
Section 15

1. Apply dial indicator to the rocker arm adjusting

screw, Fig. 15-7, as done in "Checking Exhaust
Valve Timing."

2. Remove the dowels and bolts from the camshaft

counterweight and remove counterweight and
gear. The camshaft can be rotated by placing a
socket and wrench on flange bolt nuts.

3. Rotate the camshaft in its normal direction of

rotation until the valve bridge on which the dial
indicator is resting moves down 0.36 mm (.014").

4. Turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of

rotation until the flywheel pointer is at 105" after
top dead center for the cylinder being checked.
Install camshaft gear and counterweight on
Fig. 15-7 -- Timing Exhaust Valves stubshaft, but do not tighten bolts at this time.

the exhaust valves are closed. Press indicator down 5. With flywheel at 105° A.T.D.C. of the cylinder
approximately 2.54 mm (.100") and set dial to zero. being checked, the dowel holes in the camshaft
drive gear, counterweight, and the camshaft
Turn crankshaft in normal direction of rotation until stubshaft should be in line or approximately in
flywheel is at 106° A.T.D.C. of cylinder being checked. line with each other. If by turning the crankshaft
If timing is correct, the valve bridge will have moved from 104° to 106° A.T. D.C., the dowel holes can
down 0.36 mm (.014"). Timing must not be later than be made to line up, then the bolts should be
110° or earlier than 104° A.T. D.C. of cylinder being tightened.
6. If the dowel holes do not line up within this
If timing is incorrect, check for: tolerance, remove the camshaft counterweight
and gear from the stubshaft. Rotate the gear 180°
1. Proper installation of camshaft. and replace on stubhshaft or move the gear one
tooth and replace gear and counterweight on the
2. Camshaft gear train correctly timed. stubshaft.

3. Excessively worn gears. 7. If dowel holes still do not line up but

misalignment is less than 0.19 mm (.0075"), the
TIMING EXHAUST VALVES holes may be reamed for installation of 0.005",
0.010", or 0.015" oversize dowels.
The exhaust valves should be timed when any gear or
If misalignment of dowel holes is greater than
stubshaft of the camshaft gear train is replaced, with the
0.19 mm (.0075) proceed to Step 17.
exception of the No. I or No. 2 idler gears. To do this,
the camshaft on each bank must be timed to the
crankshaft, but only one cylinder of each bank needs to 8. Insert 5/16"-24 bolts approximately 12.70 mm (1/
be timed. 2”) into dowel pins.

9. Place dowels in dowel holes and drive into

CAUTION: To prevent possible valve damage, remove
stubshaft. Remove dowel bolts from pins.
or loosen all rocker arm assemblies, except
the one on the cylinder being timed. If
rocker arm assemblies are removed, 10. Remove counterweight to stubshaft bolts. 11.
hydraulic lash adjusters should be checked Install dowel retainer plate, and counterweight to
stubshaft bolts. Torque bolts to 122 N-m (90 ft-
for proper clearance to valve stems. Refer
to "Adjusting Hydraulic Lash Adjusters".

15 - 27
Section 15
12. Install dowel pin bolts and torque to 23 N-m (17

13. Lockwire mounting bolts and dowel bolts in

groups of three. (Two mounting bolts and one
dowel bolt).

14. The crankshaft should now be rotated in its

normal direction and the timing checked so that
the valve bridge of the valve being checked has
moved down 0.36 mm (.014") when the flywheel
timing pointer is at 104°106° A.T.D.C.

15. Repeat the operation on one cylinder on the

opposite bank.

16. After timing has been completed, the relative

position of the mating parts should be identified
similar to the method used on new engines. The
mating parts are marked with No. 1 piston at top
dead center. This completes valve timing
procedures. X = Degrees after T.D.C. of No. 1 cylinder. To get the crankshaft
in this position, turn the flywheel until this number is at the
17. Remove counterweight and gear from stubshaft.
8-Cyl. Eng. 12-Cyl. Eng. 16-Cyl. Eng. 20-Cyl. Eng.
18. Plug dowel holes in stubshaft as follows:
X = 184° X = 249-1/2° X = 105° X = 149-1/2°

a. Drill and tap the two dowel holes for 3/4"-16

NF thread with a minor diameter of 0.7031" + Fig. 15-8 -- Timing Relationship Between Crankshaft
0.005" - 0.000" and pitch diameter of 0.7094" and Camshaft Counterweights
+ 0.0016" - 0.0000".
21. Remove gear mounting bolts and position gear
b. Countersink 1.6 mm (1/ 16") on gear and counterweights on stubshaft with
mounting side. counterweight in down position and counter-
weight scribe line parallel with engine centerlie.
c. Drive threaded, hex head plugs (8166882) Ensure that gear and counterweight dowel holes
into holes. are aligned.

d. Cut plug head off and flare by peening into 22. Install mounting bolts to secure gear and
countersink. counterweight to stubshaft.

e. Grind plugs flush with flange face. 23. Drill and ream stubshaft dowel holes to 12.662
mm + 0.13 mm - 0.00 mm (.4985" + .005" -
f. Check 5.7495" + 0.000" - 0.001" flange O.D. .000").
for high spots and grind to proper dimension.
24. Perform Steps 8 thru 16.
CAUTION: If camshaft to crankshaft relationship has
been disturbed, repeat Step 3. ADJUSTING HYDRAULIC LASH
19. Apply camshaft gear to stubshaft and secure with
mounting bolts. Application of properly operating lash adjusters, correct
setting, and subsequent inspection at regular
20. Rotate engine crankshaft to position indicated in maintenance intervals is very important to valve
Fig. 15-8.

15 - 28
Section 15
operation. Improperly set or defective lash adjusters
cause the exhaust valves to be subjected to increased 2. Insert injector timing gauge into the hole pro-
stress which leads to ultimate failure and probable vided for it in the injector body, Fig. 15-10.
damage to the engine.

After complete cylinder head assembly or power

assembly has been installed, the lash adjusters must be

l. Open cylinder test valve and rotate crankshaft so

that piston is at or near top dead center of the
cylinder being set.

2. Loosen rocker arm adjusting screw locknuts.

3. Turn rocker arm adjusting screw down until the

last valve just touches the hydraulic lash adjuster
plunger, or use a 0.03 mm (.001") shim between
valve tip and adjuster plunger, and then turn it
down I-1 2 turns.

4. Check valve bridge spherical seat to be sure that

it is spring-loaded against the cylinder head Fig. 15-9 - Checking Lash Adjuster To Valve Clearance
spherical seat. If the bridge spring spherical seat
is not spring-loaded against the cylinder head
spherical seat, turn down the rocker arm adjusting
screw until no movement is felt, and then turn it
another 14 turn.

5. Tighten rocker arm adjusting screw locknut.

6. After running the engine until lube oil reaches

operating temperature, check the clearance
between lash adjuster bodies and the end of the
valve stems with the piston near top center. If the
clearance is less than minimum, the cylinder head
should be removed for reconditioning or
rejection. Use minimum clearance gauge, Fig. 15-
9, to gauge clearance between lash adjuster and
exhaust valve. This gauge is 1.59 mm (1/ 16")
thick and it should fit between lash adjuster body
and valve stem top, to ensure the minimum

TIMING THE INJECTOR Fig. 15-10 - Timing Injector

With the injector installed, make timing adjustment as 3. Loosen locknut and turn the rocker arm adjusting
follows: screw until the shoulder of the gauge just passes
over the injector follower guide.
1A. On a blower engine, set the flywheel at 4° before
top dead center of the cylinder being timed. NOTE: Injectors cannot be timed if the overspeed has
been tripped. It must first be reset and the
1 B. On a turbocharged engine, set the flywheel at engine crankshaft barred over at least one
0° top dead center of the cylinder being timed. revolution.

NOTE: Refer to Table 2 for top dead center settings.

15 - 29
Section 15
4. Tighten adjusting screw locknut, holding on the governor aligns with governor terminal
adjusting screw in position with a screwdriver. shaft scale at the 1.00 mark.

5. Recheck setting. For engines equipped with UG-8 governors, turn

the LOAD LIMIT knob on the governor to the
SETTING INJECTOR RACKS maximum load position. Adjust the setting jack
until the terminal shaft is in full fuel position.
Injector racks should be set with the engine at operating
temperature. If racks are set when engine is not at 3. Use the rack gauge, without the adapter, Fig. 15-
operating temperature, the settings should be rechecked 12, for setting the rack on engines having PG or
when operating temperature is reached. As engine EGB-10 type governors. Set the rack within the
temprature increases, the right bank rack length setting range marks on the gauge. Use the rack
shortens and the left bank rack length increases. The gauge with the adapter, Fig. 1512, for setting the
change on the left bank is insignificant, but the change racks on engines having UG-8 governors. Set the
on right bank may shorten the racks beyond the minus rack within the setting range marks on the gauge.
0.40 mm (l / 64") tolerance.
The rack setting gauge is an 8 to I multiplying
NOTE: Every time a governor is installed on an engine gauge which indicates the 0.40 mm (l,'64")
the injector rack setting should be checked. Due tolerance by marks 3.18 mm (I / 8") each side of
to manufacturing tolerances in governor the center mark on the gauge scale.
mounting bolt holes, the position of the
governor in relation to the injector linkage can It is important that the proper rack gauge be used,
change the rack setting. as previous model rack gauges will measure the
rack length from the body of the injector instead
Set the injector rack on the engine as follows: of from the face of the calibrating slide. The
correct gauge for setting injectors with calibrating
1. Install the applicable injector linkage setting jack, slides can be readily identified by a single
Fig. 15-11. locating button on the front face of the gauge.
This gauge can be used for all injectors.
2. For engines equipped with PG or EGB-10
governors, adjust the setting jack until the pointer

PG EGB – 10 UG-8

Fig. 15-11 - Injector Rack Positioning

15 - 30
Section 15

Fig. 15-12 - Injector Rack Gauge

Fig. 15-13 - Injector Rack Gauge Application
4. Place the gauge over the injector rack and hold
the gauge firmly against the face of the NOTE: The right-hand rotation charts are applicable
calibrating slide on the injector, Fig. 15-13, and only to right-hand rotation marine engines.
check the gauge pointer. If the pointer is at the
short ("S") end of gauge scale, outside of the Start with the engine flywheel at "0" degrees on the
setting range, the rack is not extending out far pointer. Bar the engine over slowly in the normal
enough from the injector. Loosen the locknut on direction of rotation and read the chart to the right of
the adjusting link and turn adjusting nut on link "flywheel degrees" for the cylinder number and the
until pointer is at the long ("L") end of the scale; check to be made. Column headings are as follows:
then reverse pointer travel until it is within the
scale setting range. Hold the adjusting nut and FLYWHEEL DEGREES
tighten locknut. The reason for exceeding the
setting range when making adjustment is so that, BLOWER - Indicates the flywheel setting required on a
in setting of the racks, the backlash will be taken blower-type engine to perform the applicable
up in the same direction. inspections.

5. When pointer is at the long ("L") end of scale, set TURBOCHARGED -Indicates the flywheel setting
pointer within the setting range. The accuracy of required on a turbocharged engine to perform the
the injector rack gauge can be checked by applicable inspections.
inserting the master block in the gauge body.
Pointer should align with center mark on scale. SET INJECTOR - The number appearing in this
column opposite "flywheel degrees" indicates that the
"ONE REVOLUTION" INSPECTION injector of that cylinder can be timed.
No. 1 RING
The following engine "one revolution" inspection
sequence charts show the power assembly checks that U P -The number appearing in this column indicates
can be visually made during one revolution of the that the compression rings in that cylinder are moving
engine crankshaft. Select the chart which is applicable upward past the ports of the liner, and can be inspected.
to the number of cylinders and the direction of rotation
of the engine to be inspected. DOWN - The number appearing in this column
indicates that the compression rings in that cylinder are
moving downward past the ports of the liner, and can be

15 - 31
Section 15

PISTON COOLING OIL PIPE - The number appearing LINER - The number appearing in this column
in this column indicates that the clearance between the indicates that the piston in that cylinder is at or near
piston cooling oil pipe and the piston carrier can be bottom dead center, which allows inspection of the liner
observed and the alignment gauge can be used. bore through the liner ports.

PISTON - The number appearing in this column

indicates that the skirt of the piston in that cylinder can
be inspected through the liner ports.

15 - 32
Section 15

356 0 1 4
18 ½ _ 7 2
41 45 5 8
63 ½ 67'/2 4 6 4-6 1-7
86 90 3 2
108 ½ 112'/2 8 1
131 135 7 6
153 ½ 157'/2 2 5 2-5 3-8
176 180 4 1
198 ½ 202'/2 6 3
221 225 8 5
243 ½ 2471/2 1 7 1-7 4-6
266 270 2 3
288 ½ 292'/2 5 4
311 315 6 7
333 ½ 337'/2 3 8 3-8 2-5



356 0 1 3 2 3-2 8
15 19 12 10 11 10-11 4
41 45 7 9 8 9-8 3-6
66 70 10-1
90 94 4 5 6 5-6 9-12
116 120 3 2 1 2-1 7
135 139 10 11 12 11-12 5
161 165 9 8 7 8-7 2-4
186 190 11-3
210 214 5 8 4 8-4 8-10
236 240 2 1 3 1-3 9
255 259 11 12 10 12-10 6
281 285 8 7 9 7-9 1-5
306 310 12-2
330 334 6 4 5 4-5 7-11
356 0 1 3 2 3-2 8

15 - 33
Section 15



356 0 1 6 13 6-13 7-16 4
18'/2 22'/2 8 11 2 5
41 45 9 14 7 12
63'/2 67'/2 16 4 10 4-10 1-11 13
86 90 3 5 15 5-15 8-14 2
108'/2 112'/2 6 12 1 7
131 135 11 13 8 10
153'/2 157'/2 14 2 9 2-9 3-12 15
176 180 4 7 16 7-16 6-13 1
198'/2 202'/2 5 10 3 8
221 225 12 15 6 9
243'/2 247'/2 13 1 11 1-11 4-10 16
266 270 2 8 14 8-14 5-15 3
288'/2 292'/2 7 9 4 6
311 315 10 16 5 11
333'/2 337'/2 15 3 12 3-12 2-9 14



0 1 15 3 15-6 4 10
9 19 17 6 15-6 16 12
36 8 17 6 17-4 9 3
45 11 12 4 17-4 14 20
72 5 12 4 12-9 1 6
81 18 20 9 12-9 19 13
108 7 20 9 20-1 8 4
117 15 13 1 20-1 11 16
144 2 13 1 13-8 5 9
153 17 16 8 13-8 18 14
180 10 16 8 16-5 7 1
189 12 14 5 16-5 15 19
216 3 14 5 14-7 2 8
225 20 19 7 14-7 17 11
252 6 19 7 19-2 10 5
261 13 11 2 19-2 12 18
288 4 11 2 11-10 3 7
297 16 18 10 11-10 20 15
324 9 18 10 18-3 6 2
333 14 15 3 18-3 13 17
360 1 15 3 15-6 4 10

15 - 34
Section 15

356 0 1 4
18 ½ 22 ½ 8 3
41 45 6
63'/2 67 ½ 4 5 4-5 1-8
86 90 2 3
108 ½ 112 ½ 7 1 _
131 135 8 5
153 ½ 157 ½ 3 6 3-6 2-7
176 180 4 1
198 ½ 202 ½ 5 2
221 225 7 6
243 ½ 247 ½ 1 8 1-8 4-5
266 270 3 2
228 ½ 292 ½ 6 4
311 315 5 8
333 ½ 337 ½ 2 7 2-7 3-6
356 0 1 4



356 0 1 2 3 2-3 8
22 26 6 5 4 5-4 7-11
46 50 2-12
71 75 8 9 7 9-7 1-5
97 101 11 10 12 10-12 6
116 120 2 3 1 3-1 9
142 146 5 4 6 4-6 8-10
166 170 11-3
191 195 9 7 8 7-8 2-4
217 221 10 12 11 12-11 5
236 240 3 1 2 1-2 7
262 266 4 6 5 6-5 9-12
286 290 10-1
311 315 7 8 9 8-9 3-6
337 341 12 11 10 11-10 4
356 0 1 2 3 2-3 8

15 - 35
Section 15

356 0 1 13 6 4
18 ½ 22 1/2 15 12 3 14
41 45 10 5 16 5-16 8-13 11
63 ½ 67 ½ 7 4 9 4-9 1-12 6
86 90 2 14 8 3
108 ½ 112 ½ 13 11 1 16
131 135 12 6 15 6-15 7-14 9
153 ½ 157 ½ 5 3 10 3-10 2-11 8
176 180 4 16 7 1
198 ½ 202 ½ 14 9 2 15
221 225 11 8 13 8-13 5-16 10
243 ½ 247 ½ 6 1 12 1-12 4-9 7
266 270 3 15 5 2
288 ½ 292 ½ 16 10 4 13
311 315 9 7 14 7-14 6-15 12
333 ½ 337 ½ 8 2 11 2-11 3-10 5
356 0 1 13 6 4



0 1 20 7 13-7 5 10
27 14 20 7 20-5 11 17
36 9 12 5 20-5 8 2
63 16 12 5 12-8 19 15
72 4 17 8 12-8 1 7
99 13 17 8 17-1 14 18
108 6 15 1 17-1 9 5
135 20 15 1 15-9 16 11
144 3 18 9 15-9 4 8
171 12 18 9 18-4 13 19
180 10 11 4 18-4 6 1
207 17 11 4 11-6 20 14
216 2 19 6 11-6 3 9
243 15 19 6 19-3 12 16
252 7 14 3 19-3 10 4
279 18 14 3 14-10 17 13
288 5 16 10 14-10 2 6
315 11 16 10 16-2 15 20
324 8 13 2 16-2 7 3
351 19 13 2 13-7 18 12
0 1 13 7 13-7 5 10

15 - 36
Section 15


OIL FOR No Action Take Extra Correct WShut Down Engine. Drain Lube Oil.
ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Required Oil Samples Condition Change Filters.
Viscosity & Flash Point --
Check for dilution if flash Borderline find and fix fuel leak.
point less than 400° F or 0 to 2% 2 to 5% Above 5% High - check main bearings per
oil viscosity drops 15% or maintenance manual.
Resample with dry container. Find and fix
Water Free Water None Any leak. Check main bearings per maintenance
Leak manual.
Chromate Inhib. 0 to 20 PPm 20 to 40 PPm Above 40 PPm Find and fix water leak. Check lube oil filter
Boron Inhibitor 0 to 10 ppm 10 to 20 ppm Above 20 ppm tank pressure.
Silicon 0 to 5 ppm 5 to 10 ppm Above 10 ppm Improved air filter maintenance required.
I If short oil life persists, check lube oil
Viscosity 30% quality, fuel sulphur content, oil cooler
Viscosity Rise, TBN, pH rise,' TBN 0.5 efficiency, engine temperature controls,
( p e r A S T M D664 Normal min., pH 5.0, P.I. power output (governor and rack settings),
method), & Pentane Insol. 2% max. engine condition (worn rings, cracked
Change oil. pistons, poor combustion), oil filtration, or
oil pump suction leak.
Contami- Check fuel cleanliness. Notify fuel supplier.
nated fuel Aluminum If engine smokes, check injector calibration
Above 5 PP m
(cracking Magnesium and tip erosion. Check if piston rings are
catalyst) excessively worn.
Check if oil is contacting galvanized or zinc
painted surfaces. Check if make up oil in
stock is within specifications. Notify lube
oil supplier. Check for silver bearing fail
Zinc 0 to 10 ppm Above 10 ppm becomes
dangerous more
Check if oil contains zinc or is corrosive to
Oil values. with increasing
silver. Check for broken piston cooling
tubes, inefficient oil cooler, or improper
temperature control. Feel sides of insert
bearings for signs of distress. Measure
Silver 0-1 ppm 1-2 ppm Above 2 ppm
piston to head clearance with lead readings.
Oil draining is not mandatory. Check
strainers and bottom of oil pan for debris.
Consider turbo bearing condition.
Chromium (Not appli
cable if chromate coolant 0 to 10 ppm 10 to 20 ppm Above 20 ppm Check for rapid wear of rings & liners.
inhibitor is used)
Abnormal Measure piston to head clearance with lead
Wear or Copper 0 to 75 ppm 75 to 150 ppm Above 150 ppm readings to locate worn piston thrust
Corrosion washers.
Iron 0 to 75 ppm 75 to 125 ppm Above 125 ppm Check for rapid wear of rings & liners.
within Most likely lead flash is dissolving off
normal bearings. Premature lead removal, before
range bearings are broken in, can lead to bearing
should be distress. Inspect and replace upper con rod
considered bearings in service less than 6 months if
borderline Lead 0 to 50 ppm 50 to 75 ppm Above 75 ppm lead
condition) flash has been removed from the unloaded
condition) area of the fishback bearing surface on
turbocharged engines. If con rod bearings
require replacement, wrist pin bearings
should also be checked and replaced if lead
Check for debris under crankshaft gear
In Copper indicative of gear train bushing distress.
Two out of in borderline three
Combina- Iron Check idler gear bearing clearances. Check
elements or high range.
tion Lead main and con rod bearings per maintenance
manual. Oil draining is not mandatory.

*In areas where fuel sulfur content exceeds 0.5% {a TBN (D664) level of 1.0 should be maintained
{a TBN (D2896) level of 3.0 should be maintained.

Table I - Interpretation 01- Lube Oil Sample Analysis

15 - 37
Section 15

Firing 8-Cylinder Firing 8-Cylinder

Order Top Dead Center Order Top Dead Center
1 0' 1 0'
5 45' 6 45"
3 90' 2 90'
7 135' 8 135'
4 180' 4 180°
8 225° 7 225°
2 270° 3 270' Note
6 315° 5 315'
12-c ylinder Firing 12-Cylinder Locomotive, drilling rig, and power gen-
Firing Top Dead Center Order Top Dead Center erating installations are available only with
1 0' 1 0' left-hand rotating engines.
12 19' 6 26' Only marine and industrial installations are
7 45* 8 75* available with either a left or righthand
4 94' 11 101'
rotating engine.
3 120° 2 120°
10 139° 5 146°
9 165° 9 195°
5 214° 10 221°
2 240° 3 240'
11 259° 4 266'
8 285° 7 315'
6 334° 12 341' Table 2 - Firing Order And Top Dead Center
Firing 16-Cylinder Firing 16-Cylinder For 645 Engines
Order Top Dead Center Order Top Dead Center
8 22-1/2' 15 22-1/2'
9 45' 10 45'
16 67-1/2' 7 67-1/2
3 90' 2 90'
6 112-1/2' 13 112-1/2'
11 135' 12 135'
14 157-1/2' 5 157-1/2'
4 180' 4 180'
5 202-1/2' 14 202-1/2'
12 225' 11 225'
13 247-1/2' 6 247-1/2'
2 270' 3 270'
7 292-1/2' 16 292-1/2'
10 315' 9 315'
15 337-1/2' 8 337-1/2'
Firing 20-Cylinder Firing 20-Cylinder
Order Top Dead Center Order Top Dead Center
19 9" 14 27'
8 36' 9 36"
11 45, 16 63°
5 72" 4 72°
18 81' 13 99'
7 108° 6 108°
15 117' 20 135'
2 144° 3 144°
17 153 12 171°
10 180 10 180°
12 189 17 207°
3 216° 2 216°
20 225° 15 243'
6 252' 7 252°
13 261° 18 279°
4 288' 5 288°
16 297° 11 315°
9 324' 8 324°
14 333, 19 351°

15 - 38
Section 15



Insufficient travel of 1. Wrong terminal shaft lever 1. Change terminal shaft lever.
injector adjusting link applied to governor. Lever should measure 106.4 mm (4-3/16") between hole centers.
to obtain correct in
jector rack setting. 2. Terminal shaft lever improperly 2. If lever has no double serration, apply new lever.
applied to governor. Lever should have double width serration matched with missing serration of
terminal shaft.

3. Wrong terminal shaft on governor. 3. Replace governor.

Missing serration should be at 3 o'clock position.

4. Wrong terminal shaft scale on 4. Replace governor.

governor. Scale should be graduated from 1.96" to .62".

Governor low oil 1. Governor low oil time delay too 1. Reset governor low oil plunger immediately, and crank engine again.
plunger trips when short, or engine slow in developing oil With engine operating at idle, check and reset time delay, if necessary.
starting engine. pressure. See EMM Governor Section.

2. Differential water or crankcase 2. Check detector reset buttons to ensure they are in the set position.
pressure detector tripped.

3. Engine oil pressure line to governor 3. Replace oil line.

broken or crimped.

4. Hot oil shutdown valve stuck 4. Replace valve if defective.

open or leaking. See LSM Lubricating Oil Section.

5. True low engine oil pressure. 5. See EMM Lubricating Oil Section.

15 - 39
Section 15


Governor fails to con- 1. Insufficient fuel. (Terminal l. Replace fuel filter elements. Clean fuel strainer element.
trol engine speed when shaft goes to full-fuel position.)
starting engine.
2. Insufficient oil in governor. 2. Check governor sight glass for proper oil level.
(Terminal shaft goes to no-fuel See EMM Governor Section for procedure and M.I. 1764 for correct
position.) lubricating oil.

3. Governor shutdown bushing 3. Remove governor cover and check that shut down bushing to speed
not properly adjusted. (Ter- setting piston extention clearance is 1132" when the speed indicating
minal shaft goes to no-fuel pointer moves to Idle as engine is cranked. If not, remove governor and
position.) reset per EMM Governor Section.

4. Defective governor. (Terminal 4. Remove governor cover and check to see that speed indicator pointer
shaft goes to no-fuel position.) moves from STOP to IDLE position when cranking engine. Replace
governor if speed indicating pointer does not move.

5. Incorrect injector rack setting. 5. Reset injector racks.

See EMM Fuel Section.

Idle speed approxi- The cap under the "D" solenoid is Install Parts correctly.
mately 50 rpm low. cocked or the spring around the "D" See EMM Governor Section.
solenoid plunger rod is not installed

15 - 40
Section 15

Governor hunts. 1. Compensating needle valve not 1. See EMM Governor Section.
properly adjusted.

2. Too much or too little oil in governor. 2. See EM M Governor Section for procedure, and M. I. 1764 for correct oil.

3. Governor hunts for a short time when 3. Run engine for a short period of time to warm the oil.
engine oil and governor oil are cold.

4. Insufficient fuel. 4. Fuel return sight glass must be full and relatively clear at all speeds and
loads. Replace fuel filter elements and clean fuel strainer element. Check
that fuel pump is of adequate capacity.

5. Binding injector control shaft linkage 5. Make certain that all control shaft linkage is free. (Replace sticking
or sticking injector. injector or free up linkage.)

6. Wheel slip action due to variations in 6. Match wheel diameters.

locomotive wheel diameter.

7. Governor binding internally. 7. Replace governor.

Governor hunts only at 1. Insufficient fuel to maintain 1. Replace fuel filter elements. Clean fuel strainer element. Fuel return sight
full load. engine speed at full load. Partial glass must be full.
fuel restriction.

2. Defective load regulator rheostat. 2. Qualify rheostat.

3. Other electrical problems. 3. See Electrical Qualification procedures in Troubleshooting Guide and
Locomotive Service Manual.

Engine overloaded. Gov 1. Insufficient fuel. 1. Check fuel filter and strainer. Return fuel sight glass must be full.
ernor terminal shaft at
full fuel position, but 2. Over excitation of main generator. 2. See Electrical Qualification procedures in Troubleshooting Guide and
engine speed bogs Fault in power control circuits. Locomotive Service Manual.
down. Load regulator in
minimum field position.

15 - 41
Section 15


Engine underloaded. Under excitation of the main generator. See Electrical Qualification procedures in Troubleshooting Guide and Locomotive
(Not producing proper Fault in power control circuits. Service Manual.
horsepower.) Engine at
rated speed.

Governor terminal shaft

at longer than specified
rack, and load regula
tor in maximum field

Engine is loaded and 1. Governor terminal shaft quadrant 1. With engine shut down, quadrant scale should indicate 1.96". Relocate
runs at rated speed, but pointer off location. quadrant pointer and reset injector racks.
Governor terminal shaft
is at longer than speci- 2. Low air box pressure. 2. Run engine at 8th throttle, no load.
fied rack length. Air box pressure should be within one-half psi of that of similar unit at 8th
throttle, no load.
If air box pressure is low check:

Load regulator is bal- a. Turbocharger impeller for damage.

anced. b. Aftercooler and filters for plugging.
c. Aftercooler duct for leakage.
d. Exhaust manifold for leakage.

3. Leak or restriction in air line from air 3. Remove air line and check. Replace if necessary.
box to governor.

4. Locknut on overriding solenoid 4. Readjust governor overriding solenoid and tighten locknut. See EMM
backed off, holding rebalancing rocker Governor Section.
arm up.

5. Improperly set governor. 5. Replace governor.

15 - 42
Section 15

Engine is loaded and 1. Governor terminal shaft quadrant 1. With engine shut down, quadrant scale should indicate 1.96". Relocate
runs at rated speed, but pointer off location. quadrant pointer, and reset injector racks.
Governor terminal shaft
is at shorter than speci- 2. Improperly set governor. 2. Replace governor.
fied rack length.

Load regulator is 1. Insufficient fuel. 1. Check fuel filter and strainer.

balanced. Return fuel sight glass must be full.

2. One or more injectors defective. 2. Qualify injector.

See EMM Fuel Section.

Load regulator stays in 3. Governor overriding solenoid stuck, 3. Replace governor.

minimum field position or spring under over riding solenoid
with the engine at idle. plunger broken.

4. Injector rack length not properly set 4. Reset injector rack length.
at 1.00" on governor terminal shaft See EMM Fuel Section.

5. Governor to load regulator lines 5. Reapply lines correctly.


Governor fills with oil. 1. Ruptured low oil pressure diaphragm. 1. Replace diaphragm or change out governor.

2. Defective seal on load control 2. Replace governor.

pilot valve plunger.

3. Porous column casting. 3. Replace governor.

Governor loses oil. 1. Defective drive shaft seal. 1. Replace drive shaft seal or replace governor.

2. Defective terminal shaft seal. 2. Replace governor.

15 - 43
Section 15


Governor does not 1. Loose governor plug. 1. Check governor plug for looseness.
change speed when Replace governor.
throttle is changed.
2. Solenoids do not respond to 2. Replace governor.
throttle setting.
Make certain that control circuits are providing power to energize solenoids.

3. Locomotive in consist does not 3. Correct control circuit problem.

reduce engine speed for corresponding
throttle reduction. Low voltage feed in
trainline holds solenoids(s) in once ener

Engine speed will not 1. Engine air filters clogged. 1. Replace engine air filter elements
increase beyond 6th
throttle speed. 2. Engine filter switch defective. 2. Replace engine air filter switch.

15 - 44
Section 15


More than 50% of turbocharger failures are caused by Often a reported turbocharger failure is actually a
conditions external to the turbocharger. If these failure of some other engine component. The engine
conditions are not corrected, the replacement should be barred over to determine if it is damaged
turbocharger may also fail in a very short time. In other before a starting attempt is made and inspection
cases, an engine problem is attributed to a failed continued.
turbocharger, while in fact, nothing is wrong with the
turbocharger. Therefore, troubleshooting a turbocharger INSPECTIONS AFTER ENGINE
requires two decisions. START
1. Whether or not the turbocharger has actually failed
and requires replacement.
2. The actual cause of the failure.
Identical turbocharger components can make varied
sounds due to the tolerances within which the
Any turbocharger suspected of being defective should
components are manufactured. The sum of these
be inspected for obvious damage. The entire housing
individual sounds results in a wide range of noise such a
should be inspected for cracks and oil leaks. Some oil
whining, chirping, singing, and humming. A different
leaks can be repaired merely by tightening a pipe plug
sounding turbocharger is not necessarily defective.
or by applying silastic rubber sealant, but an intolerable
Obvious exceptions are severe humming or the loud
leak from a crack or from an inaccessible area requires
screech of distressed metal associated with gear failures
turbocharger changeout.
or bearing failures. Normally these noises are
accompanied by visual damage, leaving little doubt
IMPELLER INSPECTION When a turbocharger is reported defective because of
noise, the following should be performed.
An impeller inspection should be made on all
turbochargers suspected of a failure except those 1. Inspect the impeller as outlined above.
suspected of exhaust gas leaks. 2. Remove a handhole cover and check for metallic
debris under the crankshaft gear. Such debris is
l. Remove the rubber air intake boot and flange. indicative of a gear train problem.
2. Inspect the impeller for broken or nicked vanes or
any visible signs of rubbing. On Unit Exchange TURBOCHARGER REPORTED THROWING
turbochargers do not confuse smooth blends in OIL OUT OF THE EXHAUST STACK
the impeller surface or on the vane with sharp
Inspect the exhaust stack to ensure that the oil is
nicks caused by foreign material.
actually coming out of the stack.
3. Turn the impeller by hand to check for a lockedup A plugged and leaking turbocharger seal cannot be
condition or a badly damaged clutch. It should found through external inspection, so it must be
turn freely in the counterclockwise direction, but determined by process of elimination only if no other
engage when turned clockwise. faulty condition is discovered.
4. Displace the impeller laterally, vertically, fore,
and aft to determine excessive radial or end thrust 1. Shut the engine down and remove the expansion
clearance. joint and turbocharger exhaust inlet screen from
the engine. Varnish, oil, and heavy carbon on the
5. Inspect the clearance between the impeller and screen indicates the oil is not coming from the
the cover to reveal any impeller contact. turbocharger, but from the engine.
Any defective condition found during this inspection 2. Inspect for blocked air filters and renew paper or
requires turbocharger replacement. If no defective fiberglass elements if necessary. Clean oil bath
condition is found, reinstall the flange and boot. filters. A portion of the turbocharger

15 - 45
Section 15
b. Check for an air box leak, especially at the TURBOCHARGER EXHAUST LEAK REPORTED
turbocharger discharge scroll gaskets and the
air box covers. Start the engine and determine if it is actually leaking
exhaust. Some turbochargers look sooty because of
c. Check the pressure drop across the after- exhaust leaks at expansion joints or manifold gaskets.
coolers, and correct if necessary. Most turbocharger exhaust leaks occur at cracks in the
exhaust inlet scroll or at the sealing areas on either side
d. Check for exhaust leaks at manifold or of the exhaust duct. These types of leaks cannot be
expansion joints. check for leaky gaskets or a repaired in the field and require turbocharger
leaking pipe plug on top of the turbocharger changeout.
exhaust inlet scroll.
e. A low pressure reading can occur when a
clutch is in extremely bad condition so that it After turbocharger failure has been varified, it is very
will slip when the turbocharger is driven by important to determine the cause of the failure and take
the gear train. This condition may cause poor preventive measures to ensure that the replacement
starting as well as smoking or burping. Take turbocharger will not fail.
off the rubber boot and clear the area around
the turbocharger inlet of all foreign material. While the turbocharger is removed from the engine,
Observe the impeller while attempting to start inspect all open areas.
the engine. A badly damaged clutch will slip
consistently. 1. Impeller.

4. If the pressure readings taken on the unit under 2. Exhaust duct.

inspection and the reference unit are equal, and
there is a definite malfunction, the problem may 3. Inlet scroll (nozzles and turbine blades).
be a slipping turbocharger clutch or some external
malfunction. It is usual for a malfunctioning 4. Gear train (also inspect for debris at both turbo oil
clutch to slip only intermittently, therefore only drain passages).
occasionally causing burping and smoking by its
failure to engage. A failed clutch requires Any sign indicating that failure was caused by an
turbocharger changeout. external source should be investigated and corrective
action taken before the unit is returned to service. The
a. Idle the engine. following paragraphs list some common failures.

b. Operate the injector rack manual control lever FOREIGN MATERIAL DAMAGE TO THE
to increase engine speed to about 700 RPM. IMPELLER
Then pull the manual control lever to the "no
fuel" position. This action will allow the This failure, Fig. 15-16, usually results from one of the
turbocharger to spin free from the following.
decelerating engine and disengage the clutch.
1. Previous Turbocharger Failure - When a
c. When the engine has almost stopped, return turbocharger is operating and pieces are broken
the injector rack manual control lever to the off the impeller, the force drives the pieces into
idle position. The engine will accelerate and the air filter. Later, they may be pulled loose and
the clutch should engage. damage the new impeller.

d. Repeat the procedure until the clutch fails to 2. Misapplication Of The Compressor Inlet Boot - If
engage. A worn clutch may fail to engage the boot travels, a clamp may enter the impeller
only once in as many as 30 attempts. When it and destroy it.
fails to engage, the injector racks will move
toward "full fuel" position, the engine will 3. Loose Material In The Air Filter Housing -
produce heavy black smoke, and rumbling Material left in the housing can enter the impeller.
noises may come from the engine.

15 - 46
Section 15

Fig. 15-17 - Nicked Blades

Fig. 15-16 - Impeller Damaged By Foreign Material
foreign material damage to the turbine blades and
If an impeller has rubbed the cover or has pieces broken nozzles. The most common sources are broken exhaust
out, the air filter housing, ducts, and filters should be valves and broken piston rings. The turbocharger is
inspected. Paper or fiberglass elements should be protected from this material by the inlet screen, but the
scrapped if the inspection reveals aluminum in the air screen in not 100% effective, since it is designed to pass
duct, filter housing, or in the filters. a large volume of air while inducing only a small drop
in pressure. It will however, stop and hold most pieces
As the turbocharger rotating assembly slows down of material. This material must be removed at the
during a failure, pieces of the impeller may enter the air earliest opportunity, or it will break up and pass through
duct and damage the aftercoolers. The aftercooler area the screen, causing turbine blade damage.
should be inspected following damage to the impeller.
A newly designed screen with a trap at the bottom is
CAUTION: In many cases, rubbing and loss of pieces now available. The trap collects foreign material and
from the impeller are caused by an prevents it from continuously hitting the screen,
unbalanced condition within the breaking up, and entering the turbocharger. The screen
turbocharger. Therefore, the turbocharger assembly is now applied to new engines and is available
should be inspected for other defects from Electro-Motive Part Centers.
which cause imbalance when impeller
rubbing and loss of pieces are found. Failures can be reduced by performing preventive
maintenance to:
1. Preclude ring breakage. Top ringside clearance
measurement can be used as a method to
determine when the ring is entering a dangerous
Foreign material damage can be found by inspecting
blades and nozzles as detailed in the section under
"Turbocharger Reported Burping And Smoking
2. Prevent valve blow from progressing to valve
Excessively". The nozzles may be dented or closed, and
breakage. Maintain valve and injector timing as
at times, larger pieces of foreign material may be stuck
specified in the Engine Maintenance Manual.
in them. If the rotating assembly is not frozen, inspect
the leading edges of all the blades by turning the
3. Determine if power assembly or exhaust system
impeller. The leading edges of some or all of the blades
pieces are missing, and locating and removing
will be nicked and, in some cases, a blade may break at
them from the exhaust system.
a nick, Fig. 15-17. The mechanical breakup of any part
of the power assemblies or the exhaust system may

Overheat/ overspeed is the most destructive and costly

type of failure and may result in almost total destruction
of the turbocharger. Since it is caused by excessive heat
energy in the exhaust system which increases turbine

15 - 47
Section 15
wheel speed to an unacceptable level, the only cure is to
remove the source of the heat energy.

An overheat/ overspeed failure can be recognized by:

1. Turbine blades that are stretched and have rubbed

the shroud; some of the blades may have pulled
apart. Often the turbocharger is frozen and the
impeller cannot be rotated, therefore, only a
limited view of the blades is available, Fig. 15-18.

Fig. 15-19 - View Down The Exhaust Stack - Warped


Fig. 15-18 - Stretched Blades That Have Rubbed The


2. Viewing down the exhaust duct; the exhaust

diffuser may be warped and the shroud may be
bulged. Both may be torn by broken blades, Figs.
15-19 and 15-20.

3. An impeller that rubs the cover; the overheat/

overspeed condition may result in a bearing
failure that allows the impeller to move forward, Fig. 15-20 - View Down The Exhaust Stack Of A
or an unbalanced condition may occur when Warped Diffuser And Damage From Broken Blades
blades are pulled apart.
c. Late injector timing. d. Incorrect valve
The usual sources of excess heat are: timing.
1. Air box fire. White ash should be visible in the e. Plugged turbocharger exhaust inlet screen.
inner air box, on the stress plates, end plates, or
liners. The paint on the handhole covers may be f. Plugged air filters or other restrictions in the
blistered. Clean if necessary. air intake system.
Any condition that increases either the air box 2. Damaged injectors.
temperatures or the amount of deposit formation
in the air box should be corrected. These 3. Broken valves (sometines causing damaged
conditions are: injectors).
a. Dirty aftercoolers. 4. Mis-timed engine, valves, and injectors.
b. Broken compression rings. 5. Exhaust manifold fire.

6. Excessive electrical overload.

15 - 48
Section 15

BEARING FAILURE Bearing failures can also occur due to turbocharger

housing distortion from misalignment of the aftercooler
A bearing failure is characterized by: air ducts. Follow the procedures outlined in the Engine
Maintenance Manual when installing the air ducts.
1. Heavy rubbing of the impeller vanes.
2. Excessive rotor end thrust.
When turbocharger gear train damage is evident, the
3. Possible excessive up and down play in the rotor following should be performed:
1. Check for debris in the lube oil system, oil pan,
4. No sign of turbine overheat/ overspeed or foreign strainers, and filters.
material damage.
2. Inspect the timing gear housing for debris.
Some bearing failures are avoidable. Starting or
stopping the engine with no turbo lube pump oil flow 3. Inspect the entire engine gear train to determine
can result in a bearing failure. The turbo lube pump which gears require replacement. For engines
provides oil to the turbocharger's hydrodynamic using spring drive gears, the gear retaining bolts
bearings when the engine is started or stopped. At should be checked for tighness. Discard any loose
engine start the oil lubricates the bearing and, after bolts and apply new bolts.
engine shutdown, the oil cools the bearing and protects
against residual heat in the turbocharger. NOTE: The eight bolts holding the turbocharger drive
gear to the spider should be 31.8 mm (1-1/4")
Scheduled monthly inspection should include visual long, with hardened washers between the gear
inspection through a rear oil pan handhole cover to and bolt heads.
verify oil flow down the gear train after the engine is
shut down. A check at the top deck should also be made EXHAUST LEAKS
to ensure that oil is not flowing from the camshaft
bearings, indicating an inoperative check valve that is Improper application of lifting chains (allowing them to
allowing oil from the turbo lube pump to backflush the press against the exhaust duct when the turbocharger is
turbocharger filter into the engine bearings. Also, when suspended) can lead to bending of the lap joint between
an engine is shut down, any battery switch, fuse, or the exhaust duct and the compressor bearing supply.
circuit breaker that deactivates the turbo lube pump Once this joint is deformed, a permanent exhaust leak
must remain closed until the bearing has cooled. may result.

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