Building Mat333
Building Mat333
Building Mat333
the battery industry. It is the densest common metal except for gold.
This quality makes lead effective when used as a shield against X-rays
long been used in the plumbing industry. Lead paint is found in many
such as bridges to improve their weather ability and when used for
Lead production dates back at least 8,000 years. Lead was used in Egypt
as early as 5,000 B.C. and in the time of the Pharaohs it was used in
pottery glazes and as solder. It was also cast into ornamental objects.
White lead paint was also used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
Ancient Rome used lead pipes for its extensive water works. Some of
though lead was also thought to have positive medical qualities. In the
15th and 16th centuries, builders used lead as a roofing material for
cathedrals, and lead was also used to hold together the different panels
and computer video display terminals, lead helps block radiation, and
the inner, though not the outer, portion of the common light bulb is
made of leaded glass. Lead also increases the strength and brilliance of
interfering with the production of red blood cells. This is why the use
especially in young children and can cause blood and brain disorders.
food or water contaminated with lead but may also occur after
lead are the same whether it enters the body through breathing or
lead. The main target for lead toxicity is the nervous system, both in
mineralizing tissue (i.e., teeth and bones). The stored lead may be
Causes anemia.
Exposure to high lead levels can severely damage the brain and
brought about widespread reduction in its use (lead exposure has been
(1) INGESTION: This is the most common way in which lead enters
the human body. Lead paint is the major source of lead exposure for
lead dust from old paints and residual lead from gasoline.
lead is absorbed into the body, the rate is 20-70% for ingested lead
acid (EDTA). This chelating agent has a greater affinity for lead than for
Lead is extracted from ores dug from under-ground mines. More than
60 minerals contain some form of lead but only three are usually
mined for lead production. The most common is called galena. The
pure form of galena contains only lead and sulfur but it is usually
commercially mined for lead are cerussite and anglesite. Over 95% of
all lead mined is derived from one of these three minerals. However,
most deposits of these ores are not found alone but mixed with other
or silver. Only half of all lead used yearly is derived from mining, as
Besides the ore itself, only a few raw materials are necessary for the
lime, and xanthate. Limestone or iron ore is added to the lead ore
(1) MINING THE ORE: The first step in retrieving lead-bearing ore is
from deep tunnels or blast it with dynamite leaving the ore in pieces
then they shovel the ore unto loaders and trucks and then haul it to a
shaft. The shaft at a large mine may be a mile or more from the drill or
blast site. The miners dump the ore down the shaft and from there it is
(2) CONCENTRATING THE ORE: Once the ore has been removed
the waste rock from the lead. To begin, the ore must be crushed into
very small pieces. The ore is ground at the mill, leaving it in particles
granules are finer than table salt. The texture is something like
granulated sugar.
which also contains the valuable metal. First, the finely crushed ore is
diluted with water and then poured into a tank called a flotation cell.
The ground ore and water mixture is called slurry. One percent pine
oil or a similar chemical is then added to the slurry in the tank. The
tank then agitates, shaking the mixture violently. The pine oil attracts
the sulfide particles. Then air is bubbled through the mixture. This
causes the sulfide particles to form an oily froth at the top of the tank.
The waste rock, which is called gangue sinks to the bottom. The
monitor in the control room can check the metal content of the slurry
using the X-ray analysis. Then, with the aid of a computer, the monitor
recovery of the metal. Other chemicals are also added to the flotation
cell to help concentrate the minerals. Alum and lime aggregate the
metal, or make the particles larger. Xanthate is also added to the slurry
in order to help the metal particles float to the surface. At the end of the
flotation process, the lead has been separated from the rock and other
minerals too, such as zinc and copper have been separated out.
flows to a filter which removes about 90% of the water. At this point,
shipped to the smelter. The gangue of the rock that was not mineral
into a pond resembling a natural lake and when the pond eventually
(5) ROASTING THE ORE: The lead concentrate fresh from the filter
materials and with sand and limestone. The mixture is now spread on a
moving grate. Air which has been heated to 2,550°F (1,400°C) blows
through the grate. Coke is added as fuel, and the sulfur in the ore
separate acid plant and converted to sulfuric acid, which has many
uses. After the ore has been roasted in this way, it fuses into a brittle
material called sinter. The sinter is mostly lead oxide but it can also
contain oxides of zinc, iron, and silicon, some lime, and sulfur. As the
sinter passes off the moving grate, it is broken into lumps and the
(6) BLASTING: At this stage, the sinter falls into the top of the blast
furnace along with coke fuel. A blast of air comes through the lower
part of the furnace combusting the cokes. The burning coke generates a
monoxide. The carbon monoxide produced reacts with the lead and
carbon dioxide. Then the molten metal is drawn off into drossing
kettles or molds.
(7) REFINING: The molten lead as it comes from the blast furnace is
this temperature, any copper left in the bullion rises to the top of the
kettle and forms a scum or dross which can be skimmed off. Gold and
of zinc. The gold and silver dissolves more easily in zinc than in lead,
and when the bullion is cooled slightly, zinc dross rises to the top
(8) COSTING: When the lead has been sufficiently refined, it is cooled
and cast into blocks which may weigh as much as a ton. This is the
finished product. Lead alloys may also be produced at the smelter plant.
to produce a lead material for specific industrial uses. E.g. the lead used
in car batteries, pipes, sheet, cable sheathing, and ammunition. All the
examples given are all alloyed with antimony because this increases the
metal's strength.
removed from the rock and can be pumped into a disposal pond
Sulfur dioxide gas is released when the ore is roasted at the sinter
and the air released by the plant is first cleaned. The sulfur
sulfuric acid. The refinery can sell this acid as well as its primary
traces of lead as well as zinc and copper. The slag is more toxic
with populations.
Air pollution can result from lead processing as well. A bag house (a
separate facility to filter and vacuum the fumes so that lead is not
abatement, waterproofing,
lit windows.
Lead telluride, lead antimonide and lead selenide are some of the
notably in the colors red and yellow. E.g. White lead, lead
Copper was the first metal mined and crafted by man and has been the
efficiently. It was suitable for crafting weapons and tools, art objects
products are produced with the use of copper e.g. cooking pots, pipes
textiles, and wood. When combined with tin, brass is produced and
the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. The Latin name aes
cyprium was given to the metal and was often shortened to cyprium
cuprum, from which the English word copper and the chemical symbol
Cu are derived.
producing mirrors and its association with Cyprus which was sacred to
the ancients were associated with seven metals also known in antiquity
surface when gases (especially oxygen) in the air react with it. But pure
caesium and gold are the only three elemental metals with a natural
color other than gray or silver. When copper is just above its melting
point, its pink luster color is retained if enough light outshines the
electrical conductivity of any element i.e. 59.6 × 106 S/m. This high
value is due to virtually all the valence electrons (one per atom) taking
electrical works.
Its good thermal conduction makes it useful for heat sinks and in heat
welded, although best results are obtained with gas metal arc welding.
layer of brown-black copper oxide but does not react with water.
mineral form.
family of the periodic table as silver and gold, since they each have one
and all are malleable metals. Among pure metals at room temperature,
copper has the second highest electrical and thermal conductivity after
atomic mass from 52 to 80. Two of these, 63Cu and 65Cu, are stable
and do not occur naturally. The most stable of these is 67Cu with a
present are known as oxide ores, carbonate ores or mixed ores. Large
gold, silver, nickel, and other valuable metals are contained in many
copper ores.
•2CuCO 3.
used to process and refine copper. These include sulfuric acid, oxygen,
The type of ore and the desired purity of the final product vary
buried ore deposit. This produces an open pit that may grow to be
900cubit feet (15-25 meters) in a single bite are used to scoop the
exposed ore. Giant dump trucks also known as Haul trucks are
used to load the ore and are transported up and out of the pit.
are removed from the copper ore because they usually contain a large
This process is usually done using the flotation method. This process is
outlined below:
is fed into the top of the crusher, it is squeezed between the two
A series of mills are used to ground the crushed ore into even
horizontal axis, the steel rods tumble and break up the ore into
water) is further broken up in two ball mills which are like a rod
mill except steel balls are used instead of rods are used to further
break down the mixture of ore and water. Particles about 0.01 in
(0.25 mm) in diameter are found in the fine ground slurry ore
cells) where air is injected into the slurry through the bottom of
the tanks. The copper particles cling to the bubbles as they rise to
are called the gangue or tailings. They are pumped into settling
several chemical reactions to remove the iron and sulfur. This is done
once the waste materials have been physically removed from the ore
described below:
A silica material called flux is fed into the furnace along with the
forced into the furnace to combust with fuel oil. The melted
combines with the flux to form a slag which is skimmed off the
acid plant to produce sulfuric acid. The matte is the name given to
The silica flux reacts with the remaining iron to form a slag, and
dioxide. The slag may be fed back into the flash furnace to act as a
flux, and the sulfur dioxide is processed through the acid plant.
of these materials, the blister copper is first fire refined before it is sent
air into the molten blister. A sodium carbonate flux may be added
tank, the copper is stripped off the anode and is deposited on the
about 9-15 days, the current is turned off and the cathodes are
removed. The cathodes now weigh about 300 lb (136 kg) and are
The slime that collects at the bottom of the tank contains gold,
melted and cast into ingots, cakes, billets, or rods depending on the
final application.
ft (8.5 m) long. They are rolled to make copper plate, strip, sheet,
diameter. They are usually cast into very long lengths, which are
copper wire.
The element copper is being used in almost all spheres of life. These
lightning. High above the roof, copper spikes (lightning rods) are
It is used in statuary.
good conductor is because there are a lot of free electrons that can
carry the flowing current efficiently. These free electrons do not remain
electron ‘cloud’ around the outside of the atom and are free to move
body it goes to cells that are cancerous and gives off radiation that
house hold products such as frying pans, bathtubs, sinks, slug tape,
rainspouts on buildings.
growth for fattening pigs and broiler chicks and it is also used to