A patient was given gentamicin sulfate via intermittent IV infusions every 8 hours. The drug clearance was estimated to be 7.2 L/h. The document provides equations to calculate:
1) The plasma drug concentration after the first infusion (2.58 mg/L)
2) The peak (Cmax) and trough (Cmin) plasma drug concentrations at steady state (Cmax = 3.06 mg/L, Cmin = 0.48 mg/L)
A patient was given gentamicin sulfate via intermittent IV infusions every 8 hours. The drug clearance was estimated to be 7.2 L/h. The document provides equations to calculate:
1) The plasma drug concentration after the first infusion (2.58 mg/L)
2) The peak (Cmax) and trough (Cmin) plasma drug concentrations at steady state (Cmax = 3.06 mg/L, Cmin = 0.48 mg/L)
A patient was given gentamicin sulfate via intermittent IV infusions every 8 hours. The drug clearance was estimated to be 7.2 L/h. The document provides equations to calculate:
1) The plasma drug concentration after the first infusion (2.58 mg/L)
2) The peak (Cmax) and trough (Cmin) plasma drug concentrations at steady state (Cmax = 3.06 mg/L, Cmin = 0.48 mg/L)
A patient was given gentamicin sulfate via intermittent IV infusions every 8 hours. The drug clearance was estimated to be 7.2 L/h. The document provides equations to calculate:
1) The plasma drug concentration after the first infusion (2.58 mg/L)
2) The peak (Cmax) and trough (Cmin) plasma drug concentrations at steady state (Cmax = 3.06 mg/L, Cmin = 0.48 mg/L)
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CLINICAL EXAMPLE Gentamicin sulfate was given to an adult male patient (57 years old, 70 kg) by
intermittent IV infusions. One-hour IV infusions of 90 mg of gentamicin was given at 8-hour intervals.
Gentamicin clearance is similar to creatinine clearance and was estimated as 7.2 L/h with an elimination half-life of 3 hours. a. What is the plasma drug concentration after the first IV infusion? b. What is the peak plasma drug concentration, Cmax, and the trough plasma drug concentration, Cmin, at steady state? TABLE 9-5 Drug Concentration after Two Intravenous Infusionsa Time(h) Plasma Drug Concentration after Infusion 1 Plasma Drug Concentration after Infusion 2 Total Plasma Drug Concentration Infusion 1 begins 0 0 0 1 1.81 1.81 Infusion 1 stopped 2 3.30 3.30 3 2.70 2.70 4 2.21 2.21 5 1.81 1.81 6 1.48 1.48 7 1.21 1.21 8 0.99 0.99 9 0.81 0.81 Infusion 2 begins 10 0.67 0 0.67 11 0.55 1.81 2.36 Infusion 2 stopped 12 0.45 3.30 3.74 13 0.37 2.70 3.07 14 0.30 2.21 2.51 15 0.25 1.81 2.06 aDrug is given by a 2-hour infusion separated by a 10-hour drug elimination interval. All drug concentrations are in lg/mL. The declining drug concentration after the first infusion dose and the drug concentration after the second infusion dose give the total plasma drug concentration. Multiple-Dosage Regimens 217 ESTIMATION OF k AND VD OF AMINOGLYCOSIDES IN CLINICAL SITUATIONS As illustrated above, antibiotics are often infused intravenously by multiple doses, so it is desirable to adjust the recommended starting dose based on the patient’s individual k and VD values. According to Sawchuk and Zaske (1976), individual parameters for aminoglycoside pharmacokinetics may be determined in a patient by using a limited number of plasma drug samples taken at appropriate time intervals. The equation was simplified by replacing an elaborate model with the one-compartment model to describe drug elimination and appropriately avoiding the distributive phase. The plasma sample should be collected 15–30 minutes postinfusion (with infusion lasting about 60 minutes) and, in patients with poor renal function, 1–2 hours postinfusion, to allow adequate tissue distribution. The second and third blood samples should be collected about 2–3 halflives later, in order to get a good estimation of the slope. The data may be determined graphically or by regression analysis using a scientific calculator or computer program. = − − − ∞ ∞ − (1 ) [ D max min inf inf V R e C C e kt kt (9.32) The dose of aminoglycoside is generally fixed by the desirable peak, ∞ Cmax, and trough plasma concentration, ∞ Cmin. For example, ∞ Cmax for gentamicin may be set at 6–10 mg/mL with the steady-state trough level, ∞ Cmin, generally about 0.5–2 mg/mL, depending on the severity of the infection and renal considerations. The upper range is used only for life-threatening infections. The infusion rate for any desired peak drug concentration may be calculated using Equation 9.33. = − − ∞ − τ − (1 ) (1 ) D max inf R V kC e e k kt (9.33) The dosing interval t between infusions may be adjusted to obtain a desired concentration. Solution a. The plasma drug concentration directly after the first infusion is calculated from Equation 9.27, where R = 90 mg/h, Cl = 7.2 L/h, and k = 0.231 h-1. The time for infusion, t int, is 1 hour. = − = − 90 7.2 p (1 ) 2.58 mg/L (0.231)(1) C e b. The ∞ Cmax at steady state may be obtained from Equation 9.30. = − − ∞ − − (1 ) 1 (1 ) max inf C R e Cl e kt kt (9.30) where Cmax is the peak drug concentration following the nth infusion, at steady state, tinf is the time period of infusion, and t is the dosage interval. The term 1/(1 - e-kt) is the accumulation factor for repeated drug administration. Substitution in Equation 9.30 gives = − × − = ∞ − − 90(1 ) 7.2 1 (1 ) 3.06 mg/L max (0.231)(1) (0.231) (8) C e e The plasma drug concentration ∞ Cp at any time t after the last infusion ends when steady state is obtained by Equation 9.31 and assumes that plasma drug concentrations decline according to first-order elimination kinetics. = − × − × ∞ − − − (1 ) 1 (1 ) p ( ) inf C R e Cl e e kt kt k t (9.31) where tinf is the time for infusion and t is the time period after the end of the infusion. The trough plasma drug concentration, ∞ Cmin, at steady state is the drug concentration just before the start of the next IV infusion or after a dosage interval equal to 8 hours after the last infusion stopped. Equation 9.31 can be used to determine the plasma drug concentration at any time after the last infusion is stopped (after steady state has been reached). = − × − = ∞ − − − 90(1 ) 7.2 (1 ) 0.48 mg/L min (0.231) (1) (0.231)(8) (0.231)(8) C e e e 218 Chapter 9 Frequently Asked Questions » Is the drug accumulation index (R) applicable to any drug given by multiple doses or only to drugs that are eliminated slowly from the body? » What are the advantages/disadvantages for giving a drug by a constant IV infusion, intermittent IV infusion, or multiple IV bolus injections? What drugs would most likely be given by each route of administration? Why? » Why is the accumulation index, R, not affected by the dose or clearance of a drug? Would it be possible for a drug with a short half-life to have R much greater than 1? MULTIPLE-ORAL-DOSE REGIMEN Figures 9-1 and 9-2 present typical cumulation curves for the concentration of drug in the body after multiple oral doses given at a constant dosage interval. The plasma concentration at any time during an oral or extravascular multiple-dose regimen, assuming a one-compartment model and constant doses and dose interval, can be determined as follows: = − − − − − − τ τ τ τ − − − − − − ( ) 1 1 1 1 p a 0 D a a a C a Fk D V k k e e e e e e nk k k t nk k kt where n = number of doses, t = dosage interval, F = fraction of dose absorbed, and t = time after administration of n doses. The mean plasma level at steady state, ∞ Cav, is determined by a similar method to that employed for repeat IV injections. Equation 9.17 can be used for finding ∞ Cav for any route of administration. τ = ∞ 0 D Cav FD V k (9.17) Because proper evaluation of F and VD requires IV data, the AUC of a dosing interval at steady state may be substituted in Equation 9.17 to obtain ∫ τ τ = = ∞ ∞ ∞ [AUC] av p 0 0 C C dt (9.35) One can see from Equation 9.17 that the magnitude of ∞ Cav is directly proportional to the size of the dose and the extent of drug absorbed. Furthermore, if the dosage interval (t) is shortened, then the value for ∞ Cav will increase. The ∞ Cav will be predictably higher for drugs distributed in a small VD (eg, plasma water) or that have long elimination half-lives than for drugs distributed in a large VD (eg, total body water) or that have very short elimination half-lives. Because body clearance (ClT) is equal to kVD, substitution into Equation 9.17 yields τ = ∞ av 0 T C FD Cl (9.36) Thus, if ClT decreases, ∞ Cav will increase. The ∞ Cav does not give information concerning the fluctuations in plasma concentration ( ∞ Cmax and ∞ Cmin). In multiple-dose regimens, Cp at any time can be obtained using Equation 9.34, where n = nth dose. At steady state, the drug concentration can be determined by letting n equal infinity. Therefore, e-nkt becomes approximately equal to zero and Equation 9.22 becomes = − − − − τ τ ∞ − − − ( ) 1 1 1 1 p 0 D a a C a k FD V k k e e e e a k kt k k t (9.37) The maximum and minimum drug concentrations ( ∞ Cmax and ∞ Cmin) can be obtained with the following equations: = − τ ∞ − 1 − 1 max 0 D C p FD V e e k kt (9.38) ( ) = − − τ ∞ τ − − 1 1 min a 0 D a C k FD V k k e e k k (9.39) The time at which maximum (peak) plasma concentration (or tmax) occurs following a single oral dose is = − 2.3 log max a a t k k k k (9.40) whereas the peak plasma concentration, tp, following multiple doses is given by Equation 9.41. = − − − τ τ − − 1 ln (1 ) (1 ) p a a a t k k k e k e k k (9.41) Large fluctuations between ∞ Cmax and ∞ Cmin can be hazardous, particularly with drugs that have a narrow therapeutic index. The larger the number of divided doses, the smaller the fluctuations in the plasma drug concentrations. For example, a 500- mg dose of drug Multiple-Dosage Regimens 219 given every 6 hours will produce the same ∞ Cav value as a 250-mg dose of the same drug given every 3 hours, while the ∞ Cmax and ∞ Cmin fluctuations for the latter dose will be decreased by one-half (see Fig. 9-3). With drugs that have a narrow therapeutic index, the dosage interval should not be longer than the elimination half-life. EXAMPLE • • • An adult male patient (46 years old, 81 kg) was given 250 mg of tetracycline hydrochloride orally every 8 hours for 2 weeks. From the literature, tetracycline hydrochloride is about 75% bioavailable and has an apparent volume of distribution of 1.5 L/kg. The elimination half- life is about 10 hours. The absorption rate constant is 0.9 h-1. From this information, calculate (a) Cmax after the first dose, (b) Cmin after the first dose, (c) plasma drug concentration Cp at 4 hours after the seventh dose, (d) maximum plasma drug concentration at steady state, ∞ Cmax, (e) minimum plasma drug concentration at steady state, ∞ Cmin, and (f) average plasma drug concentration at steady state, ∞ Cav. Solution a. Cmax after the first dose occurs at tmax— therefore, using Equation 9.40, = − = t t 2.3 0.9 0.07 log 0.9 0.07 3.07 max max Then substitute tmax into the following equation for a single oral dose (one-compartment model) to obtain Cmax. = − − = − − = − − − − C FD k V k k e e e e kt k t ( ) ( ) C (0.75)(250)(0.9) (121.5)(0.9 0.07) ( ) C 1.28 mg/L max 0 a D a max 0.07(3.07) 0.9(3.07) max max a max b. Cmin after the first dose occurs just before the administration of the next dose of drug—therefore, set t = 8 hours and solve for Cmin. = − − = − − C e e (0.75)(250)(0.9) (121.5)(0.9 0.07) ( ) C 0.95 mg/L min 0.07(8) 0.9(8) min c. Cp at 4 hours after the seventh dose may be calculated using Equation 9.34, letting n = 7, t = 4, t = 8, and making the appropriate substitutions. (0.75)(250)(0.9) (121.5)(0.07 0.9) 1 1 1 1 2.86 mg/L p (7) (0.9)(8) 0.9(8) 0.9(4) (7)(0.07)(8) (0.07)(8) 0.07(4) p = − × − − − − − = − − − − − − C e e e e e e C d. ∞ Cmax at steady state: tp at steady state is obtained from Equation 9.41. = − − − = − − − = τ τ − − − − t k k k e k e t e e t k k 1 ln (1 ) (1 ) 1 0.9 0.07 ln 0.9(1 ) 0.07(1 ) 2.05 hours p a a p (0.07)(8) (0.9)(8) p a Then ∞ Cmax is obtained using Equation 9.38. = − = ∞ − − ∞ C e e C 0.75(250) 121.5 1 1 3.12 mg/L max 0.07(8) 0.07(2.05) min e. ∞ Cmin at steady state is calculated from Equation 9.39. = − − = ∞ − − ∞ C e e C (0.9)(0.75)(250) (121.5)(0.9 0.07) 1 1 2.23 mg/L min 0.07(8) (0.7)(8) max f. ∞ Cav at steady state is calculated from Equation 9.17. = = ∞ ∞ C C (0.75)(250) (121.5)(0.07)(8) 2.76 mg/L av av LOADING DOSE Since extravascular doses require time for absorption into the plasma to occur, therapeutic effects are delayed until sufficient plasma concentrations are achieved. To reduce the onset time of the drug—that is, 220 Chapter 9 the time it takes to achieve the minimum effective concentration (assumed to be equivalent to the ∞ Cav)—a loading (priming) or initial dose of drug is given. The main objective of the loading dose is to achieve desired plasma concentrations, ∞ Cav, as quickly as possible. If the drug follows one-compartment pharmacokinetics, then in theory, steady state is also achieved immediately following the loading dose. Thereafter, a maintenance dose is given to maintain ∞ Cav and steady state so that the therapeutic effect is also maintained. In practice, a loading dose may be given as a bolus dose or a short-term loading IV infusion. As discussed earlier, the time required for the drug to accumulate to a steady-state plasma level is dependent mainly on its elimination half-life. The time needed to reach 90% of ∞ Cav is approximately 3.3 half-lives, and the time required to reach 99% of ∞ Cav is equal to approximately 6.6 half-lives. For a drug with a half-life of 4 hours, it will take approximately 13 and 26 hours to reach 90% and 99% of ∞ Cav, respectively. For drugs absorbed rapidly in relation to elimination (ka >> k) and that are distributed rapidly, the loading dose DL can be calculated as follows: 1 (1 )(1 ) L 0 a D D e e k k = − − − τ − τ (9.42) For extremely rapid absorption, as when the product of kat is large or in the case of IV infusion, − τ e a k becomes approximately zero and Equation 9.42 reduces to = − − τ 1 1 L 0 D D e k (9.43) The loading dose should approximate the amount of drug contained in the body at steady state. The dose ratio is equal to the loading dose divided by the maintenance dose. Dose ratio = L 0 D D (9.44) As a general rule of thumb, if the selected dosage interval is equal to the drug’s elimination half-life, then the dose ratio calculated from Equation 9.44 should be equal to 2.0. In other words, the loading dose will be equal to double the initial drug dose. Figure 9-5 shows the plasma level–time curve for dosage regimens with equal maintenance doses but different loading doses. A rapid approximation of loading dose, DL, may be estimated from = ∞ ( )( ) L D av D V C S F (9.45) where ∞ Cav is the desired plasma drug concentration, S is the salt form of the drug, and F is the fraction of drug bioavailability. Equation 9.45 assumes very rapid drug absorption from an immediate-release dosage form. The DL calculated by this method has been used in clinical situations for which only an approximation of the DL is needed. These calculations for loading doses are not applicable to drugs that demonstrate multicompartment kinetics. Such drugs distribute slowly into extravascular tissues, and drug equilibration and steady state may not occur until after the apparent plateau is reached in the vascular (central) compartment.