O4 Fom
O4 Fom
O4 Fom
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
This course consists of introduction to management,
Understand the basic concepts of management
management of relationships, global business
Learn planning and decision making process
environment, operations management, human capital
Apply leadership skills and learn how to
management and marketing management. This will
motivate employees
help the students to Identify, correlate and apply
Comprehend the concepts of power,
these concepts to other core subjects of Professional
bureaucracy, authority, responsibility, leadership
stages for decision-making.
and delegation;
OBJECTIVE Apply the theories of control;
This course enables the students to: Comprehend the nature of conflict, identify its
Understand the basic approaches of causes a nd alternative approaches to
organizational management, management of conflict;
Understand methods and procedures to manage Elucidate the terms culture, organization culture,
the employees in organization, cross-cultural leadership and the importance of
Understand the techniques used for negotiation organizational culture;
and communication within the organization Know the global business environment and it's
Understand the business environment within the influences
social, political, economical and global context.
1 Management Definition and Functions
A 30%
2 Basics of Management Process
3 Key concepts in Management
4 Control
5 Leadership and Motivation
B 55%
6 The financial function; conflict
7 Negotiation and communication
8 Culture
9 Social, political and economic context
C 15%
10 Type of organization
11 Governance and Regulation
TOTAL 100%
Note: The weightage shown against each section indicates, study time required for the topics in that section. This
weightage does not necessarily specify the number of marks to be allocated to that section in the examination.
PART - A Quantitative & Behavioral approaches of
Human Relations Management:
1. Management Definition and Functions
o Describe with examples Theory by Elton
Concept of Management & Manager
Mayo, Maslow hierarchy theory of need,
Role of the Manager
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory,
Functions and Responsibilities of Managers
McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Differentiate between Manager and Leader
o Explain Modern HR concepts
The Concepts of Power, Bureaucracy,
Authority, 2. Basics of Management Process
Leadership and Delegation of Power Management by Objectives (Define and
Who is a leader and types of leaders Discuss Drucker’s Key Objectives)
Authority and Responsibility Explain the basic steps of the overall
Delegation: performance system of MBO.
o Effective delegation and its process Theories of Leadership:
o Benefits of delegation o Discuss using simple examples different
o Problems of delegation theories of leadership(trait theories, Style
What is Management? Theories, Behavioral theories)
Historical Background of Management o Contingency theories(( Likert four
Define manager and narrate classifications of systems of management, McGregor-
managers Theory X and Theory Y, Kurt Lewin
Theories of management, theory, Tannenbaum and Schmidt
Classical theories (Scientific management continuum of leadership style, Blake and
theory, administrative management by Fayol Mouton-Management Grid, Action
and MAX Weber theory) centered model by Adair, Fielder
Study Scheme 2018
contingency model and Situational Causes of Conflict(with reference to
leadership by Hersey and Blanchard) Mainwaring, Dessler and unitary and pluralist
3. Key concepts in Management
Managing Conflict
Role of the Manager
Power. Authority, Responsibility a nd 7. Negotiation and communication
Delegation Negotiation
Management and Leadership(Differentiate) o What is Negotiation? Describe its process,
Organizational Flexibility strategies and tactics.
Discipline(Positive and Negative Discipline, o Describe skills of a good negotiator
Disciplinary Situation and Disciplinary Communication
procedure) o What is Communication?
Grievance(Describe Grievance procedure and o Process of communication?
effective resolution of grievance) o Barriers to effective communication and
Termination of Contract (Types of Contract, ways to overcome these barriers
Reason behind termination of contract in
8. Culture
What is Culture?
Equal Opportunities(purpose of equal
Organization Culture
opportunities policy and practical steps to
Culture and Structure
ensure the effectiveness of equal
Influences on culture
opportunities policies in organization)
Models of categorizing cultures
The Practical Implications of
Management of different cultures
Legislation(Discuss the impact of legislation
Culture and Strategy
in organization)
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Diversity(purposes and benefits of diversity
policies) PART - C
MANAGEMENT OF RELATIONSHIPS 9. Social, political and economic context
Types /dimensions of Environment
4. Control
The PESTEL and Environment
Define control, types of organizational control
The Global Business Environment,
and levels of control in an organization.
globalization, global perspective types of
Theories of Control (Theory of performance
international organization and global
Effective Internal Control Systems
International Environment Influences,
Performance Appraisal, Management-
Explain the areas that drive competitive
Controlling the individual monitoring,
advantage of nations defined by porter’
evaluation employee work
Diamond) outsourcing and off shoring
Controlling Health and Safety
Economic Context(Investigate Economic
5. Leadership and Motivation Context on local and international
Define groups and teams perspectives)
Types of groups and teams under different Emerging Economies(Discuss the features of
situations Emerging Economies)
Stages of team development
10. Type of organization
Team performance models ( Belbin-team
Different Types of Organization and
roles, Role theory, Vaill: high performance
organization structures
teams, Steiner model, Integration and
Culture Diversity and the Global Organization
organization, Handy group effectiveness and
The Mckinsey 7 S Model of effective business
Dec-High performance team)
Leading, Managing and Motivating Teams
Mentoring: 11. Governance and Regulation
o What is Mentoring? Describe term Government Intervention in Business
Mentor, Role of a mentor and benefits of Government and the Macroeconomic
mentoring Environment Market Regulation
Define corporate governance Corporate Governance:
Pillars of Corporate Governance o Explain the responsibility of organizations
Benefits of Corporate Governance to maintain appropriate standards/Codes
Code of Corporate governance in different of corporate governance
type of organization o Discuss the concept of Corporate
Governance regulations issued by SECP
6. The financial function; conflict
Corporate Social Responsibility:
Define finance function and the Role of the
o Define Social responsibility
Finance Function in management
o Importance of Social responsibility
What is conflict? Differentiate between
o Identify the social responsibilities of
constructive and destructive conflict
business organizations to internal and
The Nature of Conflict (Horizontal and
external stakeholders meet the needs of
Vertical conflicts)
internal and external stakeholders.
Recommended Books:
Core Readings
Management Stephen P. Robins / Mary Coulter Prentice Hall / Pearson / Financial Times
Management James A. F. Stoner / Edward, Freeman /Daniel Gilbert, Jr Prentice Hall / Pearson / Financial Times