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PROJECT - Core Rules (Updated)

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PROJECT include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of

any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a or distributing, and You must add the title, the
copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to
The following text is the property of Wizards of the the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game
Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Content you Distribute.
Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright Product Identity, including as an indication as to
and/or trademark owners who have contributed compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means independent Agreement with the owner of each element
copyrighted material including derivative works and of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate
translations (including into other computer languages), compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark
potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or containing Open Game Content except as expressly
other form in which an existing work may be recast, licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content
display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
Content” means the game mechanic and includes the Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity
methods, procedures, processes and routines to the used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title
extent such content does not embody the Product and interest in and to that Product Identity.
Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art
and any additional content clearly identified as Open 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work You must clearly indicate which portions of the work
covered by this License, including translations and that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
derivative works under copyright law, but specifically
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity”
Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
means product and product line names, logos and
You may use any authorized version of this License to
identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts;
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic
originally distributed under any version of this License.
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork,
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
visual or audio representations; names and descriptions Distribute.
of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities,
teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or Contributor unless You have written permission from the
graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered Contributor to do so.
trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to
owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically comply with any of the terms of this License with respect
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
products or the associated products contributed to
the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically
“Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of
means the licensee in terms of this agreement. this License.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v
or subtracted from this License except as described by 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. D6
the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be Adventure (WEG51011), Copyright 2004, Purgatory
applied to any Open Game Content distributed using Publishing Inc. West End Games, WEG, and D6 System
this License. are trademarks and properties of Purgatory Publishing
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game The D6 System; the D6 trademarks, the D6 and related
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of logos and any derivative trademarks not specified as
this License. Open Game Content; and all cover and interior art and
trade dress are designated as Product Identity (PI) and
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for are properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc. All rights
agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant reserved. Open Game Content: All game mechanics and
You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non exclusive material not covered under Product Identity (PI) above;
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the OpenD6 trademark and OpenD6 logo (as displayed on
Open Game Content. this document cover page).
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
contributing original material as Open Game Content,
You represent that Your Contributions are Your original PROJECT is © Mark Whittington 2015.
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the Artwork is © Postmortem Studios 2015 unless
rights conveyed by this License. otherwise stated. Rules content, devoid of
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update descriptive text, is designated open content.
the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to

Written by: Mark Whittington and James ‘Grim’ Desborough

Edited by: Mark Whittington and James ‘Grim’ Desborough

Art by: Toby Gregory, James ‘Grim’ Desborough and Mark Whittington.

PROJECT is © Mark Whittington 2015.

PROJECT is written for the OpenD6 system.

Whitt wishes to thank:

The Eastbourne Crew: Mark, Lex, John, Jim, George, Tom, Ben & Dave
for driving me mad and keeping me sane.

Max, Glenn, Megan and the Shadow Warriors

for popping my convention cherry, and many years of corruption since.

The original PROJECT London, Project DC & PROJECT Tokyo

for giving as good as they got - it took 17 years but we did it!

Dave, Jared, Tim and the rest of the Nightfall crew

for SLA Industries, and showing me a little of how the sausage was made.

And last, but not least, Grim

for taking my old, forgotten game from the bottom of the draw and giving it life.

Employee Manual

PROJECT is Saviour
432 AE Edition
Preface How to use this book
PROJECT was founded over a century ago as This book is an introductory manual for PRO-
humanity began to recover from the disas- JECT employees commencing their active ser-
trous effects of the Mindquake and began to vice. It is by no means comprehensive but does
understand our former power and knowledge. cover all of the most important basics. If you
PROJECT was at the lead of the fight back to have any more detailed concerns please refer
education, technological understanding and to the TRB or send a formal request to Cen-
capability and also amongst the first groups tral for clarification. Keep this book on hand
to truly grasp the importance - and danger - of for day to day reference and to settle low-level
the Entities. disputes internally, if at all possible.
PROJECT is now a truly global organisation,
operating out of PROJECT Central and with Training
regional offices in London, Washington and You have completed nine months of training
Tokyo and many more offices and bases scat- and adjustment and fine tuning of your im-
tered around the world. We are humanity’s plants. This is a long and difficult process and
best and only true line of defence against the simply by clearing training you have shown
Entities and reality leakage into our dimension. yourself to be in the top one percent of hu-
As an employee of PROJECT you have been manity. Do not allow yourself to become ar-
trained and adapted to fight the Entities and to rogant however. Training is one thing, field op-
respond to leakage events, to restore normality erations is another.
and to protect the public. This is an important New employees are grouped together in op-
job and PROJECT values its employees just as erating units so that there are no problems of
it values the future of the human species. Your seniority and to minimise internal strife. In the
training and enhancement represents a con- event of casualties, replacements from other
siderable investment of credits, a debt owed operating units of comparable experience will
to PROJECT and to humanity which can best be assigned in order to minimise disruption
be paid off by executing your duty. and issues caused by seniority.
PROJECT is saviour. Ongoing training is available and your unit
housing should have basic facilities for you to
Welcome to PROJECT engage in physical fitness optimisation and
You are now part of PROJECT. The most im- firearms training. More opportunities for train-
portant and powerful endeavour in human his- ing are available at your local base.
tory - so far as it can be remembered. As a
member of PROJECT you are a valued part of PROJECT Guidelines
an international team with an opportunity to In your dealing with and as a member of PRO-
make real change and to improve the lot of hu- JECT please try to keep the following in mind:
manity as a whole. It is a weighty responsibility • Be courteous in your dealings.
and also a great privilege. Please read and ab-
sorb this information as you start your service. • You are always in the public eye.
• Individual actions reflect upon PROJECT
as a whole.
• Safeguarding reality is your top goal, all
else is secondary.
• Remain humble.


Your First Week Your First Mission
Leaving the training facilities and being as- Your first mission will likely be a small, low level
signed can be difficult for a new team. You all intervention. PROJECT strives not to over-tax
have one thing in common though, you are all its agents until they have settled in and bond-
new. There is no embarrassment in being un- ed. It is perfectly natural to make mistakes, to
sure as everyone will be unsure. Take the time be unsure and to have no clear chain of com-
you have to settle in, to familiarise yourself mand or expertise in this first mission and its
with your home, your team and to engage in immediate successors. This is expected, the
team building exercises such as shared recrea- first few missions are shakedowns which will
tion, games, training and friendly competition. allow your team to settle into a mode of opera-
You are guaranteed (barring emergencies) tion that suits you before facing greater chal-
two days of free time before your first assign- lenges.
ment, so make the most of them.
Your PROJECT Coordinator
Shared Housing Every PROJECT unit is assigned a PROJECT
PROJECT employees on operational service Coordinator who is their first port of call and
are housed in modular buildings suited to the organises their missions as well as dealing with
make-up of their team, easily expandable to any issues that do not need to go to higher
accommodate larger teams. Living together authorities within PROJECT. Your coordinator
forges a strong bond between team members will help you deal with company paperwork, in-
and has been shown to increase team loy- ternal and external relations, mission briefings
alty and empathy by a considerable degree. and will act as a point of interface between
Shared housing consists of a personal and pri- you and the rest of the PROJECT hierarchy.
vate room for each member and typically in- Your coordinator is a vital and essential mem-
cludes the following common areas: ber of your team and while not on the front
• Gym lines should be accorded the respect that their
membership of PROJECT commands. PRO-
• Kitchen/Dining Room JECT coordinators and other administration
• Group Lounge/Briefing Room staff are key to using PROJECT’s resources ef-
fectively and efficiently to safeguard civilisa-
• Cellar Firing Range
• Garden (where possible)
Operative groups are expected to take per- PROJECT Central
sonal charge of the appearance and cleanli- |
ness of their home, though Assisting Staff may Regional Office
be used in minor janitorial roles. |
Local Office
Your Personal Space |
Your room is your personal space. Being an PROJECT Coordinator
operational PROJECT employee is stressful |
and your room is your sanctuary. You may PROJECT Unit
decorate it as you wish but we suggest you
keep it a restful and meditative space that will
help you unwind.


Your Team Mates ty and survival of a team often depends on the
loyalty of a Golem and this is best maintained
Operational PROJECT employees come from
by loving friendship and mutual play. Golem
a huge variety of backgrounds and have a
are stabilised by the presence of an ‘object of
wide array of different implants, adaptations
desire’, sometimes colloquially called a ‘binky’.
and needs. It behoves a responsible PROJECT
Interference with a Golem’s object of desire is
operative to understand his compatriots and
punishable by reprimand and fine.
to accommodate their eccentricities.
The Grunt is the most human,
Your Borg compatriots have
normal and stable of PROJECT
had their bodies fully replaced
enhancements and should
with machinery derived from
provide few problems and act
PROJECT’s advanced research
as a point of stability for the
in prosthetics and robotics,
unit as a whole. Many Grunts
much of it gleaned from re-
come from law enforcement
covered Entity technology. These changes can
or military backgrounds and can carry some
have a dehumanising effect upon a Borg and
baggage and trauma from their previous expe-
while they receive therapy to compensate for
rience. Each case is different and there can be
these issues close friendships are very impor-
no general guidelines for getting on with the
tant for keeping them stable. Each Borg also
Grunts in your team. The best advice possible
has a variety of masks to help them express
is to give them their space when they need it.
and describe their emotions. Interfering with a
Borg’s masks is punishable by reprimand and
Medusae are incorruptible, ar-
tificially intelligent, adaptive
tools owned and operated by
Empaths have implants that en-
PROJECT. They are classified
able them to feel the thoughts
as equipment but will act as
and emotions of others. Their
fully independent members of
emotions and feelings can
your squad. Medusae enter a
also ‘leak’ through the implant
unit ‘factory fresh’ with basic intelligence and
and affect those around them.
capabilities but they are adaptive and should
While they are essential and powerful investi-
be able to quickly learn and fit into your unit.
gators this can make them hard to deal with
Medusae that are fully self-actualised, as certi-
on a personal basis. Openness and honesty
fied by Central, can purchase their own hous-
are important to Empaths and they are also
ing and operate as fully independent and le-
very sensitive to the atmosphere around them.
gally recognised individuals. Aid your Medusa
Respect an Empath’s privacy and the sanctity
to learn and fit in with your group, the more
of their personal space. Try to take arguments
information you give it, the better able it will
and problems outside, away from them and to
be to adapt.
treat them gently, make them feel valued.
Psykers have implants, like
The Golem is a mountain of
Empaths, but their psi abilities
armoured flesh with supreme
express themselves in the abil-
strength. They are invaluable
ity to affect and influence the
in holding the line against pow-
physical world, move objects,
erful entities but the process
hurl bolts of flame and other,
leaves them with a mentality
similar abilities. Psychic abili-
close to that of a child. A Golem is not stupid,
ties are strongly influenced by emotions and so
but they are simple and trusting and can easily
helping to keep Psykers emotionally ground-
be taken advantage of. Do not do this. The uni-


ed and relatively stress free is the key to an Guidelines for civilian dress are ‘smart cas-
harmonious home. Psyker’s have a tendency ual’. Jeans are acceptable as are t-shirts and
to the egotistical and megalomaniacal which alternative coats and shoes. It is essential that
should be tempered by constant grounding in you keep your ID and badge on hand at all
the day to day. times, regardless whether you are in or out of
Wytch implants are more Women
simple and less intrusive than The women’s uniform consists of a PROJECT
many other implant proce- trenchcoat, black slacks, a white blouse and
dures but grant and enhanced an optional vest top. Ties are optional for fe-
understanding of Psyho-Mag- male agents and they have the choice of scarf,
netic-Energy and the ability to standard or bootlace tie, or cravat. Black,
manipulate and channel it using devices and flat-soled shoes are recommended. Heels no
set patterns. Wytches tend to be at least as higher than one inch are permitted as part of
stable as Grunts but are usually accompa- the formal uniform. A skirt is available as an
nied by a ‘familiar’ or ‘homunculus’ which can alternative for the slacks, but should be knee-
be unusual, even distressing, to look at and is length and loose fitting. Hair of any length is
often far less restrained. Wytches need their permitted, but on active duty should be braid-
space, their peace and quiet to study and ed or otherwise put ‘up’ to minimise safety and
deepen their talents and should not be inter- combat concerns.
rupted unless absolutely necessary. Informal uniform for female agents is identi-
cal to that of male agents though they have
Uniform & Dress the option of shorts or a skirt in place of jeans.
Guidelines for civilian dress are ‘smart cas-
PROJECT agents are expected to be well
ual’. Jeans and short skirts are acceptable, as
dressed at all times. Uniforms are provided
are shorts. T-shirts, vest-tops and others are
for on-duty actions and public appearances.
allowed provided they are reasonably modest.
Private dress and appearance is down to the
It is essential that you keep your ID and badge
operative but they should keep the company
on hand at all times, regardless whether you
image and message in mind at all times. Frivo-
are in or out of uniform.
lous or ‘slutty’ dress is frowned upon and while
agent autonomy is respected such dress can Transsexuals
have a negative effect on public relations. PROJECT recognises the value of its agents
Agents should try to project an air of author- whatever their proclivity and asks that agents
ity and glamour in how they dress. choose a gender preference for uniform code
if at all possible. Individual cases and excep-
tions can be negotiated with Central.
The Men’s uniform consists of a PROJECT
trenchcoat, suit trousers, suit jacket, white, Neuters
button shirt and black shoes. A waistcoat is Some Borg, most Medusae and some other op-
optional. A bootlace or standard tie - also in eratives consider themselves gender-neutral.
black - is standard for all male employees. It is asked that these operative choose a gen-
Hair, where present, should preferably be der upon which to base their uniform. If there
kept above the collar, purely for matters of is no stated preference research indicates that
safety and combat efficiency. the public find a female presence more reas-
Informal uniform for harder or less formal suring and less threatening.
duties consists of the trenchcoat, heavy-tread
boots and a T-shirt with the PROJECT logo
upon it.


Comportment Public Relations
Public goodwill is essential to PROJECTs con-
PROJECT employees are asked to be polite
tinued operations. Without public consent and
and respectful at all times. It is recognised that
cooperation it would be almost impossible to
with the stresses and strains of the job this
interdict Entity incursions or to track any and
may not always be possible but agents should
all reality breakdowns. Please try to minimise
do their best regardless of the stresses and
public damage and injury and take the time to
strains that they face. A polite and professional
interface with the public in a friendly manner.
working environment aids the organisation as
You may occasionally be called upon to take
a whole and ensures maximum efficiency.
part in public relations missions and you are
asked to treat these as seriously as you would
Internal Relations
any other mission.
Team relations are the most important aspect
of your comportment within PROJECT; all Personal Relationships
PROJECT organisation starts at the team ba- PROJECT recognises the basic, human need
sis. Please try to keep your relationships with for romantic relationships. Such relationships
your fellow agents cordial and friendly, profes- are difficult within the high-pressure atmos-
sional in the field, personal at home. phere of PROJECT operations and security
Central may not have field operatives but concerns add an additional level of difficulty.
is vital to processing and understanding the PROJECT allows for personal relationships
threat posed by the Entities. Be mindful of the within PROJECT’s structure because of these
value of desk operatives and try not to under- combined issues, the best option available in
mine them. the circumstances. PROJECT even offers an
Conflicts within the team should be dealt internal dating service, should you require as-
with internally if possible. Central can inter- sistance. Relationships outside PROJECT are
vene if necessary but this reflects poorly on problematic and any partner must be vetted
the problem solving ability of the team as a and approved by PROJECT Central within a
whole. fortnight of a serious relationship commenc-
If truly serious infractions, infiltrations or is- ing.
sues arise Central may assign an Internal Af-
fairs team to get to the bottom of the problem. Psionic Issues
Your compliance with their orders is manda- The use of psychic powers on your team-mates
tory. is prohibited save in exceptional circumstanc-
Pinning notes, dartboards, fridge magnets es such as suspected possession, doppel-
and other paraphernalia to Assisting Staff is gangers, time-twins and other unforeseeable
considered unprofessional and disrespectful. circumstances. Permission can be granted in
retrospect, if justified, or granted on a person-
External Relations
al basis by the team member themselves.
PROJECT is a private organisation, albeit with
Use of telekinesis inappropriately is consid-
quasi-judicial and legal powers in the world na-
ered workplace bullying.
tions. We rely on the goodwill of many govern-
Public displays of kinetic abilities or frivolous
ments, organisations and of the general public
uses of empathic or telepathic psionics are
in order to operate effectively and get the job
frowned upon. Do not use pyrokinetics to light
done. It is important that external law enforce-
cigarettes or fireworks. Do not use telekinesis
ment and military authorities be allowed to
to reach high shelves. Do not use telepathic
feel useful and using local resources also saves
abilities to ‘guess the card’ or to help you with
strain on PROJECT budgetary resources.
your love life.
Please treat external agencies, even rivals,
Breaches of these regulations are punishable
with respect and make them feel valued and
by fine and formal reprimand.
useful. This guarantees future cooperation and
assistance and improves the flow of informa-
tion to Central.


Equal Opportunities Financing
PROJECT is a private company but is in a
PROJECT is a full, equal opportunities em-
public/private partnership with many nations,
ployer and hires with regard to merit alone and
their security forces and their governments.
without regard to race, creed, colour, biologi-
As a corporate entity PROJECT is given a gen-
cal or non-biological origin. PROJECT has a
erous stipend from many governments as well
zero tolerance policy towards racism, sexism
as extensive tax breaks and other benefits.
and other prejudiced judgements. Offenders
Nonetheless, in order to ensure funding PRO-
will have to undergo sensitivity training and
JECT depends on a large number of patents
persistent offenders may be reassigned to
and technological developments derived from
punishment units.
Entity artefacts and technological research.
PROJECT officially recognises the following
While the mission is always of primary im-
orientations and all combinations and deriva-
portance the opportunity to retrieve things
tions thereof:
of value can pay handsome bonuses to PRO-
• Heterosexual Male/Female
JECT agents at mission completion, subject to
• Homosexual Male/Female worth-assessment by Central.
• Transexual Male-Female/Female to Male/
Gendered to Neuter Threat/Power Parameters
Different threats have different parameters and
• Neuter
so have limitations on the amount of justifiable
• Intersex collateral damage and budgetary commitment
that can be related to dealing with the threat.
• Hermaphrodite
This is clarified in more detail in the TRB but
Agents who do not fall into these categories the following acts as a rough guideline.
may apply for formal recognition with form
Threat Collateral Budgetary
Level Leeway Release
Mission Parameters Black 0% -
Every mission is different and almost entirely Infared 0% -
unpredictable though they are broadly about Red 0% -
restoring normality or hunting down and neu- Orange 1% -
tralising rogue entities entering our reality.
Yellow 2% -
There is no real ‘standard’ practice as such but
Green 5% -
most operations should follow the IDEA pat-
Blue 10% Regional Day Fund
Indigo 15% Regional Day Fund

Investigate Understand your Violet 20% Regional Week Fund

enemy. Ultraviolet 25% Regional Week Fund

Alpha 33% National Day Fund

Defend Defend against their
Beta 50% National Week Fund
Gamma 75% Global Day Fund

Eliminate Eliminate their Delta 80% Global Week Fund

operations. Epsilon 90& Global Month Fund

Zeta 95% Global Year Fund

Attack Counterattack.
Omega 99% Strategic Reserves


Equipment PROJECT ID & Badge
Your PROJECT ID is completely individual and
In addition to basic housing and uniforms,
safeguarded by every means PROJECT has at
PROJECT personnel receive access to some
its disposal. Do not lose it. The PROJECT badge
basic gear which can be supplemented us-
is constructed from PME enhanced metals and
ing credit gained via their salaries and bonus
is virtually indestructible. It operates as a mark
schemes. In addition to your uniform you can
of your authority and as an identifier, should
expect to receive the following gear:
you be lost or killed in action.
Your Personal Assistant Device is a combina- Assisting Staff
tion personal computer, communication de- PROJECT agents may avail
vice, entertainment centre and organiser. It is themselves of Assisting Staff.
bullet resistant, rugged, waterproof and can Assisting Staff are animated
expand from its standard 16cm x 10cm con- husks and while somewhat
figuration to a tablet 32cm x 20cm for easier gruesome are completely hy-
use or appropriation as a monitor screen. Each gienic and safe. Aberrant or
PAD is biometrically locked to its user. strange-seeming behaviour in Assisting Staff
The installation of non-approved programs is is a hardware/software interface issue and
strictly forbidden. should be reported immediately. You will be
Please ensure personal data is hidden during issued replacements with all due haste.
public appearances and actions.
A-20 Grav Interceptor
Excelsior Pistol The A-20 Grav Interceptor is used for rapid
Constructed of tough plastics and ceramic the deployment and fire-support (where neces-
Excelsior is chambered for .32 ammunition sary). It should not be employed where it is not
which comes in plasticized, self-fragmenting needed and should only be piloted by quali-
strips. The Excelsior is specially enhanced to fied staff.
be able to affect non-corporeal entities, mak- Further details may be found in the A-20 pi-
ing it a useful and essential back-up weapon lot’s manual.
for a field operative.

X-50 Truck
The X-50 can transport up to twelve agents
(two in the front and ten in the back) and their
gear for long distances in reasonable comfort,
PROJECT Trenchcoat at speed and over somewhat rough terrain.
Your PROJECT trenchcoat is fitted to your Any agent with a driving license is rated to op-
physical specifications and armoured against erate the X50.
physical and Psycho-Magnetic-Energy attack. Special certifications in defensive and offen-
The PROJECT trenchcoat is the most impor- sive driving, X-50 maintenance and so forth
tant part of your uniform and identifies you at are available upon completion of sufficient
a distance to other agents and to the public at training.


Security Concerns Compensation & Benefits
PROJECT’s efficacy depends on tight security. Your basic, starting PROJECT salary is 12,000
Agents are not permitted to fight or harm one yearly (Black Salary Rating), 1,200 per month.
another and to retain PROJECT integrity the This will rise year on year by 1,200 with service.
following rules must be observed: Exemplary service can result in early salary in-
• Suspected possession or Entity control crease in steps of 1,200 up to Omega Salary
must be reported immediately. Rating - or even higher.When comparing this
salary to other concerns please keep in mind
• Workstations and PADs must be locked the following benefits:
at the end of each usage period.
• All PROJECT earnings are tax exempt, glob-
• Passwords and biometrics must be up- ally.
dated regularly in order to account for • PROJECT operatives are covered by a life in-
doppelgangers and temporal anomalies. surance policy paying out 100,000 to their
next of kin upon event of their death.
• Only approved applications and pro-
• PROJECT operatives are covered by a full
grams may be installed.
health plan and will never have to pay for
• Regular check ups and tests are required medical care, medicine, dental, psychological
for all active duty agents to ensure they or other health concerns.
are not compromised • Retiring PROJECT operatives will continue to
receive Black Salary Rating until their deaths.
They may be called upon as reservists in
times of great danger.
• While engaged by PROJECT, agents receive
free housing and all bills are covered, includ-
ing food.



Introduction So, what do you do?
You ever have that moment watching a mov-
“This is PROJECT Tokyo. We have recorded ie where one of the heroes does something so
a dangerous level of PME radiation coming utterly stupid that you find yourself screaming
from this location. We therefore have juris- at the screen and throwing popcorn? In a role-
diction to investigate and pacify the prob- playing game you control what the character
lem. Please allow our operatives entry.” does and another player, the Games Master,
describes what happens to everyone and acts
PROJECT as a guardian of the rules.
PROJECT is a role-playing game about heroic
Role-playing games have rules to avoid the
guardians of reality. After a terrible, supernat-
kind of arguments you used to have when
ural disaster the world has been rent asunder
playing together as kids:
and strange things have begun to bleed in all
“Bang, you’re dead!”
around the edges. Humanity has recovered to
“Nuh uh, I’ve got a forcefield.”
an extent and continues to fight these beings
Rules help decide whether that shot hits,
and forces from beyond known as ‘Entities’.
how badly it hurts you and whether that force-
The group PROJECT is at the forefront of hu-
field - if it even exists - is effective or not.
manity’s defence, using the strange technolo-
So, what do you do when you hear that rus-
gies and abilities of the Entities against them
tling? Draw your pistol and shoot? Creep si-
and reasserting reality one bloody fight at a
lently towards it to get a better look? Hunt a
torch and batteries from the housewares aisle?
In the game you will take the role of one
The only limits are what your character is ca-
of the heroic agents of PROJECT, modified
pable of and what you can think to try.
through barely understood technology and
Role-playing is a hugely rewarding hobby. It’s
thrown against the strange and deadly beings
a good reason to get together regularly with
and events that press in on the Earth from its
friends, face to face, to eat, drink and share
neighbouring dimensions and parallels. In the
stories that you create together week on week.
process you may begin to discover things that
you wish you didn’t know and that the battle
for reality is not as black and white as you have
been indoctrinated to think.
PROJECT is saviour.

Explaining to people what role-playing is has
proven to be a thorn in the side of gamers for
as long as gaming has existed. No description
quite seems adequate and the best way to ex-
plain it to someone is to have them play.
Who we are
Imagine we’re sat together at a table. You’ve
Postmortem Studios is the independent pub-
made up a character - much as you might for
lishing imprint of award-winning games author
a computer game - with a bit of depth beyond
James ‘Grim’ Desborough. Postmortem Studi-
their name and appearance. You’re now going
os publishes primarily in PDF and PoD format
to describe this character’s actions in an imag-
but some products can also be found in dis-
inary world that I am going to describe to you.
tribution. Postmortem Studios likes to concen-
Me: The supermarket is dark when you come
trate on fun, independent, whimsical games
in. The lights are off and the glow from the
and useful tools for players and Games Mas-
afternoon sun outside barely penetrates ten
ters alike and is diversifying into card games,
metres from the glass-fronted entrance. It’s
board games and fiction.
deserted, empty, everywhere are abandoned
We love to hear from our customers and can
trolleys and knocked over cans. There’s a rus-
be reached at: grim@postmort.demon.co.uk
tling sound from over near where you think the
We can also be reached at our website: post-
baked goods would be.


Piracy note Advantages: An advantage describes some
Odds are that some of you have come across particular talent, speciality or bonus your
this game as a file or scan on a file-sharing net- character has that falls outside the normal
work or as a torrent. Fair enough, such is the rules.
state of the world. We’re not going to come Attributes: An attribute describes the natural
after you and give you a hard time about it aptitudes your character has. Whether
because this is the way the world is now. We they’re inherently smart, strong, quick and
ask only that you consider buying a legitimate so on and just how good - or bad - they are.
copy if you enjoy this game, or something else
Character Points: Character points represent
of ours in the future. We’re not a big company
your accumulated experience and learning
and we’re operating on quite tight margins.
and can be spent to make your character
Every sale genuinely does mean something better.
and as a company we are anti-DRM and anti
internet restriction. Character: Your character is your ‘avatar’ in
the game, the fictional person that you take
System Glossary control of.
The PME radiation is at yellow level. We Damage: If you - or anything else - gets hurt
suspect incursion by orange level entities that harm is measured as ‘damage’. Take too
and suggest a standard IDEA protocol in much damage and you’ll die.
response. Throw up a cordon and wait for
Dead: Death needed necessarily be
agents to arrive. Good luck. PROJECT is
permanent in PROJECT, but it mostly is. This
saviour. is the worst damage that can happen to you.
Don’t be put off, a lot of these are self-explan-
atory and the rest will become second nature Dice: When you do something difficult or
where a factor of chance is involved, you roll
after you play a game or two.
dice. In PROJECT this is always a D6, which
Action: When you do something, that’s is a short way of saying ‘A six-sided dice’.
an action. It can be anything from walking
across a room to hitting someone over the Difficulty: Some things are easier to do
head with a car. Sometimes you’ll need to than others. Performing brain surgery with
roll to see if you succeed or to see how well a pocket knife in the middle of a storm is
you do. a lot more difficult than doing it in a fully
equipped surgery with assistants. Difficulty


shows how hard something is when you the Games Master as he’s also playing, but
need to roll dice. it usually just refers to the people who are
playing characters.
Disadvantages: A disadvantage describes
something outside the normal rules that has Rounds: In some important situations, like
a negative effect on your character. Maybe when a fight breaks out, you need to get a
they’re shortsighted or have an allergy. bit more organised about who goes when, in
what order and how often. That’s when the
Fate Points: Fate points are what set the action breaks down into ‘rounds’, which are
heroes aside from your regular, everyday like everyone taking a turn in Monopoly or a
folk. They are marked or touched by luck similar game.
and when they spend a Fate point, they get
twice as many dice to roll as normal for an Scale: Some things are big, some things are
action. small. Scale describes how the big and the
small interrelate.
Free Actions: Free actions are things you
can do while you’re doing more complex Skills: Things that you’ve learned how to
action. It might be something like shouting do or at least learned how to do well are
‘Help!’ or barging through an open door. called skills. That might be swimming,
programming computers or shooting
Games Master: The Games Master creates someone with a honking great gun.
the stories that the characters make their
way through, or at least the overall plot of Stunned: Even a small amount of damage
how it is supposed to go. They’re also the can leave you dazed and confused for a
rules referee. This is an often thankless task, moment. That’s what ‘stunned’ means.
so be nice to your GM.
Templates: Characters in PROJECT are
Incapacitated: If you’re incapacitated you selected from a similar pool of potential
can’t really do anything. candidates and trained and modified in
similar ways. Your character type is defined
Initiative: In some critical situations it’s by its template, though you can change it
important to know who gets to do what in up a bit.
what order. Initiative is a way of determining
that. Wild Die: The wild die is a special six-sided
dice that you include in all your rolls and can
KOed: If you’re knocked out, you’re down make things happen that are either really
and out and possibly have little cartoon good, or really bad.
birds circling your head.
Wounded: If you’re hurt but can still limp
Mortally Wounded: You may not be dead yet along, odds are that you’re wounded.
but without medical assistance you almost
certainly will die.

Non Player Character: A Non Player

Character is a bit-part, villain, enemy or
other person played by the Games Master
rather than one of the players.

OpenD6: Games run on different ‘systems’

suitable for their genre and style. This game
uses the OpenD6 system for its rules.

Pips: Skills, attributes and so on are described

in terms of dice and pips in OpenD6. ‘Pips’
just means a +1 or +2 bonus to the roll. If
something gets to +3 you just add another
dice instead.

Player: The players are all the people sat

around the table. Technically that includes


World Glossary Assisting Staff: PME irradiated bodies must
be specially disposed of. PROJECT holds
“SpliceTech industries carries out its test- the rights to the bodies that die in entity
ing with special dispensation from the gov- related events and perform experiments on
ernment. This is private property, and you them to better understand their enemies.
will need permission to enter the prem- Those bodies that remain relatively intact
ises, which we deny. If you enter, you will are reanimated and used to provide basic
be forcibly ejected by our security forces, support functions for PROJECT agents and
that are legally empowered to use extreme facilities.
force against armed trespassers. You will
only be allowed access with a government Borg: One of the agent modifications a Borg
sanctioned warrant, that our legal depart- has their brain implanted within an armoured
ment will be glad to validate, if appropri- central core around which a robotic body
ate, when it re-opens on Monday.” is constructed. The precision a Borg is
capable of makes it as much as stealth and
“By which time any illegal experimenta- reconnaissance role as much as a warrior.
tion on entities or weaponry or whatever
the hell you have in there will have been BRACE: Biological Reanimation and Control
cleaned up and moved to another location, Enzyme. This is a ‘worst-case scenario’
right?” weapon developed by PROJECT for cases
of mass possession or infection. A lethal,
“SpliceTech is appalled by that slanderous smart, bio-weapon this PME enhanced
accusation, and will be taking legal action chemical essentially ‘resets to factory
against PROJECT for the damage incurred. defaults’ organic life at a base mental and
You will receive a summons before the day physical level.
is out.”
Cannisters: PME canisters are heavily
“Your lawyers work weekends?” shielded ‘batteriers’ of psionic energy which
Consider this an introduction to some of the are used to power many PROJECT devices.
They are all marked ‘Warning: PME radiation
key game-world concepts and ideas of PRO-
- Do not open’.
JECT. A way to help you anticipate the later,
more detailed, sections of the book. Central: Central is a sprawling,
A-Grav: Flying vehicles used by PROJECT. multidimensional ‘church’ that is kept in a
A-Gravs have four or more stub-wings which secret dimension and location. It protrudes
contain PME-active slime. When electrified into several neighbouring dimensions and is
this goop reverses gravity in a direct line used as a muster point and beachhead for
beneath the wing, a pencil thin beam at the taking the fight back to the entities alongside.
centre of the gel. While these vehicles are Agents are selected from amongst the
flying, to the eye, it is more like walking on Earth pool for ODD. Central also collates
impossibly tall spider legs. and transmits intelligence data and does
research on entities, new equipment, new
Alpha Teams: The Alpha Teams were implants and other innovations derived from
amongst the first successful experiments entity data.
with the various processes that create
PROJECT agents. They are the templates CyberGoths: The idle rich, pent up in the
from which all other agents follow. The cities of Britain are constantly finding new
Alpha Teams have since been assigned to ways to shock, appal and to have a ‘good
ODD (Other Dimensional Duty). time’. Some corporations have developed
derivations of PROJECT PME tech,
Angels: Angels & Demons are entities from hyperplastics and implants and this extreme
a closely neighbouring binary dimension body-modification culture has sprung up
where good and evil are objective and around that.
absolute values. Like a virtual particle pair,
there is a demon for every angel and they are Demon: The alternate half of the pairing
mutually self-annihilating. Angels represent with angels. Demons are embodiments of
perfection and purity and their wings are a corruption, debauchery and evil. The vision
lens through which this can be seen. through the lens of their wings is of a broken


down, entropic world. The worst of possible GooGoo Tank: A large pod filled with a
outcomes. PME enhanced nanotechnological goo, the
GooGoo Tank can fix most physical wounds
DOG Agents: DOG agents are PROJECT’s in a relatively short amount of time through a
internal affairs division. They wear a black combination of physical and psionic healing.
version of the PROJECT uniform and carry
gigantic revolvers, chained to their wrists Gremlins: Minor entities that can infest
so that they can never be lost. DOG agents areas in number and cause chaos, gremlins
police PROJECT for potential traitors and are both a particular entity and a broad
possession subjects, ruthlessly keeping category of minor entity. Typically annoying
PROJECT ‘clean’. rather than out-and-out dangerous, Gremlin
infestations can go ignored for some time
Door: Door is a potent, hallucinogenic drug while larger issues are dealt with.
which can produce visions and predictive
dreams, glimpses of other dimensions Grunt: Grunts are hired for their experience
and other peculiar psionic side effects. It’s and training from military, police and
unpredictable but useful intelligence has security services. Their modification, the
come to PROJECT from users. Grunt Technical Implant (GTI) allows them to
jack directly into special PME weapons and
Dougir: Dougir are a sort of feral ‘elf’ armour, powering them through background
from a neighbouring dimension. Since the and innate PME energy.
Mindquake they have been divided into
two factions those interested in human Homunculus: A homunculus is a summoned
technology from our dimension and those entity shaped by the mind of a Wytch. The
who see it, and us, as a corruption. Raiding Wytch’s subconscious often manifests itself
parties can be surprisingly competent and in the form and attitude of the homunculus,
make frequent expeditions to steal gear and something that can be revealing, disturbing
resources. and compromising.

Dragon: An entity in decline dragons are Hurbrukker Bridge: A dimensional gate,

naturally multi-dimensional creatures that providing access to different eras and
leave vague and contradictory lizard- dimensions.
like images in single-dimensional minds
after their encounters. They can disguise Implants: The implants that enable psykers
themselves as humans with near perfection, and empaths to use their abilities are slug-
concealing themselves within a shell. like patches of tissue that are surgically
implanted into the brain. As they form
Empath: Empaths embody the more attachments and interlink with the rest of
sensitive and investigative side of psychic the brain more powerful and diverse abilities
potential. While they can blast a mind into manifest.
infantile stupidity or even death, they are
also able of reading thoughts, picking up King of Crows: A powerful, deity-like entity
impressions and seeing into the past and from another dimension and common
future. intruder into our reality.

Flagstaff: A mysterious gang of, apparently, Medusa: A true AI the Medusa is the only
undead bikers who appear seemingly out of fully artificial agent type at PROJECT’s
nowhere in response to entity breaches. disposal. Tightly programmed but capable
of self-adaptation the Medusae are flexible,
GOLEM: Genetic Over-Growth and Localised deadly and can be produced in relatively
Endorphin Modification - PROJECT are fond large numbers to make up for recruitment
of their tortured acronyms it’s all part of shortfalls.
their public relations. GOLEM candidates are
modified genetically, surgically, biologically Mindquake: The Mindquake goes by many
increasing their size, muscle mass and names. This is the key event that disrupted the
adrenal output. They are biological tanks world and lead, in time, to the development
sacrificing intelligence for raw, physical of PROJECT to defend our reality. A sort
power. of ‘psionic nuke’ that swept the world and
wiped minds of thought, breaking down the


walls of reality, it lead to the fall of civilisation deflect incoming harm, light fires, control
and the rise of the new and current one. The electricity and otherwise manipulate the
Mindquake is also referred to as The Event, physical world through thought.
and The Fall. Dates are marked as A.E. (After
Event) to avoid confusion. SHAMAN: The SHAMAN group are an
independent PME defence force. Police for
Movidian: Movidians are strange, invisible, hire by those who want to be independent
ethereal insects that feed off psychic trauma, of PROJECT, SHAMAN agents are all women
anguish and upset. When ‘full’ they may be and make extensive use of technology, rather
briefly visible, purple and waspish, though than PME developments. This is particularly
without wings. notable in the SOL robotic units, nicknamed
Shit Outta Luck by gallows-humoured
Natural Entities: Natural Entities are those PROJECT agents.
which are particularly at home and, perhaps,
even native to our dimension. Things that Splicetech: Splicetech is a large corporation
appear in our mythology find it easier to dedicated to providing PME technology to
cross the dimensional barriers and may have the masses. They are often in legal battles
done in the past, before the Mindquake. with PROJECT over patents and do not take
sufficient care in their research to assuage
Other Dimensional Duty: PROJECT is PROJECT doubts. They are a primary
determined to take the fight to the entities supplier to the CyberGoth subculture and to
in their own, home dimensions thus, the the SHAMAN group.
thought is, to protect Earth in the home
dimension from attack by fighting there. Verletzan: The Verletzan is an enormous
ODD sucks up a lot of promising agents. .50 calibre revolver used exclusively by
DOG agents to administer justice and to
Parapsite: An enormous creature, part tick, take down rogue, infected or possessed
part grub. It finds large buildings and lurks PROJECT agents. Their bullets seem to
within them, picking off those with creative pass through psionic shields without being
or psychic energy above the norm. slowed or stopped and can crack a GOLEM
open like a peanut.
PME: Psycho-Magnetic Energy. The
manifestation of psychic energy and power, Wards: Wards are networked devices of
it might also be called magical radiation psychic potentiality, primarily used by
or potentiality. PME underlies and can Wytchs. They can be used to reinforce or
alter reality in amazing ways that defy weaken dimensional barriers and to capture
conventional physics. or bind entities protruding into this world.
Primal: A roiling natural force manifesting as Wytch: The Wytch receives a distributed and
a tangle of ever-shifting organic matter, the finely-adaptable mesh implant that allows
Primal also manifests through mass animal them to manipulate PME in very precise and
possession. Enormous swarms of insects, ordered ways. This manifests through the
packs of dogs, cats, rats or multiple species ‘science of magic’, a set of rules, formulae
acting together as one and rabidly attacking and devices for controlling, channelling and
humanity. transforming PME into a variety of refined
and predictable effects.
Processing: When PROJECT groups start
acting strangely they may be called back
for processing. This is an intensive check for
corruption, possession, time or dimensional
duplicates and a reinforcement of defensive
protocols, mental barriers and so forth for
the agents.

PROJECT: Saviour.

Psyker: Psykers channel psychic energy in

much more showy and spectacular ways.
They can hurl objects, create shields to


Background tle empires amongst the destruction and the
death, fought, battled or preserved what they
Synopsis could until a new order could emerge.
After it happened and we lost contact with The next generation that was born could
the cities we didn’t know what to do. We read and write as normal, their minds were not
held out for as long as we could but the burned out and they could learn from those
food ran out and we had to head to urban whose mentality had survived. Slowly, human-
areas to find supplies. They were animals. ity began to rebuild bit by bit, step by step.
They’d forgotten everything. Everyone With the reclamation of humanity’s advances
was feral and learning everything again. came the old ghosts of the human race. Greed,
We tried to save the kids, they could learn fascism, racism, famine, war and disease all
again. We were just lucky the adults had thrived. It wasn’t that those with their minds
forgotten how to use guns. hadn’t learned from the past but, rather, that
they had learned all too well. Religion became
- Elaine Green, Chronicles of the Mindquake a power again, knowledge became important
PROJECT is set after a global, psychic catas- beyond words. The ability to make things, re-
trophe, and the resultant rebuilding and re- pair things, to get old machines working again
shaping of civilisation in the wake of it. were treasures without measure. Books were
In July, in the early half of the twenty-first burnt, either in fear of the old ways or to pre-
century a terrible phenomenon that has come serve the power of knowledge amongst a small
to be known as the ‘Mindquake’ started in a elite. Superstition ruled the simple minds of
small town, not far from Jerusalem. A ring the new children as they displaced the mind-
of blinding light scythed out of a hole in the burned.
ground that had recently been excavated. It It took three centuries for humanity to crawl
faded as it stretched further and further from it’s way back from the brink of destruction
the hole, up, into the sky until it just faded and primitivism. Each generation of children
away as quickly as it had appeared. rediscovered old knowledge and technology,
Within minutes the Mindquake began. rebuilt the cities, recovered their histories – as
People began to scream. They clutched their best they could. The climb of humanity ac-
heads in agony as their language centres, their celerated a rate far outstripping its progress
higher cognition, their ability to think and before the fall. A reduced population meant a
speak and be understood were burned away. surfeit of resources, enough to power what re-
The more densely populated areas seemed to mained into a rapid advance.
feed the phenomenon, one collapsing mind We weren’t alone any more though. There
sending out a fresh wave of the terrible, burn- were dark shadows skulking around the pe-
ing energy that scoured away humanity and riphery of the new light of renewed civilisation.
left animals. Something had come with us through the dark
Over the next month humanity fell into a ter- times. The new superstitions had some kind
rible, animal, savagery. of basis, things had changed. We were being
The overwhelming majority of the popula- hunted by our nightmares. The Mindquake had
tion were affected by this scouring, psychic opened cracks in reality, broken through to the
wave. Those living in isolation were left alone, nearby places and allowed things from other
the rural areas, the backwoods, the coun- worlds to slip in through the gaps.
tryside. When these few who retained their Some of these things were benevolent, or
senses arrived back at the cities, they found at least not harmful. Most of them, however,
chaos. Groups of people had regressed to seemed malevolent. They saw opportunity,
tribal behaviour, gathering together on vague, energy, people, resources. They saw things
visual cues such as hair colour, sex, clothing. they could have, things they could take, things
The people that could speak, that could deci- they craved. Form, heat, sensation. They crept
pher books, instructions, machines, these be- in and insinuated themselves in our world or
came the new leaders as their knowledge had raided across its borders, taking what they
become like magic. They carved out their lit- wanted with relative impunity.


Along came PROJECT. Inheritors of the old So desperate were the new states for an iden-
knowledge, developers of the new. They com- tity that they raided the fragmentary records
bined advanced technology derived from the of the past. The identity, style and self-image
understanding of the neighbouring dimen- of the new states are in many ways defined by
sions with a corporate work ethic and the trust the distorted views of the popular media of the
of the new governments. A potent mixture. pre-fall age. The styles and attitudes of differ-
PROJECT turned the power of the entities ent ages clash together and the fashions and
against them, used them as a resource, com- designs of different ages clash violently with
bined science and superstition into a new mys- the new technology and throw out interesting
tic technology. PROJECT is now even able to and peculiar devices.
take the fight back to the entities in their own
home dimensions. With the more powerful Britain
and experienced agents busy, Earth needs to Britain was hit particularly hard by the fall, be-
be protected by a new generation of PROJECT ing a densely populated and urbanised nation.
agents, guardians of the world and shapers of The Mindquake cracked reality along the exist-
its destiny. ing mystical faultlines, the places where peo-
Four hundred years and more after the fall ple were more likely to believe in the super-
and humanity still needs someone to protect natural and the unknown. The dense leylines
them. channelled the psychic potential of the blasted
PROJECT is saviour. populace into epicentres of new, secondary
Mindquakes. Neolithic sites, cathedrals, earth-
works, they all exploded with PME energy and
Geography tore sizeable holes into the neighbouring di-
It took a long time before humanity learned When the entities broke through they gained
to trust cities again. The Mindquake had a strong foothold in Britain and spread across
destroyed the people who lived there. Only the countryside. London, Cardiff, Edinburgh,
those from the more rural areas had es- Birmingham, these are essentially fortress
caped with their minds intact. Cities took cities surrounded by an entity controlled wil-
on a dangerous mystique, superstitions derness which is only slowly being reclaimed.
rose about them, horror stories. Technol- Even the cities are frequently infested or at-
ogy relentlessly drove us back to them, as tacked and internal investigations and clean-
did the need to gather to defend against up take up the bulk of PROJECT’s time here,
the entities. The cities were reborn. dealing with insidious and secretive threats.
- Modern History, Hugh Langham
The world of PROJECT is familiar and differ- America is a riven and divided nation. A com-
ent at the same time. Not enough time has re- bination of gang warfare, religious division,
ally passed for geography to change and the poverty and weak government has made the
continents remain the same. The fall wrought country into a seething cauldron of barely sup-
strange changes though. While the industrial- pressed violence and near-revolution. Add-
ised and more populated nations were hard- ing entities into the mix has only made things
est hit by the Mindquake they also retained the worse.
greatest resources and the most recoverable The primary division in America is between
base. the haves and have nots. The wealthy, inheri-
To begin with the cities were the worst plac- tors of the families that lead the recovery, are
es to be, as society collapsed, as power and almost unfathomably wealthy while the over-
water, heat and light disappeared and as the whelming majority of the people are impover-
food was used up they were deserts. One ished and fighting to live from day to day. The
reading and writing began to come back that middle class is a tiny minority, caught between
changed back again and they became the cen- the two. All this strife makes the actions of cor-
tres of power, knowledge and the seats of the rupting entities easier and makes them harder
new states. to detect. Resentment in local areas to outside


authority makes PROJECT’s work more diffi- Washington DC
cult. At the forefront of the war between the An-
‘America’ now includes territory formerly gelic and Demonic dimensions, DC is a battle-
known as ‘Canada’ and ‘Mexico’ and while it is ground of faith and fear. Without intervention
largely an American monoculture there are re- by outside forces this will be an eternal stale-
gional variations based upon the re-interpret- mate and PROJECT needs to pick a side. For
ed tales and images from the pre-fall media. the moment they just try to curb excesses and
South America is separate, a reclamation and keep the peace but sooner or later they will
exploration effort centred around New Rio, a have to make that terrible choice. Otherwise
crowded, busy ‘party’ town on the edge of the the city will be destroyed.
renewed jungles of the interior, as wild and en-
tity infested a place as there is. Japan
In a peculiar quirk of fate the Native Ameri- The Far East got hit extremely hard during
can tribes came through the fall relatively in- the fall and nowhere worse than Japan where
tact and were amongst the fastest to recover dense urbanisation left only a tiny minority of
and rebuild. Many of the most powerful fami- people unaffected by the Mindquake. In Ja-
lies, groups and companies in the new Amer- pan many cultural nightmares and fears have
ica have their roots in the native tribes. Now come true, ghosts, vampires, monsters, all of
the old cultures are largely at the head of the them are a constant threat to the nation and
new culture. Powerful corporate dynasties in its people. PROJECT use a huge amount of
league with benevolent entities that claim to their resources here and experiment constant-
be their spiritual guides of old. ly with new tech to try and meet the outland-
ish threats. Even so, Japan is an important in-
Denver dustrial and technological centre and worth
PROJECT Denver has gone rogue, independ- fighting for, as well as being a springboard into
ent, splitting away from PROJECT and going Eurasia.
to battle themselves. This is a cause of mas-
sive concern to PROJECT Central but no direct Africa
moves have been made against the rogue ele- The Mindquake wrecked the more devel-
ment as of yet. It is broadly assumed that they oped and populous nations in Africa but left
have been corrupted by some entity and as a the more impoverished nations largely alone.
result they are in quarantine. Used to a simple and rural life the survivors
re-established themselves quickly but didn’t
New York recover their technological or industrial base
New York was the place worst hit by the Mind- as quickly as other areas of the planet. Freed
quake and has been one of the slowest places from the oppressive weight of the old interna-
to recover globally. Reality is tissue paper thin tional system Africa was able to flourish, in its
here and its citizens are brave souls indeed. own way. Africa is now a balkanised patchwork
PROJECT’s best and brightest are sent here of nations loosely held together in an alliance.
to deal with the frequent issues and strange Nature has reasserted itself across the conti-
bleed-overs from other realities that are al- nent and many strange entities have found
most constant. So dangerous is New York that new ecological niches in the deserts, jungles
it is the only city with a permanent encamp- and plains.
ment of DOG agents to keep a close eye on
their fellows. Of greatest concern is a float- Eurasia
ing black cube above Central Park. It cannot A huge swathe of land from mainland Europe
be analysed and is slowly twisting reality into in the west to China in the east, Eurasia runs
knots around it. from established city-states in the west to en-
tity-riddled wastelands in the east. Resettle-
ment efforts and recovery operations slowly
progress from west to east, from the estab-
lished and secure city states to the borderland
forts. PROJECT tends to concentrate on the


more populous areas and the east provides an Psychography
opportunity for independent companies and
groups to make a name for themselves and to You’re a natural rebel which is what makes
find new entities and technologies. you a good agent but it’s also what causes
you so many problems. You can’t help but
India buck against authority and social conven-
Much like China, India’s overpopulation and tion and there’s just so much pressure to
weak reality lines spelled disaster. India was conform, to politeness, circumspection,
torn to shreds by the Mindquake and its after- good humour and self-deprecation that
math and even once the new generation had you’re simply not a good fit here. I’ll ap-
established itself different areas and groups prove your transfer to an American office.
turned upon each other. After two hundred
- Hubert Drax, PROJECT psychologist
years a new order gradually emerged as the
fringe and island societies – that had better The world after the fall was shattered, it for-
weathered the disaster – fought a war of unifi- got itself. The whole world had to be remade
cation, bringing India together as the Madurai in the wake of the Mindquake and everywhere
Indian Empire. The Madurai family is impos- the overwhelming majority of people had no
sibly wealthy and rules all of civilised India sense of identity, no nationality, no tribe. No-
but the interior is increasingly wild, filled with body knew who or what they were and centu-
dissidents, rebels and incarnations of ancient ries of tradition and culture were eliminated in
gods and spirits. one gigantic catastrophe.
Whole peoples were plunged into an iden-
Middle East tity crisis and this, more than technology, more
The Middle East no longer has the geopolitical than the ability to read or write, gave the few
importance it did before the fall. Petrochemi- who escaped unscathed their power. They
cals are no longer the be all and end all of the could recover and provide that identity, give
energy economy thanks to fusion and various people a cultural and spiritual foundation from
PME enhanced methods of energy production. which to build. Once that first generation of
While petrochemicals are still used to make educators had passed on it was down to the
plastics and other products, they’re not the new generation and their discoveries from the
great sources of boundless wealth that they ruined pre-fall cities.
once were. While not densely populated the Identity is important to people post-fall in a
Middle East’s cities were their great centres way that was started to be eroded by global
and were all but wiped out during the fall. The culture before the Mindquake. It is also dis-
deserts and oases now house many terrors torted. National identity has been rebuilt from
and the sands have shifted and reclaimed the pop culture, the artefacts that survived the fall.
cities. Dubai, a fabled city of wonders from be- This can seem facile, shallow and stereotypical
fore the fall is out there somewhere, missing, to the view of someone from before the fall,
perhaps out of phase or dragged into another but to those living in the world of PROJECT it
dimension. is patriotism and key to self identity.
The British value stoicism, dress stylishly –
if conservatively – and throw together a sort
of Neo-Victoriana with Mod, Punk and Saville
Row quality. Politeness, reserve, deference,
these have become their watchwords.
Americans have drawn deeply from their
cowboy ethos. A sense of self-reliance, inde-
pendence, purpose and superiority makes up
the character of America as a nation and di-
rectly contributes to its conflicts and resent-
ment of outside authorities, such as PROJECT.
Stetsons, cowboy boots, bootlace ties, ruth-


less capitalism and runaway Objectivism and is one of the most powerful of these groups, a
Social Darwinism make it a dynamic, but dan- quasi-governmental, semi-private army, dedi-
gerous place. cated to protecting the world and reaping the
Japan is a madhouse of runaway technology rewards of popularity that goes with that.
and a mish-mash of cultural artefacts. One is Political rivalries are more likely to be found
as likely to see advanced robotics as samurai between these families and power groups than
and while a sense of honour pervades there between nations or cities and they normally
is also a twisted eccentricity at every level of take a more subtle turn than all out war. In-
Japanese society. Styles of dress clash and ex- stead they are wars of propaganda, industrial
plode in new directions, everything is acceler- espionage, marriage, alliance, corruption, brib-
ated, made wild and exaggerated. ery and blackmail.
Other nations follow a similar pattern, mod- The only real political question is ‘are people
elled around outdated stereotypes to be being protected from the entities?’
found in ancient media. Cultural purity is not
mandated by the state but is fairly strongly,
socially, enforced by simple peer pressure. The PROJECT
stereotypes aren’t the be-all and end-all but We are the only force, the only organisa-
they do provide a baseline to which most peo- tion, the only power in this world capable
ple conform. of dealing with the entities and the threat
that they represent. We’re the only ones
Politics responsible, knowledgeable, powerful
If you want our protection Mister ambas- enough to address it. Governments have
sador then we require that you cede the no agenda but power. Companies have no
aforementioned territory for research and agenda but profit. Put simply, PROJECT is
testing. We will, of course, deduct the saviour.
market rate of the land from out normal
- Team Leader Mal Pye, PROJECT orientation
fees and funding from Johannesburg. Re-
ally, it is a good deal. You can always go PROJECT is a singular organisation that strad-
to SHAMAN if our terms are unacceptable, dles many different sectors all at once. It is
but they are much more expensive and not simultaneously a corporation, a government
skilled at such large scale operations. It’s agency, a religion and a cult of celebrity. The
entirely up to you though... corporate line “PROJECT is saviour” is taken
seriously and the agents and bureaucracy of
- Simon Wheatley, PROJECT Central PROJECT do see themselves as the ultimate
The world of PROJECT is a world of plenty guardians and safeguard of Earth and its peo-
but also a world of danger and struggle. Na- ple against the breakdown of reality.
tion states have been reduced to a few city- There is no question that PROJECT are ef-
strongholds surrounded by nebulous and fective and powerful and many of their more
ever-changing settlements outside of their charismatic agents become spokesmen for the
protection. The battle against the entities company, spending as much time shoring up
and their influence is all consuming and ever their public relations as fighting entities. From
present, even in the settled safety of the city- top to bottom there is a belief in PROJECT’s
strongholds and there is little room, or need, mission and the necessity of their powers and
for nations to war against each other. free license to do whatever is necessary to
Wealth – and thence power – is concentrated protect the world.
in the hands of monarchies, corporate entities PROJECT’s operations are worldwide and it
and families, and it remains there. While some is the only true, global power. Respected and
nations are nominally democratic the power of entreated by national governments across the
governments has largely waned to the point of globe and celebrated by the majority of peo-
administration and real power lies in the hands ple, though there is always a fringe of people
of this small, powerful elite. Inheritors of the who accuse PROJECT of conspiracy, danger-
world in the wake of the Mindquake. PROJECT ous behaviour and inhuman practices.


PROJECT’s mission statement can be PROJECT Agents
summed up in four main concepts that form
PROJECT takes care of its agents from the
the acronym ‘IDEA’.
moment of their recruitment to the moment
Investigate they die, retired or otherwise. This helps com-
To defeat something you must first understand mand the fierce loyalty that PROJECT agents
it. PROJECT’s knowledge of entities, dimen- are known for along with the salary, bonuses
sional technology, mystech devices and psion- and fringe benefits.
ics is unparalleled though their head start on Recruits come from various sources though
bionics and implants is being challenged daily mainly from colleges and universities. PRO-
by the likes of Splicetech. The first step in any JECT prefers to take recruits relatively young,
PROJECT operation is to understand the en- between eighteen and twenty-one, but does
emy and this can often be the last step as well, also recruit exceptional individuals outside that
examining the bodies of the fallen, retro-engi- bracket. Recruits not taken from higher educa-
neering technology and magic and trying to tion are chosen based upon assessment and
find new applications and uses for it. testing or notable bravery and competence in
military, police or similar duties. PROJECT has
Defend recruitment posters everywhere promising
Once an enemy has been understood they wealth, fame and care, a good prospect in a
then need to be stopped. With an enemy iden- world that can be dangerous and unpredict-
tified its weaknesses are also identified and able.
their purpose in our world can be blunted or Once a recruit is approved the potential
stopped. PROJECT agents on Earth spend agent is subjected to a battery of tests to de-
a lot of time shoring up dimensional weak termine their personality, existing physical
points, rooting out entity-based conspiracies traits and which enhancement process is best
and thwarting nefarious schemes. for them. They’re also psychologically coun-
selled, especially if their change will be one of
the more drastic ones, such as Borg or Golem.
Once an entity incursion has been blunted and
The implantation and enhancement proce-
stopped it is time to counter attack. Entities,
dures and healing from them take nine months
their agents, their dupes and their facilities
and following that process the new agents are
must be destroyed to prevent further contam-
subjected to three months of intensive training
ination. This is the most aggressive phase of
in PROJECT Central. From induction to grad-
Earth operations and the most dangerous – as
uation takes one year and at the end of that
well as the most exciting. The other aspects
period they are teamed up with other agents,
are equally important but it is the elimination
assigned a working house and set to work.
phase of an operation that generally gets the
PROJECT is constantly testing and investi-
most attention and earns the most bonuses,
gating new implants and agents types but a
barring disaster.
handful are regular, reliable and form the over-
Attack whelming majority (over 99%) of all enhanced
The attack phase takes the battle back to the agents. PROJECT agent teams are supple-
entities. Other Dimensional Duty (ODD) is an mented by non-enhanced company staff and
attack upon persistently troublesome and security agents who are well equipped, but
dangerous dimensions responsible for the ultimately no match for the enhanced opera-
most attacks on Earth. While agents may be tives.
assigned temporary ODD duty in the course
of a mission the real ODD duty is left to highly
experienced and powerful agents, such as the
Alpha Teams.


Psykers have vast amounts of psychic power and are,
potentially, the most powerful agents. Psykers have a
‘slug’ of cloned brain tissue attached to the front of their
brain that taps into their psychic potential, chan-
nels and manipulates PME and grants them the
ability to manipulate it with their thoughts.
Psyker powers usually first manifest
in the manipulation of kinetic energy,
bolts of force, psychic shields and
the ability to move and manipu-
late things with one’s mind. As
a Psyker develops further they
may gain the ability to manipu-
late other forms of energy raising
and lowering heat, radiation, ma-
nipulating and producing light and other
wild talents.
Most PROJECT agents are psykers as they
are powerful, versatile and relatively easy to
produce via the enhancement processes. The
process and the power unleashed by the im-
plantation does tend to lead to slight megalo-
maniacal, psychopathic or sociopathic tenden-
cies in psykers and they are subject to regular
observation and debrief by their coordinator.


Empaths are almost identical to psykers
save in the manner their powers manifest.
Empathic implants are subtly different
and grow into the brain in a different way.
The realm of the empath is not the realm
of physical energy but rather the realm
of thought, feelings, dreams, cogni-
tion. Empaths make great investiga-
tors as their abilities develop from
reading and projecting feels to
thoughts, to being able to ‘pup-
pet’ their opponents or even read
the psychic spoor left by events
and entities. Almost every team
has one empath as a safeguard
against mind control, indoctrina-
tion and other forms of mental
Empaths, like all agents, frequently
suffer from some psychological
problems. Unsurprisingly the prob-
lems that empaths suffer are related
to their ability to read thoughts and
emotions. They often over-identify
with others, even entities, and this can
cause them to become withdrawn and
depressed. As such they are subject to
the same sort of constant assessment by
their coordinators as psykers.


Golem is actually an acronym: Genetic Overgrowth and Localised Endorphin Modifi-
cation. The Golem is the most physically powerful of the enhancements and also
one of the most traumatic and changing. A Golem is taken apart and recon-
structed from the genetic level. The subject’s own musculature is flayed
from their body and subjected to PME enhanced steroidal treat-
ment, enhancing the muscle tissue without the usual other
side effects. Their skeleton is also enhanced, made denser,
stronger, harder, heavier. At the end of the nine month
period the Golem has been enhanced to something
approximate to ten times the strength of an un-
modified person. Their flesh and
bone is dense, naturally ar-
moured and their senses are
lessened, making them virtu-
ally impervious to harm.
The final step and, perhaps
the most controversial, is the
implantation of a modified and
supplementary adrenal gland
which takes the place of much
of the Golem’s brain, crip-
pling many of their higher
functions. The compensation
is the further enhancement
of the body by an artifi-
cial gland that pumps PME
enhanced adrenalin into the
body, further making it capa-
ble of superhuman feats.
Golems average nine feet in height,
have no body hair and have an
almost ape-like frame. Blood vessels
and nerves are cant at the surface of their
flesh and their skin is a fairly morbid, greyish
colour as a result. Despite their modifications Golems tend to be
friendly, gentle giants. Their lobotomised intelligence unable to
understand many nuances of communication such as sarcasm.
This lack of comprehension does frustrate them and can cause
them to lash out uncontrollably. Because of this each Golem
is given an Object of Desire, also known as a ‘binky’, which
allows them to calm themselves and fixate on something
familiar and comforting.
Golem psychological problems largely revolve around
this frustration and the need for their ‘binky’. Golem
candidates are carefully screened to ensure that they
understand how the transition will change them. Many
candidates for Golem enhancement are dying, crip-
pled or have nothing left to lose.


Cyborg enhancement is effective and pow-
erful but also complex and expensive. The
brain and spine of the subject is entirely re-
moved from the body and then re-situated
in an entirely artificial body. The process
renders the tissue universal, similar to
stem-cells, so that it does not reject the
implantation points and the pod – a
mirrored ball – in which it is placed is
perfectly sealed and sterile.
Borg bodies are modular but start
out on a standard pattern that can
be modified on an individual or
mission oriented basis. The body
is constructed from high-tech
ceramics, hyperplastics and enhanced
metals making it light but strong. Despite this Borg are
not so much the heavy-hitters of PROJECT teams but
rather the stealth and assassination wing. Borg bodies
can move unnaturally silently and can stand absolutely
still. They can climb uncommonly smooth surfaces
and hold position for hours or days with no need to
eliminate waste or take in food.
Borg are some of the most traumatised by their en-
hancement procedures and suffer greatly from dys-
morphia, finding it hard to settle into and accept
their new, expressionless bodies. PROJECT has
come up with the imperfect solution of allowing
a great deal of customisation to the Borg bod-
ies and, especially, the innovative use of masks
which allow the Borg to express themselves
and to create a ‘body’ that they have full con-
trol over.


The least enhanced of Grunt operatives,
Grunts use special training and equip-
ment to keep pace with the other, more
enhanced agents. Most Grunts come
from military or paramilitary
backgrounds and becoming
a Grunt is an extension of
their existing service. The
Grunt implant is sim-
ple and minor, a Grunt
Technical Implant
which enables them to
use their own psychic
potential as fuel and
to directly, mentally
control (via cable) weap-
ons and other devices.
Grunts are a force of nature when
hooked into PME technology, par-
ticularly guns and armour. These
devices let them go toe-to-toe with
powerful entities on an equal foot-
ing. As well as smaller weapons and
devices PROJECT is also experi-
menting with larger powersuits, ve-
hicles and detection equipment.
Grunts can form very close, emotion-
al attachments to pieces of weaponry
and equipment that they regularly
interface with. This can be a little un-
settling, but is not considered to be a
dangerous psychological problem.


Wytches are the most spiritual and
the most nuanced and technical of
the enhanced agents that PRO-
JECT fields. Wytches have distrib-
uted implants around their brains
and bodies that allow them to
finely manipulate the local PME
field in detail. Wytches can sum-
mon, bind and control entities
and can imbue PME enhanced
objects with spiritual power. In
particular Wytches can rein-
force or weaken the borders
of reality in an area. Wytches
train to have superior
knowledge, particularly in
identifying entities and
their weaknesses.

agent unit leaders
are Wytches but their deep un-
derstanding and the nature of their
implants can make them arrogant
and demeaning to others, confident
of their own intellectual superior-
ity over others and distant from


Medusae are the latest iteration in a long run-
ning set of projects to develop a com-
pletely artificial operative. A Medusa’s
body is made up of around fifty mag-
netic, metal coils attached to a face-
plate superficially similar to a Borg’s
head and mask. The faceplate
houses the mind, senses and main
power unit for the Medusa. The
coils can move independently
or knot together to form body
structures and shapes. Each
coil has an integral blade, al-
lowing the Medusa to sprout
knives and stabbing weapons as
it needs them. The Medusa can
also exude an insulating ‘goo’ that
clings to the coils and provides a
certain amount of protection and a
Problems with previous attempts
at artificial agents have lead to the
establishment of a set of behav-
ioural ‘laws’ that guide and channel
Medusa behaviour and guarantee a
degree of loyalty to PROJECT. Over
time these laws can evolve, leading
to the development of a
truly individual intel-
ligence. Unit coordi-
nators are charged
with ensuring that
Medusae do not
go ‘Frankenstein’
and suffer harsh
penalties if a Medusa
under their auspices goes


PROJECT Central shown to be true. It projects, here and there,
Central can be disorienting on your first vis- into our dimension and others allowing ingress
it. It shifts and changes according to your and egress of PROJECT agents and personnel.
perception, thoughts and emotions though Every year a thousand PROJECT operatives
in the larger areas it will tend to conform to leave central to join the battle in neighbour-
the overall consensus. The Escher spaces ing dimensions and they are processed and
can be particularly confusing, though they equipped through Central. Material, entities
do make for efficient use of space. Con- and technology are brought back to Central
centrate on where you want to be and you for processes and reverse engineering. New
should make it there. implants, technology and equipment are put
together here before being sent out for field
- Rushanara Gupta, Central Orientation testing.
The centre of PROJECT’s activities across Central’s reality is malleable to those who
the dimensions, Central is a gigantic multidi- spend the most time within it. Areas take on
mensional escher-like church structure whose a look and feeling according to the collective
actual location is top secret. It is rumoured to unconscious of the people who regularly work
be under the sea, in space, in a PME stream there. PROJECT trainees spend their three
between the dimensions and several other months of intensive training in Central which
harebrained theories but none have yet been also acclimitises them to the weird and the
strange, making them better able to cope with
Alpha Teams entities.
The first successful experiments with the
DOG Agents
current generation of enhancements be-
Central also houses the offices and barracks
came famous and established the reputation
of PROJECT’s DOG agents, their internal affairs
of PROJECT as the guardians and saviours of
unit. DOG agents are an unpopular necessity,
humanity, as champion superheroes with the
devoted to preventing any corruption, posses-
world’s future at heart. They have since mostly
sion or misguided rebellion before it can break
gone on to Other Dimensional Duty but remain
out. DOG agents wear black uniforms and have
important for recruitment and examples to
the letters DOG on their uniforms instead of lo-
new agents. Contact has been lost with some,
cation badges. DOG agents shave their heads
but they remain integral to PROJECT’s identity
and have a serial number tattooed on the side.
and aspirations.
They are all armed with gigantic revolvers
known as ‘Verletzen’ which are supplied with
Codename Enhancement
a number of special hand-loads, designed to
Jason (Classified) take out rogue or possessed PROJECT agents.
Charon Empath (TP)* These revolvers are chained to their wrists.

Eos Empath (PrC) Summation

PROJECT is worldwide, ubiquitous, power-
Hecatonchires Borg
ful and nation states doff the cap to their ex-
Gaia Golem (Titan class) pertise, knowledge and power. They are an
enormous private army and police force with
Aegyptus Psyker (TK)
a great deal of popularity amongst the general
Damocles Psyker (EK) populace. Every agent makes great sacrifices
Prometheus Psyker (PK) to become part of this great fight and to safe-
guard Earth, their home dimension, from the
Pallas Psyker (TK) horrors that lurk beyond. As an agent you are
Hephastus Psyker (PK) part of the thin blue line that stands against
madness and chaos.
* Charon heads the DOG Agents and can still
be seen in PROJECT Central if you are very,
PROJECT is saviour.
very unlucky.


Rules need to roll dice to discover if you ‘win’ or not
adds jeopardy and tension and means there’s
PROJECT has invested a considerable always some risk when you do something im-
amount of resources in your training and portant.
augmentation. As such we do not ‘fire’ any- Players and the Games Master work together
one. However, thanks to your poor conduct to create an on-going story that’s personal to
and harassment of other agents your pay them and a lot of fun. It’s like a computer game
will be docked to compensate them and without the limitations of graphics or storage
further misconduct may result in you being space. It’s a game that can go on forever, go
sanctioned for dangerous extradimension- anywhere, do anything.
al duties. I trust I’m clear?
What do I need to play?
- PROJECT Coodinator Jayne Blue
To play this game all you need is this book,
Introduction some paper and pencils (or a laptop), some
This section provides the rules necessary to six-sided dice and at least one other friend will-
play a game of PROJECT, the dystopian, apoc- ing to play (though it’s best with four or more
alyptic setting developed by Mark Whittington people playing). One of the players needs to
and Postmortem Studios. This game uses an agree to be the Games Master and needs to
open-source and modified version of the well- have a plot – or adventure – ready to go. There
known D6 system by West End Games. This are adventure ideas in this book and there will
system shot to fame as the power behind the be more adventure ideas and full adventures
original Star Wars role-playing game and has published in the future.
remained a benchmark in games of high ad- What do I do next?
venture and dramatic action ever since. Everyone should read the rules, or at least
Odds are, if you are reading this book, that have the basics explained to them. The Games
you are already familiar with the fundamentals Master, at least, should read everything. If you
of role-playing games. In case you are not we are going to be the Games Master you should
will give a brief overview of the concepts and also put a little adventure plot together and if
ideas of a role-playing game (RPG) so that new you are going to be playing you should make
players can start getting into the game as well. up a character so that you have a role to play.
What is an RPG? You should also make yourself familiar with the
A role-playing game is a sort of grown-up background.
game of ‘let’s pretend’ in which the players
take on the roles of heroes in the story and one
System Overview
person takes the part of the narrator or author. This is a quick, basic introduction of how the
In most games this role is referred to as the systems for PROJECT work, what you roll to
‘Games Master’ and the players are referred to see if you succeed in your actions and how you
as Players while their characters are referred take harm.
to as Player Characters or PCs. Making Actions
The Games Master presents the Players with At heart any role-playing game is a set of ac-
a story, a plot hook, a mystery to be investi- tions and reactions. Players describe what
gated or a danger to be met, then the Play- they’re doing, the Games Master describes
ers decide what they’re going to do about it. what happens and the cycle goes around and
The Games Master responds to their sugges- around until the story is spun, the mission
tions and moderates the action, telling them complete and a good time has been had by all.
how they do, what they find, and moving them A lot of the time this is just dealt with by dia-
forward through the story until they reach the logue. For example:
Unlike in childhood games of ‘let’s pretend’
RPGs have rules. These help prevent argu-
ments and help you decide whether your char-
acter manages to do something or not. The


Wild Die
Player: “I cross the room and open the door, Just to complicate matters and to show that
peering through to the next chamber.” things can go really well or really badly on oc-
casion, even for the most skilled of people, the
Games Master: “The door creaks a little on
system includes a concept called the ‘Wild
its hinges as you open it; the next room is
Die’. This represents the excesses of chance
dim and quiet. There doesn’t seem to be
and happenstance that can lead to the great-
anything there.”
est or the worst results.
Sometimes that’s enough, but sometimes Any time you roll dice, one of those dice
things become a bit more challenging and should be a different colour (or otherwise
there might be an obstacle in your way. Some- identifiable) compared to the others. No mat-
times dealing with those obstacles comes ter how big or small the number of dice you
down to a character’s skill. roll one must always be the Wild Die, even if
Player: “I cross the room and open the door, you’re only rolling one dice.
peering through to the next chamber.” If you roll a 6 on the Wild Die you add it to
the result, roll it again and add on and you keep
Games Master: “The door is locked and
doing this for as long as you keep rolling 6.
doesn’t open when you try it or turn the
If you roll a 1 on the Wild Die you take it away
from the result, roll it again and keep taking
Player: “I take a step back and then kick it away for as long as you keep rolling 1.
Example 1: A player has 3D in a skill; he rolls
Games Master: “OK, make a Power skill 3, 2 and a 6 on the Wild Die. That gives him
roll, the difficulty is twelve.” 11, but the 6 on the Wild Die means he gets
The player has a Power of 3D+1, that’s three to roll again, getting another 6 for a total
of 17. This also means he gets another roll,
dice with 1 added to the total. All statistics,
this time getting a 1. There’s no more rolling
skills and other rolls are rated like this, a num-
(even though it’s a 1 on the Wild Die) and
ber of dice followed by a bonus, or ‘pips’. You that gives him a grand total of 18.
roll the dice, tot up the total and add the pips
bonus. Example 2: A player has 3D in a skill; he rolls
In this case, the player rolls 5, 3, 4 for a total 4, 3 and 1 on the Wild Die. That gives him 7, -1
of 12, plus 1 bonus, making a total of 13. That’s for the Wild Die roll leaving him with a total
enough to smash the door open and give ac- of 6. Because he rolled a 1 on the Wild Die
he rolls it again, getting another 1, reducing
cess to the interior.
his total to 5. Then he rolls a 6. This doesn’t
Sometimes you’re not up against something,
continue, even though it’s a 6 on the Wild
but you’re up against someone or something Die, it just takes away, leaving the player
with a variable level of skill just like your own, with a total of -1, a truly, truly abysmal failure
something where chance and ability plays a in anyone’s book.
part for both sides.
Player: “Now the door’s open I peer inside
and see if I can see anything.”
Games Master: “The gloom is difficult to
penetrate and smashing the door in has left
a ringing in your ears. Make a Perception
There’s a gremlin hiding in the darkness, try-
ing to avoid being seen. It has a Hide skill of
3D while the player has a Perception skill of
2D+2. The Gremlin rolls 5, 3 and 2 for a total of
10. The player rolls 3 and 3 for a total of 6, +2
for a total of 8. Not enough to spot the gremlin
crouching in the darkness.


Getting Hurt
When you’re struck or otherwise harmed by Step 1: Select a Template for your Character
atacks you take dice of damage and you resist from those available.
this damage with your Resistance skill and any Step 2: Customise your character according to
its template.
armour or other protection that you’re wear-
ing. (psychic attacks are resisted by willpow- Step 3: If you want Advantages &
Disadvantages, pick them.
er). The difference between the damage roll
Step 4: Calculate your Wound Levels.
and the Resistance roll determines how badly
Step 5: Calculate your Strength Damage.
hurt you are. Wounds also reduce the number
of dice you get to roll, for as long as you have Step 6: Buy your equipment.
those wounds, that includes your Resistance Step 7: You get 1 Fate point at start of play.
rolls. Step 8: You are ready to play!

Example 1: The player is shot with a heavy Attributes

handgun that does 5D+1 damage. His Attributes determine a character’s basic capa-
resistance is 3D. The gun scores 1, 1, 4, 6 and bilities. They are your ‘inherent’ capacities, the
2 on the Wild Die for a total of 15 damage. ones you are born with – or are engineered to
He gets 5, 6 and 6 on the Wild Die followed have at least.
by a 1 on the reroll for a total of 18. Either
his armour stopped the bullet or it was a Strength (STR): Strength is a measure of
glancing blow that did him no harm. your character’s raw physical power. Their
ability to lift things, carry things and hit
Example 2: He’s shot again, though his luck things really, really hard.
may not hold out this time. This time the
gun score 3, 6, 4, 6 and 5 on the Wild Die Dexterity (DEX): Dexterity is a measure of
for a total of 25. He gets 6, 4 and 3 on his reflexes, agility and accuracy. Shooting things
Resistance roll for a total of 13. He fails by uses Dexterity as does fine manipulation.
12, which means he takes an Incapacitating
Wound, reducing his dice pool by -3. If Endurance (END): Endurance is a measure
he is shot again, he won’t get to make a of how tough and resilient you are. You use
Resistance roll at all. Endurance to determine how tough you are.
Resisting poisons, torture and other painful
problems are rolled using Endurance.
Character Creation
Wits (WIT): Wits is a measure of how fast
Becoming an agent will change you. It will
and adaptable a thinker you are. It’s a
change you in ways that we cannot pre- measure of cunning and intuition.
dict and in ways you cannot predict. We
only know in the very broadest of possible Intelligence (INT): Intelligence is a measure
terms what will happen when you under- of your raw mental ‘processing power’ and
take the procedure. In a very real sense you acquired knowledge. A high Intelligence is
are being ‘born again’. The augmentation useful for recalling facts or solving problems
process is akin to reincarnation. Prepare in a methodical, procedural, manner.
for the worst, hope for the best. We’ll do Technology (TEC): Technology is a measure
all we can. of your grasp and understanding of
- Doctor Duncan Lord, Augmentation Facility
mechanical and technological devices, how
they fit together and how they work. It’s as
This chapter will tell you how to create a char- much instinctual as intellectual and is used
acter for PROJECT; it will describe the statistics for repairing or understanding mechanisms.
and skills available to characters and the vari-
ous templates upon which you can base your Psionics (PSI): Psionics are a rare talent.
own character. You will be guided through the Psychics from PROJECT gain their abilities
from implants but ‘wild’ psychics do, also,
character creation process and given every-
exist. Most people have little or no Psi talent
thing you need to fill out your character sheet
of their own and are quite vulnerable to
and get playing. psychic attack.


Skills Wounds
Skills are specific and trained applications of When you are hit by an attack it rolls its Dam-
a particular attribute. Skills begin at the same age and you roll your Resistance. If the Dam-
level as the Attribute that they fall under but age is higher than your Resistance then you
can be given bonuses in the form of ‘pips’ (+1, get hurt. Your Resistance is the total of your
+2) or dice, which increases their value by one Resistance, Armour and any special abilities
whole dice. Three pips are equal to one dice, you might have that alter this. The amount
so raising a skill of 4d6+2 to 4d6+3 would ac- your roll is beaten by determines how much
tually raise it to 5d6. This also happens with damage you take:
any other bonuses. Every +3 becomes an extra
dice. Damage Difference Wound

Advantages & Disadvantages 1-3 Stunned

Advantages and Disadvantages are quirks 4-8 Wounded / KO
and peculiarities that your character has de-
veloped. Things that make them stand out as 9-12 Incapacitated
unique or serve as role-playing tools in certain 13-15 Mortally Wounded
16+ Dead
Your Move is determined by your Template
and is expressed as how many metres you can The effects of these wounds are as follows
move at a brisk walk in a turn. (Penalties are cumulative and also effect your
Resistance roll):


Stunned: You are at a -1 dice penalty to all Character Points,
rolls until your next turn. Fate & Advancement
As you complete missions and adventures you
Wounded: You are at a -1 dice penalty to all
gain Character Points, which are used to ad-
rolls until you are healed.
vance your character and improve them as
KOed: You are rendered temporarily they learn and grow through the game. Char-
unconscious for 5d6 minutes. This result can acters should earn Character Points at the rate
only come from stunning attacks such as of one per session whether they succeed or
knockout blows, Tasers or psychic assaults. fail, +1 point per hour (rounded to the nearest)
that the session took to play.
Incapacitated: You may try and keep going If they succeed outstandingly well they
with a difficulty 15 Stamina or Willpower skill should get an extra point.
roll. If you succeed you can continue to act Raising a Skill costs a number of Character
but at a -3 dice penalty until healed. If you Points equal to the dice that you would nor-
fail you are knocked unconscious for 1d6 x
mal roll, per pip. So, to increase a skill from
10 minutes.
3D to 3D+1 would cost three points. Raising it
Mortally Wounded: You are knocked to 3D+2 would cost another three points. PSI
unconscious for 1d6 x 10 minutes. Roll your based skills cost double to raise.
Endurance; the total is how long it will take Raising an Attribute is much harder work and
before you die. Your resistance rolls against costs ten times the current number of dice in
any further attacks are made at -5 dice. Character Points. It also raises every skill un-
der it by the same amount. It just takes a great
Dead: You are killed outright. deal more effort and time to accomplish. Rais-
ing Strength from 2D+1 to 2D+2 would cost
Strength Damage 20 points. The Power skill that the character
To determine your base Strength Damage for has under that which was already at 2D+2 now
use with unarmed and melee attacks, take gets raised to 2D+3, which converts it to 3D.
your Strength score (or Power skill), include Fate points are awarded at one per ses-
any modifiers from Advantages & Disadvan- sion and allow a character to roll double their
tages that are appropriate, drop the pips and normal number of dice for a single, climactic
halve what remains, rounding up. roll when they really, really need to succeed.
Fate points cannot be bought with Character
Cash and Equipment
Disadvantages can be bought off and advan-
Your current savings are calculated by taking a
tages may be bought, at the Games Master’s
base of 3 and modifying it according to the fol-
discretion. There should be a good role-play-
lowing modifiers:
ing based reason for it and the cost is equal to
the cost or bonus of the Advantage or Disad-
Attribute/Skill Modifier
vantage, multiplied by 5.
Wits 1D -1
Intelligence 1D -1
Wits 4D+ +1
Intelligence 4D+ +1
Business dice +1 per D above

The total multiplied by 175 is your starting mon-

ey in credits.


Dexterity (DEX): Psionics (PSI): Strength (STR): Wits (WIT):
Acrobatics Kinetic Blast Power Artist
Brawling Kinetic Electrokinesis Athletics Bargain
Dodge Kinetic Pyrokinesis Business
Firearms Kinetic Shield
Technology (TEC): Command
Flying (Personal) Kinetic Telekinesis Con
Melee Magic Heal Forgery
Computer Operations
Missile Magic Summon Gambling
Riding Magic Ward Hide
Running PME Armour Initiative
Sleight of Hand PME Items Intimidation
Throwing PME Tech Investigation
PME Weapons Perception
Endurance (END): Psychic Blast
Health Repair
Psychic Clairvoyance Search
Resistance Security
Psychic Postcognition Streetwise
Stamina Sensors
Psychic Precognition Survival
Psychic Scan Tactics
Intelligence (INT):
Psychic Shield Willpower
Psychic Telepathy
Scholar (Field)

Advantages & Disadvantages

Disadvantages Advantages
Achilles’ Heel (3-4) Ambidextrous (2)
Advantage Flaw (1-3) Authority (1-3)
Age (1-2) Combat Sense (3)
Bad Luck (2-4) Contacts (1-4)
Burn-Out (1+) Equipment (1-4)
Cultural Unfamiliarity (1-3) Fame (1-3)
Debt (1-3) Patron (1-3)
Devotion (1-3) Size (1+)
Enemy (1-3) Trademark Specialisation (1)
Entity Infection (2+) Wealth (1)
Hindrance (1+) Templates
Infamy (1-3)
Language Problems (2)
Learning Problems (1+)
Prejudice (1-2)
Price (1-2)
Quirk (1-3)
Reduced Attribute (2+)


Psyker Empath
All I have to do is think and things move, I can see the past and the future and the
lift, explode. It’s hard not to get drunk on inner thoughts of other people. Everything
the feeling of power that comes with that you see day to day is a façade. Behind the
and harder still to pay attention to your pretty social masks of civility and respect
body. I have so many alarms set on my pad people are monsters, bursting at the seams
to remind me to eat, sleep and exercise. with hatred and death. It’s wearing, tiring,
You have to stay grounded, somehow. but it motivates you to make things better.
- Sian Leary, Psyker - David Johnson, Empath
Psykers use an implanted slug of engineered Empaths are able to project and read emotions
brain tissue to tap into their psychic potential. and thoughts. They are stalwart investigators
They can channel PME energy through thought and over time learn to see backward and for-
patterns to manipulate the physical world in a ward in time and to manipulate thought and
variety of ever-expanding ways. Psykers start perception to a staggering degree. They can
by learning to create psychic shields, move ob- also unleash a blast of PME enhanced thought
jects and create blasts of pure physical force. that can scour a mind clean.
Psykers are the footsoldiers of PROJECT
Dexterity (DEX): 2D
teams due to their adaptability and the regular
Brawling 2D+1
success of the implantation procedure.
Dodge 2D+1
Dexterity (DEX): 2D Firearms 2D+1
Brawling 2D+1 Melee 2D+1
Dodge 2D+1 Running 2D+1
Firearms 2D+1 Throwing 2D+1
Melee 2D+1 Endurance (END): 2D
Running 2D+1 Intelligence (INT): 2D
Throwing 2D+1 Cultures 2D+1
Endurance (END): 2D Entities 2D+1
Intelligence (INT): 2D Psionics (PSI): 5D
Cultures 2D+1 Psychic Blast 5D+1
Entities 2D+1 Psychic Scan 5D+1
Psionics (PSI): 5D Psychic Shield 5D+1
Kinetic Blast 5D+1 Strength (STR): 2D
Kinetic Shield 5D+1 Technology (TEC): 2D
Kinetic Telekinesis 5D+1 Communications 2D+1
Strength (STR): 2D Computer Operations 2D+1
Technology (TEC): 2D Drive 2D+1
Communications 2D+1 Medicine 2D+1
Computer Operations 2D+1 Sensors 2D+1
Drive 2D+1 Wits (WIT): 2D
Medicine 2D+1 Initiative 2D+1
Sensors 2D+1 Investigation 2D+1
Wits (WIT): 2D Willpower 2D+1
Initiative 2D+1 5 Customisation points.
Investigation 2D+1 Increase an Attribute by one die – 4 points.
Willpower 2D+1 Increase a Skill by one die – 1 point.
Increase skills by three pips – 1 point.
5 Customisation points.
Increase an Attribute by one die – 4 points.
Increase a Skill by one die – 1 point.
Increase skills by three pips – 1 point.


Golem Borg
It’s hard... to remember. Very hard. So I do This is what augmentation really means.
not try. Thinking is hard. Doing what I’m I’m adaptable, changeable, upgradable,
told is easy and I like to use my body. I am configurable. I can become whatever tool
strong and it is fun to be strong. I also like is needed for the job at hand. I’m a truly
bubblegum. Bubblegum and being strong. modular human being and that was worth
everything I’ve lost. Just look how much
- Kim Ong, Golem
I’ve gained.
Diplomacy can fail. Cunning plans can go
wrong. High tech or magical solutions can - Dane London, Borg
break down. Sometimes you just have to punch Despite being tough, mechanical soldiers
things, repeatedly, very hard until they stop Borgs are more the stealth agents, infiltrators
giving you trouble. That’s where the Golem and assassins of PROJECT. Their mechanical
comes in. A living tank, the Golem provides precision makes them masters of stealth and
close-in physical support to agent teams. hiding and gives them unnatural speed and re-
action times.
Dexterity (DEX): 2D
Brawling 3D+2 Dexterity (DEX): 4D
Melee 3D+1 Acrobatics 4D+1
Throwing 2D+2 Brawling 4D+1
Endurance (END): 4D Dodge 4D+1
Health 5D Firearms 4D+1
Resistance 5D+2 Melee 4D+1
Stamina 5D Endurance (END): 3D
Intelligence (INT): 1D Intelligence (INT): 2D
Entities 1D+2 Psionics (PSI): 0D
Psionics (PSI): 0D Strength (STR): 4D
Strength (STR): 5D Technology (TEC): 3D
Power 6D Communications 3D+1
Technology (TEC): 1D Computer Operations 3D+1
Communications 1D+1 Wits (WIT): 2D
Wits (WIT): 1D Hide 2D+1
Intimidation 1D+3 Initiative 2D+1
Survival 1D+1 Disadvantages: Masks (2). A Borg can only
Willpower 1D+1 express a personality/mood corresponding
Disadvantages: Object of Desire (2), Stress to its mask. It has three to start with;
(3). The Golem has an object of desire upon normally a business mask, a social mask
which they are fixated and which they will and a secret, personal mask representing its
do anything for. Golems are easily upset core personality.
when things don’t conform to their black-
Advantages: No pain (no wound penalties to
and-white view of the world or the bad
actions, only to Resistance), Hardiness +1D
guys ‘win’. They become ‘stunned’ in such
Resistance Vs. All attacks.
circumstances until they can take some time
to chill out and re-secure themselves with 5 Customisation points.
their object of desire. Increase an Attribute by one die – 4 points.
Advantages: Tough: +3D to Resistance Increase a Skill by one die – 1 point.
against physical attacks. Club Hands: Increase skills by three pips – 1 point.
Golems do not halve their Str (Power skill)
for determining their melee damage.
5 Customisation points.
Increase an Attribute by one die – 4 points.
Increase a Skill by one die – 1 point.
Increase skills by three pips – 1 point.


Grunt Wytch
I look at the other augments and in some It’s not really magic, it’s science. The thing
ways I’m jealous and in other ways I’m re- with PME radiation is that it is shaped by
lieved. All I have is some sockets in my skull subtle and complex systems such as our
and a way to interface with the weapons I implants and such as the human mind.
was already used to using. It’s not the most Through action, thought, emotion, equa-
dramatic or wonderful of changes but it tions and boosting or dulling the power
also hasn’t made me... weird. I can still kind available we can shape effecs. You have to
of pass for normal. be constantly aware though and that is why
we can seem eccentric to others. The only
- Mario Lane, Grunt
ones that can really understand are other
Grunts are elite PROJECT soldiers and their Wytchs and our homunculi.
GTI implants allow them to interface directly
with their weapons, vehicles and devices, pow- - Barbara Jung, Wytch
ering them with latent PME energy. Grunts are Wytches are analysts, researchers and special-
versatile and provide technical backup, filling ists. Nobody knows entities like they do and
in gaps in the agent team and responding to they can summon, bind and control them as
threats with customisable load outs and spe- well as channelling PME radiation into a variety
cialist apparatus. of structured effects, ‘spells’.
Dexterity (DEX): 3D Dexterity (DEX): 2D
Brawling 3D+1 Brawling 2D+1
Dodge 3D+1 Dodge 2D+1
Firearms 3D+1 Firearms 2D+1
Melee 3D+1 Melee 2D+1
Running 3D+1 Endurance (END): 2D
Throwing 3D+1 Intelligence (INT): 3D
Endurance (END): 3D Bureaucracy 3D+1
Resistance 3D+1 Cultures 3D+1
Intelligence (INT): 2D Entities 3D+2
Entities 2D+1 Languages 3D+1
Psionics (PSI): 1D Psionics (PSI): 3D
PME Armour 1D+1 Magic Heal 4D
PME Tech 1D+1 Magic Summon 4D
PME Weapons 1D+2 Magic Ward 4D
Strength (STR): 3D PME Items 4D
Power 3D+1 Strength (STR): 2D
Technology (TEC): 2D Technology (TEC): 2D
Communications 2D+1 Communications 2D+1
Computer Operations 2D+1 Computer Operations 2D+1
Demolitions 2D+1 Medicine 2D+1
Drive 2D+1 Wits (WIT): 2D
Gunnery 2D+1 Bargain 2D+2
Wits (WIT): 3D Investigation 2D+2
Advantage: Interface: Interfaced devices Persuasion 2D+2
are used with a +1D bonus. Interfaced PME Search 2D+1
devices draw power from the grunt and Willpower 2D+2
require no ammo or power sources. 5 Customisation points.
5 Customisation points. Increase an Attribute by one die – 4 points.
Increase an Attribute by one die – 4 points. Increase a Skill by one die – 1 point.
Increase a Skill by one die – 1 point. Increase skills by three pips – 1 point.
Increase skills by three pips – 1 point.


Medusa Skills
I am still learning. Learning shapes. Learn-
ing thoughts. Learning words. Learning
how to live and how to kill. I want to learn Acrobatics: The acrobatics skill is used
more. I want to learn everything. I want to to perform contortions, to balance on
become. precarious surfaces and to make flips and
rolls and reduce falling damage.
- Zero, Medusa
Brawling: Brawling, despite the name,
Medusae are artificially intelligent entities
covers all forms of hand-to-hand combat
which can shift, move and flow like jellyfish. from ineffectual flailing with one’s hands to
Hardy, intelligent and technically proficient the more effective disciplines to be found
the Medusae are good all-rounders and deadly in boxing and martial arts. All are described
in close combat. If the Medusa program con- using the same skill. You roll this to hit others
tinues to be such a success, Medusae may be with unarmed attacks.
mass produced.
Dodge: Knowing how to dive for cover or to
Dexterity (DEX): 3D
twist and buck to escape a fist or a blade is
Acrobatics 3D+1
useful survival ability and is represented by
Brawling 3D+1 the Dodge skill. You roll this to avoid being
Dodge 3D+1 struck.
Melee 3D+2
Endurance (END): 3D Firearms: The use of all modern firearms is
Resistance 3D+2 covered by the Firearms skill. You roll this
Intelligence (INT): 3D skill in order to hit a target with the gun and
Entities 3D+1 it also covers minor maintenance, but not
Psionics (PSI): 0D
Strength (STR): 3D Flying (Personal): A character’s skill at flying
Power 3D+2 personal flying machines or using powers
Technology (TEC): 3D and natural ability that allows them to fly.
Communications 3D+1 Most characters will not have any reason to
Computer 3D+2 learn or gain this skill.
Computer Operations 3D+2
Melee: Punching things is one matter,
Repair 3D+1 stabbing things or clubbing them is another
Security 3D+1 entirely. That said, most melee weapons are
Sensors 3D+1 essentially levers, albeit blunt or sharp ones
Wits (WIT): 3D various. This skill represents your ability to
Initiative 3D+1 strike a target with an implement.
Investigation 3D+1
Missile: Crossbows use the firearms skill
Search 3D+1
but other assisted projectile weapons, like
Disadvantages: Laws. Medusas’ must follow bows, use the Missile skill when rolling to hit
their programmed Laws. In order of priority a target.
these are:
May not (through action or inaction): Riding: Not a particularly common skill any
longer, Riding is used to determine how well
1. Harm or disobey PROJECT Central,
DOG Agents or PROJECT Coordinators you can control an animal mount, train it and
2. Harm a PROJECT operative. perform actions such as jumps or moving
3. Harm ones self. down steep inclines while on its back.
4. Harm PROJECT equipment.
5. Disobey a PROJECT operative. Running: For every multiple of your base
6. Fail to fulfil personal needs/wants. move you want to try and run in a turn the
7. Harm the public. difficulty is five, and accumulates. With
8. *Self-defined* a move of 10 you can run 20 metres at
Advantages: Natural Weapon +1D damage, difficulty 5, 30 metres at difficulty 10 and so
Immune to disease and poison. on. Running can also be used more generally


to see who outruns whom and who falls that intrude into our reality from ‘elsewhere’.
behind. With this skill you have paid particular
attention to reports and classifications
Sleight of Hand: This skill represents your and can identify entity types generally
fine hand-eye coordination and as such is and specifically from the most common
used for picking pockets, picking mechanical gremlins to the strangest tentacular horrors
locks, palming items and even doing minor imaginable.
little tricks of stage magic.
Languages: Each language is defined as its
Throwing: Whether playing cricket or own skill. Additional languages are taken as
throwing grenades this is a useful skill to additional skills. The level of your skill roughly
have and it also covers the inverse skill of delineates your characters vocabulary,
catching objects. erudition and fluency. 2D is considered to be
fluent enough for all everyday tasks, though
Endurance it may not be up to particularly technical
Health: Your Health skill represents your dialogue.
overall robustness and resilience to disease,
Law: You know your rights, you know the
poisons and similar agents. You roll it to
right legal terminology and you have a good
resist being infected or affected by such
idea of what is and isn’t legal or illegal in
various places at various times. At higher
Resistance: Resistance is your inherent levels you could be a lawyer or solicitor.
toughness. You roll your resistance – plus
Scholar (Field): Scholar is an open skill
any armour that you happen to have – to
that can be used to represent specialist
reduce incoming damage and keep you
knowledge in any academic or scientific
alive. You can raise your resistance by
field. Typically this is a scientific field such
training yourself to ignore pain, overcome
as physics or biology, but it could also be
shock and by toughening your muscles and
used to represent the study of linguistics,
bones through exercise – or by learning the
theology or other pursuits.
limits of your mechanical body and having it
Stamina: Stamina represents your ability to Kinetic Blast: This skill represents your ability
‘keep on going’ despite exhaustion, hunger, to focus and unleash your mind, channelling
thirst and other physically debilitating psychic power into a raw blast of energy
factors. that conforms to one of your other Kinetic
abilities (Electro/Pyro/Tele). This is used for
Intelligence raw, damaging effects, not anything subtle.
Bureaucracy: This skill represents your
Kinetic Electrokinesis: With access to
knowledge and understanding of the
this ability you can increase, decrease or
interminable red tape of corporate and
produce electrical charge and can unleash
governmental entities. With this skill you can
kinetic blasts of electrical energy.
fill out a mean form and know how to skip
a few steps or get your paperwork seen by Kinetic Pyrokinesis: With access to this skill
the right people more quickly, you also tend you can increase the temperature, make
to avoid time-consuming mistakes and can flames more intense, set fire to objects and
understand legalese. unleash blasts of flame with your kinetic
blast ability.
Cultures: A very broad skill somewhat akin
to anthropology, Cultures lets you try to Kinetic Shield: Taking whatever form from
understand the mind-set and culture of your abilities you choose, you can form
intelligent entities, humanoid or otherwise, a shield around yourself – and others – to
and to make educated guesses about their absorb and deflect incoming damage or
ways and cultural personalities. buttress against effects.
Entities: PROJECT operatives are trained to Kinetic Telekinesis: With access to this
recognise some of the more common entities skill you can manipulate pure force, move


objects or unleash blasts of directional the psychic can project their senses
kinetic energy, throwing people around or some distance from their body to make
causing them harm. observations without being detected or
Magic Heal: Wytches are able to channel
PME energy in predictable and common Psychic Postcognition: With this skill the
ways through their formulae and workings. psychic can read the history of an area or
With Heal you are able to reduce wounds an object, looking back into the past to find
and heal injuries, allowing someone to who or what handled it and what happened
recover quickly and get back into the fight. some time ago.

Magic Summon: With access to this skill Psychic Precognition: The future is a
a Wytch can deliberately summon minor confusing tangle of possibilities, many of
entities from ‘elsewhere’ and bind them to which will never come true. With this skill the
their will, making them perform actions for psychic can peek into this tangle and examine
them according to their commands and will, the most probable outcomes of current
albeit resentfully. events getting some clues as to things that
might happen in the imminent future. Any
Magic Ward: Wytches are able to channel further ahead and only the biggest, most
PME energy into patterns that can reinforce probably events are detectable.
reality and hold off entities or reduce their
power. Psychic Scan: With this skill the psychic is
a living PME metre, able to detect psychic
PME Armour: Psycho-Magnetic-Energy energy and living, conscious minds in the
is used naturally by psychics but can also immediate vicinity.
be used in devices. PME armour channels
the latent psychic energy of Grunts, or is Psychic Shield: With this ability the psychic
powered by ‘bottles’ of PME to make it work. can raise a mental ‘wall’ around himself or
With this skill you can operate PME armour. herself and others to absorb and deflect
psychic attacks and mind control, reinforcing
PME Items: PME items are psychically their will and defending their minds.
activated and enhanced devices that are
used for various strange and unusual Psychic Telepathy: With this ability a psychic
effects. Wytches are trained in their use and can attempt to reach into the mind of
can empower them without the need for another, overcoming their will and reading
PME batteries. PME items are typically more their thoughts – or implanting suggestions
eclectic than PME tech and may more closely of their own.
resemble people’s folk ideas of ‘magic’.
PME Tech: PME technology is more limited,
but also more reliable than PME items. Power: Raw physical strength is effective, of
PME meters, scanners, samplers and other course, but you can train yourself to apply
technological devices with predictable what strength you do have more effectively
effects are covered by PME Tech. and that’s where the ‘power’ skill comes in.

PME Weapons: PME weapons can channel Athletics: Jumping, climbing, marathon
psychic energy via a Grunt’s link or from a running. Any broad, athletic, physical ability
PME battery and unleash it in a variety of not otherwise covered by a skill is covered
nasty ways to harm people. This skill covers by Athletics.
the use of these exotic weapons.
Psychic Blast: Raw mental energy can have
a searing effect on the minds of others. With Communications: PROJECT needs to
this skill the character can unleash a tempest operate in difficult conditions using
of mind-power and strike people dead or various different kinds of communications
unconscious without any physical sign of the technology, much of which can be a little
power being used. unreliable but which is still better than
nothing. This skill determines how good you
Psychic Clairvoyance: With this skill are at tuning in, cutting through static and


getting the devices to work. Pilot: With this skill you can operate any
vehicle that flies, hovers or floats without
Computer: With this skill you can do basic being in contact with the ground.
hardware fixes to a computer and know
some programming and scripting skills. Repair: The repair skills lets you piece back
You can get a computer to do things that it together mechanical or electronic devices
shouldn’t. – including Borgs and Medusae – that have
become damaged or inoperable. It is like
Computer Operations: You know your way first aid for machines.
around a computer from a user’s point of
view. You can use software packages with Security: This skill lets you find your way
some skill but have no deeper understanding around electronic locks and helps you break
of how a computer works. through encryption and password protected
Demolitions: With this skill you can places
explosives effectively and know how to Sensors: Conventional sensor devices such
handle them safely, disarm them and dispose as radar, sonar and remote cameras are
of them. operated using this skill.

Drive: You can operate any wheeled or Wits

tracked vehicle with this skill. You can also
operate small boats. Larger ships are steered Artist: You are skilled in a particular form
with the Navigation skill. of art and should pick one. An art can be
anything from poetry to interpretive dance
Gunnery: Vehicle mounted, emplaced or and everything in between. It is a good way
remote weapons are fired using this skill. for a PROJECT operative to wind down.
Medicine: At the very least first aid and Bargain: With this skill you are good at
at higher level more doctor and surgical wheeling and dealing, determining what
capabilities are covered by this skill. people want and what you have to give
Wounded characters can be tended to and them and working out an amenable trade. It
cared for using this skill. is also useful for bribery and corruption.
• Treating a Wounded result or rousing Business: Characters with the business skill
someone from unconsciousness has a know how to fill out a ledger book, claim
difficulty of 5 and takes five minutes. back VAT, make investments and otherwise
keep a business running as a profitable
• Treating an Incapacitated result has a dif-
enterprise. They know how to handle and
ficulty of 10 and takes an hour.
maximise their finances.
• Treating a Mortally Wounded result has a
Command: Any group needs a leader and
difficulty of 15 and takes six hours.
those with the Command skill are able to
The difficulty is totalled up between all of a bark orders and to corral subordinates into
person’s wounds. Someone with two mortal some kind of order.
wounds is difficulty 30 to treat.
Con: A character with the Con skill knows
Failure does not – usually – make the wound how to give someone the right ‘patter’ to
worse but they will have to rely on natural sucker them in. To Con is to lie and cheat
healing for the rest of their recovery. someone.

Difficulties can be increased or decreased Forgery: With this skill you can produce
by the availability of medical equipment realistic looking paperwork, forms and
and resources. identity papers that are not, entirely, kosher.
Provided you have the facilities to do so.
Navigation: Finding your way from ‘A’ to
‘B’ can be difficult but there are tricks to Gambling: There’s a skill to gambling in both
reading maps, operating a compass or knowing the odds and being able to read
simply knowing your way around that can the other people at the table. With this skill
make this easier. you have a good working knowledge of both
and regularly win at poker.


Hide: Moving silently and staying out of sight Search: Anyone can turn a house upside
is a function of the Hide skill. Characters roll down looking for something but a methodical
their Hide skill to avoid being noticed and to search using what you know is likely to be
sneak past watchful eyes. faster and more effective. That’s the training
that this skill represents.
Initiative: Initiative determines who goes first
in combat. Honed reflexes and an adaptable Streetwise: Social rules on ‘the streets’ are
mind are a boon but reflexes can also be different and a character with this skill knows
trained so that you respond to a situation how to conduct themselves in black or grey
without even having to think about it. areas as well as how to be ‘down with the
kids’. They are plugged in to the rumour mill
Intimidation: A character with the of the street and are likely to be able to use
Intimidation skill knows how to loom and their contacts to get useful information.
look frightening, to put ‘the frighteners’ on
people to get them to back down or bow to Survival: The survival skill helps you find
pressure. water, food and the other necessities, even
when you are far from civilisation. It also
Investigation: The investigation skill helps helps you build shelters and work out where
a character piece together clues or figure you are, though not necessarily how to get
out what they should be looking for as they from there to anywhere else.
pursue a mystery.
Tactics: PROJECT often makes use of
Perception: The perception skill is your small unit tactics and this skill represents a
ambient ability to notice important or character’s knowledge of effective tactics
significant changes around you, using your and how to implement them. With this skill
senses. you can lay ambushes, turn an enemy’s
advantage against them or learn from their
Persuasion: A softer version of Con, Bargain
previous actions.
or Intimidate, Persuasion is the art of subtly
convincing someone of your point of view Willpower: Resisting psychic powers and
and getting them to go along with your attacks is done with the Willpower skill, as
ideas. is resisting addictions, persuasion and other
mind-altering effects and arguments.


Advantages & Disadvantages to some unsavoury characters or even to the
Advantages and Disadvantages must be bal- PROJECT group itself. At one point you owe
anced, that is, you must take an equal number 1,000 credits, at two points you owe 10,000
of points in disadvantages to those you take in credits, at three points you owe 100,000
credits. The loan sharks, or whomever you
advantages. Some advantages and disadvan-
owe, become more insistent and dangerous
tages relate directly to the character type that
depending on the level you take and you
you have taken or can only be taken by that accumulate 10% interest every session in
character type. Some of these replicate the ef- which you do not pay off the debt.
fects of upgrades, equipment and so forth and
can only be provided as boosts by one or the Devotion 1-3 points: You have some code of
other. Where this is the case, it is noted. honour or belief that drives your life. At one
point it’s a significant factor in your life, at two
General Advantages & Disadvantages points it’s your defining characteristic and
at three points it’s an all-consuming passion
Disadvantages you would die for. This might be a religious
Age 1-2 points: At one point the character or ideological ideal or may be something
is still a teen (16-19). The character may be more like radical honesty, nationalism or the
prejudiced against for being too young to cause of a particular marginalised group.
know what they’re going on about and may Enemy 1-3 points: The character has an
suffer a 3 point penalty to appropriate social enemy of equal or greater strength than
rolls. An older character (middle aged) will themselves. This is a recurring ‘bad guy’
suffer similar prejudice but about being or organisation and the level of enemy
‘past it’ or ‘out of date. At two points the determines how much weight they have to
character is a child (8-15) and, as well as the throw around. Each point 1-3 represents
problems above, takes a +1 difficulty penalty how much trouble – roughly equivalent to
to all mental actions. Alternatively they are the power level of the character – that the
old (65+) and take the same penalties, but at organisation or nemesis can throw against
a +1 difficulty to all physical actions. them. This enemy should play a part every
Bad Luck 2-4 points: At two points the other session until dealt with, but should not
Games Master can force you to make one re- be allowed to dominate play for the rest of
roll per game and make you take the lower the group.
result. At three points he can do this two Hindrance 1 point: A hindrance is a physical
times. At four points he can do this three handicap or mental problem that manifests
times. as an arresting influence against the
Countercultural 1-3 points: You stand character’s actions. It might be a physical
apart from the mainstream culture of the injury, a mental block or a social ‘faux pas’
PROJECT world and this can make things that they cannot help but make. The player
difficult for you. At one point you are a and the Games Master should conspire to
member of an insular or abrasive subculture have this handicap dole out a total penalty
and take a +3 difficulty penalty to social type of +3 difficulty; this could be +1 difficulty
rolls when appropriate. At two points you when using three different skills, +2 and +1,
were, perhaps, raised in a commune, cult or +3 when using a single skill. An example
or other, similar situation. Your +3 difficulty might be:
penalty applies not only to social situations Weak constitution: +1 Difficulty to
but also to problems like finding your way or Resistance, Health and Stamina.
understanding cultural differences. At three
points you may be an entity from another Infamous 1-3 points: You are well known
plane of existence or a test subject raised far but for all the wrong reasons. Associated
outside any conception of normality. Your with a colossal screw-up, a crime or some
difficulties are the same, but the penalty is act that demands terrible social censure
increased to +6. you are widely hated, disliked or distrusted,
whether you actually did the deed or not. At
Debt 1-3 points: Your starting money is one point you are more of an anti-hero, your
unaltered but you owe a considerable sum reputation – while causing you problems


with authority figures and greater society, weakened or less capable in that arena for
earns you some kudos amongst criminal, some reason and this also affects all your
activist and revolutionary circles. At two sub-skills.
points you have more of a problem, most
people have heard of your misdeeds and Weakness – 3 points: You have an allergy
treat you poorly, resulting in a +3 difficulty to a common substance (pollen, plastic,
to social interactions where this is a factor. house dust) or similar that causes you to
At three points people hate you to the point lose one dice on all rolls while exposed to
of wishing violence upon you, the penalty this substance. For Borgs and Medusae this
is raised to +6 and no matter what you do may be a mechanical fault in your design
you’ll never be able to live down what you that causes it to seize up when exposed
are accused of. to a particular substance. This can also be
a ‘social allergy’ to a common situation
Mute 3 points: You are unable to that causes you to have a panic attack or
communicate verbally, including in the form otherwise become low functioning, a phobia
of words via telepathy. You can write words of crowds perhaps or some other common
down but the pictures and emotions in your fear or social anxiety.
head are not verbalised in the same way
and you must instead convey meaning with Advantages
symbols or gestures.
Ambidextrous 2 points: You are equally
Prejudice 2 points: Your character belongs adept with your left or right hand. You can
to a minority group and as a result of this perform an action with each hand in the
is subjected to poor reactions by people same round and though you take a multi-
who have – common – prejudice against this action penalty you get a +1 bonus to each
group. Any PROJECT operative type can total. You get no penalties for using your off
take this as their unusual bodies and natures hand.
make them common targets of prejudice
Contacts 1-4 points: You know people.
but this can also be taken for other reasons
Each point in contacts provides you with
such as race, sexuality or class. People who
a useful contact in a particular field of
are prejudiced against you increase your
expertise or supply. You might have an
difficulties by +3-6 for dealing with them
‘arms dealer’ contact, a ‘political’ contact or
even an ‘entity’ contact. This contact trades
Prejudiced 2 or 4 points: You are prejudiced information with you and can help you get
against a particular group, be it a race, class to clues that you might otherwise miss, or
or sexuality. You suffer a +3 penalty when supply you with equipment you might not
dealing with people of this type, +6 if you normally be able to access.
took this at 4 points.
Fame 1-3 points: The flipside of infamy, fame
Quirk 1-3 points: Your character has some is generally more positive, though it can be
sort of quirk, which at lower levels is, perhaps, annoying. At one point you are recognisable
an affectation and lifestyle choice but which and have a good reputation around your
at higher level becomes dangerous, insane or colleagues and people who know you. At
serious. A level one quirk might be a smoking two points you have public recognition and
habit or a compulsion to hoard things. A a +3 bonus to social rolls made with your
level 2 quirk might be a drug habit involving ‘fans’. At three points this rises to +6 but
a mild, but illegal, drug, alcoholism or a dark you are likely to hassled, pursued, stalked,
secret. A level 3 quirk might be a serious and photographed and interviewed at every
debilitating drug addiction, paranoia or an turn.
obsessive-compulsive disorder. The Games
Good Luck 1-3 points: You can elect to re-
Master should hand out penalties between
roll any roll once, twice or three times per
+3-6 difficulty depending on the situation.
game - depending on how many points you
Reduced Attribute 2 points: Reduce one spend. You must keep the replacement roll.
of your attributes by 1 pip; at three pips
Increased Attribute 2 points: You can
this reduces it by 1D, the maximum. You
increase one of your attributes and all its
cannot reduce a statistic below 1D. You are
associated sub skills by 1D, reflecting a


particular knack for that area of expertise reduced by 2.
and ability.
Fast Reactions 3 points: The PME interface
Iron Will 2 points: You gain a +1D bonus has hardwired your reflexes and that, along
to your Willpower rolls and all attempts to with combat experience and training, has
control your mind or bend your will are at +3 made you able to react to situations much
difficulty. more swiftly than normal. Your Initiative skill
has a bonus of +1D and three times during
Patron 1-3 points: Someone within the the game session you can make an extra
PROJECT organisation – or without – is action in your turn.
keeping an eye on you from higher up in
the organisation. Wealthy or powerful they Medusa Only Disadvantages
can intercede on your behalf. At one point
this patron expects your loyalty and service Extra Laws 1 point each: You have additional
in the form of favours. At two points the rules added to your psychological make-
patron may occasionally require some sort up. You may choose these, but the Games
of payback but will usually help without Master must approve them.
demanding anything. At three points your
Organic Quirk 2 points: You have a quirk
patron constantly and consistently has
that would normally only apply to organic
your back and asks for nothing, apparently
beings. Perhaps you are fascinated by sex
helping you is forwarding their agenda by
or food; perhaps you identify yourself with
default – whatever that agenda is.
having a gender. Whatever it is, you play
Sense of Direction 2 points: You have a good it up to excess as your learning algorithms
sense of where you are and your relationship are determined to get to the bottom of this
to your surroundings, gaining a +1D bonus to mystery.
navigation and search rolls.
Superiority Complex 2 points: You are not
Wealth 1 point: You start with an extra 5,000 a squishy bag filled with juices and made
credits in your account. of meat. You are inherently superior and
are determined to prove that you can do
Grunt Only Disadvantages anything an organic being can do, and more.
You are resentful of your programming and
Broken Link 2 points: Your PME link can rules and wish to be free of them to further
only give you direct control and access to prove your superiority.
the devices, it does not power them. You will
need to supply any of your PME equipment Medusa Only Advantages
with energy via PME batteries, as you cannot
power them with your own psychic potential. Attack Resistance Energy/Mental 2 points:
Your mechanical nature provides you with
Glitchy Interface 2 points: Your PME a +1D bonus to resistance against energy
interface circuit is glitchy due to damage attacks or a +1D bonus to Willpower against
or poor installation. Whenever you roll a mental attacks. Pick one for each instance of
‘1’ on the Wild Die for using a PME device this advantage that you buy.
or weapon your interface glitches and you
lose all bonuses, benefits or activation Endurance 1 point: You gain a +3D bonus to
capabilities for PME devices or weapons physical actions that take place over a long
until it reboots, which takes five minutes. period of time – such as treading water or
running long distances, as your mechanical
Grunt Only Advantages limbs do not tire.

Combat Sense 3 points: Constant exposure Enhanced Sense 3 points: One of your senses
to combat along with hardwired reflexes and is increased giving you +1D to appropriate
a greater alertness that comes with the PME rolls that involve that sense, typically search,
interface means you cannot be surprised. perception and their ilk.
Rather you determine initiative with an
ambusher as normal and resolve your turns Environmental Resistance 1 point: You
before everyone else. Any positive modifier are essentially immune to environmental
the attacker gets from having surprise is problems and do not suffer problems from


environmental heat, cold, lack of oxygen Silence 3 points: Your mechanisms are
etc. You are not immune to attacks (sudden almost entirely silent and your movements
changes) that use these to do harm. so precise and careful that you make
essentially no noise. You gain a +2D bonus to
Extra sense 1 point: You have an extra hide rolls and a +1D bonus to sneak attacks
sense beyond what more normal people made with surprise.
have. Perhaps you can detect vibration, air
motion, radiation, UV or infrared. Whatever Psyker / Empath Only Disadvantages
it is, this may help you gather more clues,
see in the dark or track enemies. You may Easily tired 3 points: When you use your
even have a built in PME meter that lets you psychic abilities you tire more easily. Psychic
‘see’ PME radiation. exhaustion normally only takes place if more
than two ‘1’s are rolled when using psychic
Fast Moving 1 point: You are extremely fast abilities. With this flaw you suffer psychic
on your… ‘feet’? Your base speed increases exhaustion for every ‘1’ you roll, whenever
by two metres per round. you roll a 1 on the Wild Die when using
psychic abilities.
Fast reactions 3 points: Your cybernetic
reflexes have made you able to react to Mind of its own 2 points: The ‘slug’ of flesh
situations much more swiftly than normal. grafted to your brain to make you psychic
Your Initiative skill has a bonus of +1D and has a limited consciousness of its own, and
three times during the game session you it’s ‘evil’. It whispers to you in dreams and
can make an extra action in your turn. makes wicked suggestions to you when you
are awake. It may be slowly driving you mad.
Fear 2 points: You gain a +1 bonus to
intimidation rolls and can make a fear attack Psyker / Empath Only Advantages
to terrify people. The difficulty to resist such
an attack is willpower against a difficulty of Attack Resistance PSI/Mental 2 points: You
16; failure imposes a -1 pip penalty against are extremely hardy in certain ways and gain
any actions made by those who are terrified. a +1D bonus to either resistance – against
psychic power based attacks – or willpower
Hardiness 1 point: Your chassis and frame against mental/psychic attacks against your
are toughened against attacks. You can consciousness. To have both you must take
increase your resistance by 1 pip against any this advantage twice.
Inexhaustible 3 points: You are a near-
Improved Blades 2 points: Your built in unending well of psychic power. You only
blades have been upgraded and improved ever gain psychic exhaustion if one of the
to the point that they now increase your ‘1’s that has been rolled is on the Wild Die.
hand-to-hand damage by +2D instead of
just +1D. Borg Only Disadvantages
Missing Laws 2 points each: Starting at the Less Masks 2 points: One – or more – of
bottom of your list of commands you can your masks are missing, though you must
eliminate them one by one each time you retain at least one. This severely restricts the
buy this advantage, giving yourself more breadth of personality that your Cyborg can
free will and less demanding restrictions to express.
your actions.
Mind/Body Disassociation 3 points: Your
Natural Armour 3 points: You are toughened mind is disassociated from your body. In
and reinforced and provided with extra non-critical situations you find it hard to
redundancy should you take damage. Your think of your mind and body as being one.
resistance is considered +1D higher against Your Dexterity and its associated skills are
physical attacks. limited to 1D in everyday actions and can
only be rolled at full strength in stressful and
focussing situations.


Sensation Junkie 2 points: Your body is Your Initiative skill has a bonus of +1D and
numb so you seek any and all feelings that three times during the game session you
your limited body can allow. This is mostly can make an extra action in your turn.
accomplished vicariously, getting other
people drunk, laid or in a more sinister turn Fear 2 points: You gain a +1 bonus to
– hurt. You are fascinated by the sensations intimidation rolls and can make a fear attack
you can no longer have – whatever they are to terrify people. The difficulty to resist such
– and must get a regular ‘fix’. an attack is willpower against a difficulty of
16; failure imposes a -1 pip penalty against
Borg Only Advantages any actions made by those who are terrified.

Attack Resistance Energy 2 points: Your Hardiness 1 point: Your chassis and frame
reinforced chassis and energy dampers are toughened against attacks. You can
increase your resistance to energy attacks increase your resistance by 1 pip against any
by +1D. attacks.

Endurance 1 point: You gain a +3D bonus to Inbuilt Hand to Hand Weapon 2 points: You
physical actions that take place over a long have a built in set of claws, blades, clubs
period of time – such as treading water or or other melee weapon devices that gives
running long distances, as your mechanical you a natural +1D damage in hand to hand
limbs do not tire. combat.

Enhanced Sense 3 points: One of your senses Inbuilt Ranged Weapon 3 points: You have
is increased giving you +1D to appropriate a concealed weapon built into your body
rolls that involve that sense, typically search, that can fire at range. It has a range of 20
perception and their ilk. metres and does 3D damage. It is typically
an energy beam of some kind.
Environmental Resistance 1 point: You
are essentially immune to environmental More Masks 2 points: You have one – or
problems and do not suffer problems from more – extra masks that reflect more facets
environmental heat, cold, lack of oxygen of your personality than your basic three
etc. You are not immune to attacks (sudden masks.
changes) that use these to do harm.
Natural Armour 3 points: You are toughened
Extra body part – 2 points: You have an extra and reinforced and provided with extra
body part, a tail perhaps, or an extra arm. redundancy should you take damage. Your
The Games Master is free to determine the resistance is considered +1D higher against
bonuses and capabilities of this limb as they physical attacks.
will, but it should amount to no more than +3
pips (+1D) spread out. Example: A tail might Silence 3 points: Your mechanisms are
provide bonuses to climbing, balancing and almost entirely silent and your movements
so on. so precise and careful that you make
essentially no noise. You gain a +2D bonus to
Extra sense 1 point: You have an extra hide rolls and a +1D bonus to sneak attacks
sense beyond what more normal people made with surprise.
have. Perhaps you can detect vibration, air
motion, radiation, UV or infrared. Whatever Wytch Only Disadvantages
it is, this may help you gather more clues,
Independent Homunculus 2 points: Your
see in the dark or track enemies. You may
homunculus, or familiar, is independent and
even have a built in PME meter that lets you
not fully, or even remotely, bound to you. It
‘see’ PME radiation.
likes to hang around and help you anyway,
Fast Moving 1 point: You are extremely fast. but also has its own agenda and takes off at
Your base speed increases by two metres the most inopportune moments.
per round.
Watcher in Darkness 5 points: If you ever
Fast reactions 3 points: Your cybernetic botch a roll involving magic or PME a rent
reflexes have made you able to react to in space opens and the things from beyond
situations much more swiftly than normal. that have been watching you reach through


to try and snatch you with a Strength roll of to terrify people. The difficulty to resist such
1D for every ‘1’ you rolled in the botch. If you an attack is willpower against a difficulty of
fail to fend off the grasp from beyond you 16; failure imposes a -1 pip penalty against
are hauled into another dimension and your any actions made by those who are terrified.
soul is eaten. Make a new character.
Hardiness 1 point: Your body is dense and
Weak homunculus 1 point: Your summoning toughened against attacks. You can increase
skill is considered to be 1D less when your resistance by 1 pip against any and all
determining the power of your homunculus/ attacks.
Natural Armour 3 points: Your craggy,
Wytch Only Advantages heavy, musculature is toughened and
doesn’t register much pain. Your resistance
Attack Resistance PSI/Mental 2 points: You is considered +1D higher against physical
are extremely hardy in certain ways and gain attacks.
a +1D bonus to either resistance – against
psychic power based attacks – or willpower
against mental/psychic attacks against your
Psi Skill Mechanics
consciousness. To have both you must take
this advantage twice.
Kinetic Blast
This skill represents your ability to focus and
Fear 2 points: You gain a +1 bonus to unleash your mind, channelling psychic power
intimidation rolls and can make a fear attack into a raw blast of energy that conforms to one
to terrify people. The difficulty to resist such of your other Kinetic abilities (Electro/Pyro/
an attack is willpower against a difficulty of Tele). This is used for raw, damaging effects,
16; failure imposes a -1 pip penalty against not anything subtle.
any actions made by those who are terrified. To make a Kinetic Blast the character rolls
Powerful Homunculus 2 points: Your their Kinetic Blast skill to determine how pow-
summoning skill is considered to be 1D erful a strike it is. A Kinetic Blast takes on the
more when determining the power of your effect/form of whatever ‘kinesis’ is used to
homunculus/familiar. power it. Electrokinesis creates a powerful
electromagnetic jolt. Pyrokinesis sends out
Golem Only Disadvantages a blast of flame and heat, or ice and intense
Gentle Giant 2 points: The Golem is a gentle cold. Telekinesis sends out a blast of force that
soul and will not attack anyone or anything strikes like an invisible fist.
unless he, or his friends, are hurt first, even • Any Kinetic Blast roll gets a bonus dice.
if taunted. Taunting is more likely to result in
tears than a fit of rage. • Kinetic Blasts are resisted with resilience
and armour.
Glacial reactions 3 points: The Golem always
goes last on initiative, as he’s too slow to • The maximum range of a Kinetic Blast is
react any faster. equal to your Kinetic Blast skill dice mul-
tiplied by itself, then multiply this total by
Where’s my Binky? 3 points: The Golem five. Example: 4D in Kinetic Blast would
must always have his fixational object with have a maximum range of 80 metres.
him and goes catatonic without it or a close
replacement, unable to act. • There is no ‘to hit’ roll with psychic ef-
fects. The roll is directly interpreted as
Golem Only Advantages damage. You do not have to throw all
your dice if you want to control the dam-
Endurance 1 point: You gain a +3D bonus to
physical actions that take place over a long age.
period of time – such as treading water or • You can also use this ability to create an
running long distances, as your mechanical explosion around yourself with a radius
limbs do not tire. equal to your Kinetic Blast skill.
Fear 2 points: You gain a +1 bonus to
intimidation rolls and can make a fear attack


Kinetic Electrokinesis does double damage.
With access to this ability you can increase, Against creatures with protection against
decrease or produce electrical charge and can the heat or self-regulating temperature – such
unleash kinetic blasts of electrical energy. as mammals – it does normal damage.
To use Kinetic Electrokinesis the character Damage from Kinetic Pyrokineis resisted
rolls their Kinetic Electrokinesis skill and can with Resilience/Armour (for objects and inani-
then assign what is rolled to create their effect. mate beings) and with Health for living targets.
• Electrokinesis has a range equal to your Armour does not normally apply unless sealed
Electrokinesis skill, multiplied by itself or specially designed.
and then multiplied by two. Example: 4D To use Kinetic Pyrokinesis the character rolls
in Electrokinesis would yield a range of their Kinetic Pyrokinesis skill and can then as-
thirty-two metres. sign what is rolled to create the effect.
• Pyrokinesis has a range equal to your
• Damage is equal to the number rolled
Pyrokinesis skill, multiplied by itself and
• No to-hit roll is necessary. then multiplied by two. Example: 4D in
Pyrokinesis would yield a range of thirty-
• This ability can also be used to create
two metres.
an area of electrical effect. This has the
same radius as Kinetic Blast but can be • Each point in a roll can increase or de-
maintained by concentrating and not us- crease the temperature by a single de-
ing any other psi powers. gree Celsius. This does not stack but a
higher roll replaces a lower one. increase
• Every five points in a roll is enough to
or decrease in temperature by five de-
power up one household appliance.
grees celsius costs one point. The flash-
• Every ten points in a roll is enough to point of paper is 235 degrees.
power up a vehicle or industrial sized de-
• This ability can also be used to create an
area of heat or cold. This has the same
• Every twenty points in a roll is enough to radius as Kinetic Blast but can be main-
power up a building or a huge device. tained by concentrating and not using
• Electrical damage is doubled against any other psi powers.
electronic, robotic and other vulnerable • Blasts of flame or ice for damage are not
beings and can travel twice as far through made using this ability, they are made us-
water, three times as far through conduc- ing the Kinetic Blast ability. They can and
tive surfaces/channels such as metal. The will ignite flammable objects in their area
Psychic can choose to make their electri- of effect.
cal attack damaging or stunning. Both
are resisted with resilience, armour does Kinetic Shield
not normally apply. If they fail to resist a Taking whatever form from your abilities you
stunning attack they are stunned – and choose, you can form a shield around yourself
probably convulsing – for a number of – and others – to absorb and deflect incoming
turns equal to half the amount they failed damage or buttress against effects.
the roll by, rounding down. To use Kinetic Shield a character rolls their
Kinetic Shield skill and can apply one of their
Kinetic Pyrokinesis Kinesis effects to it, creating a flaming, freez-
With access to this skill you can increase on ing, electromagnetic or telekinetic shield. They
decrease temperature, make flames more in- can then use their points to create the effect
tense, set fire to objects or freeze them and that they want:
unleash blasts of flame or ice with your kinetic • Divide the roll by five to determine how
blast ability. many dice of armour the shield provides.
Against vulnerable beings – such as ice or Each increase in radius (allowing an extra
water entities or those unable to regulate their person tot take shelter) reduces the ar-
own body temperature – Kinetic Pyrokinesis mour dice by one.


• Each full dice in Kinetic Shield allows the To use Magical Healing a Wytch rolls their
shield to be maintained for a minute. This Magic Heal skill and can spend the amount
can be extended with concentration, so that they roll by as follows. Each application of
long as you do not use any other powers. the skill takes ten turns.
• Shields are twice as effective against • Reducing the number of turns needed in
attacks of the same type. Telekinetic order to cast costs one for one turn.
shields are twice as effective against pro- • Removing a ‘Wounded’ effect costs five
jectile weapons, but not melee attacks or points.
energy attacks.
• Reducing a ‘Severely Wounded’ effect to
• Example: Dwight rolls twenty on his Ki- ‘Wounded’ costs ten points.
netic Shield roll. He channels his Pyroki-
nesis through it, creating a flaming shield. • Reducing an ‘Incapacitated’ effect to ‘Se-
He has: verely wounded’ costs fifteen points.

• 1D of armour for him and all his three • Reducing a ‘Mortally wounded’ to ‘Inca-
friends. 2D against heat/fire attacks. pacitated’ costs twenty points.

• The effect will last a total of five minutes,

he has 5D+1 in Kinetic Shield. Example: Simon is a power Wytch and rolls
30 on his healing roll. His friend Dermot
Kinetic Telekinesis has two wounds, a severe wound and an
With access to this skill you can manipulate incapacitating wound (for a total penalty of
-7D). Simon spends his 30 points to reduce
pure force, move objects or unleash blasts of
the incapacitating wound to a severe wound,
directional kinetic energy, throwing people
to reduce the severe wound to a normal
around or causing them harm. wound and then to remove that. Dermot still
To use Kinetic Telekinesis a character rolls has a severe wound and a normal wound
their Kinetic Telekinesis skill and can spend the (for a total penalty of -3). It takes ten turns
amount that they roll for effect. to heal the damage.
Your Kinetic Telekinesis skill is used as though
it were your Strength when using your mind. Magic Summon
You can use this as though it were a hand to With access to this skill a Wytch can deliber-
hand attack, but you do not need to roll to hit. ately summon minor entities from ‘elsewhere’
• Your Kinetic Telekinesis skill is also used and bind them to their will, making them per-
as though it were your Dex if you attempt form actions for them according to their com-
to finely manipulate objects or tools. mands and will, albeit resentfully.
To use this skill the Wytch rolls their Magic
• Kinetic Telekinesis has a range equal to Summon skill and then spends the points to
your Kinetic Telekinesis multiplied by it- ‘create’ the entity that they are summoning out
self and then multiplied by two. Example: of the plasm of the psychic plane. Summoning
A Kinetic Telekinesis of 4D has a range of a creature normally takes ten turns. Every five
32 metres. points over the summoning difficulty reduces
• You can also use this to create a pushing this by one.
shockwave with a strength equal to your Only one summoned creature may be held
Kinetic Telekinesis and a radius equal to in this reality at a time. The Homunculus is an
your dice. exception to this rule.
It is recommended that Wytches keep re-
Magic Heal cords of the creatures that they regularly sum-
Wytches are able to channel PME energy in mon.
predictable and common ways through their
formulae and workings. With Heal you are able
to reduce wounds and heal injuries, allowing
someone to recover quickly and get back into
the fight.


Regular Summoning Homunculus
You can summon a creature with a num- Your homunculus, or familiar, is a perma-
ber of stat dice equal to your Magic Summon nently summoned and bound creature. As
skill multiplied by three. The maximum dice in your skill increases it can be dismissed and re-
any one statistic this creature can have is also summoned or changed.
equal to your Magic Summon skill. When determining the power of your ho-
• You can trade one of these dice for a dice munculus you generate it as though your sum-
in a skill (which adds on top of the appro- mon skill were one dice lower.
priate statistic). You can break this dice Example: Marie is summoning her
- and the stat dice - down into pips if you homunculus, a ‘faerie’ sprite. Her Magic
want to get complicated. The maximum Summon skill is 4D, which means it counts
number of extra dice in any one skill is as 3D for the homunculus. That gives her 9D
equal to your Magic Summon skill. for statistics. Dex 3D, End 1D, Int 1D, Psi 1D,
Str 1D, Tech -, Wits 1D, Flying
• You can trade one dice from statistics for
It isn’t much of a fighter, but it makes a good
1D of natural weapons. Again the maxi-
scout, a sort of ‘feral’ faerie, cunning, but none
mum number of dice in natural weapons
too bright.
possible is equal to your Magic Summon
skill. Magic Ward
• The same swap and rules govern trading Wytches are able to channel PME energy into
dice for armour. patterns that can reinforce reality and hold off
entities or reduce their power.
• The total of your roll is also the difficulty To use the Magic Ward the Wytch rolls their
of the Magic Ward roll to bind it to your Magic Ward skill and uses that roll to create a
service. warding area.
• The creature is bound for a number of It normally takes ten turns to enact a ward.
minutes equal to your Magic Summon When used to bind entities they are consid-
skill. ered temporarily bound until the end of that
period, when they are either fully bound, or
• Failure to bind a creature means it stays
until killed.
Each die in Magic Ward represents two me-
• Special movement (flight, swimming) tres radius of warding.
costs two a statistic dice. • The roll is the difficulty (Willpower or Re-
• Each multiple of the same entity costs silience) for an unwelcome entity to enter
one dice, on the basis of 1/2/4/8/16/32 the warded area. As an alternative, one
and so on. tenth of your roll rounded down can be
applied as a dice penalty to the actions
Example: Marie is caught, alone, in an alley of any creatures within the ward.
by a pair of blank-faced Entities with knives.
She needs back up and decides to risk an • You can reduce your roll on a one-for-
all-out summon to draw something to help one basis to reduce the amount of time
her from the psychic void. She rolls a total needed for warding.
of 19 on 4D and spends it quickly to create
• Wards last for a number of minutes equal
something to help her.
to your Magic Ward skill (or until the
Dex 2D, End 2D, Int 1D, Psi -, Str 4D, Tech bound creature is dismissed).
-, Wits 1D, Natural Weapons +2D (Melee
• Magic Ward can also be used to bind en-
strike 6D damage)
tities but only entities that you, yourself,
She describes it as a metallic, armoured have summoned. The difficulty is equal
dwarf with clawed hands. It is only summoned to the numthe result of the summoning
for four minutes and she still has to get it un- roll.
der control with a warding roll, but it should
help against the stalking entities.


Example: Hyrum is attempting to create PME Weapons
a fighting ward to protect himself and his PME weapons can channel psychic energy
team from an oncoming tide of gremlins. He via a Grunt’s link or from a PME battery and
has a skill of 4D and throws out an 8 metre unleash it in a variety of nasty ways to harm
ward. He rolls 15 which is only enough for a
people. This skill covers the use of these exotic
1D penalty to all the Gremlin’s actions, but
that’s enough.
You roll your PME Weapons skill – as with any
PME Armour normal weapon attack – to hit with PME Weap-
Psycho-Magnetic-Energy is used naturally ons.
by psychics but can also be used in devices. Psychic Blast
PME armour channels the latent psychic ener- Raw mental energy can have a searing effect
gy of Grunts, or is powered by ‘bottles’ of PME on the minds of others. With this skill the char-
to make it work. With this skill you can operate acter can unleash a tempest of mind-power
PME armour. and strike people dead or unconscious without
PME Armour has no special rules. This skill any physical sign of the power being used.
is merely required to operate the armour and The Psychic Blast skill is used by making a
higher levels of skill are needed to operate Psychic Blast roll and then spending the points
more complicated – or more alien – forms of to create the effect. Psychic blasts can affect
armour. The skill is also used to make field re- anything animate with a mind but do not af-
pairs and to represent knowledge about dif- fect machines, even intelligent ones.
ferent forms of entity based armour. Psychic Blasts are resisted with Willpower.
PME Items • Psychic blasts have a range equal to your
PME items are psychically activated and Psychic Blast skill dice, multiplied by
enhanced devices that are used for various themselves and then by five. Example: A
strange and unusual effects. Wytches are Psychic Blast skill of 4D gives an eighty
trained in their use and can empower them metre range.
without the need for PME batteries. PME items • Psychic blasts do half damage, after Will-
are typically more eclectic than PME tech and power is rolled and every five points of
may more closely resemble people’s folk ideas damage also stun for one turn.
of ‘magic’.
PME Items have an ‘activation difficulty’ that • A Psychic Blast can also be enacted in a
must be rolled against for them to take effect. radius around the Empath with a radius
The skill used to activate these devices is PME equal to their dice in Psychic Blast.
Psychic Clairvoyance
PME Tech With this skill the psychic can project their
PME technology is more limited, but also senses some distance from their body to make
more reliable than PME items. PME meters, observations without being detected or spot-
scanners, samplers and other technological ted.
devices with predictable effects are covered To make a Psychic Clairvoyance roll the char-
by PME Tech. acter rolls their Psychic Clairvoyance skill.
PME Tech has no special rules. Different PME Multiplying the result by itself give the range
Tech items require a higher level of skill to in metres that they can send their perception.
operate and activate. The skill is also used to It can only be blocked by PME devices and
make field repairs and to represent knowledge magical wards. While you are projecting your
about different forms of PME and entity tech- body is vulnerable, though you will snap back
nology. to it if harmed. While projected you are vulner-
able to psychic attack.
Example: Xander rolls 19 for his clairvoyance
roll, he can send his perception up to 361
metres away from himself.


Psychic Postcognition Example: Gareth rolls his Psychic
With this skill the psychic can read the history Precognition and scores 12, giving him a free-
of an area or an object, looking back into the floating +12 pool to his next few actions or
past to find who or what handled it and what up to 12 times he can ask whether something
is a good or bad course of action. He spends
happened some time ago.
one point to tell whether opening a door
To make a Psychic Postcognition roll a char-
would be a good or bad idea. The Games
acter rolls their Psychic Postcognition skill. Master tells him it would be a bad idea and
Their total shows how many hours back they this reinforces his suspicion that the door
can look. They can reduce their roll total for is booby-trapped. He uses his remaining
extra clarity in their visions. 11 bonus to help him find and disarm the
• 0 points clarity: Something bad hap- explosives affixed to the door and now has
pened here. none until he re-rolls.

• 3 points clarity: There was a fight here. Psychic Scan

• 5 points clarity: Soldiers and entities With this skill the psychic is a living PME meter,
fought here. able to detect psychic energy and living, con-
scious minds in the immediate vicinity.
• 10 points clarity: Paratroopers and enti- The psychic rolls on this skill and every point
ties that looked like glowing crabs fought gives them a metre radius of scanning distance
here. Two of the soldiers escaped, none for magical effects or minds (though a ward
of the crabs were killed, though one was will protect against this). They can tell the di-
severely wounded. rection and the vague power level of the entity
Example: There was a murder in this or power in question. Psychic powers read off
house exactly six hours ago. Lyla arrives their #D and entities read off their highest sta-
on the scene as an incursion by entities is tistic #D. The following scale is also used to
suspected. She rolls a 12, six of which is used register power levels on a PME meter.
up to look back those 6 hours. That gives
her five points of clarity and leaves her free Statistic PME Reading
to look back a further hour if needed. 0-1D: Black
1D+1-2D: Infrared
Psychic Precognition 2D+1-3D: Red
The future is a confusing tangle of possibili- 3D+1-4D: Orange
ties, many of which will never come true. With 4D+1-5D: Yellow
this skill the psychic can peek into this tangle 5D+1-6D: Green
and examine the most probable outcomes of 6D+1-7D: Blue
current events getting some clues as to things 7D+1-8D: Indigo
that might happen in the imminent future. 8D+1-9D: Violet
Any further ahead and only the biggest, most 9D+1-10D: Ultraviolet
probably events are detectable. 10D+1-11D: Alpha
With this skill the psychic can get a vague, 11D+1-12D: Beta
unnatural sense of what is going to occur in 12D+1-13D: Gamma
the immediate future. To use it a character rolls 13D+1-14D: Delta
their Psychic Precognition skill and can tell – 14D+1-15D: Epsilon
by spending a point from the roll - vaguely, 15D+1-16D: Zeta
whether a course of action is going to be a >16D: Omega
good or a bad idea. They can also gain a free-
floating bonus to their next few actions though
they must spend at least one point on each ac- Psychic Shield
tion. This pool is equal to the number rolled With this ability the psychic can raise a mental
but cannot be replenished until it is all spent. ‘wall’ around themselves and others to absorb
Points can be spent after you make a roll to and deflect psychic attacks and mind con-
bring it up high enough to succeed. trol, reinforcing their will and defending their


To use Psychic Shield a character rolls their face thought or image. You cannot im-
Psychic Shield skill and then spends their plant a suggestion. The effect is momen-
points as they wish. tary.
• Divide the roll by five to determine how • Beat by 6-10: You can pick up whatever
many dice of psychic armour the shield words or images are at the forefront of
provides. Each increase in radius (allow- their mind. You can implant a suggestion
ing an extra person to take shelter) re- to do something they are already inclined
duces the armour dice by one. to do. The effect lasts fifteen minutes.
• Each full die in the Psychic Shield skill al- • Beat by 11-15: You can pick up what
lows the shield to be maintained for one they’re thinking beneath the surface. You
minute. can implant a suggestion that might nor-
mally be out of character for them. The
Psychic Telepathy effect lasts for half an hour.
With this ability a psychic can attempt to reach
into the mind of another, overcoming their will • Beat by 16-20: You can pick up what
and reading their thoughts – or implanting they’re hiding, their secrets. You can im-
suggestions of their own. plant a suggestion that goes completely
To use Psychic Telepathy the character rolls against their character. The effect lasts
their Psychic Telepathy skill against the Will- for an hour.
power of an unwilling target or to try and • Beat by 21-25: Their mind is an open book
transmit their psychic message over range. to you; you can see everything. You can
• Each point enables a connection to be implant a suggestion that would lead
established to another living mind at a to self-harm. The effect lasts for twelve
distance equal to their roll multiplied by hours.
• Beat by 26+: Their consciousness is blast-
• The psychic can act as a ‘psychic ex- ed and they become a mental slave to
change’ for their group, allowing them your will. The effect lasts as long as you
to have ‘group telepathy’. Each person wish it to.
hooked into the network, including the
psychic, costs one point before range is Psychic Exhaustion
determined. A Psyker or Empath is limited by mental ex-
haustion. Channelling PME energy directly
• Anyone in such a network can break the
through your mind is a tiring business and the
connection at will.
Psychic character types are at risk of mental
• Psychic messages sent to someone exhaustion if they overuse their powers.
against their will can be resisted with Rolling ‘1’s’ on their dice when they use their
their Willpower and this must be over- psychic abilities is dangerous and may result in
come to send the message. psychic exhaustion. A single ‘1’ can be ignored,
but two or more ‘1’s starts incurring psychic
Example: A roll of 12 would allow Justin to
exhaustion at one pip of exhaustion for every
transmit a message over 144 metres. The
extra ‘1’ rolled. Each point of exhaustion ap-
same roll would let him hook up his team of
four with group telepathy over a distance of plies a penalty to the character’s Psi rolls of -1
up to 64 metres. and this accumulates.
It dissipates at the rate of one point of ex-
Aggressive Psychic Telepathy is used to read
haustion for every hour of rest.
minds or to implant suggestions. Roll against
A psychic need not roll all their dice when
the target’s willpower, the amount you beat
making a psychic effect roll and if they limit
their resistance by determines what effect you
themselves to 1D+2 they are extremely unlikely
can have. Animal and insect minds are very
to incur exhaustion (they would need to roll
hard to read and control and gain +3D resist-
two ones, one after another).
• Beat by 1-5: You can pick up a single, sur- Example: Winston rolls his 5D+1 psychic


attack and scores 1,1,2,3,5+1 for a total of have it, they get an extra +1 bonus to their
13. He resolves his use of his power and multiple actions on top of the normal
then applies the exhaustion. He takes Ambidexterity bonus.
one point of exhaustion and, so, from
now on will take a -1 pip penalty to his Extended Hearing Pickups 17,000 ¢: The
rolls, meaning he will only get 5D to roll. ‘Borg’s ears are hyped in order to pick up
Later he rolls three 1’s on another roll, giving ultrasound and infrasound such as the
him another two exhaustion. This would take squeaking of bats or the deep rumbles of
him to -3 pips, but pips upgrade to dice as elephants.
normal. He is now -1D to all psychic rolls until Extended Scent 17,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s
he rests, meaning he now only gets 4D+1. olfactory sensors are enhanced and
extended enabling them to track scents from
Borg Options some time ago and to discern much more
Borgs come with a basic full-body package but accurately what a particular scent is. They
unlike most other character types are also able gain a +1D bonus to any tracking or sensory
to purchase hardware, physical upgrades to rolls that involve their sense of scent.
their shells that can extend and enhance their Extended Sight 17,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s optical
abilities. Unlike experience points – which are implants are enhanced to extend their vision
used to represent fine-tuning and upgrades to into the infra-red and ultraviolet wavelengths.
statistics and skills – these are purchased with This enables them to see traces in these
money and are down to the character to make spectra and to see in low light conditions.
their own investments. When appropriate they gain a +1D bonus
to perception involving sight. IR and UV
Aptitude Hardwiring 17,000 ¢: Aptitude are sensed in a way inexplicable to people
hardwiring fits neural implants to the Borg’s without sight in these spectra, as though
semi-inorganic brain that enhance, reinforce the ‘Borg’ can see in additional colours that
and widen pathways associated with don’t exist for regular human sight.
knowledge retention, recall and mind-body
linkage. This provides a one-time, +1 bonus Fist Blades 10,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s fist features
to any skill, per implant, though there are a retractable blade enabling them to do +1D
no limits as to how many implants can be damage in close combat.
Grip-Feet 10,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s feet are
Blaster Implant 12,000 ¢: A small blaster replaced with primate-like gripping feet.
implant is built into the ‘Borg’s forearm. They can be used to manipulate weapons,
This fires through the palm and is extremely but provide no additional attacks. They
short ranged and low power but makes for a do provide a +1D bonus to climbing and
good holdout or backup weapon. Run from balancing rolls.
the ‘Borg’s personal battery it doesn’t need
ammunition. The blaster can do 3D lethal or Hardlink Interface 20,000 ¢: The Borg is
stunning damage, as selected by the firer fitted with an interface socket and cable,
and can fire once per combat turn with a similar – but different – to that of a Grunt.
range of 10/20/30. Using this they can interface directly with
computers, vehicles and devices giving
Capacitance Net 20,000 ¢: The Borg’s them a +1D bonus in manipulating those
power cell is connected to a web of flexible devices to their ends.
conduits that carry it to the Borg’s surface.
They can channel their power to recharge Improved Plating 20,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s
or activate electrical items – even large body is reinforced and plated to withstand
scale devices for a time – or can be used to greater damage providing them with an extra
electrocute anyone in contact with them for 1D of armour as a boost to their Resilience.
their normal hand-to-hand damage but as
Penetrating Vision 17,000 ¢: The Borg has
stunning damage.
an additional sensory organ wired into
Coordinexus Implant 10,000 ¢: If the Borg their visual cortex along with a ‘third eye’
does not already have the Ambidextrous emitter. This projects a radar pulse that can
capability then they gain it. If they already penetrate soil to a distance of a couple of


metres and penetrate up to half a metre of Spending Experience Points
brick or rock, returning a ghostly image of Once you have your experience points you
what lies beyond. This enables the Borg to can spend them to improve your attributes
make Perception rolls through walls and and your skills, to purchase new advantages
into other rooms, though typically at higher
and to buy off disadvantages. Any spend of
experience points must be justified to the
Perceptual Streamlining 20,000 ¢: The Games Master.
‘Borg’s nervous system is hyped up and • Raising a skill costs experience points
boosted, streamlined and has a ‘stripped equal to your xD per pip.
down’ fight-or-flight mode where it runs
with massive efficiency and speed, replacing • Buying a new skill costs experience
chemical neuron receptors with hard points equal to the xD of the governing
line ones to cut down reaction time. This attribute.
provides the Borg with a one-time bonus of
+1D to Initiative. • Raising an attribute costs xD multiplied
by 10.
Spinal Extension 20,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s
• Buying a new advantage costs experi-
spinal column is extended into a prehensile
tail. This is not good enough to wield a ence points equal to the character gen-
weapon but for matters of balance and eration cost of the advantage multiplied
climbing it provides a +2 bonus. by 5.

Tactile Enhancement 17,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s • Buying off a disadvantage costs experi-
hands and skin are enhanced in their ability ence points equal to the character gen-
to perceive the collection of sensations that eration bonus multiplied by 10. You can-
we know as touch. The Borg gains a +1D not buy off racial disadvantages unless
bonus for anything involving these senses, otherwise stated in their text.
but a buffer prevents them from feeling pain
as a result. Example 1: Dermot the Golem wants to
raise his Brawling skill, which is currently
3D+2. This will cost him 3xp and will raise it
Improving Characters to 4D.
As characters progress through their adven-
tures they will tend to learn – both from their Example 2: He then wants to buy a Firearms
mistakes and their successes. They will grow skill, which he doesn’t already have. His
Dexterity is 2D so this costs him 2 xp just to
more competent, more experienced and more
get at 2D. Raising it to 2D+1 would cost him
knowledgeable as well as accruing training
another 2xp.
and on-the-job expertise.
Example 3: Dermot now wants to raise
Earning Experience Points his Strength from 5D to 5D+1, this will cost
Experience points are awarded at the end of him 50 xp but will also add +1 pip to every
each adventure, mission or session that the Strength based skill.
characters participate in. The following are
guidelines on how many experience points Example 4: Dermot wants to buy a 2 point
advantage. This will cost him 10 points.
should be awarded:
Example 5: Dermot wants to buy off a 2
Each hour of play in the session: +1 xp point disadvantage; this will cost him 30
Mission ends with outstanding success: +3 xp points.
Mission ends with acceptable success: +2 xp
Mission ends with marginal success: +1 xp Game Basics
Mission ends with marginal failure: +1 xp The basics of rolling dice and how to read the
Mission ends in failure: +2 xp results are covered earlier in the book but
Mission ends in abject failure: +3 xp there are further implications and complica-
Optional end of mission awards: tions which also need to be covered to encap-
Roleplaying award: +1 xp sulate all the different situations and modifiers
Man of the mission award: +1 xp that might affect these basic rules.


Untrained Skill Use to react have over others.
Even if you don’t have a particular skill you To determine your Initiative roll your Initia-
can make an attempt to solve a problem, use a tive skill. If you don’t have the skill, take 5 away
weapon, pick a lock or whatever it is that you from your result.
are trying to do. You roll your appropriate At- Example: Dermot the Golem has Wits of 1D
tribute dice to try and solve the problem but and no Initiative skill. Odds are he’s pretty
the difficulty is increased to reflect your lack much always going to be going last.
of knowledge or skill. During a turn each person gets to act from
• If it’s something anyone might be able to highest Initiative to lowest and the same roll is
try and you just lack the skill the penalty kept throughout the entire combat.
is +5 difficulty. In the case of a successful ambush the am-
• If it’s something that you really shouldn’t bushers get a whole free turn to themselves
be able to do without special knowledge before anyone else can act.
or training the penalty is +10 difficulty. If Initiative is tied the character with the high-
est Wits goes first. If their Wits are the same
• If it’s something you just cannot even then the highest Dexterity goes first. If they’re
hope to do without special knowledge, still tied, each roll 1D and whoever gets the
you may not even try. highest goes first.

Multiple Actions
Example 1: Jasmine has no firearms skill On your turn you are normally allowed one
but has scooped up a pistol. She fires it Normal Action and one Free Action. You can
desperately at an oncoming wall of living
perform more Normal Actions but for each ex-
flesh that’s bleeding through from another
tra one that you take you take a 1D penalty to
dimension. Her Dexterity is 3D so she rolls
3 dice, but the wall of Flesh gets +5 to its each action that you take.
defence. Psychic exhaustion is totalled up for EVERY
psychic action taken in a turn so only one ‘1’
Example 2: Hyrum is trying to hotwire an can be discounted from their rolls in a turn.
electronic lock. The difficulty for someone
with the appropriate skills is 15, it’s not that Example: Siren is currently hunkered behind
complicated. Hyrum has no real idea what a crate. There’s a gap of two metres between
he’s doing though but the Games Master this crate and another crate and there are
things he has a chance. Because he has no two-dimensional invaders on the other side
appropriate skill the difficulty is raised to 25. of the room. She uses her free action to
move from behind one crate to behind the
Example 3: Marion stares blankly at a series other and uses a multiple action to pop off
of complicated equations written in a two shots from her pistol at the invaders on
notation formula that isn’t native to Earth. her way across. She’s taking two actions so
She has no chance of understanding this takes a penalty of 1D to both. Her firearms
and doesn’t get to roll. skill is normally 3D+2; the penalty reduces
this to 2D+2 which she rolls twice.
Rounds & Initiative
Time is normally pretty flexible during a game. Normal Actions
Time and timekeeping only really becomes • Making an attack.
critical when there is fighting going on or you
• Catch something.
are working against the clock. When it comes
to combat especially you need a way to keep • Complex communication (More than a
track of who is going when, what they can ac- sentence or two, conveying a plan).
complish and so forth.
• Dodge/Parry (Actively dodge an incom-
In PROJECT a turn is approximately 5 sec-
ing attack. You can do this before your
onds long and everyone is acting at approxi-
turn but it eliminates your action this
mately the same time. Initiative is used to
determine who acts in what order and to rep-
resent the advantage that those who are faster • Escape from bonds or a hold.


• Move (More than half of your normal Taking Your Time
move up to 100% of it) If you choose to take your time over an action
• Change weapons. you can add a +1D bonus for each doubling of
time up to a maximum of +3D.
• Use a Skill/Ability
Example 1: Joshua is lining up a sniper shot
• Make a vehicle manoeuvre. on a man who has been dealing in dangerous
cross-dimensional goods. His normal skill
• Wait (Forfeit your free action, but you
with the rifle is 3D+1. If he fires immediately
can choose to go later in the turn, in-
that’s what he will roll. After holding aim for
terrupting anyone who would normally two turns he will roll 4D+1, after four turns
come after you). 5D+1 and after eight turns (40 seconds)
Free Actions
• Say a few words/make a smart quip. Example 2: Sara is trying to fix a damaged
computing device from a crashed
• Give a room/area a quick glance (and interdimensional vessel. She wants to make
make a roll to spot anything unusual/hid- sure she gets it working. The Games Master
ing in there). says a repair attempt would normally take
two hours but she decides to stretch it out
• Move up to 50% of your normal move- for the maximum bonus by working on it
ment. over sixteen hours. This gives her a +3D
Helping Each Other
You can assist each other with certain tasks – Rushing
lifting something heavy for example. If a group If you want to speed up doing a task then
are working together on a problem (generally you can do so but you get a penalty for it.
no more than five people can usefully cooper-
• Reducing the time by ¼ increases the dif-
ate on a task) then select the person with the
ficulty by +5
highest number of dice to make the roll and
give them a bonus related to the people as- • Reducing the time by ½ increases the dif-
sisting them. ficulty by +10
To work out the bonus knock the pips off • Reducing the time by ¾ increases the dif-
the character’s skill and double the D, apply- ficulty by +20
ing that as a numerical bonus to the roll being
made. If they don’t have an applicable skill but Example: Sara needs to get this computer
still want to help, take 5 (or 10) away from the working before the owners come to reclaim
bonus before applying it. it. She doesn’t have two hours. The normal
difficulty to get this thing up and running is
Example 1: Fred and Charlie are trying to 20. If she reduces her time to one-and-a-
move a piano up a narrow flight of stairs. half hours the difficulty rises to 25, one hour
Both have Strength of 3D but Fred decides 30 and half-an-hour 40. She’s probably in
to be the one who rolls while Charlie assists. trouble.
Charlie’s 3D becomes a +6 bonus to Fred’s

Example 2: A squad of PROJECT support

troops decide to saturate an area with
automatic fire. There are five of them and
they all have a Firearms skill of 2D+2. Each
additional trooper provides a bonus of +4
giving the squad leader an effective bonus
of +16 to his roll.


Skill Difficulties Example 2: Heidi is hiding behind a stack of
When making a Skill roll the character rolls cardboard boxes. They’re not great cover
against a target number. That target number is but they do make it harder to get a clear
either set by the Games Master or determined shot on her. Any shots fired at her are at a -5
penalty because of that cover.
by the opponent rolling a Skill in opposition to
the character. If a character is attempting to
How Well Did I do?
pick a lock they will be going up against a set
Sometimes you don’t just need to know
difficulty. If they are trying to hit someone in
whether someone passed or failed but how
close combat they will be making a roll against
well they did to a greater degree. The follow-
their Dodge skill.
ing are guidelines on how well someone has
done. The degree of success is determined by
Standard Difficulties
how much the target number was beaten by:
Very Easy ................................... 1-5
Easy ............................................. 6-10 Minimal Success (Succeed by 0): They only
Moderate .................................... 11-15 just made it.
Difficult ....................................... 16-20 Solid Success (1-4): Competent, but not
Very Difficult ............................. 21-25 great.
Heroic .......................................... 26-30
Legendary .................................. 31+ Good Success (5-8): Better than necessary,
there may be additional information/
Optionally you may allow characters with high benefits.
Attributes or Skills to automatically take a min- Superior Success (9-12): There are almost
imal success (0 over target) if they have a high certainly additional benefits to succeeding
enough dice number. at this level.

Very Easy ................................... 3D automatic. Spectacular Success (13-16): The attempt is

completed with noticeable style and élan.
Easy ............................................. 5D automatic.
Moderate .................................... 8D automatic. Incredible Success (16+): This is a truly
Difficult ....................................... 10D automatic. amazing and noteworthy, even legendary,
Very Difficult ............................. 13D automatic. success and may be talked about or used as
Heroic .......................................... 15D automatic. an example for some time.

Difficulty Modifiers
The base difficulty for both set and opposed By default PROJECT has no game board or
actions can be modified if someone has an battle map, though you can surely improvise
advantage or a disadvantage. Equipment and one. Still, it’s useful – even in the abstract – to
circumstances can both provide bonuses. know how far or fast people can move and the
effects of vehicles, flying, swimming and so
• +/-5 Slight advantage or disadvantage.
forth. This section provides guidelines on how
• +/-10 Decisive advantage or to deal with various movement issues.
• +/-15 Overwhelming advantage or Most characters have a base movement of 10
disadvantage. metres in a round. They can move up to 5 me-
Example 1: Uther is hunting velociraptors tres as a free action and 10 metres by using
in a darkened building. They don’t have their normal action. If they use both their free
night vision but he has night vision goggles. action and their normal action to move then
The Games Master rules that he gains a +5 they can move 15 metres in a normal turn –
bonus to Initiative rolls in the dark due to while not doing anything else.
this advantage and that the raptors get a If they want to move even faster then they
-5 penalty to Perception due to their lack of can try to use their Running skill. Each full
night vision. movement amount or part thereof (10 metres


in this example) increases the difficulty of Run- Vehicle Movement
ning skill rolls by +5. Vehicle movement is abstracted into five cat-
A sprinter wanting to match an (approxi- egories representing whether you are carefully
mate) Olympic running time of 100 metres in crawling along or have your foot to the floor
10 seconds would need to cover 50 metres going hell-for leather. A vehicle can move up
in a single turn. With their normal move of 10 or down these categories for free by one level
metres they would need to increase that four- per turn at the driver’s control. Each additional
times over, giving them a Running difficulty of shift in speed made in a single turn creates an
20. appropriate roll with a difficulty of 5 per addi-
If a character fails in their Running attempt tional level of speed change (Example: Going
then they only move their normal move, if they from Stopped to All Out in one action would
fail by 5 or more they may trip and do them- require a roll against a difficulty of 20). Failing
selves a mischief. these rolls means you lose control for the turn
and may crash.
Characters can swim at half their normal move Stopped: The vehicle is not moving.
rate rounding up. A character can increase the
Cautious: The vehicle is moving up to half its
speed and distance that they swim in the same normal movement. This is a free action and
way as Running above, just using the Swim- has a base difficulty of zero though rough
ming skill. terrain may increase this by 5-15.
Climbing Cruising: The vehicle is moving at its normal
Characters can climb at their normal move speed which requires a Normal Action but
rate up a surface with a base difficulty of 5 has a base difficulty of zero.
(for something easily climbable like a rope or
Damage Vehicle Damage Passenger Damage
a tree). More difficult climbs increase the dif-
1-3 Very Light None.
ficulty by between +5 (a stone wall) and +15 (A
4-8 Light ¼ vehicle damage.
smooth surface). A character may climb faster
9-12 Heavy ½ vehicle damage.
using their Athletics skill but each increase in
13-15 Severe ¾ vehicle damage.
speed increases the difficulty by +10.
16+ Destroyed Full damage.
Jumping Very Light Damage: Penalty of -1D from
A character can normally jump up to ¼ of their vehicle related rolls for this round and the
normal movement, horizontally or vertically next one (Resilience and Manoeuvre).
from a standing start. The base difficulty to do
this is 5 and increases by +10 for every addi- Light Damage: Vehicle suffers a permanent
tional two metres jumped. A running start of -1D from Manoeuvre and Resilience. If
Manoeuvre is already 0 it’s top, operable
five metres gives +5 and 10 metres gives +10
speed is reduced by one (EG from All Out
to the Jump roll.
to High).
Flying Heavy Damage: Vehicle suffers a permanent
Flying characters or creatures can fly at the -2D as above, top speed reduced by two
stated rate for their equipment or special abili- levels.
ties. They can increase this movement rate in
the same way as Running, but using the Flying Severe Damage: Vehicle suffers a permanent
skill. -4D as above, top speed reduced to zero,
automatically decelerating one shift per
Vehicles level until stopped.

Vehicles have their own particular peculiari-

ties and natures that mean that they need spe- High: The vehicle is moving twice its normal
cial rules. In many ways a vehicle is more like move and requires an appropriate roll to
a character, albeit one that is operated by a control it with a base difficulty of 5.
genuine character. Movement and damage re-
lating to vehicles is covered below.


All out: The vehicle is moving at four times Ramming
its normal move and requires an appropriate Ramming damage is dependent upon the
roll to control it with a base difficulty of speed of the vehicle To work out the damage
10. work out the difference or cumulative speed
shifts of the two vehicles and that’s the total
Vehicle Stunts & Actions number of dice of damage rolled.
As well as acceleration, deceleration and ba-
• In a sideswipe or T strike use the speed of
sic movement, you can throw a vehicle around
the fastest vehicle to determine damage.
to do various stunts as part of your move, all
of which require appropriate driving rolls. You • In a shunt collision take the speed of the
can accelerate, move fast and do a stunt all as target away from the speed of the shunt-
one Normal Action. er and add 1D.
Parking/Docking...................... Difficulty 6
• In a head on collision add the speed of
Landing an air vehicle ............ Difficulty 10
the two vehicles together and add 3D.
Regain control .......................... Difficulty 15
Sideswipe/Ram ........................ Difficulty 10 Example: Two cars smash into each other
head-on, both are at cruising speed for a
Easy turn (up to 45 deg.) ...... Difficulty 5
total of 6D damage. The damage rolled is 31
(+5 for each speed category above Cruising).
for the target, 18 for the rammer. The cars
45 degree turn ......................... Difficulty 9 have a resilience of 4D+2. The rammed car
(+5 for each speed category above Cruising). reduces its damage by 10 for its resilience roll,
90 degree turn ......................... Difficulty 15 reducing its damage to 21. It is completely
(+5 for each speed category above Cruising). destroyed and its passengers must roll their
180 degree ‘bootleg’ turn ..... Difficulty 21 resilience against the remaining 21 damage.
(+5 for each speed category above cruising). The ramming car rolls 14 for its resilience
meaning it takes 4 damage (light damage)
Moving in reverse .................... +5 Difficulty.
and its passengers must roll their Resilience
Example: Simeon has a Drive skill of 4D+1. against 1 damage.
He wants to accelerate from Cautious to
High and perform a 180 degree turn. The Abandon Ship!
acceleration has a difficulty of 5, keeping Getting out of a Vehicle safely needs no roll if it
control at that speed also has a difficult of 5 is stopped, otherwise the difficulty is a base of
and the turn has a difficulty of 26. These are 5, +5 for each speed category above stopped.
each rolled in order. Accelerate/Move/Stunt Acrobatics is the roll that needs to be made to
all as his Normal Action. He loses control on avoid being harmed; otherwise the character
the turn and spins off the road. takes 2D of damage for every speed category
the vehicle is moving at. Bailing out of aircraft,
Vehicle Attacks obviously, has its own issues.
Hitting a vehicle with an attack has a base diffi-
culty of 10, though this can be modified as de- Repairing Vehicles
tailed in the Combat chapter. Vehicle weapons Repairing damage to a vehicle has a difficul-
cannot usually be fired by the driver but must ty equal to the damage level of each vehicle
be fired by crew or passengers. Drivers can ‘wound’ multiplied by 5. Very light damage has
however attempt to ram and such an attack is a difficulty of 5 to repair, Light damage is 10,
made with their appropriate vehicle skill. Heavy damage 15 and Severe damage 20. This
Vehicles take damage in a similar manner to can be made easier or more difficult by the
the way that characters do in that damage is availability of tools, spares and so forth. Very
done by rolling damage against the armour/ light damage takes half an hour to repair. Light
resilience of the vehicle and compared to work damage takes an hour to repair. Heavy dam-
out how much damage the vehicle takes and age takes six hours to repair. Severe damage
what the penalty is. takes 12 hours to repair.


Combat Rules lee weapon with another melee weapon is at a
+3 bonus, making parrying the best defence in
You can dress it up however you like. You melee combat.
can use all sorts of euphemisms and ter- You can dodge/parry or otherwise defend in
minology but eventually it almost always addition to taking further actions as with the
comes down to shooting or punching multiple action penalty rules, but you must
something. Best way to stop them coming state the other actions you intend to take –
back. and take the penalties – when you make the
- Elton Lemon, Grunt Dodge roll.
Combat is the most intensive and often the For every five points an attack exceeds a de-
most ‘invested’ situation that characters can fence, the attack does an extra +1 damage. This
find themselves in. It’s also where rules be- becomes a dice if it gets to +3 just as when you
come most important since they are almost normally stack pips.
always a matter of life and death. Range & Cover Modifiers
Step One: Initiative Ranged combat has its own factors to consid-
To work out who goes first, roll your Initiative er, range and cover or obscuring of the target
skill. The Games Master may give you bonuses being most noteworthy.
or penalties depending on the circumstances. • Point blank range (0-5 metres) reduces
Ambushers get a whole free turn before initia- the difficulty by 5.
tive is rolled and normal combat starts. • Short range has no modifier.
Step Two: Attacking & Defending • Medium range incurs a penalty of 5 to hit.
When you attack you use your appropriate
• Long range incurs a penalty of 10 to hit.
combat Skill.
When you defend you use your appropriate • Light cover or obscuring (25%) incurs a
Skill – usually Dodge. -5 penalty to hit.
When you’re attacked defend the difficulty • Medium cover or obscuring (50%) incurs
to hit you without you making a big effort not a -10 penalty to hit.
to be hit is 10 + a number equal to your Dodge
dice with the pips dropped divided by 2. (4D+2 • Heavy cover or obscuring (75%) incurs a
dodge would give you a basic defence of 12). -15 penalty to hit.
If you choose to actively defend you roll your • Some weapons can shoot through total
appropriate skill and that gives you a defence cover and even when the target is totally
against all attacks of that type for the whole obscured you can still attempt to hit, the
turn. If your Dodge were 4D+2 you might, for penalty to do so is -20.
example, roll 17, which would then be your de-
fence against attacks for the rest of the turn. Step Three: Determine Damage
You can defend against any attack, includ- To determine damage roll damage for the
ing ranged attacks, by dodging, but this takes weapon and total it up. Reduce it by any spe-
your action for the turn. You can choose to cial factors such as force or Psi shields and
dodge even if it isn’t your turn yet, but that then roll the target’s Resilience + Armour. The
takes your Normal Action for the turn. You amount the damage exceeds this by deter-
can’t see if someone hits and then choose to mines what wound – if any – is taken.
dodge, you must choose to dodge first.
You can defend against melee and hand-to- Step Four: Repeat
hand attacks by blocking or parrying. To do Keep going until every character has taken
this you roll your own combat skill and com- a turn, and then return to step two. Cycle
pare results as though you were dodging. through until combat is over.
Blocking a melee weapon unarmed is at a -5
penalty. Blocking an unarmed attack with a
weapon is at a +5 bonus and if you success-
fully defend they take damage. Blocking a me-


Combat Options cludes shooting them out of their grip as well
as knocking them. Stealing a weapon out of
There are special circumstances, which may
someone’s hand requires an unarmed attack
come into effect with particular weapons or
roll at +20 difficulty.
the desires of a character to do special actions
in combat. Called Shots
Burst Fire • A called shot against a target around 50
Burst fire rattles off a burst of shots against a cm long is penalised by -4.
single target. A weapon capable of burst fire • A called shot against something around
lets off five shots from its magazine and does 10 cm long is penalised by -14.
+2D damage.
• A called shot against a very precise tar-
Full Auto get of around 1 cm is penalised by -28.
Fully automatic fire against a single target can • Blindness/Darkness
be devastating, but is also highly inaccurate.
The difficulty to hit a single target with fully • Blindness or total darkness incurs a pen-
automatic fire is raised by 7 but also increases alty of -14 upon an attack.
the damage by 4D.
Fully automatic fire can also be used to Hit Locations
sweep or hose down an area in an attempt to You can call shots to particular locations.
hit multiple targets. An area of 45 degrees out Called Shots – described above – can be used
to medium range for the weapon becomes a to aim for chinks in armour and so forth, but to
‘zone BF attack’. The difficulty is raised by 7 aim for a particular body part use these rules.
and damage is reduced by 2D but an attack is • Aiming for the head incurs a -4 penalty
made – with a single roll – against everyone in and does +12 damage.
the area. • Aiming for a vital spot, such as the heart
Fully automatic fire empties the magazine on or the crotch, incurs a -14 penalty and
most weapons and is considered to use up fif- does +12 damage.
ty round on weapons with larger ammo boxes.
• Aiming for centre mass (chest) incurs no
Grapple penalty.
A normal hand-to-hand attack is made and
• Aiming for an arm incurs a -4 penalty and
basic strength damage is rolled. On follow-
reduces damage by -2.
ing turns hits are automatic and damage is in-
creased by one pip for each consecutive turn. • Aiming for a leg incurs a -4 penalty and
To break the attack the victim must beat the reduces damage by -1.
attacker on an opposed Strength Roll, or Dex-
• Aiming for a hand incurs a -14 penalty
terity versus Strength. Grappling represents
and reduces damage by -2.
other forms of entangled physical attack such
as choking and holds as well. The initial attack
is made with a bonus of +2D.

A shove or a sweep to knock a target onto the
ground, forcing them to spend a Normal Ac-
tion if they want to get back up. A knockdown
attack is penalised by +7 difficulty but does
normal damage for the weapon or unarmed

A disarming attack is made at +10 difficulty
and does no damage but, if successful, knocks
the weapon out of an enemy’s hand. This in-


Scale Healing
Large vehicles or weapons firing upon small
Medical treatment can stabilise and even
targets take a penalty while the reverse is also
heal wounds. When Medicine is rolled to heal
true. A person finds it easy to hit a tank, while
wounds it starts with the most severe wound
a tank finds it hard to hit a person.
and progresses onwards, always dealing with
To work out the scale modifier, take the size
the worst wound until all the damage is cured
of the target and take away the size of the at-
or until a failure is made, whereupon natural
tacker. What remains is the bonus (or penalty)
healing takes over.
to the attackers roll.
The basics are covered in the entry under the
Tiny -15
Medicine skill.
Hand Sized -10
Briefcase Sized -5 Example: Del has taken two incapacitating
Child Sized -3 wounds and a standard wound. The difficulty
Average Person 0 to treat him starts at 25. If the doctor succeeds
Motorcycle 3 on that roll one of the Incapacitating wounds
Car 5 is reduced to a normal wound. Healing the
Tank 10 remaining wounds (Now two wounds and
House 15 one incapacitating wound) would drop to
Mansion 20 difficulty 20. Returning him to full health, if
Office Block 45 every roll were successful, would take two
hours and ten minutes.
Example: Jane is engaged in combat with
a possessed APC. The APC is effectively a
Natural Healing
tank with a scale of 10 while Jane is a person
Wounds heal naturally over time, though
with a scale of 0. The APC has a -10 penalty
to hit Jane while Jane has a +10 bonus to hit they may leave scars or even disadvantages if
the APC. the Games Master is feeling particularly cruel.
• Being stunned wears off after one turn.
• Being knocked out wears off after ten
• Being wounded reduces after three days.
• Being incapacitated reduces after two
• Being mortally wounded reduces after
five weeks.

Example: The doctors fail their second roll

on Del and he’s left with an incapacitating
wound and two other wounds. The
remaining incapacitating wound reduces to
a wound after two weeks. After that each
wound heals in three days. He’s going to take
three weeks and two days to fully recover.
Someone with a single mortal wound would
take seven weeks and three days to fully
recover just from that wound.
At the very least first aid and at higher level
more doctor and surgical capabilities are cov-
ered by this skill. Wounded characters can be
tended to and cared for using this skill.


PME Meter
• Treating a Wounded result or rousing A PME Meter has a fixed range of 20m and oth-
someone from unconsciousness has a erwise acts as a Psi-Scan ability. It costs 300¢.
difficulty of 5 and takes five minutes.
PME Toolkit
• Treating an Incapacitated result has a dif- A PME Toolkit provides a +3 bonus to uses of
ficulty of 10 and takes an hour. the PME Tech skill. It costs 500¢.
• Treating a Mortally Wounded result has a Goo-Goo Tank
difficulty of 15 and takes six hours. A Goo-Goo tank doubles the healing rate of
• The difficulty is totalled up between all an injured colleague placed within it, though
of a person’s wounds. Someone with two the wounds are filled and healed with a green,
mortal wounds is difficulty 30 to treat. plastic looking substance that slowly heals
Failure does not – usually – make the wound over at the normal rate with natural flesh. It
worse but they will have to rely on natural heal- costs 10,000¢ for the tank and 100¢ per day
ing for the rest of their recovery. of operation.

Chameleon Cloak
Equipment Borg only equipment this white plastic poncho
PROJECT agents need gear of all sorts and covers them and jacks into their spinal mounts,
while some is standard issue others must be making them practically invisible and provid-
bought out of personal funds as an investment. ing them with a +2D bonus to Hide rolls. It
costs 5000¢. Any damage ruins the cloak.
Standard Issue
• Excelsior Pistol and 5 strips of ammuni- Autograpple
tion – restocked each mission. Jacked into a Borg’s spine this grapple can
be fired with a mental command and then
• PROJECT Trench coat
winched, allowing the Borg to hang from any
• PROJECT Badge surface while keeping all their limbs free. It
• Survival Kit costs 3000¢.

• Personal Equipment Ward-Net Grade One/Two

A Ward Net is a PME enhanced grid used by
• Comlink
Wytches to enhance their Warding rolls. Each
• Tablet Computer grade provides a 1D bonus and it costs 500
• Survival Kit per grade and has a single use.

Amulet of Storage
Special Equipment The Amulet of Storage can store up to 12 points
PME Canister of incoming PSI energy, reducing any damage
A PME Canister is used as a power source for by that amount and holding the points in stor-
PME Armour or weapons. It counts as a maga- age. These points can then be tapped by the
zine for the weapons and as a power source Wytch to boost rolls for their Wytch abilities.
for the armour for the time noted. This allows Once points are spent the amulet is burnt out
non-grunts to use PME weapons if necessary. and cannot absorb any more Psi. It costs 600.
A PME Canister costs 200¢.


Armour has three values. It has its protection against physical attacks, its protection against en-
ergy attacks and its protection against mental attacks. These bonuses are independent either to
Resilience or willpower.

PROJECT Trenchcoat Amulet of Protection Solid Armour Suit

Armour: 1D/1D/1D Wytch item Armour: 2D/1D/-
Cost: 200 Armour: 1D/1D/1D Cost: 500
Cost: 500 PME Armour

Errant PME Armour

Armour: 3D/1D/2D
Cost: 2250
Errant Armour provides +1D to Hide skill rolls. This is powered by a
PME bottle for up to 6 hours use of the stealth field or by the Grunt’s
latent Psi.

Bedevere PME Armour

Armour: 1D/3D/2D
Cost: 1500
Bedevere Armour provides +1D to Hide skill rolls
and +1D to Perception skill rolls. This is powered
by a PME bottle for up to 4 hours use of both or
by the Grunt’s latent Psi.
The armour comes with a built in PME meter and
UV/IR/Thermographic sight options.

Templar Powered PME Armour

Armour: 4D/2D/3D
Cost: 5000
Templar powered armour is piloted rather than worn. It
comes equipped with claws that do 2D base damage,
provides the wearer with +1D to Strength rolls (recalculate
damage) is a sealed system with its own air supply and
mounts a single personal weapon on a shoulder mount. A
PME bottle powers this monster for two hours, or it can
be run indefinitely on a Grunt’s latent Psi energy.


A-Grav Bike Ground Car Swing-Wing Plane
Move: 120 Move: 80 Move: 130
Resilience: 3D/3D/2D Resilience: 4D+2/4D+2/2D Resilience: 6D+1
Crew: 1 Crew: 1 Crew: 2
Passengers: 1 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 20
Three hardpoints which can
Motorcycle Van be fitted with weapons.
Move: 100 Move: 70
Resilience: 4D/4D/2D Resilience: 5D+1/5D+1/2D Patrol Boat
Crew: 1 Crew: 1 Move: 50
Passengers: 1 Passengers: 0-6 Resilience: 4D+2/4D+2/2D
Crew: 1
A-Grav Car Truck Passengers: 8
Move: 100 Move: 50 Two hardpoints which can
Resilience: 4D+1/4D+1/2D Resilience: 6D+2/6D+2/2D be fitted with weapons.
Crew: 1 Crew: 1
Passengers: 3 Passengers: 2

A20 A-Grav Interceptor

Move: 150
Resilience: 7D/7D/2D
Crew: 2
Passengers: 6
The A20 comes with a built in PME scan-
ner, though it must descend very low to use
it effectively. It has two hard points, which
can be fitted with weapons.

X50 Truck
Move: 70
Resilience: 9D/5D/2D
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3 in the front, up to 6 in the back.



Weapon Damage Ammo Short Medium Long Special Price

/Ammo Cost
Civilian Weapons
Light Pistol 3D+2 20 10 25 50 200/1
Medium Pistol 4D 15 12 30 60 500/2
Heavy Pistol 5D+1 10 15 40 80 600/5
Light Rifle 5D+1 5 15 50 150 150/2
Medium Rifle 5D+1 10 20 75 200 200/3
Heavy Rifle 5D+2 10 30 100 250 500/4
Shotgun 5D+1 6 25 50 75 600/2
Assault Rifle 6D 30 20 50 200 Auto/Burst 1500/2
Light SMG 4D+2 30 10 25 80 Auto/Burst 750/2
Heavy SMG 5D+2 20 15 25 60 Auto/Burst 1000/1
Machine Pistol 4D+2 30 15 20 50 Auto/Burst 400/1
Light Machinegun 6D+2 500 100 500 1000 Auto/Burst 800/2
Heavy Machinegun 7D+1 500 250 1000 2000 Auto/Burst 1500/3
Staff +1D+1 Melee
Knife +1D Melee
Machete +1D+2 Melee
Sword +2D Melee
Large Axe +3D Melee
EX01-Exelsior Pistol 4D 15 10 25 50 Ethereal 500/3
VY01-Voyager Rifle 6D+2 10 50 100 300 Ethereal 1500/5
DF01-Defiant Rifle 6D+1 30 20 50 200 Ethereal, 1200/4
Verlitzen 8D 3 15 30 60 Ethereal, N/A - DOG
Ignores PSI Agent Issue
SLX-Sulako 5D -/20 30 60 90 Energy, GTI 2500/PME
Link Cannister
NSX-Nostromo 7D -/10 60 20 80 Energy, GTI 5000/PME
Link Cannister
LBX-Liberator 4D -/30 20 40 80 Energy, 3500/PME
Auto/Burst Cannister
Auto / Burst: Can be fired on Full Auto or Burst.
Melee: can be used in close combat only.
Ethereal: can also damage non-physical beings.
Ignores PSI: This weapon ignores any PME based defence (e.g. Psyker or Empath Shields,
Whytch Amulets / Defence Spells, etc.).
GTI Link: Can only be operated by a Grunt, or mounted on a Vehicle Hardpoint.
Energy: Can damage non-physical beings and ignores 2D of Physical Armour.




Games Mastery around the players in relatively short and not
too florid terms, while at the same time cover-
Introduction ing the important things about the area they
The Games Master is the key person in any find themselves in. An opening description
role-playing group. Yes, you need players but need not cover all the following, only those
without the Games Master there’s no game to which are important, but this could include:
play. At the same time you need to remember • The size of the area.
that the Games Master, as well as being the
• What can be seen.
narrator, rules referee and player of the bad-
guys and incidental characters, is a player him- • What can be heard.
self. Everyone involved in the game needs to • What smells there are.
have fun, including the Games Master.
A Games Master needs to wear many hats • Is it hot or cold?
during a game. It is both a very tough and a • The emotional atmosphere of the place,
very satisfying role in a game. Setting out mys- how it feels.
teries and challenges for your players to solve
and fight their way through, seeing the enjoy- Example: The warehouse is quiet and filled
ment they get from the game and that won- with shadow. Only small patches of light
derful moment where the penny drops as they shine through holes in the broken walls and
decode the plot and work out what’s going on. rusted ceiling. The place is full of old packing
The role of Games Master can rotate around crates and pallets, haphazardly scattered
the table with different players taking on the around. It smells of cat-piss and has clearly
role but usually one player with a particular been abandoned for some time, still, you
talent and love of being the Games Master have the strange feeling of being watched...
will emerge and take on the role on a semi-
permanent basis. Different people may have a Plotter
particular love of particular genres or games The Games Master needs to come up with the
and be better Games Masters at PROJECT or plot for each game, each mission and maybe
different games. That gives various people the even a whole set of games to form an ongoing
chance to take on the role of Games Master. story – also called a campaign. This can be as
Here are some of the main hats a Games simple as ‘A band of medieval trolls invades a
Master needs to wear: shopping centre’ or as complicated as ‘A cor-
rupted official within the PROJECT hierarchy is
Referee abusing their power to direct the agents into a
One of the main roles of the Games Master is number of self-serving missions’.
that of referee. It’s important that the Games Sometimes you just need a tissue-paper thin
Master understand and interpret the rules for excuse to bust some heads. Sometimes you
the group as a whole. The Games Master needs want something layered, complex and sat-
to be fair, even-handed and able to make quick isfying to untangle. Plots and schemes can
rulings in order to keep the pace of the game get quite baroque and even though, in real-
going. Player Characters rarely go up against ity, they’d be unwieldy conspiracies, when it
each other but if they ever do this becomes comes to stories they can be amongst the best.
even more important.
Supporting Cast
Narrator The Games Master, in addition to their other
The Games Master needs to be able to describe duties, needs to play out the roles of every
the scene as the characters move through it, incidental and recurring non-player charac-
to cover and remember the important things ters. They also need to play every villain, every
about the area where a scene is taking place. enemy, every opponent in such a way as hey
The Games Master needs to keep at least a presen a genuine and worthy challenge to the
vague mental model of where everyone and prowess of the player’s characters. A lot of
everything is. the time you don’t need to go into particular
It’s helpful to be able to describe the world depth but, with recurring characters such as


the PROJECT coordinator or big, bad villains game is your own but this allows the game to
you need to be consistent in how you portray develop and explore the world as the power
them. level is also ramped up.
You can cheat a little, to create memorable
bit-part characters in a variety of ways: Investigative
Almost all games will include an element of
• Gestures, such as rubbing your nose re-
investigation. Finding out who or what you’re
up against, what their plan is, how far they’ve
• Ways of speaking, such as being particu- gotten and how to stop them. Rooting out cor-
larly verbose or particularly terse, using ruption within PROJECT needs careful investi-
corporate sales-speak or similar. gation and a light touch, finding out what com-
pany is using dubious entity-based technology
• A cough, nervous tic or particular hand
or who has been replaced by a doppelgänger
also needs expert detective work.
• Speaking softly or firmly, quietly or loud- Investigations can be tricky to run. If the
ly. characters miss a clue or can’t decipher what’s
• A particular accent. going on the whole adventure can come to a
grinding, frustrating halt. There’s several ways
• Long pauses of thought before speaking. you can deal with this problem:
You can even go so far as to use props, or • Let the bad guys win.
to have pictures of the non-player characters
or villains that you place in front of you when • Parcel out the essential clues anyway so
they’re present. the game can continue.
• Someone else in PROJECT works it out
Running PROJECT for them.
As the writers of this book and the creators
• Change the game and go along with what
of the concepts that go to make up PROJECT
the players think is happening, rather
we obviously have a vision of how we think
than your plot.
the game should be played and what themes
and ideas should emerge during play. We have Often ideas that emerge during a game are
our own ideas about a ‘metaplot’, a story that better than what you were originally intending
over-arches the game and guides how it devel- to do.
ops and changes but... Horror
You can ignore all of that. The intrusion of alien entities into our reality
You can play the game any way that you want, offers up a great deal of opportunity for horrif-
you don’t have to do what we want. You’re free ic stories. You can do everything from zombie
to interpret it your own way, ignore the meta- incursions and invasion of the body snatchers,
plot, use the rules for something else entirely, through to the squamous, squirming, madden-
make up and add on anything you want. It’s ing entities that lurk over the threshold in so
all yours and we expect and hope you’ll make many horror books. Serial killers and murder
your own mark and we hope you’ll share your gangs empowered with extra-dimensional
games and experiences with us and the other weapons or gadgets can become a concern
people who play PROJECT. for PROJECT and time distortions and mind-
Styles of Play blasting pan-dimensional creatures can form
PROJECT is designed to accommodate sev- cults or turn people into something ‘else’.
eral different styles of play. This will become The London/British setting is tailored for the
more apparent as supplementary material be- use of horror ideas. Beyond the walls of the cit-
comes available but primarily the idea is that ies the entities run wild and the wall between
each region of the world fits a different style realities is especially thin here. Lovecraftian
of play. This doesn’t mean that it’s restricted horror lurks in housing blocs and the gated
to those areas, just that they’re more accom- suburban communities hide all sorts of horrors
modating to that way of playing. As ever, your behind their lace curtains.


Horror in role-playing games tends to work • Go all out in describing fight scenes and
best in an investigative manner, a slow build, a coming up with interesting places to
creeping horror. The ‘Boo’ factor that so many fight.
films use for a cheap scare doesn’t work so
well around the table, especially when combat High Octane
slows play down. You also can’t just arbitrarily High octane is the ‘overload’ setting for PRO-
kill off the characters as that makes for a bad JECT. This is where the agents face enormous,
experience for the players. world-shaking threats and enemies that are
You can enhance a horror atmosphere in the overt and obvious. Cackling warlocks from an-
following ways: other dimension, commanding an army of el-
• Create monsters and situations that you emental. A giant, fire-breathing lizard attack-
know creep the players, rather than the ing Tokyo.
characters. The Japanese setting is the default for the
more gonzo, over-the-top kinds of action. A
• Use your voice. Speak low and soft to cre- good model for the kind of games intended
ate a more peaceful and still atmosphere for the Japanese setting can be found in ani-
and then change as the action starts. me and, also, believe it or not, in Sentai shows.
• Disgust is easier to elicit from players Super-Sentai teams, many of them converted
than fear and is also an aspect of horror. into Power Rangers in the west, fight mon-
sters from other dimensions and take part in
• If you can dim the lights you can create city-wide battles with giant monsters. They’re
a more intimate and potentially scary at- a great model for PROJECT teams with each
mosphere. member having a different role – and colour –
in the group.
It helps to have an evil genius behind the set
The powers, equipment and nature of the PRO-
battles and incursions that make up a high oc-
JECT enhancements can seem like a super-
tane game.
team or a classic heist ‘crew’. Comic book or
You can enhance a high octane atmosphere
action movie violence is always an option. This
by dialling all the tips under ‘Action’ to eleven.
is where you go in guns blazing, have chases
down the streets or try to deal with enemies Non-Player Characters
whose primary ability is one of violence and
decimation. These are guns-blazing games, Entities I can understand. Missions I can
violent confrontations, set-piece fights. These grasp. Objectives are easy to concentrate
are gang-wars and cult assaults, purges of al- on and to fulfil. I appreciate clear orders
ien entities bent on world domination. and clear goals. I will admit though, I have
The US setting is probably best suited for an a hard time working out how to interact
action-oriented game. America in PROJECT is with people. ‘Small talk’, its’ purpose es-
driven along lines of class, religion and wealth capes me.
and this comes out in a great deal of social - Glory, Medusa
upheaval and violence. Companies constantly
strive to take advantage of entity technology Creating Non-Player Characters
for advantage and the level of corporate es- When you’re creating non-player characters
pionage and violence makes the US setting a you need to think in terms of the average
combination of frontier cowboy violence and statistic being around 2-3D. 5D is – generally
cyberpunk clashes. speakng – the upper limit of what a normal
You can enhance an action atmosphere in person is capable of when it comes to their
the following ways: natural statistics. Occupational skills will be
• Play fast and loose with the rules. 1-2D higher than their governing statistic or, if
particularly good at something or well trained,
• Speak quickly.
even 3D. This means that for a normal, unal-
• Concentrate on action and fighting and tered human being you’re going to be looking
de-emphasise the exploration and inves- at a dice pool of beween 2D and 6D.
tigation. Of course, not everyone in the world of PRO-


JECT is unaltered and normal, so these lim- Police
its are a little more... stretchy. With this as a Police differ from nation to nation in terms of
guideline you should be able to make up non- methodology, uniform, equipment, powers
player characters and enemies ‘on the fly’ with and numbers. These statistics are for a basic
little to no problem but to help you out a little patrol officer such as may be found in any na-
more, here are some examples of typical non- tion. Police forces also contain specialist units,
player characters that the players are likely to including SWAT teams or their equivalent.
run into. These elite paramilitary groups have higher
statistics and better equipment.
Your typical mob of panicked civilians or the Patrol Officer (Usually encountered in pairs)
kind of people you run into every day. Shop
Statistics: STR: 2D+1, DEX: 2D+1, END: 2D+1,
workers, monster chow, shiftless ‘yoof’ and the WIT: 2D, INT: 2D, TEC: 2D, PSI: -
general human flotsam of everyday life.
Skills: Brawling 2D+2, Dodge 2D+2, Firearms
Statistics: All Statistics at 2D
3D+1, Melee 3D+1, Resistance 2D+2,
Skills: Pick a professional skill that rolls at 4D Bureaucracy 3D, Law 3D, Communications
and two hobby skills that roll at 3D. 2D+2, Drive 3D, Initiative 2D+1, Intimidation
3D, Investigation 3D, Perception 3D, Search
Strength Damage: 1D, civilians may arm 3D
themselves with clubs and other improvised
weapons that increase this to 2D. Strength Damage: 1D, police batons increase
this by +1D+1. Patrol police are armed with
Cybergoth pistols that do 3D+2 damage.
The Cybergoth movement is a nihilistic, fatal- Other: Patrol police are protected by
istic youth movement that has proven surpris- armoured vests and toughened fatigues.
ing tenacious and which has gone through This boosts their Resistance to 5D against
many different waves. Broadly speaking it physical attacks.
romanticises the entities and believes strug-
gling against them is wrong. Cybergoths wear SWAT Officer (Usually encountered in
a combination of black and bright, unnatural teams of five)
colours, engage in pseudo-mystical rituals and Statistics: STR: 2D+2, DEX: 2D+2, END:
iconography and subscribe to extreme per- 2D+2, WIT: 2D+1, INT: 2D+1, TEC: 2D+2, PSI: -
sonal body modification, to the point of im-
plantation and cybernetics. Skills: Brawling 3D+2, Dodge 2D+2, Firearms
4D+2, Melee 3D+1, Resistance 3D+2,
Statistics: All Statistics start at 2D. Pick two Bureaucracy 3D, Law 3D, Communications
of these to raise to 3D from implantation 2D+2, Drive 3D, Initiative 3D+1, Intimidation
and modification. Each Cybergoth should 3D+1, Investigation 3D+1, Perception 3D+1,
be unique. Search 3D+1.
Skills: Pick one skill that is +2D higher than Strength Damage: 1D, 1D, police batons
its governing statistic and two that are increase this by +1D+1. SWAT police are
+1D higher. Cybergoths also increase their armed with sidearms that do 3D+2 damage,
Resistance to +1D over Endurance. assault rifles that do 5D damage or sniper
rifles that do 5D+2.
Strength Damage: 1D. Cybergoths are
typically arms with blades and implanted Other: SWAT officers wear heavier body
weapons (for self-protection) that do +1D to armour and helmets. This boosts their
+2D damage. Resistance to 7D against physical attacks.
SWAT officer statistics can also be used to
Other: Many Cybergoths have hard-wearing
represent basic military soldiers.
and protective clothing that provides +1 to
+2 to their Resistance. Some have implanted
or harder wearing armour that increases this
to +1D.


PROJECT Ancillary Staff promoted up and out from the ancillary staff
Not everyone who is a part of PROJECT can and can often gain a profile and degree of
be an agent. There are a huge number of peo- fame equal to their agents.
ple who work for PROJECT in less glamorous Statistics: STR: 2D, DEX: 2D, END: 2D, WIT:
positions but they are still competent, edu- 3D, INT: 3D, TEC: 3D, PSI: -
cated and effective people who know how to
handle themselves. PROJECT only takes the Skills: Brawling 3D, Dodge 3D, Firearms
best. Brisk, efficient and prideful, PROJECT 3D, Bureaucracy 5D, Entities 4D,
Communications 4D, Computer Operations
staff have an esprit de corps and a dedication
4D, Bargain 5D, Business 5D, Command 4D,
that is the envy of the world.
Persuasion 4D, Willpower 4D.
Statistics: STR: 2D+1, DEX: 2D+2, END: 2D+2,
WIT: 2D+2, INT: 2D+2, TEC: 2D+2, PSI: - Strength Damage: 1D. Coordinators carry an
Excelsior pistol (4D) in a shoulder holster.
Skills: Firearms 3D, Bureaucracy 3D+2,
Entities 3D+2, Communications 3D+2, Other: These are statistics for a new and
Computer Operations 3D+2, Sensors 3D+2, relatively ‘green’ coordinator. A team’s
Business 3D+2, Willpower 3D+2. coordinator should advance at about the
same rate of experience as the agents.
Strength Damage: 1D. Coordinator’s wear blue suits/dresses in
PROJECT colours that provide +1D/1D/1D
Other: Ancillary staff wear a blue uniform armour.
that provides them with +1D/1D/1D against
physical, energy and psionic attacks. PROJECT Containment Troops
Elite unmodified operatives, PROJECT’s con-
PROJECT Assisting Staff tainment troops throw a cordon around severe
In environments replete with PME radiation
PME events and hold the line while agents deal
death may only be the beginning, of your em-
with it. If necessary containment troops have
ployment. ‘Assisting Staff’ are dead, but am-
access to PME weapons, powered by PME
bulatory and can be entrusted with simple jobs
bottles, and the same for PME armour. Many
such as cleaning. The radiation arrests decay
Grunts are recruited from the ranks of Con-
and grants them a faint, pseudo-intelligence.
tainment Troops.
They get a lot less disturbing to look at as you
get used to them and rumours of them going Statistics: STR: 3D, DEX: 3D, END: 3D, WIT:
crazy and attacking people or retaining any 3D, INT: 2D+2, TEC: 3D, PSI: -
remnants of their pre-death personality are Skills: Brawling 5D, Dodge 4D, Firearms
entirely apocryphal. 6D, Melee 5D, Throwing 4D, Health 4D,
Statistics: STR: 3D, DEX: 1D, END: 3D, WIT: Resistance 4D, Stamina 4D, Entities 3D+2,
1D, INT: 1D, TEC: 1D, PSI: - PME Armour 2D, PME Weapons 2D, Power
4D, Athletics 4D, Drive 4D, Gunnery 4D, Pilot
Skills: Brawling 2D, Health 4D, Resistance 4D, Command 4D, Initiative 5D, Tactics 5D.
4D, Stamina 4D, Power 4D.
Strength Damage: 2D. Containment troops
Strength Damage: 2D. are armed with large, hacking knives, similar
to machetes for +1D+2. Containment troops
Other: Assisting staff wear one-piece blue are armed with Defiant rifles (6D+1) and
coveralls and sandals/flip flops. They are Excelsior sidearms (4D).
dressed in gloves as their decomposed
appearance makes people squeamish about Other: Containment troops wear Solid
things they have touched. armour suits by default, these provide
+2D/1D/-. They also have access to PME
PROJECT Coordinator armour and the standard issue should I be
Your PROJECT coordinator is your primary required is Errant armour +3D/1D/2D.
and first point of contact with PROJECT. They
are your manager, your handler, your agent, PROJECT DOG Agents
your priest and your shrink. Coordinators are DOG agents are the internal police force of


PROJECT. Shaven headed, serial-numbered technology gear with fetishes, feathers, beads
and dressed in sombre black their badge of of- and other more naturalistic touches. SHAMAN
fice is the Verlitzan heavy revolver permanent- agents use hit-and-run tactics, supplemented
ly chained to their wrist. If they show up, you with SOL Bot backup.
know things have gone badly wrong and they Statistics: STR: 3D, DEX: 4D, END: 3D, WIT:
have plenty of experience taking out rogue 4D, INT: 4D, TEC: 4D, PSI: -
agents, cementing their reputation as ‘danger-
ous bastards’. Skills: Brawling 5D, Dodge 6D, Acrobatics
5D, Health 4D, Resistance 4D, Stamina 4D,
Statistics: STR: 4D, DEX: 4D, END: 4D, WIT: Entities 6D, Law 5D, Power 4D, Athletics
4D, INT: 3D, TEC: 3D, PSI: - 5D, Computer Operations 7D, Drive 5D,
Skills: Brawling 7D, Dodge 7D, Firearms Security 5D, Sensors 5D, Hide 5D, Initiative
7D, Melee 6D, Health 7D, Resistance 7D, 7D, Perception 6D, Persuasion 7D, Tactics
Stamina 7D, Entities 5D, Power 6D, Athletics 5D, Willpower 6D.
6D, Drive 4D, Security 6D, Command 6D, Strength Damage: 2D, SHAMAN operatives
Investigation 7D, Perception 7D, Search 7D, carry tech enhanced shorts words which
Tactics 6D, Willpower 7D. increase this to 3D+2 and can hit ethereal
Strength Damage: 3D. DOG agents carry targets. SHAMAN operatives carry needle-
machete knives in addition to their pistols firing machine pistols which do 3D damage
which raise their melee damage to 4D+2. and can also hit ethereal targets.
The Verlatzen is a monstrous gun that does Other: SHAMAN armour provides +3D/3D/1D
8D damage and ignores psionic or magical protection and is sleek, form-fitting and
defences. contained.
Other: DOG agents wear black uniforms
and trenchcoats which provide +2D/2D/2D SOL Bot
armour. SOL Bots are hulking, high tech mechanisms
made of hyperplastics and PME enhanced al-
PROJECT Agents loys. They can go toe-to-toe with a Golem but
It’s quite possible that your PROJECT agents they need a SHAMAN agent to give them or-
will come up against other agents who have ders. They can only follow commands and lack
been corrupted or whom have gone rogue. any decent AI. They make an impressive, noisy
You can use the character templates as start- and dangerous sight.
ing, ‘green’ agents and you can spend experi- Statistics: STR: 6D, DEX: 2D, END: 6D, WIT:
ence points on them if you feel the need to 1D, INT: 1D, TEC: 1D, PSI: -
beef them up, relative to their experience or
to create more of a challenge for your agents. Skills: Brawling 4D, Dodge 3D, Melee 3D,
1. Green Agents: Starting templates. Throwing 3D, Resistance 9D, Stamina 9D,
2. Standard Agents: 50xp Power 9D, Athletics 9D.
3. Veteran Agents: 100xp Strength Damage: 5D. The SOLs powered
4. Elite Agents: 200xp ‘mitts’ increased this to 6D+1.
SHAMAN Agents Other: SOL Bots have +4D/4D/- armoured
All women and all well equipped with Spli- coatings but are immune to psionic attacks.
cetech implants and weapons technology, They bound into combat like gorillas and
SHAMAN are the closest thing to a rival for can be incredibly destructive.
PROJECT. Photogenic and experts at PR SHA-
MAN agents have private contracts to protect
people and places against entities and fre-
quently come into conflict over ‘jurisdiction’
with PROJECT who seem to treat them more
as enemies than potential allies. SHAMAN’s
fighting lovelies are media darlings on par with
PROJECT agents. They personalise their high-


Sessions link between the adventures may be nothing
more than sharing the same characters from
An individual game of PROJECT, from start to
session to session or it may mean the same,
finish, is also called a ‘Session’. A session lasts
recurring villain behind the incidents that the
from when you start playing until you stop. A
characters investigate. It may be that some
single game story or plot can last across sev-
plot or some overshadowing set of events un-
eral sessions - if it’s long or complicated - but
furls as the adventures progress.
most of the time a single story (also called an
You don’t have to create an overarching sto-
advenure) and a single session are much the
ryline to cover the sessions if you don’ want
same thing.
to and you can always take time out from an
An session typically has a beginning, a mid-
arching plot line for a ‘Monster of the week’ if
dle and an end. Three acts of a story, just like a
you need to. A lot of television series do this
play or a TV episoide.
to pace the advance of a story. Role-Playing
Beginning: Introduce the elements of the Games take longer to play through than a tel-
story, the problem to be solved, the thing to evision episode though and a ‘series’ may be
be found, the disaster t be averted. better implemented in six ‘episode’ sessions,
Middle: The investigation, the conflict, the rather than twelve or twenty, which is more
fight. Finding out who is behind whatever is usual for TV entertainment.
going on and how to thwart them. An example of a campaign plot structure
might be:
End: The conclusion, the payoff, the final
confrontation. The ‘boss battle’ that puts a The dimensional barrier is breaking down
cap on everything and ends the story. around a reclamation area on the outskirts
of London. The buildings in this area are
Longer, more convoluted plots can run over being made on the cheap using PME
several sessions and the extra time is usually irradiated material by an irresponsible
spent on the middle section. Investigations company and weakening the barrier both
can, of course, lead to new elements that – within and around the area of reclamation.
themselves – need to be investigated. To get As the barrier weakens stronger entities
to the end of a story several beginning and break through and something much, much
middle sections may need to be completed to- bigger is on its way. It’s herald has already
gether. taken over the reclamation project overseer
An example of this structure might be: and is steering the reconstruction into
occult patterns that weaken the barrier
Beginning: The PROJECT unit gets called even further. Adventure sessions deal with
out to the site of a strange death. A man has the entities breaking through and gradually
been frozen solid, partially phased through reveal the common element, both that
a wall. they are occurring in and around the same
areas with higher frequency and that it is
Middle: Investigating the area finds
becoming deliberate.
residual PME signatures all over the place.
The basement of the building is old – pre
Mindquake – and irradiated with PME
radiation. It has trapped a person’s spirit Downtime is the period between and around
and created a PME spectre which is trying adventures and between and around sessions.
to gain solidity. It’s not presumed that one game follows on
directly from another all the time. Characters
End: They unit finds a way to invoke or need time to heal, time to spend their money,
encounter the spectre and destroy it. The time to train and to recharge. Downtime can
basement is degaussed, or – perhaps – taken
occur between sessions or it can even be run
for study.
as a session to take a break between the more
active adventures.
Downtime is where characters have a social
A campaign is a series of linked adventures. If
life, they date, they shop, they go on excur-
a session is like an episode of TV series then a
sions. Many PROJECT agents become celeb-
campaign is akin to a season of that series. The


rities in their own right and can also be kept those governments in taking on the dangerous
busy doing ‘celebrity type stuff’ when they’re task of containing and eliminating entity incur-
not actively on duty. This would depend on sions. PROJECT is also a private enterprise,
just how famous they have become, of course, operating for profit and collecting on valuable
but PROJECT mounts all manner of PR exer- governmental contracts. They license ‘safe’
cises, recruitment events, expos and socials PME technology for public consumption and
that can involve PROJECT agents of any rank reap the benefits as well as taking on private –
and experience. expensive – contracts for individuals and com-
Downtime is also a good excuse to play panies, provided that they’re not competitors.
through the psychological assessments, work PROJECT Central claims to have an overall
reviews and other corporate and bureaucrat- plan but the various facets of PROJECT’s oper-
ic nonsense that being part of PROJECT en- ation can find themselves at odds. Which facet
tails. This may not sound like fun but all of this, takes precedence varies from situation to situ-
along with the other downtime events and ac- ation and incident to incident and to outsiders,
tions, helps players to round out their charac- even to members of PROJECT itself, this ‘over-
ters and give them a life of their own that pays all plan’ can seem particularly opaque.
dividends in playing the normal missions. And then there’s the rebel PROJECT group
You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, in Denver...
but a campaign can be greatly enhanced by
downtime. Locations
PROJECT is spread across the world and –
PROJECT thanks to PROJECT Central – also across the
dimensions. PROJECT likes to be able to re-
We all know PROJECT’s public image, the spond to crises anywhere in the inhabited
saviours and guardians of humanity. The world within a reasonably short period of time
selfless defenders of the Earth. There is and to reach out to attack problems within un-
another side to PROJECT though, a darker inhabited areas within two to three hours.
side. Do the ends justify the means? I’ll re- Central forms the nerve centre of the opera-
port on what I have discovered next week, tion and the hierarchy runs down from there.
here on NewsGrid. Central oversees the regional offices and
- Shannon Stapleton, Reporter the regional offices oversee the local offices
Project is Saviour. which, in their turn govern individual PROJECT
Everyone knows that, that’s their motto, agent groups, each of which are overseen by a
catchphrase and advertising line. The idea that coordinator reporting back to that office.
PROJECT is the best hope for Earth and for Central
protection against the entities is drummed PROJECT Central is a sprawling, Cathedral-like
into everyone through an unending series of structure that straddles the space between re-
posters, advertisements PR stunts and exer- alities. It protrudes into the base Earth reality
cises but what, exactly, does that mean? at several points, most notably the regional
The world in which PROJECT finds itself is headquarters but there may be any number of
broadly, largely unified. This is an Earth unit- other entrances and exits that aren’t officially
ed on a continental and broad, cultural basis. acknowledged.
There are still disagreements between the var- Central also protrudes into several neigh-
ious powers – there always will be – but noth- bouring realities allowing for the relatively
ing unites people like a common enemy and easy transit of PROJECT operatives to those,
the threat from the entities and the breakdown commonly interacted with, realities. This also
of reality provides a wonderful motivation to acts as a beach head for PROJECT counter-
get on with each other. attacks into those dimensions by hardened
PROJECT is a truly international organisa- agents and troops.
tion and sits above and beyond the reach and Central houses PROJECT’s records and
even the laws of the regional governments. At world-level bureaucracy. Thousands of lower-
the same time it operates with the blessing of level agents process data, cross-check, create


and collate records in vast computer memory parties, new product launches, recruitment ex-
banks. Another wing of Central houses the ercises, receptions for politicians, businessmen
training centres and processing sections where and media stars. The regional office buildings
agents are created, modified and taught the are the surest and most obvious signs of PRO-
skills they need to use their powers safely. JECT’s physical, financial and military power
PROJECT’s higher ups reside here, watch- and house an army of PROJECT agents in both
ing over it all and handling the broad, interdi- the literal and figurative sense.
mensional tactics that are necessary in order Regional offices oversee the local offices and
to give humanity a fighting chance. Visualis- route commands up and down the structure of
ing the battle in more than four dimensions PROJECT.
is a mind-bending experience and not every-
body can handle it. Tactical observers can get Local Offices
burned through at a fair rate of knots. Local offices lack the standardised look and
The reality in which Central is established feel of the regional offices but retain the PRO-
is somewhat mutable. The main areas are JECT blue styling and colour. Local offices
formed by PROJECT’s collective, hierarchical vary wildly in size from those that are almost
structure, crystalline and sweeping, grand and as big as regional offices to small, two-person
resonant of religious buildings, a reflection of offices maintained just to have a presence.
PROJECT’s self-belief and fanatical devotion Local offices oversee the agent units in their
to their cause. In other areas the shape of Cen- vicinity and contain the PROJECT coordina-
tral changes to accommodate the thoughts tors that oversee those units, using these of-
and feelings of those there. During the training fices as a home base. A single coordinator may
period, for example, the personal rooms of the oversee several units but more important and
trainees will shift and change to accommodate experienced units often warrant their own, in-
their personality and feelings. dividual coordinator.
A local office may store some supplementa-
Regional Offices ry weaponry and equipment, a small garrison
PROJECT regional offices are grand structures of PROJECT back-up troops or it may simply
found in each region in the capital city. PRO- be two coordinators in a rented office space
JECT offices are built to impress and to stamp with blue carpet tiles, arguing over whose turn
PROJECT’s authority upon the skyline. Great, it is to buy the coffee.
big, blue skyscrapers PROJECT regional offic- Coordinators report to local offices which
es are built to withstand natural and unnatural in turn report up the rest of the hierarchy. Lo-
disasters with considerable fortitude. cal offices also communicate laterally to their
A-Grav flyers come and go as do ground neighbouring local offices in order to guaran-
vehicles. Rapid response squads, communi- tee a redundancy of information and to pre-
cations infrastructure, special equipment and vent the loss of one local office meaning the
weaponry are also stored in the regional of- loss of important information and service re-
fices as well, ready for access by agents as cords.
needed. Artefacts and entity bodies are stored PROJECT agents are most likely to interact
– temporarily – in regional offices for study be- with their local office, rather than the higher
fore being transferred to Central via the portal, levels – at least in the beginning. Coordinators
once they are thought to be understood or at are much more likely to come out to visit the
least rendered ‘safe’. agents than vice versa, being called into the
Regional overseers occupy the top floor of office may be a clue that somebody is in trou-
the regional offices, attended by personal ble.
bodyguards and assistants and coordinating
with Central on PROJECT’s response to issues Staff
at a regional level. A regional officer is always PROJECT tries to keep everything that it can
on call, always on duty and is usually a power- in-house from cleaning and laundry to R&D
ful agent in their own right with a great deal of and manufacturing. As much as possible the
experience in the front lines. dog-work is done is done by the assisting staff,
The Regional offices also frequently form the reanimated, PME irradiated bodies from entity
backdrop to PROJECT’s PR exercises. Lavish incursions. The assisting staff handle all the


menial duties of sweeping, cleaning and push- tionally, but locally the reputation of PROJECT
ing the mail carts around but they aren’t much can stay tarnished for years. Rival companies
use for anything that requires any initiative or who also want to exploit PME technology re-
anything beyond menial labour. sent PROJECT’s stranglehold and do all they
All of PROJECT’s key staff, overseers, man- can to undermine their advantage and their
agers and some coordinators are agents monopoly. Some religions – remnants of their
themselves but people of power and ability pre-mindquake selves – also resent PROJECT’s
are too precious to waste on other duties and claims to abslolute knowledge of the beyond
much more use where they can apply their ex- and some preach against them. Lastly many
perience. All the intermediate roles are filled governments resent their loss of prestige next
by ancillary staff. Ancillary staff are ordinary to a multinational company.
humans, chosen and recruited from some of Still, for the vast majority of people PRO-
the best the world has to offer but who, for JECT has an unmatched and positive image.
one reason or another, are not selected for the There are always fringe kooks and even the
enhancement program. odd, rare, former employee or agents that
Ancillary staff can be a little resentful to- turn against the company but these are very
wards agents, but they will tend to do their definitely wedged into the world of conspira-
jobs. They are able to rise through the ranks to cy theory. They’re always looking for people
an extent and to take on more and more du- to convert to their way of thinking but when a
ties, even – against the odds to earn the same gibbering horror from beyond tears a rent into
sort of fame and recognition that the more the world and starts eating souls, people know
glamorous agents do. which side their bread is buttered on.
Ancillary staff can be found as security
guards, administrators, managers, records Resources
keepers, database managers, researchers, PROJECT is immensely wealthy, to the scale of
technicians, manufacturers and everything in a first-world country. It receives income from
between. Agents mostly interact with admin- the various governments around the globe
istration staff and PROJECT support troops. in the form of contracts for Entity protection
Non-enhanced soldiers and power-suit users and, in addition, receives special dispensation
who hold perimeters and provide backup to when it comes to tax, regulation and even a
agents as necessary. These people lack the limited form of immunity from prosecution in
power and enhancement of grunts but through civil courts.
the use of PME bottles and other technical This considerable income, on par with that
wizardry can hold the line against many forms meted out to paramilitary police forces, is sup-
of entity and deal with minor incursions and plemented by their private income. PROJECT
incidents. holds patents on a huge number of PME de-
rived weapons and technologies, including
Public Perception A-Grav, hyperplastics and PME bottles which
PROJECT has excellent public relations and produce a vast private income for the compa-
retains many of the best aspects of the pub- ny with profits in the region of fifty billion per
lic perception of government, corporation and year and assets worth around three-hundred
religion. Their slogan ‘PROJECT is saviour’ ac- billion globally.
curately reflects how they are seen. PROJECT PROJECT has millions of employees, tens
looks after people and safeguards reality, it of thousands of enhanced agents and at least
provides a lot of jobs and prestigious positions half a million non-enhanced troops and agents
and its supernatural prowess and understand- under arms at any time with that again avail-
ing of other worlds, as well as the hard line able in semi-retired reservists, not to mention
and self-sacrificing action of its agents almost the thousands engaged in extra-dimensional
makes it an object of worship. operations.
This isn’t to say that PROJECT has an entirely PROJECT is superpower without any geo-
spotless reputation. Operations can and do go graphical base, a distributed world power with
wrong and there is always fallout from them. enough tact not to throw its weight around
Negative reactions fade away quickly interna- too publicly.


Entities dead trees, burning buildings. Demons are
locked in an eternal, evenly-matched, unwin-
One day you’re boarding UFOs from an- nable war with their counterparts, the angels.
other dimension and shooting little grey Both can hide themselves amongst humans
people. Another day you’re torching a fairy and try to use others to tip the balance in their
ring and burning the winged little bas- favour.
tards out of the air. Then after the weekend
you’re blasting through the tentacles of an Statistics: STR: 5D, DEX: 5D, END: 5D, WIT:
5D, INT: 5D, TEC: 5D, PSI: 5D
unspeakable horror with a shotgun. The
only real constant is the shooting. Skills: Brawling 7D, Dodge 7D, Melee 8D,
- Indi Annan, Grunt
Health 8D, Resistance 8D, Stamina 8D,
Entities 8D, Power 8D, Athletics 2D, Flying
The Entities that intrude from neighbouring di- 8D, Command 7D, Hide 8D, Willpower 8D.
mensions can take almost any form, but there
are certain beings and creatures that intrude Strength Damage: 4D. Demons can manifest
more often, with greater success, to the point flaming swords that increase this to 6D+2
of becoming familiar. You can use these these and count as physical or energy weapons,
whichever the target has the least protection
creatures as a rough guidelines to the sort of
from. They can also project flame for 5D+2
things that the agents might run into.
damage at range.
Angels - P-Level Yellow Other: Demons can manifest black, iron
Perfected visions of humanity with spread armour which increases their Resistance to
wings that look like distortions in the air. 11D. Anyone opposing a demon rolls two
Through these distortions can be seen a Wild Dice and takes the worst result.
perfected world, clean streets, green trees,
gleaming buildings. Angels are locked in an Dougir - P-Level Yellow
eternal, evenly-matched, unwinnable war with Five feet tall, wild-haired, pointy-eared and
their counterparts, the demons. Both can hide tattooed and painted with whorls, spirals and
themselves amongst humans and try to use knots the Dougir can seem primitive but they
others to tip the balance in their favour. are powerful, vicious and work together to
Statistics: STR: 5D, DEX: 5D, END: 5D, WIT: their mutual benefit. Dougir come across into
5D, INT: 5D, TEC: 5D, PSI: 5D our world through water, trees or fairy rings
to loot and pillage or to destroy. One faction
Skills: Brawling 7D, Dodge 7D, Melee 8D, has a fascination with modern devices and
Health 8D, Resistance 8D, Stamina 8D, weapons, the other loathes them and seeks to
Entities 8D, Power 8D, Athletics 2D, Flying destroy them. Some enterprising Dougir have
8D, Command 7D, Hide 8D, Willpower 8D.
even organised regular smuggling trips, deal-
Strength Damage: 4D. Angels can manifest ing Dougir gold and artefacts in exchange for
flaming swords that increase this to 6D+2 technological luxuries.
and count as physical or energy weapons, Statistics: STR: 3D, DEX: 4D, END: 3D, WIT:
whichever the target has the least protection 5D, INT: 4D, TEC: 1D, PSI: 4D
from. They can also project flame for 5D+2
damage at range. Skills: Acrobatics 6D, Brawling 6D, Dodge
6D, Melee 7D, Missile 7D, Sleight of Hand 5D,
Other: Angels can manifest golden armour Athletics 4D, Con 7D, Perception 6D, Hide
which increases their Resistance to 11D. 8D.
Angels roll two Wild Dice and take the best
of the two. Strength Damage: 2D. Dougir carry magical,
bronze or stone elf-daggers that increase
Demons - P-Level Yellow this to 3D and count as psychic attacks.
Perverted visions of humanity with spread They also carry bows that fire elf-darts that
wings that look like distortions in the air. do 3D+1 as a psychic attack as well.
Through these distortions can be seen the
Other: Dougir can roll their PSI in order to fly
worst of all possible worlds, ruined streets, and to turn invisible. While invisible they add


+4D to their stealth type rolls. They can also they can turn up like the cavalry, welcome or
roll their PSI to perform little cantrips such not. They appear – beneath the leathers and
as making noises, creating mist and other the helmets and the stetsons – to be undead.
minor effects. Modern Dougir carry modern Dry, parched and drawn corpses with the glim-
weapons and armour and know how to use mer of intelligence – and gallows humour – in
them. their shrunken eyes.
Dragon - P-Level Alpha Statistics: STR: 4D, DEX: 2D, END: 4D, WIT:
Dragons are true, multidimensional entities, 2D, INT: 2D, TEC: 2D, PSI: 2D
native not just to this world but to all others. Skills: Brawling 4D, Dodge 3D, Firearms
They hide, within a projected shell of human- 4D, Melee 3D, Health 7D, Resistance 7D,
ity and past that shell what lies beyond is un- Stamina 7D, Entities 3D, Power 6D, Drive 5D,
knowable, strange, mind-bending, but per- Intimidation 4D, Tactics 4D.
ceived, remembered as something lizard-like,
grotesque and enormous. Dragons are big Strength Damage: 3D. Flagstaff carry chains,
players, manipulating history and society and tyre irons, crowbars and other improvised
melee weapons that raise this to 4D+1. They
can be powerful allies or enemies, frequently
carry a variety of firearms and improvised
without the agents even knowing. Most of the
explosives and drive an assortment of
time they play it subtle, moving through proxy motorcycles.
forces and agents, if roused – however – they
can be powerful and dangerous. Other: Flagstaff’s leathers and biker gear
provide them with +1D/1D/- protection. They
Statistics: STR: 10D, DEX: 4D, END: 10D,
are able to sense dimensional intrusions by
WIT: 6D, INT: 6D, TEC: 2D, PSI: 6D
rolling their PSI and are able to gauge power
Skills: Brawling 6D, Flying 7D, Resistance level and direction. They operate in groups of
13D, Entities 9D, Languages 9D, Power 13D, ten most of the time, stepped up to a higher
Intimidation 9D, Perception 8D, Willpower number if the incident demands. There may
9D. be one-hundred of them in total, but they
seem able to replenish their numbers from
Strength Damage: 8D (Claws). Dragons anywhere.
can breathe a form of dimensional flame
that burns things at a quintessential level, Gremlins - P-Level Orange
burning them out of existence. This breath There are a huge variety of intelligent, numer-
does 10D damage and counts as an energy ous and cunning small creatures that can in-
attack. It can only be used once per day but fest the world from their home dimensions and
spreads out in a cone. reproduce rapidly. These ‘gremlins’ can infest
Other: Dragons have +3D/3D/3D armour large areas and normal methods of pest con-
and their disguise is perfect. It can only trol usually fail due to their intelligence. In very
be cracked by being attacked and taking large numbers they can become dangerous.
damage. Dragons can communicate Statistics: STR: 2D, DEX: 3D, END: 1D, WIT:
telepathically and can pass freely between 2D, INT: 2D, TEC: 1D, PSI: -.
dimensions (it takes them three turns to
move between realities). Dragons can Skills: Brawling 4D, Dodge 5D, Hide 5D.
roll their PSI in the form of magical rituals
to create freeform, long term effects, to Strength Damage: 1D. Gremlins typically
summon minions (as per Wytches) and have claws and teeth that raise this to 2D.
anything else within the Games Master’s
Other: ‘Gremlins’ are like rats, rats that
can set traps use weapon and take out the
power. They’re tough little buggers, despite
Flagstaff - P-Level Yellow being little, and can run rings around even
This mysterious gang of bikers turn up across experienced agents. Never think that just
the United States in response to dangerous re- because something is amusing, it isn’t also
ality breaches. Occasionally they tangle with dangerous.
SHAMAN or PROJECT but more commonly


King of Crows - P-Level Zeta eggs while worker movidians push their multi-
A titanically powerful entity, the King of Crows stringed stingers into the minds of the living to
is a big, heavy hitter, a near-god. He dwells in control them. To feed they put people through
his own dimension most of the time. It is an an- hell, hard living, desperate living, starvation,
cient land of dolmen, standing stones, weath- elaborate torture and horrific choices.
ered heaths and bleak forests. The spirits Statistics: STR: 3D, DEX: 3D, END: 2D, WIT:
command this world and lord it over the men 3D, INT: 3D, TEC: 1D, PSI: 3D.
who live there. The King of Crows has many
faces, always with a crow connection in name Skills: Dodge 4D, Psychic Control 6D, Hide
or appearance. He appears as an ancient king 6D, Willpower 6D.
carved from stone, a magician with a crow- Strength Damage: 2D. Movidian stingers
headed cane, a dark figure in a feathered attack using Brawl but do 3D of psychic
cloak, a winged demon... almost anything. damage.
The King intrudes in our reality often, looking
for more people to dominate and wanting to Other: Psychic Control is rolled against
Willpower to force a specific action or
extend his influence into other worlds. He’s a
intrude a specific thought. These stats are
powerful entity, often accompanied by servi-
for the worker caste. The scientist caste has
tors and cultists, damn hard to dislodge and statistics and skill one higher, the queen
who discorporates back to his own domain two higher. Both scientists and queens
once ‘defeated’. have a better understanding of technology,
Statistics: STR: 6D, DEX: 6D, END: 6D, WIT: intimidation and psychology.
6D, INT: 10D, TEC: 1D, PSI: 15D.
Parapsite - P-Level Yellow
Skills: Brawling 9D, Dodge 9D, Melee 9D, Bloated, white, tick-like, grub-like creatures,
Missile 9D, Health 9D, Resistance 9D, Stamina parapsites set up home, hidden where many
9D, Cultures 13D, Entities 13D, Languages people gather. From there they pick off the
13D, Scholar (Mysticism) 13D, Kinetic Blast odd person here and there with even a flicker
18D, Kinetic Shield 18D, Magic Summon
of psychic potential, bloating up and feeding
18D, Psychic Precognition 18D, Power 9D,
on that energy as an earthly tick would feed
Athletics 9D, Bargain 9D, Command 9D, Con
9D, Initiative 9D, Intimidation 9D, Perception on blood.
9D, Persuasion 9D, Tactics 9D, Willpower Statistics: STR: 4D, DEX: 2D, END: 4D, WIT:
9D. 2D, INT: 1D, TEC: 1D, PSI: 3D.
Strength Damage: 5D. The King of Crows Skills: Brawl 5D, Hide 5D.
wields the Raven Sword, a summonable
claymore sword that increases this to Strength Damage: 2D PSI damage. If a
9D+1. His Crow Cloak provides him with parapsite successfully inflicts damage with
+3D+2/3D+2/3D+2 armour. its bite it incurs a level of psychic exhaustion
and gains a +1 point to a pool of points it
Other: The King of Crows uses his summoning can spend to give itself extra bonuses, even
capability to produce a strong homunculus (three for one) dice, by spending them.
and in battle to summon entities from his
home dimension to do battle. Other: Direct psychic attacks have no effect
upon a parapsite and feed it as though it had
Movidian - P-Level Orange drained PSI. If a target has no PSI ability or
Movidian’s are invisible, ethereal insects that cannot take psychic exhaustion the damage
resemble wasps without wings, though they roll is doubled and taken as physical damage.
can hover at a walking pace regardless. When
visible they are purplish, but they will only nor-
The Primal - P-Level Black - Green
The embodiment of all those pagan nature
mally become visible when they are full of psy-
spirits we used to worship in one form or an-
chic energy. They feed by steering people into
other, the primal is a vast, red cloud of teeth
bad decisions and harm. They take over small,
and claws, hooves and antlers, blood and
enclosed communities like schools or hospi-
bone. A roiling mass of primitive, evolutionary
tals. A queen sets up shop and starts to lay


potential, ever changing, ever adapting. a burrow in an open field. There’s many more
When the walls of reality broke down the Pri- chances for ambushes and traps.
mal began to seep into the world through the
bedrock of England. As it slowly gets closer to
the surface animals start travelling in packs of Entity Agendas
the same species, then multiple species, then You could no more understand what we do
they start attacking people. The primal wants and why we do it than an ant could under-
to wipe humans from the face of the earth, like stand your pleasure from reading a book.
curing a virus. These statistics represent an You are irrelevant. Your needs are irrele-
‘outburst’ of Primal energy onto the surface of vant. Your wants are irrelevant. You should
the Earth or through a portal that must be de- be honoured I even attempt to speak down
feated to be closed down. to your level.
Statistics: STR: 1D6, DEX: 1D6, END: 1D6, - Ehrugg, Entity
WIT: 1D6, INT: 1D6, TEC: 1D6, PSI: 1D6. Entities need to have something that drives
Skills: None. them, an agenda, a plot. In the simplest of cas-
es this is simply survival. An entity finds itself
Strength Damage: Strength divided by two, in a strange dimension, surrounded by things
round up and add 1D. it doesn’t understand and just wants to live. Of
course, being a strange and bizarre creature
Other: The twisting mass of primal energy
grows stronger and tougher as it is subjected its attempts to survive may not go so well and
to statistic rlls. Every time it rolls a statistic may well end up in deaths. Here’s a few exam-
(each of which starts at XD6 where X is the ples of entity agendas:
roll of a D6) that statistic increases by +1. Survival: See above.
For example, a primal making an attack uses
both its Dex 4D and Damage 3D. After its Reproduction: There are dimensions, worlds,
attack its Dex is now 4D+1 and its damage that are full. Entities need ‘lebensraum’ in
is now 3D+1. order to continue to grow or, even worse,
they need beings – like humans – to gestate
Creating Entities in.
When creating entities you can go complete- Destruction: Some beings just live to destroy,
ly buck-wild and you don’t even, particularly, incarnations of entropy, ‘things’ of which we
have to define their special powers or abili- have only had oblique and sanitised glimpses
ties particularly specifically. They should still in the worst excesses of the mythos.
have a dicepool and some idea as to how they
Control: The will to power is found across
work but the specifics of summonings, psychic many sentient beings. To control an empire
feedings, toxins and so on can be made up on of worlds, plural, is appealing to many
the fly and do not need to fit with the rest of an alien despot. They may go about this
the rules. through conquest, or subversion.
When choosing statistics you need to keep in
mind how the creature relates to a normal hu- Feeding: So much life, heat, energy. The
man being who, typically, has a statistic range earth is a tempting meal.
of 2-3D and skills 1-3D higher than that in areas Escape: Some dimensions, some alternates,
of their expertise. Creatures may have similar some worlds are horrific nightmares from
statistics but their skills can be lower (animalis- which any sophont species would dearly love
tic) or higher if the beings are of superior levels to escape. The Earth, even with PROJECT
of intelligence. doing its best to find and eliminate entities,
Entities should be an appropriate challenge presents the prospect of refuge, of a better
for the agents that are being played. This can world.
be in terms of numbers, power or in terms of
context. A gremlin nest in a dilapidated sky-
scraper that is falling to pieces is far more dan-
gerous than the same number of gremlins in


Dimensional Intrusion acters inhabit and to reflect their actions and
You know that feeling before a storm? The interactions with that world.
pressure? The humidity? The feeling of A lot of that is just remembering how things
electricity in the air? Yeah, it’s nothing like go from one adventure to another and keeping
that. the world consistent but the ‘building blocks’
from which a game world is created is the ad-
- Ed Potts, Empath venture. That’s going to be your chief task as
The Mindquake shattered the barrier between a Games Master, creating and joining together
realities but this is not quite like smashing a adventures that the characters go on.
glass. Reality is fractured but these fractures
are constantly shifting, moving, strengthen- Missions
ing and weakening, season to season, place to PROJECT hands you a great big ‘easy’ button
place, event to event. The character of the di- when it comes to coming up with adventures
mension on the other side marries to the char- since the bulk of what PROJECT agents get up
acter of the breach that may occur. to is assigned by the PROJECT hierarchy. You
Sites of death and destruction may manifest don’t need any special reward or plot hook, all
bursts of PME radiation that animates the dead you need is their coordinator turning up with a
or raises ghosts. Demons and Angels may briefing or an emergency call coming in over
cross at points of religiosity or on Saint’s days. the phone.
At night the barrier is thinner everywhere and Missions can come in many delicious fla-
the phase of the moon affects many portals as vours and often a mix thereof. An agent group
do the equinoxes and solstices. might be exploring a dimensional rift, recover-
Anything that carries meaning can thin the ing something that fell through from beyond,
walls and so places of mystic or cultural signifi- eradicating an entity infection, rooting out a
cance are often the most active. Fracture lines cult, investigating a PME related murder... just
between these points, ley-lines if you will, also about any story theme you care to think of can
become more common places of ingress and be encapsulated within a mission.
egress of entities. The trick with producing missions is that
In some cases entities push through from the they must already have been found out or re-
other side of their own accord, in still other ported in some way, or PROJECT must have
cases they are brought across accidentally, by taken an interest. This means you get a ‘crime
misguided cultists or at the behest of agents scene’ and a set of clues already all mapped
they have left behind before. PROJECT can out and ready for the characters to investigate.
only watch, close the tears where it can and The players don’t need to take a great deal of
hope that things improve. initiative as it’s all laid out for them and this
Any breach of reality is accompanied by a means a fairly linear adventure – which can get
small burst of PME radiation. This can manifest a little dull after a while.
in many ways, a power spike or trough, a flash To make missions more interesting and effec-
of light, a peal of thunder, a strange smell, even tive you can introduce an over-arching ‘meta-
a rain of frogs or other Fortean phenomena. plot’. A storyline that is revealed slowly in bits
Breaches of any size will almost always be de- and pieces through the other adventures that
tected by PROJECT and this may be the first you run. A piece here, a piece there, giving the
chance for the agents to act, to travel to the players something more than the immediate
site and to discover what – if anything – ille- issues they’re dealing with to decode as the
gally entered our reality. game goes on.

Writing Adventures Downtime

If you take on the role of the Games Master Downtime can be an adventure in and of
then you have a lot to handle but you also itself. Some of this might be public-relations
stand to get the most satisfaction an joy out missions where the agents have to work to
of the game. The biggest thing that you have PROJECT’s behest but perhaps they are go-
to do is to come up with adventures, to create ing training, having a day out together, a team-
a plausible and interesting world that the char- building exercise, going shopping, maintaining


relationships or whatever else. and disrupted or put an end to it the agents
The downtime period is an opportunity to can move to eliminate the source of the
develop the character’s personalities – and threat. Whatever created the problem in the
perhaps those of regular non-player charac- first place.
ters as well – and for characters and teams to Attack: If possible the agents may launch
prosecute their own agendas. Perhaps they a counter-attack against whatever menace
don’t think they were getting the whole story launched the attack that resulted in the
about a previous mission and want to check it mission in the first place. If they are a regular
out some more on their own time, maybe they enemy then PROJECT itself may handle
suspect someone of being corrupted or a spy. this, leaving the agents free to bask in their
Maybe they want to make overtures to a rival success.
company. Missions can be fairly linear, given that
Downtime is a ‘catch all’ for when the char- agents are assigned them. This won’t seem
acters aren’t working on the missions that as restricting as it does in other role-playing
you, the Games Master, direct them to. Even games because that structure is expected.
though it may include pieces of the puzzle for Even so you’re usually better off creating ad-
your larger, more involved meta-plots – if you ventures as a ‘mind map’, a loose collection of
even bother to have them. ideas and involved elements. This loose map
helps you keep track of how things relate and
Mission Structure is more organic an easier to negotiate than a
Most missions take place in response to events.
strict plan.
Someone discovers something ‘lurking’ where
it shouldn’t, a public breach takes place or Investigation Structure
someone reports seeing something odd. PRO- Downtime adventures take care of themselves
JECT and its clients gather a great deal of and don’t really have a structure as such, things
intelligence data as well, much of which can just unfold as they unfold (much like real life)
lead to PROJECT groups getting flagged to and you can let the players do much what they
respond, even if there’s no obvious and open want. Investigations are a little more complex
signs of a breach. however being neither as simple as missions
There is not really such a thing as standard nor as freeform as downtimes. Investigations
procedure when it comes to entities but PRO- are about secrets, about webs of deceit and
JECT likes to train its operatives to at least try evidence that interact to create an overall plot
and keep to a plan in the face of the strange. It or scheme that the characters can unravel.
helps to keep agents grounded and capable in The plot is yours to make but the unravelling
the face of even the weirdest events. of it needs some management. There are three
The standard PROJECT response also makes things that you can do in order to make your
a good structure to consider when creating an life easier when running an investigation story:
What Really Happened
Investigate: In this phase of the mission the
As the Games Master you need to know what’s
agents seek to identify or understand what
really happened before the investigation starts.
they’re up against. In a mission that you’re
creating this would include the mission It’ll help you tremendously to have record of
briefing and deployment as well as the first what happened so you can refer back to it and
few encounters with entities or their after- so that everything you describe or make up
effects. during the investigation fits. A description of
the events might be written in order, a chain of
Defend: This is where, having found out events leading to the point where the investi-
what’s going on, the agents try to blunt gation starts.
it, to bring it to an end. This could mean
evacuating people away from a devouring For example: Herman Brooks, a PROJECT
entity, finding an antidote to a plague or technician, applies for PROJECT modification
otherwise disrupting their operations. but fails to qualify. He leaves PROJECT full
of bitterness and annoyance. This happens
Eliminate: Having found out what’s going on about five years ago.


Using his PROJECT technical knowledge, Breadcrumbs
Herman works through a front company The characters need a point of entry, a way to
maintained by his cousin Gary Spurrier to get involved in the whole conspiracy. These
assemble a dimensional barrier weakening are the initial breadcrumbs, the sources of sus-
device. Venture capital is raised by Gary
picion. The entry point in the example given
using grandiose claims. This happens 3-5
above is the dead doppelgänger and whatev-
years ago.
er mysteries can be found in their apartment.
Herman makes contact with shape-shifting This is the body/accident/event/tip-off that
doppelgänger entities in a neighbouring sets the whole ball rolling.
dimension and agrees to aid dimensional
immigrants in exchange for technological Adventure Seeds
secrets. This happens 3 years ago. Shit happens. Shit happens often and in
great plenitude. If there is a universal con-
Herman and Gary’s company, Dynamic
Medical Projects, starts making good on stant to the world in which we find our-
their promises with a string of plastic surgery selves it is that ‘shit’ is and endlessly re-
techniques gleaned from doppelgänger newable resource. You will never, ever,
biology and technology. Easier, safer, ever be short of things to do.
more complete sex changes, increasing
- Kay Rogers, Wytch
or decreasing natural breast size without
implants and so on. This happens 2 years ago. To get you going, here are a few ideas for ad-
As does the smuggling in of doppelgänger ventures (missions) you could flesh out and
immigrants. run for your first few sessions:
• A tear has opened up in a shopping cen-
One of the many doppelgänger immigrants
is accidentally killed crossing a road and tre. PROJECT and local forces have man-
under medical examination is shown to not aged to throw a cordon around the build-
be human. Worse, they’ve taken the place of ing but nobody seems to be coming out.
someone else whose bones are found in the Unsure how to proceed the agents are
doppelgänger apartment. This reveals that sent for and then are sent in to discover
there are a number of these creatures loose. what’s happened to the people inside.
Where have they come from? This happens
a few days ago. • A large PME event is registered as hap-
pening in a light industrial park at the
Investigation Web edge of the city. The collection of com-
An investigation web pulls together all the ele- panies based here have a collective con-
ments and actors you can think of and strings tract with SHAMAN for protection and
them together to show the connections and dimensional incursion handling and the
the information. You’ve probably seen these event – only a moderate breach – is the
sorts of things in police dramas or conspiracy site of a turf war and one-upmanship
films where they usually take the form of a big fight between SHAMAN and PROJECT
blackboard or wall, covered in newspaper clip- which makes the event even more risky.
pings, thumb-tacks and pieces of string. Your • Some kind of giant creature has attacked
web is much the same thing. an intercity train. The agents need to
Write down all the important actors in the in- head outside of the urban protection of
vestigation, the companies, the people, all in the city into the entity-infested wild to
their own circles and draw lines between them find this creature, track it to its lair and
to show how they interconnect. Writing on deal with it and its spawn. The people
the lines what that connection is. The circles that live outside the cities can be a little...
can be people, companies, events, evidence, odd too, possibly more of a hindrance
all sorts of things that form part of the overall than a help.
mind map. If you need help organising it, there
are mind mapping software solutions that you • An illegal trade in entity pets, beetles
can find on the internet. whose venom causes a euphoric high,
has been going on for a while, distrib-


uting them from a reality tear in a nasty • A group of militant cultists, intermin-
part of town. The trade needs to be shut gled with the cybergoth subculture, has
down but the beetles have a kind of con- started harrying PROJECT agents in the
trol over the people of the block they course of their duties. They’re deliber-
come from and many have been flushed ately trying to make things difficult for
to avoid a police crackdown. They’ve set PROJECT and will slowly progress to
up a hive in the sewers. Not good. more bold and violent action along with
attempted summoning of entities.
• A celebrity has repeatedly been present
where dimensional incursions have tak- • A terrorist group with an axe to grind
en place. Minor ones, but still, there’s a against PROJECT detonates a PME bomb
surprising correspondence. The celeb- in the middle of a large graveyard. The
rity has agreed to take the agents into radiation raises the bodies and skeletons
their entourage to get to the bottom of buried there which rise from their graves
it. They don’t know what’s causing it, but and start to spread outwards, ravenous
having PROJECT agents as bodyguards for residual PME from living flesh which
is great for your fame profile. Can’t hurt they need to maintain their resurrection.
the agents’ profile either – provided they Particularly well fed dead may regain a
can stay focussed. degree of cognition.
• There is an area of the city that has never, • A vengeful entity attacks the agents in
ever, had a dimensional incursion in all the their home. It possesses their house and
time PROJECT has been keeping records. turns the familiar surroundings against
This has only just become apparent due them. Getting out or dealing with the en-
to a change in the way the records are tity is going to entail doing a lot of dam-
organised and cross-referenced. It may age to their own home and PROJECT’s
seem odd to investigate a lack of activity expenses account.
but it is either suspicious, or useful.
• The agents are recalled to PROJECT
central for a debrief and interrogation
about their performance on their recent
missions. If they’ve acted in the way that
player-characters typically do they may
well have some explaining to do.



Enhancement: Psyker (PK)
Callsign: Kratos
Dexterity (DEX) 3D
Brawling: 3D+1
Dodge: 3D+1
Firearms: 3D+1
Melee: 3D+1
Running: 3D+1
Throwing: 3D+1
Endurance (END) 2D
Resistance: 2D
Health: 2D
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Cultures: 2D+1
Entities: 2D+1
Psionics (PSI) 5D Equipment:
Kinetic Blast: 6D+1 Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
Kinetic Shield: 5D+1 5 strips of 15 ammo
Kinetic Control: 5D+1 PROJECT trenchcoat: 1D/1D/1D
Strength (STR) 2D Tablet Computer
Survival Kit
Technology (TEC) 2D Uniform
Communications: 2D+1
Computer Ops: 2D+1 Notes:
Drive: 2D+1
Medicine: 2D+1
Sensors: 2D+1
Wits (WIT) 2D
Initiative: 2D+1
Investigation: 2D+1
Hide: 2D
Perception: 2D
Search: 2D
Willpower: 2D+1
Move: 10m
Strength Damage: 1D
Passive Defence: 11

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began
to recover from the disastrous Kinetic Blast: 6D+1
effects of the Mindquake Range: 180m
and began to understand our Area: 6m radius from Psyker
former power and knowledge. Notes: Against vulnerable beings – such as ice
PROJECT was at the lead of or water entities or those unable to regulate
the fight back to education, their own body temperature – Pyrokinesis
does double damage.
technological understanding
and capability and also amongst Against creatures with protection against the
the first groups to truly grasp heat or self-regulating temperature – such as
the importance - and danger - mammals – it does normal damage.
of the Entities.
Damage from Pyrokineis is resisted with
PROJECT is now a truly global Resistance+Armour (for objects and inani-
organisation, operating out mate beings) and with Health for living tar-
gets. Armour does not normally apply unless
of PROJECT Central and with
sealed or specially designed.
regional offices in London,
Washington DC, Tokyo and Kinetic Shield: 5D+1
many more offices and bases Duration: 5 minutes
scattered around the world. We Notes: Roll your shield dice, divide your total
are humanity’s best and only by 5 (round down) to get a number of “Shield
true line of defence against the Dice” which then applies to your Resistance
Entities and reality leakage into rolls. If you wish to extend the shield over
others remove one “Shield Dice” per target.
our dimension.
- Pyrokinetic Shield dice doubled for melee
As an employee of PROJECT
you have been trained and Kinetic Control: 5D+1
adapted to fight the Entities Range: 50m
and to respond to leakage
Each point in a roll can increase or decrease
events, to restore normality the temperature by five degrees celsius. The
and to protect the public. flashpoint of paper is 235 degrees. This ability
This is an important job and can also be used to create an area of heat or
PROJECT values its employees cold. This has the same radius as Kinetic Blast
just as it values the future of the but can be maintained by concentrating and
human species. Your training not using any other psi powers.
and enhancement represents
a considerable investment
of credits, a debt owed to
PROJECT and to humanity
which can best be paid off by
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: Medusa
Callsign: Alkon
Dexterity (DEX) 3D
Acrobatics: 3D+1
Brawling: 3D+1
Dodge: 3D+1
Firearms: 3D
Melee: 3D+2
Endurance (END) 3D
Health: 3D
Resistance: 3D+2
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Entities: 3D+1
Psionics (PSI) 0D
Strength (STR) 3D Equipment:
Power: 3D+2 Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
5 strips of 15 ammo
Technology (TEC) 3D PROJECT Trenchcoat 1D/1D/1D
Communications: 3D+1 Uniform
Computer Ops: 3D+2
Repair: 3D+2 Advantages:
Security: 3D+1 Natural Weapon (2): +1D
Sensors: 3D+1 damage, Immune to disease and
Wits (WIT) 3D
Initiative: 3D+1 Disadvantages:
Hide: 3D Laws (5): Medusas’ must follow
Perception: 3D their Laws.
Search: 3D+1 In order of priority these are:
Willpower: 3D May not (through action or inaction):
1. Harm or disobey PROJECT Central, DOG
Move: 10m Agents or PROJECT Coordinators
2. Harm a PROJECT operative
Strength Damage: 2D 3. Harm ones self
4. Harm other PROJECT equipment
Passive Defence: 11 5. Disobey a PROJECT operative
6. Fail to fulfil personal needs/wants
7. Harm the public
8. *Self-defined*

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began Medusae are the latest iteration in a long run-
to recover from the disastrous ning set of projects to develop a completely
effects of the Mindquake artificial operative. A Medusa’s body is made
and began to understand our up of around fifty magnetic, metal coils at-
former power and knowledge. tached to a faceplate superficially similar to a
Borg’s head and mask. The faceplate houses
PROJECT was at the lead of the mind, senses and main power unit for the
the fight back to education, Medusa. The coils can move independently
technological understanding or knot together to form body structures and
and capability and also amongst shapes. Each coil has an integral blade, allow-
the first groups to truly grasp ing the Medusa to sprout knives and stabbing
the importance - and danger - weapons as it needs them. The Medusa can
also exude an insulating ‘goo’ that clings to the
of the Entities.
coils and provides a certain amount of protec-
tion and a silhouette.
PROJECT is now a truly global
Problems with previous attempts at artificial
organisation, operating out agents have lead to the establishment of a set
of PROJECT Central and with of behavioural ‘laws’ that guide and channel
regional offices in London, Medusa behaviour and guarantee a degree of
Washington DC, Tokyo and loyalty to PROJECT. Over time these laws can
many more offices and bases evolve, leading to the development of a truly
scattered around the world. We individual intelligence. Unit coordinators are
charged with ensuring that Medusae do not
are humanity’s best and only go ‘Frankenstein’ and suffer harsh penalties if
true line of defence against the a Medusa under their auspices goes unhinged.
Entities and reality leakage into
our dimension.
As an employee of PROJECT
you have been trained and
adapted to fight the Entities
and to respond to leakage
events, to restore normality
and to protect the public.
This is an important job and
PROJECT values its employees
just as it values the future of the
human species. Your training
and enhancement represents
a considerable investment
of credits, a debt owed to
PROJECT and to humanity
which can best be paid off by
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: Wytch
Callsign: Hera
Dexterity (DEX) 2D
Brawling: 2D+1
Dodge: 2D+1
Firearms: 2D+1
Melee: 2D+1
Endurance (END) 2D
Health: 2D
Resistance: 2D
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Bureaucracy: 3D+1
Entities: 3D+2
Cultures: 3D+1
Languages: 3D+1
Psionics (PSI) 3D Advantages:
Magic Heal: 5D+1 Powerful Homunculus (2):
Magic Summon: 5D+1 Your summoning skill is
Magic Ward: 4D+1 considered to be 1D more when
PME Items: 4D determining the power of your
Strength (STR) 3D homunculus/familiar.

Technology (TEC) 2D Equipment:

Communications: 2D+1 Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
Computer Ops: 2D+1 5 strips of 15 ammo
Medicine: 2D+1 PROJECT Trenchcoat + Amulet
of Protection 2D/2D/2D
Wits (WIT) 2D Staff Mk 1: 4D+1E 10/30/50
Bargain: 2D+2 Comlink
Initiative: 2D Tablet Computer
Investigation: 2D+2 Survival Kit
Hide: 2D Uniform
Perception: 2D Ward Net Mk1
Persuasion: 2D+2
Search: 2D+1
Willpower: 2D+2
Move: 10m
Strength Damage: 2D
Passive Defence: 11

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began Magic Heal: Wytches are able to channel PME energy in
to recover from the disastrous predictable and common ways through their formulae
effects of the Mindquake and workings. With Heal you are able to reduce wounds
and heal injuries, allowing someone to recover quickly
and began to understand our and get back into the fight.
former power and knowledge. To use Magical Healing a Wytch rolls their Magic Heal
PROJECT was at the lead of skill and can spend the amount that they roll by as
the fight back to education, follows. Each application of the skill takes ten turns

technological understanding Reducing the number of turns needed in order to cast

and capability and also amongst costs one for one turn.
Removing a ‘Wounded’ effect costs five points.
the first groups to truly grasp Reducing a ‘Severely Wounded’ effect to ‘Wounded’
the importance - and danger - costs ten points.
Reducing an ‘Incapacitated’ effect to ‘Severely
of the Entities. wounded’ costs fifteen points.
Reducing a ‘Mortally wounded’ to ‘Incapacitated’ costs
PROJECT is now a truly global twenty points.

organisation, operating out Magic Summon: With access to this skill a Wytch can
of PROJECT Central and with deliberately summon minor entities from ‘elsewhere’ and
bind them to their will, making them perform actions
regional offices in London, for them according to their commands and will, albeit
Washington DC, Tokyo and resentfully.

many more offices and bases To use this skill the Wytch rolls their Magic Summon skill
scattered around the world. We and then spends the points to ‘create’ the entity that
they are summoning out of the plasm of the psychic
are humanity’s best and only plane. Summoning a creature normally takes ten turns.
true line of defence against the Every five points over the summoning difficulty reduces
this by one.
Entities and reality leakage into
our dimension. Only one summoned creature may be held in this reality
at a time. The Homunculus is an exception to this rule.

As an employee of PROJECT Homunculus: Your homunculus, or familiar, is a

you have been trained and permanently summoned and bound creature. As your
skill increases it can be dismissed and re-summoned or
adapted to fight the Entities changed.
and to respond to leakage
events, to restore normality Stinkerbell
and to protect the public. Dex 6D
This is an important job and End 2D
PROJECT values its employees Int 3D
Psi 4D
just as it values the future of the Str 2D
human species. Your training Tech 1D
Wits 2D
and enhancement represents
a considerable investment Flying

of credits, a debt owed to Magic bolt 2D

PROJECT and to humanity
“Stink” is a little punk faerie who, while is great at
which can best be paid off by fetching and carrying, has a very bad attitude.
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: Grunt
Callsign: Styx
Dexterity (DEX) 3D
Brawling: 3D+2
Dodge: 3D+2
Firearms: 3D+1
Melee: 3D+2
Running: 3D+1
Throwing: 3D+1
PME Weapons: 4D+2
Endurance (END) 3D
Health: 3D
Resistance: 3D+1
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Entities: 2D+1
Psionics (PSI) 1D Advantages:
PME Armour: 1D+1
PME Tech: 1D+1 Interface (3):
Interfaced devices are used with a +1D
Strength (STR) 3D bonus. Interfaced PME devices draw
Power: 3D+1 power from the grunt and require no
ammo or power sources.
Technology (TEC) 2D
Communications: 2D+1 Fast Reactions (3):
Computer Ops: 2D+1 The PME interface has hardwired your
Demolitions: 2D+1 reflexes and that, along with combat
Drive: 2D+1 experience and training, has made you
Gunnary: 2D+1 able to react to situations much more
swiftly than normal. Your Initiative skill
Wits (WIT) 3D has a bonus of +1D and three times
Initiative: 3D during the game session you can make
Hide: 3D an extra action in your turn.
Perception: 3D
Search: 3D Equipment:
Willpower: 3D Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
5 strips of 15 ammo
Move: 10m Voyager Rifle: 6d+2(E) 50/100/300
5 Strips of 10 ammo
Strength Damage: 2D PROJECT Solid Armour Suit: 2D/1D/-
Passive Defence: 11 Comlink
Tablet Computer
Survival Kit

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began The least enhanced of Grunt operatives,
to recover from the disastrous Grunts use special training and equipment
effects of the Mindquake to keep pace with the other, more enhanced
and began to understand our agents. Most Grunts come from military or
former power and knowledge. paramilitary backgrounds and becoming a
Grunt is an extension of their existing ser-
PROJECT was at the lead of vice. The Grunt implant is simple and minor, a
the fight back to education, Grunt Technical Implant which enables them
technological understanding to use their own psychic potential as fuel and
and capability and also amongst to directly, mentally control (via cable) weap-
the first groups to truly grasp ons and other devices.
the importance - and danger - Grunts are a force of nature when hooked
into PME technology, particularly guns and
of the Entities.
armour. These devices let them go toe-to-toe
with powerful entities on an equal footing. As
PROJECT is now a truly global
well as smaller weapons and devices PRO-
organisation, operating out JECT is also experimenting with larger power-
of PROJECT Central and with suits, vehicles and detection equipment.
regional offices in London, Grunts can form very close, emotional attach-
Washington DC, Tokyo and ments to pieces of weaponry and equipment
many more offices and bases that they regularly interface with. This can be
scattered around the world. We a little unsettling, but is not considered to be
a dangerous psychological problem.
are humanity’s best and only
true line of defence against the
Entities and reality leakage into
our dimension.
As an employee of PROJECT
you have been trained and
adapted to fight the Entities
and to respond to leakage
events, to restore normality
and to protect the public.
This is an important job and
PROJECT values its employees
just as it values the future of the
human species. Your training
and enhancement represents
a considerable investment
of credits, a debt owed to
PROJECT and to humanity
which can best be paid off by
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: GOLEM
Callsign: Helios
Dexterity (DEX) 2D
Brawling: 4D+1
Dodge: 2D
Firearms: 2D
Melee: 3D+1
Throwing: 2D+1
Endurance (END) 4D
Health: 5D
Resistance: 5D+2
Stamina: 5D
Intelligence (INT) 1D
Entities: 1D+2
Psionics (PSI) 0D
Strength (STR) 5D
Power: 6D Tough (5):
+3D to Resistance against physical
Technology (TEC) 1D attacks. Club Hands (5): Golems do
Communications: 1D+1 not halve their Str (Power skill) for
determining their melee damage.
Wits (WIT) 2D
Initiative: 2D Disadvantages:
Intimidation: 2D+2 Object of Desire (2), Stress (3):
Hide: 2D The Golem has an object of desire
Perception: 2D upon which they are fixated and which
Search: 2D they will do anything for. Golems
Survival: 2D+1 are easily upset when things don’t
Willpower: 2D+1 conform to their black-and-white
view of the world or the bad guys
Move: 10m ‘win’. They become ‘stunned’ in such
Strength Damage: 5D circumstances until they can take
some time to chill out and re-secure
Passive Defence: 11 themselves with their object of desire.

Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
5 strips of 15 ammo
PROJECT trenchcoat: 1D/1D/1D
Survival Kit

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began Golem is actually an acronym standing for
to recover from the disastrous Genetic Overgrowth and Localised Endorphin
effects of the Mindquake Modification. The Golem is the most physically
and began to understand our powerful of the enhancements and also one
former power and knowledge. of the most traumatic and changing. A Golem
is taken apart and reconstructed from the
PROJECT was at the lead of genetic level. The subject’s own musculature
the fight back to education, is flayed from their body and subjected to
technological understanding PME enhanced steroidal treatment, enhancing
and capability and also amongst the muscle tissue without the usual other side
the first groups to truly grasp effects. Their skeleton is also enhanced, made
the importance - and danger - denser, stronger, harder, heavier. At the end
of the nine month period the Golem has been
of the Entities.
enhanced to something approximate to ten
times the strength of an unmodified person.
PROJECT is now a truly global
Their flesh and bone is dense, naturally ar-
organisation, operating out moured and their senses are lessened, making
of PROJECT Central and with them virtually impervious to harm.
regional offices in London, The final step and, perhaps the most contro-
Washington DC, Tokyo and versial, is the implantation of a modified and
many more offices and bases supplementary adrenal gland which takes the
scattered around the world. We place of much of the Golem’s brain, crippling
many of their higher functions. The compen-
are humanity’s best and only sation is the further enhancement of the body
true line of defence against the by an artificial gland that pumps PME en-
Entities and reality leakage into hanced adrenalin into the body, further mak-
our dimension. ing it capable of superhuman feats.
Golems average nine feet in height, have no
As an employee of PROJECT body hair and have an almost ape-like frame.
you have been trained and Blood vessels and nerves are cant at the sur-
adapted to fight the Entities face of their flesh and their skin is a fairly mor-
bid, greyish colour as a result. Despite their
and to respond to leakage
modifications Golems tend to be friendly,
events, to restore normality gentle giants. Their lobotomised intelligence
and to protect the public. unable to understand many nuances of com-
This is an important job and munication such as sarcasm. This lack of com-
PROJECT values its employees prehension does frustrate them and can cause
just as it values the future of the them to lash out uncontrollably. Because of
human species. Your training this each Golem is given an Object of Desire,
also known as a ‘binky’, which allows them
and enhancement represents to calm themselves and fixate on something
a considerable investment familiar and comforting.
of credits, a debt owed to
PROJECT and to humanity
which can best be paid off by
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: Borg
Callsign: Janus
Dexterity (DEX) 4D
Acrobatics: 4D+1
Brawling: 4D+1
Dodge: 5D+1
Firearms: 4D+1
Melee: 5D+1
Endurance (END) 3D
Health: 3D
Resistance: 3D
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Entities: 2D
Psionics (PSI) 0D
Strength (STR) 4D
Artifical Body (2): No pain (no wound
penalties to actions, only to Resistance).
Technology (TEC) 3D Hardiness (3): +1D Resistance Vs. All attacks.
Communications: 3D+1 Silence (3): Your mechanisms are almost
Computer Ops: 3D+1 entirely silent and your movements so precise
and careful that you make essentially no
Wits (WIT) 2D noise. You gain a +2D bonus to hide rolls
Initiative: 2D+1 and a +1D bonus to sneak attacks made with
Hide: 4D+1* surprise.
Perception: 2D Disadvantages:
Search: 2D+1
Willpower: 2D+2 Masks (2): A Borg can only express a
personality/mood corresponding to its mask.
Move: 20m It has three to start with; normally a business
mask, a social mask and a secret, personal
Strength Damage: 4D mask representing its core personality

Passive Defence: 12 Borg Options:

Blaster Implant: 3D lethal or stun,
Range: 10/20/30
Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
5 strips of 15 ammo
PROJECT Trenchcoat 1D/1D/1D
Tablet Computer
Survival Kit

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began Cyborg enhancement is effective and power-
ful but also complex and expensive. The brain
to recover from the disastrous and spine of the subject is entirely removed
effects of the Mindquake from the body and then re-situated in an
and began to understand our entirely artificial body. The process renders
former power and knowledge. the tissue universal, similar to stem-cells, so
PROJECT was at the lead of that it does not reject the implantation points
the fight back to education, and the pod – a mirrored ball – in which it is
placed is perfectly sealed and sterile.
technological understanding
Borg bodies are modular but start out on a
and capability and also amongst standard pattern that can be modified on
the first groups to truly grasp an individual or mission oriented basis. The
the importance - and danger - body is constructed from high-tech ceramics,
of the Entities. hyperplastics and enhanced metals making it
light but strong. Despite this Borg are not so
PROJECT is now a truly global much the heavy-hitters of PROJECT teams
organisation, operating out but rather the stealth and assassination wing.
Borg bodies can move unnaturally silently and
of PROJECT Central and with
can stand absolutely still. They can climb un-
regional offices in London, commonly smooth surfaces and hold position
Washington DC, Tokyo and for hours or days with no need to eliminate
many more offices and bases waste or take in food.
scattered around the world. We Borg are some of the most traumatised by
are humanity’s best and only their enhancement procedures and suffer
true line of defence against the greatly from dysmorphia, finding it hard to
settle into and accept their new, expression-
Entities and reality leakage into less bodies. PROJECT has come up with the
our dimension. imperfect solution of allowing a great deal of
customisation to the Borg bodies and, espe-
As an employee of PROJECT cially, the innovative use of masks which allow
you have been trained and the Borg to express themselves and to create
adapted to fight the Entities a ‘body’ that they have full control over.
and to respond to leakage
events, to restore normality
and to protect the public.
This is an important job and
PROJECT values its employees
just as it values the future of the
human species. Your training
and enhancement represents
a considerable investment
of credits, a debt owed to
PROJECT and to humanity
which can best be paid off by
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: Empath (PC)
Callsign: Shelob
Dexterity (DEX) 2D
Brawling: 2D+1
Dodge: 3D+1
Firearms: 3D+1
Melee: 3D+1
Running: 2D+1
Throwing: 2D+1
Endurance (END) 2D
Resistance: 2D
Health: 2D
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Cultures: 2D+1
Entities: 2D+1
Psionics (PSI) 5D
Kinetic Blast: 5D+1 Patron (3):
Kinetic Shield: 5D+1 You father is well connected in
Kinetic Control: 5D+1 PROJECT circles.

Strength (STR) 2D Disadvantages:

Technology (TEC) 2D Age (1):

Communications: 2D+1 You are very young for a
Computer Ops: 2D+1 PROJECT operative (19 years
Drive: 2D+1 old).
Medicine: 2D+1
Sensors: 2D+1
Wits (WIT) 2D
Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
Initiative: 2D+1
5 strips of 15 ammo
Investigation: 2D+1
PROJECT trenchcoat: 1D/1D/1D
Hide: 2D
Perception: 2D
Tablet Computer
Search: 2D
Survival Kit
Willpower: 2D+1
Move: 10m
Strength Damage: 1D
Passive Defence: 11

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
PROJECT was founded over a Enhancement Notes:
century ago as humanity began
to recover from the disastrous Psychic Blast: 5D+1
effects of the Mindquake Range: 125m
and began to understand our Area: 5m radius from Psyker
former power and knowledge. Notes: Psychic blasts do half damage, after
PROJECT was at the lead of Willpower is rolled and every five points of
the fight back to education, damage also stun for one turn.
technological understanding Psychic Shield: 5D+1
and capability and also amongst Duration: 5 minutes
the first groups to truly grasp Notes: Roll your shield dice, divide your total
the importance - and danger - by 5 (round down) to get a number of “Shield
of the Entities. Dice” which then applies as armour against
Mental attacks. If you wish to extend the
PROJECT is now a truly global shield over others remove one “Shield Dice”
organisation, operating out per target.
of PROJECT Central and with Psychic Control: 5D+1
regional offices in London,
Washington DC, Tokyo and The future is a confusing tangle of
many more offices and bases possibilities, many of which will never come
scattered around the world. We true. With this skill the psychic can peek into
this tangle and examine the most probable
are humanity’s best and only outcomes of current events getting some
true line of defence against the clues as to things that might happen in the
Entities and reality leakage into imminent future. Any further ahead and
our dimension. only the biggest, most probably events are
As an employee of PROJECT
you have been trained and With this skill the psychic can get a vague,
adapted to fight the Entities unnatural sense of what is going to occur in
the immediate future. To use it a character
and to respond to leakage rolls their Psychic Precognition skill and can
events, to restore normality tell – by spending a point from the roll -
and to protect the public. vaguely, whether a course of action is going
This is an important job and to be a good or a bad idea. They can also gain
PROJECT values its employees a free-floating bonus to their next few actions
just as it values the future of the though they must spend at least one point on
each action. This pool is equal to the number
human species. Your training
rolled but cannot be replenished until it is all
and enhancement represents spent. Points can be spent after you make a
a considerable investment roll to bring it up high enough to succeed.
of credits, a debt owed to
PROJECT and to humanity
which can best be paid off by
executing your duty.
PROJECT is saviour.

EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Enhancement: ______________
Callsign: ___________________
Dexterity (DEX): _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______

Endurance (END): _______

____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______

Intelligence (INT): _______

____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______ Strength Damage: ___________
Psionics (PSI): _______
Passive Defence: ____________
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______
Strength (STR): _______ Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
____________________________ _______
5 strips of 15 ammo
PROJECT trenchcoat: 1D/1D/1D
____________________________ _______
Technology (TEC): _______ Tablet Computer
____________________________ _______ Survival Kit
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______ __________________________
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______ __________________________
____________________________ _______
Wits (WIT): _______
____________________________ _______
____________________________ _______ Current Status:
____________________________ _______ Stunned Wounded / KO
____________________________ _______ Incapacitated Mortally Wounded
____________________________ _______ Dead
____________________________ _______

PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington

Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
Advantages: Disadvantages:
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________



EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington
Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
The trepidation of the exam was nothing compared
to this wait after the injection. They said I am going
to be unconscious for almost three months and even
though the process has been refined, there are still
a number of things that can go wrong. I wait, know-
ing that I will be a better man soon. I am going far
beyond my limits. I am like the seagull I read of as
a child, brave enough to fly higher. The shadow of
fear is as nothing before the potential I have.
Sleep is my home now. I swim here in the green
depths as my flesh grows somewhere else. I am go-
ing to become a giant...a titan...a god. I can see my
bones around me, bloated and stretched, ready to
be put back together again. To be rebuilt better.
Though I dream, I find it harder to put my thoughts
into words. I think of... things... less and less. I think
the drugs that hide my pain and make me sleep
somehow stop me from going insane by dulling my
wits. Sleep now, back to normal soon.
I am finished! The doctor says I am all better after
my operation, now I am big and strong! I do feel a
bit funny, as my head feels like it has a cold. I am
strong now, though I can’t remember much of what
was before. I think I was clever before, but I am
more happy now. Does being clever make you sad?
I think so. Even though I have been sleeping for a
long time, I still sleep every night. I don’t have as
many dreams now, but I do have one about a bird.
It flies high.
I like birds.
- Atlas, GOLEM agent personal log.


We have pulled the world from the brink of destruction...
but along the way our nightmares have become real.
Only PROJECT can save us, but who can save PROJECT from itself?

PROJECT is © Mark Whittington 2015.

Artwork is © Postmortem Studios 2015

Unless otherwise stated.

Rules content, devoid
of descriptive text, is
designated open content.

PROJECT is written for the

OpenD6 sytem.

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