PROJECT - Core Rules (Updated)
PROJECT - Core Rules (Updated)
PROJECT - Core Rules (Updated)
Written by: Mark Whittington and James ‘Grim’ Desborough
Art by: Toby Gregory, James ‘Grim’ Desborough and Mark Whittington.
The Eastbourne Crew: Mark, Lex, John, Jim, George, Tom, Ben & Dave
for driving me mad and keeping me sane.
Employee Manual
PROJECT is Saviour
432 AE Edition
Preface How to use this book
PROJECT was founded over a century ago as This book is an introductory manual for PRO-
humanity began to recover from the disas- JECT employees commencing their active ser-
trous effects of the Mindquake and began to vice. It is by no means comprehensive but does
understand our former power and knowledge. cover all of the most important basics. If you
PROJECT was at the lead of the fight back to have any more detailed concerns please refer
education, technological understanding and to the TRB or send a formal request to Cen-
capability and also amongst the first groups tral for clarification. Keep this book on hand
to truly grasp the importance - and danger - of for day to day reference and to settle low-level
the Entities. disputes internally, if at all possible.
PROJECT is now a truly global organisation,
operating out of PROJECT Central and with Training
regional offices in London, Washington and You have completed nine months of training
Tokyo and many more offices and bases scat- and adjustment and fine tuning of your im-
tered around the world. We are humanity’s plants. This is a long and difficult process and
best and only true line of defence against the simply by clearing training you have shown
Entities and reality leakage into our dimension. yourself to be in the top one percent of hu-
As an employee of PROJECT you have been manity. Do not allow yourself to become ar-
trained and adapted to fight the Entities and to rogant however. Training is one thing, field op-
respond to leakage events, to restore normality erations is another.
and to protect the public. This is an important New employees are grouped together in op-
job and PROJECT values its employees just as erating units so that there are no problems of
it values the future of the human species. Your seniority and to minimise internal strife. In the
training and enhancement represents a con- event of casualties, replacements from other
siderable investment of credits, a debt owed operating units of comparable experience will
to PROJECT and to humanity which can best be assigned in order to minimise disruption
be paid off by executing your duty. and issues caused by seniority.
PROJECT is saviour. Ongoing training is available and your unit
housing should have basic facilities for you to
Welcome to PROJECT engage in physical fitness optimisation and
You are now part of PROJECT. The most im- firearms training. More opportunities for train-
portant and powerful endeavour in human his- ing are available at your local base.
tory - so far as it can be remembered. As a
member of PROJECT you are a valued part of PROJECT Guidelines
an international team with an opportunity to In your dealing with and as a member of PRO-
make real change and to improve the lot of hu- JECT please try to keep the following in mind:
manity as a whole. It is a weighty responsibility • Be courteous in your dealings.
and also a great privilege. Please read and ab-
sorb this information as you start your service. • You are always in the public eye.
• Individual actions reflect upon PROJECT
as a whole.
• Safeguarding reality is your top goal, all
else is secondary.
• Remain humble.
X-50 Truck
The X-50 can transport up to twelve agents
(two in the front and ten in the back) and their
gear for long distances in reasonable comfort,
PROJECT Trenchcoat at speed and over somewhat rough terrain.
Your PROJECT trenchcoat is fitted to your Any agent with a driving license is rated to op-
physical specifications and armoured against erate the X50.
physical and Psycho-Magnetic-Energy attack. Special certifications in defensive and offen-
The PROJECT trenchcoat is the most impor- sive driving, X-50 maintenance and so forth
tant part of your uniform and identifies you at are available upon completion of sufficient
a distance to other agents and to the public at training.
Explaining to people what role-playing is has
proven to be a thorn in the side of gamers for
as long as gaming has existed. No description
quite seems adequate and the best way to ex-
plain it to someone is to have them play.
Who we are
Imagine we’re sat together at a table. You’ve
Postmortem Studios is the independent pub-
made up a character - much as you might for
lishing imprint of award-winning games author
a computer game - with a bit of depth beyond
James ‘Grim’ Desborough. Postmortem Studi-
their name and appearance. You’re now going
os publishes primarily in PDF and PoD format
to describe this character’s actions in an imag-
but some products can also be found in dis-
inary world that I am going to describe to you.
tribution. Postmortem Studios likes to concen-
Me: The supermarket is dark when you come
trate on fun, independent, whimsical games
in. The lights are off and the glow from the
and useful tools for players and Games Mas-
afternoon sun outside barely penetrates ten
ters alike and is diversifying into card games,
metres from the glass-fronted entrance. It’s
board games and fiction.
deserted, empty, everywhere are abandoned
We love to hear from our customers and can
trolleys and knocked over cans. There’s a rus-
be reached at:
tling sound from over near where you think the
We can also be reached at our website: post-
baked goods would be.
Flagstaff: A mysterious gang of, apparently, Medusa: A true AI the Medusa is the only
undead bikers who appear seemingly out of fully artificial agent type at PROJECT’s
nowhere in response to entity breaches. disposal. Tightly programmed but capable
of self-adaptation the Medusae are flexible,
GOLEM: Genetic Over-Growth and Localised deadly and can be produced in relatively
Endorphin Modification - PROJECT are fond large numbers to make up for recruitment
of their tortured acronyms it’s all part of shortfalls.
their public relations. GOLEM candidates are
modified genetically, surgically, biologically Mindquake: The Mindquake goes by many
increasing their size, muscle mass and names. This is the key event that disrupted the
adrenal output. They are biological tanks world and lead, in time, to the development
sacrificing intelligence for raw, physical of PROJECT to defend our reality. A sort
power. of ‘psionic nuke’ that swept the world and
wiped minds of thought, breaking down the
PROJECT: Saviour.
agent unit leaders
are Wytches but their deep un-
derstanding and the nature of their
implants can make them arrogant
and demeaning to others, confident
of their own intellectual superior-
ity over others and distant from
Magic Summon: With access to this skill Psychic Precognition: The future is a
a Wytch can deliberately summon minor confusing tangle of possibilities, many of
entities from ‘elsewhere’ and bind them to which will never come true. With this skill the
their will, making them perform actions for psychic can peek into this tangle and examine
them according to their commands and will, the most probable outcomes of current
albeit resentfully. events getting some clues as to things that
might happen in the imminent future. Any
Magic Ward: Wytches are able to channel further ahead and only the biggest, most
PME energy into patterns that can reinforce probably events are detectable.
reality and hold off entities or reduce their
power. Psychic Scan: With this skill the psychic is
a living PME metre, able to detect psychic
PME Armour: Psycho-Magnetic-Energy energy and living, conscious minds in the
is used naturally by psychics but can also immediate vicinity.
be used in devices. PME armour channels
the latent psychic energy of Grunts, or is Psychic Shield: With this ability the psychic
powered by ‘bottles’ of PME to make it work. can raise a mental ‘wall’ around himself or
With this skill you can operate PME armour. herself and others to absorb and deflect
psychic attacks and mind control, reinforcing
PME Items: PME items are psychically their will and defending their minds.
activated and enhanced devices that are
used for various strange and unusual Psychic Telepathy: With this ability a psychic
effects. Wytches are trained in their use and can attempt to reach into the mind of
can empower them without the need for another, overcoming their will and reading
PME batteries. PME items are typically more their thoughts – or implanting suggestions
eclectic than PME tech and may more closely of their own.
resemble people’s folk ideas of ‘magic’.
PME Tech: PME technology is more limited,
but also more reliable than PME items. Power: Raw physical strength is effective, of
PME meters, scanners, samplers and other course, but you can train yourself to apply
technological devices with predictable what strength you do have more effectively
effects are covered by PME Tech. and that’s where the ‘power’ skill comes in.
PME Weapons: PME weapons can channel Athletics: Jumping, climbing, marathon
psychic energy via a Grunt’s link or from a running. Any broad, athletic, physical ability
PME battery and unleash it in a variety of not otherwise covered by a skill is covered
nasty ways to harm people. This skill covers by Athletics.
the use of these exotic weapons.
Psychic Blast: Raw mental energy can have
a searing effect on the minds of others. With Communications: PROJECT needs to
this skill the character can unleash a tempest operate in difficult conditions using
of mind-power and strike people dead or various different kinds of communications
unconscious without any physical sign of the technology, much of which can be a little
power being used. unreliable but which is still better than
nothing. This skill determines how good you
Psychic Clairvoyance: With this skill are at tuning in, cutting through static and
Difficulties can be increased or decreased Forgery: With this skill you can produce
by the availability of medical equipment realistic looking paperwork, forms and
and resources. identity papers that are not, entirely, kosher.
Provided you have the facilities to do so.
Navigation: Finding your way from ‘A’ to
‘B’ can be difficult but there are tricks to Gambling: There’s a skill to gambling in both
reading maps, operating a compass or knowing the odds and being able to read
simply knowing your way around that can the other people at the table. With this skill
make this easier. you have a good working knowledge of both
and regularly win at poker.
Combat Sense 3 points: Constant exposure Enhanced Sense 3 points: One of your senses
to combat along with hardwired reflexes and is increased giving you +1D to appropriate
a greater alertness that comes with the PME rolls that involve that sense, typically search,
interface means you cannot be surprised. perception and their ilk.
Rather you determine initiative with an
ambusher as normal and resolve your turns Environmental Resistance 1 point: You
before everyone else. Any positive modifier are essentially immune to environmental
the attacker gets from having surprise is problems and do not suffer problems from
Attack Resistance Energy 2 points: Your Hardiness 1 point: Your chassis and frame
reinforced chassis and energy dampers are toughened against attacks. You can
increase your resistance to energy attacks increase your resistance by 1 pip against any
by +1D. attacks.
Endurance 1 point: You gain a +3D bonus to Inbuilt Hand to Hand Weapon 2 points: You
physical actions that take place over a long have a built in set of claws, blades, clubs
period of time – such as treading water or or other melee weapon devices that gives
running long distances, as your mechanical you a natural +1D damage in hand to hand
limbs do not tire. combat.
Enhanced Sense 3 points: One of your senses Inbuilt Ranged Weapon 3 points: You have
is increased giving you +1D to appropriate a concealed weapon built into your body
rolls that involve that sense, typically search, that can fire at range. It has a range of 20
perception and their ilk. metres and does 3D damage. It is typically
an energy beam of some kind.
Environmental Resistance 1 point: You
are essentially immune to environmental More Masks 2 points: You have one – or
problems and do not suffer problems from more – extra masks that reflect more facets
environmental heat, cold, lack of oxygen of your personality than your basic three
etc. You are not immune to attacks (sudden masks.
changes) that use these to do harm.
Natural Armour 3 points: You are toughened
Extra body part – 2 points: You have an extra and reinforced and provided with extra
body part, a tail perhaps, or an extra arm. redundancy should you take damage. Your
The Games Master is free to determine the resistance is considered +1D higher against
bonuses and capabilities of this limb as they physical attacks.
will, but it should amount to no more than +3
pips (+1D) spread out. Example: A tail might Silence 3 points: Your mechanisms are
provide bonuses to climbing, balancing and almost entirely silent and your movements
so on. so precise and careful that you make
essentially no noise. You gain a +2D bonus to
Extra sense 1 point: You have an extra hide rolls and a +1D bonus to sneak attacks
sense beyond what more normal people made with surprise.
have. Perhaps you can detect vibration, air
motion, radiation, UV or infrared. Whatever Wytch Only Disadvantages
it is, this may help you gather more clues,
Independent Homunculus 2 points: Your
see in the dark or track enemies. You may
homunculus, or familiar, is independent and
even have a built in PME meter that lets you
not fully, or even remotely, bound to you. It
‘see’ PME radiation.
likes to hang around and help you anyway,
Fast Moving 1 point: You are extremely fast. but also has its own agenda and takes off at
Your base speed increases by two metres the most inopportune moments.
per round.
Watcher in Darkness 5 points: If you ever
Fast reactions 3 points: Your cybernetic botch a roll involving magic or PME a rent
reflexes have made you able to react to in space opens and the things from beyond
situations much more swiftly than normal. that have been watching you reach through
• 1D of armour for him and all his three • Reducing a ‘Mortally wounded’ to ‘Inca-
friends. 2D against heat/fire attacks. pacitated’ costs twenty points.
Tactile Enhancement 17,000 ¢: The ‘Borg’s • Buying off a disadvantage costs experi-
hands and skin are enhanced in their ability ence points equal to the character gen-
to perceive the collection of sensations that eration bonus multiplied by 10. You can-
we know as touch. The Borg gains a +1D not buy off racial disadvantages unless
bonus for anything involving these senses, otherwise stated in their text.
but a buffer prevents them from feeling pain
as a result. Example 1: Dermot the Golem wants to
raise his Brawling skill, which is currently
3D+2. This will cost him 3xp and will raise it
Improving Characters to 4D.
As characters progress through their adven-
tures they will tend to learn – both from their Example 2: He then wants to buy a Firearms
mistakes and their successes. They will grow skill, which he doesn’t already have. His
Dexterity is 2D so this costs him 2 xp just to
more competent, more experienced and more
get at 2D. Raising it to 2D+1 would cost him
knowledgeable as well as accruing training
another 2xp.
and on-the-job expertise.
Example 3: Dermot now wants to raise
Earning Experience Points his Strength from 5D to 5D+1, this will cost
Experience points are awarded at the end of him 50 xp but will also add +1 pip to every
each adventure, mission or session that the Strength based skill.
characters participate in. The following are
guidelines on how many experience points Example 4: Dermot wants to buy a 2 point
advantage. This will cost him 10 points.
should be awarded:
Example 5: Dermot wants to buy off a 2
Each hour of play in the session: +1 xp point disadvantage; this will cost him 30
Mission ends with outstanding success: +3 xp points.
Mission ends with acceptable success: +2 xp
Mission ends with marginal success: +1 xp Game Basics
Mission ends with marginal failure: +1 xp The basics of rolling dice and how to read the
Mission ends in failure: +2 xp results are covered earlier in the book but
Mission ends in abject failure: +3 xp there are further implications and complica-
Optional end of mission awards: tions which also need to be covered to encap-
Roleplaying award: +1 xp sulate all the different situations and modifiers
Man of the mission award: +1 xp that might affect these basic rules.
Multiple Actions
Example 1: Jasmine has no firearms skill On your turn you are normally allowed one
but has scooped up a pistol. She fires it Normal Action and one Free Action. You can
desperately at an oncoming wall of living
perform more Normal Actions but for each ex-
flesh that’s bleeding through from another
tra one that you take you take a 1D penalty to
dimension. Her Dexterity is 3D so she rolls
3 dice, but the wall of Flesh gets +5 to its each action that you take.
defence. Psychic exhaustion is totalled up for EVERY
psychic action taken in a turn so only one ‘1’
Example 2: Hyrum is trying to hotwire an can be discounted from their rolls in a turn.
electronic lock. The difficulty for someone
with the appropriate skills is 15, it’s not that Example: Siren is currently hunkered behind
complicated. Hyrum has no real idea what a crate. There’s a gap of two metres between
he’s doing though but the Games Master this crate and another crate and there are
things he has a chance. Because he has no two-dimensional invaders on the other side
appropriate skill the difficulty is raised to 25. of the room. She uses her free action to
move from behind one crate to behind the
Example 3: Marion stares blankly at a series other and uses a multiple action to pop off
of complicated equations written in a two shots from her pistol at the invaders on
notation formula that isn’t native to Earth. her way across. She’s taking two actions so
She has no chance of understanding this takes a penalty of 1D to both. Her firearms
and doesn’t get to roll. skill is normally 3D+2; the penalty reduces
this to 2D+2 which she rolls twice.
Rounds & Initiative
Time is normally pretty flexible during a game. Normal Actions
Time and timekeeping only really becomes • Making an attack.
critical when there is fighting going on or you
• Catch something.
are working against the clock. When it comes
to combat especially you need a way to keep • Complex communication (More than a
track of who is going when, what they can ac- sentence or two, conveying a plan).
complish and so forth.
• Dodge/Parry (Actively dodge an incom-
In PROJECT a turn is approximately 5 sec-
ing attack. You can do this before your
onds long and everyone is acting at approxi-
turn but it eliminates your action this
mately the same time. Initiative is used to
determine who acts in what order and to rep-
resent the advantage that those who are faster • Escape from bonds or a hold.
Difficulty Modifiers
The base difficulty for both set and opposed By default PROJECT has no game board or
actions can be modified if someone has an battle map, though you can surely improvise
advantage or a disadvantage. Equipment and one. Still, it’s useful – even in the abstract – to
circumstances can both provide bonuses. know how far or fast people can move and the
effects of vehicles, flying, swimming and so
• +/-5 Slight advantage or disadvantage.
forth. This section provides guidelines on how
• +/-10 Decisive advantage or to deal with various movement issues.
• +/-15 Overwhelming advantage or Most characters have a base movement of 10
disadvantage. metres in a round. They can move up to 5 me-
Example 1: Uther is hunting velociraptors tres as a free action and 10 metres by using
in a darkened building. They don’t have their normal action. If they use both their free
night vision but he has night vision goggles. action and their normal action to move then
The Games Master rules that he gains a +5 they can move 15 metres in a normal turn –
bonus to Initiative rolls in the dark due to while not doing anything else.
this advantage and that the raptors get a If they want to move even faster then they
-5 penalty to Perception due to their lack of can try to use their Running skill. Each full
night vision. movement amount or part thereof (10 metres
A shove or a sweep to knock a target onto the
ground, forcing them to spend a Normal Ac-
tion if they want to get back up. A knockdown
attack is penalised by +7 difficulty but does
normal damage for the weapon or unarmed
A disarming attack is made at +10 difficulty
and does no damage but, if successful, knocks
the weapon out of an enemy’s hand. This in-
Chameleon Cloak
Equipment Borg only equipment this white plastic poncho
PROJECT agents need gear of all sorts and covers them and jacks into their spinal mounts,
while some is standard issue others must be making them practically invisible and provid-
bought out of personal funds as an investment. ing them with a +2D bonus to Hide rolls. It
costs 5000¢. Any damage ruins the cloak.
Standard Issue
• Excelsior Pistol and 5 strips of ammuni- Autograpple
tion – restocked each mission. Jacked into a Borg’s spine this grapple can
be fired with a mental command and then
• PROJECT Trench coat
winched, allowing the Borg to hang from any
• PROJECT Badge surface while keeping all their limbs free. It
• Survival Kit costs 3000¢.
Amulet of Storage
Special Equipment The Amulet of Storage can store up to 12 points
PME Canister of incoming PSI energy, reducing any damage
A PME Canister is used as a power source for by that amount and holding the points in stor-
PME Armour or weapons. It counts as a maga- age. These points can then be tapped by the
zine for the weapons and as a power source Wytch to boost rolls for their Wytch abilities.
for the armour for the time noted. This allows Once points are spent the amulet is burnt out
non-grunts to use PME weapons if necessary. and cannot absorb any more Psi. It costs 600.
A PME Canister costs 200¢.
X50 Truck
Move: 70
Resilience: 9D/5D/2D
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3 in the front, up to 6 in the back.
Enhancement: Psyker (PK)
Callsign: Kratos
Dexterity (DEX) 3D
Brawling: 3D+1
Dodge: 3D+1
Firearms: 3D+1
Melee: 3D+1
Running: 3D+1
Throwing: 3D+1
Endurance (END) 2D
Resistance: 2D
Health: 2D
Intelligence (INT) 2D
Cultures: 2D+1
Entities: 2D+1
Psionics (PSI) 5D Equipment:
Kinetic Blast: 6D+1 Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
Kinetic Shield: 5D+1 5 strips of 15 ammo
Kinetic Control: 5D+1 PROJECT trenchcoat: 1D/1D/1D
Strength (STR) 2D Tablet Computer
Survival Kit
Technology (TEC) 2D Uniform
Communications: 2D+1
Computer Ops: 2D+1 Notes:
Drive: 2D+1
Medicine: 2D+1
Sensors: 2D+1
Wits (WIT) 2D
Initiative: 2D+1
Investigation: 2D+1
Hide: 2D
Perception: 2D
Search: 2D
Willpower: 2D+1
Move: 10m
Strength Damage: 1D
Passive Defence: 11
organisation, operating out Magic Summon: With access to this skill a Wytch can
of PROJECT Central and with deliberately summon minor entities from ‘elsewhere’ and
bind them to their will, making them perform actions
regional offices in London, for them according to their commands and will, albeit
Washington DC, Tokyo and resentfully.
many more offices and bases To use this skill the Wytch rolls their Magic Summon skill
scattered around the world. We and then spends the points to ‘create’ the entity that
they are summoning out of the plasm of the psychic
are humanity’s best and only plane. Summoning a creature normally takes ten turns.
true line of defence against the Every five points over the summoning difficulty reduces
this by one.
Entities and reality leakage into
our dimension. Only one summoned creature may be held in this reality
at a time. The Homunculus is an exception to this rule.
Exelsior Pistol: 4D(E) 10/25/50
5 strips of 15 ammo
PROJECT trenchcoat: 1D/1D/1D
Survival Kit
EMPLOYEE DOSSIER PROJECT is © 2015 Mark Whittington
Permission is granted to replicate this page for personal use only
The trepidation of the exam was nothing compared
to this wait after the injection. They said I am going
to be unconscious for almost three months and even
though the process has been refined, there are still
a number of things that can go wrong. I wait, know-
ing that I will be a better man soon. I am going far
beyond my limits. I am like the seagull I read of as
a child, brave enough to fly higher. The shadow of
fear is as nothing before the potential I have.
Sleep is my home now. I swim here in the green
depths as my flesh grows somewhere else. I am go-
ing to become a giant...a titan...a god. I can see my
bones around me, bloated and stretched, ready to
be put back together again. To be rebuilt better.
Though I dream, I find it harder to put my thoughts
into words. I think of... things... less and less. I think
the drugs that hide my pain and make me sleep
somehow stop me from going insane by dulling my
wits. Sleep now, back to normal soon.
I am finished! The doctor says I am all better after
my operation, now I am big and strong! I do feel a
bit funny, as my head feels like it has a cold. I am
strong now, though I can’t remember much of what
was before. I think I was clever before, but I am
more happy now. Does being clever make you sad?
I think so. Even though I have been sleeping for a
long time, I still sleep every night. I don’t have as
many dreams now, but I do have one about a bird.
It flies high.
I like birds.
- Atlas, GOLEM agent personal log.