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Miasm - Metaphor and Truth

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Tmima D.


Miasm – Metaphor and Truth

April 2008

In Fulfilment of Year Three Independent Research Project

Toronto School of Homeopathic Medicine

More than 200 years have passed since Samuel Hahnemann began producing his systematic
treatise of ‘right’ medical practise in the form of Homeopathy. He was not the first to recognize
‘similia similibus curateur’; ‘likes are cured by likes’, though it was he who developed the highly
ordered principles in application of the art. It was only later into his practise, that he developed a
greater appreciation of chronic diseases and the mysterious obstacles to cure they represented.
Many of Hahnemann’s original theories and conclusions remain firmly rooted in contemporary
Homeopathic practise. Over the years there have been additions, expansions, perversions,
abuses and neglect of his great insight, but one thing has remained abundantly clear –
Homeopathy is an energy-based medicine, capable of facilitating energetic response in the body.
To fully grasp the magnitude of this truth one need only consider Newton’s Laws of motion:
1> Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is
applied to it. ( aka; Law of Inertia)
2> The relationship between an object’s mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F=ma. Acceleration
and force are vectors; in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration
3> For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In the late 19 th century theosophist Helena P. Blavatsky introduced ageless set s of principles to
be formally considered in her two volumes of ‘The Secret Doctrine’. Of these principles, she
identified the prevalence of the energetic qualities of the Seven Rays, which throughout our
ancient and modern history have been evidenced. Energetic action and reaction to an
evolutionary process present in science, astrology, and archaeological finds. Bound in legendary
mythology and theology she established a broader landscape upon which Homeopathic and Life
principles may be considered and applied.

This paper will examine the energetic quality of miasmatic behaviour, as Hahnemann outlined in
The Chronic Diseases. Further it will demonstrate the energetic legitimacy of the Life Force, by
utilizing the available resources of Theosophical and Esoteric philosophies to demonstrate the
seven streams of naturally occurring energy influence which animate our world. The correlation of
energetic behaviour and Homeopathic practise is to provide a larger framework for the
Homeopathic practitioner to consider when assembling a truly complete picture of symptom

As Hahnemann himself dedicated the 6 th edition of The Organon of the Medical Art, ‘Aude
sapere’; ‘Dare to Know’, that is precisely what the purpose of this paper will be.

“Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases”
Samuel Hahnemann’s book, The Chronic Diseases, establishes three miasms are responsible for
all chronic disease conditions which hinder the body’s natural healing ability for recovery from an
otherwise acute condition and therein are the true cause of su sceptibility to an ill state. Syphilis,
Sycosis and Psora are the names assigned by him to each condition. The first two he classified
as venereal diseases, the third, Psora, the result of suppressed skin itch, caused by contagion.
Psora he deemed as the ultimate cause of a multitude of ailments ranging from marginal skin
eruptions to severely destructive pathologies. Over one’s lifetime, a Psoric miasm functions in a
devolutionary manner, its resultant ill health effects becoming more difficult to reverse with the
passage of time. In other words, as we age the degeneration and manifested quality of the psoric
miasm becomes a greater threat to a life. Syphilis he addressed independently with none of the
skin itch or further degenerative ailments that accompany a psoric state of progression. Instead it
is listed as an ulcerative chancre, independent of anything else; when treated properly it is
relieved, and when suppressed it is fatally destructive to the living organism. Of Sycosis he wrote
little beyond identifying it as the result of Gonorrhoea, another venereal disease, but one that is
characterized by the growth of ‘fig-warts’. 1

When two or more of these miasms are evident in the body, confusion and error can occur in
diagnosis and treatment. All three ably express themselves on the skin but the respective
characteristics of their expression are distinct from one another – Chancre, growth, itch. Any of
these treated in a suppressive manner drive that particular disease deeper into tissue
manifestation and more obscure in terms of establishing which disease quality is dominant or
rather the obstacle in the restoration of health.2

The context of what Hahnemann wrote then must be considered. The Chronic Diseases was last
published in 1838, but Hahnemann had begun writing on the subject 20 years earlier. During that
time he’d written five editions of The Organon of the Medical Art, completing the 6th edition before
his death in 1843. Practising homeopaths of the time were working from 3 rd, 4 th and 5 th editions of
his Organon, noteworthy, since as the Organon evolved in edition, so too did Hahnemann’s
theories, a demonstration of his open-mindedness to new insights. Every declaration Hahnemann
made was unwaveringly firm, until new experience would cause him to revise his previously
issued directives. Not all practitioners of that time or since have necessarily updated their
knowledge accordingly.

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases, pp. 1- 20.
Ibid, pp. 36-51.

The law of similars to cure first recorded by Hippocrates was not an invention of Hahnemann’s,
but the genius of diluting and dynamizing matter belonged to him. He recognized man as matter
animated by an unknown quality of energy, the vital force, without which there cannot be life. A
highly educated individual, Hahnemann was trained as a medical doctor in his day, later
abandoning that practise in disgust of what he reviled as heroic and barbaric treatments in the
3 th
name of medicine. In the 6 edition of The Organon of the Medical Art, aphorism 153 clearly
expresses his view of what healing had to be “gentle, rapid and permanent”, incongruent with
medical practises of the day, which arguably still continue today.

* * *
The development of the homeopathic application of medicines is only a partial fulfillment of what
Hahnemann brought to light. Without a consideration of his three chronic miasms the restoration
of health, that being cure, may not be obtained. Today there is little that has come closer to
unlocking these mysteries other than what Hahnemann presented 200 years ago. Practitioners
prescribe based on a presenting totality of symptoms, but often negate the responsibility of
comprehending where, in the order of the life force, a disease pattern has manifested. This, he
writes in The Chronic Diseases, renders useless any well-prescribed medicine’s ability to
encourage healing.4 As a keystone to fully employing the medical art of homeopathy, one must
also perceive and apply the principles of chronic disease determined by Hahnemann .

The 6 th edition of The Organon of the Medical Art, though completed in 1842, remained
unpublished until 1920, well into the next century. Those 80 years of homeopathic practise were
built on directives contained in the first 5 editions of those works. When considering his writings in
The Chronic Diseases, it only stands to reason that there would have been many more editions to
come as the final publication in 1838 was the result of but a 20 year effort in comparison to the 50
years of development The Organon of the Medical Art underwent. Had Hahnemann continued to
live these 166 years how many more editions of both publications might have evolved? This point
cannot be stressed enough because to a large degree homeopathy has become stagnant
through misunderstanding and a lack of further new discovery.

* * *
Homeopathic remedies are used today to treat a multitude of conditions in various modalities of
holistic practises, however, they are not always applied in the way that Hahnemann prescribed.
That he bothered to write about and consider chronic disease as worthy of deeper study is
impressive, and yet the notion is still not fully embraced. Hahnemann’s work remains unavoidably
incomplete, but his theories provide a foundation upon which science and insight can further
develop knowledge.

Vithoulkas, The Science of Homeopathy, pp. 5-6.
Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases, pp. xx, xxi.

Age of the Enlightenment
“Hahnemann’s Backdrop of Influence”
Throughout his writings Hahnemann refers to the ‘great power of the Universe’, ‘the Beneficent
One’, ‘the God given truths of Life’ that permitted his development of the medical art of
Homeopathy. This may but be a window into the philosophical trend of the day. Descartes (1569-
1650), among others, emerged from the momentum of the Renaissance with a new approach to
thought. Reason, he held, was the reliable way to know things, his famous axiom “I think,
therefore I am” affirming his basic principles. Epistemology; how we know things, became his
chief concern. He would only accept clear and distinct ideas which should be as certain and
demonstrable as mathematics. The Cartesian approach later informed principles of Deism, to
which Hahnemann is known to have subscribed. Practically speaking, the rationalism of
Descartes and the impulse of natural science, alchemized into the Age of Enlightenment. Newton
(1643-1727) had discovered a fundamental cosmic set of laws, susceptible to mathematical
proof. The traditional anthropocentric view of the universe was in ruins and with it the
anthropomorphic conception of God. By 1750 the social sciences had already become inductive,
historical, anthropological, comparative and critical. There was great faith in the instrument of
reason rather than mere accumulation of knowledge. Organized religion was challenged by Deist
principals, and literacy increased. The pervasive appeal as expressed by Voltaire (1694-1778)
was to the:
1> Autonomy of reason,
2> Perfectibility and progress,
3> Confidence in the ability to discover causality,
4> Principles governing nature, man and society,
5> Assault on authority,
6> Cosmopolitan solidarity of enlightened intellectuals,
7> Disgust with nationalism.

As a thinking man with great intellectual power and insight, Hahnemann flourished in his
development of Homeopathy, able to discern its imperfections. Yet he remained dogmatic and
proprietary in the delivery of his discoveries, permitting no room for any deviation but his own.
This, perhaps due to the increasing literacy and education of the masses resulted of and from the
two revolutions of the time, one in France, the other in the Americas.6 .Which translates, to some
degree, as a dumbing-down of the material. The firm hand he extolled in principal, would also
have been influenced in part by the resistance and ridicule he endured by the medical community
of the day.

www.demo.lutherproductions.com/historytutor/basic/modern/people/ descartes.htm

“The Seven Rays”
The Seven Rays as a concept has appeared concretely in many religions and esoteric
philosophies since approximately the sixth century BCE. Traditions, texts and iconic art over the
centuries, notably of Gnosticism, Roman Mithraic Mysteries, Catholicism, Judaism, Hindu
scripture and Greek mythology, have all documented the awareness of this metaphysical
concept.7 In 1888 theosophist Helena P. Blavatsky published her two Volume works, The Secret
Doctrine; The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy. Volume one: Cosmogenesis and
Volume two: Anthropogenesis. For the first time in history a modified and elaborated form of the
preceding centuries was documented for further study.

Blavatsky’s work as a theosophist provided evidence of a foundation upon which the philosophy
is built. Theosophy holds a Syncretism of core principles that all religions are attempts by the
“Spiritual Hierarchy” to help humanity evolve to greater perfection and that each religion therefore
offers a portion of truth. Metaphysically the Seven Rays are said to be seven major types of Light-
Substance (spirit/matter) (wave/particle) which compose the created universe, and are believed
to convey ‘divine qualities’. Energetic qualities are represented in the seven star constellation
known widely as the ‘Big Dipper’. It is the emanation of these qualities which stream through the
Solar Logos, the heart of the sun, colouring all that exists. 9 It is important to note that while
Blavatsky repeatedly mentions the Seven Rays throughout the two volumes of The Secret
Doctrine, at no point does she elaborate on their specific qualities. She gives their Sanskrit
names (Volume I, p.515) but without indicating their meaning in the English language.10

Densely obscure, it is not easy to discern the wealth of the conceptual ‘truths’ behind Blavatsky’s
work. Her determination to reveal what has today become known as the ‘ageless wisdom’ was
further developed by other theosophists. Alice A. Bailey provided the next dispensation of these
teachings and through her esoteric writings much of Blavatsky’s works are more greatly
appreciated, developed and understood. Bailey authored 24 texts on the esoteric philosophy, 18
of which she co-wrote with the Tibetan Djwal Khul. DK, or “the Tibetan”, as often he is referred to,
11 th 12
presented the information to Bailey who served as his amanuensis in the 20 century. The
treatise on the seven rays features 5 volumes dealing specifically with the topic as Esoteric
Psychology, Esoteric Astrology, Esoteric Healing, The Rays, and the Initiations.

Robbins, Tapestry of the Gods, p. 20.
Ibid, Gerard, p. xvii.
Latin word adopted in various languages, including English, for certain persons performing a function by hand, either
writing down the words of another or performing manual labour. The term is derived from a Latin expression which may be
literally translated as "manual labourer".

The Seven Rays as named by The Tibetan DK:
Major Rays of Aspect:
1 Ray: Will, Power
2 Ray: Love, Wisdom
3 Ray: Active Intelligence
Minor Rays of Attribute (subdivisions of the 3rd aspect):
4 Ray: Harmony through conflict
5 Ray: Concrete Science
6 Ray: Devotion or Abstract Idealism
7th Ray: Ceremonial Order.

The names are less important than the vibration of energetic quality in the action associated with
each one. It is DK who notes that each one embodies a different aspect of energy, and how those
actions of energy are defined. Further, it is relevant to understand that the Rays of Aspect, are
the primary qualities of energy behaviour. From those of Aspect, the Rays of Attribute are
mirrored reflections bridged by the 4 th Ray of Attribute, which correspond respectively to a varied
combination of those primary energetic qualities.13 In Esoteric psychology it is the location of
manifestation in the 5 vehicles, from densest to most sublime, Body, Ast ral (emotion), Mind, Soul
and Personality, which provide the overall insight to a given individual’s constitutional pre-

This speaks to the importance Hahnemann insisted upon in discerning a totality of symptoms for
prescription. Mental/emotional influence factor greatly in Homeopathic prescribing because when
effectively discerned, it steers the Homeopath toward closer determination of the Simillimum for
the individual at hand. It cannot however be the only aspect to consider, as it would then not
qualify as a totality. Additional influences to be considered are those which are astrological. The
various qualities unique to each planetary body will also colour or intensify the constitutional
resonance in an individual as each too is influenced by a given Ray quality. When a life is afflicted
with illness, it is not sufficient to consider only one of these vehicles for prescription, which takes
us to the question of Miasmatic prescribing. An understanding of Miasm can further serve to
enrich the practitioner in the ability to discern the Simillimum, but alone can be of little use in
effecting permanent and rapid cure.

Considering the magnitude of variables in an individual, it cannot be the end result in the
presentation of symptom alone that the practitioner uses to discern the centre of gravity of a case.
Nor can it only be a representation of symptom on a single vehicle of the body. It is always in the
totality of manifested action and reaction in the body which the practitioner must consider when
facilitating the healing response to the action of accurate remedy dispensing.

Bailey, Khul, Ponder on This, p. 331.

The Three Aspects of Principle
The Atom is a perfect example of triplicity requiring three components in order to wholly exist –
negative, neutral and positive charges. The three together become one, a principle that is
repeatedly cited throughout the esoteric texts. Triplicity is everywhere, all round us and within us.
Foundational to life and how life creates, expresses and completes itself. It equals life by esoteric
definition. These charges are elements of design of the three aspects of principle. The will to be,
the will to attract and the will to adapt.14

Triplicity is demonstrated through density; Solid (3 rd), Liquid (2 nd), Gaseous (1 st) and within Man;
the physical, the astral, the mental. In basic triplicity we have the first, and easiest, often most
obvious quality we can get a handle on; the use of energy through and in matter.15

In aphorism 63 of the 6 th edition of The Organon of the Medical Art, Hahnemann acknowledged
the energetic behaviour of Newton’s Third Law of motion “for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction”. And, Bailey defines this intelligent energy as the “unfolding of a continually
increasing power to respond,” an illuminating definition, as we consider the matter aspect of
manifestation.16 Inventor Thomas Edison also postulated matter to not be inert, nor acted upon by
an outside force. In an 1890 Harper’s Magazine interview he is quoted:
“To me it seems that every atom is possessed by a certain amount of primitive intelligence. Look at the
thousands of ways in which atoms of hydrogen combine with those of other elements, forming the most diverse
substance. Do you mean to say that they do this without intelligence? Atoms in harmonious and useful relation
assume beautiful or interesting shapes and colours, or give forth a pleasant perfume, as if expressing their
satisfaction… gathered together in certain forms, the atoms constitute animals of the lower order. Finally they
combine in man, who represents the total intelligence of all the atoms.”

When asked where this intelligence comes from originally, Edison confirms his belief that the
intelligence comes from a power greater than us, and that he ‘certainly’ believes in an intelligent
Creator. “The existence of such a God can, to my mind, be proved from chemistry.” 18

The Atom
“A Single Unit of Measure”
Science has determined the Atom to be composed of three parts equalling a single unit of
measure. Every atom is composed of a negative charge, a neutral charge and a positive charge.
Together, depending on the balance of the charges, they move or vibrate at a rate which is

Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003
Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, p. 20.
Ibid, p. 38.
Ibid, p. 39.

capable of animating a dominant signature of energy. When atoms are bonded together,
dependent upon their composition we gain the benefit of molecules; the concrete manifestation of
the energy. In ‘The Consciousness of the Atom’ published in 1922, Alice Bailey wrote the
“The atom is spoken of as possessing energy, and the power to change from one mode of activity to another.
One writer has remarked that ‘absolute intelligence thrills through every atom in the world.’” 20

When we consider the physical defensive response of an organism from an inimical force it can in
fact be proven scientifically with three very clear lines of action. First there is an inflammatory
process characterized by irritation, increased sensitivity, mental anxiety and hyper sensitivity.
When that fails to effectively protect the cells, the Second line of defence results in excessive
growth (to wall off) or not enough growth (to slow down the negative force). Thirdly, when the
primary and secondary stages of defence are incapable of providing protection, destruction
occurs, sacrificing the part for the greater good of the whole. Sometimes the entire organism is
destroyed. 21 This defence mechanism of cell behaviour reflects the triplicity principle; the will to
be (1 st defence), the will to attract (2 nd defence), and the will to adapt (3 rd defence). Defensive cell
behaviour is a beautiful example of the intelligence at work.

In her 1922 book The Consciousness of the Atom, Bailey surmised the following from another
interview with Edison, this time from 1920 in the Scientific American:
“Life, like matter, is indestructible. Our bodies are composed of myriads of infinitesimal entities, each in itself a
unit of life; just as the atom is composed of myriads of electrons. The human being acts as an assemblage
rather than as a unit; the body and mind express the vote or voice of the life entities. The life entities build
according to a plan. If a part of the life organism be mutilated, they rebuild exactly as before….Science admits
the difficulty of drawing the line between the inanimate and the animate; perhaps the life entities extend their
activities to crystals and chemi cals…The life entities live forever; so that to this extent at least the eternal life
which many of us hope for is a reality.”

The concepts Edison articulated are useful as they offer a bridging of science and a theosophical
philosophy which permeate the esoteric doctrines. It also echoes Hahnemann’s position
regarding the functionality of the Vital Force to disease response, expressed in the introduction of
th 23
the 6 edition of The Organon of the Medical Art: “diseases are dynamic, not material”.

Years later, The President of the British Medical Association in 1921 said this of disease:
“when the microbe finds itself in the host’s body it may be wholly out of tune, or wholly in tune, with any or all
cells that it approaches; in either case presumably nothing morbid would happen…morbid happenings would lie
between this microbe and the body-cells within its range but not in tune with it. Now there seems to be reason

Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, p. 38.
Vijayakar, Predictive Homeopathy part III; The end of Myasmtion of miasms, pp.57-65.
Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, pp. 39, 40.
Hahnemann, The Organon of the Medical Art 6 th Edition, p. 19.

to suppose that a microbe, on its approach to a body-cell only just out of its range, may try this way and that to
get a hitch on. If so, the microbe, at first innocuous, would become noxious. So on the other hand, body-cells
may educate themselves to vibrate in harmony with a microbe before dissonant; or there may be mutual
interchange and co-adaptation…..But, if things be so, surely we are face to face with a marvellous and far-
reaching faculty, the faculty of choice and this rising from the utter bottom of biology to the summit – formative
faulty – ‘auto- determination,’ or, if you please, ‘mind’.”

Rays of Aspect
“Three Principles”
To appreciate qualities of each of the Rays of Aspect, it is first important to understand their
primary principles of expression as related by the Tibetan Djwal Khul in Bailey’s book Esoteric
Psychology Volume I. The 1 st principle is that which drives in power, it is forward moving and
emmitive. It is considered masculine in expression - The Father Aspect - related to Spirit. The 3
principle is the feminine, the intelligent adaptability, the activity. It discriminates and is receptive.
Its activity is rotary, centrifugal. It is conditioned by that which exerts an influence upon it, the
Mother Aspect. It is related to the fertility and abundance of Matter. The 2 nd principle is that which
coheres, holds and provides integrity. It is magnetic in expression, behind the physical laws of
gravity, repulsion and radiance. Neutral in behaviour it is spiral cyclic in motion. It’s the principle
which keeps the planet revolving around the sun, the Relator, the child born of Father-Spirit and
Mother-Matter. It is considered the (S-U-N) son.

As such, Light and radiance are the by-product of the union of the First, life and Third,
appearance Aspect. Life is the combination of these three aspects and everything in this universe
is these three aspects. Hence everything in this universe is a Life. Aphorism 9 of the 6 th edition of
The Organon of the Medical Art reads:
“In the healthy human state, the spirit-like life force (autocracy) that enlivens the material organism as dynamis,
governs without restriction and keeps all parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as
regards both feelings and functions, so that our indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself of this living,
healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.“

Bailey, The Consciousness of the Atom, pp. 40, 41.
Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003.

Ray 1 – Will or Power26
Will is the first power to begin, to be, to exist, to liberate, and to lead. It is forward moving, gives
directionality, and is principled, essence/essentially oriented.

Power destroys conditions that prevent free expression of the Life force. It removes itself from
form, or stands isolated. It is the ray of liberation. Powerful, dynamic, it has strength and is
persistent, constructive and can destroy for good or ill. It is detached.

Will dynamically applied, emerges in manifestation as power. 27 It is to reveal the hidden purpose
of Deity. It is a ray of such dynamic intensity that it is called the Ray of the Destroyer.

Demonstrations of this quality might be the action of a seed sprouting through the earth. The
entrance into life of a baby being born. Beginnings and endings of cycles, earthquake, volcano or
atom bomb. Revolution. The Syphilitic chancre.

Symbolically it is the lightening bolt, spear, sword, arrow, mountain, point.

Esoterically the colour of the first ray is red, the fire of volcano. It is the diamond, the tiger lily, the
eagle, hawk, elephant, lion, ram, bear. Its corresponding planets are the Sun, Vulcan, Pluto;
zodiacally Aries, Leo, Capricorn. One could consider Beethoven’s 9 th symphony as embodying
the will and power of this energy in music.

Strengths: Dynamic Power, Strength, Will and Courage, Fearlessness (purpose), Truthfulness
arising from fearlessness, Independence, Power to initiate (beginnings), Power to direct, lead or
govern, Strong sense of purpose, Large-mindedness (big picture), Synthesis, Strong one pointed
focus, Power to centralize (big picture), Wisdom to establish. Uphold or enforce the law (high
principles), Understanding of principles and priorities, Detachment, or the power to detach (form
means nothing in large minded purpose), Power to liberate (from the form), Power of beneficent

Weaknesses: Power-hungriness, Dominance, Destructive – unnecessary or inhumane, Anger

and violence, Unrelenting ambition, Hardness and cruelty, Control and suppression, Impatience
Obstinence, Excessive pride, Separative and Isolative, Arrogance, Wilfulness, Impersonal

Tibetan, DK in Bailey’s book Esoteric Psychology p. 48.
Ibid, p. 44.

Ray 2 – Love – Wisdom29
Love as is pure love, compassion, nurturance, caring. It is magnetic, cohesive, inclusive and
radiating. Gentle, serene, soft and slow. Receptive, sensitive, empathic, brotherhood and
sisterhood. Redeeming, saving and salvaging.

Wisdom of illumined intelligence, understanding, clear perception, teaching. Loving wisdom, love
of pure truth. Wisdom is Light and the Second Ray is Light. It is the power to teach and illumine;
the power to understand.

Demonstrations of this quality would be the “right” use of slow action. Its action is spiral cyclic.
The Sycotic containment.

Symbolically it is the heart, circle, Christ, Buddha, the even armed cross.

Esoterically the colour of the second ray is light blue – the colour of this solar system – our sky is
blue. It is the sapphire, aloe vera (healing properties) and blue flowering plants. The wise owl, the
dove, turtle, snail, deer, wolf, dolphin, whale. Its corresponding planets are Jupiter (largesse,
expansive, philosophy, universality) and Venus; zodiacally Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and our solar
system. It is Pachebel’s Canon.

Strengths: Love, Understanding, Wisdom, Empathy, sympathy and compassion, Sensitivity,

Receptivity and impressionability, Love of pure truth, Intuitive Love, Patience, Inclusivity,
Aspiration for a completed point of view, Tact, Serenity, Power to teach and illumine, Power to
heal through love.

Weaknesses from love: Love of being loved, Attachment, Over-sensitivity and vulnerability, Lack
of self-confidence; inferiority complex, Non-assertiveness, Passiveness, Fearfulness, Caution,
Over-protectiveness or guarding, Over-inclusiveness - boundary issues, Self-pity, Love of comfort
and security, Attachment to comfort zones, Slow to action, Cold and indifferent to others –

Weaknesses from wisdom: Over-absorption in study, Intellectual pride, Contempt for mental
limitations in others.


Ray 3 – Active Intelligence or Adaptability30
The 3 rd ray provides the evolution of the intelligence principle in matter. Intelligence, which is
found in all substance, causes activity. The morph-ability of the 3 ray relates a concept taking
form and the need for concept to be mutable.

Intelligent activity - adaptability, mutability, multiplicity, many-ness, activity, motion, resulting in

rotary motion (centrifugal). The ability to produce synthesis on the physical plane, the power to
manifest. The Concept as an out-picturing or manifestation of the Mind of God or universal mind.

Adaptability – power to evolve – through the intelligence of the form aspect. Examples of which
may be found in the multitude, variety and ease of form to the physical plane in both the plant and
animal kingdoms. The ability given to the human kingdom to do the same, to adapt to an
environment, to shape-shift matter.

Abstract Intelligence – Ideas, formulas and formulations of Truths or of the perceived real.
Presentation of the Mind of God. These will become the ‘stuff’ of the forms of thought and
abstract ideas seeking to be conveyed.

In humanizing the third ray we find great mental agility, skilful communication, facility with
language and thoughts. There is a power to manipulate thought, to weave, flexibility. Scientific
investigation of principles and concepts, understanding of relativity, quantum physics,
concretizing the abstract; philosophy, astrology (conceptual & complex), time. Economics as an
abstract concept; the value of something (matters) and is flexible and adaptive set by the desires
and importance of the time. It is the ray integral to the production of cultures and civilizations.

Demonstrations of this quality would be: philosophy, centrifugal activity and physical matter. The
Psoric expression of suppression.

Symbolically it is the triangle, $ (fluid use of matter), a web.

Esoterically the colour of the third ray is green. It is the emerald and ivy. The snake, spider, fox,
cat, bee, ant, beaver and weasel. Its corresponding planets are Saturn (cycles of time, limitations
of matter), Earth – mother earth, plenitude, much-ness; zodiacally Gemini, Cancer, Libra
(air=mind), Capricorn. In music it might sound like Rimsky-Korsakov’s ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’.


Strengths: Activity and adaptability, Mental fertility and creativity, Mental activity and agility,
Theorizing and speculating, Planning and strategizing, Rigorous analysis and reasoning, Abstract
thinking, Understanding of relativity, Modifying and qualifying for the sake of accuracy in thought,
Skilful communication, Facility with language, Facility for understanding and handling money,
Business aptitudes, Philanthropy, Power to manipulate.

Weaknesses: Intellectual pride, Tangential, circuitous, Criticism, Vague and overly-complex

thought, Excessive thinking without practical action, Perplexity and confusion, Absent
mindedness, Hyperactivity – restlessness - wasted moti on or rush, Tendency to be scattered or
“spread to thin”, Inaccuracy in practical detail; careless, Manipulative and calculated,
Opportunism; amoral materialism, Devious, deceitful, deceptive, circumventing the truth
Chameleon-like; over-adaptable.

* * *
Anyone versed in Materia Medica will quickly recognize the characteristics particular to each of
the Rays of Aspect in the proving symptoms of various homeopathic remedies, notably
Mercurious, Thuja, Calcarea-Carbonica and Sulphur.

Hahnemann cites in The Chronic Diseases, mental and emotional vexations as causes to awaken
slumbering Psora into an outbreak of chronic suffering.31 This is the universal message of
Esoteric Healing, the connection of mind to illness. The Tibetan DK refers to homeopathic
practise as an “Art of Healing”. He combines both, Homeopathic and Allopathic practises as
palliatives, useful in the gradual cure of disease, by building up the form life and fostering vitality.
As well he considers Psychology as a Healing Art under the same umbrella identifying the highest
and newest method that of “calling into positive activity a man’s own soul.”32
“The true and future healing is brought about when the life of the soul can flow without any impediment and
hindrance throughout every aspect of the form nature. It can then vitalise it with its potency, and eliminate those
congestions and obstructions which are such a fruitful source of disease.” 33

Esoteric Healing
“The Basic Causes of Disease”
As in Hahnemann’s Aphorism 5, of the 6 th edition of The Organon of the Medical Art, the Tibetan
DK acknowledges the connection of disease, both as external and internal influences.
Maintaining causes such as malnutrition, infections and contagion coming from outside offsetting
the “fighting powers” of the man. He includes heredity and accidents like those of animal attack or

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases, p. 131.
Bailey, Esoteric Healing, pp. 16, 17.
Ibid, p. 17.

snake poisoning. He suggests the following brief synopsis as the fundamental cause s of
disease, which strongly reflect the 3 rd principle or ‘matter’ aspect of the 3 rd Ray.
1. All disease is disharmony and lack of alignment and control.
a. Disease is found in all the four kingdoms in nature.
b. Disease is purificatory in effect.
c. Definite methods of healing are peculiar to humanity, and mental in origin.

2. Disease is a fact in nature.

a. Antagonism to disease simply energises it.
b. Disease is not the result of wrong human thought.

3. Disease is a process of liberation and the enemy of that which is static.

4. The law of cause and effect governs disease as it is governs all else in manifestation.

Rays of Attribute
“Specificity to the Rays of Aspect”
The Rays of Attribute offer qualities that are more concrete or identifiable to all existence, and are
therefore more readily seen and felt. They emanate from the Rays of Aspect through the 3 rd Ray
of Aspect (matter) and are not as abstract as the parenting rays. Humanity finds easy resonance
with them and are coloured by them in more ways than those of Aspect. More people have more
vehicles (or parts of themselves) conditioned by the Rays of Attribute, but each will also contain
something of each of the “parenting” Rays of Aspect. 36

Every human being is basically an expression of minimally three and as many as five ray
energies: The ray of the soul, the ray of the personality, the ray governing the mental body, the
ray governing the astral equipment, the ray of the physical nature. The astral or emotional body
is for the majority of mankind, the major determining factor to be considered as it is an
outstanding cause of ill health. The reason for this is that it has a potent and predisposing effect
upon the vital and etheric bodies. The physical body is the repository for any of the vehicles which
are resounding the strongest. Energy is pure; the archetypes of the seven rays are that. When it
moves through substance that is impure it becomes force. The stream of force which is the most
potent is the one which will control the action of the physical body upon the physical plane.
Disease is an activity of the physical plane however there are two streams of force which must be
considered in studying the factors leading to physical plane actions (disease). 37
1. The stream of Life itself, anchored in the heart, which determines the vitality of the man, his capacity for work
and the term of his existence

Ibid, p. 18.
Ibid, p. 32.
Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003
Bailey, Es oteric Healing, p. 34.

2. The predominating stream of energy coming from the astral, mental or Soul bodies. These control his
expression upon the physical plane.

The resulting analysis of the forces, playing through the physical body from the astral, received
directly from the soul are a combination of soul -force plus the highest type of astral energy;
synthetic analysis (Totality).
1. A positive analysis of the personality forces, primarily of the astral force as that is the predominating force
pouring into the etheric centres. (vit al force)
2. A negative analysis of those aspects of soul energy, which are not present.
3. A synthetic analysis, based on both the above, but combining, also the record of positive soul expression

The Seven Rays correlate to one another, higher to lower Aspects and Attributes. First Ray to
Ray Seven, Second Ray to Ray Six, Third Ray to Ray Five, the Fourth Ray is the bridge and
possesses a distinct relationship to both the First and Second Rays of Aspect. This is a point that
should be kept in mind as the Rays of Attribute are further presented. The Rays of Attribute offer
a refinement of qualitative value, in relation to their parent Rays of Aspect. This can be of ease in
understanding, and application of their use in the discerning of a totality of symptoms or disease

Ray 4 – Harmony through Conflict40

The 4 th Ray is the first born of the Rays of Attribute and as such shares qualities with the 1 st Ray.
It is a Ray that breathes Life, in all its fullness, all its potential. As well it receives parentage from
the 2 nd Ray and so shares sensitivity, inclusivity, thus At-One-Ment. It is the gifts of these two
Rays that give the 4 th Ray its tremendous range of expression. The 4 th Ray at-ones the qualities
of the 1st and the 2 nd within itself.

Humanizing the 4 th Ray we receive the felt sense of beauty, harmony, peace and the need to
have them in the life or make them happen or appear. Bridging all points of view (concepts,
ideals, emotions), linking them. We find the ‘middle’ or compromise. Conflict is part of the human
condition. Through it we learn to bring harmony into existence. Sometimes a 4 Ray person
creates conflict because they are not comfortable with peace, or are seeking balance. They will
fight for a principle, not a cause. Essentially the power to penetrate into the depths of matter and
express divinity presents as the harmonization of spirit and matter in expression.

Symbolically it is the bridge, see-saw, yoyo, yin-yang or the double-edged sword.

Esoterically the colour of the fourth ray is yellow. It is the topaz, the forsythia, the deer. Its
corresponding planet is Mercury (bridging, connecting); zodiacally Scorpio (bridges the depths of

Ibid, p. 52.
Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003

human psyche with the light) and Taurus (aesthetic sense). In music, all music in general, where
dissonance resolves into harmony.

Strengths: Facility for bringing harmony out of conflict, Grows spiritually and psychologically
through struggle and crisis, Peace-making; reconciling, Facility for compromise, mediation,
bridging and linking, Love of beauty and the capacity to create or express it, Refined artistic and
aesthetic sensibilities, Strong imagination and intuition, Love of colour – colourful; expressive,
dramatic, Literary abilities – word painting, story telling, Ability to amuse, delight, and entertain,
Spontaneity and improvisation, Fighting spirit – ‘devil’s advocate’, Fight for principles, Sees
opposites, Sensitive to dissonance, Empathic – feels life.

Weaknesses: Embroiled in conflict, struggle, and turmoil (inner and outer), Crisis oriented,
Churning, rarely at rest – moving from one extreme to the other, Overwhelmed, Difficulty with
dissonance, Self-absorbed in suffering – drama – worry - agitation – indecision - lack of
confidence, Combative, Argumentative, Excessive moodiness – manic/depression, The sponge
(absorbs too much), Unpredictable, unreliable, impractical, Over-eager for compromise – moral
cowardice, Inertia, indolence (lazy) and procrastination, Exaggeration: overly dramatic

Ray 5 – Concrete Knowledge or Science41

The 5 th Ray embodies the principle of concrete knowledge. It separates and discriminates, is
linear, sequential and logical. Common sense and down into the details of matter. There is a cool,
Teflon quality of this concrete, practical nature. Data, information, understanding in making sense
out of data. It is technical, mechanical and must know ‘why’. The scientific method is proof
oriented. It is methodical, questioning, sequencing, predictable. Truth manifests in light and clarity
Rays 1 and 2 bring clarity; illumine – to shine light on the subject (ray 2 & 5).

Symbolically it is the laser, test tube, calculator, light bulb, brain, microscope, computer. The five

Esoterically the colour of the fifth ray is indigo. It is lead, iron, fools gold and metals in general. It
is the healing herbs such as Echinacea, foxglove (digitalis), (specific remedies, as opposed to
overall healing qualities), the ape and primates. Its corresponding planet is Venus (illuminations);
zodiacally Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius. Musically, it is techno-pop, or very ‘technical’ pieces,
lacking imagination or colour.


Strengths: Linear, sequential thinking, Keen and focused intellect, Developed powers of analysis
and discrimination, Discriminates truth from error, Accuracy and precision in thought, Acquisition
of knowledge and factual detail, Defines and separates, Inquiry through asking questions, Clarity
– Lucidity of explanation, Detached objectivity, Facility for mathematical calculation, Discovers
through investigation and research, Verifies through experimentation, Practical inventiveness,
Technical, mechanical, Commonsense and the rejection of “non-sense”.

Weaknesses: Overly mental, ultra-rational, Over-analysis, undeviating linearity and concreteness,

Requires proof in order to believe, Excessive doubt and scepticism, narrowness, Rigid and set
thought patterns, “sense -bounded”, Excessive objectivity, Lack of intuitive sensitivity, lack of
emotional response and magnetism, Social awkwardness.

Ray 6 – Devotion or Idealism42

The 6 th Ray breathes the fact of an Ideal, of a Perfect State, of the Transcendent (ever seeking to
be recognized and embodied). It is not about what is in matter, it is about what is NOT in matter –
the goal, the archetype, the pristine, the Holy and Sacred. It is the embodiment of the Divine
Relation that God has with all creation and the fact that all is related to it. It is the Desire of Deity
to Uplift all, to have all that was sent forth as creation return again.

Idealism offers purity and the measure by which we determine pure, good, and worthiness (the
bar of achievement is always high). It is the ray of abstracting out of matter – of the transcendent,
the visionary, optimism, uplifting action. It is goal oriented, searching/seeking, humility and
buoyancy. Devotion as the Creator of all. This is what births the qualities of human devotion,
loyalty, selfless caring and self-sacrifice. Humanized it becomes devotion to a person, a cause or
an ‘ism’. Faith, passion, heat, martyrdom, mysticism and the mystical experience. As a ray of
giving and an orientation to serve, it tends toward over-extension. As a ray of the immediate, it
tends toward impulsive action and therefore, much action. It is the other ray of activity (the 3 rd
Ray being the first one.). It is both the tireless worker, sincere and earnest and the self-critical
judge. It is the ray of inspiration and the inspiring voice. This ray tends toward heat, the
temperature is usually hot – the flames of desire. It embodies the principle of recognition, the
capacity to see the ideal reality lying behind the form. A one-pointed application of desire and
intelligence in order to produce an expression of that sensed idea.

Symbolically it is the Statue of Liberty, Saint, Flag, Praying hands, Candle, Tears.

Tibetan, DK in Bailey’s book Esoteric Psychology Vol. 1, p. 52.

Esoterically the colour of the sixth ray is silvery rose (pink). It is the ruby or rose quartz, the dog,
the horse and salmon (they will return back to their origin, and sacrifice themselves to the
process). Its corresponding planets are Mars (addictions, militarism) and Neptune (abstracting,
high mysticism); zodiacally Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius. It can be Beethoven’s 9 th symphony. It is
also the choice for the 1st ray but here it is the passion and the inspirational quality of the music
that captures the quality of the 6 ray.

Strengths: Idealism, an uplifting tendency, ability to reach mystical heights, Devotion, Self-
sacrifice, Faith, Optimism, Persistence, Loyalty and adherence, Earnestness and sincerity,
Humility, Innocence, Receptivity to spiritual guidance, Power to arouse, Inspire and persuade,
Ability to achieve ecstasy and rapture, Purity, goodness, Sainthood, Mysticism.

Weaknesses: Negatives born of devotion – devotion without independent thought, blind faith,
fanaticism and militarism, Self-righteous, Seriousness, Dependency, co-dependency, Things
become black or white, either/or, My truth, Gullibility, over-trusting, naiveté, Ill-considered loyalty,
Personalization, Emotionalism, jealous love. Negative born of Idealism – unattainable goals; lack
of realism, idealistic impracticality, Self-negation, self-criticism, perfectionism, Needing to
measure-up, “should's”, Denial; escapism, including addiction, Unwise susceptibility to guidance,
Excess; extremism; hyper-intensity, overdoing, too much activity, Self-abasement; masochism;

Ray 7 – Ceremonial Order or Magic44

The 7 th Ray is about order and organization. Planning, managing, principles of fusion. It is form
making, structure, rules and groundedness. Design, appropriateness, conformity, power to
manifest and a sense of rhythm and timing. It is habit, law and order. Magic is ritual, ceremony
and the alchemy bringing spirit into form. Utilizing and making real (manifesting) the unseen
(elemental forces) on the physical plane, it is white magic.

Symbolically it is the calendar, the gavel, map, city compass, clock, magic wand, prism,
ceremonial robes, agenda, mosaic, blueprint crystal and schedule.

Esoterically the colour of the seventh ray is violet. It is the crystal, the amethyst and intricately
structured plants like the sun flower, the hyacinth and lilac. Its corresponding planet is Uranus,
zodiacally Libra (right relations), Capricorn (earth - structured, formal, ritualistic) and Aries

Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003

(illumines the Divine Order and impels it into matter). Musically one would consider very
rhythmical pieces like the polka, a waltz or a march.

Strength: The power to create order, Power to manifest and to work efficiently upon the material
plane, Tendency to plan and organize, manages detail, Ritual and ceremony, Power to build,
Renovates and transforms, power to synthesize parts, Keen sense of rhythm and timing, Power
as a magician, Power to work with the elemental forces.

Weaknesses: Rigid orderliness; formalism, Routine; subservience to habit, Crystallization, overly

rigid, inflexible, Structured or planned, not spontaneous or adaptable, Conformity, Status-quo,
Over-concern with rules, regulations and the ‘dead letter’ of the law, difficulty changing patterns,
Compulsive/obsessive, Excessive perfection of the form, Judgment based upon appearances,
Addiction to occult phenomena; spiritualism, Darkening of the magical process.

* * *
The proving symptoms of remedies such as Silicea, Phosphorus, Arsenicum and Tuberculinum,
to name but a few, are evident in the attributed qualities of the Rays of Attribute. In-fact,
consideration of all of the Seven Rays would seem to colour all which is available in nature by
way of known remedy similars. This cannot be underestimated due to the Law of Similars. Given
that a proving symptom in one that is healthy can facilitate the healing response of an organism in
which the same characteristic of symptom results as the expression of a disease manifestation,
we might conclude that the infinite range of possibilities is in-fact confined to only seven qualities
of energy and force.

Manifestation then, becomes a key to understanding and employing the healing benefits of
remedy selection. Though the energetic qualities of the Seven Rays are finite or rather self-
contained, it is not simply a question which Ray holds dominion over any of the five vehicles
expressed in the human economy. The Rays combine with one another creating sub-sets and
influences of dominance to consider. Further, in addition to the influence of expression of a
particular stream of energy, the primary location of affinity of that expression is most significant. In
the seven centres (chakras) of the body each possesses a dominant signature of action. These
further illuminate what, where and how a manifested quality of disease impinges the Vital Force. 45

Hahnemann, 6th editio n of the Organon of the Medical Art, pp. 12, 67, 68.
Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003

The Endocrine system and the Chakra or Etheric system of the human economy mirror one
another. Consider for a moment the dominant energy of each centre, materially and etherically.46
• Crown Ch akra – top of the head, one may ultimately reach the feeling of integration with the divine
• Pineal gland – governs the upper brain and right eye

• Ajna Centre (third eye) – eye of the personality

• Pituitary Gland – centre of the forehead between the brows, g overns the lower brain and nervous system, the
ears, nose and left eye.

• Throat Chakra – centre of creativity, expression and communication

• Thyroid gland – governs lungs, vocal cords, bronchial apparatus and metabolism

• Heart Chakra – centre through which we feel, express and radiate love; the Life thread
• Thymus Gland – governs heart, blood and circulatory system, influences the immune and endocrine systems

• Solar plexus – centre of emotions, clearing house for emotional sensitivities

• Pancreas – g overns the acti on of the liver, spleen, stomach, gall bladder and aspects of the nervous system

• Sacral Centre – governs attitudes in relationships, sex and reproduction

• Sexual organs – located in ovaries in women, testes in men

• Base Chakra – fight or flight, understanding of the physical dimension

• Adrenal Gland – governs kidneys and spinal column

This becomes relevant for consideration to the Homeopath who subscribes to theories of:
miasmatic suppression, progression of disease and ‘direction of cure’. Layers, as is often termed,
are represented in the degrees of placement in the physical body. Ectoderm, endoderm,
(connective tissue), mesoderm, neuro-endocrine, neural plate and mind; the first represents the
outer most reflection of disease expression, and in general the most benign, provided it is cleared
without moving deeper into the bodily tissues. Each layer corresponds respectively to: skin, inner
less vital organs, structural components of bone and muscle tissues, vital organs, hormonal
components, nervous sy stem, and mind.47

Homeopathic Practise of the 21st Century

“A Contemporary Perspective of Miasm”
Some contemporary Homeopaths have attempted to build upon Hahnemanns 19 th century
writings offering their own conjectures. Different schools of thought have emerged. One ignores
miasmatic consideration. Another adopts a routine of prescribing in an attempt to “clear” the case
of miasms. Still another theory has emerged suggesting that layers of predisposition are the

Lecture notes; Esoteric Psychology, Session 1, Centre for Esoteric Studies, 2003
Vijayakar, Predictive Homeopathy Part 1, Theory of suppression, pp. 31- 49.

underlying factor in the waxing and waning of temporary ailments. For treatment to be completely
curative, each layer must be respected and discerned one presentation at a time.48

Homeopath George Vithoulkas, in The Science of Homeopathy, reiterates Hahnemann’s

contention that a predisposing weakness of the defence mechanism is fundamentally affected by
three major factors: hereditary influences, strong infectious diseases, and previous treatments
and vaccinations. Other celebrated Homeopaths of today often recapitulate Hahnemann’s
assertions of Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis, but have quietly woven their subjective experience into
widely published material. In his book Hahnemann Revisited, Homeopath Luc De Schepper
offers an expansion of miasmatic theory built on the original three, but he writes of two additional
miasms prevalent today, Tuberculosis and Cancer, as possessing equal standing to Psora,
Sycosis and Syphilis. This is a departure from Hahnemann’s work in the 19 th century.

Tuberculosis and Cancer are diseases which would seem to be more prevalent today, than they
were in Hahnemann’s time. Yet he did not deem them independently to be primary causes of
disease. In Hahnemann’s formulation they instead are the result of such categories. That the
word Miasm translates as ‘dis-ease’ does not necessarily permit that each resulting ailment then
be categorized as its own title. If that were so, then Heart disease, Mental illness, or HIV/AIDS
should be seen as independent miasms. None of these particular categories provide very much
insight into the wide range of circumstances in which they can manifest. When they present, they
have already made themselves clearly known by way of manifested pathology, their cause is no
more sure unless we review their relationship to Hahnemann's original three.

A modern view of Psora continues to be respected classically as ‘contagion, immediately

transmitted by contact from the fluid of an opened vesicle, resulted of a scratched itch and
suppressed’ 49 However, a central idea of Psora has evolved, that of it being a lack of st rength and
the need for support, which manifests on the skin and in the nervous system. Is this not then the
expression of the disease as opposed to the disease itself? De Schepper has written that “it is
through its neurological actions that it causes functional and subjective symptoms and never
structural damage.” He has written of suppressed Psora that it “will attack the central nervous
system and is transmitted from generation after generation increasing susceptibility of those
afflicted.” Further he admits in his own experience, it is not Psora which is dominant in
presentation but Sycosis, expressed as catarrh or mucus without itch.51 This contrasts

Vithoulkas, The Science of Homeopathy, p. 126.
De Schepper, Hahnemann Revisited, p. 365.
Ibid, p. 367.
Ibid, p. 366.

Hahnemann's theory. If the itch is absent, and the inflammatory process is present this would
indicate suppressed Psora, not Sycosis. 52

Sycosis has come to be understood by the central idea of over-stimulation and excessive growth.
De Schepper cites the proving symptoms of Thuja as characteristic; primarily it’s delusion of
weakness which must be concealed in order to survive. “Covering up weaknesses by creating an
extra protective layer behind which the person can hide. [This] produces warts, hyperkeratosis
and thick overgrowth of bushy hair.” The over growth, over-stimulation can be qualified in the
behaviour of both Cancer and Tuberculosis, but why does the contemporary community want to
classify them distinctly independent from Sycosis or Syphilis? What value does it add to the Art?

Contemporary Syphilis is considered destructive on all levels - deformity and hiding, seen on the
mental, emotional and physical levels. Comparing it to Hahnemann’s position, the difference
between the two is that in Sycosis the inflammation and ulceration is inside the genitalia, where
as with Syphilis it is on the outside of the genitalia. Suppression or physical removal of the
expression causes deeper manifestation not cure, against Nature’s laws of its centripetal action
compared to the centrifugal action of Psora.54 The differing and contemporary views of miasmatic
behaviour today are distractive from the underlying factors that ought to be considered from the
original concept presented by Hahnemann. As stated earlier, what he provided then remains an
unfinished work, but still a solid platform from which real understanding of disease can be

The Chronic Diseases

“Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homeopathic Cure”
In the preface of the fourth volume of The Chronic Diseases [xix] Hahnemann states:
In presenting the Homeopathic Therapeutics I did not venture to explain how the cure of diseases is effected by
operating on the patient with substances possessing the power to excite very similar morbid symptoms in a
healthy person. I furnished a conjecture about it… for it is only incumbent upon us to cure similar symptoms
correctly and successfully, according to a law of nature which is being constantly confirmed.

The chronic diseases, which spring from miasms, cannot be healed unaided, the (homeopathic) healing art,
guided by the human understanding, to overpower and overcome (to cure)….it is always this power, the vital
force, which conquers. It is the organic vital force of our body which cures natural diseases of every kind directly
and without any sacrifices as soon as it is enabled by means of the correct remedies to win the victory.

Our vital force hardly opposes an equal opposition to the foe causing the disease, and yet no enemy can be
overcome except by a superior foe.

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases, p. 117.
De Schepper, Hahnemann Revisited, p. 387
Ibi d, p. 400.

Third Ray Aspect
“The Peculiar Nature of Psora”
The psoric miasm is an age old contagion, easily communicable and capable of affecting all the
planes of the human constitution. It is actively contagious when manifested upon the skin by way
of its fluid filled vesicles. These fluid filled vesicles are the vehicle by which the diathesis can be
further transmitted. This outward expression is the clue by which treatment can be applied
homeopathically or otherwise. As Hahnemann wrote in great detail, suppression results not in
cure, but rather a deepening pathology that is reversed only when the appropriate anti-psoric
remedy is applied.

Beyond the identity of an ancient origin unknown, he provides little in terms of the origin of this
contagion. His insight into this disease is offered more in the descriptive action of the similar
remedies suited to bring about cure. Of the remedies most spoken of, it is sulphur he identifies as
the main anti-psoric. Sulphur dynamized as a homeopathic remedy speaks to the nature of the
action of this miasm. It acts centrifugally, when combined with the intelligence of the Vital Force
and the intelligence of Psora.55 This suggests the principles of the 3 rd Ray of Aspect, intelligent
activity as well as the primary physiological defence of cellular matter, inflammation.

Invading bacteria or fungus promote cell response to the production of certain physiologically
present antibacterial agents in the body. It may induce a ‘cell’ to produce free fluid in large
quantity so that the bacteria or fungus can be washed off. This is commonly observed in cases of
upper respiratory tract invasion by any organism where the first defence is the production of fluent
coryza. If this fails, this primary immune response of inflammation is then used, to rid the body of
the invasive stimuli. It is then followed by increased sensitivity and irritation, increasing or
decreasing the ph of the cytoplasm or excess production of antibacterial agents. The sole aim is
to make the bacteria die its own death by changing temporarily the biochemistry within the cell or
the neighbouring tissue. Inflammation then, is a physiological protective response. Ultimately it is
the tendency to inflammations or recurrent infections which are harmful and lead to chronic
manifestation of diseases. A mite which causes scabies will never attack and manifest itself as
skin lesions unless the skin cells of a person have a disturbed equilibrium and harbour sufficient
toxins to feed them. Microbes of bacteria, virus, fungi or toxins are not necessarily the cause for
pathological inflammations but rather some change prior to it.56

The crude application of Sulphur is blamed by Hahnemann as the deeply manifested

impingement of the disease Psora; a disease that is abstract, in that it is not limited to the skin. It

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases, pp. 112-164.
Vijayakar, Predictive Homeopathy part III; The end of Myasmtion of miasms, pp. 67- 74.

is without boundaries and can affect every aspect of the human constituency; capable of deeply
destructive disorders and pathology.57
“Even in the most ancient times when itch occurred for it did not everywhere degenerate into leprosy, it was
acknowledged that there was a sort of specific virtue against itch in SULPHUR; but they knew of no other way
of applying it, but to destroy the itch through and external application of it, even as is done now by the greater
part of the modern physicians of the old school .”

This raises an interesting consideration if in fact Sulphur is the simillimum to cure dynamically,
and the cause of suppression in crude form. Hahnemann cites Psora as a chronic miasma of
peculiar character, which over several thousands of years has passed through several millions of
human organisms, resulting in a vast extension of varied symptoms, “the elements of the
innumerable, chronic, non-venereal ailments, under which mankind now groans.”59 The energeti c
transmutation of such a miasm, in other words ‘Adaptability’ could then be infinite by the multitude
of various bodily constitutions of the individuals who differ one from another in their domiciles,
climatic peculiarities, education, habits, occupations, diet, lifestyle, varying bodily and psychic
“One single and only medicine is insufficient to heal the entire Psora and all its forms and that it requires several
medicines in order to respond, by the artificial morbid effects peculiar to each, to the unnumbered host of Psora
symptoms and thus to those of all chronic (non-venereal) disease and to the entire Psora.
….Only when the eruption of itch is still in its prime and the infection is in consequence still recent, can
complete cure be effected by Sulphur alone.”. 60

* * *
The relevance of sulphur to Psora is considerable. It is the tenth most abundant element in the
universe and has been known since ancient times. Greek poet Homer mentioned “pest-averting
sulphur” nearly 2800 years ago. A component of many common minerals, nearly twenty-five per
cent of the sulphur produced today is recovered from petroleum refining operations as a by-
product of extracting other materials from sulphur-containing ores. The majority of the sulphur
produced today is obtained from underground sources, usually found in conjunction with salt
deposits. Most of the sulphur that is produced is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid which
is used to vulcanize natural rubbers, to manufacture insecticides and gun powder, and also as a
dying agent.

In addition to sulphuric acid, sulphur forms other compounds. Hydrogen sulphide is a gas.
Sulphur dioxide, formed by burning sulphur in air, is used as a bleaching agent, solvent,
disinfectant and as a refrigerant. When combined with water it forms sulphurous acid, a weak

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases, pp. 112-164.
Ibid, p.118.
Ibid, pp. 122,123.
Ibid, pp. 122,123.

acid that is a major component of acid rain. Elemental sulphur can be found near hot springs
and volcanic regions in many parts of the world especially along the Pacific Ring of Fire. It also
exists in salt domes along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and in evaporates in Eastern Europe
and Western Asia. The sulphur in these deposits is believed to come from the action of anaerobic
bacteria on sulphate minerals, especially gypsum, although native sulphur may be produced by
geological processes alone without the aid of living organisms. Fo ssil-based sulphur deposits
from salt domes are the basis for commercial production in North America and Europe. It occurs
naturally in volcanic emissions, as from hydrothermal vents and from bacterial action on decaying
sulphur-containing organic matter. An essential component of all living cells, inorganic sulphur
forms a part of iron-sulphur clusters and is the bridging ligand in the site of cytochrome c oxidase,
a basic substance involved in the utilization of oxygen by all aerobic life.63

Sulphur may serve as a chemical food source for some primitive organisms. Some forms of
bacteria use hydrogen sulphide in the place of water as the electron donor in a primitive
photosynthesis type process. The sulphur bacteria breathe sulphate instead of oxygen. They also
can grow on a number of other partially oxidized sulphur compounds. It is a part of many bacterial
defence molecules and is recognized as an essential nutrient to plant growth.64

Fossil fuels found within the top layer of the earth’s crust are formed from the fossilized remains
of dead plants and animals by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust over hundreds
of millions of years. Petroleum is formed from the preserved remains of prehistoric zooplankton
and algae long ago settled to the sea bottom in large quantities under anoxic conditions. Over
geological time, this organic matter, mixed with mud has been buried under heavy layers of
sediment.65 Petroleum is not a substance new in the world’s history; records of four thousand
years confirm asphalt as employed in the construction of the walls and towers of Babylon; where
oil pits and pitch springs were closely situated. Great quantities of it were found on the banks of
the river Issus, a tributary of the Euphrates. Ancient Persian tablets indicate the medicinal and
lighting uses of petroleum in the upper levels of their society. Earliest known oil wells were drilled
in China in 347 CE. The oil was burned to evaporate brine and produce salt.66

Based on the innumerable unknown organisms which thrive from Sulphur, it could be surmised
that the origin of the ‘itch’ microbe, so relieved by sulphur, in-fact results from over-exposure to
the combined relationship of sulphur and anaerobic organisms. The detritus and use of Sulphur


over the ages, might very well suggest that contemporary humanity is suffering Psoric conditions
as a result of what we might otherwise consider to be proving symptoms.

* * *
Hahnemann considered Psora to be the most important of the 3 miasms. Characteristically it
embodies the energetic rotary action of the 3 Ray of Aspect, the Ray which has been dominant
in expression for millions of years. The power to evolve through the intelligence of the form
aspect, to build, to think and to shape shift matter has advanced civilization in such a way, that
we attempt to manipulate what we think we understand. The Mother earth aspect is demonstrated
by way of matter manifestation, exemplified by the overuse of animal, plant, and mineral
kingdoms via the postulation of Sulphur provings being the actual cause of what Hahnemann
deemed Psora.

First and Second Rays of Aspect

“The Peculiar Nature of Venereal Diseases”
Hahnemann asserted that the Syphilitic and Sycotic miasms were of a different nature from the
Psoric miasm. He branded them as venereal in nature, both of which express themselves on the
skin, one as a chancre, the other as ‘fig-warts’. There is little to discern from his writings on the
topic. He never quite explains why these two miasms are deserving of separate classification
from Psora.

Syphilis is an ulcerative result of a contact of an impure coition, which if not cured remains
standing on the same place during a man’s lifetime. Provided the chancre exists the miasm
cannot break out. If suppressed by using crude measures either the patient will expire or their
health will deteriorate rapidly.68 Mercury baths were used in Hahnemann’s day, to eliminate the
appearance of the chancre – mercury poisoning more often the result. The chancre result
demonstrated as destruction of tissues.

Hahnemann distinguishes three states to be considered for cure:
1. Syphilis alone and attended with the local symptom the chancre or the bubo
2. Syphilis alone without any complication of second or third miasma (deprived of the local symptoms t he chancre
and the bubo)

Both states are actively responsive to the Homeopathic preparation of Mercurious as the primary
Anti-syphilitic remedy.
3. Syphilis already complicated with another chronic disease (ie Psora) with or without the local symptom.

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases , p. 112.
Ibid, p. 104.
Ibid, pp. 101,102.

This diseased [state] only causes difficulties in its cure, if it’s complicated with a Psora that had
been already far developed – with sycosis it is complicated but rarely, but then usually at the
same time with psora.
“In the spot, into which at the impure coi tion the syphilitic miasma had been first rubbed in and had been
caught, it is in the same moment, no more local; the whole living body has already received (perceived) its
presence, the miasma has already become the property of the whole organism. ….the s pecific venereal
transformation takes place in the internal of the body irresistibly from the first moment of infection until syphilis
has developed itself throughout the whole body and only then, not before, nature loaded down by the internal
malady, brings forth the local symptom peculiar to this malady, the chancre, usually in the place first infected;
and this symptom is intended by nature to sooth the internal completed malady .

The forward-moving power of the 1 st Ray is well illustrated by way of the infective nature of the
disease. It destroys and figuratively is well represented as the ulcerative chancre.

* * *
Hahnemann described Sycosis as the “fig-wart disease being the miasma which has produced by
far the fewest chronic diseases”. Excrescences usually first manifest on the genitals, attended
with a sort of gonorrhoea from the urethra several days or weeks after infection through coition.
Rarely will they appear dry and like warts, more frequently soft, spongy and emitting a specifically
fetid fluid, bleeding easily and in the form of a coxcomb or a cauliflower (brassica botrytes). When
violently removed, the natural effect is that they will usually come forth again. The fig-wart
disease, after having been deprived of the local symptom which acts vicariously for the internal
ailment, would in other and worse ways present in secondary ailments; “for the fig-wart miasm,
which rules in the whole organism, has been in no way diminished.”71

Venereal diseases of Hahnemann’s time were considered homogeneous to one another, and
were treated similarly with crude doses of Mercury or the violent cauterizing, cutting and the
practise of ligature. Recognizing Mercury as a homeopathic remedy suited to deal with the other
venereal disease Syphilis, Hahnemann says this:
“Mercury which has been used internally and which is in no way appropriate to sycosis, besides undermining
the general health which in this disease can only do injury and which is given mostly in very large doses and in
the most active preparation, similar excrescences then break out in other parts of the body, either whitish,
spongy, sensitive, flat elevations in the cavity of the mouth, on the tongue, the palate and the lips or as large,
raised, brown and dry tubercles in the axillae, on the neck, on the scalp, etc., or there arise other ailments of the
body, of which I shall only mention the contraction of the tendons of the flexor muscles, especially of the
fingers.” 72

Of Sycosis Hahnemann contributed the least amount of information. What he was able to discern
is somewhat contrary to pathology now known. Fig-wart is today recognized as HPV – human

Ibi d, p. 104.
Ibid, p. 98.
Ibid, p. 99.

papillomavirus, which science identifies as approximately 130 diverse DNA -based viruses,
infecting the skin and mucous membranes.73 Gonorrhoea as he speaks of it in The Chronic
Diseases is the expressive, offensive discharges produced by the body afflicted with it as
“The gonorrhoea dependent on the fig-wart miasma, as well as the above mentioned excrescences (i.e., the
whole sycosis) are cured most surely and most thoroughly through the internal use of (Homeopathically
prepared) Thuja, and Nitric Acid…… which must be allowed to act as long a time in order to remove the
gonorrhoea and the excrescences; i.e., the whole sycosis.”

He clearly indicates in this short passage that the excrescences (growths) are the expressive
action of manifestation of his named sycosis. Indicating Thuja as the primary anti-sycotic remedy
he further sheds light on the nature of this disease in its centripetal behaviour. The gonorrhoea
taint as described would appear to be an accessory condition, more psoric in expression than its
presenting host of sycotic growth. The spiral cyclic action of the 2 Ray is clearly expressed in
the manifestation of these excrescences. Growing upwards, building outwards in expression of

Principles of Cell Defence

“2nd and 1st Rays of Aspect”
Contemporary Homeopath Prafull Vijayakar asserts that every cell or living organism faces
damage or cell injury from pathogens, toxins, chemicals, radiations and thermal factors. And,
there are three different mechanisms employed to behave in defence.
A: Physiological defence,
B: Morphological (structural) defence: Construction and Destruction.

When the protective physiological defence response of inflammation has failed to get rid of the
toxins or pathogenic forces, the second line of defence is employed. Once limits of reversible
physiological changes are crossed, irreversible morphology of the cells structure s occur.
Accumulations take place and manifest in the cell wall or cytoplasm. They begin thickening from
the excess defence production of lipids, proteins or glycogen. A wall develops to protect
surrounding cells from irritation. Everything within the cell or system is affected. Pathology which
arise s out of such a defence includes growth or thickening pathologies such as polyps, warts,
cysts, tumours, atherosclerotic plaques, deposition of pigments and minerals.76 This translates to
morphological construction. The Second line of defence embodies the magnetic nature of the 2
ray energy, demonstrated here as accumulation.

Hahnemann, The Chronic Diseases , p. 99.
De Schepper, Hahnemann Revisited p. 400.
Vijayakar, Predictive Homeopathy part III; The end of Myasmtion of miasms, pp. 67- 74.

Morphological destruction occurs when the second line of defence can no longer hold in
abeyance. Changes at the genetic level can activate a defence response of destruction to save
the greater part of the whole organism by destroying a part of it. Pathological conditions are
exampled as gangrene, necrosis, ulceration and cardiac infarct in the extreme case. 77 All of
which are 1 st Ray aspects of direct power and beneficent destruction.

Vijayakar asserts that based on Hahnemann’s description of the three miasms in aphorisms 79
and 80 of The Organon of the Medical Art, Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis are rooted in the
defensive cell response to injurious influences.78
Psora Physiological defence response 3 Principle of Aspect
Sycosis Constructive defence response 2 Principle of Aspect
Syphilis Destructive defence response 1 Principle of Aspect

This however speaks to a responsive action only. If we consider Newton’s 3 rd Law, reaction is the
result of an equal, and opposite action.

Esoteric Healing
“The Origin of Disease”
Hahnemann at no point in The Chronic Diseases identified the origin of his miasms other than
references to ancient evidence of Psora. He simply qualified their behaviour as peculiar in nature,
differing one from the other offering homeopathic means by which to address their cure. Esoteric
definition repeats his conjectures that diseases are due to two basic causes: The close interplay
between people living under modern conditions massed into cities and the other, the age of the
soil upon which man lives as deeply suffused with the germs and residue of past ages. The
immunity of man is an amazing matter, he resist s and throws off continuously every kind of
disease – those which are the result of contact with others, those which are in the atmosphere at
every time, and those which are inherited to which he has a constant predisposition. “A man’s
fight for health is ceaseless when homeostasis prevails”.79

The Tibetan DK suggests that diseases of humanity are inherited from the past. He asserts that
the recognition of bacteria, germs and similar intruding organisms are useful, but only if we bear
in mind that they are effects of causes hidden in the very history of the planet itself and also in it’s
racial history – “of which little or practically nothing is known”. He states the physical bodies in
which humanity now dwells are constructed of very ancient matter, substance that is tainted by
historical conditions of the past.

Ibid, p. 76.
Bailey, Khul, Esoteric Healing, p. 225.
Ibid, p. 26.

“History, as studied today, goes back but a little way and although the enlightened historian and scientist may
extend the story of humanity to millions of years, there is naught known about the races of men who lived those
millions of years ago; naught is know of the civilisations which flourished in early Atlantean times twelve million
years ago; Naught is known at all of the still more ancient Lemurian civilisation which goes back more than
fifteen million years; still less is known of that twilight period which existed twenty- one million years ago when
men where scarcely human and when they were so closely related to the animal kingdom.”

Helena Blavatsky introduced the root race concept to humanity in Volume II of The Secret
Doctrine; Anthropogenesis. She cites our current state of humanity that of the fifth root race, so
82 83
named as Aryan. The fourth root race she cites as Atlantean. Plato wrote of this legend in
370BC in the Timaeus and Critias dialogues and further proof of Atlantis is offered in Ancient
stone works depicting advanced flying machines in the Egyptian Temple of Abydos. Some argue
that the Great Pyramids are attributed not to the Egyptians, but to the Atlanteans before them.
The third root race would be that of Lemuria. The first to physically manifest in form;85 the statues
of Easter Island are purported to be evidence of their existence.86

Lemurian – Third Root Race

“The Origin of Syphilis”
The Tibetan DK elaborated on Blavatsky’s root race conjectures in Esoteric Healing. Though it
was the third root race Lemuria was the first race to manifest physically. Their dominant Ray
qualities were that of the 7th Ray of Attribute (Ceremonial Order or Magic – order of the form) and
the corresponding 1st Ray of Aspect (Will or Power). In Lemurian times, the emphasis of the life
force was upon the physical body. It practically destroyed itself through the proliferation of sex,
owing to their misuse of the sacral centre, which was then the most active and the dominant
centre in the body. The origin of syphilitic disease is resultant from the sexual excesses of
Lemurian times, and our soil is permeated with the germ residue of this disease. “Down the ages,
men have suffered from these groups of infections; they have died, been buried and in their
millions have contributed their quota of infection to the earth.”

As the Lemurian ages passed, humanity entered into the Atlantean stage of development, in
which conscious control for the physical body dropped below the threshold of consciousness. The
etheric body became consequently more potent and the physical body reacted increasingly like
an automaton to the impression of a steadily developing desire nature. Desire became something
more than a simple response to physical animal urges of primitive instincts. Instead it became

Ibid, p. 226.
Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II, Anthropogenesis p. 434.
Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II, Anthropogenesis p. 315.
Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. II, Anthropogenesis p. 313.
Bailey, Khul, Esoteric Healing, pp. 58, 232.

directed to objects and objectives extraneous to the body such as material possessions and that
which could be appropriated. Seeds of aggression and of personal acquisitiveness began to

Legend holds that heights of luxury were reached in Atlantis of which we know nothing and have
never achieved. The decadent days of the Roman empire of our ancient history are said to echo
the pure Atlantean mischief and wickedness of eons past. Life in Altantean times became tainted
by the miasma of unadulterated selfishness “polluting the very springs of life itself”. Men only lived
and bred in order to be in possession of the utmost luxury of material goods. 88

Atlantean – Fourth Root Race

“The Origin of Sycosis”
Cancer, the Tibetan DK tell us, is the legacy of Atlantean humanity. T his disease was a major
factor which devastated the inhabitants of old Atlantis. The roots of which are said to be deep-
seated in the emotional nature of desire, grounded in the astral body (solar plexus). Cancer is
partially the result of a reaction to the diseases connected with the sex life previously rampant in
Lemurian times and early Atlantean days. The people of those times, for the sake of self-
preservation dammed back the natural flow of desire (the flow of life as it expresses itself through
the centres of reproduction and procreation). Cancer is primarily a disease of inhibition, just as
the syphilitic diseases are those of over-expression and overuse of one aspect of man’s
mechanism. Cancer in its turn was based similarly on a previous shift of the life force from the
physical body into that of the emotional nature, producing an over development of the cellular life,
through over stimulation.89

Tuberculosis, though rampant at a certain stage in Altantean times, has been generated
principally in our Aryan race. “The cause of this scourge is to be found in the shift of the life
emphasis away from the emotional nature into that of the mind nature, producing a temporary
starvation of the emotional nature. It is largely a disease of depletion.” In this situation we find
the origin of tuberculosis, manifested in the organs whereby men breathe and live. It is difficult to
appreciate or to comprehend the Atlantean state of consciousness, as there was no mental
process except among the leaders of the race; there was only ruthless, insatiable desire. Its Ray
qualities were that of the 6th Ray of Attribute (Idealism and Devotion) and the corresponding 2 nd
Ray of Aspect (Love – Wisdom).

Ibid, p. 232.
Ibid, 58
Ibid, p. 59

Syphilis and Tuberculosis have been extensively prevalent during the first age of the Aryan race
in which we now find ourselves. Today they not only affect the organs of the lungs but have
involved the blood stream and consequently the entire organism of the human body. This
information from the Tibetan DK is strangely reminiscent of the complicated nature of Psora as
Hahnemann discerned. It would also suggest a suppressive expression to the mesodermal

Aryan – the Fifth Root Race

“The Evolution of Psora”
Owing to the development of the mind in the Aryan race, certain difficulties arise in the physical
body. The mental body is the transmitter of soul energy (when active and rightly aligned). This
soul energy, pouring into the physical body, can produce certain conditions of over stimulation
and difficulties connected with the nervous system. Esoterically speaking, there are very few ills
to which flesh is heir that are mentally based. There are two reasons for this:
1. Very few of the race are yet mentally polarised and therefore thinking
2. The fact that the bulk of diseases are etheric or astral
Another difficulty is that the thinking and the emotional reactions of man are still so closely inter-
related that it is not easy at this stage in evolution to separate feeling from thought. Or, discern if
an ill has arisen in the astral or the mental body versus ills due to wrong feeling and wrong
thinking.92 Ray qualities of our current manifestation are that of the 5 th Ray of Attribute (Concrete
Knowledge or Science) and the corresponding 3 rd Ray of Aspect (Active Intelligence).

Thinking that is practised in the world of today, is done by the relatively few. The rest are
occupied with feeling, sensuous perception of emotionalism such as irritability, worry, acute
anxiety, aspiration towards some desired end or goal and depression. Not to mention the
dramatic life of the Ego, the “I in the centre” consciousness. Few live in the world of thought and
fewer still in the world of reality, consciousness. When they do, the result will be a better average
of health, because of better integration. The results of which will be a freer play of the life forces
throughout the vehicles of expression.93

Ibid, p. 234.
Ibid, p. 88.
Ibid, pp. 90-91.

“The Metaphor of Miasm”
It is truly difficult to imagine the great the span of ages which have preceded our current day. An
even more challenging concept is the resultant consequences of those times passed and their
intrinsic effect upon the modern days in which we now live. That it is only two hundred years
since Samuel Hahnemann was first able to discern the harmonious values of health treatment by
application of the Law of Similars, and further develop a system by which those laws may be
practised is nothing short of awe inspiring.

Two hundred years is a very small window of time. The complexion of the world then was not
very much different than the one we know today. Science based, deductive practises of medicine
still continue today. The ‘barbaric’ treatments of Hahnemann’s time arguably remain. Dangerous
drug interactions and brutal chemical therapies which appear to resolve disease pictures more
often than not create a cascading effect of more disease and premature death. Hahnemann
himself declared many times over in his Organon of the Medical Art, disease cure in this way is
obtained at the expense of the life or the quality of life of the patient.

This brings to point the teachings of the Tibetan DK, who reminds us that though a physical being
of life expires, it is the residue and memory of that life which leaves an impression here on earth.
An impression that’s transmuted in ways we can only now begin to perceive. All that has passed
before us has in some way or another contributed pollutants which are an inescapable influence
in this moment of today. The esoteric and theosophical doctrines are challenging concepts. It is
beyond difficult to openly engage in these philosophies without ridicule from a majority that has
yet to see the possibility of these truths. It is not dissimilar to the kind of resistance and ridicule
Hahnemann himself faced but two hundred years ago. Thinking outside of the box is for the
brave, and there is little doubt about the courage Samuel Hahnemann possessed.

Considering for a moment the challenge Homeopaths face when asked to explain what it is that
they practise, it would be fair to assume that the answer is dependant upon the quality of person
who poses the question. Do we cite the law of similars, do we gloss over the truth or are we brave
enough to squarely face the challenge with a solid explanation of the dynamic values of nature?
This is a challenge unique in responsibility, because as Homeopaths we are both teachers and
facilitators of healing. It is not incumbent upon the Homeopath to subscribe to esoteric doctrines,
though there must be a degree of respect to the theories which encompass the energetic qualities
of remedies and their value of action on the vital force. The esoteric premise of the Seven Rays,
provides a springboard from which we may further grasp that which is intangible.

Hahnemann confidently addressed acute illnesses with little difficulty using his system of
dynamatized substances and symptom picture totality. The Chronic diseases presented a very
different challenge to him, one that he had not completely addressed prior to his death. If we
consider the proven science of cell behaviour, something that was not yet evident to Hahnemann
at the time, we have a simple system of discernment available to us. Translated, Psora could be
considered a metaphor for Inflammation, Sycosis a metaphor for Construction and Syphilis a
metaphor for Destruction. All three, inflammation, construction and destruction are terms we can
be comfortable with. They are cell processes supported by science which can ease our ability to
tangibly ascertain where a pattern of mistunement has manifested in that moment.

When we revert to the original terminology as outlined by Hahnmann of Psora, Sycosis and
Syphilis there is bound to be confusion plainly due to the fact that he himself had yet to fully
determine the how and why of these manifested actions. He was clever enough to recognize that
the later two miasms were peculiarly different from Psora, his deemed primary cause of chronic
diseases. Here then is the two fold curiousity of what today as Homeopaths we have available to
glean from.

First we have Psora, metaphorically an adaptable, quality of energy behaviour. The Third Ray of
Aspect as presented from an esoteric point of view encompasses the ‘Intelligent Activity’ it is
named for. A patient presenting with a dynamic case of very active and changing symptoms,
could be considered to have the 5 th and 3 rd rays as the communication of their dominant
signatures of energy. Secondly we have an interesting possibility as to why Psora would have
been the dominant miasm for Hahanemnn from the detritus of Sulphur and it’s usage which has
intensified in the la st century offering a rather inescapable consideration of maintaining cause to
this underlying miasm.

Metaphorically Sycosis embodies the energy nature of action presented in the Second Ray of
Love – Wisdom, notably as a magnetic attracting principle of growth. Syphilis strongly mirrors the
destructive result of the First Ray’s force of Will or Power. The additional postulation of those
particular types of disease presentations could also be considered maintaining causes on both an
emotional and physical level due to the collective life experiences of the ancestry the Tibetan DK
insists are truth. Truths we cannot to date prove to scientific satisfaction, though highly plausible
based on unexplained archaeological evidence, combined with ancient legends and their
resultant writings of advanced philosophers we continue to revere.

It is unlikely that a homeopathic practitioner of today would encounter patients suffering from the
prevalent ailments of Hahnemanns time given the environmental factors that have changed since
then. A fresh case of the uncomplicated Syphilitic chancre or Sycotic ‘fig-warts’ have largely been
suppressed by allopathic and hygienic practises of this past century. The suppressed itch of
Psora however, is one that continues in much the same principle of Hahnemann’s discernments
in the early 19 century, although it has become further complicated by the modernization of the
years since. Environmental impacts in the form of increased use of fossil fuels, genetically
modified and processed foods, the deployment of atomic bombs, invisible magnetic poisoning
from the advent of wireless and electrical technologies have further complicated the maintaining
causes of silently suppressive conditions. Disease manifestations are as varied and perplexing in
quality as they are in quantity. And strong vitality has become more elusive due to the often
stressful pace at which modern life progresses. Our very environment serves as a maintaining
cause which cannot be escaped.

To believe that cure results from the elimination of miasm is but a fool’s dream. How can it be
possible given the innumerable inimical forces which permeate the air we breathe, the soil we
plough, and the resulting cyclical atmospheric effects of erosion and toxic deposits upon the very
minerals, plants and animals we rely upon? This precludes the genetic factor of generations that
preceded us, encoded in our DNA. Instead cure must be considered not as the removal of miasm
but rather the homeostatic efficacy of the Vital Force in response to it.

Disease symptoms then must be considered the syntax of the opposing forces in an individual
suffering from an unhealthy state. The employment of Hahnemann’s miasms, Syphilis, Sycosis
and Psora can be translated metaphorically as Destruction, Proliferation or Depletion, and
Adaptability. These words, and the energetic pattern associated with them are what can be
utilized in making sense of complicated presentations of illness. Where the location of pathology
is most demonstrated can tell us the degree of suppression. How the pathology responds to
emotional or physical disturbances can indicate the underlying quality of constitutional
predisposition. When the pathology became known can indicate a genetic or hygienic

In order to ascertain the centre of gravity in any case of arrested homeostasis the design of
energetic qualities must be appreciated. Esoteric doctrine provides distinct signatures of energy
forces which are demonstrated to colour all that exists. Seven finite streams of energy, combined
in innumerable ways – but clearly associative in the manifested action of the three miasms as
described by Hahnemann. Universal intelligence affects the molecular construction of all that

exists, and in turn cellular life responds to that which is influenced upon it. Laws of motion
scientifically confirm this to be true. This should be compelling enough to any practitioner
previously dismissive to the importance of understanding Miasmatic qualities as presented.

If we maintain the integrity of objectively applying the principles Hahnemann put forward in The
Organon of the Medical Art and stay true to the application of similars, then healing is possible by
way of homeostasis. If we delude ourselves into believing that the objective of homeopathic
practise is to eliminate miasm with remedies alone or reject them completely we have failed to
understand the point, the enormity of which has barely been touched upon here. The principles of
Esoteric doctrine offer a platform to understanding the energy force natures of our universe. To
ignore them is to rob us of the opportunity to truly facilitate healing. An open mind to the principles
presented alone could be enough for the advancement of humanity. Cultivating increased
consciousness of mind quite possibly may be the ultimate solution to the elimination of
impingements on health.

The genius of Samuel Hahnemann must not be underestimated. His ability to discern the
conundrum of the miasms as presented in The Chronic Diseases preceded the esoteric
revelations of Helena P. Blavatsy by fifty years. He was a man most definitely ahead of his time
and humanity is indebted to him for his contributions. Not only did he develop a functional
practical healing art which employed altruistically offers a viable solution to morbific conditions, he
invited us to advance and pursue his initial endeavours. No one has yet to match this exceptional
contribution. The Chronic Diseases, though limited in scope , when correlated to esoteric
philosophy provides a sound foundation which the practicing Homeopath ought to consciously
consider in every case.


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