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International Journal of Project Management: Carlos Tam, Eduardo Jóia Da Costa Moura, Tiago Oliveira, João Varajão

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International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

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International Journal of Project Management

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The factors influencing the success of on-going agile software development

Carlos Tam a,∗, Eduardo Jóia da Costa Moura a, Tiago Oliveira a, João Varajão b
NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide, 1070-312 Lisboa, Portugal
Department of Information Systems, Centro ALGORITMI, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém – Alameda da Universidade, 4804-533
Guimarães, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: We propose a model consisting of five people-factors that influence the success of on-going agile software devel-
Agile methodologies opment projects, success being measured in terms of cost, time, and customer satisfaction. After surveying 216
Software development agile practitioners, the results obtained using SEM-PLS suggest that “team capability” and “customer involve-
People factors
ment” are the main factors contributing to the success of on-going agile software development projects. These
results were triangulated with the mixed-methods approach of a focus group, which supported the findings. By
knowing which factors are truly important to achieve success, managers and teams will be able to establish pri-
orities, thereby improving project outcomes. We address this matter, along with research limitations and future

1. Introduction technical issues were rarely the cause, and that problems may arise from
people, and that this can be counteracted with proper people manage-
Success in software development projects comes with great diffi- ment.
culty. In fact, one of the greatest challenges in these types of projects is This research seeks to maximise the success probability of future ag-
to realise how software development can be enhanced in order to avoid ile software development projects. We have selected and characterised
its failure (Chow & Cao, 2008). According to Henriksen and Pedersen five people-factors from two previous studies by Chow and Cao (2008),
(2017), publishing the agile manifesto has increased the success rates and Misra et al. (2009) that proved to be significantly related to agile
of agile software development projects, although there is still a need for software development project success. The factors “personal characteris-
improvements and to soften its organisational use. As stated by Persson, tics”, “training and learning”, “societal culture”, “team capability”, and
Mathiassen and Aaen (2012), agile practices are gaining space in the “customer involvement” were combined into a conceptual model and
business world at an increasing rate, allowing high-tech companies and its validity was tested. The analysis addresses the following question:
Information Technology (IT) software development teams to achieve
What are the people factors influencing the success of agile software
faster results in a wiser way (Henriksen & Pedersen, 2017). Considering
development projects?
that agile methodologies are able to provide innovation and competi-
tiveness, further research is encouraged in order to find new ways to re-
duce failure rates (Conforto, Amaral, Silva, Di Felippo & Kamikawachi, Our contribution to the body of literature is fivefold. First, to the best
2016). of our knowledge, this is the first time that the relevant people-factors
Several authors such as Misra, Kumar and Kumar (2009) and found by Chow and Cao (2008), and Misra et al. (2009) are combined to
Stankovic, Nikolic, Djordjevic and Cao (2013) have helped to mitigate explain the success in agile software development projects. By using the
agile software development project failure by unveiling different suc- important people-factors from these studies, we had the opportunity to
cess factors in distinct dimensions. “People” is one of those dimensions, confirm the factors’ validity, unveiling the ones that are truly significant
and it represents a fundamental aspect of the agile movement, requir- for success. Second, we have built a comprehensive and scalable model
ing motivated and flexible individuals in a support-based environment that offers a consistent characterisation of the People dimension, which
(Boehm & Turner, 2005). Regarding the reasons why software projects can be used by agile researchers in the future. Third, we investigate the
were failing, Ahimbisibwe, Cavana and Daellenbach (2015) argued that training and learning dimension that moderates the success in agile soft-

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: tam@netcabo.pt, carlosvai@novaims.unl.pt (C. Tam), M2016243@novaims.unl.pt (E.J.d.C. Moura), toliveira@novaims.unl.pt (T. Oliveira),
varajao@dsi.uminho.pt (J. Varajão).

Received 25 July 2018; Received in revised form 6 February 2020; Accepted 8 February 2020
0263-7863/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd, APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

ware development projects. Studying the training and learning relation- did not manage to prove that the CSFs identified by Chow and Cao
ship with success in agile software development may explain people’s (2008) were indeed critical for a successful agile software development
beliefs and behaviours. Four, no study has conducted a holistic evalu- project.
ation of personal characteristics and societal culture to understand the
full effect (direct and indirect effects) on team capability and customer
involvement and their impact on the success in agile software develop- 2.1.1. The iron triangle and critical success factors listings
ment projects. Our research also contributes to the literature by studying Time, cost, and quality, known as the iron triangle of project man-
the impacts of mediation effects in the agile context. By connecting these agement (Atkinson, 1999) are metrics used to assess project success.
two dimensions (team capability and customer involvement), it assesses Atkinson added that time and cost were seen as estimates, calculating
the full effect of personal characteristics and societal culture and their both when the project planning phase lacked information, while qual-
direct and indirect effect on project success. Finally, we draw on a focus ity depended on people’s beliefs and perceptions, which could be al-
group discussion aiming to triangulate our empirical results and support tered throughout the project. According to Lim and Mohamed (1999),
the findings. By offering mixed methods, research is potentially superior and considering the project life-cycle, these metrics were used as suc-
and provides stronger inferences to a single method approach (Collins, cess measures of the project implementation phase. However, there
Onwuegbuzie & Jiao, 2006; Venkatesh, Brown & Sullivan, 2016). Each was a lack of project assessment after delivery, which could allow a
method has strengths and weakness, and the combination of quantita- wider perspective in terms of success analysis (Atkinson, 1999). As
tive and qualitative method complements each other and offers a more stated by Jugdev and Müller (2005), measuring success after deliv-
robust analysis. ery allows team members to make a project effectiveness analysis in
We have structured this work as follows. First, we introduce the con- which they assume the stakeholder’s perspective about the benefits pro-
cept of project success, and agile software development related topics vided.
based on the literature. Then, we present the research model and hy- Rockart (1979) first presented the CSF concept with the purpose of
potheses, followed by the methods used. Lastly, we discuss the results identifying crucial information for managers to work with (Stankovic et
obtained, mentioning theoretical and managerial implications along al., 2013). In addition, Kerzner (1987) defined CSFs as the project ele-
with research limitations and future work. ments that could not fail, and at this point, due to the increasing market
competitiveness, the literature was turning attention to stakeholder sat-
2. Background isfaction as a metric for project success (Jugdev & Müller, 2005). As
stated by Munns and Bjeirmi (1996), to assure quality, there is a need
2.1. Project success to satisfy end-users’ necessities. For Clarke (1999) the critical factors
influencing project success were based on communication and its effec-
The ways of measuring project success and how to achieve it have tiveness, clear objectives, and scope, splitting the project into manage-
gradually evolved throughout the years. At first, the literature used the able blocks, and the use of project plans as living documents. The period
iron triangle for project assessment, then critical success factors (CSF) comprising the 1980s and ‘90s witnessed the identification and descrip-
lists were developed, followed by the introduction of the first success tion of several useful CSFs, including the production of the ten success
frameworks. These frameworks started to emphasise customer focus, factors list by Pinto and Slevin (1987).
something that has continued into the 21st century. After the year 2000, CSF lists were still being created by leading au-
Considering the success factors in agile software projects, Chow and thors such as Cooke-Davies (2002), Jugdev and Müller (2005), and Ika,
Cao (2008) conducted a study to identify the most imperative fac- Diallo and Thuillier (2012). The Standish Group has also published re-
tors that would contribute to a successful agile software development ports studying project successes and failures, especially in the IT area,
project. Their research has managed to collect many success factors that since 1994. Their 2013 publication revealed that only 39% were con-
were cited in previous agile literature. sidered to be successfully concluded projects. The main success fac-
Their study defined success using four attributes: Quality (deliver- tors for IT projects were also reported: executive management support,
ing good product or project outcome), Scope (meeting all requirements user involvement, optimisation, skilled resources, project management
and objectives), Time (delivering on time), and Cost (delivering within expertise, agile process, clear business objectives, emotional maturity,
estimated cost and effort) (Chow & Cao, 2008). execution, and tools and infrastructure (The Standish Group Interna-
After a reliability and factor analysis that provided 12 possible tional, 2013). Despite all the lists created, no standard one can be ap-
success factors, was systematised into Organisational, People, Process, plied to all projects (Todorović, Petrović, Mihić, Obradović & Bushuyev,
Technical, and Project dimensions. The multiple regression analysis of 2015).
results demonstrated that a correct delivery strategy, proper use of ag- According to Badewi (2016), time and cost are still being used as
ile software techniques, and a high calibre team were critical factors attributes to assess project performance. Both of these attributes have
for agile software project success. However, some other factors like a been applied within different business areas, such as engineering and
team environment, project management process, and customer involve- construction as indicated by Lim and Mohamed (1999), or agile software
ment can also be considered as critical to a certain extent (Chow & Cao, development, as reported by Stankovic et al. (2013). The time attribute
2008). Of the five factor categories proposed, both People and Tech- refers to on-time delivery, while cost emphasises the compliance with
nical were considered as the most important dimensions for on-going the estimated budget (Toor & Ogunlana, 2010). As reported by Badewi
agile software development project success. However, the study failed (2016), in addition to finishing on time and within budget, project stake-
to prove that some popular factors such as strong executive support, holders also need to extract benefits from the project’s output to justify
strong sponsor commitment, the availability of a physical agile facility, their investment, which leads to customer satisfaction. Customer satis-
or agile-appropriate project types were indeed prerequisites for a suc- faction relates to how the customer perceives the performance of the
cessful project. final product which involves its adherence to a pre-defined set of goals;
Years later, Stankovic et al. (2013) extended Chow and Cao’s if expectations were lower than the actual performance, then customer
(2008) work. The same 12 possible CSFs were utilised to study the for- satisfaction would be reached (Haverila & Fehr, 2016). For Alvertis et
mer Yugoslavian perspective about agile software development project al. (2016), success is highly dependent on how the software solution
success. The investigation revealed that project nature can be consid- fulfils the expectations of the users addressed. In this research, we use
ered as a critical factor attending to time and cost attributes, in which the term “customer” as a reference to the end-user.
project type and project definition process can also be regarded as crit- Considering the previous statements and this research dependent
ical, but solely in terms of cost. It is noteworthy that their research variable “agile software development project success”, we have delin-

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

eated our success definition based on time, cost, and customer satisfac- 2.1.3. Stakeholders involvement
tion. In the early 21st-century, project success started to be seen as some-
thing that both project and client organisation should be reaching to-
2.1.2. Project success frameworks gether (Turner & Müller, 2003). According to Davis (2014), the involve-
The project success elements were Morris and Hough’s (1987) pio- ment of major project stakeholders such as the project owner and spon-
neer framework, in which the authors analysed project success in terms sor has become important for success achievement.
of functionality, management, contractors’ commercial performance, Turner (2004, p. 350) highlighted four success conditions that en-
and termination. Project functionality evaluates if the financial and compass the project owner’s importance:
technical requirements are met, while project management assesses if
(1) Success criteria should be agreed on with the stakeholders before
the project meets the schedule, budget, and specifications. Contractors’
the start of the project, and repeatedly at configuration review
commercial performance understands if the contractors have reached a
points throughout the project.
commercial benefit with the project or not. Finally, project performance
(2) A collaborative working relationship should be maintained be-
concerns an efficient and reasonable decision in case of possible project
tween the project owner and project manager, with both viewing
cancellation. However, the authors’ work did not have much initial im-
the project as a partnership.
pact within the research community, since CSF lists were still being cre-
(3) The project manager should be empowered with the owner giving
ated and the newly proposed frameworks were not built upon following
guidance as to how they think the project should be achieved but
Morris and Hough’s publication (Jugdev & Müller, 2005).
allowing the project manager flexibility to deal with unforeseen
A framework for implementation success was developed by Pinto
circumstances as they see best.
and Slevin (1988) consisting of three success elements: technical va-
(4) The owner should take an interest in the performance of the
lidity, organisational validity, and organisational effectiveness. Techni-
cal validity establishes an assessment with the purpose to understand
if the project is working as desired. Organisational validity considers These four conditions must all be achieved for a successful project,
if the clients’ requirements and needs will be satisfied with the project but they cannot guarantee it (Turner, 2004). Stakeholder involvement
and if they will use it. Lastly, organisational effectiveness regards the can also help to decrease project risk since the process of managing their
positive contributions offered by the project when delivered to the or- needs is facilitated, which impacts project success (Atkin & Skitmore,
ganisation. Both organisational validity and organisational effectiveness 2008). Vrhovec, Hovelja, Vavpotič, and Krisper (2015) identified stake-
are equally significant to the project organisation and the client. This holder resistance as a serious organisational risk for project success.
schema means that project success should be assessed internally, which
was the focus of the early literature, and externally, in which the client is 2.2. Agile software development
central to project success (Pinto & Slevin, 1988). For Munns and Bjeirmi
(1996) project success requires progress throughout the implementation In February 2001, a group of 17 leading software process method-
phase, end-users’ perception about the product, and customer satisfac- ologists participated in a summit to uncover better ways to develop
tion. The project team should also be present at the project’s utilisation software (Chow & Cao, 2008). The participants’ efforts resulted in the
phase, allowing the confirmation of end-users’ requirements (Munns & agile manifesto for software development, which addresses the inflex-
Bjeirmi, 1996). ibility inherent to traditional project methodologies and its negative
Belassi and Tukel (1996) created a holistic framework of industry impact on software project results (Lechler & Yang, 2017). According
and firm-related factors. The authors noticed that there was a need for to Campanelli and Parreiras (2015), the manifesto gathered principles
a success factor classification, allowing to associate each factor with a and values from already well established agile methods and approaches,
specific category. The classification would also permit an analysis of transposing them to the software development business. The main focus
the established relationships between success factors. Four categories of the agile values are “Individuals and interactions, Working software,
were proposed to perform that classification: factors related to the Customer collaboration, and Responding to change” (Campanelli & Par-
project, project manager and team, organisation, and external environ- reiras, 2015, p.86).
ment (Belassi & Tukel, 1996). The authors’ work has also shown that The Agile Alliance (2001) also published 12 Agile principles, namely,
success factors can vary according to the industry type and that top “Valuable software delivery on an early and continuous basis, Require-
management support is crucial. ments changes are welcome, Deliver software frequently, Constant in-
A year later, Shenhar, Levy and Dvir (1997) conducted a study that teraction between business people and developers, Motivated work-
resulted in a proposition of a multidimensional framework to assess ing people, Prioritise face-to-face communication, Working software is
project success. Project efficiency, impact on the customer, business suc- progress, Keep a constant working pace, Good design allied to technical
cess, and preparing for the future were the four dimensions proposed excellence, Work simplicity, Self-organising teams, and Improve contin-
(Shenhar et al., 1997). The authors also managed to identify three suc- uously”.
cess clusters: meeting design goals (time, budget, and performance), cus- As evidenced by Fernandez and Fernandez (2008), agile and tradi-
tomer impact, and benefits to the organisation. It was also verified that tional (plan-driven) methodologies are substantially different. Defined
time and budget are resource-related while meeting the performance as an incremental and iterative approach, agile avoids some of the plan-
is associated with customer satisfaction. They concluded that customer driven characteristics, such as low customer collaboration and projects
satisfaction was the main factor to achieve project success, followed by with fixed scopes; these are described in the literature as symptoms
the elements of the Iron Triangle. Project success includes consequences of unsuccessful projects (Serrador & Pinto, 2015). It is unanimously
over a shorter and longer period, and some of those consequences are accepted that agile methods allow for better handling of unstable re-
the efficiency of the project, success within the business, and prepara- quirements when compared to the traditional approaches, delivering
tion for future events (Shenhar et al., 1997). high-quality software in a short period and under budget (Campanelli &
A technically well-accomplished project is no longer enough of a cri- Parreiras, 2015). Agile methods are also able to improve productivity,
terion to be classified as successful. Pinto and Slevin (1988) affirmed flexibility, and business alignment (Henderson-Sellers & Ralyté, 2010).
that greater importance was being given to how the client accepted Table 1 summarises some differences between traditional and agile ap-
projects and Lester (1998) stated that success was dependant on the proaches.
project stakeholders, involving constant interaction between organisa- Currently, the most popular agile methods for software develop-
tions. Herein we consider it valuable to deepen this theme, as substan- ment are Extreme Programming (XP), SCRUM, Kanban, Feature Driven
tiated in the next section. Development (FDD), Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM),

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

Table 1
Traditional development versus Agile development.

Traditional development Agile development

1. Follows a top-down approach, and making changes is not easy 1. Team conducts experiments on various techniques and gradually arrives at
the best possible solution
2. It has a leadership style of working 2. In agile, there is a free flow of communication; anyone can present their
ideas within the team
3. Pre-planning is done to carry out the various phases 3. Is more flexible as compared to the traditional model, as it can change its
workflow based on any new request for modifications
4. Customer is involved only in the initial phases of requirements gathering 4. Customer involvement is crucial for this model to prove its mettle
5. The project plan is prepared before commencing the process of system 5. Project work is delivered to the client in increments, that is, as, and when
development one module is prepared, a demonstration is given to the client, to confirm
the work progress in the right direction
6. The ownership lies in the project manager 6. It has the concept of shared ownership, i.e., every team member is equally
responsible for their individual contribution
7. There is a one-time delivery of the product 7. Relies on incremental delivery of the product
8. The organisational structure is mechanical (bureaucratic, high 8. The structure is organic (flexible and participative, encourages social
formalisation), targeting large organisations cooperation), targeting small and medium organisations

Fig. 1. Research model.

Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal (Campanelli & Parreiras, grounded variables. Agile software development project success, which
2015). It is important to note that these methods were conceived to use is this study’s dependent variable, is defined in terms of time (i.e. on-
minimal amounts of documentation, thereby increasing flexibility and time delivery), cost (i.e. on or under budget), and customer satisfac-
responsiveness to changing requirements, which contrasts with the plan- tion (i.e. overcoming customer’s expectations regarding product perfor-
driven methodologies (Serrador & Pinto, 2015). mance). As independent variables, five people-factors that are proven
Despite all the benefits provided by agile methods, their adoption to be related to agile software development project success were se-
is still complex due to within-firm features like change resistance, or- lected. The factors are personal characteristics, training and learning,
ganisational culture, and lack of management support and involvement societal culture by Misra et al. (2009), team capability, and customer
(Chow & Cao, 2008; Dyba & Dingsoyr, 2009). Even so, agile methods involvement by Chow and Cao (2008). Each model has strengths and
are a viable option to face the challenges proposed by the software de- weaknesses, and these are offset and complemented by combining the
velopment industry since they prioritise certain features such as quality, various models. The Misra et al. (2009) and Chow and Cao (2008) mod-
budget, time, and business strategy (Santos, Bermejo, Oliveira & Tonelli, els complement each other, meaning that their combination is useful for
2011). understanding the impact of project success. Moreover, weaknesses in
the two models can be compensated for by connecting them with each
3. Research framework and hypotheses other.
By assembling these five factors in our research model, we believe
The present research addresses people and people-factors in a way that together they can offer a more consistent characterisation of the
that allows the establishment of priorities in agile software develop- people dimension. In summation, we postulate that the previously men-
ment projects and maximises their chances of success. We have built a tioned people-factors, together, are important contributors to agile soft-
research model, as shown in Fig. 1, composed of six theoretically well- ware development project success.

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

3.1. Personal characteristics 3.4. Team capability

As stated by Shipper et al. (2017), personal characteristics accent This factor refers to the utilisation of knowledge, along with the con-
certain qualities that are not cognitive, such as communication skills, ditions that allow teams to accomplish their tasks successfully (Haas,
empathy, and resiliency. In this study, we characterise and measure this 2006). According to Misra et al. (2009), a highly capable team allows
factor according to the attributes used by Misra et al. (2009), which fast deliveries of working software that attends to the customer’s re-
apart from communication and interpersonal skills, also emphasise hon- quirements. Besides technical competence and expertise, some other at-
esty, motivation, collaborative attitude, a sense of responsibility, and tributes were used by Chow and Cao (2008), such as team members’
readiness to learn. In terms of projects, the communication and inter- motivation and commitment, agile knowledgeable managers with an
personal skills, honesty, collaborative attitude, and working with others adaptive management style, and proper provision of technical training
are part of the necessary set of personal and interpersonal competences to the project team. Aspects such as commitment and technical expertise
for an individual to achieve good performance in a project, programme are, according to Ahimbisibwe et al. (2015), drivers that allow teams to
or portfolio, leading to its success (International Project Management deal with risks better, thus improving the likelihood of project success.
Association, 2015). Considering the above statements and the context Considering the above statements and the context of our research, we
of our research, we state the following hypothesis: state the following hypothesis:

H1a: Personal characteristics have a positive influence on team ca-

H4: Team capability is a factor that contributes to an agile software
development project’s success.
H1b: Personal characteristics positively influence an agile software
development project’s success.
H1c: Personal characteristics have a positive influence on customer
involvement. 3.5. Customer involvement

3.2. Societal culture As stated by Carbonell, Rodríguez-Escudero and Pujari (2009), cus-
tomer involvement reflects the interactions between customer repre-
Similar to any other activity undertaken by humans, inherent re- sentatives and the company throughout the project duration. An in-
gional culture can greatly influence software development, which be- vestigation undertaken by Ahimbisibwe et al. (2015) reported that the
comes a relevant factor for on-going agile software development project degree of customer participation is closely related to the success of a
success (Misra et al., 2009). Societal culture is a system composed of the software development project, so projects tend to be more successful
shared values, beliefs, and norms that are learned and perpetuated over with higher levels of customer involvement. According to Bendapudi
the generations and reflected in the society’s laws, policies, and actions and Leone (2003), involving customers can also benefit the project in
(Aycan et al., 2000; Thomas et al., 2010). There is a risk of cultural terms of customer satisfaction, and their satisfaction is highly advocated
friction when employees have different societal cultures since the estab- by the first principle of the agile manifesto (Agile Alliance, 2001). This
lished relationships are composed by a mixture of different perspectives factor will be characterised by customer commitment, authority in the
(Thomas et al., 2010; Thomas, Au & Ravlin, 2003). According to Misra project, and a good relationship with the project organisation (Chow &
et al. (2009), societal culture affects the degree to which individuals, in Cao, 2008). Considering the above statements and the context of our
general, are more or less communicative, dynamic, and progressive. Re- research, we state the following hypothesis:
garding the above statements and the context of our research, we state
the following hypothesis:
H5: Customer involvement is a factor that contributes to an agile
H2a: Societal culture has a positive influence on team capability. software development project’s success.
H2b: Societal culture positively influences an agile software devel-
opment project’s success.
H2c: Societal culture has a positive influence on customer involve- 3.6. Mediating role of team capability and customer involvement
The success of project management has frequently been associated
3.3. Training and learning
with the closing outcome of the project. Project management shows us
that team capability and customer involvement can establish a link be-
According to Misra et al. (2009), training and learning refer to infor-
tween personal characteristics and societal culture to project success
mation sharing and continuous learning capabilities that increase the
(Geoghegan & Dulewicz, 2008). Team capability and customer involve-
success probability of agile software development practices. Training
ment could be seen as mediator. For Ahimbisibwe et al. (2015), the
is an important success factor for large-scale agile transformations, and
influence of personal characteristics and societal culture through team
teams that are not properly trained often struggle to implement a correct
capability and customer involvement are closely related to a project’s
application of agile practices (Dikert, Paasivaara & Lassenius, 2016).
success. We therefore hypothesise:
However, these practices do not rely on formal training for knowledge
sharing. Instead, there is a focus on mentoring and professionally guided
discussions, which provides better results (Misra et al., 2009). Since ag- H6a: Team capability positively mediates the relationship between
ile practices and techniques do not follow a strict “how-to” guide, the personal characteristics and agile software development projects
learning process is done through continuous experimentation (Dikert success.
et al., 2016). Considering the above statements and the context of our H6b: Team capability positively mediates the relationship between
research, we state the following hypothesis: societal culture and agile software development projects success.
H6c: Customer involvement positively mediates the relationship be-
H3a: Training and learning positively moderate the impact of team tween personal characteristics and agile software development
capability on agile software development projects success. projects success.
H3b: Training and learning positively moderate the impact of cus- H6d: Customer involvement positively mediates the relationship be-
tomer involvement on agile software development projects suc- tween societal culture and agile software development projects
cess. success.

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

Table 2 had the exact same answering conditions as in the final survey popu-
Demographic data. lation since no additional recommendations were made. The data from
Education N % Professional status N % the validity pre-test were not included in the final analysis.
A total of 600 invitations were sent on 20 March 2018. The final sur-
Basic education 0 0 Unemployed 6 2.8
vey was online from 20 March 2018 to 29 April 2018. Two hundred and
12th grade or equivalent 7 3.2 Employee 197 91.2
Bachelor degree 111 51.4 Self-employed 11 5.1 forty-two responses were received, which corresponds to a 40.3 per cent
Master degree 98 45.4 Retired 0 0 response rate. Twenty-six responses were removed due to incomplete-
Doctoral degree 0 0 Student 2 0.9 ness, leaving a total of 216 valid answers. A common method bias test
Agile knowledge N % Agile experience N % was performed using the marker variable technique (Lindell & Whitney,
2001; Malhotra, Kim & Patil, 2006) to ensure that no systematic bias
Less than 1 year 8 3.7 Less than 1 year 19 8.8
1–2 years 59 27.3 1–2 years 64 29.6 was influencing the data. The results suggested the absence of signifi-
3–5 years 57 26.4 3–5 years 43 19.9 cant common method bias in our data.
Greater than 5 years 92 42.6 Greater than 5 years 89 41.2 Considering the characteristics of our sample, most respondents
Not applicable 1 0.5 (around 96.8%) attended higher education. The remaining 3.2% are in-
dividuals who completed 12th grade or equivalent. Regarding profes-
4. Methods sional status, most individuals (roughly 96.3%) are professionally ac-
tive, while the remaining 3.7% are either unemployed or students. Con-
4.1. Measurement sidering the respondents’ knowledge about agile practices and meth-
ods, we verified that most respondents (about 69%) have been agile-
The measurement items used in the present research are based on rel- knowledgeable for more than three years. In terms of agile experience,
evant agile literature. Personal characteristics (PC), training and learn- the results suggest that around 41.2% have at least five years of us-
ing (TL), and societal culture (SC) were adapted from Misra et al. (2009); age experience. SCRUM is the method most used by the participants,
team capability (TC), customer involvement (CI), and agile software de- accounting for 97.7% of the responses.
velopment project success (S) came from Stankovic et al. (2013). We Regarding the role undertaken by the survey respondents in a spec-
include all the items in Appendix Table A1. ified project, SCRUM Master is the most popular position, obtaining 90
The target population consisted of individuals who were involved in entries which account for roughly 41.7% of all respondents. According
at least one agile software development project, either as a team member to our sample, “Computer-related” is the main industry in which agile
or stakeholder (this was the sole participation requirement). Portugal software development is being used in Portugal. Additional details are
was the country selected to conduct the investigation. provided in both Tables 2 and 3.

4.2. Data 5. Results

This research used an online survey to collect the necessary data. After gathering the data, we performed the analysis using structural
The questionnaire was developed in English, and we did not restrict it equation modelling (SEM), which is a statistical method to test and esti-
to professionals from a specific industry or region in Portugal. To find re- mate causal relationships by using a mixture of statistical data and qual-
spondents, we used the professional social network LinkedIn, searching itative causal assumptions. As indicated by Chin, Marcolin and Newsted
for keywords such as “Agile methodologies” and “Agile Project Manage- (2003), partial least squares (PLS) is a common method used in infor-
ment”. The survey was also included in the Portuguese Project Manage- mation systems research, so we used it to test our model hypotheses,
ment Association’s (APOGEP) April newsletter. ensuring that the outcome of the structural relationships established is
The 7-point Likert Scale, ranging from totally disagree (1) to totally obtained from a set of measurement instruments with psychometric at-
agree (7), was used to understand the respondents’ agreement level to- tributes. In terms of analytical software to examine the relationships
ward each item, except on the perceived level of project success, where established in our research model, we selected Smart PLS 2.0.M3.
the scale ranged from very unsuccessful (1) to very successful (7).
Before sending the final survey, we made a quality and validity pre- 5.1. Measurement model
test. The quality pre-test was conducted among five agile-knowledgeable
individuals who were asked to provide feedback in terms of clear and Composite reliability (CR) was used to test construct reliability. As
objective language, making the survey easier to understand. The feed- shown in Table 4, the results suggest that our model has good internal
back provided was incorporated before the validity pre-test, which was consistency, since all constructs scored above 0.7 (Straub, 1989). An in-
applied to a group of 30 agile professionals. The validity pre-test group dicator reliability test was also conducted, and according to Churchill
Table 3
Demographic data.

Methods N % Role N % Industry N %

SCRUM 211 97.7 SCRUM master 90 41.7 Computer-related (hardware, software) 74 34.3
Kanban 128 59.3 Developer/tester 47 21.8 Banking/insurance 37 17.1
Lean 52 24.3 Product owner 41 19.0 Consulting 28 13
XP 44 20.4 Agile coach 13 6.0 Telecommunications 26 12
FDD 19 8.8 Project manager 6 2.8 Business supplies/services 12 5.6
ASD 4 1.9 SCRUM master and developer/tester 4 1.9 Consumer retail/wholesale 7 3.2
TDD 4 1.9 Delivery manager 3 1.4 Entertainment 7 3.2
DSDM 2 0.9 Head of technology 3 1.4 Medical/health care 5 2.3
Others 12 6 Unit director 2 0.9 Government 4 1.9
Others 7 3.2 Manufacturing/distribution 4 1.9
Aerospace 3 1.4
Engineering/construction 2 0.9
Hospitality 2 0.9
Education/research 2 0.9
Others 3 1.4

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

Table 4
Latent variables means, standard deviations (SD), composite reliability (CR), Cronbach’s Alpha (CA), and validity (AVE)

Constructs Mean SD CR CA PC SC TC CI S

Personal characteristics (PC) 5.654 .860 .886 .846 .752

Societal culture (SC) 5.184 .935 .881 .804 .575 .845
Team capability (TC) 5.276 1.067 .868 .795 .592 .594 .790
Customer involvement (CI) 4.864 1.281 .876 .790 .364 .333 .473 .837
Agile software development project success (S) 5.155 1.135 .884 .806 .430 .422 .621 .529 .847

(1979) and Henseler, Ringle and Sinkovics (2009), loadings should be of the two hypotheses, only H3b is supported, and the paths are nega-
greater than 0.7, and every loading below 0.4 should be removed from tive. For hypothesis H3b, because 𝛽̂ = −0.098 and p < .05, the high
the model. Table A2 of the Appendices depicts the PLS loadings and value of training and learning traits weakens the effect of customer in-
cross-loadings that were extracted from our model. In bold we have rep- volvement on agile software development project success.
resented the loadings, in which the majority scored above 0.7, except
for PC1 and PC2. Items PC1 and PC2 scored 0.67 and 0.68 respectively, 5.2.1. Results of the mediating role of team capability and customer
which are values below 0.7, but still higher than 0.4. Items SC4 and involvement
TC1 were excluded for low loading. The convergent validity was tested The mediation effect (i.e., indirect effect or mediation) occurs when
through the average variance extracted (AVE), which has a minimum a third mediator construct plays an intermediary role in the relation-
reference value of 0.50 indicating that the latent variables explain more ship between two constructs (Carrión, Nitzl, & Roldán, 2017). This study
than half of the variance of their indicators (Hair, Hult, Ringle & Sarst- has examined the mediating effect of team capability and customer in-
edt, 2014; Henseler et al., 2009). The AVE values (Table 4) are above volvement over the relation between personal characteristics and soci-
the minimum reference 0.5 for each construct, which ensures conver- etal culture to project success. Hair et al. (2014) process supported our
gence. The results obtained a guarantee that the measures utilised in data analysis of the significance of the mediating effect of team capabil-
this research are valid and reliable. The Fornell-Larcker criterion and ity and customer involvement. Table 5 presents the results, which fulfil
the cross-loadings approach were used to evaluate the discriminant va- the necessary condition to perform the mediator assessment. The results
lidity of the constructs. The first requires the AVEs’ square root value show that team capability and customer involvement can fully mediate
to be higher than the correlations between the construct (Fornell & Lar- the relationship between personal characteristics and societal culture
cker, 1981). The diagonal values (AVEs’ square root) in Table 4, are to project success. Therefore, hypotheses H6a, H6b, H6c and H6d are
greater than the correlation amongst each pair of constructs (values in confirmed.
off-diagonal). Considering the cross-loadings criterion, it requires the
item loading to be greater than all cross-loadings (Chin, 1998; Götz, 6. Discussion
Liehr-Gobbers & Krafft, 2010; Grégoire & Fisher, 2006). As seen in Ap-
pendix Table A2, the values of the loadings are higher than the cross- 6.1. Theoretical implications
loadings, which meets the criterion. Besides a good internal consistency,
the results from the measurement model demonstrate that the model This study combined people-factors to explain on-going agile soft-
also has a favourable indicator reliability, convergent validity, and dis- ware development project success. After performing the PLS-SEM anal-
criminant validity, allowing the use of all constructs to test the structural ysis, the conditions are now favourable to provide a concise answer to
model. the research question. Our results show that except for H1b, H2b, and
H3a, the hypotheses are supported. We also provide new insight into
5.2. Structural model how personal characteristics and societal culture directly or indirectly
influence an on-going agile software development project’s success. The
For the structural model estimation, both R2 measures and path coef- results of PLS and mediation analysis confirm the full mediation rela-
ficients level of significance were used. As seen in Fig. 2, this study’s de- tionship between personal characteristics and societal culture to project
pendent variable “Agile Software Development Project Success” scored success.
an R2 of 47.7%. We also assessed the significance of the path coeffi- Our research model validates the relationship between personal
cients through a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 resampling itera- characteristics, societal culture, and team capability. The model explains
tions (Hair et al., 2014). 45.1% of the variation in team capability. Specifically, the findings
The model explains 45.1% of the variation in team capability. Per- demonstrate how important it is to enhance personal characteristics,
sonal characteristics (𝛽̂ = 0.377, p < .01), and societal culture (𝛽̂ = 0.380, and societal culture, and the influence of these on team capability. Per-
p < .01) are statistically significant in explaining team capability, thus sonal characteristics and societal culture explain customer involvement
confirming hypotheses H1a, and H2a. The model explains 15.6% of the in our model. The model explains 15.6% of the variation in customer
variation in customer involvement. Personal characteristics (𝛽̂ = 0.258, involvement. Our hypotheses derived from personal characteristics and
p < .01), and societal culture (𝛽̂ = 0.186, p < .05) are statistically sig- societal culture to explain customer involvement are supported. The re-
nificant in explaining customer involvement, thus confirming hypothe- sults of personal characteristics and societal culture to explain customer
ses H1c and H2c. The model explains 47.7% of the variation in agile involvement are consistent with those reported in similar studies (e.g.
software development project success, having as statistically significant Misra et al., 2009).
variables, team capability (𝛽̂ = 0.382; p < .01), and customer involve- The research model explains 47.7% of the variation in agile software
ment (𝛽̂ = 0.291, p < .01). Therefore, hypotheses H4 and H5 are con- development project success. Based on the result, we argue that team ca-
firmed. Personal characteristics and societal culture are not statistically pability and customer involvement lead to agile software development
significant in explaining agile software development project success, and project success. Results also indicate that team capability has a greater
consequently, H1b and H2b are not confirmed. Training and learning impact on agile software development project success than customer in-
was assessed as a moderating variable in the relationship between team volvement. In brief, to maximise the chances of project success, team
capability and project success (hypothesis H3a) and between customer capability should be the priority, followed closely by customer involve-
involvement and project success (hypothesis H3b). Our results show that ment.

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

Fig. 2. Research model with results.

Table 5
Mediation analysis.

Beta SD t-Test p-value

(P1) Personal characteristics -> team capability 0.380 0.069 5.493 <0.01
(P2) Team capability -> projects success 0.377 0.082 4.571 <0.01
(P3) Personal characteristics -> projects success 0.009 0.060 0.136 n.s.
(P1∗ P2) Personal characteristics -> team capability -> projects success 0.143 0.041 3.494 <0.01
(P1∗ P2∗ P3) 0.001 0.009 0.111 n.s.
(P1) Societal culture -> team capability 0.381 0.068 5.626 <0.01
(P2) Team capability -> projects success 0.377 0.082 4.571 <0.01
(P3) Societal culture -> projects success 0.016 0.067 0.237 n.s.
(P1∗ P2) Societal culture -> team capability -> projects success 0.144 0.043 3.364 <0.01
(P1∗ P2∗ P3) 0.001 0.010 0.141 n.s.
(P1) Personal characteristics -> customer involvement 0.262 0.074 3.561 <0.01
(P2) Customer involvement -> projects success 0.288 0.076 3.784 < 0.01
(P3) Personal characteristics -> projects success 0.008 0.060 0.136 n.s.
(P1∗ P2) Personal characteristics -> customer involvement -> projects success 0.076 0.030 2.520 <0.05
(P1∗ P2∗ P3) 0.000 0.005 0.094 n.s.
(P1) Societal culture -> customer involvement 0.187 0.074 2.514 <0.05
(P2) Customer involvement -> projects success 0.288 0.076 3.784 <0.01
(P3) Societal culture -> projects success 0.016 0.067 0.237 n.s.
(P1∗ P2) Societal culture -> customer involvement -> projects success 0.054 0.027 2.004 <0.05
(P1∗ P2∗ P3) 0.001 0.004 0.221 n.s.

Our results are consistent with those reported by Chow and Cao opers working jointly throughout the project’s duration (Agile Alliance,
(2008) regarding the people dimension. The relevance of both factors 2001; Chow & Cao, 2008).
was somehow expected since the agile manifesto for software develop- For future research, our findings also highlight the importance to
ment supports them. However, Stankovic et al. (2013) did not find them study not only the direct effects but also the indirect effects, through
as influential, which might be explained by their sample characteristics. the moderation and mediation effect. For example, our results show that
Team capability can be fitted within the fifth principle of the manifesto, personal characteristics and societal culture do not have a direct effect
in which an individual’s motivation and support are advocated (Agile Al- on agile software development project success, which contradicts the
liance, 2001; Chow & Cao, 2008). Customer involvement is consistent Misra et al. (2009) study. On the other hand, by studying the media-
with the findings of Sheffield and Lemétayer (2013), and the factor was tion effect, we show that personal characteristics and societal culture
indicative of software project agility in successful projects. Customer in- through the mediator team capability and customer involvement are all
volvement is also cited in the third value of the manifesto, and it can significant to the success of agile projects. These results demonstrate that
also be compared to the fourth principle, which refers to the impor- team capability and customer involvement are focused on contributing
tance of having business people (customer representatives) and devel- to agile projects’ success.

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

The discussion was initiated with the question: “What personal char-
acteristics are desirable to find in the members of agile software develop-
ment teams?” The participants mentioned the following characteristics:
technical competence (E1, E2, E3, E5); teamwork (E1, E2, E3, E4); fo-
cus on work (E1, E2, E3); versatility (E1, E3, E5) – ease of adaptation
to new situations (E1, E3, E5); ability to communicate (E1, E3, E5); re-
sponsibility and task fulfilment (E1, E3, E5); problem-solving – ability to
understand and analyse problems, seek solutions and reach conclusions
(E2, E4, E5); and autonomy (E2, E4, E5).
In the next question, the focus shifted to the team: “In agile devel-
opment, do the characteristics and capabilities of the team (as a whole)
have particularities when compared to classic development?” The ex-
perts highlighted several characteristics as key to good performance:
the self-organisation ability of the team (E1, E4); the ability to commu-
nicate and interact inside (between team members) and outside the team
(e.g., with the client), and articulate this communication in a transpar-
Fig. 3. Moderator effects. ent manner (E1, E4); the need for a real team spirit and positive energy
between team members (E2), reflected for instance on solidarity and
mutual help (E5); the team as a whole has to realise the limitations and
potential of each element and act accordingly to that perception (E3);
Fig. 3 shows the impact of a statistically significant moderator, trust between the team members (E4); the ease of exposing work (E4)
namely training and learning over customer involvement in Agile and the development of a collective critical sense (E5).
project success. The graph shows us that customer involvement has a The discussion continued with the question “In the case of agile,
more significant impact on project success when training and learning does the societal culture (of team members) influence team capability
is low. Moreover, when customer involvement is moderated by training or customer involvement? Is it different from the classic perspective?”
and learning (H2b), it is observed that project success increases. The Also, on this question, the view was virtually unanimous that cultural
impact of training and learning might be explained by several organi- issues have specificities in the context of agile development. As noted
sational factors that constitute barriers to the learning value. When the by experts E3 and E4, “in agile the issue of cultural difference can be
moderating effect of training and learning is included in the model to more complex due to the need for frequent interaction.”
predict project success, the variation of project success is 47.7%. With- We then sought to obtain experts’ opinion about the question: “Cus-
out this moderating effect, the variation of project success decreases to tomer involvement is critical to the success of agile processes. In your
46%. Inclusion of the moderating effect in the model to predict project opinion, how should this involvement be? … and what differences are
success improves the variation by 1.7%. there from the classic outlook?” According to expert E1, “in the water-
This study provides new insights into how personal characteristics fall, client engagement occurs mainly at the beginning of the project,
and societal culture influence team capability and customer involve- and later at the end of the project. In agile, it is completely distinct. The
ment (directly or indirectly), and the on-going agile software develop- client must be present during the project execution, transmitting their
ment project success. On the one hand, these are significant results be- real needs to the team, as well as understanding the challenges and dif-
cause – to the best of our knowledge – it is the first study to validate it ficulties faced by the team. This aspect makes him more tolerant of any
empirically; on the other hand, the results are also expected in classic deviations (if properly justified)." In agile, the degree of commitment
(waterfall) software development projects. Therefore, a complementary has to be much higher: the customer must also be ‘agile.’”
research question was then made: “in the case of agile projects, are there The last question discussed concerned the moderating variable
particular aspects of personal characteristics, societal culture, team ca- “Training and Learning,” in order to understand its influence on the cus-
pability, or customer involvement, determinant to project success?” tomer involvement relationship with project success: “Do you think that
Aiming to get insights to answer this question, we complemented training and learning can have some influence on customer involvement
our quantitative research approach with a qualitative study, based on a and, consequently, on the success of the project?” Expert E4 answered
focus group. A focus group is particularly useful for exploring people’s first: “I think so, and people are often not trained and prepared for it.
knowledge and experiences and can be used to examine not only what This nuance is particularly important because it is necessary to com-
people think but how they think and why they think that way (Kitzinger, municate properly. In some situations, people are free to speak to the
1995; Morgan & Spanish, 1984). Past research shows that focus groups customer directly. People must be prepared for it. It is also important
are viewed as fast and cost-efficient, providing useful insights (Gold & to align the information within the team. The procedures to follow for
Vassell, 2015). the different types of communication need to be clearly defined.” Ex-
The focus group was carried out with six experts in project man- pert E5 agreed and noted that “training is important in order to ‘know’
agement (including the moderator). The experts were invited consider- how to communicate with the parties. It is essential to define the com-
ing their vast experience in managing waterfall software development munication levels (e.g., administrative, financial, technical).” Expert E1
and agile software development projects, as well as the management also agreed on the importance of training and learning by saying that “a
of multi-cultural teams. For anonymity purposes, the experts are iden- well-trained team will be able to manage customer engagement better,
tified as En. Experts E1 and E2 have more than 20 years of experience avoid any misunderstandings, and therefore this could lead to better
in project management (both waterfall and agile) and extensive experi- results.” Expert E3 complemented the idea by stating that “a better-
ence managing multi-cultural teams. Expert E3 also has more than 20 educated person is better able to understand the customer and manage
years of experience in project management (both waterfall and agile), their behaviour as needed.” Expert E2 agreed and complemented: “an
but limited experience with multi-cultural teams. In the case of experts agile junior team does not work… it can be a disaster. ‘Youth’ is not very
E4 and E5, both have about ten years of experience in project manage- friendly to criticism”.
ment (waterfall and agile) in multi-cultural settings. The focus group In short, the characteristics of individuals, team capacity, societal
was moderated by a researcher with prodigious experience in project culture, customer involvement, training and learning are all important
management (about 25 years of experience and the management of hun- variables and bare significant influence on the success of projects. The
dreds of projects), both in academia and industry. present study allowed the empirical confirmation of this in the case of

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

agile projects. Notwithstanding these characteristics also being impor- aspects such as “individual’s capability to respond to change”, which
tant in the case of waterfall development, certain characteristics are of was not included in our study and plays an important role in agile soft-
particular importance in the specific case of agile development. The ware development. Second, the study was undertaken in a single coun-
qualitative component of the research made it possible to deepen the try (Portugal), which is a constraint on generalisability. Future works
knowledge of these characteristics. should gather data from different countries, combining different per-
Unlike earlier research, this study focused on a single dimension spectives.
“People”, and we intended to reach those agile projects in which suc- Additionally, it would be interesting to have a comparison between
cess might be conditioned by human capital. From our perspective, we different nations, and further on to study the differences between ge-
have created a scalable and comprehensive model, referring to impor- ographic regions, for instance, northern and southern countries in Eu-
tant features that characterise people and their actions that can be used rope. In this study, a significant part of the sample may not have an
by future agile researchers. adequate insight of project success, which cannot be representative for
the population, but it is a very important group in the context of ag-
ile methods. Our sample consisted of agile-knowledgeable users, which
may include responses for users under on-going projects. Future stud-
6.2. Managerial implications
ies may examine only respondents that have experienced the ending of
projects. This research only applied two of Shenhar et al. (1997) dimen-
After demonstrating the people-factors influencing agile software de-
sions, efficiency, and customer benefit. Including business success and
velopment project success, some practical implications will be disclosed
preparing for the future dimensions could be interesting in subsequent
as a way to help managers make informed decisions.
studies and could provide further insights on agile software develop-
According to our findings, customers should always be involved in
ment project success. This study only applied a quantitative method.
the project, and the lack of their involvement may be translated into a
Future studies could combine quantitative and qualitative methods in a
substantial increase of project risks and subsequent failure (Wallace, Keil
single evaluation to understand the project success phenomenon better.
& Rai, 2004). The frequent delivery of working software, which is advo-
Since our research only considered short-term success measures, future
cated by the Agile Alliance (2001), is dependent on customers’ collabo-
work can examine other key constructs when building models that are
ration, and the more involved a customer is, the more satisfied he may be
salient to long-term success measures.
with the project (Bendapudi & Leone, 2003). Therefore, we emphasise
that agile software development projects should have at least one cus-
7. Conclusions
tomer representative working as an active member of the project team.
The customer representative should be empowered to make project-
Since agile software development relies on human capital to be suc-
related decisions such as approvals, rejections, and to establish priorities
cessful, our research focused on disclosing the people-factors contribut-
in terms of project requirements. Another paramount aspect is related
ing to the success of these types of project. After an extensive review of
to the maintenance of a favourable relationship with the customer. Due
the literature, we built a model of factors that were proven to be influ-
to the nature of agile, which focusses on face-to-face interactions and
ential for agile software development project success, and their validity
customer collaboration, a favourable healthy relationship between the
was thus retested in the Portuguese context. The conceptualised model
customer and the project team is crucial. This relationship will most
offered a concise characterisation of the people dimension. Future re-
likely dictate how well the agile methodology will be applied, which
searchers are invited to validate and build upon our work, making the
could be mirrored in the project’s outcome.
model more detailed and reliable.
Personal characteristics should meet the requirements of the posi-
A total of 216 agile professionals were surveyed from a variety of
tion. The aim is a fit of the personal characteristics for different project
business areas. The results obtained using PLS-SEM indicate that team
types to substantially improve the expected results. For instance, by
capability and customer involvement can greatly explain the variance in
considering the impact of personal characteristics while developing an
agile software development project success. However, we did not man-
organisational project management standard will lead to greater team
age to find evidence suggesting that personal characteristics, training
capability and increase customer involvement, which will lead to an
and learning, or societal culture are important factors in this context.
increase in the successful completion rate of the project.
Nevertheless, these findings were triangulated and supported with a
Regarding team capability, we stress that a project team should be
qualitative approach focus-group.
composed, if possible, by highly motivated professionals who can com-
This work offers a valuable contribution to agile practitioners who
mit to project success. Proper technical training should also be provided,
are currently or will in the future, be involved in an agile software de-
with a focus on the subject matter and agile processes, assuring team
velopment project. According to our findings, managers are encouraged
synchronisation. The team facilitator role must be held by an individual
to select a highly capable team, and to promote customer involvement
knowledgeable in agile processes and principles, who should also under-
and collaboration, since these factors are more likely to lead an agile
take an adaptive management style, encouraging continuous adaptation
software development project to success. Lastly, this research offers a
and flexibility.
mixed-method approach which provides more positive and solid infer-
In summary, an agile software development environment should be
ences than a single method. Applying a combination of quantitative
created around talented, committed, and professional people. Equipped
and qualitative approach allowed us to deepen the analysis and find-
with this information, managers and teams will be able to establish pri-
orities and act accordingly when deciding about which factors, they
should be focusing on to maximise the probability of project success.
Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

6.3. Limitations and future work interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
We must acknowledge some limitations. First, we recognise the in-
herent complexity of our variables, suggesting that there are certainly Appendix
more items that could have been used to characterise each people fac-
tor or even project success better. Future research should focus on val- Tables A1 and A2.
idating and scaling up our model, finding additional items to measure

C. Tam, E.J.d.C. Moura and T. Oliveira et al. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2020) 165–176

Table A1

Constructs Items Adapted from

Personal characteristics PC1 – the project team consisted of people with strong interpersonal and communication skills. (Misra et al., 2009)
PC2 – the project team consisted of people who were honest.
PC3 – the project team consisted of people who were motivated.
PC4 – the project team consisted of people who had a collaborative attitude.
PC5 – the project team consisted of people who had a sense of responsibility.
PC6 – the project team consisted of people who had the readiness to learn.
Training and learning TL1 – the project team members were, in general, always willing to continuously learn from one (Misra et al., 2009)
TL2 – the project team members were, in general, always willing to train each other through
mentoring and professionally guided discussions than through formal training.
Societal culture SC1 – the people of our country who worked on the project were, in general, communicative. (Misra et al., 2009)
SC2 – the people of our country who worked on the project were, in general, dynamic.
SC3 – the people of our country who worked on the project had, in general, a progressive attitude.
SC4 – the project team had a similar social culture, even though they might belong to different
nationalities or provinces.
Team capability TC1 – the project team members had high technical competence and expertise (i.e. problem-solving, (Stankovic et al., 2013)
programming, subject matter).
TC2 – the project team members had great motivation and were committed to the project’s success.
TC3 – the project provided appropriate technical training to the team, including training on the
subject matter and agile processes.
TC4 – the project team facilitator/coordinator was knowledgeable in agile principles and processes.
TC5 – the project team facilitator/coordinator had light-touch and/or adaptive management style (i.e.
encouraging a creative, flexible working environment while taking advantage of mutual interactions
amongst the project’s various parts and steering them toward continuous learning and adaptation).
Customer involvement CI1 – the project had strong customer commitment and presence (i.e. having at least one customer (Stankovic et al., 2013)
representative on site working hard and full-time as a member of the project team).
CI2 – the customer representative on the project had full authority and knowledge to make decisions
on-site, such as approving, disapproving, and prioritising project requirements and changes.
CI3 – there was a good customer relationship within the project.
Agile software S1 – regarding costs (i.e. delivered under or within budget) the project was… (Stankovic et al., 2013)
development project S2 – regarding time (i.e. on-time delivery), the project was…
success S3 – regarding customer satisfaction (i.e. the product’s performance managed to overcome the
end-users’ expectations), the project was …

Table A2 Aycan, Z., Kanungo, R. N., Mendonca, M., Yu, K., Deller, J., Stahl, G., et al. (2000). Im-
Measurement model loadings and cross-loadings. pact of culture on human resource management practices: A 10-country comparison.
Applied Psychology: An International Review, 49(1), 192–221.
Constructs Indicator PC SC TC CI S Badewi, A. (2016). The impact of project management (PM) and benefits management
(BM) practices on project success: Towards developing a project benefits governance
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Comparison of Alternative Approaches and a Reanalysis of Past Research. Management ests include technology adoption, digital divide and privacy. He has published pa-
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of project management. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RXwZPpoAAAAJ).
Munns, A. K., & Bjeirmi, B. F. (1996). The role of project management in achieving project
success. International Journal of Project Management, 14(2), 81–87. João Varajão is currently professor of information systems and project management at
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ment: Enacting control through media and context. Information Systems Journal, 22(6), and raised in Portugal, he attended the University of Minho, earning his Graduate (1995),
411–433. Masters (1997) and Doctorate (2003) degrees in Technologies and Information Systems.
Pinto, J. K., & Slevin, D. P. (1987). Critical Factors in Successful Project Implementation. In 2012, he received his Habilitation degree from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 34(1), 22–27. Douro. His current main research interests are in Information Systems Project Management
Pinto, J. K., & Slevin, D. P. (1988). Project success: Definitions and measurement tech- and Information Systems Management (addressing, particularly, the success of project
niques. Project Management Journal, 19(1), 67–72. management and of projects). Before joining academia, he worked as an IT/IS consultant,
Rockart, J. F. (1979). Chief executives define their own data needs. Harvard Business Re- project manager, information systems analyst and software developer, for private com-
view, 57(2), 81–93. panies and public institutions. He has supervised more than 100 Masters and Doctoral
Santos, M. A., Bermejo, P. H. S., Oliveira, M. S., & Tonelli, A. O. (2011). Agile Practices: dissertations in the Information Systems field. He has published over 300 works, includ-
An Assessment of Perception of Value of Professionals on the Quality Criteria in Per- ing refereed publications, authored books, edited books, as well as book chapters and
formance of Projects. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 4(12), 700–709. communications at international conferences. He serves as editor-in-chief, associate editor
Serrador, P., & Pinto, J. K. (2015). Does Agile work? - A quantitative analysis of agile and member of the editorial board for international journals and has served in numerous
project success. International Journal of Project Management, 33(5), 1040–1051. committees of international conferences and workshops. He is co-founder of CENTERIS
Sheffield, J., & Lemétayer, J. (2013). Factors associated with the software develop- – Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems and ProjMAN – International Confer-
ment agility of successful projects. International Journal of Project Management, 31(3), ence on Project MANagement. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of
459–472. Information Systems and Project Management (IJISPM).


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