The Dancing Palm Tree, and Other Nigerian Folktales
The Dancing Palm Tree, and Other Nigerian Folktales
The Dancing Palm Tree, and Other Nigerian Folktales
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Other Books by Barbara Walker
Introduction 11
7foe Dancing Valm 7ree and Other Nigerian folktales offers to children
All the tales in this collection were told by Olawale Idewu, a young
Nigerian student in an American college, lonesome for home and happy
to share the stories that are part of his heritage. Ola's homeland is
leaders in Nigeria. And the influence of the Yorubas and other peoples
of West Africa has spread farther than one might suspect, for most Afro-
Americans who now live in the United States and in Latin America
can trace their origins to exactly that part of Africa. Here, then, can be
found some of the tales which are a rightful part of the heritage of a
tenth of our own population, and thus a part of the heritage of us all.
7be Dancing Valm 7ree
evening. The day's work has been done, and friends and neighbors
have gathered together to talk. Suddenly one among the group turns
to an older man sitting at the edge of the piazza. Tell us a story/'
he begs. And he knows what he is asking, for many in the group can
tell stories, and very well indeed. Before the story is begun, there is a
the king?
A. The stream, for it flows past the palace speaking to no one at all.
The audience, by puzzling out the answers, opens its ears to learn
The story is then begun, and it is as much a play and a musical per-
effect of the story. And if the story has been especially good, there will
their friends, preparing for the day when they will be asked to tell a
taught through what happens in the story. For one of the main pur-
poses of storytelling in Nigeria has always been to teach, to instruct,
were few schools and where many of the important lessons of life were
learned at the knee of the storyteller. But you will find that the truths
taught in these stories prevail not only in Nigeria but all around the
world, truths that people must learn to live by no matter what country
they call home. In their Nigerian dress, these truths will seem new and
fresh and interesting. And through these tales, it is hoped, we shall all
Barbara K. Walker
Lubbock, Texas
ONG AGO AND FAR AWAY in a little village there were two
good friends, a tortoise and a farmer. Most of the people in
for these small animals, and the two were thus able to add meat to their
Unfortunately, one day the farmer died very suddenly, and Tortoise
was left to fend for himself. Tortoise did not know how to farm; he
could not even set traps to catch the small animals whose tracks he
found. Since Tortoise was a very clever fellow, and since he found
eating necessary to his comfort, he began to think very hard about how
he might gain his daily food without too much effort.
As he sat thinking, the people of the village began going past with
their baskets full of produce —corn and yams and cassava and beans.
Jhe Dancing Valm Jree
They were taking these and other good things to the marketplace in the
town not far away through the forest. Men trudged by with loads of
with food and goods of all kinds. People are chatting, meeting old
friends and trading bits of news along with their farm produce. Such
a place should have something good for a hungry tortoise. But how is
and began to whirl down the forest path toward the market.
Imagine the surprise of the farmers and their wives when they saw
a palm tree dancing toward them! At first they stood amazed. "What
is this? A dancing palm tree? This has never happened before!" They
waited curiously to see what would happen. And every minute the
palm tree danced closer to the marketplace, and the people still stood
"This is something strange. I'm going to get out of here!" one man
exclaimed, and he began to run. Then everyone began to run here
and there — mothers looking for their crying children, and wives look-
ing for their husbands. In a very short time the marketplace was emp-
Jhe Dancing Palm Jree
tied of people. But in their haste they had left behind corn, yams,
cassava, palm oil, and all kinds of good things. When the marketplace
was entirely quiet, Tortoise directed the palm tree to stop dancing.
He looked around here and there to be sure that everybody was gone.
Then he crawled out very slowly and went around the market gather-
ing up the things he liked and storing them in the palm tree. When
he was quite satisfied with what he had collected, he wedged himself
back into the hole near the foot of the palm tree, and the palm tree
danced back to the place it had come from. Tortoise waited until dark
and then crawled home with his booty.
Meanwhile, the people had gathered together and had sent delegates
to the oba, the king of the chief village.
"Your Highness/ the delegates began, "something unusual hap-
pened in the market today. We have never seen such a thing in our
lives before, and we could scarcely believe it. Will you please help us?"
f( 55
Well? What happened?
"Sire, a palm tree was dancing.
The king laughed. "You must have been drinking too much palm
wine! A dancing palm tree! Have you ever heard of anything as ridicu-
lous as that?
"Believe us, sire, we had never heard of anything like it. It surprised
us so that we could scarcely trust our eyes. But it did happen.
"You don't know what you are talking about, the king said, draw-
ing his robe about him and rising. "Go back. I have much better things
to do than to listen to a tale like this.
The delegates went back to the people at the market. "The king
did not believe us, they reported. "He was certain we were telling
him lies.
7he Dancing Valm Jree
The people grumbled among themselves for a little while, and then
one old man said, "Well, this has never happened before. Perhaps it
will not happen again/ And they gathered up what was left of their
had started along the footpath, Tortoise crawled to the same palm tree
and wedged himself inside it, waiting for the moment when the market-
Tortoise stayed inside the palm tree until everyone had gone, and
then quietly he crawled from his hole in the tree and went to make his
choice among the things in the market. He took nothing that was cheap
or of poor quality. Only the finest produce was carried back to be
stored in the palm tree. Quite satisfied, he wedged himself into his hole
near the foot of the palm tree, and the tree danced back to its place
in the forest.
Once more the people sent delegates to the king urging him to look
into the matter. This business of the dancing palm tree was no lie; the
king must surely take it seriously this time. But when the king had
7he Dancing Palm Jree
heard their story, he said, "This cannot be true. Have you lost your
wits entirely? A dancing palm tree! We shall see about that."
On the next market day the king sent three of his messengers. All
morning they watched, but nothing happened. Just as one of the mes-
sengers was grumbling about the nonsensical tale told by the delegates,
the dancing palm tree came whirling down the forest path toward the
"Have you become mad?" exclaimed the king. "Do you really think
as usual he went to the palm tree very early in the morning and crawled
inside. Late in the morning, when trading in the market had reached
is absolutely necessary. After all, I have been sent by the king to defend
the people/' He waited as the palm tree danced closer, and closer, and
closer. Finally his teeth began to clack with fear. I cannot stand this
any longer," said he, and he took to his heels and ran all the way
back to the palace.
When he came before the king, he was so short of breath he could
not speak at all for the first three minutes.
cc cc 55
What is wrong?" the king demanded. Tell me what is wrong!
cc 55 cc
Huh-uh-huh-uh-huh, puffed the king's adviser. Sire, I must catch
55 Cf
my breath. But finally he said, It was a strange thing, your High-
ness. I saw a dancing palm tree/
What! you saw it? Then I must see it myself. This is a serious
77;e Dancing Valm Jree
matter." The following market day, the king called all his household
together and they went with great ceremony to the marketplace.
When the time came and went and the dancing palm tree did not
appear, the delegates and the messengers and the king's adviser trembled,
fearful that the tree would not appear at all, and that the king would
account them liars. Just before high noon, however, the dancing palm
tree whirled into the marketplace. The people doing their marketing ran
away/ the messengers ran away; the king's adviser ran away; all the
guards for the king ran away. But the king himself was very brave. It
was unthinkable for a king to run. He stood still as the dancing palm
tree moved closer, and closer, and closer, trying his best to hold on to
his courage. Nevertheless, when the palm tree was very, very close he
just could not stay there any longer. Truly, he had never seen anything
like this in his life before, so he ran. He lost his crown and his shoes and
his scepter, and he arrived at the palace wearing only a single robe.
Everyone in the village marveled to see the king running like a thief.
'There must be something very bad about this dancing palm tree," they
The next morning, the king sent his messengers through the sur-
rounding villages to call all the wisest men and the magicians to assemble
at his palace. When they met, the king told them all that had happened.
And," he concluded, "to the man among you who is able to solve
Jhe Dancing Valm 7ree
this problem I shall give half of all I possess.
Now, all the wise men had heard about the dancing palm tree and
had wondered about it, but there was only one of them —an old man
with much experience —who was willing to undertake the task.
I shall do it, he offered. As for the king, he was scarcely able to believe
his ears, he was so certain that nothing could be done to stop the palm
tree from dancing.
The old man set to work and made Sigidi, a seated image of a man,
from clay. It looked so real that everyone who saw it fully expected it
to move and speak. Then the wise man painted Sigidi with amo, a sticky
substance. When the time came for market day, he arose very early and
took the image to the very center of the marketplace; he left Sigidi there
and hid himself near the top of a tall tree where he could see everything
that happened.
As for Tortoise, his food supply had dwindled to little but yam skins.
CC 55
I must get myself something to eat, he decided. As usual, he crawled
to the palm tree early in the morning and wedged himself inside. When
the marketing had reached its height he sang,
Jbe Dancing Vahn Jree
As the palm tree danced closer, the man still sat there.
Closer and closer and closer the palm tree danced, and still the man
did not move. Tortoise hesitated for some time. "Shall I go out? Shall I
stay inside? Or shall I dance back to the forest?" But a hungry person
has no mind for anything other than food. I shall go out/' Tortoise
said. "Perhaps when I talk to him he will run away."
Tortoise crawled out of the palm tree and went boldly over to the
man. "Look here," he said. "Who do you think you are?"
The man said nothing.
"Can you hear me? I am talking to you. What do you think you are,
"You must answer me. If you do not, I shall give you a hard slap."
There was still no answer from the man.
l/Vhapl Tortoise gave the man a hard slap on the right cheek. And
Tortoise's hand stuck fast to Sigidi.
"You! What do you think you are doing? Let me loose! Let me
loose, or I shall use my left hand and give you a harder slap."
Sigidi still did not say anything, and Wimp! Tortoise gave the man
a hard slap with his left hand. His left hand also became stuck.
"Now, listen to me," said Tortoise. "This has gone far enough. Let
my hands loose. I am talking to youT
Still the man said nothing.
"Since my hands are not free, I shall give you a kick with my right
foot!" exclaimed Tortoise angrily. IVbap! And his right foot stuck fast.
Jhe Dancing Valm Jree
Whup! He kicked with his left foot, and his left foot stuck fast. This
is serious/' thought Tortoise in despair. How am I ever to get away
from this man?
ff 5 Cf
Please let me go/ he begged. I am sorry I spoke to you like that,
Suddenly the wise old man came down from the tree where he had
been hiding. Aha, Tortoise! 3-W are the one that has been troubling us.
a thief in my own kingdom Well you know that no one should expect
7be Dancing Valm Jree
to live by the sweat of others' brows. We are not going to spare you.
king sent his messengers to tell all the villagers that his wise man had
caught the troublemaker, and that they should come to see who had
been responsible for the dancing palm tree. When the villagers came,
they could scarcely believe that Tortoise had been the cause of their
After everyone had seen Tortoise, the king ordered his chief adviser
to run a sword through the troublemaker, and he was relieved forever
both of his hunger and of his power to trick.
But since Tortoise had not sent the palm tree back to its place in the
forest, it took root in the center of the marketplace. And beneath it the
children still sit on market days to hear the story of Tortoise and the
dancing palm tree.
skill. But this day, though he watched long and patiently, no prey
appeared At ;
unset, as he was preparing to leave for home, he saw a
hind coming toward him through the forest. Eagerly he fitted an arrow
to the string of his bow, ready to shoot. To his surprise, the hind paused
near the tree and began to remove its skin. In his amazement, he forgot
to shoot, but sat quietly watching the hind.
77; e Dancing Valm Jree
Before his eyes, the hind became a beautiful woman. Carefully she
hid the hind skin beneath a stone near the tree and walked gracefully
through the forest toward the next village. After she had disappeared,
the hunter returned his arrow to his quiver and climbed down.
Going to the stone where the woman had hidden the hind skin, he
removed the skin and looked at it. It was much the same as any other
hind skin. Nonetheless, he chose to put it into his game bag. Then he
went home. But he said nothing at all to his wife about the matter.
Early the next morning he arose and returned to his place in the same
tree in the forest, determined to watch for the return of the beautiful
woman as well as for suitable prey. The day passed without a sign of
any animal except a large snake, which slithered away before he could
capture it. The sun was just touching the rim of the horizon when the
beautiful woman came walking quietly through the forest. Silently the
hunter watched her as she went to the stone and lifted it up to recover
her skin. She wept to find it gone, and beat her breast and tore her hair
in her grief. Not finding the skin where she had left it, she hurried from
At the mention of the skin, the woman looked up and saw the hunter
seated in the tree. Ah, if you could get me the hind skin, should give I
Ihe Dancing Valm Jree
"Then," said the hunter, 'I shall give you the skin if you will promise
to be my wife."
the woman had no wish now to become a hind again, she did not ask
for the skin, and the hunter kept it in his game bag.
On entering the village, they were met by many neighbors curious
about the beautiful woman. In answer to their questions, the hunter
replied only that he had met her in another town. But to his first wife
he told a fuller story: he had met the woman in a nearby town, and
since she had no living relatives, the king of that town had insisted that
he take her as his bride. When a king insists, what can one do but obey?
Well, the first wife was distressed. After all, she had no wish for
another woman in the household. And the new wife was very beautiful.
But she accepted the woman without protest. Other men in the village
had two wives, and she must make the best she could of the matter.
But from time to time this new wife behaved rather strangely. Some-
times she lapped her soup from the plate, instead of using a spoon.
Often she sat in a corner on the floor, instead of joining the hunter
and his senior wife at the table. Occasionally she would eat no meals
Ihe Hunter and the Hind
with them at all, but would content herself with scraping the bits of
food from the cauldrons after the others had gone to bed. The senior
wife was very curious about these things, and she asked her husband
again and again about the woman, but he refused to tell her anything
beyond the tale he had told her that first evening. I have already told
you all I can/' he insisted. I love you. How can you expect more
than that?
But the senior wife was not satisfied, and at last in her distress she
told one of her friends about the strange behavior of this new woman.
Cf 55 CC 55
How can I learn more about her? she asked. I must know.
Taking a special powder from her shelf, the friend gave it to the senior
wife. "Prepare a good dinner for your husband tomorrow, said she.
"Serve him plenty of palm wine, and to the third calabash of palm wine
add this powder. It will loosen his tongue, and he will tell you what
you want to know.
The next evening the senior wife served her husband an especially
good meal, and into the third calabash of palm wine she slipped the
powder. Then, since the new wife had gone some distance to the village
well to draw fresh water, the senior wife approached the hunter.
55 fC 5
beloved husband, she began, can t you tell me more about this beauti-
ful woman? I am interested.
Lulled by the fine dinner and the drugged wine, the hunter told his
first wife the whole story. I have kept the skin hidden there on my attic
55 Cf
destroyed, he concluded. I look at it now and then, but I have not
returned it to her.
The wife listened to the tale, but said nothing. And at length the
hunter slept.
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The Hunter and the Wind
The following morning after the hunter had left, the senior wife
began to prepare a soup for the evening meal. As usual, she called the
new wife to help her, but this time the new wife accidentally added
sugar instead of salt to the soup.
The senior wife said crossly, Look, my good woman. No matter
how long you have been with us, you scarcely behave as a human
What do you mean?" asked the second wife, puzzled.
If you are to live with human beings you must behave as a human
being. Your behavior is more like that of an animal. And if you cannot
show respect for me, at least show politeness!"
Angered, the new wife ran to the first wife and struck her across the
face. Instead of returning the blow, the senior wife hurried to the attic
shelf where her husband kept the hind skin. She flung the skin into the
cc ff
face of the new wife. There is your skin!" she shouted. I shall be
happy to have you gone from this house."
Beside herself with rage, the new wife slipped into the hind skin.
With her sharp, hard hoofs she killed the senior wife. Then she left the
hut and went off into the forest as a hind. She ran until she found the
hunter, seated in the same tree where he had been when she first saw
him. As the hunter was fitting an arrow to his bowstring, the hind
spoke. my beloved, do not shoot at me.
Oh, I trusted you, but you
have betrayed my trust. Go home now to what is left to you. Remember,
I loved you, but you have forfeited that love." And the hind ran off
The hunter was speechless with wonder. Putting his arrow into his
quiver, he descended the tree and hurried toward his village. But the
news had taken wing, and the villagers were gathered before his hut,
77;e Dancing Valm Jree
silent and sad. Going inside, he found the body of his first wife. And
the hind skin was gone from the shelf. His head bowed in grief, he went
outside again, to be told the story of the quarrel between the two women
and its bitter ending.
would never believe him again. Life turned to ashes for him, and at
length he died, lonely and uncared for. Thus it is when one does evil
OXG AGO AND FAR AWAY near a small village there lived
a kindhearted farmer. His farm and his hut were right next
to the footpath between his village and the big market town
where the oba (king) lived.
Because of his generosity and his love for his neighbors, this farmer
kept a basket of tasty foods hanging on the post in front of his hut.
As his friends and neighbors passed by, they were invited to take from
the basket whatever they wanted of the foods they found there —baked
yams or baked corn, perhaps, or fresh fruit. And the farmer was well
loved in turn by all the people in that part of the countryside, for all
As they passed his farm, they would call out in greeting, giving him
the name Ashoremashika, which means
The Man Who Always Does
Good and Never Does Evil/ In answer to their greeting, Ashoremashika
would look up from hoeing his yams or tending his beans. There is
something in the basket for you!" he would call. Please reach in and
help yourself.
7be Dancing Valm Jree
such grave trouble for Ashoremashika that none of the villagers would
like him or seek out his company. Indeed, the villagers would come to
snake into the basket on the pretense of reaching in for something good
to eat. Then he walked slowly along the footpath toward the market
town. A few rods farther along the path he met the village bellman,
coming with a message from the king. The two greeted each other, and
then the bellman went on toward the village. Eager to see what would
happen, the mean-minded man stepped aside into some bushes for a
moment or two and then walked quietly back toward Ashoremashika's
the basket. In a moment there was a pained cry from the bellman,
and both Ashoremashika and the mean-minded villager ran toward
the sound.
On the ground near the post slumped the bellman, clutching his
Do what?" asked the puzzled farmer, staring at the man.
Why did you put a snake in your basket? We all trusted you. How
can we ever trust you again? And the villager seemed truly sorrowful.
The more Ashoremashika protested his innocence, the more the vil-
lager reproached him. And Ashoremashika, knowing full well the danger
The two carried the bellman to his home in the village, and the doc-
tors and magicians were called. But despite their efforts, the bellman died
of the snake's bite.
villagers wanted to believe in his innocence, there was still the evidence
of the crime : the bellman had been invited by Ashoremashika to put his
hand into the basket, and had immediately been bitten by the snake.
Who but Ashoremashika would put anything into the basket? And if
witnesses were needed, there were two: the dead bellman, with the
marks of the snake's fangs in his wrist, and the man from the village
who had been near Ashoremashika's house when the bellman was
bitten. Shortly Ashoremashika was thrown into prison for his crime.
As chance would have it, the king's youngest daughter was to be
married the following week, and in the midst of preparations for the
wedding the king neglected to order Ashoremashika's execution. The
evening before the wedding, Ashoremashika was sitting alone in his cell
when there came a strange hshshl sound along the corridor, and into
Ashoremashika's cell slithered the same snake which had bitten the bell-
feet. Then it hissed a message which stirred hope in the farmer's heart.
The snake, knowing full well that the villager, not Ashoremashika,
was guilty of the bellman's death, planned to win Ashoremashika's
7he Dancing Valm Jree
youngest daughter that night, on the eve of her wedding day, and she
would appear to die. Ashoremashika would offer to bring back the life
of the princess in return for his own release from prison. The snake told
the farmer that the powder in the packet he had brought would surely
heal the princess if it could be dissolved in the blood of a murderer and
the resulting potion be applied to the snakebite. As for a murderer, he
could depend upon the evil-minded villager who had brought blame
upon Ashoremashika for the death of the bellman, but who was in truth
weeping and wailing in the streets of the market town. In the midst of
the merrymaking, the king's youngest daughter had been bitten by a
deadly snake, and she had been carried fainting to her bed.
The next morning a steady procession of doctors and magicians tried
all the potions and spells at their command, but no remedy could bring
the princess back to life. Sadly the king called a halt to the wedding
preparations and arranged instead for his daughter's funeral.
and to each of them in turn the farmer had said he could bring the
princess back to life if he were permitted to try his special medicine.
His words took wing and came quickly to the ear of the king. Ashore-
mashika was bidden to appear before the king and make good the claim
he had made. For his part, the king promised that the princess's cure
would bring Ashoremashika's release from prison. Learning that the
potion required the blood of a murderer, the king ordered that blood
be drawn from the farmer, since he had been imprisoned for murder
of the bellman. Half the packet of magical powder was added to a small
man died."
The king, anxious above all for the recovery of his daughter, sent for
the evil-minded villager, and required of him blood for the princess's
cure. The blood was drawn. Dissolving the rest of the powder in the
The villager, knowing not at all why he had been chosen to furnish
blood for the miraculous cure, found himself accused of the crime which
he had indeed committed, revealed onlv through the :::aeic healing
due course, he made a full confession and met his death as a murderer.
4 :
a king who was a very powerful ruler. In the same town there
lived a man who called himself No-King-Is-as-Great-as-God.
One day the king heard about this man, and he was greatly
annoyed. Surely a man bearing such a name was a threat to the dignity
of the king. But how was he to be punished? After all, he had merely
stated in his name what he believed; he had done no wrong.
Nevertheless, the king resolved to bring such great harm to No-King-
Is-as-Great-as-God that his name would thereafter be mocked instead of
honored. Only then could the king feel comfortable and respected in
his kingdom. Accordingly, the king sent his chief adviser to bring No-
King-Is-as-Great-as-God to the palace, and the man was brought within
the hour.
Tell me/' the king began. "What is your name?"
My name, sire, is No-King-Is-as-Great-as-God."
And you believe, do you, that God is greater than any king?"
"Yes, sire, I do."
Jhe "Dancing Valm Jree
"Hmph!" said the king. "You may be right. We shall see. Mean-
while, for your courage and honesty let me give you this gold ring. It
bears the sign of the royal family. Guard it well, for it is a mark of our
"Indeed I shall, sire!" exclaimed the man, placing the ring carefully in
an inside pocket. All the way home he kept patting his pocket to make
certain that the ring was still there.
But when the man's wife saw the ring, she was very uneasy about it.
hiding place for it somewhere about our house. Then we can feel at ease
about it."
After weighing the matter in his mind, the man agreed with his wife
that it would be wise to hide the ring w here only they could
find it.
Accordingly, that evening they dug a small hole in the inside wall of
their hut and buried the ring there, smoothing the hiding place after-
wards and hanging a rush mat over it so that they could surely find it
talk with him or to entertain him at a dinner, pretending all the while
to a great and growing friendship for him. These visits served only to
king. "What can he want of me, do you suppose?" he asked his wife as
he was about to leave for the palace for his third dinner there.
"My dear, I have no notion. But he surely means you no good/' his
wife replied. "He has a plan of some sort, you may be certain/
"Yes, my wife. And we must try to please him in every way we can."
7he Xing and the Ring
One day while the woman was at home alone, a messenger came from
the king. The king wishes to see you this morning. Come with me," said
he, and she followed him out of the hut and through the town to the
could have a ring made for myself which matches it exactly? I have for-
gotten just how the design is arranged/
The woman thought for a moment. She and her husband had agreed
not to touch the ring until the king sent for it. Should she take it out, or
When the woman hesitated to answer, the king spoke again. "I have
just the right position in mind for your husband, and I wish to give suit-
able honor to you both. Surely you wish to please me, too?"
Then the woman remembered what her husband had said: \X'e must
try to please him in every way we can." She smiled at the king. Surely.
had found the ring. Just as she had replaced the mat, the king's chief
adviser came to secure the ring. Holding it firmly in his hand, he left, to
go directly to the palace. As for the woman, she decided to say nothing
at all to her husband about the ring.
7he Dancing Valm 7ree
such as that is meant to be worn, not hidden away from all eyes."
ff f(
I shall wear it if you wish, sire," said the man. It is in truth a
ship. You must have sold it, or lost it, or given it away. And I suspect
that you will not be able to produce it even if you are given the space of
seven days to do so. I shall be fair, however. Since you are certain you
have the ring, if you come before me seven days hence bearing the ring,
you may ask whatever you wish of me, even if it be my life, and it shall
be granted. If, on the other hand, you do not produce the ring, I shall
be free to demand of you anything I choose, since you will have failed to
honor our friendship. You may be sure the punishment will be severe."
Be it as you say, sire," answered the man, confident that he would be
able to wear the ring on the required day. And the king, too, was well
satisfied with the agreement, since he already had the ring in his posses-
no one will be able to steal the ring from me. and Xo-King-Is-as-Great-
as-God will reap the punishment that he deserves for the boldness of
his name."
As for Xo-King-Is-as-Great-as-God. leaving the presence of the king,
he hurried home to tell his wife that it was just as they had suspected:
the king had used the ring as a trap. But when he had told his wife, she
could only shake her head and weep. ''It is too late!" she cried. And she
told her husband of her own summons by the king a few days earlier,
is Xo-King- Is-as-Great-as-God.'"'"
"'Do you believe what your name says?"'" she asked.
One man beats the drum for the downfall of another, but God the King
determines whether or not the drum will sound. Let us trust in God."
"You are right, my wife. And whatever may happen seven days
hence, we must not waste these hours together in grieving. Come, let us
plan a feast for our friends and neighbors for the morrow.'"'' suggested
the man. And they agreed that they would purchase several of the finest
fish in the market, as a special delicacy.
The next day while the two were cutting open the fresh fish Xo-
King-Is-as-Great-as-God suddenly cried out, "Look, my wife! Look!'"'
She hurried to his side and there, just released from the belly of the
largest fish, was the gold ring. In relief and joy the two laughed and
wept together. Then, after carefully washing the ring, they returned it
for safekeeping to the hole in the wall of their house, covering it again
ing of the celebration, marveled at the madness of a man who could sing
in the face of certain death. But his marveling turned to wrath when No-
King-Is-as-Great-as-God sent a message to the palace reading,
O king,
there is truly no king as great as God!' Surely the man must die for
The seventh day came, and the king, the better to savor his victory,
summoned all the townspeople to assemble before the palace for a meet-
Jbe Dancing Palm Jree
of wonder and approval swept the crowd. As for the king, consternation
sat upon his face. There was no question about it: the ring was there,
bright in the sunlight. Only the hand of God could have altered this
lived a hunter who was famous among his people for skill in
hunter had certain magical powers. Many were the tales told
At last, word had come to the animals in the bush country that this
hunter's magical powers enabled him to change his shape from that of a
man to that of living forms of various kinds. Thus, just at the moment
he was about to be destroyed by some fierce animal, he would dis-
leaf would show where he had gone in his new form. Since the elephants
had suffered the greatest loss from the hunter's skill, it was agreed by
the animals that an elephant should attempt to learn the hunter's secret
Now it chanced that among the elephants there was one who had the
power of changing himself into a man. He agreed, therefore, to change
Jbe Trancing Valm Jree
his shape and go to visit the famous hunter. By conversation, the ele-
phant was to learn the various stages through which the hunter passed,
so that in one form or another he might be killed.
invited the handsome stranger to share the meal and to spend the night
under his roof.
It was but the matter of moments before the two learned that they
shared an interest in hunting. And the hunter was pleased to be told
that the stranger had come for no other reason than to talk with the
man whose hunting skills had become known in the villages even
beyond the great river. Dinner and a plentiful supply of palm wine
loosened the men's tongues, until the elephant-man decided it would
be safe to inquire about the famous hunter's changes in form. How
have you been able, in your daily hunting, to escape the dangers that
5 <f
take the lives of other hunters? '
he asked. I have heard that even a
charging elephant has been powerless to harm you. How do you ac-
a charging elephant. And yield I do, but not in defeat. I merely change
my shape."
Oh? I am curious. Tell me more," urged the stranger. "How do
you change your shape? And what forms do you take?"
"First I change to whispering grass," the hunter began. "Then, if
the animal paws and tramples upon the grass, I change to a tall tree.
A Secret 7old to a Stranger
Now, the hunter's wife had been working quietly about the house
as the men talked, and although she pretended not to listen, she was
in truth quite anxious about her husband's giving away his secret to a
stranger. Nor should a man ever tell all he knows, even to his wife."
At that, the hunter suddenly realized how foolishly and freely he
had talked. But was it too late? Had enough been said so that his life
was endangered?
The stranger, annoyed that the hunter's wife had interrupted their
to continue his account. But the hunter, persuaded of his wife's good
judgment, smiled and said, Ah, but I am keeping you from your rest
with all my talking. Both you and I must sleep well this night if we
hope to hunt well tomorrow." And the guest was shown to his sleeping
Early on the morning of the following day, the visitor departed, and
made his way into the heart of the bush country. There he returned
to his form as an elephant.
One day as the hunter was seeking prey worthy of his skill, he
A Secret Jold to a Stranger
came upon a large elephant. Raising his bow and fitting an arrow to
the string, he prepared to shoot the animal. But to his surprise, the
The elephant thereupon ran at the tree, encircled it with his power-
ful trunk, and exerted all his force to uproot it. Alarmed, the hunter
changed from one form to another, but the elephant appeared each
phant knew that the hunter had assumed another form, his final form,
phant had been unable to learn exactly what that final form was. Per-
plexed, he struck out all about him with his trunk at whatever he sus-
pected might be the hunter transformed. But in his anxiety he over-
looked the iromi, that small creature amusing itself on the surface of
the pond.
single step of victory, but that step was too long for even an elephant
possessed of certain magical powers to take. The hunter —man—must
A Secret Jold to a Stranger
wife for preventing him from telling the stranger the secret on which
lambs would carry his drinking horn for him. The mother
sheep was none too willing to allow any of her lambs to go on such an
errand, but as fortune would have it, the oldest lamb spoke up for
ff Cf
Let me go/' he said quickly. It will give me an occasion to learn
Very early the next morning, the bat and the lamb set off together.
After they had gone half the distance, the bat flew down to the road-
Cf cf
side. Stop here," said he, and hide my drinking horn in the bush
behind that palm tree."
Glad to be relieved of his troublesome load, the lamb left the drink-
ing horn in the bush and the two went on toward the father-in-law's
house. What with the gambolings of the lamb and the swoopings of
the bat, the journey took them till well past noon.
Jbe Dancing Palm Jree
No sooner had they arrived at the gate when the bat said, Oh,
my! I shall need my drinking horn. Surely you remember where you
hid it?" And he sent the lamb back to fetch the drinking horn.
By the time the lamb had returned with the horn, the bat had eaten
cf ff
a fine dinner. My, but you are slow!" he exclaimed. If only you
had hurried, you might have had some dinner, too. As it is, the dinner
is all gone and we have already drunk our palm wine. There is nothing
to do now but to take my drinking horn back and hide it in the bush
again, where it will be safe. Next time, see that you are quicker about
your business!"
The lamb hid the drinking horn in the bush again. Then, aching in
every bone, he returned to the house to find supper already eaten. The
cookpots were empty, and he was forced to go to bed hungry. By
morning, he was indeed annoyed about the bat's behavior.
The next day, and the next, and the next, the bat followed the same
policy, growing fat as the lamb grew thin. On the fifth day, the bat
decided to return home, and he and the lamb set off. By the time they
came to the bush where the drinking horn was hidden, the lamb was
scarcely able to pick up the horn, he was so thin and weak. He finally
arrived home, however, and he told the whole story to the mother
sheep, complaining all the while of the terrible pain in his stomach.
The mother sheep, angry at the bat's mistreatment of her lamb, went
to the tortoise, the wisest of all creatures, asking for some way in which
she could take revenge on the bat. Patiently the tortoise listened to her
story. He thought and thought. Finally he said, Jiist leave the whole
The next time the bat decided to visit his father-in-law, he went
again to the sheep to ask for the help of her lamb. The tortoise, who
A Lesson jor the Bat
happened along while the bat was there, said, Why, I am going that
5 '
horn and hid it in the bag he was carrying. When they arrived at the
house of the father-in-law, the tortoise hung the drinking horn at the
The tortoise remembered very well where he had left it. He went
out into the yard, took the drinking horn from behind the post, and
the one that was meant for the bat. He found the meal very tasty.
The next day, and the next, and the next, the same thing happened,
until the bat was unable to stand his hunger an hour longer. In fact,
he was becoming as thin as the young lamb had been. Toward evening
of the fourth day, he called his mother-in-law aside and whispered,
Without letting my friend the tortoise see you, please bring me a
large meal. I shall take a nap while you prepare the food. And please
versation with his mother-in-law. He waited until the bat had fallen
sound asleep. Then he carried the bat very gently into his own bed-
room and returned to the bat's room, lying down under the bat's
::?:>:. IK
A Lesson for the Bat
blanket. When the bat's mother-in-law had put the meal beside the
bed, the tortoise quietly ate all but a tiny scrap of food and drank all
but a scant spoonful of the delicious palm wine. After carrying the
bat back, he placed the rest of the food and the palm wine between
his lips. The tortoise then crept softly back to his own room to sleep.
When the bat awoke the next morning, he was nearly starved, and
he was very angry with his mother-in-law because she had not pre-
pared a meal for him.
Cf 5 cc
But I brought your food, just as you asked/ she said. And you
ate it all. See, there is nothing left!"
ff cc
Indeed I did not!" retorted the bat crossly. It must have been
the tortoise who ate it."
We can find out very quickly," said his mother-in-law.
We shall
call the rest of the household, and they can decide whether you or
someone else ate your dinner."
Meanwhile, the tortoise had gone to the father-in-law and persuaded
him that the best way to find the thief would be to have both him and
the bat rinse their mouths and spit out the water into separate cala-
bashes. Then the tortoise quickly cleaned his teeth with his toothstick,
rinsed his mouth thoroughly, and went back into the house.
When the bat's mother-in-law reported to the family the bat's com-
plaint about the theft of his dinner, the father-in-law directed both
the bat and the tortoise to rinse their mouths and to spit the water
into separate basins. The water the tortoise spat out was clear and fresh,
but the water the bat spat into his calabash had bits of food and traces
of palm wine floating in it.
Clearly my son-in-law ate his own dinner," said the mother-in-
law, and he has abused me for nothing. I do not care to have any-
7be Dancing Valm Jree
thing more to do with such a fellow. How can we ever trust him again?"
The entire household mocked the bat for attempting to cheat his
own family. In fact, matters became so embarrassing that the bat hid
himself away during the daytime, coming out only night.
From that time, all bats have been nighttime creatures. Thus was
the mother sheep avenged for the bat's mistreatment of her young lamb.
But every morning he arose very early and went out well beyond
his village to the forest. There the whole morning long he cut wood,
good hard wood to make hot cooking fires. As soon as the sun shone
high overhead, Iyapo loaded the wood on his shoulders and walked
back along the highway and through the town gate, giving a few dry
sticks to the gateman for his toll. Never mind how hungry he was. He
must sell his firewood before he could buy even so much as a yam for
his dinner.
Wood! Wood!" he called as he walked up and down the winding
streets. It's all the fault of Adam. Wood! Good wood for sale!" And
every day somehow he managed to sell his wood.
One day as Iyapo stopped in the market to cry, Wood! Good
7he Dancing Valm 7ree
wood for sale!" the oba, the king of the town, happened to hear him.
"Who is that man?" the king asked the otun, his chief adviser. And
what does he mean by saying, 'It's all the fault of Adam'?"
The otun asked the osi, and the osi asked the balocjun, but none of
the king's officers could answer the questions.
ff cc
Go, then/' said the king to the otun, and bring the woodcutter
to me. If he has been unjustly treated, I must know about it."
right cheek and then his left cheek on the floor of the piazza where the
king sat.
"Well," said the king, I am curious. What is your name?"
cc <c
Sire," replied the woodcutter, shaking with dread, my name is
Cf cc
Iyapo . .
." the king murmured into the Iru here. Your name
means 'many troubles/ But why must you blame Adam for your mis-
<c ff
S-sire," stammered Iyapo, I have heard of Adam, who long ago
disobeyed God and ate a certain fruit in the Garden of Eden. If Adam
had not disobeyed, we would all be happy in the Garden. And I would
not have to work so hard now to earn my daily food."
Hmmn," said the king, looking long at the thin, ragged wood-
cutter. You work hard, and you have but little. Surely it is unfair
that someone else's disobedience should cause you so much grief. Some-
thing must be done for you.
"Otun," the king continued, have Iyapo washed and dressed in
live. And take away his ragged clothes and his bundle of wood. From
now on, he will lead a new and happy life."
I have you may share. You can do anything you want, except" — and
he looked directly into Iyapo's eyes except open the green door near
5 '
the end of the hall. That door you must never open.
fC 5
three meals a day, instead of one. Indeed, he ate so well that he became
fat. He wore the fine new clothes the king had given him. When he
tired of these, the king's servants provided him with robes even more
handsomely embroidered.
Day after day, week after week, he amused himself in the king's
palace, until he had quite forgotten how it felt to arise early in the
Day by day, however, he stopped often and oftener before the green
door. Without his seeming to choose that hallway himself, his feet led
him there, and he wondered more and more about what lay behind
the door. Each time he came closer to putting his hand upon the latch,
Jbe Dancing Palm Jree
Then one day the king was called to another part of the town on
business. Iyap6, my brother/' he said, "look after the palace in my
absence. I may not be back until well past dinner time."
Look after the palace/' Iyapo murmured as the king left the com-
pound. "If I am to look after the palace, surely I am responsible for
the room behind the green door. After all, I am the king's brother.
green door. He listened, with his ear pressed against the door. There
was not a sound from the other side. "I'll open it just a little bit," he
decided, and then I'll close it tightly again. The king will never know.
But I must discover what is inside."
Lifting the latch, he peered into the room. He blinked, and looked
again. There was nothing at all in the room except his own ragged
clothes and his bundle of wood! As he stood there, disbelieving, a
small gray mouse hiding in a shadow in the far corner suddenly ran
between Iyapo's feet and out into the hallway. Ah!" exclaimed Iyapo.
"It must be the mouse that the king is so careful about! I must catch
him and put him back, or the king will know that I have opened the
green door." Hastily latching the door, he set out after the mouse.
Up one hallway and down another raced Iyapo, with the mouse in
sight but just beyond his reach. Soon he began to huff and puff. All
those weeks of good eating had made him too fat to run easily. And he
stumbled again and again on the wide skirt of the handsome robe he
was wearing. Pausing a moment, he took off the robe and flung it on
a bench. Then he ran again, faster, losing his right shoe here, his left
shoe there. Still he could not catch the little gray mouse.
"What are you doing?" The voice of the king rang through the hall.
ML lP«B3(**»tT'i3
very walls must hear it. The king! But he was not to return until well
past dinner time . . . Suddenly Iyapo knew fear. He fell to his knees
without your shoes? The brother of the king must walk proudly, with
You —you see, my brother/
Iyapo stammered,
the mouse ran
out when I opened the green door, and I knew that
Cf 55 ff
The green door! exclaimed the king. So you opened the green
door. Was that not the one thing I told you that you must not do?
Cf Cf
Oh, yes, sire, it was" Iyapo agreed. And I wasn't going to open
it. But day after day it was there, and day after day I wondered about
it. And as the king's brother — 55
fc 55
As the king's brother, the king interrupted, his eyes blazing with
anger, you felt y° u must be the king himself. And you thought Adam
was disobedient! What he did should have taught you caution.
Iyapo prostrated himself before the king, right cheek on the floor,
rowful. "Take your ragged clothes and your bundle of wood. It is not
other people's good wishes which can make you happy, but your own
destiny. Sell your wood, since work is the cure for poverty. But know
this, my friend: your misfortune is not the fault of Adam."
Iyapo arose. He walked on his bare feet past the fine shoes he had
W»<#fcT>3 WCOB^Pl^
lost, past the handsome robe he had flung aside, to the green door.
Opening it, he put on his ragged clothes, which scarcely covered his
stout figure. Lifting the bundle of wood to his shoulders,, he walked
out of the cool palace into the dust and heat of the market. \X'ood!
Wood for sale!
he called. Wood! Good wood for sale!" But no
matter how many times he cried his Wood for sale!" there was no
longer a mention of Adam.
Jkl0F^ wr "Tf^^^'fl^ tfTY*
-JIM _3 ^
eyes on them without desiring one for his wife. As for Babarinsa and
his wife, they would sooner have parted with their eyes than with
their daughters.
The rich and the poor, the noble and the lowly the old and the
young came seeking the hand of one or another of the -iris. To
each suitor, Babarinsa had but one thing to say spective of ap-
pearance, wealth, or social standing, the one who can declare in public
meeting the names of my three daughters ma them all as wh
For well the father knew that none in all the kingdom, even the king
himself, knew the names of Babarinsa's daughters. The parents
called their daughters by name outside their own gate, and the
without neighbors at the very edge of the village. How could anyone
learn the names of the £irls?
But- Tortoise, on hearing Babarinsa's proclamation, determined to
find out for himself the names of these beautiful girls. By inquiring
here and there, he discovered where Babarinsa and his family lived.
Day after day he watched the movements of the girls very closely
without allowing himself to be seen. After a short time he knew Baba-
rinsa's garden as well as he knew his own house, and besides that, he
knew that every evening before sunset the girls entertained themselves
in the garden.
Jortoise and Babarinsa's Daughters
to the ground near one of the girls. Noticing the bouquet, the girl ran
and snatched it up, calling to her sisters,
Opobipobi, Oripolobi!
Running to their sister, the two girls exclaimed over the beautiful bou-
quet. While they were still admiring it, Tortoise dropped a second
bouquet near one of the other two sisters. This sister, spying the
flowers, ran and snatched them up, crying to her sisters,
Ajobikobi, Oripolobi!
At once Ajobikobi and Oripolobi ran to her side to see this new and
different bouquet. A moment later, Tortoise dropped the third bouquet
near Oripolobi, who ran at once to pick it up. Holding it close to her,
she sang,
Ajobikobi, Opobipobil
In this fashion, Tortoise learned not only the three names but to
tree until the girls had left the garden. Then slowly and carefully he
climbed down the tree and went home.
Early the following morning Tortoise arose and went to visit the
fC cc
king. Sire," said he, it is time to call a public meeting. I, the humble
Tortoise, have learned the names of Babarinsa's daughters/'
The king stared at Tortoise in disbelief. Then, remembering what
he had heard of the cleverness of Tortoise, the king began to reason
f£ cc
with him. Tortoise, my friend/' he said, since you cannot dream of
names." For in truth the king himself wished to marry the girls.
But Tortoise was not to be persuaded, for with every tempting offer
the king laid before him in exchange for the information —money,
gems, position — Babarinsa's daughters grew in beauty, until Tortoise
At last the king became suspicious that Tortoise was deceiving him.
In order to expose the deception, he announced that on a certain day
there would be a meeting of all the people in his kingdom. At that
time, anyone who felt certain he knew the names of Babarinsa's daugh-
ters would be free to try his claim. If the claimant did know the names,
well and good; he would be awarded the three beautiful girls as his
brides. On the other hand, if his claims were false, the claimant would
be exposed to the ridicule of the entire community.
When the day came, all the people assembled, including Babarinsa
and his three beautiful daughters. All were curious to see what would
become of Babarinsa's daughters. When all were silent, the king arose.
"We have met today/
For a moment after the king had ceased speaking, there was perfect
the king. Then, raising his head erect, he faced the audience.
brothers, sisters, and friends," he began solemnly, this is a significant
Jortoise and Babarinsa's "Daughters
the community was the only one entirely pleased by the business which
had beer. er.a::zd :ha: day.
Amid a stunned silence, Tortoise left die gathering with his three
es# Ajobikobi, Opobipobi, and Oripolobi. As he led them toward
his home beyond the river, the sisters talked among themselves, weep-
ing all the while, and mourning the earlier fine proposals which their
"rying out that she would rather lose her life than be Tortoise's wife,
she became a leaf among the hundreds of other leaves on the tree,
to find her. Failing that, he consoled himself with the knowledge that
at least he had two beautiful wives left
As Tortoise and the other two continued on their way, Opobipobi
also became overwhelmed by sorrow and despair. Flinging herself down
m _
. ;*:o:5c ;.: : : -
r .
,'.: s Dru
among the ferns along the river she cried out that she would rat
den, she became a fern herself, one among many other? exactly like
Tortoise, gripped with fear and horror, scrambled among the ferns
ing into the river and drowning herself in her great grief. But
moment he touched her she turned into water and flowed away, a
Alone now. Tortoise was saddened with the outcome of what had
been a splendid triumph, and overwhelmed with distaste for the false
pride which had Iain at the root of his claim to Babarinsa's daughters.
He fled into the forest, never again to look upon the faces of those who
could know his shame and despair. And Tortoise still hides today lest
ONG AGO AND FAR AWAY there were two good friends
And he set his new hat more firmly upon his head. He walked on along
the footpath, and Omoteji returned to his work.
Jest of a friendship
Olaleye looked up and returned the man's greeting. Then, Oho,"
fc 5
When the sun stood at the zenith, Olaleye stopped his work and
went to eat his lunch with his good friend Omoteji. As they ate, Omo-
cc 55
teji said, Did you notice the fine new red hat our neighbor had?
"Tied hat!
exclaimed Olaleye.
My friend, you must have been a
little dazzled by the sun.
Cf 55
What do you mean? asked Omoteji.
cc 55
It wasn't a red hat our neighbor was wearing. It was a green hat,
was green. From words, the quarrel grew to blows, and Omoteji was
still reeling from Olaleye's stout blow when their neighbor hurried
toward them.
"What's this!" he exclaimed. You two fighting! I thought you
were the best of friends. How can friends come to blows this way?
Olaleye and Omoteji, their excitement somewhat cooled by this
interruption, stared at their neighbor. This time, Omoteji saw the green
side of the hat, and Olaleye saw the red side.
Cf 55 fC
Oh, my friend Omoteji, said Olaleye quickly. You were right,
BlfflBB'SiiSiaiKiSHi®'®® ^HlS
Jest of a friendship
cc Cf
0h, no/' returned Omoteji earnestly. I was wrong and you were
right. I must have been dazzled by the sun, after all. Our neighbor's
their neighbor had not laughed. Taking off his hat, he showed them
the red side and then the green one. Look here, my friends/' he said.
You were both right about the hat. But you were both wrong about
your friendship. You are not the best of friends if you cannot examine
both sides of a question without anger, whether it be a hat or whether
it be something more important."
ff Cf
You are right," declared Olaleye. One never knows about a friend-
ship until it has been put to a test. As for me, a hat can be either green
*l*f<2ir» «**
ONG AGO AND FAR AWAY there was a wealthy man who
had several wives. Of a sudden, this man learned that
man thought long about what he must do to save them all. Finally he
decided that he and his family would leave the town under cover of
darkness, and seek safety for themselves in the land at the other side
and all their children. Packing up whatever possessions they were able
to carry, the party started out through the forest.
Now, the man's favorite wife was soon to bear a child, and she found
traveling through the forest very difficult. Despite her husband's urg-
ing, she walked more and more slowly, until finally she could go not
7he Boy and the Leopard
The following day, a boy was born to the abandoned wife. Taking
her baby, the woman went deeper into the forest and found a place
safe from the enemy tribe and from wild animals. There she cared for
her child, going out from her shelter only to seek food and clothing
for herself and the boy. As the boy grew, he played with the small
animals of the forest, each day wandering a little farther away from
his mother's protection.
One day while he was playing in the forest he found a leopard cub.
They approached each other timidly, but soon, as is the way with
young creatures, they were good friends. All day they played in a
sunny place in the forest, and when the boy had to leave the cub and
go back to his mother, he promised the cub that he would return the
following day to play with him. At length the two discovered that they
had been born the same year and that each had a mother as his sole
protection. When the boy seemed fearful that the cub's mother would
kill his own mother, the cub promised to kill meat for the boy and his
mother so that the woman need not risk her life by going out to hunt.
One day, however, the young leopard came home to find his mother
standing over the body of the woman, who had gone out to seek
water and had been brought down by the mother leopard. Grief-
stricken, the cub went in search of the boy and, telling him what had
happened, he promised to take care of the boy so that he would suffer
After that, he took the boy to live with him in his own cave. Day
after day, the two became closer friends /
until they almost forgot that
Jhe Boy and the Leopard
to the gods so that I might have a life filled with joy and contentment.
I am now old enough, but I am unable to get the proper things to
offer in sacrifice/'
What do you need?" asked the young leopard.
My mother said I must offer snails, kola nuts, and palm nuts. But
such things are beyond my means. They are sold in the marketplace.
How am I to get the money for such a purpose?" the boy asked sadly.
cc 5 Cf
Do not worry/ said the leopard. I shall go to the market myself
and get them for you." Despite the boy's urging, the cub would not
reveal the plan he had for getting the goods from the marketplace.
On the following market day, the leopard arose very early and
overlooking the market and hid himself there. By midday, the market-
place was thronged with people. Suddenly the leopard leaped down
into the midst of the crowd. The people fled far and wide in their
panic. Calmly the leopard chose those things which the boy needed for
his sacrifice and he returned with them to the cave. The next day, the
suitable to wear?"
<c CC
Clothes?" puzzled the leopard. I do not see why you need clothes,
my friend, but if you need them, I shall get them for you." Going to
7be Dancing Palm Jree
the market on the following market day, the leopard again frightened the
crowds away from the stalls and brought back some fine clothes for
the boy.
Some time later, the leopard, noting that the boy looked sad and
woebegone, asked what was troubling him. The boy sighed deeply.
My friend/' said he,
it is the custom among men to marry. But how
am I to find a bride?"
A bride? Why do you need a bride? Am I not a sufficient friend
for you?" asked the leopard.
Ah, indeed, you are the best friend I could ever have," the boy
assured him. All the same, I feel a great longing for a wife. Do not
worry, my friend," the boy added.
My having a wife will never be
permitted to interfere with our friendship." Comforted thus, the leop-
ard agreed to help the boy seek a wife.
On the very next market day the two friends dressed themselves in
some of the clothes which the leopard had brought back for the boy,
and then they walked to the marketplace. As they approached the
center of the market, they saw a very beautiful girl. The boy looked after
her with longing, and the leopard resolved to capture the girl as a wife
for his friend. To capture her would take much doing, for she was the
shall go to the market, kill the girl, and refuse to release her body for
burial to anyone but you. Then you will squeeze into the eyes of the
princess several drops of juice from a certain leaf I shall get from the
forest for you. With this juice you will be able to bring the girl back
Jbe Boy and the Leopard
to life. The king will surely give his daughter to you when he sees how
brave and skillful you are/'
The boy was pleased with the leopard's plan, and he promised to
follow his friend's directions exactly. On the following market day,
of the king's soldiers to recover the body for burial. Suddenly the boy
appeared in the marketplace and went directly to the king. Sire," said
he, if you will permit me to marry the princess afterwards, I shall not
only recover her body from the leopard, but I shall bring her back
to life."
Without a sound, the leopard fled into the forest. Then the boy, laying
the princess down gently at her father's feet, squeezed several drops of
the magic juice directly into her eyes. Rumors had taken wing that the
princess was to be revived, and the crowd pressed in upon the two,
The moment the juice had entered the eyes of the princess, she
blinked and then sat up and looked around. What am I doing here?"
she asked. And why have all these people gathered here?"
7be Dancing Valm Jree
The night after the boy and his bride had moved into their new
home, the boy slipped away into the forest to tell the leopard all that
had happened and to urge him to come every night and meet with him
in the end of the garden right near the forest. The leopard, rejoicing
that the boy's marriage would not interrupt their friendship, began
coming every night to the garden to visit his friend. At length the girl
ing to do in the garden in the middle of the night, she followed him
to find out for herself. To her astonishment, she found her husband
at the lower end of the garden talking with a large leopard. Fearful
that harm would come to him, she was just about to scream for help
when her husband saw her and motioned to her to be silent. He ex-
plained then that he and the leopard had been friends since childhood
and that she must not fear the leopard, since he would be coming each
night as a visitor. Despite her horror and surprise, the girl agreed to
accept the leopard as a friend of the family.
But fear is not easily dismissed. Although the girl wished to please
her husband, she became steadily more uneasy about the leopard's
visits. Finally she slipped away one day to visit her parents, and when
they detected that something was troubling her, she wept and told
them of her husband's strange friend. Her father at once suspected that
this was the animal which had killed his daughter in the marketplace.
He may be a friend of your husband's, but he is no friend of yours,"
her father said. "The leopard must be destroyed."
At once the king summoned a dozen of his most trusted palace
guards. Go this evening at sunset," he instructed them, "and lie in
wait at the lower end of my daughter's garden until you see a leopard
enter. Kill him and return to me." As for his daughter, he kept her at
7he Boy and the Leopard
the palace, where she would be safe until the leopard had been dis-
posed of.
That evening the leopard came a little earlier than the usual time.
To his surprise, he was met by a shower of poisoned arrows. He ran
back toward the forest, but he had been fatally wounded, and shortly
afterwards he died. The guards were satisfied that he had been de-
stroyed, and they returned to the palace to carry their report to the king.
When the boy arrived at the appointed place, he was surprised not
to see the leopard. A trail of blood led him to the edge of the forest,
where his friend lay dead. As the boy knelt to examine the leopard
for any faint signs of life, he became aware that some creature was
watching him. It was the tortoise, who had chanced to see the close
of the leopard's life. Weeping, the boy begged the tortoise to find him
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7he Boy and the Leopard
one of the magic leaves, that he might restore life to his friend. After
much persuasion, the tortoise led him to a plant bearing the magic
leaves. Quickly breaking off a leaf, the boy went to the leopard and
squeezed a few drops of the juice into his eyes.
As soon as he had opened his eyes, the leopard reproached the boy
for his unkind treatment.
Ah, but I was not the one who shot you/' the boy assured him,
fC 33
nor do I know why you were shot.
My friends/
Your fellowship does not fit the world of men. And even in the world
of animals it is unusual enough so that many will strive to destroy it.
The time is past for your friendship. Return each to your own world
and be content.
Cutting a palm branch, the tortoise tore it apart before them in the
age-old symbol of separation. Heavy with grief, the leopard turned and
went off into the forest. The boy watched sadly until he could no
longer see the leopard among the trees. Then he turned and walked
through his garden and into the world of men. From that day, men and
wild animals ceased to be friends.
ONG AGO AND FAR AWAY there were two good friends
who chanced to work in the same shop. As time passed, the
more hard-working man of the two was promoted to a
higher position in the shop, and the other one became very
jealous. At last, unable to tolerate his friend's good fortune any longer,
the envious friend consulted a babalawo (native priest) to see what
he might get that would rid him of his friend.
After he has sat on the potion for a few moments, his body will begin
to decay, although his mind will still be active. He will not die at once,
7he Reward oj Jreachery
but he will suffer such torment that he will be forced to take to his bed
for the last few days of his life. Remember, though: this is a very power-
The envious one greedily took the parcel, and, promising to use it
the shop, he hid the packet under the cushion on his friend's chair.
and there, and even dusting a shelf or two. His friend, arriving a few
moments later, was surprised to find someone there ahead of him. Aha,
my friend! Is it really you?
he exclaimed. You are becoming more
industrious in your habits/' But the more he watched the unusual
industry of his habitually lazy friend, the more suspicious he became.
or whether there had been any changes made at all. Noting that the
cushion on his chair was awry, he picked it up to look under it, and
there he saw a peculiar packet. Not knowing what it was, but assuming
that his friend had put it there, he put it under his friend's cushion.
He had just sat down in his own chair when the jealous man rushed
into the shop, the errand having been completed. The jealous one
smiled with satisfaction at seeing his friend at last seated at the desk
sen; [nri^r^Pifii'if'iZ
7he Reward of Jreachery
and at work. He busied himself at his own desk, impatient to see the
first signs that the magic potion had begun to work. But as he sat, he
began to feel a dizziness and then a pain. Suddenly he realized that his
own trick had been turned upon him. He was the victim of his own
abuse. Dreading to learn the truth, yet needing to know, he sat impa-
tiently until his friend had left to eat lunch. When no one else remained
in the shop, the jealous man leaped from his chair and feverishly
snatched off the cushion. Just as he had feared, there lay the packet.
Forgetting everything else in his pain and grief, the wretched man
cc fC
ran to the priest. Help me! Help me!" he cried. I myself have become
beyond my power to undo the evil which you have begun. You have
made your choice; now you must live with it.
bear the pain and unable to find a cure for it, he took to his bed and
spent his last few days in torment, his body decaying while his mind
taunted him about his treachery toward his friend. At last death came
to relieve him, a victim of his own hand. In just such a fashion does
treachery reward itself.
ADAM: With the introduction of Christianity into Western Nigeria came the
story of the Garden of Eden. In his Inside Africa, John Gunther quotes a pas-
sage from the Yorubas' pidgin-English version of the Adam and Eve story. The
Garden of Eden had "plenty beef, plenty cassava, plenty banana, plenty yam,
plenty guinea corn, plenty mango, plenty groundnut" [peanuts] . The tree at the
center of the garden was the mango, forbidden to the black man but reserved for
the white man. When questioned by God, Adam said the woman had used the
mangoes in a "groundnut stew/' Translated into such terms, the story of Adam
would undoubtedly make a strong impression on Iyapo in "It's All the Fault
of Adam/' and he might well think to blame all his troubles on Adam, that
first disobedient child of God.
AMO: In "The Dancing Palm Tree/' the clay image called Sigidi was coated
with amo, or birdlime, a very sticky substance taken from the breadfruit tree
and usually spread on twigs to snare small birds. Very much the same trick
was used to catch Brer Rabbit in the Tar-Baby story of Joel Chandler Harris.
BAT: There are many folktales about the bat told by the Yorubas, most of
them purporting to explain why the bat comes out only at night. "A Lesson for
the Bat" is by all odds the most entertaining bat story known to Ola Idewu.
palace. With him the bellman carries two bells, a small one and a large one,
fastened side by side and struck alternately with quick blows. The last three
beats come on the small bell, marking the end of the signal. Then the bellman
very solemnly and clearly announces what he has been sent to say.
BUSH RATS: The bush rats hunted by Tortoise in "The Dancing Palm Tree"
are similar to our wood rats, with soft fur, light grayish above and white below.
In Western Nigeria there is a great shortage of meat, and even a wood rat
The T)ancing Valm 7ree
The good hunter is highly respected because of the great difficulty in finding
game. The forest in which he hunts is known as "the bush/' a term used to
refer to uncleared or untitled districts which are still naturally covered by trees
and shrubs.
Though Nigeria has a tropical climate, the forest there is not jungle ; Nigerians
are quite indignant when outsiders refer to their tropical rain forest as "jungle."
These forests contain a fine source of wealth for Nigeria in their hardwood
trees, especially mahogany and obeche (also called arere and wawa) . Half of
the timber exported from Nigeria is obeche, which is very light and workable
for a hardwood. It is one of the tallest trees in the forest, and up to five feet
in diameter.
Especially common and valuable are the oil palm, the kola tree, and the cacao;
these trees furnish the bulk of Nigeria's exports. Whenever we use a soap with
a palm-oil base, or drink a cola beverage, or sip a cup of cocoa, the chances are
calabash to the king," "the second calabash to the king," and "the third calabash
to the king."
FARMER: The Nigerians are almost entirely dependent upon agriculture for
their income. Though they choose to live in villages, towns, and cities because
they are a sociable people, they still work their farms to earn their living, some-
times walking or riding great distances each day to go to work.
In his farm lot, which rarely measures more than two or three acres, the
farmer raises chiefly yams, collard greens, cassava (the source of tapioca),
guinea corn, breadfruit, rice, okra, and fruits of various kinds, including man-
goes and pawpaws (melons). The work on these farms is done by all the
family members, with the children very early learning to do their share of
hoeing, weeding, and digging. The implements, even to this day, are very simple;
the chief tools of the farmer are his hoe, his axe, and his cutlass. Plowing is
almost unknown, and the shortage of draft animals reduces the likelihood that
plowing will be introduced.
Yams are especially popular as a food product because they grow well and
are nourishing, and can be served in so many ways; pounded yam made into
foofoo, highly spiced with chili powder and peppers, is one of the favorite foods
in Yorubaland. Fish and such game as can be caught, plus chickens and goats,
furnish the slender amount of animal protein in the West Nigerians' diet.
sound as if they are speaking. Other drums are made of clay pots with holes
bored in them; others are of wood, with drumheads of skin. Accompanying the
drummers are musicians blowing on horns and flutes and trumpets, some made
from the horns of goats and sheep and some from the tusks of elephants. Still
IRK X£R£: In "It's All the Fault of Adam," the king "murmured into the Iru
kere." The Iru kere is a specially prepared white cow's tail which is held before
his mouth by the king whenever he speaks, since it is considered unseemly for
him to be seen opening his mouth in public. He speaks very softly into the
Iru kere, and his words are repeated loudly by his spokesman, the ona. In addi-
tion to this function, the Iru kere serves as a symbol of grace and peace.
Besides the Iru kere, the king has an Sjigba, or "chain of office," made of
expensive beads which goes around his neck and hangs to the knees, and a
Jbe T)ancing Valm Jree
scepter called the Opa Jleke, which is entirely covered by small varicolored
MAGIC: Tortoise in 'The Dancing Palm Tree" has a magical gift that enables
him to cause a palm tree to dance, roots and all, away from its place in the
Very close to magic in this and other tales are medicines and potions: the
powder used by Ashoremashika to revive the king's daughter, the juice from the
leaf which healed the leopard, and the potion which the jealous man hoped
to use to take the life of his ambitious and hardworking friend. Both magic and
magical potions are very much a part of Yoruba life today, despite the fact that
Nigerian law now provides specific penalties for "juju," witchcraft, and criminal
charms. The jujuman is a frequent sight in cities, towns, and villages, walking
through the crowded streets bearing his stock in trade, or operating in the
marketplace in a stall hung with monkey skulls, dried mice impaled on sticks,
parrot beaks, snake fangs, cuttlebones, seashells, magical seeds, roots and barks,
and herbs of all kinds.
The babalawo, or native priest, whose traffic in such charms and cures is
highly regarded, is sought out by those desiring to work evil against their neigh-
bors, as well as by those seeking cures for themselves. Thus the jealous man
consulted the babalawo for a potion to destroy the life of his unsuspecting
The Yoruba kings in some instances have special groups of "witch doctors"
at their service when they find it advisable to dispose of an enemy. These men
are protected by the king, but in return they are expected to be dependable
in their magic. If the potion prepared by one of these "doctors" fails to accom-
plish the end of destroying the enemy, the "doctor" pays with his own life for
a full day of trading and chatter. The market may be large or small — some
serve only their immediate villages, while others draw people from hundreds
of miles around —but they all have several features in common: 1. they are
noisy and colorful; 2. the range of goods offered is tremendous; 3. most of the
tradespeople have carried to market on their heads the goods they hope to sell
that day; 4. there are no fixed prices, but extensive bargaining until a satisfac-
tory price is reached.
Articles bought are paid for in cowries (shell money arranged in strings), or
likely to be a small market at the door of a smaller chief's house. This is one of
the privileges of the ruler: to have the busiest scene of the town right on his
own doorstep. Tradespeople call their wares, in an effort to entice buyers. Thus
the king in "It's All the Fault of Adam'- would have heard the woodcutter's
complaint, since it was cried out right beneath his window. The marketplace in
"The Dancing Palm Tree" must have been a regional market, not one located
before the king's palace, for the king was not aware of the dancing palm until
the villagers appealed to him for help.
mony, or christening (on the ninth day of life for a boy, on the seventh day
for a girl) :
Jhe Dancing Valm Jree
totem unless their mother's totem is of higher rank, in which case they can be
given their mother's totem.) There is a different totem for each family line; for
example, Elephant, Post, God of War, or Love-Bird. A fourth name —an attrib-
utive or pet name — is given to the child at a later time; this name describes
what the child is or what it is hoped he will become; for example, One-Who-
Possesses-After-a-Struggle, or One-Who-Causes-Joy-All-Around. Adults call
children by their pet names, but children are not permitted to use pet names
when speaking to or about adults. Interestingly, most Yoruba names can be
used either for boys or for girls, so just by the name you usually cannot tell
God. Since names are considered very significant in Nigeria, the king could be
expected to be irritated by such a name in the possession of a common man.
Iyapo's name is a christening name referring to the family's condition (Many-
Trials). The king in "It's All the Fault of Adam" recognized that Iyapo's
troubles were presumably those he had been born with, and not his fault at all;
OBA: The king in a Yoruba city or town or village is known as the oba. In
addition, he may carry another name showing the source of his title: the Alake
of Abeokuta and the Alafin of Oyo, for example. Kingship among the Yorubas
pleases them, the Ogboni can order his suicide. Each member of the Ogboni
administers a special section of the town or city over which the oba reigns.
The king has this title: Lord of the World and of Life, Owner of the Land,
and Companion of the Gods. Each of these three "persons" of the king is repre-
sented in one of his three closest aides: 1. the oiun, who serves as a priest of
Shango, the god of thunder; 2. the ona, who judges disputes and serves as the
king's spokesman at public ceremonies [see Jru kere] ; and 3. the osi, who can
impersonate the king, who regulates tolls and tributes, and who represents the
king in battle. This aide dies with the king. The king's court also includes the
balogun, who is the war chief. Each of these officials is sumptuously dressed
and enjoys authority second only to that of the king.
The oba occupies a palace which looks quite similar to the other houses in
the town or city except that it is higher, larger, and often decorated in one way
or another. Also, the city marketplace can be found at its door. The palace of
the Alake of Abeokuta is known for its totem-pole-like carvings on the verandah
posts, and that of the Alarm of Oyo is marked by its gate posts carved as twins,
symbolizing fertility. The halls through which Iyapo ran, in "It's All the Fault
It is customary for subjects to prostrate themselves before the king. Men lay
themselves flat on the floor on their stomachs and touch first the right cheek
and then the left cheek to the floor in obeisance; women recline first on the
right elbow and then on the left elbow, after first having wrapped their skirts
Also, by virtue of being considered a "brother" to the king, in "It's All the
Fault of Adam," Iyapo should have shown greater dignity than to run through
PALM TREE: The principal asset of Nigeria is the oil palm, from which are
harvested palm oil and palm kernels. Palm trees of one kind or another furnish
the Yorubas with roofs, walls, mats, cooking oil, coconuts, and leaves for salads,
in addition to the frosty pink palm wine which is Nigeria's national drink.
PROVERBS: Proverbs, wise sayings used in folk speech, are very common in
worship the spirits of such things as thunder, war, the river, various trees, and
the sea. They acknowledge one god above all: Olorun, the Owner of Heaven.
In addition to Olorun, they recognize four hundred deities, with some gods and
goddesses receiving primary attention among one group of Yorubas, while other
gods and goddesses are honored by other groups of Yorubas. Sacrifices are
offered regularly to selected deities, and their aid is implored for various under-
takings. The deities' names are even incorporated into the christening names
of children to give the children extra protection. Unanswered prayers are
accounted for by assuming that some evil spirit interfered with the deity
appealed to,- to bypass such an event, sacrifice is offered first to Eshu, the
devil, so that he will not be tempted to intervene in the answering of prayers.
A small sampling of the deities includes the following:
profound respect for the deities of the Yoruba pantheon, and personal tragedies
forms of worship.
ROBE: In "The Dancing Palm Tree" when the king draws his robe around
him, he is gathering up the folds of an elaborately embroidered silk or velvet
ankle-length agbada, a loose, flowing robe generally worn by men among the
Yorubas; die back of the robe is open and rounded, and the sleeves are long
and wide. With the robe he wears a matching pair of loose trousers called
sokoto, which comes just to the ankles or a lin e ?. ve and which are gathered
about his waist by a cord, rather than by a belt. Beneath the robe he wears
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a "::~e
vest that falls below the waist. On his head he wears, instead of the common fila
(a skullcap about ten inches high, bent in upon itself at the top, and either plain
or richly embroidered), a crown, two- or three-tiered and all a-glitter. And on
his feet he wears handsomely worked slippers with silver or gold embroider}'.
c P ~.,^ jpport above his head a tremendous, ornate umbrella to shield him
un. The king's clothing differs from that of his male subjects not in
can be worn wrapped around the waist, or it may be wrapped higher up. If it is
wrapped around the waist, it is used with a blouse called a buba, usually with
long, full sleeves; if the skirt is wrapped high, a blouse may not be used at all.
Around the waist are worn two sashes, the first one called the xborun and the
one over it —a long and very wide one — called the oja. The oja is especially
useful because it can be slung around the back in such a fashion as to carry
a baby very conveniently and safely , it can also be used to carry articles which
cannot be carried on the head. The most arresting part of a woman's clothing,
colored cloth about ten yards long. If these strips are woven, it requires about
seven strips side by side to make a piece wide enough for a head-tie. The gele
is arranged afresh each time a woman goes out; when the arrangement is
finished, the two ends stand out like small sails. The colors used in all her
7he Dancing Valm 7ree
garments are gay ones, with various shades of blue the color preferred by
Yoruba women — and by men, too, for that matter. Women generally go bare-
footed, partly because shoes are an expensive item and partly because they are
uncomfortable in this hot climate.
Women's clothing, because of its simplicity, requires no special tailoring, but
men's clothing, being elaborately cut and embroidered, is a matter for a trained
tailor. Such craftsmen can be seen in the marketplace treadling their sewing
machines between chats with customers. Clothing sales are brisk in the market-
place, and good tailors are much in demand.
TABLE: 'The Hunter and the Hind/' the words table and bed and attic
appear. The
storyteller knew that tables and beds and attics did not belong in
Nigerian stories, but he was trying to translate Nigerian life into terms his
American listeners would understand.
Nigerian homes rarely use furniture such as beds, tables, and chairs. Instead,
people sit on mats on the floor, and eat from bowls set on the floor or ground;
they sleep on mats on the floor, also. Sometimes a family which is more wealthy
than its neighbors will buy a chair or two to set out for visitors who might
not be comfortable sitting on the floor, especially in western clothes. If they
do not have. chairs, the Nigerian hosts may furnish an elegant leopard skin or
buffalo skin to sit on. As for the Yorubas, they are quite at ease on the floor.
The houses in which the Yorubas live are usually made of mud and wattle,
with mud ceilings, and with the roofs securely thatched with a tall grass called
Bete, so cleverly woven that not even the hardest tropical rain can make its
way through. The walls are rarely more than seven or eight feet high, so there
would scarcely be room or occasion for an attic. Such few valuables as the
family might possess are kept in pots or bags made of bamboo fibers and placed
in one corner of the sleeping room so that they can be quickly carried out in
case of emergency. The hind skin in "The Hunter and the Hind" was
probably hidden in just such a fashion, rather than in the "attic."
TOLL: In "It's All the Fault of Adam," when Iyapo is returning to his town
after cutting wood in the forest, he has to pay the gateman a toll before he is
i iO
the job, is unable to work a farm for himself, and he is thus dependent upon
tolls for his living. The rate of toll is fixed by the osi, one of the king's aides,
and it is paid usually in goods — for example, in a few sticks of the wood
carried by the woodcutter, or by a yam, or by a calabash. At one time, the gate-
man guarded the town against surprise attacks by enemy tribes or by slave
TRANSFORMATIONS: In 'The Hunter and the Hind" and in "A Secret Told
to a Stranger" and in 'Tortoise and Babarinsa's Daughters/' a change or trans-
formation is made from one kind of living form to another. Such transformations
are common in Nigerian tales, where the relationship among men and animals
and even foods is unusually close and friendly. Of course, transformations are
found in the folktales of other countries, also; the Grimms' 'The Six Sv
is only one of many examples. In most cases, the transformation is a secret,
and if the secret is ever told, unhappiness is sure to follow. All three of these
Nigerian tales reveal the importance of keeping such secrets, along with the
other truths they carry.
status in the community according to the number of wives and children he has,
a factor which increases his interest in adding as many wives as he can manage.
Ordinarily, the first wife enjoys a special position in the household; if she
remains childless, however, she may find herself bypassed for a newer wife.
Each of the wives, with her young children, occupies a separate room or
Jbe T)ancing Vahn Jree
small building in the compound, or group of houses, within the same mud wall.
The open space at the center of the compound is used for cooking space by
all the wives, as well as for tethering such animals as they may own within
the family. Several related families often share the same compound, and this
living group may even include close friends and their families. The Yorubas
are very sociable, and enjoy the close groupings afforded by a compound
Interestingly, within the compound any mother who wishes can punish any
child who is misbehaving — at the risk, of course, of annoying the child's own
mother. In practice, children are spanked very little, and they learn early to be
helpful within their own small community, so they have little time to be naughty.
through "the winding streets/' The streets of Yoruba villages and towns and
cities are not laid out in orderly fashion, in parallel lines, to make it possible
to find one's way easily; they are instead constructed almost as mazes, with
no plan at all except, seemingly, to confuse. And that was precisely the purpose
for their winding: to slow down and confuse the members of enemy tribes
who might enter the town to do battle or to plunder or, worse, to seek slaves.
In addition to laying out their streets in deliberately haphazard fashion, the
Yorubas constructed thick, strong mud walls around their towns.
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