Digital Age Pedagogy
Digital Age Pedagogy
Digital Age Pedagogy
ow many times a day do you look at your smartphone? Why do you
do it? To find information? To entertain yourself? To communicate
with others? Smartphone usage is ubiquitous, regardless of age,
gender, economic status, and location. In my recent teaching, all of my
students use their smartphones more than their laptops.
Today, more than ever before, English- enthusiastic, focused students and a significant
language educators recognize the importance drop in paper consumption.
of using digital resources to teach students in
a variety of modalities. Current circumstances The need to master online teaching is
have caused schools, universities, institutes, becoming crucial. For decades, futurist
and colleges all over the world to rethink Bryan Alexander has been tracking the use
the way we teach and learn. Teaching with of technology for educational purposes.
technology has suddenly evolved from a He predicts, given the current situation,
gradual shift toward incorporating digital that many universities and institutes will
tools into a roaring avalanche, which can close due to economic losses; he also believes
overwhelm educators who have only face-to- that to stay relevant, educators in all content
face (f2f) teaching experience. areas must become fluent in using digital
resources (Alexander 2020).
Although the digital divide is real, I do
not address it here. This is because I have This article seeks to encourage teachers who
always had, during my teaching experiences are not yet tech savvy to start researching
in a variety of countries, affordable and and using online software resources that link
widespread Internet access. Smartphones and to smartphones (and laptops and tablets) in
phone applications (apps) were popular as order to successfully teach English anywhere
pedagogical tools when I recently taught in in the world, remotely or otherwise. It
Central Asia. I connected with and instructed discusses resources in the form of websites,
my Kazakh students via WhatsApp, a popular blogs, and digital tools to help teachers
free phone app that replaced the need for successfully transition and adapt their
an expensive learning management system, expertise to the current situation. These
although free platforms, such as Moodle, digital tools are flexible: they can be used for
are available globally. I also used online f2f, hybrid f2f/online, or 100 percent online
digital software and apps that could be teaching interactions, provided that teachers
accessed by laptop or smartphone. The result: and students have access to the Internet.
After an overview of the rise of instructional 2006) to the use of technology in language
technology, the article offers advice for classrooms (Egorov, Jantassova, and Churchill
implementing educational technology and 2007; Suleimen 2019). But Kazakhstan
introduces various types of free digital tools, is not unique in supporting instructional
with explanations of what they do, why they technology in the language classroom. If you
are important, and how both teachers and have access to the Internet, you, too, can
students can use them. I conclude with a short employ numerous digital tools and websites to
list of free and relevant pedagogical websites. enhance your teaching practice.
Ideas for using technology for language If you are unsure about using technology tools
instruction started developing in the late in the classroom, you are not alone. As an
1960s, when a few researchers and teachers educator working long before the age of the
realized that computers and technology were Internet, I, too, felt anxiety about adjusting
significant pedagogical tools (Heift, Mackey, my teaching to accommodate students in this
and Smith 2019). Over ten years ago, Lord digital age. Based on my experience, I offer
and Lomicka (2008) found that social-media the following six points of advice:
chats create a positive sense of classroom
community. Today, it is clear that appropriate 1 . Assign tech tools to your students
pedagogies, technology training, and teacher in small teams so that they teach the
attitudes toward technology positively impact class (and you) how to use each tool.
L2 learners (Otto 2017). Give students a clear rubric, which advises
them to repeat instructions, be patient,
Generation Z learners—true digital natives and monitor their peers. The rubric
and the current generation entering college should guide students to break down
worldwide—are especially interested instructions into simple, step-by-step
and influenced by technology and social points. Via a template, you can help them
media (Turner 2015). “Gen Z” students are by scaffolding instructions with sentence
constantly using technology and often expect frames in a checklist form, such as these:
their instructors to offer learning experiences
using social media and apps they can access • First, click on __________. (e.g., New
on their phones. The question arises: how can Project)
we, as language teachers working around the
world, enhance our smartphone tech usage? • Second, go to the upper-right corner of
the screen and click on __________.
In the case of Kazakhstan, after the country (Choose Background)
gained independence, many educational
initiatives were implemented, ranging from • Third, preview the __________.
a trilingual educational policy (Fierman (Background Options)
You may choose to support these The second caveat is that many of
instructions by visiting, a free these innovative tools have numerous
tool that walks users through a digital facsimiles. For example, some
process by taking screenshots. whiteboards are equally powerful
(Miller 2020c), while others are not.
Another option is to pre-teach the For instance, Google’s free interactive
requisite vocabulary and functional whiteboard,, has
language so that student presenters can fewer bells and whistles than others, but
successfully offer clear instructions. Ask it does offer service in 42 languages.
students to engage in brainstorming,
using creative and critical thinking about 3 . Do not expect to fully understand
the best ways to create instructional everything about the tool right
sentence frames for their particular tech away. Experiment with the tool. Take
tool. your time. Gradually, you will gain
understanding about how you can best
You should not be surprised by the employ it. I am still learning new ways
excitement and patience your students to integrate two tools I regularly use,
will display. After all, a core concept Flipgrid and H5P, into my courses;
for motivating students is to offer them despite being intuitive, these tools
relevant activities. Additionally, using the have many uses, and the creators are
discovery method gives your students constantly adding options and resources.
the agency and motivation to perform In general, high-quality tech tools offer
well. If some students are hesitant, pair free videos, newsletters, and a service
them up with the more confident ones, team that responds promptly and
or create groups and assign roles that politely, no matter where the user may
allow each participant to engage and be located. Support-service teams do
contribute: the presenter, the scribe, the not care whether you are using free or
fact checker, the timekeeper, and so on. paid versions. In fact, they often send
free training and advice so that users
2 . Start with tools that interest you will get the most out of the tool and
personally. This will motivate you to tell others about it. Many have online
learn the tools and put them to use. handbooks, and some of these come in
Two caveats: first, there are an various languages. And don’t forget to
overwhelming number of teaching tools search for and watch free tutorials on
available, with the majority of them YouTube; experienced techies—experts
offering free (as opposed to premium) in technology—post excellent resources
versions. Take the time to find preferred on how to use these tools.
tools by trying them out or asking
colleagues which tools they prefer. In any 4 . Participate in webinars that support
case, consider first what your learning the use of instructional technology
objective is, and then make sure you in the classroom. FutureLearn (2020)
align it with the tool correctly; using lists several free online courses to help
technology just “for fun” is wasting English teachers apply their skills in an
your time and your students’ time. Be online environment (there are often
aware that if you consider a tool to be fee-based options for extended courses
potentially useful, you may have to invest and/or a formal certificate). The U.S.
time in mastering it yourself. Department of State offers webinars and
Flipgrid is a free video platform that can be This sounds complex, but it becomes less so if
used in many ways and is well liked by my you listen to the H5P tutorial (H5P 2020b); see
students. It can be loaded onto a smartphone, Johnson (2019) for instructions on uploading
desktop computer, or laptop, as long as a a video to YouTube. H5P also has a forum with
camera feature is present.You decide whether a wide variety of informative posts from users.
to have your grid public or private, and you can My students and I were able to comprehend
determine the length of time for videos—from the basics within one 50-minute class session. If
30 seconds to five minutes. A major benefit you want to skip the initial activity of students
of using Flipgrid is that all videos are stored creating their own videos, use the copyright-
along a single grid and are easily edited and free videos posted on YouTube (search for
commented upon, with privacy protected. “video library no copyright”). Most of my
Kazakh students, however, were keen to create
I often use Flipgrid for introductions at their own footage.You can view a sample online
the beginning of a course to have students lesson I created for a seventh-grade teacher at
tell me something about themselves and Sartor (2020a).
what they want from the course. I also use
Flipgrid to ask students to check in, practice The importance of using tools like H5P
pronunciation exercises by reciting poems cannot be underemphasized. Today’s students
and tongue twisters, and complete prewriting learn more via video than text; by offering
assignments before they create a first draft. them learning via video, you as a teacher can
Students often use Flipgrid at the end of assess without standing in front of them and
presentations, asking their audience to give monitoring, and you can allow students to
oral assessments using a rubric I provide. create and present content to their peers.
Students may self-assess and learn at their
The company has created a remote learning own speed because they can watch the video
guide in various languages, ready-to-use repeatedly. And, as mentioned, there are other
activities and assessments, and a blog types of assessments that you can create with
addressed to global educators (Flipgrid 2020). text by using H5P—fill-in-the-blanks, drag-
and-drop matching exercises, and online flash
3 . cards (H5P 2020a).
mention here are free (although some promote help everyone develop innovative ideas for
their books and provide trainings for a fee). teaching. Choose a few tools that interest
you personally, experiment with them, and
• Not only does Jennifer Gonzalez’s Cult critically reflect on their potential uses.
of Pedagogy offer a diverse range of
information regarding teaching and It is not likely that technology will replace
technology, but she also makes her language teachers in their classrooms, but an
information accessible via podcasts, which increased focus on online teaching and remote
you can download and listen to while you learning is taking place and will likely become
are doing chores. She has also created a lasting trend. The demonstration of language
YouTube videos with adjustable playback competence is clearly moving from pencil and
speeds. Everything is available at Gonzalez paper towards digital platforms. Alexander
(2020). (2020) speculates that teaching and learning
will eventually become a “toggle” system,
• The Feedspot blog lists and updates whereby faculty and students will meet
content from innovative bloggers who remotely or f2f, depending upon human safety
post about numerous fields, including and economic potential.
educational technology (Feedspot 2020).
If the text is dense, I recommend using Over time, those who are skilled at integrating
Google Translate to scan this site in order and applying technology will likely find more
to choose a blog best for you. opportunities. We as language teachers must
stay current with new tech tools and trends
• Another helpful website is Stannard and continue to identify useful software and
(2020); Russell Stannard is one of the first smartphone apps so that we can align them
British educators to recognize the power of with our desired pedagogical outcomes.
technology as a language-teaching tool. He
has won many awards and is a clear thinker REFERENCES
and writer.
Alexander, B. 2020. Academia Next: The Futures of
There are many more free websites and free Higher Education.
video trainings on the Internet. An excellent Cambridge Assessment. 2020. “Quiz Your English
way to find a website or blog that best suits
your needs is to search for online seminars Dotto, S. 2020. “Zoom Basics: Using Zoom for
and conferences, such as Miller (2020a). Classes and Meetings.” Steve Dotto: Productivity,
Browse around these sites to find useful Content Creation.
information and the names of people who will user/dottotech/
support your learning. Egorov, V. V., D. D. Jantassova, and N. Churchill.
2007. Developing pre-service English teachers’
competencies for integration of technology in
language classrooms in Kazakhstan. Educational
Media International 44 (3): 255–265.
This overview is only a glimpse at the tools
Explain Everything. 2020. “Explain Everything
you can access to enhance and improve your User Manual.” Accessed May 26, 2020. https://
teaching practice. Each year, new blogs
and websites, as well as video tutorials and explain-everything-resources/Explain-Everything-
video channels, come into existence to User-Manual.pdf