How Smart Are You?: Advanced 1
How Smart Are You?: Advanced 1
How Smart Are You?: Advanced 1
Unit 8
How Smart Are You?
a. Do you remember the quiz program from the computer lesson. Answer the following
questions about the program.
1. How does the titIe of the quiz program refIect the kinds of questions asked?
2. How does the quizmaster ask the questions? Write the question words.
b. After the program, Rachel and Jason talked about their experience. Complete the
conversation with appropriate words and phrases below.
Rachel: So, teII me, Jason, how do you feeI about the program?
Jason: WeII, when PauIa assumed that we both knew the (1) __________________ at
the beginning of the program, she wasn’t entireIy correct.
Rachel: What do you mean? You played correctly. In fact, your onIy mistake was when
you didn’t know the (2) _____________________ question.
Jason: That was the problem. I knew the technology question. I just didn’t know there
was a time limit. I was about to say the answer, but i lost my (3)______________.
Rachel: But you still did really well on the program. You answered the soIar
(4) ______________________ and garbage (5) ______________________
questions correctIy.
Jason: And l knew your questions about outer (6) ________________ and the country
with the Iargest (7) _______________________ too.
Rachel: So what are you compIaining about?
Jason: Isn’t it obvious? I wanted to be the (8) _______________________!
c. Write five questions that could be used in the next broadcast of “Yesterday, Today, and
Tomorrow”. Have your classmates try to answer them.
Starting Young
a. What can we assume about Marina, Mrs. Smythe, her parents, and her classmates?
Complete the table by choosing the appropriate person/people for each assumption.
Assumption Person/People
1. They are very gratefuI for her heIp in the cIassroom. _______________
2. They Ieft Russia Iess than two years ago. _______________
3. She Iikes to heIp peopIe. _______________
4. She beIieves the new immigrant students wiII Iearn EngIish quickIy. _______________
5. They don’t know EngIish as weII as their daughter does. _______________
b. How do the teacher and the language specialist express their thoughts? Write the
appropriate expressions and sentences.
1. How does Mrs. Smythe know which Ianguage is Marina’s mother tongue?
c. Circle the word that does not collocate with the verbs in bold.
d. Write the copy for an ad for The Higgins Language Institute from the computer lesson.
Dance Posters
a. Do you remember the dialogue in the computer lesson. Mark who did what.
1. makes a suggestion
3. gives an order
4. makes an excuse
6. compIiments
c. You are the manager. Read the employee’s responses and fill in the missing sentences. Use
the expressions in activity b. to help you.
Additional Reading
Global Reading
1. Read the titIe of the additional reading text. What issues do you think the writer wiII discuss
in this articIe? _____________________________________________________________
Do you know of any writers who write in a foreign Ianguage? ________________________
2. Read the first two sentences of the first paragraph. Do they add information reIated to the
titIe? __________ What is the purpose of the writer in teIIing this story?_________________
3. Read the first sentence of the second paragraph. How does this sentence shed Iight on the
4. Read the first two sentences of the third paragraph. What reason does it give for writing
a noveI in a foreign Ianguage? ________________________________________________
5. Read the first two sentences of the fourth paragraph. What difficuIties does it refer to?
Close Reading
1. ln Iines 3-4, the writer uses the words “no gulf greater than” to make a comparison.
Crossing a guIf means doing something difficuIt. What two difficuIt things does the writer
3. ln Iine 11, the writer uses the words as though to describe a simiIar experience. Which other
experience does Ha Jin compare his reason to write to? ____________________________
4. ln Iine 15, the writer uses the word concerned to express a worry. What worries the Chinese
writer? __________________________________________________________________
5. ln Iine 21, the writer uses the expression of course to indicate that something is obvious
What obvious thing does the writer describe? ____________________________________
6. ln Iine 26, Ha Jin uses the word because in order to expIain something. What does the
Chinese writer try to expIain? _________________________________________________
7. ln Iine 27, Ha Jin uses the word but to contrast two things. What is contrasted?
8. ln Iine 30, Gish Jen uses the expression instead of to describe an aIternative. Which two
aIternatives are described? ___________________________________________________
9. ln Iines 36, Ha Jin uses the construction you have to four times in order to describe
a process. Which process is described? _________________________________________
10. ln the Iast sentence of the articIe, Ha Jin uses the expression that’s all. What does it refer to?
Comprehension Questions
1. What does the writer consider to have been Ha Jin’ s greatest chaIIenge in his writing career?
5. How does Gish Jen expIain one difference between Ha Jin’s writing and the writing of
American writers?
6. What factors does Ha Jin beIieve there are which aIIow writers to write weII?
1. “Who wiII you be transIating for you at this time tomorrow?” ___
“l’II be transIating for the GeneraI Secretary, as the Hungarian representative speaks.” ___
2. “By the time you are 60, wiII you have transIated aII of Shakespeare’s work into Tibetan?”
“l’ve transIated it aII by the time you are 60! ___
3. “WiII he be waiting for the order at this time next month?
“Ask him if they’II have sent the order by next week.” ___
b. c.
b. Match the stems in column A with the most appropriate endings in column B.
a. studying another two Ianguages at the
1. ln ten years’ time, l’II stiII be working on...
Sorbonne in Paris.
5. By the end of this year, l’II have... e. finished transIating the poems.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
c. Make some predictions about your English language skills in the future.