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Nephrological Diseases and Their Homoeopathic Treatment

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Nephrological Diseases And Their

Homoeopathic Treatment
The kidneys are situated posteriorly in the abdomen , one on each side of the
spinal column behind the peritoneum , and extend from the level of the
eleventh rib to near the crest of the ilium . the right one is lower than the left
.the function of the kidney is the secretion of urine . the urine must be tested
for any diseases , its specific gravity , odor , color , reaction,  albumin , picric
acid , sugar , bile, urea, chlorides , sulphates , phosphates , alkaline etc ., for
investigating normal /abnormal function

Hyperaemia – it may be the first stage of inflammation of kidney . the kidney is

enlarged , of a dark red color and blood drips from a cut surface .

Treatment : aconite if the patient is restless , thirsty and there is anxiety and
fever ,veratrum viride , cantharis –when there is constant desire to
urinate . berberis vulgaris is indicated when it pains .
Chronic Nephritis : this presents it self either in the form of chronic
parenchymatous nephritis which is a diffuse process . This is an inflammation
affecting all tissues of the renal cortex but not tending to suppuration .primarily
the kidney is enlarged as a result of inflammation .

Treatment : apocynum cannabinum– in which dropsy is

pronounced . cantharis the urine is highly albuminous , micturition is
frequent . mercurius corrosives – this remedy should be followed cantharis  – the
patient may be anemic .he may have gastro-intestinal disturbance . Arsenicum
album-when the patient complains of extreme weakness and prostration , there
is restlessness and anguish .
Chronic interstitial nephritis : This is a process of fibrosis usually associated
with diffused arterio-slerosis and a parenchymatous degeneration that results
in contraction of the size of the kidney .

Treatment : Aconitum— will be found of service in relieving the cerebral

congestion and vertigo . Mercurius solubilus –if there is a history of syphilitic
infection . the urine contains albumin and casts . arsenicum album—when there
is respiratory difficulties ,dyspnoea which is worse after midnight .
Post scarlatina nephritis : a similar condition is met with following other
infectious diseases . the danger of the excretory power of the kidney being
injured .

Treatment : this is similar to the management of acute

nephritis .Aconite  , apismellifica ,cantharis should be tried .
Suppurative Nephritis : abscess of the kidney and acute nephritis .there is
pain in the region of the kidney increased by pressure .the urine is diminished
in quantity

Treatment : during the early stages  aconite or veratrum viride , if the fever is

high arnica if there is history of traumatism . Following the drainage , silicea ,
hepar sulphur , calcarea , echinetia should be compared .
Albuminuria : cases in which albumin has appeared in the urine during a life
time without any pronounced or injurious effects , yet its presence is looked
upon as a morbid manifestation .the albuminaria may be the result of primary
disease of the kidney

Treatment :  all food , drink and any condition that will in any way lead to an
irritation of the kidney should be avoided .a milk diet is especially beneficial .
vegetables and light pastry may be used . exercise should be taken in
moderation .

Tuberculosis of the kidney : the direct cause is the tubercle bacillus .the
predisposing cause is an inherent or an acquired weakness of the kidney .the
urine sooner or later contains pus and blood and may be alkaline in reaction .

Treatment : tuberculin in infrequent doses is of great service in increasing the

the resistance . calcarea carb, calcarea phos , and calcarea iod are useful .
Amyloid Kidney :;this is a degeneration of the kidney , the result of chronic
wasting discharge or cachectic conditions of the body

Treatment : the early control of a suppurative process , or whatever factor is

operative in the case is important . potassium or sodium , arsenicum , the
iodides should be compared . If the kidneys have undergone an interestrial
degeneration  , aurum mur ,and the various forms of mercury should be
compared .If tuberculosis is the causative factor tuberculin phospophorus ,
calc.carb.calc.phos.shouldbe tried
Nephrolithiasis : Renal calculus ; stone in kidney , this disease id more
common in males than in females . the excessive use of meat and alcohol and
disorders of metabolism , as gout , favor development of stones .

Treatment : surgical methods or homoeopathic medicines such as sarsaparilla ,

berberis vulgaris , benzoic acid and the benzoates lycopodium chelidonium
and sepia may be tried .
Movable and floating Kidneys : Nephrotosis , floating Kidneys is applied to a
congenital condition . it is more common in women than in men .the patient
often complains high degree of nervousness .

Treatment : Ignatia, nux vom. , strychnia , arsenicum , chincona and pulsatilla

Hematuria :  this is Renal epistaxis , the presence of blood in the urine in such
a condition that the red blood corpuscles can be demonstrated . It occurs as a
result of acute nephritis , embolism of the renal artery , carcinoma of the
kidney , renal tuberculosis renal calculus and injury to the kidney .

Treatment :  geranium maculatum , thalspi bursa pastoris , cantharis mellifolium ,

ipecac , crotalus and lachesis
Anuria : this is a condition in which there is no urine voided . it may result from
a retention of urine with in the bladder . the use of the catheter will complete
from partial retention of urine .

Treatment : aconite , terebinthina and cantharis , if there is remal congestion and

inflammation . Apocynum if there is dropsy . Glonin  if there is evidence of heart failure .
Hemoglobinuria : this is a condition in which the coloring matter of the blood
appears in the urine , it is most commonly either of a chemic or bacterial origin
.bloody appearance but no red blood corpuscles are found .

Treatment : the remedies that have been of most service are crotalus ,

phosphorous and ferrum phos .
Phosphaturia : in this there may be a condition in which the earthly and
alkaline phosphates are constantly and abnormally eliminated .

Treatment :  phosphoric acid is usually sufficient to control the disease .

Oxaluria :  when there is abundance of the oxalate of lime crystals in the urine
Treatment :  oxalic acid , nitromuriatic acid , berberis vulgaris and senna  .are those
most frequently indicated .
Absence of the kidney :  this condition may be congenital or acquired , one
kidney may be absent , hence it should be known that the patient has both
kidneys before removing one .

Malignant growths of the kidney :  they may be sarcoma or carcinoma and

may be either primary or secondary . men are frequently affected than women
. complications , as rupture into the abdominal blood vessels , may cause
death Treatment  ; Early operation might be of some service .internal
treatment may relieve some of the distressing symptoms , early nephrotomy
may be considered , but is of little avail.

Pyelitis : surgical pyelo-nephritis .This is inflammation of the pelvis of the

kidney . it may be catarrhal , hemorrhagic or purulent in character .

Treatment : in acute cases when the fever is high and the pain is
severe  aconite ,or veratrum viride . when the dry skin has given way to a moist
hot skin with throbbing and dilated pupils –belladonna , if the patient becomes
restless – rhus tox  if blood in the urine –cantharis , if the case has advanced –
berberis vulgaris if it has a large percentage of pus –benzioc acid .
Urocystitis :  inflammation of the urinary bladder . This is frequently dependent
upon bacteria , as the streptococcus , staphylococcus and bacterium coli , .the
mucus membrane of the urinary bladder may show redness , swelling and an
increased secretion of mucus .

Treatment :  In acute cases one of the following remedies –Terebinthina : is use

ful when the urine is scanty and bloody ,  cantharis –this is indicated when
there is a constant desire to urinate , Aconite  – when the fever is
high , Belladonna , hyoscyamus .
Cystoplegia : paralysis of the bladder . paralysis may involve the sphincter or
the detrusion muscle of the bladder .it require most powerful effort to expel the
urine .

Treatment  ;  the remedies are –arsenicum , causticum , gelsemium , and nux
vomica . where the urine is retained , aconite , cantharis , pareira brava and
terebithina .
Cystospasms : spasm of the urinary bladder , this may be purely a nervous
disturbance or it may result from an anatomic alteration , as disease of the
bladder , spinal cord or brain .

Treatment :  during the spasm the patient shold take a hot hip bath and be
urged to pass urine . cannabis indica –when there is spasm of the
bladder , cantharis –spasm of the bladder and the urethra , asafetida ,uva ursi ,
salix nigra .
Hyperesthesia of the bladder :  this is observed in hysterical , hypochondrial
and nervous patients who have been addicted to alcoholism , venereal
excesses , mental over exertion , excessive indulgence in tobacco and
masturbation .patients complain of severe vesical tenesmus when the bladder
contains but a few drops of urine .

Treatment :  stigmata maydis– is frequently of service , triticum repens, salix

nigra , hyoscyamus and camphor .
Carcinoma of the urinary bladder : this is uncommon , it is more frequent in
women than in men and is commonly secondary to a similar condition of the
uterus , prostate gland or testicle .It may undergo degeneration and
carcinomatous ulcers develop .. the true nature of the condition may be
concealed for a long time , but the development of a chronic cystitis in an
elderly person .

Treatment : treatment has not been successful , but early operation has done
some thing in relieving pain and distress temporarily .

Nocturnal Enuresis : this is a disease of childhood . It may be the result of

defective education , it is natural condition of infancy and is usually overcome
by correct training , such as , walking the child at night .this consists of an
unconscious evacuation of the urine in bed during profound sleep

Treatment : the diet and training of the child should be regulated . sulphur ,
belladonna ,equisetum , benzoic acid , ignatia , calcarea carb , causticum
,pulsatilla , gelsemium , verbascum , plantago , phosphoric acid , sepia  , can be used
depending upon the symptoms .
Uremia : this is a term applied to a group of symptoms which arises in cases
of nephritis and hepatic insufficiency , when there is a defective elimination
and auto-intoxication present . It may be acute or chronic .
Treatment  ; cuprum ars. , carbolic acid ,veratrum viride , cantharis , arsenicum ,
caffeine , benzoic acid , Echinacea . these must be given depending upon the
CASE HISTORY :  A person by name Mr. MHK age-20 years brought with
complaints to my clinic-

1. puffiness of face especially in the morning .

2. haematuria
3. dyspnoea, on exertion , the complaint had started since 2 days ,there
was a history of skin infection 15 days ago , he had also suffered from a
past history of urinary tract infection .
General Symptoms  ; Anaemia + oedema on face and lower extremities ,
Hypo-pigmented patch on the face , pulse –98/min. regular , normal tension
and force . high volume , BP-170/90 of hg , weight –45 kg

He was advised hospitalization to confirm a diagnosis of nephritic syndrome

Lab Report 

 blood count Hb –10 gms , % WBC-8500/cmm, ESR-52 .

 differential WBC –P 69 % , L-27 % , E-3 % ,M- 1 %, RBC –normocytic ,
mild hypochromia .
 serum creatinine –0.4 mgs %
 serum cholesterol – 216 mg %
 serum proteins –5.8 gms %
 blood urea –43 mgs %
 blood sugar –(random) – 99 mgs %
 urine routine proteins – +++pus cells –4-5, better , his oedema reduced
and weight came down to 41 kgs
his blood pressure was still the same 170/90 mm of hg ,homoeopathic
physician was called for an opinion and he gave the following .

general examination :

anaemia ++ , pulse- 90/min, BP- 210/100 mm of hg .

Medicines : A dose of syphyllinum 1M was given and apis mellifica 200 , four
times daily . His blood pressure started coming down from 210/100 to 160/80
mm of hg .
He was given syphyllinum 10M one dose along with apis mellifica 200  his blood
pressure came down to 134/60 mm of hg .

Precaution –the medicines shown in this article of above should not be taken
without the proper consultation and diagnosis of the homoeopathic doctor .

Poly cystic kidney :  It is frequently congenital , and may be associated with
club-feet and hare-lip . It is usually multilocular . The cavity is filled with fluid or
a colloid material which contains no urea . In some cases no renal tissue can
be recognized .

Symptoms –the organ may attain such a size during fetal life as to interfere
with delivery .If the child is born alive , the renal tumor is so large that death
soon results

Treatment : this is surgical , the cysts may be punctured .

Absence of the Kidney :  described in previous article

Treatment : it is surgical .  

Aneurism of the renal artery  : 

This is rare and is seldom recognized during life . the patient dies suddenly ,
and a post –mortem examination shows a rupture of the renal artery .

There is a tumor with an expansible pulsation palpable in the line of renal

artery . Renal colic as from renal calculus with hematuria are the symptoms
usually complained of .

Treatment: is unsatisfactory  
A case of renal failure  ;     

A case i6 year old girl , visited by me who had not passed urine since 3 days  ,
while studying  for examination preparation  , she fainted and by evening she
started getting double vision . A catheter was passed after which small
amount of urine passed , sample of this was sent for pathological examination
she was started on 5 % dextrose drip .

Symptoms :  severe heaviness in the head , severe vertigo , delirium ,no

appetite , no thirst , no stools , a state of stupor .

Physical examination : tenderness of lower abdomen , eyes – white with a

wild look , tongue—slightly coated and dry , liver/spleen – not palpable  

Investigation :    chemical exam. NAD , microscopic pus cells –1-2 /hpf ,

epithilical cells –4-5 /hpf  Blood urea—35 mg /100 ml.

Homoeopathic treatment :   

1  day –she was given  stramonium 30 , after 15 minutes of the dose , the rate

of urine out flow was 40 drops per minute . The catheter was removed and
then she had passed 300 ml of urine .
2  day – the patient passed a normal amount of urine once , she slept well in

night . the diplopia was better , she had not yet passed any stools , stramonium
30 was repeated
3  day – she passed stools the urination was normal in amount and

frequency . the thirst and appetite was still poor , another dose of stramonium
30 was given
4  day – there was heaviness in the head , no diplopia , some anxiety was

present , urine scanty and dark . there was ineffectual and frequent urging to
urinate with pain in the urethra , she could pass only a small amount of urine ,
hence Nux Vomica 30 was given
5  day –felt cheerful , urine stools , appetite and thirst were normal ,

again Nux Vomica 30 was given

6   day – she was perfectly well , no medicine was given  

The reason ; for giving  Stramonium ,-mind-dullness of all senses , head –

intoxication and dizziness , eyes –  diplopaia , abdomen-painful on touch ,
Urinary organs –suppression of secretion of urine.
Author: Dr B.S Suvarna

B.A, D.I.Hom[Lond.], M.I.H, PhD, PGDPC (Psychotherapy & Counselling,


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