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G.R. No.

133110             March 28, 2007 Quezon City Register of Deeds on 11 June 1988 and destroyed many
certificates of title kept therein, Antonio sought the administrative
BARSTOWE PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, Petitioner,  reconstitution of the original copies and owner’s duplicate copies of TCTs
vs. No. 200629 and 200630 with the Land Registration Authority (LRA). On
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. 12 December 1990, the LRA issued TCTs No. RT-23687 and RT-
23688(reconstituting TCTs No. 200629 and 200630, respectively), which
DECISION were transmitted to the Quezon City Register of Deeds and signed by
Deputy Register of Deeds Edgardo Castro on 19 February 1991. Also on
19 February 1991, TCTs No. RT-23687 and RT-23688 were cancelled
and in lieu thereof, TCTs No. 30829, 30830, 30831, and 30832 in the
name of BPC were issued. BPC then acquired from the Housing and
Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 under Rule 45 of Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) a permit to develop the subject lots
the Rules of Court seeking the reversal and setting aside the into a residential subdivision. Subsequently, BPC entered into Joint
Decision,2 dated 8 August 1997, and Resolution,3 dated 18 March 1998, Venture Agreements with other corporations for the development of the
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 47522, which in turn, reversed subject lots into a subdivision called Parthenon Hills.
and set aside the Decision,4 dated 22 December 1992, of the Quezon
City Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 80 in Civil Case No. Q-92-
Meanwhile, according to the Republic, prior to 14 November 1979, the
subject lots were owned by First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPHC).
As evidence of its title to the subject lots, FPHC was issued TCT
Antecedent Facts No. 257672, on an undetermined date, and TCT No. 275201, on 20
January 1981. Pursuant to a Deed of Sale, dated 14 November 1979,
This case involves the conflicting titles to the same parcels of land FPHC sold one of the subject lots, covered by TCT No. 257672, to the
(subject lots) of petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation (BPC) and Republic for ₱2,757,360.00. Thus, on 22 January 1981, TCT No. 257672
the respondent Republic of the Philippines (Republic). The subject lots was cancelled and TCT No. 275443 was issued in place thereof in the
have a total area of 111,447 square meters, and are situated along the name of the Republic. FPHC executed another Deed of Sale on 25
northeastern perimeter boundary of the National Government Center in March 1982 in which it sold the remainder of the subject lots, covered by
Payatas, Quezon City. TCT No. 275201, to the Republic for ₱9,575,920.00. On 31 May 1982,
TCT No. 275201 was cancelled and was replaced by TCT
BPC traces its titles to the subject lots back to Servando Accibal No. 288417 issued in the name of the Republic. Because of the 11 June
(Servando) who was supposedly issued on 24 July 1974, at 3:20 p.m., 1988 fire which razed the Quezon City Office of the Register of Deeds
Transfer Certificates of Title (TCTs) No. 200629 and 200630 over the and destroyed the original copies of TCTs No. 275443 and 288417, the
subject lots. TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were purportedly signed by Republic applied for administrative reconstitution of the same with the
Nestor N. Pena, Deputy Register of Deeds of Quezon City. On 10 June LRA. It was then that the Republic came to know that another party had
1988, Servando executed a Deed of Absolute Sale of the subject lots to applied for reconstitution of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 which also
his son Antonio Accibal (Antonio), with the concurrence of his other heirs. covered the subject lots. This prompted the Republic to file before the
Despite his prior sale of the subject lots to Antonio, Servando, by virtue of RTC on 26 March 1992 a petition for cancellation of title against Antonio,
a Deed of Conveyance, dated 8 February 1989, transferred/conveyed the Servando, and BPC, docketed as Civil Case No. Q-92-11806.
subject lots to BPC in exchange for subscription of 51% of the capital
stock of BPC, such subscription supposedly amounting to Civil Case No. Q-92-11806
₱6,000,000.00.5 About a year after the death of Servando on 3 October
1989, particularly on 10 October 1990, Antonio executed another Deed of Counsel for Antonio and the late Servando filed two successive Motions
Conveyance of the subject lots in favor of BPC in exchange for for extension of time to file the proper pleading, dated 17 June 1992 and
subscription of 2,450 shares of its capital stock, with an alleged total 1 July 1992, but despite the grant thereof by the RTC,7 no such
value of ₱49,000,000.00.6 Due to the fire that gutted the Office of the responsive pleading on behalf of Antonio and the late Servando was ever
filed. Hence, on 31 July 1992, the RTC issued an Order8 declaring considering that she had already instituted Civil Case No. Q-91-10933
Antonio and the late Servando in default. before the RTC, Quezon City, Branch 76, seeking the annulment of TCTs
No. 30830, 30831, and 30832 of BPC based on the very same grounds
In another Order,9 also dated 31 July 1992, the RTC, upon the motion of she raised in her present Complaint in Intervention; on 11 February 1992,
BPC, allowed the latter to continue with the development of the subject Gloria entered into a Compromise Agreement with BPC in which she
lots. It concluded that – waived and renounced any and all claims whatsoever which she may
have over the titles of BPC in consideration of the payment by the latter
Considering the plight of [BPC] and the possible irreparable damage that of ₱2,000,000.00; the RTC, Branch 76, after finding that the said
may be caused against the residents in the surrounding developed Compromise Agreement was not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
subdivision, even as said corporation is possessed of a good title, the public order or public policy, approved the same, thus putting an end to
court in the exercise of its discretion grants the motion. More importantly, Civil Case No. Q-91-10933;11 Gloria’s cause of action to intervene in Civil
consideration of equity demands that the titled owner [BPC] herein must Case No. Q-92-11806 was already barred by prior judgment in Civil Case
be able to exercise all its dominical right bloosoming [sic] forth from its No. Q-91-10933 and Gloria’s Complaint in Intervention is tantamount to a
ownership of the land in suit. collateral attack against a TCT. In rejecting Gloria’s intervention in Civil
Case No. Q-92-11806, the RTC found as follows –
WHEREFORE, under cool reflection and prescinding from the foregoing,
the motion is hereby granted. [BPC] is hereby permitted and allowed to The motion for intervention must be denied and the complaint in
continue with the improvement and development of the controverted intervention therein attached must be rejected.
property into a residential subdivision.10
For one thing, herein movant Gloria Accibal Rettoriano, was the plaintiff
On 12 October 1992, the Republic filed with the Quezon City Register of in the first case (RTC Br. 76 No. Q-91-10933) and with "eyes wide open"
Deeds a Notice of Lis Pendens requesting the recording of the pendency she entered into a compromise agreement with [BPC], which was the
of Civil Case No. Q-92-11806 on TCTs No. 30830, 30831, and 30832, all basis of the 26 February 1992 decision rendered therein and it being
in the name of BPC. based on a compromise agreement, said decision became immediately
final and executory.
While Civil Case No. Q-92-11806 was still pending before the RTC, there
were two intervenors. Whether or not the decision rendered in the first case was satisfied is of
no moment in the present case, as herein movant intervenor has all the
remedies to protect her rights therein.
Gloria Accibal Rettoriano (Gloria) filed with the RTC a Motion for
Intervention, with a Complaint in Intervention, both dated 1 September
1992. Gloria alleged that she was the only child of Basilia Accibal, For another, movant intervenor Gloria Accibal Rettoriano, from her
Servando’s sister; the subject lots were inherited by Basilia, Servando, complaint in intervention would ask for the cancellation of the titles issued
and their other siblings from their parents Martin and Mauricia Accibal; to their [sic] relative Servando Accibal and those titles duly issued and
upon her mother’s death, Gloria inherited and came into possession of a registered in the name of [BPC]. Certainly, this can not be done, as it
portion of the subject lots with an area of about 2.5 hectares; Gloria had constitutes a collateral attack on the questioned titles which the law and
been possessing, cultivating and improving her portion of the subject lots settled jurisprudence do not allow. Perforce, a separate action against
for the last 30 years; Servando, through fraudulent means, was able to the questioned titles is the remedy available for intervenor Gloria A.
secure TCTs over all the subject lots, including Gloria’s portion therein; Retoriano [sic].
the inclusion of Gloria’s portion in the TCTs of Servando and, later, in
those of BPC, was done through fraud and gross bad faith; and unless Accordingly, the Court finds the opposition of [BPC] to be impressed with
the TCTs of Servando and BPC are declared null and void, Gloria will be merit and the motion for intervention does not inspire confidence.
deprived of her property without due process and just compensation.
BPC opposed Gloria’s intervention in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806
WHEREFORE, the subject motion for intervention is denied and the MORE, Servando Accibal, the predecessor-in-interest of [BPC] has been
complaint in intervention attached thereto must be rejected.12 in the actual and peaceful physical possession of the lots in suit before
he sold them to [BPC] on February 08, 1991. Upon registration of the
Another intervenor in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806 was EL-VI Realty and same on February 19, 1991, [BPC], after having subdivided the land into
Development Corporation (ERDC) which filed with the RTC a Motion for four (4) smaller lots was issued on 19 February TCT Nos. 30829, 30830,
Leave to Intervene, dated 1 September 1992. Subsequently, it filed an 30831, and 30832 (Exhs. 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Answer in Intervention, dated 15 September 1992, in which, it alleged
that it acquired interest in the subject lots after having entered into a Joint It is true [Republic] acquired the land in suit on November 14, 1979 and
Venture Agreement dated 16 January 1992, with BPC, for the for which TCT Nos. 275443 and 288417 were issued in the years 1979
development of the subject lots into a residential subdivision; the action and 1981, but [Republic] never took assertive steps to take actual
initiated by the Republic for the cancellation of the TCTs of BPC was possession of the land sold to it by the First Philippine Holdings
already barred by laches and estoppel because of the recognition Corporation. It is even of grave doubt that the latter took actual
accorded upon the said TCTs by the instrumentalities of the Republic, possession of the land before the land in suit was sold to the [Republic].
particularly the Register of Deeds and the HLURB, on which the ERDC So much so, that the area had been occupied by several squatters, one
relied in all good faith when it entered into the Joint Venture Agreement of them is Servando Accibal who by the way, was able to have the land in
with BPC; the Republic is liable to ERDC for moral damages and suit titled in his name as early as July 24, 1974, under TCT Nos. 200629
attorney’s fees; should the RTC find the TCTs of BPC infirm, rendering and 200630 of the land records of Quezon City. Further, [Republic] and
the Joint Venture Agreement between ERDC and BPC of no force and its predecessor-in-interest were not able to discover the overlapping of
effect, then BPC should be held liable to ERDC, being an innocent third their titles by the titles of Servando Accibal for a period of eighteen (18)
party, for reimbursement of all expenses incurred by the latter in the long years starting from July 24, 1974 to about June 10, 1992 when the
development of the subject lots; and should the RTC find that the TCTs LRA during a reconstitution of the titles of [Republic] was initiated, as
of BPC are spurious, then it should be declared in bad faith when it evidenced by a report of reconstituting officer Benjamin A. Flestado of
entered into the Joint Venture Agreement with ERDC, for which it should that office (Exh. "H", pp. 214-258, record).
be liable for exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. In an Order,13dated
27 October 1992, the RTC granted ERDC’s Motion to Intervene and Simply stated, [Republic] may be guilty of LACHES.
admitted its Answer in Intervention.
After all the parties had submitted their respective Pre-Trial Briefs,14 and
upon motion by the BPC,15 the RTC decided the case on 22 December Perforce, the claim of [Republic] which was probably
1992 on summary judgment.16 Although it found both the Republic and originally VALID became a STALE claim as the years went by. Verily, the
the BPC as buyers in good faith, it held that the titles of BPC should titles of [Republic] must be cancelled and the titles of [BPC] must be
prevail. It ratiocinated thus – upheld and declared as good and valid titles and [BPC] is entitled to all
the rights bloosoming [sic] fourth from its dominical right of ownership.
3. To the third issue, we rule that the title of [BPC] must prevail over that
of the [Republic]. More importantly, the predecessor-in-interest of [BPC] had been long in
the actual and physical possession of the lands in suit, while that of the
There is no dispute that the titles of the First Philippine Holdings predecessor-in-interest of [Republic] was not in the actual possession of
Corporation, predecessor-in-interest of [Republic] were either issued in the land before the sale to [Republic]. On the other hand, [BPC]
the year 1979 and 1981 (Exh. "A" and "B"). On the other hand, there is immediately after the sale in its favor took actual, physical and peaceful
likewise no dispute that the titles of defaulted defendant Servando possession of the land in suit to the exclusion of all others. It has no
Accibal, and predecessor-in-interest of [BPC], were both issued and knowledge, actual or constructive that said parcels of land were sold to
registered much earlier on July 24, 1974 (Exhs. "F" and "G", pp. 210-213, the [Republic]. When it registered the sale, there was no inscription in the
record) and/or a difference of 5 or 6 years in point of time. Land Registry that the same parcels of land were earlier sold to the
[Republic]. Hence, there was and is – a continuing good faith on the part automatically be suspended until such time as the said case is finally
of [BPC]. (Article 1544, NCC; Cruz vs Cabana, 129 SCRA 656). settled/decided (Exh. "5" and Annex "A" answer in intervention pp. 109-
114). Upon the signing of the said agreement the amount of
In the same Decision, the RTC found certain irregularities in TCTs No. ₱1,500,000.00 was received by [BPC] as advance payment of the 50-50
200629 and 200630 in the name of Servando and that the said TCTs sharing basis in the sales proceeds. During the pre-trial conference,
should be cancelled, without prejudice to the rights and interests of BPC. herein intervenor tried to enforce a supplemental agreement dated
The RTC discussed the matter in this wise – October 15, 1992, by filing a motion for a writ of preliminary injunction
with prayer for the issuance of a restraining order. Resolution of the same
We shall now dwell on the validity of the titles – TCT Nos. 200629 and was held in abeyance to await the decision to be rendered, after [BPC]
200630, issued in the name of Servando Accibal on July 24, 1974 by the assured intervenor herein that it will abide by and strictly comply with its
Register of Deeds of Quezon City. The LRA report dated 10 June 1992 commitments arising from the aforesaid agreement, after proper
(Exh. H, pp. 214-258, record) is competent proof that indeed said titles accounting is made therefore. Herein intervenor admits that another
must be cancelled. In short, the LRA found after due investigation that financier-developer has entered the area due to the delay of the project
the said titles of Servando Accibal were issued with certain irregularities. caused by the filing of the present case.
It recommended the cancellation therefore, of TCT Nos. 200629 and
200630, to which the court concurs, as said report must be accorded due MORE, due to the filing of the present case, herein intervenor was
respect and in the absence of fraud or irregularities that attended the reluctant to further finance the project because of its big exposure
investigation, which the Court finds none, the same must be persuasive, already made. Hence, intervenor’s works and other activities in the area
if not conclusive. Moreover, herein defendant Servando Accibal because was suspended in accordance with their Joint Venture Agreement.
of his failure to answer, despite extension of time given him, failed to file
his answer. Upon motion of [Republic’s] counsel, he was declared as in Perforce, there is compelling necessity for a proper accounting, more
default and since then, he never asked the court to lift and set aside the particularly its substantial exposure to the project, on a quantum meruit
default order. There is no way, his title must be cancelled. For one thing, basis, in fairness to all concerned and involved parties in the project,
he was not able to present evidence to controvert the recommendation of including but not limited to the present contractor-developer of the area.
LRA to cancel his titles. For another, Servando Accibal is deemed to
have impliedly admitted the irregularities that attended the issuance of his Finally, the RTC concluded that –
aforestated titles.
A FORTIORARI, the environmental setting and factual scenario of the
However, the cancellation of the titles of Servando Accibal, would not case, in relation to its legal ambience will show that the great
affect the rights and interests of [BPC] as the latter is declared to be a preponderance of evidence lies in favor of [BPC]. (Section 01, Rule 133,
purchaser in good faith and for value. MORE, under the circumstances of Revised Rules of Court), and the motion for summary judgment is
the case, and even when the titles of Servando Accibal are cancelled, the granted. The hearing as to damages, including attorney’s fees shall be
titles of [BPC] are still good and indefeasible titles, as it is settled rule that scheduled soonest possible.
good titles may be sustained even when the seller has spurious titles.
WHEREFORE, under cool reflection and prescinding from the foregoing,
As for the intervention of ERDC, the RTC addressed the same as follows judgment is rendered as follows:

1. Ordering the Register of Deeds of Quezon City to cancel
Finally, we shall next discuss the claim of intervenor EL-VI Realty and Transfer Certificates of Title No. 275443 and 288417 issued in
Development Corporation. A close reading from the Joint Venture the name of the [Republic] covering the lots in suit. However,
Agreement dated January 16, 1992, shows that in case of litigation, [Republic] being a purchaser in good faith, and based on
intervenor Realty Corporation shall have the right to suspend all considerations of equity and justice Barstowe Philippine[s]
development activities and the development period of 5 years shall Corporation is ordered to re-imburse and pay [Republic], the sum
of ₱12,333,280.00 representing the purchase price from the ERDC sought the execution of paragraph 4 of the dispositive portion of
vendor, First Philippine Holdings Corporation soonest possible; the RTC Decision dated 22 December 1992. In an Order,17 dated 13
January 1993, the RTC issued a writ of execution in favor of ERDC, and
2. Ordering the Register of Deeds of Quezon City to officially and a notice of levy on execution was accordingly made on the subject lots. In
finally cancel from his records, Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. a dialogue held between the counsels for BPC and ERDC in the chamber
200629 and 200630 issued in the name of Servando Accibal, on of the RTC Judge on 26 February 1993, an amicable settlement was
July 24, 1974, covering the same lots in suit (Exh. "F" and "G", reached whereby BPC agreed to settle the claim of ERDC in the form of
pp. 210-213, record). developed subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills, subject to proper
accounting.18BPC offered to ERDC 40 developed subdivision lots in
3. Declaring herein defendant Barstowe Philippines Corporation Parthenon Hills, valued at ₱18,543,000.00, representing 65% of the total
as the absolute owner in fee simple title over the lots in suit, as claims (prior to proper accounting) of ERDC, which amounted to
evidenced by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 30829, 30830, ₱28,787,306.32. However, ERDC refused the offer of BPC and
30831 and 30832 of the land records of Quezon City, all issued demanded that it be paid the total amount of its claims. It also brought to
on February 19, 1991 and the said titles are further more the attention of the RTC that, in violation of their Joint Venture
declared valid, existing and indefeasible titles of [BPC] and as Agreement, BPC contracted another realty developer for the
such is entitled to all the dominical rights bloosoming [sic] forth development of Parthenon Hills. Thus, ERDC opposed the lifting of the
from its ownership over the lots in suit. notice of levy on execution on the subject lots for the protection of its
interests. In an Order,19 dated 17 March 1993, the RTC found that BPC
already substantially complied with the terms of its agreement with ERDC
4. Ordering [BPC] to abide by and strictly comply with the terms
and that the rights and interests of the latter were well-protected and
and conditions of the supplemental Agreement entered into by it
safeguarded. In the same Order, the RTC lifted and set aside the notice
with herein intervenor EL-VI Realty and Development Corporation
of levy on execution on the subject lots. However, on 20 April 1993,
dated October 15, 1992, after proper accounting is made;
ERDC filed a Motion for Contempt20 against BPC and informed the RTC
that BPC, fraudulently, maliciously, and in bad faith, already sold 36 of
5. Perforce, the Register of Deeds of Quezon City is likewise the 40 subdivision lots it earlier offered to ERDC by accepting
ordered to cancel any and all encumbrances annotated on said downpayments thereon of only 30% of the selling price. Upon further
titles of defendant corporation including, but not limited to the lis investigation, it discovered that of the four remaining lots, two were
pendens notice filed by the [Republic], if any; vacant while the other two were reserved. ERDC subsequently filed two
other motions: (1) A Motion,21 dated 29 April 1993, to set for trial the claim
6. The hearing as to damages, including the claim for attorney’s of ERDC for damages. Said motion was granted, and the RTC set the
fees shall be scheduled soonest. hearing on 16 September 1993, at 8:30 a.m.,22 but upon the motion of the
counsel for BPC, the hearing was reset to 7 October 1993;23 and (2) A
7. Considering the admissions and agreements of the parties Motion,24 dated 6 September 1993, for the issuance of a partial writ of
during the pre-trial conference, which are considered judicial execution for the undisputed amount of ₱18,543,000.00, representing
admissions, this decision acquires the nature of one based on a 65% of the total claims of ERDC. Unfortunately, the records no longer
compromise agreement. Perforce, the Court declares this show the succeeding incidents concerning these motions.
decision to be immediately final and executory.
In a Motion for Leave to Intervene25 dated 8 March 1993, and the
8. No pronouncement as to costs. attached Complaint in Intervention,26 dated 10 March 1993, Kadakilaan
Estate expressed its intent to intervene in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806. It
Despite the promulgation of the foregoing Decision by the RTC on 22 anchored its claims on the contention that the subject lots were already
December 1992, the proceedings in Q-92-11806 were still far from over; registered as private property under the Spanish Mortgage Law since 18
significant developments still took place thereafter. May 1891, and under the Torrens System of Registration since 31
August 1907, by the predecessors-in-interest of Kadakilaan Estate. The
subject lots were supposedly included in a vast track of land covered Considering these judicial dimensions and acquiescence of the
by Titulo de la Propiedad de Terrenos No. 01-4 in the name of Doña [Republic] in open court during the hearings held and during the pre-trial
Petra Rodriguez, who transferred the same to her son, Don Gonzalo conference, the court in its dispositive portion of the questioned decision,
Yanesa y Rodriguez. Kadakilaan Estate came into ownership and declared it to be a judgment based on a compromise agreement which by
possession of the vast track of land, including the subject lots, by virtue of operation of law becomes immediately executory.
its successive sales from Don Gonzalo Yanesa y Rodriguez to Doña
Lourdez Rodriguez Yanesa, and from the latter to Kadakilaan Estate. It is unfortunate that despite the above declarations of the court
Kadakilaan Estate further alleged that the Original Certificate of Title [Republic] failed to ask for a clarification of the said declarations, by way
(OCT) No. 333, from which the TCTs of both BPC and the Republic were of a motion for reconsideration of the decision based on fraud, mistake or
ultimately derived, was null and void ab initio, and that the TCTs of BPC duress mandated by the rules.
and the Republic were spurious and likewise null and void ab initio, and
without any probative value. Kadakilaan Estate prayed for judgment The notice of appeal must be denied due course.
declaring it the owner of the subject lots; directing the other parties to
respect its ownership, possession, rights and interests over the subject
lots; and ordering the other parties to pay just compensation, damages,
and attorney’s fees. The RTC, in an Order27dated 27 April 1993, denied
the Motion for Leave to Intervene and rejected the Complaint in WHEREFORE, prescinding from the foregoing, the notice of appeal filed
Intervention of Kadakilaan Estate for the following reasons – by plaintiff is rejected and denied due course.

New intervenor Kadakilaan Estate alleges that the titles of the [Republic] From the foregoing RTC Order, the Republic filed with the Court of
and [Antonio, Servando, and BPC] are all falsified, spurious in origin and Appeals a Petition for Certiorari and Mandamus (with Urgent Prayer for
null and void ab initio, as the property in question were already registered Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction),
as private properties of [Kadakilaan Estate’s] predecessors-in-interest, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 30647. The Republic primarily questioned
under Spanish Mortgage law since May 18, 1891, and under the Torrens the denial of its Notice of Appeal by the RTC in its Order, dated 16
System, Act No. 496, as amended, in Titulo dela propriedad de Terrenos February 1993, on the basis that the RTC Decision of 22 December 1992
No. 01-4. constitutes a compromise agreement, and is immediately final and
executory. The Court of Appeals issued a writ of preliminary
injunction30 enjoining the RTC from implementing and enforcing its Order,
If this is clearly so, then [Kadakilaan Estate] is attacking the validity of the
dated 16 February 1993, during the pendency of CA-G.R. SP No. 30647
titles of [Republic] and [Antonio, Servando, and BPC] in this case. It is
or until otherwise directed by the appellate court. Apparently, from the
settled rule that titles registered under the Torrens System cannot be the
denial by the RTC of its Motion for Leave to Intervene and the rejection of
subject of a collateral attack. Perforce, the remedy of [Kadakilaan Estate]
its Complaint in Intervention in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806, the
is to file a separate action. For, if the intervention is allowed at this late
Kadakilaan Estate again filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene in CA-G.R.
stage of the proceedings, then it will cause unnecessary delay in the
SP No. 30647, which in a Resolution,31 dated 13 September 1993, the
soonest termination of this case.
Court of Appeals also denied on the following grounds –
MORE, the law and the rules as well as jurisprudence on the matter, will
We find the stance of [Republic] and [BPC] well-grounded. Not only is
only allow in the court’s discretion, intervention, before or during the trial.
[Kadakilaan Estate] precluded by estoppel from filing the present motion,
Certainly NOT after the trial and with more reason intervention may no
after failing to challenge before this Court or the Supreme Court the trial
longer be allowed after the decision has been rendered as in the present
court’s denial of subject motion for intervention, on April 27, 1993; it is too
late for [Kadakilaan Estate] to come in at this stage of the present
litigation. Furthermore, as aptly put by the [Republic] the alleged rights
In the meantime, on 4 January 1993, the Republic filed a Notice of [Kadakilaan Estate] seeks to protect here can be amply protected in an
Appeal28 of the RTC Decision, dated 22 December 1992. The RTC, in an appropriate action [Kadakilaan Estate] may later bring.
Order,29 dated 16 February 1993, denied the same. It reasoned that –
In a Decision,32 dated 29 June 1994, the Court of Appeals granted the give due course to [Republic’s] Notice of Appeal in Civil Case No. Q-92-
Republic’s Petition for Certiorari and Mandamus, ruling in this wise – 11806. Costs against [BPC].

We rule for [Republic]. Respondent Court’s conclusion lost sight of the This Court, in its Resolution, dated 6 February 1995, issued in G.R. No.
nature of a compromise agreement, and the circumstances under which 117969, in effect, sustained the afore-mentioned Decision of the Court of
a judgment based on a compromise may be rendered. Appeals.

xxxx CA-G.R. CV No. 47522

Guided by the aforecited law and jurisprudence in point, it can be safely Finally, the Republic was allowed to appeal the RTC Decision, dated 22
concluded that neither mere silence or acquiescence by the [Republic] in December 1992, in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806, to the Court of Appeals,
open court during the hearing nor [Republic’s] stipulation of facts, where it was docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 47522. In a Decision,33 dated
marking of exhibits, alleged admission of Exhibit 6 which contains 8 August 1997, the Court of Appeals found in favor of the Republic, and
[BPC’s] offer of compromise during the pre-trial, be properly considered disposed thus –
as a compromise agreement. Had the parties really intended to enter into
a compromise to end their case, they could have executed and submitted WHEREFORE, premises considered, plaintiff-appellant Republic of the
a compromise agreement for the approval of the trial court. But no such Philippines’ appeal is GRANTED. Except for paragraph 2 of the
step was taken. dispositive portion of the decision appealed from declaring TCT Nos.
200629 and 200630 in the name of Servando Accibal null and void and
xxxx ordering the Register of Deeds of Quezon City to cancel said TCT Nos.
200629 and 200630, the appealed decision is REVERSED and SET
Records readily show that due to lack of an amicable settlement or any ASIDE and a new one entered:
compromise agreement, the respondent judge directed the parties to
present their documentary exhibits so as to facilitate the trial; no longer (a) declaring and affirming the validity of TCT Nos. 288417 and
for the purpose of settling the case. Evidently, there was no explicit 275443 of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City in the name of
agreement nor any reciprocal concession between the parties with an appellant Republic of the Philippines and that appellant Republic
end in view of terminating the litigation. Absence of these essential has indefeasible title to the property covered thereby;
elements of a compromise inevitably results in the absence of a valid
compromise agreement. (Merced vs. Roman Catholic Archbishop, L- (b) declaring TCT Nos. 30829, 30830, 30831 and 30832 also of
24614, August 17, 1967, 20 SCRA 1077). Consequently, the opinion of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City in the name of Barstowe
respondent Judge that his December 22, 1992 Decision had the nature of Philippines Corporation null and void and ordering the Register of
a judgment based on compromise, cannot be upheld. Deeds of Quezon City to cancel said titles;

So also, the doctrine relied on by respondents that a compromise (c) ordering Barstowe Philippines Corporation to surrender to the
agreement constitutes the law between the parties and a judgment based Register of Deeds of Quezon City the owner’s duplicate
thereon is immediately final, executory and not appealable, is certificates of title of TCT Nos. 30829, 30830, 30831 and 30832
inapplicable under the premises. for cancellation;

xxxx (d) enjoining defendant-appellee Barstowe Philippines

Corporation and intervenor EL-VI Realty Development
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED; the questioned order dated 16 Corporation from exercising any act of ownership or possession
February 1993 is SET ASIDE; and respondent court is hereby ordered to of the land in question; and
(e) remanding the case to the court of origin for further After the Republic filed its Comment, dated 29 October 1998, several
proceedings for determination of the crossclaim of intervenor EL- parties again sought to intervene in the case.
VI Realty and Development Corporation against defendant-
appellee Barstowe Philippines Corporation. Winnie U. Nicolas (Nicolas), through her sister and attorney-in-fact, Ditas
Felicitas Nicolas-Agbulos (Nicolas-Agbulos), and Edgardo Q. Abesamis
There is no pronouncement as to costs. (Abesamis), filed their respective Petitions for Intervention, dated 22
October 1998 and 9 December 1998, respectively.
The Motion for Reconsideration filed by BPC was denied by the Court of
Appeals in a Resolution,34 dated 18 March 1998. Nicolas-Agbulos invokes the provisions of the Rules of Court on the
joinder of indispensable parties and necessary parties for the complete
G.R. No. 133110 determination of all possible issues, not only between the parties
themselves but also as regards to other persons who may be affected by
Aggrieved, BPC came before this Court via a Petition for Review the judgment. Nicolas-Agbulos contends that she was a buyer in good
on Certiorari35 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, dated 28 April 1998, faith of Lots No. 27 and 28, Block 13, of Parthenon Hills, covered by
raising the sole issue of who between BPC and the Republic has a better TCTs No. 76497 and 76498, respectively, of the Quezon City Register of
title over the subject lots. BPC prays that this Court rule in its favor, and Deeds, derived from TCTs No. 30830, 30831, and 30832 in the name of
reverse and set aside the Court of Appeals Decision, dated 8 August BPC. Nicolas-Agbulos had already partially paid BPC for Lots No. 27 and
1997, in CA-G.R. CV No. 47522, based on the following grounds – 28 in the amount of ₱1,500,000.00, and the balance of ₱800,000.00 was
already deposited in a trust account in the name of BPC with the Far East
Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC). She bought Lots No. 27 and 28 after
relying on the face of the TCTs of BPC which were intact and subsisting
in the records of the Quezon City Register of Deeds, and on the authority
granted to BPC by several government agencies, such as the HLURB,
LRA, and the Register of Deeds, for the subdivision, development, and
sale of the subject lots to private individuals. She only came to know,
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED GRAVE through her sister and attorney-in-fact, Nicolas-Agbulos, that the TCTs of
ERROR IN UPHOLDING THE VALIDITY OF THE TITLE OF [REPUBLIC] BPC covering the subject lots, which comprised the Parthenon Hills, were
OVER THAT OF [BPC.] being assailed in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806 pending before the RTC.
Nicolas’ inquiry on the matter was answered by BPC with an assurance
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED GRAVE that despite the "bad publicity," Parthenon Hills was an on-going project
ERROR IN ORDERING [BPC] TO SURRENDER ITS TITLE TO THE and that she should continue paying her installments. Acting cautiously,
REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR CANCELLATION[.] Nicolas-Agbulos decided that instead of paying the balance of the
purchase price for Lots No. 27 and 28 directly to BPC, she would open a
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN ENJOINING [BPC] trust account with FEBTC in the name of BPC where she would deposit
FROM EXERCISING ACTS OF OWNERSHIP OVER THE SUBJECT Nicolas-Agbulos’ succeeding installment payments. Nicolas-Agbulos was
PARCEL OF LAND[.] compelled to intervene in the instant case because BPC made no
mention of the fact that it had already sold numerous subdivision lots in
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALES [sic] ERRED IN APPLYING Parthenon Hills to innocent purchasers for value, either through absolute
THE CALALANG CASE (231 SCRA 88) AS IT IS NOT APPLICABLE TO or installment sales. She thus sought a ruling upholding the title of BPC,
THE CASE AT BAR[.] and recognizing and protecting the rights of Nicolas as an innocent
purchaser for value of Lots No. 27 and 28.36
FINDING [REPUBLIC] GUILTY OF ESTOPPEL BY LACHES[.] Abesamis seeks to intervene in the present case as an indispensable
party since no complete and conclusive determination can be had
therein, which shall be legally binding and effective on Abesamis, unless protect their interest. The spouses Santiago pray for this Court to declare
he be allowed to intervene. Abesamis claims to have acquired by the assignment to them by BPC of the subdivision lots as valid, and to
purchase Lot No. 16, Block 4, of Parthenon Hills, for the purchase price direct both BPC and the Republic to recognize and respect their rights
of ₱720,000.00, and evidenced by a Deed of Absolute Sale dated 9 June and interest.38
1993. BPC processed and secured TCT No. 92270 covering Lot No. 16
in Abesamis’ name. He only learned that the subject lots comprising the BPC supports the intervention in the case by Nicolas-Agbulos and
Parthenon Hills, including his Lot No. 16, was mired in controversy, when Abesamis. It explains that its failure to mention that it has already
he attended an emergency meeting of the Homeowners’ Association of practically sold all the subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills was not by
Parthenon Hills. He asserts that, being a bona fide purchaser and holder design, but by mere oversight.39 However, BPC opposes the intervention
of a legitimate and indefeasible title to Lot No. 16, he had valid and of the spouses Santiago claiming that the latter are not indispensable
enforceable rights against both BPC and the Republic.37 parties to the case; they acquired their TCTs through fraudulent means;
and Civil Case No. 93-18231 which it instituted against the spouses
A third Petition in Intervention, dated 8 February 1999, was filed by Santiago was dismissed by the Quezon City RTC, Branch 84, without
spouses Jacinto H. Santiago, Jr. and Arlene C. Santiago (spouses prejudice. According to BPC, the supply agreement for construction
Santiago). The spouses Santiago aver that, doing business as ACS materials was between the spouses Santiago and PIDC, so that it could
Trading, they entered into a supply agreement with Proven International not be enforced against BPC. This issue, as well as the validity of the 71
Development Corporation (PIDC), which had a construction contract with Deeds of Assignment over 71 subdivision lots supposedly executed by
BPC, for the development of Parthenon Hills. The spouses Santiago BPC in favor of the spouses Santiago, requires the holding of a trial, not
agreed to accept lots in Parthenon Hills as payment for the construction a mere intervention.40
materials they supplied BPC since the latter showed them clean TCTs to
the subject lots, and HLURB licenses and permits to develop Parthenon The Republic opposed all efforts of other parties to intervene in the case.
Hills. In payment for the construction materials delivered, and financial The legal interests of Nicolas-Agbulos, Abesamis, and the spouses
assistance and various other professional services rendered by the Santiago are totally dependent on the alleged right of ownership of BPC,
spouses Santiago to BPC, the latter initially executed in their favor 15 and the issues they raised are similar to those raised by BPC. The fact
Deeds of Assignment for 15 subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills. The TCTs that Nicolas-Agbulos and Abesamis are purchasers in good faith will not
for the 15 subdivision lots were transferred in the name of the spouses render their titles valid and indefeasible. The titles of Servando from
Santiago free from any lien or encumbrance. The spouses Santiago whom BPC acquired its titles and from whom, in turn, Nicolas-Agbulos
mortgaged 13 of the subdivision lots with the Planters Development Bank and Abesamis, derived their titles, were found to be spurious; and the
and sold the remaining two to different buyers. Thereafter, BPC again spring cannot rise higher than its source.41
executed in favor of the spouses Santigao 71 Deeds of Assignment over
71 subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills. When the spouses Santiago In the interim, BPC filed its Reply dated 22 January 1999, to the
attempted to transfer the TCTs covering the 71 subdivision lots to their Comment of the Republic.
names, they discovered that the TCTs of BPC already bore the
annotation of the notice of lis pendens. The Quezon City Register of
This Court, in a Resolution, dated 22 March 1999, granted the motion of
Deeds cancelled the TCTs of BPC covering the 71 subdivision lots and
the Republic for the issuance of a temporary restraining order enjoining
issued new ones in the names of the spouses Santiago, still bearing the
BPC from selling the remaining unsold portions of the subject lots and
annotation of the notice of lis pendens. The spouses Santiago claim that
from allowing buyers to enter and occupy portions thereof.42
they were unable to intervene earlier in this case because of the
pendency of the case filed by BPC against them, docketed as Civil Case
No. 93-18231, with the Quezon City RTC, Branch 84, for the annulment Thereafter, BPC,43 the Republic,44 spouses Santiago,45 Abesamis,46 and
of the last 71 Deeds of Assignment. This case had since been dismissed. Nicolas-Agbulos,47 filed their respective Memoranda.
The spouses Santiago invoke that they have sufficient interest in the
present case which would necessarily be affected by the However, even before the case could be submitted for decision,
resolution/decision thereof, and they must necessarily intervene herein to Servando’s heirs, namely Virgilio V. Accibal (Virgilio), Virginia A.
Macabudbod (Virginia), and Antonio, filed an Urgent Ex Parte Motion to Ultimately, this Court is called upon to determine which party now has
Defer Resolution of the same. Soon after, they filed a Petition for New superior title to the subject lots: the Republic, BPC, the intervenors
Trial, dated 23 May 2001.48 Although Servando’s heirs concede that the Abesamis, Nicolas-Agbulos, and spouses Santiago, or Servando’s heirs?
period allowed for the filing of a motion to set aside the judgment and
grant a new trial under Rule 37, Section 1 of the Rules of Court, had BPC, the intervenors Abesamis, Nicolas-Agbulos, spouses Santiago, and
already lapsed, on grounds of justice and equity, they still move that this Servando’s heirs derived their title to the subject lots from Servando’s
Court grant their Petition. Servando’s heirs were allegedly prevented from TCTs No. 200629 and 200630. This Court then is compelled to look into
participating in Civil Case No. Q-92-11806 before the RTC by the the validity, authenticity, and existence of these two TCTs.
fraudulent misrepresentations of Rev. Father Antonio O. Ipo (Ipo), BPC
President, together with the BPC counsel, who convinced the naïve It is alleged by BPC and Servando’s heirs that Servando was issued
Antonio that there was no need to worry about the case filed by the TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 on 24 July 1974. However, there is an
Republic against them and to hire another counsel as the BPC counsel absolute dearth of information and proof as to how Servando acquired
shall represent all of them. Unknown to Servando’s heirs, the BPC ownership and came into possession of the subject lots.
counsel neither represented them nor included them in the Answer he
filed on behalf of BPC, thus, Servando’s heirs were declared in default by
An investigation conducted by the LRA revealed even more irregularities
the RTC. Because of the extrinsic fraud perpetrated upon them and their
which raised serious doubts as to the validity and authenticity of TCTs
excusable negligence, Servando’s heirs should be granted a new trial,
No. 200629 and 200630. The LRA Report, dated 10 June 1992,
otherwise, they would be deprived of their constitutional right to due
submitted by Investigator Benjamin A. Flestado (Flestado), found the said
process of law. According to Servando’s heirs, neither BPC nor the
certificates of titles spurious after a very detailed and exhaustive analysis
Republic was a purchaser in good faith who acquired clean titles to the
of the evidence available.
subject lots. The BPC President Ipo, hoodwinked Antonio into agreeing to
convey the subject lots to BPC in exchange for 51% of its capital stock.
However, despite acquiring titles to the subject lots, BPC failed to transfer First, it should be noted that despite letters sent by Investigator Flestado
the promised 51% of its capital stock. On the other hand, the TCTs of to BPC President Ipo, Servando, and Antonio, requesting copies of
FPHC, the Republic’s predecessor-in-interest, were of doubtful origin; documents to support the issuance of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630,
and the Republic’s acquisition of the subject lots from FPHC was they failed to file a reply and furnish him with the documents requested. A
anomalous in the sense that it purchased the said property through certain Atty. Justino Z. Benito (Atty. Benito) appeared before Investigator
ordinary sale when it could have easily expropriated the same. Flestado claiming to be the counsel for BPC and promising to contact
Servando’s heirs. Yet, even by the time the LRA Report was finalized on
10 June 1992, Atty. Benito still failed to submit the documents requested.
Without formally intervening in the case at bar, Sariling Sikap Pabahay
Instead, he wrote letters insisting that TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 be
(SSP), through its President, Elias V. Esraita, submitted to this Court a
returned to the Quezon City Register of Deeds since these certificates
letter,49 dated 26 August 2002, together with other documents to disprove
"were detached and transferred to [your LRA central] office for no cogent
the validity of the titles of Servando and his heirs to the subject lots. SSP
reason or purpose;" and his client, BPC, "is a transferee in good faith and
is a cooperative formed by the urban poor to help secure for its members
for value, and its titles unchallenged."
award from the government of titles to the portions of the subject lots
which they are presently occupying. It presented the affidavit of a certain
Edith C. Mantaring,50 who attests that the Accibals are still Second, although the 109-D forms on which TCTs No. 200629 and
misrepresenting themselves as owners of the subject lots and 200630 were printed appeared to be genuine, and determined to have
fraudulently selling portions thereof to unsuspecting buyers. been issued to the Quezon City Register of Deeds on 5 July 1974, the
signature therein of the Quezon City Register of Deeds Atty. Nestor N.
Peña (Atty. Peña) was forged. No less than Atty. Peña himself refuted
This Court’s Ruling
that the signatures on TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were his. In his
sworn statement, he noted –
A. At a glance, I am definitely sure that the signatures appearing here are plan Psu-32606 of Lots 34 and 40 (the subject lots) as described in TCTs
not mine. My attention is invited on the loop, on the starting point of the No. 200629 and 200630. LMB Geodetic Surveys Division Chief Privadi
signature. The loop should be sharp on the last portion of my signature. J.G. Dalire, in a letter, dated 29 November 1991, informed Investigator
The portion going-up starts from a point and is also sharp because that Flestado that LMB had no records of Pcs-2480, while the original copy of
represents hypen [sic] on letter ‘n’. I notice in these titles my surname is Psu-32606 is no longer available as it had been badly damaged. Thus,
typed as ‘PENA’ and not ‘PEÑA’. If ever there is no ‘ñ’ in the typewriter, I there was no record in the LMB that Lots 34 and 40, Psu-32606, were in
used to add hypen [sic] over the letter ‘n’. Besides, my position here is fact consolidated and then subdivided into Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 pursuant to
indicated as Deputy Register of Deeds. I never signed titles as Deputy plan Pcs-2480, as mentioned in TCTs No. 200629 and 200630.
Register of Deeds, during my time; and if ever a title was presented
indicating my position as Deputy Register of Deeds, I would erase the To rebut the foregoing findings of LRA Investigator Flestado, BPC
word ‘Deputy’. Moreso, the pen used here was a sign-pen. I never used a presented, in support of the authenticity and validity of TCTs No. 200629
signpen, as shown in the other 5 titles I identified earlier. and 200630, the LRA Resolution,52 dated 4 November 1991, in Consulta
No. 1957, and NBI Questioned Documents Report No. 585-891,53 dated 2
His employment records revealed that Atty. Peña was appointed as the September 1991. A careful study of the said documents does little to
Quezon City Register of Deeds on 27 May 1968, and served as such support the position of BPC.
until his retirement in August of 1980, so that at the time when he
supposedly signed TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 on 24 July 1974, he The LRA Resolution in Consulta No. 1957 merely allowed the registration
was the Quezon City Register of Deeds, not the Deputy Register of of the rescission of a Joint Venture Agreement on TCTs No. 200629 and
Deeds. 200630 despite the initial adverse finding that the said certificates were of
doubtful authenticity. It did not make any categorical finding as to the
Third, even the then incumbent Quezon City Register of Deeds Samuel authenticity or validity of the TCTs. In fact, the last paragraph of the said
Cleofe (RD Cleofe) and Deputy Register of Deeds Edgardo Castro (DRD Resolution elucidated that –
Castro) believed that TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were spurious.
According to RD Cleofe, the size of the area covered by the TCTs made This resolution, however, should be understood to be limited to the
him highly suspicious of the same. In Quezon City, only a few people issue of registrability of the instrument sought to be registered and
own big tracts of land, namely, the Aranetas, Tuazons, etc. Commonly, is without prejudice to any action, if warranted, that may be filed in court
ordinary individuals own only 300 to 2,000 square meters of land. Both assailing the validity or authenticity of the certificate of titles. (Emphasis
RD Cleofe and DRD Castro identified differences in the signatures and supplied.)
designation of Atty. Peña appearing on the questionable TCTs No.
200629 and 200630 compared to those on five other admittedly authentic The NBI Questioned Documents Report No. 585-891 was even in
TCTs.51. accordance with the finding in the LRA Report that the 109-D forms on
which TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were printed seemed to be genuine.
Fourth, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), upon request of The NBI concluded that the words "109-D" and the serial numbers printed
Investigator Flestado, conducted an examination and issued Questioned on the forms were not altered. The NBI did a very limited examination of
Documents Report No. 636-991, dated 31 March 1992, wherein it noted the genuineness of the forms on which TCTs No. 200629 and 200630
significant differences in the handwriting characteristics between the were printed, but it did not look into the authenticity of Atty. Peña’s
standard/sample signatures of Atty. Peña and those appearing on TCTs signature (which was the subject of NBI Questioned Documents Report
No. 200629 and 200630, i.e., in the manner of execution, No. 636-991, dated 31 March 1992, mentioned in the LRA Report) or the
direction/movement of strokes, and other identifying details. The NBI accuracy of the entries made therein.
concluded that "[t]he questioned and the standard/sample signatures of
‘[N]estor N. Peña’ were NOT WRITTEN by one and the same person." The LRA Report, dated 10 June 1992, of Investigator Flestado was
submitted as evidence before the RTC. It must be emphasized that the
Finally, Investigator Flestado made inquiries with the Land Management LRA Report was extensive and thorough. Its findings are sufficiently
Bureau (LMB) regarding the consolidation-subdivision plan Pcs-2480 and
supported by independent and reliable proof. The BPC failed to present BPC was unable to attack the authenticity and validity of the titles of the
evidence to refute the same. The LRA Report deserves great weight Republic to the subject lots, and could only interpose the defense that it
sufficient to overcome the presumption that TCTs No. 200629 and was a buyer in good faith. Only Servando’s heirs, in their Petition for New
200630 were genuine, authentic, and indefeasible.54 Trial, attempted to raise doubts as to the titles of the Republic to the
subject lots by averring that the transfer thereof from FPHC to the
It having been established that TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were Republic was highly irregular because the latter could have acquired the
forged and spurious, their reconstitution was also attended with grave property by expropriation. Such an averment is totally baseless.
irregularities. Once more, this Court relies on the findings in the LRA Expropriation as the means by which the State can acquire private
Report, dated 10 June 1992, of Investigator Flestado. Quezon City RD property is always the remedy of last resort. Expropriation lies only when
Cleofe; the unnamed Chief of the LRA Micrographics and Computer it is made necessary by the opposition of the owner of the property to the
Division; and Records Officer Viterbo Cahilig of the Quezon City Register sale or by the lack of any agreement as to the price.55 There being, in the
of Deeds, all confirmed that there were no records of any applications for present case, valid and subsisting contracts between the FPHC, the
reconstitution of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 in the name of Servando. previous owner, and the Republic, the buyer, for the purchase of the
It would seem that an LRA employee, Cartographer Rovil Ruiz (Ruiz), subject lots at an agreed price, there was no reason for the expropriation.
made it appear that there were applications for reconstitution of TCTs No.
200629 and 200630 filed, and which were included in Folder 1614. When In consideration of all the foregoing findings, it is indubitable that TCTs
Folder 1614 was inspected, TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were not No. 275443 and 288417 of the Republic covering the subject lots are
included in its table of contents; and although the said folder did have 44 authentic and valid, while TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 of Servando
missing pages, the missing pages pertain to the supporting documents of covering the same property are not.
other TCTs, and there was no showing that TCTs No. 200629 and
200630 and the applications for reconstitution thereof were among these However, BPC maintains that it was a purchaser in good faith, for value
missing pages. Ruiz undertook by himself the computation of the tie-lines and without any inkling about any flaw from Servando’s titles. It points out
of the subject lots as described in TCTs No. 200629 and 200630, the that it purchased the subject lots from Servando on 8 February 1989 and
plotting, and examination of the titles. The LRA Report thus registered the same on 19 February 1991, way before the titles of
recommended that Ruiz be administratively charged for grave Servando were declared null by the RTC on 22 December 1992. BPC
misconduct, it appearing that he was the one who facilitated the relies on this Court’s ruling in Tenio-Obsequio v. Court of Appeals,56 to wit
administrative reconstitution of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630. –

In contrast, the Republic was able to supply Investigator Flestado with Under Section 55 of the Land Registration Act, as amended by Section
the documents supporting the transfer of the titles to the subject lots from 53 of Presidential Decree No. 1529, an original owner of registered land
FPHC to the Republic, among which were the TCTs of FPHC, the Deeds may seek the annulment of a transfer thereof on the ground of fraud.
of Sale executed by FPHC to the Republic, notice to the real property However, such a remedy is without prejudice to the rights of any innocent
owners within 300-meter radius from the area, receipts for payment of holder for value with a certificate of title.
registration fees, and payment order for the documentary stamp tax on
the sales. TCTs No. 275443 and 288417 in the name of the Republic A purchaser in good faith and for value is one who buys the property of
were included in LRA Folder No. 1976-B, together with other certificates another, without notice that some other person has a right to or interest in
of title in the name of the Republic. One of the applications filed by the such property, and pays a full and fair price for the same at the time of
Republic was docketed as Application for Reconstitution No. 41869. The such purchase or before he has notice of the claim or interest of some
Chief of the LRA Micrographics and Computer Division confirmed that the other person in the property. In consonance with this accepted legal
applications for reconstitution of TCTs No. 275443 and 288417 by the definition, petitioner Consorcia Tenio-Obsequio is a purchaser in good
Republic were recorded in the computerized Administrative faith. There is no showing whatsoever nor even an allegation that herein
Reconstitution System. petitioner had any participation, voluntarily or otherwise, in the alleged
xxxx BPC, transferring to the latter titles to the subject lots in exchange for
51% of its capital stock; and (2) A Deed of Conveyance, dated 10
The main purpose of the Torrens system is to avoid possible conflicts of October 1990, executed by Antonio in favor of BPC, transferring to the
title to real estate and to facilitate transactions relative thereto by giving latter the very same property in exchange for 2,450 shares in BPC. It
the public the right to rely upon the face of a Torrens certificate of title should be noted that even prior to these Deeds of Conveyance,
and to dispense with the need of inquiring further, except when the party Servando already transferred the subject lots by way of a Deed of
concerned has actual knowledge of facts and circumstances that should Absolute Sale, dated 10 June 1988, in favor of his son Antonio, with the
impel a reasonable cautious man to make such further inquiry. Where concurrence of his other heirs. Thus, by the time Servando executed the
innocent third persons, relying on the correctness of the certificate of title Deed of Conveyance over the subject lots in favor of BPC on 8 February
thus issued, acquire rights over the property, the court cannot disregard 1989, he no longer had any right to the said property, having sold the
such rights and order the total cancellation of the certificate. The effect of same to Antonio. It was probably to rectify this mistake that a second
such an outright cancellation would be to impair public confidence in the Deed of Conveyance was executed by Antonio on 10 October 1990.
certificate of title, for everyone dealing with property registered under the Comparing all these transfer documents, the LRA Report, dated 10 June
Torrens system would have to inquire in every instance as to whether the 1992, prepared by Investigator Flestado noted that Servando’s Tax
title has been regularly or irregularly issued by the court. Every person Account Number (TAN) in the Deed of Conveyance, dated 8 February
dealing with registered land may safely rely on the correctness of the 1989, which he executed over the subject lots in favor of BPC, was
certificate of title issued therefor and the law will in no way oblige him to "A2140-M1746-A-1;" while in the Deed of Sale, dated 10 June 1988,
go beyond the certificate to determine the condition of the property. which he executed over the subject lots in favor of Antonio, his TAN was
"4110-241-R." Moreover, despite being executed a year apart, Servando
xxxx had the same residence certificate (No. 5901393, issued at Quezon City,
on 6 April 1988) appearing in both documents.
It has been consistently ruled that a forged deed can legally be the root of
a valid title when an innocent purchaser for value intervenes. A deed of Furthermore, BPC cannot really claim that it was a purchaser in good
sale executed by an impostor without the authority of the owner of the faith which relied upon the face of Servando’s titles. It should be recalled
land sold is a nullity, and registration will not validate what otherwise is an that the Quezon City Register of Deeds caught fire on 11 June 1988.
invalid document. However, where the certificate of title was already Presumably, the original copies of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were
transferred from the name of the true owner to the forger and, while it burnt in the said fire. Servando’s heirs sought the administrative
remained that way, the land was subsequently sold to an innocent reconstitution of of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 only in December
purchaser, the vendee had the right to rely upon what appeared in the 1990. The two Deeds of Conveyance over the subject lots were executed
certificate and, in the absence of anything to excite suspicion, was under in favor of BPC by Servando and Antonio on 8 February 1989 and 10
no obligation to look beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the October 1990, respectively, both prior to the administrative reconstitution
vendor appearing on the face of said certificate. of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630. If BPC bought the subject lots after
TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were destroyed when the Quezon City
Register of Deeds burned down, but before the said certificates were
Now the question is whether BPC qualifies as an innocent purchaser for
reconstituted, then on the face of what titles did BPC rely on before
value which acquired valid titles to the subject lots, despite the fact that
deciding to proceed with the purchase of the subject lots? There was no
the titles of its predecessor-in-interest were found to be forged and
showing that there were surviving owner’s duplicate copies of TCTs No.
200629 and 200630, or even if there were, without the original copies of
the said TCTs which were stored in the Quezon City Register of Deeds
This Court finds in the negative. and purportedly destroyed in the fire, there would have been no way for
BPC to have verified the owner’s duplicate copies.
Foremost is the fact that there seem to be two documents by which titles
to the subject lots were transferred from the Accibals to BPC: (1) A Deed In addition, without the original copies and owner’s duplicate copies of
of Conveyance, dated 8 February 1989, executed by Servando in favor of TCTs No. 200629 and 200630, BPC had to rely on the reconstituted
certificates, issued on 12 December 1990, bearing the following ₱1,000,000.00, which was divided into 10,000 shares, with a par value of
numbers: TCTs No. RT-23687 (for TCT No. 200629) and RT-23688 (for ₱100.00 each; and the amount of capital stock actually subscribed was
TCT No. 200630). Under section 7 of Republic Act No. ₱250,000.00. Therefore, in 1989, fifty-one percent of the capital stock of
26,57"Reconstituted titles shall have the same validity and legal effect as BPC would be 5,100 shares, with an aggregate value of only
the originals thereof" unless the reconstitution was made ₱510,000.00. BPC is not saved by the second Deed of Conveyance,
extrajudicially.58 In this case, TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were executed more than a year later by Antonio, again transferring to BPC
reconstituted administratively, hence, extrajudicially. In contrast to the the subject lots in exchange for 2,450 shares in the latter, with the
judicial reconstitution of a lost certificate of title which is in rem, the alleged value of ₱49,000.000.00. Unless BPC is able to present proof
administrative reconstitution is essentially ex-parte and without that it applied for, and the SEC approved, a substantial increase in its
notice.59 The reconstituted certificates of title do not share the same capital stock, then this Court can only assume that its capital stock
indefeasible character of the original certificates of title for the following remained the same as the year before, 2,450 shares in BPC, with a par
reason – value of ₱100.00 each, amount only to ₱245,000.00. This Court cannot
find a plausible explanation for the discrepancy in the value of 2,450
x x x The nature of a reconstituted Transfer Certificate Of Title of shares of BPC between the ₱245,000.00 it has hereby computed and the
registered land is similar to that of a second Owner's Duplicate Transfer ₱49,000,000.00 claimed by BPC.
Certificate Of Title. Both are issued, after the proper proceedings, on the
representation of the registered owner that the original of the said TCT or For the above-stated reasons, this Court cannot declare BPC an innocent
the original of the Owner's Duplicate TCT, respectively, was lost and purchaser for value, and it acquired no better titles to the subject lots than
could not be located or found despite diligent efforts exerted for that its predecessors-in-interest, Servando and Antonio.
purpose. Both, therefore, are subsequent copies of the originals thereof.
A cursory examination of these subsequent copies would show that they At this point, it would seem that the Republic does hold better titles to the
are not the originals. Anyone dealing with such copies are put on notice subject lots. Nonetheless, another level of transactions involving the
of such fact and thus warned to be extra-careful. x x x.60 subject lots was brought by intervenors to the attention of this Court.

The fact that the TCTs were reconstituted should have alerted BPC and From the reconstituted TCTs No. RT-23687 (200629) and RT- 23688
its officers to conduct an inquiry or investigation as might be necessary to (200630) in the name of Servando, BPC derived and was issued by the
acquaint themselves with the defects in the titles of Servando.61 Quezon City Register of Deeds new certificates, TCTs No. 30829, 30830,
30831 and 30832, in its own name. It was able to secure the necessary
What is more, BPC again invokes LRA Resolution, dated 4 November licenses and permits from the appropriate government agencies to
1991, in Consulta No. 1957, and NBI Questioned Documents Report No. subdivide, develop, and sell the subject lots as Parthenon Hills. The
585-891, dated 2 September 1991 as proof that it did inquire or Parthenon Hills project was openly advertised and marketed, and a
investigate into the validity and authenticity of Servando’s titles. But substantial portion of the subject lots was already sold by BPC to the
again, it should be noted that these documents were issued after BPC public.
already acquired the subject lots from Servando and Antonio.
Except for the spouses Santiago, BPC recognizes that the intervenors,
Lastly, there are serious doubts that BPC acquired the subject lots for Nicolas-Agbulos and Abesamis, together with other legitimate
value. The Republic bought the subject lots from FPHC for the combined homeowners in Parthenon Hills, acquired from BPC titles to their
price of ₱12,333,280.00. BPC, on the other hand, supposedly acquired respective subdivided lots in good faith and for value. Even the Republic
the subject lots from Servando on 8 February 1989 in exchange for 51% could not refute that the individuals who acquired lots in Parthenon Hills
of the capital stock of BPC, with a subscription value of ₱6,000,000.00. In from BPC were purchasers in good faith and for value. It insists,
the LRA Report, dated 10 June 1992, Investigator Flestado pointed out however, that these buyers could not acquire better titles to the property
that in the Articles of Incorporation, dated 16 January 1989, of BPC, than its predecessors-in-interest – BPC, Servando, and Antonio – since
submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 20 the spring cannot rise higher than its source. The law must protect and
January 1989, BPC had an authorized capital stock of only
prefer the lawful holder of registered title over the transferee of a vendor Court of Appeals,67 provides an illuminating discourse on when such an
bereft of any transmissible rights.62 exception applies, thus –

It is true that the general rule is that a forged deed is a nullity and Is the immunity of the government from laches and estoppel absolute?
conveys no title.63 A forged deed may be defined as an instrument which May it still recover the ownership of lots sold in good faith by a private
purports to have been executed by the person or persons whose developer to innocent purchasers for value, notwithstanding its approval
signatures appear thereon, but which, in fact, was not executed, and the of the subdivision plan and its issuance of separate individual certificates
signatures thereon had been merely imitated so as to give them the of title thereto?
deceptive appearance of genuineness.64 In the case at bar, it was not any
of the deeds of transfer or conveyance of the subject lots which was xxxx
forged, but TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 themselves. The forged TCTs,
nevertheless, just as a forged deed, can make it appear that one had The general rule is that the State cannot be put in estoppel by the
title, right, or interest to the land, when in truth, he had none, to the mistakes or errors of its officials or agents. However, like all general
deprivation of the rightful owner. It has been recognized that while a rules, this is also subject to exceptions, viz:
forged instrument is null and void and of no effect as between the parties,
it may nevertheless be the root of a good title; so that the title of a
"Estoppels against the public are little favored. They should not be
registered owner who has taken it bona fide and for value, is not affected
invoked except in rare and unusual circumstances, and may not be
by reason of his claiming through someone, that the registration was void
invoked where they would operate to defeat the effective operation of a
because it had been procured by the presentation of a forged
policy adopted to protect the public. They must be applied with
circumspection and should be applied only in those special cases where
the interests of justice clearly require it. Nevertheless, the government
The forged TCTs No. 200629 and 200630 were later administratively must not be allowed to deal dishonorably or capriciously with its citizens,
reconstituted, and although an investigation would show that their and must not play an ignoble part or do a shabby thing; and subject to
reconstitution was also attended with irregularities, TCTs No. RT-23687 limitations x x x the doctrine of equitable estoppel may be invoked
(200629) and RT-23688 (200630) appear, on either face, to have been against public authorities as well as against private individuals."
duly approved by the LRA and issued by the Quezon City Register of
Deeds. With the cancellation of the reconstituted TCTs and the issuance
of new ones, TCTs No. 30829, 30830, 30831, and 30832, in the name of
BPC, any trace of forgery or irregularity as to BPC’s titles was eliminated.
TCTs No. 30829, 30830, 30831, and 30832 were clean, at least, until the Significantly, the other private respondents – Spouses Santos, Spouses
annotation therein of the notice of lis pendens of the Republic on 21 Calaguian, Dela Fuente and Madaya – bought such "expanded" lots in
October 1992. It is a settled doctrine that one who deals with property good faith, relying on the clean certificates of St. Jude, which had no
registered under the Torrens system need not go beyond the same, but notice of any flaw in them either. It is only fair and reasonable to apply
only has to rely on the certificates of title. He is charged with notice only the equitable principle of estoppel by laches against the government to
of such burdens and claims as are annotated on the certificates.66 Herein avoid an injustice to the innocent purchasers for value.
intervenors, Nicolas-Agbulos and Abesamis, before purchasing
subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills, looked into the TCTs of BPC and Likewise time-settled is the doctrine that where innocent third persons,
found nothing on the face thereof to raise doubts or suspicions as to their relying on the correctness of the certificate of title, acquire rights over the
validity and authenticity. Besides, BPC was the holder of licenses and property, courts cannot disregard such rights and order the cancellation
permits to subdivide, develop, and sell the subject lots as Parthenon of the certificate. Such cancellation would impair public confidence in the
Hills, issued by the appropriate government agencies, primarily HLURB. certificate of title, for everyone dealing with property registered under the
Torrens system would have to inquire in every instance whether the title
This is definitely a situation which constitutes an exception to the general has been regularly issued or not. This would be contrary to the very
rule that estoppel cannot lie against the government. The Republic v. purpose of the law, which is to stabilize land titles. Verily, all persons
dealing with registered land may safely rely on the correctness of the Petitioner never presented proof that the private respondents who had
certificate of title issued therefor, and the law or the courts do not oblige, bought their lots from St. Jude were buyers in bad faith. Consequently,
them to go behind the certificate in order to investigate again the true their claim of good faith prevails. A purchaser good faith and for value is
condition of the property. They are only charged with notice of the lions one who buys the property of another without notice that some other
and encumbrances on the property that are noted on the certificate. person has a right to or an interest in such property; and who pays a full
and fair price for the same at the time of such purchase or before he or
When private respondents-purchasers bought their lots from St. Jude, she has notice of the claims or interest of some other person. Good faith
they did not have to go behind the titles thereto to verify their contents or is the honest intention to abstain from taking any unconscientious
search for hidden defects or inchoate rights that could defeat their rights advantage of another.
to said lots. Although they were bound by liens and encumbrances
annotated on the titles, private respondents purchasers could not have It also bears to emphasize that the subject lots covered by TCTs No.
had notice of defects that only an inquiry beyond the face of the titles 30829, 30830, 30831, and 30832 were already subdivided, and new
could have satisfied. The rationale for this presumption has been stated TCTs were issued in the names of the buyers of each subdivision lot. To
thus: order the cancellation of all these derivative titles and the return of the
subdivision lots to the Republic shall irrefragably be unjust to the innocent
"The main purpose of the Torrens System is to avoid possible conflicts of purchasers for value and shall wreak havoc on the Torrens System.
title to real estate and to facilitate transactions, relative thereto by giving
the public the right to rely upon the face of a Torrens Certificate of Title Anyway, the Republic is not without recourse. It can claim damages from
and to dispense with the need of inquiring further, except when the party BPC, found herein not to be a buyer of the subject lots in good faith. For
concerned had actual knowledge of facts and circumstances that should its loss of portions of the subdivision lots to innocent purchasers from
impel a reasonably cautious man to make such further inquiry (Pascua v. BPC, the Republic may recover from BPC the purchase price it paid to
Capuyoc, 77 SCRA 78). Thus, where innocent third persons relying on FPHC corresponding to such subdivision lots, with interest at 6% per
the correctness of the certificate thus issued, acquire rights over the annum from 26 March 1992 (the date when the Republic instituted its
property, the court cannot disregard such rights (Director of Land v. petition for the cancellation of the TCTs of Servando, Antonio, and BPC)
Abache, et al., 73 Phil. 606)." until finality of this Decision, and 12% per annum thereafter until fully
In another case, this Court further said:
Although this Court allowed in the case at bar the intervention of Nicolas-
"The Torrens System was adopted in this country because it was Agbulos and Abesamis, and recognized their title to their respective
believed to be the most effective measure to guarantee the integrity of subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills as purchasers in good faith and for
land titles and to protect their indefeasibility once the claim of ownership value from BPC, it could not do the same for the spouses Santiago, for
is established and recognized. If a person purchases a piece of land on the reason that BPC contested their claim that they had acquired titles to
the assurance that the seller's title thereto is valid, he should not run the the subdivision lots in Parthenon Hills in good faith and for value, and
risk of being told later that his acquisition was ineffectual after all. This further asserted that the spouses Santiago acquired the said subdivision
would not only be unfair to him. What is worse is that if this were lots by fraudulent means. The allegations by the spouses Santiago of
permitted, public confidence in the system would be eroded and land good faith, on one hand, and by BPC of fraud, on the other, in the
transactions would have to be attended by complicated and not acquisition by the spouses Santiago of the subdivision lots in question,
necessarily conclusive investigations and proof of ownership. The further are factual matters, best proven and established before the RTC, which
consequence would be that land conflicts could be even more abrasive, if could receive evidence in support of each party’s position during trial.
not even violent. The Government, recognizing the worthy purposes of Should the RTC find that the spouses Santiago have indeed acquired the
the Torrens System, should be the first to accept the validity of titles subdivision lots in good faith and for value, then their titles thereto shall,
issued thereunder once the conditions laid down by the law are satisfied. likewise, be valid and indefeasible even against that of the Republic.
[Italics supplied.] However, in a contrary case, should the RTC find that the spouses
Santiago acquired the subdivision lots by fraud, then titles thereto return 6% per annum from 26 March 1992 until finality of this Decision, and 12%
to BPC. per annum thereafter until fully paid. In either option, the Republic may
claim damages from BPC, while BPC cannot seek indemnity from the
Though estoppel by laches may lie against the Republic when titles to the Republic for any improvements made on the subdivision lots, except if
subdivision lots are already in the names of the respective innocent these constitute as necessary expenses for the preservation of the land,
purchasers for value from BPC, it may not be used by BPC to defeat the for which it shall still be entitled to reimbursement.
titles of the Republic as regards the subdivision lots which remain unsold
and the titles to which are still in the name of BPC. It must be recalled As for the Petition for New Trial filed by Servando’s heirs, this Court
that BPC is not a purchaser in good faith. Estoppel, being an equitable dismisses the same for lack of legal basis. Section 1, Rule 37 of the
principle, may only be invoked by one who comes to court with clean Rules of Court reads –
SECTION 1. Grounds of and period for filing motion for new trial or
Pertinent provisions of the New Civil Code concerning builders in bad reconsideration. – Within the period for taking an appeal, the aggrieved
faith provide that – party may move the trial court to set aside the judgment or final order and
grant a new trial for one or more of the following causes materially
ART. 449. He who builds, plants, or sows in bad faith on the land of affecting the substantial rights of the said party:
another, loses what is built, planted or sown without right to indemnity.
(a) Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence which
ART. 450. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, ordinary prudence could not have guarded against and by reason
planted or sown in bad faith may demand the demolition of the work, or of which such aggrieved party has probably been impaired in his
that the planting or sowing be removed, in order to replace things in their rights; or
former condition at the expense of the person who built, planted or
sowed; or he may compel the builder or planter to pay the price of the (b) Newly discovered evidence, which he could not, with
land, and the sower the proper rent. reasonable diligence, have discovered and produced at the trial,
and which if presented would probably alter the result.
ART. 451. In cases of the two preceding articles, the landowner is
entitled to damages from the builder, planter or sower. Servando’s heirs themselves admit that the period allowed for the filing of
a motion to set aside the judgment and grant a new trial under the afore-
ART. 452. The builder, planter or sower in bad faith is entitled to quoted provision had already lapsed, but they still pray that this Court
reimbursement for the necessary expenses of preservation of the land. give due course to their Petition on the grounds of justice and equity.

Hence, as far as the subdivision lots still in the name of BPC are In Malipol v. Lim Tan,70 this Court ruled that –
concerned, the Republic has the option to either (1) recover the said lots
and demand that BPC demolish whatever improvements it has made It is within the sound discretion of the court to set aside an order of
therein, to return the lots to their former condition, at the expense of BPC; default and to permit a defendant to file his answer and to be heard on
or (2) compel BPC to pay the price of the land. The choice can only be the merits even after the reglementary period for the filing of the answer
made by the Republic, as the rightful owner of the said subject lots. has expired, but it is not error, or an abuse of discretion, on the part of
Should the Republic choose the first option, BPC is under the obligation the court to refuse to set aside its order of default and to refuse to accept
to return the possession of the subdivision lots to the Republic and the answer where it finds no justifiable reason for the delay in the filing of
surrender its corresponding TCTs for cancellation and issuance of new the answer. In the motions for reconsideration of an order of default, the
ones in the name of the Republic. Should the Republic select the second moving parry has the burden of showing such diligence as would justify
option, then BPC shall pay the Republic the purchase price that the latter his being excused from not filing the answer within the reglementary
had paid to FPHC corresponding to such subdivision lots, with interest at period as provided by the Rules of Court, otherwise these guidelines for
an orderly and expeditious procedure would be rendered meaningless. On the strength of the LRA report, Exhibit H (Record, pp. 214-258), the
Unless it is shown clearly that a party has justifiable reason for the delay, court a quo found TCT Nos. 200629 and 200630, in the name of
the court will not ordinarily exercise its discretion in his favor. Servando Accibal and from which the titles of defendant-appellee
Barstowe Philippines Corporation were derived, spurious, and ordered
In the present case, the late Servando and Antonio were already the Register of Deeds of Quezon City "to officially and finally cancel (said
declared in default by the RTC on 31 July 1992, after their supposed titles) from his records…" (Par. 2, dispositive portion, Decision, p. 16;
counsel failed to file an answer to the Republic’s petition for cancellation Rollo, p. 71). As explained by the court a quo:
of title. Nothing was heard from Servando’s heirs even after the
promulgation of the RTC Decision on 22 December 1992, and the Court "We shall now dwell on the validity of the titles, – TCT Nos. 200629 and
of Appeals Decision, dated 8 August 1997, until they filed their Petition 200630, issued in the name of Servando Accibal on July 24, 2974 by the
for New Trial, dated 23 May 2001, before this Court, or nine years from Register of Deeds of Quezon City. The LRA Report dated 10 June 1992
the date they were declared in default. (Exh. H, pp. 214-258, record) is competent proof that indeed said titles
must be cancelled. In short, the LRA found after due investigation that
According to Servando’s heirs, due to the extrinsic fraud committed by the said titles of Servando Accibal were issued with certain irregularties
the President and counsel of BPC, they were prevented from (sic). It recommended the cancellation therefore, of TCT Nos. 200629
participating in the proceedings before the trial court. They allegedly and 200630, to which the court concurs, as said report must be accorded
relied on the assurance of the President and counsel of BPC that the due respect and in the absence of fraud or irregularties (sic) that
latter shall also represent them and their interests in the subject lots in attended the investigation, which the Court finds none, the same must be
the case. persuasive, if not conclusive. Moreover, herein defendant Servando
Accibal because of his failure to answer, despite extension of time given
This allegation of fraud by Servando’s heirs has no leg to stand on. It him, plaintiff’s counsel, he was declared as in default since then, he
should be recalled that the late Servando and Antonio were represented never asked the court to lift and set aside the default order. There is no
by a counsel at the beginning of the proceedings before the RTC. Their way, his title may be cancelled. For one thing, he was not able to present
counsel even submitted two consecutive motions for extension of time to evidence to controvert the recommendation of the LRA to cancel his
file the appropriate pleadings. There was no explanation provided as to titles. For another, Servando Accibal is deemed to have impliedly
why, despite the grant of said motions, the counsel still failed to file an admitted the irregularties (sic) that attended the issuance of his
answer to the Republic’s petition for cancellation of title. It is also contrary aforestated titles." (Decision, pp. 14-15; Rollo, pp. 69-70)
to common human experience that Servando’s heirs, by the mere
assurance of the President and counsel of BPC, adopted a totally hands- This portion of the decision ordering the cancellation of TCT Nos. 200629
off attitude in a case where they supposedly have substantial interest. and 200630 in the name of Servando Accibal was not appealed nor
There is no showing during the nine years when they were not assigned as a counter-assigment of error in the brief of Barstowe
participating in the court proceedings, that they, at least, inquired into or Philippines Corporation; hence, is now final.
followed-up on the status of the case with BPC. Such blind trust in the
President and counsel of BPC is surely difficult to comprehend, Thus, the findings of this Court as to the rights of the parties involved in
especially if this Court takes into account the contention of Servando’s the present case are summarized as follows –
heirs that BPC failed to deliver the shares of stock in exchange for the
subject lots. What is apparent to this Court is not the alleged fraud (1) The certificates of title acquired by Servando over the subject
committed by BPC but, rather, the inexcusable negligence of Servando’s lots were forged and spurious, and such finding made by both the
heirs when it came to protecting their titles, rights, and interests to the RTC and Court of Appeals is already final and binding on
subject lots, if indeed, there were still any. Servando’s heirs;

Worth reproducing herein, is the conclusion71 made by the Court of

Appeals on Servando’s titles –
(2) BPC did not acquire the subject lots in good faith and for former condition, at the expense of BPC. In such a case,
value, and its certificates of title cannot defeat those of the certificates of title of BPC over the said portions shall be
Republic’s; cancelled and new ones issued in the name of the Republic; or
(b) It may surrender the said portions to BPC and just compel
(3) As between BPC and the Republic, the latter has better titles BPC to reimburse the Republic for the purchase price the
to the subject lots being the purchaser thereof in good faith and Republic paid to FPHC for the said portions, plus appropriate
for value from FPHC; interest.

(4) However, considering that the subject lots had already been WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition is
subdivided and the certificates of title had been issued for each hereby PARTLY GRANTED. The Decision, dated 8 August 1997, of the
subdivision lot, which were derived from the certificates of title of Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 47522 is
BPC, it is more practical, convenient, and in consonance with the hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and a new one is hereby entered,
stability of the Torrens System that the certificates of title of BPC as follows:
and its derivative certificates be maintained, while those of the
Republic’s be cancelled; (1) In view of the finding that the Transfer Certificates of Title No.
200629 and 200630 in the name of Servando Accibal are forged
(5) Estoppel lies against the Republic for granting BPC and spurious, the Quezon City Register of Deeds is ORDERED to
governmental permits and licenses to subdivide, develop, and sell officially and finally cancel the same from his records;
to the public the subject lots as Parthenon Hills. Relying on the
face of the certificates of title of BPC and the licenses and permits (2) In view of the finding that the respondent Republic of the
issued to BPC by government agencies, innocent individuals, Philippines was a purchaser in good faith of the subject lots from
including intervenors Nicolas-Agbulos and Abesamis, purchased Philippine First Holdings Corporation, but also taking into
subdivision lots in good faith and for value; consideration the functioning and stability of the Torrens System,
as well as the superior rights of subsequent purchasers in good
(6) The claims of the intervenor spouses Santiago that they faith and for value of portions of the subject lots – subdivided,
acquired portions of the subject lots in good faith and for value developed, and sold as Parthenon Hills – from petitioner
still need to be proven during trial before the court a quo. Unlike Barstowe Philippines Corporation –
the claims of intervenors Nicolas-Agbulos and Abesamis, which
BPC admitted, the claims of the spouses Santiago were opposed (a) The Quezon City Register of Deeds is ORDERED to
by BPC on the ground of fraud; cancel Transfer Certificates of Title No. 275443 and
288417 in the name of respondent Republic of the
(7) Certificates of title over portions of the subject lots, acquired Philippines;
by purchasers in good faith and for value, from BPC, are valid
and indefeasible, even as against the certificates of title of the (b) The respondent Republic of the Philippines is
Republic. The Republic, however, is entitled to recover from BPC ORDERED to respect and recognize the certificates of
the purchase price the Republic paid to FPHC for the said title to the subject portions of land in the name of
portions, plus appropriate interests; and purchasers of good faith and for value from petitioner
Republic of the Philippines;
(8) As portions of the subject lots are still unsold and their
corresponding certificates of title remain in the name of BPC, the (c) Petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation is
Republic may exercise two options: (a) It may recover the said ORDERED to pay respondent Republic of the Philippines
portions and demand that BPC demolish whatever improvements for the purchase price the latter paid to First Philippine
it has made therein, so as to return the said portions to their Holdings Corporation corresponding to the portions of the
subject lots which are already covered by certificates of Philippines Corporation is ORDERED to reimburse the petitioner
title in the name of purchasers in good faith and for value Republic of the Philippines for the purchase price it had paid to
from petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation, plus First Philippine Holdings Corporation for the said portions, plus
appropriate interest; appropriate interest;

(d) The respondent Republic of the Philippines is (c) Petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporaton is ORDERED to
ORDERED to choose one of the options available to it as pay appropriate damages to respondent Republic of the
regards the portions of the subject lots which remain Philippines as may be determined by the trial court;
unsold and covered by certificates of title in the name of
petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation, either (i) To (3) In view of the finding that intervenors Winnie U. Nicolas-Agbulos and
recover the said portions and demand that petitioner Edgardo Q. Abesamis are purchasers in good faith and for value of
Barstowe Philippines Corporation demolish whatever portions of the subject lots – subdivided, developed, and sold as
improvements it has made therein, so as to return the Parthenon Hills – from petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation, it
said portions to their former condition, at the expense of is DECLARED that their certificates of title are valid and indefeasible as
the latter, or (ii) To surrender the said portions to to all parties;
petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation and compel
the latter to reimburse the respondent Republic of the (4) In view of the finding that the Petition for New Trial filed by the heirs of
Philippines for the purchase price it had paid to First Servando Accibal, namely, Virgilio V. Accibal, Virginia A. Macabudbud,
Philippine Holdings Corporation for the said portions, plus and Antonio V. Accibal, lacks merit, the said Petition is DISMISSED; and
appropriate interest. Regardless of the option chosen by
the respondent Republic of the Philippines, it is
(5) The case is REMANDED to the court of origin for determination of the
ORDERED to reimburse petitioner Barstowe Philippines
following –
Corporation for any necessary expenses incurred by the
latter for the said portions;
(a) The validity of the claims, and identification of the purchasers,
in good faith and for value, of portions of the subject lots from
(2) In view of the finding that petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation
petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation, other than
is not a purchaser and builder in good faith, and depending on the option
intervenors Winnie U. Nicolas-Agbulos and Edgardo Q.
chosen by respondent Republic of the Philippines concerning the
Abesamis, whose titles are to be declared valid and indefeasible;
portions of the subject lots which remain unsold and covered by
certificates of title in the name of petitioner Barstowe Philippines
Corporation, as enumerated in paragraph 2(d) hereof – (b) The identification of the portions of the subject lots in the
possession and names of purchasers in good faith and for value
and those which remain with petitioner Barstowe Philippines
(a) In case the respondent Republic of the Philippines chooses
the option under paragraph 2(d)(i) hereof, petitioner Barstowe
Philippines Corporation is ORDERED to demolish whatever
improvements it has made on the said portions, so as to return (c) The computation of the amount of the purchase price which
the same to their former condition, at its own expense. The respondent Republic of the Philippines may recover from
Quezon City Register of Deeds is also ORDERED to cancel the petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation in consideration of
certificates of title of petitioner Barstowe Philippines Corporation the preceding paragraphs hereof;
over the said portions and to issue in lieu thereof certificates of
title in the name of respondent Republic of the Philippines; (d) The types and computation of the damages recoverable by
the parties; and
(b) In case the respondent Republic of the Philippines chooses
the option under paragraph 2(d)(ii) hereof, petitioner Barstowe
(e) The computation and award of the cross-claim of EL-VI Realty The trial court decided the case in favor of respondent declaring him to be
and Development Corporation against petitioner Barstowe the rightful owner of the disputed 124-square-meter portion of the lot and
Philippines Corporation. ordering petitioner to surrender possession of the property to respondent
and to cause, at its expense, the removal of any improvement thereon.

The Court of Appeals, on appeal, sustained the trial court but it ordered to
be deleted the award to respondent of attorneys fees, as well as moral and
G.R. No. 149295. September 23, 2003 exemplary damages, and litigation expenses.

PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK,, Petitioner, v. GENEROSO DE JESUS, Petitioner went to this Court, via a petition for review, after the appellate
represented by his Attorney-in-Fact, CHRISTIAN DE JESUS, respondent. court had denied the banks motion for reconsideration, here now
contending that -
Petitioner Philippine National Bank disputes the decision handed down by
the Court of Appeals promulgated on 23 March 2001 in CA-G.R. CV No. 2. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN LAW IN NOT APPLYING IN
56001, entitled Generoso De Jesus, represented by his Attorney-in-Fact, FAVOR OF PNB THE PROVISION OF ARTICLE 448 OF THE CIVIL CODE AND
Christian De Jesus, versus Philippine National Bank. The assailed decision THE RULING IN TECNOGAS PHILIPPINES MANUFACTURING CORP. VS.
has affirmed the judgment rendered by the Regional Trial Court, Branch COURT OF APPEALS, G.R. No. 108894, February 10, 1997, 268 SCRA 7.1 cräläwvirtualibräry

44, of Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro, declaring respondent Generoso de

Jesus as being the true and lawful owner of the 124-square-meter portion The Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals have both rejected the
of the land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-17197 and idea that petitioner can be considered a builder in good faith. In the
ordering petitioner bank to vacate the premises, to deliver possession context that such term is used in particular reference to Article 448, et
thereof to respondent, and to remove the improvement thereon. seq., of the Civil Code, a builder in good faith is one who, not being the
owner of the land, builds on that land believing himself to be its owner and
It would appear that on 10 June 1995, respondent filed a complaint unaware of any defect in his title or mode of acquisition.
against petitioner before the Regional Trial Court of Occidental Mindoro for
recovery of ownership and possession, with damages, over the questioned The various provisions of the Civil Code, pertinent to the subject, read:
property. In his complaint, respondent stated that he had acquired a
parcel of land situated in Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro, with an area of
Article 448. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown,
1,144 square meters covered by TCT No. T-17197, and that on 26 March
or planted in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his own the
1993, he had caused a verification survey of the property and discovered
works, sowing or planting, after payment of the indemnity provided for in
that the northern portion of the lot was being encroached upon by a
Articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who built or planted to pay the
building of petitioner to the extent of 124 square meters. Despite two
price of the land, and the one who sowed, the proper rent. However, the
letters of demand sent by respondent, petitioner failed and refused to
builder or planter cannot be obliged to buy the land if its value is
vacate the area.
considerably more than that of the building or trees. In such a case, he
shall pay reasonable rent, if the owner of the land does not choose to
Petitioner, in its answer, asserted that when it acquired the lot and the appropriate the building or trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall
building sometime in 1981 from then Mayor Bienvenido Ignacio, the agree upon the terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court
encroachment already was in existence and to remedy the situation, Mayor shall fix the terms thereof.
Ignacio offered to sell the area in question (which then also belonged to
Ignacio) to petitioner at P100.00 per square meter which offer the latter
Article 449. He who builds, plants, or sows in bad faith on the land of
claimed to have accepted. The sale, however, did not materialize when,
another, loses what is built, planted or sown without right to indemnity.
without the knowledge and consent of petitioner, Mayor Ignacio later
mortgaged the lot to the Development Bank of the Philippines.
Article 450. The owner of the land on which anything has been built, In fine, petitioner is not in a valid position to invoke the provisions of
planted or sown in bad faith may demand the demolition of the work, or Article 448 of the Civil Code. The Court commiserates with petitioner in its
that the planting or sowing be removed, in order to replace things in their present predicament; upon the other hand, respondent, too, is entitled to
former condition at the expense of the person who built, planted or sowed; his rights under the law, particularly after having long been deprived of the
or he may compel the builder or planter to pay the price of the land, and enjoyment of his property. Nevertheless, the Court expresses hope that
the sower the proper rent. the parties will still be able to come up with an arrangement that can be
mutually suitable and acceptable to them.
A builder in good faith can, under the foregoing provisions, compel the
landowner to make a choice between appropriating the building by paying WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
the proper indemnity or obliging the builder to pay the price of the land. 56001 is AFFIRMED. No costs.
The choice belongs to the owner of the land, a rule that accords with the
principle of accession, i.e., that the accessory follows the principal and not SO ORDERED.
the other way around.2 Even as the option lies with the landowner, the
grant to him, nevertheless, is preclusive. He much choose one. He cannot,
for instance, compel the owner of the building to instead remove it from
the land.3 In order, however, that the builder can invoke that accruing
benefit and enjoy his corresponding right to demand that a choice be
made by the landowner, he should be able to prove good faith on his part.
Good faith, here understood, is an intangible and abstract quality with no DONINI, Respondents.
technical meaning or statutory definition, and it encompasses, among
other things, an honest belief, the absence of malice and the absence of DECISION
design to defraud or to seek an unconscionable advantage. An individuals
personal good faith is a concept of his own mind and, therefore, may not CORONA, J.:
conclusively be determined by his protestations alone. It implies honesty
of intention, and freedom from knowledge of circumstances which ought to
The subject of this petition is an oral lease agreement that went sour.
put the holder upon inquiry.4 The essence of good faith lies in an honest
Petitioner Serafin Cheng agreed to lease his property located at 479 Shaw
belief in the validity of ones right, ignorance of a superior claim, and Blvd., Mandaluyong City to respondents, Spouses Vittorio and Ma. Helen
absence of intention to overreach another.5 Applied to possession, one is Donini, who intended to put up a restaurant thereon. They agreed to a monthly
considered in good faith if he is not aware that there exists in his title or rental of P17,000, to commence in December 1990.
mode of acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.6 cräläwvirtualibräry

Bearing an Interim Grant of Authority executed by petitioner, respondents

Given the findings of both the trial court and the appellate court, it should proceeded to introduce improvements in the premises. The authority read:
be evident enough that petitioner would fall much too short from its claim
of good faith. Evidently, petitioner was quite aware, and indeed advised, I, Serafin Cheng, of legal age and with office address at Room 310 Federation
prior to its acquisition of the land and building from Ignacio that a part of Center Building Muelle de Binondo, Manila, owner of the building/structure
the building sold to it stood on the land not covered by the land conveyed located at 479 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, pursuant to a
to it. lease agreement now being finalized and to take effect December 1, 1990,
hereby grants VITTORIO DONINI (Prospective Lessee) and all those acting
Equally significant is the fact that the building, constructed on the land by under his orders to make all the necessary improvements on the prospective
Ignacio, has in actuality been part of the property transferred to petitioner. leased premises located at 479 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, and
Article 448, of the Civil Code refers to a piece of land whose ownership is for this purpose, to enter said premises and perform, all such works and
claimed by two or more parties, one of whom has built some works (or activities to make the leased premises operational as a restaurant or similar
sown or planted something) and not to a case where the owner of the purpose.
land is the builder, sower, or planter who then later loses
ownership of the land by sale or otherwise for, elsewise stated, Manila, 31 October 1990.1
where the true owner himself is the builder of works on his own
land, the issue of good faith or bad faith is entirely irrelevant. 7 cräläwvirtualibräry
However, before respondents' business could take off and before any final Hence, this petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, with
lease agreement could be drafted and signed, the parties began to have petitioner arguing that:
serious disagreements regarding its terms and conditions. Petitioner thus wrote
respondents on January 28, 1991, demanding payment of the deposit and THE COURT OF APPEALS DECIDED THIS CASE NOT IN ACCORD WITH LAW
rentals, and signifying that he had no intention to continue with the agreement AND WITH APPLICABLE DECISIONS OF THIS HONORABLE COURT. PUT
should respondents fail to pay. Respondents, however, ignoring petitioner's OTHERWISE:
demand, continued to occupy the premises until April 17, 1991 when their
caretaker voluntarily surrendered the property to petitioner.
Respondents then filed an action for specific performance and damages with a LEASED PREMISES, THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRONEOUSLY CONSIDERED
prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction in the Regional Trial RESPONDENTS NOT AS MERE LESSEES BUT POSSESSORS IN GOOD FAITH
Court (RTC) of Pasig City, Branch 67, docketed as Civil Case No. 60769. UNDER ARTICLES 448 AND 546 OF THE CIVIL CODE.
Respondents prayed that petitioner be ordered to execute a written lease
contract for five years, deducting from the deposit and rent the cost of repairs
in the amount of P445,000, or to order petitioner to return their investment in B. THE COURT OF APPEALS DECIDED THIS CASE NOT IN ACCORD WITH
the amount of P964,000 and compensate for their unearned net income ARTICLE 1678 OF THE CIVIL CODE WHICH GIVES THE LESSOR THE OPTION
of P200,000 with interest, plus attorney's fees.2 TO REIMBURSE THE LESSEE ONE-HALF OF THE VALUE OF USEFUL
Petitioner, in his answer, denied respondents' claims and sought the award of
moral and exemplary damages, and attorney's fees.3
After trial, the RTC rendered its decision in favor of petitioner, the dispositive SECOND PARAGRAPH OF ARTICLE 1678.
portion of which provided:


WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, this Court finds the preponderance of FAVOR OF THE RESPONDENTS.
evidence in favor of the [petitioner] and hereby renders judgment as follows:



2. On the counterclaim, [respondents] are ordered, jointly and severally, to F. THE COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED AND/OR GRAVELY ABUSED ITS
pay the [petitioner] P500,000.00 as moral damages; P100,000.00 as DISCRETION IN FIXING THE AMOUNT OF P961,000.009 CONTRARY TO
exemplary damages; and P50,000.00 as attorney's fees. RESPONDENTS' OWN REPRESENTATION AND EVIDENCE.10

3. [Respondents] are likewise ordered to pay the costs. Respondents were required to file their comment on the petition but their
counsel manifested that he could not file one since his clients' whereabouts
SO ORDERED.4 were unknown to him.11 Counsel also urged the Court to render a decision on
the basis of the available records and documents.12 Per resolution dated August
Respondents appealed to the Court of Appeals (CA) which, in its 30, 2006, copies of the resolutions requiring respondents to file their comment
decision5 dated March 31, 2004, recalled and set aside the RTC decision, and were sent to their last known address and were deemed served. The order
entered a new one ordering petitioner to pay respondents the amount requiring respondents' counsel to file a comment in their behalf was
of P964,000 representing the latter's expenses incurred for the repairs and reiterated.13
improvements of the premises.6

Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration on the ground that the award of
reimbursement had no factual and legal bases,7 but this was denied by the CA
in its resolution dated February 21, 2005.8
In their comment, respondents argued that they were possessors in good faith, legality," is applied only in the absence of, and never against, statutory law or
hence, Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code applied and they should be judicial rules of procedure.18 Positive rules prevail over all abstract arguments
indemnified for the improvements introduced on the leased premises. based on equity contra legem.19 Neither is the principle of unjust enrichment
Respondents bewailed the fact that petitioner was going to benefit from these applicable since petitioner (who was to benefit from it) had a valid claim.20
improvements, the cost of which amounted to P1.409 million, in contrast to
respondents' rental/deposit obligation amounting to only P34,000. The relationship between petitioner and respondents was explicitly governed
Respondents also contended that petitioner's rescission of the agreement was by the Civil Code provisions on lease, which clearly provide for the rule on
in bad faith and they were thus entitled to a refund.14 reimbursement of useful improvements and ornamental expenses after
termination of a lease agreement. Article 1678 states:
In settling the appeal before it, the CA made the following findings and
conclusions: If the lessee makes, in good faith, useful improvements which are suitable to
the use for which the lease is intended, without altering the form or substance
1. there was no agreement that the deposit and rentals accruing to petitioner of the property leased, the lessor upon the termination of the lease shall pay
would be deducted from the costs of repairs and renovation incurred by the lessee one-half of the value of the improvements at that time. Should the
respondents; lessor refuse to reimburse said amount, the lessee may remove the
improvements, even though the principal thing may suffer damage thereby. He
2. respondents committed a breach in the terms and conditions of the shall not, however, cause any more impairment upon the property leased than
agreement when they failed to pay the rentals; is necessary.

3. there was no valid rescission on the part of petitioner; With regard to ornamental expenses, the lessee shall not be entitled to any
reimbursement, but he may remove the ornamental objects, provided no
damage is caused to the principal thing, and the lessor does not choose to
4. respondents were entitled to reimbursement for the cost of improvements retain them by paying their value at the time the lease is extinguished.
under the principle of equity and unjust enrichment; and cralawlibrary

Article 1678 modified the (old) Civil Code provision on reimbursement where
5. the award of damages in favor of petitioner had no basis in fact and law.15 the lessee had no right at all to be reimbursed for the improvements
introduced on the leased property, he being entitled merely to the rights of a
As the correctness of the CA's ruling regarding (1) the lack of agreement on usufructuary - the right of removal and set-off but not to reimbursement.21
the deposit and rentals; (2) respondents' breach of the terms of the verbal
agreement and (3) the lack of valid rescission by petitioner was never put in Contrary to respondents' position, Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code did
issue, this decision will be confined only to the issues raised by petitioner, that not apply. Under these provisions, to be entitled to reimbursement for useful
is, the award of reimbursement and the deletion of the award of damages. It improvements introduced on the property, respondents must be considered
need not be stressed that an appellate court will not review errors that are not builders in good faith. Articles 448 and 546, which allow full reimbursement of
assigned before it, save in certain exceptional circumstances and those useful improvements and retention of the premises until reimbursement is
affecting jurisdiction over the subject matter as well as plain and clerical made, apply only to a possessor in good faith or one who builds on land in the
errors, none of which is present in this case.16 belief that he is the owner thereof. A builder in good faith is one who is
unaware of any flaw in his title to the land at the time he builds on it.22
Remarkably, in ruling that respondents were entitled to reimbursement, the CA
did not provide any statutory basis therefor and instead applied the principles But respondents cannot be considered possessors or builders in good faith. As
of equity and unjust enrichment, stating: early as 1956, in Lopez v. Philippine & Eastern Trading Co., Inc.,23 the Court
clarified that a lessee is neither a builder nor a possessor in good faith'
It would be inequitable to allow the defendant-appellee, as owner of the
property to enjoy perpetually the improvements introduced by the plaintiffs-
appellants without reimbursing them for the value of the said improvements.
Well-settled is the rule that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefitted at
the expense of another.17

Petitioner, however, correctly argued that the principle of equity did not apply
in this case. Equity, which has been aptly described as "justice outside
x x x This principle of possessor in good faith naturally cannot apply to a lessee The Court notes that the CA pegged the total value of the improvements made
because as such lessee he knows that he is not the owner of the leased on the leased premises at P964,000, which was apparently based on the
property. Neither can he deny the ownership or title of his lessor. Knowing that allegation in respondents' complaint that it was their total investment
his occupation of the premises continues only during the life of the lease cost.28 The CA lumped together all of respondents' expenses, which was a
contract and that he must vacate the property upon termination of the lease or blatant error. A qualification should have been made as to how much was
upon the violation by him of any of its terms, he introduces improvements spent for useful improvements (or those which were suitable to the use for
on said property at his own risk in the sense that he cannot recover which the lease was intended) and how much was for ornamental expenses.
their value from the lessor, much less retain the premises until such Respondent Vittorio Donini testified that he spent P450,000 for necessary
reimbursement. (Emphasis supplied) cralawlibrary repairs, while P500,000 was spent for adornments.29 The evidence on record,
however, showed respondents' expenses for useful improvements to be as
Being mere lessees, respondents knew that their right to occupy the premises follows:
existed only for the duration of the lease.24Cortez v. Manimbo25 went further to
state that:
Expense Amount
If the rule were otherwise, 'it would always be in the power of the tenant to Electrical P31,893.65 Exh. "F", et seq.30
improve his landlord out of his property. Roofing P14,856.00 Exhibit "O"31
Labor P19,909.75 Exh. "P", et seq.32
These principles have been consistently adhered to and applied by the Court in
many cases.26 Ceiling P65,712.00 Exh. "Q", et seq.33
Labor P38,689.20 Exh. "R", et seq.34
Under Article 1678 of the Civil Code, the lessor has the primary right (or the
first move) to reimburse the lessee for 50% of the value of the improvements Electrical (phase 2) P76,539.10 Exh. "S", et seq.35
at the end of the lease. If the lessor refuses to make the reimbursement, the Door P41,371.75 Exh. "T", et seq.36
subsidiary right of the lessee to remove the improvements, even though the
principal thing suffers damage, arises. Consequently, on petitioner rests the Labor P25,126.00 Exh. "U", et seq.37
primary option to pay for one-half of the value of the useful improvements. It Water P 8,031.00 Exhs. "W" & "W-1"3
is only when petitioner as lessor refuses to make the reimbursement that
respondents, as lessees, may remove the improvements. Should petitioner Gutters P 35,550.05 Exhs. "X" & "X-1"39
refuse to exercise the option of paying for one-half of the value of the
improvements, he cannot be compelled to do so. It then lies on respondents to
Outside Wall P 24,744.00 Exh. "X-2"40
insist on their subsidiary right to remove the improvements even though the Inside Wall P 22,186.10 Exh. "X-3"41
principal thing suffers damage but without causing any more impairment on
the property leased than is necessary.
Electrical (phase 3) P 88,698.30 Exhs. "X-8" to "X-1
Labor P 19,995.00 Exhibit "Y"43
As regards the ornamental expenses, respondents are not entitled to Total P513,301.90
reimbursement. Article 1678 gives respondents the right to remove the
ornaments without damage to the principal thing. But if petitioner appropriates
and retains said ornaments, he shall pay for their value upon the termination Accordingly, the 50% value of the useful improvements to be reimbursed by
of the lease. petitioner, if he chose to do so, should be based on P513,301.90. Since
petitioner did not exercise his option to retain these useful improvements, then
respondents could have removed the same. This was the legal consequence of
The fact that petitioner will benefit from the improvements introduced by
the application of Article 1678 under ordinary circumstances.
respondents is beside the point. In the first place, respondents introduced
these improvements at their own risk as lessees. Respondents were not forced
or obliged to splurge on the leased premises as it was a matter of necessity as The reality on the ground ought to be recognized. For one, as disclosed by
well as a business strategy.27 In fact, had respondents only complied with their respondents' counsel, he no longer knows the exact whereabouts of his clients,
obligation to pay the deposit/rent, there would have been no dispute to begin only that they are now in Europe and he has no communication with them at
with. If they were able to shell out more than a million pesos to improve the all.44 For another, it appears that as soon as respondents vacated the
property, the measly P34,000 deposit demanded by petitioner was a mere premises, petitioner immediately reclaimed the property and barred
"drop in the bucket," so to speak. More importantly, the unequivocal terms of respondents from entering it. Respondents also alleged, and petitioner did not
Article 1678 of the Civil Code should be the foremost consideration. deny, that the property subject of this case had already been leased to another
entity since 1991.45 This is where considerations of equity should come into (1) petitioner Serafin Cheng is ORDERED to pay respondents, spouses Vittorio
play. It is obviously no longer feasible for respondents to remove the and Ma. Helen Donini, the amount of P171,650.95 as indemnity for the useful
improvements from the property, if they still exist. The only equitable improvements; and cralawlibrary

alternative then, given the circumstances, is to order petitioner to pay

respondents one-half of the value of the useful improvements (50% (2) respondents, spouses Vittorio and Ma. Helen Donini, are ORDERED to pay
of P513,301.90) introduced on the property, or P256,650.95. To be off-set petitioner Serafin Cheng the following sums:
against this amount are respondents' unpaid P17,000 monthly rentals for the
period of December 1990 to April 1991,46or P85,000. Petitioner should,
therefore, indemnify respondents the amount of P171,650.95. This is in a) P100,000.00 moral damages;
accord with the law's intent of preventing unjust enrichment of a lessor who
now has to pay one-half of the value of the useful improvements at the end of b) P50,000.00 exemplary damages and
the lease because the lessee has already enjoyed the same, whereas the lessor
can enjoy them indefinitely thereafter.47 c) P25,000.00 attorney's fees.

Respondents are not entitled to reimbursement for the ornamental expenses

Let copies of this decision be furnished respondents, spouses Vittorio and Ma.
under the express provision of Article 1678. Moreover, since they failed to Helen Donini, at their last known address, and their counsel of record.
remove these ornaments despite the opportunity to do so when they vacated
the property, then they were deemed to have waived or abandoned their right
of removal. SO ORDERED.

The CA also erred when it deleted the awards of moral and exemplary
damages and attorney's fees.

Petitioner is entitled to moral damages but not in the amount of P500,000

awarded by the RTC, which the Court finds to be excessive. While trial courts
are given discretion to determine` the amount of moral damages, it "should
not be palpably and scandalously excessive."48 Moral damages are not meant
to enrich a person at the expense of the other but are awarded only to allow NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY, petitioner, 
the former to obtain means, diversion or amusements that will serve to vs.
alleviate the moral suffering he has undergone due to the other person's GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH and the COURT OF
culpable action.49 It must always reasonably approximate the extent of injury APPEALS, respondents.
and be proportional to the wrong committed.50 The award of P100,000 as
moral damages is sufficient and reasonable under the circumstances.
The award of P100,000 as exemplary damages is likewise excessive.
Exemplary damages are imposed not to enrich one party or impoverish another YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
but to serve as a deterrent against or as a negative incentive to curb socially
deleterious actions.51 We think P50,000 is reasonable in this case.ςηαñrοblεš νιr†υαl lαω lιbrαrÿ

This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, seeking
to reverse the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated February 26,
Finally, Article 2208 of the Civil Code allows recovery of attorney's fees when 2001,1 and its Resolution dated November 8, 2002,2 which modified the
exemplary damages are awarded or when the defendant's act or omission has
compelled the plaintiff to litigate with third persons or to incur expenses to
decision of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 90, dated
protect his interest.52 Petitioner is entitled to it since exemplary damages were February 25, 1997.3
awarded in this case and respondents' act in filing Civil Case No. 60769
compelled him to litigate. The amount of P25,000 is in accord with prevailing On June 13, 1986, respondent Grace Baptist Church (hereinafter, the
jurisprudence.53 Church) wrote a letter to petitioner National Housing Authority (NHA),
manifesting its interest in acquiring Lots 4 and 17 of the General Mariano
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The decision dated Alvarez Resettlement Project in Cavite.4 In its letter-reply dated July 9,
March 31, 2004 rendered by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 54430 is
hereby MODIFIED in that '
1986, petitioner informed respondent:
In reference to your request letter dated 13 June 1986, regarding return possession of the property to the defendant and to
your application for Lots 4 and 17, Block C-3-CL, we are glad to pay the latter reasonable rental for the use of the property
inform you that your request was granted and you may now visit at P200.00 per month computed from the time it took
our Project Office at General Mariano Alvarez for processing of possession thereof until finally vacated. Costs against
your application to purchase said lots. defendant.

We hereby advise you also that prior to approval of such application and SO ORDERED.12
in accordance with our existing policies and guidelines, your other
accounts with us shall be maintained in good standing.5 On appeal, the Court of Appeals, affirmed the trial court’s finding that
there was indeed no contract of sale between the parties. However,
Respondent entered into possession of the lots and introduced petitioner was ordered to execute the sale of the lots to Grace Baptist
improvements thereon.6 Church at the price of P700.00 per square meter, with 6% interest per
annum from March 1991. The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals’
On February 22, 1991, the NHA’s Board of Directors passed Resolution decision, dated February 26, 2001, reads:
No. 2126, approving the sale of the subject lots to respondent Church at
the price of P700.00 per square meter, or a total price of WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision is hereby AFFIRMED with
P430,500.00.7 The Church was duly informed of this Resolution through a the MODIFICATION that defendant-appellee NHA is hereby
letter sent by the NHA.8 ordered to sell to plaintiff-appellant Grace Baptist Church Lots 4
and 17 at the price of P700.00 per square meter, or a total cost
On April 8, 1991, the Church tendered to the NHA a manager’s check in P430,000.00 with 6% interest per annum from March, 1991 until
the amount of P55,350.00, purportedly in full payment of the subject full payment in cash.
properties.9 The Church insisted that this was the price quoted to them by
the NHA Field Office, as shown by an unsigned piece of paper with a SO ORDERED.13
handwritten computation scribbled thereon.10 Petitioner NHA returned the
check, stating that the amount was insufficient considering that the price The appellate court ruled that the NHA’s Resolution No. 2126, which
of the properties have changed. The Church made several demands on earlier approved the sale of the subject lots to Grace Baptist Church at
the NHA to accept their tender of payment, but the latter refused. Thus, the price of P700.00 per square meter, has not been revoked at any time
the Church instituted a complaint for specific performance and damages and was therefore still in effect. As a result, the NHA was estopped from
against the NHA with the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City,11 where it fixing a different price for the subject properties. Considering further that
was docketed as Civil Case No. Q-91-9148. the Church had been occupying the subject lots and even introduced
improvements thereon, the Court of Appeals ruled that, in the interest of
On February 25, 1997, the trial court rendered its decision, the dispositive equity, it should be allowed to purchase the subject properties.14
portion of which reads:
Petitioner NHA filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was denied in a
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby Resolution dated November 8, 2002. Hence, the instant petition for
rendered as follows: review on the sole issue of: Can the NHA be compelled to sell the subject
lots to Grace Baptist Church in the absence of any perfected contract of
1. Ordering the defendant to reimburse to the plaintiff the sale between the parties?
amount of P4,290.00 representing the overpayment made
for Lots 1, 2, 3, 18, 19 and 20; Petitioner submits that the Court cannot compel it to sell the subject
property to Grace Baptist Church without violating its freedom to
2. Declaring that there was no perfected contract of sale contract.15 Moreover, it contends that equity should be applied only in the
with respect to Lots 4 and 17 and ordering the plaintiff to absence of any law governing the relationship between the parties, and
that the law on sales and the law on contracts in general apply to the apply. In Vda. de Urbano v. Government Service Insurance System,22 it
present case.16 was ruled that a qualified acceptance constitutes a counter-offer as
expressly stated by Article 1319 of the Civil Code. In said case,
We find merit in petitioner’s submission. petitioners offered to redeem mortgaged property and requested for an
extension of the period of redemption. However, the offer was not
Petitioner NHA is not estopped from selling the subject lots at a price accepted by the GSIS. Instead, it made a counter-offer, which petitioners
equal to their fair market value, even if it failed to expressly revoke did not accept. Petitioners again offer to pay the redemption price on
Resolution No. 2126. It is, after all, hornbook law that the principle of staggered basis. In deciding said case, it was held that when there is
estoppel does not operate against the Government for the act of its absolutely no acceptance of an offer or if the offer is expressly rejected,
agents,17 or, as in this case, their inaction. there is no meeting of the minds. Since petitioners’ offer was denied
twice by GSIS, it was held that there was clearly no meeting of the minds
and, thus, no perfected contract. All that is established was a counter-
On the application of equity, it appears that the crux of the controversy
involves the characterization of equity in the context of contract law.
Preliminarily, we reiterate that this Court, while aware of its equity
jurisdiction, is first and foremost, a court of law. While equity might tilt on In the case at bar, the offer of the NHA to sell the subject property, as
the side of one party, the same cannot be enforced so as to overrule embodied in Resolution No. 2126, was similarly not accepted by the
positive provisions of law in favor of the other.18 Thus, before we can pass respondent.24 Thus, the alleged contract involved in this case should be
upon the propriety of an application of equitable principles in the case at more accurately denominated as inexistent. There being no concurrence
bar, we must first determine whether or not positive provisions of law of the offer and acceptance, it did not pass the stage of generation to the
govern. point of perfection.25 As such, it is without force and effect from the very
beginning or from its incipiency, as if it had never been entered into, and
hence, cannot be validated either by lapse of time or ratification.26 Equity
It is a fundamental rule that contracts, once perfected, bind both
can not give validity to a void contract,27 and this rule should apply with
contracting parties, and obligations arising therefrom have the force of
equal force to inexistent contracts.
law between the parties and should be complied with in good
faith.19 However, it must be understood that contracts are not
the only source of law that govern the rights and obligations between the We note from the records, however, that the Church, despite knowledge
parties. More specifically, no contractual stipulation may contradict law, that its intended contract of sale with the NHA had not been perfected,
morals, good customs, public order or public policy.20 Verily, the proceeded to introduce improvements on the disputed land. On the other
mere inexistence of a contract, which would ordinarily serve as the law hand, the NHA knowingly granted the Church temporary use of the
between the parties, does not automatically authorize disposing of a subject properties and did not prevent the Church from making
controversy based on equitable principles alone. Notwithstanding the improvements thereon. Thus, the Church and the NHA, who both acted
absence of a perfected contract between the parties, their relationship in bad faith, shall be treated as if they were both in good faith.28 In this
may be governed by other existing lawswhich provide for their reciprocal connection, Article 448 of the Civil Code provides:
rights and obligations.
The owner of the land on which anything has been built, sown or
It must be remembered that contracts in which the Government is a party planted in good faith, shall have the right to appropriate as his
are subject to the same rules of contract law which govern the validity own the works, sowing or planting, after payment of the indemnity
and sufficiency of contract between individuals. All the essential elements provided for in articles 546 and 548, or to oblige the one who built
and characteristics of a contract in general must be present in order to or planted to pay the price of the land, and the one who sowed,
create a binding and enforceable Government contract.21 the proper rent. However, the builder or planter cannot be obliged
to buy the land and if its value is considerably more than that of
the building or trees. In such case, he shall pay reasonable rent, if
It appearing that there is no dispute that this case involves an
the owner of the land does not choose to appropriate the building
unperfected contract, the Civil Law principles governing contracts should
or trees after proper indemnity. The parties shall agree upon the
terms of the lease and in case of disagreement, the court shall fix 2014, both of the Court of Appeals (CA) which, in turn, affirmed with
the terms thereof. modifications the Decision  dated February 18, 2011 of the Regional Trial

Court (RTC), Branch 42, Dagupan City, in a complaint for useful

Pursuant to our ruling in Depra v. Dumlao,29 there is a need to remand expenses under Articles 448  and 546  of the New Civil Code of the
3 4

this case to the trial court, which shall conduct the appropriate Philippines.
proceedings to assess the respective values of the improvements and of
the land, as well as the amounts of reasonable rentals and indemnity, fix The facts follow.
the terms of the lease if the parties so agree, and to determine other
matters necessary for the proper application of Article 448, in relation to A parcel of land located in Dagupan City was originally owned by
Articles 546 and 548, of the Civil Code. Eusebio Espinoza. After the death of Eusebio, the said parcel of land was
divided among his heirs, namely: Pastora Espinoza, Domingo Espinoza
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is GRANTED. The and Pablo Espinoza. Petitioner Maximo is the son of Domingo Espinoza,
Court of Appeals’ Decision dated February 26, 2001 and Resolution who died on November 3, 1965, and Agapita Cayabyab, who died on
dated November 8, 2002 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Decision August 11, 1963.
of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City-Branch 90, dated February 25,
1997, is REINSTATED. This case is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Thereafter, on May 25, 1972, Pastora Espinoza executed a Deed of Sale
Court of Quezon City, Branch 90, for further proceedings consistent with conveying her share of the same property to respondents and Leopoldo
Articles 448 and 546 of the Civil Code. Espinoza. However, on that same date, a fictitious deed of sale was
executed by petitioner Maximo's father, Domingo Espinoza, conveying
No costs. the three-fourth (3/4) share in the estate in favor of respondent Erlinda
Cayabyab Mayandoc's parents; thus, TCT No. 28397 was issued in the
SO ORDERED. names of the latter.

On July 9, 1977, a fictitious deed of sale was executed by Nemesio

Cayabyab, Candida Cruz, petitioners-spouses Maximo Espinoza and
Winifreda De Vera and Leopoldo Espinoza over the land in favor of
respondents- spouses Antonio and Erlinda Mayandoc; thus, TCT No.
G.R. No. 211170 37403 was issued under the names of the latter.

SPOUSES MAXIMO ESPINOZA and WINIFREDA DE As a result of the foregoing, petitioners filed an action for annulment of
VERA, Petitioners  document with prayer for the nullification of TCT No. 37403 and, on
vs. August 16, 1999, the RTC, Branch 40, Dagupan City rendered a Decision
SPOUSES ANTONIO MAYANDOC and ERLINDA CAYABYAB in favor of petitioners and ordering respondents to reconvey the land in
MAYANDOC, Respondents dispute and to pay attorney's fees and the cost of the suit.

DECISION Respondents appealed, but the CA, in its Decision dated February 6,
2004, affirmed the RTC with modifications that the award of attorney's
fees and litigation expenses be deleted for lack of factual basis. The said
CA Decision became final and executory on March 8, 2004.
Before this Court is the Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45,
Thus, respondents filed a complaint for reimbursement for useful
dated March 21, 2014, of petitioners-spouses Maximo Espinoza and
expenses, pursuant to Articles 448 and 546 of the New Civil Code,
Winifreda De Vera, that seeks to reverse and set aside the
alleging that the house in question was built on the disputed land in good
Decision  dated September 17, 2013 and Resolution dated January 28,
faith sometime in 1995 and was finished in 1996. According to Let the case be REMANDED to the aforementioned trial court for further
respondents, they then believed themselves to be the owners of the land proceedings consistent with the proper application of Articles 448, 546
with a claim of title thereto and were never prevented by the petitioners in and 548 of the New Civil Code and to render a complete judgment of the
constructing the house. They added that the new house was built after case.
the old house belonging to respondent Erlinda Mayandoc's father was
torn down due to termite infestation and would not have reconstructed SO ORDERED. 6

the said house had they been aware of the defect in their title. As such,
they claimed that they are entitled to reimbursement of the construction The motion for reconsideration of petitioners were subsequently denied
cost of the house in the amount of ₱800,000.00. They further asserted by the CA in its Resolution dated January 28, 2014.
that at the time that their house was constructed, they were possessors
in good faith, having lived over the land in question for many years and
Hence, the present petition.
that petitioners questioned their ownership and possession only in 1997
when a complaint for nullity of documents was filed by the latter.
Petitioners raise the following issues:
Petitioners, in their Answer, argued that respondents can never be
considered as builders in good faith because the latter were aware that I.
the deeds of sale over the land in question were fictitious and, therefore,
null and void; thus, as builders in bad faith, they lose whatever has been WHETHER THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN
built over the land without right to indemnity. RULING THAT THE PETITIONERS WERE NOT ABLE TO PROVE BAD
Respondents, on January 5, 2011, manifested their option to buy the land
where the house stood, but petitioners expressed that they were not II.
interested to sell the land or to buy the house in question.
The RTC, on February 18, 2011, rendered its Decision with the following IN RULING THAT RES JUDJCATA DOES NOT APPLY IN THE INST
dispositive portion: ANT CASE.

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered requiring the defendants to According to petitioners, whether or not respondents were in bad faith in
sell the land, where the plaintiffs' house stands, to the latter at a introducing improvements on the subject land is already moot, since the
reasonable price based on the zonal value determined by the Bureau of judgment rendered by the RTC of Dagupan City, Branch 40 and affirmed
Internal Revenue (BIR). by the CA, that declared the two Deeds of Definite/ Absolute Sale dated
May 25, 1972 and July 9, 1977 as null and void, had long become final
SO ORDERED. 5 and executory on March 8, 2004. They also argue that respondents had
not successfully shown any right to introduce improvements on the said
land as their claim of laches and acquisitive prescription have been
Petitioners appealed to the CA, but the latter, in its Decision dated
rejected by the CA on appeal; thus, it follows that the respondents were
September 17, 2013, affirmed the decision of the RTC with modifications.
builders in bad faith because knowing that the land did not belong to
The dispositive portion of the Decision reads:
them and that they had no right to build thereon, they still caused the
house to be erected. They further insist that respondents are deemed
WHEREFORE, the Decision dated February 18, 2011 by the Regional builders in bad faith because their house has been built and
Trial Court, Branch 42 of Dagupan City, in Civil Case No. 2005- 0271-D reconstructed into a bigger one after respondent Erlinda's parents forged
is hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATIONS. a fictitious sale. Finally, they claim that the principle of res judicata in the
mode of "conclusiveness of judgment" applies in this case.
The petition lacks merit. owner. Art. 448 comes in to protect the plaintiff-owners of their
improvement without causing injustice to the lot owner. Art. 448 provided
The findings of facts of the Court of Appeals are conclusive and binding a just resolution of the resulting "forced-ownership" by giving the
on this Court  and they carry even more weight when the said court
7 defendants lot owners the option to acquire the conjugal house after
affirms the factual findings of the trial court.  Stated differently, the
8 payment of the proper indemnity or to oblige the builder plaintiffs to pay
findings of the Court of Appeals, by itself, which are supported by for the lot. It is the defendants-lot owners who are authorized to exercise
substantial evidence, are almost beyond the power of review by this the option as their right is older, and under the principle of accession
Court.  Although this rule is subject to certain exceptions, this Court finds
9 where the accessory (house) follows the principal. x x x. 11

none that is applicable in this case. Nevertheless, the petition still fails
granting that an exception obtains. The settled rule is bad faith should be established by clear and
convincing evidence since the law always presumes good faith.  In this

To be deemed a builder in good faith, it is essential that a person asserts particular case, petitioners were not able to prove that respondents were
title to the land on which he builds, i.e., that he be a possessor in the in bad faith in constructing the house on the subject land. Bad faith does
concept of owner, and that he be unaware that there exists in his title or not simply connote bad judgment or negligence.  It imports a dishonest

mode of acquisition any flaw which invalidates it.  The RTC, as affirmed
10 purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong.  It 14

by the CA, found respondents to be builders in good faith, thus: means breach of a known duty through some motive, interest or ill will
that partakes of the nature of fraud.  For anyone who claims that

The plaintiffs are builders in good faith. As asserted by plaintiffs and not someone is in bad faith, the former has the duty to prove such. Hence,
rebutted by defendants, the house of plaintiffs was built on the lot owned petitioners err in their argument that respondents failed to prove that they
by defendants in 1995. The complaint for nullity of documents and are builders in good faith in spite of the findings of the RTC and the CA
reconveyance was filed in 1997, about two years after the subject that they are.
conjugal house was constructed. Defendants-spouses believed that at
the time when they constructed their house on the lot of defendants, they As such, Article 448  of the Civil Code must be applied. It applies when

have a claim of title. Art. 526, New Civil Code, states that a possessor in the builder believes that he is the owner of the land or that by some title
good faith is one who has no knowledge of any flaw or defect in his title he has the right to build thereon,  or that, at least, he has a claim of title

or mode of acquisition. This determines whether the builder acted in good thereto.  In Tuatzs v. Spouses Escol, et al.,  this Court ruled that the
18 19

faith or not. Surely, plaintiffs would not have constructed the subject seller (the owner of the land) has two options under Article 448: (1) he
house which plaintiffs claim to have cost them ₱800,000.00 to build if may appropriate the improvements for himself after reimbursing the
they knew that there is a flaw in their claim of title. Nonetheless, Art. 527, buyer (the builder in good faith) the necessary and useful expenses
New Civil Code, states clearly that good faith is always presumed, and under Articles 546  and 548  of the Civil Code; or (2) he may sell the land
20 21

upon him who alleges bad faith on the part of the possessor lies the to the buyer, unless its value is considerably more than that of the
burden of proof. The records do not show that the burden of proof was improvements, in which case, the buyer shall pay reasonable rent, thus:
successfully discharged by the defendants.
The rule that the choice under Article 448 of the Civil Code belongs to the
xxxx owner of the land is in accord with the principle of accession, i.e., that the
accessory follows the principal and not the other way around. Even as
Plaintiffs are in good faith in building their conjugal house in 1995 on the the option lies with the landowner, the grant to him, nevertheless, is
lot they believed to be their own by purchase. They also have in their preclusive. The landowner cannot refuse to exercise either option and
favor the legal presumption of good faith. It is the defendants who had compel instead the owner of the building to remove it from the land.
the burden to prove otherwise. They failed to discharge such burden until
the Regional Trial Court, Br. 40, Dagupan City, promulgated an adverse The raison d'etre for this provision has been enunciated thus: Where the
ruling in Civil Case No. 97-0187-D. Thus, Art. 448 comes in to protect the builder, planter or sower has acted in good faith, a conflict of rights arises
plaintiffs-owners of their improvement without causing injustice to the lot between the owners, and it becomes necessary to protect the owner of
the improvements without causing injustice to the owner of the land. In
view of the impracticability of creating a state of forced co-ownership, the In the instant case, res judicata will not apply since there is no identity of
law has provided a just solution by giving the owner of the land the option subject matter and cause of action. The first case is for annulment of
to acquire the improvements after payment of the proper indemnity, or to document, while the instant case is for reimbursement of useful expenses
oblige the builder or planter to pay for the land and the sower the proper as builders in good faith under article 448 in relation to Articles 546 and
rent. He cannot refuse to exercise either option. It is the owner of the land 548 of the New Civil Code.
who is authorized to exercise the option, because his right is older, and
because, by the principle of accession, he is entitled to the ownership of Moreover, We are not changing or reversing any findings of the RTC and
the accessory thing. 22
by this Court in Our 6 February 2004 decision. The Court is still bound by
this judgment insofar as it found the Deeds of Absolute Sale null and
The CA, therefore, did not err in its ruling that instead of requiring the void, and that defendants-appellants are the rightful owners of the lot in
petitioners to sell the land, the R TC must determine the option which the question.
petitioners would choose.  As aptly ruled by the CA:

However, if the court a quo did not take cognizance of the instant case,
The rule that the right of choice belongs to the owner of the land is in plaintiffs-appellees shall lose ownership of the building worth
accordance with the principle of accession. However, even if this right of Php316,400.00 without any compensation. While, the defendant-
choice is exclusive to the land owner, he cannot refuse to exercise either appellants not only will recover the land but will also acquire a house
option and demand, instead for the removal of the building. without payment of indemnity. The fairness of the rules enunciated in
Article 448 is explained by the Supreme Court in the case of Depra v.
Instead of requiring defendants-appellants to sell the land, the court a Dumlao, viz.:
quo must determine the option which they would choose. The first option
to appropriate the building upon payment of indemnity or the second Where the builder, planter or sower has acted in good faith, a conflict of
option, to sell the land to the plaintiffs-appellees. Moreover, the court a rights arises between the owners, and it becomes necessary to protect
quo should also ascertain: (a) under the first option, the amount of the owner of the improvements without causing injustice to the owner of
indemnification for the building; or (b) under the second option, the value the land. In view of the impracticability of creating a state of forced
of the subject property vis-a-vis that of the building, and depending ownership, the law has provided a just solution by giving the owner of the
thereon, the price of, or the reasonable rent for, the subject prope1iy. land the option to acquire the improvements after payment of the proper
indemnity, or to oblige the builder or planter to pay for the land and the
Hence, following the ruling in the recent case of Briones v. sower to pay the proper rent. It is the owner of the land who is authorized
Macabagdal, this case must be remanded to the court a quo for the to exercise the option, because his right is older, and because, by the
conduct of further proceedings to assess the current fair market of the principle of accession, he is entitled to the ownership of the accessory
land and to determine other matters necessary for the proper application thing.
of Article 448, in relation to Articles 546 and 548 of the New Civil Code. 23

Finally, "the decision of the court a quo should not be viewed as a

Therefore, this Court agrees with the CA that there is a need to remand denigration of the doctrine of immutability of final judgments, but a
the case to the RTC for further proceedings, specifically, in assessing the recognition of the equally sacrosanct doctrine that a person should not be
current fair market value of the subject land and other matters that are allowed Io profit or enrich himself inequitably at anal her's expense." 24

appropriate in the application of Article 448, in relation to Articles 546 and

548 of the New Civil Code. The well-settled rule is that the principle or rule of res judicata is primarily
one of public policy. It is based on the policy against multiplicity of
As to the issue of res judicata, the CA is correct in its ruling that there is suits,  whose primary objective is to avoid unduly burdening the dockets

no identity of subject matter and cause of action between the prior case of the courts. In this case, however, such principle is inapplicable.

of annulment of document and the present case, thus:

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45, dated
March 21, 2014, of petitioners-spouses Maximo Espinoza and Winifreda
De Vera, is DENIED. Consequently, the Decision dated September 17,
2013 and Resolution dated January 28, 2014, both of the Court of
Appeals are AFFIRMED.


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