SDGs Sub National IISD
SDGs Sub National IISD
SDGs Sub National IISD
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The full list of indicators can be found in: UN Economic and Social Council.
Figure 1. Sustainable Development Goals 2016. E/CN.3/2016/2/Rev.1*, available at
Source: session/documents/2016-2-IAEG-SDGs-Rev1-E.pdf. 1
Figure 2. Indicator types: SDGs, Manitoba sustainable development and green economy indicators
What are the key gaps between the Thematically, the provincial Sustainable
Development and Green Economy Indicators
SDG and subnational indicators?
demonstrated strong alignment with the SDG
Ultimately, there remain many questions about how indicators (>20 per cent of provincial indicators
monitoring will be implemented at the subnational aligned with SDG indicators). Further, with some
level, how data will be aggregated, and how the minor adjustment, it would be possible to report on
collection and reporting on such a large number of indicators related to most goals. The comparison
indicators will be managed. However, by using the identified some areas where there is the potential for
Province of Manitoba’s Sustainable Development additional measures (Table 1).
and Green Economy Indicators as a test case for
evaluating alignment with the SDG indicators, we
were able to show that the typology of indicators
between the SDG indicators and subnational
indicators may vary significantly. In the case we
examined, there was no alignment beyond state-type