The document provides information about tire sizes and specifications for street and motorcycle tires. It includes charts that show the different systems used to designate tire sizes, such as metric, alphanumeric, and inch-based sizing. It also lists common tire sizes used for different types and engine sizes of motorcycles. Finally, it provides recommendations for inflation pressures and tire applications based on the intended use of the motorcycle.
The document provides information about tire sizes and specifications for street and motorcycle tires. It includes charts that show the different systems used to designate tire sizes, such as metric, alphanumeric, and inch-based sizing. It also lists common tire sizes used for different types and engine sizes of motorcycles. Finally, it provides recommendations for inflation pressures and tire applications based on the intended use of the motorcycle.
The document provides information about tire sizes and specifications for street and motorcycle tires. It includes charts that show the different systems used to designate tire sizes, such as metric, alphanumeric, and inch-based sizing. It also lists common tire sizes used for different types and engine sizes of motorcycles. Finally, it provides recommendations for inflation pressures and tire applications based on the intended use of the motorcycle.
The document provides information about tire sizes and specifications for street and motorcycle tires. It includes charts that show the different systems used to designate tire sizes, such as metric, alphanumeric, and inch-based sizing. It also lists common tire sizes used for different types and engine sizes of motorcycles. Finally, it provides recommendations for inflation pressures and tire applications based on the intended use of the motorcycle.
Street Tire Size Designation Motorcycle Knobby Tire
Inch Designations Size Front Tires 5.00 H 16 4PR Metric 4-Stroke Metric Inch Casing strength (ply rating) Rim diameter 70/100 80/90 2.50-2.75 Speed Rating 80/100 90/90 2.75-3.00 Section width (inches) 90/100 90/100 3.00-3.25 Alphabetical Designations Rear Tires M T 90 - 60 Load Range B Metric 4-Stroke Metric Inch Load range 90/100 110/90 3.60-4.10 Rim diameter (inches) Aspect ratio (90%) 100/100 120/80 4.00-4.10 Tire width code 110/100 130/80 4.00-4.50 Motorcycle code 120/100 140/80 5.00-5.10 Metric Designations 130/ 90 - 16 67 H Speed rating Load rating Rim diameter (inches) Speed Rating Aspect ratio (90%) Selection width (mm) Maximum Design/Test Speed Load Rating - A numerical code which corresponds to the total load Tire Rating (mph) (km/h) carrying capacity at the speed indicated by the speed symbol. F Type 50 80 Section Height J Type 62 100 Aspect Ratio = X 100 L Type 75 120 Section Width Aspect Ratio = Section Height X 100 M Type 81 130 Section Width N Type 87 140 P Type 94 150 R Type 106 170 S Type 112 180 H Type 130 210 Motorcycle Street Tire Size V Type 149 240 Front Tires Rear Tires Z Type 149 + 240 + Metric Alpha Inch Metric Alpha Inch W Type 160 270 80/90 MH90 2.50-2.75 110/90 MP85 4.00-4.25 90/90 MJ90 2.75-3.00 120/90 MR90 4.50-4.75 100/90 MM90 3.25-3.50 130/80 5.00-5.10 110/90 MN90 3.75-4.00 130/90 MT90 5.00-5.10 120/80 4.25-4.50 140/80 5.50-6.00 120/90 MR90 4.25-4.50 140/90 MU90 5.50-6.00 130/90 MT90 5.00-5.10 150/80 MV85 6.00-6.25 Off-Road Tire Inflation Pressure Guide 150/90 MV85 6.00-6.25 Tire Use Front PSI Rear PSI Motocross Hard Terrain 10-12 10-12 Motocross Intermediate Terrain 12-14 12-14 Motocross Soft Terrain 10-11 10-11 Desert/ Enduro 14-18 14-18 Dual-Sport 18-22 16-26
Off Road Tire Application Chart
Engine cc Front Rear Engine cc Front Rear 50 2.50-10 2.75-10 100-125 80/100-21 100/100-18 or 100/90-19 60 2.50-14 80/100-12 250 80/100-21 110/100-18 or 110/90-19 80 70/100-17 90/100-14 500 80/100-21 120/100-18 or 120/90-19 80-100 70/100-19 90/100-16 18 Toll Free 1 800 661 9438