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Resin impregnation means

(a) Filling porous area of casting with a resin
(b) Filling pinholes and blowholes with plastic fillers
(c) Resin pasted on the surface of casting
(d) Spraying resin on casting surface

Q. Pickling treatment means cleaning the casting with

(a) Dilute acid
(b) Soda ash
(c) Iron shots
(d) Compressed air and sand particles

Q. During the annealing treatment of casting, cooling is done in

(a) Salt bath
(b) Brine solution
(c) Air
(d) Furnace

Q. Misrun is a casting defect which occurs due to

(a) Very high pouring temperature of the metal
(b) Insufficient fluidity of the molten metal
(c) Absorption of gases by the liquid metal
(d) Improper alignment to the mould flasks

Q. Two stream of liquid metal which are not hot enough to fuse properly result into
a casting
defect known as
(a) Cold shut
(b) Swell
(c) Sand wash
(d) Scab

Q. The hot tearing in a metal casting is due to

(a) High fluidity
(b) Coarse sand grain size
(c) Poor collapsibility of mold
(d) Inadequate riser size

Q. The correct reasons for the occurrence of hot tear in casting among the
following reasons
will be
(i) Hindered contraction occurring immediately after metal has solidified
(ii) Poor collapsibility of mould and core
(iii)Too high pouring temperature
(a) i and ii only
(b) i and iii only
(c) ii and iii only
(d) i, ii and iii

Q. Which of the following defects are likely to be caused because of improper

ramming of
moulding material?
(i) Cold shut
(ii) Misrun
(v) Metal penetration
(a) i, iii and vi only
(b) ii, iv and vi only
(c) iii, iv and v only
(d) ii, v and vi only

Q. The element which is harmful for nodularization to take place while making
ductile iron
castings is
(a) Sulfur
(b) Carbon
(c) Silicon
(d) Phosphorus

Q. To produce sound steel castings, the molten metal must be thoroughly killed. In
other words,
molten metal should be
(a) Overheated
(b) Deoxidized
(c) Decarburized
(d) Desulfurized

Q. Solubility of gases in the melt increases as the temperature

(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant
(d) Remains unaffected by pressure

Q. Use of nucleating agents promote formation of

(a) Fine grain structure throughout the casting
(b) Coarse grain structure throughout the casting
(c) Fine grains at walls and coarse grains at center of casting
(d) Coarse grains at walls and fine grains at center of casting

Q. In continuous casting process, the mould is generally made of

(a) Cast iron
(b) Bronze
(c) Copper
(d) Tungsten carbide

Q. Which of the following metal component can preferably be cast using hot chamber
die casting
(a) Steel
(b) Cast iron
(c) Zinc
(d) Superalloy

Q. Which of the following statement is true regarding density of Centrifugal cast

(a) Maximum at the outer region
(b) Maximum at the inner region
(c) Maximum at the mid point between outer and inner surfaces
(d) Uniform throughout

Q. Which of the following is an example of permanent mould casting process?

(a) Investment casting process
(b) Die casting process
(c) Full mould process
(d) vacuum casting process
Q. If we intend to cast a pipe of length 20 m and having inner diameter 15 cm and
diameter 20 cm, which of the following casting process (without use of core) can be
(A) Co2 process
(B) Shell moulding process
(C) Centrifugal casting process
(D) Full mould casting process

Q. Match the following process with characteristics given in the table below.
(A)Crossworth process
(B) Squeeze casting
(D)Vacuum casting
(i) Use of suction pipe to fill the chamber using vacuum
(ii) Melt agitation and shearing by impellers to get nondendritic structure
(iii)Combination of gravity die casting and closed die forging
(iv)Overcomes problem related to entry of turbulent metal
(Metal transferred by means of a pump)
(a) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv
(b) A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i
(c) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i
(d) A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

Q. Which of the following statements are true for permanent mould casting?
(i) They provide better surface finish
(ii) They are economical in short run of production
(iii)There is size limitation of casting to be produced
(iv)High melting point metals are preferably cast
(A) i & ii
(B) i & iii
(C) ii & iii
(D) ii & iv

Q. The directional solidification in casting can be improved by using

(a) Chills and chaplets
(b) Chills and padding
(c) Chaplets and padding
(d) Chills, chaplets and padding

Q. For a constant volume, the shape of riser that has minimum surface area exposed
for heat
transfer is
(a) Cylindrical
(b) Cubical
(c) Rectangular
(d) Hexagonal

Q. Chills are made by those metal having

(a) Higher melting point than that of cast metal
(b) Lower melting point than that of cast metal
(c) Equal melting point as that of cast metal
(d) None of these

Q. According to Naval Research method, shape factor of casting is quantified as

(a) (L+W)/t
(b) (L+2W)/t
(c) (W+2L)/L
(d) (L+t)/W
Where L= length of casting, W= width of casting and t= thickness of casting

Q. Freezing ratio is defined as

(a) Modulus of riser/ Modulus of casting
(b) Modulus of casting/ Modulus of riser
(c) Modulus of riser + Modulus of casting
(d) Modulus of riser – Modulus of casting

Q. A cast steel slab of dimension 30×20×5 cm is poured horizontally using a side

riser. The riser
is cylindrical in shape with diameter and height, both equal to D. The freezing
ratio of the mould
(a) 8D/75
(b) 4D/75
(c) 75/8D
(d) 75/4D
Solution: Freezing ratio (FR) = (Ac / Vc) / (Ar / Vr) …………… (1)
Ac = Area of cast = 2× [(30×20) +(20×5) +(5×30)] cm2
Vc = Volume of cast = 30×20×5 cm3
Ar = Area of riser = [2×(πD2
/4)] +(πD2
), Here L =D
Where L = Height of cylinder
D = Diameter of cylinder
Vr = Volume of riser = (πD3
/4) though L = D
Putting all values in equation (1), we get that FR = (8D/ 75)

Q. Which of the following metal component can preferably be cast using hot chamber
die casting
(a) Steel
(b) Cast iron
(c) Zinc
(d) Superalloy

Q. Materials generally used in die casting process are;

Both (a) and (b)
None of these

The Evaporative Pattern Casting (EPC) is commonly known as “lost-foam” process.

In the EPC process; ________ are not used, hence it is mostly advantageous in
________ in automobiles. Cores, Cylinder heads and engine blocks

Q. Which of the following statement is/are correct for fettling of casting?

(i) Fettling is defined as the operation of cutting off the unwanted parts,
cleaning and finishing the casting.
(ii) The temperature at which the casting is knocked out of the mould
depends upon the size and complexity of the shape of the casting.
Only i
Only ii
Both i and ii
None of these

Q. Metal penetration, fusion, rat tails, swap and drop fall under the
category of
Moulding material defects
Gas defects
Pouring metal defects
Metallurgical defects

Q. The correct reasons for the occurrence of hot tear in casting among
the following reasons will be
(i) Hindered contraction occurring immediately after the metal has solidified
(ii) Poor collapsibility of mould and core
(iii) Too high pouring temperature
i and ii only
i and iii only
ii and iii only
i, ii and iii

Q. Which of the following defects are likely to be caused because of

improper ramming of moulding material?
(i) Cold shut
(ii) Misrun
(iii) Swell
(iv) Drop
(v) Metal penetration
(vi) Shift
i, iii and vi only
ii, iv and vi only
iii, iv and v only
ii, v and vi only

Q. Among the following casting defect, which one arises due to poor
design abrupt section changes in casting:
(i) Metal penetration
(ii) Hot tear
(iii) Drop
(i) only
(ii) only
(iii) only
(i) and (iii) only

Q. Which of the following defects arise due to very large grain size of
molding sand:
(i) Metal penetration
(ii) Rough surface
(iii) Shrinkage cavity
(i) and (ii) only
(ii) and (iii) only
(i) and (iii) only
(i), (ii) & (iii)

Q. Among the following casting defects which of the defect arise due to too
high pouring temperature:
(i) Shrinkage cavity
(ii) Cold shut
(iii) Misrun
(i) only
(ii) and (iii) only
(i) and (ii) only
(iii) only

Q. In shot blasting method for cleaning of castings, shots are made of

Alloy of tin and lead

Q. Surface finish achieved in case of sand casting is of the order of;

350 - 500 µin
500 - 1000 µin
800 - 2000 µin
1200 -2000 µin

Q. Large parts with walls and internal passages of complex geometry requiring good
damping characteristics can be produced by:
Sand casting
Die casting
Injection molding
Blow molding

Q. In case of gravity die casting, which of the following is true :

(i) Pressure is necessary
(ii) Pressure is not necessary
(iii) Metal flows against gravity
(iv) Metal flows with gravity
(i) and (iii) only
(i) and (iv) only
(ii) and (iv) only
(ii) and (iii) only

Q. Normally, which of the following metals are die cast :

(i) AL-alloys
(ii) Cu- alloys
(iii) Grey cast iron
(i) and (ii) only
(ii) and (iii) only
(i) and (iii) only
(i), (ii), and (iii)

Q. Which of the following are disadvantages of die casting process :

(i) Size limit
(ii) Poor surface finish
(iii) Low production rate
(i) only
(i) and (iii) only
(iii) only
(ii) only

Q. In centrifugal casting process :

Impurities being heavier go towards center
Impurities being lighter go towards center
Light impurities are non uniformly distributed
Light impurities are non uniformly distributed

Q. In which of the following moulding method(s), casting does not require

riser due to extremely slow cooling rate
(i) Full mould casting
(ii) Graphite moulding
(iii) Ceramic moulding
(iv)Vacuum moulding

Q. Which of the following statements are true with regard to the hot chamber and
cold chamber die cast machine?
(i) Hot chamber die casting machine has a furnace for melting and holding
the metal
(ii) High melting temperature alloys of non-ferrous type are best to die cast in
hot chamber machines
(iii)In cold chamber machine, metal is ladled by hand from a nearby holding
(A) i & ii (B) i & iii
(C) ii & iii (D) ii

Q. Which of the following is fall under the category of semi-solid metal working
(A) Rheo casting
(B) Thixo casting
(C) Both Rheo and Thixo casting
(D) Cosworth process

Q. Which of the casting process is most suitable for casting of cylindrical parts
and pipes?
(A) Vacuum die casting
(B) Squeeze casting
(C) Gravity die casting
(D) Centrifugal casting

Q. Which of the following statement is/are correct for the centrifugal casting
(i) Molten metal is poured into a revolving mould.
(ii) The workpiece is allowed to solidify due to the pressure of centrifugal force.
Only i
Only ii
Both i and ii
None of these

Q. Which of the following statement is/are correct for centrifuging?

(i) Generally used for axis-symmetrical and small castings with intricate details.
(ii) In this casting process, the mould is rotated around a vertical axis.
Only i
Only ii
Both i and ii
None of these

Q. Which of the following statement is/are correct for the continuous casting
(i) From tundish, molten metal is continuously poured into a water-cooled
copper mould.
(ii) Casting yield is nearly 50%.
Only i
Only ii
Both i and ii
None of these

Q. Which of the following statement is/are correct for the squeeze casting process?
(i) It is a combination of gravity die casting and closed die forging.
(ii) It is also known as liquid forging.
Only i
Only ii
Both i and ii
None of these

Q. Which of the following statement is/are correct for Vacuum die

casting and Cosworth process?
(i) In Vacuum die casting, evacuation of the die cavity is aimed at reducing
porosity, assisting flow in thin sections and improving finish while reducing
injection pressure required
(ii) Cosworth process overcomes problem related to entry of turbulent metal.
Only i
Only ii
Both i and ii
None of these

The process of cutting, grinding, shaving or sanding away these unwanted bits is
called "fettling".

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