Assessing The Extent of Historical, Current, and Future Land Use Systems in Uganda
Assessing The Extent of Historical, Current, and Future Land Use Systems in Uganda
Assessing The Extent of Historical, Current, and Future Land Use Systems in Uganda
Assessing the Extent of Historical, Current,
and Future Land Use Systems in Uganda
Majaliwa Gilbert Jackson Mwanjalolo 1 , Barasa Bernard 2, * , Mukwaya Isolo Paul 1 ,
Wanyama Joshua 3 , Kutegeka Sophie 4 , Nakyeyune Cotilda 4 , Nakileza Bob 1 , Diisi John 5 ,
Ssenyonjo Edward 5 and Nakangu Barbara 6
1 Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University P.O. Box 7062,
Kampala 256, Uganda; (M.G.J.M.); (M.I.P.); (N.B.)
2 Department of Geography and Social Studies, Kyambogo University P.O. Box 1, Kyambogo 256, Uganda
3 Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Makerere University P.O. Box 7062, Kampala 256,
4 International Union for Conservation of Nature–Uganda P.O. Box 10950, Kampala 256, Uganda; (K.S.); (N.C.)
5 National Forestry Authority, Ministry of Water and Environment P.O. Box 70863, Kampala 256, Uganda; (D.J.); (S.E.)
6 Makerere Institute of Social Research, Makerere P.O. Box 7062, Kampala 256, Uganda;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +256-701-712526
Received: 25 September 2018; Accepted: 27 October 2018; Published: 8 November 2018
Abstract: Sustainable land use systems planning and management requires a wider understanding
of the spatial extent and detailed human-ecosystem interactions astride any landscape. This study
assessed the extent of historical, current, and future land use systems in Uganda. The specific
objectives were to (i) characterize and assess the extent of historical and current land use systems,
and (ii) project future land use systems. The land use systems were defined and classified using
spatially explicit land use/cover layers for the years 1990 and 2015, while the future prediction
(for the year 2040) was determined using land use systems datasets for both years through a Markov
chain model. This study reveals a total of 29 classes of land use systems that can be broadly categorized
as follows: three of the land use systems are agricultural, five are under bushland, four under
forest, five under grasslands, two under impediments, three under wetlands, five under woodland,
one under open water and urban settlement respectively. The highest gains in the land amongst
the land use systems were experienced in subsistence agricultural land and grasslands protected,
while the highest losses were seen in grasslands unprotected and woodland/forest with low livestock
densities. By 2040, subsistence agricultural land is likely to increase by about 1% while tropical high
forest with livestock activities is expected to decrease by 0.2%, and woodland/forest unprotected
by 0.07%. High demand for agricultural and settlement land are mainly responsible for land use
systems patchiness. This study envisages more land degradation and disasters such as landslides,
floods, droughts, and so forth to occur in the country, causing more deaths and loss of property,
if the rate at which land use systems are expanding is not closely monitored and regulated in the
near future.
1. Introduction
Human activities, especially the conversion and degradation of habitats, are causing global
biodiversity declines [1]. The notable activities include the cutting down of trees, charcoal burning and
poor farming methods, among others, which undermine the functionality of ecosystems [2]. The rapid
conversion of natural vegetation, for example, to farmlands, could be attributed to farming techniques
and agronomic approaches that aim at modern agricultural intensification [3]. For instance, in the
Equateur province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the agricultural expansion through shifting
cultivation is the main proximate cause of deforestation [4]. In the northern portion of the Brazilian
Atlantic Forest, generally 76% of the households use fuelwood regularly and consume on average
686 kg/person/year of tree biomass; poorer people, however, consume 961 kg/person/year [5,6].
Anthropogenic land use activities (such as management of croplands, forests, grasslands, and
wetlands) and changes in land use/cover (such as conversion of forest lands and grasslands to cropland
and pasture, afforestation), cause changes superimposed on natural fluxes [7]. Tower, ground-based,
and satellite observations indicate that tropical deforestation results in warmer, drier conditions at the
local scale [8]. These conditions lower agricultural productivity, with reduced soil moisture content and
pasture, and lead to human migration, resource conflicts, and loss of biodiversity, among others [9–12].
In the Kenyan Eastern Mau Forest Reserve, forest-to-cropland conversions are undermining the
ecosystem’s capacity for carbon sequestration [13]. In the Ngerengere River in Tanzania, changing
land use affects surface runoff and increases floods in the mountainous areas [14].
Geographical information systems and remote sensing (GIS and RS) techniques can be used
to explore the temporal and spatial characteristics of land use/cover changes [15]. For example,
in Uganda, GIS and RS were applied to assess the impacts of land use/cover change on terrestrial
carbon stocks [16]. The information about land use is often stored in geospatial databases, typically
acquired and maintained by national mapping agencies. Such databases consist of objects represented
by polygons that are assigned class labels indicating the objects’ land use [17]. Therefore, land
use/cover information can be directly interpreted from appropriate remote sensing images [18].
Presently, the diversity of conversions of natural ecosystems to land use systems is a critical
challenge in Uganda. This is driven by the need to meet the livelihoods of smallholders, high
demand for forest products, urban expansions, and infrastructural developments (such as the
construction of highways, hydropower dams, and industrial parks, among others). As a result,
the country has witnessed massive losses of natural vegetation and intensification of human activities.
This condition is worsened by the overexploitation of resources, use of unsustainable harvesting
and agronomic practices, and changes in climate. Some of the threatened ecosystems include Mt
Elgon in Eastern Uganda, the Mabira Central Forest Reserve, the Lubigi wetland system, and Lake
Victoria, among others [19–22]. As a result, the country is faced with a number of environmental
problems such as frequent occurrences of landslides and floods that cause deaths and loss of property,
loss of biodiversity, low agricultural output, and reduced forest and wetland goods and services,
among others [23–25]. This study takes note of a number of studies that have been conducted in the
country to quantify changes in land use/cover [26–28]. However, there is no study that has redefined
and reclassified land use systems and estimated their future scenario at a country level using a Markov
chain model [29]. With high population increase causing increased demand for arable and settlement
land, fragile ecosystem goods and services are under enormous pressure to meet the needs of the
people. This case is evident with a number of fragmented patches of arable land across the country.
Therefore, with this patchiness of the landscape, reclassifying land use systems is pertinent for land
cover conservation and land use systems management.
The overarching aim of this paper was to critically assess the extent of historical, current,
and future land use systems in Uganda. The specific objectives of this study were to (i) characterize
and assess the extent of historical and current land use systems, and (ii) project future land use systems.
This study identifies areas where conservation is needed because of increasing human activities.
This information is also conceptualized within the framework of Uganda Vision 2040 and Second
Land 2018, 7, 132 3 of 17
National Development Plan that calls for the protection of fragile ecosystems which support the
economy, for example, through tourism, and attainment of sustainable development goals.
Figure 1. Location
Figure 1. Locationof
of the study
the study area
area in Africa.
in Africa.
Figure2.2. Land
Figure Land use/cover
use/cover for
for Uganda
Uganda for
for the
the year
year 1990.
Table 1. Description of the National Biomass Study’s land use/cover classes (1990).
• Step 1: The detailed land use/cover classes were aggregated into 8 classes (forests, grasslands,
shrubs, crops and crop mosaics (agricultural land), wetlands, shrubs and bushlands, bare land
areas, and open water).
• Step 2: Irrigated land was identified and overlaid with the map generated in step 1 to create a
subclass of irrigated agricultural land. Irrigated land is land equipped with infrastructure for
irrigation and this was identified from the 2015 irrigation map for Uganda.
• Step 3: The protected area layer was overlaid with the layer generated under step 2 for protected
land cover (such as protected forest or grassland). Protected areas are areas gazetted for wildlife
conservation and they were identified from the protected areas 2014 map for Uganda.
• Step 4: Livestock intensity was estimated using the Tropical Livestock Unit based on the Ministry
of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) Uganda Census of Agriculture data
(2008/2009) and overlaid with the layer generated under step 3 to define grassland, shrubs,
and sparse shrub and herbaceous subclasses based on the livestock intensity.
• Step 5: For forests, wetlands, and agricultural lands, if the overlay with livestock indicated a
moderate or high livestock density, the land use system was considered as a combination of
forestry, wetlands, and crops mixed with grazing, respectively.
• Step 6: In addition to livestock presence, population presence was used to define other forest and
wetland subclasses, including unprotected and protected classes for wetlands and forests with
agricultural activities and virgin forest.
Based on the relationship between the transitions and explanatory variables, the maps of change
potential are produced for each transition. For example, assuming that a location is more vulnerable if
it is prone to several transitions at the same time, the operator ‘OR’ is used to combine the transition
potential in order to produce an overall change potential map.
3. Results
two (2) under impediments, three (3) under wetlands, five (5) under woodland, and one under
open water and urban settlement respectively. In 1990, the agricultural land use system was the
most dominant (35.06%), followed by grassland (21.17%), woodland (16.45%), and open water
(15.28%). The other land use systems include open water—protected, urban—settlement, impediments,
and forest- and bushland-related land use systems.
Table 3. Changes in the extent of land use systems coverage between 1990 and 2015.
1990 2015
No. Land Use Systems
Area (km2 ) % Area (km2 ) Area (km2 ) % Area (km2 )
1 Agricultural land—commercial 517.32 0.209 2587.71 1.06
2 Agricultural land—irrigated 28.8 0.012 46.08 0.02
3 Agricultural land—subsistence 98,073.36 39.683 107,426.6 44.16
4 Bushlands—high livestock density 1389.29 0.562 1360.66 0.56
5 Bushlands—low livestock density 111.07 0.045 452.54 0.19
6 Bushlands—moderate livestock density 2111.07 0.854 2642.54 1.09
7 Bushlands—protected 5206.78 2.107 7410.41 3.05
8 Bushlands—unprotected 5459.02 2.209 4236.81 1.74
9 Grasslands—high livestock density 3240.07 1.311 6588.38 2.71
10 Grasslands—low livestock density 7398.23 2.993 5350.85 2.20
11 Grasslands—moderate livestock density 6131.7 2.481 6534.76 2.69
12 Grasslands—protected 6648.12 2.690 27,146.2 11.16
13 Grasslands—unprotected 26,402.33 10.683 6118.32 2.52
14 Impediments—protected 9.7 0.004 34.56 0.01
15 Impediments—unprotected 11.52 0.005 51.9 0.02
16 Open water—protected 37,130.69 15.024 36,980.77 15.20
17 Tropical high forest (encroachment)—subsistence 2186.91 0.885 872.06 0.36
18 Tropical high forest—tree plantations 218.1 0.088 2420.6 1.00
19 Tropical high forest—with livestock activities 6765.05 2.737 942.69 0.39
20 Tropical high forest—protected 2715.46 1.099 3199.14 1.32
21 Urban—settlement 362.1 0.147 1340.09 0.55
22 Wetlands—protected 1963.58 0.795 6028.29 2.48
23 Wetlands—with crop farmland activities 217.43 0.088 347.64 0.14
24 Wetlands—with livestock activities 528.3 0.214 487.72 0.20
25 Woodland/forest—high livestock density 1851.1 0.749 685.19 0.28
26 Woodland/forest—low livestock density 5481.56 2.218 1246.91 0.51
27 Woodland/forest—protected 4092.06 1.656 6822.21 2.80
28 Woodland/forest—unprotected 9612.57 3.889 867.25 0.36
29 Woodland/forest —moderate livestock density 11,281.56 4.565 3024.91 1.24
In 2015, agricultural, grassland, and wetland-related land use systems remained the most
dominant. Between the two periods, agricultural and woodland-related land use systems experienced
the most significant changes in terms of gains or losses. Agriculture-related land use systems increased
by 8.56%, while those related to woodland reduced by 11.86% compared to their original values.
Figures 4 and 5 show the spatial distribution of the different land use systems across the country for
the years 1990 and 2015, respectively.
Despite an increment in commercial agricultural land, subsistence agricultural land remains the
most dominant land use system across the country. It also worthwhile to note that the areas under
bushland with moderate livestock activities, unprotected bushland, grassland with low livestock
activities, grassland with moderate livestock activities, encroached tropical forest, and woodland
which is unprotected or with livestock activities declined by 2015.
Land 2018, 7, 132 11 of 17
Land 2018,
Land 2018, 7,
7, x
REVIEW 11 of
11 of 18
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Historical
Historical land
land use
use systems
systems of
of Uganda
Uganda in
in 1990.
Figure 5. Current
Figure 5. Current land
Current land use systems
land use systems for
systems for Uganda,
for Uganda, as
Uganda, as of
as of 2015.
of 2015.
to increase by about 1%, tropical high forest with livestock activities is likely to decrease by 0.2%,
and woodland/forest unprotected by 0.07%.
Table 4. Projected land use systems of Uganda for the year 2040.
Figure 6. Projected land use systems of Uganda for the year 2040.
Figure 6. Projected land use systems of Uganda for the year 2040.
Land 2018, 7, 132 13 of 17
4. Discussion
Agricultural land use systems dominate land use changes over the study period (between 1990
and 2015), even in the projection for the year 2040. This result was expected and it is consistent with
several other studies that have been conducted for Uganda (for an example, see [35]). Using global
land use change models, this is also a consistent observation that has been registered across several
parts of the world; for example, by the authors of [36], who showed that extensions of the agricultural
frontier were a dominant phenomenon observed across the sub-Saharan region. This result, along with
previous studies, reaffirms the dominance of agriculture in the livelihoods of a larger population
across the African continent and many developing countries. It is not surprising that several attempts
to establish woodlots across the region would increase their dominance next to agricultural land
use systems.
At a rate of population growth of 3.4% over the region, agricultural land uses are likely to
increase by about 1% and this would severely affect the tropical high forest; an observation that has
consistently been observed across many parts of the country by scholars, such as in [37]. At this rate of
change, the amount of forest cover available in the future will diminish tremendously and therefore
is not likely to support the livelihoods of people unless remedial and deterrent measures are put in
place. The study revealed that most conversions of land use were directed into agricultural lands,
followed by grasslands and bushlands. This suggests that these changes are the results of natural
and human-related factors. This is in line with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) and a
previous report [38], which categorize the contributing factors of ecosystem change into natural or
human-induced factors.
These factors are associated with population increase and its associated demands for land
resources, inadequate enforcement of environmental laws, the economic values of major crops, culture,
low education level for the majority of the people, land tenure, the small size of household land
holdings, and political interventions. The contributing factors must, however, be understood and
interpreted carefully given the multiple spatial and temporal scales, and social and methodological
perspectives in which related studies have been conducted. There is indeed a clear distinction between
contributing factors across scales. Moreover, interactions between contributing factors add to the
complexity of land use change processes. For example, microlevel studies [35,38] have observed
that land use change was occasioned by the prevailing governance shortfalls (policy–institutional
dysfunctionality), demographic pressures, the unmonitored influx of immigrant settlers, and the
erosion of institutional controls.
The projected unregulated increase in agricultural land is expected to be made at the expense
of tropical high forest and unprotected woodland/forest. This was also observed by the authors
of [39], who concluded that over 90% of private forests near Budongo Forest Reserve were affected by
sugarcane growing. Because of the rising rural populations and high population density hotspots in
Uganda [40], the need for agricultural land has increased across the country and this creates multiple
threats for ecosystems in general and land use systems in particular. In fact, areas of high population
Land 2018, 7, 132 14 of 17
densities in Uganda are typically agricultural production zones. With a national annual population
growth rate that is estimated at 3.4%, the need for agricultural land among smallholder farmers should
be expected to rise substantially. The growing importance attached to land for commercial agriculture
and other large-scale land developments have increased the competition for land and stimulated
market-based transactions. These interplays are responsible for large-scale land use changes across the
country. The discovery of oil and proposals by sugar companies for large-scale land acquisition may
further exacerbate the land use changes; the authors of [41] observed the same across the Albertine
subregion, Northern Uganda, and the Busoga subregion. Although this was not explored in greater
detail, we can also speculate that the increases in agricultural systems projected by the year 2040 may
arise out of the need to satisfy the demands of the growing urban population. Indeed, the authors
of [42] reported that the remaining forest is under increasing pressure from the rising urban demand
for wood products.
The importance of the institutional and policy environment cannot be underestimated across
the whole country. There is a myriad of policies and institutional frameworks which influence
land uses across the country; a comprehensive Land Sector Strategic Plan in 2001 and a National
Land Use Policy in 2013 followed the Land Act. More broadly, land and land uses are central to
macro-scale policy frameworks, including the Uganda Vision 2040 and the National Development
Plan II (2015/16–2019/20). However, their influence on land use change can only be speculative.
Some studies (for example, see [43] have observed that land cover/use change and the systematic
tenfold increase expansion of cropland is attributable to policy changes and interventions by the
Government of Uganda and development partners to promote food security in the Afromontane
subregion. On the other hand, evidence reported by [44] from the case studies in Kalangala and
Amuru Districts demonstrates the incapacity of existing land governance institutions to cope with
the scale of change, particularly in areas with existing or proposed commercial land investments.
Similar challenges are evident in other areas with large-scale land acquisitions, even when they are not
agribusiness-related. In the Albertine Rift, for example, the rush for land stimulated by oil development
is overstretching the capacity of local institutions to cope and therefore increasing tenure insecurity.
This study also takes note of the fact that Uganda is prone to natural disasters such as landslides,
floods, droughts, hailstorms and so forth that have devastated property and life, resulting in adverse
effects such as loss of revenue, migration, and loss of household incomes [45,46]. These are primarily
triggered by natural and human activities that have destabilized the natural systems, such as erratic
rainfall, unsustainable farming practices, and unplanned settlements, among others. Therefore,
this study envisages more disasters to occur in the country, meaning that more deaths and loss
of property will occur if the rate at which land use systems are expanding is not monitored and
controlled/regulated in the near future.
5. Conclusions
This study reveals a total of 29 classes of land use systems, categorized as follows: three (3) of
the land use systems are agricultural, five (5) are under bushland, four (4) under forest, five (5) under
grasslands, two (2) under impediments, three (3) under wetlands, five (5) under woodland, and one
each under open water and urban settlement. The highest gains in the land among the land use
systems were experienced in agricultural land—subsistence and grasslands—protected, while the
highest losses were seen in the grasslands—unprotected, woodland/forest—low livestock density,
and woodland/forest—unprotected. The grassland areas are highly prone to human encroachments
with the aim to establish smallholder farms. By 2040, most of the land use systems’ acreages
are likely to change in terms gains or losses. Minimum gains or losses of land are likely to be
recorded in only tropical high forest with livestock activities, woodland/forest with livestock activities,
and woodland/forest unprotected. This is given the assumption that the current state of affairs stays
the same. The changes in land use systems are highly driven by population pressure, weak enforcement
of environmental laws, and the high economic value of major cash crops. This study will inform
Land 2018, 7, 132 15 of 17
the local and national stakeholders on the state of natural resources and their problems and driving
forces so that conservation efforts are incorporated in the subnational development plans before
they diminish. However, this study takes note of the spatial resolution limitations of the data and
inadequate validation of land use systems in all of the seven landscapes in Uganda.
The classification of land systems and their contributing factors clearly brings forward the
major causes of land cover conversion to the decision-makers so that adequate plans can be made,
especially in terms of allocating more funds towards conservation-related programs and also to enact
effective environmental laws. These are fundamental in the national and subnational development
planning of the country. This study, therefore, recommends a holistic involvement of all stakeholders
and the increment of conservation and land use planning awareness programs throughout the country
if the projected detrimental land use systems are to be controlled.
This study recommends that a detailed study to analyze and characterize the extent of influence
of the perceived contributing factors of changes in land use systems in Uganda be conducted.
Author Contributions: The land use system idea was conceptualized and supported by K.S. and N.C.;
the methodologies, validation, and analysis were performed by M.G.J.M., B.B., M.I.P., and W.J. The spatial
data was provided by D.J. and S.E.; N.B. (Nakangu Barbara) and N.B. (Nakileza Bob) reviewed the manuscript.
Funding: This study was funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) as part of
the Uganda UNREDD National Programme.
Acknowledgments: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which took lead in the study,
acknowledges the tremendous support received from the REDD+ secretariat, the UNREDD team, and the national
stakeholders that provided input during the consultative workshops (at Protea Hotel and Hotel Africana in
Kampala), as well as the Mt. Elgon and the Western - mid altitude landscapes stakeholders. Special recognition
goes to the National Forestry Authority, Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Makerere University, National Agricultural
Research Laboratory Kawanda, and MAAIF for providing the data that was used during this study. Finally,
appreciation goes to Daniel Pouakouyou (Regional Technical Advisor for Africa—UN Environment) for the
overall oversight of the UN Environment component of the Uganda UNREDD National Program.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest in the publication of this manuscript.
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