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GD Correspondence Course Lessons 015

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'The 7TH Path (Sephira) is called Occult Intelligence

because it is the refulgent splendour of the intellectual virtues

which are perceived by the eyes of the intellect and the contem-

plations of the faith .'

The meaning of the term "Occult Intelligence" in this

instance is the manner of expression of our hidden nature . The

occult is not something we learn but something we discover within

M the self, in short, it means to discover the cause of our ignor-

ance so that our true natures can be revealed . It is the expres-

sion of our inner motives and desires . The 'refulgent splendour

of the intellectual virtues' relates to the creative and emo-

tional state of the mind spurred on by the intellect . The con-

templations of the faith is devotion, pure and simple which is

the driving force of our journey into the magical experience .

Netzach is' the 7th Sephira and means Victory . This name in

itself hints at the martial aspects of Geburah and draws from it,

through Tiphareth, a strong and noble force which when considered

in terms of polarity could only be termed Victorious . Without

Tiphareth, Netzach would have expended itself, but beauty brings

t harmony which has tempered Geburah's fiery nature so that when

the emanations reach their fullest in Netzach the diversion and

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defeat .
additional force or polarity has averted sure 1
The magical experience of Netzach is the vision of beauty

triumphant . This relates to the Tree in terms of ascent and

signifies that the individual has triumphantly passed through the

lower Sephiroth and approaches the boundary of the Second Order .

Though has not reached them yet the beauty Tiphareth

emanates through the mist of the veil and is warmly received by

Netzach . Man at this point has now been made whole again and he

is ready to venture towards the beauty (in Tiphareth) of his

divine innocence that he has fleeting glimpses of in Netzach .

The virtue of Netzach is unselfishness . This is because the

devotional aspect of Netzach is in strong harmony with mother 1
nature . It is also a force that works for the common good regard-

less of the personal sacrifice .. It is here at this point on the

Tree that the individual must propel himself forward into the

higher strata of his being (to be discovered in Tiphareth) so

that he can work for the common good of all . He must be prepared

leave behind the material in search of the spiritual and as

such his nature must change for the common good .

The vice of Netzach is greed . It is here that the indivi-

dual becomes very materialistic with a strong leaning towards the

pleasures life . Pleasure is the key word here and this

Sephira brings out the pleasure seeker . Here just about every

type of sense of devotion is experienced to the fullest but at

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the expense of the true essence of self . It is the excess

pleasure that takes over ones thoughts, desires and emotions

making us a slave to them .

The two magical symbols of Netzach are the Lamp and Girdle .

Out of these two possibly the Girdle is the one more associated

this Sephira, as it relates to a complete or cyclic function

and is often related to both the zodiac and the ecliptic . Being

cyclic it relates to change to all those it emcompasses . It also

strongly relates to the myth of the Girdle of Venus . The Lamp

here is the lighting of the way so that Venus, typified as mother

nature, can be followed . Hence it gives one an illuminating

quality .
The I'Ching trigram associated to Netzach is Ken, an aspect

of the earth element . This comes under the Chinese astrological

symbol of the Cow and relates to the hand (also arm, leg thigh,

finger etc) and relates to .a mountain area . The action of this

trigram is stability and solidity but also hints eruptive

pressure that could burst forth at any given moment . It shows no

clear cut decision on a thing due to obstacles and progress will

be hard going .

The Chakra associated to Netzach is the Manipura Centre

(solar plexus) . This centre to a certain extent is a cleansing

t area which works on the system functioning around the liver .

psychic functions are numerous but this centre has the power

project ones consciousness into the astral. It is the centre of

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visions and it is here that vital energy gathers and rules the
pancreas . The sense of sight belongs t this centre . This

Chakra is described as a 10 petalled blue Lotus with a reversed

triangle within it with a Ram at its base .

Metallic Arsenic (Arsenicum Metallicum) is a mineral drug of

Netzach and works primarily at lifting ones spirits up from

depressed state . In fact it is an anti-depresant . Any drug made

from Copper will also come under this category and has been known

to help with neuralgia, influenza and emphysema . As a magical

elixer Copper was used to cure at a distance and increase the

etheric vibration of the aura, so that in orgastic rites the

communication during the ceremonies would be made easier . It is

used especially in fertility rituals .

The vegetable drugs Benzoin and Rose are related to Netzach .

Benzoin (Styrax Benzoin) can be classed as a stimulant, diuretic,

antiseptic and antipyretic, it is also used in the treatment

skin conditions . Its magical values as an aromatic for evocation

and invocation work is well known and it is obtained from the

Styrax Tree . Rose tincture is also associated . here and is used

primarily for skin and menstrual complaints . In magical use the

Rose tincture was used to attract the aura of the opposite sex .

On a more etheric note Rose Water has been used in some temples

as part of the ingredients of the consecrated water .

The effect of the world of Atziluth an this Sephira is in

YHVH Tzabaoth, which means the Lord of Hosts . In Gnostic ore

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Tzabaoth (Hosts) was one of the seven archons who created the

universe . It is here in the first stirrings of Netzach that the

various religious orders and mystery schools are created so that

there are numerous spiritual outlets for the various souls rein-

carnating . Since each soul can vary in its perspective, accord-

ing to its lessons, Tzabaoth decided that certain lessons could

be learned by a variety of religious experiences, it caters for a

multitude of ideals and expressions and will continue to create

new schools to fall in line with the developments of each soul .

The Priatic emanation is Haniel and this Archangel' name

means "He who sees God (also Glory and Grace of God)" . While the

Atziluth emanations relate to religious devotion as a whole the

M archangelic aspect is to give these religious establishments a

glimpse of their attainment which is ultimately unification with

God . Haniel in fact brings each mystery school or religion

closer its ideal by establishing contact with them through

their own respective structures . Such instruction is often con-

sidered divine (when interpreted correctly) and is a tremendous

step forward on the goal of unification .

The Yetziratic influence of Netzach relates to the Elohim,

the angelic choir . A common title given to this choir of angels

is the Princes or Principalities, which ancient lore states "are

spirits capable of giving treasure and riches, and they and their

dependents serve in all operations, being a mass composed

different orders, and they are sufficiently truthful ." Their

functions are to protect religious orders and try and guide them

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on the correct path . n modern terms their duties are to inspire 1

religious thought and action and try to raise the level o emo-
tional consciousness, so that it can equate on a single level (at

Tiphareth) where a uniting and merging will take place and it

will then be restructured .

The Assiatic emanations of Netzach are typlified by the

magical image of a naked beautiful lady, a standard archetype for

the planet Venus . The Hebrew word for Venus is Nogah . The

influence this planet shows in areas of love, attraction I

(mental and physical) and productivity . The esoteric concepts

show that love is shown through duty (whether it be given or

inflicted) . It shows a love of the beautiful, the arts, which

shows things from a materialistic viewpoint . It is life exper-

ienced at its finer points .

The Qlippothic beings of Netzach are the Ghoreb Zereq (dis-

persing Ravens) . Their forms are that of hideous demon headed

Ravens issuing from a volcano . They also are called Cetzephiel .

their influence or power comes through in the want of others

possessions . The qlippothic demons of this region help their

human confederates achieve this end through collective group

effort . Any form of organised crime comes through this emana-

tion . Also they are responsible for eruptive areas of licen-

tiousness on a grand scale .

The Tarot association to Netzach are the four sevens which

shows force transcending the material plane : and is like a

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crown which indeed is powerful but requires one capable of wear-

ing it . The sevens then show a possible result which is depen-

dent on the action then taken . They depend much on the symbols

that accompany them . The Seven of Wands shows valour, the Seven

of Cups illusory success, the Seven of Swords unstable effort and

the Seven of Disks success unfulfilled .

The esoteric grade of Netzach is that of the Philosophus and

is designated by the numbers 4=7 . The candidates higher mental

body aura is manipulated in this grade and opens up the higher

level mind and the intuitive faculties . alchemy this

corresponds to the reddening or the Isosis which is a type

r stabiliser or unifier . It is here that the Philosophus must

relate with others from an emotional viewpoint . He must perfect

his outer Order knowledge so that he is prepared to take on the

mantle of the Second Order in Tiphareth . It is a time of unifi-

cation and completeness of the material .

The geometric symbols of Netzach are the heptangle, heptagon

and heptagram . Mathers says : 'The heptagon naturally represents

the dispersal of the powers of the seven planets through the days

of the week and the year . It alludes to the power of the septe-

nary acting through all things, as exemplified by the seven

colours of the rainbow . The heptayram reflected from every third

1 point yieldeth seven triangles at the apices thereof ; fitly

t representing the Triad operating in each planet, and the planets

themselves in the week and year . The heptagram is the star of

Venus and is especially applicable to her nature and as the

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heptagram i s the lineal figure of the seven planets, so i s Venus

as it were their gate or entrance, as the fitting symbol of the

Isis of nature and of the seven lower Sephiroth of the Bride ."

The plant of Netzach is the Rose, a multifaceted aspect of

symbolism . Fludd for example considered the eight petalled Rose

showed regeneration . When viewing this flower, note its petals

and colour . At any rate it does symbolise completeness, beauty,

and passion . The thorns of the Rose show the hardships and

sorrow associated to it . The white Rose shows purity and high

spirituality, while the Golden Rose is symbolic of (Papal)

achievement . The red rose shows the blood of those spilled in

the name of good . The blue Rose is the unattainable and the

elixir of life . The Rose is perfection to the Christians, the

nature of all things to the Kabbalists free from the desires of

the flesh to the Egyptians and beauty and desire to the Romans .

The Emerald is the precious stone of Net :ach and the wearer

was supposed to possess the gift of prophecy . This was done by

holding the stone in front of the eyes and try to see in it the

future events . It is said to emit such a powerful attraction to

the wearer that it sealed up the aura of the wearer and drew
forth from the auras of others, and as such, would draw the power

out of any charged talisman or spell weaver, thus nullifying it .

This of course applies equally as well to the wearer if he or she

is a magician . If for example two people were attracted to each

other the Emerald could demagnetise ones aura, thus cooling

passions between them .

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Hathoor i the Egyptian diety of Netzach and represents

mother nature and was originally considered an agricultural

goddess . She was the patron of the arts and women and linked to

t the star Sept

(Sothis) . In her form of Hathoor of the Dead

herself as a symbol of new life because she perfected the


new born in the underworld . She was often depicted as cow

headed goddess when associated to joy and pleasure . She was

perfect example of a goddess whom the macrocosm and the microcosm

applied equally to .

Aphrodite was the Greek equivalent of Hathoor and one

0 stage she was in fact called Hathor-Aphrodite, until the former

was dropped in favour of the latter . Her name was taken from the

1 Greek "Froth" because she was supposed to have been born from the

froth of the ocean . She was said to be the daughter of Zeus and

Diane and was the personification of beauty itself . All men,

even gods, were inflamed with her beauty and she presides over

love as shown by her girdle, which contained every art of seduc-

tion which captures the hearts of men .

Venus is the Roman goddess of Netzach and was a copy

Aphrodite ; as such she had the same birth . She is the daughter

f Jupiter and wife of Vulcan and like her Greek counterpart

possesses a magic girdle . As a diety she was more active than

r Aphrodite and not as reliable except in matters of love .

The Fourth Heaven i s called Zebul . The Talmud says : 'The

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dwelling place of the heavenly Jerusalem and of the Temple where

the altar is erected near which stands Michael, the great Prince,
offering a-sacrifice upon it, as it is written (Kings 8 :13) "I

have surely built thee a house of habitation (Zebul), a place for

thee to dwell in forever" .' This Heaven is one in which man can

rule as it is granted only to those souls who willingly sacrifice

their lives to the spiritual directive of the inner planes . The

chief angel of this Heaven is Pachdial (Fear) then Guvrtial and

Kzuial . The Archangel over them is Michael .

The 4th Infernal Mansion is called Bar Schachath (BARShChTh

911) meaning to open (a pit or hole in earth) . ShCHTh -means to

drain . The entire analogy is to drain from a pit in the earth .

Here the soul has transmigrated to an area of constant death

giving no hope for redemption . A living death is suffered here

in this abode . The chief unholy angel governing this mansion is

called Makatiel which means plague of God .

The King of Edom for this region is Samlah (ShMLH = 375)

which is from ShM meaning "the name (of a sphere within)" while

LH is "a movement of reproduction" (its possible Arabic origin

relates to contraction) . The Duke of Edom is Kenaz (ONZ = 157) .

The root ON means "to lament" or "wail" while DNTz means to hunt .
By gematria we find 157 relates to "leaping forth" . The entire

concept is one of surprise attack . The city which both the Duke

and King belong to is Masrekah .

The animals of Netzach are the Lynx and the Raven (as a

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Carrion Bird) . The Lynx was originally the King of Scythia who,

jealous of Triptolemus' authority (to teach mankind agriculture),

was about to kill him when he was changed (by the gods) into an
animal of ingratitude . The Raven is another association here and

is usually a symbol of destruction . In alchemy it is a symbol of

the Nigredo (the blackening or first stage of the Great Work) .

The Greeks considered the Raven a symbol of long life and a

messenger of the sun god .

Durga is the Hindu diety of this path . She was the wife of

Shiva and the symbol for both wisdom and motherhood . She is

usually depicted with 10 arms and riding on the back of a lion to

r show her great strength . She is also a diety who gives graces

and favours using devotion, discrimination, insight and bliss as

1 her weapons . She is also known as the destroyer of the demons

due to herrigorous attention to the correct path . One of her

titles is the Universal Mother .

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