Addmix 310: Specification
Addmix 310: Specification
Addmix 310: Specification
ADDMIX 310 has been primarily developed for applications in high performance concrete
where the highest durability and performance is required. ADDMIX 310 is an admixture of a
new generation based on modified polycarboxylic ether.
The high performance plasticizer shall be ADDMIX 310, high range water reducing,
Superplasticizer based on polycarboxylic ether formulation. The product shall have solid
contents not less than 30% by weight. The product shall be free of lignosulphonates,
naphthalene salts and melamine formaldehyde when subjected to IR Spectra.
High early and ultimate strength concrete.
High performance concrete for durability.
Production of Rheodynamic concrete.
High workability without segregation or bleeding.
Precast & Pre-stressed concrete.
Concrete containing pozzolans such as microsilica, GGBFS, PFA including high volume fly
ash concrete.
Marked increase in early & ultimate strengths.
Improved adhesion to reinforcing and stressing steel.
Better resistance to carbonation and other aggressive atmospheric conditions.
Lower permeability - increased durability.
Reduced shrinkage and creep.
Elimination of vibration and reduced labor cost in placing.
ASTM C494 Type F
EN 934-2 T3.1/3.2
IS 9103: 1999
ADDMIX 310 is supplied in 5 kg, 20 kg, & 220 kg. Packing.
Typical properties:
Appearance Light brown liquid
Specific gravity 1.15 ± 0.02 at 25°C
pH >6
Chloride ion content < 0.2%
Mechanism of action:
ADDMIX 310 has a different chemical structure from the traditional superplasticizers. It consists
of a carboxylic ether polymer with long side chains. At the beginning of the mixing process it
initiates the same electrostatic dispersion mechanism as the traditional superplasticizers, but
the side chains linked to the polymer backbone generates a steric hindrance which greatly
stabilizes the cement particles' ability to separate barrier (alongside the electrostatic barrier)
between the cement grains. With this process, flowable concrete with greatly reduced water
content is obtained.
Application procedure:
Direction for use:
ADDMIX 310 is a ready-to-use liquid which is dispensed into the concrete together with the
mixing water. The plasticizing effect and water reduction are higher if the admixture is added to
the damp concrete after 50 to 70% of the mixing water has been added. The addition of ADDMIX
310 to dry aggregate or cement is not recommended. Thorough mixing is essential and a
minimum mixing cycle, after the addition of the ADDMIX 310, of 60 seconds for forced action
mixers is recommended.
Optimum dosage of ADDMIX 310 should be determined with trial mixes. As a guide, a dosage
range of 250 ml to 750ml per 50 kg. bag of cement/cementitious material is normally
recommended. Because of variations in concrete materials, job site conditions, and/or
applications, dosages outside of the recommended range may be required. In such cases, contact
your local SPC representative.
Safety precautions:
As with all chemical products, care should be taken during use and storage to avoid contact with
eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be tainted with vapour until product fully cured
or dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek immediate
medical attention. Keep away from children and animals. Reseal containers after use. Do not
reuse containers for storage of consumable item.
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge
and experience, no warranty is given or implied with any recommendations made by us, our
representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour