Sikafloor® Level 50: Product Data Sheet
Sikafloor® Level 50: Product Data Sheet
Sikafloor® Level 50: Product Data Sheet
Sikafloor® Level 50
Chemical Base Self-levelling mortar modified with polymer
Packaging 35 kg set
Part A: 25 kg (powder)
Part B: 10 kg (Aggregate)
Appearance / Colour Ready to use dry cement based concrete with an aggregate grading of 0 - 8
mm, grey.
Shelf Life 9 months from date of production if store properly in original, unopened
and undamaged sealed packaging
Storage Conditions Store in dry conditions at temperatures between +18°C and +35°C. Protect
from moisture, direct sunlight and frost.
Density ~ 2.28 kg/L
Initial Setting Time 6 – 9 hours
Compressive Strength 500 kg/cm2 with cube 15 x 15 x 15 cm (after 28 days)
Productiveness 35 kg of dry mix yields approx. 15 L of concrete
Consumption 3.5 to 4.2 L of water per 35 kg bag dependent on the desired flow.
Pot Life Conditions Time
+ 30 oC min. / 50% r.h. 30 minutes
The temperature will affect the pot life.
Application at temperature above +30 oC will reduce the pot life and the
working time. Temperatures below +30 oC will increase the pot life and
extend the working time.
Waiting Time / Overcoating After pouring, need wet cure for a minimum 3 days with wet hessian, plastic
sheet or apply a curing compound (Antisol S).
Suitable for overcoating with impermeable moisture sensitive floors after drying
normally reached after 3 – 7 days depend the system of topping
Applied Product Ready at +30 oC and 50 % r.h.
for use Foot Trafic ~24 hours
Lightly serviceable ~72 hours
Fully serviceable ~7 days
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing substrate and
ambient conditions, particularly the temperature and relative humidity.
Very absorbent substrates must be saturated with water
or primed to prevent loss of the mixing water into the For information and advice on the safe handling,
substrate, which can cause problems such as shrinkage, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall
the appearance of surface pores or weak and dusty refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
surfaces etc. containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other
Do not mix with other cements or cement based screeds. safety-related data.
Freshly applied Sikafloor® Level -50 must be protected
from damp, condensation and water for at least 24 LEGAL NOTES
Do not exceed the recommended water dosage. Do not The information, and, in particular, the
add more water when the product is starting to set. recommendations relating to the application and end-
Temperatures below +20°C extend the drying times. use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on
Sikafloor® Level -50 does not provide an aesthetic finish. Sika's current knowledge and experience of the
Product must always be overcoated or any finishing products when properly stored, handled and applied
process. under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's
Protect from direct sunlight, hot or strong winds and recommendations. In practice, the differences in
extremes of temperature to avoid cracking or crazing. materials, substrates and actual site conditions are
When overcoating with Sikafloor® or Sikabond® (or such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or
others), additional mechanical preparation may be of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability
required to remove any laitance which may have formed arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be
during application. inferred either from this information, or from any
For the large area, for minimize shrinkage and de- written recommendations, or from any other advice
bonding / de-lamination used shear connector every 50 offered. The user of the product must test the
cm and used Wire Mesh M6 / M8 applied the centre of product’s suitability for the intended application and
thick of Topping Concrete. purpose. Sika re- serves the right to change the
properties of its products. The proprietary rights of
third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are must always refer to the most recent issue of the local
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies
vary due to circumstances beyond our control. of which will be supplied on request.
Please note that as a result of specific local regula- tions
the declared data and recommended uses for this
product may vary from country to country. Please consult
the local Product Data Sheet for the exact product data
and uses.
Sikafloor® Level 50
September 2017