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Midterm Exam in Prof Ed 4

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Midterm Exam in Prof Ed 4

Answer briefly but with content.

1. Explain the different learning theories in relation to the use of technology in the field of

Behaviorism believes that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the
environment through a process called conditioning. It is the inclusion of the stimulus and
the response to the stimulus. By the used of different technological platform such as
websites, videos, apps, and games as a stimulus will helps the learner to engage in
teaching-learning process easily. Using of technology as one of the stimuli or a
conditioning tool make them easier to understand the lesson.

Cognitivism focused on the mental process of the person. It involves the way a person
thinks, perceive or process information which has a big impact to the learning of the
students. With the use of technology, the student can easily engage and later on process
and gain knowledge and information.

In the constructivist classroom setting, the use of technology helps the student to engage
in learning actively. The students become more active and interested in the lesson, the
learner will easily construct new knowledge with the help of technology so the learning
would easily take place. Also, by means of technology, the students are able to explore
and acquire new knowledge by their own. Letting students access the technology is also
an opportunity for them to gain, create, construct or develop new knowledge and

2. Digital divide could be one of the barriers now in your learning considering that we are in
new normal classroom where face to face is not allowed. We can only use an alternative
modality such as online or modular learning. As a student, how will you cope in this
situation to maintain the quality of your learning?

It is true that the so called new normal bring a digital divide, those less fortunate cannot
afford to buy and get their own gadgets might not be able to take part in the online
learning or they are left behind. After our university announced the modes of learning
that possibly used, I might even be questioning my choice if I’m going to study this year
or whether I will successfully complete the whole academic year. In this new normal, it is
not easy to make adjustment in terms of learning, there are so many things that I need to
prepare in order for me to be able to take part in the online learning, at first I am like a
blind person who is groping at the dark, there are so many barriers that hinder the
teaching-learning process, but later on, I would say that I am now fully adjust to the
situation, I can now overcome those challenges and difficulties that I encountered during
online class.
3. Explain at least 1 instructional model which is applicable in your field of specialization?
How did you consider it as best instructional model?
For me I think the Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction is best suit instructional model in
my field of specialization. Also, the use of visual manipulative with the aid of Microsoft
office PowerPoint helps the student interact in a certain activity given in the PowerPoint
presentation, also they will enjoy the class while answering the activities. This model is
very beneficial for me as a science teacher, because this model consists of nine elements
or procedure that needs to follow in order to attain my objectives in learning.
The Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction is about Gaining the attention of your learner
first it involves the preliminary activity that can catch the attention and boost the learner’s
eagerness to learn, Informing the learner of the objective, you must inform your learners
on what is your targeted outcomes in order for them to be aware on what is the
knowledge acquired for them. In Stimulating recall of prerequisite learning, you are about
to go back on your previous lesson by doing this you can identify the learning of your
learner from the last topic that you discussed., Presenting the stimulus material you are
now introducing the next lesson, Providing learning guidance you are about to give an
assessment guide that assists the student to perform the intended task, Eliciting the
performance this phase provides the students an opportunity to put all his/her learning
into action, Providing feedback in this phase you are about to criticize and give a
feedback to the output of the learners for some improvement, Assessing the performance
this is the phase wherein the teacher acts as a facilitator by letting the students to perform
and have their own discoveries, Enhancing retention and transfer, this is the last event
where the learners are practicing his/her learnings through some rigorous activity and

4. What are the benefits of ICT application in education? Is there any disadvantage of using
ICT in education? Explain

In todays world, technology plays a huge role in many aspects in life, especially in terms
of education. Technology is beneficial for both teacher and students, for it makes the
teaching-learning process interesting, fun and easier. For the teachers it helps them to
explain the lesson easily by the used of different creative technology-based instruction,
for the students it makes easily to understand the lesson with the help of creative visual
representations of the lessons.

If there is a benefit it also has their counterpart which is its disadvantages. One of the
disadvantages of using technology in education is that some of both teacher and learners
become independent in technology, they rely on it, as they forget the traditional way of
teaching. Also, the time we spend in the internet, most of our time consume on using
internet. Another one is the information we get from the internet, not all we have seen in
internet are correct, let us remove our wrong mindset that everything that we have seen in
the internet are correct. There are some inaccurate and wrong information that we can get
and might give a negative impact to our lives.

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