Directions: For Each of The Following Situations, Determine Which Planning Activity The
Directions: For Each of The Following Situations, Determine Which Planning Activity The
Directions: For Each of The Following Situations, Determine Which Planning Activity The
Directions: For each of the following situations, determine which planning activity the
business is using a sales forecast to help complete. Your choices are:
Evaluating productivity
Creating budgets
Scheduling production
Planning promotion
Hiring workers
Developing new products
Comparing sales to industry norms
Planning inventory levels
1. This winter’s snowfall is expected to be the biggest in 30 years. Because of this, sales of
sleds are expected to increase. It looks as though a local sled manufacturer will need to
speed up its output to keep up with the demand. _____Planning inventory levels
2. It has been a hot spring, and summer is supposed to be even hotter. The demand for
window air conditioners is going to be at an all-time high. Bailey’s AC must make sure
that it will have enough window units to support expected sales. At the same time, the
company doesn’t want to have too much money tied up in merchandise. _____
_____Scheduling production________________________________
3. Rainy season has arrived in the Pacific Northwest. A rain-gear manufacturer in Seattle is
expecting next quarter’s sales revenue to help offset recently increased costs. Knowing
what to expect helps the company to allocate funds for production, marketing, etc.
______Creating budgets
4. Maine’s #1 manufacturer of lobster traps has developed a new type of net that will
speed up the process of catching lobster. This is an expensive venture for the
manufacturer, but according to the sales forecast, sales revenue should be adequate to
support the costs of
introducing the new net. ___Developing new products
5. The University of Kentucky’s athletic department knows that it can make a great deal of
money by selling Wildcats souvenirs at its sporting events. Lately, the management
team has also noticed that sales can be expected to increase at events where certain
souvenirs have been heavily advertised. ___Planning promotion
6. Miami Boats uses its sales forecasts as a measure of its success over the past
month/quarter/year. At the end of each time period, managers measure actual sales
against projected figures. ______Evaluating productivity
7. A tutoring center uses its sales forecast to see how it is measuring up to other tutoring
centers in the area. Its owner wants to know if he is doing more or less business than his
competitors. ____Comparing sales to industry norms
8. A retailer expects its sales to increase significantly over the holiday season. The sales
forecast lets managers know they’re going to need extra salespeople and gift wrappers.
_______Hiring workers