The Solitary Reaper: Line-Wise Explanation
The Solitary Reaper: Line-Wise Explanation
The Solitary Reaper: Line-Wise Explanation
The poet, while travelling in the Highland valleys, comes across a lonely Highlander reaper
girl who is harvesting the crops and singing by herself. He tries to draw the attention of the
passers-by to the girl by calling them to ‘behold her’. The poet urges them to stop there and
listen to her song, or to pass by gently without disturbing her in her singing.
The solitary reaper girl is cutting and binding the grain while singing a sad song. The poet again
urges the other travellers to listen to her music, as it is overflowing the deep valley.
Now the poet compares the reaper girl’s song with that of the sweet singing nightingale bird.
The melodious note of a nightingale sounds sweet and welcoming to a tired group of
travellers in some shady shelter in the middle of the Arabian desert. But the song of the
Highland girl is sweeter than that of the nightingale.
Now the comparison shifts to the cuckoo, another well-known song bird. The cuckoo bird in
springtime breaks the silence of the seas in the far-off Hebrides islands. But, according to the
poet, the song of the solitary reaper is more thrilling than that of the cuckoo.
The poet doesn’t comprehend the meaning of the song or its subject matter, as the girl is
probably singing in her native Gaelic language. So, he asks the other travellers there if anyone
can throw some light on ‘what she sings’. From its tone, he guesses it to be a mournful song
(plaintive numbers) about some old unhappy things and past battles.
Wordsworth again guesses that the song might be about some more usual happenings like some
natural sorrow, loss or pain, a death or a domestic day-to-day incident which has occurred or
may happen again.
Whate’er the theme, the Maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o’er the sickle bending; —
In this last stanza of “The Solitary Reaper”, Wordsworth talks about the impact the reaper’s song
left upon his mind. No matter what the theme was, the maiden girl was singing like there’s no
stopping. Our poet saw her singing at her work bending over her scythe. The flow of her music
was so impressive that it seemed to be never-ending.
The poet listened to the girl’s song, stopped on his way and stood still, very much charmed by
the girl’s beautiful song. When the poet was climbing up the hill, the song could no longer be
heard from there, but he bore the music, the melody of the solitary reaper’s song in his heart.
Such was the impression of the song upon his mind.