Oracle® Database: Client Quick Installation Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) For IBM AIX On POWER Systems (64-Bit)
Oracle® Database: Client Quick Installation Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) For IBM AIX On POWER Systems (64-Bit)
Oracle® Database: Client Quick Installation Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) For IBM AIX On POWER Systems (64-Bit)
This guide describes how to quickly install Oracle Database Client 12c Release 1 (12.1)
on IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit). It includes information about the following:
■ Reviewing Information About This Guide
■ Logging In to the System as root
■ Configuring Servers for Oracle Database
■ Reviewing Operating System Security Common Practices
■ About Operating System Requirements
■ Operating System Requirements for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit)
■ Additional Drivers and Software Packages for IBM AIX on POWER Systems
■ Checking the Software Requirements
■ Separate 32-Bit Client Software for 64-Bit Platforms
■ Creating Required Operating System Groups and Users
■ Creating Required Directories
■ Configuring Oracle Software Owner Environment
■ Mounting the Product Disc
■ Installing Oracle Database Client
■ What to Do Next?
■ Additional Information
■ Documentation Accessibility
■ Instant Client: Enables you to install only the shared libraries required by Oracle
Call Interface (OCI), Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI), Pro*C, or Java database
connectivity (JDBC) OCI applications. This installation type requires much less
disk space as compared to the other Oracle Database Client installation types.
This guide does not describe how to install the Custom installation type. It also does
not describe how to perform an in-place client upgrade or how to enable I/O
completion ports.
■ Following are the steps for installing the software from an X Window System
workstation or X terminal:
1. Start a local terminal session, for example, an X terminal (xterm).
2. If you are not installing the software on the local system, then enter the
following command to enable the remote host to display X applications on the
local X server:
$ xhost fully_qualified_remote_host_name
For example:
$ xhost
3. If you are not installing the software on the local system, then use the ssh,
rlogin, or telnet command to connect to the system where you want to
install the software:
$ telnet fully_qualified_remote_host_name
4. If you are not logged in as the root user, then enter the following command to
switch user to root:
$ sudo sh
■ Following are the steps for installing the software from a PC or other system with
X server software:
2. To determine the available RAM and swap space, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/lsps -s
Note: Oracle recommends that you take multiple values for the
available RAM and swap space before finalizing a value. This is
because the available RAM and swap space keep changing depending
on the user interactions with the computer.
3. To determine the size of the configured swap space, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/lsps -a
If necessary, see your operating system documentation for information about how
to configure additional swap space.
4. To determine the amount of space available in the /tmp directory, enter the
following command:
# df -m /tmp
If the free space available in the /tmp directory is less than what is required, then
complete one of the following steps:
■ Delete unnecessary files from the /tmp directory to meet the disk space
■ Set the TMP and TMPDIR environment variables when setting the oracle user’s
6. To determine if the system architecture can run the Oracle software, enter the
following command:
# /usr/bin/getconf HARDWARE_BITMODE
The expected output of this command is 64. If you do not see the expected output,
then you cannot install the software on this system.
To determine if the system is started in 64-bit mode, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/bootinfo -K
The result of this command must be 64, indicating that the 64-bit kernel is enabled.
Verify that the processor architecture matches the Oracle software release to install.
If you do not see the expected output, then you cannot install the software on this
3.2 General Server Minimum Requirements
Ensure the following general minimum requirements on your system:
■ Ensure that the system is started with runlevel 2.
■ Ensure display cards provide at least 1024 x 768 display resolution, so that Oracle
Universal Installer displays correctly while performing a system console-based
Table 1 Disk Space Requirements for Software Files on IBM AIX on POWER Systems
Installation Type Disk Space
Instant Client 450 MB
Administrator 4.5 GB
Runtime 2.5 GB
Table 2 Swap Space Requirement for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit)
RAM Swap Space
256 MB 3 times the size of RAM
Table 2 (Cont.) Swap Space Requirement for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit)
RAM Swap Space
Between 256 MB and 512 MB 2 times the size of RAM
Between 512 MB and 2 GB 1.5 times the size of RAM
Between 2 GB and 16 GB Equal to the size of RAM
More than 16 GB 16 GB
Table 3 IBM AIX 6.1 on POWER Systems (64-Bit) Minimum Operating System
Item Minimum Requirements
AIX 6.1 Operating System AIX 6.1 Technology Level 7 Service Pack 3 ("6100-07-03-1207")
or later, 64-bit kernel
Note: You can install on AIX 6.1 Technology Level 7 but
Oracle recommends that you install on AIX 6.1 Technology
Level 9 Service Pack 3 (6100-09-03-1415) or later. The latter
includes all the APARs and operating system fixes listed in
this table.
AIX 6.1 Operating System The following operating system filesets are required:
■ bos.adt.base
■ bos.adt.lib
■ bos.adt.libm
■ bos.perf.libperfstat
■ bos.perf.perfstat
■ bos.perf.proctools
■ xlC.aix61.rte: or later
■ xlC.rte. or later
Table 3 (Cont.) IBM AIX 6.1 on POWER Systems (64-Bit) Minimum Operating System
Item Minimum Requirements
AIX 6.1 APARs and Other The following, or later, patches are required:
Operating System Fixes
If you are using the minimum operating system TL level for
AIX 6.1 listed above, then install all the following AIX APAR
■ IV16716 - java won't instantiate if prot_none used for
shared mmap region
■ IV20880 - system hangs or crashes when app uses shared
symtab capability
■ IV21128 - system crash due to freed socket when
socketpair() call used
■ IV28319 - shlap process fails when shared symbol table
feature is used
■ IV30712 - thread_cputime() reports incorrect stime
■ IV31203 - chmod -r fails with eoverflow error
■ IV31603 - chown -r fails with eoverflow error
■ IV33433 - runtime linking failed to bind the bss symbol
exported from main
■ IV34685 - loading 5.3 tls enabled libs by 5.2 apps caused
core dump in 32b
■ IV39104 - link fails with undocumented compiler flag
and thread-local stg
■ IV45072 - a special-purpose linker flag works incorrectly
■ IV45073 - add abiility to reorder toc symbols in limited
■ If you are using a later TL level than the minimum level
listed for this release, then contact IBM to determine if
the required APARs listed in this section are included in
the TL level that you have on your system. If they are
included, then you do not have to install them. If they
are not included, then you must install the equivalent
APAR for the appropriate TL level.
■ AIX APAR numbers are tied to AIX versions and
technology levels. Download and install the APAR that
matches your AIX versions and Technology Levels from
the IBM fix central website:
Table 4 IBM AIX 7.1 on POWER Systems (64-Bit) Minimum Operating System
Item Minimum Requirements
AIX 7.1 Operating System AIX 7.1 Technology Level 1 Service Pack 3 ("7100-01-03-1207")
or later, 64-bit kernel
Note: You can install on AIX 7.1 Technology Level 1 but
Oracle recommends that you install on AIX 7.1 Technology
Level 3 Service Pack 3 (7100-03-03-1415) or later. The latter
includes all the APARs and operating system fixes listed in
this table.
AIX 7.1 Operating System The following operating system filesets are required:
■ bos.adt.base
■ bos.adt.lib
■ bos.adt.libm
■ bos.perf.libperfstat
■ bos.perf.perfstat
■ bos.perf.proctools
■ xlC.aix61.rte. or later
■ xlC.rte. or later
Table 4 (Cont.) IBM AIX 7.1 on POWER Systems (64-Bit) Minimum Operating System
Item Minimum Requirements
AIX 7.1 APARs and Other The following, or later, patches are required:
Operating System Fixes
If you are using the minimum operating system TL level for
AIX 7.1 listed above, then install all the following AIX APAR
■ IV16737 - java won't instantiate if prot_none used for
shared mmap region
■ IV21116 - system hangs or crashes when app uses shared
symtab capability
■ IV21235 - system crash due to freed socket when
socketpair() call used
■ IV28925 - shlap process fails when shared symbol table
feature is used
■ IV34869 - thread_cputime() returns incorrect values
■ IV35057 - loading 5.3 tls enabled libs by 5.2 apps caused
core dump in 32b
■ IV37790 - chmod -r fails with eoverflow error
■ IV39136 - link fails with undocumented compiler flag
and thread-local stg
■ IV41380 - chown -r fails with eoverflow error
■ IV41415 - runtime linking failed to bind the bss symbol
exported from main
■ IV45072 - a special-purpose linker flag works incorrectly
■ IV45073 - add abiility to reorder toc symbols in limited
■ If you are using a later TL level than the minimum level
listed for this release, then contact IBM to determine if
the required APARs listed in this section are included in
the TL level that you have on your system. If they are
included, then you do not have to install them. If they
are not included, then you must install the equivalent
APAR for the appropriate TL level.
■ AIX APAR numbers are tied to AIX versions and
technology levels. Download and install the APAR that
matches your AIX versions and Technology Levels from
the IBM fix central website:
Table 5 IBM AIX 7.2 on POWER Systems (64-Bit) Minimum Operating System
Item Minimum Requirements
AIX 7.2 Operating System AIX 7.2 Technology Level 0 Service Pack 1 ("7200-00-01") or
later, 64-bit kernel
Note: Service Pack 1 is mandatory.
AIX 7.2 Operating System The following operating system filesets are required:
■ bos.adt.base
■ bos.adt.lib
■ bos.adt.libm
■ bos.perf.libperfstat
■ bos.perf.perfstat
■ bos.perf.proctools
■ xlC.aix61.rte. or later
■ xlC.rte. or later
AIX 7.2 APARs and Other The following, or later, patches are required:
Operating System Fixes
If you are using the minimum operating system TL level for
AIX 7.2 listed above, then install all the following AIX APAR
■ IV79639 - after live update ifix state may be left as Q;
rebooth required
■ IV79848 - mirrorvg/syncvg on minimal and migration
install fails
■ IV80412 - system crash application sets signal mask
Note: Install IV80412m1a as it includes the required fix
for IV79441 - possible system crash using procfs to read
32bit process map fil.
■ If you are using a later TL level than the minimum level
listed for this release, then contact IBM to determine if
the required APARs listed in this section are included in
the TL level that you have on your system. If they are
included, then you do not have to install them. If they
are not included, then you must install the equivalent
APAR for the appropriate TL level.
■ AIX APAR numbers are tied to AIX versions and
technology levels. Download and install the APAR that
matches your AIX versions and Technology Levels from
the IBM fix central website at the following URL:
You are not required to install additional drivers and packages, but you may choose to
install or configure drivers and packages in the following list:
If you require a CSD for IBM WebSphere MQ, then see the following website for
download and installation information:
Table 6 Requirements for Programming Environments for IBM AIX on POWER Systems
Programming Environments Support Requirements
Java Database Connectivity JDK 6 (Java 6 64-bit SR10 or later) with the JNDI
(JDBC) / Oracle Call Interface extension with Oracle Java Database Connectivity and Oracle
(OCI) Call Interface drivers.
JDK 7 (Java 7 64-bit or later) with the JNDI extension
with Oracle Java Database Connectivity and Oracle Call
Interface drivers.
JDK 1.6 is installed with this release.
Note: These are not mandatory for the database installation.
Oracle C++ IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX, V11.1 (
Oracle C++ Call Interface January 2012 PTF.
IBM XL C++ Runtime for AIX, V11.1 ( November
Oracle XML Developer's Kit
Download this software from the following URL:
Note: Even if you do not install the IBM XL C/C++ compiler,
you require the compiler for the AIX Runtime Environment
component. The runtime environment file sets can be
downloaded with no license requirements. The minimum
recommended runtime environment for IBM AIX is IBM XL
C/C++ for AIX V11.1.0.4 Runtime Environment. It is
available at the following URL:
Table 6 (Cont.) Requirements for Programming Environments for IBM AIX on POWER
Systems (64-Bit)
Programming Environments Support Requirements
Pro*COBOL IBM COBOL for AIX Version 4.1.1 (March 2012 PTF)
Micro Focus Server Express 5.1
Pro*FORTRAN IBM XL Fortran Runtime for AIX, Version 13.1, January 2012
ADA OC Systems PowerAda 5.5
For more information about OC Systems and PowerAda, go
If the operating system version is lower than what is listed in "Operating System
Requirements for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit)", then upgrade your
operating system accordingly to the currently supported or later version and level.
AIX maintenance packages are available from the IBM fix central website:
2. To determine if the required filesets are installed and committed, enter a command
similar to the following:
# lslpp -l bos.adt.base bos.adt.lib bos.adt.libm bos.perf.perfstat \
bos.perf.libperfstat bos.perf.proctools
■ The expected output of this command is 64. If you do not see the
expected output, then you cannot install the software on this
■ Oracle Database supports 64-bit kernel and does not provide
support for 32-bit kernel applications.
If an APAR is not installed, then download it from the IBM fix central website and
install it:
5. If you require a CSD for WebSphere MQ, then refer to the IBM website for
download and installation information:
If the output of this command shows the oinstall group name, then the group
If the oraInst.loc file exists, then the output from this command is similar to the
The inst_group parameter shows the name of the Oracle Inventory group,
2. If necessary, use the following procedure to create the oinstall group:
a. Enter the following command:
# smit security
If the oracle user exists, then this command displays information about the
groups to which the user belongs. The output should be similar to the following,
indicating that oinstall is the primary group and dba is a secondary group:
uid=440(oracle) gid=200(oinstall) groups=201(dba),202(oper)
4. If the oracle user does not exist or if you want to create the oracle user, then use
the following procedure:
a. Enter the following command:
# smit security
b. Choose the appropriate menu items to create the oracle user, specifying the
following information:
In the Primary GROUP field, specify the Oracle Inventory group, for example
In the Group SET field, specify the OSDBA group and if required, the
OSOPER group. For example dba.
c. Press F10 to exit.
5. If the oracle user exists, but its primary group is not oinstall or it is not a
member of the dba group, then use the following procedure to modify the oracle
a. Enter the following command:
# smit security
b. Choose the appropriate menu items to modify the oracle user, specifying the
following information:
In the Primary GROUP field, specify the Oracle Inventory group, for example
In the Group SET field, specify the OSDBA group and if required, the
OSOPER group. For example dba.
c. Press F10 to exit.
6. Enter the following command to set the password of the oracle user:
# passwd oracle
This command displays information about all the file systems mounted on the
system, including:
■ The physical device name
■ The total amount, used amount, and available amount of disk space
■ The mount point directory for that file system
2. From the display, identify either one or two file systems that meet the disk space
requirements mentioned earlier in this section.
3. Note the name of the mount point directory for each file system that you
4. Enter commands similar to the following to create the recommended
subdirectories in the mount point directory that you identified and set the
appropriate owner, group, and permissions on them:
# mkdir -p /mount_point/app/
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /mount_point/app/
# chmod -R 775 /mount_point/app/
For example:
# mkdir -p /u01/app/
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/
# chmod -R 775 /u01/app/
Caution: Use shell programs supported by your operating system
vendor. If you use a shell program that is not supported by your
operating system, then you can encounter errors during installation.
where RemoteHost is the fully qualified remote host name. For example:
$ xhost +
3. If you are not logged in to the system where you want to install the software, then
log in to that system as the oracle user.
4. If you are not logged in as the oracle user, then switch user to oracle:
$ su - oracle
5. To determine the default shell for the oracle user, enter the following command:
$ echo $SHELL
6. To run the shell startup script, enter one of the following commands:
■ Bash shell:
$ . ./.bash_profile
■ C shell:
% source ./.login
7. If you are not installing the software on the local system, then enter a command
similar to the following to direct X applications to display on the local system:
■ Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:
$ DISPLAY=local_host:0.0
■ C shell:
% setenv DISPLAY local_host:0.0
In this example, local_host is the host name or IP address of the system to use to
display Oracle Universal Installer (your workstation or PC).
8. If you determined that the /tmp directory has less than 400 MB of free disk space,
then identify a file system with at least 400 MB of free space and set the TMP and
TMPDIR environment variables to specify a temporary directory on this file system:
a. To determine the free disk space on each mounted file system, use the
following command:
# df -k
c. Enter commands similar to the following to set the TMP and TMPDIR
environment variables:
* Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:
$ TMP=/mount_point/tmp
$ TMPDIR=/mount_point/tmp
$ export TMP TMPDIR
* C shell:
% setenv TMP /mount_point/tmp
% setenv TMPDIR /mount_point/tmp
9. If you have had an existing installation on your system, and you are using the
same user account to install this installation, then unset the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_
BASE, ORACLE_SID, TNS_ADMIN environment variables and any other environment
variable set for the Oracle installation user that is connected with Oracle software
Enter the following commands to ensure that the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_BASE,
ORACLE_SID and TNS_ADMIN environment variables are not set:
■ Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:
$ unset ORACLE_SID
$ unset TNS_ADMIN
■ C shell:
% unsetenv ORACLE_HOME
% unsetenv ORACLE_BASE
% unsetenv ORACLE_SID
% unsetenv TNS_ADMIN
Ensure that the $ORACLE_HOME/bin path is removed from your PATH environment
10. To verify that the environment has been set correctly, enter the following
$ umask
$ env | more
Verify that the umask command displays a value of 22, 022, or 0022 and the
environment variables that you set in this section have the correct values.
3. Insert the disc into the disc drive, then enter a command similar to the following to
mount it:
# /usr/sbin/mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /dvd
In this example, /dev/cd0 is the device name of the disc drive and /dvd is the
mount point directory.
4. If Oracle Universal Installer displays the Disk Location dialog box, enter the disc
mount point directory path, for example:
If the installation files are on the hard disk, change to the client directory and
enter the following command:
$ ./runInstaller
If Oracle Universal Installer is not displayed, then refer to Oracle Database Client
Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit) for information about
how to troubleshoot X Window display problems.
■ The following table describes the recommended action for each Oracle Universal
Installer screen. Use the following guidelines to complete the installation:
■ If you need more assistance, or to choose an option that is not a default, click
Help for additional information.
■ If you encounter errors while installing or linking the software, then refer to
Oracle Database Installation Guide for information about troubleshooting.
Note: If you have completed the tasks listed previously, then you can
complete the installation by choosing the default values on most
1. If you have an existing Oracle Database Client 12c Release 1 ( or later
installed on your system, the Select Installation Mode screen is displayed.
Select New Install to install Oracle Database Client software in a new location,
or select Upgrade and follow the instructions in the "Performing an In-place
Oracle Database Client Upgrade" section in Oracle Database Client Installation
Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit) to upgrade an earlier release of
Oracle Database Client.
2. In the Select Installation Type screen, select the type of installation: Instant
Client, Administrator, or Runtime and click Next.
3. The Select Product Languages screen enables you to select the language in
which you want to run the product.
Select the product language from the Available Languages list, transfer it to
the Selected Languages list. Click Next.
This screen is not displayed if you select Instant Client as the type of
installation in Step 2.
4. In the Specify Installation Location screen, enter the following details:
Oracle Base: This path appears by default. You can change the path based on
your requirement. The Oracle Base section is not displayed if you select
Instant Client as the type of installation in Step 2.
In the Software Location section, accept the default value or enter the Oracle
home directory path in which you want to install Oracle components. The
directory path should not contain spaces. Click Next.
5. In the Create Inventory screen, you are prompted by the installer to specify the
directory path for central inventory the first time you install Oracle software
on your computer. Select the oraInventory Group Name of the operating
system group that should own the Oracle Inventory directory (the Oracle
Inventory group), and click Next.
6. The Perform Prerequisite Checks screen verifies if your computer meets the
minimum system requirements to install the desired product. Click Next.
Note: Oracle recommends that you use caution in checking the Ignore All
option. If you check this option, then Oracle Universal Installer may not
confirm if your system can install Oracle Database successfully.
7. Review the information displayed in the Summary screen, and click Finish.
Note: You can save all the installation steps into a response file by
clicking Save Response File. Later, this file can be used for a silent
8. The Install Product screen states the progress of a client installation. After
Oracle Database Client is installed, execute the script as a root user to
complete the installation, and click OK.
9. In the Finish screen, click Close to exit from Oracle Universal Installer.
15 What to Do Next?
After you have successfully installed Oracle Database Client, refer to Oracle Database
Client Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit) for information about
required and optional postinstallation steps.
16 Additional Information
This section contains information about the following:
■ Product Licenses
■ Purchasing Licenses and Version Updates
■ Contacting Oracle Support Services
■ Locating Product Documentation
Product Licenses
You are welcome to install and evaluate the products included in this media pack for
30 days under the terms of the Trial License Agreement. However, you must purchase
a program license if you want to continue using any product after the 30 day
evaluation period. See the following section for information about purchasing
program licenses.
17 Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Oracle Database Client Quick Installation Guide, 12c Release 1 (12.1) for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit)
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