Papers On Ancient Greek Linguistics
Papers On Ancient Greek Linguistics
Papers On Ancient Greek Linguistics
Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7 A 6, FI – 00130 Helsinki
In Swedish:
Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, Norra Magasinsgatan 7 A 6, FI – 00130 Helsingfors
In Finnish:
Suomen Tiedeseura, Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7 A 6, FI – 00130 Helsinki
Prof. Mika Kajava
Address: Department of Languages, P. O. Box 24, FI – 00014 University of Helsinki.
Edited by
Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros & Sonja Dahlgren
This book has received a subsidy granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture
distributed by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Copyright © 2020 by
Societas Scientiarum Fennica
Introduction i
Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros & Sonja Dahldren
I Greek in contact
Foamy rivers and the wife of the Ocean: Greek ποταμός ‘river’, 99
Τηθῡ́ς ‘mother of all rivers’, and Proto-Indo-European *ku̯ eth2-
‘foam, seethe’ (Vedic kváth-ant- ‘foaming, seething’; Gothic
ƕaþjan* ‘to foam, ἀφρίζειν’)
Riccardo Ginevra
II Discourse analysis
Discourse markers and text type: γάρ in Thucydides’ narrative and 259
non-narrative text sequences
Rafael Martínez
Die Anwendung des Duals bei Hesiod: Beobachtungen über seinen 301
graduellen Schwund anhand der Theogonie und der Erga
Sara Agliardi
Lexical and syntactic constrictions for the derivation of verbal nouns 403
in –τις / -σις
Jesús de la Villa
Indices 567