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GWYB 2016-17 Tanilnadu & Puduchery

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அலுவலக த஠ிக்காக

सरकारी उपयोग के लिए

For Official Use
நுண்ணறிக் கக யபிகை
तकनीकी रिपोर्ट श्रृंखिा
Technical Report Series

தமிம் ஥ாடு ந஫் றுந் புதுை்சைபி யூ஦ின஦் பிபசதைந்

2016 – 17ஆண்டி஦் ஥ி஬த்தடி஥ீ ப் புத்தகந்

तममलनाडु और पु दुच्चेरी संघ राज्य क्षेत्र के वामषि क भू जल पु स्तक (२०१६ -१७)





இ஥் தின அபசு

஥ீ ப்ய஭, ஥தி அபிவிருத்தி ந஫் றுந் கங் கக பு஦பகந஧் பு அகநை்ைகந்
நத்தின ஥ி஬த்தடி ஥ீ ப் யாபினந் , தத஦்கிமக் கு கடச஬ாப நண்ட஬ந்

भारत सरकार
जल संसाधन, नदी मवकास और गंगा सं रक्षण मं त्रालय
केन्द्रीय भू जल बोडि , दमक्षण पू वी तटीय क्षेत्र, चेन्नई

Government of India
Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
Central Groundwater Board, South Eastern Coastal Region

டிைந் ஧ப் / मदसम्बर / December 2017



Shri.A.Ravi, Scientist -D

Ms. D.Dhayamalar, Scientist-D

Smt. K. Padmavathy,
Smt. Baby Swetha,


Ms. D.Dhayamalar, Scientist-D (HG)


Shri A. Balachandar, Scientist -D Dr. K.Ravichandran, Scientist -D

Shri.A. Ravi, Scientist -D Smt.K.Padmavathi, Scientist -B
Shri.M.Sivakumar, Scientist -D
Ms. D.Dhayamalar, Scientist –D
Dr.K.Ravichandran, Scientist-D
Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, Scientist –C
Shri.A.Sreenivas, Scientist-D
Shri.K.Kumaresan, Scientist- D
Shri.R.Arumugam, Scientist- D
Dr.Ananth Kumar Ars, Scientist-D
Smt.K.Padmavathi, Scientist-B
Dr.V.S.T.Gopinath, Scientist-B
Shri M.Paneer, AHG
Dr. N. Ramesh Kumar, AHG
Shri A. Sakthivel, AHG
Dr. K. Rajajarajan, AHG
Shri.N.Selvanayagam, Surveyor


Dr. B. Umapathi, Scientist-D (Sr. HG) & Shri. N.Selvanayagam, Surveyor

Report Processing Section
CGWB, SECR, Chennai

Central Ground Water Board, an apex Organization under Ministry of Water

Resources, River development and Ganga rejuvenation, Government of India, is
carrying out the monitoring of ground water levels all over the country for generating
a sound database so that the changes in ground water regime could be scientifically
studied, analysed and strategies for its optimal utilization can be planned.

The behaviour of ground water table during the ground water year 2016-2017 in the
state of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and Karaikal regions of the Union Territory of
Puducherry has been studied by monitoring a set of dug wells and purpose-built
piezometers during the months of May 2016, August 2016, November 2016 and
January 2017. As of January 2017, Central Ground Water Board, South Eastern
Coastal Region, monitors 857 dug wells and 538 tube wells/piezometers to study the
ground water scenario of the state of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and Karaikal
regions of the Union Territory of Puducherry.

The present compilation relates to the year 2016-2017. It provides information

pertaining to water levels and also chemical quality of the phreatic aquifer. Thematic
maps depicting the ground water scenario along with geochemical quality are
furnished and discussed in this report. In addition, the fluctuations in water level and
piezometric surface between different time frames have been analysed and
presented. Various thematic maps presented reflect the effect of rainfall received
during the period of study and the long-term behaviour of water level according to
ground water recharge and draft conditions obtained in various agro-climatic
zones.The data on seasonal rainfall during the year are furnished to correlate the
effect of the rainfall on water levels.

In general, the water levels are deep in the month of May and a rising trend of water
levels during January (Post-monsoon period) was observed. Water level fluctuation
takes place during August, November and January depending on the monsoon
rainfall and level of groundwater development.

During the pre-monsoon period, the depth to water levels of 5 -10 m bgl is more
prevelant in the State. Shallow water levels of less than 2 m bgl are noticed in eastern
and southern districts. Depth to water level 10-20 m bgl are noticed in isolated
pockets in the western part of the State.

During postmonsoon period, depth to water level ranging from 0 -2 m bgl is noticed
in many districts and predominantly in the eastern and southern part of the State.
Depth to water level between 5-10m bgl is noticed mostly in western part of the
State. Depth to water level more than 10 is noticed in Western part of the State.

Results of chemical analysis of water samples collected during May 2016 are also
discussed for understanding the spatial variation of EC, Chloride, Fluoride and Nitrate
concentration in the phreatic aquifer system of the state of Tamil Nadu and
Puducherry and Karaikal regions of the Union Territory of Puducherry.


The state of Tamil Nadu has a geographical area of 1,30,058 sq.

km. and is situated between N. Latitudes 08o00" and 13o30' and E.
Longitudes 76o15' and 80o18'. The state is bounded by the Bay of
Bengal in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south, the state of
Kerala in the west and the States of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
in the north. For administrative purposes, the state is divided into
32 districts and 385 developmental blocks. A major part of the
Union Territory of Puducherry comprising Puducherry and Karaikal
regions occurs as small enclaves in Tamil Nadu.

The Central Ground Water Board, South Eastern Coastal Region is

monitoring the water levels in ground water monitoring wells in the
state of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and Karaikal regions of the
Union Territory of Puducherry four times a year, viz. May (between
20th and 31st), August (between 20th and 31st), November (between
1st and 10th) and January (between 1st and 10th). Water samples
from the Ground Water Monitoring Wells are collected once in a
year i.e. during May. Besides these, monitoring of monthly water
levels is being carried out at select Ground Water Monitoring Wells
in Chennai Metropolitan area. Table–1 gives the number of Ground
Water Monitoring Wells tapping the phreatic aquifers and the
piezometers/tube wells/bore wells tapping the deeper semi-confined
to confined aquiferS during the aforesaid periods. The behaviour of
water levels are analysed with reference to the rainfall pattern. The
data are utilised for the assessment of ground water resource,
evaluation, present status of ground water development and also
for planning future development. For analytical purposes, only the
data of the Ground Water Monitoring Wells tapping phreatic aquifers
are considered. The data thus collected are analysed, interpreted
and the Ground Water Yearbook is issued annually with interpreted
data and thematic maps depicting the ground water scenario.

The present report discusses the regional behaviour of water levels

in both shallow and deeper aquifers for the period between May
2016 and January 2017, which will enable the user agencies to plan
developmental strategies. The results of the chemical analysis of
water samples collected from Ground Water Monitoring Wells during
May 2016 are also discussed.

The status of district-wise break-up of Ground Water Monitoring
Wells is given in Table–2 and their locations are shown in Plate -
I. The district-wise depth to water level data of the dugwells and
depth to piezometric surface of piezometres for the measurements
during May 2016, August 2016, November 2016 and January 2017
are given as Annexure - I.

Background information on physiography, drainage, rainfall,

hydrogeological conditions and ground water resources
development of the state are also furnished in brief for better
understanding of the behaviour of water table.

TABLE-1: Number of Groundwater Monitoring Wells in

Tamil Nadu & U.T. of Puducherry during 2016-


May 2016 822 577 1399
August 2016 869 570 1439
November 2016 865 554 1419
January 2017 857 537 1395


The state of Tamil Nadu is divided into four physiographic units viz.
(i) Coastal Plains, (ii) Eastern Ghats, (iii) Central Plateau and (iv)
Western Ghats. The coastal plains stretch over a distance of about
998 km. from Pulicat Lake to Cape Comorin, ranging in elevation
from 2 to 30 m above mean sea level. The coastal plains are
further sub-divided into (a) the Coromandel Coast comprising parts
of the districts of Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Cuddalore, (b) the
alluvial plain of Cauvery delta extending over Nagappattinam,
Thanjavur Thiruvarur districts and (c) the dry southern plains
comprising parts of Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, Tuticorin,
Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari districts.

The chain of flat-topped hills of Javadis, the Shevroy, the Kalrayan

and the Pachamalai hills, which are joining Cardamom hills in the
south, form the Eastern Ghats. These hills rise steeply above
plateau level to 1160 m above mean sea level in the Javadi hills and
to 1645 m above mean sea level in the Shevroy hills.

Between the Eastern and Western Ghats lies the plateau area
known as the "Central Plateau" comprising the districts of Erode and

with elevations between 150 and 610 m above mean sea level
thereby giving rise to an undulating topography. West of the region
lies the broad Palghat gap between the Nilgiri and Anaimalai Hills.
Between Cauvery River and the Palghat gap lies an extensive low
plateau rising gradually from 120 to 180 m above mean sea level,
along the tributaries of the Cauvery River, to 365 to 455 m above
mean sea level in the west.

The plateau is fringed on the west by a group of high hills known as

the Western Ghats, comprising the western part of the Nilgiri,
Madurai and Kanyakumari districts. On the other side of the Palghat
gap, the high mountains of the Peninsula dominate. These are the
Nilgiri in the north, Anaimalai Hills, Palani and Cardamom hills in the
south, with a summit level of 1830 to 2440 m above mean sea level
rising sharply from the plateau.


The state of Tamil Nadu is drained by several major and minor

rivers. All the major rivers originate in the Western Ghats and flow
eastwards. The Palar, Ponnaiyar, Cheyyar, Kortallaiyar and Araniyar
are the important rivers in the north, which are ephemeral and
cutting across the centre of the state is the river Cauvery. The
Cauvery delta consists of a gently sloping alluvial plain covering an
area of 11,600 sq. km and amongst its tributaries the Bhavani and
Amaravathi rivers form the most important sources of canal
irrigation in the state. Bhavani, Noyil and Amaravathi rivers
originate in the hill ranges of Nilgiri and Anaimalais and flow
through matured valleys across the plateau.

The important rivers flowing in the southern part of Tamil Nadu are
(i) Vellar (ii) Vaigai (iii) Vaippar and (iv) Tambaraparani. Of these,
Tambaraparani River is only perennial, forming a good source of
canal irrigation. There are several other minor and less important
rivers in the State. Besides these, there are a number of smaller
rivers such as the Aliyar, Sholaiyar, Parambikulam Ar, etc. flowing
westwards. Except the perennial rivers, all the rivers remain dry for
a good number of months in a year. The Pulicat Lake and Kaliveli
tank are the important lagoons.

The rivers of the state flow in broad and shallow valleys graded
almost to their heads with only slight interruptions of profiles when
they pass through the Eastern Ghats. The Western Ghats form the
main watershed of the state having numerous waterfalls and
Courtallam Falls (91.5 m) is one of the important waterfalls of the

Table - 2: District wise break up of Monitoring stations in Tamil Nadu & Puducherry,
Karaikal regions of U.T.of Puducherry

May-15 Aug-15 Nov-15 Jan-16

S.No District

1 Chennai 19 2 18 2 18 2 17 2
2 Coimbatore 39 69 40 68 40 68 40 68
3 Cuddalore 30 56 30 56 30 56 30 56

4 Dharmapuri (Undivided) 35 30 44 28 44 28 43 24

5 Dindugal 32 16 32 15 32 15 32 14
6 Erode 46 63 65 62 65 62 65 62
7 Kancheepuram 44 25 44 25 44 23 44 23
8 Kanyakumari 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8
9 Karur 13 12 14 12 14 12 13 12
10 Madurai 23 44 23 44 23 43 22 43
11 Nagapattinam 16 5 19 5 19 5 19 5
12 Namakkal 44 13 44 13 44 13 44 13
13 Nilgiris 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1
14 Perambalur 31 21 29 21 29 20 29 20
15 Pudukkottai 23 9 23 9 23 9 23 9
16 Ramanathapuram 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2
17 Salem 54 13 54 13 54 13 54 13
18 Sivaganga 16 7 16 7 16 7 14 7
19 Thanjavur 24 0 27 0 26 0 26 0
20 Theni 14 37 12 37 12 36 12 36
21 Thiruvarur 9 0 8 0 8 0 8 0
22 Tiruchirapalli 41 7 52 7 50 7 48 6
23 Tirunelveli 36 23 36 23 36 23 36 23
24 Tiruvallur 42 12 42 10 42 8 42 8
25 Tiruvannamalai 17 35 17 35 16 33 16 27
26 Tuticorin 27 11 27 11 27 11 27 11
27 Vellore 32 16 38 16 38 14 38 11
28 Villupuram 36 23 36 23 36 18 36 18
29 Virudunagar 17 9 17 9 17 9 17 9
30 Puducherry 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 7
31 Karaikal 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
Total 822 577 869 570 865 554 857 538


Rainfall data corresponding to the measurement of water level has

been downloaded from the website of India Meteorological
Department and is furnished as Table-3. The rainfall during
different periods is given below.

Seasonal Rainfall between October and December 2016:

1. The normal seasonal rainfall ranged from 289.4 mm (Krishnagiri

district) to 1048.5 mm (Karaikal region) whereas the actual
rainfall for this period ranged from 57.5 mm in Namakkal district
to 342.1 mm over Chennai district.
2. The departure of seasonal rainfall for the period mentioned
ranged from -81% (Cuddalore and Tiruppur district) to -35 %
(Tiruppur district).
3. Rainfall has been deficient in the districts of Chennai,
Coimbatore, Dindigul, Kancheepuram, Krishnagiri, Madurai,
Nilgiris, Tiruppur, Tiruvallur, Vellore and Virudhunagar.
4. Rainfall has been large deficient in remaining districts.

Table -3 Distribution of rainfall,Tamil nadu and Puducherry

Seasonal rainfall from October to December 2016

District Actual Normal % Departure

Ariyalur 128.5 545.5 -76 Large Deficient
Chennai 342.1 789.9 -57 Deficient
Coimbatore 142 328.9 -57 Deficient
Cuddalore 130.5 697.8 -81 Large Deficient
Dharmapuri 99.4 330.1 -70 Large Deficient
Dindigul 227.7 436.4 -48 Deficient
Erode 74.9 314.6 -76 Large Deficient
Kancheepuram 334.8 641.8 -48 Deficient
Kanyakumari 154.5 496.4 -69 Large Deficient
Karaikal 245.2 1048.5 -77 Large Deficient
Karur 69.4 314.7 -78 Large Deficient
Krishnagiri 120 289.4 -59 Deficient
Madurai 228.2 419.1 -46 Deficient
Nagapattinam 248.7 941 -74 Large Deficient
Namakkal 57.5 291.6 -80 Large Deficient
Nilgiris 243.2 478.2 -49 Deficient
Perambalur 127.1 440.9 -71 Large Deficient
Pudukkottai 162.6 843.1 -81 Large Deficient
Puducherry 159.4 406.2 -61 Large Deficient

District Actual Normal % Departure
Ramanathapuram 191.3 491.7 -61 Large Deficient
Salem 100.3 370.5 -73 Large Deficient
Sivaganga 159.1 422.7 -62 Large Deficient
Thanjavur 210.3 550.3 -62 Large Deficient
Theni 140.3 357.9 -61 Large Deficient
Tirunelveli 186.4 467.2 -60 Large Deficient
Tiruppur 205.2 314.3 -35 Deficient
Tiruvallur 247.8 589.3 -58 Deficient
Tiruvannamalai 172.6 446.5 -61 Large Deficient
Tiruvarur 250 719.1 -65 Large Deficient
Tuticorin 158.9 427 -63 Large Deficient
Trichy 132.7 391.5 -66 Large Deficient
Vellore 178.1 348.7 -49 Deficient
Villupuram 175.3 499.1 -65 Large Deficient
Virudhunagar 173.2 419 -59 Deficient


The soils of the state can be broadly divided into three types viz. (1)
Red (2) Black and (3) Alluvial soils, of which red soils are the most
prominent type. Red soils are found in every district of the state but
occupy major parts of the Madurai and Vellore districts. More than
63% of the areal extent of Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Salem,
Coimbatore, Tirunelveli and Tiruchchirappalli districts is covered by
the red soils. Some patches of arenaceous soils are also found along
the coastal line. Almost all the alluvial soils in the state are confined
to the deltaic regions of the Cauvery River in Cuddalore,
Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, Thanjavur and Tiruchchirappalli districts.
Black soils are seen mostly in parts of Ramanathapuram, Cuddalore,
Tirunelveli and Thanjavur districts.

The state of Tamil Nadu is underlain by geological formations
ranging in age from Archaean to Recent. The crystalline rocks of
Archaean age like granites, gneisses, charnockites, etc., are of
considerable interest as they occupy nearly 73% of the total
geographical area of the state. Semi consolidated and consolidated
formations ranging in age from Mesozoic to Recent overlie the
crystalline basement and their occurrence is confined to the east
coast only. The general stratigraphic succession of the formations in
the state is presented in Table-4.



Quaternary Recent - Soil, alluvium and beach sands
Pleistocene - Boulder conglomerates, older alluvium
and laterites.
Tertiary Pliocene Karaikal beds Sands and clay with fossils,
Miocene Cuddalore Mottled and friable sandstones, buff
Sandstone coloured clays and gravels.
Mesozoic Cretaceous Ninniyur Arenaceous limestones and
Ariyalur Sandstones and clays
Trichirapalli Sandstones, clays and shell
Uttattur Basal limestones, coral clays and
sandy beds
Jurassic Satyavedu Ferruginous sandstones and
Sriperum- Clays, shales and feldspathic
budur sandstones
Azoic Archaean Archaean Gneisses, charnockites and ultra-basic

The crystalline complex of the Archaean age forms the oldest of the
rock types in the state. Pink and grey granites are exposed in
Cuddalore, Villuppuram, Coimbatore, Madurai and Tirunelveli
districts. Rocks of the Khondalite group are well exposed in the
southern districts of Tamil Nadu. The ultra-mafic rocks are
widespread in the districts of Vellore, Dharmapuri, Coimbatore and
Salem. Charnockite is more prominent in the northwestern part of
Tamil Nadu and is well exposed in the hill ranges of Javadi,
Shevroy, Palani and Nilgiris.

The Mesozoic era is represented by the upper Gondwanas of

Jurassic age and marine beds of Cretaceous age. The Gondwana
beds occur as patches spread over nearly 2001 sq. km. in
Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Vellore districts. The Cretaceous
beds are well exposed in Tiruchirappalli district. The Cretaceous
beds overlie the granitic gneisses and charnockites along the
western fringe and by alluvium in the north. They are also exposed
in Vriddhachalam area of Cuddalore district.

The important Tertiary formations in the state include the Cuddalore

sandstones, Karaikal beds and Conjeevaram gravels. They occur in
a wide stretch and extend from Karaikudi through Pudukkottai,
Thanjavur, Cuddalore, Puducherry to Chennai. Alluvium and coastal
sands in the coastal tract and in river valleys overlie them. The

Panamparai sandstones of sub-Recent age occur along the coastal
tract of Tirunelveli district.
The nature of the geological formations and the structural features
are the principal factors governing the occurrence and movement of
ground water in any hydrogeological environment.
Ground water in the hard rocks occurs in the weathered zones
ranging in thickness from less than a metre to 25 m and in the
underlying fractured and sheared zones. It occurs under water table
conditions at shallow levels and under semi-confined to confined
conditions in the fractured, jointed and sheared zones as seen in
Coimbatore, Salem, Dharmapuri, Madurai districts, etc. In the
sedimentaries, ground water occurs under water table and confined


May 2016
A statement showing the distribution of Ground Water Monitoring
wells along with depth to water level in phreatic aquifers in different
depth ranges is presented in Table-5. Plate-II depicts the ground
water scenario in May 2016. Salient features of the depth to water
level scenario during May 2016 are given below.
1. A perusal of the water level data reveals that the depth to
water level ranged from ground level (Nagapattinam districts)
to 50.92 m bgl (Villupuram District) in Tamil Nadu and UT of
2. Water levels in the hilly tracts of Salem, Dindigul, Erode,
Nilgiri, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai districts varied from 0.78
(Nilgiris district) to 43.10 m bgl (Erode district).
3. The salient feature of the analysis is that the depth to water
level over major part of the State covering the coastal plain
and central midland lies within 10 m bgl in 83% of wells
analysed, while 21% of wells show depth to water level more
than 10 m bgl.
4. Depth to water level of less than 2 m bgl has been recorded
in nine percentage of wells analysed and noted as isolated
pockets in Chennai, Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Kancheepuram,
Kanyakumari, Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Nilgiris,
Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram,
Salem, Sivaganga, Theni, Tiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli,
Tiruvallur, Tuticorin, Vellore and Villupuram districts of Tamil
Nadu and Karaikal and Puducherry regions of U.T.of

Table - 5 Frequency distribution of depth to water level,
Phreatic aquifer (May 2016)
Distribution of Percentage of Observation Wells

Depth to Water Table (mbgl)

No. of No. of Wells Showing Depth to Water Table (mbgl) in
District the Range of
Analysed 0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 >40

Karaikal 5 1 4 0 0 0 0

Pondicherry 5 1 4 0 0 0 0
Chennai 17 4 10 3 0 0 0
Coimbatore 59 2 15 18 14 10 0
Cuddalore 29 7 13 7 2 0 0
Dharmapuri 34 2 5 16 11 0 0
Dindigul 28 1 6 18 3 0 0
Erode 72 0 11 30 26 4 1
Kancheepuram 46 7 20 18 1 0 0
Kanyakumari 14 3 5 6 0 0 0
Karur 15 0 7 5 3 0 0
Madurai 24 0 5 15 4 0 0
Nagapattinam 14 2 12 0 0 0 0
Namakkal 43 3 4 16 17 3 0
Nilgiris 7 3 2 1 1 0 0
Perambalur 24 1 12 10 0 1 0
Pudukkottai 27 2 7 17 1 0 0
Ramanathapuram 26 6 14 4 2 0 0
Salem 49 3 11 21 12 2 0
Sivaganga 17 1 4 10 2 0 0
Thanjavur 16 0 11 4 1 0 0
Theni 14 1 3 5 4 1 0
Thiruvannamalai 24 0 7 14 3 0 0
Tirunelveli 33 7 17 8 1 0 0
Tiruvallur 45 7 24 13 1 0 0
Tiruvarur 6 1 4 1 0 0 0
Trichy 42 1 21 15 4 1 0
Tuticorin 29 6 15 7 1 0 0
Vellore 46 1 16 19 10 0 0
Villupuram 42 1 19 19 1 0 2
Virudhunagar 19 0 5 13 1 0 0
Total 871 74 313 333 126 22 3
% 9 36 38 14 3

5. Depth to water level in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has been
recorded in 36% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts and U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to water level in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has been
recorded in 38% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts and U.T.of Puducherry except in Nagapattinam
district of Tamil Nadu and U.T.of Puducherry.
7. Depth to water level in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl has been
observed in 14% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore,
Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode(Undivided), Kancheepuram, Karur, Madurai, Namakkal,
Nilgiris, Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga,
Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur,
Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram and
Virudhunagar districts.
8. Depth to water level in the range of more than 20 m bgl has
been noted in three percentage of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Erode(Undivided), Namakkal,
Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Theni, Tiruchirapalli and
Villupuram districts.

Depth To Piezometric Surface:

Depth to piezometric surface has been recorded from piezometers

spread all over the state both in hardrock and soft rock areas. The
statement showing the depth to piezometric surface is given in
Table-6. Salient features of the depth to pieometric surface during
May 2016 are given below;

1. The depth to piezometric surface ranged from 0.7 m bgl

(Kancheepuram districts) to 117.1 m bgl (Madurai District) in
Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry.
2. 48% of wells have recorded depth to piezometric surface within
10 mbgl and 52% of wells show depth to piezometric surface
more than 10 mbgl.
3. Depth to piezometric surface of less than 2 m bgl has been
recorded in four percentage of wells analysed and this has been
noted in the districts of Coimbatore, Kancheepuram, Karur,
Madurai, Tirunelveli and Vellore districts.
4. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has
been recorded in 18% of wells analysed and noted in Chennai,
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode(Undivided), Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai,
Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Theni, Tiruvannamalai,
Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Vellore,
Villupuram, Virudhunagar districts and Puducherry region of
U.T.of Puducherry.

Table - 6 Frequency ditribution of depth to piezometric
surface (May 2016)

No. of Depth to piezometric surface in the range of (mbgl)

District Wells
0 to 2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 >40
Chennai 2 1 0 1 0 0 0
Coimbatore 35 2 2 7 10 14 0
Cuddalore 41 0 1 4 4 10 22
Dharmapuri 16 0 1 5 6 3 1
Dindigul 17 0 2 6 7 2 0
Erode 26 0 7 8 4 3 4
Kancheepuram 12 3 6 3 0 0 0
Kanyakumari 3 0 1 1 1 0 0
Karur 8 1 2 2 2 1 0
Madurai 34 2 7 13 8 2 2
Nagapattinam 4 0 0 1 3 0 0
Namakkal 2 0 0 1 1 0 0
Perambalur 17 0 2 2 0 5 8
Pudukkottai 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Ramanathapuram 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Salem 11 0 1 3 2 3 2
Sivaganga 2 0 0 1 1 0 0
Theni 35 0 2 10 11 9 3
Trichy 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Tirunelveli 20 3 11 4 2 0 0
Tiruvallur 4 0 4 0 0 0 0
Thiruvannamalai 4 0 2 2 0 0 0
Tuticorin 7 0 4 3 0 0 0
Vellore 6 1 1 1 3 0 0
Villupuram 4 0 1 3 0 0 0
Virudhunagar 5 0 2 1 2 0 0
Puducherry 8 0 0 1 1 6 0
Total 326 13 60 84 69 58 42
% 4 18 26 21 18 13

5. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has

been recorded in 26% of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri (Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai,
Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Perambalur (Undivided), Pudukkottai,
Salem, Sivaganga, Theni, Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin,

Vellore, Villupuram, Virudhunagar and Puducherry region of
U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl has
been observed in 21% of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode(Undivided), Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Nagapattinam,
Namakkal, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Theni,
Tirunelveli, Vellore, Virudhunagar districts and Puducherry region
of U.T.of Puducherry.
7. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 20 to 40 m bgl has
been noted in 18 % of wells analysed covering isolated pockets
in the districts viz. Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode(Undivided), Karur,
Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Theni districts and
Puducherry region of U.T.of Puducherry.
8. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of more than 40 m bgl
has been noted in 13% of wells analysed and is observed as
isolated patches in Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(undivided),
Erode(Undivided), Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided), Salem,
Theni districts.


August 2016

The statement showing the distribution of Ground Water Monitoring

wells along with depth to water level of phreatic aquifer in different
depth ranges is presented in Table-7 and Plate-III depicts the
ground water scenario in August 2016. Salient features of the depth
to water level scenario during August 2016 are given below.

1. A perusal of the water level data reveals that the depth to

water level ranged from 0.25 m bgl (Nilgiris district) to 49.57
m bgl (Villupuram District) in Tamil Nadu and UT of
2. Water levels in the hilly tracts of Salem, Dindigul, Erode,
Nilgiri, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai districts varied from 0.25
(Vellore district) to 45.76 m bgl (Erode district).
3. The salient feature of the analysis is that the depth to water
level over major part of the State covering the coastal plain
and central midland lies within 10 m bgl in 79% of wells
analysed, while 21% of wells show depth to water level more
than 10 m bgl.
4. Depth to water level of less than 2 m bgl has been recorded
in five percentage of wells analysed and noted in Chennai,
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided),
Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Nagapattinam, Namakkal,
Nilgiris, Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukkottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli,
Tuticorin, Vellore districts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry
region of U.T.of Puducherry.
5. Depth to water level in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has been
recorded in 33% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts and U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to water level in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has been
recorded in 41% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts and except in Tiruvarur, Nilgiris districts of Tamil
Nadu and Karaikal region of U.T.of Puducherry.
7. Depth to water level in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl has been
observed in 18% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode(Undivided),
Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Namakkal,
Nilgiris, Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukkottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tiruchirapalli, Tiruvallur,
Tiruvarur, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram and Virudhunagar

Table - 7 Depth to Water Table (Aug 2016)


8. Depth to water level more than 20 m bgl has been noted in
three percentage of wells analysed and noted as isolated
pockets in Coimbatore, Erode(Undivided), Namakkal, Salem,
Theni, Tiruchirapalli and Villupuram districts.

Depth To Piezometric Surface:

Depth to piezometric surface has been recorded from piezometers

spread all over the state both in hardrock and soft rock areas. The
statement showing the depth to piezometric surface is given in
Table-8. Salient features of the depth to piezometric surface during
August 2016 are given below.

1. The depth to piezometric surface ranged from 0.70 m bgl

(Vellore districts) to 120.20 m bgl (Madurai District) in Tamil
Nadu and UT of Puducherry.
2. 46% of wells have recorded depth to piezometric surface
within 10 mbgl and 54% of wells show depth to piezometric
surface more than 10 mbgl.
3. Depth to piezometric surface of less than 2 m bgl has been
recorded in three percentage of wells analysed and this has
been noted in the districts of Coimbatore, Kancheepuram,
Madurai, Tirunelveli and Vellore districts.
4. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has
been recorded in 12% of wells analysed and noted in
Chennai, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri (Undivided),
Dindigul, Erode (Undivided), Kancheepuram, Karur, Madurai,
Nagapattinam, Perambalur (Undivided), Salem, Theni,
Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirappalli and
Vellore districts.
5. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl
has been recorded in 31 % of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode (Undvided), Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur,
Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur (Undivided), Pudukkottai,
Salem, Sivaganga, Theni, Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli,
Tiruvallur, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram, Virudhunagar
districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl
has been observed in 23% of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode(Undivided), Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai,
Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Ramanathapuram, Salem,
Sivaganga, Theni, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram,
Virudhunagar districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of
7. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 20 to 40 m bgl
has been noted in 15 % of wells analysed covering isolated
pockets in the districts viz. Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode(Undivided), Madurai,
Table - 8 Frequency ditribution of depth to piezometric surface (Aug 2016)

Perambalur, Salem, Theni districts and Puducherry region of
U.T.of Puducherry.
8. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of more than 40 m bgl
has been noted in 16% of wells analysed and is observed as
isolated patches in Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(undivided), Dindigul, Karur, Ramanathapuram,
Salem and Theni districts.

November 2016

The statement showing the distribution of ground water monitoring

wells along with depth to water level of phreatic aquifer in different
depth ranges is presented in Table-9 and Plate-IV depicts the
ground water scenario in November 2016.

1. A perusal of the water level data reveals that the depth to

water level ranged from 0.6 m bgl (Pudukkottai district) to
39.55 m bgl (Namakkal District) in Tamil Nadu and UT of
2. Water levels in the hilly tracts of Salem, Dindigul, Erode,
Nilgiri, Vellore and Tiruvannamalai districts varied from 0.69
(Vellore district) to 25.7 m bgl (Erode district).
3. The salient feature of the analysis is that the depth to water
level over major part of the State covering the coastal plain
and central midland, lies within 10 m bgl, in 75% of wells
analysed, while 23% of wells show depth to water level
between 10 to 20 m bgl, two percentage of wells analysed
show depth to water level more than 20 m bgl.
4. Depth to water level of less than 2 m bgl has been recorded in
six percent of wells analysed and this has been noted isolated
pockets in Chennai, Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Kancheepuram,
Kanyakumari, Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Nilgiris, Pudukkottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirappalli, Tuticorin, Vellore
districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of Puducherry.
5. Depth to water level in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has been
recorded in 28% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts of Tamil Nadu and U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to water level in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has been
recorded in 41% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts except in Karaikal region of U.T. of Puducherry.
7. Depth to water level in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl has been
observed in 23% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore,
Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode,
Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Namakkal,
Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram,

Table - 9 Depth to Water Table (Nov. 2016)
Distribution of Percentage of Observation Wells

Depth to Water Table (mbgl)

No. of Wells No. of Wells Showing Depth to Water Table (mbgl)
Analysed in the Range of
0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 >40
Karaikal 5 0 5 0 0 0 0

Pondicherry 5 2 1 2 0 0 0
Chennai 16 3 11 2 0 0 0
Coimbatore 42 2 10 10 13 7 0
Cuddalore 17 2 7 7 1 0 0
Dharmapuri 30 1 2 7 19 1 0
Dindigul 31 1 7 10 13 0 0
Erode 42 0 3 16 21 2 0
Kancheepuram 45 3 21 19 2 0 0
Kanyakumari 14 1 5 6 2 0 0
Karur 11 0 3 5 3 0 0
Madurai 22 0 2 14 6 0 0
Nagapattinam 15 2 10 3 0 0 0
Namakkal 39 2 6 11 18 2 0
Nilgiris 7 2 3 2 0 0 0
Perambalur 25 0 4 14 6 1 0
Pudukkottai 26 5 6 12 3 0 0
Ramanathapuram 23 2 13 7 1 0 0
Salem 52 1 3 27 19 2 0
Sivaganga 17 1 3 11 2 0 0
Thanjavur 25 3 10 10 2 0 0
Theni 13 1 1 4 6 1 0
Thiruvannamalai 19 0 6 10 3 0 0
Tirunelveli 35 3 11 14 7 0 0
Tiruvallur 40 7 15 16 2 0 0
Tiruvarur 8 0 6 1 1 0 0
Trichy 43 1 14 18 9 1 0
Tuticorin 27 1 13 10 3 0 0
Vellore 38 2 10 17 9 0 0
Villupuram 42 0 10 25 7 0 0
Virudhunagar 19 0 2 12 5 0 0
Total 793 48 223 322 183 17 0
% 6 28 41 23 2


Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruvannamalai,
Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Trichy, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram
and Virudhunagar districts.
8. Depth to water level in the range of more than 20 m bgl has
been noted in two percentages of wells analysed covering
isolated pockets in the districts viz. Coimbatore, Dharmapuri,
Erode, Namakkal, Perambalur, Salem, Theni and
Tiruchirappalli districts.


Depth to piezometric surface has been recorded from piezometers

spread all over the state both in hardrock and soft rock areas. The
statement showing the depth to piezometric surface is given in
Table-10. Salient features of the depth to piezometric surface
during November 2016 are given below.

1. The depth to piezometric surface ranges from 1.18 (Madurai

District) to 100.4 m bgl (Madurai district).
2. 45 percentage of wells have recorded depth to piezometric
surface within 10 m bgl, 26% of wells show depth to piezometric
surface between 10 to 20 m bgl while 15% shows depth between
20 to 40 m bgl and 14% more than 40 m. bgl.
3. Depth to piezometric surface of less than 2 m bgl has been
recorded in four percent of wells analysed and this has been
noted in the districts of Coimbatore, Kancheepuram, Karur,
Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided), Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli and
Vellore districts.
4. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has
been recorded in 10% of wells analysed and noted in Chennai,
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode,
Kancheepuram, Karur, Nagapattinum, Namakkal,
Perambalur(Undivided), Theni, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Vellore and
Villupuram districts.
5. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has
been recorded in 31% of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode,
Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Madurai, Namakkal,
Peram,balur(Undivided), Pudukkottai, Salem, Sivaganga, Theni,
Trichy, Tirunelveli,Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram
and Virudhunagar districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of
6. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl has
been observed in 26% of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode,
Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Salem,

Table - 10 Frequency ditribution of depth to piezometric surface
(Nov. 2016)

No. of Wells Depth to piezometric surface in the range of (mbgl)

analaysed 0 to 2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 >40
Chennai 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Coimbatore 57 2 7 5 18 15 10
Cuddalore 25 0 0 3 2 4 16
Dharmapuri 15 0 1 1 8 3 2
Dindigul 13 0 1 4 5 3 0
Erode 53 0 5 23 13 7 5
Kancheepuram 14 4 7 3 0 0 0
Kanyakumari 4 0 0 3 1 0 0
Karur 6 2 1 0 2 1 0
Madurai 31 4 0 17 8 1 1
Nagapattinam 4 0 1 0 3 0 0
Namakkal 5 0 1 2 2 0 0
Perambalur 17 0 1 3 0 5 8
Pudukkottai 2 0 0 2 0 0 0
Ramanathapuram 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Salem 13 0 0 1 5 3 4
Sivaganga 5 0 0 3 1 1 0
Theni 27 0 1 9 10 5 2
Trichy 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Tirunelveli 19 1 4 11 3 0 0
Thiruvannamalai 5 1 0 3 1 0 0
Tuticorin 8 0 2 5 1 0 0
Vellore 6 1 1 2 2 0 0
Villupuram 8 0 1 4 1 0 2
Virudhunagar 6 0 0 3 3 0 0
Puducherry 7 0 0 1 2 4 0
Total 353 15 35 109 91 52 51
% 4 10 31 26 15 14

Sivaganga, Theni, Tirunelveli, Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore,

Villupuram, Virudhunagar districts and Puducherry region.
7. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 20 to 40 has been
observed in 15 % of well analysed and noted in Coimbatore,
Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode, Karur,
Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Sivaganga, Theni
districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of Puducherry.
8. Depth to piezometric surface more than 40 m bgl has been noted
in 14% of wells analysed covering isolated pockets in the
districts viz. Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri (Undivided),

Erode, Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided), Ramanathapuram,
Salem, Theni and Villupuram districts.

January 2017

The statement showing the distribution of ground Water Monitoring

wells along with depth to water levels in phreatic aquifer in different
depth ranges is presented in Table-11 and Plate-V depicts the
ground water scenario in January 2017.

1. A perusal of the water level data reveals that the depth to water
level ranged from 0.51 (Kancheepuram district) to 68.1 m bgl
(Coimbatore District) in Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry.
2. Water levels in the hilly tracts of Salem, Dindigul, Erode, Nilgiri,
Vellore and Tiruvannamalai districts varied from 0.78 (Vellore
district) to 51.2 m bgl (Erode district).
3. The salient feature of the analysis is that the depth to water level
over major part of the State covering the coastal plain and
central midland, lies within 10 m bgl, in nearly 71% of wells
analysed, while 24% of wells show depth to water level between
10 to 20 m bgl, five percent of wells shows water level more
than 20 m bgl.
4. Depth to water level of less than 2 m bgl has been recorded in
five percent of wells analysed and this has been noted in
Chennai, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Kancheepuram, Namakkal, Nilgiris, Perambalur(Undivided),
Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Trichy, Vellore ditricts and U.T. of
5. Depth to water level in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has been
recorded in 28% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts
and U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to water level in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has been
recorded in 38% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts
except in Karaikal region of U.T. of Puducherry.
7. Depth to water level in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl has been
observed in 24% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore,
Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode,
Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur,
Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur,
Theni, Thiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Trichy, Tuticorin,
Vellore, Villupuram and Virudhunagar districts.
8. Deth to water level in the range of more than 20 m bgl has been
observed in five percent of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri(Undiivded), Erode, Namakkal,
Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Theni, Trichy and Vellore

Table - 11 Depth to Water Table (Jan. 2017)
Distribution of Percentage of Observation Wells

Depth to Water Table (mbgl)

No. of
No. of Wells Showing Depth to Water Table (mbgl) in
District Wells
the Range of
0-2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 >40

Karaikal 5 1 4 0 0 0 0

Pondicherry 5 1 2 2 0 0 0
Chennai 14 2 11 1 0 0 0
Coimbatore 62 0 14 15 18 12 3
Cuddalore 17 2 6 7 2 0 0
Dharmapuri 33 1 3 10 16 3 0
Dindigul 31 2 5 11 13 0 0
Erode 72 0 6 24 29 9 4
Kancheepuram 41 8 26 7 0 0 0
Kanyakumari 15 0 4 7 4 0 0
Karur 13 0 3 6 4 0 0
Madurai 23 0 2 15 6 0 0
Nagapattinam 13 3 7 3 0 0 0
Namakkal 42 1 7 11 20 2 1
Nilgiris 7 2 2 3 0 0 0
Perambalur 26 1 6 10 7 2 0
Pudukkottai 25 2 7 14 2 0 0
Ramanathapuram 25 3 12 8 2 0 0
Salem 53 2 4 23 21 3 0
Sivaganga 14 0 1 8 5 0 0
Thanjavur 22 3 12 6 1 0 0
Theni 15 1 1 6 6 1 0
Thiruvannamalai 17 0 4 10 3 0 0
Tirunelveli 36 3 10 13 10 0 0
Tiruvallur 34 4 20 9 1 0 0
Tiruvarur 8 0 5 3 0 0 0
Trichy 41 2 11 17 9 2 0
Tuticorin 28 0 12 13 3 0 0
Vellore 42 2 14 18 7 1 0
Villupuram 40 0 9 25 6 0 0
Virudhunagar 19 0 2 13 4 0 0
Total 838 46 232 318 199 35 8
% 5 28 38 24 5


Depth To Piezometric Surface:

The statement showing the distribution of Ground Water Monitoring

wells along with depth to piezometric surface of semi-confined
aquifer in different depth ranges is presented in Table-12. Salient
features of the depth to piezometric surface during January 2017
are given below.

1. The depth to piezometric surface ranged from 0.5

(Kancheepuram district) to 97.2 m bgl (Salem District) in
Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry.
2. 38 % of wells have recorded depth to piezometric surface
within 10 m bgl, 29 % of wells show depth to piezometric
surface between 10 to 20 m bgl, while 16 % of wells show
depth in the range of 20 to 40 m bgl and 17 % more than 40
m bgl.
3. Depth to piezometric surface of less than 2 m bgl has been
recorded in four percent of wells analysed and this has been
noted in the districts of Coimbatore, Kancheepuram, Karur,
Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided), Tirunelveli and Vellore
4. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl has
been recorded in eight percent of wells analysed and noted in
Chennai, Coimbatore, Dharmapuri (Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram, Karur, Madurai, Nagapattinam,
Namakkal, Perambalur(Undivided), Tirunelveli,
Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin and Vellore districts.
5. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl has
been recorded in 26 % of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai,
Namakkal, Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukkottai, Salem,
Sivaganga, Theni, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tiruvannamalai,
Tuticorin, Villupuram, Virudhunagar districts and Puducherry
region of U.T.of Puducherry.
6. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl
has been observed in 29 % of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Nagapattinam,
Namakkal, Salem, Sivaganga, Theni, Tirunelveli,
Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram, Virudhunagar
districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of Puducherry.
7. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of 20 to 40 mbgl
has been noted in 16 % of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Karur, Madurai, Perambalur(Undivided0,

Ramanathapuram, Salem, Theni districts and Puducherry
region of U.T.of Puducherry.
8. Depth to piezometric surface in the range of more than 40 m
bgl has been noted in 17 % of wells analysed covering
isolated pockets in the districts viz. Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Erode, Perambalur(Undivided),
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Theni and Villupuram districts.

Table - 12 Frequency ditribution of depth to piezometric

surface (Jan. 2017)

No of Wells Depth to piezometric surface in the range of (mbgl)

analaysed 0 to 2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20-40 >40
Chennai 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Coimbatore 37 1 1 4 9 10 12
Cuddalore 25 0 0 3 2 4 16
Dharmapuri 10 0 1 1 6 1 1
Dindigul 14 0 1 4 4 5 0
Erode 21 0 1 10 4 3 3
Kancheepuram 12 6 4 2 0 0 0
Kanyakumari 3 0 0 2 1 0 0
Karur 8 1 1 2 3 1 0
Madurai 28 1 2 13 10 2 0
Nagapattinam 4 0 1 0 3 0 0
Namakkal 2 0 0 1 1 0 0
Perambalur 14 1 1 2 0 5 5
Pudukkottai 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Ramanathapuram 2 0 0 0 0 1 1
Salem 11 0 0 1 3 3 4
Sivaganga 3 0 0 1 2 0 0
Theni 28 0 0 6 14 6 2
Trichy 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Tirunelveli 20 1 5 6 8 0 0
Thiruvannamalai 4 0 1 1 2 0 0
Tuticorin 8 0 1 5 2 0 0
Vellore 4 1 1 0 2 0 0
Villupuram 7 0 0 3 2 2
Virudhunagar 5 0 0 3 2 0 0
Puducherry 7 0 0 1 2 4 0
Total 280 12 22 73 82 45 46
% 4 8 26 29 16 17


MAY 2016 & JANUARY 2017

The water level fluctuation denotes the cumulative effect of

southwest and northeast monsoons and ground water development
during the period. Rise denotes adequate compensation of the
ground water development and fall denotes inadequacy of recharge.

The statement showing the distribution of ground water monitoring

wells falling in different ranges of fluctuation is presented in Table-
13 and Plate-VI. A comparison of water level shows that a rise in
the water level is recorded in 23% of wells analysed, while 77%
recorded fall.

1. Rise in the water level in the range of 0-2m has been

observed in 16% of wells analysed and noted in all the
districts except in Kanyakumari, Nilgiris, Tiruvarur, Tuticorin
and Karaikal region of U.T.of Puducherry.
2. Rise in the water level in the range of 2-4 m has been
observed in four percent of wells analysed and noted in
Chennai, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri (Undivided),
Dindigul, Erode, Kancheepuram, Namakkal,
Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Thanjavur, Trichy, Tiruvallur
and Vellore districts.
3. Rise in water level more than 4 m has been observed in three
percent of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari,Karur, Madurai,
Namakkal, Nilgiris, Salem, Theni, Trichy, Tiruvallur and
Vellore districts.
4. The fall in water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed
in 44% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts and
U.T. of Puducherry except Kanyakumari district.
5. The fall in water level in the range of 2-4m has been observed
in 20% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts except
in Thanjavur district and Karaikal region of U.T.of Puducherry.
6. The fall in water level more than 4 m has been observed in
13% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode, Kanyakumari, Karur,
Namakkal, Perambalur(Undivided), Salem, Sivaganga, Theni,
Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore,
Villupuram and Virudhunagar districts.

Table - 13 Water level fluctuation of May 2016 – Jan. 2017

Water level fluctuation No of No of

Range of rise (m) Range of fall (m) wells wells
S. No. District
recorded recorded
<2 2-4 >4 <2 2-4 >4 rise fall
1 Chennai 5 1 0 6 1 0 6 7
2 Coimbatore 12 2 2 19 12 11 16 42
3 Cuddalore 1 1 0 9 1 1 2 11
4 Dharmapuri(Undivided) 5 3 0 10 7 6 8 23
5 Dindigul 2 1 1 12 8 4 4 24

6 Erode(Undivided) 5 1 3 29 11 21 9 61
7 Kancheepuram 15 9 2 12 1 0 26 13
8 Kanyakumari 0 0 0 6 4 4 0 14
9 Karur 3 0 0 4 4 2 3 10
10 Madurai 2 0 1 12 6 0 3 18
11 Nagapattinam 4 0 0 8 1 0 4 9
12 Namakkal 11 3 2 17 5 4 16 26
13 Nilgiris 0 0 1 5 1 0 1 6
14 (Undivided) 3 2 0 6 9 4 5 19
15 Pudukkottai 7 0 0 14 4 0 7 18
16 Ramanathapuram 2 0 0 19 2 0 2 21
17 Salem 3 3 5 13 14 13 11 40
18 Sivaganga 1 0 0 9 2 2 1 13
19 Thanjavur 7 1 0 8 0 0 8 8
20 Theni 1 0 1 4 3 4 2 11
21 Tiruvarur 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 6
22 Tiruchirapalli 2 1 1 19 11 4 4 34
23 Tirunelveli 1 0 0 13 10 8 1 31
24 Tiruvallur 13 1 1 17 2 0 15 19
25 Tiruvannamalai 2 0 0 10 4 1 2 15
26 Tuticorin 0 0 0 18 6 4 0 28
27 Vellore 16 3 1 14 6 2 20 22
28 Villupuram 5 0 0 17 16 2 5 35
29 Virudhunagar 1 0 0 10 5 3 1 18
30 Karaikal 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 3
31 Puducherry 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 5
Total 131 32 21 352 158 100 184 610
% 16 4 3 44 20 13 23 77

Plate – VI


The fluctuation of water level recorded during the particular period

with respect to decadal mean indicate the impact of ground water
development and ground water recharge during the decade. Positive
fluctuation indicates improved recharge over and above ground
water development and negative fluctuation indicate increased
ground water development over and above the recharge.

Mean Water Levels For The Period May 2006-2015 & May

The water level data for May 2016 were compared with mean water
level for the period May 2006-2015. The district-wise distribution of
Ground water monitoring wells falling in different ranges of water
level fluctuation is presented in Table-14 and Plate-VII. A
comparison of water level shows a rise in 64% and a fall in 36% of
the wells.

1. Rise in the water level in the range of 0-2m has been

observed in 42% of wells analysed, spread all over the State
and U.T. of Puducherry.
2. Rise in the water level in the range of 2-4 m has been
observed in 14% of wells analysed and noted in Chennai,
Cuddalore, Coimbatore, Dharmapuri (Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai,
Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Perambalur (Undivided),
Pudukkottai, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tiruvannamalai, Tiruchchirappalli, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur,
Tiruvarur, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram and Virudhunagar
3. Rise in water level more than 4 m has been observed in eight
percentage of wells analysed and noted in Chennai,
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri (Undivided), Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Namakkal, Perambalur
(Undivided), Salem, Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruvannamalai,
Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirappalli, Tuticorin, Vellore,
Villupuram and Virudhunagar districts.
4. The fall in water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed
in 25% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts except
in Kanyakumari district and U.T.of Puducherry.
5. The fall in water level in the range of 2-4m has been observed
in seven percentage of wells analysed and noted in
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri (Undivided), Dindigul, Erode,
Table -14 Water level fluctuation of Decadal mean May 2006
-2015 & May 2016

No. of
Water level fluctuation No. of
Range of rise (m) Range of fall (m) wells
S. No. District
recorded recorded
<2 2-4 > 4 < 2 2-4 >4 rise fall
1 Chennai 13 2 1 1 0 0 16 1
2 Coimbatore 13 4 6 20 10 6 23 36
3 Cuddalore 17 2 1 9 0 0 20 9
4 Dharmapuri(Undivided) 11 10 7 2 3 0 28 5
5 Dindigul 7 4 1 12 3 1 12 16
6 Erode(Undivided) 15 6 10 22 9 10 31 41
7 Kancheepuram 28 11 1 4 2 0 40 6
8 Kanyakumari 7 2 5 0 0 0 14 0
9 Karur 5 3 0 7 0 0 8 7
10 Madurai 8 5 0 8 1 2 13 11
11 Nagapattinam 8 1 0 5 0 0 9 5
12 Namakkal 11 6 4 11 5 6 21 22
13 Nilgiris 5 0 0 2 0 0 5 2
14 (Undivided) 14 4 2 2 1 1 20 4
15 Pudukkottai 9 1 0 14 1 2 10 17
16 Ramanathapuram 13 0 0 10 2 0 13 12
17 Salem 20 7 5 9 5 3 32 17
18 Sivaganga 5 1 0 9 2 0 6 11
19 Thanjavur 6 1 1 6 2 0 8 8
20 Theni 3 3 1 2 3 1 7 6
21 Tiruvarur 4 1 0 1 0 0 5 1
22 Tiruchirapalli 13 9 2 14 3 1 24 18
23 Tirunelveli 13 9 2 8 1 0 24 9
24 Tiruvallur 33 4 1 4 2 0 38 6
25 Tiruvannamalai 9 4 1 3 1 1 14 5
26 Tuticorin 14 2 2 9 2 0 18 11
27 Vellore 18 12 10 4 1 0 40 5
28 Villupuram 23 3 2 11 1 2 28 14
29 Virudhunagar 5 4 2 5 3 0 11 8
30 Karaikal 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
31 Puducherry 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
Total 360 121 67 214 63 36 548 313
% 42 14 8 25 7 4 64 36


Kancheepuram, Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur (Undivided),
Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur,
Theni, Tiruchirappalli, Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur,
Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram and Virudhunagar districts

The fall in water level more than 4 m has been observed in four
percentage of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Dindigul,
Erode, Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur, Pudukkottai, Salem, Theni,
Tiruvannamalai, Tiruchirappalli and Villupuram districts

Mean Water Levels For The Period August 2006-2015 &

August 2016:

The statement showing the distribution of ground water monitoring

wells falling in different ranges of fluctuation is presented in Table-
15 and Plate-VIII. A comparison of water level shows that a rise
in the water level is recorded in 56% of wells analysed, while 44%
recorded fall. Salient features of the comparison of water levels are
given below.

1. Rise in the water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed in
37% of wells analysed, noted all over the State and U.T. of
2. Rise in the water level more then 2 m has been observed in 19%
and of wells analysed and noted in all the districts except in
Ramanathapuram, Tiruvarur districts and U.T.of Puducherry.
3. The fall in water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed in
31% of wells analysed and spread all over the State except and
U.T. of Puducherry.
4. The fall in water level in the range of 2-4m has been observed in
10% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode(Undivided),
Kancheepuram, Karur, Madurai, Nagapattinam, Namakkal.
Nilgiris, Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga,
Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruvannamalai, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur,
Tiruvarur, Tiruchirappalli, Villupuram and Virudhunagar districts.
5. The fall in water level more than 4 m has been observed in three
percent of wells analysed and noted as isolated pockets in
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Erode(Undivided),
Kanyakumari, Namakkal, Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukkottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Thanjavur, Tiruvallur, Tiruvarur,
Tiruchirappalli and Vellore districts.

Table-15 Distribution of ground water monitoring wells falling in different ranges of fluctuation


Mean Water Levels For The Period November 2006-2015 &
November 2016:

The statement showing the distribution of ground water monitoring

wells falling in different ranges of fluctuation is presented in Table-
16 and Plate-IX. A comparison of water level shows that a fall in
the water level is recorded in 88% of wells analysed, while 12%
recorded rise. Salient features of the comparison of water levels are
given below.

1. Rise in the water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed in
nine percent of wells analysed, noted as isolated pockets in
Chennai, Coimbatore, Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode,
Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Nagapattinam, Nilgiris,
Pudukkottai, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruchirapalli,
Tiruvallur, Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram and
Virudhunagar dsitricts.
2. Rise in the water level in the range of 2-4 m has been observed
in two percent of wells analysed and noted in Dharmapuri
(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode, Nagapattinam, Namakkal, Salem,
Tirunelveli, and Vellore districts.
3. Rise in water level more than 4 m has been observed in one
percent of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Erode,
Kanyakumari, Namakkal, Sivaganga and Tuticorin districts.
4. The fall in water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed in
41% of wells analysed and spread all over the State and U.T.of
5. The fall in water level in the range of 2-4m has been observed in
26% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Dindigul, Erode,
Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Nagapattinam,
Namakkal, Nilgiris, Perambalur(Undivided), Pudukottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tiruvallur, Tiruvarur, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tiruvannamalai,
Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram and Virudhunagar districts.
6. Fall in water level more than 4 m has been observed in 21% of
wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri
(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode, Kancheepuram, Karur, Madurai,
Namakkal, Perambalur (Undivided), Pudukkottai, Salem,
Sivaganga, Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruvallur, Tiruvarur,
Tiruvannamalai, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Villupuram and
Virudhunagar districts.

Table -16 Water level fluctuation of Decadal mean 2006-
2015 & Nov 2016

Water level fluctuation Water level fluctuation No. of No. of

Range of rise (m) Range of fall (m) wells wells
S. No. District
recorded recorded
<2 2-4 >4 <2 2-4 >4 rise fall
1 Chennai 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 8
2 Coimbatore 4 0 1 13 6 11 5 30
3 Cuddalore 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 7
4 Dharmapuri(Undivided) 2 1 0 4 4 9 3 17
5 Dindigul 2 1 0 8 5 9 3 22
6 Erode(Undivided) 1 1 1 8 8 20 3 36
7 Kancheepuram 3 0 0 17 4 5 3 26
8 Kanyakumari 3 0 1 7 3 0 4 10
9 Karur 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 7
10 Madurai 0 0 0 1 4 3 0 8
11 Nagapattinam 1 1 0 8 3 0 2 11
12 Namakkal 0 2 1 8 5 7 3 20
13 Nilgiris 1 0 0 5 1 0 1 6
14 Perambalur (Undivided) 0 1 0 3 7 4 1 14
15 Pudukkottai 4 2 0 12 3 5 6 20
16 Ramanathapuram 0 0 0 18 2 0 0 20
17 Salem 1 1 0 4 9 9 2 22
18 Sivaganga 2 0 1 6 6 2 3 14
19 Thanjavur 3 0 0 13 3 4 3 20
20 Theni 3 0 0 3 4 2 3 9
21 Tiruvarur 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 8
22 Tiruchirapalli 2 0 0 10 9 5 2 24
23 Tirunelveli 0 1 0 9 12 6 1 27
24 Tiruvallur 1 0 0 9 3 2 1 14
25 Tiruvannamalai 1 0 0 7 5 4 1 16
26 Tuticorin 2 0 1 11 6 3 3 20
27 Vellore 8 1 0 10 10 0 9 20
28 Villupuram 1 0 0 11 12 7 1 30
29 Virudhunagar 3 0 0 6 6 2 3 14
30 Karaikal 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
31 Puducherry 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5
Total 50 12 6 235 151 123 68 509
% 9 2 1 41 26 21 12 88


Mean Water Levels For The Period January 2007-2016 &
January 2017:

The distribution of hydrograph network stations falling in different

ranges of fluctuation is presented in Table-17 and plate-X. A
comparison of water levels shows that a rise in the water level is
recorded in 11% of wells analysed, while 89 % recorded fall.

1. Rise in the water level in the range of 0-2m has been

observed in nine percent of wells analysed and noted as
isolated pockets in Chennai, Coimbatore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari,
Namakkal, Perambalur (Undivided), Salem, Thanjavur, Theni,
Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tiruvallur, Tiruvannamalai,
Tuticorin, Vellore districts and Puducherry region of U.T.of
2. Rise in the water level in the range of 2-4 m has been
observed in one percent of wells analysed and noted in Erode,
Namakkal, Thanjavur, Trichy, Vellore districts and Puducherry
region of U.T.of Puducherry.
3. Rise in water level more than 4 m has been observed in one
percent of wells analysed and noted in Salem and Tuticorin
4. The fall in water level in the range of 0-2m has been observed
in 31% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts and
U.T. of Puducherry except Perambalur(Undivided) district and
Puducherry region.
5. The fall in water level in the range of 2-4m has been observed
in 29% of wells analysed and noted in all the districts of Tamil
6. The fall in water level more than 4 m has been observed in
29% of wells analysed and noted in Coimbatore, Cuddalore,
Dharmapuri(Undivided), Dindigul, Erode, Kancheepuram,
Kanyakumari, Karur, Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur
(Undivided), Pudukkottai, Salem,Thanjavur, Theni, Tiruvarur,
Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tiruvannamalai, Tuticorin, Vellore,
Villupuram and Virudhunagar dsitricts.

2016 & JAN. 2017

Water level fluctuation Water level fluctuation No. of No. of

wells wells
S. No. District Range of rise (m) Range of fall (m)
recorded recorded
<2 2-4 >4 <2 2-4 >4 rise fall
1 Chennai 2 0 0 5 1 0 2 6
2 Coimbatore 1 0 0 10 10 10 1 30
3 Cuddalore 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 6
4 Dharmapuri(Undivided) 2 0 0 7 2 7 2 16
5 Dindigul 0 0 0 6 5 11 0 22
6 Erode(Undivided) 0 1 0 8 5 21 1 34
7 Kancheepuram 8 0 0 15 6 2 8 23
8 Kanyakumari 4 0 0 5 3 1 4 9
9 Karur 0 0 0 1 5 2 0 8
10 Madurai 0 0 0 2 4 5 0 11
11 Nagapattinam 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 10
12 Namakkal 3 1 0 7 4 8 4 19
13 Nilgiris 0 0 1 5 1 0 1 6
14 Perambalur (Undivided) 1 0 0 0 4 7 1 11
15 Pudukkottai 0 0 0 8 11 6 0 25
16 Ramanathapuram 0 0 0 10 10 1 0 21
17 Salem 4 0 1 6 9 9 5 24
18 Sivaganga 0 0 0 2 6 6 0 14
19 Thanjavur 1 1 0 8 8 3 2 19
20 Theni 3 0 0 2 3 4 3 9
21 Tiruvarur 0 0 0 2 5 1 0 8
22 Tiruchirapalli 1 1 0 6 8 10 2 24
23 Tirunelveli 1 0 0 6 11 11 1 28
24 Tiruvallur 5 0 0 11 4 0 5 15
25 Tiruvannamalai 1 0 0 3 6 6 1 15
26 Tuticorin 1 0 0 6 10 6 1 22
27 Vellore 9 1 1 12 2 5 11 19
28 Villupuram 0 0 0 5 10 13 0 28
29 Virudhunagar 0 0 0 5 7 5 0 17
30 Karaikal 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
31 Puducherry 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 0
Total 51 6 3 175 165 163 60 503
% 9 1 1 31 29 29 11 89



The quality of shallow ground water in Tamil Nadu state has been
evaluated by sampling and analysis of water sample collected from
Ground Water Monitoring wells. About 769 Ground Water Monitoring
wells were monitored for water quality during May 2016
representing pre-monsoon water quality. The district wise chemical
analysis data of the samples are given in the Annexure-II. The
summarized results of ground water quality ranges are given in

Table-18: Ground water quality of SECR, during May-2016

S. No. Of
Parameters Range Percentage
No. sample
1 Electrical < 750 103 13.40
Coductivity 751- 2250 411 53.44
(s/cm at 2251- 3000 100 13.00
25oc) > 3000 155 20.16
2 Chloride < 250 432 56.17
(mg/l) 251-1000 296 38.50
> 1000 41 05.33
3 Fluoride (mg/l) < 1.0 519 67.50
1.1- 1.5 170 22.10
>1.5 80 10.40
4 Nitrate <45 489 63.60
(mg/l) > 45 280 36.40

Distribution of electrical conductivity is shown in Plate-XI. In

general the ground water quality in the state is fresh in about 13 %
of the Ground Water Monitoring wells as indicated by the EC value
less than 750 s/cm at 25oC. In about 53 % of the Ground Water
Monitoring wells, the EC varies between 751 -2250s/cm at 25o C
and 13 % of Ground Water Monitoring wells are between 2251-3000
s/cm at 25o C indicating that the ground water is slightly
mineralized and about 20 % of Ground Water Monitoring wells the
EC is more than 3000 s/cm at 25oC indicating that the ground
water is highly mineralized. The highest value 28100 s/cm at 25o C
was observed in Mimisal, Pudukottai district. The details of well
showing EC more than 3000 s/cm at 25o C is given in Table-19.


Table-19: Details of well shows Electrical conductivity more
than 3000 s/cm at 25o C during May 2016

S. EC >3000
Location District
No. s/cm at 25o C
1 Tiruvottiyur Chennai 3010
2 Periyapatti Coimbatore 5920
3 Naachipalayam Coimbatore 5120
4 Saravanampatti Coimbatore 4090
5 B.K.Pudur Coimbatore 3180
6 Podanur Coimbatore 3080
7 Nangudi Cuddalore 4800
8 Chidambaram Cuddalore 3550
9 Kurinjipadi Cuddalore 3310
10 Cuddalore Cuddalore 3180
11 Dharmapuri1 Dharmapuri 10560
12 Indoor Dharmapuri 4170
13 Harur1 Dharmapuri 4090
14 Morappur1 Dharmapuri 3370
15 Theerthamalai Dharmapuri 3340
16 Sillarahalli Dharmapuri 3010
17 Oodanchatram Dindigul 4850
18 Kanakkanpatti Dindigul 3950
19 Vedasandur new Dindigul 3350
20 pattaidurai Erode 5230
21 Punnachipudur dw Erode 5050
22 molengkuttai palayam Erode 5000
23 Papayampudur Erode 4430
24 Dharapuram2 Erode 3750
25 Ingur Erode 3680
26 Pudupalayam1 Erode 3490
27 Mulanur2 Erode 3440
28 Vijayamangalam1 Erode 3430
29 Muttur1 Erode 3040
30 Kanchipuram Kanchipuram 5600
31 Uthiramerur Kanchipuram 3800
32 Sriperumbur Kanchipuram 3630
33 Noyyil Karur 6920
34 Thogamalai Karur 4780
35 Enuguru DW Karur 4000
36 Machikanakottai-New Krishnagiri 6420
37 New Krishnagiri 4020
38 Madurai south Madurai 5000
S. EC >3000
Location District
No. s/cm at 25o C
39 Thirumangalam new Madurai 4280
40 Thalaignayiru-New Nagapattinam 4490
41 Mayavaram Nagapattinam 3210
42 Gurusamipalayam Namakkal 6640
43 Elachipalayam new Namakkal 6420
44 Thoppur Namakkal 5140
45 Paramarthi dw Namakkal 4600
46 Pudur Siddhampoondi Namakkal 4340
47 Vennandur Namakkal 4260
48 Uthandipalayam Namakkal 4250
49 Chittalandur dw Namakkal 3840
50 Kalinayakkanur Namakkal 3550
51 Vaiyappamalai Namakkal 3370
52 Kilarasanur Perambalur 5030
53 Kunnam Perambalur 4900
54 Jayankondam Perambalur 4580
55 Valikandapuram Perambalur 3090
56 Mimisal Pudukkottai 28100
57 Keerannur Pudukkottai 3410
58 Gandharvakottai Pudukkottai 3380
59 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai 3260
60 Bogalur Ramanathapuram 8180
61 Thiruvegampattur Ramanathapuram 6550
62 Kilkkarai Ramanathapuram 6070
63 Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram 5660
64 Tiruvadanai Ramanathapuram 5480
65 Dhanushkodi Ramanathapuram 5370
66 Thondi Ramanathapuram 4340
67 R.S.mangalam Ramanathapuram 3730
68 Sayalkudi Ramanathapuram 3590
69 Devipattanam Ramanathapuram 3540
70 Perungulam Ramanathapuram 3280
71 Akkaraikadu Salem 10310
72 Ponnammapet Salem 10000
73 Palampatti Salem 6960
74 Veraganur Salem 6680
75 Naikarapatty Salem 5910
76 Mamudi Salem 5280
77 Kattukottai Salem 5210
78 Idapadi Salem 5100
79 Pulaveri Salem 4950

S. EC >3000
Location District
No. s/cm at 25o C
80 Attayampatti S.Puram Salem 4740
81 S.K.Garden Nathimedi Salem 4660
82 Attayampatti Ghss Salem 4550
83 Sivadapuram Salem 4020
84 Thandavarayapuram Salem 3800
85 Panamarathupatti Salem 3690
86 Thalaivasal Salem 3690
87 Elampillai Salem 3420
88 Gudamali Salem 3250
89 Jalakandapuram Salem 3150
90 Sevantampatti Salem 3080
91 Mallur Salem 3070
92 Illayangudi Sivaganga 5250
93 Manakudi Sivaganga 5130
94 Natrasankottai Sivaganga 4210
95 Sivaganga Sivaganga 3330
96 Tiruvillaipatti-New Tanjavur 3160
97 Thiruvaiyaru Thanjavur 5180
98 T.Budalur Thanjavur 3540
99 Thamaripulam Thanjavur 3470
100 Gandamanur Theni 4097
101 Kovilpatti Tiruchirapalli 4380
102 Pulivalam Tiruchirapalli 3930
103 Thuvarankurichi Tiruchirapalli 3680
104 Manaparai II Tiruchirapalli 3010
105 Pullampadi Tiruchrapalli 4310
106 Papakudi Tirunelveli 6800
107 Kadayanallur1 Tirunelveli 3220
108 Mannur Tirupur 8840
109 Arugampalayam Tirupur 8350
110 Kasipalayam Tirupur 7560
111 Tirupalavanam Tiruvallur 7410
112 Tiruvellavoyal Tiruvallur 7150
113 Tirumullavoyal Tiruvallur 6560
114 Attipattu Tiruvallur 3830
115 Kovilpathagai Tiruvallur 3480
116 Kallikuppam Tiruvallur 3350
117 Tiruninravur Tiruvallur 3280
118 Kadapakkam Tiruvallur 3050
119 Venmani Tiruvannamalai 4690
120 Chetpat Tiruvannamalai 4530
121 Sirukambur-New Trichy 4300
S. EC >3000
Location District
No. s/cm at 25o C
122 Alaharai-New Trichy 3320
123 Thandalaipudur-New Trichy 3200
124 Kurukkuchalai Tuticorin 5890
125 Tuticorin1 Tuticorin 5020
126 Udangudi Tuticorin 5010
127 Eppodumvendram dw Tuticorin 3800
128 vilathikulam Tuticorin 3740
129 Machampattu Vellore 8430
130 Ranipet1 Vellore 6880
131 Thottalam Vellore 5720
132 Kesavapuram-New Vellore 5210
133 Palur dw Vellore 4800
134 Arakkonam Vellore 4780
135 Vengalapuram Vellore 4730
136 Devadanam Vellore 4720
137 Perambattu Vellore 4530
138 Vokkanampet Vellore 4230
Kasinayakkan Patti-
139 New Vellore 4110
140 Vellakuttai Vellore 4040
141 Arakonam Vellore 3850
142 Peddur dw Vellore 3680
143 Arcot2 Vellore 3660
144 Veppaneri Vellore 3650
145 Katpadi Vellore 3440
146 Indra Nagar-New Vellore 3380
147 Abdullapuram dw Vellore 3320
148 Sangilikuppam Vellore 3080
149 vikravandi Villupuram 4070
150 Tyagadurgam Villupuram 3880
151 Tirukkoilur Villupuram 3340
152 Kalloorani dw Virudhunagar 5120
153 Aruppukottai-w Virudhunagar 3670
154 Virudunagar Virudhunagar 3580
155 Aviyur dw Virudhunagar 3020

Distribution of Chloride is shown in Plate-XII.The chloride content

is less than 250 mg/l in about 56 % of the sample analyzed and 38
% of the sample are between 251 – 1000 mg/l and 5% shows more
than 1000mg/l which are from the districts of Kancheepuram,
Thiruvallur, Karur, Namakkal, Perambalur, Salem, Tirupur,
Thiruvarur Ramanathapuram, Pudukotai, Tuticorin and
Virudhunagar. The details of wells showing chloride more than 1000
mg/l are given in Table-20.

Table-20: List of wells showing chloride more than
permissible limit of 1000 mg/L during May 2016

S. Cl
Location District
No. (mg/L)
1 Periyapatti Coimbatore 1633
2 Dharmapuri1 Dharmapuri 2158
3 Irumattur Dharmapuri 1058
4 Oodanchatram Dindigul 1117
5 pattaidurai Erode 1546
6 Molengkuttai palayam Erode 1276
7 Noyyil Karur 1477
8 Machikanakottai-New Krishnagiri 1418
9 Gurusamipalayam Namakkal 1375
10 Elachipalayam new Namakkal 1241
11 Thoppur Namakkal 1205
12 Mimisal Pudukkottai 9040
13 Bogalur Ramanathapuram 2233
14 Thiruvegampattur Ramanathapuram 1436
15 Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram 1418
16 Dhanushkodi Ramanathapuram 1390
17 Kilkkarai Ramanathapuram 1390
18 Tiruvadanai Ramanathapuram 1290
19 Thondi Ramanathapuram 1042
20 Akkaraikadu Salem 2584
21 Ponnammapet Salem 2343
22 Palampatti Salem 1491
23 Veraganur Salem 1306
24 Thalaivasal Salem 1221
25 Naikarapatty Salem 1136
26 Illayangudi Sivaganga 1418
27 Thiruvaiyaru Thanjavur 1276
28 Kovilpatti Tiruchirapalli 1205
29 Pullampadi Tiruchrapalli 1064
30 Papakudi Tirunelveli 2056
31 Arugampalayam Tirupur 1988
32 Mannur Tirupur 1846
33 Kasipalayam Tirupur 1704
34 Tirupalavanam Tiruvallur 1879
35 Tiruvellavoyal Tiruvallur 1120
36 Venmani Tiruvannamalai 1064
37 Udangudi Tuticorin 1418
38 Machampattu Vellore 2016
39 Ranipet1 Vellore 1505
S. Cl
Location District
No. (mg/L)
40 Thottalam Vellore 1122
41 Arakkonam Vellore 1064

The Fluoride content is less than 1.5 mg/l in about 89 % of the

sample analyzed and about 10 % of the sample shows more than
1.5 mg/l, which are from the districts of Coimbatore, Dharmapuri,
Dindigul, Erode, Namakkal, Perambalur,Pudukottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Tirunelveli, Sivaganga, Theni, Tuticorin
and Virudhunagar. Distribution of fluoride is shown in Plate-
XIII.The details of well shows fluoride content more than 1.5 mg/l
is given in Table-21.

Distribution of Nitrate is shown in Plate - XIV. The Nitrate content

is less than 45mg/l in about 63 % of the sample analyzed and and
36 % of sample shows more than 45 mg/l which are from the
district of Chennai, Coimbatore,Cuddalore, Dharmapuri, Dindigul,
Erode, Kancheepuram Kanyakumari, Madurai, Namakkal,
Pudukottai,Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivagangai, Thiruvallur,
Thiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Theni, Thirunelveli, Tuticorin and
Virudhunagar. The details of well shows nitrate more than 45 mg/l
is given in Table-22.


Table - 21: List of wells show fluoride more than permissible
limit of 1.5 mg/L during May 2015

S. F
Location District
No. (mg/l)
1 Pollachi Coimbatore 1.64
2 Vadavalli Coimbatore 1.62
3 Chinnaripalayam Coimbatore 1.58
4 Karamadai Coimbatore 1.58
5 Kopuvanur Cuddalore 2.05
6 Neyveli Cuddalore 2.04
7 Irumattur Dharmapuri 2.20
8 Harur1 Dharmapuri 2.04
9 Papparapatti Dharmapuri 1.54
10 Thamaraipadi Dindigul 1.65
11 Hanumanthanagar Dindigul 1.55
12 Mulanur2 Erode 1.60
13 Unjalur Erode 1.60
14 Walajabad Kanchipuram 1.60
15 Aralvaimozhi Kanyakumari 2.00
16 Variyoor Kanyakumari 2.00
17 Veerapalayam dw Karur 1.56
18 Uthangarai-New Krishnagiri 1.90
19 Nagathunai-New Krishnagiri 1.80
20 Tattarahalli-New Krishnagiri 1.80
21 vanambli-New Krishnagiri 1.60
22 Valayankulam Madurai 1.55
23 Gurusamipalayam Namakkal 1.80
24 Velur Namakkal 1.80
25 Kalinayakkanur Namakkal 1.70
26 Elachipalayam new Namakkal 1.60
27 Irumbapalam Namakkal 1.60
28 Metala Namakkal 1.60
29 Kunnam Perambalur 1.78
30 Perambalur Perambalur 1.64
31 Pilamangalam Pudukkottai 1.70
32 Viralimalai Pudukkottai 1.60
33 Pincheyai Kodu Salem 2.29
34 Veraganur Salem 2.02
35 Thandavarayapuram Salem 1.97
36 Valappadi Salem 1.82
37 Puthur Salem 1.81
38 Akkaraikadu Salem 1.64
39 Natrasankottai Sivaganga 1.70
S. F
Location District
No. (mg/l)
40 Vaiyyapurivelakku Sivaganga 1.60
41 Aduthurai Thanjavur 1.60
42 Melvastrachavdi Thanjavur 1.60
43 Bodi dw Theni 1.56
44 Nannilam Thiruvarur 1.70
45 Needamangalam Thiruvarur 1.60
46 Thuvarankurichi Tiruchirapalli 1.70
47 Kovilpatti Tiruchirapalli 1.60
48 Manjampatti Tiruchirapalli 1.60
49 Tumbalam Tiruchirapalli 1.60
50 Siruganur Tiruchrapalli 1.70
51 Srirangam Tiruchrapalli 1.70
52 Kollidam Karai Tiruchrapalli 1.60
53 Sembattu Tiruchrapalli 1.60
54 Nelliappar temple Tirunelveli 2.10
55 R.Pattinam Tirunelveli 2.10
56 Tachchnallur Tirunelveli 1.60
57 Mannur Tirupur 1.56
58 Kappalur Tiruvannamalai 1.80
59 Cheyyar Tiruvannamalai 1.60
60 Modaiyur Tiruvannamalai 1.60
61 Thanipadi Tiruvannamalai 1.60
62 Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai 1.60
63 Saidunganallur Tuticorin 1.80
64 Sathankulam-s Tuticorin 1.70
65 Tuticorin1 Tuticorin 1.70
66 Chinnakallupalli Vellore 2.04
67 Bommikuppam dw Vellore 2.01
68 Minnal Nagar-New Vellore 1.90
69 Alangayam Vellore 1.86
70 Pasalikuttai dw Vellore 1.85
71 Kesavapuram-New Vellore 1.80
72 Indra Nagar-New Vellore 1.70
73 Ranipet1 Vellore 1.65
74 Vokkanampet Vellore 1.64
75 Ambur DW Vellore 1.60
76 Sangilikuppam Vellore 1.56
77 Kavalur Vellore 1.54
78 Vellakuttai Vellore 1.53
79 Arakonam Vellore 1.51
80 Rajapalayam1 Virudhunagar 1.80

Plate - XIV

Table-22: List of wells showing Nitrate more than
permissible limit of 45 mg /L during May 2015

S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
1 Egmore Chennai 90
2 B.K.Pudur Coimbatore 135
3 Naachipalayam Coimbatore 125
4 Vadavalli Coimbatore 115
5 P.N.palayam Coimbatore 110
6 Periyapatti Coimbatore 110
7 Sulur Coimbatore 110
8 Saravanampatti Coimbatore 100
9 Podanur Coimbatore 95
10 Chinnaripalayam Coimbatore 90
11 Ponnaiyur Coimbatore 60
12 Kaaranampettai Coimbatore 55
13 Kaniyur Coimbatore 55
14 Pollachi Coimbatore 50
15 Maapodaiyur DW Cuddalore 180
16 Cuddalore Cuddalore 52
17 DW Cuddalore 46
18 Kopuvanur Cuddalore 46
19 Theerthamalai Dharmapuri 92
20 Odasalapatti X Road Dharmapuri 86
21 Odasalapatti Dharmapuri 78
22 Sillarahalli Dharmapuri 74
23 Pennagaram1 Dharmapuri 68
24 Denkanikottai1 Dharmapuri 60
25 Morappur1 Dharmapuri 58
26 Thoppur Dharmapuri 54
27 Echampadi Dharmapuri 52
28 Bommidimalapurm Dharmapuri 50
29 Indoor Dharmapuri 50
30 Nagadasampatti Dharmapuri 50
31 Harur1 Dharmapuri 48
32 Karthankulam DW Dharmapuri 48
33 Irumattur Dharmapuri 46
34 Papireddipatti1 Dharmapuri 46
35 Thambichettipatti dw Dharmapuri 46
36 Paraipatti Dindigul 140
37 Thoppampatti Dindigul 140
38 Chattrapatti Dindigul 120
S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
39 Gandhigram Dindigul 120
40 Muthampattipalayam Dindigul 110
Pudu Ettama Nayakar
41 Patti Dindigul 110
42 Thamaraipadi Dindigul 110
43 Oodanchatram Dindigul 105
44 Thumbalapatti Dindigul 105
45 Palakanthu Dindigul 95
46 Vaivespuram Dindigul 95
47 Vadamadurai Dindigul 85
48 Kakkinapatti Dindigul 75
49 Kanakkanpatti Dindigul 75
50 Perumal Malai Dindigul 75
51 Chellamanthadi Dindigul 70
52 Guzilamparai Dindigul 70
53 Natham1 Dindigul 70
54 Reddiarchattram Dindigul 70
55 Sundarapuri Dindigul 70
56 Idayapatti Dindigul 55
57 Kodaikanal Dindigul 55
58 Vedasandur new Dindigul 55
59 molengkuttai palayam Erode 110
60 punjayduriampalayam Erode 110
61 Ooricheri Erode 100
62 punjurpuliyampatti Erode 93
63 Kavundapadi1 Erode 91
64 vellitirupur Erode 80
65 Mulanur2 Erode 79
66 Uthiyur Erode 76
67 ottu villangadu Erode 74
68 Guvuar dw Erode 70
69 ponmudi Erode 62
70 puduvadavallli Erode 62
71 Ingur Erode 59
72 Punnachipudur dw Erode 59
73 Pudupalayam1 Erode 58
74 Kangayam2 Erode 53
75 Kolapakkam Kancheepuram 100
76 Nandambakkam Kancheepuram 100
77 St.Thomas Mount Kancheepuram 90
78 Tiruneermalai Kancheepuram 60

S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
79 Akkarai Kancheepuram 50
80 Tiruporur Kancheepuram 50
81 Kanchipuram Kanchipuram 161
82 Guduvanchery Kanchipuram 137
83 Maduranthagam Kanchipuram 52
84 Nagarkoil1 Kanyakumari 80
85 Aralvaimozhi Kanyakumari 60
86 Takkalai Kanyakumari 60
87 Kanyakumari1 Kanyakumari 50
88 Tranquebar Karaikai 55
89 Chinna Dharapuram Karur 95
90 Karur Karur 85
91 Thirumangalam new Madurai 135
92 Chekkanoorani Madurai 95
93 Alanganallur dw Madurai 85
94 Madurai Rly Colony Madurai 80
95 Eliyarpathi Madurai 75
96 Madurai City Madurai 65
97 M.K.University Madurai 55
98 karaikal Nagapattinam 81
99 keevelur Nagapattinam 78
100 Namakkal2 Namakkal 74
101 Vennandur Namakkal 68
102 Kalinayakkanur Namakkal 61
103 Elanthankottai Namakkal 61
104 Mohanur1 Namakkal 61
105 Nallur1 Namakkal 53
106 Namagiripet Namakkal 48
107 Thiruchengodu Namakkal 48
108 Udhagamandalam Nilgiris 105
109 Valikandapuram Perambalur 240
110 Ammapalayam Perambalur 220
111 Jayankondam Perambalur 210
112 Nakkaselam Perambalur 210
113 Kilarasanur Perambalur 200
114 Chettikulam DW Perambalur 190
115 Mangalamedu DW Perambalur 190
116 Kunnam Perambalur 150
117 Vijayagopalapuram Perambalur 120
118 Perambalur Perambalur 110

S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
119 Palaiyur Perambalur 90
120 Essani dw Perambalur 80
121 Kurumbalur Perambalur 70
122 Pilamangalam Pudukkottai 236
123 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai 230
124 Gandharvakottai Pudukkottai 202
125 Mimisal Pudukkottai 128
126 Thirumayam Pudukkottai 110
127 Avudaiyarkoil Pudukkottai 95
128 Keerannur Pudukkottai 74
129 Pudukottai Pudukkottai 74
130 Sammattividuthi Pudukkottai 52
131 Pokkeskarapat Pudukkottai 46
132 Thiruvegampattur Ramanathapuram 313
133 Kilkkarai Ramanathapuram 166
134 Dhanushkodi Ramanathapuram 144
135 Devipattanam Ramanathapuram 128
136 R.S.mangalam Ramanathapuram 128
137 Thangachimadam Ramanathapuram 116
138 Rameswaram Ramanathapuram 100
139 Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram 83
140 Kattumavadi Ramanathapuram 59
141 Perungulam Ramanathapuram 59
142 Nadumanaikadu Ramanathapuram 55
143 Tiruvadanai Ramanathapuram 55
144 Bogalur Ramanathapuram 51
145 Sayalkudi Ramanathapuram 46
146 Mamudi Salem 408
147 Palampatti Salem 180
148 Unathur Salem 112
149 Thalaivasal Salem 88
150 Tammampatti Salem 84
151 Vedukathampatty Salem 84
152 Thandavarayapuram Salem 80
153 Valappadi Salem 74
154 Panamarathupatti Salem 72
155 Mallur Salem 70
156 Tivettipatti Salem 70
157 Veerapandi Salem 70
158 Attayampatti Ghss Salem 68
159 Puthur Salem 68

S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
160 Jalakandapuram Salem 66
161 Kadayampatty Salem 62
162 Veraganur Salem 60
163 Ponnammapet Salem 58
164 Pulaveri Salem 58
165 Salem Salem 58
166 Salem Bankhouse Salem 54
167 Dhasanaickanpatty Salem 52
168 Sankari Salem 52
169 Sivadapuram Salem 50
170 Attur fire st. Salem 48
171 Idapadi Salem 48
172 P.Goundanpalyam Salem 46
173 Vaiyyapurivelakku Sivaganga 201
174 Okkur Sivaganga 148
175 Puduvoyal Sivaganga 131
176 Kalayarkoil Sivaganga 86
177 Chettinadu Sivaganga 67
178 Thirupattur Sivaganga 61
179 Manakudi Sivaganga 58
180 Kuttalam Thanjavur 165
181 Papanasam Thanjavur 163
182 Tirupanandal Thanjavur 61
183 Gandamanur Theni 120
184 Theni2 Theni 110
185 Devadanapatti Theni 75
186 Periyakulam dw Theni 70
187 Bodi dw Theni 50
188 Pulivalam Tiruchirapalli 186
189 Manaparai II Tiruchirapalli 136
190 Kovilpatti Tiruchirapalli 136
191 Tumbalam Tiruchirapalli 129
192 Ookaeri Tiruchirapalli 110
193 Thuraiyur Tiruchirapalli 97
194 Manaparai I Tiruchirapalli 80
195 Thathayangarpet Tiruchirapalli 53
196 Mudaliyan chatram Tiruchrapalli 155
197 Siruganur Tiruchrapalli 108
198 P.chatram Tirunelveli 400
199 Sivagiri Tirunelveli 210
200 Valliyoor Tirunelveli 180

S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
201 Mullikulam Tirunelveli 170
Poothatan Kudieruppu
202 dw Tirunelveli 90
203 Kadayanallur1 Tirunelveli 70
204 Nelliappar temple Tirunelveli 70
205 R.Pattinam Tirunelveli 56
206 Govt.Eng College Tirunelveli 50
207 Syed Beedi Company Tirunelveli 50
208 T.Odakadu Tirupur 115
209 Kasipalayam Tirupur 105
210 T.Amarjothinagar Tirupur 105
211 Tiruppur Tirupur 95
212 Weekly Market Tirupur 85
213 Kovilvazhi IV Tirupur 80
214 Kovilvazhi I Tirupur 70
215 Tirumullavoyal Tiruvallur 310
216 Tiruttani Tiruvallur 90
217 Papanchatram Tiruvallur 70
218 Veeraraghavapuram Tiruvallur 63
219 Tiruvellavoyal Tiruvallur 51
220 Melmakutturoad Tiruvannamalai 177
221 Kappalur Tiruvannamalai 117
222 Venmani Tiruvannamalai 113
223 Thanipadi Tiruvannamalai 107
224 Natchatramalaikovil Tiruvannamalai 52
225 Saathanur Tiruvannamalai 46
226 Peruvalappur-New Trichy 159
227 Tiruvallarai_New Trichy 94
228 Eppodumvendram dw Tuticorin 400
229 Kurukkuchalai Tuticorin 300
230 Sathankulam-s Tuticorin 230
231 Tiruchendur-e Tuticorin 120
232 Udangudi Tuticorin 112
233 Vembur Tuticorin 100
234 Devachayalpuram Tuticorin 90
235 Nazareth Tuticorin 70
236 Kovilpatti Tuticorin 62
237 Kulasekharaptnm Tuticorin 60
238 Palur dw Vellore 260
239 Vellakuttai Vellore 240
240 Sangilikuppam Vellore 220

S. NO3
Location District
No. (mg/L)
241 Veppaneri Vellore 220
242 Abdullapuram dw Vellore 210
243 Arakonam Vellore 210
244 Vengalapuram Vellore 200
245 Alankuppam Vellore 160
246 Vokkanampet Vellore 160
247 Devadanam Vellore 140
248 Bommikuppam dw Vellore 120
249 Lalpet Vellore 120
250 Katpadi Vellore 100
251 Kalavai Vellore 98
252 Machampattu Vellore 90
253 Thottalam Vellore 90
254 Peddur dw Vellore 70
255 Pallikonda-New Vellore 62
256 Sennarayanapalli-New Vellore 61
257 Odugathur Vellore 60
258 Indra Nagar-New Vellore 53
259 Pernampet Vellore 50
260 Tyagadurgam Villupuram 240
261 vikravandi Villupuram 210
262 Rishivandiyam Villupuram 170
263 Eliyathur Villupuram 120
264 Kacharapalayam Villupuram 120
265 Asanur Villupuram 110
266 Kallakurichi2 Villupuram 110
267 Tindivanam1 Villupuram 90
268 Alampundi villupuram 80
269 Avalurpet Villupuram 80
270 Indili dw Villupuram 80
271 Salavathi dw Villupuram 80
272 Mambazhapattu Villupuram 60
273 Sankarapuram1 Villupuram 60
274 Marakkanam Villupuram 52
275 Kalloorani dw Virudhunagar 450
276 Aviyur dw Virudhunagar 270
277 Aruppukottai-w Virudhunagar 70
278 Rajapalayam1 Virudhunagar 70
279 Vilampatti1 Virudhunagar 62
280 Devadanam1 Virudhunagar 50


The behaviour of ground water table during May 2016 to January

2017 in Tamil Nadu State and Puducherry and Karaikal regions of
U.T of Puducherry has been studied by monitoring the dug wells
tapping phreatic aquifers. The data on water levels were analysed in
detail and salient features are as under.

1. 83% of wells have recorded depth to water level within 10

m bgl during premonsoon period (May 2016), whereas
during post-monsoon period (January 2017), about 71% of
wells recorded water levels less than 10 m bgl.
2. 79% of wells have recorded depth to water level within
10m bgl during August 2016 and 75% during November.
3. 23% of wells have recorded rise in water levels and 77% of
wells have recorded fall in water levels during Jan 2017
(post monsoon) in comparision to May 2016 (pre-
4. 64% of wells have recorded rise in water levels and 36% of
wells recorded fall in water levels during May 2016 in
comparision to decadal mean.
5. 11% of wells have recorded rise in water levels during
January 2017 with respect to respective decadal means.
6. 89% of wells have recorded fall in water levels during
January 2017 with respect to respective decadal means.
7. In general the ground water quality in the state is fresh in
about 13 % of the Ground Water Monitoring wells as
indicated by the EC value less than 750 s/cm at 25oC. In
about 53 % of the Ground Water Monitoring wells, the EC
varies between 751 -2250s/cm at 25o C and 13 % of
Ground Water Monitoring wells are between 2251-3000
s/cm at 25o C indicating that the ground water is slightly
mineralized and about 20 % of Ground Water Monitoring
wells the EC is more than 3000 s/cm at 25oC indicating
that the ground water is highly mineralized
8. The chloride content is less than 250 mg/l in about 56 % of
the sample analyzed and 38 % of the sample are between
251 – 1000 mg/l and 5% shows more than 1000mg/l.
9. The Fluoride content is less than 1.5 mg/l in about 89 % of
the sample analyzed and about 10 % of the sample shows
more than 1.5 mg/l, which are from the districts of
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode, Namakkal,
Perambalur,Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem,
Tirunelveli, Sivaganga, Theni, Tuticorin Thiruvannamalai,
vellore and Virudhunagar.
10. The Nitrate content is less than 45mg/l in about 63 % of
the sample analyzed and and 36 % of sample shows more
than 45 mg/l which are from the district of Chennai,
Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode,
Kancheepuram Kanyakumari, Madurai, Namakkal,
Pudukottai,Ramanathapuram, Salem, Sivagangai,
Thiruvallur, Thiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Theni,
Thirunelveli, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar.

The authors express their gratitude to. Shri.A.Subburaj, Suptdg.
Hydrogeologist and H.O.O, Central Ground Water Board, South
Eastern Coastal Region, Chennai, for his constant encouragement
throughout the task of compilation and analysis of voluminous data.
They express their gratitude to him for the keen interest evinced by
him in the report as also for the suggestions offered by him vis-à-
vis some aspects for improving their lucidity, which have enhanced
not only the form but also the contents of the final report. The
authors also profusely thank the hard and arduous work put in by
various field officers who diligently collected data and water
samples from the field, which forms the base for this report. The
authors profoundly thank the huge contribution made by the
Officers and staff of the Water Quality Laboratory who have
analysed the large number of water samples and interpreted the
anlysis results thereof. The authors would be failing in their dury if
they do not acknowledge the unstinting cooperation offered by their
various colleagues who have contributed in a major way in bringing
out this report.
Annexure - I
Water level data of Tamil Nadu and U.T.of Puducherry (May 2015 to Jan 2016)

District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017

Chennai Semi-Confined W125912080145901 Taramani (NITTR PZ) 4.20 4.35 4.05 3.90
Chennai Unconfined W130109080160401 Adayar dw 2.22 2.15 2.22 1.80
Chennai Unconfined W130130080153001 Alwarpet 2.40 3.30 3.10 3.50
Chennai Unconfined W130400080134001 Aminjikarai 6.43 7.37 4.67 4.34
Chennai Unconfined W130005080161201 Besant Nagar 2.60 3.20 3.40 3.60
Chennai Unconfined W130320080165301 Chepauk (A) 3.28 3.50 3.50 3.72
Chennai Unconfined W130429080154501 Egmore 1.10 1.00 1.60 2.33
Chennai Unconfined W125858080154901 Elegant Flat dw 3.65 4.05 4.37 3.60
Chennai Unconfined W130120080133002 Guindy(CLRI) 2.22 3.70 3.00
Chennai Unconfined W130230080123001 K.K.Nagar 1.77 2.16 1.40 2.20
Chennai Unconfined W125915080155001 Kalakshetra 2.50 3.15 3.05 2.30
Chennai Unconfined W130440080134501 Thiyagarayanagar 4.13 4.75 5.00 4.50
Chennai Unconfined W130500080120001 Tirumangalam 1.19 1.14 1.39 1.89
Chennai Unconfined W130700080163001 Tondiarpet 4.48 6.90 4.70
Chennai Unconfined W130620080165301 Vallalar Nagar 5.03 6.45 5.95 7.68
Chennai Unconfined W125900080130001 Velachery-a 5.35 6.40 6.00 3.46
Chennai Unconfined W130500080161501 Vepery 4.84 3.90 4.00
Chennai Unconfined W130657080154201 Vyasarpadi dw 0.42 1.30 1.20
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105745076480301 Alandurai pz 18.10 16.84 18.05 20.55
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W111800077112201 Alathur pz 36.40 56.00 66.50 67.10
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110647076450301 Anaikatti pz 12.30 13.68 13.05 12.38
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103130076595801 Angalakurichi 15.02 15.50 46.80 47.80
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105643076500601 Chennanur pz 39.10 38.83 39.25 39.75
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110058076583801 Corporation North Zone pz 13.05 15.10 14.40 15.40
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103742076523101 Devanshapudur pz 21.70 12.70 16.40 23.85

District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105943076480601 Devarayapuram pz 39.72 40.16 40.05 41.28
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103030077110001 Dhalli 4.85 7.07 7.93 51.45
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110148077170001 Kallampalayam pz 9.85 10.20 10.25 9.10
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W104819077083301 Kattampatty pz 10.47 9.50 10.65 10.70
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105455077154001 Kettanur 9.10 7.50 11.20 13.00
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105800076550001 Kuniyamuthur 8.47 5.80 12.60 14.15
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110450077271001 Nachipalayam1 8.51 6.93 6.55 7.90
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110003076570401 Ohd Campus pz 30.30 20.42 28.90 35.85
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103132077130501 Pallapalayam pz 30.70 65.60 35.90 40.85
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W104041077125301 Pathampatti pz 5.60 7.79 8.65 11.80
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W104425077060501 Periya Negamam pz 32.00 49.37 69.10 86.28
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W111129077052401 Pillaimpalayam pz 29.00 23.50 29.60 33.35
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103930076593001 Pollachi pz 7.10 4.80 2.50 5.30
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103608077003201 Samathur Hss pz 23.64 34.83 59.48
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110800077020002 Sarkar samakulam pz 11.57 12.60 13.60 15.05
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W111045076453001 Seeliyur 12.30 17.74 19.45 19.80
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105700077100001 Selakkaraichal 19.32 16.70 19.55 19.70
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110035076550701 Sugarcane Institute pz 20.08 25.40 26.41
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110105077072501 Sulur pz 1.64 1.54 2.40 3.00
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105710076551801 Sundakkamuthur pz 25.75 25.40 26.75 26.95
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W111824077164401 Thathanur Aanaikalpalayam pz 33.36 30.22 34.90 76.85
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W105900076500001 Thondamuthur 39.18 43.06 48.00 52.56
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110550077211001 Tirupur 8.50 8.01 6.85 6.90
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110119076563101 Tn Urban Studies pz 16.02 17.60 18.80 22.08
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W103500077144001 Udumalpet2 3.80 1.54 1.45 1.19
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W104047077161901 Varadharajapuram Murungapatti pz 17.60 13.76 26.30 29.70
Coimbatore Semi-Confined W110424076571001 Vellakinaru pz 39.70 38.97 36.65 33.43
Coimbatore Unconfined W110628077221301 Amarjothinagar 9.00 7.43 16.62
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Coimbatore Unconfined W103852076543401 Ambarampalayam 2.83 3.78 2.70 5.40
Coimbatore Unconfined W111330077063001 Annur pz 23.33 24.66 25.84 27.30
Coimbatore Unconfined W111400077063002 Annur1 10.95 25.25 27.25 28.05
Coimbatore Unconfined W111105077163001 Avinashi1 16.75 17.40 20.05 19.40
Coimbatore Unconfined W105830077160001 Avinashipalayam 15.30 14.65 14.10 14.10
Coimbatore Unconfined W111152077170701 Avinasi pz 18.60 17.52 18.32
Coimbatore Unconfined W110805077210701 Boyampalayam pz 16.00 16.22 9.95 11.70
Coimbatore Unconfined W105947077001801 Cbe Stock Exchange pz 13.70 14.45 11.40 10.65
Coimbatore Unconfined W104345077053001 Chinnaripalayam 9.56 9.74 10.46 9.76
Coimbatore Unconfined W110229077000201 Cwc Campus pz 4.87 8.06 4.95 5.84
Coimbatore Unconfined W111031077032001 Ganesapuram 37.90 33.43 33.43 32.03
Coimbatore Unconfined W110633077260801 Ganganaickenpalayam pz 28.33 27.53 26.80 37.50
Coimbatore Unconfined W110231076563101 Ghs Ganapathi pz 3.00 3.20 2.65 3.65
Coimbatore Unconfined W104145076561501 Gopalapuaram 8.90 7.52 10.00 9.00
Coimbatore Unconfined W110503077184001 Iduvampalayam pz 4.30 6.66 2.49 3.95
Coimbatore Unconfined W110100077110501 Kaltanpet 17.20 16.05 18.60 18.50
Coimbatore Unconfined W110744077170001 Kaniyampoondi pz 31.28 37.98 33.82 33.29
Coimbatore Unconfined W103630077230001 Kaniyur 2.62 3.53 4.00 4.35
Coimbatore Unconfined W111445077124501 Karamadai 1.84 2.02 3.00 2.60
Coimbatore Unconfined W103725077223001 Karattoluvu 2.93 8.90 2.02 3.40
Coimbatore Unconfined W111722077100901 KaravallurPZ 23.48 23.32 23.28 22.98
Coimbatore Unconfined W110656077230801 Kasipalayam 7.60 7.78 7.30 10.80
Coimbatore Unconfined W104900077010001 Kinathukadavu pz 9.75 2.07 10.15 9.60
Coimbatore Unconfined W110329077231501 Kovilvazhi I 9.64 11.85 12.20 12.15
Coimbatore Unconfined W110330077232001 Kovilvazhi IV 4.75 9.70 13.45 12.20
Coimbatore Unconfined W102930077210001 Kumaralingam 6.21 2.10 1.71 3.93
Coimbatore Unconfined W102900077220001 Kumaralingam1 3.26 1.87 1.86 2.35
Coimbatore Unconfined W110244077193801 Kunnakalpalayam pz 4.82 4.65 3.75 3.86
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Coimbatore Unconfined W105430076580001 Madukkarai-PZ 9.40 15.67 16.27 16.23
Coimbatore Unconfined W110706077270001 Mannur 4.47 4.35 4.75 5.90
Coimbatore Unconfined W111800076565001 Mettupalayam pz 11.17 10.63 10.50 10.45
Coimbatore Unconfined W110500077264501 Nachipalayam 7.75 6.93 6.15 7.85
Coimbatore Unconfined W110642077200301 Odakadu 9.00 12.00 9.05 10.20
Coimbatore Unconfined W111225076593201 P.N.palayam 34.27 31.62 32.05 35.95
Coimbatore Unconfined W110408077210701 Palavanchipalayam pz 5.00 8.66 3.67 7.95
Coimbatore Unconfined W105945077164001 Palladam 9.37 10.94 11.30 11.80
Coimbatore Unconfined W105930077165001 Palladam2 7.44 7.67 8.65 7.95
Coimbatore Unconfined W104530077161501 Periyapatti 10.90 11.41 13.03 13.03
Coimbatore Unconfined W110247077250201 Peruntholavu pz 36.95 44.97 51.24 52.65
Coimbatore Unconfined W105230076540001 Pichanur 15.63 15.93 16.67 17.20
Coimbatore Unconfined W105800076590002 Podanur1 10.75 11.75 11.40 11.70
Coimbatore Unconfined W103940077000001 Pollachi1 2.00 1.32 2.20 3.05
Coimbatore Unconfined W104030076561501 Ponnaiyur 8.04 8.77 6.65 8.28
Coimbatore Unconfined W110411077230401 Rengagoundanpalayam pz 10.13 14.68 18.70 23.55
Coimbatore Unconfined W110515077104501 Samalapuram 2.34 2.18 4.90 4.80
Coimbatore Unconfined W110410077000501 Saravanampatti 14.95 19.18 19.75 21.55
Coimbatore Unconfined W110430077000501 Saravanampatti1 27.70 29.95 32.22 29.92
Coimbatore Unconfined W105947077011501 Singanallur 6.22 7.57 7.70 6.00
Coimbatore Unconfined W105715076570002 Sugunapuram1 22.25 26.91 33.25 35.55
Coimbatore Unconfined W110130077073001 Sulur 2.29 4.40 6.15 4.15
Coimbatore Unconfined W105900076552201 Telungupalayam pz 9.25 10.80 14.95 21.58
Coimbatore Unconfined W111521076560501 Thekkampatti pz 6.45 7.01 7.07 8.57
Coimbatore Unconfined W110708077202401 Tiruppur P.N.Road 6.05 6.51 3.20 5.75
Coimbatore Unconfined W110605077211501 Tiruppur1 8.57 9.21 6.70 6.75
Coimbatore Unconfined W103500077145001 Udumalpet1 2.16 2.08 1.93 2.08
Coimbatore Unconfined W110130076543001 Vadavalli 36.05 31.90 35.05 41.65
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Coimbatore Unconfined W110523077240301 Vijayapuram pz 13.15 12.83 11.69 15.85
Coimbatore Unconfined W110517077203501 Weekly Market 3.38 3.80 3.75 4.62
Cuddalore Confined W113900079390002 Kattusagai(n) 55.93 57.25
Cuddalore Confined W113900079390001 Kattusagai(s) 67.56 61.31
Cuddalore Confined W113230079343001 Rajankuppam 28.18 25.64
Cuddalore Confined W113215079323002 Vadalur1 75.60
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113653079394101 Ayeuppam pz 58.30 49.45
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112725079222601 C.Keeranur EW 44.01 64.68
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112725079222602 C.Keeranur OW-1 48.42 37.25
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113700079253005 Irruppu I 108.50 109.90
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113700079253002 Irruppu II 27.52 41.53
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113013079375701 Kattiyankuppam Pz-1 74.50 71.30 65.79 74.34
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113013079375702 Kattiyankuppam Pz-2 78.75 65.23 75.58 82.86
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113013079375703 Kattiyankuppam Pz-3 73.90 64.04 67.65 68.13
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113122079391201 Kodandaramapuram pz 38.80 37.10
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114100079462601 Kudikadu PZ 1 8.27 19.68 19.10 19.11
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114100079462602 Kudikadu PZ 2 19.77 5.39 7.00 6.76
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113045079004001 Mangalur 7.42 6.92 8.89 9.85
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114437079382503 Marungur Pz -1 105.96 101.05
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114437079382501 Marungur Pz-2 99.93
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112932079361007 Maruthur EW 5.40 33.44 34.28 35.30
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112932079381001 Maruthur I 12.18 5.84
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112932079361001 Maruthur II 28.00 27.77
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112932079361002 Maruthur III 31.85 42.40
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112932079361003 Maruthur IV 39.80
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114630079410001 Nellikuppam 30.95 23.57
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113532079353201 Pacharapalayam Pz-1 71.60 69.68 72.33 72.83
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113532079353202 Pacharapalayam Pz-2 71.63 69.55 72.20 73.85
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112143079280103 Palaiyamkottai EW 43.40 58.20 49.77 49.98
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112143079280104 Palaiyamkottai OW -1 63.05 57.92 65.95 66.82
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W112143079280105 Palaiyamkottai OW -2 68.31 69.72 71.00
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113145079432001 Puduchatram 3.28 3.71
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114114079413901 Ramapuram -Pz-1 40.50 42.33 42.77 42.80
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W114114079413902 Ramapuram -Pz-2 62.08 44.83 59.28 53.35
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113156079354801 Reddipalayam pz 18.73 10.82
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113219079310801 Sengalpalayam I pz 77.70 78.04 82.09 80.00
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113219079310802 Sengalpalayam Ii pz 80.51 80.61 79.44 82.50
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113704079431001 Srinivasanallur pz 22.85 21.24 21.25
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113438079405901 Teerthanagiri EW 25.82 26.09 23.97 23.72
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113438079405902 Teerthanagiri OW-1 45.00 40.25 35.96 37.52
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113438079405903 Teerthanagiri OW-2 15.72 11.27 16.43 17.65
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113337079332203 Vadalur OW-2 5.70 4.60 5.80 7.05
Cuddalore Semi-Confined W113100079201502 Virudachalam1 35.32 36.44
Cuddalore Unconfined W113455079331201 Abaddaranapuram DW 2.80 2.19
Cuddalore Unconfined W113624079380601 Anthanampettai DW 1.90 1.29
Cuddalore Unconfined W114440079460001 Cuddalore 4.50 4.82 5.10 5.38
Cuddalore Unconfined W113915079333001 K.P.kottai 10.99
Cuddalore Unconfined W113120079313201 Karunguli dw 1.00 0.52 0.80 1.16
Cuddalore Unconfined W111630079325001 Kattumannarkudi 5.55 3.03
Cuddalore Unconfined W113851079382101 Kattuvegakollai DW 12.76 9.33 9.90 10.56
Cuddalore Unconfined W113604079430801 Keelpuvanikuppam DW 2.20 1.27 2.15 2.40
Cuddalore Unconfined W112645079455001 Killai 2.97 1.74 2.90 2.85
Cuddalore Unconfined W113630079190001 Kopuvanur 2.50 2.57
Cuddalore Unconfined W113137079390601 Kundiamallur DW 1.90 2.25
Cuddalore Unconfined W113345079353002 Kurinjipadi 4.19 4.19 5.24 6.14
Cuddalore Unconfined W112854079024501 Maapodaiyur DW 5.10 6.65 8.34 8.57
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Cuddalore Unconfined W113821079445001 Nadutitu DW 1.25 1.52
Cuddalore Unconfined W113430079100001 Nallur 4.70 5.98 7.69 7.97
Cuddalore Unconfined W112448079311401 Nangudi 5.20 3.45 6.60 7.00
Cuddalore Unconfined W113330079290002 Neyveli1 5.22 5.75
Cuddalore Unconfined W112922079425601 Periyakumudhi 1.78 3.10 2.18 2.50
Cuddalore Unconfined W112930079451501 Porto-nova 2.11 2.23
Cuddalore Unconfined W113222079352901 Reddipalayam DW 1.35 2.48
Cuddalore Unconfined W113107079221101 Sattamangalam 2.90 2.71
Cuddalore Unconfined W113146079315201 Seerakuppam dw 5.20 4.03
Cuddalore Unconfined W112142079303001 Solatharam 1.25 0.83 1.60
Cuddalore Unconfined W113409079404401 Teerthanagiri DW 3.65 3.47 3.70
Cuddalore Unconfined W113521079313901 Tekkumellur DW 2.30 1.97
Cuddalore Unconfined W113659079442901 Tiruchchopuram DW 4.30 5.39
Cuddalore Unconfined W113215079323001 Vadalur 7.60 4.12
Cuddalore Unconfined W111821079353801 Veeranatham 3.70 3.30 4.00 4.45
Cuddalore Unconfined W113100079200001 Vridhachalam 9.13 9.37
Dharmapuri Not Available W115636078025301 Thoppur1 8.36
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W124530077584501 Athimugam1 5.50 5.05 5.43 6.50
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W123230078213001 Bargur1 36.46 36.65 38.74
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W122426078095701 Billakottai Pz 20.45 20.30 20.29 21.80
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W123145077473001 Dekanikottai 9.08 10.65 13.48 15.90
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W120815078101501 Dharmapuri2 16.49 17.52 18.85 18.30
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W124300077500001 Hosur HP 11.70 13.35 12.60
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W122445078134501 Kaveripatnam 4.17 4.90 4.50 4.50
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W121322078314201 Keezkuppam deep 10.60
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W123559077514501 Kelamangalam Pz 12.94 27.40 61.73 16.20
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W120803077580601 Konnagihalli 46.40 69.05 74.10 83.06
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W123150078135001 Krishnagiri1 8.80 10.05 10.80
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W123730078151501 Megalachinnapalli 21.50
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W121815078043001 Palacode1 12.08 10.94 13.90
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W120606078352101 Thirthamalai DW 7.17 10.55 10.40
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W115700078030001 Thoppur 7.35 5.80 10.00 10.27
Dharmapuri Semi-Confined W124215078110501 Veppanapalli 17.60
Dharmapuri Unconfined W123400077540001 Anusonai 5.78 2.61 3.44 5.00
Dharmapuri Unconfined W123245078213001 Bargur 6.50 11.40 11.40
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120000078150001 Bommidimalapurm 6.98 11.99 8.03 7.30
Dharmapuri Unconfined W123130077470001 Denkanikottai1 5.52 11.72
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120745078102001 Dharmapuri1 3.72 5.67 8.72 6.64
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121206078211601 Ecchambadi 15.63 14.72 17.90 14.50
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120646078293901 Echambadi dw 7.89 7.68 9.10 9.40
Dharmapuri Unconfined W124010077590301 Guraparatipalli 10.50 16.30 12.30 16.30
Dharmapuri Unconfined W123900078194501 Guruvinayanpalli 16.44 16.58 16.58 19.19
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120230078290002 Harur1 3.50 6.48 14.58 5.75
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120305078290001 Harur2 12.12 12.82 17.40 15.10
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120725077483001 Hogenakkal 8.19 4.23 5.40 4.70
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120800078033001 Indoor 6.63 6.59 10.55 7.70
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121540078180702 Irumattur new 8.06 8.36 11.10 9.95
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121139078174201 Jaggubathipalayam 17.40 17.77 21.60 16.35
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120759078191101 Karthankulam DW 10.55 11.48 11.90 10.90
Dharmapuri Unconfined W122430078123001 Karukkanchavadi 2.40 2.00 0.68 1.15
Dharmapuri Unconfined W123205078025601 Kawthalam 5.01
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121958078210101 Konnanur 4.20 4.80 6.85
Dharmapuri Unconfined W115840078394501 Kottapatti 8.39 6.80 8.70 25.23
Dharmapuri Unconfined W115910078400601 Kottapatti DW 6.18 6.73 10.15 25.03
Dharmapuri Unconfined W122409078203701 Mahadeva Gollahalli 8.30 7.95 8.65
Dharmapuri Unconfined W122258078244501 Mattur new 0.70 1.64
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Dharmapuri Unconfined W122300078250001 Mattur2 10.18 10.15 10.85 14.65
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120729078235601 Morappur dw 11.34 12.86 11.50 13.10
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120800077590001 Nagadasampatti 6.40 10.20 13.30 10.10
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121315078071501 Nallampalli 10.98 10.34 11.28 14.50
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120830078173001 Odasalapatti 6.42 9.56 10.60 7.75
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120835078170401 Odasalapatti x road 4.85 12.42 16.35 8.24
Dharmapuri Unconfined W115500078201001 Papireddipatti1 1.64 2.21 2.79 3.07
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121312078033401 Papparapatti 12.32 10.13 11.12 12.30
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120730077540001 Pennagaram1 8.84 7.51 11.34 10.10
Dharmapuri Unconfined W124000078013001 Sulagiri 7.24 6.94 21.74 21.74
Dharmapuri Unconfined W120629078244601 Thambichettipatti dw 16.85 17.20 14.74
Dharmapuri Unconfined W121218078241701 Velampatti 8.77 7.16
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102845078110001 Ayyalur 19.20 13.52 26.20 22.24
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102743077564802 Chattarapatti pz 8.00 9.37 10.05 10.95
Dindigul Semi-Confined W101416077461501 Chitterivu pz 19.60 21.18 20.94
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102430077580001 Dindigul1 3.10 4.05 3.83 3.70
Dindigul Semi-Confined W103500077414001 Kallimandiam 9.99 13.07 15.30 15.98
Dindigul Semi-Confined W103530078051001 Kovilur (Ramanathapuram) 5.80 5.55 6.52 7.30
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102030077593001 Kullanampatti 11.40 39.60 39.31
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102203077501801 Kuvunaikanpatti pz 21.90
Dindigul Semi-Confined W101358078140001 Nattam 7.10 6.72 5.63 5.42
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102927077451001 Oddanchatram1 10.50 10.40 38.64
Dindigul Semi-Confined W101940077560001 Pittalaipatti 10.25 11.23 11.02
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102540077530001 Reddiarchatram 6.64 8.62 8.67 9.36
Dindigul Semi-Confined W101530078060001 Sanarpatti 30.00 47.40 32.50
Dindigul Semi-Confined W104450078053001 Servaikaranpatti 9.90 11.22 12.41 13.59
Dindigul Semi-Confined W101621077500801 Siddayamkottai 4.15 5.65 7.94 5.84
Dindigul Semi-Confined W102805077570501 Tadikambu 11.60 12.58 14.59
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Dindigul Semi-Confined W101024077444101 Vattalagundu pz 18.00 28.10 27.78
Dindigul Unconfined W102800077393001 Chattrapatti 14.88 18.03 18.38 17.08
Dindigul Unconfined W102426078000901 Chellamantadi 8.15 9.29 9.73 9.59
Dindigul Unconfined W102200077581501 Dindigul2 5.95 2.31 2.30 2.07
Dindigul Unconfined W103130078040002 Eriyodu1 7.08 8.16 9.73 10.45
Dindigul Unconfined W101530077553001 Gandhigram 9.56 11.14 12.46 10.50
Dindigul Unconfined W104050078065601 Guzilamparai 3.45 3.92 4.03 3.35
Dindigul Unconfined W102105077594001 Hanumanthanagar 3.37 5.07 5.42 5.38
Dindigul Unconfined W104530078020001 Idayapatti 11.78 13.40 14.05 14.30
Dindigul Unconfined W104017077593201 Kakkinapatti 10.90 9.93 12.22 12.22
Dindigul Unconfined W102830077340001 Kanakkanpatti 2.91 4.24 3.49 4.82
Dindigul Unconfined W101405077290001 Kodaikanal 6.27 3.82 6.12 7.39
Dindigul Unconfined W104338078082101 Muthampattipalayam 4.45 5.00 5.88 6.57
Dindigul Unconfined W102232077590701 Nandavanampatti 2.60 2.76 2.82 2.71
Dindigul Unconfined W101320078145001 Natham1 8.63 8.51 5.34 6.88
Dindigul Unconfined W102915077451501 Oodanchatram 7.40 10.98 14.28 15.98
Dindigul Unconfined W103554077583201 P.Alagapuri 6.45 9.27 13.08 16.12
Dindigul Unconfined W102757077482001 Palakanthu 6.30 7.51 7.55 7.75
Dindigul Unconfined W102600077304501 Palani2 3.42 3.60 3.42 4.47
Dindigul Unconfined W102130077583002 Paraipatti 5.12 4.85 4.00 5.15
Dindigul Unconfined W101605077323001 Perumal Malai 1.27 2.69 1.40 1.89
Dindigul Unconfined W102743077422201 Pudu Ettama Nayakar Patti 7.30 9.08 9.65 9.15
Dindigul Unconfined W102500077514001 Reddiarchattram 9.15 11.80 13.50 12.84
Dindigul Unconfined W102419078024301 Thamaraipadi 6.65 9.75 9.75
Dindigul Unconfined W103524077313701 Thoppampatti 8.40 13.77 17.30 15.50
Dindigul Unconfined W103200077311501 Thumbalapatti 5.90 6.75 6.05 9.70
Dindigul Unconfined W102130078060001 Vadamadurai 9.30 9.78 10.87 9.34
Dindigul Unconfined W103245078041901 Vaivespuram 6.40 3.40 11.05
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Dindigul Unconfined W103251077581601 Vedasandur new 8.38 10.96 13.78 1.22
Erode Semi-Confined W103930077294501 Alangiyam 17.20 31.12 28.20 36.28
Erode Semi-Confined W111000077420001 Arachchalur 6.85 7.05 7.05 7.25
Erode Semi-Confined W110817077361901 Basuvapatti pz 4.85 6.95 8.45 10.96
Erode Semi-Confined W111330077263701 Chengapalli 10.50 11.20 11.70 11.29
Erode Semi-Confined W110930077353001 Chennimalai1 5.65 6.40 7.67 6.50
Erode Semi-Confined W104400077320001 Dharapuram1 3.25 3.84 4.40 4.38
Erode Semi-Confined W111011077405001 E.Vellampalayam pz 16.10 27.75 13.05 56.15
Erode Semi-Confined W112158077430101 Erode pz 5.65 5.75 5.90 5.70
Erode Semi-Confined W104248077252101 Govindhapuram pz 76.60 84.60
Erode Semi-Confined W111334077345401 Ingur pz 4.95 5.75 7.04 8.35
Erode Semi-Confined W111353077313101 Kambaliyampatti pz 4.40 3.20 5.00 5.15
Erode Semi-Confined W113147077174301 Kambanaickenpalayam pz 20.20 26.01 24.08
Erode Semi-Confined W110928077264001 Karumancheri pz 59.75 21.00 57.57
Erode Semi-Confined W112716077200401 Kasipalayam pz 3.40 4.30 5.85 6.50
Erode Semi-Confined W104550077345901 Kolathupalayam pz 6.70 7.35 6.93
Erode Semi-Confined W111645077244501 Kunnathur 26.90 27.74 32.70 29.80
Erode Semi-Confined W104750077432001 Mulanur1 9.25 9.87 11.15 14.02
Erode Semi-Confined W110300077450001 Muttur 4.15 5.42 7.15 7.15
Erode Semi-Confined W112000077323002 Nallampatti pz 9.10 9.58 7.74 9.69
Erode Semi-Confined W110515077394001 Nattakadaiyur 7.60 7.40 8.50
Erode Semi-Confined W110350077293201 Padiyur pz 9.15 9.20 9.10 8.83
Erode Semi-Confined W104153077232601 Ponnapuram pz 100.40 61.50
Erode Semi-Confined W104950077351101 Sangarandampalayam pz 23.00 28.53 42.44
Erode Semi-Confined W111028077265001 Uthukuli pz 16.05 15.95 16.60 17.93
Erode Semi-Confined W111440077301001 Vijayamangalam pz 4.25 4.70 8.95 6.74
Erode Semi-Confined W112559077120701 Vinnampalli pz 100.40
Erode Unconfined W113100077280501 Adachapalayam 14.00 14.00 14.00
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Erode Unconfined W113738077362201 Alampalayam pz 43.10 45.76 50.40 51.20
Erode Unconfined W112653077212801 Alukuli pz 6.82 9.70 6.20 18.82
Erode Unconfined W113730077430001 Ammapet1 7.30 7.75 8.35 8.55
Erode Unconfined W113710077444001 Ammapet2 5.20 6.12 7.90 8.35
Erode Unconfined W110945077420001 Archalur 8.74 10.84 9.34 12.39
Erode Unconfined W112832077151501 Ariyappanpalayam pz 5.20 5.40 6.40 6.66
Erode Unconfined W114026077074401 Asanur pz 15.75 16.20 17.80 17.40
Erode Unconfined W113127077310001 Attani 12.36 12.54 12.36 12.80
Erode Unconfined W111400077431501 Avalpundurai 3.25 3.35 3.50 3.45
Erode Unconfined W113015077243001 Bangalapudhur 9.40 10.80 10.80 10.80
Erode Unconfined W114830077320001 Bhavani1 8.49 8.49 8.02 8.60
Erode Unconfined W111200077253001 Chengapalli1 13.35 15.68 19.95 22.58
Erode Unconfined W114204077401901 Chennampatti pz 14.85 14.65 41.80
Erode Unconfined W110945077355001 Chennimalai2 6.07 5.96 6.52 6.67
Erode Unconfined W112330077404001 Chittodu 7.70 9.58 12.04 12.40
Erode Unconfined W104420077314501 Dharapuram2 5.65 6.45 4.65 6.33
Erode Unconfined W112339077180401 E.Chettipalayam pz 10.80 10.10 13.10
Erode Unconfined W111140077464501 Elmattur 5.99 6.47 8.14 7.99
Erode Unconfined W112000077440001 Erode2 6.53 7.25 7.35 7.15
Erode Unconfined W113932077410501 Gandhinagar Thaneerpanthalpalayam 13.50 19.60 21.45 21.45
Erode Unconfined W112000077245001 Getticheviyur 11.55 26.60 20.70 25.46
Erode Unconfined W112700077270001 Gobichettipalayam 11.40 12.50 11.80
Erode Unconfined W112730077264501 Gobichettipalayam1 9.36 9.16 11.51 11.51
Erode Unconfined W113830077410001 Guruvareddiyur 14.75 15.65 17.45 17.75
Erode Unconfined W113829077405601 Guvuar dw 14.90 21.90 6.55 25.40
Erode Unconfined W112700077161001 Indiampalayam 4.90 4.80 4.35 5.71
Erode Unconfined W105930077333001 Kangayam1 6.35 6.75 5.40 5.67
Erode Unconfined W110010077334501 Kangayam2 9.57 10.64 13.67 15.47
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Erode Unconfined W112720077202201 Kasipalayam 11.10 11.60 17.90 18.10
Erode Unconfined W112532077142801 Kathampalayam pz 8.05 9.00 12.50 18.93
Erode Unconfined W113243077354301 Kattupalayam pz 8.40 9.53 10.15 10.82
Erode Unconfined W112245077134001 Kavilipalayam pz 11.60 4.50 3.52 4.64
Erode Unconfined W112520077333001 Kavundapadi1 6.06 7.56 11.31 12.81
Erode Unconfined W112600077333001 Kavundappadi 7.95 7.70 11.50 17.05
Erode Unconfined W110455077530701 Kodumudi pz 4.55 4.55 7.00 4.65
Erode Unconfined W104550077350301 Kolathupalayam 7.45 9.00 8.25 9.00
Erode Unconfined W112730077080001 Kottamangalam 10.55 12.00 10.35 12.88
Erode Unconfined W113212077423501 Krishnapuram 18.06 18.76 18.66
Erode Unconfined W112900077285002 Kugalur pz 9.80 9.89 10.72 10.00
Erode Unconfined W111610077245001 Kunnathur1 25.70 20.17 25.70 21.35
Erode Unconfined W113423077414201 Kurichi pz 6.33 6.20 12.65 7.72
Erode Unconfined W111725077195002 Malaiyapalayam pz 38.80 36.72 42.20 44.21
Erode Unconfined W104730077423001 Mulanur2 4.84 5.39 5.64 6.04
Erode Unconfined W110230077440001 Muttur1 6.49 7.84 7.04 11.52
Erode Unconfined W112138077191501 Nambiyur 25.00 20.30 20.00 19.43
Erode Unconfined W112010077351001 Nasiyanur 7.62 6.55 6.69 7.39
Erode Unconfined W103835077440301 Nilangelvalasu pz 11.30 7.45 7.58 7.67
Erode Unconfined W105730077410002 Olapalayam pz 6.95 8.08 6.60 10.02
Erode Unconfined W112354077310301 Pandiyampalayam pz 27.50 31.52 30.90 39.10
Erode Unconfined W112542077385701 Periyapuliyur pz 2.13 2.79 4.03 4.65
Erode Unconfined W111645077350501 Perundurai1 18.38 18.23 18.48 19.51
Erode Unconfined W112041077190801 Pilliyampalayam pz 18.80 14.10 17.55 18.60
Erode Unconfined W111028077512401 Priyakolanalli pz 2.50 3.60 5.20 5.75
Erode Unconfined W113540077351501 Pudupalayam1 15.14 19.84 20.54
Erode Unconfined W105731077432101 Puduppai pz 7.65 6.35 7.85 16.25
Erode Unconfined W112100077100001 Pungaipuliampatti 12.60 12.60 14.90 13.10
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Erode Unconfined W113026077365002 Punnam pz 2.40 4.82 5.90 3.71
Erode Unconfined W113144077083201 Rajan Nagar pz 19.50 17.00 19.50 20.18
Erode Unconfined W113250077083001 Rajanagaram 13.54 13.54
Erode Unconfined W113010077145001 Sathiyamangalam 8.87 9.55 9.45 9.70
Erode Unconfined W112950077141001 Sathyamangalam1 11.90 9.70 10.85 13.50
Erode Unconfined W113112077361201 Settunampalayam pz 11.00 10.89 24.50 30.25
Erode Unconfined W114632077012301 Talavadi new 2.45 3.90 5.20 9.40
Erode Unconfined W114624077001401 Talavadi pz 11.75 11.60 28.80 40.20
Erode Unconfined W110730077523001 Unjalur 4.35 4.93 5.30 5.51
Erode Unconfined W112905077413001 Urachikottai 6.90 5.15 6.95 7.67
Erode Unconfined W105330077314501 Uthiyur 8.69 9.29 10.29 9.96
Erode Unconfined W105640077425501 Vellakoil 3.20 3.50
Erode Unconfined W112919077092301 Velliyampalayamputhur pz 8.85 7.35 8.75 7.68
Erode Unconfined W111410077393101 Vellodu new 2.55 3.65 3.20 4.13
Erode Unconfined W111430077301501 Vijayamangalam1 13.40 13.25 14.10 14.40
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W122240079480101 Athur-Villupuram Dist 4.90 7.76 5.70 7.55
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W125744080110301 Kilkattalai 5.94 6.75 7.15 3.66
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W130007080041001 Kundathur periurban 5.17 4.20 4.50 2.95
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W123030079533001 Maduranthakam 4.45 5.60 4.80 4.75
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W130015080111501 Nandambakkam 2.11 4.78 3.64 2.60
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W125305080064901 Nedunkundram 3.75 5.20 4.33
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W122240079421001 Oratti pz 3.50 3.10 3.10
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W125813080093801 Pallavaram pz 2.80 3.60 3.30 1.90
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W125500079504001 Panruti Kandigai 7.30 6.65 5.45 8.00
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W125305080064902 Ponmar 1.22 2.55 1.50 1.00
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W124415079503001 Thirumukkudal 1.50 1.80 1.70 1.50
Kancheepuram Semi-Confined W124905079561201 Vadakkupattu pz 0.70 1.50 0.50
Kancheepuram Unconfined W122400079463001 Acharapakkam 3.00 2.95 2.96 5.90
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125315080085501 Agaram2 5.38 9.05 6.65 2.93
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125407080145801 Akkarai 3.53 4.20 4.17 4.15
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125900080073001 Anakkaputhur 6.82 10.40 10.10 7.40
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125148080133401 Chemmancheri 4.00 4.80 4.45 2.51
Kancheepuram Unconfined W124200079584001 Chengalpattu 3.50 4.10 3.35 3.50
Kancheepuram Unconfined W124200079583001 Chenglepet1 2.90 4.30 2.55 3.05
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125626080081501 Chitlapakkam 7.80 9.15 8.70 3.20
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125705080082101 Chrompet 4.32 5.95 6.15 2.20
Kancheepuram Unconfined W121530079543001 Chunamedu 7.95 8.25 7.45 4.65
Kancheepuram Unconfined W121515079543001 Chunampettai 4.10 5.25 4.78 4.40
Kancheepuram Unconfined W130055080081201 Gerugambakkam periurban 1.96 2.70 2.95 2.10
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125030080040001 Guduvancheri 7.45 9.82 8.30 3.50
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125635080085201 Hasthinapuram 9.74 12.20 11.50 3.70
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125000079423001 Kancheepuram 5.48 6.93 6.33 6.13
Kancheepuram Unconfined W124850080020001 Kattangulathur 4.50
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125207080063701 Kolapakkam 4.35 5.90 5.35 2.10
Kancheepuram Unconfined W122050079543001 Kolathanallur 7.75 7.85 8.25 8.30
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125356080093801 Madambakkam 1.75 3.45 3.30 0.51
Kancheepuram Unconfined W123145079540001 Madurantagam1 6.05 6.90 5.90 5.90
Kancheepuram Unconfined W123730080113001 Mahabalipuram 2.89 3.17 2.85 3.35
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125820080102501 Meenambakkam1 2.07 5.20 3.70 1.80
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125331080040801 Mudichur periurban 1.67 1.80 1.50 0.97
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125727080073401 Nagalkeni 2.07 2.60 2.15 1.00
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125445080004501 Paddapai 6.54 6.82 7.20 4.40
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125822080091601 Pallavaram 6.39 7.05 7.30 3.30
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125520080120501 Pallikaranai 1.84 2.76 2.56 1.60
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125500080063001 Perungulathur 4.90 5.20 4.30 2.40
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125120080101001 Ponmar 11.90 3.45 2.10 1.70
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125542080101501 Rajakeelpakkam dw 7.12 9.90 2.60
Kancheepuram Unconfined W123800079500001 Rettamangalam 4.90 5.35 3.90 3.80
Kancheepuram Unconfined W123113080090601 Sadras 3.43 3.89 3.59 3.90
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125532080093901 Sembakkam 4.91 5.95
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125400080140001 Sholinganallur 0.90 1.65 1.50 1.05
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125800079570001 Sriperumbudur 6.69 6.51 5.29
Kancheepuram Unconfined W130026080115201 St.Thomas Mount dw 5.41 8.49 7.51 4.40
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125600080080001 Tambaram1 7.48 7.80 9.30 4.80
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125746080064702 Thiruneermalai periurban 6.88 7.30 7.00 7.90
Kancheepuram Unconfined W124830080111501 Thiruporur 1.85 2.40
Kancheepuram Unconfined W124345080113001 Tiruporur 1.91 2.31 1.41 1.30
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125210080145001 Uthandi 3.78 4.57 4.50 3.10
Kancheepuram Unconfined W123800079455001 Uthiramerur1 4.90 5.80
Kancheepuram Unconfined W123630079441501 Uthiramerur2 4.35 6.40 5.25 6.30
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125338080045201 Vandalur 3.10 3.55 2.90 1.35
Kancheepuram Unconfined W125401080101601 Vengaivasal 6.53 9.20 6.65 4.80
Kancheepuram Unconfined W124630079493001 Walajabad 5.25 6.50 3.94 3.90
Kanyakumari Semi-Confined W080520077330001 Kanyakumari PZ 6.70 9.51 7.60 8.70
Kanyakumari Semi-Confined W081405077140502 Karungal pz 11.35 11.92 12.40 13.51
Kanyakumari Semi-Confined W082000077160401 Thiruvattar 4.70 6.20 8.20 9.65
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081500077310001 Aralvaimozhi 4.54 5.13 4.85 5.30
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081930077153001 Attur 7.69 9.35 10.30 10.85
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081530077271001 Boothapandy 4.20 4.40 4.95 4.48
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081130077174301 Chettiarmadam DW 6.62 6.07 9.30 11.50
Kanyakumari Unconfined W080500077330001 Kanyakumari1 6.40 5.34 5.33 7.30
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081702077161901 Kattudurai DW 5.22 5.97 7.06 8.06
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081040077154501 Kolachal 9.46 12.14 11.87 12.38
Kanyakumari Unconfined W082108077170901 Kulasekharan DW 4.96 6.58 3.35 7.55
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Kanyakumari Unconfined W080610077323801 Kundal(West) PZ 4.86 16.40 5.90 11.90
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081000077270001 Nagarkoil1 1.58 2.06 2.32 3.21
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081430077193001 Takkalai 0.65 4.14 5.25 8.05
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081455077183001 Thakkalai1 6.90 6.75 7.05 7.64
Kanyakumari Unconfined W080700077334501 Variyoor 1.26 1.72 1.95 2.35
Kanyakumari Unconfined W081330077213001 Villukuri 2.75 6.49 5.75 8.95
Karaikal Unconfined W105556079495302 Karaikal dw 2.98 2.70 3.45
Karaikal Unconfined W105600079503001 Kilakasakudi 1.83 2.64 2.46 1.84
Karaikal Unconfined W105730079490001 Kottucherry 2.80 3.80 3.35 3.75
Karaikal Unconfined W105830079463001 Nedungadu 2.25 2.60 2.50 2.20
Karaikal Unconfined W105534079473201 Tirunallar dw 2.85 3.45 2.65 2.61
Karur Semi-Confined W110345078021003 Ayyampalayam pz 1.53 2.06 1.85 1.65
Karur Semi-Confined W105245078293001 Ayyarmalai pz 7.94 7.16 9.45
Karur Semi-Confined W105100078000001 Choladasanpatti pz 32.30 50.82 31.80 33.70
Karur Semi-Confined W105132078252203 Echampatti pz 4.80 5.65 5.00 11.08
Karur Semi-Confined W105100078293002 Enungur pz 7.95 8.47 9.55
Karur Semi-Confined W105715078142002 Mayanur Ow pz 14.11 17.00
Karur Semi-Confined W110330077560001 Noyyil pz 2.40 2.55 1.95 3.80
Karur Semi-Confined W103830078125003 Singampatti pz 15.80 16.06 17.10 17.45
Karur Unconfined W105158078325001 Allur-Agragaram dw 4.24 4.26 2.75 3.80
Karur Unconfined W104630077553001 Aravakurichi2 5.65 8.23 9.60 9.75
Karur Unconfined W105200077540002 Chinna Dharapuram 5.10 7.00 7.15 7.35
Karur Unconfined W105117078291601 Enuguru DW 9.06 9.08 9.90 10.05
Karur Unconfined W105030078100001 Jagatabi 11.55 11.39 11.19 11.39
Karur Unconfined W105730078050002 Karur2 2.85 4.57 5.21 6.20
Karur Unconfined W105630078143001 Mayanur 7.80 8.41 8.70
Karur Unconfined W105236078131901 Melnagavaram dw 2.86 2.86 2.85 6.00
Karur Unconfined W110308077553002 Noyyil1 3.12 3.32 3.90
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Karur Unconfined W105800077544501 Paramatti1 2.30 3.29 5.73 5.38
Karur Unconfined W104350078145201 Tarangampatti 9.10 12.22 14.30
Karur Unconfined W104345078253001 Thogamalai 3.52 4.10 4.42 4.57
Karur Unconfined W105206078322201 Tiruparaithurai dw 2.65 2.20
Karur Unconfined W104354078313001 Vaducheri 12.30 12.02 12.85 12.15
Karur Unconfined W104644078115102 Veerapalayam dw 12.30 16.04 17.30 17.10
Madurai Semi-Confined W095806078232902 Ambalakaranpatti pz 1.50 1.13 1.18 1.60
Madurai Semi-Confined W095431078110902 Andarkottaram pz 4.15 2.67 5.67 6.24
Madurai Semi-Confined W093829077582802 Avalsuranpatti pz 7.15 8.28 5.73 9.48
Madurai Semi-Confined W095629077580502 Chekkanoorani pz 6.40 5.85 5.23 6.95
Madurai Semi-Confined W095233077451802 Jothilnaickanur pz 14.20 15.50 17.33 17.78
Madurai Semi-Confined W100320077540001 Kalluthu pz 87.30 88.60 100.40
Madurai Semi-Confined W094712078000702 Keelakottai pz 4.85 4.69 5.12 6.07
Madurai Semi-Confined W094225077530802 Kolluveeranpatti pz 4.95 5.03 5.94
Madurai Semi-Confined W101319078223802 Kottampatti pz 20.20 21.30 21.58 23.30
Madurai Semi-Confined W100050078065302 Kulamnagalm pz 1.90 2.58 1.26 3.62
Madurai Semi-Confined W095348078151802 Kunnathur pz 7.30 6.25 8.64 8.37
Madurai Semi-Confined W100306078095602 M.Chathirapatti pz 8.40 8.60 9.68 9.65
Madurai Semi-Confined W095119078033202 Nilaiyur pz 5.30 5.85
Madurai Semi-Confined W095942078084901 Omachikulam pz 4.63 4.82 6.29
Madurai Semi-Confined W095045077534102 P.Ammapatti pz 4.25 4.72 8.16 6.40
Madurai Semi-Confined W100636078064702 Palamedu pz 12.40 13.30 12.08 12.70
Madurai Semi-Confined W094434077473202 Peraiyur pz 11.30 11.92 12.13
Madurai Semi-Confined W094546077442102 Saptur pz 10.45 11.20 12.43 14.11
Madurai Semi-Confined W095011078032402 Surakulam pz 6.55 6.08 7.83 8.96
Madurai Semi-Confined W094324077505102 T.Kalluppatti pz 7.65 8.93 9.63 10.72
Madurai Semi-Confined W094816077400902 T.Krishnapuram pz 117.10 120.20
Madurai Semi-Confined W094957077430002 T.Ramanathapuram pz 8.80 9.53 8.42 8.55
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Madurai Semi-Confined W100107078060402 Thandalai pz 4.68 5.29 5.72
Madurai Semi-Confined W100158078233701 Thaniyamangalam pz 6.46 5.05 6.65 8.77
Madurai Semi-Confined W095839078114502 Thethankulam pz 11.50 13.02 13.92 15.06
Madurai Semi-Confined W101535078213102 Thonthilingapuram pz 17.05 18.05 18.44 19.27
Madurai Semi-Confined W100509078222902 Thumbaipatti pz 8.00 8.67 8.65 9.29
Madurai Semi-Confined W095226077520502 Thummakaundu pz 14.00 14.12 16.75 15.05
Madurai Semi-Confined W095515077530001 Tirumangalam 7.20 7.33 7.28 7.54
Madurai Semi-Confined W100416077583601 Vadipatti-pz 4.88 5.49 7.22 3.64
Madurai Semi-Confined W094830078055801 Valayankulam 17.00 17.46 17.63 18.07
Madurai Semi-Confined W095445078152502 Varichiyur pz 9.35 11.55 11.94 13.54
Madurai Semi-Confined W100335078161502 Vellalapatti pz 24.80 11.30 6.95 27.60
Madurai Semi-Confined W100009077554402 Vikramangalam pz 6.35 10.67
Madurai Unconfined W100300078054801 Alanganallur 7.80 8.90 9.63 10.10
Madurai Unconfined W100259078052901 Alanganallur dw 6.50 7.63 7.70
Madurai Unconfined W095250078064001 Avaniyapuram 10.85 12.00 11.55 11.53
Madurai Unconfined W094749078053601 Eliyarpathi 16.55 16.25 17.15 18.55
Madurai Unconfined W100445078103001 Kadavoor 7.05 6.93 6.76 6.87
Madurai Unconfined W100245078120001 Kallandri1 4.72 4.30 1.98 6.72
Madurai Unconfined W095730078181501 Kambur 11.40 9.70 13.75
Madurai Unconfined W095136078011901 Kappalur 5.35 5.78 5.80 6.08
Madurai Unconfined W095627078000201 M.K.University 8.65 8.57 9.66
Madurai Unconfined W095304078105701 M.Puliyankulam 6.25 7.20 7.82 8.10
Madurai Unconfined W095538078061301 Madurai Rly Colony 17.05 14.51 12.39
Madurai Unconfined W095430078091001 Madurai south 7.50 10.55 7.79
Madurai Unconfined W095643078070701 Meenambalpuram 2.80 3.47 5.64 2.52
Madurai Unconfined W095605078100801 Melamadai 7.85 6.07 8.18 8.32
Madurai Unconfined W100150078200001 Melur1 7.40 9.35 8.97 10.07
Madurai Unconfined W100200078204002 Meluru new 7.10 8.81 9.10 9.40
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Madurai Unconfined W094500077403001 Sedapatti 8.80 9.40 10.36 9.98
Madurai Unconfined W094900077584502 Thirumangalam new 7.15 7.26 7.35 7.57
Madurai Unconfined W095704078122601 Thirumogur 2.15 2.25 4.73 3.20
Madurai Unconfined W095913078082001 Thirupallai 3.85 3.40 4.30 5.29
Madurai Unconfined W095910077481502 Usilampatti new 8.00 8.03 7.27 9.24
Madurai Unconfined W100350077583001 V.Andippatti 5.15
Madurai Unconfined W100453077580101 Vadipatti dw 5.65 8.19 8.40
Madurai Unconfined W095738078042301 Vilangudi 4.30 4.22 7.35 5.42
Nagapattinam Confined W111939079492901 Kothandapuram I 6.15 2.40 2.31 2.44
Nagapattinam Confined W105930079340501 Paramasivapuram II 13.30 14.40 14.80 15.67
Nagapattinam Confined W105929079340001 Paramasivapuram III 15.40 12.20 13.30 13.21
Nagapattinam Not Available W104600079440001 Keelvalur 4.23 4.51 5.10 4.34
Nagapattinam Semi-Confined W111715079430001 Puttur 14.95 15.25 15.35 16.04
Nagapattinam Unconfined W104439079510101 Akkaraipettai 2.78 3.18 2.28 2.45
Nagapattinam Unconfined W111947079430801 Kollidam 4.00 5.10 4.95 4.97
Nagapattinam Unconfined W110540079392001 Mayavaram 3.71 4.56 2.92 4.03
Nagapattinam Unconfined W104657079503501 Nagapattinam 4.47 5.22 5.27 5.32
Nagapattinam Unconfined W104804079503101 Nagore 3.67 5.55 4.96 5.21
Nagapattinam Unconfined W111948079463101 Nallur 3.85 6.10 2.81 6.10
Nagapattinam Unconfined W110849079500601 Poompuhar Melaiyur 3.91 4.30 3.55 3.80
Nagapattinam Unconfined W111420079442001 Sirgazhi1 3.45 4.67 4.67
Nagapattinam Unconfined W102430079410001 Thagattur 3.36 3.66 3.61 3.39
Nagapattinam Unconfined W102841079494501 Thamaraipulam 2.30 3.40 3.15 1.91
Nagapattinam Unconfined W102841079494401 Thirukadaiyur 3.31 3.10 4.05
Nagapattinam Unconfined W110101079510501 Tranquebar 2.05 1.80 1.65 1.86
Nagapattinam Unconfined W102100079514501 Vedaranyam 1.70 2.41 1.72 1.78
Namakkal Semi-Confined W111500077543001 Solasiramani 7.50 6.05 5.50 6.48
Namakkal Semi-Confined W112430077573001 Tiruchengodu 11.20 11.20 12.45 17.15
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Namakkal Unconfined W112148077483201 Ainthu Panai 9.20 6.65 4.00 8.35
Namakkal Unconfined W112103077455001 Annai sathyanagar 4.10 3.40 3.45 3.98
Namakkal Unconfined W113200078210001 Ayilpatti 23.10 14.85 12.80 16.88
Namakkal Unconfined W111854077552701 Chittalandur dw 5.10 6.60 8.70 10.56
Namakkal Unconfined W112305078004502 Elachipalayam new 14.58 14.88 15.08 15.46
Namakkal Unconfined W113424078241601 Eswaramoorthypalayam 37.55 39.05 39.55 41.95
Namakkal Unconfined W112603078080401 Gurusamipalayam 5.80 5.85 11.40 11.10
Namakkal Unconfined W111215077593001 Irumbapalam 2.85 2.30 2.85 3.25
Namakkal Unconfined W112000078144501 K.Naickanpatti 12.03 11.08 11.98 11.08
Namakkal Unconfined W111627078045701 Kalinayakkanur 5.50 2.20 4.85 5.40
Namakkal Unconfined W113100078021001 Kalipatti 14.03 8.73 11.93 10.73
Namakkal Unconfined W112859078223001 Kamarajar Nagar 16.10 17.75 12.40 18.60
Namakkal Unconfined W111856078020101 Kattipalayam 17.40 17.30 12.95 13.05
Namakkal Unconfined W112818078181601 Kumbakkottai 17.20 17.70 18.45 17.60
Namakkal Unconfined W113100078203001 Metala 17.95 14.00 15.75 22.80
Namakkal Unconfined W110340078083001 Mohanur 4.40 4.20 4.80 4.62
Namakkal Unconfined W113045078083001 Mohanur1 1.45 1.95 1.70 2.53
Namakkal Unconfined W111600077520001 Nallur1 5.30 4.85 5.75 6.05
Namakkal Unconfined W111600077583001 Nallurgaundanpalayam 5.75 6.10 9.20 7.93
Namakkal Unconfined W112745078163001 Namagiripet 16.02 14.92 15.02 14.76
Namakkal Unconfined W111312078100001 Namakkal1 9.85 9.85 9.50 10.10
Namakkal Unconfined W111300078102001 Namakkal2 4.42 4.62 2.67 5.47
Namakkal Unconfined W110518078043701 Palapati 6.70 0.25 5.00
Namakkal Unconfined W110915078011501 Paramarthi 6.10 7.15 7.50 7.50
Namakkal Unconfined W110924078011701 Paramarthi dw 6.20 6.75 7.30 7.77
Namakkal Unconfined W111631077482901 Patlur 1.60 1.15 0.65 1.50
Namakkal Unconfined W111410077545101 Pudur Siddhampoondi 6.85 7.95 10.10 3.33
Namakkal Unconfined W112730078133001 Rasipuram1 14.07 14.07 11.27 12.02
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Namakkal Unconfined W112446077462501 Sammankadu Elanthankottai 7.10 12.90 6.56 8.60
Namakkal Unconfined W112509077420201 Sanarpalayam 11.45 8.15 10.88
Namakkal Unconfined W111810078140001 Senthamangalam 17.70 13.05 18.60 18.30
Namakkal Unconfined W112500078180001 Singalanadu prm 14.33 14.58 18.53 15.85
Namakkal Unconfined W113515078262501 T.Naickanpatti 18.55 39.25 21.11 19.15
Namakkal Unconfined W112319077455301 Tharagadu Mandavathur 6.35 6.15 7.05 7.63
Namakkal Unconfined W112300077543001 Thiruchengodu 7.33 7.88 9.28 10.53
Namakkal Unconfined W111112078100501 Thondichettipatti 21.80 23.65 18.32 21.00
Namakkal Unconfined W110604078090601 Thoppur 14.15 17.70 18.10 17.10
Namakkal Unconfined W113037078205501 Udayarpalayam dw 8.10 7.95 8.12 8.10
Namakkal Unconfined W112111077572201 Unjanai 13.65 14.80 14.80 13.00
Namakkal Unconfined W112000078050001 Vaiyappamalai 12.03 12.08 13.23 16.08
Namakkal Unconfined W111722078040801 Velakaundanpatti dw 8.58 7.85 8.21 8.70
Namakkal Unconfined W110630078001201 Velur 1.80 2.55 2.85 3.73
Namakkal Unconfined W113045078054501 Vennandur 12.96 11.46 12.31 14.96
Nilgiris Unconfined W113045076163001 Cherambadi 4.04 4.50 4.39 4.64
Nilgiris Unconfined W112600076515001 Kothagiri 16.60 16.06 6.16 5.45
Nilgiris Unconfined W112130076543001 Mullur 5.05 5.30 5.65
Nilgiris Unconfined W112840076205001 Pandalur 2.82 2.65 3.45 5.40
Nilgiris Unconfined W112800076364501 Pykara 1.65 0.31 2.55 3.05
Nilgiris Unconfined W112350076420001 Udhagamandalam 0.78 0.94 1.70 1.07
Nilgiris Unconfined W112300076483001 Wellington 1.39 1.13 1.80 1.66
Perambalur Confined W111400079185403 Elaiyur pz 54.16 3.68 55.25 55.46
Perambalur Confined W111701079170201 Kuvagam ew 72.66 73.23 72.05 70.58
Perambalur Confined W112357079191502 Oliyur ew 50.99 51.05 51.48 52.60
Perambalur Confined W112357079191503 Oliyur ow 1 50.89 50.92 51.82 52.47
Perambalur Confined W112357079191504 Oliyur ow 2 50.70 50.78 51.70 52.25
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111229079265101 G.K.Cholapuram -EW 24.93 59.82 27.52 25.75
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111229079265102 G.K.Cholapuram -OW-1-Pz 32.74 100.40 35.37 27.46
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111229079265103 G.K.Cholapuram -OW-2 25.28 34.41 27.50 37.10
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111825079205801 Kattathur DW 3.21 2.52 2.15 1.50
Perambalur Semi-Confined W112052079230302 Keelkavarapalayam- OW-1 76.80 77.45 78.35
Perambalur Semi-Confined W112052079230303 Keelkavarapalayam- OW-2 77.19 77.10 77.94
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111404079221201 Mahimapuram EW-Pz 59.67 59.82 60.95
Perambalur Semi-Confined W112052079230304 Mahimapuram OW-2 33.62 34.41 34.96 35.75
Perambalur Semi-Confined W110546078493101 Padalur Pz 3.10 3.82 5.22 7.70
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111403078532801 Perambalur1 5.48 8.22 8.00 8.70
Perambalur Semi-Confined W111032079063401 V.Ramanapuram PZ 21.31 21.99 23.02 27.50
Perambalur Semi-Confined W112030079034501 Veppur1 6.60 3.30 7.69 4.78
Perambalur Unconfined W111255078445001 Ammapalayam 6.44 7.37 10.14 14.25
Perambalur Unconfined W112019079223901 Andimadam DW 5.32 4.69 6.60 4.60
Perambalur Unconfined W112013078410701 Annukkur 4.10 5.41 7.42 7.74
Perambalur Unconfined W110805078463001 Chettikulam DW 5.48 5.40 6.63 7.65
Perambalur Unconfined W111426078580501 Chitali DW 24.63 16.99 24.17 25.75
Perambalur Unconfined W111617078504601 Essani dw 8.31 12.50 19.43 22.70
Perambalur Unconfined W111240079234501 G.K.Cholapuram 3.19 2.69 5.55 6.33
Perambalur Unconfined W111556079013901 Idayankurichhi 4.99 3.57 5.42 4.55
Perambalur Unconfined W111246079215201 Jayankondam DW 2.43 1.93 3.41 2.40
Perambalur Unconfined W110015078593001 Kilarasur 8.30 8.45 11.55 11.02
Perambalur Unconfined W110200079030001 Kilpazhavur 1.98 3.96 5.29 5.15
Perambalur Unconfined W111350079013001 Kunnam 4.65 6.29 6.95 7.30
Perambalur Unconfined W111405078480501 Kurumbalur 4.69 6.06 8.08 10.55
Perambalur Unconfined W112051078565601 Mangalamedu DW 8.35 13.08 13.13 13.12
Perambalur Unconfined W110940078432001 Nakkaselam 9.42 10.58 11.49 11.05
Perambalur Unconfined W112044078495401 Palaiyur 4.20 5.07 6.90 7.20
Perambalur Unconfined W111707079292401 Pappakudi DW 3.33 3.77 5.27 3.67
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Perambalur Unconfined W111400078523001 Perambalur2 5.25 6.34 7.10 6.49
Perambalur Unconfined W112436079195801 Periyathukurichi 4.33 4.02 3.47 1.70
Perambalur Unconfined W111530078563001 Ranjankudi 3.68 4.30 8.52 5.45
Perambalur Unconfined W111527079223101 Thandalai 5.10 3.95 2.13 2.90
Perambalur Unconfined W111153079193801 Tularangurichchi DW 3.30 3.92 3.75
Perambalur Unconfined W111830078550001 Valikandapuram 5.62 6.40 7.86 7.65
Perambalur Unconfined W111149078504601 Vijayagopalapuram dw 4.08 4.34 8.03 6.15
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W115530079380001 Madagadipattu 34.36 39.10
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W114757079462901 Manapattu EW 21.83 21.72 23.05 24.18
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W114757079462902 Manapattu OW 9.23 5.47 5.88 6.32
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W115532079441001 Mangalam1 24.68 15.90 16.46 16.12
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W115332079441001 Mangalam2 15.64 16.78 16.86 16.98
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W115332079441002 Mangalam3 22.83 24.03 25.61 25.66
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W115332079441003 Mangalam4 21.88 23.00 25.50 24.13
Pondicherry Semi-Confined W115332079441004 Mangalam5 20.14 21.44 23.83 23.12
Pondicherry Unconfined W114800079470001 Kattukuppam 1.50 1.37 1.52 1.63
Pondicherry Unconfined W115400079490001 M.N.Kuppam 4.71 5.52 5.68 6.05
Pondicherry Unconfined W115443079492401 Pondicherry 3.37 3.38 3.25 3.47
Pondicherry Unconfined W115300079460003 Reddichavadi 2.38 2.36 2.00 2.79
Pondicherry Unconfined W115500079453001 Villanur 3.21 5.52 5.45 5.45
Pudukkottai Semi-Confined W103610078340001 Viralimalai1 5.16 6.54 7.20 5.76
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103150078580001 Adanakottai 5.90 5.83 6.70 7.03
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102131078590001 Alangudi new 8.60 8.90 8.75 6.72
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102700078421001 Annavasal 6.70 7.40 7.33 8.26
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101000078594501 Arantangi 3.95 4.35 5.50 4.58
Pudukkottai Unconfined W100430079020101 Avudaiyarkoil1 4.33 4.42 4.36 4.41
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101350078580401 Erachi 5.22 3.14 3.25 4.21
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103425079010001 Gandharvakottai1 5.14 5.35 7.90
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Pudukkottai Unconfined W100800079132901 Kattumavadi new 2.10 1.90 1.55 1.67
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103430078473001 Keerannur1 4.60 4.20 5.78
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101905078343001 Konnaiyur 8.52 8.48 8.75 9.10
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102445078400001 Kudimianmalai1 1.75 1.50 1.50 2.34
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103500078533001 Kunnandarkoil 14.09 15.30 16.22 15.75
Pudukkottai Unconfined W100220079140001 Manamelkudi1 2.65 2.85 3.05 5.33
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102840078550001 Mandangudi 8.75 9.15 9.15 8.85
Pudukkottai Unconfined W095600079083001 Mimisal1 1.23 1.59 0.60 0.72
Pudukkottai Unconfined W100956079073001 Nakkudi1 5.60 6.30 7.60
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101845078410001 Panaiyapatti 6.75 9.70
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101100078455001 Pilamangalam 8.75 9.60 9.15 9.74
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102310078481501 Pudukkottai 4.88 5.16 5.32 5.18
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102245078480001 Pudukottai1 5.60 6.68 7.70 8.61
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103300079030001 Pudupatti[east] 7.80 6.90 17.20 8.31
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102549078584301 Sammattividuthi 8.77 2.60 1.40 11.85
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101400078444501 Thirumayam1 5.03 4.29 3.07 4.16
Pudukkottai Unconfined W101445078450001 Thirumayam2 3.00 2.50 1.90 2.97
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103630078463001 Thondaimanallur 7.85 6.78 7.85 9.15
Pudukkottai Unconfined W102000078514501 Valathirakkotai 5.60 5.10 4.75 4.58
Pudukkottai Unconfined W103630078330001 Viralimalai2 5.95 7.04 7.45 6.20
Ramanathapuram Semi-Confined W092525078212001 Kamudhi 15.59 16.98 16.95 17.30
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092730078363001 Bogalur 5.65 6.47 7.45 7.25
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092815078540001 Devipattanam 1.83 2.25 2.55 2.18
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091300078430001 Erwadi 4.35
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092430078223001 Kamudhi1 12.00 14.70 12.55 12.50
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091400078470001 Kilkkarai 6.73 8.04 7.65 8.16
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091700079100001 Mandapam 1.83 2.19 2.10 1.93
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091203079224601 Mukundarayar chatram(Dhanushkodi) 3.24 3.30 3.25 3.38
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091700079033001 Nadumanaikadu 1.82 2.40 2.40 2.08
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W093240078354101 Paramakkudi (A) 11.01
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092400078234001 PARTHIBANUR 6.20
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092500078330001 Peraiyur 4.93 5.40 6.20 7.15
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092000078571001 Perungulam 2.05 2.90 2.40 2.43
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W093820078510001 R.S.mangalam 2.60 3.10 2.95 4.42
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092208078501101 Ramanad dw 3.75 4.62 4.75 5.45
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092200078470002 Ramanathapuram2 4.72 4.55
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091700079163001 Rameswaram 1.44 1.65 1.35 1.56
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091030078270001 Sayalkudi 4.25 4.94 5.20 6.10
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091430078304501 Sikkal 2.43 4.45 5.15 6.12
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W093530078520001 Solandur 3.08 3.35 3.00 4.11
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091703079000501 Thangachimadam 3.23 3.76 3.90 3.61
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W095000078470002 Thiruvegamputhur 2.92 3.31 3.85 4.20
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W094600079010001 Thondi 1.75 2.11 1.95 1.77
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W094700078551501 Tiruvadanai1 1.94 2.59 2.64 2.87
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091830078444001 U.Kosamangai 2.40 3.53 3.65 3.75
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W091820079010001 Uchipulli 2.84 2.82 2.85 2.67
Ramanathapuram Unconfined W092630078334001 Udaikulam 7.30 8.28 8.35 8.40
Salem Not Available W113502077510002 Idapadi new 2.98 4.07 5.60 6.40
Salem Semi-Confined W113530078351001 Athur 25.31 49.48 53.55 53.44
Salem Semi-Confined W113212078032401 Attayampatti shallow pz 7.72 7.35 6.80
Salem Semi-Confined W113839077493001 Chittoor pz 66.38 68.10 68.15 69.10
Salem Semi-Confined W115115078050001 Kadayampatti 33.00 6.93 21.41 28.50
Salem Semi-Confined W115050077445001 Kulathur 21.85 20.72 20.44 24.53
Salem Semi-Confined W113500077473001 Kullampatti 10.78 6.85 13.03 15.47
Salem Semi-Confined W114530077534501 Nangavalli 9.44 10.30 11.68 11.86
Salem Semi-Confined W113850078304501 P.N.Palayam1 13.80 14.09 23.64 22.01
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Salem Semi-Confined W114450077555001 Samudram pz 64.54 79.28 84.58 87.29
Salem Semi-Confined W112615078300001 Sendarpatti 3.26 3.68 15.95 6.53
Salem Semi-Confined W113650078062301 Utamacholapuram deep pz 7.73 8.02 11.26 12.90
Salem Unconfined W113400078050301 Akkaraikadu 3.22 5.60 12.12
Salem Unconfined W113131078043002 Attayampatti Ghss 10.00 5.05 10.70 11.13
Salem Unconfined W113131078043001 Attayampatti S.Puram 1.82 8.10 6.25 6.84
Salem Unconfined W113600078363001 Attur fire st. 9.34 9.67 10.42 8.25
Salem Unconfined W114011078142001 Ayodhyapattinam 9.02 12.42 11.65 15.35
Salem Unconfined W113634078084301 Dhasanaickanpatty dw 8.39 8.10 9.32
Salem Unconfined W113632078003901 Elampillai dw 4.66 4.90 9.35 6.70
Salem Unconfined W112737078351501 Gudamali dw 8.31 12.08 10.00 17.61
Salem Unconfined W114220077522001 Jalakandapuram 4.70 4.72 7.35 8.20
Salem Unconfined W113230078293001 Karipatti dw 23.78 12.13 15.33
Salem Unconfined W113456077514001 Karumbapatti 7.63 7.49 6.74 8.10
Salem Unconfined W113610078401001 Kattukottai dw 6.83 7.28 7.00 9.41
Salem Unconfined W113400077540001 Konganapuram 5.42 4.76 8.18 8.55
Salem Unconfined W113414077535601 Konganapuram dw 6.11 5.24 19.00 9.65
Salem Unconfined W113215078084501 Mallur1 4.99 4.49 6.94 8.50
Salem Unconfined W113157078030601 Mamudi 11.48 5.07 12.55 6.76
Salem Unconfined W114832077472001 Masilapalayam dw 4.95 4.95 9.05 9.55
Salem Unconfined W114945077564501 Mecheri 10.54 8.01 11.50 9.24
Salem Unconfined W114827077494701 Muttur (Karumalikoodal)dw 1.13 0.49 1.95 1.92
Salem Unconfined W113719078062201 Naikarapatty dw 3.92 3.80 5.45 5.55
Salem Unconfined W114535077533001 Nangavalli1 9.80 10.16 9.50 10.20
Salem Unconfined W114430078024001 Omalur 5.75 4.89 8.05 7.35
Salem Unconfined W112800078285701 P.Goundanpalyam 3.72 2.50 6.55 5.45
Salem Unconfined W113844078305201 P.N.Palayam dw 16.05 8.47 12.75 21.55
Salem Unconfined W113410078042001 Palampatti 9.90 9.13 12.85 14.80
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Salem Unconfined W113525078113501 Panamarathupatti2 14.42 14.40 16.40 17.70
Salem Unconfined W113530078064101 Pincheyai Kodu 2.25 15.40 4.85 18.10
Salem Unconfined W113951078103801 Ponnammapet dw 4.15 2.30 5.55 3.75
Salem Unconfined W113630078063001 Pulaveri 10.54 7.88 6.15 7.90
Salem Unconfined W113735078470001 Puthur dw 11.20 12.24 14.75 15.45
Salem Unconfined W113821078073001 S.K.Garden Nathimedi 5.55 5.18 5.30 6.05
Salem Unconfined W114000078093001 Salem Bankhouse 8.48 8.98 9.50 10.61
Salem Unconfined W113934078095901 Salem surviellance 3.35 3.20 3.60 3.75
Salem Unconfined W112830077521001 Sankaridrug 19.81 11.51 16.76 15.39
Salem Unconfined W113919078201801 Seshanchavadi 15.47 16.70 18.00 17.00
Salem Unconfined W113330078053001 Sevantampatti 3.13 9.62 10.70 19.10
Salem Unconfined W113850078063301 Sivadapuram dw 1.70 1.65 2.52 2.70
Salem Unconfined W114300078163001 Sukkamppatti 9.67 13.97 12.85 12.15
Salem Unconfined W112609078301501 Tammampatti dw 6.85 8.75 9.75 10.63
Salem Unconfined W113500078453001 Thalaivasal1 6.85 8.17 9.17 9.40
Salem Unconfined W113525078332101 Thandavarayapuram dw 18.02 18.34 15.40 22.80
Salem Unconfined W115200078051501 Tivettipatti 9.30 3.39 6.25 6.72
Salem Unconfined W114020078471001 Unathur dw 12.49 17.85 23.20 19.41
Salem Unconfined W113845078244501 Valappadi 13.81 15.91 12.76 9.34
Salem Unconfined W113910078045501 Vedukathampatty dw 6.32 6.51 5.30 10.21
Salem Unconfined W113425078042201 Veerapandi dw 8.45 10.45 11.55 8.94
Salem Unconfined W113650077483001 Vellanaickenpalayam 20.90 20.90 17.10 17.15
Salem Unconfined W113204078452101 Veppampoondi 13.90 10.40 25.37 25.12
Salem Unconfined W112831078441001 Veraganur dw 8.38 8.98 6.05 12.00
Sivaganga Semi-Confined W094230078283001 Manamadurai1 10.90 10.16 9.80 10.73
Sivaganga Semi-Confined W095105078223001 Padamathur 6.55 7.36 7.50 8.15
Sivaganga Unconfined W095400078310001 Annanagar 4.82 6.19 6.64 7.09
Sivaganga Unconfined W100945078464501 Chettinadu 3.18 3.28 3.08 3.32
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Sivaganga Unconfined W095700078400001 Devakottai1 7.05 2.65 7.50 8.88
Sivaganga Unconfined W093645078373001 Illayangudi 4.51 4.80 6.20 6.45
Sivaganga Unconfined W095030078372001 Kalayarkoil 5.95 7.30 8.20 10.15
Sivaganga Unconfined W095900078400002 Kallal1 2.98 3.81 4.88 6.84
Sivaganga Unconfined W100004078461001 Karaikudi 6.21 3.54 4.21 5.66
Sivaganga Unconfined W100630078320001 Manakudi 5.26 5.14 5.54 6.02
Sivaganga Unconfined W094115078271001 Manamadurai2 5.59 5.86 5.84 10.10
Sivaganga Unconfined W095125078290001 Muthupettai 12.75 11.68 12.00 13.77
Sivaganga Unconfined W094430078240001 Muthuvendal 7.93 7.67 6.90
Sivaganga Unconfined W095630078311501 Okkur 10.06 10.95 10.95 10.95
Sivaganga Unconfined W100615078504001 Puduvoyal 9.77 10.00 8.90
Sivaganga Unconfined W101103078252503 Singapuneri 8.38 8.94 9.00 9.10
Sivaganga Unconfined W095715078291001 Sivaganga1 9.82 9.56 9.90 10.35
Sivaganga Unconfined W100630078360001 Thirupattur 0.86 1.13 1.08
Sivaganga Unconfined W100930078343001 Tirupathur1 6.87 7.73 7.90 8.47
Thanjavur Unconfined W103251079253301 Aavikottai 3.15 4.60 4.80 3.47
Thanjavur Unconfined W103900079104002 Icchankottai1 5.15 6.20 4.78 3.89
Thanjavur Unconfined W110730079271501 Lower Anaicut 4.30 5.70 2.90 5.20
Thanjavur Unconfined W104254079122001 Madigai 4.00 1.25 0.90 0.75
Thanjavur Unconfined W104405079061501 Melvastrachavdi 15.45 12.20 13.10 14.42
Thanjavur Unconfined W110100079302001 Narsinganpettai 3.39 4.59 3.69 3.96
Thanjavur Unconfined W105530079163001 Papanasam 4.45 5.15 2.78 4.71
Thanjavur Unconfined W102530079180001 Pattukottai1 5.23 6.15 5.20 3.65
Thanjavur Unconfined W101552079140801 Peravurani 6.30 5.90 6.70 6.70
Thanjavur Unconfined W105115078570601 Puduchataram 3.25 2.93 2.93
Thanjavur Unconfined W104645079163001 Saliyamangalam 3.25 3.25 1.85 1.40
Thanjavur Unconfined W104600078595001 T Budalur 5.50 7.60 5.34 6.08
Thanjavur Unconfined W104630079063001 Thanjavur 3.86 4.69 7.31 4.60
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Thanjavur Unconfined W105200079170001 Thirukarukuvur 2.60 2.25 1.70 1.50
Thanjavur Unconfined W105330079063001 Thiruvaiyaru 3.71 8.97 3.35 4.65
Thanjavur Unconfined W104306079034501 Vallam 4.79 5.14 4.99 4.63
Theni Semi-Confined W100545077411702 A.Vadipatti pz 50.70 52.52 53.23 54.05
Theni Semi-Confined W095930077370001 Andipatti1 6.90 7.34 11.57 13.98
Theni Semi-Confined W094836077243602 Appipatti Alagapuri pz 33.60 33.40
Theni Semi-Confined W095958077201502 B Karattupatti pz 30.40 30.60
Theni Semi-Confined W095050077225702 Chinnamanur pz 9.20 9.96 8.35 10.44
Theni Semi-Confined W094342077164202 Cumbum pz 13.50 14.47 14.25 15.04
Theni Semi-Confined W100840077382602 Devadahanapatti pz 11.70 14.25 14.97 16.54
Theni Semi-Confined W095731077232802 Dumbacheri pz 6.10 6.53 5.05 7.50
Theni Semi-Confined W095530077323001 Erasakkanaayakanur 7.30 9.75 13.73
Theni Semi-Confined W095512077305402 Gandamanur pz 5.80 8.56 9.24 10.09
Theni Semi-Confined W101001077414002 Ganguvarpatti pz 4.40 7.50 8.98
Theni Semi-Confined W094714077203702 Gobilapuram pz 13.50 14.78 15.14
Theni Semi-Confined W094826077301102 Kadamalai Gundam pz 5.56 10.05 9.55 11.74
Theni Semi-Confined W094412077190102 Kamayagoundanpatti pz 17.30 19.05 19.18 20.37
Theni Semi-Confined W094043077174201 Karunakkamuthanpatti pz 20.44
Theni Semi-Confined W095930077255002 Kodangipatti pz 3.10 4.15 6.08 7.50
Theni Semi-Confined W095819077293101 Koduvilarpatti pz 13.80 14.72 17.72 15.60
Theni Semi-Confined W095039077175301 Kombai pz 44.40 40.20 47.80 76.12
Theni Semi-Confined W095422077242101 Kottur Pz 5.95 5.43 4.28 7.03
Theni Semi-Confined W095413077183402 Lakshminaickan Patti pz 112.20 106.40
Theni Semi-Confined W095818077332302 M.Subbalapuram pz 24.57 21.50 29.03 28.83
Theni Semi-Confined W095745077341002 Okkaraipatti pz 22.00 22.30 27.94 22.72
Theni Semi-Confined W095621077180602 Ramakrishnapuram pz 33.00 32.90 34.10 34.88
Theni Semi-Confined W095425077194702 Sankarapuram pz 15.30 16.10 16.95 18.26
Theni Semi-Confined W095231077232803 Seelayampatti pz 6.50 8.60 6.86 9.13
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Theni Semi-Confined W095716077201402 Silamalai pz 23.20
Theni Semi-Confined W100711077373702 Silavarpatti pz 14.40 15.65 15.60 16.44
Theni Semi-Confined W095617077290201 Srirangapuram pz 14.40 14.50
Theni Semi-Confined W094233077180201 Surelipatti pz 8.90 8.98 8.45
Theni Semi-Confined W100023077391702 T.Subbalapuram pz 11.94 14.15 15.23 16.31
Theni Semi-Confined W095459077175901 Thambinaickan Patti pz 35.90 36.53 36.88 37.44
Theni Semi-Confined W100015077170501 Theni1 9.50 9.75 8.10 9.90
Theni Semi-Confined W095022077204103 U Ammapatti pz 22.30 25.85 27.60 25.70
Theni Semi-Confined W100555077341702 Vadugapatti pz 12.15 6.50 12.40 13.34
Theni Semi-Confined W094409077311301 Varusandu pz 13.40 14.27 15.70 17.82
Theni Unconfined W095945077374501 Andipatti2 9.42 11.22 12.02 10.87
Theni Unconfined W100556077341802 Bodinaickanur dw 14.80 8.20
Theni Unconfined W094430077170501 Cumbum 13.65 14.55 14.45 14.92
Theni Unconfined W100910077393001 Devadanapatti 3.15 4.75 5.78 7.55
Theni Unconfined W095506077311801 Gandamanur 9.60 11.60 18.60 18.70
Theni Unconfined W094200077180001 Gudalur2 15.12 17.27 14.62 17.40
Theni Unconfined W095930077261001 Kodangipatti 1.00 1.47 1.45 1.08
Theni Unconfined W100556077341803 Myladumparai dw 8.15 11.55 10.47 13.20
Theni Unconfined W100754077330202 Periyakulam dw 4.90 5.38
Theni Unconfined W100140077283001 Theni2 15.70 17.55 12.65 18.05
Theni Unconfined W095305077170501 Thevaram 28.00 31.64 33.24 35.30
Theni Unconfined W100556077341801 Vadugapatti dw 7.45 7.80 9.55
Theni Unconfined W095745077270001 Veerapandi 3.05 5.20 3.52 2.88
Theni Unconfined W095738077264801 Veerapandi pz 6.15 6.90 5.65 6.80
Thiruvannamalai Semi-Confined W122415078584504 Kadaladi pz 7.95 7.95 9.58 11.50
Thiruvannamalai Semi-Confined W123021079062001 Kalasapakkam 4.77 3.70 5.90 7.76
Thiruvannamalai Semi-Confined W122909078591701 Siruvallur 6.85 7.85 12.60 16.70
Thiruvannamalai Semi-Confined W123008079362001 Vandavasi1 2.90 2.80 1.75 2.50
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W121530078394501 Anandavadi 7.80 8.12 8.35 8.64
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W124055079165801 Arani 7.45 3.40
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123100079080001 Bagmarpet 9.33 9.53 9.98
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W122740079213001 Chetpet1 2.20 2.55 3.40 5.35
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W122800079200001 Chetput 5.10 1.85 3.30 5.35
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123900079313001 Cheyyar1 2.60 2.70 3.30
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123930079320001 Cheyyar2 2.32 3.24 3.24 2.34
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W122718079055201 Kolappalur 16.60
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123530079373001 Melmakotturoad 5.05 5.95 5.25 5.02
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W121230078423001 Melravandavadi 5.65 5.75 6.90 8.70
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123007079133201 Modiaylur 5.05 12.80
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W124600079160001 Mullandram 3.55 3.25 3.60 4.50
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W122315079060001 Narattampundi 6.42 5.90 7.45
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W122638079032401 Netchnativemalai 6.90 6.20
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W121600078563001 Pachal 7.57 8.48 9.27 9.52
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123931079065401 Padavedu 2.95 2.60
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123206079070801 Polur 17.60 17.40 16.35 16.80
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W122140078524501 Pudupalayam 10.38 9.55 12.20 14.00
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W120915078570001 Tandarampattu 5.50 5.50 5.55
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W120915078564501 Thandarampattu 5.20 11.65 12.80 15.31
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W120630078501501 Thanipadi 5.65 6.75 5.48 6.90
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W121330079040001 Tiruvannamalai1 4.70 5.55 5.20
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123000079380001 Vandavasi2 4.20 3.80 4.80
Thiruvannamalai Unconfined W123034079084901 Venmani 7.00 8.00 7.50 9.10
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W085400077283001 Alankulam 3.97 6.88 9.40 11.55
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W084310077261001 Ambasamudram 3.42 4.10 3.95 4.45
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W084940077343001 Charanmadevi 4.53 5.53 5.18 4.95
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W081000077370001 Chettikulam 10.62 12.40 12.40
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W085000077243001 Kadayam 5.65 7.72 8.37 10.30
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W090400077204501 Kadayanallur 3.13 6.90 9.50 11.55
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W082850077355501 Kalakadu 8.78 15.94 14.62 18.00
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W085500077230001 Kilpaur 8.88 12.48 19.30
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W081330077343001 Kudankulam 8.64 15.90 18.40 19.60
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W083500077425501 Maruthakulam 3.85 5.25 8.90 10.40
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W081900077344502 Molaikkaraipatti 3.12 8.63 9.15 8.10
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W084405077311501 Mukkudal 1.46 3.57 2.50 2.40
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W083200077473001 N.Vijayanarayanam 2.29 6.23 7.90 8.70
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W082930077421501 Nanguneri1 1.62 3.45 3.95 3.10
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W090100077151001 Panpoli 12.33 13.03
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W084000077405001 Taruvai 0.76 1.44 1.82 2.00
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W090154077161801 TenkasiPZ 3.96 5.30 6.20 7.10
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W084220077432001 Tirunelveli1 2.10 2.95 5.31 4.20
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W081515077453001 Tiruvembalapuram 2.92 6.16 6.70 9.50
Tirunelveli Semi-Confined W082310077370001 Valliyur 3.35 4.64 6.15 6.77
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084545077382501 Abishekapatti 3.05 4.20 4.35 3.80
Tirunelveli Unconfined W085145077302001 Alangulam1 3.35 5.41 6.38 7.16
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084730077260001 Alwarkurichi 3.14 5.22 4.44 4.40
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084200077262001 Ambasamudram1 0.75 0.57 0.80 0.85
Tirunelveli Unconfined W091000077240001 Chintamani 1.12 4.29 5.33 5.03
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084108077433701 Govt.Eng College 2.88 4.36 4.80 5.26
Tirunelveli Unconfined W083200077275501 Idaikkal 3.50 6.03 7.19 5.79
Tirunelveli Unconfined W090500077210001 Kadayanallur1 2.74 6.46 8.89 11.21
Tirunelveli Unconfined W083045077323001 Kalakkadu 4.36 4.95 5.09 5.35
Tirunelveli Unconfined W081900077563001 Kuttam 2.07 4.70 3.28 3.68
Tirunelveli Unconfined W085145077391001 Manur1 0.80 1.20 0.80 1.25
Tirunelveli Unconfined W091100077265001 Mullikulam 8.60 12.52 12.27 11.60
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Tirunelveli Unconfined W091430077480501 Naduvapatty 7.48 7.94 5.84 8.65
Tirunelveli Unconfined W081900077344501 Nanguneri2 1.92 4.67 6.20 4.30
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084128077441801 Ngo A Colony dw 2.77 4.50 5.80 4.33
Tirunelveli Unconfined W090706077364501 P.chatram 4.56 9.41 10.15 10.50
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084400077440001 Palayamkottai 1.87 3.34 2.50 2.85
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084438077303001 Papakudi 0.41 1.51 0.63 0.60
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084240077220501 Papanasam1 5.77 7.43 6.47 5.20
Tirunelveli Unconfined W083442077333701 Poothatan Kudieruppu dw 5.10 7.53 7.67 8.20
Tirunelveli Unconfined W085532077211501 R.Pattinam 1.75 3.73 4.35 5.16
Tirunelveli Unconfined W081600077410501 Radhapuram1 4.95 6.58 8.16 10.52
Tirunelveli Unconfined W091230077333001 Sankarankoil1 5.66 8.60 10.60 10.90
Tirunelveli Unconfined W091230077333002 Sankarankoil2 4.58 9.81 11.56 14.65
Tirunelveli Unconfined W085820077151001 Sencottai 5.68 5.41 6.36 6.63
Tirunelveli Unconfined W092006077255101 Sivagiri (A) 3.67
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084356077424701 Syed Beedi Company 2.11 3.35 2.85
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084445077420001 Tachchnallur 2.41 4.61 4.08 4.61
Tirunelveli Unconfined W085237077204501 Thiraviyarnagar 11.87 7.56 13.50 14.40
Tirunelveli Unconfined W084548077482001 Thiruthu 2.29 1.45 2.17 2.47
Tirunelveli Unconfined W082120077393001 Valliyoor 6.68 10.02 15.72 14.87
Tirunelveli Unconfined W083940077373001 Vannikonendal 8.87 14.46 16.33 18.05
Tirunelveli Unconfined W091430077243002 Vasudevanallur2 2.87 5.43 9.79 7.89
Tiruvallur Semi-Confined W130650080011601 Chettimedu periurban 3.52
Tiruvallur Semi-Confined W130324080045501 Poonamallee periurban 3.19 4.95
Tiruvallur Semi-Confined W131030079370001 Tiruttani EW 3.08 6.30
Tiruvallur Semi-Confined W131030079370101 Tiruttani OW 3.10 3.45
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131215080070101 Alamadhi 1.66 2.15 2.30 3.98
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131607080091101 Alinjivakkam dw 7.08 9.00 7.90
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130642080093301 Ambattur 4.94 7.45 7.60 7.55
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130345079514501 Andersonpet 1.09 2.55 1.50 1.50
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130659080075101 Annur Shankarnagar 5.52 5.70 4.30 2.87
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131945080043601 Arani dw 4.10 5.45
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131545080172501 Attipattu 1.16 1.99 1.49 0.87
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132753080064301 Elavur dw 4.77 5.40 3.70
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131205080090901 Ennur Talaikuppam 3.10 3.40 1.80 3.60
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132400080080001 Gummidipoondi 5.63 6.00 4.58 5.98
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132245080173201 Kadapakkam dw 2.72 3.50
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131057080064801 Kadavur 6.06 6.50
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131230079450001 Kanakammachatrm 3.47 3.95 4.80 4.90
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130834080054901 Kovilpathagai 3.42 5.30 5.60 4.20
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130145080044803 Meppur dw 2.24 2.90
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130400079580001 Mettukandigai 5.37 7.45 7.65 4.45
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131613080154701 Minjur dw 2.29 3.50 3.00 2.06
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131600080164503 Nandiambakkam 1.60 2.40 1.89 1.25
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131215080104501 Padiyanallur 4.42 5.94 5.80 4.97
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131905079574501 Palavakkam 5.70 6.00 7.50 6.05
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130716080034201 Pattabiram periurban 3.87 9.50 6.60 5.20
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130915079494501 Pattarperumpudr 2.30 3.10 3.18 2.38
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131845080030001 Periyapalyam 3.00 3.35 3.12 2.60
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130400080081501 Perumalnagaram 5.90 5.30 4.00
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132031080112101 Ponneri dw 4.82 5.05 4.95 5.01
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131030079363001 Poonimangadu 2.55 2.10 2.70 3.10
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130900080120001 Pulal New 3.08 4.15 3.87
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132459080184901 Pulicat dw 1.56 1.50
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131126080110901 Redhills 3.92 5.60 5.80 5.59
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131932080173201 Sangaibedu 5.55
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131315080100401 Sholavaram 4.19 3.20 5.50 4.90
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131101080081001 Solaimedu 12.00 10.90 11.00 11.85
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130737080005201 Thiruninravur periurban 0.92 1.50 0.70 0.57
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132408080145501 Thirupalaivanam dw 1.74 2.20 1.80
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131955080164501 Thiruvellavoyal dw 2.66 3.90 3.80
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130345080034501 Tirumazhisai 4.08 5.00 5.40 4.81
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131115079363001 Tiruttani 4.74 5.04 4.79 3.70
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130830079323001 Tiruttani1 5.80 8.15 4.80
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130730079460001 Tiruvalangadu 6.20 6.50 6.05 5.48
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130830079544501 Tiruvallur 4.85 5.65 5.75 5.70
Tiruvallur Unconfined W132030079543001 Uthukottai1 5.05 4.95 4.26
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130956080070401 Veerapuram 8.65 11.90 11.50 4.26
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131257080075501 Veeraraghapuram 2.90 3.20 2.95 2.15
Tiruvallur Unconfined W130956080070402 Vellanur 4.52 5.80 5.90 5.44
Tiruvallur Unconfined W131833080163001 Voyalur dw 5.67 6.45 6.80
Tiruvarur Unconfined W103700079244501 Allankottai 7.55 10.65 7.05 8.35
Tiruvarur Unconfined W104100079280001 Mannargudi 1.47 3.56 2.51 3.69
Tiruvarur Unconfined W105315079360001 Nannilam 3.11 4.80 3.60 5.10
Tiruvarur Unconfined W104445079281501 Needamangalam 4.08 4.28 4.28 4.46
Tiruvarur Unconfined W105738079342401 Peralam 2.85 3.40 3.14 3.05
Tiruvarur Unconfined W102215079353001 Thillaivilagam 3.27 4.07 4.32 3.33
Trichy Semi-Confined W105738078265001 Musiri1 4.40 4.90 5.86 6.25
Trichy Unconfined W104430078350001 Chattirapatti 11.75 15.10 15.20 12.72
Trichy Unconfined W102727078224201 Chinnagowdanpatti 9.00 10.40 12.50 12.87
Trichy Unconfined W104645078412001 Kajamalai 7.56 9.15 9.05 9.56
Trichy Unconfined W104817078443801 Kattur 1.80 2.10 5.20 1.95
Trichy Unconfined W105209078412601 Kollidam Karai 3.91 4.85 4.70 4.65
Trichy Unconfined W103300078180002 Kovilpatty 6.81 7.90 8.43 8.98
Trichy Unconfined W104535078405601 Lic Colony Kk Nagar 3.71 3.61 5.11 5.50
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Trichy Unconfined W105530078433001 Manachanallur 2.90 4.95 3.25 4.36
Trichy Unconfined W105423078415101 Manachanallur new 2.03 3.90 2.84
Trichy Unconfined W103652078253101 Manaparai 3.08 6.51 5.78 7.60
Trichy Unconfined W103653078253201 Manaparai II 7.73 5.63 7.68 7.60
Trichy Unconfined W103650078253002 Manaparai1 4.40 5.80 6.15
Trichy Unconfined W102311078214401 Manjampatti 12.51 13.40 13.20 17.80
Trichy Unconfined W104801078414801 Mudaliarchatram 6.89 8.14 9.29 10.00
Trichy Unconfined W105730078270001 Musiri2 3.20 3.65 4.05 4.18
Trichy Unconfined W103817078264801 Muthupandiyanpatti 12.85 14.75 14.75 13.02
Trichy Unconfined W105238078421501 No One Tollgate 3.58 5.33 3.33 3.60
Trichy Unconfined W105012078415701 Oodathurai Odakarai 5.27 5.42 5.85
Trichy Unconfined W111239078330001 Ookaeri 9.40 15.10 14.90
Trichy Unconfined W105912078391501 Peramangalam 9.70 19.90 19.90 18.00
Trichy Unconfined W110100078381501 Pulivalam 4.23 4.80 4.65 5.06
Trichy Unconfined W110245078573001 Pullambadi 4.90 1.40 1.10 1.70
Trichy Unconfined W105630078544501 Pullambadi1 4.62 4.35 3.77 4.50
Trichy Unconfined W104853078404601 Puttur-Thennur 4.80 4.15 5.15 5.53
Trichy Unconfined W105045078445501 Samayapuram 3.33 5.15 3.60 4.80
Trichy Unconfined W104442078424201 Sembattu 3.37 3.50 4.58 4.87
Trichy Unconfined W110005078433001 Siruganur 6.60 5.00 7.50 9.20
Trichy Unconfined W105121078411201 Srirangam 2.90 2.80 6.80
Trichy Unconfined W110715078271501 Thathayangarpet 24.66 23.86 25.16 27.05
Trichy Unconfined W105115078423001 Thiruchirapalli 3.50 4.80 4.05 4.48
Trichy Unconfined W105930078194501 Thottiyam 8.05 7.50 8.65 9.79
Trichy Unconfined W110900078360001 Thuraiyur 8.97 8.15 12.00 11.50
Trichy Unconfined W110840078360001 Thurayur1 8.15 8.60 9.85 3.93
Trichy Unconfined W104500078493001 Thuvakkudi 3.45 2.19 5.39 3.95
Trichy Unconfined W104730078424502 Tiruchchirappalli1 4.35 4.80 4.50 5.50
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Trichy Unconfined W105110078422301 Tiruvanaikovil 3.85 3.90 5.02
Trichy Unconfined W105930078200701 Tottiyam 7.30 8.10 9.40 9.97
Trichy Unconfined W110150078255801 Tumbalam 8.75 9.25 9.88 11.03
Trichy Unconfined W102130078222001 Tuvarankuruchi 9.50 9.50 9.10 8.90
Trichy Unconfined W111544078310001 Uppiliyapuram 14.17 14.42 15.37 16.20
Trichy Unconfined W103300078180001 Vaiyampatty 4.65 5.80 6.45 6.31
Trichy Unconfined W105445078432401 Vengakudi 3.50 5.35 3.15 3.30
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W085955077511001 Kadambur 9.32 11.28 13.40 17.70
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W090855077430001 Kalugumalai 2.80 5.01 5.90 6.60
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W090930077503001 Nallattinputhur 3.50 5.59 3.45 4.95
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W083900077570001 Petmanagar 4.23 6.12 6.70 7.30
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W091849078081001 Pudur 8.22 9.01 9.00 9.40
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W082600077541001 Satankulam 3.30 5.07 5.45 5.38
Tuticorin Semi-Confined W090330077510001 Villiseri 7.48 10.77 13.30 14.20
Tuticorin Unconfined W084404077551001 Devachayalpuram 3.55 4.42 3.80 4.55
Tuticorin Unconfined W090145078024501 Eppodumvendram 1.86 2.98 3.42 3.66
Tuticorin Unconfined W090735078000001 Ettaiyapuram 4.98
Tuticorin Unconfined W091304077590001 Ettayapuram 3.10 3.96 4.65 4.90
Tuticorin Unconfined W090835077461901 Kallurani dw 4.62 7.60 3.82 9.17
Tuticorin Unconfined W090840077422001 Kalungumalai 0.40 1.79 1.60 6.73
Tuticorin Unconfined W090900078100002 Karisalkulam 6.75 9.47 10.60 10.76
Tuticorin Unconfined W085640077463001 Kayattar 3.73 5.05 5.63 5.62
Tuticorin Unconfined W091030077523001 Kovilpatti 10.21 14.10 15.62 16.50
Tuticorin Unconfined W082400078031501 Kulasekharaptnm 3.16 3.70 3.54 3.84
Tuticorin Unconfined W085550078053001 Kurukkuchalai 4.90 5.49 7.05 7.38
Tuticorin Unconfined W085200077540001 Maniyachi 2.45 4.39 2.80 3.65
Tuticorin Unconfined W085000077534501 Maniyachi1 1.45 3.35 2.27 2.40
Tuticorin Unconfined W090154078150801 Mettupanaiyur dw 5.49 6.92 7.75 8.10
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Tuticorin Unconfined W083803078042501 Mukkani dw 1.90 2.42 3.00 3.10
Tuticorin Unconfined W085404078013201 Muppilipatti dw 3.01 4.43 4.65 4.00
Tuticorin Unconfined W091400078075001 Nagalapuram 3.13 2.45 3.05 4.90
Tuticorin Unconfined W082615077582501 Nazareth 5.10 7.10 7.10 7.10
Tuticorin Unconfined W083105077512001 Paikulam 4.74 6.54 8.40 8.60
Tuticorin Unconfined W082945077500001 Saidunganallur 4.00 5.91 7.05 5.95
Tuticorin Unconfined W082640077540001 Sathankulam-n 4.73 7.64 8.74 8.70
Tuticorin Unconfined W083730077543001 Srivaikundam1 4.68 4.59 4.42 5.04
Tuticorin Unconfined W083630077510001 Thailapuram 2.06 4.06 5.00 4.90
Tuticorin Unconfined W082940078072001 Tiruchendur-e 5.28 6.02 6.22 6.25
Tuticorin Unconfined W082945078071501 Tiruchendur-w 1.58 2.27 2.47 2.72
Tuticorin Unconfined W084830078082001 Tuticorin1 1.80 2.36 3.54 2.42
Tuticorin Unconfined W082603078014501 Udangudi dw 6.63 8.16 8.02 7.69
Tuticorin Unconfined W091930078045501 Vembur 5.35 6.83 5.15 6.78
Tuticorin Unconfined W090730078100501 Vilathikulam 9.11 9.64 10.05 10.24
Vellore Semi-Confined W125443079050901 Abdullapuram pz 9.54 3.00 4.90 3.90
Vellore Semi-Confined W130530079393001 Arakkonam-PZ 2.60
Vellore Semi-Confined W124210078490001 Asanampattu 12.12 12.50 13.37 14.85
Vellore Semi-Confined W125719078552601 Pennathur pz 11.10
Vellore Semi-Confined W125615078433001 Pernambattu 10.05 10.05 10.70 10.80
Vellore Semi-Confined W125600079210001 Ranipet2 0.82 0.70 1.46 1.10
Vellore Unconfined W125448079050801 Abdullapuram dw 3.58 2.65 3.39 2.90
Vellore Unconfined W123720078450001 Alangayam 5.12 4.73 5.93 5.55
Vellore Unconfined W122745078280001 Alankuppam 6.36 6.22 7.37 7.00
Vellore Unconfined W124701078422401 Ambur DW 6.25 5.81 6.64 6.41
Vellore Unconfined W125215078593001 Anaikkattu 6.19 3.05 4.98 4.45
Vellore Unconfined W130521079400501 Arakonam (A) 5.03
Vellore Unconfined W125400079193001 Arcot2 4.95 3.50 2.92 2.05
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Vellore Unconfined W125745079171501 Avarakarai 3.66 2.91 3.84 3.00
Vellore Unconfined W130120079283001 Banavaram1 7.70 7.25 8.12 6.60
Vellore Unconfined W122739078372301 Bommikuppam dw 3.85 3.38 4.69 4.85
Vellore Unconfined W123806078361401 Chinnakallupalli 3.76 4.20 5.73 6.40
Vellore Unconfined W124548078501902 Chinnapallikuppam pz 7.56 7.85 8.62 8.55
Vellore Unconfined W125430079213001 Devadanam 3.06 2.40 5.35 1.20
Vellore Unconfined W130730079381001 Echipudur 8.15
Vellore Unconfined W124600079244501 Kalavai 9.91 9.68 11.08 10.25
Vellore Unconfined W122840078272001 Kandili 15.46 16.83 18.91 20.20
Vellore Unconfined W125820079064501 Katpadi 5.42 17.86 8.55
Vellore Unconfined W123440078484501 Kavalur 12.56 12.60 12.49 12.70
Vellore Unconfined W125740078584801 Kv Kuppam 17.30 15.25 16.05 6.00
Vellore Unconfined W125930079183001 Lalpet 6.20 6.80 7.62 6.70
Vellore Unconfined W125200078423001 Machampattu 11.76 11.45 11.17 11.68
Vellore Unconfined W124840079235001 Mecheri 9.37 12.80
Vellore Unconfined W125640078503801 Nellurpettai dw 4.64 4.85 7.21 7.65
Vellore Unconfined W124615078530001 Odugathur 11.55 11.20 12.33 11.45
Vellore Unconfined W125400078564501 Palligonda 6.71 7.25 9.28 10.00
Vellore Unconfined W125116078514501 Palur dw 4.48 5.45 6.04 6.00
Vellore Unconfined W125515079341501 Panappakkam 5.70 8.75 7.85 4.80
Vellore Unconfined W122721078351201 Pasalikuttai dw 4.40 2.05 3.18 3.55
Vellore Unconfined W123931078460301 Peddur dw 4.05 4.60 4.49 4.20
Vellore Unconfined W124930079233001 Pennagar 3.28 2.80
Vellore Unconfined W122220078352001 Perambattu 9.74 4.69 14.15 16.65
Vellore Unconfined W125630078433001 Pernampet 4.39 11.45 4.63 4.94
Vellore Unconfined W130640079253501 Ponnai 4.08 3.33 5.10 4.60
Vellore Unconfined W125545079203001 Ranipet1 2.18 1.25 1.82 2.15
Vellore Unconfined W124330078393001 Sangilikuppam 8.98 9.00 9.34 9.70
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Vellore Unconfined W130600079260001 Sholingar1 5.22 5.90 8.14 8.57
Vellore Unconfined W125120078500001 Thottalam 9.21 7.90 8.73 7.25
Vellore Unconfined W124940079181001 Timiri 12.65
Vellore Unconfined W124900079183001 Timiri1 11.67 8.20 8.20
Vellore Unconfined W124130078373001 Vaniyambadi1 2.76 2.02 2.59 2.52
Vellore Unconfined W123847078415701 Vellakuttai 10.05 7.40 8.10 7.30
Vellore Unconfined W125520079052001 Vellore1 3.92 2.72 4.13 3.45
Vellore Unconfined W122835078345001 Vengalapuram 6.82 6.02 7.02 6.60
Vellore Unconfined W125720078594001 Veppaneri 15.11 13.84 15.29 15.29
Vellore Unconfined W125450079173001 Vishram 0.80 0.25 0.69 0.78
Vellore Unconfined W123200078383001 Vokkanampet 12.50
Villupuram Semi-Confined W121145079460001 Brammadesam 2.40 10.62 6.00 5.16
Villupuram Semi-Confined W113803078523501 Chinnasalem 6.60 8.03 2.42 13.10
Villupuram Semi-Confined W115400079030001 Kadambur 6.03 8.20 9.00 10.39
Villupuram Semi-Confined W121510079304501 Vallam1 6.87 7.70 8.74 8.78
Villupuram Unconfined W114220078581201 Alathur 4.53 4.73 7.19 7.45
Villupuram Unconfined W120250079454501 Andiyarpalayam pz 49.40 49.57 51.27 51.81
Villupuram Unconfined W113730079114001 Asanur 3.26 3.42 4.85 4.05
Villupuram Unconfined W122000079144501 Avalurpet 3.45 3.65
Villupuram Unconfined W113730078570001 Chinnasalem1 1.38 3.95 3.87
Villupuram Unconfined W115204079100001 G.Ariyur 6.10 8.17 8.61
Villupuram Unconfined W121500079250001 Gingee1 2.82 4.80 5.48 5.27
Villupuram Unconfined W121508079250001 Gingee2 4.89 4.92 6.04 4.90
Villupuram Unconfined W121342079341201 Gopalapuram dw 9.38 9.17 10.70 8.56
Villupuram Unconfined W114049078550902 Indili dw 8.57 5.16 6.54 8.10
Villupuram Unconfined W114602078521201 Kacharapalayam 6.85 7.60 5.99 8.75
Villupuram Unconfined W114430078580001 Kallakurichi1 8.47 8.98 10.48 9.37
Villupuram Unconfined W114410078510001 Kallakurichi2 9.00 8.30 11.38 9.70
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Villupuram Unconfined W115718079250601 Kanai pz 2.41 2.80 3.97 4.57
Villupuram Unconfined W120615079443001 Kiliyanur 2.75 3.89 5.70 5.95
Villupuram Unconfined W121018079355001 Kodima dw 6.40 14.20 14.70 10.10
Villupuram Unconfined W120540079533401 Kunimedu pz 50.92 49.13 52.69 52.24
Villupuram Unconfined W115618078531001 Mamandur 9.62 9.31 10.44 10.40
Villupuram Unconfined W115830079080001 Mambazhapattu 6.40 9.35 9.91 10.30
Villupuram Unconfined W121230079573001 Marakkanam 5.22 2.47 7.45 9.20
Villupuram Unconfined W121500079195401 Melporadikuppam dw 5.02 4.90 6.20 7.12
Villupuram Unconfined W115845079190701 Mogaiyur 4.20 4.92 4.50 5.58
Villupuram Unconfined W120804079453601 Nallavurpudur dw 4.55 9.37 6.25 5.80
Villupuram Unconfined W121720079480301 Ollakkur 3.84 3.74 4.84 3.71
Villupuram Unconfined W114300079104501 Pidagam 4.10 5.26 6.70 6.45
Villupuram Unconfined W115645079081601 Rajampalayam dw 11.36 11.75 10.67 11.35
Villupuram Unconfined W114800079053001 Rishivandiyam 5.18 6.49 8.05 7.80
Villupuram Unconfined W115955079095701 Sadaikattuattipattu dw 5.86 6.00 6.50 12.00
Villupuram Unconfined W121501079402001 Salavathi dw 6.05 6.50 8.60 9.25
Villupuram Unconfined W115300078550001 Sankarapuram 3.87 4.70 6.55 7.99
Villupuram Unconfined W115338078550001 Sankarapuram1 4.74 5.41 6.83 6.45
Villupuram Unconfined W114815079244601 Shakh Hussaipettai dw 5.21 7.30 7.75 7.90
Villupuram Unconfined W121217079503801 Siruvadi dw 5.30 5.93 5.80 5.50
Villupuram Unconfined W121100079400001 Tehzbazar 3.28 4.52 4.15 5.01
Villupuram Unconfined W121330079400001 Tindivanam1 4.60 4.50 6.20 5.22
Villupuram Unconfined W115930079470001 Tiruchidrambalam 5.05 6.82 5.75 5.20
Villupuram Unconfined W115730079130001 Tirukkoilur1 2.79 2.28 2.63 4.18
Villupuram Unconfined W114350079053001 Tyagadurgam 3.30 5.03 3.52 3.33
Villupuram Unconfined W114312079044001 Tyagadurgam1 5.73 2.80 5.51 5.10
Villupuram Unconfined W113940079174001 Ulundurpet1 6.35 8.95 11.50 12.90
Villupuram Unconfined W114215079195401 Vellaiuyur dw 4.72 4.15 8.55 7.75
District Aquifer_Ty Site_Id Site_Name May_2016 Aug_2016 Nov_2016 Jan_2017
Villupuram Unconfined W120215079334501 Vikravandi 3.27 3.42 4.62 4.44
Virudhunagar Semi-Confined W092150077411001 Alangulam 5.00 6.28 6.78 6.72
Virudhunagar Semi-Confined W094010078063001 Kariyapatti1 10.67 13.46 16.00 18.52
Virudhunagar Semi-Confined W093330077573001 Sevalpatti 6.89 8.44 9.30 8.40
Virudhunagar Semi-Confined W093630077400001 Sundarapandiyan 10.14 12.18 12.10 15.30
Virudhunagar Semi-Confined W092000077460004 Vembakkottai-OW 4.80 6.79 5.21 5.15
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093045078054502 Aruppukottai-w 5.34 5.93 6.10 6.89
Virudhunagar Unconfined W094420078060301 Aviyur dw 6.16 6.66 7.26 8.16
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093042077271501 Ayyanarkoil dw 7.42 9.71 8.10 7.58
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092300077333001 Choolapuram 5.46 7.40 7.10 7.96
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092300077275601 Devadanam1 7.05 9.23 11.50 13.55
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093751077490001 Erichanatham dw 5.09 11.05 8.40 13.55
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092750078095401 Kalloorani dw 8.83 9.15 8.90 8.97
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092955077420001 Mullikulam 8.49 9.85 10.95 13.00
Virudhunagar Unconfined W091930078003001 Nenmeni1 7.01 7.18 8.61 7.05
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093400078043001 Palavanatham 6.18 5.50 5.40 5.70
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093315078003001 Palavanattam 4.98 6.62 5.50 7.20
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092745077323001 Rajapalayam1 3.97 7.30 12.67 7.53
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092700077473001 Sivakasi2 3.50 3.33 4.07 3.77
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093000077380001 Srivilliputhur1 9.07 9.66 10.05 9.91
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093040078115001 Tamilpadi 7.95 9.85 7.96 9.85
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093039077451801 Vadapatti 7.66 8.82 9.90 9.88
Virudhunagar Unconfined W092501077450201 Vilampatti 4.25 7.07 7.20 5.79
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093500077571501 Virudunagar 2.61 2.72 3.15 2.90
Virudhunagar Unconfined W093749077383001 Watrap 12.00 12.85 12.85 13.43

Annexure - II
District wise chemical analysis data of Groundwater samples collected during May 2016

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
1 Alwarpet Chennai 01/06/2016 7.6 1310 250 56 27 276 4 0 421 284 96 3 0.25
2 Aminjikarai Chennai 31/05/2016 7.4 935 360 60 51 46 7 0 214 128 96 16 0.15
3 Besant Nagar Chennai 01/06/2016 7.5 600 200 44 22 35 1 0 128 106 19 2 0.22
4 Chepauk Chennai 01/06/2016 7.6 2380 620 112 83 265 11 0 372 390 336 10 0.24
5 Egmore Chennai 02/06/2016 7.6 1026 210 44 24 115 5 0 214 106 62 90 0.26
6 K.K.Nagar Chennai 31/05/2016 7.4 780 240 80 10 60 5 0 244 71 72 4 0.18
7 T.Nagar Chennai 02/06/2016 7.4 1640 210 76 5 230 29 0 433 248 34 18 0.3
8 Tirumangalam Chennai 31/05/2016 7.6 590 200 40 24 23 1 0 153 60 34 7 0.27
9 Tiruvottiyur Chennai 01/06/2016 7.5 3010 820 100 139 368 21 0 342 553 528 21 0.28
10 Tondiarpet Chennai 01/06/2016 7.5 1090 250 60 24 104 19 0 275 142 60 31 0.23
11 Vallalarnagar Chennai 01/06/2016 7.6 1380 340 76 36 138 6 0 299 156 160 20 0.26
12 Vepery Chennai 01/06/2016 7.7 1160 300 52 41 115 22 0 305 202 34 10 0.15
13 Vyasarpadi Chennai 01/06/2016 7.8 1910 400 40 73 161 8 0 244 369 50 2 0.24
14 Ambarampalayam Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.77 605 270 48 36 18 17 0 238 67 4 15 0.38
15 Annur Coimbatore 10/06/2016 7.27 200 120 28 12 2 6 0 67 39 11 5 0.36
16 Avinashi Coimbatore 10/06/2016 7.26 281 170 20 29 18 4 0 104 57 8 30 0.34
17 B.K.Pudur Coimbatore 11/06/2016 7.26 3180 800 120 122 153 4 0 232 533 113 135 0.64
18 Chinnaripalayam Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.82 2700 400 64 58 273 5 0 311 320 146 90 1.58
19 Gopalapuaram Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.83 1559 430 56 71 78 4 0 305 195 21 45 0.35
20 Kaaranampettai Coimbatore 13/06/2016 7.69 930 320 64 39 37 20 0 305 114 11 55 0.54
21 Kaniyur Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.4 1175 450 60 73 27 41 0 232 149 67 55 0.58

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
22 Karamadai Coimbatore 11/06/2016 7.81 2130 420 32 83 136 59 0 451 284 46 10 1.58
23 Komaralingam Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.6 335 150 36 15 5 5 0 128 36 5 5 0.27
24 Naachipalayam Coimbatore 08/06/2016 7.4 5120 1240 128 224 371 20 0 305 994 165 125 1.28
25 P.N.palayam Coimbatore 11/06/2016 7.81 2630 540 48 102 200 35 0 390 320 91 110 0.28
26 Periyapatti Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.44 5920 2400 480 292 67 5 0 153 1633 158 110 0.92
27 Podanur Coimbatore 13/06/2016 7.37 3080 600 80 97 201 31 0 238 540 95 95 0.65
28 Pollachi Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.84 1500 400 36 75 69 6 0 360 110 33 50 1.64
29 Ponnaiyur Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.86 1196 350 48 56 64 2 0 214 149 27 60 0.45
30 Saravanampatti Coimbatore 10/06/2016 7.34 4090 1200 160 195 310 20 0 226 817 434 100 0.54
31 Sulur Coimbatore 13/06/2016 7.73 2770 700 80 122 224 5 0 159 692 56 110 0.28
32 Udumalpet Coimbatore 14/06/2016 7.67 1124 220 20 41 59 55 0 256 107 27 20 0.74
33 Vadavalli Coimbatore 11/06/2016 7.62 2860 500 80 73 283 11 0 342 426 82 115 1.62
34 Abaddaranapuram DW Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.1 1054 220 64 15 141 21 0 110 188 150 20 0.23
35 Anthanampettai DW Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.48 865 180 34 23 116 8 0 195 89 137 6 0.27
36 Chidambaram Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.79 3550 470 56 80 580 56 0 744 518 390 10 0.2
37 Cuddalore Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.31 3180 580 120 68 420 28 0 476 476 455 52 0.36
38 Karunguli dw Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.14 1304 210 50 21 203 7 0 232 185 177 22 0.35
39 Kattumannarkoil new Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.69 1035 215 50 22 110 18 0 201 135 127 12 0.45
40 Keelpuvanikuppam Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.59 2390 390 60 58 350 25 0 500 334 240 46 0.21
41 Killai Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.58 1787 375 70 49 220 28 0 403 231 210 14 0.23
42 Kopuvanur Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.65 2270 215 26 36 423 14 0 494 252 324 46 2.05
43 Kundiamallur DW Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.54 2400 460 60 75 340 4 0 354 241 541 8 0.32
44 Kurinjipadi Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.56 3310 390 120 22 582 8 0 354 639 440 8 0.52

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
45 Maapodaiyur DW Cuddalore 26/05/2016 7.1 2190 440 108 41 155 2 0 275 277 58 180 0.76
46 Nadutitu DW Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.54 715 120 30 11 90 13 0 201 82 55 10 0.27
47 Nangudi Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.51 4800 800 96 136 690 45 0 439 959 620 4 0.52
48 Neyveli Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.36 1160 265 82 15 145 16 0 128 114 298 6 2.04
49 Periyakumudhi Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.41 635 200 52 17 65 10 0 153 59 130 8 0.42
50 Porto-nova Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.51 1410 325 84 28 165 14 0 415 156 128 2 0.33
51 Sattamangalam Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.56 848 160 48 10 121 29 0 177 103 118 14 0.31
52 Seerakuppam dw Cuddalore 02.06.2016 6.94 966 215 60 16 123 6 0 92 114 209 38 0.65
53 Solatharam Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.4 1157 265 64 26 144 13 0 195 167 168 10 0.36
54 Tekkumellur DW Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.28 537 135 36 11 61 50 0 140 50 77 4 0.22
55 Tiruchchopuram DW Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.32 358 80 20 7 55 11 0 85 36 75 5 0.18
56 Vadalur Cuddalore 02.06.2016 7.05 787 205 56 16 87 8 0 79 117 143 18 0.18
57 Veeranatham Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.9 2400 350 36 63 380 27 0 427 298 390 4 0.18
58 Vridhachalam Cuddalore 01.06.2016 7.3 656 185 44 18 66 31 0 85 92 121 2 0.32
59 Anusonai Dharmapuri 16/06/2016 7.83 1240 265 46 36 170 12 0 116 92 350 20 0.74
60 Bommidimalapurm Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.45 1304 330 66 40 148 20 0 317 117 179 50 0.25
61 Denkanikottai1 Dharmapuri 17/06/2016 7.51 2890 420 136 19 420 5 0 140 483 560 60 1.01
62 Dharmapuri1 Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.69 10560 1075 90 207 1934 9 0 604 2158 1641 44 0.64
63 Echampadi Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.23 2790 720 140 90 311 15 0 220 447 521 52 1.12
64 Harur1 Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.39 4090 860 60 173 545 4 0 476 731 563 48 2.04
65 Hogenakkal Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.68 2030 360 36 66 301 4 0 366 273 304 16 1.02
66 Indoor Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.56 4170 985 44 213 506 23 0 348 564 926 50 0.54
67 Irumattur Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.32 2910 1130 60 238 150 9 0 586 1058 530 46 2.2

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
68 Karthankulam DW Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.4 1266 350 60 49 130 5 0 226 142 201 48 0.32
69 Karukkanchavadi Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.31 1584 240 40 34 254 5 0 305 256 159 20 0.52
70 Kawthalam Dharmapuri 17/06/2016 7.77 1501 275 62 29 220 11 0 262 160 280 10 1.48
71 Kottapatti DW Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.51 1299 355 46 58 135 5 0 445 128 71 38 0.32
72 Mattur Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.61 1924 285 30 51 311 9 0 439 305 164 2 0.41
73 Morappur1 Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.61 3370 850 68 165 384 5 0 622 540 353 58 0.78
74 Mukkareddypattur Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.54 1330 265 46 36 184 10 0 305 178 132 34 0.42
75 Mullaivanam Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.54 1298 365 48 60 131 7 0 409 96 169 4 0.35
76 Nagadasampatti Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.3 2870 850 140 122 269 7 0 293 426 532 50 0.98
77 Nallampalli Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.49 550 150 32 17 58 8 0 171 75 15 18 0.64
78 Odasalapatti Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.57 2870 730 68 136 324 4 0 549 426 309 78 0.65
79 Odasalapatti X Road Dharmapuri 03.06.2016 7.1 2910 670 152 71 361 9 0 281 355 629 86 0.54
80 Papireddipatti1 Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.2 2686 450 96 51 411 23 0 232 376 562 46 0.32
81 Papparapatti Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.38 1843 550 112 66 171 12 0 171 202 443 44 1.54
82 Pennagaram1 Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.53 1712 485 92 62 171 5 0 336 178 265 68 1.23
83 Sillarahalli Dharmapuri 04.06.2016 7.61 3010 340 40 58 536 10 0 573 213 648 74 0.65
84 Thambichettipatti dw Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.66 2130 655 56 125 189 23 0 592 234 204 46 0.95
85 Theerthamalai Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.57 3340 780 160 92 409 30 0 342 376 754 92 0.62
86 Thoppur Dharmapuri 02.06.2016 7.71 2540 540 48 102 336 14 0 659 220 361 54 0.54
87 Chattrapatti Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.47 1779 645 116 86 89 18 0 403 287 104 120 0.55
88 Chellamanthadi Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.45 1623 500 108 56 63 91 0 220 320 66 70 0.56
89 Dindigul2 Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.36 2740 555 118 63 298 46 0 671 501 103 15 1.16
90 Eriyodu1 Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.71 1146 295 40 47 125 1 0 494 110 46 3 0.25

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
91 Gandhigram Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.64 1870 495 100 60 171 27 0 428 301 99 120 0.62
92 Guzilamparai Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.6 1399 335 60 45 147 15 0 378 195 83 70 1.25
93 Hanumanthanagar Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.77 2665 500 122 47 319 44 0 738 432 132 15 1.55
94 Idayapatti Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.56 1170 300 70 30 90 35 0 348 177 64 55 1.45
95 Kakkinapatti Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.58 1150 375 70 49 59 66 0 390 145 54 75 0.55
96 Kanakkanpatti Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.63 3950 1035 170 148 370 75 0 512 624 704 75 0.68
97 Kodaikanal Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.44 332 150 10 30 12 4 0 124 32 3 55 0.62
98 Muthampattipalayam Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.53 2300 455 150 19 257 36 0 360 447 128 110 0.65
99 Nandavanampatti Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.66 2480 560 86 84 268 12 0 586 479 58 2 0.98
100 Natham1 Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.37 2970 815 50 168 284 2 0 610 606 79 70 0.82
101 Oodanchatram Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.49 4850 1390 208 212 396 1 0 397 1117 468 105 1.2
102 P.Alagapuri Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.49 934 230 40 32 121 17 0 329 160 52 5 1.36
103 Palakanthu Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.43 2010 480 64 78 217 2 0 458 298 112 95 0.98
104 Palani2 Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.73 1386 510 42 98 94 0 0 592 174 32 2 0.78
105 Paraipatti Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.6 2960 620 132 71 291 79 0 555 479 136 140 0.86
106 Perumal Malai Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.36 579 160 36 17 32 48 0 98 89 14 75 0.64
107 Pudu Ettama Nayakar Patti Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.69 1484 495 88 67 84 13 0 449 138 87 110 0.84
108 Reddiarchattram Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.7 1218 435 96 47 78 1 0 421 138 52 70 1.35
109 Sundarapuri Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.36 2550 580 128 63 242 19 0 409 519 38 70 1.25
110 Thamaraipadi Dindigul 03/06/2016 7.5 2560 570 160 41 255 21 0 275 550 118 110 1.65
111 Thoppampatti Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.6 2250 560 120 63 155 0 0 348 340 90 140 0.73
112 Thumbalapatti Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.73 1295 530 90 74 83 0 0 476 145 41 105 0.72
113 Uthu Dindigul 06/06/2016 7.89 220 145 12 28 12 2 0 161 28 9 5 0.86

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
114 Vadamadurai Dindigul 03/06/2016 7.1 1747 520 160 29 132 12 0 293 344 91 85 0.98
115 Vaivespuram Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.36 2230 635 140 69 172 23 0 305 440 150 95 1.25
116 Vedasandur new Dindigul 04/06/2016 7.48 3350 895 154 124 358 1 0 580 844 100 55 0.58
117 alangayam Erode 27/09/2016 7.6 1081 320 50 47 97 5 0 372 71 96 20 0.96
118 Ammapet2 Erode 18/06/2016 7.28 1753 360 48 58 239 2 0 610 149 178 2 0.96
119 Arakankottai Erode 28/09/2016 7.83 1085 365 24 74 74 8 0 366 106 53 30 1.2
120 Archalur Erode 20/06/2016 7.7 1030 300 84 22 83 16 0 122 163 139 18 0.73
121 Attani Erode 19/06/2016 7.69 1750 540 112 63 152 7 0 452 206 192 40 0.96
122 Bangalapudhur Erode 19/06/2016 7.67 1820 500 112 53 184 3 0 403 255 192 27 1
123 Bhavani1 Erode 18/06/2016 7.7 1073 300 40 49 76 59 0 183 135 178 16 0.98
124 Chennimalai2 Erode 20/06/2016 7.8 2010 330 60 44 267 103 0 421 184 384 37 0.89
125 Chittodu Erode 18/06/2016 7.5 2240 470 160 17 276 54 0 427 248 384 38 0.89
126 Dharapuram2 Erode 21/06/2016 7.8 3750 1050 80 207 276 214 0 1379 553 24 5 0.98
127 Elmattur Erode 21/06/2016 7.51 1610 400 76 51 161 34 0 305 355 48 7 1.2
128 Erode2 Erode 21/06/2016 7.5 1560 430 92 49 159 8 0 427 177 173 9 0.87
129 ganapathipalayam Erode 27/09/2016 7.51 815 300 80 24 46 4 0 323 71 24 20 0.96
130 Gobichettipalayam1 Erode 18/06/2016 7.4 1360 400 72 53 124 5 0 500 121 82 15 1.3
131 Guvuar dw Erode 18/06/2016 7.57 1750 720 152 83 67 4 0 348 291 125 70 1.4
132 Indiampalayam Erode 19/06/2016 7.81 1480 350 68 44 175 12 0 445 177 96 35 1.2
133 Ingur Erode 20/06/2016 7.79 3680 620 104 87 529 51 0 879 638 158 59 0.88
134 Kangayam2 Erode 20/06/2016 7.7 2390 400 108 32 357 12 0 275 319 446 53 0.88
135 Kasipalayam Erode 18/06/2016 7.77 737 200 60 12 69 2 0 256 71 24 19 0.76
136 Kavundapadi1 Erode 18/06/2016 7.73 2900 700 116 100 334 85 0 525 199 720 91 0.88

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
137 Kolappalur1 Erode 18/06/2016 7.6 2710 490 120 46 398 25 0 629 376 336 2 1.4
138 Kolathupalayam Erode 21/06/2016 7.57 2300 550 108 68 276 13 0 574 461 48 5 0.85
139 Krishnapuram Erode 18/06/2016 7.5 2320 500 100 61 317 3 0 336 113 720 19 0.89
140 Kunnathur1 Erode 20/06/2016 7.69 1220 460 60 75 69 7 0 342 177 62 25 0.66
141 kurichi Erode 28/09/2016 7.64 650 250 70 18 31 5 0 281 46 24 10 0.63
142 molengkuttai palayam Erode 27/09/2016 7.6 5000 1200 40 267 598 50 0 439 1276 288 110 0.88
143 Mulanur2 Erode 21/06/2016 7.3 3440 720 160 78 460 9 0 305 362 864 79 1.6
144 murlipudur Erode 28/09/2016 7.55 2400 1000 120 170 104 12 0 421 475 192 40 0.41
145 Muttur1 Erode 21/06/2016 7.83 3040 580 80 92 414 20 0 391 411 547 38 0.55
146 Nalluroad junction Erode 21/06/2016 7.88 1160 660 120 237 115 23 0 305 567 470 20 1
147 Nasiyanur Erode 18/06/2016 7.65 970 280 60 32 92 5 0 244 156 48 21 1.5
148 Ooricheri Erode 28/09/2016 7.5 2620 1050 72 211 129 13 0 549 479 144 100 0.32
149 ottu villangadu Erode 27/09/2016 7.47 1731 600 40 122 112 9 0 415 248 110 74 0.98
150 Papayampudur Erode 21/06/2016 7.57 4430 1200 216 160 478 13 0 153 993 672 14 1.3
151 pattaidurai Erode 27/09/2016 7.3 5230 1580 20 372 426 110 0 311 1546 158 20 0.54
152 Perundurai1 Erode 20/06/2016 7.6 1685 480 128 39 156 18 0 482 227 120 6 1.3
153 ponmudi Erode 27/09/2016 7.44 2570 770 70 145 230 12 0 348 574 120 62 0.86
154 Pudupalayam1 Erode 18/06/2016 7.6 3490 1000 144 156 336 5 0 427 369 792 58 1.2
155 puduvadavallli Erode 28/09/2016 7.62 1345 450 32 90 101 5 0 403 167 58 62 1.5
156 punjayduriampalayam Erode 28/09/2016 7.65 1666 485 22 105 154 8 0 488 213 29 110 1.4
157 punjurpuliyampatti Erode 27/09/2016 7.45 1260 380 40 68 113 1 0 427 106 58 93 0.52
158 Punnachipudur dw Erode 18/06/2016 7.48 5050 1160 228 143 644 4 0 207 723 1277 59 1.2
159 punnam Erode 28/09/2016 7.9 645 200 12 41 55 7 0 122 67 120 5 0.22

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
160 Sathiyamangalam Erode 19/06/2016 7.73 1985 400 72 53 271 6 0 458 57 490 29 1.3
161 Talavadi new Erode 19/06/2016 7.87 1260 250 48 32 179 1 0 366 206 24 35 1.4
162 Unjalur Erode 21/06/2016 7.6 1482 500 128 44 92 35 0 500 170 86 7 1.6
163 Uthiyur Erode 20/06/2016 7.42 2610 820 80 151 230 23 0 793 362 120 76 0.99
164 vadakku thaierpayalam Erode 28/09/2016 7.56 749 250 20 49 51 12 0 305 71 24 20 0.62
165 varadanallur Erode 28/09/2016 7.6 773 275 20 55 41 13 0 305 71 29 10 0.96
166 Vellakoil Erode 21/06/2016 7.76 1583 350 44 58 184 14 0 342 248 96 34 1
167 vellitirupur Erode 28/09/2016 7.77 1467 410 30 81 143 8 0 488 163 48 80 1.2
168 velliyampalayam Erode 27/09/2016 7.71 430 150 24 22 30 2 0 153 35 24 2 0.82
169 Vellodu Erode 20/06/2016 7.67 1691 450 120 36 168 23 0 354 220 216 22 0.75
170 Vijayamangalam1 Erode 20/06/2016 7.65 3430 680 192 49 460 89 0 354 610 600 20 0.99
171 Agaram Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.4 1240 350 96 27 127 4 0 201 191 144 24 0.2
172 Akkarai Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.7 490 150 40 12 35 4 0 61 53 58 50 0.24
173 Anakaputhur Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.5 1130 280 100 7 127 8 0 232 142 144 20 0.24
174 Chemmancheri Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.6 1490 180 40 19 253 9 0 92 248 288 17 0.24
175 Chitlapakkam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.6 650 210 48 22 50 2 0 140 85 62 24 0.28
176 Chrompet Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.4 2490 530 0 129 322 8 0 366 376 384 8 0.22
177 Girugambakkam Kancheepuram 31/05/2016 7.4 2180 380 140 7 322 7 0 366 425 144 39 0.19
178 Hastinapuram Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.3 1670 410 92 44 196 1 0 433 241 130 11 0.18
179 Kilkattalai Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.5 2190 470 100 53 283 2 0 384 496 77 10 0.21
180 Kolapakkam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.3 2410 520 104 63 322 3 0 299 340 394 100 0.15
181 Kundrathur Kancheepuram 31/05/2016 7.4 1740 300 100 12 230 35 0 397 238 170 7 0.16
182 Madambakkam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.2 2650 600 120 73 322 2 0 494 383 336 10 0.19

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
183 Mahabalipuram Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.6 215 75 20 6 14 1 0 31 35 29 1 0.23
184 Mangadu Kancheepuram 31/05/2016 7.6 2390 700 120 97 235 8 0 397 372 317 37 0.15
185 Manimangalam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.4 1375 230 60 19 207 4 0 366 142 144 25 0.16
186 Meenambakkam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.5 1035 280 100 7 115 2 0 262 106 144 17 0.25
187 Mudichur Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.3 2330 820 100 139 184 6 0 366 581 96 30 0.16
188 Muthukadu Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.4 920 280 44 41 81 2 0 122 177 101 4 0.26
189 Nagalkani Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.5 2550 490 88 66 391 4 0 378 496 312 4 0.22
190 Nandambakkam Kancheepuram 31/05/2016 7.5 1470 350 100 24 161 22 0 287 191 150 100 0.19
191 Pallavaram Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.3 2660 580 200 19 345 1 0 299 461 408 3 0.22
192 Ponmar Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.56 820 230 88 2 92 2 0 171 71 173 10 0.22
193 Porur Kancheepuram 31/05/2016 7.6 1590 260 100 2 207 17 0 543 128 82 28 0.22
194 Rajakilpakkam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.4 1650 500 64 83 154 1 0 366 319 86 5 0.2
195 Sadras Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.1 915 370 108 24 35 10 0 366 71 48 5 0.24
196 Sembakkam Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.5 1541 480 88 63 138 1 0 439 184 144 16 0.21
197 Shollinganallore Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.3 2280 660 100 100 207 26 0 256 638 24 30 0.24
198 St.Thomas Mount Kancheepuram 31/05/2016 7.3 2650 920 144 136 271 2 0 317 709 190 90 0.19
199 Tambaram Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.6 1070 270 80 17 117 2 0 250 113 139 10 0.25
200 Tiruneermalai Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.5 1510 370 100 29 173 5 0 293 177 220 60 0.2
201 Tiruporur Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.4 1770 460 92 56 200 6 0 323 284 190 50 0.19
202 Uthandi Kancheepuram 28/05/2016 7.5 470 150 40 12 37 3 0 171 53 24 5 0.26
203 Vandalur Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.6 1370 320 44 51 161 20 0 403 184 80 10 0.15
204 Vengaivasal Kancheepuram 30/05/2016 7.2 2480 620 104 87 283 1 0 384 369 365 20 0.21
205 Achirapakkam Kanchipuram 22/05/2016 7.25 1050 450 68 68 32 5 0 305 145 53 12 0.88

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
206 Chengalpattu Kanchipuram 21/05/2016 7 1261 400 80 49 104 6 0 268 223 62 35 1.2
207 Chunambedu Kanchipuram 21/05/2016 7.14 587 200 64 10 39 5 0 244 50 11 12 0.44
208 Guduvanchery Kanchipuram 21/05/2016 6.7 1275 400 104 34 106 4 0 305 188 10 137 1.3
209 Kanchipuram Kanchipuram 24/05/2016 7.47 5600 1120 160 175 736 107 0 744 355 1560 161 0.72
210 Kolathanallur Kanchipuram 21/05/2016 7.2 758 210 80 2 74 5 0 244 106 14 2 0.54
211 Maduranthagam Kanchipuram 21/05/2016 7 1227 370 128 12 108 5 0 391 142 48 52 0.92
212 Sriperumbur Kanchipuram 24/05/2016 7.2 3630 1060 256 102 359 2 0 494 780 302 31 1.5
213 Uthiramerur Kanchipuram 24/05/2016 7.13 3800 1120 280 102 414 4 0 476 549 811 25 0.66
214 Walajabad Kanchipuram 24/05/2016 7.53 1340 420 68 61 115 4 0 305 234 96 6 1.6
215 Aralvaimozhi Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.7 1920 460 100 51 221 20 0 488 319 82 60 2
216 Attur Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.94 245 100 20 12 7 8 0 67 35 14 10 0.6
217 Boothapandy Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.8 1080 220 24 39 142 5 0 366 121 48 10 0.55
218 Chettiarmadam DW Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.93 250 100 10 18 12 2 0 73 35 14 10 0.36
219 Kanyakumari1 Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.5 1460 300 60 36 193 8 0 305 241 101 50 0.92
220 Kattudurai DW Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.7 1020 200 32 29 138 12 0 31 248 110 25 0.45
221 Kolachal Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.8 140 65 24 1 2 4 0 18 28 10 20 0.42
222 Kulasekharan DW Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.6 780 260 40 39 58 4 0 104 177 24 31 0.72
223 Nagarkoil1 Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.5 1827 450 108 44 207 12 0 366 333 77 80 0.86
224 Takkalai Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.73 1020 380 64 53 51 16 0 79 177 139 60 0.62
225 Variyoor Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.9 910 180 32 24 120 11 0 305 106 34 20 2
226 Villukuri Kanyakumari 23/05/2016 7.4 370 125 28 13 18 16 0 92 43 24 40 0.6
227 Kilakasakudi Karaikai 29/05/2016 7.14 1013 370 88 36 62 5 0 342 142 26 5 1.1
228 Kollidam R.s Karaikai 29/05/2016 7 596 180 56 10 51 8 0 207 71 24 3 0.35

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
229 Kottucherry Karaikai 29/05/2016 7.15 570 200 72 5 37 4 0 183 82 10 12 1.5
230 Pombhuhar Karaikai 29/05/2016 7.18 285 100 28 7 18 2 0 79 43 14 3 0.98
231 Thirukadiyur Karaikai 29/05/2016 7.47 333 140 24 19 46 3 0 122 35 8 6 1.3
232 Tranquebar Karaikai 29/05/2016 7.24 1547 240 72 15 237 11 0 342 305 14 55 1.2
233 Allur-Agragaram Karur 07/06/2016 6.7 970 150 40 12 77 62 0 244 131 27 15 1.34
234 Aravakurichi Karur 07/06/2016 7.35 1522 250 48 32 137 15 0 244 192 50 40 0.74
235 Chinna Dharapuram Karur 07/06/2016 7.45 2540 600 40 122 185 76 0 372 373 95 95 1.36
236 Enuguru DW Karur 07/06/2016 7.7 4000 840 112 136 353 25 0 580 763 27 45 1.05
237 Jagatabi Karur 07/06/2016 7.69 1056 280 40 44 81 0 0 287 146 30 5 1.45
238 K.Paramatti Karur 08/06/2016 7.67 1650 250 40 36 140 43 0 378 178 58 25 1.24
239 Karur Karur 08/06/2016 7.68 2800 460 64 73 190 128 0 354 327 224 85 1.24
240 Mayanur Karur 07/06/2016 7.51 2180 350 52 54 175 37 0 378 302 46 5 0.76
241 Melnagavaram dw Karur 07/06/2016 7.41 1968 440 36 85 177 17 0 482 284 49 5 1.12
242 Noyyil Karur 08/06/2016 7.48 6920 880 112 146 950 0 0 409 1477 383 10 1.38
243 Thogamalai Karur 07/06/2016 7.73 4780 760 96 126 397 83 0 409 923 245 15 0.78
244 Tiruparaithurai dw Karur 07/06/2016 7.2 772 240 32 39 62 17 0 378 46 2 5 1.28
245 Veerapalayam dw Karur 07/06/2016 7.66 1300 230 40 32 73 11 0 268 121 17 35 1.56
246 Konnanur Krishnagiri 03.06.2016 7.5 1279 245 60 23 181 5 0 348 121 151 34 0.36
247 Machikanakottai-New Krishnagiri 08/09/2016 7.62 6420 1040 160 156 1012 2 0 244 1418 984 19 0.99
248 Machinayanapalli-New Krishnagiri 08/09/2016 7.6 1765 550 120 61 152 1 0 366 135 350 32 1.3
249 Nagathunai-New Krishnagiri 08/09/2016 7.6 1291 340 28 66 136 3 0 445 113 86 37 1.8
250 Panneswaramadam-New Krishnagiri 08/09/2016 7.76 4020 680 120 92 598 55 0 439 886 408 12 1.2
251 Tattarahalli-New Krishnagiri 08/09/2016 7.95 2990 440 72 63 336 250 0 580 383 432 43 1.8

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
252 Thally-New Krishnagiri 08/09/2016 7.78 1060 300 80 24 104 1 0 366 92 96 12 1
253 Uthangarai-New Krishnagiri 07/09/2016 7.74 2250 740 116 109 184 8 0 391 248 456 7 1.9
254 vanambli-New Krishnagiri 07/09/2016 7.77 1765 390 32 75 221 12 0 311 234 288 14 1.6
255 Mahadevagollahalli Krisnagiri 02.06.2016 7.47 1601 355 62 49 205 16 0 372 195 201 14 1.32
256 Alanganallur dw Madurai 13/06/2016 7.38 1086 320 58 43 127 12 0 293 145 46 85 0.86
257 Avaniyapuram Madurai 12/06/2016 7.44 2110 595 76 98 282 40 0 347 544 184 20 0.58
258 Chekkanoorani Madurai 11/06/2016 7.3 1098 440 102 45 68 2 0 225 199 62 95 1.35
259 Eliyarpathi Madurai 12/06/2016 7.41 1780 615 118 78 169 20 0 299 447 14 75 0.65
260 Kadavoor Madurai 13/06/2016 7.77 1039 420 80 54 24 18 0 441 89 36 15 0.92
261 Kappalur Madurai 12/06/2016 7.44 1775 605 84 96 94 2 0 275 379 90 12 1.25
262 Kolluveerampatti Madurai 12/06/2016 7.59 1729 315 36 55 240 1 0 480 213 142 45 0.79
263 M.K.University Madurai 11/06/2016 7.51 1073 515 82 75 39 3 0 316 145 120 55 0.58
264 M.Puliyankulam Madurai 14/06/2016 8 1035 335 52 50 53 28 0 409 89 24 25 0.75
265 Madurai City Madurai 13/06/2016 7.57 1750 400 134 16 230 29 0 689 195 70 65 0.85
266 Madurai Rly Colony Madurai 12/06/2016 7.3 1463 460 62 74 98 3 0 390 182 60 80 0.97
267 Madurai south Madurai 14/06/2016 7.46 5000 310 60 39 931 1 0 676 993 372 10 1.3
268 Meenambalpuram Madurai 13/06/2016 7.97 2710 635 74 109 322 2 0 763 479 30 3 0.85
269 Melamadai Madurai 14/06/2016 7.52 2219 465 48 84 319 2 0 412 468 94 10 0.82
270 Meluru new Madurai 13/06/2016 7.84 500 180 40 19 33 2 0 225 46 1 2 0.66
271 Thirumangalam new Madurai 12/06/2016 7.16 4280 985 128 162 364 3 0 549 869 102 135 1.35
272 Thirumogur Madurai 13/06/2016 7.9 1192 350 70 43 76 38 0 425 124 78 5 0.86
273 Thirupallai Madurai 13/06/2016 7.59 1790 380 42 67 198 1 0 615 163 40 5 0.74
274 Usilampatti new Madurai 13/06/2016 7.74 2280 775 178 80 123 86 0 560 280 250 3 0.96

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
275 V.Andippatti Madurai 11/06/2016 7.52 647 250 60 25 45 2 0 305 43 18 5 1.12
276 Vadipatti dw Madurai 11/06/2016 7.56 553 255 58 27 21 2 0 213 64 22 3 1.28
277 Valayankulam Madurai 11/06/2016 7.79 1190 300 40 49 160 1 0 458 152 32 2 1.55
278 Akkaripettai Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.49 1172 300 44 46 115 30 0 262 206 58 23 1.3
279 karaikal Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.38 1382 370 64 51 136 20 0 366 191 48 81 1.1
280 keevelur Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.36 1825 350 68 44 246 20 0 433 284 86 78 1.5
281 nagapattinam Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.31 1900 400 64 58 230 38 0 494 287 120 16 0.52
282 nagoor Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.4 1493 450 52 78 133 4 0 427 248 14 35 1.5
283 nedungadu Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.55 1145 230 56 22 156 3 0 305 199 28 19 1.4
284 Thalaignayiru-New Nagapattinam 24/08/2017 7.25 4490 700 152 78 147 12 0 384 957 566 4 0.55
285 Thethakudi-New Nagapattinam 24/08/2017 7.54 902 290 40 46 87 5 0 336 106 38 3 0.62
286 thirunallar Nagapattinam 29/05/2016 7.9 72 30 6 4 2 2 0 24 7 7 3 1.2
287 Valagarai-New Nagapattinam 24/08/2017 7.5 2920 650 128 80 152 8 0 409 390 552 7 0.44
288 Mayavaram Nagapattinam 27/05/2016 7.35 3210 700 80 122 414 21 0 732 709 24 2 1.4
289 Annai sathyanagar Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.54 2040 700 176 63 150 1 0 305 220 432 45 0.63
290 Chittalandur dw Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.78 3840 620 160 53 444 259 0 433 447 859 45 0.88
291 Elachipalayam new Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.85 6420 1050 92 199 989 13 0 427 1241 1037 45 1.6
292 Eswaramoorthypalayam Namakkal 23/06/2016 7.6 2190 560 80 87 253 7 0 342 319 384 13 1.1
293 Gurusamipalayam Namakkal 22/06/2016 6.9 6640 1430 136 265 874 5 0 201 1375 1152 34 1.8
294 Irumbapalam Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.74 2470 480 60 80 345 15 0 427 298 451 20 1.6
295 Kalinayakkanur Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.91 3550 600 68 105 529 29 0 836 397 475 61 1.7
296 Kalipatti Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.14 1317 410 96 41 113 4 0 31 291 202 13 0.89
297 Kamarajar Nagar Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.64 1490 440 112 39 138 1 0 299 213 163 34 1.1

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
298 Metala Namakkal 23/06/2016 7.73 1865 680 68 124 115 1 0 561 248 96 30 1.6
299 Mohanur1 Namakkal 23/06/2016 7.51 2850 450 72 66 437 15 0 561 355 384 61 1.3
300 Nallur1 Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.7 3000 710 100 112 345 50 0 305 440 576 53 1.2
301 Namagiripet Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.68 1330 360 72 44 138 2 0 415 163 72 48 0.63
302 Namakkal2 Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.79 1435 300 52 41 166 43 0 323 184 120 74 1.2
303 Palapati Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.5 1745 420 52 70 184 40 0 580 177 120 34 1
304 Paramarthi dw Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.93 4600 1100 120 194 575 34 0 757 574 912 27 1.4
305 Patlur Namakkal 21/06/2016 7.78 1143 320 64 39 104 12 0 336 149 58 20 0.66
306 Pudur Siddhampoondi Namakkal 21/06/2016 7 4340 1560 200 258 269 48 0 427 773 696 43 0.99
307 Sammankadu Elanthankottai Namakkal 17/06/2016 7.81 1470 350 72 41 173 8 0 427 142 144 61 0.88
308 Sanarpalayam Namakkal 17/06/2016 7.65 1245 320 68 36 133 12 0 366 142 96 14 1
309 Tharagadu Mandavathur Namakkal 17/06/2016 7.71 1505 300 60 36 207 15 0 488 191 62 40 1.2
310 Thiruchengodu Namakkal 22/06/2016 5.5 1425 320 88 24 152 41 0 31 355 144 48 1
311 Thondichettipatti Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.4 2700 750 184 70 299 6 0 415 333 528 40 0.93
312 Thoppur Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.26 5140 1050 240 109 713 13 0 183 1205 720 14 0.98
313 Udayarpalayam dw Namakkal 22/06/2016 7.47 1695 640 88 102 92 6 0 476 227 120 16 0.55
314 Uthandipalayam Namakkal 23/05/2016 4.5 4250 1050 216 124 483 12 0 549 674 672 36 1
315 Vaiyappamalai Namakkal 22/06/2016 3.5 3370 700 124 95 449 7 0 31 574 778 34 1
316 Velur Namakkal 23/06/2016 7.21 2000 460 72 68 253 7 0 397 277 278 17 1.8
317 Vennandur Namakkal 23/06/2016 4.5 4260 1200 304 107 414 3 0 732 532 672 68 1
318 Cherambadi Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.43 198 90 28 5 9 2 0 43 43 2 20 0.52
319 Kothagiri Nilgiris 12/06/2016 8.21 187 80 28 2 5 8 0 49 18 5 35 0.24
320 Mullur Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.38 341 130 32 12 16 5 0 122 39 10 25 0.24

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
321 Nadugani Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.26 180 50 16 2 8 20 0 61 18 7 20 0.28
322 Pandalur Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.19 268 90 16 12 13 14 0 61 46 6 25 0.34
323 Pykara Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.55 332 120 48 0 22 8 0 49 64 3 40 0.27
324 Udhagamandalam Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.7 785 200 72 5 48 2 0 104 107 11 105 0.36
325 Wellington Nilgiris 12/06/2016 7.05 282 120 36 7 5 2 0 61 43 2 35 0.22
326 Ammapalayam Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.2 2280 785 144 103 109 3 0 293 202 327 220 1
327 Andimadam DW Perambalur 28/05/2016 7.3 490 250 36 39 16 3 0 122 98 11 30 0.05
328 Chettikulam DW Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.1 2160 345 106 19 291 107 0 421 366 175 190 0.51
329 Essani dw Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.5 1420 445 104 45 78 2 0 281 146 144 80 0.53
330 G.K.Cholapuram Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.7 1547 135 18 22 196 120 0 289 242 72 10 0.94
331 Jayankondam Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.7 4580 260 32 44 645 217 0 415 853 295 210 0.42
332 Kattathur DW Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.6 773 180 36 22 51 18 0 192 82 22 10 0.42
333 Kilarasanur Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.6 5030 960 344 24 480 37 0 293 689 575 200 0.77
334 Kilpazhavur Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.5 1753 395 54 63 147 6 0 238 249 152 10 1.32
335 Kunnam Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.2 4900 830 240 56 605 2 0 595 873 457 150 1.78
336 Kurumbalur Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.6 1296 295 40 47 198 12 0 378 224 96 70 0.83
337 Kuvagam Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.6 240 90 16 12 14 2 0 53 38 14 2 0.19
338 Mangalamedu DW Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.5 1716 575 90 85 125 3 0 360 259 77 190 0.95
339 Nakkaselam Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.5 1964 625 86 100 140 3 0 384 241 167 210 0.8
340 Palaiyur Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.8 2030 435 36 84 162 44 0 567 167 110 90 1.03
341 Pappakudi Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.5 1090 220 68 12 146 11 0 348 170 21 20 0.21
342 Perambalur Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.4 2170 460 50 81 263 1 0 355 380 179 110 1.64
343 Tularangurichchi DW Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.4 1312 265 72 21 151 11 0 425 140 97 2 0.51

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
344 Valikandapuram Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.7 3090 850 32 187 248 21 0 683 312 226 240 1.21
345 Vijayagopalapuram Perambalur 27/05/2016 7.4 2700 695 94 112 190 4 0 470 259 258 120 1.23
346 Kattukuppam Pondicherry 01.06.2016 7.46 478 175 38 19 35 8 0 207 43 10 18 0.37
347 M.N.Kuppam Pondicherry 31.05.2016 7.59 1105 285 70 27 110 12 0 366 107 85 6 0.32
348 Reddichavadi Pondicherry 01.06.2016 7.45 1173 205 32 30 175 17 0 348 110 128 4 0.32
349 Villianur Pondicherry 31.05.2016 7.56 930 210 44 24 117 8 0 250 107 115 2 0.3
350 Adanakottai Pudukkottai 04/06/2016 7.6 152 45 16 1 13 3 0 55 18 5 5 1.1
351 Alangudi Pudukkottai 04/06/2016 7.1 927 240 74 13 92 10 0 183 195 14 12 0.96
352 Annavasal Pudukkottai 29/05/2016 7 427 160 30 21 20 7 0 171 35 14 18 0.63
353 Arantangi Pudukkottai 03/06/2016 7.3 2380 370 76 44 336 69 0 458 454 144 28 0.36
354 Avudaiyarkoil Pudukkottai 02/06/2016 7.2 1673 270 40 41 230 47 0 427 248 77 95 0.98
355 Erachi Pudukkottai 03/06/2016 7.4 752 150 48 7 97 8 0 226 106 24 18 0.52
356 Gandharvakottai Pudukkottai 04/06/2016 7.1 3380 560 136 53 451 108 0 305 723 288 202 0.32
357 Keerannur Pudukkottai 05/06/2016 7.4 3410 350 40 61 515 195 0 714 744 48 74 0.62
358 Kudimianmalai Pudukkottai 29/05/2016 7.2 321 125 36 9 15 6 0 116 43 10 9 0.72
359 Manamelkudi Pudukkottai 03/06/2016 7.6 3260 450 80 61 529 24 0 561 638 144 230 0.21
360 Mandangudi Pudukkottai 05/06/2016 7.1 593 160 32 19 35 54 0 195 85 14 18 0.63
361 Mimisal Pudukkottai 03/06/2016 7.3 28100 3000 800 243 5060 98 0 384 9040 960 128 0.75
362 Nakkudi Pudukkottai 03/06/2016 7.3 2480 480 152 24 343 15 0 488 532 96 7 1.3
363 Pilamangalam Pudukkottai 29/05/2016 7.27 2020 580 96 83 196 13 0 372 355 96 236 1.7
364 Pokkeskarapat Pudukkottai 05/06/2016 7 972 230 48 27 99 35 0 195 156 82 46 0.78
365 Pudukottai Pudukkottai 29/05/2016 7.14 990 295 40 47 91 5 0 366 89 38 74 0.37
366 Sammattividuthi Pudukkottai 04/06/2016 7.2 581 160 30 21 55 6 0 183 71 14 52 0.69

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
367 Thirumayam Pudukkottai 29/05/2016 7.16 2800 450 64 70 442 6 0 488 624 72 110 0.31
368 Valathirakkotai Pudukkottai 04/06/2016 7.4 408 150 28 19 23 2 0 110 60 19 3 0.8
369 Viralimalai Pudukkottai 29/05/2016 7.5 2460 950 40 207 138 6 0 976 220 106 38 1.6
370 Bogalur Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.47 8180 980 88 185 1449 0 0 525 2233 490 51 0.32
371 Devipattanam Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.4 3540 600 136 63 506 39 0 586 759 130 128 0.63
372 Dhanushkodi Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7 5370 1020 280 78 777 1 0 214 1390 480 144 0.91
373 Erwadi Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.3 749 240 44 32 48 19 0 305 57 24 20 0.72
374 Kamudhi Ramanathapuram 30/05/2016 7.2 456 150 36 15 30 9 0 165 50 10 13 0.25
375 Kattumavadi Ramanathapuram 03/06/2016 7.6 2320 560 72 92 276 6 0 458 432 144 59 0.62
376 Kilkkarai Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.4 6070 780 72 146 1058 0 0 793 1390 370 166 0.34
377 Mandapam Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.3 802 270 54 33 53 12 0 317 89 14 18 0.63
378 Nadumanaikadu Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.44 1475 410 36 78 145 9 0 549 142 48 55 0.92
379 Paramakkudi Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.3 1244 360 60 51 95 34 0 354 195 38 28 0.6
380 Parthibanur Ramanathapuram 30/05/2016 7.3 1660 500 24 107 152 5 0 268 291 168 45 0.74
381 Peraiyur Ramanathapuram 30/05/2016 7.1 775 240 36 36 58 12 0 305 71 19 18 0.99
382 Perungulam Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.3 3280 540 100 70 483 37 0 549 780 58 59 0.41
383 R.S.mangalam Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.4 3730 470 72 70 644 7 0 360 879 264 128 0.23
384 Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.4 631 160 22 26 64 9 0 262 46 14 20 1.3
385 Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.27 5660 700 128 92 943 101 0 726 1418 240 83 0.71
386 Rameswaram Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.4 1753 425 30 85 200 16 0 427 255 110 100 0.61
387 Sayalkudi Ramanathapuram 30/05/2016 7.27 3590 430 60 68 639 20 0 592 815 173 46 0.61
388 Sikkal Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.3 865 180 24 29 108 11 0 366 74 19 9 1.2
389 Solandur Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.4 2300 430 68 63 304 47 0 445 475 96 20 0.42

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
390 Thangachimadam Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.2 966 300 48 44 74 16 0 323 82 29 116 0.65
391 Thirupullani Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.5 645 185 38 22 64 0 0 232 74 19 28 0.89
392 Thiruvegampattur Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.3 6550 1060 208 131 966 100 0 928 1436 317 313 0.88
393 Thondi Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.2 4340 500 60 85 759 22 0 384 1042 365 18 1.5
394 Tiruvadanai Ramanathapuram 01/06/2016 7.2 5480 1430 96 289 621 20 0 305 1290 672 55 0.98
395 U.Kosamangai Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.6 402 90 14 13 46 11 0 177 18 29 5 0.21
396 Uchipulli Ramanathapuram 31/05/2016 7.45 650 250 70 18 28 9 0 305 35 24 9 0.32
397 Udaikulam Ramanathapuram 30/05/2016 7.4 863 290 50 40 55 12 0 305 106 29 7 0.46
398 Akkaraikadu Salem 04.06.2016 7.01 10310 2500 600 243 1221 12 0 195 2584 1270 40 1.64
399 Attayampatti Ghss Salem 04.06.2016 7.59 4550 860 80 161 651 8 0 366 682 922 68 0.65
400 Attayampatti S.Puram Salem 04.06.2016 7.57 4740 840 80 156 704 8 0 366 951 690 14 1.2
401 Attur fire st. Salem 04.06.2016 7.62 1137 260 40 39 142 10 0 214 99 206 48 0.45
402 Ayodhyapattinam Salem 04.06.2016 7.7 1232 275 24 52 157 12 0 311 146 148 2 0.81
403 Dhasanaickanpatty Salem 04.06.2016 7.69 1587 265 36 43 243 7 0 342 174 218 52 0.32
404 Elampillai Salem 04.06.2016 7.61 3420 1540 160 277 78 10 0 622 497 446 44 0.82
405 Gangavalli Salem 04.06.2016 7.67 1409 350 36 63 163 12 0 366 114 210 32 0.66
406 Gudamali Salem 04.06.2016 7.44 3250 1000 80 195 288 8 0 439 611 378 14 1.01
407 Idapadi Salem 04.06.2016 7.44 5100 940 48 199 741 38 0 756 923 568 48 1.01
408 Jalakandapuram Salem 03.06.2016 7.83 3150 460 48 83 513 7 0 830 398 271 66 0.66
409 Kadayampatty Salem 03.06.2016 7.59 2250 520 68 85 278 10 0 329 270 408 62 0.42
410 Karipatti Salem 03.06.2016 7.53 2260 630 60 117 230 18 0 403 298 334 40 0.68
411 Karumbapatti Salem 03.06.2016 7.09 1172 200 22 35 178 12 0 470 82 72 14 0.82
412 Kattukottai Salem 03.06.2016 7.4 5210 600 80 97 922 8 0 732 980 585 20 0.82

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
413 Konganapuram Salem 03.06.2016 7.12 1500 350 48 56 184 5 0 433 142 153 44 0.82
414 Mallur Salem 03.06.2016 7.5 3070 600 40 122 430 12 0 634 426 344 70 0.32
415 Mamudi Salem 03.06.2016 7.59 5280 760 168 83 865 5 0 610 994 395 408 0.35
416 Masilapalayam Salem 03.06.2016 7.54 842 210 18 40 97 11 0 281 71 80 10 0.66
417 Mecheri Salem 03.06.2016 7.49 647 175 24 28 68 10 0 226 71 34 4 0.81
418 Muttur Salem 03.06.2016 7.51 894 175 34 22 125 5 0 244 64 149 2 0.93
419 Naikarapatty Salem 03.06.2016 7.21 5910 860 64 170 964 35 0 830 1136 639 12 0.88
420 Nangavalli Salem 03.06.2016 7.79 1286 285 42 44 165 3 0 403 82 189 2 0.61
421 Omalur Salem 04.06.2016 7.62 1241 200 28 32 193 18 0 372 195 16 30 0.84
422 P.Goundanpalyam Salem 04.06.2016 7.62 1461 245 52 28 223 3 0 445 131 138 46 0.46
423 P.N.Palayam Salem 03.06.2016 7.61 2280 450 44 83 317 12 0 415 334 315 2 0.6
424 Palampatti Salem 04.06.2016 7.27 6960 1320 152 229 994 36 0 464 1491 821 180 0.96
425 Panamarathupatti Salem 04.06.2016 7.48 3690 740 40 156 508 32 0 512 525 602 72 0.53
426 Pincheyai Kodu Salem 04.06.2016 7.6 1040 250 40 36 124 12 0 342 89 103 10 2.29
427 Ponnammapet Salem 03.06.2016 7.21 10000 2060 296 321 1352 3 0 195 2343 1433 58 1.42
428 Pulaveri Salem 04.06.2016 7.53 4950 1040 184 141 660 26 0 244 824 1025 58 0.87
429 Puthur Salem 03.06.2016 7.44 2610 610 80 100 320 129 0 329 263 586 68 1.81
430 S.K.Garden Nathimedi Salem 04.06.2016 7.55 4660 780 40 165 713 14 0 878 824 426 8 1.42
431 Salem Salem 04.06.2016 7.69 2060 450 52 78 267 5 0 390 156 425 58 1.01
432 Salem Bankhouse Salem 04.06.2016 7.4 1236 250 54 28 169 2 0 232 107 225 54 1.01
433 Sankari Salem 04.06.2016 7.26 2400 650 120 85 253 7 0 195 405 411 52 0.73
434 Seshanchavadi Salem 04.06.2016 7.57 720 215 30 34 67 3 0 220 92 43 6 0.39
435 Sevantampatti Salem 04.06.2016 7.78 3080 740 80 131 368 2 0 927 483 63 42 1.46

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
436 Sivadapuram Salem 04.06.2016 7.79 4020 700 96 112 603 53 0 586 525 720 50 1.3
437 Sukkamppatti Salem 04.06.2016 7.23 1212 255 42 36 161 53 0 519 75 61 16 1.21
438 Tammampatti Salem 04.06.2016 7.38 1777 370 34 69 239 11 0 354 220 212 84 0.6
439 Thalaivasal Salem 04.06.2016 7.51 3690 1260 208 180 269 17 0 488 1221 32 88 0.7
440 Thandavarayapuram Salem 04.06.2016 7.97 3800 740 112 112 534 38 0 732 525 476 80 1.97
441 Tivettipatti Salem 04.06.2016 7.62 2600 750 100 122 253 17 0 305 525 243 70 1.35
442 Unathur Salem 04.06.2016 7.64 1540 385 58 58 177 17 0 262 170 216 112 0.96
443 Valappadi Salem 04.06.2016 7.82 2980 680 84 114 373 6 0 573 369 423 74 1.82
444 Vedukathampatty Salem 04.06.2016 7.67 2960 420 80 54 488 14 0 488 341 511 84 0.92
445 Veerapandi Salem 03.06.2016 7.75 2000 370 84 39 290 7 0 403 213 301 70 1.29
446 Veraganur Salem 04.06.2016 7.74 6680 1080 96 204 1040 34 0 805 1306 760 60 2.02
447 Annanagar Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.16 1014 380 84 41 51 10 0 299 170 19 10 0.65
448 Attikadu Sivaganga 29/05/2016 7.4 860 85 20 9 150 13 0 220 142 34 19 0.8
449 Chettinadu Sivaganga 02/06/2016 7.4 2200 350 40 61 345 3 0 610 362 58 67 0.64
450 Devakottai Sivaganga 01/06/2016 7.66 478 145 36 13 40 1 0 122 71 19 18 0.21
451 Illayangudi Sivaganga 31/05/2016 7.16 5250 1100 120 194 704 0 0 421 1418 269 21 0.52
452 Kalayarkoil Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.3 2320 490 136 36 313 8 0 128 666 96 86 0.9
453 Kallal Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.3 620 200 36 27 32 33 0 159 78 48 18 0.97
454 Karaikudi Sivaganga 02/06/2016 7.2 1007 295 40 47 92 0 0 287 142 43 37 0.92
455 Manakudi Sivaganga 29/05/2016 7.7 5130 900 72 175 759 47 0 1373 886 197 58 0.92
456 Manamadurai Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.2 944 330 58 45 49 28 0 366 106 29 1 0.41
457 Muthuvendal Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.22 741 300 42 47 30 6 0 281 71 24 37 0.71
458 Natrasankottai Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.38 4210 760 100 124 635 8 0 519 922 384 25 1.7

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
459 Okkur Sivaganga 29/05/2016 7.2 724 250 38 38 45 13 0 116 71 86 148 1.5
460 Puduvoyal Sivaganga 02/06/2016 7.1 1400 335 80 33 152 30 0 427 177 29 131 0.32
461 Singampuneri Sivaganga 29/05/2016 7.16 2530 800 88 141 235 15 0 641 510 62 29 1.5
462 Sivaganga Sivaganga 30/05/2016 7.2 3330 650 108 92 469 14 0 482 709 264 19 1.4
463 Thirupattur Sivaganga 29/05/2016 7.35 1066 285 50 39 101 18 0 189 177 82 61 1.3
464 Vaiyyapurivelakku Sivaganga 29/05/2016 7.15 1044 325 82 29 69 34 0 281 99 43 201 1.6
465 Punarnatham-New Tanjavur 24/08/2017 7.55 955 360 60 51 97 8 0 275 135 48 4 0.55
466 Tiruvillaipatti-New Tanjavur 23/08/2017 7.61 3160 350 56 51 97 12 0 366 638 384 10 0.72
467 Vaduvakudi-New Tanjavur 24/08/2017 7.64 1262 250 76 15 28 20 0 427 113 110 7 1.1
468 Aduthurai Thanjavur 27/05/2016 7.5 632 200 36 27 53 2 0 183 89 24 25 1.6
469 avaikottai Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.11 1400 370 100 29 150 5 0 305 280 38 19 1.3
470 Icchankottai Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.66 149 95 18 12 14 2 0 49 21 7 1 1.2
471 Kumbakonam Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.4 1640 500 92 66 143 9 0 525 230 43 31 0.95
472 Kuttalam Thanjavur 27/05/2016 7.6 1187 310 56 41 115 20 0 293 142 10 165 1.3
473 Lower anicut Thanjavur 27/05/2016 7.44 1038 340 24 68 143 7 0 415 117 134 17 0.86
474 mannagudi Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.1 1041 230 40 32 127 17 0 311 152 48 12 1.3
475 Melvastrachavdi Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.5 515 200 60 12 25 4 0 92 103 27 12 1.6
476 Narasinganpetai Thanjavur 27/05/2016 7.3 1155 380 64 53 184 5 0 336 177 226 35 1.4
477 Papanasam Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.7 1112 250 44 34 138 12 0 305 113 24 163 1.5
478 pattukottai Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.17 1330 400 88 44 115 13 0 305 277 24 3 1.5
479 peravurani Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.3 1165 310 40 51 120 8 0 366 188 10 3 1.4
480 PuduChatram Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.7 651 300 40 49 7 4 0 244 71 10 12 0.59
481 T.Budalur Thanjavur 26/05/2016 6.9 3540 1500 360 146 122 4 0 165 957 250 19 1.5

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
482 Thamaripulam Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.37 3470 640 120 83 460 93 0 537 503 576 4 0.98
483 Thanjavur Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.47 685 200 32 29 62 5 0 183 106 29 12 1.1
484 Thillavilagam Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.47 478 155 32 18 39 2 0 153 78 5 2 1.5
485 Thirukarukuvur Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.44 1230 350 56 51 120 4 0 415 181 14 9 1
486 Thiruvaiyaru Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.4 5180 1500 112 297 506 4 0 763 1276 158 14 1.4
487 Tirupanandal Thanjavur 27/05/2016 7.5 1270 360 60 51 122 11 0 397 170 24 61 0.85
488 vallam Thanjavur 26/05/2016 7.46 300 95 32 4 24 4 0 122 28 10 3 1.4
489 vedaranayam Thanjavur 28/05/2016 7.3 480 150 40 12 39 2 0 183 46 15 9 1.1
490 Andipatti2 Theni 11/06/2016 7.55 1129 240 46 30 131 26 0 323 164 36 15 0.65
491 Bodi dw Theni 07/06/2016 7.67 2550 555 60 98 285 20 0 689 379 88 50 1.56
492 Cumbum Theni 07/06/2016 7.9 1970 320 40 54 243 42 0 526 296 58 10 1.25
493 Devadanapatti Theni 06/06/2016 7.95 1835 550 106 69 145 59 0 599 195 82 75 0.82
494 Gandamanur Theni 11/06/2016 7.5 4097 845 170 102 181 65 0 470 468 120 120 1.25
495 Gudalur2 Theni 07/06/2016 7.54 708 265 30 46 40 48 0 358 67 34 30 1.18
496 Kodangipatti Theni 07/06/2016 7.97 2160 405 52 67 324 23 0 543 315 200 5 0.92
497 Myladumparai dw Theni 10/06/2016 7.57 2230 460 90 57 183 25 0 592 242 88 35 1.37
498 Periyakulam dw Theni 06/06/2016 7.46 2860 480 52 85 362 1 0 683 418 176 70 0.83
499 Theni2 Theni 06/06/2016 7.73 1674 485 136 35 178 18 0 329 272 124 110 0.76
500 Uttamapalayam1 Theni 06/06/2016 8 1270 140 20 22 225 43 0 547 117 42 13 1.15
501 Vadugapatti dw Theni 06/06/2016 7.48 880 310 54 43 40 2 0 320 71 22 5 0.76
502 Veerapandi Theni 10/06/2016 7.55 1806 345 70 41 257 14 0 610 174 118 5 0.68
503 Nannilam Thiruvarur 27/05/2016 7.54 975 170 60 5 143 7 0 397 82 38 7 1.7
504 Needamangalam Thiruvarur 27/05/2016 7.45 918 270 32 46 83 4 0 336 106 24 8 1.6

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
505 Peralam Thiruvarur 27/05/2016 7.9 2150 360 40 63 340 5 0 824 227 91 19 1.5
506 velanganni Thiruvarur 28/05/2016 7.5 1050 330 72 36 81 17 0 238 174 58 34 0.85
507 Chatrapatti Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.49 761 260 52 32 53 4 0 305 71 12 25 1.1
508 Chinna Goudanapatti Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.4 1086 410 100 39 58 3 0 366 142 24 12 1.4
509 Fathima Nagar Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.24 980 300 80 24 87 3 0 336 117 24 36 1.4
510 kattur (Thiruverampur ) Tiruchirapalli 26/05/2016 7.4 752 250 28 44 51 8 0 244 89 24 25 1.5
511 Kovilpatti Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.14 4380 1080 200 141 529 7 0 464 1205 43 136 1.6
512 Manaparai I Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.56 2180 500 72 78 276 3 0 415 397 130 80 0.98
513 Manaparai II Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.46 3010 900 208 92 297 11 0 561 596 139 136 1.1
514 Manjampatti Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.41 1980 610 176 41 173 4 0 458 284 192 17 1.6
515 Musiri Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.47 670 175 36 21 64 16 0 226 85 20 12 0.98
516 Muthupandiyanpatti Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.6 840 300 48 44 55 2 0 305 106 19 2 0.96
517 Ookaeri Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.4 2250 800 160 97 150 4 0 323 404 202 110 0.47
518 Pulivalam Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.3 3930 1430 448 75 294 3 0 482 638 605 186 1.5
519 Thathayangarpet Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.54 960 400 60 61 37 4 0 214 135 82 53 1.5
520 Thuraiyur Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.4 2480 800 120 122 207 4 0 439 546 48 97 1.1
521 Thuvarankurichi Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.27 3680 830 88 148 460 19 0 427 950 144 13 1.7
522 Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.5 680 210 60 15 60 2 0 183 106 27 19 0.91
523 Tumbalam Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.33 1265 400 60 61 99 14 0 336 167 18 129 1.6
524 Uppilapuram Tiruchirapalli 24/05/2016 7.44 1845 780 60 153 69 2 0 610 298 10 13 0.92
525 Vyyampatti Tiruchirapalli 25/05/2016 7.33 2410 600 120 73 276 11 0 348 596 77 6 1.3
526 Kajamalai (Trichy) Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.4 2500 860 152 117 184 5 0 287 645 106 19 1.1
527 Kollidam Karai Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.4 846 300 40 49 55 2 0 293 106 29 5 1.6

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
528 LIC colony ( Trichy ) Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.34 2230 520 184 15 283 4 0 445 489 77 10 1.4
529 Manachanallur Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.39 1255 450 32 90 74 14 0 427 177 29 4 0.98
530 Mudaliyan chatram Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.1 2570 820 248 49 207 7 0 342 532 120 155 1.5
531 Odathurai odakarai Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.44 935 240 44 32 99 9 0 275 142 35 12 0.81
532 Peramnangalam Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.48 1495 400 32 78 150 10 0 494 213 10 30 0.83
533 Pullampadi Tiruchrapalli 23/05/2016 7.28 4310 1200 184 180 437 33 0 525 1064 245 12 0.93
534 Puttur Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.45 810 250 72 17 67 12 0 256 117 19 21 1.3
535 Sembattu Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.49 1360 440 44 80 106 4 0 366 213 53 33 1.6
536 Siruganur Tiruchrapalli 23/05/2016 7.5 1505 450 72 66 138 3 0 409 195 48 108 1.7
537 Srirangam Tiruchrapalli 24/05/2016 7.33 1855 620 40 126 143 4 0 330 92 509 12 1.7
538 Abishekapatti Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.5 1690 580 112 73 117 12 0 195 425 82 10 0.8
539 Alangulam1 Tirunelveli 23/05/2016 7.45 1150 360 56 53 147 8 0 384 213 67 10 0.65
540 Alwarkurichi Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.7 1798 380 64 53 232 8 0 519 284 48 10 0.62
541 Ambasamudram1 Tirunelveli 23/05/2016 7.7 690 250 44 34 39 8 0 244 71 38 10 0.87
542 Chintamani Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.6 1680 400 68 56 196 16 0 549 248 34 10 0.66
543 Govt.Eng College Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.7 680 300 20 61 9 4 0 122 89 58 50 0.72
544 Idaikkal Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.6 910 350 40 61 44 8 0 305 106 48 10 0.82
545 Kadayanallur1 Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.6 3220 990 280 70 297 12 0 256 539 600 70 0.43
546 Kalakkadu Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.87 950 280 52 36 81 16 0 268 99 96 10 1.2
547 Manur1 Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.68 1100 350 48 56 87 8 0 287 195 29 10 0.82
548 Merjara Pallivasal Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.74 743 250 60 24 53 8 0 183 128 38 10 0.81
549 Mullikulam Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.6 1750 410 40 75 205 20 0 366 284 43 170 1.5
550 Naduvapatty Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.6 710 320 40 53 14 4 0 214 99 24 19 0.53

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
551 Nanguneri2 Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.8 1995 350 44 58 294 8 0 366 461 43 10 0.98
552 Nelliappar temple Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.7 1430 350 40 61 161 12 0 427 177 58 70 2.1
553 Ngo A Colony dw Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.6 1502 470 60 78 127 8 0 244 284 139 10 0.82
554 Ovari Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.9 1560 200 40 24 262 8 0 275 277 144 40 0.55
555 P.chatram Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.6 2850 840 140 119 271 16 0 244 603 72 400 0.8
556 Palayamkottai Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.7 340 100 20 12 30 4 0 122 35 14 5 0.51
557 Papakudi Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.5 6800 1000 224 107 1136 4 0 336 2056 130 10 0.65
558 Papanasam1 Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.69 565 125 20 18 67 12 0 195 71 14 10 0.4
559 Poothatan Kudieruppu dw Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.6 2320 620 68 109 260 12 0 464 177 470 90 1.4
560 R.Pattinam Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.33 1566 530 44 102 113 8 0 244 319 91 56 2.1
561 Radhapuram1 Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.8 600 260 60 27 7 20 0 122 71 96 10 0.55
562 Sankarankoil2 Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.5 1100 470 80 66 23 23 0 250 191 58 20 0.55
563 Sencottai Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.7 780 330 68 39 23 8 0 244 106 29 10 0.52
564 Sivagiri Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.9 2480 370 40 66 398 12 0 610 305 144 210 0.76
565 Syed Beedi Company Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.8 1210 400 44 70 87 12 0 366 57 182 50 1.2
566 Tachchnallur Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.7 1440 500 44 95 94 16 0 305 284 62 10 1.6
567 Thiraviyarnagar Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.7 658 225 36 33 39 20 0 244 71 24 12 0.56
568 Thiruthu Tirunelveli 25/05/2016 7.54 555 230 56 22 21 4 0 183 71 24 10 0.72
569 Valliyoor Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.5 1373 290 40 46 175 16 0 244 213 38 180 0.62
570 Vannikonendal Tirunelveli 24/05/2016 7.62 500 230 32 36 5 8 0 183 43 29 20 0.56
571 Vasudevanallur2 Tirunelveli 26/05/2016 7.3 890 280 40 44 69 12 0 342 99 24 5 1.2
572 Arugampalayam Tirupur 09/06/2016 7.71 8350 920 112 156 1210 58 0 342 1988 480 15 1.22
573 Kasipalayam Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.29 7560 1800 272 272 442 119 0 250 1704 312 105 1.14

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
574 Kovilvazhi I Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.62 1450 350 40 61 137 21 0 281 259 40 70 1.36
575 Kovilvazhi IV Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.64 1680 250 40 36 135 73 0 366 153 36 80 1.42
576 Mannur Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.51 8840 1600 176 282 1056 45 0 641 1846 478 25 1.56
577 T.Amarjothinagar Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.3 2480 600 80 97 229 0 0 250 533 62 105 1.26
578 T.Odakadu Tirupur 09/06/2016 7.59 2000 420 60 66 147 14 0 207 288 77 115 0.34
579 Tiruppur Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.45 2150 300 40 49 219 15 0 293 249 94 95 0.98
580 Tiruppur P.N.Road Tirupur 09/06/2016 7.63 1051 250 40 36 66 14 0 244 114 25 35 0.52
581 Weekly Market Tirupur 08/06/2016 7.77 2620 440 40 83 291 56 0 549 277 146 85 1.14
582 Alinjivakkam Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.7 600 250 60 24 23 4 0 153 71 48 24 0.17
583 Almati Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.5 1025 230 60 19 161 1 0 275 177 77 13 0.21
584 Ambattur Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.7 590 250 60 24 19 2 0 153 85 48 6 0.21
585 Andersonpet Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 8.2 1407 200 16 39 238 6 0 439 206 58 30 0.42
586 Annanur Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.5 1680 550 40 109 138 1 0 488 213 130 22 0.11
587 Arani Tiruvallur 02/06/2016 7.6 1290 440 68 66 74 3 0 397 142 62 16 0.2
588 Attipattu Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.3 3830 1140 192 160 342 19 0 433 872 288 12 0.09
589 Chetimedu Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.5 970 200 76 2 115 2 0 244 121 58 10 0.21
590 Elavur Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.6 1150 300 60 36 131 4 0 61 269 144 7 0.28
591 Ennur Talaikuppam Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.4 1295 460 48 83 339 26 0 482 355 312 10 0.2
592 Gummidipoondi Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.4 2240 500 120 49 288 36 0 488 319 288 16 0.3
593 Kadapakkam Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.7 3050 620 100 90 391 20 0 360 780 96 5 0.1
594 Kadavur Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.5 1900 480 108 51 230 3 0 348 284 269 16 0.21
595 Kallikuppam Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.6 3350 270 32 46 414 4 0 519 440 96 40 0.12
596 Kanakammachatram Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 7.93 1898 500 140 36 198 10 0 159 355 288 26 0.52

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
597 Kovilpathagai Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.4 3480 900 84 168 345 22 0 293 624 530 20 0.19
598 Meppuru Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.7 2160 560 108 70 230 5 0 519 248 278 11 0.18
599 Mettukandigai Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 8.2 2160 600 20 134 222 8 0 293 440 192 20 0.22
600 Minjur Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.6 1115 260 60 27 92 3 0 214 202 19 1 0.29
601 Nandiambakkam Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.7 1080 230 80 7 138 9 0 238 170 86 12 0.17
602 Padianallur Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.6 1530 260 60 27 246 2 0 549 124 160 8 0.17
603 Palavakkam Tiruvallur 02/06/2016 7.5 1320 400 112 29 115 29 0 366 199 90 20 0.02
604 Papanchatram Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.6 1540 440 88 53 161 7 0 146 199 340 70 0.16
605 Pattabiram Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.6 2980 640 88 102 437 5 0 671 709 38 31 0.12
606 Pattatperumpudur Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 8.4 903 310 18 64 69 0 0 134 85 192 22 0.62
607 Periyapalayam Tiruvallur 02/06/2016 7.7 520 200 52 17 22 8 0 165 71 24 8 0.2
608 Ponneri Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.7 1380 300 60 36 294 28 0 354 355 144 20 0.3
609 Poonamalle Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.7 2090 500 112 53 231 28 0 561 248 206 16 0.19
610 Pulicat Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.6 1520 260 40 39 207 22 0 287 255 106 20 0.16
611 Puzhal Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.6 485 210 68 10 23 3 0 92 71 67 19 0.21
612 Red hills Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.8 580 200 52 17 39 9 0 183 71 24 19 0.26
613 Sangaibedu Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.6 840 160 12 32 110 3 0 183 135 60 2 0.9
614 Sholavaram Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.5 997 190 56 12 92 15 0 207 142 24 16 0.26
615 Tirumazhisai Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 8 790 300 32 53 44 2 0 183 106 96 1 0.82
616 Tirumullavoyal Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.5 6560 1700 100 352 736 0 0 519 780 1459 310 0.05
617 Tiruninravur Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.3 3280 1160 184 170 230 5 0 232 922 173 10 0.11
618 Tirupalavanam Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.4 7410 1600 120 316 1035 0 0 732 1879 576 6 0.28
619 Tiruttani Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 7.97 1614 300 40 49 230 12 0 268 266 144 90 0.89

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
620 Tiruvalangadu Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 8.06 2400 530 60 92 299 21 0 366 248 528 20 0.93
621 Tiruvallur Tiruvallur 27/05/2016 8.21 2200 250 22 47 401 9 0 244 369 384 4 0.89
622 Tiruvellavoyal Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.8 7150 1580 88 331 966 0 0 1220 1120 1008 51 0.22
623 Tiruverkadu Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.4 2160 640 36 134 184 1 0 336 340 260 10 0.16
624 Uthukottai Tiruvallur 02/06/2016 7.5 1130 140 40 10 184 4 0 330 142 60 12 0.19
625 Valasarvakam Tiruvallur 02/06/2016 7.5 1298 400 100 36 92 5 0 330 142 96 26 0.3
626 Veerapuram Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.6 960 450 60 73 46 2 0 281 128 140 5 0.22
627 Veeraraghavapuram Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.5 1388 250 68 19 115 13 0 134 78 230 63 0.24
628 Vellanur Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.6 1413 300 80 24 115 2 0 275 213 38 6 0.22
629 Vengal Tiruvallur 02/06/2016 7.7 860 300 68 32 46 9 0 238 106 48 21 0.24
630 Veppambattu Tiruvallur 31/05/2016 7.6 680 200 64 10 62 3 0 220 71 34 31 0.19
631 Voyalur Tiruvallur 01/06/2016 7.4 2170 740 44 153 173 41 0 549 408 110 24 0.3
632 Anandavadi Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.4 1313 450 52 78 92 5 0 549 106 43 4 1.3
633 Arani Tiruvannamalai 24/05/2016 7.36 1575 460 80 63 99 83 0 610 177 29 4 1.4
634 Chetpat Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.4 4530 900 120 146 644 5 0 671 528 946 25 0.94
635 Cheyyar Tiruvannamalai 24/05/2016 7.47 789 290 36 49 49 4 0 366 35 24 37 1.6
636 Kappalur Tiruvannamalai 23/05/2016 7.3 1705 550 52 102 138 3 0 488 230 38 117 1.8
637 Melmakutturoad Tiruvannamalai 24/05/2016 7.2 2170 620 92 95 225 4 0 384 209 350 177 0.93
638 Modaiyur Tiruvannamalai 23/05/2016 7.44 950 250 56 27 101 4 0 397 85 19 15 1.6
639 Natchatramalaikovil Tiruvannamalai 23/05/2016 7.36 1500 450 52 78 138 4 0 378 248 43 52 1.5
640 Pachal Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.3 1335 460 56 78 92 6 0 427 160 48 44 1.2
641 Padaveedu Tiruvannamalai 23/05/2016 7.52 770 250 40 36 60 4 0 305 64 24 31 0.93
642 Polur Tiruvannamalai 23/05/2016 7.56 1330 400 60 61 120 4 0 488 142 34 38 0.72

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
643 Saathanur Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.27 1811 390 80 46 237 3 0 488 319 21 46 1
644 Thandrampattu Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.3 1150 450 80 61 54 4 0 354 145 48 34 1.2
645 Thanipadi Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.26 1735 550 104 70 115 51 0 445 259 47 107 1.6
646 Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.5 1030 350 80 36 74 8 0 305 149 48 6 1.6
647 Venmani Tiruvannamalai 23/05/2016 7.44 4690 1100 104 204 506 138 0 769 1064 154 113 1.4
648 Wandavasi Tiruvannamalai 22/05/2016 7.3 1628 500 116 51 140 5 0 256 379 49 19 1.1
649 Alaharai-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.5 3320 770 80 139 262 13 0 567 496 494 14 0.73
650 Amur-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.64 963 210 40 27 51 16 0 183 177 67 8 0.76
651 Koppampatti-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.5 2720 800 180 85 161 12 0 580 255 499 20 0.75
652 Peruvalappur-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.6 1492 300 52 41 78 5 0 366 177 67 159 0.56
653 Sirukambur-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.4 4300 480 100 56 106 23 0 580 142 1397 26 0.75
654 Thandalaipudur-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.6 3200 540 128 53 101 31 0 336 553 538 14 0.75
655 Thatchankurichi-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.4 2290 400 48 68 129 13 0 598 425 24 19 0.55
656 Tiruvallarai_New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.54 2230 500 100 61 115 35 0 580 92 451 94 0.32
657 Tiruvasi-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.67 2050 450 60 73 138 20 0 336 269 346 3 0.66
658 Valadi-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.34 1491 550 120 61 115 12 0 354 284 67 6 0.44
659 vengaimandalam-New Trichy 23/08/2017 7.61 1275 300 60 36 69 12 0 244 248 72 15 0.47
660 Devachayalpuram Tuticorin 26/05/2016 7.5 636 280 48 39 14 8 0 122 71 43 90 0.54
661 Eppodumvendram dw Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.9 3800 600 48 117 600 35 0 275 510 662 400 1.5
662 Ettaiyapuram Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.86 2410 500 100 61 334 27 0 415 383 365 5 0.96
663 Kallurani dw Tuticorin 26/05/2016 8.1 530 280 56 34 5 4 0 220 35 24 20 0.81
664 Kalungumalai Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.9 725 350 60 49 2 8 0 153 142 29 20 0.82
665 karisalkulam Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.7 1460 320 100 17 168 31 0 366 248 48 37 0.8

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
666 Kayattar Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.8 1590 350 80 36 200 8 0 305 355 38 10 0.85
667 Kovilpatti Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.88 1754 500 72 78 156 31 0 366 319 77 62 0.62
668 Kulasekharaptnm Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.9 1430 300 28 56 177 20 0 305 248 62 60 0.74
669 Kurukkuchalai Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.7 5890 1400 360 122 736 39 0 256 943 1234 300 0.82
670 Maniyachi1 Tuticorin 26/05/2016 8 1000 170 40 17 133 31 0 366 106 38 20 0.44
671 mettupanaiyur Tuticorin 27/05/2016 8 750 360 60 51 5 4 0 244 106 19 10 1.4
672 Mukkani dw Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.8 980 220 40 29 120 8 0 336 106 58 20 1
673 Nagalapuram Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.7 2240 350 32 66 350 31 0 281 355 379 40 0.61
674 Nazareth Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.81 1175 350 88 32 106 8 0 244 213 43 70 0.54
675 Pudukottai2 Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.98 840 275 36 45 53 20 0 305 99 24 5 0.79
676 Saidunganallur Tuticorin 26/05/2016 7.8 674 550 56 100 5 4 0 201 92 38 5 1.8
677 Sathankulam-s Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.7 2610 500 112 53 352 35 0 397 461 154 230 1.7
678 Srivaikundam1 Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.9 690 280 40 44 23 8 0 244 71 38 10 0.82
679 Tiruchendur-e Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.8 2510 350 44 58 432 8 0 506 411 211 120 0.8
680 Tuticorin1 Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.7 5020 500 48 92 925 31 0 427 432 1526 5 1.7
681 Udangudi Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.5 5010 1230 332 97 582 43 0 244 1418 259 112 1.2
682 Vembur Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.8 1244 350 96 27 115 20 0 317 177 43 100 0.55
683 vilathikulam Tuticorin 27/05/2016 7.8 3740 440 100 46 649 39 0 427 106 1334 30 0.98
684 Abdullapuram dw Vellore 14/06/2016 7.71 3320 580 192 24 480 4 0 128 355 790 210 0.9
685 Alangayam Vellore 16/06/2016 8 2330 420 48 73 343 8 0 397 185 525 12 1.86
686 Alankuppam Vellore 17/06/2016 7.82 2830 480 96 58 420 4 0 214 320 610 160 1.11
687 Ambur DW Vellore 15/06/2016 7.93 2400 330 72 36 390 4 0 201 291 550 0 1.6
688 Anaikkattu Vellore 15/06/2016 7.88 2760 520 144 39 390 10 0 140 291 750 10 1.46

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
689 Arakkonam Vellore 27/05/2016 7.53 4780 1650 40 377 320 30 0 281 1064 600 25 0.21
690 Arakonam Vellore 17/06/2016 7.58 3850 710 120 100 560 12 0 159 625 725 210 1.51
691 Arcot2 Vellore 14/06/2016 7.7 3660 440 144 19 620 13 0 189 696 625 20 1.2
692 Banavaram Vellore 14/06/2016 7.44 1420 370 90 35 130 6 0 201 245 150 40 0.86
693 Bommikuppam dw Vellore 16/06/2016 7.98 2540 460 88 58 375 12 0 281 206 680 120 2.01
694 Chinnakallupalli Vellore 17/06/2016 7.8 2060 370 48 61 310 12 0 244 199 510 4 2.04
695 Devadanam Vellore 14/06/2016 6.67 4720 800 216 63 720 18 0 122 852 850 140 1.1
696 Indra Nagar-New Vellore 07/09/2016 7.75 3380 570 100 78 520 6 0 525 638 331 53 1.7
697 Kalavai Vellore 24/05/2016 7.23 1980 740 124 105 115 4 0 366 425 19 98 1.4
698 Kasinayakkan Patti-New Vellore 07/09/2016 7.89 4110 1160 104 219 415 3 0 708 411 864 20 1.2
699 Katpadi Vellore 14/06/2016 7.66 3440 500 96 63 550 95 0 207 547 625 100 0.7
700 Kavalur Vellore 16/06/2016 7.56 1459 265 76 18 214 3 0 153 199 280 10 1.54
701 Kesavapuram-New Vellore 07/09/2016 6.5 5210 1110 132 190 713 5 0 336 900 1056 22 1.8
702 Lalpet Vellore 14/06/2016 7.63 2950 400 56 63 480 10 0 226 327 650 120 1.18
703 Machampattu Vellore 15/06/2016 7.33 8430 1900 344 253 1050 8 0 98 2016 980 90 1.14
704 Minnal Nagar-New Vellore 07/09/2016 7.66 2780 490 128 41 414 2 0 421 347 528 29 1.9
705 Nellurpettai dw Vellore 15/06/2016 8.04 1199 200 30 30 180 10 0 177 89 310 10 0.71
706 Odugathur Vellore 16/06/2016 7.8 2800 490 96 61 390 5 0 183 398 580 60 0.66
707 Pallikonda-New Vellore 07/09/2016 7.7 2900 550 120 61 414 9 0 464 383 480 62 1.2
708 Palur dw Vellore 15/06/2016 7.83 4800 840 256 49 710 18 0 183 639 980 260 0.11
709 Pasalikuttai dw Vellore 16/06/2016 8.14 1538 245 44 33 254 14 0 311 89 310 30 1.85
710 Peddur dw Vellore 16/06/2016 7.88 3680 570 104 75 584 45 0 244 525 750 70 1.32
711 Perambattu Vellore 16/06/2016 7.8 4530 1040 160 156 580 5 0 220 937 680 40 0.85

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
712 Pernampet Vellore 15/06/2016 7.75 1885 275 94 10 310 10 0 159 266 360 50 0.58
713 Ranipet1 Vellore 14/06/2016 7.33 6880 500 96 63 1350 12 0 226 1505 960 30 1.65
714 Sangilikuppam Vellore 17/06/2016 7.62 3080 500 96 63 480 18 0 165 383 620 220 1.56
715 Sennarayanapalli-New Vellore 07/09/2016 7.8 1208 360 112 19 115 1 0 354 121 110 61 1
716 Sholingar1 Vellore 14/06/2016 7.74 581 135 34 12 70 4 0 110 67 90 0 0.05
717 Thottalam Vellore 15/06/2016 7.6 5720 780 104 126 950 8 0 220 1122 960 90 0.64
718 Vaniyambadi1 Vellore 17/06/2016 7.99 2230 340 40 58 360 12 0 305 220 500 30 1.19
719 Vellakuttai Vellore 17/06/2016 7.66 4040 820 112 131 550 21 0 275 568 750 240 1.53
720 Vengalapuram Vellore 16/06/2016 7.85 4730 760 176 78 740 10 0 238 880 720 200 0.98
721 Veppaneri Vellore 15/06/2016 7.81 3650 630 172 49 550 12 0 171 511 740 220 0.76
722 Vokkanampet Vellore 17/06/2016 7.48 4230 620 128 73 680 18 0 171 753 740 160 1.64
723 Alampundi villupuram 25/05/2016 7.6 2070 365 68 47 270 16 0 610 192 85 80 0.83
724 Alathur Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.8 770 195 38 24 74 3 0 348 32 4 2 0.66
725 Asanur Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.1 2150 360 126 11 233 8 0 372 288 135 110 1.23
726 Avalurpet Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.6 2060 375 58 56 257 16 0 622 195 80 80 1.15
727 Chinnasalem1 Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.2 1853 445 98 49 171 16 0 397 266 135 20 0.89
728 Eliyathur Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.3 1759 480 104 54 178 4 0 317 227 216 120 1.01
729 Gingee Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.4 2240 415 48 72 228 3 0 494 362 58 2 1.3
730 Gopalapuram dw Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.6 1170 305 56 40 78 2 0 366 99 42 40 1.14
731 Indili dw Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.3 1247 360 80 39 104 3 0 323 135 50 80 0.94
732 Kacharapalayam Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.4 1137 375 68 50 88 2 0 305 110 54 120 0.77
733 Kallakurichi2 Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.3 1478 290 52 39 141 4 0 293 185 65 110 0.65
734 Kiliyanur Villupuram 31.05.2016 7.44 1476 445 124 33 120 14 0 360 231 95 16 0.35

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
735 Kodima dw Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.5 973 280 30 50 74 3 0 439 57 6 30 0.78
736 Mambazhapattu Villupuram 25/05/2017 7.3 1705 400 52 66 187 4 0 415 231 46 60 0.94
737 Marakkanam Villupuram 31.05.2016 6.83 610 105 24 11 85 10 0 73 64 90 52 0.43
738 Melporadikuppam dw Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.6 856 290 70 28 18 9 0 305 82 2 0 0.04
739 Mogaiyur Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.3 1731 290 46 43 178 8 0 323 266 66 0 0.73
740 Nallavurpudur dw Villupuram 31.05.2016 7.49 1751 395 84 45 210 14 0 671 213 12 20 0.32
741 Nannadu Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.6 2210 375 54 58 267 14 0 464 309 101 20 1.19
742 Ollakkur Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.7 1550 380 46 64 145 2 0 671 110 31 20 1.34
743 Rajampalayam dw Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.2 1677 405 22 85 122 6 0 250 312 61 20 1.04
744 Rishivandiyam Villupuram 26/05/2017 7.1 1958 415 106 36 198 4 0 275 298 140 170 0.4
745 Sadaikattuattipattu dw Villupuram 26/05/2018 7.4 913 245 94 2 74 2 0 336 75 5 0 0.89
746 Salavathi dw Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.6 1316 375 90 36 95 2 0 433 107 46 80 1.04
747 Sankarapuram1 Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.6 1836 490 74 74 149 4 0 634 188 32 60 1.03
748 Shakh Hussaipettai dw Villupuram 26/05/2017 7.2 1101 315 84 26 78 4 0 323 124 74 2 0.56
749 Siruvadi dw Villupuram 31.05.2016 7.03 501 175 46 15 25 12 0 18 43 150 6 0.36
750 Tindivanam1 Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.7 2870 555 110 68 395 14 0 665 420 137 90 0.33
751 Tiruchidrambalam Villupuram 31.05.2016 7.77 2160 190 16 36 390 22 0 634 213 230 34 0.32
752 Tirukkoilur Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.4 3340 620 96 92 387 4 0 525 653 165 5 0.85
753 Tyagadurgam Villupuram 26/05/2016 7 3880 980 208 112 320 36 0 281 802 262 240 0.4
754 Vellaiuyur Villupuram 26/05/2016 7.4 640 195 36 26 54 6 0 250 48 9 20 0.7
755 vikravandi Villupuram 25/05/2016 7.8 4070 320 40 54 428 283 0 837 454 183 210 0.74
756 Aruppukottai-w Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.6 3670 660 40 136 529 31 0 549 213 1008 70 0.82
757 Aviyur dw Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.59 3020 700 120 97 366 43 0 366 248 662 270 0.98

TH as
Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F
S. No. Location District DOC PH EC (µS/cm ) Ca CO3
758 Ayyanarkoil dw Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 8.1 708 150 36 15 83 20 0 122 160 24 10 0.56
759 Devadanam1 Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.7 1048 350 16 75 71 16 0 305 121 62 50 0.55
760 Erichanatham dw Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.8 587 280 64 29 5 4 0 183 71 34 10 0.38
761 Kalloorani dw Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.4 5120 1180 244 139 626 47 0 201 549 1248 450 0.62
762 Palavanattam Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.66 1610 290 60 34 237 4 0 336 355 29 10 0.45
763 Rajapalayam1 Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.6 2400 400 88 44 373 31 0 366 411 307 70 1.8
764 Sivakasi2 Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.6 1335 320 40 53 152 16 0 317 266 34 5 0.44
765 Srivilliputhur1 Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.66 1425 520 56 92 85 8 0 305 301 19 25 0.44
766 Vadapatti Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.6 1967 750 88 129 110 8 0 415 128 461 5 0.8
767 Vilampatti1 Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.8 999 350 56 51 66 4 0 305 106 48 62 0.79
768 Virudunagar Virudhunagar 27/05/2016 7.7 3580 420 76 56 612 39 0 549 266 912 40 0.98
769 Watrap Virudhunagar 12/07/2016 8 760 280 20 56 43 5 0 244 106 29 5 0.96

஥ீ கப சைமி஧் ச஧ாந் !
அகத சிக் க஦நான்
஧ன஦்஧டுத்துசயாந் !!

जल बचाओ !
आमथिक रूप से उपयोग करें !!

வவளியிட்டடா஧் / जारीकर्ाा / Issued By:

஥஠்டல இ஦க்கு஢஧், क्षे त्रीय निदे शक, Regional Director,

஥஡்தி஦ ஢ில஡்஡டி ஢ீ ஧் வா஧ி஦஥் , केन्द्रीय भू नम जल बोर्ा , Central Ground Water Board,
வ஡ண் கிழக்கு கடடலா஧ ஥஠்டல஥் , दनक्षण पूर्वी र्टीय क्षे त्र, South Eastern Coastal Region,
E - 1, ஧ாஜாஜி தவண்,
E -1, राजाजी भर्वि, E-1, Rajaji Bhavan,
வதசண்ட் ஢க஧், வசண்னண - 600090
बसंर् िगर, चेन्नई - 600090 Besant Nagar,
Chennai – 600090

வ஡ானலடதசி / फोि / Phone: 044- 24914494 / 24912941

வ஡ானல஢கல் / टे लीफैक्स / Tele Fax: 044- 24914334
மிண்ணஞ் சல் / ईमेल / E Mail: rdsecr-cgwb@nic.in
வனல / र्वेब / Web: www.cgwb.gov.in.

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