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IRR RA 9292 - ECE Law

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licg:ulrlic ol-tftc llhilippirres

l)rot'essionul Regulation Comnrissiorr

llteirututc* st t'fje ffibitEfpinns ^-#g#
ft€Nee u ourtBRN
lpro{rtrdsnsI SHrqrr[o'xtrc,t 6.Ssia.i.atiiEcI*;q"il
Vcril'icatiorr Jk Alrtlrcntica{inn Unit
#landls R eco rtl s nt Division
Resolution No.02
Series of 2007


$ LAW OF 2004."
\ Pursuant to Section 39, Article VIII of Republic Act No. 9292: "AN ACT
tlre Professional Regulartory Board of Electronics Engineering hereby 6{lomulgates,
sulrject to approval by the Professional Regulation Commission, the here(nder rules
and regulations to carry out effectively the provisions of R.A. No. 9292.

Rule I

SE,CTION 1. Short Title. - This Resolution shail be known as the "RULES AND
hereinalter - referred to as the "IRR".

SEC. 2. Stotement of Policy - The State recognizes the importance of electronics

cngineering in nation-building and development. The state shall therefole develop and
nurture competent, virtuous, productive and well-rounded Professional Electronics
Engineers, Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians whose standard of practice
anci service shall be excellent, qualitative, world class and globally competitive through
inviolable, hortest, effective and credible licensure examinations and through regulatory
nreasllres, programs and activities that foster their integrity, continuing professional
education, development and growth.

This "lRR" shall be integrated, construed, and carried out in the light of the Statement of
Policy in Sec. 2, AtluI of R.A. No. 9292.
SEC. 3. Definition and Interpretation of Terms * As used in R.A. 9292, the following
tenls shall mean:
(a) Act relers to R.A. No. No. t)292
(b) ,lccredited' ProJbssiortul Orgunizutiort - re.fers to the Irtstitrttt' o.f Elt'r'tt'ottits
litr,qirtt'ct's rf tltct Phililrytines, Itrc'. (IECEP) as the ir.rtegrated and accrcclitecl
national c,rganization o{- Professionzrl Electronics Engineers. Elcctrouics
E,ngincers and Electronics Tcchnicians pursLlant to Sec. 32. Art. V of R.A.
No. 9292.
(c/ Broudcust" Broudcustirrg - an undefi:rking the object of rvhich is to transmtt
Irudio, r,idr:o, text, inrtgcs or otirer signals or nressages for reception of a
broacl audience iu a geographical area via r,vircd or wireless t-neans.

p" pAmf,DES Sl-., {}#+il'-iEft MORF"yT"q S-ilHEET; SAir4PAtOe tvT;ii'.:ELfi., q Hi*.it:. i: r..r
f':1-1. BOX 20ic8, [4AI\ilLA
Resolution No._
Series of2007



VIII of Republic Act No. 9292: ooAN ACT

Pursuant to Section 39, Article
the Professional Regulatory Board of Electronics Engineering hereby promulgates,
sulrject to approval by the Professional Regulation Commission, the hereunder rules
and regulations to carr)' out effectively the provisions of R.A. No. 9292.

Rule I

SECTION l. Short Title. - This Resolution shall be known as the "RULES AND
hereinafter - referred to as the "IRR".

SEC. 2. Statement of Policy - The State recognizes the imporlance of eiectronics

engineering in nation-building and development. The state shall therefore develop and
r-rurture competent, virtuous, productive and well-rounded Profgssionai Electronics
Engineers, Electronics Engineers and Electronics Technicians whose standard of praciice
ancl service shall be excellent, qualitative, world class and globally competitive through
inviolable, honest, effective and credible licensure examinations and through regulatory
nreasLrres, programs and activities that foster their integrity, continuing professional
education, development and growth.

This "IRR" shall be integrated, construed, and carried out in the light of the Statement of
Policy in Sec. Z, Art.l of R.A. No. 9292.

SEC. 3. Definition und Interpretation of Terms - As used in R.A. 9292, the following
tems shall mean:
(a) Act - refers to R.A. No. No. 9292
(1r) Accreditetl Professional Orgunizstion - refers to the Institute of Electronics
Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IECEP) as the integrated and accredited
national organization of Professional Electronics Engineers, Electronics
Engineers and Electronics Technicians pursuant to Sec. 32, Art. V of R.A.
No. 9292.
(c) Broadcast, Broadcastittg - an undertaking the object of which is to transmit
audio, video, text, images or other signals or messages for reception of a
broad audience in a geographical area via wired or wireless means.

i 7r1
(ci ) Comtnerciul Estublislrmertt - shall include but not be lunited to oifice
buildings, hotels. nrotels, hospitals, cordominiums, stores. aitartmcnis.
supcnuarkcts, schoois. studios. stadia, parking areas, memoriai chapeisipai'ks.
rvntercralt and nircrafl used for business or prol-rt, aud any otirer buildiitg/s oi
arca/s ftrr business purposes, where electronic or electronically-conlrollecl
rurachinery' or ecluipnreut are installed and/or are being uscci. sold, rnaintnincd.
assembled, rnanufactured or operated.
(e) Communicotions - tlre process of sending iincl/or receivnrg inlbmr:ition.
tlata. signiLls and/or nressages betu,een two (2) or rnore points b1,radio, cable,
optical n,ar"e guides or other devices and u,ired or ivireless rnecliur-ri"
(fl Computer anv o f' a l'ariety o1'electronic devices that is capable o I accepling
tlata. programs nr-rci, or instrtictions, executing tlie progran'rs iurd,'i-ri-
irrstructiorrs to process the clata and presenting the results.
(g) Cortsultir'rg Services - as used in this Act. shall includc sL-rvices lequiring
aclecluute technical r-rpertisc. expelience and professional capability iri
Lrnclertaking advisory and review, pre-investment or f-easibility stridies,
..lcsigrr. l-llrrrrrirrg. corrstruction. srrpcrvisiort- nranagcnrL'nt anti Iclltcil
services.l:ud other iechnical studies or special str"rdies in the lield oi
eIectrorric:l cngi rrecri rru.
(hi Electrorit's - the science clealing rvith the developr-nenl ancl :rpplication oi
deviccs and systcrrrs involving the flow ol electrons or olhcr carricrs iii'
clectr-ic charge, in a vlit'r-rlul. in gascotrs m.edia, itrpiastna, in semicondltctors,
in solicl-state andi'or in sinrilar devices, including, but r-rot linrited ta"
applications involr'ing optical, electromagnettc and other enel'gy fonrs rvircr-;
transducccli or convortetl ii-rto electronic signals.
(i) Electronic:s rmtl Communicatiorts Engineer - a person rvho is cluali{iecl tc,
l-rold himselflherself out as a duly registered ancl licensed ELectronics and
Comn-iunications -Engirreer under RepLrblic Act No. 5734
(i) Electroni,cs Engineer - a person rvl-ro is c1ua1ified to hold hurrse lflhc,rsclf ou'i
as a duly rcgistcrecl and licensed Electronics Engineer under R.A. No. 9292
ancl to alfir to liis/her irame the letters "ECE".
(li ) Elcr:tronics Techniciun - a person wl-ro is clLralified to holrl himseil,/irersei;
oLrt as a duly registerecl and licensed Electronics Technician uncler this Act
i.ind to arf fix to his/her name the ietters "ECT".
(1) Irrtlustriul Plant - inclucles all manufacturing establishnrents ancl otlier'
bLrsjness erndeavors u''liere electronic or electronically-controlled nrachincrl'
or ecluipment are mstailed and/or are being used, sold, rnaintained,
assembled. manulactured or operated.
(nr ) In.formotittn trnd Communicutions Teclrnology - relers to tire accluisition,
prodLrction. transfbnirrtion, stotagc and transmission/receplion of clata anc
infonnation by clcctronic lncans in foms such as vocal, pictorial. tcxluai"
nr-rnreric or the liiie; also to the theoretical and practical applicatrons and
processes r-rtilizing such data and information.
( Itz Pro/bssior,tLul Electrortics Engirteer - a person who is qLialilied to liold
lrinrse l0herself out as a rluly registered and licc-nscd Prol'cssional Eicctroi'rics
Enginccr r.rnder R.A. No. 9292 and to affi.r to l-ris/l-rer nanre tlre lettcrs
(o) T([(cotttt,utrrit'tttiott.t - luly lransrttissiort, crttisstott or recel]tiott r'l r oitu
c1:i1a.electronic messugr-s, ttr-xt, u'rittcn or printed ruatter, llxed or r-novitrg
pictLrrcs or images, u,ords, r-r-u.rsic or visible or- aLrdible signals or sounds, or
anf inlbnrration, intelligence and/or control signals of any design/fbnnat anci
lbr any purpose, b1' rvire, radio, spectral, visr-rerl/opticiili light, ol other
eIectronic. cIcctioniagnetic and technological means.
SEC. 1. Cutcgories oJ' Pructice - 'fhe Act defines tire three electrouics engineering ancl
tcchnicilin catcgories ancl their abbreviatiotis as follows:
(a) Prof-essionrLl E,lectronicsEngineer,(PECE)
(b) Elcctronrcs Engineer, (ECE)
(c) Electronics Technician, (ECT)
lhc ;-rbcir c abbrel'iatiol1s. as rveli as other abbreviations used in R.A. No. 9292. shail"
hcncelorth. bc Lrsed in this "lRR" .

l'hc abbrcviation ECE shall takc on thc ncrv urcaning as delinecl above and ilie proiessicnai
title Elcctr-cnics rlnd (lonrnrr-rr-rications Engineer shall itencetbrtir cease to erist.

SFIC'. 5. liuture und Scope of Practice of Electrortics Etrgineerirtg crrrd Electr"ortics

'l.echnicior, - (a) The scc,pe and nature of practice of the Eieclronics Engineer shall cnibrace
:rnrl consist of'an1, worh or activity rciating to the application of engineering sciences anclior
principles to the invcstigation. analysis, slmthesis, pianning, design, spccification. research
luncl dcrreloprnenl. l)r't)r isis11. l;r'oculenretrt, marketing atrd sales, marrlt[ac'LLrte iind
protiriction. coustrlrctiou ancl instailation, tests/nreasurements/control. opcralion. r'c'pait'.
scrr icing. tcclrnical support anci nraintcnauce of electronic componcnts, dcvtccs, lloducis.
ill)plralLls. inslrunrcr-rts. e'rltripnrerrt. svstenrs, networks, operirtiot-ts aud processes in the fie1cis
o1' cicclronics. inclLrding conrrluuir:ations and/or telecommuiricatiot-ts, inlornration anci
contrnunicalions technology (lCT), cor-nputers and tlreir nctrvorliing :url'i
haltltiLre,'limtlvarc/software clevelopnrent and applications, broadcastibroadcastiiig, cable
lntl u,irclcss television, conslimer and incl-rstrial electronics. electro-
o1-rlics,phoionics/optoelcctronics. electronragnetics, avionics. r-rcrospacc. nlvigzrtioniii anci
nrilitarl, irirplications, rnccliciil electronics, r'obotics, cybemetics. biometrics and ai1 olher
t'clalctl anc[ cor-n'ergent liclds; it also includes the adrlinistration. lllilnrgenrcrit. su1':crr isiot''
irnii rcsulatorl aspects olf such lvorks and activities; similarly included arc tltose teaLchrng
runtl trainmg actrvitics rvhich develop the abilitl, to r-rse electrontc engineering luncianrentals;
lund rclatcrl acl','anccd linorvledge in elcctlonics engineering. including iecturiug anci ie:iciring
o1- tcchnicaI ancl pro[essional sLrbjects given in the electronics r-nginecring lnd electronics
tcchnician crLr-riculum :urrl licensure exanrittations.

(a) The scope zrnd nature olpractice of the ECE as defined in this Section shali
be also apulicable to tlie PECE, rvith the sole diff'erence thiit it sharll onlr,'be
the latter lvho ci1rl provide consulting services as defined in R.A. No. 9292.
ancl to sign and seal electronics pians, di'arvings, pernrit appiications.
str-rccificzrtioi-rs, reports and other technical documents prepar-erl b1'
himselflherself andior under his/her direct supcr-vision,
(b) IIC'lls are not prevenlecl fionr renderir,g design rvork and pror idingr'assuming
any sllpcrvisory role in electronics works and related llclds; proi,icled.
that all plians. clrarvings. specifications, repolts arrd related technicai
docunrents,r resulting or prodr"rced fronr such works ri,hich shall be
subrlittccl to rcgulatorl' ar:tholities and/or thzrt in-rpacts on lifle. limb anci
propcrty shall be levicrvecl and accordingly signed ancl sealed onl1, b-v ii
PECE. to indicate thai the PE,CE approves of and assllnres responsibilrtir lbr
the technit:al accuracl' and correctness, as rvell as the sat-ety aspccts, of the
rvorlis represented by sr-rch documents;
(ct ConsLrltinil sen'ices, iis prcvior-rsly defined in Section 3, Artrcie I of Il.A"
No. 9192 is firrther clari{lec1 herein as those cor-rsultir:rg seniccs renclcred b1'
thc PL:C'E regardless of- the uranner of conrpcr-rsatior-r fl-om thc Lrcneficiar-y
thcrco l;

(d) 'fhc scopc ancl nature ol pract of the ECT prof'ession shall embrace anci
cot-tsist o1' au1, uotr-ettgineering rvork or activity relating to the installation.
r'()nstt'ucti()n. o[]ct'atior. contru tests and lreaslrrenrents, cliagnosis. replrir
\fJ and ntaint,:llancc. nranufitcture and production. sales and rlarketing of ari1,'
electronic componeniis, icc/s, proclucts. apparatus. instrunrents.
ecluipnrenl, systett-ti's, r.tctlvo operations and processes located on land.
$ n'atelcratt, aircr-aft. nr-iustnal p nts or cornmerciai establishments. inciudins
\* thc teachirrg ancl training o1' ical and proibssional sublects gii,en in the
cIceIr'urric:, teclttricilut .'Llr-l'icu and licensure examinations.

AlI subjects lbr iir:ct-rsure exaurinations sha1l be taught by persons rvho are hoiciers ol'
raliil ccrtificates of registratron aud professional identification carrds, ol specii,i
lcurporary plen'nits issned by the and the Commission; Provided, that. ior ilie
inrl;lenrentntion c,f this reqLrirenretrt, Board through the Comrnission si-rai1.
ri,ithin ninety (90) days from the elI-ec ivity of this "lRR", fumish the CHED rl'itli a
listing of tlie vari,:)LIS subject-c inciud ir-r the licensure cxaminations. to-qctlier u'iti:
co1',i95 of the syllabi 1or the subjects Ii examination.




SEC. 6. Contltosition o.f'the Bourtl - The l-essional Regulatory Boarcl of Elcctronics

[:ngirrcering. hcreinul'tcr-ref-errecl tc as t]re oard, tmder tiie administlativc colrtroi allLl
strpcrvisiorr oi the Profi:ssioilal RegLriation omnrission. hereinafter-re[erecl to as llLc
L'onrnrission. shall be courposccl o1' a Cl man and tu,o (2) Meurbet's rvho shall be
.ryrporntetl ;1, the Presiclcnt ol the Philippines m the tlrree (3) recornmendccs per position
choscu unil ranliecl b1' thc Conimission, lvhic recommendees shall in tunr irc choscn it'tlnr
ihc iive i 5 ) r.ronrinces lbr eaclt positiotr sLrbtritted by the Accr editcd Prcii-essional
Or'--q,anization or APO. in accordauce lvith E. . No. 496, Series of 1991, or the existing
nrlcs unrl regu]atrons prcsently in existeuce or may be pronruigated lor srich purilosc.

SEC. 7. Powers and Functions of the The Board is vestccl rvith pou.'ers ancl
aLrthorities to :

(.rl Atlnrini stcriimplement the prov ions of R.A. No. 9292;

(b) .\dnrrnistc ' tr;.rtlis irr r.'ortrtcctiort ith the administration of R.A. No. 9292;
(c ) Adopl the ofllcial scal of the
(d) lssLrc (lerti llcates o1' Regrstratio and the Prolessionai Icler-itiilcation Cartis ol'
PECEs. EL'Es or Efl-I's in iurce rvith Section 19. Article Ill oi'R.A.
No. 9292, suspend or revo the same, or otherrvise stLsl-lend thc irolder'
thereol- fiom the practice of r profession lor any justifitibie causc in
accordancr.: rvith Scction 23 of .A. NO. 9292, atler due process;
(e) Maintair-i rosters of PECEs, Es. and ECTs as defined in Section 25,
Articlc III of R.A. No. 9292;
(1) lssrLc. suspentl andior canccl ial pemits to fbreign PECEs. ECEs and
ECTs uuLU or its equivalent in rdance rvitli Sections 23 ancl 26, Arlicle III
ot'l{.A. Nc,.9292:
(s) Prescribe. arlend or revise requirements 1br licensing ol' PECEs. ur
accorcliurce witli the basic req rements definecl in Section i"\. Artrcle lli oi
R.A. No. 9292. aird. as the arises, tahing into consideration latcsi
technoiogr cai deveiopnlents, practices in the intemational field. cunent
{s1rglsp1'r'ri,--nts iu pr:oI-essional practice and the EC--E, prol-ession, and an,v
rur r-rtua I rccognition/agrcenrent or treaty acqniesced to b1" the Philippine
govenir rer:rt; ancl preparc. and issue the syllabi of thc sr-rbjecls lbr tlre
licensrLre ,crauritration tbr EC and ECTs in accordance t'ith Sectron 15.
Article Ill ol' R.A. No. 9292 , and prepale the questions thcrcol-. it: strict
contirt'riurce r,vith lhc scope o the syllabi. For this plrrposc, the Bo:rrd ttta','
aclopt reccir nr-uettci ati oir s tio m Cornmission on Highet E,ciucation (CI{ED)
and the Tt:chnical Ecticatron Skills Developnrent ALrthority (TESDA) in
rclzrtion to approved colrrses curricula;
(h) Adopt a program lbr thc fLrll puterization of the licensLrre exarninatiotr"
l.ith the exceptior-r o1'any pract examination/s as it nray specity and adopt
lor EC'Ts;
(r) Grant registration to ECTs ithout examination, su[-r.1ect to rcvieu, atitl
lrpl)r'()\.rl llr tltr ('rirt1111i5r1u,,. n accordance lviili Section 10" Artrclc III oi
R.i\. No. ()292'.
U) StLrdy, exirrr-rine and l-econ-t in coordirration r,vitl-r the CIIED ;rrd the-
TESDA. rLncl ir-i cor-rsultation ith other concenred goveninrcnt cntitics auci
the APO, the cssential requi as to cr-rn'icula ancl f'acilities ol sciroi-ris.
collegcs or Lrniversities, seeki permission to opeu collrses or progriilns c:
alrcaclv oliering coLrrses or in electronics engineering, eiectronics
tccirnician and relatecl or prograrxs and to sec to it that tlicsc
recluir-cnre;nts, inclLrding empl ent of clualitied facultv menrbcrs. are
properll' cornpliecl u.':lh: Pr ed, that rvilhin three (3 ) vears aficr thc
ellectii,ity of R.A No. 9292, Board shall. in coordination u,ith t'i{llD.
TESDA. rLnd in consullatiotr ith other conccmed governnlent cntities anci
the APO, revieu' rnd de efine the cunicula fbr- elcclronics
engineerin-q, elcctronics techni ian and/or allied collrses or progranrs lor tlic
purpose ol re-aligning, revi ng and/or cor-rsolidatiug the sanle anctr'or
otheruise deflnrng the nrirtin-t rcquirements by'nreans ol wirich graciuates
o1'relatcd or allied collrscs 0r ams can quaHl.v to take the trCE and ECT
licensLrre r:xaniinations; lor tir s pulpose, the Board ma1, aclopt thc CHED-
ancl ESD;\-approvcd colrrse c nicula for ECE, ECT andior ;illied coLrrses;
(k) hrsire ct eclucationai institu and basecl on its findings the reon.
rccor.r'u.nclti to CHED and/or TESDA and/or other golenrlnent entilrcs
e rrngL'1',r.r.1 rr itlr tlrc gt'liiltittq rt school pemrits or authonzatron, thc operrrng.
i mproverl ent,iLrpgrading or ure of colleges or schools antl universitrcs
,rll'cling,.'lectronics engirr 11g and electronics technician course s or
llr0grarr; accorclingly, pronru rules and regulations thereon;
(l) Aclopt ancl adminisier a Codc o Ethics and a Code of Teclnical Standards of
Practice for PECEs, ECEs anci CTs, which shall be pror.nulgated by'thc
APO in accordance rvith Secti 30, ;\rticle IV oI R.A. No. 9292.
(tri) In coordirration and consultati rvith the APO and conccntcci parties in the
incir-rstry, lLcader.ne uiid age ies or institutions, shall issue appropriatc
Resohrtiorrs to lr-rrthcr spcll ou , define and/or clarify thc practice fbr Pl:CEs,
l'.('lls and EC'l's in accordanc lvith the scope and nature of practice clcfineci
rundcr Scclion 5. Articie i ol' R A. No. 9292,
(n) P|orrrtilglrlr' lrrrt[ e rtsrlrc stt'ict compliance rvith a progrlrnr for f--ontinuitrg
Professioral Eclucation ancli tlevelopment of PECEs. ECEs and ECT in
accorclanc,: '"vitir Sec. 31. Artic V of R.A. No. 9292;
(o) Prescribc the nrinimullr rnaun and manporver requirenrents ftir PEC'Es,
ECEs an<1 ECTs in irrdr"rstria plants and conunercial establislrrnerits lbr
purposcs ol ensuring compli e rvith the provisions of R.A. No. 9292. as
u,ell as all other ordirrances. I s, rules aud regulations tl-rat r-nay be enacted
(p) Fonnulate , prescnbe rrnci aclo t such ruies and regr,rlations lor electronrcs
installations in inclLrstrial p1 s, commercial establisirnrents arid oilier
LrLrilrlings or structLll'cs co by the Nationai Building Cotlc o[ tiic
Philippiriers, in coorciination itir the Depaltnrent of PLrblic Worlis and
Highuays (DPWH), other co agencies and representativcs of induslr."
and the Accredited Profession l Organization;
(q) StLrcl1,' the conclitions al'fecting t1-re PECE, ECE and ECT prof'essions ir.r the
Philippiners, and r,vhenever rl ry, exercise tJre por,vers conf-erreil by' tirrs
ancl other La'uvs. rtrlcs ancl iations as may be deenrccl propcr tbr the
enhanccn'rcnt ancl adl'rL of the professions ancl/or thc niaintenancc ol
high proli:ssroual, ethical ancl hnical standards, and lor this purlrose, thc
[]oard nray personally or tliro subordinate curployees of the Conrn'iissiori
or nremberi's of the APO, duly ar.rthorized by the Board and approvcd b1, 1i1e
Conrn"Lission. conducl ocul inspection or visit industrial plants and
con-r nrerci al establishnr ents lv PECEs, ECEs and ECTs arc employcd fbr
thc pLrrpo,;e of detetnrining pliance with the provisious of larv relaiir c
thcreto, in accordarrce rvrth lished policies, rules ancl regr,rLatioirs of tiie
( r-) Heiir and clecide r..iolaiiorts of
the Act. the Codc of Ethics rurd tl.rc Corle ol'
Tcchnical Stanclards oi' Practi lbr the profcssion, and for this pr-upose. issu.'
.; t ltpott tt rt u d tcs t i/i t'u t i Llt in
tsubpoettu tluces lecLun to sccure aitcnilauce
ol'rritncsses and the prociLrctio of documents in connection x'rth tire cirarscs
Plescrrtcd tt) llntl or'alt\ irtr csli
ion pending bcibre the Boarcl.
(s) Dclegate the hcaring ol investi ion of administrative cases iliecl befure it tc
authorizecl. olflcers of the mrnission, except in cases n'here the issiic
involr,ed strictly collcerns practice of the PECE, irCE aiicl ECl'
;lrol'essior,s, in rvhicir case tl"Ie rring shall bc presided ovcr by ztt lezLst one
( 1 ) menrbe r of the Iloard isted by a Legal or Hearing Olficer ol the
(t) Prorlulga1e resolutions, orders or decisions on such adminrstrative citscs.
Such resolntions, orders atrclr' r decisions shall be subject to nppeal u'ithin
filteen (15) day's tionr rccei thereof with thc Cornmission. rvhich mtLv
iLffirnr or reverse the same, di iss the case, deny the appeai or remand the
casc to thi: Board lor l'Lrrther ion or proceeciing. If after ilfieen (15) days
ftonr thc receipt of such ision no appeal is taken therefi-onr tr: lirc
Conrurission. lire sanre shallb ,ome final and irnmediately cnlbr-ceablc.
(u) SLrbniit to the Commission an ual action plan and corresponding report al:
thc bcginrung and closc of cac fiscal year or-r the activities, proceedings auri
:rccomplishrnents of the Bo fbr the year, incorporating thercin alr)/
reconrnrcrclations to thc Clonr ission. ar-rd
(v) Dischlu'ge such othcr powcrs nd functions as it and the C onrmissrou l-l-]av
cleenr uccressarv lbr the ice of the prolbssion arnci the upgratling"
cnhauccm,ent, devclopment grou,th of- the PECE. ECIE ancl E,CT
prtrl'cssions in thc Philippines.

L-xccyrt in ednrinistrative cases. all resolutions issued and/or promulgated by tlic Board in lire
crcrcisc oi'thc po\vers ancl luuctions vested er R.A No. 9292 and expounded in the RR
thcrcol' shal1 be subject to thc rcview' approval by the Commission. Whenever
llcccssar)' ancl practicable. thc Boarci shall nsult with all affected partres before issr.ring
sLrch Rcsolulions. All sLrclr Resolutiorrs shall approved by a nrajority of-thc Board.
l)utics o./'Cltairnrun otrd fulembers.'1'he Cirairnran shali presicle at all meetings and srgn a1i
ol'llclal clocunrents, letters, correspontlcnce involving important matters ar-rcl policies of the
[]rrartl inclLicling srrnlnlons. sultpoutu ot' subltoeuu tluces tecum. In case ol terlporarir
incapacilv or ubsencc of the Chaimran, it shall be the duty o[the rnerrbers of the Board to
lttcnti all nrectings parti:ularlv u'hcrr thc pLrrpose of such meetings is to tlelrbcratc on the
rcsLrlts o1'e xurnir-urtions or qircstitlns rrrr olving rtrportant polictes of the Board.

:llactinss. held. Special rneetings n-ra1, be held as oitcii

RcgLrlar nron11-i1y meetings shal1 be
irs n'ta) bc necessarl,at thc cliscrction of the Chainnan or upo1.r the request o1'the ma.jorityol'
thc Boarcl.

Qrtorunr. All menrbers shali attenci the nieetings of the Board, except ibr ur-iavordablc
crrcrrrust:uices, in u,hich case lwo r.r-ierllbers of the Board tuay be sufficient to consliiute rt
rlr.lorr-lnr 1'or the transac-tion of ofl'icial busincss.

SIr-(1. 8. QuuliJicutiotr:s o.f' Bourd illambers - The Chairman ancl nrerlbcrs of 1hc Board
llusl llossess the [bllorving clLrnlifications at the time of tlieir appointnrcnt:

(r) Be a citizcn anci a lesident of the Philippines lbr at least fir'c (5) coLisccuii.r'e
years prior to hisiher appointntent;
(b) Be of gootl nroral ciraracter and integrity;
(c) Be a irolder of- a valirl Certillcate of Registlation aud a vaiid Prolessiouai
Icientilication Carci as a PECE, duly qualified to practice as a PECIE in ',he
PIr iliplrirrcs:
1rl Be a nrenrber o1'goocl standing of the APO;
(et Be in acti,ie practice of the electronics engineering profession fbr zrL lcast ten
(10) ctrritilrLroLrs vcars prior to his/irer appointment, either in self-praclice. o:'
enrplrrvnrrnt in gov'ernnrent service and/or in the private sector';
(11 Must not har.e any pecuniary interest, directlr,'or indirectl-v" in an1,'school,
:icaderny, college, university or institution conf-erring an acaderric degrec
anc1r'or certification/accreditation necessary fbr admission to tl-ie practicc oi
E,lec-tronics Engineering and/or Electronics 'f echnician or rvhere revie\\'
classes in preparatior-i for the licensure exarnination are being oilered o:'
condLrcted llor shir1l he/she be a member of the faclritv oi of the
ridnrinislration thereof prior to taking his/her oath of office; iincl
(g) Must not have been coirvictcd of zrn offense involvirrg moral tLrrpitLrcle.

Sl-('. 9. Term o.f'O.ffice - The members of the Board shall hoid oifice lor a temr oi'tlrree.
(j ) vcnrs f iom clate of atrrpointment or until their slrccessors shali have been appointeti anci
rltralificcl and nray bc re-appointed once for another temr. An1 \'llcal1c) occtLrnng rlithjn tire
lci-r'r.r o1'n nrenrber shall tre l'rlled Ibr the r,urexpired portior-r of the tem ot-ily': Provicleci. Tirai
llrc nrcurber alrpointed to servc the unexpired term nray be re-appoir-itecl nrorc than oncc ii--i
as long as hisi'hcr corrlir:Lr-ror-rs tenurc shall not exceed si,x (6) .v-ears. Each nrenrber of the
Bourcl shall lalie the propr:r oath prior to tlic assumption of officc.

SF-(1. 10. Conrpansution und Allox,nnces o.f the Bourd - Thc Chainnan:urd menrbcrs cl'
thc [.]oartl shail recerve conrpcnsirlior.r und allorvtrnces comparabie to that being received b1,
tlrc ('hairnran tintl menrbers of cxisting regulartory Boards uucler the Conrnrissitru irs
provirlecl lor in thc Gcneral Appropriations Act.

Slic. 11. Ilemovul of Bourd illemhers - The President of thc Philippincs. Lrpr)n
re con.inrenclation of tire (lomnrissiou, n-lay suspend or remove any member of the Board 1br
nculcct o1-dut',,, incornpr-'le LrcL'. r.uiuiip)rriation or rigging of the licensure exatlinatiou resrtlts,

, a+i,
i E ti-l
:-1" -
tlisciosLrrc oi-sccrct irifonration or llte erlnrination qucstions prior 1o the condLrct of thc
srriti crlrnination, o:' tanrpering ol thc grades therein, for lurprofessional or unciitical
eonrlLrct. ,:r lirr anv flnal judgnrent or couviction oIany crinrinal ofTensc by thc C'ourts, altei
har ing grr cn thc rnenrber concerned an opportunity to be hcard ancl/or to del"end
irinrscl1ihclsclf in tl propi)1- aciministrative inr cstigation.

S[-(]. 12. Custodiun oJ Bourd Records, Secreturiut crncl Support Services - All records oi'
thc []oarcl. inclLrcling applications 1bl'examination, :rdrninistrative cases involving PECEs.
F.CEs and EC'fs shzril bc hept by thc Cornmission.

'l'lrc ('onrluission
shall c1,.:signrte thc Secreta of thc Board irircl shall provicie the sccretari:,t
lunrl oLhcr support sen,ices to implcrncni the pr visions of R.A. No. 9292.


SE(.. l3 . Liccnsure E)xutrtitrutiort. - Except as specifically providcd in Sections l0 and

ll ol- R.A. No. 9292, all applicants seeliing to be registered and licensed as ECEs and ECTs
shall Lutdcl'go tl-re lequire,J exaurinations to be given bv the Board in such places anci dates zrs
thc ('onrnrissior-r nrav designatc in irccorclance rvith the provisions of Republic Act No. 8981.

SE(1. l1- Quulijicution.,fbr E-raminution. - ln order to be allow'ed to terl<e the

cramination for ECE or EC'I, an applicart must, at the tirne of tlic tiling oi'ltisrhel
applrcation, cstabllish to thc salistaction of the Board that:
(a) HeiShe is a citizen of thc Philippines ol of a foreign country qualifiecl to tahc
tlre examination as provided fol in Section 33, Article V of R.A. No. 9292;
(b) He/She is of good molal character ar-rd had not been convictcd by ii couri o1-
lau, ola cr"iminal offense invoiving moral turpitucle;
(c) For thu Ei]E exanrinatior"rs, He/She is a l-rolder of a degrec of Bachelor oi
Scicnce rr Electronics and Communications Engineering or Eiectror-tics
Engineerrng, or subjcct to compiiance with nrinimum reciuirements to bc
prescnbecl by tlie Boarci tlrror,rgh al1 appropriate Resolution, such ccluir.'aieni
ancl/or reiated enginccring colrrse or program fi'om any scirool, instit'ute,
collcgc, or luriversity recognized by the Govemment oL thc State u'liet'e it is
established. afier conrpleting a resiclent collegiate course equir"alent to ihat oi
a 1ir11 bei;calaureate degree. For graduates ol equivalent ilndior rclatecl
engineering course or progrlllxs who are allorl'ed to talie thc ECE licclrsure
cran.rrnation, the Boarcl shall rssue thc corresponcling ResolLrtionis identi['ing
the ci-rncemcd applicrmts anci citing the basrs lor conrpliancc u,ith thc
nrinir-uunr recluirenrcnts it has prescribed that rvould allou, them to talic tjie
1 ic ensLrre oxiu-r-ri n:ttion.
(d) Ftlr tlre E( "f crlrrttittlrliurts:
( l) He/Slie is a gracluate ol an Associate, Technician, -i'r:rde or'
Vc,cational colrrst: iu electronics or, stibject to the cvaluation of the
Board, such ecluir,'alent andior related fomal or non-fonnal course or
l)r'()Sranl ll'orrr ;.rnv sclrool. college. rrnir ursily or tluirring ir]:tituliou
rccognized by the Covenrrnent or thc Statc rvhere it is establisheci,
aft,:r corlpleting a rcsident course or program of not less than t',vo (2)
yeurs. F or graduatcs of re lated fomral or rron-fbrnral collrse or
prollran'ls u,ho r,r,'i11 be alloweci to take the ECT licensure examinaiion.
tlie Boar:tl shail issLre the corresponding Resolutron,s identilying the
applicants anti citing the basis fbr con-rpliance with the nrinimlinr
rcrlr,rirements rt has prescribccl that u,ould allow thcnr to tal<e tltc
I ic -'nsLrrc ellrr ri r rr.rtiort: or

'ji,,* "
(l) [{e/she lias conrpletcd at lcast thc nrinirnum thircl-year ecluivaleni o1'a
Balhclor of Scicncc progran-r in Electronics and Coururtiuic.tliotrs;
Engineering or Electronics Engineering program according to CF1ED
gr-rldelines, or, subject to the evaluation of the Board" sLtch ecluivaletri
anciror relatecl errgineerinu coLrrse or program f}onr any school,
institute. coliege or university lecognized by the Govemnrent or State
rvhere it is cstabiished. For undergraduates of Bachelor of Science tn
E1i:ctronics and (lommunications or Electronics Engirieet'irrg
prograuls, sLrbmission o1' transcript oi records rvoulcl be dccmed
salislactory fbr compliance. Fot graduates of related etrgilreerirtg
colil'se or prr.)gr'&lns, the Board sha11 issue tlic corrcspouciitrg
ResolLrtionis iticntify,ing tire appiicants and citin-q conrltliancc rr'rth thc
nrirru-nun-r recpiirements it has prescribed that r,r,otrld allou' tlictri to
tai<c the liccrrstrrc exarttinatiott.
SEC. l5 Scope of Examinations. *
i . For Electronic Engineers The examinatior, for ECEs shall consist oi u''rilteir
test rvhich shall be ciivided ir-rto fbur (4) general areas: Matirentatics (20%).
Gcncral Engineering anci Applied Sciences (20'%'1, Electrouics Engineeririg
(i0%,) and Electronics Systcrls and Technologies (30%). Thc subjccts tc bc
covererl shall inclLrde the lollorving: Matireuratics, Applied Sciences.
hngir-iec-rin51 Economics, Larvs and Ethics, Eiectronics, Cotlnruuicutiotis.
('ortrputcrs and Iufonlatron and Communications Technology (lCT). The
corrcsponding syllabi anci tlescriptions nre found in Annex "A" oltlrts "lRR".
'). iror Elcctronics 'l'cchnicians The cxaminations for ECT shall cottsist oi'
l,ritten and/or placticai tests covering subjects to be prescribecl by the Board
anci shal1 cover topics specific to the practrce of ECTs. For this pLttpose, t1.ie
Board rnay irdopt reconrrrendatiorrs from the TESDA in reiatioti to approl'cd
course curricula anclior subjects covered in sirnilar exanrinatious tirat tire iatter
ls zidmutist{:lring andi'or cotrduciing fbr accreditation of electtouics tcchtricians.
,,\s urgent lncl inrportant need arises so as to confor-nt to technological utii
nroclent ch:rnges. the Rlrard uray, through appropriate ResolLtticlus, rc-clltster.
rearrange, rnodify, adrl to or exclude any subject ancl presctibe the uuml-ret'oi'
llnal cxrntinutiorls ir(r year after approval by the Cortulissiou. i'he
I{csolulion thereon shall be officially published in the Ofhcial Gazctte or
lutiUor daily nclvspapers of general circLriation and also circirlarizeti and
clisscnrinatecl to all collcges ancl schools oflering the ECE and ECT pr-ogr-anrs.

Iriling of Application -
1. ;\,pplicalions sirali be nrade in the prescribcd lbmr with all the reciuirec
rlocurncnts ;:rttached thcrervith :,rnd no application made othcrrvise shali bc
acccptcri. All clLrestions ancl/or requiremeuts in the Comutissiou prescribeci
lirnl shall bc ansu,ered in full anrl/or 1ir111, oornplied with. Applications shali
be filed tog,;111.,' rvilir tiie recl"rired documents eurd f-ees u,ith the C-'or-nmissior-r
thirty (30) riorking clays prior to the {irst day ol examination burt in no case
luter than ten (10) da-vs belore thc actual hrst day of examinattoits.
2. By flrling o1 the application, it is Linderstood th:Lt sr"rch is conditional and tire
applrcant llgrccs to observe strictly the requirements prescribed in this "II{R".
3 ticsignuted clepartment of-1he Clommission shalI screen tite applicatiotis to
rlclcnnine u,hethcr or- nn1 the requirements for adtnission to thc cxiuniuatioii
have becn cornpliccl u,i1h.

, iF,i,
Slf C. l6 llurings To 1-xrss the liccnsirlc exanrination, a candidate fbr Et'E or ECT untst
rrlrtarn a passmg ratmg o1-scvcntv pcrcent \70%) itr each of the foLrr (:t) tests givcn tluitng
tlte cxantinattrtn. lla canclidate obt:rins a passing rating in tirree (3) tests, br-rt oblains t lrttirr;
iir one tcst bclon 70%,. but not lo*,cr than 60%, shall be allou'ed to tahe one reuroval
cxuntination in any scheclulecl board exanrination on the test u,irere heishe tiiiled to obtain
thc 1-lussing rating. ShoLrkl the e,rirnrinee lail to obtain a passing rating in thc rentoval
cran'rinrLtion, hc/she shall be colrsidered as having faiied the eritire licensure cxauriuatton.

S[.C. 17 Raleuse oJ'Rcsult oJ'E-runinution. - The Board and the Commission sha]l
cor-r'cct ancl riLtc tltc licensLrrc eranrination eurcl sirali reiease the result uithin 111'tccrr (15)
,i.rrs rtlier tlre sititl cr;.ttttirtlttitrrr.

SI,l(1. 18. Quuli./ictttio,rts ttntl Schedule of' Registration .for Professiortul Elcctrortits
Enginacrs. -'l-he lollorvutg reqtrirerlents are applicable lbr the application lbr t'egistratrion
as a PECE:
(a) Valid Certificate of Registration and Professional ldentification Card as tltl
(b) \'alicl/curri:nt mcmbership identificatiou card or certificate ol rncnrt-rcrship o1'
goocl stanlling fi-oni thc APO;
(c) Certilleti rxperieuce rccord o1- active self-practice aud/or etlploylcnt ci'riier
in gor,crnntcnt sen,icc or in the private sector, in tl-re fbrntat to be prcscribeci
by, the l]oarcl, indicating the rnclr-rsive dates. compauics u,orked fbr.
clescrilttion of specific responsibilities, relevant iiccomplishntetrts aud ttatne.
position cif'irnurecliate supcrvisors fbr a period of at least sevelt (7) yeiits
(inclusir,'e and/or aggregate), iit least trvo (2) years of witich at"e in rcsponsiblc
chat'gc of sigr-rificant engincering work, fiom the date applicant toolt his,'her
oath as alt E,lectronics and Comrnunications Engineer or Electroitic.
ltngineer; the seven vears inclusive or aggregate experieuce inclLrdes tl-tose
u,hich 1rar,e bccn accurnulatcd rvhen the applicant rvas sti11 hoidirtg tiie
Electronicrs anci Conrinunications Engineering registratiot-t under Repubiic
Act No. 57i4; and

(tl) 'T'hree (3)certifications signed bythree (3) PECEs altesting thal the expet'ienc,e
i-ccord sLrbr-nittecl by thc applicant is factLral. The Boirrtl shal1 specily the
[ornrat lor sLrch celtrtications.

Applications lor registration as PECE rnay be sLrbmitted an14ir.ne to the Contmrssion.

Tlrc Boarci shall then scheclLrle an en bunc oral inten,iew of the applicanl lor tl-Le
pLl+rose of vcrifyiing. authcnticating and assessing the subn-rittals and establishing the
conrpctencl,ol'the applicant ilccording to rlrles, regulations ancl cotlpetency
stanclards to be rr-nrLrlated b1' the Board. For this plupose, the Boald ntay lonnulatc
rts o\\'11 contpel.eltcy standarcls or adopt intemationally-accepted conlpeteucy
stanclards that it rray deem acceptable, against n'hich the qLralification attd
contpctcncy ol- ilre applicant to practice as a PECE shall be assesseci. Such
conrpctcucy stancrlards shall be u,idely disscminated by the Board.

L,nclcr the exccplion proviso strpulated in this pallicular Sectiou l8, r\rticlc III of'
It..\. No. 9292 those who have bcen registered and licensed as Elcctr-onics aud
('r-.r-nn-rr-rnications lligineers uncler Republic Act No. 5734 for at least se\ren (7) ycars
Lrpon the effec:tivtty of R.r\. t,No. 9292 as elucidated iri tlte afore-saicl provisron need
onlv to submit itenrs (a), (b). and (c).

:r,'lt i
L,rrrlcr the s:rure t:rception provlso, those who have been registereci and Iicctrscd as
Elcctronics ancl ConrnrunicaLions Engineers under RepLrblic Act No. 573.-l lbr less
than seven (7) i,ears Lrpon tire eflectivity of the Act, may appl)' lbr "last track"
Lrp-grircling to PECE category. but shall aclditionally submit item (d) above and are
nranclatorilv reqr:ired to go lhror-rgh an en bunc oral intervier'v by the Boarcl ior
vcr iflcation nud ar.rthcnticatiorr of the submitted documents as rvell as corlrpetel-lcy
lussessl.]rcnt, Lrpou passiug o1- u hich cur be registered as a PECE.

C. 19. Issuutrcl: o.f' Certi.firute of' Registration uncl Professional ldenti.ficutiott

Curds. A C'crtiflcatc crl Registration shall be issued to exarninees who pass tire ECE anil
EC.l- Iicensurc cxaminatron, to ECEs who are registered as PECE,s and to ECI's Technicians
u'lto luc rcgislered u,itjrout cxamination, subject to payrent ol lbcs prcscribecl by the
('omntission. The Certiflcate o1'Rcgistration shall bear the signature of the Chairperson and
\{cnrbcrs oI- tlie Boarcl, stamped rvilh the official seal of thc Conrmission and tlie Boarci,
inclicating lhat the persotl nalreci thcrein is entitlecl to practice the pr-ofession vuitir aii thc
prrr ilegcs i.lppLlrtclt,lnl tlrereto, sLrb;cct 1o conrpliance rvith all applicable rcquirenrents. The
slLitl ccliificatc shall rcntirirrin lirli fbr.ce arnd el-fect until u,ithdrawn, sttspended or t'cvol<cri in
rrccorilance u'rth Scctiotr 23 o1' R.A. No" 9292.

.,\ ['t'olcssionlLl Iclcutrflc:r'ticln C]arcl bcaring the registration nuurber and date of iegistratiott.
tltrlv signcd b,v the Chrrirperson o1-the Conmission, shall iikervise be rssueci to evcrJ,
regrslrant rr,ho ltas pard the prescribed l-ee. This Professional Idcntificatiolt Clard ri'il1 scn,'e
ruscviclcncc that tlie hold':r-thereof is dLily registered witir the Cotrtmisston.

The Proiessional Iclentrliciitron Cai-d shall be valid for a period prcscribcri [r;r thc
('onrn'rission tlud rcncrvlble tltereaf lcl Thc current/r,alid mentbership identification cetrd

lionr thc APO shal1 bc presented by ihc prolessional to thc Conrmissiou u'hen reuerving the
Plo1'essional Identi llcation Carcl.

SEC. 20. Registrutia'rt tt,itlr nrtd tt,ithout Examination for Electronics Tcchrriciutrs
(ECT'). - \\rithin five (5i) years frour the elfectivity of R.A. No. 9292 on May 28. 2004
ltursLraut to Rule VII. Section 3 herein, the Board shail issue tiie coresponding Ccrtificzrtes
o1-Re-qistration ancl I'rofcssion:rl Iclentification Cards to successl-ul applicants fot't'csistration
rus h,lcctronrcs Technicrirurs rvlio sha1l present evideuce or other proof satisfhctory lc the
Boartl lliat the applica,nts shall present evidence or otirer proof satisfactory to the Boarci
(a) Heishe is a graduate olat least a two-year Associate, Technici:rn or Tt-ade or
Vocational colrrse in E,lectronics as certifred by the TESDA. or that hc,/sire
has conrplcteri at least tl-re ilinimur-n third-year equivalcut oi' a Bachelor's
Degrcc o1' Science rn Electronics and Conrnrunications Engineering oi-
Eleclronics Engureering progl'aln according to the CHED guidelines. or
sLrb-ject to the eviilLration of the Board, an ecluivalent andior rclated fbrtlal or
non-lon-nal course or program from any school. institule. co11ege, Luriversitv
or lraininll institntion recognizccl by the Govemment or thc State n'irere it is
established; and
(b) Hc, she lras renclerccl at lcast seven (7) years (inclusir.'e or aggrcgal-e) of
activc self-practice ancl/or employment either in the Goveninre'nl or' privete
seclor, indicating tirercin hisiher specific dLrties and responsibrlities, relcvant
accourl)lishmeuts. the conrplete nanres and addresscs or clients arid
c,clnrpanicr; or llersol'ls rvorkcd for, as rvell as the uatnes ancl positiotrs of
i nrrl eriiatr.: supervisors.
J-he nbovc sr"rirr-nittals shall bc accolnpanicd by individLral cerlitications li-om at lcast tl-rree
1.3.i lcgistercd PECEs rouchir-ig lor the integrity, technicai capability and goocl r-r-roral
clurracter o1-tltc applicant in a lbmrat to be prescribed by the Board. Such cemil'ications sitaii
bc scalecl b-v tlic PECh,s.

Sllc. 2l " Non-issuunce of u CcrtiJicute oJ' Registrution ctncl/or Pro.fessinttol

Iiantificution Curd.for Ccrtuin Grountls - The Board andl'or the Conrntission siraiI trot
lcsislcr ancl shall not issrrc a Ccrtillcate of Registration and Professional lclentification Card
lo uu\, llersolt cortvicted by a courl of competent jurisdiction o1- any crime involving t-noral
tLir'piturlc. to ally pcrson ol immoral or dishonorablc conduct arid to atly pcrson of ttnsound
ntin,-i. l'Lrntishrng the party concenretl a u'ritten statenrent containrng tirc reasons fbr such
luclion, uiiich statelrent shall bc incorporated in the rccords of'ti-re Board.

Sll(1. 22. I'roJcssiotrol Outh -..r.11 successlul exan-rinees and all those r,r'iro have qLraitiieti
lbr rcgistrrlioit rvithout e xanrination shall be reqr-rired to take a professional oath befbre an;i
ntcntbcr of ihe Boarcl or Lilty pcrsorl autiiorized by the Comniission belbre heishe catt be
rcsistcre(l rrnd issLred a Ccrtrficate of Registration and Profbssional ldcntillcarion C'alcl, ancl
as a 1lrcreqtrisitc to praclicing as a Plol-essional Electronics Engineer, Elcctronics Engirteel
r)l ElLctroltics fecittticir.tt r.

SEC. 23. Rcvocution trntl Suspettsion of Certificate of Registrtttiorr, Professionol

Itltnti/icution Curd untl Ccmcellutiotr oJ'Special Permits. - The Board shall, upon propei
noticc ancl hcarinq. revoke or sLrspend the validity of a Certificate of Registration iurtl
ruccorrlingll,tlie Proicssir>nal Identification C--ard, or cancel a Special Pcnrrit granted ttitdcr
Scctir-rn 2(r o1'tlte Act, lbr an1, of tire causes mentioned therein, or for unprofessional or
rrncthical contiuct, nralpractice, incourpetence or anyvioiation of R.A. No. 9292, the C-oiic
ol- [tthrcs tntl the Codc of Techr-rical Standards of Practice, or lvhere lraud. tleccit. or falsc
stutentcnl r,a.r lbLrncl to have lreen cmplo1,ed in obtaining said Cerlificate o1'Regrstiirtiort.
Irrolissional Iclcntificatjon C]ard or Specral Penr"rit.

No ccltiflcate sliall be denied, revol<erl or suspended for an1, of the reasolls hcrcin, provtdeci.
no1 Lrntillificr a sworn c,lrrplaint in u,riting and swom to bythe person nral'iug it rLgatnst
thc applicant or holcler theleof shall liave been filed nith the Board tlirough the Legal atrci
Irrvestisation Ol'llce ancl hearcl in a pLrblic hearing, or uport lequest behind closecl doors by'
thc Boarcl.
,,\rr1'1rcrson. 1lnn. or ussociltion nlr) filc charges in accordance rvith the provisiotrs o1'1his
scctrtrn against an1, registriint, clr the Board ntay tnotu proprio invcstigate anclr'or take
cognizl-rncc of acts aurl practices consiitr-rting sulficient cause fior suspeusion or revocittiot.i o1-

tirc C'crtiticiite ol Registration by proper resolution or order.

The lLrlcs on adn-rir-ristrutive investigetion issued by the Commission shall go\-ent the hearitrg
or investigution of the case, sLrbject to applicabie provisions of R.A. No. 9292, R.A. No.
39t l. f'R(' ResolLrtion Nr:. 06-342(A), Series of 2006, and the Rules of Cotrrt.

Sl,lc. 2,1. Reinstatemcnt, Re-issu:rnce or Replacement of Certificate of Registration

and Prol'essional Iclentif'ication Card. - The Board may, two (2) years aftcr thc rcvocatiot.t
ol- l ('crtillc:rtc o1- Rcgistration and F'r'olessional Identification Card, upon application olthc
Ir.ri'lv colrccr-nctl ;lncl tbr rcasous de,.'med propel and sr"rflcient, reinstate the validity of a
i'cr olietl ('crtiflcate of Registration and Prolessional ldcntification Card, suLrject to
conrlriiance tvith the applicablc rccluirements of the Cotntlission and the Board; I'rot'itletl.
the part)' coucenrecl did not conrrnit any illegal practicc of tire prol'ession r)r i-ut)
riolation o1- l{.A. NO. 9292 cocles anci policies during the tiue that his/her-Certiflcate of
Il cgi stration anci Pr oltssional lclenti i'i cation Clard was revoked.
Iloarci sLrllcct to approi,al by thc Conrnrission shall issue a resolution granting t petitrorr
lor rcinslltcnlent 1o the llractice of tlic prol'cssion.

A ncu ('crtif rcatc of l{cgistlation or Professional Identification Card to rcplacc 1os1,

rlcstrorecl. or n"rr-rtilatecl ti-'crtillcate ci1'Rcgistration or Prol-essional Identillcation f'arii nral'
lrc issucrl" sLrirjcct to the rules prorrrr-rlgatccl by the Board and/or the C-'ommissioLr. upon
pl-vr.ncnt o 1- the recprirecl i''ces.

SEC. 25. Roster of' ,Profcssionuf Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engittcers und
E{cc'trortics T'achrticiilnti. - Tlie Board shali prepare and triiinlait-t a t'ostcL of the tlantes.
r.csitlcnce antl,'or offlce ucldress cf all registcred PECEs, ECEs and EC'l-s. which siraii be
Lipclrtccl lutnr-ra1ly in c(,operiltion u'ith the APO" indicating tlterein thc statits of the '

( crtificate of Rcgistratiorr. Prolcssiorrli Identillcatic'xr Card and rneinbership in thc APO r:lf
tlrc prolcssic'rnal, n heti"rcr valicl, inactive clue to death or other reasons, delinquenl.
srrspcnrlcd or lcvolictl.'fhe said rostcr"sltall be conspict-tously posted rvithin tltc;rrelnises oi'
tlrc ('onrntission LLnd tlic rnlblmatiorr therelrom made available to tlic pLrblic tqrr)n iltqLtir'\'
or rcrFlcsi.

SF-C. 26. Exetnptiotts fronr Exurttitrutiotr uttd Registratior. * No eranrination aurd

rcqistration slrall be recluired for foreign PECEs, ECEs or ECITs ancl ecluivalenl rl,ito rlrc
krnil-ror-ariiy crnployed b1, thc Philippine Governrlent or by pr:ir.'ate ltnls in the Philiopines
rn the ibiiot ing cases:
(at Wherc no clualifiecl eclr-rivalent Filipino profbssional is available for the
sltecitic ilcm ol'worli to bc rendered, as attested to by the APO. For this
Irurpose. thc AI']O shall, upon {bnlal request by the fbreign prof-es*<ion:i1 a:rd
Lrpon llroper verification, issirc a w'ritten cerlificalion to sttch etl-ecl.
(b) Where thi: corrditionis olthe scope and funding lbr the tnorli or projc-ct:ire
sLrch lhat it stipLrlates the ternporary employrent of zr foreigtt prolessioniil.
Thc Boartl shal1 accordingly require the foreign professional to sr,riinrit the
necessary clocuments to eviclence such conditiorvs;
(ct As deijned in the General Agreenrent on Trade in Services. the ASEAN and
APEC Elgineer Registry programs and other sir-niiar intcrn:rtional treaties.
agreenlenls iincl/or ccveuants to whrch the Philippinc Cor''enrmc'ut is rt
signatory ancl has ratrlicd. This shall include any brlatcral or nruilii-lateral
rurutLral recognilion agrL-enlents in services tirat tire Philippincs havc agre-ed to
or u,ili cnler iuto in thc fitture .
P r ov i tl ed, I t ott' et'e r ^ IhaL'.
tI ) l-he sairi foreign prolessional is 1egally qualified to practice hisr'her
prot'essron in his/her own colrntry in which the requirements for licensing
ancl legistration are not lorver than those specihed in the Act.
'lhe Board
shlll recluire the loleign professional to submit evidencc or prool' that r1
tna\' cles-lt-t necessarlr lbr this plllposo;
(2) Thc rvorli to be perlbmed by said lbreign profcssional shall be linritcd
C)nly to the particLLlar worli or project fbr u,hich he/shc r.r,as spccificaill,,
conlracIcd. Tiris shall bc accordingly reflecled in the Special Pcrnrit to bc
issuccl by the Bourd Lurcler the fbllowing provision of this Scctjon.
ij) Prior lcl conrnreucing the ri'orlt ancl sectring ii rvorking visii audiolrvtlrl<iurj
pcnnit [l-onr the concerned govenlr]ler]t agercies. the foreigrr pro{essiorral
shall secure a Special Penrit from the Board, ivhich shall be sLrbjcct to tl-re
iipproval of the Commission. This reqnirement shall be con-rplied rvith all
tl-ie cascs (Sections 26.a.26.b and 26.c) enuurerated above;
i.i) The siinre lbreign profcssional shall not engage in prirate practicc on
his.,'her own i1ccouu1. Auy provcrr violation hereof shall be ardeclnatc
grouncl for canccllation and/or non-rer]e\va1 of the Specitrl Pcmrit
granted 10 thc lbiei-9n professional;

t ?iit
(,5) For e\e::'v [crrc'igr', prcl'essional contracted lor the r,vork or projcct, al least
trvo (2) corrcsponding Iriliprno prolessionals rvho are registered uncier titc
Act shall be entplol,ecl as coLurtcrparts by the Philippine Got,entntettt or the
pnvate llrn-r Lrtrlizirig thc scrvices of such lbreigrr professional ibr at ieast
tirc sanre clLrration of time as the [oreigner's lenure ol rvork. The fbrcign
prol'essionzrl shall submit the appropriate evidcr-]ce or prool o1'conrpliance
rvith this requireuent; and

t6) ol'not
1'he Spt:cial Permit l'rerein granted shal1 be vaiid only fbr a period
ntore tllan sir (6) uronths and renewable er.'ery six (6) nronti-ts thercafter
sLrb.ject to the discrciion of the Board and the approval of the Cotnntisston:

l)rctt,itl,.:rl, Tlrat saicl pcnrit shall cease to be valid if the iorcigttet'

tcntrinatcs his/hcr cntplovment rn the work or project 1br u'irich s:rici permit
\\;as origitrally grairted and thereafter engeges irr an L)ccupalior.l that
rccprires,, another Special Perrrit or registration itnder R.A. No.

SEC. 27. Pructicc o.f the Professiort. - No person shali ofler l-rintsell/herself ir-r tire
I)hilipltines as. or use thr: title "Pro1-cssional Electronics Engilteer", "Elcctrot-tics Ettgitteer"
oi. "Electronics Techticinn", ris cletlned in R.A. No. 9292, or Llse auy u,ord. letter ligtrre, or-
siuu r\hatsocvcr, tenrling 1r..l con\.cy the inrpt'ession tirat he/she is a PECE, ECE or ECT. oi'
atircrtise that lier'she is rqualilieci to perlbmr tire work of a PECE, ECE, or ECf, 'urithoLtt
itoldrng a ralld Ccrtificate o1'Rcgisiratiou iurd a valid Professioual Identificatiort C:ird in
ruccorrlancc t,rtli I{.A No. 9292 , exccpt as provided under Sectiott 26, Atticic lllthereoi.

SF-('. 28. Prohibitiorrs rtntl Lirnitntions ort the Practice of Electronics Enginecrirtg tuu{
Illcc'lrortics Technician )Dro./bssiotr. - Unless otherwise prescribed by an1, srtlrcn,etring larv,
tlrc ltractice o-[ electroni,]s engincering and electronics technician shall be ii professiotlal
scn,ice. adntission to u,hich nrusl be detetrr ined on the basis of the itrdividuai's persottal
ilLralil-rcatious. Herlce, rLo funr, company, partnership, associrttiolt or corpot'atiotr may be
rcqisterecl or licenscd ars such fbr the practice of electronics engineerirtg or electrottics
lcrchuician. iJor,,,ever. ircrsor.ls irropcrly registered as PECIE, ECE. ECT I-nav. alnoilg
tltcnrsclvcs or u,ith any other allieii prolessionals, fonl a partnership or associatiott o:-
cor-lroriLtiol.r and collcctrlcly rencler services as such, Provirletl, that individual mettttters oi'
sirch ltat-tncrshipS ot' u!,iSoCrations ur colporations slrall bc responsible lor lheir ou'n
reslrcctive acts.

'l hc Boalri sr-rbject to appnoval by thc Comrnission shall issue a resolutiotr ot-t tite gLricle lines
lirr the registration by the Board arrd the Commission ol a parhership, associatiott o,'
cor-pomtion composeci of PECEs. ECEs, ECTs.

SF,fl. 29. Saul oJ'tht: Pro.fbssiottul Electronics Engineers. - A11 liceused Prolcssiorrai
Electronics Errqinccrs shirll obtain anri use a seal of a desigtr prescribed by the Board bcaritt-q
thc rcqistrant's nLultc, r-e-qistratiorr Nturber and title. Plans, drawings, pcrnrit applicatiort.
sltcci{icalirtns. reltorts antl othcr tcchirical clocunrents prepared Lry and/or cxecuted tttrdcr tilc
supcr-r isior-r oi', ancl isslri:d by' thc Prolessional Eiectronics Engineer sirall be stattrped on
c\Lrrv shectipligc r.r,ith said seal, inclicatir-rg therein his/trer current Prof-essional Tax Receipt
(t-''ttl-) r-rlLtnber, clatei'place ol payment ancl curr-ent rnembership number in the Accrediteci
Prol'cssion:ti Organizati,:n r.l,hen llled u,ith govenlrnent authorities or lvhett useci
pro ltssionally.
\ Official Logo of the Board {tnd Seal of Professional Electronics Engineer -
: (a) The Official Seal/Logo of the Board which is shown hereunder is circular in
i shape, consisting two c,oncentric circles, with the outside circle measuring 48mm in
\ diameter and the inner circle measuring 28mm in diameter. The upper part of the annular
space bear the words BOARD OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING and lower half the
woTdsPROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISSION. The inner circle space has the
\\ symbol of an atom with a nucleus and electrons located at the middle portion. The outer and
J inner ring is filled with orange with boundaries in navy blue color, the text is black with
white background, the inner ring is filled with navy blue background, the atom with white
and the nucleus and electrons in red color.

(b) The Seal of Professional Electronics Engireer as provided by Section 29, Article
ry of R.A. No. 9292 shall be, a dry circular seal consisting of two concentric circles
with the outercircle measuring 48mm in diameter and the inner circle measuring 32mm
in diameter with the appearance of an atom with a nucleus and electrons on the upper
portion, a horizontal space bearing the word LICENSE NO. and just below is the
icense number. The portion of the inner circle below the diametral space shall bear the
name of the person holding the Professional Electronics Engineer license. The upper
portion of the annular spaoe bear the words PROFESSIONAL ELECTRONICS
ENGINEER and the lower portion bear the word PHILIPPINES.

a rFfl

ffi F"Jf'#*-*

All registered Professional Electronics Engineers shall obtain and use a seal prescribed by
the Board bearing the registrant's name, title and registration number. Plans, drawings,
reporls, permit applications, specifications and other technical documents prepared by
and/or executed under the supervision of and issued by the Professional Electronics
Engineer shall be stamped on every sheet/page with said seal, indicating therein hislher
current Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) number, datelplace of payment and current
membership number in the APO when filed with government authorities or when used

For control and security purposes, the Board subject to approval by the Commission shall
issue a Resolution, designating the APO as the sole source of the PECE dry seal, including
any replacement for lost or damaged dry seals. The APO shall take the necessary security
measures to ensure the authenticity and integrity of all PECE dry seals thatit issues,
maintain an accurate recond thereof and render an annual report thereon to the Board and
the Commission.

SEC. 3A. Code of Ethics and Code of Technical Standards af Practice - The Board shall
adopt the Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical Standards of Practice for PECEs, ECEs
and ECTs, which shall be promulgated by the APO. The APO shall submit the same to the
Board within six (6) mr:nths from the effectivity of this "IRR" for consideration and

The Code of Technical Standards of Practice shall be updated whenever necessary to

conform to latest technological standards, changes, trends, and developments.

SEC. 31,. Continuing Professional Educcrlion (CPE) and/or Development Programs. -

All registered PECEs, ECEs and ECTs shall comply with pertinent rules and regulations
already prescribed by and/or as may be prescribed and promulgated by the Commission
and/or the Board, the APO and other government agencies, pursuant to R.A. No. 9292, as
well as other relevant laws, international treaties, agreements andlor covenants to which the
Philippines is a signatory and has ratified, with respect to Continuing Professional Education
an#or Development (CPEID) and/or other similar/related programs;

.i +fr'
i !t:'
/r' i

Strch ['PEiD prograrn slrall bc jointly developed by the Board, the Cornmission, anci tire
APC. ir-r consult:rtion lvith any other:rffectcd or concerned agencies of the govenlnrenl. aud
plontLrlgaled try the Board in iiocordance with Sectior.r 7(n). Article II olR.A. No. c1292. Thc
progmur shall be contir-l-ror-rsly reriew,ed and updated to lteep it attr-ured to modenl
lcchnolog."' al-rL1 techllical standards, latest deveioprncuts, and cument best practices.

SECTION 32.Integruted and Accredited Professiortul Organitstion. - 1-here shall be onc'

(I ) intcgratecl iind Accredited Prolessional Organization of Professional Electronics
Ilnginccrs. clectronics Engineers anc'l Electronics Technicians in the cottntr,v, r.vl-ricl-r shall be
t'cgistcrcci n,iih thc Securities and E,xchange Commissiotr as a non-stoc1<, non-profit
corltoration:and rccogniz:ed by the Board, tlie Conlr-rissiou and all govenrtnent agL'ncics its
thc onc anil only integraled and accredited national organization for the saicl prol'essionals.
[:r'crv Professional clectronics E,ngi:rccr, electronics Engineer and Electronics J-echniciiin,
Lryrou rcgistration rvith ttrc Clormr-rission as such, shal1 ipso f-acto become a tlentbcr of this
.,\crcrecliterl Prof'cssional Organization. Those r'vho have bee previously rcgistercd by 1i"tc
Boaru1 br-rl arc r.rot nrenrbers of this Accredited Professional Organization at the tinre ol'
c1'l-cctivit-v- o1' R.A. No. 9292, shnll Lre allowed to register as nrembers of tiris orgrnizatiott
r,ithin tllee (3) 1,eals after tire cffectivity of this Act . Menrbership in this Accrcditecl
Irmlessional ()rganizaticn shall not be a bar to membership in other assoctatron of tire
clcctronics engineering and electronics techtrician profbssions.

,,\n Accrcditecl Prol'essional Organization shall implement the continLring prol'essiot.iai

ctiLrcntion, accredit otht:r organizatror-rs ol entrties to provide conlintring prolessional
crlr,rcation. arrc[/or the Cotrmission, compliance with which shall be one of the recltiisites fol
tltc nutintcntluce of ntenrbership in good standing of the prol'essional in tire Accrcdrted
I'r.ot-essional Organizatron. All members of good standing of tliis Accredited Prolessional
Organization sh:rll be issued a annual rnembership card inclicating the rnenrbershii-r nr-ttnbei-
and valiclill'periocl ol'thc membership" which shail be aff-rxed to all piar-Ls. specil-tcaliot-ts
Irntl auv clocurlent signecl by the member in the course of practice of hisiher profession.
Irailurc to maintain nlemberslip in good standing in the Accreditcd Prol-essioual
Organization shall be a cause lor listing of the individual as deiinquenl in tlrc rostet' of
pro f'essionals.

SF,C. 33 . Foreign Rcciprocity - No foreigner shall be admitted for registratron as ilijcE.

LC'E or EL'T rvith or rvithout exaurinatior-r lurder the Act unless helshe provcs in the ntatltlcr-
as provicled by, the Board that. by specific plovisions of law, the cottntry. state or pt-itvince ol'
r ltich hc,/sirc is a citizetr, subject or national, or in accordance with intenrzrtional tleaties,
lugrccurcnts ancliol covcr-riir-rts to rvhich their country, state or proviuce is a stgt-Latorrv. admits
Filipino citizens to practicc as PECE. ECE or ECT after an examination or le*gistration
process on tcrrris of stnct and absolute ecluality with the citizens, subjects or natiot-titis ol
saitl coLuttr_o-. inclr-rding tire unconditional recognition of professiouai licenscs issuccl by the
Boarcl anclior tlic Conlrission and plerequisite degrees/drplcmas issuecl bl, instttutions ol
lcanring clLrll,r'ecognized by the governrnent of tire Philippines.

hc lbrcrgncr applics lbr exainination and/or registration under such case has the
[rurrlcn ol'proving thc eristencc of reciprocity in iris/her conntry, state ot pl'or ince.

.\ lirrergtr citi;zen, x,helher hcishe stutlies in the Phrlippines or not, r'vho desires to t:rke lite
L3oalcl Liccnsurc Eriirrin,ation lbr PE,[-Es, ECEs, ECTs through reciprocity shall initiate tirc
esrlrblishnrent ol- rcciltrocitl,betu,een his/her country/statc and tlre Philippines by
prcscnting/sLrl,mitting a letter or Liuy clocument signed and under official seal by tirc
appropriatc ol'frcial of liis/irer countlyistate requesting the Chairman of the Board to aliow
thc loreign r4tplicant to talie the Board Licensure Examitration for Guidance Contrselors
that b1,,express provision of the lirrv of his/her conntry/state, Filipino citizens shall be

f '_fu$,
allou'ecl to talic the Licensure Exanrinatjon for PECEs, EClEs, ECTs aud to register ls
PEC'Es. ECh,s. EC'Ts in hisihcr countrly'state on ternrs of strict and absolute eqLralitv rvitli
thc citizcns ot' sLrbjects ol-said coLrntry or state including thc unconditional recognition of
ltlcreclLrisrlc- ricgrccs issr-rl:cl b-v institLrtions o1-higher le:rrning dttly recognized or cstarbiisheti
hr thc Ciovcn-ulent of the RepLrbiic o1' the Pirilippines attaching/appertding thereto ittr
authcntic or aLrthcnticeitccl offlcial copy of said lau' officially translated irt tirc Engltsh

l1'1hc lettcr-,'ckrcLunerrt and the copy of-the law subn-ritted by the applicant is satisfirctotl, ltr
thc Boarcl. the Boarcl sh:rll isstre :i Resolution ailowing the foreign arpplicant to taite thc
Lloarcl l-iccnsure Examirration for PECEs, ECEs, ECTs by requiring iiin/her to 1-tle ati
lrltplicatton to talic the L,icensLrre Examinartion and by submitting tlie follou'ing docttttretlts
that shall accompilny the application.

a. The origil.al or certifled copy of any official document issLrcd by the Bureatt
ol lmmigration anci Dcportiition allorving the applicant to cntcr aud reside irl
the Philipi;ines;
b. Present hisiher passpoft lor exarnination and fbr photocopYing ol'petlitrelil
infbrmation aboLtt the appiicant;
c. Or iginal ,ll authenticated copy of transcript of recorcls or ecluivalctrt
clocunrent of the coursc for Licensure Exantinatiou issued b1' thc iltstitution
ot' higher le:rrning rvircrc heisl-re studied, duly ar"rthorized or accr-edited bv
his/hcr coutrtry/state, arld
cl. Other.1oclt1-l1e1tts rvhich may be required to be slibmitted b), titc Boarci.

SIIC. 31. Positions in Go't,ernrnent Requirilrg the Services of Registered and Licensed
I,ro.fessiontl Electyonics Ergineers, Electronics Engineers und Electronics
'l'ac'hniciutrs. - within tliree (3) years frotn the effectivitl'olR'A' No' 9292, all eristirlg
and pt'oposed positions itr the loca1 and national govemment, whether c.irecr, penllallcilt.
tenrllorarv or contractual anclpnn'rarily requiring the seruices of PECEs, ECEs or ECTs silail
accortirngly bc fi1led onll' 5y registered aud licensed PECEs, ECEs or ECTs'

Ihc Boaril shall coorclinate rvrth the cotrcemed govenmteltt agenc)'/ir's regardiirg tirc
proccclLrrc and reciuircnrents for the iu-rpietnentatron and strict compliance vu'ith Sectiotr 34,
.r\rticle V of'R.A. No. 9292;

Stic. 35 . Penul Provt'siorts - The follorving shall be punished by a fine o{'not less liratt
One hLnrtlreci thousand pesos (P100,000.00) nor more than Oue tlillior-r pesos
(P1.000.0()0.0{)), or by irnprisomnent olnot less thzrn six (6) Ironths ltor llore titan six ((r)
veiLrs. or both, in the discrction of tl're coutt:

(a) Any- persc,,rt rvho shzrll give any lalse or fraudulent statetnetrt to the Board to
obtain a Certif-icatc ol Registration ancl/or Pro{'essional Idcntificatron Clarrl iis

(b) Any persor.r u,ho shall prcscnt or use as his/hcr owrl a Ce 11r {lcaie o[-
Registralion. Prof.:ssion:rl lclentific:rtion Card, membersltip identification
card in thc APO andior seal issued to another anri any person rvho allou,s tirc
rusc o1- hi:;,.her Cettillcntc o1 Registration, Professional Icleutiflcatiott C:rrd,
nretlbership carci in thc APO and/or seal;

(c) An,v persou u,ho shall present or use a revoked or suspended Certillcale ol
Registrartir:n as PECIE. ECE or ECT;

;li f
( tl) An1'pelson who shall assutne, Llse, adverlise or otherwise practice as PECE,
ECE or ECT, or append to his/her narle, any letter/s or rvords tending to
conve\/ tl.r: inrprcssion that heishe is a registered PECE, ECE or ECT. rvhcir
in fact he/she is not duly registered with the Board as such;

(e) Any PECE, or any person on his/her Lrehali vnho shall starrp or seal :Iny
clocument u,rtl-r hisiher seal as such after his/her Certificate of Registratiot-t,
Profbssiorlal Identification Card and membership card in the APO has been
revoked or suspended or after he/she has been suspended fror-n practicc or
rerroved from the rosler of PECEs, ECEs or ECTs;

(0 An1,' PEC,L ivho shall sign his/her name, affix his/l-rer seal. or usc au1, othci
method oI sigr-rature on plans, technical descriptions or other documeuts
prep:rred bv or under the supervision of another PECE, unless tirc' saure is
prepared in such n'iauner as to clealiy indicate the part olsuch rvorlt actually
performed by the former;

(g) An1, person, except the PIICIE or ECE-in-chalge, rvho shall srglt fot art;'r
eLectronics engineering u,orli, or ally ftLnction ol electrouics engineerir-rg
practice, not actually per lbrmed by him/her;

(h) Any pe rsiou irolcling a Certificate of Regrstration anci Prolessional

klentillc:rtion Card as PECE, ECE or ECT who shall be involved in illegal
rl,ire-tapping, cloning" haching, cracking, piracy andiot other lonns of
Lrnauthori:r:ed and malicious electronic eavesdropping andior tlte use ol-an-v
electronic devices in violation of the privacy of another or in disre giird of tite
privilege ,oI private conununications and/or safety to 1ifc, phy'sical anclr'oi
intellectual property of others, or who sha11 maintain an Lrnlicensecl aitdi'oi
luurcgistered communjcations systern or device; and
(i) Any persc,n r,vho sirall violerte any provision oI R.A. No. 9292 or ;lny niles,
regulations, the Cocle of Ethics ancl the Code of Technical Stanclards o['
Practice promulgated hereunder.

SF-(1. 36. ,{.isislance of'Lutp Enftsrcement mrd Otlter Government Agcncics - Auy 1ar,r,

enlbrccr-nent agency shal:1, upon call or request of the Board iinci/or the Conrr-r-rission, rcrttiei
assistance in erifbrcing l{.A. No. 9292 including tl-re Code of'Ethics, Code of 'lc:chnical
Stanclarcls o1'Practice ancl thc "IRR". and r-neasures promulgated hereutrder. by prosccLttittg
violators the rcol in accor,lance ivith law and the Rules of Court:

..\n1, rlcpartr-r-rcnt. instrLulcntality, otfice, bureau, institution or agency of the governlxeltt

including loci:l goveu.r.nilr.rls, Lrpon ciill or request l}om the Boiild andi'or tlre Contmission.
lllrll rentlcr sLrch iLssistiince us it nrav rerlLrire, cooperate and coordinate r.vrth it rn cerr'1 iirg
rrrrt. cn{brcing or intplenrenting R.A. No.9292. the codes, policies. measures. progrili-}ls ot"
irctivitics ol- ihc Boiud and/or the Conrmission lhat it may unclertake pursuant 1o titc
pr.ovisions of R..A. No. 9292.

Rule VII

S[.C]. 37. l'runsitnrl: Provisiotrs. Upon eflectivrty on May 24,2001of R.A. No. 9292.
rirc incLrnrbcnt Boalcl of Electronics and Comrlunications ,Engineering sha1l complete all
Irerrrlrn_q,unlinishcLl u.'or1..s rvithur a sir (6) rnonth period, alier rvhich it shall ceasc io cxist.
I'resrclent of the Philrppines shall belore then appoint the Chainnan zrnd Menrbers of the
llrst []oartl of Electronics Engineenng in accordancc rvith Sections 6 ancl 8 hercin. *'iro sirali
lirr-ntLrlatc antl thcreafler promulgate the rules and regulations 1'or the intplententation oi-
l{..\. No. ()291.

Slic. 38. Vcstacl Rigluts: Electronics and Corttrnrtnications Engineers wlren tltis Latv is
Pusscrl. - Electrontcs anci Communjcations Engineers holding a valid Certificate of
tlegislratior"r and Profbssional identification Card at the tirne of the effcclivity on May 24,
100;tr of R.A. No. 9292 shall be auton.rntically registered and recognized as Electrontcs
[:ngineers ancl shall bc issucd a new Certificate of Registration ntrd Prof-essioirai
Itlcntiilcalion flarcl iis lllectronics E,ngineer with lhe same license nur.nber ns their origirlai
l..lectronics ancl Communications Engineer Cerlificate of Registratiorr ttpon hling of
lltplrcation in the prcscribed form o1'the Commission, paynent of the prescribcd I'ees atrd
strbnrissior-r of'r,alic1/cLrrrcrrt ID or Certificate of Membership lrom the APO.


SFlCl. 39. lmplementi,ng Rules und Regulatiorts. - Subject to tire appr'ovai of thc
('r)p11.]ission. the Board, in coordiniition with tire accredited profbssioual organization, shall
Ircloltt ancl prontulgate sr-lch rules, regulations, resolr:tiotts, the Code of Etirics anci the Code
o{' -l-ccllrical Stanclards of Practice fbr Professiottal Electronics Engineers, Elcctrotrics
f':ngineers, and Electronics Technicians to carty out the provisions of R.A. No. 9292
lrhrch shall br: published in the Olficiai Gazette or anewspaperof general circulaliotl in the
Philippines ar.rd shzrll be effective afier filteen (i5) days its ftill and conrpleie pLrblication
thcrci n.

Sllc. Appropriutiorts. - The Chairperson of the Professional RegtLlation Clotlnrissiotr

slrall inclucle in thc Clonllission's program the implementation of R.A No.9291, tire
lirntling ol-rvliiclt shall bc included in the Annual General Appropriation Act.

S!lC. - If any provision of this "IRR", or the appiication tliereof

41. Sepurubitity Ctause.
Io an], person or circunrstance rs declared or unconstitutional invalid or, all the rest of the
plovisions, clr application thereof to other persons or circumstances sl,all uot be aflected by
sLrch cieclu-ation.

SF.f'. 12. Repeuling Provisiotrs. - A11 Rules and Regulations, Board Resolutior-ts and
nrcmoranda or parts ther':of in contlict r.vith any provision of this "iRR" itttcl,ior itrct'rttsistettt
hcren,ith arc hereby reper'r1ed or amended accordingly.

SECt. lf. t--ft''ectivitl'. - This "lRR" shali take ef[ect after filleen (15) tlays ftillorving its
contplclc .urtl lirll pLrblication in the Olhcial Gazette or iu auy newspaper o1' circillation in
thc Philippincs.

l)crne in thc ("it1, ol N4iu-ula, Philipplres the X ] of jlij ji

on day ,2001:

/,Ae^ 1'- &c a-.,4

,'tYlr.\ IA rc \srA]-'o-NIARgELo
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P rof'essional Regulatory Boards


.4 .f .r
-4*--*v .i /4r"**'
uI r, i
'/q/H "-,-f*/*12^ /f"u {-ficw.
Commissioner Commissioner

SI )l/N CID/.t BBiC'C,A/Shirlev

( :irr-9292 t'in:rl




1. Algebra & General Mathematics

a Algebraic functions
a Th,,:ory of cquations
a Factorization aud algebraic functions
a Ratio, proportion and vzrriation
a Matrix theory
a Anthmetic and geometric progressions
a E,quations and i rteclualities
a Lrr-car and cptadratic cqLrations
a Complex nutnber system
a Polynotnials
a M iithenratical irrduction
a Logic and probability
a Statistics

2. Geometry

a Lines and planes

a Plane ligures
a Application of' Cavalier's, Pappus and Prismodial theorenls
a Coordinates in space
a Quadratic surf-aoes
a Mensuration
a Plane geotnetry
a Solid geornetry
a Spherical geometry
a Analytical geonretry

3. Trigonometry

a Logarithrnrc pri nciples

a Tri gonorrrclr'ic lirrtct iotts
a Fundarrental tri gonometric identities
a Solutions of right ancl oblique triangles
a Applications ol terrestrial mensuration
a Ar,:a. perimctcr and centroid of plane figures
a Po lar coorcliriatcs
a Sp herrcal tri gonontetrl'

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4. Calculus

a Conrplex variables
a Derivatives and applications
a I ntL'gri.rt ion atttl uppl icrtiotts

a Trlrnsccttdett t a I ltt ttct iotts

a Partial derivatir''es
a Higlhel derivatives
a Iudeterrninate ficnns
a Mnltiple integr:r1s
a D i f fcrential eclu ations

5. Mathematics Laws, Terms and Theories

o Larvs, theories and other rules relative to the fields of mathernatics


1. EngineeringMechanics
2. Strength Of Materials
3. College Ptaysics
4. General chemistry
5. Thermodynamics
6. Engineering Materials
7. Engineering Economics
8. EngineeringManagement
9. Laws and Ethics
a Coirtract anri Specifi catious
a Teleconrmturicalions and broadcasting lau,s and reguiations
a E,lcctronics engineering law of 2004
a C-ode of prof-essional ethics and condttct
a Philippine electronics code


l. Electricityi lVlagnetism Fundamentals

a Atcimic stnrcture
a E,lcctric charge
a Lalvs (Ohn"rs, l(irchof-|, Coulor-rb, etc)
a Magnetic po\\,e-r
a N{ a gneti c fl c lcil i}-rx
a M a gneticielectri c c1 uantities/units
a N,'1 a gnetic,/cI cctronraguet principIes

f,-^ [- ,/b,u-*o
2. Electrical Circuit

. Ac-dc circuits
. Resistors
e lncluctors
r Cellucitot'

.3. Solid State Devices/Circuits

a Serni-conductor fundamental s
a Transrstol components, circuits, analysis, and design
a Spcctal sen,ices (photo, electric, photo voitaic etc.)

4. Power Generator/Sources/Principles/Applicatious

. Cells and batteries

. E Iectric gencral.or
o Electronic power sLrpply
o Voltage regttliition
o Photovoltaic/thenloelectric generator
r Distribution trausformers
o LIP;Sifloat-battcrysystem
o Cottverters/invcrters

5. Electronic (Audio/RF) Circuit/Analysis/Design

. ArrLplifiers
o Oscillators
. Rer:tifier
. Filters
o Voltage legLrltrtiott

6. '[ests ancl Measurements

. Vo[t-ohnr-ammcter (analog/digital)
. R-L-Z bridges
. Ost:illoscope
. C--ai;le testers
. RF meters
o Signal generators (audio, RF, l'ideo)
. NorLse gellerators
o Porvcrr'rcllectoureter/grid dip nreter

7 . Nlicroelectrourics

o lntcgraterl circuits col-t-lpotlents, characteristics and prodttcts

. Operatior-ral arnltlifiers/multivibrators

/41-^ f
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8. Inclustrial El,ectronics Principles/Applications

a Electronic coutroi systetl

a Irrt.lustrial solid state sct'vices
a Welding systems/high fiequency heating
a Fee dback system si servomechani sm
a Transducers
a Motor speed conttol systems
a Roirotic principles
a Bic, electri cal principles
a h-r slr'um entat ion ernd control

9. Computer Principles

. An;rlog/cligitalsystems
. Birrary number systetn/Booleart algebra
o Matl"iem:rtical logic and srvitching networks
. Ba.;ic digrtal circuits (logic, gates, flip-flops. rnultivibrators elc.)
o Static and dl,uatlic memory devices
. Pro-qramming and machine languages
. Inlonlation and acqr-risition processing
. Analog/digital conversiotr
r Con-rpt-tternetrvorking


1. Radio Comrnunication System

a. TransmissionFundamentals

a Transmission system
a Transmissior-t t'nedium
a Prirlary I ine constants
a Velocrty and line wavelength
a Characteristr c Impedauce
a Prolragatron constants
a Plruse and Llt'ottP velocity
a Standin-q waves
a Voltage Stancling Wave Ratio
a I'elephone lines and cables
a Wave gLricles
a Balancecl and unlralanced lines
a LIn i lormly cl istributed lines
a Trvisted pair rvire
a Co:rxial Cable
a l'he Decibel
a Porr ct' lur cl Clrleulatiotts
a Srgnai ancl Noise liundamentals

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tr" ;\couslics

. Del'inition
. Frequency relnge
. Soturcl prcssttre lel'el
o Sorurtl lrrterrsilv
. Lorrlness Levei
. Pitch ancl FrcqLrcncy
o Intcn,al and Octave
. Sorutd distortiorr
r Rorrrrl Acoustics
o Electro-Acoustic Transducers

c. ModLtlation

a Aniplitude nrodulation
a Phase modr"rlation
a uency rn od Lrl ation
a Pulse rnodulatior-r

cl. Noise

. Extemal noise
o lntcrnal noise
. Noise calculation and measurements
o Radio interference

c. Radiation iurd Wave Propagatior-r

a Electro Magnetic Radiation

a Ratlio Spectntnr
a Wave Propagation
a Ratliation Pattems
a \\'ur clengtlr cllculations
a Raiiiation resistnnce
a Divcrsity systenrs

t. Antenuas

. Basicconsiderarl.iot-ts
. Wi,.e Radiators in Space
. lsol.ropic Radiator
a Current and Voltage Distribution
a Resor-iant. non-resonant antennas
a Tc'n'nS and deflnition
o .Arrlerrnu glrirt attrl t'csistattce
a Bantlrv idth, bcanrrvidth, polarization
a Eff"ects o1'ground on antenners
a GroLurdecl, ungrounded antennas

A A^,..-ta
a Grounding svstetls
a Ar-rtenna height
a Design and appiications
a Matching systetls
a Inrpcdarrce Culc trlations
a Anlenna types
a Directional and non.directional
a Microwave Antennas
a Widebar-rd and Special Purpose Antennas

S Wire and \rVireless Communicatiotts System

a Thc telephone set

a Counection and perfomance
a Exchange Area Plant
a Loc4r Design
a Tnrnhs ir-r the Excl-range Piant
a Insr:rtion Loss
a Trafllc Calcr,rlattons
a Rel''erenc e EclLtivalent and Standards
a Telephone netu,orks
a Signaling, Billing, CAMA, ANI
a Eclio, Singing and Design Loss
a Vilr Net Loss
a Netu,ork Hierarchy, Class Type
a VF Repeaters
a Transmission Considerations in Long Distance Netrvorl<
a Tclephone Exciranges
a PSTN, PABX, [-ine Concentration
a Tclephone features-lDD, NDD,LEC
a Mobile ('omtnunicatiolts
Cellular comnrunicatron, tr-unk radio, radio paging systerr etc.

h. N4icror,vavc: Communications and Principles

i. Basic Principles olvarious Electronics System

r E,lcctro-optrcsiphotonies/optoelectronics
. E lec trornlrgnet ie s
. A",ronies. acrospace, uavigationai and military applications
. M cd ical clcctrortics
o Cylreuetics
o Biometrics

('A a:..c,-<-zt
2. Digital and Data Communications Systems

Di gital Communication Networks

a Bit and Binary Transmission

a Signaling Rate
a Error Probability
a Diglital Filtering
a Switching
a Pacrliet Circuit
a Vertical CircLrit
a Opcrr Syslerrrs lrrtcrcortrtection
a Multipiexing, N4odr"rlation and Synchronizatior-r
a Prr lse Codc nrodrrlrtiort
a C-onrpanding
a Encoding
a BaLrdr,vidth and Signal to Noisc Ratio
a Delta Modulittion
a Slope Ol'erload
a Aciaptive Delta Vlodulation
a Cories and Protocols
a Errrrr Detection and Correction Codes
o Dig;ital Carrier Systems
a Freqtrency Shi lt Keying
a Ph:ise Shift I(eying
a Differentiai Phase Shiff Keying
a DC Nature of Data Transmission
o Loops
a Neutral and Polar
a Binar:y Transmission and the Concept of Time
a As\unchronous and Syrchronous
a f irning
a Distortiorr
a Bits. Band, WPM
a Dal a Interthce Standards
a Data InpLrt/Output Devices
a Digital Transmission on Analog Channei
a N{ odu1ati on -Demodulation Schemes Parermcters
a Cir-,: rit Conditior-ring

a Moderl Applications
a Serial and Parallci Transn-rission

b. Fiber Optics

. Principles o1'Li-cht. Transmissiot-t

. T)'l;es
. Liglit SbLrrccs, I-aser, LED

//1 , /\-
/\J4 ,dz,r-A I

. Llght Detectors
. ModLrlatiou and Waveform
. S_vstcln Dcsigrr
. General Application
. Desigtt Procedure
. Dispersion Lirrited Domain
. Systeur Bandwidtlr
. SplicingTecht-ricl"res

Satellite , Brroadcasting and Cable TV Systems

a. Satellitc Systenr

. Thc S:itellite System

' TYPes ol'Satellite
. Satoliite Orbit
. UplinkConsidet'ations
o Dernand Assignment Multiple Access
o Anlenna Tracking
o Satellite Link Budgets
o Path Loss
r Figiire of Mcrit
o Ratio of Carrier to Thermal Noise Por,ver
o Sta,iorr Nlargin
. VS A.T

b. Broadcastin;l and Cable'fV systems

r Raclio Transmilter (AM, FM, Television )

. StLrtlio (Microphone, Amplifiers, Cameras, Lighting, etc.)
. Calrle Televisiort

lteprrtrlic ol' the l'hilippines

Professional Regulation Commission
o.[.5.v. olilLBRN
Vcri l'ic:r tiorr & Atrtllenticatiqn Unit
lf e co rtl t Division
o.R. #
I)a t c:

/( 4 r.--
/ /h r,-,*4,


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