(Eagan Press Handbook Series) Stauffer, Clyde E. - Emulsifiers-Eagan Press (1999)
(Eagan Press Handbook Series) Stauffer, Clyde E. - Emulsifiers-Eagan Press (1999)
(Eagan Press Handbook Series) Stauffer, Clyde E. - Emulsifiers-Eagan Press (1999)
Inc., Columbus, OH 43240; ice cream and cake, 1997 Artville LLC;
coffee, cream, and muffin courtesy of Virginia Dare; center photo
by DigitalVision.
2. Molecular Organization 15
Fat and Emulsifier Crystals: triglyceride crystals • emulsifier crystals • crystal modifiers
Mesophases: mesophase structures • surfactant phase diagrams
Significance for Food Applications
3. Food Emulsifiers 25
Emulsifier Types: monoglycerides • monoglyceride derivatives • sorbitan derivatives • polyhydric
emulsifiers • anionic emulsifiers • lecithin
Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Balance: basic principle of the concept • experimental determination of HLB
Proteins: foaming agents • emulsifying agents
4. Bakery Products 47
Antistaling Agents: starch gelatinization • starch retrogradation • bread staling • emulsifier-starch
Dough Strengtheners
Aeration Agents
6. Dressings and Sauces 77
Polysaccharides at Interfaces: gums • modified starch • cellulose derivatives
Salad Dressings: pourable salad dressings • spoonable salad dressings
Reduced-Fat Dressings and Sauces
7. Beverages 89
Flavor Emulsions: oil phase • emulsion stabilizers • emulsion preparation
Stability: creaming • flocculation • coalescence
Glossary 95
Index 101
Lipophilic—”Lipid loving.”
Pertains to the nonpolar parts
of molecules that dissolve read-
ily in a nonpolar medium such
as vegetable oil. Generally syn-
onymous with “hydrophobic.”
Hydrophobic—”Water hat-
ing.” Pertains to the (nonpolar)
parts of molecules that do not
readily enter a polar medium
such as water.
∆P = 2γ/r (3)
Interfacial tension
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.
Fig. 1-3. Surface tension of laurylsulfonic acid Fig. 1-4. Tension at the interfaces of water and solutions of
solutions. propylene glycol monostearate (PGMS) in heptane.
nal pressure and then enters the large bubbles, which are regions of
lower internal pressure. Similar effects are expected in other foods in
which the continuous phase may act as a conduit for dissolved gases.
The surface tension of a solution of a surfactant is lower than that
of the pure solvent. Surface tension is roughly a linear function of
ln(surfactant concentration) up to the critical micelle concentration
(CMC) (Fig. 1-3). Above this concentration, the thermodynamic activ-
ity of the surfactant does not increase with the addition of more sur-
factant, and the surface tension remains constant. Interfacial tension
Critical micelle concentration also decreases with the concentration of an emulsifier dissolved in
(CMC) —Concentration of a one of the phases. As shown in Figure 1-4, the decrease in γ, or inter-
surfactant in aqueous solution facial tension, does not level off, because the emulsifier (propylene
at which colligative properties glycol monostearate) does not form micelles in the organic solvent
cease to change with increase phase (heptane). The changes in the slope of the plot are attributed to
in concentration.
changes in the orientation of emulsifier molecules at the interface.
Thermodynamic activity —
A factor accounting for the SURFACE EXCESS OF EMULSIFIER
fact that the concentration-
Surfactant molecules concentrate at the interface; the lipophilic
dependent properties of dis-
solved molecules often deviate portion is in the nonpolar phase (air, organic solvent), and the hy-
from a strictly linear depen- drophilic portion is in the polar (water) phase. This migration of sur-
dence. For surfactants below factant lowers the free energy of the total system, resulting in a
the critical micelle concentra- higher concentration of surfactant in the region that includes the in-
tion, this deviation is usually terface (Fig. 1-5). The difference between this concentration and the
negligible. bulk concentration is called the surface excess, Γ.
The surface excess is calculated from a plot of interfacial tension (γ)
Surface excess —The concen-
tration of a surfactant in the in- versus the thermodynamic activity (a) of the surfactant:
terfacial region compared with Γ = −(a/RT)(dγ/da) (4)
its concentration in the bulk
phase in which it is dissolved. in which R the universal gas constant and T is the temperature (°K).
the liquid and then gradually raised through the surface. (More con-
veniently, the beaker containing the liquid is supported on a labora-
tory jack, and the beaker is slowly lowered.) As the ring is raised
above the surface of the liquid, it carries a cylindrical film of liquid
with it, and the force on the ring increases. At some point, the film
ruptures. From the maximum force measured and with the aid of a
table of correction factors, the surface tension can be calculated.
This method is also convenient for measuring interfacial tensions.
The ring is immersed in the water, the oil is carefully layered on top,
and the ring is then raised through the interface.
Wilhelmy balance. The Wilhelmy balance method is similar to that
of the tensiometer in arrangement and operation, except that the
ring is replaced with a cleaned glass slide, which is wetted by the
water. Again, the maximum force is measured as the slide is slowly
raised relative to the water surface. Surface tension is directly propor-
tional to the total circumference (i.e., two sides plus two edges) of the
glass slide, and empirical correction factors are not needed.
Formation, Stabilization,
and Wetting
Simply adding oil to water does not result in an emul-
sion, because oil is a nonpolar liquid and water is polar.
However, if the oil and water are shaken together, an
emulsion forms. For example, in an oil/water emulsion,
shaking causes the oil phase to separate into droplets
that are dispersed in the water phase. The oil is called
the dispersed phase, discontinuous phase, or internal
phase, and the water is called the continuous phase.
Division of internal phase. Input of mechanical energy
subdivides the droplets of the internal phase until a
final average droplet diameter of 1–100 µm is reached. A
cylinder of liquid whose length is more than 1.5 times
its circumference is unstable and tends to break up into
droplets. Mechanical stirring of an oil-water mixture
forms drops that are then distorted into cylinders (along
Fig. 1-6. Breakage of cylinders of liquid into the lines of flow), which break up into smaller droplets
small droplets caused by shear. (Fig. 1-6). The process is repeated until the droplets are
The oriented wedge theory states that the emulsifier at the inter-
face is wedge shaped (Fig. 1-7). The ionized end of a sodium soap has
a wider (effective) radius than the hydrocarbon chain; hence, the oil-
water interface should be curved, with the convex side toward the
water phase. This favors formation of oil droplets and results in an
O/W emulsion. However, the polar end of zinc distearate is smaller
than the two hydrocarbon chains, the interface is convex toward the
water phase, and a W/O emulsion is formed.
A second theory considers
the relative ease with which
the two types of droplets can
coalesce. When a mixture is
shaken, drops of both phases
are formed. Sodium stearate
ionizes, and the electrical po-
tential hinders approach and
coalescence of oil droplets.
Water droplets, however, ex-
perience no such hindrance
and readily touch and coa-
lesce. Zinc distearate does not
ionize and therefore does not
interfere with the mutual ap-
proach of oil droplets, but van
der Waal’s forces favor water
Fig. 1-7. Effect of wedge-shaped surfactant molecules on the convexity coalescence. Thus, the type of
of the oil-water interface.
emulsion formed depends on
the relative kinetics of oil-oil
and water-water coalescence.
Foaming. Food foams are usually made by whipping an aqueous so-
lution of a foaming agent such as a protein (e.g., egg white) or an
emulsifier (e.g., one of the polysorbates). Air is first entrained by the
action of the mechanical element (paddle, whip, or mixer blades),
and then air bubbles are elongated and subdivided into smaller bub-
bles, just as described above for liquid internal phases.
Air is a nonpolar medium. Surfactants concentrate at the air-water
interface, and the hydrophobic portion extends into the gas phase. In
proteins (common foaming agents in foods), some amino acid side
chains are hydrophilic while others are lipophilic. In their natural
configurations, protein chains are usually folded so that the lipo-
Electrical potential—The philic residues are in the interior and the hydrophilic residues are on
magnitude of electrical charge the surface. (A protein molecule has been described as “an oil droplet
difference between two points. surrounded by a water-loving shell.” This characterization has some
van der Waal’s forces —Short-
merit as applied to relatively small albumin and globulin proteins.)
range attractive forces between When a protein such as egg albumen is exposed at an air-water inter-
molecules resulting from the face, it tends to unfold, with the hydrophobic side chains entering
dipole moment of atoms in the the air phase and the hydrophilic chains remaining in the water
molecules. phase (Fig. 1-8). If oil is also present, it will spread at the air-water
When two surfaces approach each other, two forces exist: one re-
pulsive and one attractive. Whether or not the surfaces touch and co-
alesce depends on the relative strength of the two forces. This is
equally true for liquids (e.g., oil droplets in an emulsion), solids (e.g.,
finely divided CaCO3), and films (e.g., air bubbles in a foam).
Electrical repulsion forces. Electrical repulsion exists when the sur-
faces carry net charges of the same sign and the continuous phase is
water. For example, if an O/W emulsion is stabilized by an anionic
surfactant, the oil droplets have a negative charge on their surfaces.
Electrical repulsion then tends to keep the droplets from making con-
tact. At the oil surface, the electrical potential (or charge) is denoted
by ψ0. Cations are attracted into the region, partially neutralizing the
surface negative charge. The value of ψ decreases as the distance from
the oil drop surface increases and at some point becomes essentially
zero. The rate of decrease of ψ is directly related to the ionic strength
of the aqueous phase. Ionic strength (µ) is related to the concentra-
tion (c) of individual salt ions and the square of the ionic charge (z)
of each ion:
1. Adamson, A. W. 1967. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2nd ed. Interscience
Publishers, New York.
Molecular Organization
Fat and Emulsifier Crystals
In This Chapter:
Solid materials can be either crystalline or amorphous. In a crys-
Fat and Emulsifier
talline solid (e.g., salt), the molecules are arranged in a repeating
three-dimensional pattern. An amorphous material (frequently called Triglyceride Crystals
a glass) has no such internal organization. A beam of photons (most Emulsifier Crystals
often X rays) directed onto a crystalline material is refracted into a Crystal Modifiers
regular pattern that can be recorded (e.g., on a photographic film)
and analyzed to obtain the dimensions of the crystal unit cell. From Mesophase Structures
this information, the orientation of individual molecules is often in- Surfactant Phase
ferred. If the object of X-ray analysis is a single crystal (not a powder), Diagrams
even more information can be obtained, and often the location of in- Significance for Food
dividual atoms within the unit cell can be determined. Applications
Crystalline —Pertaining to a
Solid triglyceride molecules resemble an elongated “h” (Fig. 2-1). state in which atoms or mole-
The two parallel chains are the fatty acids at positions 1 and 3 of glyc- cules are arranged in an or-
dered three-dimensional array.
Long-range order is discerned
by X-ray analysis.
Amorphous—Pertaining to the
random arrangement of atoms
or molecules with no dis-
cernible long-range order.
erol; the single chain length (SCL), of course, is the chain attached at
position 2. This is sometimes referred to as the “tuning fork” orienta-
tion. In the crystal, the molecules are paired as shown, giving a unit
cell repeating dimension equal to two fatty acid chains, the double
chain length (DCL) configuration. A triple chain length (TCL) con-
figuration is possible in which the single chains of the tuning fork are
paired, but this is rarely seen in natural fats. When it does occur, it is
usually when the fatty acids vary by four or more carbons in chain
When a melted fat is rapidly cooled, it solidifies into a waxy mate-
rial (resembling paraffin wax) termed “α crystals.” If cooling is ex-
tremely slow, the triglycerides in the fat with the highest melting
point have time to form stable β crystals. With intermediate cooling
rates, the fat first forms α crystals, which rather quickly melt and re-
form into the metastable β′ crystals. The difference between the three
crystal types has to do with the arrangement (crystal packing) of the
pairs of fatty acid chains. The order of melting points of the crystal
forms is α < β′ < β. For pure tristearin (glycerol tristearate), the melt-
ing points are 54.7, 63.2, and 73.5°C, respectively. Other factors that
govern fat crystal stability and functionality have been discussed at
greater length (1).
Diglycerides exist in two isomeric forms: the 1,2-diglyceride and the
1,3-diglyceride. The crystal structures of these materials have not
been studied extensively, but it appears that the 1,2 isomer is stable in
the β′ form, while the 1,3 isomer is stable as a β crystal. It has been
suggested that 1,2-diglycerides can be used to stabilize shortenings
and margarines in the desired β′ crystal structure, which imparts
smoothness and plasticity to the fat. Unfortunately, the 1,3 isomer is
thermodynamically more stable than the 1,2 isomer, and isomeriza-
Metastable —Pertaining to a tion occurs at moderately elevated temperatures. No commercial
physical state that is not at the form of 1,2-diglyceride is available today.
lowest possible free energy for
the system. The activation en-
ergy for transition to the more
stable state is high enough that The structure of triglyceride crystals is governed by the nature of
the system remains in the cur- the fatty acids (saturated or unsaturated and varying chain length)
rent state for a significant
and how these chains interact (fit together) in three dimensions. In
length of time.
emulsifier crystal structure, however, the predominant factor is the
Diglyceride —Lipid with two hydrophilic moiety, which is relatively a much larger part of the mol-
fatty acids esterified to a glyc- ecule. The size of the hydrophilic group, as well as the extent and spa-
erol molecule. tial distribution of hydrogen bonding between adjacent groups, has a
much greater influence on molecular packing in the crystal than does
Monoglyceride —Lipid with the nature of the fatty acid chain. A simple emulsifier such as a mono-
one fatty acid esterified to a
glyceride (e.g., glycerol monostearate [GMS]) generally crystallizes in
glycerol molecule.
the double chain configuration (Fig. 2-1), while those with larger hy-
Polymorphic behavior — drophilic groups (e.g., lactylated monoglyceride) more often crystal-
Ability of a material to crystal- lize in the SCL configuration.
lize in more than one three- 1-Monoglycerides exhibit polymorphic behavior similar to that of
dimensional arrangement. triglycerides. When cooled from a melt, they first form α crystals, and
Two types of modification of crystal behavior of fats are of interest
to food technologists: 1) inhibition of crystal formation to prevent
“clouding” (crystallization of solid fat) in salad oils; and 2) inhibition
of crystal polymorphic changes, e.g., β′ to β crystal transformation in
shortening and margarine. Emulsifiers are effective in both of these
roles, although different ones are used for each of the functions.
When salad oils are cooled (held in the refrigerator), the saturated
fat triglycerides begin slowly to form crystals. If the product is a sim-
ple oil and vinegar dressing, this is merely unsightly, but if the food
is an emulsion such as mayonnaise, the crystals can actually lead to
breakdown and separation of the oil phase. To prevent this, the oil is
often “winterized”; i.e., the solid fat triglycerides (generally no more
than 1–2% of the total oil) are extracted by chilling the oil and re-
moving any crystals formed. However, removal is not usually com-
plete, and a crystal inhibitor is also added to the oil. Commonly used
crystal inhibitors are oxystearin and sorbitan monostearate. Other
emulsifiers, for example, polyglycerol esters, sucrose esters, and poly-
oxyethylene sorbitan esters, are also effective in this role. Fat crystals
grow by the addition of molecules (e.g., tristearin) to the surface of
nuclei (small fat crystals) and then incorporation into the growing
face of the crystal. Inhibitors also adsorb to the growing face, but
since they do not match the dimensions of the triglyceride exactly,
they interrupt the addition of more triglyceride molecules, keeping
the crystal small (and essentially invisible to the eye). When the oil is
warmed by removal from the refrigerator, many of the smallest crys-
tals redissolve. Thus, in effect, the shelf life of the oil-containing food
is extended.
Shortening and margarine are manufactured in the metastable β′
crystal form and have a smooth, plastic texture. If this crystal form is
allowed to transform to the stable β crystal (e.g., by storage at some-
Mixtures of surfactant and water form a number of different phys-
ical structures, depending on the surfactant-water ratio and the tem-
perature. These mixtures are opalescent dispersions often called “liq-
uid crystals,” but they are more properly termed mesophases. This
term (meaning “in-between phases”) reflects the nature of the mix-
ture. On a micro (molecular) scale, the surfactant and the water are
separate phases, but on the macro scale (e.g., >1 µm), the mixture ap-
pears uniform and is stable (i.e., the phases do not separate).
Micelles. Many emulsifiers are soluble in water to a significant degree.
Bloom—A dusty, whitish They exhibit all the colligative properties of dissolved materials, e.g.,
appearance of the surface of freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and ability to con-
chocolate coatings, caused duct an electric current (if ionic); and, of course, they lower the inter-
by transformation of the fat facial tension of the water. At some concentration, however, these
properties cease to change as more of the material is dissolved (Fig.
Mesophase—Opalescent or
1-3.) This point is known as the critical micelle concentration (CMC)
transparent liquid formed by and is an important functional property of water-soluble surfactants.
a mixture of surfactant and A micelle is an aggregation of the emulsifier molecules, oriented
water. with the hydrophobic chains to the inside and the hydrophilic
x Em ↔ (Em)x
lipid bilayer about 5.5 nm thick (Fig. 2-3, right). This phase is of par-
ticular interest to bakers, because there is evidence that the lamellar
mesophase is the most efficient in promoting the interaction be-
tween monoglyceride and starch, producing the antistaling effects.
Upon further cooling, the α-crystalline layers of monoglyceride
transform into the more stable β-crystalline form. The van der Waal’s
attraction between the bilayers overcomes the tendency of the water
to hydrate the glycerol head groups, and the water is expelled, yield-
ing a suspension of β crystals in water.
With a simple nonionic saturated monoglyceride (i.e., GMS), the
maximum thickness of the water layer in the mesophase is 1.6 nm,
corresponding to 30% water. At this point, the osmotic pressure (fa-
voring hydration of the head groups) is balanced by the van der
Waal’s attraction between the lipid bilayers. If more water is intro-
duced, a dispersion of lamellar mesophase fragments in water is
formed. Commercial distilled monoglycerides contain about 1% free
fatty acid, and if this is neutralized with a base, the situation changes.
The lipid-water interface takes on a negative charge, and electrostatic
repulsion inhibits or slows the collapse and expulsion of water at the
lower temperatures described above. The charged interface also favors
the intrusion of more water into the space between the bilayers, and
the thickness of the water layer increases in direct proportion to the
amount of water added. At 75% water (an amount commonly found
in commercial hydrated monoglyceride), the water layer is about
11 nm thick, twice the thickness of the lipid layer. As expected, this
electrostatic stabilization can be counteracted by adding salts, and
low concentrations (0.3%) in the aqueous phase will counteract the
stabilizing effects of the anionic surfactant. Anionic monoglyceride
derivatives, the succinate and diacetyltartrate esters, form lamellar
mesophases under most conditions. This penchant is enhanced if the
carboxyl group is partially neutralized so that the pH of a water dis-
persion of the surfactant is 4–6, the typical pH range for dough.
Cubic mesophase. At higher temperatures and water concentrations,
the system may shift into the cubic mesophase structure (Fig. 2-4).
The water is present as spheres totally surrounded by monoglyceride.
This phase has a high viscosity and is sometimes called the viscous
isotropic phase in the literature. In the presence of more water than
can be accommodated in the internal spherical phase, a mixture of
lumps of this cubic structure dispersed in excess water is obtained.
With a saturated monoglyceride such as GMS, the lamellar structure
Viscous isotropic phase —
is found most often under practical conditions; with unsaturated
Another name for the cubic
mesophase when the amount
monoglycerides and lower temperatures, the cubic mesophase pre-
of water is sufficient to signifi- dominates. At lower water concentrations, the spherical water mi-
cantly raise the viscosity above celles are farther apart, so the viscosity of the mixture becomes lower,
that of the melted surfactant approaching that of melted pure surfactant. This is the fluid isotropic
alone. mesophase, sometimes referred to as the L2 phase.
A 100 B 100
Isotropic Cubic Fluid
Cubic + Water Isotropic
80 80
Hexagonal II + Water
Temperature, °C
Temperature, °C
Lamellar II
60 60
α-gel + Water
40 40 Cubic
β−crystals + Water Cubic + Water
20 mellar
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
% Water % Water
Fig. 2-5. Phase diagrams of two kinds of monoglycerides: saturated monoglyceride (distilled glycerol monostearate) (A) and
distilled unsaturated monoglyceride (sunflower oil monoglyceride) (B).
1. Stauffer, C. E. 1996. Fats and Oils. American Association of Cereal Chemists,
St. Paul, MN.
2. Tanford, C. 1973. The Hydrophobic Effect. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Supplemental Reading
Friberg, S. E., and Larsson, K., Eds. 1997. Food Emulsions, 3rd ed. Marcel Dekker,
New York.
Food Emulsifiers
Emulsifier Types
In This Chapter:
Actual commercial food emulsifiers are seldom exactly like the or-
Emulsifier Types
ganic chemical structures that are discussed in this section. Rather,
they are mixtures of similar compounds derived from natural raw Monoglyceride
materials. The hydrophobic fatty acid (or fatty alcohol) chain reflects Derivatives
the nature of the hydrogenated fat or oil used during manufacture. Sorbitan Derivatives
For example, glycerol monostearate (GMS) made from hydrogenated Polyhydric Emulsifiers
tallow has a saturated fatty acid composition of about 3% C14, 28% Anionic Emulsifiers
C16, 68% C18, and 1% C20, reflecting the chain length distribution Lecithin
in the source fat. If it is made from hydrogenated soybean oil, the Hydrophilic/Lipophilic
chain length distribution is somewhat different (more C18 and less Balance
C16). In addition, the ratio of 1-monoglyceride to 2-monoglyceride Basic Principle of the
varies depending on the temperature during manufacture.
Many emulsifiers are the result of rather complex condensation Determination of HLB
and polymerization reactions. Sorbitan monostearate is made by
heating sorbitol and stearic acid together. Sorbitol cyclizes (dehy- Proteins
Foaming Agents
drates) to a mixture of sorbitans and isosorbides, which in turn is es- Emulsifying Agents
terified to various extents by the stearic acid. By strict control of reac-
tion conditions, the composition of the final product can be kept in Regulations
a relatively narrow (and consistent) range, but it is still a mixture.
One should keep in mind, therefore, that the chemical structures
shown here represent the major components in the commercial ma-
terial and that related molecular species are also present.
Sorbitol—Sugar alcohol pro-
MONOGLYCERIDES duced by reduction of glucose,
Roughly 22 million kg (50 million lb) of monoglyceride are used consisting of a chain of six car-
annually in the United States in yeast-raised goods to retard staling. bons with a hydroxyl group on
each carbon.
At least an equal amount finds its way into cakes, icings, and other
applications. The third major use is in the manufacture of margarine. Sorbitan—Cyclic structure
Overall, monoglycerides make up the single most important group formed by linking the hydroxyls
for food uses, representing about 75% of total emulsifier production. at the 1 and 4 positions of sor-
The use of monoglycerides in baking began during the 1930s, bitol through an ether linkage.
when “super-glycerinated shortening” became commercially avail-
able. Glycerin was added to ordinary shortening along with a small Isosorbide —Bicyclic structure
formed from sorbitol, involving
amount of alkaline catalyst. The mixture was heated, causing some an ether linkage between hy-
interesterification of triglyceride with the glycerin, and the catalyst droxyls at the 1 and 4 positions
was removed by neutralization and washing with water. The resulting and hydroxyls at the 3 and 6
emulsified shortening contained about 3% monoglyceride and was positions.
widely used for making cakes, particularly those containing high lev-
els of sugar. The effectiveness of monoglyceride in retarding staling
(crumb firming) in bread became known at about the same time, and
bread bakers sought a more concentrated source of monoglyceride.
This need was met by suppliers of plastic monoglyceride, which is
made by increasing the ratio of glycerin to fat to achieve a final con-
centration of 40–60% monoglyceride. Most of the remainder is
diglyceride. When industrial-scale molecular distillation processes
were developed, it was logical to subject the plastic monoglyceride to
this step, producing distilled monoglyceride containing a minimum
of 90% (typically, about 95%) monoglyceride (the rest of the mixture
is composed of diglyceride and small amounts of fatty acids and glyc-
erol). The next stage was to make a lamellar mesophase product from
H O this distilled monoglyceride, adding some anionic surfactant (usually
sodium stearoyl lactylate [SSL]) to stabilize the hydrated monoglyc-
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3 eride, which contains roughly 25% monoglyceride, 3% SSL, and 72%
water. More recently, manufacturers have developed a powdered dis-
H-C-OH tilled monoglyceride, in which the composition of the original feed-
stock fat is balanced between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
H-C-OH The resulting powder is hydrated fairly rapidly during the process of
dough mixing and is functional in complexing with gelatinized
H starch. Today, bakers use all three monoglyceride types (plastic, hy-
drated, and powdered distilled) with about equally good results.
1-Monostearin The monoglyceride structure shown in Figure 3-1 is 1-monostearin,
also called α-monostearin. If the fatty acid is esterified at the middle
Fig. 3-1. Glycerol 1-mono-
hydroxyl, the compound is 2-monostearin, or β-monostearin. Both
stearate, also referred to as
monostearin or GMS. isomers are equally effective at retarding bread staling. In technical
specifications, manufacturers usually give the monoglyceride con-
tent of their product as the percentage of α-monoglyceride. The routine
analytical method for monoglyceride detects only the 1-isomer;
quantitation of the 2-isomer requires the use of gas chromatography.
Staling —Phenomenon that The total monoglyceride content of a product is about 10% higher
occurs in baked products than the reported α-monoglyceride content. In a practical sense,
during storage. Stale product however, when various products are compared for functionality and
has a firmer crumb structure cost effectiveness, the α-monoglyceride content is a useful number,
than fresh product; the crumb since for most products it equals about 91% of the total mono-
has a dry, harsh texture; and glyceride present.
the flavor impact is significantly
The fatty acid composition of a monoglyceride reflects the makeup
of the triglyceride fat from which it is made. Commercial GMS may
α-Monoglyceride — contain as little as 65% stearate if it is made from fully hydrogenated
Monoglyceride in which the lard or as much as 87% stearate if it is made from fully hydrogenated
fatty acid is esterified to the 1 soybean oil. The other major saturated fatty acid is palmitic acid, and
position of glycerol. Esterifica- because complete hydrogenation (to an iodine value of 0) is not prac-
tion at the 2 position results in tical, a small percentage of unsaturated (oleic and/or elaidic) acid is
a β-monoglyceride.
also usually present. A typical commercial GMS has an iodine value
Iodine value —A measurement of about 5. Iodine values for powdered distilled monoglycerides range
of the number of double bonds from 19 to 36 and for plastic monoglycerides, typically from 65 to 75.
in a fat or oil. A higher value The unsaturated fatty acids are a mixture of oleic and linoleic acids
means more double bonds. and their trans isomers. The phase diagram of a highly unsaturated
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
H-C-O(CH 2 CH 2 O) n H (EMG)
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
H-C-OH monoglyceride
Fig. 3-2. Emulsifiers used as dough strengtheners. In the DATEM structure, MG =
length is about 20 units (n = 20 in Fig. 3-2). Both the number 2 (β) Acid value —Weight in milli-
and number 3 (α) positions of the monoglyceride may be derivatized, grams of potassium hydroxide
required to neutralize the titrat-
although because of its greater chemical reactivity, the primary hy-
able groups in 1 g of lipid. It
droxyl (the α position) is more likely to be derivatized than the sec- characterizes a lipid by quanti-
ondary hydroxyl (the β position). The exact distribution of polymer fying the proportion of titrat-
chain lengths and distribution between α and β positions are func- able acidic groups.
tions of reaction conditions, e.g., catalyst type and concentration, gas
pressure, temperature, agitation, and length of reaction time. Of
course, any diglyceride present may also be ethoxylated.
The second group of monoglyceride derivatives, the α-tending
emulsifiers, are used mainly in cake production. These emulsifiers are
dissolved in the shortening phase of the cake formulation, and they
contribute to the emulsification of the shortening in the water phase
and promote incorporation of air into the fat phase. The particular
property of these emulsifiers that makes them valuable in liquid
shortening cakes is that they form a solid film at the oil-water inter-
face. This stabilizes the emulsion; but more importantly, it prevents
the lipid phase from destabilizing the protein-stabilized foam during
cake batter mixing (air incorporation).
The production of AcMG and PGME is straightforward organic
chemistry. Treatment of monoglyceride with acetic anhydride results
in the acetylated product, with the various kinds of isomers listed
above. PGME can be made either by direct esterification of propylene
glycol with fatty acids or by interesterification of fat (triglycerides)
with propylene glycol. The direct esterification product typically
contains about 55–60% monoester, and the remainder is diester.
While a product containing >90% monoester is made by molecular
distillation, the extra cost of this process is not warranted for most
commercial (cake mix production) uses. The interesterified product
is more complex, containing not only mono- and diesters of propy-
lene glycol, but also about 10–15% monoglyceride and a small
amount of diglyceride. As with DATEM, because such a wide range of
product compositions is possible from different manufacturing
processes, it is advisable to have stringent raw material specifications
for this ingredient.
Lactic acid esters of monoglyceride are usually made by reacting
lactic acid with a distilled monoglyceride. The complication here is
that lactic acid contains a hydroxyl group, and the fatty acid moiety
may migrate. For example, if lactic acid is heated with 1-monostearin,
the main initial product is 3-lactoyl-1-stearoyl glycerol. However,
during the reaction, some portion of the stearic acid may migrate to
the lactyl hydroxyl, resulting in glyceryl 3-(stearoyl)-lactylate. In ad-
dition, lactic acid can polymerize (form lactoyl lactic esters), and lac-
toyl dimers and trimers may also be present. Thus, the reaction prod-
uct mixture from heating lactic acid with a monoglyceride is a
complex mixture containing as many as 10 identifiable molecular
species. Production parameters must be tightly controlled to obtain a
product with consistent functionalities.
H O H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3 OH-C-H
C C H 3 C(CH 2 ) 16 C-O O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
Sorbitan monostearate Sorbitan tristearate
Fig. 3-4. Sorbitan esters. Note the mono- and tristearate esters of the sorbitan ring.
SMG and about equal to that of EMG and SSL. Polysorbate 60 has also
been used in fluid oil cake shortening systems, generally in combina-
tion with GMS and propylene glycol monostearate.
Polyglycerol esters. Polyglycerol esters (Fig. 3-6) have a variety of
applications as emulsifiers in the food industry. The polyglycerol por-
tion is synthesized by heating glycerol in the presence of an alkaline
catalyst, and ether linkages are formed between the primary hydrox-
yls of glycerol. In the structure depicted in Figure 3-6, n may take any
value; but for food emulsifiers, the most common are n = 3 (triglyc-
erol), n = 6 (hexaglycerol), n = 8 (octaglycerol), and n = 10 (decaglyc-
erol). (In all cases, n is an average value for the molecules present in
the commercial preparation.) The polyglycerol backbone is then es-
terified to varying extents, either by direct reaction with a fatty acid
or by interesterification with a triglyceride fat. Again, the number of
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
H(OCH 2 CH 2 ) n -OCH Polyoxyethylene (20)
H sorbitan monostearate
C C (Polysorbate 60)
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
H(OCH 2 CH 2 ) n -OCH Polyoxyethylene (20)
O H sorbitan tristearate
C C (Polysorbate 65)
H 3 C(CH 2 ) 16 C-O O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
Fig. 3-5. Polysorbate emulsifiers. Reacting the sorbitan ester with ethylene oxide
forms the hydrophilic polyoxyethylene side chain.
H-C-O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
HO CH 2 O-C-(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3
Sucrose diester
Fig. 3-7. One possible positional isomer of a sucrose diester.
In addition to SMG and
DATEM, some other anionic O
surfactants (Fig. 3-8) have
been tried as dough strength- CH 3 (CH 2 ) 16 C-O
eners. SSL is currently the one O Sodium stearoyl
most widely used in the lactylate (SSL)
United States. Sodium stearyl H 3 C-C-C-O - Na +
fumarate did not find accep-
tance, and sodium lauryl sul- H
fate (SLS) is used mainly as a
whipping agent with egg
Lactic acid, with both a car- O O
boxylic acid and a hydroxyl Sodium stearyl
function on the same mole- CH 3 (CH 2 ) 17 -O-C-C=C-C-O - Na + fumarate
cule, readily forms an ester
with itself. In commercial con- H H
centrated solutions, almost all
the acid is present in this poly-
lactylic form, and to get free
lactic acid, it must be diluted O
with water and refluxed for a
period of time. When stearic CH 3 (CH 2 ) 11 -O-S-O - Na + Sodium
acid is heated with polylactic
dodecyl sulfate
acid under the proper reaction O
conditions and then neutral- (SDS)
ized with sodium hydroxide, a Fig. 3-8. Three anionic emulsifiers. SSL and the fumarate are dough condition-
product with the structure ers, and SDS is used to solubilize proteins.
Egg albumin —Soluble protein
found in egg white. The lecithin generally used by food processors is a by-product of
the processing of crude soybean oil; it is the “gum” that is removed
Crude gum—Material removed during the degumming step of oil refining. The crude gum is treated
during the degumming phase
and purified to give the various commercial lecithin products that are
of vegetable oil refining. Water
is added to the crude oil, and
available today. Crude soybean oil contains about 2% lecithin. Crude
the polar components (such corn and cottonseed oils contain about 1% lecithin, but because
as phospholipids) become hy- smaller amounts of these oils are processed in the United States (com-
drated and associated with the pared with soy oil), the amount of gum obtained is usually too small
aqueous phase, which is then for economical processing for human food uses. Instead, it is added
separated by centrifugation. back to animal feed formulations as a valuable source of energy.
Egg yolk contains about 20% phospholipid, which accounts for its
Phospholipid —Diglyceride
esterified at the 3 position to
excellent emulsifying functionality, for example, in mayonnaise.
phosphoric acid, which in turn However, isolated lecithin from egg yolk is too expensive to be used
is often esterified to another for food manufacture.
group. The crude gum is dehydrated (to remove water used during degum-
ming), and then insoluble fines are removed by filtration. The crude
material is brown to dark brown (depending on the amount of heat Acetone insolubles—
applied during processing) and contains some pigments extracted Specification of the amount
from the original soybean. It is bleached to attain a more acceptable of phospholipids in “gums,”
based on the fact that the other
light brown color. Treatment with up to 1.5% hydrogen peroxide re-
constituents normally present
sults in a product known as single-bleached lecithin, and addition are soluble in acetone.
of benzoyl peroxide up to 0.5% yields double-bleached lecithin.
Reaction with hydrogen peroxide at even higher levels plus lactic
acid hydroxylates unsaturated fatty acid side chains at the double
bond (e.g., yielding dihydroxystearic acid from oleic acid). The hy-
droxylated lecithin that is formed is more dispersible in cold water
than the other types and is more effective as an emulsifier for
oil/water (O/W) emulsions.
Phospholipids are insoluble in acetone, and the phospholipid con-
tent of lecithin is specified as acetone insolubles (AI). The standard
commercial lecithin has a minimum AI content of 65%. Crude
bleached lecithin is quite viscous. The addition of vegetable oil flu-
idizes lecithin, and commercial fluid lecithin products are standard-
ized to have a viscosity of 7,500–10,000 cP at 25°C. A fully deoiled
lecithin, a granular, free-flowing product with a typical AI content of
95–98%, is also produced.
The structures of the main surface-active components of lecithin
are shown in Figure 3-9. The phosphatidyl group is a phosphate ester
-CH 2 CH 2 N + H 3
O ethanolamine
CH 3 (CH 2 ) 16 C-O-CH 2
O -CH 2 CH 2 N + (CH 3 ) 3
H 2 C-O-P-O-
Fig. 3-9. Structure of the major components of soy lecithin. Serine is another possible substituent,
but phosphatidylserine is found mainly in animal phospholipids, such as that from egg yolk.
Removing one fatty acid from the phosphatidyl moiety results in a lysophospholipid.
Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Balance
As discussed in Chapter 1, emulsifiers consist of a hydrophilic por-
tion (consisting of a wide variety of structures) and a lipophilic por-
tion (usually a fatty acid or occasionally a fatty alcohol). The balance
between these two governs the functionality of the emulsifier at in-
terfaces and hence its utility in foods. This balance, called the hy-
Glycolipid—Diglyceride drophilic/lipophilic balance (HLB), attaches a number to emulsifiers
connected to a sugar moiety that guides the food technologist in choosing one for a particular
(usually galactose or galactosyl-
galactose) at the 3 position and
common in cereal and legume
The initial proposal was to calculate HLB as
lated value gives a good indication of HLB for a new -CH2- 0.475
emulsifier under investigation. -CH3 …
Response surface methodol- and emulsions are made for each trial by using a standardized agita-
ogy—Method of experimental tion technique. The emulsions are allowed to stand and are then
design to determine the opti- assessed for stability, e.g., by measuring the thickness of the oil (or
mum values for two or more
water) layer formed at various times. (If all the emulsions are too sta-
variables in a product by using
a limited number of experi- ble to break down in a reasonable length of time, the experiment
ments and making interpola- should be repeated with less emulsifier.) The result is an approximate
tions based on the experimen- optimum HLB range for the system.
tal data. The next step is to choose the best chemical type of emulsifiers to
use. Experience shows that a blend of two emulsifiers (one lipophilic
and one hydrophilic) generally produces the most stable emulsions.
Numerous such pairs are available, e.g., sorbitan monostearate plus a
polysorbate, monoglyceride plus a fatty acid salt (sodium or potas-
sium), triglycerol tristearate plus decaglycerol monostearate, and su-
crose esters (e.g., F-160 plus F-50).
In addition, the nature of the fatty acid chain (e.g., chain length
and degree of unsaturation) can sometimes make a difference that is
readily seen by comparing some of the entries in Table 3-3. The melt-
ing point can be a factor in some processing systems; solid mono-
stearin may be difficult to add, whereas liquid monoolein (with the
same HLB) may be more convenient to use. If the sys-
tem is acidic (e.g., a salad dressing), acid-stable emulsi-
TABLE 3-3. HLBa Values of Food Emulsifiers fiers such as the sorbitans or polyglycerols may be the
best choices. If the pH is in the neutral range, the
Emulsifier Experimental HLB
monoglyceride plus fatty acid salt pair may be the
Sodium lauryl sulfate 40 most effective.
Sodium stearoyl lactylate 22 The various combinations are then subjected to
Potassium oleate 20 emulsifying trials as described above, but blends that
Sucrose monoester 20 are in the middle of the apparent optimum HLB range
Sodium oleate 18 are used. These trials should include relatively small
Polysorbate 60 15 HLB variations (i.e., optimum and ±0.5 HLB units) and
Polysorbate 80 15 limited variation in concentrations. The goal is to
Decaglycerol monooleate 14 choose the emulsifier system that provides the best
Decaglycerol monostearate 13
stability at the lowest usage level.
After the type of emulsifier is selected, the system can
Ethoxylated monoglyceride 13
be fine-tuned by running a series of trials at intervals of
Decaglycerol dioleate 12
0.1 HLB units and at various concentrations to find the
Polysorbate 65 11 minimum amount that yields the desired emulsion sta-
Hexaglycerol dioleate 9 bility. At this stage of testing, using response surface
Decaglycerol hexaoleate 7 methodology maximizes information gained while mini-
Triglycerol monostearate 7 mizing the amount of work needed.
Glycerol monolaurate 7 Two final points must be emphasized. First, HLB is
Sorbitan monostearate 5.9 an empirical system for characterizing emulsifiers, and
Sucrose triester 5 the values assigned to emulsifiers (as in Table 3-3) are
Propylene glycol monolaurate 4.5 necessarily somewhat imprecise. Thus, if a particular
Propylene glycol monostearate 3.4 emulsifier combination provides the best results at an
Glycerol monostearate 3.8
HLB of 11.4, a different combination might function
best at an HLB of 11.7. The effects of any substitutions
Sorbitan tristearate 2.1
must be evaluated, although the use of the HLB system
Hydrophilic/lipophilic balance. greatly decreases the amount of work needed. Second,
Proteins are surface-active molecules. They unfold (i.e., denature,
or lose their native three-dimensional structure) at water-air or water-
oil interfaces, adsorbing at the interface and stabilizing the foam or
emulsion. Their contribution to foam stability is briefly discussed in
Chapter 1, and the properties and forces contributing to unfolding
and adsorption are discussed here.
The best-known example of proteins as foam stabilizers is the
whipping of egg white to make meringue. Ovalbumin (the main pro-
tein in egg white) readily denatures and spreads at the air-water in-
terface. When whipping is continued to the “dry-peak” stage, all the
water is immobilized in the interstitial spaces and the meringue does
not drain, even after an extended period of time. Air bubble size has
been reduced (and numbers increased), generating enough interfacial
area to accommodate all the protein in the unfolded state. Many
other soluble proteins can also be whipped, but the resulting foam is
less stable. Drainage occurs, and after a period of time, the foam be-
gins to break down. The difference may be attributed to reversibility
of the unfolding process. For ovalbumin, the process is essentially ir-
reversible, and it stabilizes the interface, even though system energy
is high. Soluble soy protein unfolds, but with time (and under the
energetic influence to lower free energy by diminishing interfacial
area), the adsorbed protein is slowly forced back into the aqueous
phase, causing the foam to collapse. Acetylation of soy protein (con-
verting basically charged lysine amino groups into uncharged aceta-
mido groups) provides a soluble protein in which the resolubilizing
tendency is greatly reduced, and stable, dry-peak foams can be made
from such a protein.
In cake batters, the soluble flour proteins (and, of course, any
added egg whites) act as foaming agents. In cakes made with oil, pro-
teins are the main agents of air incorporation. The destabilization of
foams in these cakes must be prevented by using an α-tending emul-
sifier that encapsulates the oil (see Chapter 4). In cakes made with
fractionated and reconstituted flours, omission of the soluble protein
fraction results in failures (1).
Polypeptide —A polymer
EMULSIFYING AGENTS consisting of amino acids
connected by an amide bond,
Proteins at interfaces. A protein is a polypeptide (i.e., a chain of amino involving the carboxylic acid
acids joined by amide linkages) in which some of the amino acid side and α amino groups.
Since these micelles are all negatively charged, they are mutually re-
pulsive, and the necklace is rod shaped.
The binding described occurs only above the critical micelle con-
centration (CMC) of the emulsifier (see Chapter 2). The binding mode
is termed “cooperative”; i.e., the initial binding (and unfolding of a
small region of the protein) enhances further binding and unfolding.
Nonionic emulsifiers complex with proteins, although the effect is
small, since in general the emulsifiers are relatively insoluble in water.
The interaction of a moderately soluble emulsifier, octyl glucoside,
with many proteins has been studied. Cooperative binding of more
than 100 molecules of the emulsifier per molecule of protein was ob-
served. However, there was no measurable disruption of protein con-
figuration, which highlights the importance of the charge disruption
to the unfolding described above.
As mentioned above, proteins can unfold and adsorb at interfaces
(either air-water or oil-water). If another emulsifier is also present in
the system, it too adsorbs at the interface. Several reactions are
• Competitive adsorption: The two surface-active molecules com-
pete for the available interfacial area.
• Displacement: The more surface-active compound displaces the
less active material from the interface.
• Enhancement: A complex of the small molecule with the pro-
tein increases the interfacial action of the protein.
• Reinforcement: Interaction at the interface results in more effi-
cient packing of the ele-
ments involved (the hy-
drophobic regions of the
protein and the hydrophilic
ends of the emulsifier), in-
creasing the total interfacial
concentration and decreas-
ing interfacial tension even
Numerous permutations
and combinations of these
possibilities have been ob-
served, mainly at air-water
interfaces but also occasion-
Fig. 3-11. The “necklace on a string” model for
ally at oil-water interfaces.
interaction of a surfactant with an unfolded pro- The proteins studied have
tein molecule. The surfactant (black circles plus ranged from purified (e.g.,
hydrophobic chains) forms micelles around the ovalbumin and lactoglobu-
hydrophobic segments of the protein (light lin) to complex (e.g., gluten
gray sections), stretching out the hydrophilic and meat extracts), and all
(black) parts of the protein chain. types of emulsifiers have
Interfacial viscosity —
Resistance to flow in the two
dimensions of the interface.
Emulsifiers are additives to traditional foods, and as such their use
is regulated by most governments. In the United States, they are ap-
proved by the FDA in one of three categories (approved additives,
GRAS materials, or affirmed as GRAS compounds) and listed in the
Code of Food Regulations, Title 21. In Canada, emulsifiers that may
be used are listed in Table IV, Division 16, of the Canadian Food and
Drug Regulations. In Europe, the European Union issues European
Parliament and Council Directives that list food additives authorized
for use in human foodstuffs.
Most of the emulsifiers commonly used in foods are listed in Table
3-4. This table should be used only as a guide to the regulations.
Many emulsifiers are approved only for certain kinds of food prod-
ucts, and often the allowable amount is limited. Before a large-scale
product-development project is begun, the actual regulations con-
cerning the emulsifiers to be used should be consulted to make sure
that the final product meets all regulatory guidelines.
1. Howard, N. 1972. Bakers Dig. 46(5):28-30, 32, 34, 36-37, 64.
Supplemental Reading
Friberg, S. E., and Larsson, K., Eds. 1997. Food Emulsions, 3rd ed. Marcel Dekker,
New York.
United European
Emulsifier Statesa Canadab Unionc
Mono- and diglycerides (GRAS)d 182.4505 M.4, M.5 E 471
Succinyl monoglyceride 172.830 …e …
Bakery Products
Surfactants used in the production of bakery goods are usually re-
ferred to as either “emulsifiers” or “dough strengtheners.” From a In This Chapter:
physical chemist’s point of view, the way these terms are used is im- Antistaling Agents
precise. The interfacial role of these materials is spelled out in this Starch Gelatinization
section, but in the remainder of this chapter, current bakery termi- Starch Retrogradation
nology is used for the sake of convenience. Bread Staling
Strictly speaking, an emulsifier is a surfactant that promotes the Emulsifier-Starch
formation of an emulsion; that is, it aids in the subdivision of parti- Complexation
cles of the discontinuous phase. In bakery usage, this function is most Dough Strengtheners
important in the production of batters for cake, cake doughnuts, waf- Aeration Agents
fles, etc.
The term “emulsifier” is also applied to compounds (i.e., crumb Troubleshooting
softeners) that interact with molecules and granules of gelatinized
starch and slow the rate at which they recrystallize, thereby con-
tributing to the retention of crumb softness. Surfactants that perform
this role react at the solid-liquid, not the liquid-liquid, interface.
Dough strengtheners are surfactants that presumably interact
with gluten proteins and enhance the dough characteristics that
bakers call “strength.” Again, the functionality is at the solid-liquid
All bakery surfactants aid the incorporation and subdivision of air
into the liquid phase; that is, they promote foam formation. This is
important in cake production and in the generation of fine-grained
crumb in bread. Compounds used for this purpose are usually called
emulsifiers, although they are actually foaming agents that function
at the gas-liquid interface.
Finally, it should be noted that any given surfactant may function
in all the ways listed, even though it is used primarily for one specific
function. For example, sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL) is used mainly
for its dough-strengthening effect, but it also promotes emulsifica-
tion, air incorporation and subdivision, and retention of crumb soft-
ness. Again, in the viewpoint of the physical chemist, a bakery dough
or batter is a “messy” system with a multitude of interfacial interac-
tions occurring simultaneously. It is helpful to isolate each type of in-
teraction for discussion, realizing that ultimately all functions must
be considered together to realistically assess the effects of surfactants
on bakery foods.
Antistaling Agents
Emulsifiers were first used in bread to extend shelf life, i.e., to re-
tard staling. Monoglycerides are the primary antistaling additives
used today and account for about one-third of the emulsifiers used in
the baking industry. Staling is a complicated process that involves
changes in all the components of bread and is actually a sensory re-
sponse (older bread tastes “stale”) to these changes. A decrease in fla-
vor impact or a drier mouthfeel can be measured by taste panels, but
the consumer commonly uses the “squeeze test.” Staleness is equated
with resistance to manual squeezing of a loaf of bread. Bakery qual-
ity-control laboratories and research groups usually assess staleness
by measuring the resistance of the crumb to compression in an in-
strument such as the Baker Compressimeter, the Instron Universal
Testing Machine, or the penetrometer. Crumb compression correlates
with panel ratings; there is an excellent linear relationship between
panel freshness score (which includes flavor and mouthfeel as well as
texture) and the logarithm of the elastic modulus, or crumb modulus
(resistance to compression).
From the extensive research done on staling, three conclusions are
1. Staling is not related to moisture loss from the bread. A five-day-
old stale loaf (stored under the proper conditions) has the same
moisture content as fresh bread, although it gives a drier mouth-
feel impression.
2. Staling is related to the recrystallization (retrogradation) of the
starch molecules gelatinized during the baking process.
Elastic modulus —Relationship 3. Other bread components (e.g., gluten protein and pentosans)
between stress (force) applied may play a role, but the extent and the nature of their contribu-
to a sample and the strain
tion to staling is uncertain.
(deformation) in the sample;
a more general rheological This section is concerned with the role emulsifiers (mainly mono-
term than crumb modulus. glycerides) play in retarding bread staling. To begin the discussion,
the current understanding of the involvement of starch in staling is
Crumb modulus —Synonym
for elastic modulus.
first reviewed.
Gelatinization temperature— adequate water is present, the melting of starch crystallites is assisted
A narrow temperature range at by the solvent; i.e., they are hydrated as they melt. This occurs at
which starch granules begin to
what is usually called the gelatinization temperature (about 65°C for
swell, lose crystallinity, and vis-
cosify the cooking medium.
wheat starch). With limiting amounts of water, some portion of the
Starches from different sources starch crystallites melts and hydrates near 65°C, and the remaining
have different characteristic portion melts during an anhydrous process that occurs over a tem-
gelatinization temperatures. perature range of up to 115°C.
Sugar and salt also raise gelatinization temperatures. In amylograph
tests, the addition of 2% sodium chloride raised the peak gelatiniza-
tion temperature from 82 to 91°C. The elevation of gelatinization
temperature by sugar depends in
part upon the particular sugar
used. In a 50% sucrose solution,
the gelatinization temperature of
wheat starch is raised by 26 de-
grees C, while in 50% glucose it
increases by 20 degrees. This ef-
fect is particularly important in
cake baking, in which coordina-
tion between the timing of starch
granule swelling and the release
of leavening gas, both of which
are governed by internal batter
temperature, is crucial for obtain-
ing a satisfactory cake.
The presence of other hydrat-
able materials in a dough or bat-
ter decreases the amount of free
water available for starch gela-
Fig. 4-1. Amylograph curves for wheat starch in the presence of diacetyl tar- tinization. Studies on mixtures of
trate ester of monoglyceride (DATEM), sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL), and
glycerol monostearate (GMS).
gluten and starch showed that
the gluten bound approximately
75% of its weight in water, and in
a marginal system (0.91 g of water per gram of starch), this decrease
in free water decreased the proportion of starch that gelatinized at the
normal temperature (about 61°C) and increased the fraction that
melted at a higher temperature. No doubt this also occurs when gums
are added to cake batters for viscosity control.
Emulsifiers modify the gelatinization behavior of starch. Figure 4-1
shows the changes in amylograph gelatinization curves for wheat
starch caused by the inclusion of various emulsifiers at a level of
Amylograph —An instrument 0.5%. Of the three emulsifiers shown, diacetyl tartrate ester of mono-
used to study starch gelatiniza- glyceride (DATEM) is the least interactive, raising the swelling tem-
tion. A slurry is heated from
perature by about 5 degrees C but not changing the viscosity of the
room temperature to 95°C at
a set rate, held for a period of gelatinized starch. Glycerol monostearate (GMS) has the most effect,
time, and then cooled at a set raising swelling temperature by about 18 degrees C and increasing
rate. The viscosity of the slurry the paste viscosity. SSL has less effect on the inhibition of swelling,
is recorded as a function of but it increases paste viscosity to about the same level as that caused
time (hence, of temperature). by GMS.
Amylose dissolved in water forms in-
soluble crystals, usually within hours. By
contrast, amylopectin crystallizes much
more slowly, taking days to do so. The
difference in rate is probably caused by
the relative differences in molecular mo-
bility. The low molecular weight amy-
lose is free to take different conforma-
tions and move around in solution, thus
achieving molecular alignment and crys-
tallization more readily than the high
molecular weight amylopectin, which is
sterically more hindered by branching.
This reassociation is called retrogradation
Starch retrogradation is a process which
occurs when starch chains begin to re- Fig. 4-2. Changes in starch molecules in bread during retrograda-
associate in an ordered structure. In its tion (staling). In bread immediately out of the oven, both amylose
initial phases, two or more starch and amylopectin are gelatinized and randomly oriented. During
chains may form a simple juncture cooling, the amylose molecules align and crystallize. During stor-
age, amylopectin reforms crystallites. (Reprinted from Stauffer,
point which then may develop into
C. E., 1996, Fats & Oils, American Association of Cereal Chemists,
more extensively ordered regions. St. Paul, MN)
Ultimately, under favorable conditions,
a crystalline order appears.
The picture that best fits our present understanding of what occurs
in baked products is shown in Figure 4-2. When bread or cake leaves
the oven, the starch granules are gelatinized and a portion of the
amylose is in the surrounding matrix. As the product cools, a signifi- Retrogradation—Recrystal-
cant portion (one-third or more) of the amylose crystallizes. During lization of gelatinized starch.
Specific volume —In baking (by X-ray analysis) on bread stored at 4 and 21°C found that the rate
research, the weight of the constant for crystallinity increase was about twice that of the rate for
cooled loaf divided by its
increase in firmness. It was also found that if the enzyme α-amylase
is included in the dough, the relationship does not seem to hold. We
may tentatively hypothesize a cause-and-effect relationship between
starch crystallization and an increase in elastic modulus, realizing
that the question still is not unequivocally settled. A more extensive
discussion of this question has been published (2).
Starch retrogradation is influenced by a number of factors. Three of
special interest to bakers are temperature, specific volume, and mois-
ture content of the bread.
Staling has a negative temperature coefficient; that is, it accelerates
as temperature decreases. This has been demonstrated many times.
An Arrhenius plot of rate constant for staling (compression measure-
ments) versus 1/temperature
(°K) is shown in Figure 4-4. The
plot is linear between 10 and
66°C, indicating that the rate of
firming is a straightforward
physical chemical phenomenon
(the point on the right was ob-
tained at –1°C). The straight line
is fitted to the circled points,
which represent bread made by
the Chorleywood bread process.
The triangles are points for
bread made by a straight dough
process with fermentation. This
is objective proof of the general
observation that bread stales
faster when refrigerated.
Specific volume (g/cm3) does
not affect the rate constant for
firming, but as specific volume
increases, the total change in
Fig. 4-4. Arrhenius plot of the effect of temperature on the first-order rate firmness (E∞ – E0) decreases. The
constant for the firming of bread crumb. dependence of E∞ – E0 on spe-
cific volume is also process de-
pendent. Chorleywood process
bread shows a somewhat lower limiting firmness than fermented
straight dough bread when the two are compared at the same specific
volume. In addition, bread with a higher specific volume has a lower
initial firmness, so at all stages it is softer than a more compact loaf.
Chorleywood bread Starch retrogradation slows when the moisture content of the
process —A rapid bread-
making process, developed at
starch gel is high. To relate this to bread, remember that there is a
the Chorleywood Laboratories moisture gradient in bread. In one study, the rate of retrogradation of
in England, in which dough is crumb from the center of a loaf and from the region near the crust
mixed in a high-intensity mixer was determined by DSC. The center crumb had a moisture content of
for a short period of time. about 43% (45% initially and 42% after five days of storage at 21°C),
and the crumb near the crust had a moisture content of approxi-
mately 32% (33% at day 1 and 31% at day 5). The firming of crumb
from the center had a rate constant, k, of 0.22 per day, while that of
crumb near the crust was 0.38 per day. The total amount of change
was the same in both cases, 1.8 J/g. This confirms the general obser-
vation that moist bread stales less rapidly.
Several factors that are thought to influence bread staling rate are
considered here briefly before the main discussion of the effect of
surfactants on starch retrogradation and staling. These factors—
moisture content, protein content, and processing variables—are
not negligible from a practical standpoint.
Increasing the moisture content of bread increases its shelf life (as
judged by the squeeze test). An obvious example is reduced-calorie
bread, which contains 45–50% moisture versus the 38% level in stan-
dard U.S. white pan bread. The initial firmness of the high-moisture
bread is slightly lower, and the compression curve remains lower
throughout the normal shelf life. No data have been published that
indicate whether there is a difference in the rate constant for firming
and whether the total amount of firmness increase differs for regular
bread and high-moisture reduced-calorie bread. As a rule, decreasing
the finished moisture content of bread by 2% (e.g., by increasing bake
time) shortens the shelf life by one day.
The major components of baked bread that bind moisture are heat-
denatured gluten and gelatinized starch. Moisture migration within
the bread crumb during cooling and storage has been studied, but re-
sults are contradictory. One group of researchers found that moisture
migrates, if at all, from the retrograding starch to gluten, while an-
other group, using a different approach, found migration to be in the
opposite direction. In either case, the change in moisture of the
starch portion is small, approximately 2%. Other indirect evidence
for the role of moisture migration has been published, but the extent
of the projected effect is minimal compared with the overall increase
in crumb firmness.
It is known that increasing the protein content of bread tends to
result in a softer loaf, which may be caused by simple dilution of the
starch. Of course, increasing protein content also usually increases
specific volume with attendant increased softness. An alternate hy-
pothesis is that more protein binds more water, decreasing the mois-
ture level in the starch phase and decreasing the rate or extent of
starch crystallinity. However, this theory is not consistent with the
known effect of moisture content on starch retrogradation. The role
played by gluten protein in bread firming is not yet clear.
Processing parameters can markedly influence the shelf life (staling
rate) of bread. Both overmixing and undermixing shorten shelf life,
and long fermentation times extend shelf life. Slow baking shortens
shelf life (moisture content is lower), while a fast bake lengthens shelf
Although starch and gluten proteins are usually thought of as hy-
drophilic molecules, readily wetted by water and becoming water sol-
uble as the molecular size is reduced, they are in fact amphiphilic.
Starch molecules are polymers composed of α-D-glucopyranosidyl
residues joined primarily by 1,4
acetal linkages (1,6 linkages occur
at the branch points in amy-
lopectin). Glucopyranoside is a six-
membered ring. It is not flat but
is puckered in what is called the
“chair” configuration (Fig. 4-5a).
The bond angles from each car-
bon are such that the hydrophilic
hydroxyl groups project outward
to the side of the plane of the
ring, while the hydrogen atoms
project either above or below this
plane. The perimeter of the ring
is hydrophilic, and the two faces
are hydrophobic. The bond angle
of the α-1,4 acetal linkage is such
that the starch chain coils to
form a helix, with about six
residues per turn (Fig. 4-5b). It is
difficult to draw the details of
Fig. 4-5. Structures of α-D-glucopyranoside (a), the amylose helix this helix, but molecular models
(b), and the inclusion complex of amylose with straight-chain
show that the plane of the
lipids (c).
residue ring lies parallel to the
wall of this helix and that the hy-
Acetal linkages—Bonds be- drogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 (circled in Fig. 4-5a) project into
tween sugar residues in poly-
mers, linking the carbonyl
the interior of the helix. The result is a hollow cylinder that has a hy-
group of one residue to a drophilic outer surface and a hydrophobic inner surface. This inner
hydroxyl group on the other space is about 4.5 Å in diameter, and straight-chain alkyl molecules
sugar. such as stearic acid can fit into it (Fig. 4-5c), as can other molecules
such as iodine. The blue color of an iodine-starch complex demon-
Glucopyranoside —Glucose in strates that iodine is in a nonpolar environment; iodine dissolved in
its usual molecular form of a chloroform is blue, but in water it is brown. The complex of amylose
six-membered ring.
with n-butanol crystallizes much more readily than amylose alone,
Helix —Three-dimensional and this behavior has been used to separate amylose from
arrangement of many biologi- amylopectin.
cal polymers, including starch. The n-alkyl portion of emulsifiers such as GMS forms a complex
It is analogous to a coil spring. with helical regions of starch. This interaction has been measured
Dough Strengtheners
Some of the amino acid side chains in
proteins are hydrophobic, generally
buried in the interior of the folded pro-
tein molecule but exposed if the protein
Fig. 4-6. Influence of pH and anionic surfactant molecules on gluten is unfolded. Frequently, these hydro-
protein. The crosshatched areas depict nonpolar patches on the phobic regions are partially exposed,
protein surface. SSL = sodium stearoyl lactylate. even in the native folded protein, and
are referred to as hydrophobic patches
on the protein surface (Fig. 4-6). The
lipophilic parts of surfactants interact
Hydrophobic patches—Areas
with these hydrophobic regions, sometimes contributing to unfold-
on the surface of a protein mol-
ecule, in contact with sur- ing (denaturation) of the protein and further binding of surfactant.
rounding water, that are Gluten protein contains about 40% hydrophobic amino acids, and it
lipophilic in nature. interacts strongly with lipid-type materials. In a mixed dough, more
than half the native lipid plus any added surfactant is bound to the Fluorescent probes—Small
protein, while the rest is uncomplexed and freely extractable. The molecules that fluoresce in a
surfactant SSL binds to gluten proteins as do fluorescent probes for hy- nonpolar medium but not in a
polar medium such as water.
drophobic environments. It can safely be said that gluten proteins
When these probes are mixed
have rather large hydrophobic regions on their surfaces, and some of with proteins, for example, the
the properties of gluten may be explained on this basis. appearance of fluorescence im-
Two of these gluten characteristics are depicted in Figure 4-6. plies that a probe has bound to
When acid is added to a flour-water dough, some of the protein solu- a hydrophobic region of the
bilizes. This is most likely a charge effect. At a dough pH of about 6, protein.
the gluten proteins carry a low charge density resulting from an ap-
Ovenspring —Increase in the
proximate equality between the cationic amino acids (lysine, argi-
volume of a loaf of bread dur-
nine, and histidine) and the anionic amino acids (glutamic and as- ing baking; i.e., the final loaf
partic acids). As the pH is lowered, many of the anionic carboxylates volume minus the volume of
are protonated (i.e., become un-ionized), and the protein molecule the dough at the end of the
takes on an overall positive net charge. At pH 6, the hydrophobic proof.
patches can interact, and the protein molecules aggregate via hy-
drophobic interaction. At pH 3, the net positive charges cause the
molecules to repel each other, and solubilization occurs. This situa-
tion has many similarities to that of emulsified oil droplets stabilized
by an ionic surfactant, where the surface charge prevents droplet con-
tact and coalescence. Likewise, salt represses the electrostatic repul-
sion, and protein aggregation is favored. Most dough strengtheners
are anionic surfactants, and when the lipophilic tail of the surfactant
binds to the protein hydrophobic patches, it incorporates this nega-
tive charge into the complex, moving the overall charge closer to zero
and promoting aggregation in the dough (Fig. 4-6). Salt and SSL have
similar effects on mixograph curves, and it might be said that salt
suppresses the electrostatic repulsion while SSL neutralizes it. The
final effect in both cases is the same, i.e., hydrophobic aggregation of
the gluten protein and an increase in dough strength.
An excess amount of surfactant can solubilize proteins, and addi-
tional adsorption to the protein generates an excess net charge, even
if the protein net charge is near zero. Sodium stearate (4 mg per 10
mg of glutenin) renders glutenin proteins completely soluble in dis-
tilled water. Cationic surfactants also solubilize glutenin, but non-
ionic or amphoteric surfactants (e.g., Tweens, Span, and lecithin)
have little or no solubilizing effect.
The usual test of a dough strengthener is a bake test, in which the
loaf volume increment resulting from the inclusion of the surfactant
being tested is determined. This change in loaf volume appears to
have more to do with the interaction of the surfactant with the starch
granule than with the effect upon gluten protein. The final loaf vol-
ume of a dough with 3% shortening is greater than that of a control
loaf containing no shortening, because the loaf containing shortening
expands for a longer time during the bake cycle. The presence of short-
ening delays the swelling of starch granules (and perhaps the denatu-
ration of the gluten protein), and this delay translates into a larger loaf
volume (i.e., larger ovenspring). The addition of a surfactant such as SSL
or DATEM to dough also produces this delay in the setting mechanism
and thus increases the loaf volume. Numerous studies with a variety of
emulsifiers (e.g., sucrose mono- and diesters, calcium stearoyl lactylate
[CSL], DATEM, and GMS) report similar results. It should be noted
that the surfactants are about 10 times more effective than triglyc-
erides in producing loaf volume enhancement by this mechanism;
0.2–0.4% surfactant gives the same effect as 3% shortening.
A more meaningful test of the dough-strengthening capabilities of
a surfactant involves subjecting the proofed loaf to mechanical abuse
before putting it into the oven. The pan containing the proofed
dough is placed on blocks of wood 3.75 in. high. The blocks are
pulled from under the pan, allowing it to fall to the counter top. This
procedure is conducted two more times, and then the doughs are
baked, depanned, and cooled, and the volume is measured. In a study
in which this technique was employed and the use level of all
strengtheners was 0.25%, CSL produced the best volume improve-
ment (approximately 260 cm3 in a 1-lb loaf), ethoxylated monoglyc-
eride was the second most effective, Polysorbate 60 and SSL were
roughly equivalent (about 210 cm3), and succinyl monoglyceride
showed the least improvement (about 125 cm3) compared with the
control loaf. This test is designed to simulate the rough handling,
such as sudden starts and stops on the conveyor line or being struck
by a loading or unloading bar, that proofed doughs often undergo in
a commercial bakery. A more reproducible test is to allow the pan to
slide down an inclined plane (a short section of the conveyor) and hit
a stop bar at the bottom. Although the literature is replete with data
on delaying starch swelling and volume improvements such as those
discussed above, when a dough strengthener is evaluated for com-
mercial use, some sort of abuse test of the proofed dough is the best
way to determine dough-strengthening capabilities of a surfactant.
The basic mechanism by which dough strengtheners work appears
to be enhancement of gluten protein aggregation, either by charge
neutralization (anionic surfactants) (Fig. 4-6) or by some sort of hy-
drogen bonding (ethoxylated surfactants). The surfactants are bound
rather strongly to the native gluten protein, but they are not bound
to the heat-denatured protein after baking. CSL has little effect on the
mixing requirements of dough but increases its tolerance to overmix-
ing, while the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate markedly in-
creases the mixing tolerance of a dough in the mixograph.
It might be that the fatty acids of dough strengtheners form a com-
plex with gelatinized starch and thus contribute to antistaling activ-
ity. SSL and DATEM are reported to have ACI values of 72 and 49, re-
spectively. Reports from baking and storage tests in which these
surfactants were used indicate that they do indeed retard crumb firm-
ing compared with the control. However, in most such studies, loaf
specific volume was not controlled, which muddles interpretation of
the results.
Studies with lidded bake pans (which keep loaf specific volume
constant) indicate that DATEM does preserve crumb softness. The ef-
fect of combining DATEM with GMS appears to be roughly multi-
Aeration Agents
Air is entrained in most bakery products during the preparation
stages. In baked items (excluding icings and the like), the degree of
subdivision of the air bubbles determines the nature of the finished
crumb. The air bubbles are nuclei for the leavening gases generated
during baking. If the air is present as a few large bubbles, the finished
product will have a coarse crumb, while if the air is divided into
many small bubbles, the finished crumb will be smooth and fine
grained. The presence of emulsifiers (either natural or added) aids in
air dispersal and inhibits coalescence of the
bubbles during the processing period before
baking. This was first demonstrated for bread
in 1940 and subsequently for other products
such as cakes, doughnuts, and cookies.
Successful manufacture of a good-quality
layer cake requires dispersal of air through-
out the batter and retention of the bubbles
until the starch has swollen and the cake
structure is set. Traditionally, air has been en-
trained in the shortening phase during the
first stage of making a cake. This method is
not an efficient way to incorporate air, be-
cause it depends primarily upon the ability
of the plastic shortening to trap air bubbles
during creaming. The “superglycerinated”
shortenings containing monoglycerides, de-
veloped in about 1930, enable the baker to
subdivide the air bubbles, creating smaller
bubbles that are more efficiently retained by
the shortening phase and that give more
Fig. 4-7. High-ratio cake batters made by three-stage mixing.
uniform nucleation for leavening gases A, Plastic shortening, no emulsifier, batter specific gravity 0.85
throughout the batter during baking. The g/ml. B, Plastic shortening containing 4.5% monoglyceride,
final crumb grain, therefore, is closer and the batter specific gravity 0.81 g/ml. C and D, Cakes baked from A
overall volume is larger (Fig. 4-7). These and B, respectively.
In bakery products, emulsifiers work with the fat phase, protein, and starch to produce a good
final product. Often, a mixture of emulsifiers works better than a single emulsifier. For many prob-
lems, the solution may require adjustments not only to the emulsifier system but also to the other
ingredients or the processing parameters. In emulsion systems, troubleshooting is still more an art
than a science, because many of the interactions taking place between the ingredients and the pro-
cessing parameters are specific to each food product. While the following table suggests adjustments
to be made in emulsifier use, the reader can also consult the troubleshooting sections in the Fats &
Oils handbook that deal with shortening-related problems.
Symptom Cause Changes to Makea
Sidewall weakness Inadequate strength of crumb Add dough strengthener (e.g., SSL or DATEM)
(“keyholing”) structure and low elasticity up to legal limit (0.5% flour basis for SSL and
good manufacturing practice for DATEM).
Open grain Inadequate gluten strength Add dough strengthener (e.g., SSL or DATEM).
Low volume (some- Inadequate gluten strength Add dough strengthener (e.g., SSL or DATEM).
times noted when
substituting oil for
plastic shortening)
Short shelf life Insufficient staling inhibitor Use up to 0.5% actual α-monoglyceride (flour basis).
Use easily dispersible form. (Excess could cause
open cell defect.)
Sticky dough Gluten not fully developed; process Adjust water pH (e.g., with lactic acid or
water too soft or too alkaline monocalcium phosphate).
Symptom Cause Changes to Make
Short shelf life Inadequate fat absorption Add 0.5% α-monoglyceride to base dough.
Collapse on cooling Weak gluten structure Add SSL or DATEM up to legal limits.
Symptom Cause Changes to Make
Tunnels in the cake Inadequate emulsification Use emulsified shortening (e.g., 3.5–5%
Add emulsifier with a high HLB (e.g., 0.25%
Polysorbate 60) to the batter.
Too hot an oven Lower oven temperature.
Excess leavening Lower leavening level.
Inadequate hydration and dispersion Allow enough time to make up batter.
of ingredients
Low volume; Inadequate emulsification; poor Use an emulsified shortening (e.g., 3.5–5%
center dip creaming of fat α-monoglyceride).
Poor foam stability (oil cakes) Increase level of α-tending emulsifier (e.g., PGME
or AcMG) at 12–14% of oil.
Excess liquid Decrease water level.
AcMG = acetylated monoglyceride; DATEM = diacetyl tartrate ester of monoglyceride; HLB = hydrophilic/lipophilic bal-
ance; PGME = propylene glycol monoester; and SSL = sodium stearoyl lactylate.
Symptom Cause Changes to Make
Excessive fat Excess emulsification Reduce amount of emulsifier in the formula.
absorption Cold batter Use warmer water during batter make-up.
Batter viscosity too high Increase amount of water in batter formula.
Under mixed Increase mixing time to fully hydrate ingredients.
Fryer temperature too low Raise fryer temperature to recommended level.
Make sure heater can keep up with rate of batter
Fat breakdown If fryer is not in continuous use, lower fryer
temperature between fries.
If use is continuous, match doughnut production
with fryer size to get complete fat turnover in 8 hr.
Low fat absorption Insufficient emulsification Add 0.5% α-monoglyceride or 1% lecithin to the
Hot batter Use cold water (or ice) to reduce batter temperature.
Batter viscosity too low Reduce water in batter formula.
Over mixed Decrease mixing time.
Too much floor time before depositing Balance batch size and mixing schedule with rate of
production in fryer.
Fryer temperature too high Lower fryer temperature to recommended level.
New (untempered) fat When refilling fryer (after cleaning), use old (not
degraded) fat equal to one-fourth of fryer capacity.
If old fat is not available, add 1.5 oz free fatty acids
per 100 lb new fat.
Symptom Cause Changes to Make
Low aeration (high Inadequate emulsification Use shortening with 2–3% α-monoglyceride.
specific gravity) Use an emulsifier with a high HLB (e.g., up to 0.46%
Polysorbate 60 based on total icing).
Fat too soft to entrap air Use shortening with a high solid fat index profile.
Inadequate creaming Increase first stage mixing time of fat plus sugar.
Loss of aeration Unbalanced formula Rebalance HLB of emulsifier system.
during storage Add hydrocolloid stabilizer.
Excess monoglyceride Use shortening with a maximum of 3%
Over or under whipping Adjust whipping time.
1. Atwell, W. A., Hood, L. F., Lineback, D. R., Varriano-Marston, E., and Zobel,
H. F. 1988. Cereal Foods World 33:306-311.
2. Hebeda, R. E., and Zobel, H. F., Eds. 1996. Baked Goods Freshness. Chapter 1,
The Staling Mechanism, and Chapter 2, Surfactants. Marcel Dekker, New
3. Lagendijk, J., and Pennings, H. J. 1970. Cereal Sci. Today 15:354-356, 365.
4. Krog, N. 1971. Starch/Stärke 23:206-210.
5. Riisom, T., Krog, N., and Eriksen, J. 1984. J. Cereal Sci. 2:105-118.
Supplemental Reading
Stauffer, C. E. 1990. Functional Additives for Bakery Foods. Chapter 3, Emulsifiers
and Dough Strengtheners. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
Thomas, D. J., and Atwell, W. A. 1999. Starches. American Association of Cereal
Chemists, St. Paul, MN.
Dairy and Nondairy
Milk is a protein-stabilized oil/water (O/W) emulsion. The presence
of protein at the interface complicates the interpretation of experi- In This Chapter:
mental results and the understanding (at the molecular level) of the Milk
events that occur when milk-derived and milk-related products are
Butter and Margarine
processed. These complications increase when emulsifiers such as
those discussed in Chapter 3 are added to the system. How proteins Margarine
act at air-water and oil-water interfaces is also discussed in Chapter 3.
Whipped Cream and
Nondairy Whipped
Milk Toppings
Whipped Cream
Milk proteins are divided into two groups: casein and the whey pro- Nondairy Whipped
teins. Casein (the protein that precipitates to make cheese) is a com- Toppings
plex containing four major proteins, αs1-, αs2-, β-, and κ-casein, in the Ice Cream
rough proportion of 40:10:40:10. The molecular weights of the ca- Coffee Whiteners
seins range from 24,000 for β-casein to 121,000 for α-casein. In addi-
tion, the caseins aggregate to form micelles with molecular weights of Troubleshooting
approximately 1 × 109. Casein is often dissolved at alkaline pH and
then neutralized and dried to create compounds such as sodium ca-
seinate, which has an estimated molecular weight of 250,000. In
whey, the main proteins are α-lactalbumin (approximate molecular
weight, 17,000) and β-lactoglobulin (approximate molecular weight,
45,000); numerous others are present in minor amounts. The ratio of
hydrophobic to hydrophilic amino acid residues varies greatly. As a
rule, the larger the protein, the greater the proportion of hydrophobic
residues. Given these disparities in size and relative hydrophobicity,
one would predict that interfacial behavior might vary widely among
Casein —The main protein
different proteins, and this is indeed the case. The behavior of whey
component of milk, accounting
protein concentrate differs from that of sodium caseinate, which in for about 80% of the total
turn differs from that of β-casein. When the numerous possible com- proteins.
binations of proteins at the interface are also considered, it is easy to
understand why the interfacial chemistry of milk is so complex. Whey—The liquid left after ca-
Milk fat droplets are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum of sein has been precipitated from
mammary epithelial cells. They are released into the glandular intra- milk. In addition to protein, it
contains lactose (milk sugar)
cellular region after being surrounded by a plasma membrane, which
and ash (inorganic salts).
is a highly complex, stratified structure consisting mainly of polar
lipids and proteins. The two major proteins of the membrane are xan- Milk fat —The natural fat found
thine oxidase (molecular weight, 155,000) and a hydrophobic glyco- in milk consisting of a mixture
protein, butyrophilin (molecular weight, 67,000). The structure of of glycerides.
Whey Butterfat
ous phase. When all the fat has been transformed in this fashion, it is
separated from the residual buttermilk; additives (e.g., salt and color-
ing) are added; and it is kneaded into a smooth, homogenous mass.
In most countries, there are regulations about the composition of
butter (e.g., a minimum of 80% milk fat).
The temperature during churning is an important processing para-
meter. Fat globules coalesce from the liquid phase, but the solid fat
fraction of the milk fat stabilizes the clump and keeps the entrained
aqueous droplets separate. The solid fat content of milk fat is lower
during the winter than during the summer, and this difference must
be accounted for in the churning operation. If the milk fat is too
hard, the protein membrane does not desorb sufficiently to allow co-
alescence; if it is too soft, the aqueous phase and air (about 3–5% of
the total mass by volume) are not incorporated. (The proper water
and air content is important for the flavor and spreadability of the
Two things contribute to the stability of the water droplets: the fat
protein membrane and crystals of high-melting-point triglycerides
from the fat. When an emulsion inverts, the emulsifier tends to re-
main at the interface. As shown in Figure 5-1, the curvature of the
membrane simply reverses and appears to encase the aqueous phase
rather than the fat phase. The reason for desorption of the membrane
is not fully understood, but it is probably the result of mechanical
forces rather than interfacial energetics. As mentioned above, protein
Solid fat content—A measure
desorption from an interface is a slow process, but during churning,
of the amount of solid fat in a
it occurs quickly. Thus, it seems likely that when two fat globules col- fat at various temperatures, de-
lide, the membrane is physically ruptured (made easier because the termined by nuclear magnetic
fat phase is semiliquid), allowing the globules to make contact and resonance.
Margarine—A substitute for coalesce. The involvement of fat crystals is somewhat less easy to ex-
butter, originally formulated to plain but is not an unknown phenomenon. Solid particles tend to
mimic butter as closely as possi- stabilize an interface, probably by simply interfering with the contact
ble, but using other fat sources
and coalescence of the dispersed phase.
in place of milk fat.
Originally invented as an inexpensive substitute for butter, mar-
garine today is purchased for its own characteristics. It is a W/O emul-
sion. The oil is generally some blend of partially hydrogenated veg-
etable fats, chosen to meet a specified solid fat content profile. The
water phase varies greatly from reconstituted nonfat dry milk to
water with some added flavors.
Standard margarine contains at least 80% fat; the rest is a skim
milk, whey, or water solution containing salt and flavors. In prepar-
ing margarine, there are six steps:
1. blending base stocks plus other oil-soluble components;
2. mixing milk or water with salt and other water-soluble
3. mixing the two phases to form a W/O emulsion;
4. chilling and plasticizing the emulsion;
5. forming the margarine into prints or placing it into plastic
tubs; and
6. finish packaging and cold storage of the finished product.
In step 1, the oils to be used are weighed into a tank (at 5 degrees
C above their melting points), and emulsifier (lecithin, mono- and
diglyceride, or a combination), oil-soluble vitamins (A, D, and E) and
colorants (β-carotene and annatto) are added. The oil is mixed,
preferably under a nitrogen atmosphere to prevent oxidation and fla-
vor deterioration.
When the oil-soluble ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the water
phase is added. This can be whole milk, skim milk, reconstituted non-
fat dry milk solids, or water. Salt and flavors such as diacetyl and
starter distillate are included in the water phase. Antimicrobial agents
(sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate) and/or heavy metal chelat-
ing agents (citric acid or EDTA) are added if needed and if the law al-
lows it. The water phase is slowly added to the oil with agitation to
form a W/O emulsion. Sometimes the emulsion is pasteurized at 73°C
for 16 sec to ensure freedom from pathogenic bacteria.
The emulsion is quickly chilled in a swept-surface heat exchanger.
The violent agitation and kneading in this unit produce an extremely
fine dispersion of the water phase droplets. Diameters of the droplets
at this point range from 2 to 20 µm; the average is about 5 µm. Marga-
rine is a stable emulsion because the continuous phase (the fat) is solid.
The chilled emulsion is then held in a quiescent tube, and the marga-
By centrifugation, the milk fat portion of milk is concentrated to
make cream. In the United States, three standards of identity apply to
1. light cream (coffee cream or table cream) contains 18–30%
milk fat;
2. light whipping cream (whipping cream) contains 30–36% milk
fat; and
3. heavy cream (heavy whipping cream) contains 36% or more
milk fat.
The producer may also add approved emulsifiers, stabilizers, nutri-
tive sweeteners, and flavors, if desired. Other countries set their own
standards for “cream,” so these specifications may be different out-
side the United States. After concentration, the cream is homoge-
nized, pasteurized, and packaged for the consumer.
To whip properly, the cream must contain sufficient fat (30% min-
imum), it must be held for at least 24 hr at refrigeration tempera-
tures, and the quantity must not be too large (i.e., the mixer must not
be overfilled). The importance of each of these factors will become
Whipped cream is a foam in which the air bubbles are stabilized by
agglomerated fat globules. During the early stages of mixing, air is in-
corporated into the cream and divided into large bubbles. Fat glob-
ules concentrate at the air-water interface and stabilize the bubble.
(This results from the partial removal of the membrane, exposing
some fat and forcing it into the air phase.) At the same time, fat glob- Agglomerate—To remain in
ules in the aqueous phase agglomerate, partly through membrane- close proximity but, because of
membrane interactions and partly through binding of membrane any of a variety of forces, not
protein to milk proteins. The fat globules must agglomerate but not coalesce; e.g., individual parti-
coalesce (as they do during churning). Thorough cooling of the cles in a suspension.
cream solidifies the fat to prevent coalescence. (If the cream is too
warm, the result may well be butter rather than whipped cream.)
Most of the air incorporation occurs during the first stage of mix-
ing (before significant viscosity has developed). Further mixing
shears and subdivides the air bubbles, and the new air-water interface
area is stabilized by the fat globule agglomerates. (Keep in mind that
partial removal of the fat membrane exposes hydrophobic fat sur-
faces that collect at the air-water interface.) Viscosity results from the
increase in the number of (subdivided) bubbles and continued ag-
glomeration of fat globules to form a network throughout the system.
As viscosity slowly develops, the shear stress on the air bubbles in-
creases, contributing to further subdivision, and the whipped cream
rapidly becomes stiff (the end point of the whipping process). If the
mixer is overfilled, it takes longer to effect fat agglomeration and thus
longer to reach the internal shear stress that contributes to comple-
tion of whipping.
Emulsifiers may be added to cream to increase overrun and final
stiffness. In one study in which combinations of polysorbates were
used, it was found that a 50:50 mixture of Polysorbate 60 (the mono-
stearate) and Polysorbate 65 (the tristearate) at 0.5% concentration
produced the stiffest cream with an overrun of about 200% (i.e., two
volumes of air per volume of cream) (1). Polysorbate 80 (the mono-
oleate) in place of Polysorbate 60 produced much less overrun and a
softer whipped cream. Studies in which monoglycerides and two de-
rivatives (the citric and lactic acid esters) were used at the 0.2% level
have also been reported (1). Monoglycerides alone had poor results,
and a blend of citric acid ester and monoglyceride had good results.
Lactylated monoglyceride produced a very stiff foam with a high
overrun, which may have resulted from its interfacial film-forming
tendencies. The overrun with simple whipping cream tends to be
about 100%, and emulsifiers apparently increase air incorporation
during the early mixing stages.
ping. The emulsifier, protein, and any other ingredients (e.g., sugar,
flavors, and maltodextrins) must rehydrate in the proper fashion to
produce an emulsion that is whippable. In short, the development of
a good nondairy whipped topping is not a simple assignment.
A basic whipped topping powder formula is 25% partially hydro-
genated fat and 5% emulsifier melted together and 50% water in
which 15% maltodextrin and 5% sodium caseinate are dissolved. The
two phases are mixed, homogenized, and then spray dried. The emul-
sion is stabilized by the combined effects of the emulsifier and pro-
tein. The powder is held at 5°C for 1 hr to solidify most of the fat and
then stored at temperatures below 20°C.
For whipping, the powder is dispersed in an equal weight of cold
water. Agitation initiates many of the same events that occur during
whipping of dairy cream—fat globule agglomeration, partial desorp-
tion of protein from the fat-water interface, air incorporation (stabi-
lized by fat globules), and air subdivision resulting in formation of a
stable foam.
The nature of the fat seems to be crucial. Best results are obtained
with partially hydrogenated lauric fats (e.g., coconut or palm kernel
fat) plus partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (e.g., soybean or sun-
flower oil). The hydrophobic segments of the protein, which pene-
trate the fat globule, appear to inhibit crystallization of the fat, so the
fat in the powder itself is a supercooled phase. Upon desorption (which
is aided by the presence of emulsifier), the fat rapidly crystallizes.
Crystallization concurrent with protein desorption appears to be nec-
essary for proper agglomeration and concentration of the fat at the
air-water interface, resulting in stabilization of the air bubbles. This
phenomenon appears to be connected with short-chain C12 fatty
acids; it occurs with lauric fats but not if the fat phase contains solely
the C18 vegetable oils. A partially hydrogenated C18 fat, exhibiting
no supercooling phenomenon, produces a poor whipped topping, as
does a partially hydrogenated C12 fat with a low melting point (little
or no fat crystal formation occurs at the temperature of the mixture
being whipped).
α-Tending emulsifiers such as propylene glycol monostearate or
lactylated monostearin have been used with good success, and
Polysorbate 60 (the monostearate derivative) is frequently used in
commercial nondairy whipped toppings. Both types form a rather
thick layer at the fat-water interface. The α-tending emulsifiers form
a multilayer of emulsifier, and Polysorbate 60 forms a layer of ad-
sorbed water (held by the polyoxyethylene chain). These properties
promote partial protein desorption, and yet a “sticky” surface is
maintained on each fat globule that enhances agglomeration. Supercooled—Pertaining to a
solution that is cooled below
the temperature at which crys-
Ice Cream tals would ordinarily begin to
form but do not because of the
The basic interfacial phenomena that occur during the manufac- absence of nucleation or the
ture of ice cream are similar to those that occur during whipping. presence of crystal inhibitors.
Coffee Whiteners
Cream in coffee is enjoyed by many people. Today, however, the
cream pitcher has disappeared from the table, replaced by a powder,
which when stirred into a cup of coffee, mimics the effect of cream.
The restaurant trade uses small, individual packets of liquid whitener,
while the powder (a spray-dried emulsion stable at room tempera-
ture) is more popular for home use.
A wide range of formulations appears in the literature, but a typi-
cal spray-dried whitener contains vegetable fat, 37%; corn syrup
solids (dextrose equivalent, 42), 56%; sodium caseinate, 5%; dipotas-
sium phosphate, 1.6%; monoglyceride (e.g., glycerol monostearate),
0.3%, Polysorbate 65, 0.1%; and flavor and anticaking agent as de-
sired. The emulsifiers are added to the fat, the other materials are dis-
solved in water, and an emulsion of the two phases is homogenized
and then spray dried. The powder must be held under cool condi-
tions for a tempering period so that the fat solidifies and clumping is
The fat for coffee whitener usually has a melting point of about Feathering—Streaks of fat and
42–45°C, but it has a rather steep solid fat content profile. Such a fat precipitated protein that form
melts completely at coffee temperature (thus leaving no waxy mouth- in a liquid such as coffee when
improperly stabilized whitener
feel) but is relatively solid at room temperature, so the powder does
is added; caused by breakdown
not clump during storage. Corn syrup solids provide body during pro- of the emulsion.
cessing, and the dried matrix separates the fat particles.
The added emulsifier serves two purposes: during homogenization,
it facilitates formation of fine fat globules (average diameter, 1 µm),
and in conjunction with the protein, it prevents feathering, which oc-
curs if the emulsion breaks down and the fat separates (oils out) when
the whitener is dissolved in the coffee. The protein helps emulsify the
fat, and the proper emulsifier can stabilize the protein layer when the
whitener is added to the coffee. The protein layer can be destabilized
by calcium ions and organic acids in the coffee, and dipotassium
phosphate counteracts this tendency. One patent recommends the
use of sodium stearoyl lactylate rather than Polysorbate 65 because its
protein-complexing behavior apparently makes the protein more
effective (2).
The main role of emulsifiers in ice cream and whipped toppings is to destabilize the natural pro-
teinaceous film surrounding milk fat globules, allowing the solid milk fat to agglomerate around the
air bubbles and thus stabilize the three-dimensional physical structure. Interaction of emulsifier
with the fat can change the finished properties. One has to keep in mind that defects may not be
caused by the emulsifier system and may have other causes.
Symptom Causes Changes to Makea
Inadequate overrun Air bubble instability caused by Use aerating emulsifiers (e.g., GMS) or α-tending
poor fat agglomeration emulsifiers (e.g., PGMS).
Too soft; shiny, Insufficient agglomeration of fat Use emulsifiers containing unsaturated fatty acids
wet looking globules in the freezer (e.g., GMO or Polysorbate 80).
Too firm; “dry” looking Excessive agglomeration Adjust emulsifier blend to contain more saturates
(e.g., GMS or Polysorbate 65).
Mix viscosity too high Homogenization temperature too low Increase homogenization temperature.
Worn homogenizer valves Regrind valves.
Mix acidity too high Adjust pH.
Homogenizer pressure too high Adjust pressure.
Mix viscosity too low Hold time before freezing too short Adjust hold period.
Curdled meltdown Protein destabilization caused by Add dipotassium phosphate or sodium citrate.
high acidity
Homogenizer pressure too high Lower homogenizer pressure.
DATEM = diacetyl tartrate ester of monoglyceride; GMO = glycerol monooleate; GMS = glycerol monostearate; PGMS =
propylene glycol monostearate; and SSL = sodium stearoyl lactylate.
Symptom Causes Changes to Make
Insufficient overrun Poor emulsification Increase the amount of emulsifier with a high
hydrophilic/lipophilic balance (e.g., sorbitan
monostearate, Polysorbate 60 and/or 65).
Check homogenizer valves for wear.
Whipping temperature too high Adjust whipping temperature.
Soft whipped product Poor fat agglomeration Use an unsaturated fatty acid emulsifier (e.g., GMO)
for part of the system.
Use an α-tending emulsifier (e.g., PGMS).
Poor homogenization Decrease valve clearance.
Increase pressure.
Make multiple passes.
Symptom Causes Changes to Make
Feathering Emulsion breakdown Use SSL or DATEM as the emulsifier.
Protein destabilization Add dipotassium phosphate or sodium citrate.
Clumping Untempered fat Make sure the heat of fat crystallization is released
before packaging.
Soft fat Use a fat that remains solid at room temperature.
1. Sogo, Y., and Kako, M. 1989. Whipping cream emulsifiers. In: Food Emulsifiers.
G. Charalambous and G. Doxastakis, Eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
2. Miller, D. E., and Werstak, C. E. 1983. U.S. patent 4,415,600.
Supplemental Reading
Chandan, R. 1997. Dairy-Based Ingredients. American Association of Cereal
Chemists, St. Paul, MN.
Polysaccharides at Interfaces
Polysaccharide —A carbohy-
GUMS drate containing several hun-
dred, thousand, or hundred
Obtained from plant exudates, seaweed extracts, and bacterial poly- thousand sugar units (from the
meric products, gums are high molecular weight polysaccharides that Greek poly, meaning “many”).
dissolve in water to form viscous solutions and, in some cases and
under the proper conditions, gels. They are widely used in food prod- Gum—Polysaccharide that
ucts, usually at low levels (0.1–1%), for many different functional rea- markedly increases viscosity
sons. Some gums have a high water-binding capacity and are used to when dissolved or dispersed in
control water migration in the finished product. These gums also act
to inhibit growth of ice crystals in frozen products. In other in- Plant exudate —Droplets of
stances, the viscosity imparted by the gum is necessary for the inter- hardened gum exuded by a
mediate material (e.g., a cake batter) to perform properly when baked plant to seal a break in the
or cooked. Gum viscosity is often used as a means of classification. bark.
TABLE 6-1. Viscosities of Gums Common food-grade gums and the viscosities
of 1% solutions are listed in Table 6-1.
Gum Viscositya
The molecular structure of gums is a long
Low viscosity polysaccharide chain with numerous side
Arabic 2–5 branches of sugars or oligosaccharides. Fre-
Ghatti 4–10 quently, the sugar units include carboxylic
Larch 2–10 (uronic) acids, e.g., D-glucuronic, D-man-
Medium viscosity nuronic, or D-galacturonic acid. In a few in-
Sodium alginate 25–800 stances, sulfate esters provide an anionic
Propylene glycol alginate 100–500 character. Many different saccharides are
Tragacanth 200–500 found in gums, including the hexoses D-glu-
Xanthan 800–1,400 cose, D-mannose, and D-galactose and the
pentoses D-arabinose, D-xylose, and D-rham-
High viscosity
nose. The highly branched structure con-
Guar 2,000–3,500
tributes to water solubility, and the anionic
Karaya 2,500–3,500
gums often form gels in the presence of
Locust bean 3,000–3,500 cations such as Ca++.
Cellulose gums The low-viscosity gums (arabic, ghatti, and
Sodium carboxymethylcellulose 50–5,000 larch) are used mainly as water-binding
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 20–50,000 agents; e.g., they prevent syneresis, or weep-
Methylcellulose 10–2,000 ing, in baked meringues. The gums readily
Gel-forming gums dissolve in water, and a concentrated solution
Agar Gel (10–50%) of the gum is often used to emulsify
Calcium alginate Gel hydrophobic flavor oils such as citrus or cin-
Carrageenan Gel namon oil. The gum forms a layer at the oil-
water interface, and spray drying the emul-
Furcelleran Gel
sion results in an encapsulated flavor that has
Gellan Gel
many uses in food product development.
Pectin Gel
The medium-viscosity gums (sodium algi-
Viscosity of a 1% aqueous solution of the gum, in centipoise. nate, propylene glycol alginate, tragacanth,
(Water viscosity = 1 centipoise.) and xanthan), when used in foods at the
usual levels, impart body to the product. They
also have emulsifying properties and are often found in pourable
Oligosaccharide —Short poly- dressings, e.g., oil and water types that are emulsified just before use
mer of sugar having three to by shaking the bottle. They can also be used in flavor oil emulsions,
eight sugar units. particularly the liquid types often used in bakeries.
High-viscosity gums (guar, karaya, and locust bean) are used as
Uronic acids —Derivatives of
a sugar, in which the terminal
thickening or stabilizing ingredients. They greatly increase the vis-
-CH2OH group is oxidized to a cosity of the aqueous phase of the food product and aid in air incor-
carboxylic acid. D-Glucuronic poration in whipped toppings. High-viscosity gums are often used in
acid is derived from D-glucose, low-fat or fat-free pourable dressings. The enhanced viscosity (or
D-mannuronic acid from D- body) results in a mouthfeel that is similar to that of fat-containing
mannose, and D-galacturonic dressings.
acid from D-galactose. Gel-forming gums (agar, calcium alginate, carrageenan, fur-
Hexose—Sugar containing six
celleran, gellan, and pectin) are used mainly in foods such as jellies
carbon atoms. and fruit fillings that require a semisolid nature. These gums also im-
part freeze-thaw stability to many products. Many frozen whipped top-
Pentose—Sugar containing pings and ice creams include one or more of the gums listed, particu-
five carbon atoms. larly carrageenan or alginate.
Most dressings and many sauces contain vinegar and thus are Syneresis —Separation of a liq-
acidic. The effect of pH on gums is quite variable, and suppliers can uid from a gel; weeping.
provide information on the performance of gums under a range of
Body—A qualitative measure-
pH conditions. Some gums are somewhat susceptible to acid hydrol- ment determined in sensory
ysis, but again this varies (tragacanth is reasonably stable at pH 2, tests as the ability to “fill the
whereas arabic begins to depolymerize at pH 4). Most gums (e.g., the mouth” with the characteristic
carboxylic acid groups or sulfate esters) are acidic in nature, and a cer- being measured.
tain sensitivity to pH would be expected. For example, the viscosity
of a sodium alginate solution is constant from pH 4 to 10, but at Freeze-thaw stability—The
ability of a product to be
lower pH, the carboxylate groups are converted (un-ionized) to car-
frozen, thawed, and refrozen
boxylic acids and the polymer chains begin to interact, resulting in several times without notice-
an increase in viscosity. Propylene glycol alginate ester, on the other able changes in physical
hand, is relatively insensitive to pH, and the viscosity increase at characteristics.
lower pH is much less than that of sodium salt.
Crosslinked starch —Starch in
MODIFIED STARCH which hydroxyl groups on adja-
cent chains are joined by a co-
As described in Chapter 4, starch is made of two types of mole- valent linkage.
cules: linear amylose and branched amylopectin. In native starch,
these molecules exist partly as amorphous chains and partly in crys-
tallites (regions of crystallized starch). When starch is heated with a
liquid, gelatinization occurs. The starch first hydrates (swells), and
then the crystallites melt into the water solvent. Upon cooling, ret-
rogradation (recrystallization) of the gelatinized starch takes place,
and a gel is formed, the properties of which depend upon the starch-
water ratio of the mixture and the amylose-amylopectin ratio of the
starch. Starches can be modified to make them more useful in the
food industry.
Crosslinked starch is starch that has been treated with one or more
reagents to form bonds between glucose residues in adjacent starch
chains. Sodium trimetaphosphate or phosphorus trichloride form a
phosphate diester:
2 Starch-OH + PO3Cl (NaOH) → Starch-O-P(=O)(-O–)-O-Starch Na+
Epichlorohydrin forms a diether bridge, where the central moiety is a
hydroxypropyl group:
The differences in reactivity of phosphate esters and ethers lead to
differences in the chemical stability of the two kinds of modified
starch. They both are generally useful, and each has advantages in
certain situations, such as extremes of pH and temperature.
Crosslinking raises the gelatinization temperature of starch, but
more important, the gel that is formed is stable under varying condi-
tions of temperature, low pH, and shear. Of course, the degree of sta-
bilization depends on the degree of crosslinking (i.e., the amount of
reagent used during the modification reaction). Crosslinked starch is
less likely to lose viscosity at low pH than other kinds of starch. This
makes crosslinked starch useful in salad dressing, in which the pH is
Stabilized starch —Starch in 3–4. However, the starch degrades somewhat when it is cooked at low
which hydroxyl groups form pH, so it is precooked (gelatinized) at neutral pH before it is combined
ester or ether bonds with other
with the oil, vinegar, and spices.
small molecules.
Stabilized starch is derivatized without crosslinking. Reaction with
Shear thinning—Decrease in propylene oxide, for example, produces hydroxypropylated starch.
the viscosity of a suspension as Sodium tripolyphosphate, under the proper reaction conditions,
shear rate increases. makes phosphate monoester derivatives, and acetic anhydride yields
acetylated starch. Stabilized starches have lower gelatinization tem-
Crystal inhibitors —Small mol- peratures and higher viscosities than the native starches, but they are
ecules that interfere with the
often less resistant to shear thinning. A major advantage of stabilized
deposition of dissolved mole-
cules on the growing face of a
starches is that because of the subtitution along the starch chains,
crystal, thus inhibiting growth they are less inclined to retrograde upon cooling. Retrogradation ren-
of the crystal. ders the starch opaque (rather than translucent) and much firmer,
possibly generating a gritty or rubbery mouthfeel.
Cellulose is insoluble in water, but substitution of certain groups
along the glucose backbone render it soluble. The three forms most
commonly used in foods are substituted with carboxymethyl, methyl,
and hydroxypropyl plus methyl groups. The degree of substitution
varies depending upon the cellulose-reactant ratio, and products with
a wide range of viscosities are possible. Methylcellulose has a modest
degree of surface activity and acts as an emulsifier in oil-in-water sys-
tems. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose forms a film at oil-water inter-
faces and stabilizes oil emulsions. Certain grades of hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose form gels even at room temperature and can be used
in some types of fat-free pourable dressings to add body.
Microcrystalline cellulose is a highly purified fraction of regular cel-
lulose. It absorbs several times its own weight of water and is added to
some low-fat dressings for body. A suspension of microcrystalline cel-
lulose is thixotropic; i.e., it flows very slowly at low shear rates, or has
a high apparent viscosity. For this reason, it is often added to condi-
ment sauces (e.g., ketchup and barbecue sauce) to enhance “cling”;
i.e., the sauce remains where it is applied and does not run down the
sides of the food item.
Salad Dressings
According to U.S. standards of identity, french dressing is a mixture
of vegetable oil (minimum 35% by weight), acidifying ingredients
(e.g., vinegar, lemon juice, or lime juice), and other permissible ingre-
dients (salt, sugars, spices, monosodium glutamate, tomato products,
eggs, colorants, thickeners, citric and/or malic acids, sequestrants, and
crystal inhibitors). Thus, a wide range of products is included, from the
simplest vinaigrette (oil, vinegar, and a few spices) to relatively com-
plex products marketed under a variety of names.
tics are dependent on the nature of the food starch used and not on
the state of emulsification of the oil.
A salad dressing meeting the U.S. standard of
identity contains vegetable oil (minimum 30%
by weight), egg yolk (minimum 4% by weight),
acidifiers (vinegar, lemon juice, or lime juice), a
paste prepared from a suitable food starch, and
other ingredients (salt, sugar, spice, monosodium
Shear Rate
eter of the oil drops. Meanwhile, the starch is gelatinized by heating Colloid mill —Machine used to
it with water. After it is cooled, the other ingredients such as vinegar, decrease the size of suspended
sugar, salt, and spices are mixed in to form a paste. The cooled paste particles or droplets.
is then fed into the premixer and blended into the oil-egg emulsion.
This soft mass is pumped to a colloid mill, where the final high viscos-
ity and smooth texture are generated. The gelatinization procedure is
crucial in attaining good final product quality, and the details of time
and temperature depend to a large degree upon the specific starch
used. Information about the proper operation of the starch cooker is
best obtained from the starch supplier.
Standardized mayonnaise contains vegetable oil (minimum 65%
by weight), acidifiers (vinegar, lemon juice, or lime juice), egg yolks
(liquid, frozen, or as whole egg), and other ingredients (salt, sugars,
spices, monosodium glutamate, sequestrants, citric and/or malic
acid, and crystal inhibitors). Mayonnaise is an oil-in-water emulsion,
stabilized by the lipoprotein components of egg yolk. While the legal
minimum for the oil content is 65%, mayonnaise at this oil level is
rather thin (i.e., has low viscosity). Thus, the usual commercial prod-
uct today contains 77–82% oil. Liquid egg yolk (45% solids) is the
emulsifier and is used at 5.3–5.8% of total formula weight. Sometimes
whole eggs (25% solids) are substituted for egg yolks on a total solids
basis (i.e., whole eggs at 9.5–10.4% of the total formula weight). This
produces a somewhat “stiffer” product than egg yolks because the egg
albumin is denatured at the interface and forms a matrix in the aque-
ous phase, increasing the Bingham yield value of the product.
Oil is the internal phase in the emulsion. If all the droplets are
spherical and incompressible and have the same diameter, the maxi-
mum volume percentage of oil is 74.05%. (For example, if a 1,000-ml
container were filled with small, uniform ball bearings, 260 ml of
water would be needed to fill the space between the bearings.)
If the oil volume percentage exceeds 74%, the emulsion inverts (i.e.,
the oil droplets coalesce, and the emulsion becomes a water-in-oil
emulsion). However, if the droplets differ in diameter, small droplets
can fill the spaces between large drops. This is what happens in
This “filling in the spaces” also has a major effect on the rheologi-
cal (flow) characteristics of the product. Mayonnaise is a Bingham
plastic, and the yield value is related to the amount of internal (oil)
phase in excess of the 74% (by volume) theoretical limit. Thus, a
mayonnaise with the legal minimum of 65% oil by weight has a very
low yield value and is considered too “thin” by users. Mayonnaise
with 80–84% oil by weight has a high yield value and is considered
dry or rubbery by home consumers, although it is preferred for insti-
tutional use because it does not soak into bread in sandwiches or
soften and flow over salads.
Flavor notes—Small mole- The main problem with reducing or removing fat is in the area of
cules, usually volatile hydrocar- flavor. Fat plays an important role in the perception of flavor. It mod-
bons, that interact with taste ifies the way flavor notes interact with taste receptors on the tongue.
receptors and are experienced
It influences the order of release of these flavors and slows down the
as flavors.
rate of interaction. Since many of the flavor notes derived from spices
are fat soluble, they are affected by these factors. A fat-free, vinegar-
based dressing containing spices (e.g., oregano, marjoram, and sage)
has a large, immediate flavor impact that rapidly fades, leaving only
the acidity of the vinegar on the palate. The corresponding dressing
with oil has a longer, less intense flavor impact. The flavor notes in-
teract with the sourness in a more pleasing sequence, and the con-
sumer has a more favorable final perception. In the flavor chemist’s
terms, the result is a more “rounded” flavor. Also, the oil tends to
mask low-level off-flavors and mitigates unfavorable interactions be-
tween flavor notes. Many flavor molecules are volatile hydrocarbons
and are rather unstable in an aqueous environment.
This entire area is still under investigation. Simply using the same
spices and other flavors in a fat-free version of an existing regular
dressing is inadequate. The formulator must do an extensive rebal-
ancing of the formula to achieve an acceptable result. In dressings, as
in the other food applications, experience is showing that low-fat or
reduced-fat formulations are often much more acceptable to the con-
sumer than fat-free products and can contribute to bringing the calo-
ries from the fat portion of the diet below the recommended 30% of
total calories.
Symptom Causes Changes to Make
Oil separates during Crystal formation in oil Use a winterized (non-clouding) oil.
storage Add a crystal inhibitor to the oil.
Stabilizer breakdown due to low pH Use a stabilized (hydroxypropyl) starch.
Use propylene glycol alginate gum.
Insufficient stabilizer Add a solid particle stabilizer such as mustard flour.
Breaks down during Excess shear force Increase clearance in homogenizer.
processing Decrease homogenizer rotor speed.
Use shear-resistant starch.
Symptom Causes Changes to Makea
Oil separates too Inadequate emulsification Add emulsifier (e.g., Polysorbate 60 up to 0.3% or
quickly DATEM).
Use some protein stabilizer (e.g., whey isolates).
Low viscosity Add a pH-stable, high-viscosity gum (e.g.,
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose).
Lacks “cling” Low viscosity; poor flocculation Add a fibrous thickener (e.g., microcrystalline
cellulose or xanthan gum).
Symptom Causes Changes to Make
“Slimy” mouthfeel Viscosity too high Switch to lower viscosity gum stabilizer.
Evanescent flavor Insufficient lipid phase Rebalance flavor system.
impact Add emulsifier(s) that form a mesophase or micelles
(e.g., SSL + GMO).
DATEM = diacetyl tartrate ester of monoglyceride; GMO = glycerol monooleate; and SSL = sodium stearoyl lactylate.
Supplemental Reading
Whistler, R. L., and BeMiller, J. N. 1996. Carbohydrate Chemistry for Food Scientists.
American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN.
Soft drinks are consumed by people around the world. The most
popular flavors are citrus (orange first, followed by lemon). In the In This Chapter:
United States, cola flavor holds the number one spot, followed by or- Flavor Emulsions
ange and lemon. Citrus flavors are essential oils extracted from the Oil Phase
fruit peel and are insoluble in water. The beverages made with these Emulsion Stabilizers
oils consist of dilute oil/water (O/W) emulsions in dilute solutions of Emulsion Preparation
sugar (which may be carbonated). At the bottling plant, a concen- Stability
trated emulsion is mixed with the aqueous phase, packaged in bottles Creaming
or cans, and delivered to the vendor. The dilute emulsion must re- Flocculation
main stable for at least six months and often must survive intermedi- Coalescence
ate storage under either warm (>40°C) or cold (<10°C) conditions. Microemulsions
A characteristic desired in some beverages is cloudiness. For these Troubleshooting
drinks, the emulsion includes a flavorless oil called a weighting agent,
which has a density higher than that of the flavor oil. Adjustments
are made so that the density of the oil droplets approaches that of the
dilute sugar solution, keeping the emulsion droplets uniformly dis-
tributed throughout the beverage during storage and consumption.
proval can be expected, but obviously no time frame can be predicted Centipoise—An older unit of
for such action. viscosity (1 centipoise = 1
mPa˙sec [SI unit], the approxi-
mate viscosity of water at room
Gum arabic is the most widely used stabilizer for beverage emul-
sions. As discussed in Chapter 6, a relatively concentrated solution
has a low viscosity, facilitating the production process. A 30% solu-
tion in water (a typical concentration for making these emulsions)
has a viscosity of less than 100 centipoise (about the viscosity of veg-
etable oil). The hydrophilic/lipophilic balance (HLB) of gum arabic
has been reported as 8 and as 12. The discrepancy is not surprising
(applying the HLB scale to a gum takes it somewhat outside its origi-
nal design purpose), but either number indicates that gum arabic
should be a modest to good emulsifier for O/W emulsions. While
gum arabic lowers interfacial tension, its effectiveness as a stabilizer
results mainly from the interfacial film it forms and the resultant
high interfacial viscosity.
Gum tragacanth is also sometimes used in beverage emulsion sys-
tems. It is a medium-viscosity gum, but in combination with gum
arabic, the viscosity of the overall solution is less than that of either
of the gums alone. However, the two in combination form a mixed
interfacial film, providing a more effective stabilizer than either gum
A particular type of modified starch, which has
been reacted with a derivatized succinic anhy- O
dride, is also suggested for use as a beverage emul-
sifier. The derivative consists of a lipophilic alkyl Na + -O-C
or alkenyl chain located at carbon 2 of the suc-
cinic acid. In the United States and several other
countries, modified starch substituted with 2- HCH
(1-octenyl)-succinic anhydride (Fig. 7-2) has been
approved for food use. The starch has at least two HC-CH=CH-(CH 2 ) 5 CH 3
advantages over gum arabic as an emulsifier for
beverage systems. First, as a modified corn starch,
it is “cleaner” (i.e., less likely to have off-flavors or Starch-O-C
odors) than the average gum preparation. Second,
because of the added lipophilic character result- O
ing from the substituent molecule, less modified Fig. 7-2. Structure of 2-(1-octenyl) succinic acid, esteri-
starch is needed for stabilization of the beverage fied to a hydroxyl group in starch to produce a modified
emulsion. starch for flavor emulsion stabilization.
Making a beverage emulsion follows the basic principles of emul-
sion production. The oil phase (flavors and weighting agents) is pre-
pared and mixed with two to four times its volume of the aqueous
phase. A mixer is used to produce a crude emulsion with droplet di-
ameters of approximately 20 µm. The crude emulsion is then ho-
mogenized (in an apparatus similar to that used for homogenizing
milk), reducing the average droplet diameter to 0.5–1 µm. This emul-
sion is packaged and shipped to the bottler.
Instability in emulsions is evidenced by three phenomena: cream-
ing, flocculation, and coalescence. Beverage emulsion concentrates
may exhibit all three, but in the finished, bottled beverage, only the
first is likely to be noticed by the consumer after the drink has been
stored for a period of time.
Creaming occurs when the dispersed phase of an emulsion is
lighter than the continuous phase and the dispersion remains quies-
cent for a period of time. The collected, oil-rich cream layer is usually
easily redispersed by gentle agitation of the total container contents.
In soft drinks, creaming is often referred to as “ringing,” because the
flavor oil droplets collect around the neck of the bottle in a creamy
The rate at which the particles rise is determined by Stokes’s law:
v = 2gr2(ρ1 – ρ2)/9η
in which v is the rate of creaming (or sedimentation, if the droplets
are heavier than water), g is the gravitational constant, r is droplet ra-
dius, ρ1 and ρ2 are the densities of the oil and water phases, respec-
tively, and η is the viscosity of the water phase. The water viscosity
can be considered essentially constant, although it is slightly higher
for a 10–12% sugar solution than for a diet drink in which a nonnu-
tritive sweetener is used. Likewise, g is a constant factor. Thus, phase
densities and droplet radius are the manipulable parameters.
The densities of 10 and 12% sugar solutions are 1.04 and 1.048
g/cm3, respectively. The only notable difference is in a diet drink,
where the density is about 1 g/cm3. As mentioned earlier, citrus oils
have a typical density of 0.85 g/cm3. This density is increased by the
addition of weighting agents, but the amount of these agents that
can be used is regulated. Using the maximum level of weighting
agent allowed by law raises the oil density to about 0.95–0.98, which
means that the droplets still rise in the beverage. Another factor,
however, is that the stabilizer (gum arabic or modified starch) is heav-
ier than water. Thus, the interfacial film of the stabilizer used also in-
creases droplet density. Because the exact film thickness is not gener-
ally known and because the ratio of oil to polysaccharide varies with
droplet size (oil volume varies as the cube of the radius, while surface
area varies as the square of the radius), a precise value for overall
droplet density cannot be calculated. This is one reason that a gum
stabilizer is preferable to a small-molecule emulsifier (such as a
In a concentrated emulsion, where the dispersed phase may con-
stitute 20–35% of the total volume, the droplets make contact. The
hydrophilic layers interact loosely through van der Waal’s and ionic
forces, and a loose, low-density floc is formed. These aggregates, or
clumps, act like large droplets and tend to rise more rapidly than in-
dividual drops. The sizes of individual drops remain unchanged;
there is no coalescence of two drops into one. Flocculated emulsions,
like creamed ones, are fairly readily redispersed by simple agitation,
although flocculated emulsions may require a bit more vigor to ac-
complish this. The only practical concern caused by flocculation oc-
curs at the bottling plant. The workers must be sure that each pack-
age (drum or carboy) of concentrated emulsion is thoroughly mixed
before the emulsion is introduced into the bottling line; otherwise,
the flavor level may be inconsistent in the bottles or cans of drink.
Gum (or modified starch) emulsion stabilizers form a film around
the oil droplets. Such films develop a definite viscoelastic nature after
a few days and can be observed macroscopically. A drop of oil is ex-
truded into a gum solution and allowed to age for several hours.
Some of the oil is then withdrawn with a syringe and a needle, and a
crumpled envelope is seen. The phenomenon is much like that
shown by α-tending emulsifiers, discussed in Chapter 3. Because of
this interfacial film, true coalescence of oil droplets is seldom seen in
flavor emulsions.
The conditions necessary for spontaneous emulsification (i.e., the
formation of microemulsions) are discussed in Chapter 1. Such emul-
sions would seem to be natural choices for the citrus-flavored bever-
ages in which transparency is desired. A great deal of research has
been done in this area, mainly in the laboratories of companies in-
terested in producing such beverages, but little or nothing has yet ap-
peared in the marketplace.
The main problem is to find two food-grade cosurfactants that pro-
duce the required low interfacial tension. Some that have been ex-
plored include acetyl monoglyceride and polyglycerol esters, but the
usual cosurfactant has been something like a medium-chain-length
alcohol (e.g., hexanol), which is not allowed in foods. Further funda-
mental work is likely to reveal a combination of surfactants that will
produce acceptable food microemulsions, but none are commonly
known at this time.
Emulsifiers are not used in beverage flavor emulsions because of the bitter flavors often noted.
Emulsion stabilization depends primarily on gums.
Acetone insolubles—Specification of the amount of phos- Birefringence—Ability of crystalline materials to rotate po-
pholipids in “gums,” based on the fact that the other con- larized light.
stituents normally present are soluble in acetone.
Bloom—A dusty, whitish appearance of the surface of
Acid value—Weight in milligrams of potassium hydroxide chocolate coatings, caused by transformation of the fat
required to neutralize the titratable groups in 1 g of lipid. It crystals.
characterizes a lipid by quantifying the proportion of titrat-
able acidic groups. Body—A qualitative measurement determined in sensory
tests as the ability to “fill the mouth” with the characteristic
Agglomerate—To remain in close proximity but, because being measured.
of any of a variety of forces, not coalesce; e.g., individual
particles in a suspension. Brominated vegetable oil—Oil made by treating an unsat-
urated vegetable oil with molecular bromine. Addition of
a-Monoglyceride—Monoglyceride in which the fatty acid HBr across double bonds gives these oils a high density.
is esterified to the 1 position of glycerol. Esterification at the
2 position results in a b-monoglyceride. Brownian motion—The random, thermal movement of
minute, solute particles observable under a microscope and
a-Tending emulsifier—Emulsifier that forms a solid film at caused by collision of solvent molecules with the particles.
the oil-water interface under proper conditions of tempera-
ture (low) and concentration (high). Casein—The main protein component of milk, accounting
for about 80% of the total proteins.
Amorphous—Pertaining to the random arrangement of
atoms or molecules with no discernible long-range order. Centipoise—An older unit of viscosity (1 centipoise = 1
mPa·sec [SI unit], the approximate viscosity of water at
Amphiphilic—“Both loving.” Pertains to molecules that room temperature).
possess both lipophilic (“fat-loving”) and hydrophilic
(“water-loving”) regions. Chorleywood bread process—A rapid bread-making
process, developed at the Chorleywood Laboratories in
Amylograph—An instrument used to study starch gela- England, in which dough is mixed in a high-intensity mixer
tinization. A slurry is heated from room temperature to 95°C for a short period of time.
at a set rate, held for a period of time, and then cooled at a
set rate. The viscosity of the slurry is recorded as a function Coalesce—To combine; usually refers to two liquid (e.g.,
of time (hence, of temperature). oil) drops combining into one drop.
Amylopectin—Branched polyglucose chains in starch. Colloid mill—Machine used to decrease the size of sus-
pended particles or droplets.
Amylose—Linear polyglucose chains in starch.
Complexation—Combination of two different molecular
Continuous phase—The undispersed phase of an emulsion. Diterpenoid carboxylic acids—Tricyclic compounds con-
In an oil-in-water emulsion, water is the continuous phase. taining 20 carbon atoms and with a carboxylic acid function
Critical micelle concentration (CMC)—Concentration of a
surfactant in aqueous solution at which colligative properties Dough strengthener—Material added to bread dough to
cease to change with increase in concentration. increase the ability of the gluten to retain gas during proof-
ing and baking.
Crosslinked starch—Starch in which hydroxyl groups on
adjacent chains are joined by a covalent linkage. Egg albumin—Soluble protein found in egg white.
Crude gum—Material removed during the degumming Elastic modulus—Relationship between stress (force) ap-
phase of vegetable oil refining. Water is added to the crude plied to a sample and the strain (deformation) in the sam-
oil, and the polar components (such as phospholipids) be- ple; a more general rheological term than crumb modulus.
come hydrated and associated with the aqueous phase,
which is then separated by centrifugation. Electrical potential—The magnitude of electrical charge
difference between two points.
Crumb modulus—Synonym for elastic modulus.
Emulsifiers—Molecules that promote and/or stabilize emul-
Crystal inhibitors—Small molecules that interfere with the sification, i.e., dispersion of one liquid in another (nonmisci-
deposition of dissolved molecules on the growing face of a ble) liquid.
crystal, thus inhibiting growth of the crystal.
Essential oils—Aromatic and flavorous oils obtained from
Crystalline—Pertaining to a state in which atoms or mole- various plant sources and originally known as “essences,”
cules are arranged in an ordered three-dimensional array. mainly in the perfume industry.
Long-range order is discerned by X-ray analysis.
Ester gum—Gum made by esterifying the acids of purified
Crystallites—Small regions of crystalline starch within a wood resin with glycerol.
Fat mimetic—Fat substitute that mimics the properties of
Cubic mesophase—Mesophase in which spheres of water fat.
are found in a cubical arrangement in a matrix of the
surfactant. Feathering—Streaks of fat and precipitated protein that
form in a liquid such as coffee when improperly stabilized
Damar gum—A shrub exudate consisting mainly of triter- whitener is added; caused by breakdown of the emulsion.
penes (containing 30 carbon atoms) but with numerous
other related compounds also present. Flavor notes—Small molecules, usually volatile hydrocar-
bons, that interact with taste receptors and are experienced
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)—A method for as flavors.
measuring energy uptake as a sample is heated. When a
phase change occurs (e.g., melting or freezing), the plot Flocculation—Collection of the internal phase of an emul-
shows the temperature at which the change occurred and sion or suspension; clumping. Flocculated materials are gen-
the amount of heat energy involved. erally somewhat difficult to redisperse, unlike droplets in a
creamed emulsion, which are easily dispersed by simple
Differential thermal analysis—Method for measuring mixing.
energy uptake as a sample is heated; similar to differential
scanning calorimetry. Fluorescent probes—Small molecules that fluoresce in a
nonpolar medium but not in a polar medium such as water.
Diglyceride—Lipid with two fatty acids esterified to a glyc- When these probes are mixed with proteins, for example,
erol molecule. the appearance of fluorescence implies that a probe has
bound to a hydrophobic region of the protein.
Discontinuous phase—The dispersed (internal) phase in an
emulsion. In an oil-in-water emulsion, oil is the discontinu- Free energy—The thermodynamic energy of a closed sys-
ous phase. tem. Absolute free energy is not easily measured, but the
change in free energy when the system is changed (e.g.,
when oil is dispersed in water) is more easily established.
Freeze-thaw stability—The ability of a product to be Iodine value—A measurement of the number of double
frozen, thawed, and refrozen several times without notice- bonds in a fat or oil. A higher value means more double
able changes in physical characteristics. bonds.
Gelatinization—Collapse (disruption) of molecular orders Ionic strength—Measure of the ionic character of an aque-
within the starch granule manifested by irreversible changes ous solution of salts. Ionic strength plays a role in numerous
in properties such as granular swelling, native crystalline physical phenomena such as conductance of electrical cur-
melting, loss of birefringence, and starch solubilization. rent, folding of protein molecules, and degree of repulsion
of charged surfaces in water.
Gelatinization temperature—A narrow temperature
range at which starch granules begin to swell, lose crys- Isosorbide—Bicyclic structure formed from sorbitol, involv-
tallinity, and viscosify the cooking medium. Starches from ing an ether linkage between hydroxyls at the 1 and 4 posi-
different sources have different characteristic gelatinization tions and hydroxyls at the 3 and 6 positions.
Lamellar mesophase—Mesophase characterized by bilayer
Glucopyranoside—Glucose in its usual molecular form of a leaflets of surfactant separated by layers of water.
six-membered ring.
Lipophilic—“Lipid loving.” Pertains to the nonpolar parts of
Glycolipid—Diglyceride connected to a sugar moiety (usu- molecules that dissolve readily in a nonpolar medium such
ally galactose or galactosyl-galactose) at the 3 position and as vegetable oil. Generally synonymous with “hydrophobic.”
common in cereal and legume seeds.
Lipoprotein—A complex of a protein with a lipid (generally
Gum—Polysaccharide that markedly increases viscosity a phospholipid) found in many plants. The most common in
when dissolved or dispersed in water. food processing is from egg yolk.
Hydrophobic patches—Areas on the surface of a protein Microemulsions—Emulsions in which the diameters of the
molecule, in contact with surrounding water, that are droplets in the dispersed phase are much smaller than the
lipophilic in nature. wavelength of visible light. The droplets do not scatter light;
hence, the emulsion appears transparent.
Hydrophobic—“Water hating.” Pertains to the (nonpolar)
parts of molecules that do not readily enter a polar medium Milk fat—The natural fat found in milk consisting of a mix-
such as water. ture of glycerides.
Interfaces—Boundaries between two phases. Various types Monoglyceride—Lipid with one fatty acid esterified to a
of interfaces occur in foods: solid-liquid, gas-liquid, gas- glycerol molecule.
solid, and liquid-liquid (two immiscible liquids).
Monoterpenes—Aliphatic compounds, containing 10 car-
Interfacial viscosity—Resistance to flow in the two dimen- bon atoms, formed biologically by combination of two mol-
sions of the interface.
ecules of isoprene (2-methyl butadiene), with subsequent Saponification value—Weight in milligrams of the potas-
modification to give the various members of this group. sium hydroxide required to saponify 1 g of a lipid. It charac-
terizes a lipid by quantifying the proportion of ester groups
Oligosaccharide—Short polymer of sugar having three to relative to the total molecular weight.
eight sugar units.
Secondary hydroxyl—Hydroxyl group on a carbon atom
Ovenspring—Increase in the volume of a loaf of bread dur- that is attached to two other carbons.
ing baking; i.e., the final loaf volume minus the volume of
the dough at the end of the proof. Sesquiterpenes—Similar to monoterpenes but containing
15 carbon atoms; formed by reaction of three isoprene
Overrun—Increase in volume of a whipped material result- units.
ing from the incorporation of air.
Shear thinning—Decrease in the viscosity of a suspension
Pentose—Sugar containing five carbon atoms. as shear rate increases.
Phase diagram—A method of showing which mesophase Solid fat content—A measure of the amount of solid fat in
structures are present at various water concentrations and a fat at various temperatures, determined by nuclear mag-
temperatures. netic resonance.
Phase inversion—Conversion of the continuous phase of Sorbitan—Cyclic structure formed by linking the hydroxyls
an emulsion to the discontinuous phase and vice versa. at the 1 and 4 positions of sorbitol through an ether linkage.
Photon—Basic unit of light waves. Specific volume—In baking research, the weight of the
cooled loaf divided by its volume.
Plant exudate—Droplets of hardened gum exuded by a
plant to seal a break in the bark. Stabilized starch—Starch in which hydroxyl groups form
ester or ether bonds with other small molecules.
Plateau’s border—The point at which three or four gas
cells nearly touch in a foam. Staling—Phenomenon that occurs in baked products dur-
ing storage. Stale product has a firmer crumb structure than
Polymorphic behavior—Ability of a material to crystallize fresh product; the crumb has a dry, harsh texture; and the
in more than one three-dimensional arrangement. flavor impact is significantly reduced.
Polypeptide—A polymer consisting of amino acids con- Starch granules—Naturally occurring, partially crystalline,
nected by an amide bond, involving the carboxylic acid and discrete aggregates of amylose and amylopectin.
a amino groups.
Sucrose acetate isobutyrate—The octaester of sucrose
Polysaccharide—A carbohydrate containing several hun- with acetic and isobutyric acids.
dred, thousand, or hundred thousand sugar units (from the
Greek poly, meaning “many”). Supercooled—Pertaining to a solution that is cooled below
the temperature at which crystals would ordinarily begin to
Primary hydroxyl—Hydroxyl group on the terminal carbon form but do not because of the absence of nucleation or the
atom of a compound. That carbon atom is connected to presence of crystal inhibitors.
only one other carbon.
Surface excess—The concentration of a surfactant in the
Response surface methodology—Method of experimental interfacial region compared with its concentration in the
design to determine the optimum values for two or more bulk phase in which it is dissolved.
variables in a product by using a limited number of experi-
ments and making interpolations based on the experimental Surface tension—The component of total free energy in a
data. closed system caused by the presence of an interface.
Synergistic—Pertaining to a combination of two materials Visible light—Light visible to the human eye. The wave-
that displays more functionality than would be expected length of visible light is approximately 400–700 nm.
by simply summing the individual functionalities of the
materials. Volume fraction—The fraction of total volume of a system
represented by one of the discrete phases.
Thermodynamic activity—A factor accounting for the fact
that the concentration-dependent properties of dissolved Waxy maize starch—Starch from genetically modified
molecules often deviate from a strictly linear dependence. corn; contains almost no amylose.
For surfactants below the critical micelle concentration, this
deviation is usually negligible. Weighting agent—An oil-soluble material that has a den-
sity greater than that of water.
Triglyceride—Lipid with three fatty acids esterified to a
glycerol molecule. Wetting agents—Agents that promote spreading of a liq-
uid on a solid surface.
Unit cell—The smallest ordered unit of a crystal. It may
contain only a few atoms (e.g., sodium chloride) or several Whey—The liquid left after casein has been precipitated
molecules (e.g., a fat unit crystal). from milk. In addition to protein, it contains lactose (milk
sugar) and ash (inorganic salts).
Uronic acids—Derivatives of a sugar, in which the terminal
-CH2OH group is oxidized to a carboxylic acid. D-Glucuronic Winterize—To cool salad oil until high-melting-point
acid is derived from D-glucose, D-mannuronic acid from triglycerides form crystals. These crystals are removed so
D-mannose, and D-galacturonic acid from D-galactose. that the next time the oil is cooled, the cloudiness that
results from crystallization will not occur.
van der Waal’s forces—Short-range attractive forces be-
tween molecules resulting from the dipole moment of X rays—A region of light waves with short wave length and
atoms in the molecules. high-energy photons.
102 / INDEX