S ST M Specifications: Explain OS Installation
S ST M Specifications: Explain OS Installation
S ST M Specifications: Explain OS Installation
Syste m specifications
Speaking 1 Work in smail groups. What is the difference between peripherals and internal
hardware? Name as many of each as you can. Can you install any?
Vocabutary 2 Are these items internal companents (I), peripherals (P) or storage (5)? For some
items, there may be more than one possible answer.
I external drive _ 7 mouse _
2 hard disk drive _ 8 memory _
3 headphones _ 9 monitor _
4 optical drive _ 10 power supply unit_
S keyboard _ II printer _
6 solid state drive _ 12 screen _
Listening 3 Listen to a technician describing the motherboard to a new trainee.
Match these words to A-G in the photo below.
graphics card =
video card I audio socket _ 4 Ethernet connector _ 7 USB port _
2 CPU socket _ S graphics card socket _
CPU = processor
3 DIMM slot_ 6 SATA socket _
_- - --c
12 2 I IT s\stem ..
4 Match the prefixes in the box to these numbers.
Pronunciation 5 &1.1:1 Listen and underline the stressed syllables in these words. Then
practise saying the words with a partner.
I a dual-core processor 5 18 nanometres
2 a quad-speed Blu-ray drive 6 a 26-kilobyte file
3 a 3.5-millimetre socket 7 2.4 megahertz
4 a micrometre 8 4 terabytes
Listening 6 &1+' Listen to an IT manager and assistant talking about a problem with a
delivery or new computers. Correct this delivery slip to show what was ordered .
Speaking 7 Work in pairs. Roleplay the conversation the IT manager in 6 will have with the
supplier, Dingle Digital.
Hi, we ordered some new computers from you but the order is wrong. We
ordered laptops with ... but they came with ...
8 Work in pairs. Write some specifications ror a computer. Then ask and answer
questions about your partner's computer. Think about these things:
processor speed hard drive size
memory • screen resolution
A: How fast is the processor?
B: !t 's 2.84 megahertz.
9 Work in pairs. Suggest specifications ror computers ror these people. Then
compare your answers with another pair.
computers ror administration starr
2 a computer ror a designer
3 a server ror a small business
4 a computer for a sales person
I don't think admin staff need a fast processor. They only need it for word
processing and email. What about a two-gigahertz processor?
IT s, siems D 13
GUI operations
Speaking 1 Work in pairs. Look at the screenshot in 2. What different things can you do to
GUI = graphical
a window?
user interface You can resize it.
Vocabutary 2 Match these word s to A-L in the screenshot below.
scroll bar _ 5 titl e bar _ 9 left-hand pane _
2 menu _ 6 icon _ 10 tab _
3 'Minimise' button_ 7 folder _ II check box _
4 'Maxim ise' button _ 8 filenam e _ 12 radio button _
B c D E F G
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t4 2 IT s\ .. lems
Listening 4 a,,,. Listen to a help desk technician talking to an IT user. What information
is the technician looking for?
5 Listen again. Number the instructions in the order you hear them.
o Choose 'Properties' from the menu. 0 Choose the ' Details' tab.
D Just select 'Manage'. DJust right-click where it says 'Disk 0'.
o Select 'Install date'. 0 Can you scroll up to the top?
Giving instructions
We often use imperatives to give instructions. We use Drag the window to the left.
'softeners' such as CQuid you , can you and just to Could you just double click on the bottom icon?
make the instructions sound more polite.
We use sequencers (e.g. fist , then . next, after that, First,just click on the 'Start' button. Then select 'Shut
filally) to show the order of the steps. down' in the bottom right corner.
6 Look at the instructions in 5. Underline the imperatives. What softeners does the
speaker use?
Speaking 7 Work in pairs. Take turns being an IT help desk technician and an IT user. Use
these prompts to explain to your partner how to follow the steps for each action.
_0.. __ 'Start' bullon • 'Control Panel' ~ 'System and Security' heading ~
under 'Sys tem': 'View amount of RAM and processor speed'
A: First, could you click on the 'Start' button?
B: Sure.
A: Then select 'Control Pane/'. A box will appear.
B: OK.
A: Click where it says 'System and Security', then 'View amount of RAM and
processor speed', under 'System'.
B: Got it! Thanks very much.
, .---- 2
right-click on Ie:' drive - 'Properties' - 'Sharing' tab
'Share this folder ' check box - . 'OK' - 'Close'
-I> 'Advanced Sharing'
press 'Start' key and 'E' key to open Windows Explorer ~ 'Uninstall or change
IT S\'slcms 15
Multimedia hardware
Speaking 1 Work in pairs or small groups. Answer these questions.
I What do you use computers for? List as many uses as you can.
2 Which items on your list from question I use the items in the box?
3 Which other computer tasks use the items in the box?
Vocabutary 2 Label the photos with the multimedia equipment in the box.
2 3 4
5 6 7
Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Who might use each of the items in 2? What might they use
them for?
Reading 4 Read this email quickly. What does Kamal want to do?
Hi Kamal,
It should be quite easy to connect your laplop to a projector. First, check that bolh the
laptop and the projector are off. Then connect the projector cable to the laptop: just plug it
into the video socket. Most laptops have one, usually at the back or side. After Ihat, insert
the projector's power cable into a power socket and turn on the computer and the projector.
Next, the computer has to find out the projector's resolution : press the 'Function' key ('Fn')
on the laptop and, at the same time, press the key with a picture of a screen on it. The 'Fn'
key is usually on the bottom left, near the 'Shift' key, and the key with the screen picture on
it is usually on the top row of keys, on the left.
Don't forget to switch off the equipment and unplug the projector from the computer
when you've finished.
Best wishes,
16 2 I II s\slems
Vocabulary 5 Malch words 1-8 from the email in 4 to words a-h with a similar meaning.
I cable a) push
2 plug (inlo) b) put (into)
3 insert c) connect
4 power sockel d) conneclor
5 turn on e) turn off
6 press f) electricity socket
7 unplug g) switch on
8 switch off h) disconnect
6 Complete these prepositional verbs.
I connect _ __ _ 3 unplug _ _ __
2 plug _ __ 4 d isconnect _ _ __
7 Read the email in 4 again and complete these instructions. Use two objects
where appropriate.
Switch off the computer and the projector.
I Plug 4 Push _ _ _ _ __
2 Plug 5 When finished , turn _ _ _ _ __
3 Switch 6 Disconnect _______
Writing 8 Work in pairs. Read the email in 4 again and mark the features below. What
other forms of greetings and signing off can you think of?
• the greeting • a paragraph • signing off
9 Write an email explaining how to transfer photographs from a digital camera to
a computer. Give instructions for the steps below. Include the features from 8 in
your email.
• card reader - compu ter select destination folder
open software 'OK' button
select card reader/drop down menu
@ •
• @
IT s}stems II 17
Operating systems
Reading 1 Work in pairs. Put these steps in reinstalling an operating system in the
correct order.
o During the process, the computer will restart by itself several times.
o Near the end of the process, you can partition the hard drives.
o In the BIOS, set the first boot drive to DVD. Then reboot again.
o At the end of the process, the operating system will ask for the product key,
time, date, network type and details for user accounts.
o First, put the installation DVD into the optical drive. Then reboot the computer
while you press the 'F2' key. The BIOS will now start.
o This time, the computer will boot from the DVD and installation will begin.
III Before you start, back up everything.
o Near the start of the process, it will ask you to agree to the licence terms.
Vocabutary 2 Find words in I that match these definitions.
I start again _ _ __
2 split a hard drive into parts that act like separate drives ____
3 software built into a compu ter that controls how it starts up _ _ __
4 the drive that the computer reads first when starting up ____
5 software comes with this to show you are the owner ____
6 settings for a user ____
7 switch a computer off and on again ____
8 a series of actions to do something ____
9 copy data to another place so that you don't lose it _ _ __
10 ru les about how you can use software ____
3 Work in pairs or small groups. Match I ~ to a-f. Then complete the gaps with
because, so, 10 or for to make sentences.
Back up everything a) enter the BIOS.
2 Put the DVD in the drive b) that the computer restarts
3 Press 'F2' while rebooting the from the operating system DVD.
computer c) use th e different partitions for
4 During the installation process, different purposes.
the computer will ask you d) safety.
some questions e) that the process can start.
5 You might want to partition the 0 it needs to know some
hard drive information, such as where you are.
6 Change the boot drive to the
optical drive
Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Student A, you are an IT technician. Student B, you are an IT user.
Ask and answer questions using I ~ in 3 as prompts. Give different reasons from
those in 3. Then swap roles and repeat the activity.
18 II IT svslelns
Business matters
1 Work in small groups. What do you know about open source software? How is
it different from proprietary software? Think about cost, who writes it and how
much people use it.
.... e +
Wrth open source software, what do people think to another vendor's software, moving the data to
about first? Money, usually, because open source the new software can be very difficult. Open source
software is free. But this isn't the only important thing. software is different; open source software vendors
First, there is freedom from the software vendors. explain their data clearly and openly so that they
Organisations say that freedom is the number one are not a secret. Because of this, moving data isn't
reason to choose open source software. With open a problem.
source software, an organisation doesn't have Sometimes people wonry abourt open source
to follow the software vendor's decisions. With operating systems. They think that their favourite
proprietary software the vendor controls software software won't run on open source operating
updates. For example, users can't add features to systems. However, this isn't true because there is a
proprietary software themselves but they can add lot of office software, such as word processors and
features to open source software. spreadsheets, for open source operating systems. In
Also, with open source software companies have fact , there are many kinds of this software and they
more control of their data. Proprietary software often work well. It is only special areas, such as graphics
stores data in special ways that only the vendor deSign, where proprietary software is clearly better.
understands. So, when a company wants to change
Speaking 4 Use the article in 2 to make a list of reasons to use open source software. Then
work in pairs. Give reasons for your answers and discuss any differences.
5 Work in small groups. You are technicians in an advertising company. You look
after operating systems and software. Look at this email from your manager and
decide whether to use an open source OS, a proprietary OS or some of each.
Then explain your decision to the class.
Hi Peter,
We need to replace the computers in our administration office and our design office.
The administration staff are using old computers that need updating. The design
staff need to keep the software they are currently using (e.g. Photoshop).
What are your recommendations for operating systems? Please let me know.
Many thanks,
Writing 6 Write an email to your manager giving your recommendations. Use the
Language box on page 18 and the information about writing emails on page 17.
IT syslpfIls D t9