Customer-Centric CRM: Fully Optimizing CRM: Yankee
Customer-Centric CRM: Fully Optimizing CRM: Yankee
Customer-Centric CRM: Fully Optimizing CRM: Yankee
Customer Relationship Management Strategies
by Sheryl Kingstone
September 2004
Customer-Centric CRM:
Fully Optimizing CRM
Executive Summary
Businesses initiate CRM projects for a variety of Exhibit 1 illustrates how a company should evolve its
reasons. Many do so because they can increase current CRM strategy to become customer-centric.
revenue by better understanding their customers. By Businesses that don’t prioritize customer centricity
gaining insight into both individual customers and will see a negative effect on corporate performance.
target market segments, these companies can boost CRM supports the creation of relationships that yield
sales and optimize top-line business performance. The maximum value over their entire lifetime by selling,
essence of customer relationship management is to marketing and caring for customers based on their
balance the following desires: specific needs and preferences. This custom report
• Increase revenue through differentiated products discusses how customer-centric CRM can improve
and services revenue, decrease costs and enhance the
• Decrease sales, marketing and service costs through customer experience.
better execution
• Enhance the customer experience for improved
loyalty Exhibit 1
Traditional CRM vs. Customer-Centric CRM
Source: The Yankee Group, 2004
However, for a variety reasons we discuss in this
custom report, many CRM implementations have Customer-centric CRM requires all business processes
done very little to meet the top goals and objectives throughout the extended enterprise be optimized
around Customer Lifecycle Care
of many businesses. Yet effective implementations of
CRM are critical to the success of just about every Traditional CRM Customer-Centric CRM
company. Customers, after all, are any company’s
Internally, siloed Seamless processes around
most important asset. Consequently, businesses need applications for sales, customer lifecycle that extend
to rethink from the outside in and turn their internal marketing and service beyond corporate boundaries
CRM projects toward their customers.
Differentiation based Differentiation based on
on products customer centricity
Table of Contents
I. The Shortcomings of Traditional CRM: Too Much M and Not Enough C and R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
II. Delivering on Customer-Centric CRM Through Customer Lifecycle Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Technology, Data and Processes Create the Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III. Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Enterprise Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
packaged CRM application that helped operationalize If I have to re-enter the If I have to re-enter the If I have to re-enter the If I have to re-enter the
same information again, same information again, same information again, same information again,
I'm going to scream. I'm going to scream. I'm going to scream. I'm going to scream.
the data within the enterprise—usually within sales or
I know I can sell more I need to target my I could assist the I have been a loyal
service departments—has done very little to improve the to this customer, but I messages more customer more customer for years and
wonder which is the effectively, but I effectively if I had this is how they treat me.
customer relationship experience. Current CRM initiatives best recommendation. need more more accurate
information about information.
have disappointed many enterprises because they are the customer.
II. Delivering on Customer-Centric CRM Technology, Data and Processes Create the
Through Customer Lifecycle Care Foundation
Exhibit 4
Key Metrics for Measuring Success
Smart businesses understand that the only way to offer
Source: The Yankee Group, 2004 profitable, differentiated services and products is to better
understand their customers. By gaining insight into both
Sales Marketing Customer Service Customer
individual customers and target market segments, these
- Revenue per - Marketing dollars - First call resolution - Abandon rate: online
salesperson as a percent of rate or IVR companies can boost sales and optimize business
- Average sales revenue - Call quality (as - Conversion rate
- Average deal size
- Average return on
measured by quality
- Share of wallet
- Customer satisfaction
- New rep ramp - Total leads - Voice service level - Customer profitability
time generated (by type of call) - Customer lifetime value
- Average - Average response - E-mail service level - Customer loyalty
administrative rate (by type of e-mail)
time/rep - Lead qualification - Average speed of
- Average price rate answer
discount - Lead close rate - AHT: average
- Percent of accurate - Percent of marketing handle time
forecasted collateral used by - Cost per contact
opportunities sales representatives (calls, e-mails)
- Average number of - Change in market - Average call value
calls to close the deal penetration - Average close rate
- Average number of - Improve time-to- - Agent turnover
presentations market - Accuracy of data
necessary to close - Number of feedback entered (e.g.,
the deal points trouble tickets)
- Average number of - Marketing execution
proposals needed to time
close the deal - Message close rate
Enterprise Recommendations
• Enterprises must put an end to business as usual and optimize the CRM investment around the customer lifecycle.
Customer-centric CRM optimizes the customer experience across sales, marketing and service interactions. With effective
CRM, customer relationships can be appropriately managed to maximize revenue and lifespan while keeping operational
costs low.
• Sales must create strategic account plans across all departments based on customer-facing qualitative and
quantitative metrics that can be analyzed against corporate goals. In a customer-centric company, the sales department
is aligned with strategic customers and prospects. Integrated sales tools maximize sales efficiency and sales effectiveness
to help guide and optimize each interaction.
• Marketing must use real-time analysis to create a profitable and enhanced customer experience both online and
through assisted channels such as the contact center. Marketing needs to incorporate a combination of planned
campaign activity as a start, and more situational sequences of messages where greater understanding of the customer is
achieved through channel- and context-specific interactions to optimize any cross-sell opportunities.
• Service must deliver higher customer satisfaction at a lower cost by improving agent productivity and effectiveness.
It’s critical to provide guidance and in-context information not only through improved customer self-service, but also
through assisted service channels such as customer service representatives. Customers and employees must have access to
the right information at the right time to maximize the profitability of each interaction.
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