This document provides information on Spanish verb conjugations in different tenses including the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses. It lists regular and irregular verb conjugations for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. It also provides examples of common irregular verbs like ser, ir, ver, hacer, tener, poner, and saber. Phrases for describing past habits and opinions using the imperfect tense are also included.
This document provides information on Spanish verb conjugations in different tenses including the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses. It lists regular and irregular verb conjugations for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. It also provides examples of common irregular verbs like ser, ir, ver, hacer, tener, poner, and saber. Phrases for describing past habits and opinions using the imperfect tense are also included.
This document provides information on Spanish verb conjugations in different tenses including the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses. It lists regular and irregular verb conjugations for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. It also provides examples of common irregular verbs like ser, ir, ver, hacer, tener, poner, and saber. Phrases for describing past habits and opinions using the imperfect tense are also included.
This document provides information on Spanish verb conjugations in different tenses including the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses. It lists regular and irregular verb conjugations for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. It also provides examples of common irregular verbs like ser, ir, ver, hacer, tener, poner, and saber. Phrases for describing past habits and opinions using the imperfect tense are also included.
tense with Haber: I have ____ed Present Tense: regular verbs Future with IR
Regular verbs Normally/Usually I… I am going to…. Comer ‐ Comido ‐ER verbs ‐IR verbs ‐AR verbs Voy He Vivir ‐ Vivido Comer (to eat) Vivir (to live) Hablar (to speak) Vas Has Hablar ‐ Hablado Como – I eat Vivo ‐ I live Hablo‐ I speak Va + a + infinitive Comes – you (s) eat Vives‐ you (s) live Hablas ‐ you (s) speak Vamos (e.g. hacer) Ha + Common irregular Past Participles Come – he/she eats Vive – he/she lives Habla – He/she speaks Vais Hemos Hecho ‐ done/ made Comemos – we eat Vivimos – we live Hablamos – We speak Van Habéis Puesto – put Coméis – you (p) eat Vivís – you (p) live Habláis – You (p) speak Han Dicho – said Simple Future tense: I will… Comen – they eat Viven – they live Hablan – They speak Escrito – written Take the infinitive (e.g. comer) Visto – seen Present Tense: common irregular verbs of the verb and add endings: Roto – broken Soy – I am Estoy – I am Tengo ‐ I have Yo ‐é Eres – You (s) are Estás – You (s) are Tienes – You (s) have Tu ‐ás Preterite tense: I _______ed Es – He/She is Está ‐ He/She is Tiene – He/She has El/Ella/Ud ‐á Somos – We are Estamos ‐ We are Tenemos - We have Nosotros ‐emos ‐AR verbs ‐ER/IR verbs Sois – You (p) are Estáis – You (pl) are Tenéis – You (p) have Vosotros ‐éis Hablé – I spoke Comí – I ate Son – They are Están ‐ They are Tienen - They have Ellos/Ellas/Uds ‐án Hablaste ‐ You spoke Comiste – You ate Habló – He/She/ you spoke Comió – He/She/ you ate Present Tense: radical changing in the 1st person like tener Common Irregular Future stems: Vengo (venir) – I come Oigo (oír) – I hear Decir (To say/tell) dir‐ Hablamos – We spoke Comimos ‐ We ate Traigo (traer) – I bring Hago (hacer) – I do / make Haber (to have) habr‐ Hablasteis – You (p) spoke Comisteis ‐ You (p) ate Tengo (tener) – I have Digo (decir) – I say / tell Saber (to know) sabr‐ Hablaron – They/You spoke Comieron ‐ They/You ate Sé (saber) – I know Conozco (conocer) – I know Hacer (to do/make) har‐ Preterite Tense: common irregular verbs Salgo (salir) – I go out Conduzco (conducir) – I drive Salir (to go out) saldr‐ Pongo (poner) – I put / set Tener (To have) tendr‐ Ir – to go and Ser to be Hacer – to do Poner(to put) pondr‐ Phrases for past opinions, descriptions and past habits in the Poder (to be able to) podr‐ Fui – I went/was Hice ‐ I did ‐ IMPERFECT: Venir (to come) vendr‐ Fuiste ‐ You (s) went/were Hiciste – You (s) did I used to ____/I was ____ing Querer (to want) querr‐ Fue – He/She/It/You went/was Hizo ‐ He/She/It/You did Fuimos ‐ We went/were Hicimos ‐ We did Take the infinitive (e.g. hablar/comer/vivir) Fuisteis ‐ You (pl) went/were Hicisteis – You (pl) did take the ar/er/ir off the verb and add these endings: CONDITIONAL TENSE Fueron ‐ They/ You went/were Hicieron ‐ They/ You did I would/could/should ER/IR (Comer/Vivir) AR (Hablar) Take the FUTURE STEM of the verb Follow hacer endings for the following: Yo ‐ ía Yo ‐ aba and add the following endings: Tú ‐ ías Tú ‐ abas Yo iría Puse (poner) – I put Estuve (estar) – I was Él/Ella/Ud ‐ ía Él/Ella/Ud ‐ aba Tú irías Pude (poder) – I could Anduve (andar) – I walked Nosotros/as ‐ íamos Nosotros/as ‐ ábamos Él/Ella/Ud iría Tuve (tener) – I had Dije (decir) – I said Vosotros/as ‐ íais Vosotros/as ‐ abais Nosotros/as iríamos Quise (querer) – I wanted Supe (saber) – I knew Ellos/Ellas/Uds ‐ ían Ellos/Ellas/Uds ‐ aban Vosotros/as iríais Vine (venir) – I came Hube (haber) – I was/had Irregulars – SIV = SER, IR and VER Ellos/Ellas/Uds irían Ser‐ Era… Ir – Iba… Ver – Veía…
Spanish Verb Conjugation and Tenses Practice Volume IV: Learn Spanish Verb Conjugation with Step by Step Spanish Examples Quick and Easy in Your Car Lesson by Lesson