Denominational Doctrines
Denominational Doctrines
Denominational Doctrines
B. J. Clarke
This class should not have been in the MSOP curriculum but is necessary because of the
warnings from the Lord 1 John 4; Mat. 7:13-15. The class is designed to equip us to face
doctrinal matters.
1 Tim. 1:3 – a serious charge against teaching other doctrines. Doctrine as singular is
noteworthy, but in the plural is dangerous. Mat. 15:8-9; Mat. 21:23ff – only two choices of
doctrine: from heaven or from men. 2 John 9: one unit of teaching from Christ – not a
The reason why this class exists: 2 Tim. 4:1-4. Acts 20:17ff – in the same congregation in
which Timothy was charged to teach. He knew that people would come to draw away
disciples into false doctrine.
1:10 - 1:40
There has to be an affirmative and a negative – the affirmative has to go first in order
to be negated by the second speech. The obligation of the negative is to follow the
affirmative arguments. The last speech of the debate should not add any new material.
To follow the argument is to respond the arguments themselves and not just propose
another argument on the same subject.
Eph. 3:9-11 – the church in the eternal purpose. Understood as the kingdom of God in the
OT and in the message of John the Baptist and Jesus – Mark 9:1 – fulfilled in Acts 2. In this
fulfillment was executed on the people as the inspired apostle says: repenting and being
baptized. The result was: 41, 47.
The church: purposed by God, prophesied by the prophets, prepared by John, presented by
the apostles – it belongs to Christ. In that sense, 1 Cor. 1:10ff shows that the division was
never in the purpose of God.
The difference between the multiple churches model and the Pentecost model of one
church. One preacher cannot preach 2 different doctrines but 2 whole churches can preach
different doctrines and that is fine…
The model started to be changed and led to apostasy – it was predicted (Acts 20:28ff: 2
Thess. 2:1-3; Mat. 7:5; 1 John 4:1); It was proved (2 Tim. 1:15; 2:16-18; 1 Tim. 5:11-15);
Acts 2:4, 38 – The apostles spoke as the Spirit gave them utterance – repent and baptism
(for the remission of sins); 2:47 – added to the right church. If we would ask what church
has he been added to, he would say: to none. He would have no idea of what a
denomination is.
To join the church of Christ implies not to join a denomination, but to join the same church
that we hear about in the NT.
The church is the house of God – is one house as good as another? God has specified one
place of safety every time. In the days of Noah, in the time of the Exodus, In the times of
Rahab. God has narrowed salvation to one place and one method.
Eph. 5:23 – He is the savior of the body. To be saved one has to be in his body,
Eph. 1:22-23 – The body is the church. One who is saved he needs to be in the one church,
which is the Christ’s body.
The phrase “body of Christ”, is equivalent to “church of Christ” – lower case “c” – it shows
belonging and not denomination.
In the day of Pentecost – the 3000 that were saved were also added to the church. The flaw
in the argument that all denominations are part of the same church is that not all
denominations are “backed” with the same authority.
How did we get from 1 church to thousands of denominations? Addition and subtraction.
Adding to the word or taking out from it.
- We propose to complete what the reformers left undone. An entire restoration of the
order of the ancient gospel.
- The prescription is that of 1 Pet. 4:11: speaking only that which is in accordance
with the Bible; speaking all what the Bible says – not adding or subtracting.
- Thus, all creeds, dogmas, catechisms, etc., would disappear in order to give place to
the head of the church: Jesus Christ.
- If we could reach this task religious division would disappear.
Christ lived a life of prayer: before selecting the apostles, at the tomb of Lazarus, at
Gethsemane. Heb. 5:7. And at the same time, in John 17, the “true Lord’s prayer” is
recorded. Personal and passionate petition to his father for: Himself; His apostles; all who
believe in his word through his disciples – for unity.
A fixation on unity
One as Jesus and the Father: 17:21 – to be one in God. A healthy fixation on unity. 1 Cor.
1:10ff; Eph. 4:1-6. Make every effort to be in one Spirit. The task of preserving the unity of
the Spirit is one forever.
The fixation on unity has to be coupled with a fixation in doing what God commanded in
the way that He has commanded.
Those who belong to God are the ones who receive and keep the words spoken by Jesus.
The true identity in which the church has to be found is the word of the apostles. The same
unity that they have between the Son and the Father: a unity in purpose and teaching – what
one has set the other cannot contradict.
The formation of unity
Christ died so that there could be one people of God in unity. Eph. 2. The separation
between Jew and Gentile was bridged by Christ. But this is not automatic.
Mat. 12:46-50 – this is how we can be in unity to God: by doing the will of God. Mat. 7:21;
Luke 8:21. This is a passage to point them when they ask if the coC believes that only they
are going to heaven. We should be able to find the will of the Father in the Bible – Can we
find, for example, the sinners prayer in it?
Religiousness and obedience to Christ are not identified. He will not know many who claim
to be God’s children.
John 3 – being born again of the water and the Spirit it is included as part of the will of the
Father to be done in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Acts 8: the Spirit and Water
are involved in conversion.
Ps. 119:63 – the standard for fellowship in the eyes of the psalmist is the same as that of
Jesus – who does the commandments of God. Many verses in Ps. 119 show us what is the
real need of fellowship but also who can be in fellowship with God and the righteous.
There are reasons, already predicted by Jesus, of why there will be a fragmentation of the
unity: When some reject the words of Jesus. Luke 12:51-53. The alliance to Jesus will
cause fragmentation with others.
For some the emphasis on the unscriptural nature of unity movements, they would claim
that we are disrupting unity. Unity should be at the cost of purity of doctrine. Jas. 3:17.
Rom. 16:17: avoid them; 1 Tim. 6:3-5: withdraw ty self; 2 John 9-11: do not receive them;
Gal. 1:6-9: let him be accursed.
Roman Catholicism