True or False Answer: Group 4 - Liabilities of Lgus by Jeasel Abad - Page 1 of 4
True or False Answer: Group 4 - Liabilities of Lgus by Jeasel Abad - Page 1 of 4
True or False Answer: Group 4 - Liabilities of Lgus by Jeasel Abad - Page 1 of 4
____________, ______________, & _______________ shall be liable for damages for the death
1 of , or injuries suffered by any person by reason of the defective condition of roads, streets,
bridges, public buildings , and other public works under their control or supervision.
6 Can a plaintiff who was economically damaged from a road clousure chase after the LGU?
What is the requirement for the liability to attach to a LGU when it comes to damages incurred
over streets or roads.
a only control
b only supervision
c always control and ownership
d either control or supervision
> Expressly
> Impliedly
2 Two circumstances where local government units and
Group 4 – Liabilities of LGUs by Jeasel Abad | Page 3 of 4
their officials are not exempt from liability.
> death or injury to persons
> damage to property
Contracts involving expenditure of public funds can be
made when the two following are present.
> only when there is an appropriation
must be certified by the proper accounting official/agency
that funds have been duly appropriated for the purpose,
which certification shall be attached to and become an
integral part of the proposed contract