JEB Brochure 2013
JEB Brochure 2013
JEB Brochure 2013
JEB has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and China, and distributorships in the Middle East, India,
Australia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. We have a strong presence in the banking and finance
sector, with clients that include some of the top 100 banks such as HSBC, UOB, Barclays, Royal Bank of
Scotland, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank and Rabobank. These clients benefit in particular from
our acoustic privacy technology. We also count amongst our clients some of the world’s top investment and
insurance firms, oil and energy giants as well as educational and government institutions across Asia.
at JEB,
you won’t get a hard sell.
Wider frames are also available upon request and can cater for
partition thicknesses of 116 mm and 132 mm.
The Slimline glazing partition is a classic
lightweight profile system that has a proven
track record. It is based on a 45 mm x 25 mm
glazing sill and bead and a selection of door
frame options.
Through our quality products and services Clients and designers throughout Asia and
JEB aims to be the best supplier of partition the Middle East have come to trust JEB as a
systems and associated products anywhere reliable partner for tailored solutions to
in the world. Many satisfied clients would unique design challenges. We strive to
say we have already succeeded. Robert, who satisfy the requirements of our customers
would rather be a trendsetter than a follower with our broad range of products and
says, “as workspaces change, a growing services including sustainable products that
number of companies are no longer building meet environmental standards. Through
cubicles for their staff but require a more the development of strategic alliances with
flexible space with private areas for meetings. joinery, flooring, cabling and mechanical
They are choosing operable walls or meeting and electrical contractors, we can offer a full
“pods” to create those spaces. We are range of services to our clients, ensuring a
constantly studying how walls, and in cohesive and holistic approach to all
particular, doors, are going to change in the projects that we undertake. We value
future and have a lot of ideas on the drawing simplicity in delivery and structure
board. We are working on the problem of poor relationships with our clients to best suit
acoustic properties of sliding doors. Walls can their specific needs. Our success has been
say, “don’t disturb me” or “private and built on effective, mutually beneficial and
confidential” but they can also say “we are a long-standing relationships with our
team” or “we are a community”. Redefining customers and a spirit of innovation,
this physical and psychological barrier is progress, integrity and honesty.
crucial to creating beautiful, user-friendly
products that will improve the workspace.”
JEB partition systems are sold as a “Kit of Parts” that enables the frames to
be cut and built to measure, according to site conditions. Any minor
changes to the partition layout can be easily accommodated without
additional cost. Delivery is 2 to 5 weeks by air anywhere in the world.
Additional components can be shipped out in a matter of days.
Malaysia Shanghai
JEB Interiors Sdn Bhd JEB (Shanghai) Ltd
T +603 2161 8669 T +86 21 5382 0006
F +603 2161 5669 F +86 21 5382 0835
JEB Trading (Beijing) Co Ltd
T +86 10 6583 6618
F +86 10 6581 5161