Starships of The Galaxy (Bookmarked)
Starships of The Galaxy (Bookmarked)
Starships of The Galaxy (Bookmarked)
_"_"_,_"_"_"_"______)] Midlael Martin
[ ... OOITION .... L. DEVEL.OPMENT I Stephen Radney·McFarland
L"_"_' _"_H_'_C
_"_'_"_"_"_"_"____)) Keven Smith, Michael Marlin
eD I TOR Gary M. Sarli
CARTOORAF'HER Christopher West
~ ___,_"___,_"=-,~"_"=-~"~o=-'_T_o=-R_ ____--.Jl Kim Mohan
ll_M ,I_'_M _"_'_C_,_,_"____-.J) Travis Adams
Bill Siavicsek
_H_'_"_"_"______1 Leland Chee
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I NTRODUCTI ON 4 Handling large Battl~s ........ 31 B-wi~g ....................... 66 Mon Calamari Star Defender .... 116
But I'm Not a Pilot!. ............ 32 Carrack-class light Cruiser.. .. 68 Naboo Royal N-l Starfighter .... 118
lock 5-Foils in Attack Position!. ... 5
Designing Starship Chiss Clawnaft. .. . ...... ... 69 Nebula-class Star Destroyer..... 119
Get EveryoM Involved. ..... . ... 6
Combat Encounters. ... ..... . 32 Citadel-Class Cruiser. . .... 70 Nebulon-B Frigate. . ........ 120
Starship Specialists . ........... 6
Give Objectives Other tha n CloakShape Fighter.. . ...... 71 P-3S Starfighler ......... 121
Starship Codex. ... .. . ......... 6
Destruction . ........ .... . . 33 Commerce Guild Destroyer....... 72 Predator-class Slarfighter . . 122
Ma~e it Your Own. ... .. .... . ... 6
Build Interesting Battlefields .. .33 Coralskipper . .. . ......... 73 Prototype (Template) ....... 123
Enhanced Encounters .......... 7
Create hd ting Scenarios with Corvette, Core l li~n .. .... ....... 74 Rebel Assault Frigate Mk I ...... 124
Updated Statistics . ............ 7
Complications.. .... . .. 35 The CR70 Corvette ...... ...... 75 Re~1 Assault Frigate Mkll . . 125
Challenge level Adjustments for Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser.. 76 Republic Cruiser. ........ 126
Scimitar Assault Bomber.. . . 127
Starship Disparities ........ 35 The Outbound Flight Project. ... 77
... O V E .... TURSS . . e Droid Starfightm. . ...... 78 Sith Infiltrator. . ...... 128
Starship Basics. .... ... .... ...... 9 CHmERII: BTAR S H I P Dynamic-class Freighter ........ . 80 Sith Intel(eptOf. ............ 130
Getting You r Own Starship .. .... 9 MODIFI C ....TION S . 35 Eta-2 Ac tis Interceptor .......... 82 Skipray Blastboat .. 131
Permits ~~d lice~sts. .. .. .. .. 10 E-wing . .. ... .. ..... .... .. . 83 SoroSuub Patrol Fighter. 132
How to Use this Chapter. . .. . .... 37
Travel in Realspace. ..... .. .... 11 Firespray-31 Patrol Craft. . .... 84 Star Galleon-class Frigate .. 133
Cost Modifiers . .. . ... . ......... 38
Travel in Hyperspace. ... .. .... 12 Original Prototypes 85 StarViper [Virago) ............. 134
A Note on Costs . ...... ..38
Commu~ications ..... ... . .... 13 Slave I ... .... . ...... 8S Strike·class Medium Cruiser .... 135
[}Qcking, Fuel, and Maintenance . . 14
Emplacement Points . .... 38
Geo~osian Starfighter. 86 Super Star Destroyer . . ... 136
Starship Talents. ... ..... . 15
Gaining Emplacement Points .38 .. Ginivex-class Starfighter . . ... 87 Executor ............... .... 137 1
Unused Emplacement Poin ts ... 39 ;
Affecting Targets. ............ 15
Nonstand~rd Modifications .. .. .. 39
Ghtroc 720 Freighter. ........... B8 lusankya. . .......... 138 •
Specific Taknts ...... ...... 15.. Goza~ti Cruim . . .. ............ 90 Eclipse ..................... 138 ;
New Talents . .......... .. 16
Installation. ......... . ......... 39
Installation Work Force . .... . ..39
Krayfs Ho nor ................ 91 System Patrol Craft. ........ 140 •
Force Talents. ........ ...... 16
Installation Time .... ...... . ..39
Gunship, Coreltian. . .......... 92 Capabilities ................. 140
Noble Tale~ts . .16 Hapan Battle Dragon ... . 93 Theta-class Shuttle. . .. 141
Installation Checks . ... ....... 40
Scoundrel Talents. ............ 16 Hapes Nova Cruiser. .... 94 TIE Fighter. . .... 142
Starship Systems . .... ....... ... 40
Ace Pilot Talents. ........ ..... 17 Im perial Assault Shuttle. .. 95 TIE Bomber ...... ... .. .... . . 142
Movement Systems . . ........ 40
Officer Talents. .............. 18 Imperial Star Destroyer. 96 TIE I~terceptor . . ..... 143
Defense Systems ... . . ...... . 43
Starship Skills. .... .. ..... . 18
Weapon Systems. .........44
The Vic tory II-class HE Advanced .... 144
Deception ................... 18 Star Destroyer 98 TIEDefender. . ......... 145
Perception. ..... .. ....... .. .18
Accessories .. ... ...... 48
The Pella eon-class Trade Federat ion Battleship .... 146
Stealth . ..................... 18
Stock Ships .. ......
.... . ...... 53
Star Destroyer 99 The Core Ship. . .. 147
Use Computer .. . ...... 19 I~te rdictor Cmiser ............. 100 Venator-class Star Destroyer .... 148
OlAPTER~: aT .... ",eHIF>
Starship Feats .......... ...... 19 Origin of the Vindicator....... 101 V-19 Torrent Starfighter. . .... 149
New Feats. ..... ... ..... . .... 20
CODE X .. 54
Imperial Customs Corvette...... 102 V-wi~g Starfighter . . ... 150
Tactbl Fire ........ ......... 55 J-TypeStarS kiff ..... 103 X-83 TwinTail Starfig hter ....... 151
OIAPITR I: a T.... "'BI-! I F>
COMB .... T • • • zz
Focused Fire . . .... .. .. ..... .. 55
Acclamator-class Assault Ship. ... 56
Junker (Template) ... ... .. .... . 104
K-wing . .. lOS
X-wi~g ......
. .... 152
Acclamator- II. .............. . 57 lambda-class Shuttle ......... 106 T-6SBR ............ . .... 153
Starship Maneuvers... ......... . 23
Action VI Transport. . .. ......... 58 lancer-class Frigate ........... 108 YT-Series Transports .... ..... .. 154
learning New Maneuvers. .... . 23
Advanced Ship (Template) ....... 59 Mankvim-814 ligh t Interceptor.. 109 YT-2oo0 ... . .... 154
Usi~g Starship Maneuvers. ..... 24
Maneuver Descriptors .. .... . .. 24
Aethersprite Interceptor. .....
.. 60 Ma rauderCorvene ............ 110 YT-24oo ................... 155
ARC-170 Starfighter ..... . .... . . 61 Medium Transport. 111 Millennium Falcon ........... 156
Starship Maneuver Descriptions .. 24
Archaic Ship (Template) ......... 62 Millil Fighter/Bombers. 112 Y-wi~9 . 158
Maki~g Starship Encounters
A-wing ....... ....... ......... 63 Miy'til Assault Bomber .. 113 V-wing longprobe . ... 159
Interesting . .. .............. 30
Banking Cla~ Frigate. ........ .. . 64 Mon Calamari MCSO Cruiser. 114 V-wing Courier .. ...... 159
Starl Small ...... . ........... 31
Baudo-class Star Yacht. . . ....... 65 Home One. 115 Z-9S Headhunter .... 160
Although many of the ruin in this book can ~ used for vehicles on the weapons operators to tak~ advantag~ of sp~cial bonuses and abilities just
ground (or even in the air), most of the bool:: focuses on starships operating as pilots might. With this book in hand, you won't have to be an ace pilot
in space. Starship statistics still contain iltmospheric movement speeds (fol- just to be effective at starsh;p combat, ~ncouraging all character types to
lowing the standard format established in the core rulchook), but the new take part in space combat encounters.
mechanics afC mostly geared toward starship combat.
OET EVERYONE INVOL.VED Though the new character options certainly make starship combat more
In the past, onc of the more ctlmmon drawbacks to starship combat was that appealing, the bulk of this book is dedicated to presenting statistics and
it Il:'ft many players sitting and waiting for Iht encounter to end due 10 their information for a wide variety of slarships, ranging from small starfight~rs
lack of starship-relevant skills. Even when participating, many characters to massive capital ships and space stations. Players might be t~mpted to view
found their options limited by their foles aboard the ship. Onc of the primary this book as a catalog of potential purchases, and as hero~s rise in statur~
goals of Storship of the GO/OilY is to make starsh ip combat mor~ accnsibl~ and wealth, many new options (including those available in this book) become
to cha ract~rs of all rol~s and arch~typ~s. For ~xampl~, th~ noble will find op~n to them, The Starship Codex (Chapter 4) also serv ~ s Gam~masters as
information on using h~r tal~nts for inspiration and leadership in starship a collection of challenges just waiting to be thrown at the heroes. Whether
combat, while the scoundr~1 will be able to disrupt and damage his opponents you are looking for a new personal st arfight ~r or the perfect ship to add to
just lik~ h~ does in cha ra c ter-scal~ combat. Storships of the Galaxy sho uld an admiral's fleet, tha t cha pter should have you covered,
z< encourage all playe rs-not just pilo ts and gunn~rs-to get involved and us~ Th~ Starship Codex presents ships of all types and sizes, drawn from the
their sp~cial abilities in space combat scen~s.
Mor~ over, this book presents a variety of new options for the core classes
full breadth of the Star Wars saga and Expanded Universe of comics, novels,
and video games. The majority of th e statistics in this book are fo r the stock,
c and relevan t prestige classes (such as the ace pilot and the officer). Members unmodified versions of these ships, making it easier for players to obtain
"6< of each class will find new talents (and even new talent trees)' some new these ships and make th~m their own. For example, rather than presenting
z usn for skills, and som~ new feats that will round out their charact~rs. Th~ statistics fOf the Ebon Hawk (from the Knights of the Old Republic video
goal of these new abilities is to get each charact~r more involved in space game s~ries), this chapter contains statistics for the stock version of this
combat. Th~ Sogo Edition rules set g~s a long way toward ~ncouraging this ship (the Dynamic-class freighter), which play~rs can then modify to their
behavior; ~ven charact~rs untrained in th~ Pilot skill hav~ som~ capacity to own tastes. In some (as~s, statistics are pr~sent~d for · famous· versions
pilot a ship, and their ability to mak~ attacks with vehicle weapons is equally of these ships, but each one also contains th~ stock statistics for the vessel
enhanced by many of the same talents and f~ats that aff~ct normal ra nged without modifications.
attacks, Essentially, any charact~r's basic abilities make that character
capable of participating in space combat in one way or another. MAKE IT YOUR OWN
Srofships orlhe Galoxypresents a complete guide to modifying your starship
STARSHIP SPECIALISTS to make it the way you want it. Han Solo's famous line about having made
On~ of the best uses for this book, as mentioned above, is enabling char- a few ·special modifications· to the Millennium Falcon com~s to l if~ in the
acters to take full advantage of the new starship combat rules presented form of th e starship modification rules. Want to put a new engine in your
here. These new options range from th~ afor~mentioned talents and f~ats freighter? Want to upgrade the laser cannons on your X-wing? Want to give
to an ~ntir~ly new spac~ combat man~uvers system. Similar in design to the that old Corellian Corvett~ some n~w hull plating? Now you can, and it's not
force system from the Sago Edition core ru lebook, this maneuvers system just a matt~r of paying som~on~ ~Ise to do it, Techie characters will enjoy
turns starship combat into more than just a matter of moving and shooting, getting their hands dirty and making the mod ificat ions themselves, using
With the e~panded system prcs~nt~d in this book, starship combat becomes new abilities to enhanc~ the mod ifications.
a more tactica l affair for some cha racters, letting them do incredible things The starship modification rules can also be used to build a starship from
when behind a flight st i c~. scratch. Though doing th is is far more time-cons um ing than heroes simply
fortunately for heroes not piloting the ship, there are plenty of new purchasing a new slarsh ip and enha ncing il to fit their needs, these rul es
options in this book as well, Engineers and other technically inclined char- allow you to take a standard, base model of ship and add each component
acters will find a number of new rules in this book that sho uld make it easier individually to come up with a custom spacecraft. Though most good outlaw
for them to jump in and participate in space combat. Similarly, many of t~chs will pref~r Ihe tink~ring and r~working of a starship that the modifica-
the starship maneuvers can be used by gunners as well as pilots, allowing tion rul~s provide, a noble seeking h~r own custom space transport migh t
usc Ihest rults to order a ship di rectly from the facto ry, givi ng her a shi p
that is unlike any other vessel in the ga laxy.
Additionally, somt of the ships in this book arc presenttd with dt ckplans
suited for usc by adventuring htrots. ThtSt' dtckplans allow playtrs and
Gamemasters to create interesting advtntures aboard tht starship itst lf; afttf
all, you never know when you're going to nttd to rtptl boardt fs or ambush
stormtroope rs after hiding in your own smuggling compar tmtn ts.
Gamtmasurs will find Ihis book txctptionally useful for designing starship
combat encounltrs. One of tht primary goals of this book is to help make
space combal just as txciting, dynamic. and engaging as cha racter combat.
Ont of tht mtans by which this is accomplished is in helping Gamemasttrs
design intertsting tncounters. An encounter's design is critical to holding
tn t players' inttftst, and the advice and options in this book sho uld ma ke it
easy for Gamem as ters to come up wi th encou nte rs that arc more inte rtst-
ing than si mply shooting at enemy shi ps fro m a dista nce. Additiona lly, the
information in this book should makt it easie r for Iht Gamtmasltr to ktep
all members of the party-not just tht pilot and gunntrs-tngaged and
interested in space combat encounttfS.
Good spact rombat tncounter dtsign involvts mort than just populating <
the battlefield with inlertsting entmits. Chapttr 2 of this book providts new z
op tio ns for space combal terrain (such as deb ris fields and gaseous ntb ulae )
and hcips Gamemasters in trod uct co mp li catio ns and ot her new factors into
combat to inc rtast ttnsion or providt a stnst of urgency. Game maste rs who
l J
takt full advantage of this book should be able to create sta rship combat
tncoun ters that not only challenge thei r players but also crtalt mtmorablt
batllts likt thost St'en in the Star Wars films.
This book featu res a numbe r of updat ed an d expanded stat istics for ships
appea rin g in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Sago Edition co re rultbook. In
some cases, the statistics in this boo k art differtnl from those ftatured in ~
the core rultbook, having btt n changtd dut to new rules prtsenttd in this
book or 10 improve gamt play. Al though tht statislics in the cart rulebook
will still work fOf your game, thost found in this book should suptr5t'de the ~
ants from tht core rultbook in most cases. Howeve r, sinct no two SliIrships @
of the samt model nttd to be identical. Gamemasters should feci free to use
slatistics from bot h books to provide va riet y in game play.
UPKEEP All starship ownl!rs and opl!rators are rl!quirl!d to havl! at Il!ast thrl!e different
The Saga Edition core rl.llebook gives basic costs for upkeep on a per- pil!ces of rl!gi'stration aboard their ships at all timl!s, I!ach of which is obtainl!d
month basis Isec page 141). Th1"5( costs can be' applied 10 starships and through thl! Bureau of Ships and Sl!rviCI!S, or BoSS (SI!I! sidl!bar).
also serve' as a simple way of kC'C'ping track of such C'xpC'nsC's instead of
the more detailed methods described in this section. GenC'raliy, a star- • Cap t ain's ACCfl!dit t d Li Cl!nSI! : Certifil!S that thl! captain is capab!!! of
ship of Colossal or smaller size can be maintained in working condition piloting and 0pl!ra ting thl! starship. Cost:200 credits. Requirements; DC
(including fuel, maintenance, docking. and astroga tional updates) byany 15 Pilo t chtck, 10 years of starship ~ x pe r ie n ce (a ny cha racter w ho ta kes
character with at least comfortable upkeep (2,000 credi ts per month) thl! Spacehound talent at 1st charact~r level automatically qualifil!s) :
instead of maintaining a resi(it!nce. If you don't own your ship and still txperiencl! rtquirtmel"lt can bl! waivtd for additional "I!xptdittr ftt" of
make payments for it, the minimum upkeep required is wealthy (5,000 300 crtdits. Time: 1 day.
credits per month) for at least five years. • Shi p's Optrati ng Li ct nst : Tracks tht ship's make, manufacturtf, port of
Similar ly, thl! licl!nsing and rl!gistration for a starship can bl! origin, transponder CQdes, and owner. Cost: 1,000 crl!dits, Requirements:
abstractl!d by thl! normal rull!S for purchasing a rl!strictl!d ium, aSSlJm~ captain's accredited lietnse, ship must pass inspection (all systems func-
ing that any blaCk markl!t purchasl! also includ~s appropriatl! forgl!d tioning, no escape pods missing, no il legal modi fications, func tioning
documents. t ransponder code ). DC 10 Knowledge (bu re aucracy) check, Time: 1 day.
• Arm s load- Out Per mit: Registers the ship's weapons. Cost: By wl!apon
n availability (see pagl! 118, Sago Edition corl! rulebook), Requirements:cap-
I a 5I!nator to a dangl!rous planl!t, or they nl!l!d to dl!livl!r prl!cious cargo tain's accreditl!d liel!n$(:, ship's Op!!rating liel!n$(:. Knowledgl! (burl!aucracy)
•< to rdug~I!S del!p bl!hind I!nl!my linl!S at thl! bf!hl!st of thl!ir bf!ndactor. chl!ck (DC varies by wupon availability). Time: By weapon availability.
•• l egitimat e Financi ng Though these registrations art rtquired by law, many starship captains
As a genl!ral rul~ , legit i mau fina ncing (s uch as th roug h a bank) is ava i labl~ operating on t ht f rin g~s of society forge these documtnts to hide the ship 's
mJ wit h a down payml!n \ of 20% of t he st arship's cost , wi t h monthly paym~n t s
I!qual to 2% of the starship's cost for the next fivl! years, You can makl!
t r u~ iden tit y (or thei r own ). Forging BoSS documents requires a Decep tion
check, counting as both a dtceptive appearanct (to produce a BoSS-secure
a Persuasion chl!ck to haggll! and rl!duce thl! sizl! of thl! down payml!nt, datapad that $(:ems authtntic) and dectptive information (to create plausible
trl!ating thl! loan officl!r as indifferent (unfril!ndly for characters who haY!! ship rtcords). Howtvtr, such forgeries won't appear in thl! BoSS computer
a criminal rl!cord). system, so thty will not survivl! dose scrutiny.
cod~ in a BoSS d atabas~, you can find the ship's nam~, typ~, modifications
and armament, owner, and ~v~n histo ry (including the time of its arrival and
depa rture from every legitima t ~ s pac~port in the ga l a ~ y),
A ship's transponder code is built into the ship's sublig ht ~ ng i n es, so any
attempt to r~move or alter t h~ code can fuse the wiring and destroy the
engine. Some smugglers and pirates have been known to mask their tran-
sponder signal to preserve anonymity, but mOSI governments will attempl
10 capture or destroy such a ship immediately. Instead, many criminals and
others operating outside the law will lamper with their transponders to
broadcast false transponder codes. Though highly illegal. altering a tran-
sponder code will allow a ship to identify itself by anothe r name. (Sec page
53 fo r details on altering transpo nder codes.)
IF F Transponders: Military ships also broadcast a unique transponder
code that identifi~s the ship by its type, d~signation, and all~giance. These
Identify Friend/Fo~ (IFF) transponde rs are separate from the transponders
built into starship engines, and they are not included on civilian starships.
All slarshi ps have su bl ig ht drives 10 pro pel t hem through space, us ing t hem
when taking off, landing, or fl ying wit hin a star system. Starships also have
ion drives capable of incredible acceleration (thousands of times the force
of gravity) due to a combination of e ~ceptionalthfust and manipulation of
th~ starship's mass relative to that of its uhaust. In addition, repulsorlift
drives are preferred for d~licat~ man~uvering during tak~off and landing;
in fact, the mass manipulation that mak~s ion drives so effici~nt in deep
The only way to span the long distances bet ween star systems is to travel Plotting a suitabl e hyperspace course requires incredibly difficult calcu lations;
th rough hyperspace. Hyperspace is described by many sci entists as another norma lly, on ly a character t rained in t he Use Compu t er skill can calculate a
dimension, t hough its tru e nature is still a mystery. Wh en a starship's ju mp to hyperspace. However, th e use of a navicomputer (see page 42) not
hype rdrive activates, t he vessel accelerates well beyond the speed of ligh t on ly grants a bonus on the Use Comput er check but also allows an untrained
as it enters hyperspace. A starship in hype rspace is effectively cut off fro m cha racter to plot a cou rse t o hyperspace. Some small st arfighters, having no
communication wit h starships in rea lspace. For the duration of a tri p t hro ugh room for a navicomputer, ins tead use ast romech droids programmed wit h a
hy perspace, a starship effectively does not exist in realspace. fi nite number of j umps to provid e a hyperspace co urse.
large objects that gene rale substantial gravi ty. such as stars an d planets, The difficulty of plotti ng a course through hyperspace is determined
produce wha t is known as a "mass shadow· t hat projects in t o th e real m of by how recen t ly you have updated your astrogation data, as shown on th e
hyperspace, and one of these mass shadows can destroy a starship that tab le below.
co llides with it. As a result, a starship's cou rse th rough hyperspace must
be plotted careful ly. A ll hyperdrives have built- in safeguards t hat prevent a DC AGE OF ASTR OGATION DATA
sh i p from entering hyperspace too close to a mass shadow and cause a sh ip
10 less than 1 day
to reve rt to realspac e if a mass shadow is detected in t ime. Ult i mat el y, this
15 At least 1 day bu t less than 1 standard wed (5 days)
situation led to th e ri se of interdictor vessels and other technolog ies designed
to keep ships from f leeing into hyperspace . Interdic t ion vessels use gravity 20 At least 1 week but less than 1 standard month (35 days)
well generators to keep other ships from ac t ivat in g t heir hyperdri ves, and 2S At least 1 month but less than 1 standard year (368 days)
some pirates have been known to drag massive asteroids in to we ll-traveled
30 At least 1 yea r old
hyperspace lanes in order t o bring prey ou t of hyperspace.
Detecting Hype rspace Travel You can acq uire astrogalion data in several different ways.
Wh en a starship en ters or exit s hyperspace, it produc es a short burst of Using You r Ow n Data: If you use yo ur own data, t ne ag e of the data is
Cronau ra diation. Any sta rshi p, station, or sensor array within the same sta r dete rmined by t he las t tim e you fin ished a journey betw een the two plan ets
.tr='-' sys tem can detect a Cronau radia t ion burst with a DC 2S Use Compu t er check in ques t ion.
made as a reaction. Success indicates t hat t he sensor op erator det ects Ihe The Space Ministry: Th is organiza t ion (call ed t he Imperial Space Min istry
ship entering or exit i ng hyperspace, and is aware of its poin t of arri val or during the days of the Ga lactic Empire) is a bureaucracy whose in fluence is
depart ure. Tracking a ship th rough hyperspace also relies on th e presence f elt all across the ga laxy. It disseminates hyperspace t ravel information and
of residua l Crona u radiation. Taking a full - ro und action to ma ke a DC 25 enforces t he laws an d regu lations of t he space lanes. Respo nsible fo r prov id-
Use Compu t er chec k measu res the amoun t of Cronau radiat ion as wd l as ing spacers wit h the 5.947- dat apage Spocers' Information Manuol (ii compi-
the ang le of depart ure of t he vessel fleeing into hyperspace , in dica t ing t he la t ion of t he lat es t laws, regulations, addenda, and other red tape; avai lable
, most likely destin ation. Cronau radiation lingers for sev eral hours af ter a ship
has f led into hyperspace, thoug h each hour sin ce th e ship made the jump to
to all pilots when renewing t heir certif icat ions for a mere 25 credits) , t he
Space Minis t ry is t he keeper of the law in t he spac e la nes, and it provides
ligh t sp eed increases the DC of t he Use Comput er check by 5. local spaceports with up- to-date hyperspace navigat ional data.
A starship can downloa d t he latest Ministry- provid ed astrogational updates
ei t her directly t hrough the HoloNet (prior to the Clone Wars) or from spaceport
OTt-IBRSPACB co ntrol (any era); t his service cost s 150 credits and requi res a current ca ptain's
An extradimensional space accessible only through hyperspace, other-
accredi ted license and ship's ope rating license (see Permi t s and licenses, page
space is a strange and alien dimension populated by a race known as
10). Generally. data for t he Outer Rim is less than 1 month old. data fo r ot her
the Charon. Consisting of a storm-gray backdrop with pinpoints of black
reg ions is less than 1 wee k old, and data f or major hyperlanes or routes wi t hin
representing stars, others pace is a strange place thaI only a very few
the same sec tor (G amemaster's determination) is less t han 1 day old. No data
travelers have visited. Hyperdrive malfunctions have been responsibl e
is available for t he Deep Core, Un known Reg ions. Wild Space, classi fied ins t al-
for shunting slarships inlo olherspace, which sci entists believe exists
lations, and any planet without a certi fied spacepo rt.
parallel to the normal universe. Finding a way home from this alien
Those w ho ope rat e outside the law ca n usual ly obtain th e data with a
dimension is an adventure all its own.
proper bribe (t ypically 300 cred its wi t h a DC 10 Gather In formation check)
or by making a Use Computer check to access secret information in the
~paceport's compute r (Will Defense 20, indiffere nt).
:T.... L... 1-1:
Yf!B . . .P ... CB
The Hy pers pace Navigator's Guild : In the early days of the Old Repub- 020 RESULT
lic, the HyperSp<lce Navigator's Guild was responsible for maintaining the
charts and navigational records used for hyperspace travel. The Navigator's \-5 Starship passes too close to a supernova, overloading internal
Guild (based on the planet later known as Empress Teta) employed a variety compu!l:'r systems with solar radiation. Use Computer checks
of scouts and pi lots whose sale responsibility was to chart ne w and faster aboard the starship ta ~e a -5 p~ na l ty until all persistent
hyperspace lanes, opening up new avenues to known worlds. Though the conditions are removed.
need for the Navigator's Guild would eventually dwindle, during its time the 6-10 Starship skirts the I:'dgl:' of a black hole, causing the intense gravily
Guild was one of the most imporlant institutions in the galaxy. Even in later
to warp the vessel's structural integrity. The starship's armor bonus
eras, the organization remains one of the best sources for new hyperspace
routes, particularly those in Wild Space and the Deep Core, and on the fringes is reduced by -5 until all persistent conditions are removed.
of the Unknown Regions. II-IS Starship nearly collides with a massive gas giant, corroding the
Purchasing astrogation data for traveling belween any two planets cosls ship's hull plating and causing the ship to takl:' an additional l0C!b
500 credits, This data is less than 1 week old for most destinations and less of its total hit points in damagl:'.
than 1 month old for destina tions in Wild Space or t he Deep Core. When
16-19 Starship flies through a superdens~ cluster of stars, the stress
available, data for the Unknown Regions is usually less than 1 ~ar old,
of which causes thl:' ship's hyptrdrive to burn up. Starship's
Hyperspace Hazard s hyperdrive is destroyed.
Traveling through hyperspace can be exceptionally dangerous. If a starship 20 R~ roll on the tabll:' above twice,
is disabled because of a poorly plotted hyperspace course (as described on
page 237 of the Sogo Edition core rulebook), the Gamemaster usually chooses COMMUNICA.TIONS
tile point at which the ship drops out of hyperspace al random. Gamemaslers All starships arl:' I:'quipped with basic systems that allow for communica-
looking for a mo re in-depth description of Ihl:' hypl:'fspace mishap can USI:' tion in rl:'alspace. Typically, stafship communications systl:'ms are limited to
thl:' tabll:' below to dl:' termine the exact result of a poorly plo\tl:'d coursl:'. contacting ships and planets within thl:' saml:' star systl:' m, although subspace
radios can reach distances of up to several light-years. Opl:'ning a channel
to a willing fl:'cipient is a simpll:' maltl:'r (covl:'red undl:'r thl:' nl:'w uses of the
US(' Computl:'r skill, pagl:' 19). Oncl:' a channel is opl:'n, Ihl:' ships can com-
MA~OR HYPER~ANEa municate freely. Soml:' starships, particularly capital ships, also boast vidl:'o
Although litl:'rally thousands of local and (I:'gional hypl:'rlanes I:'xiSI in and holographic communications systems that allow crewmembers on either
the galaxy, a fl:'w major hypl:'rlanes arl:' familiar to vi rtually all spacl:' vessl:'lto see one anothl:'r.
travell:'rs. Thl:'sl:' hyperlanl:'s (as wl:'l1 as soml:' notabll:' planl:'ts, Sl:'ctors,
and spurs on or ncar their palhs) arl:' givl:'n bl:'low. HoloNt't
Corelliln Run: Coruscant. Corl:'lIia, Nubia. Oenon, Rhommamool, The HoloNet is an instantaneous communication system that allows planets
Druckl:'nwell, Tatooine, Geonosis, Ryloth, Rothana. to stay in contact dl:'spitl:' the vast distancl:'s bl:'twel:'n systl:'ms. A HoloNI:'!
Corelliln Trlde Spine : Corl:'lIia, Duro. Devaron, Bestine, Yag'Ohul. transceiver transmits and receivl:'s information through hypl:'rspacl:', allowing
ISDn Trade Corridor (Bl:'spin, Hoth, Anoal. Ison). the communications 10 travel millions of times faster than the spl:'l:'d of light
Hydian Way: CorpOralI:' Sl:'ctor, Toprawa. Bandoml:'l:'r, Taris, Bogden. across vast distancl:'s. Countll:'SS hypl:'rwavl:' transceive rs (simpll:' satellites
Brl:'ntaal, Rendili. Denon, Malastarl:', Eriadl). equipPl:'d with a va riety of communications gear) are embl:'ddl:'d in hypers pace
Perlemiln Trade Route: Coruscant, Anaxes, Corulag, Brentaal. and transmit signals from one sidl:' of the galaxy to thl:' othl:'r. This network
Carida, Nat Shimor, Taanab, Kulthis, Rhl:'n Var, Vaynai, Mak~m k allows for instantaneous. Ihrl:'l:'-diml:'nsional holographic communication at
Quermia, virtually any distance, making il one of the primary means of communication
Rimma Trlde Route: Abregado-ral:', Fondor, Ghorman. Thyfl:'rra, for spacl:' fleets and plandary governments. During Ihl:' Clone Wa rs and t hl:'
Yag'Ohul. Vandl:'ihelm, Sullust. Eriadu, Sluis Van, Clak'OorVII, Coyn Route reign of the Empirl:', Ihl:' Holo Net is rl:'Sl:'rved for military use only. and nl:'W5
(E!rood Sl:'clor), Minos Clust~r, Katho l Sector. must be transmitted bl:'tween worlds by othl:'r means {such as subspacl:' radio
A8L.. 1-2: Ih~ normal use of th~ skill) rI!levant to thai plan~t, and it is possibl~ for a
SVSTB .... DAMAOB slicer to acc~ss other functions (Will Dtftnst 20, indiffer~nt).
1-10 No syst~m damage MAINTENANCE
11-15 Starship IJ(comeS 'used' 1m: sidebar. pagt 10) All starships r~qujre rtfu~ling, r~stocking. routin~ maint~nanc~, and a plact
16 CommuniC3tionslS(nsors d~tr¥d to dock whtr~ th~y can g~t th~st servicts.
Routine Ma intenance
Afttr twtn ty hyptrspact jumps. a starship nteds to
ttnanc~ .
und~rgo routin~ main-
Routine maint~nance includes a thorough check of tss~ntial ship
systtms (including tht backup hyp~rdriv~ and escape pods), ftplacingcoolant
and othtr ship fluids, and a compl~t~ sc rubbing of air filttrs and rtcycling
Binary, A METOSP provid~s star pilots with contact info rmation for spac~ systems. ROlltint maint~nanc~ costs tht same as about four days of futl (200
port con trol and oft~n includes information on landing patt~rns and spac~ credits for a ship of Colossa l or lesst r silt). If a ship dots not rtctive routint
traffic lanes. Most METOSPs are brief, and if mort information nt~ds to b~ maintenanCt afttr twtnty hyperspaCt jumps, roll twict whtn ch~cking for
communicated on a particular subj~ct, th~ METOSP will rd~r listen~rs to sys ttm damage (see below).
OthN broadcast chann~ls.
System Oamage
Planetary Information Channels Somt Gam~mast~rs might wish to introduce complications wh~n a sh ip
Most plan~ts also providt incoming spac~ traffic with basic computer com- is disab led from taking damag~. Whtn~v~r a starship is disabled by bting
munications chann~ls. These chan nels conn~c t the ship to planetary infor- reduc~d to 0 hit points. th~ ship has a chanc~ of sustaining syst~m damagt
mation n~tworks that provide eV~fything from communications dir~ctory requiring ~m~rg~ncy rtpairs, Roll d20 and rd~r to Tab l~ 1-2; if a system
assistanc~ to tou rism information and planetary maps. Plan~ta ry information is destroytd. it must b~ r~plactd (which can typically be done only at a
channels allow you to mak~ Us~ Computer checks to access information (per spaceport or dry dock).
As a genC'ral fule, talents app ly to starship-scalt combat in the same way Some talents might be ellceplions 10 the rules outlined above or otherwise
they apply to charac ter-scale combat. Guidelines on how to determine tine work in a unique way when used against a vehicle. These ta lents are dis-
of sight in starship scale and how specific talents function on that sca le cussed below.
arC' gi~en below.
No talents relating to melee combat afC' relevant at starship scale. Even if Jedi Talents
you ram or collide with an enemy ship. having melee-related taltots doesn't Adept Negotiator/Master Negotiator: You affec t the condition track of
give you any advantage. (You can of course use melee-related feats normally a specific cha racter (usua lly the vehicle's commander), not a starship.
if engaging in melee comba t at characttr scale' while' on a starship.) Rangtd Battle Me dit a tion : This affects all allied gunners within 6 squares at
talents thai add to damage' do so bdor( any multiplier from the \'Itapon is starship sca le.
applied. For C'~amp le. a TIE fighter pilol with We'apon Specialization (heavy Force Haze: You may use this talent to hide a single vehicle wllile you
weapons) firing his la~r cannons deals 4d10 .. 2x2 points of damage on a ar~ on board, The vehicle can't have a size penal ty to Ref lell Defense. Ini-
successful hit. tiative, or Pilot checks greater than your heroic level. Thus, a Gargantuan
Unless a talent specifica lly says it affects the hit point total or condition starship (size p~nalty of -5 ) can be hidden only by a charact~r of 5th level
track of starships, it doesn 't. Many such talents can still be used against or higher,
specific characters, such as enemy pilo ts, under the right circumstances Force In tui ti oo: You may usc this talent to determine the Initiative of a
(see below). slarship if you are the pilot.
Demand Surre nd n: Unlike other mind-affecting effec ts, you need
In many cases, talents work only on creatures able to see, hear, and under-
stand you, o r those to which you have line of sight. However, it is poss ibl e to on ly to hail a veh icle to demand surrender. You can demand su rrend e r •,
use communications equipment on board vehicles to meet these conditions, if of a vehic le that has been reduced to one-half or fewer of its hit points,
both sides involved are willing and have access to b<lsic communications gear. even if the crew is uninjured. You mak~ your check against the vehicle's
You can make a Use Computer check (see page 19) to be in communication
with a character so tong as you and a willing target have either two-way
commander; aU nonunique crews are assumed to have a Will Defense of
10. If the CL of the target vehicl~ is greater than your heroic level or the
video/holo communication or both two-way audio communication and IFF Cl of your vehicle, th e target gains a .. 5 bonus to its Will Defense. You
transponders using th e same -friend" encryption code, Of cou rse, you migh t can' t use thi s talen t to demand surrender from a vehicle that is more than
find yourself the victim of communications jamming, making it impossible one size larger than yours under any circumstances-Star Destroyers don't
to get through to other vessels. surrender to X-wings.
Unless otherwise noted, a talent's requirements can be satisfied under Rally: Unlike other mind-affecting talents. Rally affects both allied vt:hicles
the following circumstances. and characters with less than half their hit points. Thevt:hicle gains a .. 2 bonus
Target Must See. Hear, and Understand You (c om mande r or syste m to its Reflell Defense, all crewmembers gain a .. 2 bonus to their Will Defense
operator): This can be established by be in g in communication with the target so long as they a re on board, and all gunners ga in a .. 2 bonus on damage
or targets, but the target must still be able to lInderstand your language. with v~hicle weapons (before multiplier, if anyl, Any crew member who has
Mind-Affecting Effec t (c o mmand er or syste m ope rato r) : To use less tha n half its hit points also gains th~ normal benefits of this talent even
a mind-affecting dfect while 00 board a vehicle, you must be in com- if it leaves the vehicle, but note that the~ bonu~s do not stack.
munication with any target that is not on board the same vehicle. A Weake n Reso lve/Imp roved Weaken Resolve : Unl ike with other mind-
mind-affecting effect can affect only living targ e ts (such as the crew of affecting effects, you need only to hail a vehicle to weaken the crew's resolve.
a starship), not nonliving targets (such as the s tarship itse lf or a droid- When you deal damag e that equals o r exceeds a vehicle 's damage threshold,
operated vehicle). you may use this talent; in addition. you may ready an action to use this
line of Sig ht (c:o mm aoder. gunoer. or syst e m operator): If you are using talent after any gunner on your vehicle deals damage that equals or eKceeds
a talent that can target a starship, you are considered to hiM' line of sight so a vehicle's damage threshold. You make YOLlr check against the vehicle's
long as you are your vehicle's commander or systems operator and you have commander; all nonunique crews are assumed to have a Will Defense of 10.
line of sight between your vehicle and the target vehicle. In addition, you Th e effec t is aLltomatically negated if the target v~hicle's Challenge leve l is
have line of sight to any target with which you a re in communication. gr~ater than your heroic level or your vehic le'S Chall~nge level.
Scoundrel Tale nts NEW TAL.ENTS
Dasta rd ly Strike: This taltnt can be used only against characters. not The fo llowing new talents are particularly useful 10 characters involved in a
objects or vthicles. great deal of starship activity.
Fool's luck: If you usc this talent to granl yourself a luck bonus to your
defenses, Ihis bonus also applies to the defenses of any yehicle you arc on FORCE TA~ENTa
(even if you arc not the pilot). The follow ing new talent is intended for use by any charact~r who has Ihe
Skirmish er : You gain the benefits of th is talent with vehicle weapons Force Sensitivity feat.
only if you arc tht vehicle's pilot.
Stellar Warrior: This talent works with both vehicle weapon s and per- Sense Tale nt Tree
sonal weapon s used aboard a starship. The following new talent is inlended for use as a part of the Sense talent
Walk the Line: This talcon! has a range of 6 squares at starship scale. tree.
Force Reflexes: When activating a starship maneuv~r, you may spend a
Scout Ta lents Force Point 10 reroll your Pilot check, keeping the better result.
Acute Senses: This talent applies to Use Computer checks made to Se~ Chapter 2 for more information on starship maneuvers.
perceive enemy ships (see Starship Skil ls, page 18). Prerequisites: Force Sensitivity, Starship Tactics, Force Pilot.
Evasion/Uncanny Dodge: If you ar~ Ih~ pilol, Ihis talenl appli~ s 10 you r
vehicle. NCB~E TA~ENTB
n Hidden Mov~ment/ lm proved Stealth : Thest talenls apply to Stealth The following n~w talent is intended for use with the noble class.
I ch~cks made while piloting a starship (see Slarship Skills, page 18\.
lineage Talent Tree
,• Soldier Tal ents
Battl ~ Analysis: If you succe~d at oath a DC 15 Knowl~dge (tactics) check
The following talent is intended for use as a part of the Lineage talent
and a DC 15 Use Computer check, you may use this talent to determine what Engin ~e r : vou afe trained in the Mechanics skill. Additionally, when
vehicles are reduced to at least half their maximum hi t points. installing new systems inlO a vehicle, the efficiency of your designs reduces
Devastat ing Attack/Penetrating Attack/Weapon Specialization: If the lime it takes to instalilhe system by 25C!b.
you select heavy weapons as the weapon group thes~ lalents apply to, you Prerequisites: Educated, trained in the Knowledge (technology) skill.
may use the talents with vehicle weapon attacks.
Draw Fire/ Harm's Way: If you ar~ Ihe pilot of a vehicle, you may us~ SCOUNDRE~ TA~ENTS
this talent to protect allied vehicles. Vou may us~ it to protect vehicles no The following new talent tree is intended for use with the scoundrel class.
more than on~ size category larger than your own.
Indomitable : Th is talent does not affec t the condition track of a Outlaw Tech Talent Tree
vehicle. Scoundrels I~arn a variety of tricks that allow them to squeeze more life
out of ailin9 technology, enhancing their gear in ways the manufacturer
Bounty Hunter Tal ents nev~r intended.
Hu nter'S Mark: This talent can be ustd only against characters. not Fast Repairs: Whenevtr you jury-ri9 an object or vehicle, the vehicle
objects or vehicles. 9ains a number of temporary hit points equal to Ihe result of your M~chan
ics check. Oamage is subtracted from th~se temporary hit points first,
Gunslinger Talents and t~mporary hit points go away at the conclusion of th~ encoun t~r.
Debilitating Shot: This talent can be used on ly against characters, not Pr~requisifes : Trained in the Mechanics skill.
objects or vehicles. Hot Wi re: You can use your Mechanics check modifier instead of
your Us~ Computer check modifier when making Us~ Computer checks
to improve access to a computer system. You are considered trained
in the Use Computer skill for purposes of usin9 this talent. If you are
entitled to a Use Computer check reroll, you may rero ll your Mechanics
ch~ck inst~ad (subject to th~ sam~ circumstances and limitations). Wingman: As a swift action. you can make a OC 15 Pilot check to assist
fu~ql.lisires: Train~d in the Mechanics skill. any alli~d starfighler or airspeeder within 2 squares at sta rship scale. If you
Quick Fix : Once per encou nt~r, you may jury-rig an obj~ct or v~hicle that succ~~d. the pilot of that vehicle gains a +5 bonus on all opposed Pilot checks
is not disabled. All normal benefits and penalties for jury- rigging still app ly. r~lating to the dogfight action un til th ~ start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Trained in the Mechanics ski ll. Prertquisitts:Wisdom 13.
Personalized Modifications : As a standard action, you may tweak the
settings, grips, and mo .... ing parts of a powered weapon you wield, tailoring Gunner Tal ent Tree
it to your needs. For the remainder of the encounter, you gain a + 1 equip- The following talents arc intended for usc with the Gunner talent tree.
ment bonus on attack rolts and a +2 equipment bonus on damage rolls with Crip pling Hit: Whene .... er you make an attack that causts a .... ehicle to
that weapon. You can use this talent only on powered weapons (those that mo .... e -lor more steps down the condition track. you may also cause it to
r~quire a power cell to operate), including weapons connected 10 a larger lose one of the following systems: hypcrdri .... e. one weapon or weapon battery.
power source (such as .... ehicle and starship w~apons). or communications. The System remains inoperati .... e until the target regains
all steps on the condition track.
ACE PI~OT TA~ENTS Prtrtquisite: Expert Gunner. System Hit.
The follow in g new talents and the Squadron Lead~r tal ent t ree arc intended Great Shot: When firing a .... ehicle weapon. you treat tht distance to the
for usc with the ace pilot prestige class. ta rge t as though it were one range catego ry less than it actua lly is. For exam-
pl~. when targeting an enemy at short range, you treat it as though it were at
Expert Pilot Talent Tree point blank range for the pu rpose of determining bonuses or penalties. n
The following talents arc in tended for usc as a part of the Expert Pilot
talent tr~e.
Synchronized Fire: Once per encounter. you may ready to fire a single
weapon at the same target as an ally. and you coordinate with a single
Blind Spot: You can fly a .... ehicle you pilot so close to a target at least
two sizes larger than your ....ehicle that it is difficult for the target to avoid or
weapon of your ally. If both attacks hit. you add the damage of the Iwo
weapons together before applying the target's SR or OR. and treat it as a
attack you. You must be adjacent to the target (at starship scale) to use this single attack for purposes of exceeding the target's damage threshold.
talent. As a swift action, make an opposed Pilot check against the target. If Prertquisitt: Expert Gunner.
you succeed, you move into the same spac~ as your target. You move with '-=Tr'.
your target if it mo .... es (assuming your .... ehicle has sufficient speed to keep Squadron Leader Talent Tree
up). and you must make another opposed Pilot check each round as a swift
actio n to stay in its bli nd spot.
As long as you stay in the target"s blind spot. any attack you make against
the targel gains a +2 bonus. and the larget takes a -2 penalty on attacks
made against you.
Close Scrape: Whenever you are piloting a .... ehicle of Colossal size or
smaller. you may make a Pilot check as a reaction to turn a critical hit into a
You arc an expert at leading a sq uadron of sma ll er .... ehicles into combat as
a unit.
All talents in the Squadron Leader ta lent trte apply to other airspeeders.
starfighlers, and space transports in a squad you command. A squadron
includes any airspeed cr. surfighler. or space transport you pitot, plus a
maximum number of .... ehicles equal to your ace pilot class level plus your
Charisma modifier (minimum one other ship). Vehicles must be able to com-
normal hit. The OC for the Pilot check is equal to the attack roll total of the municate with you 10 gain the benefit of your Squadron Leader talents. and
critical hit. If you arc successful, the damage from the attack is not doubled you designate which .... ehicles arc in your squadron at the beginning of your
(though it is still considered an automatic hit). first turn as a free action.
Impro .... ed Attack Run: You do nol ha .... e 10 mo.... e in a straight line when Each squadron can benefit from the talents of only a single squadron
using the attack run action. I~ader. A squadron leader is normally designated when an encounter begins.
Ve hi cle Focus: Choose a single type of .... ehicle from the following list: but .... ehicles without a squadron leader can join a sq uadron as long as both
airspeeder. capital ship. space transport. speede r, starfighter. or walker. Whtn the .... ehicle and the squadron leader are wil ling, and the squad ron leader has
you arc the pi lot or gunner of tnat type of .... e~icle. you gain +2 to all attack not reached his maximum squadron size.
rolls with a .... ehicle weapon. and may take 10 on any Pilot checks made while Begin Attack Run: As a swift action, you designate a single target. When
piloting that type of .... ehicle. even when you arc otherwise unable to. using the attack run aclion against that target. 'n'hicles in your squadron
Prtrequisites: Wisdom 13. gain a +5 bonus on their attack rolls (instead of the normal +2). You may
ha .... e only one target designated at a time.
Preff!:Quisitf!::Charisma 13. the pilot of any single vehicle within line of sight (including a vehicle you are
Reg roup : Once pC'r tncount~r as a standard action, you can move aU commanding) an immediate move action.
vehicles in your squadron +1 step on their condition tracks. Legendary Commander: When you are the commander of a capital ship,
Prerequisite: Charisma 13. calculate its Reflex Defense I.Ising your heroic level ont:-half the ship's
Squadron Maneuve rs: ChoaR ont talent that you already possess. The armor bonus (rO l.l nd down), the pilot's heroic level, or the ship's armor bonus,
talcont you select must be from the Expert Pilot or Gunner talent trcC's. Once whichever is more. In addition, all gl.lnners on your ship add one-half your
per encounter as a standard action, you ciln impart the benefits of the chosen heroic level or one-half their heroic level, whichev~r is more, to damage rolls
lalcont to all members of your squadron. Once gained, its benefits last until with vehicle weapons. Finally, you treat any gent:ric crew as being one quality
the end of the encounter. level higher (maximl.lm of ace).
Prerequisite: Cl'lafisma 13, ilny other ace pilot talent. P(e(t:quisitt:s:Charisma 13, In tellig~nce 13, Born Leader.
Squ adron Tactics: Once: per encounter, when you use a starship
maneuver, you grant all ships in your squadron the ability to usC' the same'
maneuver once on their next turn. The pilot of each ship that chooses to
Severa l skills can be used in new ways in starsh ip-scale ~ncountt:rs. Anyon~
usc the maneuver must make any Pilot checks or attack rolls the maneuver
can at tempt these uses if fill ing the approp riate position on a starship (nor-
requires-your success or failure with th~ ma n ~uv~r has no b~afing on t h~
mally the pilot or systems operator).
success of oth~r units of your squadron.
Prert:quisil~:Charisma 13, Wisdom 13, any other ac~ pilot talt:nt, Squadron
n Maneu~ers, Starship Tactics.
If yol.l are the pilot of a vt:hicle, you can makt: Dec~ption checks to fe int or
create a diversion to hide. Add v~hicle's size modifier and D~xterity
modifier to Deception check, and take a -5 pt:nalty if you are not tra ined
,• The following new talent tree is intended for use with the officer prestige
in the Pilot skill. If you Sl.lccessfully feint against a target, it is considt:rt:d
fla t-footed against only your first attack, not those of any gunners on
@ Naval Officer Talent Tree
You are skilled at commanding starships and small fleets.
Combined Fire: As a swift action, you may designate a single creature,
Perception is considerably less effective at the greater distances inV{)lvt:d
vehicle, or object within your line of sight as the target of combined fire.
in starship-scale combat. As sl.lch. yol.l take a -5 penalty on your Perception
Any weapon batteries attacking that target deal an extra die of damage for
check for every square of rangt: (rather than for ('Very 10 squares).
('Very 2 points their attack roll exceeds the target's Reflex ~fense (instead
of every 3 points). In addition, when using the tactical fire option for a capital
ship (see ship descriptions in Chapter 4), you may designate a weapon or
If you arc tht: pilot, you can use Stealth to sneak in a starship jl.lst as yol.l do
weapon battery to make a single attack.
normally. Add your vehicle's size modifier (as d~tailed in the Stealth skill)
Fleet Deployment : As a full-round action, you can designate a nl.lmber of
and Dexterity modifier to your Stealth check, and take a -5 penalty if you
vehicles equal to your class level and within yOl.l r li ne of sight. Those vehicles
are not trained in the Pilot skill. The Stealth check result sets the DC of a
may immediately move a number of sql.lares eql.lal to their speed.
Use Computer check to locate yol.l with a vehicle's sensors or the Perception
Prt:rt:quisites: Charisma 13.
cht:ck to notice you with normal senses (norma lly impossible at starship
Fleet Tact ics: As a standard action, you may designate a sing le vehicle
scale, not when yol.l try to hide you r starship in a swamp or the back
as the targt:t of a large-scale assault. If you succeed on a DC 15 Kn owledge
of a hangar).
(tactics) cht:c k, all allied gunne rs wi thin li ne of sight deal I add itional die of
Normall y, you can make a Stea lth check in a vehicl~ only if you have con-
damage to the target with each succnsful ranged attack until the start of
ct:almen t or cover (for example. from asteroids, other sta rships, or even clouds next turn. This is a mind-affecting effect.
in the I.Ipper atmosphere). You can even attempt to hide agains t the hul l of
Prt:rt:quisites: Charisma 13, Fleet Deployment.
an enemy starship that is at least two sizes larger than your vt:hicle, provided
It's a Trap!: You afl~ skilled at sensing the plans of enemy naval officers
that yol.l makt: a Deception check to create a diversion to hide and you can
and counteracting them. Once per encounter as a reac tion, you can grant
reach the enemy starship with a single mo~e action. (Han Solo I.Ises this trick
to hide on tht: Star Oestroyer Avengt:r in Tilt: Empirt: Strik~s Bock.)
USE COMPUTER As a standard action, you can attempt to intercept communications
T~e following are some expanded applications of the Use Computer skill. between two other vehicles. If the other vehicles take no special precautions,
Ast rogate: (Trai ned Only) : As mentioned on page 42. a navicomputer this is a DC 20 Use Computer check: otherwise, the DC is set by the higher of
allows a c~aracter aboard a starshi p to make a Use Co mputer check to their Use Compu ter check res ul ts for secu ring comm un ica tio ns. Furthermore,
astrogate untrained. if the ot her vehicles are using encrypted communications sys tems (such as
Add itionally, you may choose to plot a hype rspace course more aggres- an encrypted comlink or IFF transponders with matching encryption codes),
sively than normal, reducing your travel time by increasing t~e chance of add 10 to the DC. If your check result fails by 10 or less when ~tlempting
romet~ing going wrong. For every 5 points by w~ic~ you increase t~e Use to interce pt enc rypted communications, you can identify what encryption
Computer check DC, you may reduce your travel time by I day: if t~is would protocols they are using. ("It might be an Im~rial code.")
reduce the travel time to less t~an 1 day. you instead reduce t~e rema ining Use Sensors : Using a ship's sensors involves making Use Computer checks
travel time by one-half. to a minimum of I hour. You must make the decision for much the same funct ions as the Perception skill is normally used. You
to increase t~e Use Computer check DC before making the check. Alterna- make a Use Computer check to use a ship's sensors to avoid surprise. notice
tively, you may gain a +5 circums tance bonus on your Use Computer c~eck targets, or search a ship's exterior for hidden weapons or compartments. On
if you voluntarily double the travel time. starsh ip-scale maps, your Use Compu ter check has a -5 penalty for ev~ry
Us e Communicat ions: As a swift action. you ca n make a DC 5 Use 10 squares between you and th e targe t, and yo u lake a -5 pena lt y o n your
Compute r c~eck to hail a vehicle (DC 0 if the other vehicle is using an chec k if attempt in g to detect a targ et t hat is powered down or ot h e rw is~
IFF transponder with the same encryp tion codes as yours); if wi lling, that not emitting an ene rgy sig nature. Obstacles, cloaking devices, jammers, and
vehicle's system operator can then open communications as a reaction. You sensor masks can also impose penalties. o
c~n also attempt to establish secure communications, but doing this requires
both system oper~tors to make a Use Computer check as a move action. The
In addition, you may attempt to learn more about a target by making a
Use Computer check (modified by range, as above). A DC 10 check resul t
greater of the two check results sets the DC for ~ny attempts to intercept identifies the size of a vehicle and determines whether it has shields active.
thei r communications. A DC 15 check resul t revea ls the exact make of the starship (if the observer
would recognize ii-alien ships are simply identified as being of unknown
manufacture) and the number of weapons it has (but not the exact type of
weapons). The first time a vehic le moves within 30 squares of yours. you
may make a Use Computer check as a react ion to iden tify it. Further efforts
requi re a move action.
Many feats designed primarily for character-scale combat still function in
vehicles. The training that makes an ace pilot a dangerous shooter in the
chaotic tumult of a dog figh t also serves him well during a running blaster-
fight with a squad of stormtroopers. The re levant feats from the Star Wors
Sago Edition core rulebook that apply to starship combat (and how to apply
them) are discussed below.
No feats relating to melee combat are relevant at starship scale. Even if
you ram Of collide with an enemy shi p. having melee-related feats doesn't
give you any advantage. (You can of cou rse use melee-re lated feats norm ally
if engaging in me lee combat at chara cter sca le wh il e on a starship.)
Ranged fea ts that add dice of damag e do so before any mu ltiplier from
the weapon is applied. For example, a TIE fighter pilo t using8urst Fire with
his laser cannons deals 7dl0x2 points of damage on a successful hit.
Burst Fire: Vehicle weapon s capable of autofire can be used with this
feat normaUy. Th is is, in fact, the only time autofire attacks are useful in
slarship-sca le combat.
C<lrefu l Shot/Oudeye: Pilots tan use these feats, but since they must When making modifications 10 starships, you nevtr treal Ihe work as if
spend at least ont move action operating the ir vehicles, they mllst split their though it were a nonstandard modification, even if it normally would be (sec
aim (two swift actions) and attack (standard action) into two separate turns, Nonstandard Modifications, page 39).
making it more likely that the target will break line of sight or otherwist Additionally, you can mak~ custom modifications to starships. Each of
avoid you. these modifications has a base cost of 5,000 cr~dilS (mul tipli~d by th~ star-
Coordinated Attack: You may use this fcoat to aid an ally's attack. You ship size cost modifier given on page 38) and requ ires a DC 25 M~chanics
can't use the aid another action to suppress a vcohiele, but you can supprC'ss check. On a fa iled check, the modification fa ils; you must sp~nd half again
an individual gunner (such as the lead gunnC'f for a single weapon battery). as much time and monty to make a strond atttmpt, and you gain a +2
You may use this feat even if you are using the aid anathtr action as a sensor bonus on your Mtchanics chtck for each atltmpl after the first. Installa-
operator using a Use Computer thed: or a commander using a Knowledge- tion of a custom modification normally takes one day per 5,000 credits of
(tactics) check. final cost.
Dodge: The pilot of a vthici(: may use Dodg~ to grant th~ vehicle a Th ~ same system can be customiztd multiple timts, but doing so becomes
+1 dodge bonus against a single oppon~nt (wh~th~r a v~hicl~ or a singl~ incrtasingly difficult and txpensiv~. For ev~ry previous custom modification
character). on a given systtm, increast Ihe DC by Sand the bas~ cost by 10,000 cr~dits.
Double Attack/Triple Attack: If you take th~s~ f~ats with h~avy w~ap No system can be customized more than three tim~s. Multiplt benefits from
ons, they work normally with vehicle weapons. successive customizations stack.
Dual Weapon Mastery: V~h icl e weapons cannot b~ us~d in on~ hand, so Typical customizations arc described b~ l ow. Th~ Gamemasttr may allow
n none of the Dual Weapon Mastery feats apply in vehicl~ combat. other modifications.
I Far Shot/Point Blank Shot/Rapid Shot: This feat works normally with Add Emplactmtnr: You add 1 unused emplacement point to a sta rship.
;• vehicle w~apons. However, if you arc using a missile or a torpedo and you Improve Hull: You add a number of hit points to a starship equal to 1/2
•• miss with your attack roll, th~ proj~ctile do~s not gain the bendit of this
f~at for th~ second attack roll.
its Strength score (rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10).
Impro~ Hyperdri~:You can reengineer a hyperdrive to improve its class
Improv~d Ddensu: This feat docs not apply to th~ d~f~nsts of a vehicle, by I step (x2 to xl, x l to x.75, and so on). The hyptrdrive obeys all tht
even if you arc piloting or commanding il. This is on~ r~ason many pilots r~strictions of its n~w class. (Tliis is the primary way that class.75 and class
prder the Dodg~ feat to Improved Defenses. .5 hyperdrives come into existence.)
Triple ent: It's possibl~, to take Triple Crit with a s~cific vthicl~ w~apon. Impro~ Shields: The SR of th~ shields is increastd by 5.
Weapon Focus: If you t ak~ this feat with heavy w~apons. it works nor- Improve Weapons: You can grant on~ wtapon a .. 1 equipment bonus on
mally with vehicle weapons. attack rolls.
Sec Chapter 3 for more information on designing and modifying starships.
The following f~ats ar~ particularly useful for characters regularly involved Starship Tactics
in starship-r~lat~d ~ncounters. You arc trained to make use of starship maneuvers and arc skilled at space
Starship Designer Prerequisites: Vehicular Combat, trained in the Pilot skill.
You arc trained to design (and redesign) starships. Benefit: You add to your starship maneuve r suite a number of starship
Pr~ r~qui s ites: Tech Specialist, trained in th~ Mechanics skill. maneuvers ~qua l 10 1 + your Wisdom mod ifier (minimum of ant). You can
Benefit : You can des ig n a starship from scratch. Doing so takes a mini- add the same maneuve r more th an once.
mum of 30 days and a DC 25 Mechanics check, adding 1 to the DC and 1 Spe<:ial: You can t a~e this fea t mor~ than onc~. Each t im~ you tak~ this
® day to the t ime for every addit iona l 100,000 credits of the design's final cost feat. you add to your starship maneuver suite a number of new maneuvers
beyond the first 100,000 credits (even a genius starship designer can spend equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one) .
years working out the blueprin ts for a Star Destroyer). Other cha racters If your Wisdom modifier permanently increas~s, you imm~dia t ely gain a
trained in the Mechanics skill may usc the aid anothe r action to assist your number of starship maneuvers eq ua l to the number of Stars hip Tactics feats
Mechanics check: if any assisting character also has the Starship Designer you have taken.
feat, divid~ the starship's cost by the number of characters who have this feat Ste Chapter 2 for more information on starship mantuvers.
(including the primary d~sign~r) wh~n det~rmining the time required.
You ar~a mast~r at using mullipl~ slarship lactics ov~r th~ cours~ of long Agile Armor Tht armor's maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 1.
spac~ combats.
FOI'tifying Armor TM: armor's tquipmtnt bonus to Fortitude Deftns~
Prerequisites: Slarship Taclics, Vehicular Combat, trained in Ih~ Pilol
incfeastS by I.
Bendi t : You r~gain all spent starship man~uv~(s at th~ ~nd of any round Protective Armor The armor's armor bonus to Rdlex Defenst increases
in which you (011 a natural 20 on an anack roll. by\.
Normal: Only a natural 20 roll~d on a Pilot ch~ck to aclivat~ a starship
man~uv~r r~slor~s aU slarship mantuv~rs.
S~~ Chapt~r 2 for more information on starship maneuvtrs. Enhanced Strength Increase the device's Strength score by 2.
Impfov~d Durability The device's damage r~duction increasts by 1, and
Tech Special ist it gains extra hit points equal to one-quarter of its
You can make custom modifications to armor, weapons, vehicles, droids, maximum hit points.
and d~vices.
Mastercrart Device Skill checks made using the device gain a +1
Pr~ r~q u is it t: Trained in th~ M~chanic5 ski ll .
B~n~fit : You can modify a d~vic~, su it of armor, weapon, droid, or v~hicl ~
tquipmen t bonus, or th( d~vice's existing equipment
so that it gains a sp~cial trait. Sp~cific traits are giv~n on th~ t abl~ b~low. You bonus increases by 1.
may p~rform only on~ modification at a tjm~. Unl~ss no t ~d oth~rwis~, you DRo m TRAIT BENEFIT n
cannOI gral"lt more than one btndit to a singl~ d~vic~, suit of armor, weapon.
droid, or v~hid~, and you cannot apply th~ sam~ b~m:fit more thal"l once. Enhanced Dexterity Increase the droid's Dexterity score by 2. ,><
Bdor~ b~gil"ll"lil"lg tht modificatiol"l, you must pay ol"le-t~nth the cost of
th~ d~vic~, suit of armor, wtapon, droid, or v~hicl~ you wish to modify or
Enhanced Intelligence Increase the draid's Intelligence score by 2. ,•
Enhanced Strength Incrust the droid's Strength score by 2.
1,000 cr~dils, wtlichever is more. Compl~ling th~ modification requirts 1 day
per 1,000 cr~dits of the modification's cost. AI th~ end of this time, make a
OC 20 M~ctlanics ch~ck: you can'llak~ 10 or tak~ 20 on ttlis check. If ttl~ Enhanced Dtxterity Increast the vehiele's Duterity score by 2.
ctl~ck s ucct~ds, ttl~ modification is compl~ted succ~ssfully, and Ih~ obj~ct Improved Speed IncfeastS the vthiele's spttd by ont-quarter of its
gains th~ d~sir~d trait. If Ih~ ch~ck fails, you los~ all cr~d ils sp~nt making bast speed (minimum 1 square).
tht modificalion, and th~ object doesn't gain th~ d~sir~d trait. How~v~r, you Improvtd Shields Incrtasts the vthicle's shield rating by 5.
may Slart ov~r if you wish.
Oth~r charact~rs trained in the M~chanics skill can assist you, r~du cing WEAPON TRAIT BENEFIT
proportionat~ly ItI~ time needed to complet~ the modification. At the end ImprOvtd Accuracy The weapon gains a +1 equipment bonus on attack
of the modification process, they can make a Mechanics check to aid your rolls.
Improvtd Damage The weapon deals +2 points of damage with a
The market val ue of a modifi~d item is equal 10 ttle base cost of the item
+ doubl~ the cost of the modifications mad~ to it (not induding credits successful hit. If the weapon has a damage multiplier
wasl~d on failed modification attempts). (for example, 6dtOx2), apply the extra damage
Special: Nobles and scou ndrels may take this fea l as a bonus feal. before applying the multiplier.
S~lective Fire An autofire-only r ang~d weapon can be set to fir~
single shots, or a single-shot ranged weapon can be
made to have an autofire mod~. (Not allowed for
weapons that have a burst radius or splash radius.)
USING STARSHIP MANEUVERS Gunner: A maneuve r that has the [gunner] descriptor does not require
When your characl~r uses a starship maneuver, ma ke a Pilot ched. The check you to be the pilot of t he ship in order to activate the maneuver. Any gunner
result dete rm ines the starship maneuver's result. maneuvers may be activated either by the pilot (using pilot-conlrolled weap-
Most maneuvers have varying degrees of success, but some (induding ons) or by a character serving as a gunner aboard a slarship or airspeeder.
all maneu ve rs wit h t he [attack patttm] descriptor) have an all-or-nothing
dfect. For thost with multitiered effects, your check result determines Ihe
maximum effect you can achieve, though you can also choose a lesser effect.
If your check is too low to activate Ihe starship maneuver's most basic effect, DESCRIPTIONS
noth ing happens, the starship maneuver is spent, and the action is wasted. The following starship ma neuvers are available to any cha racter who has
Your Starship Maneuver Suite : Your character's starship maneuvers th~ Starship Tactics feat (sec page 20). Each Force power includes the fol-
collectively form a suitt'. When you r character uses a starsh ip man ~uver, that lowing information:
maneuver is spent and is no longer available fo r use by your charact~ r until
it is recovered. You may have mu ltiple uses of th~ same sta rship maneuver Starship Maneuver Name [descriptor]
in your suite. If a starship maneuver has a descriptor, it appea rs in square brackets after
Regaining Slarship Maneuvers: You have different ways to regain spent the slarship mane uver's name. The name of the starship maneu~er is followed
starship maneuvers, making them available for use once more. by a brief description of the starship maneuver's effect. Time: The type of
When a starship combat sequence is over and you have a chance to rest actio n needed to use or activate the starship maneuver. Target : The target
I, for 1 minute, you regain all starship combat maneuvers.
If you roll a natural 20 on a Pilot check to activate a sta rsh ip maneuver
or targets affected by the starship maneu~er.
Make a Pilot check OR Ma ke an attack ro ll. The results of the Pilot
(but not for any other uses of the Pilot skill). you regain all spent starship
maneuvers at the ~ n d of your turn.
check or attack roll are described here.
Special: Some starship ma neuvers have specia l rules, which are covered
You can sp~nd a Force Point as a reaction and immediately I ~gain on ~ he re.
spent starship man~ u ve r.
Som~ unique abiliti~s allow you to regain sp~nt starship maneuvers in Ackbar Slash
other ways. A sta rship tactic made famous by the Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar, the
Ackbarslosh involves a ship movi ng into the midst of enemy forces in order
MANEUVER DESCRIPTORS to cause an opponent to st rike its own allies. Time: Reaction. Target : One
Some starship maneuvers fall into special categories that affect how they adjacent opponent.
are used and who ca n use them. The fo llowing descriptors are applied to any Make a Pilot check. When you are the target of an attack made by an
relevant starship maneuve rs mentioned in this chapter: adjacent opponent that misses, you may activate this maneuver. The results
Attack Pattern : Maneuvers t hat have the [attack pattern! descrip tor of the Pilot check are as follows:
represent formations and flying patterns that form an overall starship combat DC 20: The missed attack is instead redirec ted to a different adjacent
strategy. An attack pattern maneuver diffe rs from other maneuvers in that, opponent of your choice. Compare the original attack roll to the Refle x
once activated, its effects last until the end of the encounter. Additionally, Defense of the n~w target; if the attack roll exceeds the targel's Refle x
you may gain the benefit from only one attac k pattern maneuver at a time, Defense, resolve damage as norma l.
and if you activate an attack pattern maneuver while already gaining the DC 25: As DC 20. but add a +1 circumstance bonus to the redirected
benefits of another, the second maneuver replaces t he effects of the first. attack ro ll.
Dogfight: Maneuvers that have the [dogfight! descriptor represent DC 30: As DC 20, but add a +2 circumstance bonus to the redirected
tactics and actions tha t apply only in close combat situations. A dogf ight attack ro ll.
maneuver may be activated only while your ship is engaged in a dogfight DC 35: As DC 20. but add a +5 circumstance bonus to the redi rected
with another starship or group of starships. attack ro ll .
Force : A maneuver that has the [Forcel descriptor is one that relies on Special: The new target of the redirec ted attack may not in turn use the
the u s~ r's connection to the Force for its benefit. Only characters who arc Ackbarslosh maneuver to re di rec t tha t attack.
trained in the Use the Force skill may make use of Force maneuvers, and
ac tiva ting a Force man~uver is considered us ing t h~ Force.
This maneuver allows a pilot to throttle up and blast past ent'm ies, to avoid YOUR OAME
becom ing entangled in dogfights. Ti me : Ful l ~round action. Target : You. Adding the starship maneuvers system to your game can greatly change
Make a Pil ot check. The resu lt of th e Pi lot check determines the effect, it, so Gamemasters should feel fre e to allow or disallow this system as
if any: fits their campaign. Taking the Starship Tactics feat consumes a valuable
DC 15: You immediately take th e all-ou t movement action as a fre e action. feat slot, and players should likely do so only if the campaign features
Add itiona lly, during this action you gain a + 1 maneuver bonus on all Pi lot a good amount of space or airspeeder combat. A good rule of thumb is
checks made to resist another pi lot initiating a dogfight. that if the player won't have a chance to use any of these maneuvers
DC 20: As DC 15, e)(cept the maneuver bonus on Pilot checks increases at least once per adventure, th e Gamemaster should seriously consider
to +2. whether to allow the maneuvers system in the game.
DC 25: As DC 15, except the maneuver bonus on Pilot checks increases
to +5.
DC 30: As DC 15, e)(cept the maneuver bonus on Pilot ch ecks increases Attack Pattern Delta [attack pattern]
to +10. This attack pattern uti lizes c l ose~range maneuvering by alli ed ships to make
it more difficult to targ et and hit an individual vessel. Th e attack pattern
Angl e Defl ector Shield s [attack pattern] typical ly requires th e vessels to f ly in a straight line toward th eir target,
This attack pattern focuses deflector shi elds in a particu lar direction, making shi elding th e ships to th e rear. Tim e: Swift action. Target : You.
M ake a Pilot check. If you succeed on a DC 20 Pilot check. you success~ n
it easier to absorb incoming attacks coming from a certain ang le. Ti me: Swift
action. Targ et : You (and special; see text). ful ly ac tivate this maneuver. Wh ile you are using attack pattern delta as your ,
if any: You may change the target of this attack pattern as a swift action.
DC 15: If you successful ly damage the target of th is maneuver this turn, Special: You may choose to deactivat ~ this attack patt~rn with a swift
compare your attack ro ll to the target's Fortitude Defense. If your attack action. The maneuver remains spent if you do so.
roll exceeds the target's Fort itude Defense. the targe t moves - 1 step down
the condition track.
DC 20: As DC 15. except you gain a +1 ma neuver bonus on your attack
DC 25: As DC 15. except you gain a +2 maneuver bonus on your attack
DC 30: As DC IS, except you gain a +5 mane uver bonus on your attack
ro ll.
This maneuver allows a ship to fire th rusters and intercept a passing target,
engaging it in a dogfight. Time: Reaction. Target: You.
Make a Pilot check. If an enemy starfigh ter or airspeede r moves into
a square up to 2 squa res away from you. you may activa te t his man~uv~r
Segnor's Loop
This maneuver allows a pilot to acetlc-rale quickly away from an opponent
bdor( returning to make an attack. Time : Rtaction. Ta rget: One targel
within weapons range.
Make a Pilot check. If you end your turn farther away from your target
than when your lurn began, you may activate this manC'uver as a reaction
to make an immediate attack run against thilt target. The result of your
Pilot check determinu the penalty to your Reflex Defense imposed by the
attack run:
DC 20: The attack run imposes a -10 penalty to Reflex Defense instead
of the normal -2.
DC 25: The attack nm imposes a -5 penalty to Refit::>: Odells!! instead
of the normal -2.
DC 30: The attack ru n imposes the no rma l - 2 penalty to Reflex
DC 35: The attack nm imposes a -1 p~nalty to R~flt;( O~f~ns~ inst~ad
of th~ norma l -2.
n Make' a Pilot che'ck. You may move' up to twic~ your sp~~d, passing
I through the' targ~t's fighting space before ending you r turn in an unoc-
Shield Hit [gunner)
; This man~uv~r allows you 10 larg~t an oppon~nt's shi~ld g~n~rators, r~ducing cupied square, When you ~nl~r the target's fighting space', you atte'mpl 10
•• th~ir eff~ctiv~n~ss with a sucr~ssful hit. Tim~: Standard action. Targ~t : A
dip below the target's shields, allowing you to make a single ve'hide weapon
attack against the Urge't that ignor~s the' large't's SR. You take a penalty
singl~ v~hicl~ within w~apons rang~.
Mak~ an attack roll. If your attack roll ~)(c~~ds th~ targ~t's Refl~)(
on your attack roll while making this attack, de'lermin~d by the resuit of
your Pilot check:
Oef~ns~, you d~al normal w~apon damag~ to I h~ larg~t (r~duc~d by DR and
DC 20: Vou take a -10 pe'nalty on your attack roll.
SR as normal), Additionally, th~ targ~t has its shi~lds r~duc~d in pow~r by
DC 25: You take a -5 pe'nalty on your attack roll.
th~ attack. Th~ amount by which th~ targ~t's SR is r~duc~d d~ptnds on th~
DC 30: Vou take a -2 pe'nalty on your attack roll.
result of your attack roll:
DC 35: You take' a -1 ptnalty on your attack roll.
Exc~fils Target's Rdl~)( (kf~nR byO-4: Targ~t's SR is r~duc~d by 5. An
~ngin~~r aboard th~ targ~t ship may us~ th~ r~charg~ shields action to r~stor~
Special: If your Pilol eh~ck result to activate' skim the' wrface' is 19 or
th~ loss 10 shi~ld raling as normal.
lowe'r, you collide with Ihe' large'l ve'hicle'. You may not atte'mpt to avoid the'
collision, but the' targe'l may do so if it wishe's.
Excuds Tor9~t's R~fltx Drfrnsr by 5-9: As above r~sult, ~)(C~pt Ih~ ship's
SR is reduced by 10. Any gunne'rs aboard a ship using skim the surfou that has re'adied an
Excuds Target's Rrflrx Ddrnsr by 10 or more: As abovr r~sult, e xc~pt
action to attack during the' mane'uve'r may take' the'ir attacks whe'n the pilot
the ship's SR is reduc~d by 15. doe'S. Such attacks ignore' SR and take' the same pe'nalties on the attack
Special: The damage from your attack is r~duc~d normally by the larget's roll as the' pilot does. A gunner who r~adie's an action to attack in this way
DR and SR; apply the effect of shi~Jd hit after resolving damage. If your move'S his or he'r place' in the' init iative' order to immediately before' the'
pilot's, as normal.
damage ex c~~ds the SR of the t a rg ~l's shi~lds, its SR is reduced by 5 in
addition to any ~ffec t from this maneuver.
Sky wa lker Loop [dog fight]
Skim the Surface This maneu~~r allows a pilot to loop a vehicle th rough the same location il
This mane'uver allows a starship to g~t down b~ne'ath a la rger ship's shields, just left, launching a surpris~ attack on an unsuspecting oppone'nt. Time' :
dealing damag~ Ihat bypasses shie'lds and dir~ctly impacts on th~ hull. Time' : Reaction, Targe't: On~ ta rge' t engag~d in a dogfight with you.
Full- round aclion. Targ~t: One starship or spac~ sta tion of Colossal (frigatr) Make a Pilot check, If you are' engag~d in a dogfight and an oppon~nt
or larger in size' whos~ fighting space you fly through. fails his oppose'd Pilot check to mak~ an attack against you, you may activate'
this man~uver with a DC 20 Pilot che'ck as a re'action. If succe'ssful, you may
make' an attack of opportunity against thai opponent.
Snap Roll BT.... RSHIP M .... NEUVERS .... ND
This manC'uvC'r lC'ts a pilot pC'C'1 his or hC'r vehicle away from ilscurrC'nt location CREW QU .... LITY
with incrC'diblC' spC'ed, causing attackers to firC' at whC'rC' it was just moments Though the generic crews aboard starships do not come with any stock
ago. Time: RC'action. Target : You. maneuvers, Gamemasters who allow the use of thC' maneuvers s'(5tem
MakC' a Pilot check. Your Pilot check rC'solt replaces your Rdlex OC'fC'nse may wish to allow generic crews to make usc' of some maneuvers in
until the start of your next turn. If your Pilot chC'ck rC'wit is 10wC'r than combat. Use the guidelines below to determinC' the feats and maneu-
your normal Reflex Defense, you may choose to retain your normal ReflC'x vers (of any typd available to a generic crew. If a giv~n vehicle has any
OefC'nse. weapons not operated by the pilot. it may also gain additional gunner
SpC'cial : You use this maneuVe'r as a reaction to an incoming attack; whC'n maneuvers (given in parentheSC's):
you do so, you make your Pilot check and rC'place your Rdlex OefC'nse before
• Untrained or Normal : NonC'.
thC' rC'sult of that attack is rC'solvC'd. Vou must declare that you arC' using this
• Skilled : Vehicular Combat, 1 manC'uver (+ 1 gunner manC'uver).
manC'UVC'f bdorC' thC' attack is resolvC'd and damagC' is rollC'd.
• Expert : Vehicular Combat, 2 man~uvC'rs (+2 gunner maneuvers).
• Ace : Vehicular Combat, 4 maneuvers (+4 gunner maneuvers).
Strike Formation [attack pattern]
Pilots who use a strike formotion attack pattern devote th emselves to over-
The table below lists some of the most common maneuvers for starships
whelm ing an enemy with damage ra ther than concerning themselvC's with
that fill certain rolC's. When a Gamemaster wishes to add the maneuver
their own deftnse. Time: Swift action. Targ C' t : You.
system to a generic starship's repertoire, h~ need only consult the table n
Make a Pilot check. If you succeC'd on a DC 20 Pilot check, you activate I
below, detC'rmine the rele~ant maneuvers for that starship's rate, and
this maneuver. Whi lC' you are using strikC' formation as your chosC'n attack
pattern, you add + 1 die of damagC' as a manC'uver bonus on all damage
then choosC' a number of maneuvers from that list based on the crew's 1•<
quality. (Gunner maneuvers are marked with an asterisk.)
rolls madC' with wC'apons aboard your ship, but takC' a -2 penalty to ReflC'x
DC'fC'nsC' as wC' 11.
SpC'cial: You may choose to dC'activatC' thi s attack pattC'rn at any time STARSHIP ROLE SUGGESTED MANEUVERS
with a swift action, ThC' manC'uVe'r rC'mains spC'nt if you do so. BombC'r angle defltctor shi~lds, attack pattern d~ltfJ,
dC'VOstating hit', ~1'QSi~ action, eICplO"Sivt shot',
Tallon Ro ll [dogfight] IMrwhe/ming D5soulr, Segnor's loop. shield hit', skim
This manC'uvC'r allows a pursuing starfightC'r to stay with a manC'uvC'ring the surfoce, striu fOlfJlation
opponC'nt C"VC'n when ilS target is attempting to C'SCapco. Tim C': RC'action.
SUpC'riority aUfJck pattern delta, a/tack formation uta nine,
Targ C'l: One targC't C'ngagC'd in a dogfight with you.
MakC' a Pilot check. WhC'nC'vC'r you are C'ngaged in a dogfight and onC' of COfC'lIion slip, Darklighlerspin, how/runner formation,
your opponents attC'mpts to disengage from that dogfight, you may activate I ha~ you now, shi~/d hit', Skywalker loop
this maneuver as a reaction. The result of your Pilot chC'ck dC'tC'rminC's the Interceptor Adbarslash, afterburn, Carel/ian slip, counter,
effect of this maneuver: OfJrlc/ightC'rspin, I ha~ you now, intercept, Skywa/ker
De20: If thC' targC't fails to disC'ngag C', you may make an attack of oppor- loop, snap roll, Tallon roll, target lad, thruster hit'
tunity against thC' targC't.
DC 25: As DC 20, except thC' target takC's a -1 penalty on its opposed Scout arterburn, attack formation zeta nine, counter, C'nginC'
Pilot check to disengage. hit', evasi\/( action, snap roll, Wotan weave
DC 30: As DC 25, except the penal ty is -2. Shuttle/Transport Adbar slash, angle deflector shi~/ds, engine hit',
DC 35: As DC 25, e ~cC' pt the penalty is -5. evasi\/( action, shield hit', thruster hit', Wotan wea\/(
SpC'cial: You use this maneuver as a reaction to an opponent attempt-
ing to disC'ngagC' from a dogfight; you must dC'clare that you are using this
manC'uvC'r after the opponent declares the attempt but before the opposed
Pilot cheCK taKes place.
Target l ock [dogfight] Exceeds Torget's Refll"x Defl"nse by 0-4: Targl"t takes a -\ pI"nalty to
This maneuver allows a pilot to focus on a single target, lining up a shot with Reflu Defense, Initiative checks, and Pilot checks for the remainder of the
careful precision. Time : Standard action. Target: One target with which you encounter.
are engaged in a dogfight. Excl"eds Target's RI"f/ex Defense by 5-9: As above, e~cept t hl" penalty
Make a Pilot check. The result of the Pilot check determinn the effect, is -2.
if any: Excl"I"ds Torgl"I's RI"fll"x Ol"fl"nsl" by 10 Of mOfl": As abovl", e)lcl"pt thl"
DC 15: When attempting to attack the target ill a dogfight, you gain a penalty is -5 and thl" targl"t can movl" only in a straight linl".
+1 maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks and attack rolls.
DC 20; As DC IS, except the maneuver bonus on opposed Pilot checks Wotan Weave
increases to +2. This maneuvl"r allows the ship to fly in a corkscrl"w, moving fo rward as normal
DC 25: As DC IS, e)lcept the maneuver bonuses on opposed Pilot checks but making thl" ship difficult to hit. Timl" : Swift ac tion. Targl"l : You.
and attack rolls increase 10 +2. Make a Pilot check. When you fight dl"fensivl"'y or use thl" total ddense
DC 30: M DC IS, e)lcept the maneuver bonus on oppOS(d Pilot checks action, you may make a Pilot check as a swift actioll ill the same turn to
increases to +5 and the maneuver bonus on attack rolls increasn to +2. improve your Reflc)l ol"fenSl" at the c)lpense of lost speed. The result of the
DC 35: As DC IS, ucept the maneuver bonuses on opposed Pilot checks Pilot chl"ck dl"termines the dfect, if any:
and attack rolls increase to +5. DC IS: You, vehicll"'s speed is reduced by one-half (round down), but you
Special: If the target of this maneuver successfully disengages from the gain an additional + I manl"uvl"r bonus to your vehicle's Refle)l Defense until
dogfight, the benefit of this maneuver is lost, even if you initiate a dogfight the start of your ne_t turn.
with that target again. DC 20: As DC IS, I"_Cl"pt the maneuver bonus is +2.
DC 25: As DC 15, I")lcept thl" manl"uvl"r bonus is +5.
Targ et Sense [Force] Spl"cial: If the Wotan wI"ove would reducl" your vl"hiele's spl"I"d to 0
This maneuver allows a Force-sensitive pilot 10 target opponents without the squares, you automa tica lly fail to activate this maneuve r.
usc of a vehicle's targeting computer. Time: Swift ac tion. Target : You.
Make a Use the Force check. When you ac tivate this maneuver, it
allows you to use your Charisma bonus on your attack rolls made in this
round. This replacl"S the vehiclc"s Intelligence bonus on attack rolls made ENCOUNTERS
with the vehicll"·s weapons. Your Use the Force check dl"termines the bonus INTERESTINO
this maneuver grants: Many Gamemasters avoid starship-basl"d encounters for fear of boring
DC 20: You may add your Charisma bonus on all attack rolls madl" until (or oVl"rwhl"lming) soml" of thl"ir players. Thl" fact is that starship combat
thl" start of your nut turn. works much thl" saml" way as charactl"r-scall" combat, and it can be just
DC 25: As DC 20, ucept you gain an additional +2 maneUVl"r bonus on as uciting. NI"ithl"r thl" plaYl"rs nor thl" Gaml"master nl"I"d to spl"cialize ill
your attack rolls. starship rull"s to add a fl"w starfightl"r combat I"ncountl"rs to a campaign,
DC 30; As DC 20, e)lcept you gain an additional +5 maneuvl"r bonus on bu t players who wan t to focus thei r charactl"rs on bl"ing aC I" pilots havl"
your attacks rolls. plenty of ways to become morl" adept than a typical character trained in
Special: The bonus on attack rolls provided by this maneuver stacks with the Pilot skill.
the bonus provided by the bottle strike Force power. For the Gamemaster, the kl"Y to starship-scale combat is tailoring
encounters to fit the differl"nt roles of the heroes. A group Ihat includes
Thruster Hit [gunner] four ace pilot cnaractl"rs is going to be marl" interested in dogfigh ts and
This maneuver allows you to targe t an opponenfs man l" uvering thrusters, skirmishes with nume ro us smaller craft, whi le a group using a singll" light
reducing thl" maneuvl"rability they provide to a ship. Timl": Rcaction. Targl"t : freightl" ' most likely I")lpects fights to involve thl" whole crl"w working
One vehicle that you just attackl"d. togethl"r against whatl"vl"r fOl" threatens them. Although irs a good idea to
Makl" an attack roll. If you dl"al damagl" to a Vl"hicll" with a critical hit or takl" thl" players out of tnl"ir comfort zonl" at times, dOll't OVl"rdo it: Any fl"at,
dl"al damage to a vl"hicll" that is I"qual to or grl"atl"r than its damagl" thrl"shold, talent, or starship manl"uvI" r takl"n to support a particular Iypl" of I"ncountl"r
you may activate this manl"uver as a rl"action. Compare thl" rl"sult of your is ·wastl"d" if thosl" encountl"rs don't show up at lI"ast occasionally.
attack ro ll to thl" target's Rdl e ~ Defensl" to determinl" the effect, if any:
Combine:d Encounters Although thaI much ac lion looks great on a movie screen, it can bog down
There's no requirement th(lt an encounter deal only with starships. Often, a roleplaying game.
having an encounte r combine starship-scale and characte r-scale elements Irlstead, try to keep each encoun ter down to a size at which the heroes.
crea tes a more interest in g result. While the heroes most in teres ted in stars hip their nearby allies. and a few notewort hy enemies are th e main foc us. If an
act ivit ies are dealing with attacking raiders or flying th rough an asteroid adverl ture calls for a ma ssive sta r battl~ with the Rebellion t rying to defeat
fie ld, other characters migh t have to deal with more typical cha racte r- level a squadron of Star Dest royers before they carl jump to hyperspace, don't try
threats. Since the initiative system is capable of keeping track of bo th starship to run the whole fight. Tell the playe rs th(lt the heroes are assigned to stop
scale and character scale at once, there's no reason an encounter can't have one of the Star Destroyers, and run only that part of the battle.
TIE fighters, X-wings, stormtroopers, and Rebel commandos all in act io n at
the same lime. Although range is differenl in starship scale and characler HANDLINO LAROE BATTLES
scale, Ihe time frame is the s.ame for bolh. Even when you follow the advice above, there are still limes when you'll wanl
There are two basic ways 10 create combined encounters: split-screen to have a la rge number of opponents in a single battle. AI such times, use
encounters, and character-scale encounters on board starsh ips that are the lips in this section to keep large battles running smoothly.
already engaged in space combat. The split-screen method assumes that Wea pon Batteries: C(lpital ships should use weapon batteries to keep
action is taking place at di fferent locations and di fferen t scales at the same things moving along- no one warlts to make attack ro lls for the dozens
time. The end of Return of the Jedi is a perfect e)(ample of this: luke fi ghts of weapo ns o n a Star Destroyer. There are IwO ways you can usc weapo n
Vade r on the Deat h Star while la ndo fights a few TIE fighte rs inside the batteries:
station's su perstruCtlJre. Admiral Ackbar engages in fleet combat, and Han. Norrow Solvo: This method. the default use of a weapon battery (as
leia, and Chewbacca battle storm troopers around the Imper ial deflector described on page 170 of the Sogo Edition core rulebookl. is ide(ll for capital
shield station. ships that are attacking other capilal ships and space stations bec(luse it
Encounters on slarships engaged in combat work the s.ame way, except brackets the t(lrget while concentrating fire, dealing significant damage 10 ,•
the two scales can more directly affect one anot~r. If pirates have boarded
the heroes' Corelli(ln Corvette (IS it flies through a blochde, the heroes might
targets th(lt have a high SR or DR.
Proximity Spreod: Instead of trying to land ffiljltiple hi ts, a weapon bat-
be engaged in fighting a holding action to keep the pira tes from rushing tery can spread its fire in a way thaI m(l~imizes Ihe chance that one will hit
the ship's bridge while shooting down starfig hters swarming around the (ideal for attacking starfighters). A proximity spread is resolved as an area
outside of th e ship. at t ac~. but it affects only 1 starship-scale square on th e battle grid. As with
autofire. th e weapon battery lakes a -5 pena lty on its attack ro ll.
START SMALL Tactical Fire : If a ship has a tac tica l fire abili ty, use it in any situation
If the idea of runrlirlg a sta rshi p-scale battle worries you, sta rt on a very where it migh t app ly. Tac tica l fir~ g reatly speeds up large battles, especially
small scale, both in the rlumber of ships and the risk to t he he roes. Allow the wherl c(lpital ships are preserlt.
playtrs arld yourself to get used to the rules with (I battle with the heroes, Fighter Groups: Fighter groups are formations of two to six starfight-
on a I(lrge ca pital ship, fighting two or three starfighters. Not only will the ers or airspeeders that act almost (IS a single unit, greatly speeding up large
smaller number of ships make things easier, the fact that the heroes are in battles. Anyone trained in the Pilot skill can join a fighter group by moving
lillie d(lnger allows everyone to grow comfortable with starship b(lttles. in lo the s.ame space as a willing (llIied vehicle of the s.ame size. The fighler
When the heroes ge l ships of their own, use the sa me basic idea. Set up group Ihen acts on Ihe ini tiative cOljnl of the last pilot 10 join, occupying
the first few hos tile starship-scale encounters against ships of a much lower Ihe same space on the ba tt le grid. The figh ter group's leade r (designated
Challenge level than typical for the heroes' level. Once you get a feel for by mutual consent) makes all decisions and actions fo r the group. (A pilol
wha t kinds of encounters the heroes deal with easily. you can begin giving can leave a fighter group at any time by delaying his ini tia tive coun t until
them greater cha llenges. immediately after the group's lurn.)
The fighter group uses the group leader's att ack bonus and skill modi -
Proportional Battles fie rs. but the wors t defenses and damage for each weapon type in the group.
An epic battle that fe(ltures thousands of starsh ips on a side is clearly going to When attacked, the group leader m(lY either designate a vehicle operated
be difficult to run, and il will likely involve players w(liting for long stretches by a generic crew as the target or determine the I(lrget randomly. On the
between lu rns as dozens or hundreds of GM characters shoot at each other. group's turn, the group leader can gain one of these benefits:
• Act as a weapon battery (+2 on attacks p ~ r additiona l vehicle, plus haven't focused on starship-scale combat migh t fi nd that they have talents
narrow sa lvo or proxim ity spread, as abovel. and skills the ace pilots don't, and these can still be useful in a starship-scale
• Ga in a +2 circums t ance bonus per additional vehic le on either opposed scene. Given this, you shouldn't fear space battles jus t because you're out
Pilot checks for dogfighting , Use Computer checks to operate sensors, of your element; instead, look at them as a change of pace. an opportun ity
or Perception checks. to find a new way to meet a chal lenge.
that still allow s the heroes to engage their enemy in combat (though stealth element of environmental challtng~ to th~ encouflltr mak~s it that much
encounters can work, thty are much more difficult 10 execute aboard star- more memorable. for example, the Millennium Felcon's daring ~scapt from
ships) whilt giving them some other goal to focus on. A goal other than all- the forces of the Empire is made far more interesting by the fact that it flees ••
out destructioll also encourages the her()(s to be more cautious and think through an asteroid belt wrought with peril, and Obi-Wall Ktnobi's dogfight
tactically rather than going in with blaster bolts flying. JUSI as you might not with Jango Felt ill Slove I is made more exciting by the hazards fourld ill the
have character combat just for combat's sake, starship combat encounters rings of G~onosis. Just as in character-scale combat, adding terrain features
should servt the purpose of moving the plot forward. to space battles creates more lively combat sequences tha t require crtativity
One option for an alternative objective is an encounter in which the and tactical thinking on the parts of the heroes.
heroes are required to protect something or someone. Escort missions arc The presence of environmental obstacles also crea tes a mo re dynamic
common among starship pilo ts in the Star Wars setting, and providing tht battlefitld, adding another dimension to the placement and movement of
heroes with the goal of protecting something from coming to harm means starships. Terrain chal ltnges in space combat necessitate movement and
that the players will have to do more than unleash their weapons. Protecting encourage players to bt more creative in their actions. The following terrain
something requires the heroes to think tactically (they do not want to bt hazards can be pari of any space combat sequenct.
too far away from their charge at any time) wh ile still allowing for the high
action and dogfighting Ihat makes space combat exciting. The enCOUllttr Asteroids. Debris. or Other Objects
might requ ire the heroes to escorl a ship through dangerous territory, fend Space is a lot less empty than one might think, and a squart that contains
off attackers as escaping Rebtls board transport ships, or keep enemy vessels asteroids, debris, or other objects is difficult to move through and can
from getting dose trlough to detect a secret base. potentially damage a starship. It requires 2 squares of movement to enter
Alternatively, the heroes might simply bt trying to get from one place a square that contains an object hazard. Additionally, any vehicle passing
to another through an encounttr or stries of encounters. The h~roe5 of the through asteroids or debris must succeed on a Pilo t check or take col lision
Star Wors movies experience several encounttrS try ing to get to a par ticular damage, as given on the table below. Final ly, a squa re that co nains aste roidS
location, For example, Obi-Wan and Anakin try to gtt to tht Invisible Hond or debris provides cover (+5 cover bonus to Reflex Defense) agains t any
during the Battle of Coruscarlt, and Wedg~ Antillts and lando Calrissian attacks passing through or into the square.
attempt to p~n~trate the core of th~ second Death Star so that they can Vehi clt Traffic : Vehicle traffic functions the samt as any othtr object
destroy it at the Battle of End or. Other encounters might involve the heroes hazard. but such squares of traffic are usually arrangtd in straight lines with a
trying to get to a safe place to make a jump to lightspeed, while others might single deSignated direction of m(rn:ment. Generally. theSt' squares are spars~
involve rUrlning a blockade or dashing to oblain sensor read ings before being if you move with traffic. moderale if you move through traffic, and htavy if
you movt against traffic. In addition, if you mov~ with the flow of traffic at INTENSITY ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE
the same speed (usually no more than 2 squares per round), you gain a + 10
light .15 2dl0x2
circumstance: bonus on your Pilot check to avoid a collision.
Unless a p<lflicular vehiclco in a line of traffic is significant for some Moderate .J{) 4dlOx2
rcason, it is generally not necessary to usc normal vchide' combat statislics Htavy .45 6dl0x2
to represent their movement or the effects of a collisian.
Enclosed Terrain
HAZARD PILOT CHECK DC COLLISION DAMAGE The Star Wars universe is fu ll of txamples of spact combat that take plact
Sparst: objects 15 4d6+20 within an tnclosed tnvironmenl, such as the Irench run on the Dtath Slar.
Moderate objects 25 Any limt a vthiclt is in a square that is adjactnl 10 enclosed tt(rain, that
vthiclt runs the risk of calastrophic collision. If a pilot in such a squart fails
Denst: objects J5 8d6+40 a Pilot check by 5 or mOrt, Ih;, pilot's ship has a collision wi th Iht waif,
taking damage as though colliding with a Colossal (station) objtcl; unlike
Damaging Environment most collisions al Slarship scale, the vehiclt still takts half damage t vtn afltr
Though most space combat takes place in a vacuum, somt batt les might take a succtssful Pilot chtck to avoid tht collision. Additionally, some enclostd
place in thick dust clouds, the upper atmosphere of a corrosive gas giant, It rra in sq uares havt protrusions or othtr hazardous elemtnts, incrtasing Iht
n tlcctromagnetically charged nebulae, or even in close proximity to a star-and DC of all Pilol chtcks madt in adjactnt squares by 5.
I any of these features can damage a vehicle. If a vehicle is in a damaging
1 environment square OIl any poinl during the pilol's turn, the hazard makes an Periodic Damage
Somt hazards in combal produce ptriodic efftcts Ihal happen inltrmittenlly.
attack roll using the modifier given in the tablt btlow. If tht attack tquals
or exceeds tnt targtt's Fortitudt Otfenst, the vthiclt takts full damage. If Thtse: hazards typically afftCI only ctrtain squarts and gentrally do nol
Ihe attack roll fails, the vthicle takn half damagt. Specific guidtlints for takt tffect in evtry round. For examplt, a nebula chargtd with static might
different t nvironmen ts art describtd below. produce a burst of electricity alo ng a ctrlain path tvtry l d4+1 fOunds , or
Corrosivt Gasts: Occasionally encountertd in planttary atmosphtres and an automattd cargo hauler mig ht pass Ihrough the middle of tht battlt grid
some nebulat, corrosivt gases can also bt tht rtsult of a massivt industrial evtry other round on a rtgular delivery sthtdult.
accident (such as a fuel tanker spilling antimatter, hypermatttr, or large Whtn a ptriodic damagt hazard is prtstnt on a battltfield, it afftcts only
amounts of radioactive fuel in orbit). Corrosivt gases ignort tht targtt's SR ctrlain squarts and automatically damagts any targtl within 1 squart of
(b ut not OR) whtn dealing damagt. Corrosivt gases might also providt poor Ihose: squarts. Ptriodic damage hazards always occur on an initiativt counl
visibility !see Visibility, below). of 10. Since such hazards can vary widely in form and efftct, tilt following
Oust Clouds: Usually encountertd as a part of an asteroid field {see guidelints should provide Gamemasters with a general idea of how much
abovt} or as a part of a planetary ring system, light and modtratt dust damagt the hazard should do, and how often.
clouds provide poor visibility whilt htavy dust clouds providt very poor vis-
ibility (ste Visibility, btlow). Dust clouds deal no damage if a vthiclt dotsn't HAZARD FREQUENCY DAMAGE DEALT
move, but Ihty deal +1 die of damage for tVtry squart of mOvtmtnt during Rare and light
tht pikll's turn. Every ld4+ 1 rounds 3dlOx2
Ionic Discharges: Somt nebulae (and a few planetary atmosphtrts) Often and light Every other round 3d1Ox2
prodUCt ntarly continuous discharges of highly ionized particln, dtaling Frtquent and light Every round 3dl0x2
ion damagt to all vehielts within afftcted squares. Rare and moderate Every ld4+1 rounds 6dl0x2
Radiation : In close proximity 10 a Slar or other sourct of intense eltc-
Often and modtrate Every other round 6dl0x2
Iromagnetic radiation, a vthiclt can lakt substantial damagt. Gentrally,
thtse haza rds will extend to all squarts on tht battlt grid, but you might Frequent and moderale Evtry round 6dl0x2
designatt somt squares as bting in the shadow of a plantt or moon, thus Rare and stvere Every ld4+ 1 rounds 3d lOx5
avoiding the dftcls of radiation. Often and severe Every othtr round 3dl0x5
Frtquent and sevtrt Every round 3d1Ox5
Visibility CHA~LENGE L.EVE~
Clouds, storms, ntbulae, and dust can all obscure tht visibility of any targcts AD..JUSTMENTS FOR STARSHIP
insidt, creating natural hiding places for pirates or starfighters wishing to DISPARITIES
sp rin g an ambush. In conditions of poo r visibility, al l nonadjace nt targets Gamemas ters might wish to co nsider altt rin g tht t xperi tnce rtwards for
have concealment. In very poor visibility, adjacent targets have concealment herots aboard starships that art clearly superior to thtir tnemies' ships. For
and nonadjacent targets have total concealment. Specific guidelines fo r example, heroes aboard a Cortllian Corvtlte clurly outgun tntmits aboard
different environments are described below. a Lambda-class shuttle; as such, they havt a distinct advantagt over thtir
Clouds, Fog, or Vapor: Ordina ry clo uds, fog, o r va por normally provides foes. Rather than awarding full t xp erience points fo r such a misma tchtd
poor visibility, but very thick clouds (such as just btfore a major storm or in tht encounttr, a Gamemasttr can optionally alttr Iht effectivt Challenge ltvel
aftermath of a volcanic truptionj might providt Vtry poor visibili ty. Volcanic of tht tnemies to account for the disparity.
eruptions might also bt corrosivt (Stt Damaging Environment, abovt). First. calculate the Challenge level value of the heroes' vehicle (o r ave r-
Ntbul at: Gas eous nebulat usua lly provide poor visibility, bu t tht thicker age va lue for mu ltip le ve hicles). Un less the heroes ha~e the aid of a gener ic
gasts of a very young nebul a might provide very poor visibility. In addition, crew-such as when on board a capital ship-subtract the Cl modifier for the
SOmt ntbulat might be corrosivt or crtatt ionic disch;Jfges (set Damaging crew's quality from the givtn Cl for the vehicle (see the Crew Quality sidebar
Environment, abovtl. on page 174 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Second, take that numbtr
Storms: Ordinary storms (h eavy rain. snowfall, dust storms, and so forthj and divide by 2 (ro undin g down), then subtract the result from tht Cl of
providt poor visibility and impose a -2 penalty on Pilot checks. $(:vere storms all opponents in the encounter. The ntw rtStJlt is tht tntmy's adjusttd Cl.
(tropical storms, hurricanes, blizzards, and the like) providt vtry poor visibility USt this adjusttd Cl whtn dtttrmining both tht difficulty and tht rtwards o
and impose a -5 penalty on Pilot checks. (txptritnce or crtdits) of an encounter.
Examplt : Four Sth-Itvel heroes flying X-wings (CLIO) cltarly outmatch
CREATE EXCITING SCENARIOS tntmits in TIE fighttrs (Cl 7). Tht Cl value of an X-wing is 9 (CL IO. minus •,"
WITH COMP~ICATIONS 1 for a skil1td crtw); dividing 9 by 2 and rounding down yitlds a result of
One of tht btst ways to crtate ttnsion in a space combat stqutnct is to 4. Subtracting 4 from the Cl of tht TIE fightm gives them an adjusted Cl
present complicat io ns that afftct th e way combat takes place. Al though of 3. Thus, two to four TI E figh ters would be an appropriate challenge far
battlts in which starships simply squart off against one another art fine, a ttle herOtS.
battlt with SOmt larger complication can increase the level of tension and If the same heroes were flying a lone YT-1300 (Cl 61, the disparity is not
excitement. Complications are factors tha t affect combat withou t affecting quite so great. The Cl va lu e of a YT-1300 is 6 (no adjustment for a normal
the battlef ield itself. crew); divid ing by 2 yie lds a result of 3. Subtracting 3 from tht Cl of the TIE
One of the most often-used complications is a time limit. Placing a limit fighttts gives thtm an adjusttd Cl of 4. Thus, ont to two TIE fighttrs would
on the amount of time-i n rounds or otherwise-that the heroes have to be an appropriatt challenge for the herots.
complete theif task creates a sense of urgency that makes space combat more
excit in g. For example, the attack of tht Death Star in A New Hope btcamt
all the more desperate btcause thty had to stop tht battlt station bdort it
dtstroyed Yavin 4. A variant of the tim t limit is having a spact limit, a sort of
"finish lint" for the tncoun ter: Perhaps tht herots must rtach a ct rtain poin t
10 tscapt to tht safe ty of hyp erspace, or ptrhaps they must stop a shuttle
carrying an Impt rial governor btfore it reaches a Star Destroyer in orbit.
Similarly, limiting the pt rctption or communication of space combatants
can add an air of tht unknown to a combat encounte r. In addi tion to te rra in
that impairs visibility (see above), other examples might include a wide-area
jamming field that makes it impossible for heroes to communicate with one
another or a sensor-scrambling field that imposes penaltits on Pilot chtcks
as the ship's onboard comp ute rs struggle to clear o ut the interferenct.
in number-crunching_ The style of campaign you're running is going to impact Each modification or new system has a rating in emplacement points to
the relative value of any starship so much that no hard-and-fast S(t of rules represent the effort requi red to add that feature to an existing starship. The
could tell you for su re what to allow for the heroes, anyway. Simply use your more emplacement points a modification requires, the greater its demand in
best judgment: If it turns out that a ship is overpowered, simply arrange for terms of room, bracing, power, and integ ration with other systems,
a new system to short Qut when n,e starship next moves down its condi tion If you lack the emplacement points to suppo rt a system, you can still ins tall
track.. Make sure you provide an explanation to tht players, though-faulty parts, it; howeve r, more time and credits are needed to add the subsystems that
incompetent labor, and sabotage are all reasonable possibilities. Each of these enable your new systems to function. For every emplacement point you lack for
rc:asons can spark ncow adventures as, for example, the herOC's track down the a system, add 2 days to the bast installation time, 5 to the Mechanics check OC
crooked outlaw tech who sold them a shoddy enginco motivator. to install it, and 20~ to the system cost, Additionally, any starships that have
modifICations installed in this manner are automalicallyconsidered "used" (see
page 10), and any systems added without sufficient emplacement points are
COST MODIFIERS damaged beyond repair if the starship is disabled. This represents the harder
It costs more to build a hyperdrive that can move a capital-class ship than
work offinding ways to route power to your system, squeeze through already
one for a starfighter. Bigger starships are simply costlier to improve or modi-
jammed conduits, and overcome the limitations of your overstuffed starship.
fi er. Thus, each size of starship has a cost modifier, which is applied to the
Additio nally, Gamemasters shou ld feel free to ru le that some modifications
base cost of starship systems added to starsh ips of that size. For example,
cannot be ins talled without suffi cient emplac~men t points, such as passenger
regenerating shields have a base cost of 5,000 credits. When added to a
conversions when no cargo space is available.
o Colossal ship, this price is multiplied by the ship's cost modifier of xS, for
a final cost of 15,000 credits. If added to a Colossal (cruiser) starship, the
modifier is x500, for a final cost of 1,500,000 credits.
A ship can gain additional emplacement points in one of three ways. Existing
•• ABLE 3-1: CoaT. MOOIF.'IERS
systems can be removed, making th~ir emplacement points available for new
systems. Thus, if a smuggler decides he needs a quad laser more than he needs
STARSHIP SIZE COST MODIFIER man~uvering jets, he can remove the jets and gain the emplacement points
Colossal (station) x5,OOO needed to install a quad laser. Removing systems in this way takes half as
Colossal (cruistr) ,500 long as installing them would take and involves no associated cost. In fact,
the old system can normally be sold for 1/4 of its original value (assuming
Colossal (frigate) 'SO it's in good working cond ition and you can find a buyer).
Gargantuan "" Alterna tively, a slarship can give up cargo capacity 10 gain more emplace-
ment points (a favori te tac tic among pirate and Rebel engineers). The freed
space makes it much easier to reroute power lines, add small power genera-
" tors, and securely lock new systems into the ship's superstructure. It takes a
number of tons of cargo capacity equal to a starship's cost modifier for siz~
(see Table 3-1: Cost Modifiers) to equal 1 emplacement point. For example,
All cosls given in this chapter are, by necessily, approximate. The Star Wars
to gain an additional 4 emplacement points for a Corellian Corvette, you
galaxy is a vasl market, and it's impossible 10 creale a system that realislically
must sacrifice 200 tons of cargo capacity: 1 ton x 50 for a Colossal (frigate)
represents Ihe thousands of factors Ihal could affect a major purchase's final
starship for each point.
cost. As a result, the Gamemaster should feel free 10 modify these prices up
Finally, a starship of Col OS5a I or larger size can gain emplacement points by
or down as much as necessary to suit the plot of an adven ture, the storyline
removing escape pods, gaining 1 emplacement point per 10% of the escape
of a campa ign, or even personal preference.
pods removed. However, doing this is illegal on any thing other than a milita ry
starship, and it takes only a DC 10 Perception check to notice. A first offense
EMF'L.ACEMENT POINTS might lead to a fine of 1,000 credits, a second 5,000 credits, and a third offense
You must meet certain size, bracing, and power requirements before adding resuits in the ship being impounded and the captain's accredited license being
a system to a starship. Often, it simply isn't practical to add numerous new revoked. A decent bribe and a Persuasion check might avoid this unpleasant-
syslems to an existing starship. Emplacement points represent the numerous ness, however, particularly in a seedy spaceport on a backwater planet-and
factors that combine to limit how many systems a single starship can have. some such spaceports don't bother with safety inspections in any event.
ABL..E 3 - 2 :
NUSSO E CB Installing a new sys t em, or modifying an old one, is normally a matter
STOCK SHIP UNUSED POINTS STOCK SHIP UNUSED POINTS of work force, time, and a Mechanics check. This assumes the starship
i n which you ar~ installing th e system is otherwise fully functiona l, the
Action IV transport 3 Firespray-31 3
system to be installed is free ly available, and you have the tools and space
Baudo-class star yacht 2 Gh troc-720 3 needed. Remember that making Mechanics checks aboa rd a starship that
Blockade runner 5 J-Type transports 2 has moved down the condition t rack incu rs the norma l penalties associated
Citadel cruiser 3 Repub lic cruiser 5 with that spot on the track. Under less opti mal conditions, th e time, money,
and Mechanics check DC required cou ld be increased by as much as 100%,
CloakShape fighter 2 SoroSuub patrol fighter 3
and the Gamemaster may decide tha t modifica tions are impossible in these
Corellian gunship 5 Star Galleon-class frigate 4 circumstances. Frequ ently, a given modification might be possibl e only if th e
Dreadnaught 3 YT-series 10 heroes get hold of the system directly, such as stealing a shield g ~ nerator
Dynamic-class fre ighter 6 from a Trade Federation shipyard, recovering mothba ll ed fight ers from an old
Imperial supply depot, or trading rare spices to a Hutt crime lord for the last
known exampl e of a particular hyperdrive component. Wh~never possible,
a GM shou ld make modi f ying the h~roes' starship as much an adventu re as
Any off-the-rack starship has some unused capacity, allowing some modi-
a design issue. 0
fication s to be made more easily_ A standard, unmodi fi ed starship design
generall y has 1 unspent emplacement point. In some cases, t his capaci t y is
later used for a ·standard" upgrade. For exampl e. an unmodified V-19 To rrent
The bigger a ship, the more people it takes to make modifications. For ships
has 1 unspent emplacement point. but it became standard practice to use
this t o install a hyperdrive generator in later models of the st arfighter.
of Gargantuan size or smaller, a single person can do everything necessary •-
(though it's often much easier with help). For Colossal ships, the minimum
Some stock ships are renowned for being easil y modi fied. In part, this is
work force is larger: Colossal,S; Colossal (frigate), 10; Colossal (cruiser).
the result of extra attachment points, power outlets, access hatches, and
20; and Colossal (station), 50. The minimum work force can make a modi-
unused ca rrying capacity left over after the ship's core systems are installed. (ljJ
fica tion or add a new system in the normal ins t allation time (see below). It
Such ships have even more unused emplacement points, allowing multiple
isn't practica l f or a smaller work f orce to make changes to such big ships,
systems to be added without removing anything or dealing with additional
expenses. (St ock starships designed by the Corellian Engineering Corpora tion
have 5 unused emplacement poin ts unless otherwise specif ied.) Forships with
regard less of how much t ime the wo rk ers have. If your work force is bigger
than you r mini mum, the installation can go faster, but the maximum work
fo rce that can be used on any given installation is 10 x the minimum work
more than 1 spare emplacement point from the Sogo Edition core rulebook
force fo r the ship's size.
and this book, see Table 3-2: Unused Emplacement Points. \ij
NONSTANDARD The base time needed to add a modification or system is ca lcu lated as follows: @
Rare or nonstandard system modifications (inclu ding those deemed by the
tim e (in days) '" (emplacement poiots) x (ship's cost mod ifier)
(number of workers)
Gamemaster to be il l suited for ins ta llation on a given ship) re quire substan- Iii
tia lly more effort to install, doubling the number of emplacement points In many cases, a new system can be added to a starfighter with j ust a sing le !?
req uired and multiplying the cost by 5. A modi fication is nonstandard if the
starship does not have any similar system in its st ock version, For example,
adding a hyperdrive, shields. or a passenger compartment to a TIE fighter
day of wo rk _This is possible because many systems are modu lar, allowing
different hyperdrives, weapons, and computer systems to be easily removed
and new ones slotted in. Even something like rein forced bulkheads represents
would be nonstandard, but adding new las~r ca nnons (or replacing it s exis ting a predesign ed kit of clamps and brackets that bolt on to existing hull plating. )]
laser can nons) would not. Th e GM is the final arbiter of what systems are Sti ll , some instal lations take large amounts of time unless a huge work f orce IS
su ffici ently dissimi lar to qualify as nonstandard, and particularly unusual can be brought to the project. IF
combinations may be forbidden altog ether. IiiI
INSTAL.L.ATION CHECKS t hes~ basic systems, designed to make t he starship more compe titive with
Proper installation requires a Mechanics check at the C'nd of the installation a d~dicatedairspeeder.
time. The base DC for such a check is 20, +1 for each point of emplace- Basic atmospheric thrusters increase a starship's maximum velocity and
ment a system or modification uses. If the died fails by less tha n 10, fly sp(ed by 10%, and an advanc~d atmospheric thruster increasrs these
the installation is a partial failure. You must spend half as much lime and by 25l1b (rounding down to the nearest square of sp~ed and 10 km/h). Thus,
money to try again, and gain a +5 bonus on your n(ltt Mechanics check an X-wing with an atmospheric thruster has a maximum velocity of 1,150
t o install the system Of modification. A check that fails by 10 or morC' is a km/h and a fly speed of 17 squares at cha racter scal~.
t ota l failure-a ll the time and money spent is wasted, and you must start Atmosp heric thrusters have no effect on starship-scal~ movemen t.
over from the beginn ing.
Co mba t Thrusters
Often us~d by smugglers, bounty lIunters, and blockade runners, combat
thrust~rs ar~ modifications to a space transport's existing engines and
A starship'S systems can be upgraded, replaced, and modified many limes
maneuvering thrusters that allow the ship to engage in space combat as
throughout the ship's operational lifetime. A sta rship system falls into one
though it were a starfighter. A ship wltll combat tllrusters is treated as one
of four categories: movement, defens~, off~nse, or accessori~s. Each system
size category smaller than its actual size category for the purpose of being
has a number of factors that affect its COS! and availability, d~tailed in the
targeted by capital ship weapo ns (thus im pOSin g the penal ty for attacking
tab le that accompan ies each sec tion.
targets sma ll er than Colossal siz~). Addi tiona lly, the space transport is treated
o Emp lacement Points: This value is the number of emplac~m~nt points
as a starf ighter for the purpose of dogfighting (mean ing that it can engage
I required to install the system in a starship without incurring an additional
in and be engaged in dogfighting) and combat maneuv~rs (see Chapter 2 for
cost or time d~lay.
mor~ on starship maneuvers). This modification does not change the ship's
•• Availability: Some starship accessories have limit~d availability or are
strictly regulated (sr~ Restricted Items, page 118 of the Saga Edition core
size modifier to Reflex Defensr.
rulebook) . A system that is no rmally available without restriction is catego-
rized as common.
The hyperdrive is the mos t importan t piece of technology in the known
Size Re stri ction : Some sys tems can be placed only in starships of a
galaxy. Modern civilization was driven by the realization of fast and reliable
certain size. Systems are normally limited to ships of a given size or larger,
galactic travel thousands of y~ars ago witll the advent of the lIyperdrive.
and some systems can function only in smaller ships.
Hyprrdrivrsare rated by numeric class: The smaller the number, the better the
Cost : Sometimes a starship accessory has a flat cost or weight. Often
hyprrd rive (see Astrogation in Chapter 12 of the Sago Edition core rulebook
the cost is determined by multiplying a basr number by the starship's cos t
or page 12 of this book for more info rmation).
factor, which is determined by its size. If a cost is given as "bas~: you must
The best hyperdrive ever created is the class .5. It's not possibl~ to install
multiply it by t h~ cost modifier fOf the starship's sile (see Tabl ~ 3-1: Cost
a class.5 hyperdrive, because no manufacturer creates such a delicat e and
Modifiers). If the cos t is just given as a number of credi ts, t he cost is t he
unr~liabl~ piece of equipment. Th e only way to achieve a hyperdrive of thi s
sam~ no matt~r what size starship you add the sys tem to.
type is to modify a dass .75 hyperdrive using the Starship Designer feat.
Because of its inherent unreliability, dass.5 hyperdrives are illegal under all
but the most unusual circumstances.
Starship mov~m~nt falls into three basic categories-character scate, star-
A class.5 hyprrdrivt is vr.ry caf~fully tuned and deli1:ate, so it tends to mal-
ship scal~, and hyp~rspace. A starship might be described as "fast" if it has
function much more often than a standard hyperdrivr.. It requ ires eight hours
an advanced hyperdrive, yet still be r~latively slow at starship-scale move-
of maintenance per month and a DC 20 Mechanics ch~ck to keep one running
ment. Movement systems are ~xtremely popular modifications for pirates,
smoothly. If the ma intenance isn't kep t up, or t h ~ Mechanics check for doin g
smugglers, and-to a lesse r degree-military designers.
so fail s, you take a -5 penalty on Use Comp uter checks made to astrogate unt il
the hyprrdrive receives proper maintenance. Furthermore, any tim~ you would
Atm osphe ric: Thrust ers
normally have an astrogation mishap, the hyperdrive is instead disabled until
Atmospheric thrusters increase a starship's speed when th~ ship is flying in
repaired (normally requiring 1 hour of work and a DC 20 Mechanics check).
the atmosph~re of a planet. Any starship able to Op(:rate in an atmosphere
Th~ class 1 hyperdrive is considered the pinnacle of stable hyperdrive
has some engine system designed for air flight, normally a combination of
technology from the Clone Wars forward. It is the favored technology of
repulsorlifts and ion ~ngines. Atmospheric thrusters are an augmentation of
military vessels, but its high cost often results in designers selliing for a someplace when using a class 10 backup hyperdrive, often the alternative
class 2 or class 3 drive, which were state of the art during most of the Rise is to drift aimlessly in space for centuries.
of the Empire era. Starfightcrs: Because of th eir bl./lk, hyperdrives arc always treatcd as
A hyperd rive of class 4 to class 6 is normally either old technology or an nonstandard modifications for starfighters. Some alternatives have been
aft ermarket retrofit cra mmed into a vessel not designed to support a hyper- devised to allow starfi ghters to travel thrOl./gh hyperspace wi thout insta lling
drive. Backup hyperdrives, usually ranging from class 8to class 15, are often expensive internal hyperdrives.
ustd as emergency systems. Though no one want s to wait a month to arrive Hyperdrrve Sleds: A hyperdrive sled is bolted onto the exterior of a
starfighter, such as a CloakShape fighter, The sled costs five times as much
Hyperdrive, class 2
Hyperdrive, dass 3
2,000 credits base
1,500 credits base
Hyperdrive, dass 4 2 Common 1,000 credits base
Hyperdrive, class 5 2 Common 500 credits baSe
Hyperdrive, class 6 Common 400 credits base
Hyperdrive, class 8 Common 300 credits base
Hyperdrive, class 10 Common 200 credits base 1J
Hyperdrive, dass 15 1 Common 100 credits base @
Maneuvering jets +2
Maneuvering jets +4
Common Colos~1 or smaller
2,000 credits base
5,000 credits base
Maneuvering jets +6 4 Licenstd Gargantuan or smaller 10,000 credits bast lS
Navicomputer, limited
Navicomputer, advanced
500 credits
2,000 credits
20,000 credits
Sl./bLight Accelerator Motor 2 Military Gargantuan or smaller 25,000 credits base l'1
Sublight drive (speed 1 squa re) 2 Common 1,000 credits base
SUblight drive (speed 2 squares) 3 Common 2,000 credits base
Sublight drive (speed 3 squares) 4 Licensed Colossal (cruiser) or smaller 5,000 crClJits bast
Col os~ 1 (cruiser) or smaller 10,000 credits bast
Sublight drive (spe:ed 4 squares) 5 Restricted (£
Sublight drive (spe:ed 5 squares) 6 Military Colos~1 or smaller 20,000 credits bast Ii'
Sublight drive (speed 6 squares) 7 Military Gargantuan or smaller 100,000 credits bast @
damagt tqual to or txcttding its damage threshold, tht hyptrdrivt ring is
dtstroytd. likt a hyptrdrive sltd, a hypt rdrive ring is bulky and awkward.
so a starfig hter docktd to one takes a --4 penalty to its Dtxttrity. Finally, a
starfig hte r can't t nttr atmospht rt or land with a hyperdr ive ring attached,
so it must be left in orbit-and some pirates and shipjacktrs enjoy the easy
pickings of an unatttnded targtt.
Maneuvering Jets
It is possible to incrtast a starship's ability to pitch, jink, and roll by adding
additional small ion jtts that automatically firt during extreme maneuvers.
Although all starships include somt maneuvtring thrusters, special mantu-
vering jtts givt more power to perform maneuvtrs beyond a starship's
normal capability.
Maneuvtring jtts give a starship a +2, +4, or +6 equipment bonus to its
Dexterity score.
I A navicomputtf is an astrogation calculator designed to make all the calcu-
lations ntcessary to travel through hyperspace. Most starships havt navi-
•< computers. but thost that lack hyperdrivts and some fighters that depend
•• on astromtch droids do not
Though extremely txptnsive. advaoctd navicomputers exist. Thtse grant
a +10 bonus 00 Use Computer checks madt for astrogation, rathtr than a
typical navicomputtr's +5. Additionally, a characttr aboard a ship that has
a navicomputer nted not be trained in tht USt Computtr skill to make use
of tht astrogate aspect of the skill.
Starfightt rs: Most navicompulers are nonstandard for sta rf ight-
trs-these ships simply don't have the room for the mtmory core requirtd to
stort and track the locations of untold billions of celestial objects. Instead,
starfighttrs often have limited navicomputers that store only two jumps'
worth of information, tnough to gtt to a destination and return. Some
limited navicomputtrs havt a greattr memory capacity, but these are rare
as a normal hvp~rdrjvt. but il is not considered nonstandard, it requires no and mort exptnsive.
emplacement points, and it Ciln be added with 1 hour of work ilnd a DC 15
Mechanics check. A sled daes interfere with maneuvC'fabilily, however, so a Sublight Accelerator Motor
starfighter takes iI -2 penalty to its De:tterity while altachC'd to a sled. ASublight Accelerator Motor (SLAM) is an overdrive system dtsigntd to draw
Hypcrdrive Rings: A hyperdrivc ring is designed for only occasioMI or power from systems not in use to givt a starship a brief burst of additional
temporary usc. A ring costs as much as a normal hyperdrive for a starfighter speed. A starship's SLAM system provides a +S bonus on Pilot checks to
of a given size, but it is not conside red nonstandard and it requires no increase a vehide's speed. This bonus incrtases to +10 if the pilot is using
emplacement points. The pilot of a starfighter mus t take a standard action all-out movement.
and make' a DC 10 Pilot check to dock with or disconnect from a hyperdrive
ring. If the Pilot cheoti: fails, the docking or undocking was unsucctssful: if it Sublight Drive
fails by 10 or mort, a collision occurs, dtstroying tht hyptrspace ring. A sublight drive is what makts a ship move through space. Though a Sublight
In addition to rtquiring docking and undocking, hyperspace rings havt Acctlerator Motor ean tnhanee a ship's space speed, sometimts a new sub-
somt othtr drawbacks. If a starship attachtd to a hyptrdrivt ring takts light drive is requirtd to reach such speeds with minimal effort from tht pilot.
Replacing a ship's sublight drive can be ~xpensive, though, and many ships DEFENSE SYSTEMS
c~nnot reach high speeds due to th e bu lk of their sublght drives. Additionally, Defense systems include anything that reduces the chance a starship will be
only mi litary vessels are permitted to use incredibly fast ion drives. A sublight destroyed. They are often less regulated than weapon systems, since even
drive determines a ship's speed wh en moving through realspace. the Empire acknowledges that citizens and merchants have a right to avoid
suffering at the hands of pirates and rogu e planetary defense forc es.
• OSF. Nas
S • ..
Armor, +1 2 licensed None 2,000 credits base
Armor, +2 5 Restricted Colossal or larger 5,000 credits base
Armor, +3 10 Military Colossal (frigate) or larger 10,000 credits base
Armor, +4 20 Military Colossal (cruised or larger 20,000 credits base
Jamming suite 1 Common None 5,000 credits base
Jamming array 5 Common Colossal or larger 20,000 mdits base
Regenerating shields
Reinforced bulkheads + 10%
Restric ted
5,000 credi ts base
2,000 credits base
.~ ,~
Reinforced bulkheads +20% 5 licensed None 5.000 credits base •,<
Reinforced bulkheads +30% 10 Restricted None 10,000 credits base
Shields, SR 10 Common None 750 credits base
Shields, SR 15
Shi~lds, SR 20
Shidds, SR 25
Gargantuan or larger
Gargantuan or la rg ~r
1,000 credits base
1,250 credits base
1,500 cred its bas~
l ali
Shields, SR 30 2 Common Gargantuan or larger 2,000 credits base )j) Ii
Shields, SR 35 2 Common Gargantuan or larger 2,500 credits base ®
Shields, SR 40
Shields, SR 45
Colossal or larger
Colossal or larger
3.000 credits base
4,000 credits base
Shields, SR 50 3 Common Colossal or larger 5,000 credits base E
Shields, SR 55 Common 6,000 credits base
3 Colossal or larger @
Shields, SR 60 3 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 8,000 credits base
Shields, SR 70 3 Common Colossal (frigate) or l arg~r 10,000 cr~dits base @
Shields, SR 80 4 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 12,500 credits base
Shidds, SR 90 4 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 15,000 credits base
Shields, SR 100 5 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 20,000 credits base
Shields, SR 125 6 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 25,000 credits base
Shields, SR 150 7 Common Colossal (cruiser) or larger 30,000 mdits base
Shields, SR 175 8 Common Colossal (cruiser) or larger 40.000 credits base Ii'
Shields, SR 200 10 Common Colossal (cruiser) or larger 50,000 credits base Iii
Armor If you have regenerating shields, your current shield rating increasts
A basic !tlfel of armor exists on all starships-it's a neceSSllry part of building by 10 (up to the ship's maximum shield rating) when you use the recharge
a null strong enough to su rvive the rigors of space-and armor n(vc( has to shields action. Normal shields increase thei r shield rating by only 5 when
be completely replaced, just patched up. However, it's possible to add addi- recharged.
tional armor beyond what's needed to keep a starship intact whi le traveling
through hyperspace, and doing so can boost a ship's chance of making it Re inforced Bulkhead s
out of a fire fight. Additional armor is heavy and generally obvious, giving The overall durability of a craft can be increased by reinforcing its internal
a starship a blocky, military appearance. Armor is bought as an equipmtnt bulkheads. Reinforced bulkheads increase a starship's hit points by 10!:lb,
bonus to the armor a starship adds to its Rdlu Odense. Skilled pilots often 20!:lb, or 30!:lb. (These improvements don't stack.)
prefer ships without heavy armor, since they Ciln use their character level in
place of a ship's armor bonus in any case. Shields
Not all starships have deflector shields, and they are an extremely popular
J a mm e rs addition for those that lack them, However, the energy and space cost of
Jammers come in many forms, from small jamming suites used in starfigh ters sh ields is extremely high, and it grows with the size of the craft to be pro-
and space t ranspo rts to massive jamming arrays carried by some capital ships, tected; thus, only the largest vessels have enough power and in ternal space
Not all jammers are effective enough to alter game statistics-the jamming necessary to operate the mos t powerfu l shields.
suite in an ARC-170, for example, has too small an effect on other ships to
n modify game statistics in any way. WEA.PON SYSTEMS
,>< A sensor jamming system is capable of blinding enemy sensors and
fire-control computers, making the starship carrying the jammer a more
Most starships carry at least one or two weapons, for defense against
pirates and asteroids if nothing els~. Every weapon is required to have an
•• elusive target. The dfectivtness of a jamming SlJite is limited to small craft arms load-out permit, but as long as a civilian ship isn't bristling with proton
and space transports, and a single target within 6 squares (starship scate) torpedo launchers, very few officials care to check such things. Similarly, no
must be stlected as the target of the jammer (as a swift action). Ajamming matter what documentation you have, a vessel outfitted with heavy turbo-
iQQI J array afftcts all enemy starships within 6 squares of the starship carrying lasers is viewed with suspicion unless it belongs to a well-known ally.
it, regardless of the size of those ships.
A ship affected by a jammer takes penalties on Use Computer checks made
for starsh ip communications or sensors. For a jamming suite, the pena lty is-4
for starfighters and -2 for space transports. For a jamming array, the pena lty
Several common (and some not-sa-common) weapon systems are
detailed below. Note tha t the damage given for these weapons is typical,
no t abso lu te, and naming conventions are fa r from universal. It's impossible
to detail every weapon system for every manufacturer throughout every
is - 6 for starfighters, -4 for space transports, and -2 for capital ships, This era. These values are representativ~, and a Gamemaster is free to modify
penalty also applies to enemy fire control systems, although it cannot reduce them as he desires.
a ship's Intelligence ability modifier on attack rolls below +0.
Asystem operator can attempt to overcome the effect of a jammer, Doing Autoblaster
this is a swift action and involves a Use Computer check (with the jammer Blaster cannons can be designed with a higher cyclic firing rate so long
penalty) opposed by the Use Computer check of the ship with the jammer. as they have sufficient cooling systems to keep the firing elements from
On a successful result, the jammed ship takes no penalties from jamming overheating. Only single-mounted blasters are generally made into auto-
until the start of the system operator's ntxt turn. blasters, however.
projec tor creates a hyperspace in terdic tion field in t hose ta rg et squ ares. Any ::l@
Docking Guns sta rship t hat sta rt s its tur n in a sq uare covered by a hype rspace in te rdict ion
Smugg lers and pirates often add character-scale weapons to fighte rs and field may no t activate its hype rdrive on t hat turn. 1<
freighters, in order to allow them to open fi re while docked without riski ng 1;)
blowing up an entire docking facility. Any character-sca le ranged weapon can Ion Bombs
be added as a docking gun, though repeating blaster rifles and heavy blaster Ion bombS are primitive, fin-stabil ized weapons used to knock out electron- ~
rifles are most common. Docking guns count as heavy weapons once installed ics and droid targets on the surface of a world. Because of their primitive IiiI
fin-stabilized guidance system, the bombs 3rc usable only in an atmosphere. Shield buster Torpedoes
and attacks with them lake a -5 IJ(nalty. Ion bombs may target a square These are plasma-based torpedo weapons ttlat create bursts of radia lion spe-
directly IKm:ath thl! ship that deploys I h('m. On impact, they create a strong cifically designed to ow:rwhelm a vehicle's shi~tds. The T-33 used by K-wings
ion field that deals SdIO points of ion damage within a IO-square ra dius. Ion is typical of w~apons of this type. Against anything but shields, shieldbusters
bomb rads can hold up 10 four ion bombs. deal half damag~.lf an attack from a shicldbuster torpedo exceeds a target's
SA, the target loses 10 points from its SR (rather than the normal 5). Shields
Ion Cannons damaged in Ihis way can bt' recharg~d normally.
Ion cannons 3rc generally viewed as defensive armamC'nt, but they are lau nchers: A standard shield buster torpedo holds four torpedoes. Addi-
quite common on pirate and military ves~ls. Ion cannons deal ion damage, tional capacity may be added, increasing the cost by 25% for ~ach additional
as detailed in Chapter 9 of the Soya Edition COfC rulebook. Of starship- torpedo (up to a maximum of eight torpedoes).
mounted ion cannons, all bu t the smallest don' t have a cyclic rate of fire
high enough to allow auto f ire, even when mounted in double, quad, or fire- Space Mines
linked configurat ions. Aspace mine can be deployed as a swift action at any point along a starship's
Hapa n Triple Ion Cannon : Th~ Hapan tripl~ ion cannon is a sp~cial capital movemenl path. Whenever arly ship enters a square in which a spac~ mine was
ship weapon that ac ts li k~ a poi n t-d~fens~ w~apon (using point-d~fe n s~ rang~s dep loyed, the mine detonates and makes an area a!tad aga inst the Reflex
and taking no p~nalty for attacking ships of small~r than Colossal s iz~). It is Defense of all ships in thaI square. On a hi t, it d~a l s fu ll damage to the ta rget;
also capabl~ of auto fire mode, but it may not mak~ starship-scal~ area attacks. on a miss, it deals only half damage. It is also possible for mines to be d~signed
o Until the New Jedi Order era, Hapan trip le ion cannons ar~ iII~gal outsid~ the not to be detonated by ships with specifi c IFF codes (to allow defenders to
•>< Hapan Consortium, and th~ Hapans do not sell them to outsid~rs. fly freely past them) or to b~ command-detonated (requiring a gUrlner to
detonate them as a standard action, oft~n aft~r readying an action).
•• laser Cannon s A space mine lias a St~al t h bonus of +5 (including size modifiers), which
laser cannons ar~ the most common starship weapons, carried by starfighters sets the DC to notice tile space mine. Whenev~r a starship is about to enter
and space transports as primary armament and capital ships as point-defense the same square as a space mine, the pilot can make a Perception check as
weapons. Th~y generally have a better range than blaster cannons, but they a reaclion to notice the min~ and choose a different square to move into
are som~what mor~ expensiv~. instead. If the ship has a system operator, the system operator may make a
USt Computer check as a reaction as well, using the ship's sensors to detect
Point-Defense Weapon the mine.
Normally, only blaster cannons, laStr cannons, and ligh t ion cannons can bt' A typical space mine has a +5 attack bonus and deals 7dlOx2 points of
point-dd~nse weapons. Modifying a weapon 10 bt' a point-d~f~ns~ w~apon damage. An advanced space mine has a +10 attack bonus and deals 9dlOx2
costs 4,000 credits per weapon but has no emplacement point r~quir~m~n t points of damage. A h~avy space mine has a +5 attack bonus and deals
(other than what is r~quired to mount the weapon itself). A point-d~f~nse 6dlOxS points of damage; however, like all capital ship w~a pons, it takes a
weapon takes no penalty for attacking targets of smaller than Colossal size -20 penalty on attack rolls against targets of small~r than Colossal size.
(see pag~ 170 of ttl~ Sago Edition core rulebook). Mine launcher: All mine launchers hold six mines. Additional capacity
may be added, increasing the cost by 25% per ~ach additional mine (up to
Proto n Torpedoes a maximum of twelve mines).
ProtOrl to rp edo~s use a proton-scatterirlg warh~ad that ess~ntially causes a
miniature nuclear explosion on the target's surface. B~cau s~ of their smal l Tractor Beams
size and compact launcher, th~y ar~ p r~ferred fo r starfi ghters and other rela- Massive devices Ihat requ ire enormous outlays of energy to operate, trac-
t ively small vessels. All prot on torpedo es hav~ a 4-square splash radius. tor beams are ge nerally found only on capital ships and sta tions. Trac tor
l aun ctlers: A standard proton torp~do launcher holds t hree torpedoes. beams are considered no nstandard modifications for space transports and
Additiona l capacity may be added, increasing the cost by 25% for each starfighters, making such ins tallations almost impossible for all but the best
additional torpedo (up to a maximum of sixt~~n torpedo~s). ~ngineers. The ru les for tractor beams are detailed on page 174 of the Sago
Edition core rulebook.
A.~ " 3 - 5: . A F? ON SY- a TEMS
Autoblaster .0 Restricted Ion bomb 5dl0 ion Military 500
Blaster cannon, light 3dlOx2 lic~nsed
1,200 Ion bomb rack Military 1,000
Blaster cannon, medium
Blaster cannon, heavy
5<lIOx2 ,
1 Restricted
Ion cannon, light
Ion cannon, medium
3dlOx2 ion
5d10)(2 ion , licensed
Cannon, double +ldlO .0 licensed '3 Ion cannon, heavy (I ) 3dlOx5 ion 5 Military 6,000
Cannon, quad t2dl0 .1 Restricted ,5 Ion cannon, SdlOxS ion 3 Illegal 12,000
Cannon enhanc~ments tldlO .1 Military ,2 Hapan triple (I)
Cannon enhancements, t2dl0 .2 Military ,5 Laser cannon, light 3dlOx2 licensed 1,500
advanced Laser cannon, medium 4dl0)(2 Restricted ',000
Concussion missile, light 7111Ox2 0 Military 500 laser cannon, heavy Sdl0x2 2 Military 6,000
Concussion missile, 9d 10x2 0 Military 7SO Point-defense wtapon (1) - 0 Restricttd t4,000
medium Proton torptdo 9dl0x2 0 Military 800
Concussion missile,
h~avy (1)
9dl0xS 0 Military 2,000 Proton torptdo launch~r - Military 2,500
Shieldbuster torpedo 10dlOx2 0 Military 1,000
Concussion missilt 2 Military 2,000 Shieldbuster torptdo 3 Military 10,000
launcher, light launcher
Concussion missilt 5 Military 3,500 Space mint, standard 7dI0(ts(2 0 Military 1,000
launchtr, medium Space mine, advanced 9d l 0x2 0 Military 5.000
Concussion missile 20 Military 30,000 Spac~ mine, heavy 6dlOx5 Military 5,000
launcher, heavy (1)
Space mint launcher 2 Military 5,000
Docking gun By weapon licenstd tl,ooo
Space mine launcher,
• Military 5,000
Oroid jamm~r Special licenstd ',000 h~avy (1)
Fire-linked weapon, 2 t l dl0 .1 Lictnsed ,2
Tractor beam Special 10 Licensed 10,000
Fire-linktd weapon, 4 t2dl0 .2 Restricted Tu rbolaser, light (1) 3dl0xS 2 Military 5,000
Fire-linked weapon, Special .0 licens~d t l,ooo Turbolaser, medium (1) 5<ll0x5 5 Military 10,000
Turbolaser, htavy (I) 7dl0x5 10 Military 20,000
Gravity w~1I projector (I) Special 5 Military SO,OOO
1 Colos!.al or larger starships only
space without docking or slowing down. The system is most often used by
smuggl~rs, though such designs were originally built for large fr~ighters
hyperdrive syst~ms, they are now used to haul herds of livestock (often
nerf or bantha herds) and to transport critically injured passengers. Each
• hauling explosive materials that might become unstable. A pilot or systems
operator can dump any single cargo bay, or all cargo on the ship, as a swift
unit of cryogenic chambers can carry a number of Medium or smaller
creatures ~qual to (starship's cost modifierl/S. l ar ge creatu res take up
action. If this is don~ while th~ starship is moving in space, it takes a DC 30 five times as much space, and Huge creatures take up twenty times as
P~rception or Use Comput~r check made as a reaction to notice th~ action much spac~ .
from another starship.
Docking Clamp
Cargo Pods A docking clamp allows a starship 10 dock with other starships in space.
Cargo pods ar~ additional storage space added to a ship to boost its total car- Normally, this accessory is used by passengers to move from shuttles
rying capacity. Though they allow independent traders to carry more goods, to larger ships, but larger vessels can use them as makesh ift starfigh ter
they also reduce a ship·s ability to maneuv~r quickly, making them unpopular launches. Once the clamp is in place, creatures can safely move between
with pirates and military craft. Each cargo pod added to a starship reduces the clamped ships. A starship can maneuver, figh t, and even travel through
its Dexterity score by 2. You can add multiple cargo pods to a starship, but hyperspace with Ships of smaller size clamped to it. However, if a ship takes
cannot add a pod if it would drop th~ starship's Dexterity below 1. damage in excess of ils damage threshold, all starships attached to it by
The additional carrying capacity is based on the size of the starship. A docking clamps are shaken off.
small cargo pod adds (starship's cost modi fier) x 1 tons of cargo. A medium Docking clamps on smaller ships aren't strong enough to do much more
cargo pod adds (starship's cost modifier) x 5 tOilS of cargo. A heavy cargo than hold the ship in place during routine docking. These are built into the
pod adds (s tarship's cost modifier) x 10 tons of cargo. cos t of all starships and have no special game effect.
A cargo pod can be made d~tachable (to act as an esca pe pod) for five
t imes t he cos t. Droid Repair Team
A droid repair team au tomatically deploys to repair a stars hi p when it moves
Cloaking Device -lor more steps down the cond ition tra ck-no action on the pa rt of t he
A cloaking d~vice creates a field of invisibility around a ship, making it crew is necessary to activate il. A droid repair team does not take any action
nearly impossible to detect with sensors or the naked eye. The oldest form other than to make a Mechanics check to jury-rig a starship, moving it +1
is the slygium crystal cloaking device, which uses rare crystals found only step on the condition track. A droid repair team has a Mechanics check
on Aeten II, a planet of the Outer Rim. These devices were used extensively modifier of + 13.
Cargo jettison syst~m ,
lic~ n sed 1,000 mdils base
Cargo pod, light 0 Common Gargantuan or larger 500 credits base
Cargo pod, medium Common Colossal or larger 1,000 credits bast:
Cargo pod. heavy 2 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 1,500 mdils bast
Colossal or larger 50,000 credits base
Cloaking devict, hibridium
Cloak ing device, stygium ,
3 Military
Military Huge or larger 100,000,000 credits base
Cryogenic chamtM-rs 2 Common Colossal or larger 500 en'dits bast
Docking damp Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 2,000 cr(dits base
Droid repair team Colossal or larger 5,000 credits base
Escape pod, small lifeboat , Common
Common Colossal or larger 400 credits bas~
Escap~ pod, large lif~ b oa t 2 Common Colossal (frigat e) or larger 800 credits base
Extended range 2 Common 100 credits base n
Hangar bay 8 Common Colossal (frigate) or larger 10 credits base ,
Hangar bay, concealed 40 Restricted Colossal (frigate) or larg~r 1,000 credits base •
HoloNet transceiver 4 Restricted Colossal or larg~r SO,OOO credits base ,•<
Hypeftfansc~ivtr Ucensed 2,000 credits base -
luxury upgrad~, basic Common 10,000 cr~dits base
luxury uP9rad~, advanctd Common 20,000 credits base
luxury upgrad~, ew~me Common SO,OOO credits base Iii
Medical suite Common Colossal or larger 3,000 credits base ~
Passenger sea ti ng Common 200 credits base II
Passenger quarters
Stnsor array computer +2
Stnsor array computer +4
Colossal or larger 500 credits base
5,000 credits
25,000 mdits base
bas~ -
Sensor array comput~r +6 licensed SO,OOO credits base
3 @
Stnsor enhancement packag~
Slave circuits, basic
15,000 credits base
1,000 credits base --
Slave circuits, advanced Common 4,000 credits base Iii
Colossal 01 s m all~r 6,000 credits base 11
Slave circuits, recall
Smugg l ~r's compartments ,
0 Military
Illegal 200 credits base
Transponder, IFF 0 Military 1,000 credi ts 1b
Transponder, mask~d 0 Illegal 200 credits base
Transponder, disguis~d (1) 0 Illegal 500 mdits bas~ Ie
Transponder, d isguis~d (2) 0 Illegal 1,000 credits bas~ IF
Transponder, disguis~d (3) 0 Illegal 2,000 credits bas~ Iii
If a starship takes damage that gets past its SR (if any) in a round when for a si ngle hyperspace jump (plus a little left o~er for the ion engines and
a droid repa ir team is active, there's a 25% chance that the droid repair repulsorlifts to use duri ng la nding). Survi~al gear is simi lar to that of a small
team is destroyed. lifeboat. One bay i ncludes (starship's cost modifierJfl00 large lifeboats. and
multiple bays may be instal led.
Esca pe Pods
space transports and capital ships automatical ly include enough escape
All Ext ended Range
pods for all nand roid passengers and crew-they're built into the cost of the Some starship s nted to op erate for extended periods w ithout ~ve r r ~ turn
ship. By law, sta rships art required to have sufficient escape pods on boa rd at ing to port. Such a shi p can be built with oversized fu el tanks, t xtra stores
all times, but military starships are exempt from th is rule and may carry fewer of food, and improved rec ycling systems. Doing th is improv~s a starship's
than the normal amount (see Gaining Emplacement Points, page 38). consumables by 10% of its original value (rounded down, minimum 1
If a Colossal or larger starship is destroyed, any character on board who day) x th~ number of times you ' have installed extended rang e on the
survives may make a DC 20Acrobatics check to reach an escape pod. On a failed starship.
check, the cha ract~r is stuck in a bit of wreckage that has enough air and htat
to ktep him a li~t for about an hour. (Ob~iously, a characte r who gets into an Ha ngar Bay
escapt pod prior to a ship's dtstruction do~s not need to make a check.) A hanga r bay can be installed on a sh ip of Colossa l (frigatd size or larger. It
Typical escap~ pods ar~ smal l, s i ngl ~ -ust vthiclts pro~i ding 1 day of life holds secondary craft such as starfight~rs or shuttlts. Each bay has (starship's
support for tigh t Mtdium cr~aturts plus rations fo r another wtek and just cost modi fierl/50 units of hangar space, and multiple bays may be combined
enough futl to rtach a nearby plan t !. Many largt ships upgrad ~ their escape for more space. The hanga r space taken up by a car ried v~hicle is d~ termined
pods to mort capablt models. by its size : Huge, I unit; Gargantuan, 5 units; Colossal, 20 units. A v~hicl~
can enter or exit a hangar with two move ac tions.
•• Esca pe Pod
H ug~ starfighttr
Cll Con ce al ed Hangar s: The presence of a concea led hangar isn't obvious
to an e )(t~ rna l ~x am i nalion. Delermine the hangar space as for a regu lar
Init -2; S~ ns ~s P~rctption +0 hangar, above. II takes a DC 30 Perc~ption chec k to recogn ize a concealed
D~ f~ ns ~ Ref 10 (flat-footed 10), Fort 25; +2 armor fighter bay for whal it is from an ext erna l observation, though any tho rough
hp 40; DR 10; Thr~s h o l d 35 internal search of a ship reveals takes two ful l rounds for a starship to
exit or enter a concea led fight~r bay.
Sp ~~ d fly B squares (max. ~e l ocity 250 km/hJ. fl y 1 square (s t arship scale)
Fi ghting Spac~ 3x3 or 1 sq uare (starship scale); Cov~ r tota l
Sa se Atk - 5; Gr p + 20
HoloNet Tra nsceiver/ Hypertra nsceiver
All starsh ips come tquipped with basic communications systems, including
Abi lities Str 31, Dex 10, Can -, Int 10
sp~~d-of-light comms and subspace transceivers. These sys t ems allow for
Skills Initiati~e -2, Mechan ics + 0, P~rc~ ption +0, Pilot - 2, Use Computtr +0
commun icatio n within a star system, including sending and receiv ing signals
Cr~ w 0 (untrai ned); Pas s~ ng ~ rs 8
to personal com links.
Cargo none; Consumab l ~ s 1 day; Carr i~d Craft none
Som~ ships req uire superior communications and are equipped with
Avai l ability Common; Cost 1,200
hyp~rtransc~ivers or HoloNet transceivers. Hypertransc ei vers effectively
have an unlimit~d range, allowing sh i ps at opposite ends of tht gala xy to
Small Lif~boats : Th t st ~~ssels, which can be instal led on ships of Col 05- communicate with ~ach other, although such commun ications can experience
sal (frigate) size or larg~r, provid~ life support for fifteen Medium creatu res signi ficant time lag. Hypertransceivers also give a ship acc~ss to information
fo r up to 1 wee k, and they ha~e ~nough fu~1 to f ly across a star system to on th~ HoloNtt. though not with the f ull detai l of a HoloN~t transceiv~r.
reach a hospitable p l an~t. They inclu d ~ ~ )(te nsi~~ survival gear, i ncluding Most mi li tary vessels ca rry a hypertransceiver.
emergency sh elters, 1 week of rations, water purifi ers, and a smal l hunting HoloNet transceivers are ext remely rare and e~pensive systems that
blaster. One bay includes (starship's cost modifier)/50 lifeboats, and multiple allow fo r rea l-time audio, visual, and holographic communication over an
bays may be installed. unlim ited range. HoloNet transceivers function by ta king ad~antage of the
l arge lif eboab : These ~e ssels. which can be insta lled on ships of Colossa l vast system of HoloNet satel l i t~s bui lt during th e days of the Old Republic.
(cruiser) size or larger, provide life support for up to 50 Medium creatures Only the most important sh i ps carry HoloNet transc eivers; during the reign
for up to 2 months, and they i ncl ude a x 15 hyperdri~e wi th enough fuel of the Galactic Empir~, Hol oN ~ t transc~i vers have an availabil ity of mi litary
instead of restricted. All Use Computer ch ecKs made to gain information Passenger Conversion
wi th a HoloNet transceiver gain a +5 equipment bonus. Som e space tra nsports and small capital sh i ps specialize in transporting
Hypertransc eivers and HoloNe! transceivers are the only means of com- passengers instead of cargo. On e section of passeng er space has sufficient
municating with a starship in hyperspace. However, they can do so only if room for a number of passengers equal to the sh ip·s size modifi ~ r, and th ese
both ships are travel i ng along th e same path in hyperspace or if one ship is passengers can either have seats (typica ll y for voyages of only 1 day or less) or
near the point of arrival or departu re f or the ship in hyperspac e. quar t ers. In either case, these are steerage-quality accommodations (shared
If multiple ships with HoloNet transceivers work together, they ca n create rooms, bunk beds, storage lockers, and so on); for higher qualitY,the sh ip
their own secure communications ne twork, such as was done with Banking may also have a luxury upgrade (see above).
Clan Frigates.
Sensor Array Computer
luxury Upgrade One of the main funct ions of a starsh i p's comp u t~ r is to gat h ~ r and in t erpret
A luxury upgrade is a shipwide increase in the quality of a starship·s accom- data coll ected from various sensors. Of course, this can take quite a lot of
moda tions. Panels of ca l ming colo rs, stylish trim, and quality artwork cover processing power, limiting th e computer"s ability to perform other tasks. To
bu lkh ead walls and access panels. Bunks and stowage lockers are replaced boost overa ll computer performanc e, a sensor array computer can exclusively
with comfort able beds and wooden wardrobes. Lounges are upgraded with process sensor data, leavi ng th e ship 's main compute r f ree to aid in targeting
recl iners. desks. and multipurpose game boards. Music systems are installed and hand ling the ship's many computerized systems.
th roughout the ship, and food prepara tion areas are adapted to allow gourmet A sensor array computer gives a starship a + 2, +4, or +6 equipment bonus
cooking and fresh food storage. to it s Intelligence score.
A basic luxury upgrade changes a starship from a harsh travel vehicl e to >
a comfo rt able home on the move. An advanced lu xury upgrade goes a step Sensor Enhancement Package 1
farther, maki ng the ship th e equival ent of an upper- sca le hotel. An extreme
luxu ry upgrade turns a starship into a pa lace in space, fit for emperors and
A sensor enhancement package includes s~nso rs sup erior to those normally
carried by starsh ips, providing better detection and early-warning capabi l-
lords of industry. So satisfying is life on a ship with an extreme luxury upgrade ity. A sensor enhancement package gives a system operator a +5 bonus on
that the crew quality of the ship increases by one st ep (maxi mum of expert), Perception and Use Computer checks made to op~rate the ship's sensors.
though this has no effect on the statistics of a crew of heroes.
To maintain such luxury is not cheap, requiring 1/50 of the cost of the Slave Circuitry
upgrade each month to keep music current, quali t y foods stored, and worn Slave circu itry reduces the number of crewmembers required to operate a
pillows replaced. After any month when this expense is not paid. t he luxury starship. Thi s accessory is most commonly present in older capital ships,
level of the ship is reduced one step (extreme t o advanc ed. advanced to which require tens of thousands of crew. Basic slave circuitry reduces the
basic, basic to a typica l starship) unti l proper upgrad ing is again established
(including recouping the cost of all missed months of maintenance).
Medical Suite
A medical suite, which can be installed on sh ips of Colossa l (frigate) siu
or larger, provid es th e necessary faciliti es to maintain the health of a crew
ov er a long period. A medical suite includes (starship's size modified/S
medical beds and {starship's size modificrllso bacta tanks. (A starship may
combine multi ple medical suites when determining t he faci lities available.)
Wh en a starship can't accommodate a bacta tank. a medical bed is usual ly
sufficient to stabi lize a patient. A medica l bed conta in s monitoring equip-
ment to keep track of vital sign s and th e medica l gear nee ded to deal with
most common i njuries and ill nesses. Treat a medical bed as a medpac (10
uses, with a si ngle charg e costing as much as a medpacl, a medica l kit,
and a surgical kit.
crew require ments of a starship by 1/3. and advanced slave ci rcuitry reduces cargo capacity. However, a starship can never have more than 5% of its
it by 2/3. The crew requirement for a starship is never reduced to less than original ca rgo ca pacity in smuggler's compartments: beyond that, the missing
I -on ly certai n exceptional and custom-bui lt slave ci rcu its are capable of ca rgo space is immedia tely obvious to anyon e inspecting the ship.
such a feat, such as those guiding t he Katona fleet. The crew quality of a
starship th at has slave circuits is sti ll based on its remaining crew. Transponders
Reca ll Cir cui ts : Available only for starships equ ipped with advanced Because a ship's transpo nders are bui lt into it s sublight engines. it is difficult
slave ci rcuits, recal l ci rcuits allow a starship to be summoned by com- to remove or al ter a ship's transponder code. However. t here ar e two options:
lin k to the owner even when no one is aboard the ship. A ship piloted You can mask you r ship's code (making it impossible to read). or you can
by its recall circui t s can only lift off, f ly direc tly to the com lin k used t o disg uise yo ur ship's code (making it look like a different code).
summon it, and land at that location-it can take no other actions. The A masked t ransponder req uires yo u only to reroute engine power to
crew quality of a ship un der contro l of recall ci rcu its is unt rained (+0 overheat the t ransponder director, but if your Mechanics check to install the
chec k modifier), and anyone in the pilot's position can disable the recall modification fails by 10 or more, you destroy your sublight engines in addition
circu i ts as a swift action. t o losing the cos t of the modification. Furth ermore, a masked transponder
is immediately apparent to everyone who detects your shi p, attracting the
Smuggler's Compartment s attention of the authorities.
Smugg ler's compa rtments are hidden cargo spaces designed to resist de tec- A disguised transponder transmits a second Sig nal tha t modifies t he
tion. It t akes a detailed inspection and a DC 30 Perception check to find a broadcast signal pattern of you r ship's transponder, making it look li ke a
smugg ler's compa rtment. One section holds up to (starship's cost modi fi er) different sh ip altoge ther. Act ivating or deac tiva t ing a disguised t ransponder
x 200 kg of cargo, and multiple compartments may be combined for greater is a swift action.
Cruiser Colossal (cruiser)
Colossal (frig ate) '" 14
16 -/2
800 IS
. 12
Friga te
Corvette Colossal (frigate) '"
110 16 -/3 600 IS .12
I!iI Heavy freighter Colossal (frigate)
'"50 "
10 12 -/1 400 IS .12 500,000
Colossal 46
1$ .12
l ight freigh ter Colossal 42 10 12 12/2 120 IS
., 20,000
Superiority figh ter
Emplacement Points: If you worsen a stock ship's starting valoe in a category by 25%, you gai n a number of emplacement points equal to 10% of the
ship's stock emplacement points (o r twice that many if you worsen it by 500Jtl). For the purpose of the crew required to operate a starship, worsening mea ns <
increasing the crew required (by 25% or 50%). Any emplacement points gained in th is way may be kept as spares or used to purchase additional cargo space, ••
add ing tons of cargo capacity equal to the starship's cost modifier for each emplacement point spent
You must make a Use Com puter check to access private information in successfu lly loaded you r IFF transponder with the correct "friend" codes for
that uni t. If the attitude of the enemy ship's computer ever becomes hostile,
order to find the Iransponder code for a ship similar to yours and then make
a Oeception check to create a deceptive appearance, forging a signal that you will appea r as an enemy un it on that shi p's sensors. ~
will appear au thentic. After this, insta llation may proceed normally. If suc-
cessful, your transponder'S signal will make you appear to be the mimicked
ship. You may insta ll more than one disgu ised transponder signal to give II
your ship differen t identities that can be turned on and off, but you take a
If you need to design a ship from scratch, rather than modify an e.isting =
ship, simply start with one of the fonowing stock ships. Each stock ship has
- 5 penalty on your Deception check for every disguised transponder already
on your ship.
a cost and basic description for a generic. no-frills version of a starship of 1\
that size. To improve the design, use th e starship modificat ion rules to add @
IFF Transponders: This is a blarlk Identify Friend or Foe transponder of @
and improve the systems and abilities you need. A lone character carl't design
the type normally installed on military starships, and you can activa te or
a starsh ip from scratch without the Starship Designer feat, and even then =
deactivate it as a swift actiorl. If you have the proper IFF codes for a given
military unit, you can upl oad them to you r IFF transponder and appear as a
norma lly needs th e aid of a shipyard to build one. =
Once you have de termined all the systems you want to add to your stock
"friend" to its sensors. 1:1
If you do not have th ese codes, you can at tempt a Use Computer check
ship, you can determine its Initiative, Perception, base attack. grapple, ::g
attacks, damage threshold, and figh ting space using the standard ru les for @
to improve access to an enemy ship's comput er using yo ur IFF t ransponder.
these va lues (sec Chapter 10 of the Saga Edition core rul ebook) . Remember
sending qu eri es and analyzi ng the other shi p's response. The enemy ship's ~
to select a crew quality when determining these va lues.
Will Defense is eq ual to 15 + its Intelligence modifi er, its starting atti tude is There is no hard and fas t rule to de termine the Challenge level of a new )j)
unfriendly (-5 penalty on your Use Computer check). arld the DC of your Use stock starship. The easiest way to do 50 is to compare the new stock shi p to ~
Computer check is increased by 10 due to the encry pted signal. If you manage comparable ships and use tha t as the basis of a CL, adjusting as necessary
to improve the attitude of the enemy ship's computer to helpful, you have Iii
fo r the crew rating of the ship. I!il
I Atk Options auto fi re (point- defense light laser cannons)
Abilities Sir 86, Oex 14, Con , Int 16
role as the primary delivery system for ground forces, t h~ enti re co nflict
hinged on it s ability t o survive under combat condit ions.
,• Skill s Initiative -2. Mechanics +6, Perception -t 6, Pilot -2,
Us ~ Computer-t6
The Acclamator saw its baptism of fi re du ri ng the invasion of Geonosis.
A small number of the assault ships were lost to grou nd fire fol lowing the
< Cr ~w 20,141 (skil led); Passengers 16,000 (clone troo pers) depl oyment of troops to the plan et sur face, but the casualt ies were deemed
Cargo 11,250 tons; Consumables 2 yea rs; Carri ed Craft 320 speeder acceptable. Those t hat rema ined pull ed back to provide orbital fi re support.
bikes, 48 AT-TE wa lkers, 80 LAAT gunships, and 36 self- propelled heavy By the end of th e fi rst day, the Separatis t forces were scattered and in com -
artill ery units plete retreat. The Acclamator had proved i ts worth and stood as a chill ing
Payload 100 pro t on torpe does om en of the Star De stroyers that wo uld ~ v e n t ua lly lake its place.
Hyperdrive x.75, adva nced navicomputer Followi ng the Clon e Wa rs, the Acclamator was r ~ placed in se rvice by
Availability M ilita ry; Cost no t available f or sale newer, larger, and more powerful sh i ps, such as the Victory- and Imperiol-
' Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller fhon Colossal size. class Star Destroyers. The Accl amators that rema ined i n Imperia l servic e
were relegated to du t y in rear- echelon areas. Sca tt ered reports r~ v~ al t hat
Quad turbolaser battery (6 gunners) Acclamato rs were used as t ransports f or prisoners and slaves following th e
Atk -t 15 (-5 aga in st ta rgets smal ler than Colossa l), Dmg 6dlOx5 begin ning of the r~b~lI i on aga inst t he Empire, but these rumors are difficu lt
Paint-defense light laser cannon battery (6 gunners) to confirm. Many of the venerable assault ships were eventual ly decommis-
Atk -tIS (-t10 autofire) , Dmg 2dlOx2 sioned and stripped, t heir hulls broken down and recycled by Kuat Drive Yards
Proton torpedoes (gun ner) in order to produce newer and more te rrifying weapons.
Atk -t5, Dmg 9dlOx2. 4-square splash
Th e Acclamator is desig ned as a legion- level troop transport. Using excep-
The Acclomotor- cl ass assault ship, produc ed by Ro thana Heavy Engineering
tiona ll y effici ent hyperdrive eng ines, an assault ship is capab le of traversing
for Kamino's clo ners, quickly became a staple of t h~ Old Repub lic's clo ne
the vas tness of space in a short amoun t of t ime. In addition to 16,000 clo ne
legions. Produce d on a scale to match that of the clone troopers it was
troopers, a typical Acclamato r ca rries 48 AT-TE wal kers, 80 lAAT gunships,
designed to ca rry, dozens of the ships were crewed and ready to depart w hen
36 sel f- prop elled heavy ar ti llery units, and 320 speed er bikes. Onc e a force
Jedi Master Yoda arrived to mobilize an invasion fo rce. Though fo rmi dable in
is deployed, the assault shi p has the ca pacity to f unction as an orbita l com-
app earanc e, the shi ps had never been tes ted in battle. Given the Acclamator's
mand cen tt r.
In dire situations, severa l Acclamators cou ld join fo rces to perform an by nearly eighty percent. Because of these reduc tions, this iteration of the
orbital bombardment designed to eradicate all fac tors of production (includ - Acc lamator was rarely, if ever, used to la nd significant numbers of troops.
ing all sentients). Codenamed Base Delta Ze ro by Old Repub lic, Confederacy, Tactical Fir e: Specializing in orbital bombardments, Ace/omaror /I-class
and (later) Imperial forces, such a technique was spa ringly used against starships can unleash a heavy assau lt on a single target, sometimes catch-
systems that were too rebell ious to be conq uered. ing other ships in the crossfire. As a standard action, an Ace/amator /I-class
If the Acclamator has one weakness, it is it s overspecialization as a ground ship can forgo all attacks to provide tact ical fire to all square s in a 2-square
attack platform. Though it can certainly defend itself from small spaceborn e radiu s around itself. Any ship tha t is reduced to 0 hit poin ts within that area
threats, it doesn·t have the staying power or flexib ility to stand against a is automatical ly destroyed, even if the attack that reduced it to 0 hit points
concert ed attack by capital ships. It is for th is reason, more than any other. did not dea l enough damage to exceed its damage th reshold.
that the Acclamator design was even tually abandoned by the Empire in favor
of larger. less specialized vessels. Rothana Heavy Engineering Acclamato r II -class
Tac t ical Fire : As troop tra nsports, Ace/omator-class starships specialize Tran sgalactic Mi lita r y Assa ult Ship CllB
in protecting its shuttles until they can land sa f ely. As a standard ac tion, Colossal (cruiser) capital ship
an Ace/omoror-class ship can forgo all attacks to provide tactical fire to all Init -2; Senses Perception +6
sq uares in a 2-square rad iu s around it self. All allied starships w ithin that De fense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12). Fort 48; +12 armor, Vehicula r Combat
area gain a +2 bonus to Refl ex Defense. hp 960; DR 20; SR 120; Thr eshold 248
Spee d fly 12 squares (ma x. velocity 1,200 km/h)' fly 4 squares 0
The Acclamator II was put into circulatio n near the end of the Clone Wars.
(starship scale)
Ra nged 4 turbolaser batteri es + 11 ' (see below) and
Though similar in design and function to the original Acclamator series, th e
second iteration was designed specifically with orbital bombardmen t in mind.
2 heavy proton torpedo es -5 " (se e below)
Fi gh tin g Space 2x2 (starship scale); Cover total
Equipped with several batteries of powerfu l turbolasers, as well as a pair Sase Atk +2; Grp +60 <
of heavy proton torpedo tubes, the Acclamator II was a fearsome sight for
anyone unlucky enough t o be on the receiv ing end of its deadly payload.
Abilit ies Str 86, Dex 14, Can ,Int 16
Skill s Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception + 6, Pilot -2,
Though several other va ria nts of the Acclam ator appeared during the
co urse of the Clone Wars, only th e Acdamator II was utilized by the Old
Use Compu t er +6 I!i
Republic in significant numbers.
Crew 20,141 (ski lled); Passeng ers 3,200 (clone troops)
Cargo 10,000 tons; Consumabl es 2 years ; Carried Craft 64 speeder ~
bikes, 10 AT-TE walkers, 16 lAAT gunships. and 8 self-propelled heavy
Capabil ities I!i
Wh en used for plan etary bombardment, the Acclamator II exceede d all
expectations. Arm ed with two heavy proton torpedo tubes, in addition to
a fu ll complement of turbolasers, a single assault ship could sn uff out life
arti llery units
Payload 60 heavy proton torpedoes
Hyperdr ive x.7S, advanced navicomputer
on an entire continent in the course of a few hours. Additionally, the ship's
Ava ilabil ity Military; Cost not avai lable for sa le Iii
'Applya -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal sizl!:.
tu rbolasers could easily be used in ship-to-ship comba t, increasing th e
" Applyo -20 pl!:nolty on attacks against targets smo/le:r than Colossal size,
vessel's survivabi lit y during protrac battles.
or a + 10 bonus on attacks against plan etary shields. ~
Th e heavy torpedoes utilized by the Acclamator II were forerunners of
those that would eventua lly see use on Imperial torpedo spheres. Though
Tur bolaser battery (4 gunners)
capable of locking on to capita l-scal e targe t s in space, the torpedoes were
Atk +11 (-9 against t argets smaller than Colossa l), Dmg 6d l 0x5
specifically ta ilored to breach plan etary shields and spread deadly proton
energy across population cen t ers. When used agains t other targe t s of any Heavy proton t orpedoes (gunner)
size, the torpedoes take a -10 penalty on attack rolls (a lready i ncluded in Atk -5 (-25 against t argets smaller than Colossal, +5 against
it s statistics)' i n addition to any other penalties. plane tary shields). Dmg 9dlOx5, 4-squa re splash
In order to make room for so many powerful weapon systems, the design-
ers of the Acclamator II were forced to red uce tile ship·s troop complement
ACT ION VI The major selling point of the Action VI, or of any bulk freighter for that
matt~r, is cargo capacity. The Action VI's 90,ooO-ton cargo capacity means
TRANSPORT that it can haul vast quantities of goods from port to port. However, the
design of the ship's holds dictates that they must be loaded with similar types
Cortllia n Engi neering Corporation Action VI of goods or materials, rather than mixed ca rgoes. With some modifications,
Bulk Transport Cl7 this limitation can be remedied easily enough, but the cost of compartmen-
Colossal (frigate) capital ship talizing each of the massive holds is steep.
Init -5; St nses Ptrception +5 As originally sold, the Action VI has few frills. The Corellian Engineer-
Defense Ref 12 (flat-footed 12). Fort 36; 1"12 armor ing Corporation ceased production of the mod ~1 decades ago, but it still
hp 600; DR 15; Thres ho ld 136 sees modest sales on the secondary market. A few independent shipyards
Spe ed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 650 kmfh). fly 1 square produce ships that are similar enough in design that they might as well be
(starship scale) Action Vis. Due to the fact that most of the available Action Vis are sold
Figh ti ng Space 1 squart (slarship scald; Cover tOlal secondhand, it is quite possible that anyone could feature any manner of
Ba se At k +0; Grp +46 aftermarket modification.
Abilities SIr 62, Dex 10, Con -, Int 12
Skills Initiati ...!! -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5,
n Usc Computer +5
Crew 8 (normal); Passengers none
Carg o 90,000 tons; Con sumabl es 3 months; Carri ed Craft nonc
,• Hypcrdrivc xJ
Availability licensed; Cost 1,000,000 (500,000 used)
The Action VI bulk transport is a moderately successful freighter design
mitnufitctured by the Corelliitn Engineering Corporittion. As one of the mor~
recent entries in the Action line of stitrships, the Action VI is it pr~valent sight
on th~ hyperspace lanes, especiitlly in the vicinity of the Inner Rim itnd the
Cor~ Worlds. It has much in common with other bulk fre ighters, and many
consider it to be the industry stitnditrd-alb~it it lackluster one. The Action
VI is it fitvorite itmong trade guilds b~cause it is eitsily modified, reitdily
itvitilitble, itnd relittively inexpenSive.
Bulk freighters such as the Action VI are responsibk for hauling the vast
majority of cargo from system to system. The ship's enginn are typica lly
powerful, but the sh ips themsdv~s are correspondingly slow and unre-
sponsive. Given the sluggishness of the typical bulk transport, combined
with the fact that most itre sold without armitment or deflector shields, it
is little surprise that tht'( suffer terribly at the hands of pirittes and other
int~rstellar brigands.
Given that they lack even rudimentary d~f~nsive systems, unmodified Action
VI transports are rar~ly seen outside the saf~r ar~as of known space. Those
that travel in high-risk sectors either stay with a large, escorted convoy or
rely on major defensive modifications to fend off an attack.
ADVANCED SHIP Advanced V-19 Torrent Starfighter Cl12
Gargantuan starfighter
(TEMPL.ATE) Init + 12; Senses Percepti on +6
An ad~anced ship is on the cutting edg e of technology, one that includes Defense Ref 23 {flat-foot ed 121. Fort 27; +7 armor
numerous new systems and improvements to old systems. Individual pro- hp 125; DR 10; SR 30: Threshold 47
totypes of new ship classes, specia lly modifiC'd privat e vessels for th e rich Speed fly 16 squa res (max. velocity 1,150 km/h), fly 4 squares
and powerful, and special ships built by cultures that have particularly (sla rship scal e)
advanced technology aft all represented by adding this template to standard Rang ed laser can nons +9 (see below) or
starships. Rang ed medium concussion missiles +9 (s et: be low)
Advanced ships art rar tl y a class of vessel. Even the most cutting-edge Fighti ng Space 4x4 or I square (starship scale): Cover tota l
cu lture can't make more than a few of these vessels at a time. Thty require Ba se Atk +2; Grp +34
regular maintena nce (taking 1 day and a DC 30 Mechanics check tach week) Atk Options autofire (laser cannons), fire·link (medium concussion
or move -1 persistent step on th e condition track until missed Mec hanics missiles)
checks are made.
Abilities SIr 45, Dex 33, Can ,Int 20
Skill s Initiative +8, M echanics +6, Perception +6, Pi lot +12,
Use Computer + 6
To create a~ adva~c~d starship, make the followi~g cha~ges to a~ exjstj~g
Crew 1 (skill ed ); Pa sse ng ers non e n
starship. I
Cargo 70 kg: Con sumables 1 week: Ca rr ie d Cr aft none
Payload 6 medium concussion missiles
Cl: The Cl of a~ adva~ced ship is 125% its normal value {round up}.
SR: Increase th e ship's SR by an amount based on its Sil~: Huge +5,
Hyperdrive xl or x 1 with boos t er ring, limited navicomputer (2-jump •,
Ga rgantuan +10, Colossal +20, Colossal (fr igate) +30, Colossal (cruiser) +40,
Availability Military; Cost not available for salt
Colossal (station) +50. If th e base sh i p doesn't hav e shields normally, give
it shields w ith a total SR of double the given bon us +10.
las er c annons (pilot)
Hit Points: Increase by 25%.
Atk +9 (+4 autofire), Dmg 6dl0x2
Stre ngth : Increase Strength by the following bonus based on size; Huge
+2, Gargantuan +6, Co lossal +10, Colossal (frigate) + 16, Colossal (cruiser) M edium concussion miss iles (pilot)
+22, Col05sa l (sta t ion) +36. Increase Fort Defense, damage threshold, and Atk +9, Dmg 9dlOx2, 4-square splash
Grapple to represent the new Streng t h modifier,
Dexterity: Increase the Dexterity of Huge and Gargantuan starships by
8, Colossal (s t ation) sh i ps by 2, and all othe rs by 4. Increase Initiative, Ref le x
Defense, and Pi lot check 10 represent the new Dexterity modifier.
Inte lligence: Increase In t elligence by 4. Increase your weapon attack
bonuses to represent your new Intelligence modifi er.
W eapons: Increase the damage dealt by all weapons by 1 die.
Cost: Advanced ships are normally cutting - edge prototypes w ith project
costs easi ly reaching mi llions of credi t s.
Kuat Syst ems Engineering developed the Delta-7 Ae rherspritc when Jedi
Master Sa ese e Tiin suggested that th e Jedi form its own corps of st arfighter
pi lots. In the tim e prior to the Clone Wars, these fighte rs provided an eco-
nom ical-and co mbat- effective-m eans for Jed i to get f rom plac e to plac e.
Despite its ut ility. th e Delta-7 was d istinctly Jedi in nature. For t his reason,
it was rarely used by Jedi during covert operat ions.
Although the design was well received by t he Jedi, Sa esee Tiin was none -
t heless dissatisfied with t he Aethersprite light intercep tor's perfo rmance. He
insis t ed on modifying two Arthersprites t o his ow n speci f ications, adding
add i tional weapo nry, a hyperdrive of his own design, and a meditation chair
in place of th e pilot's seat.
The Delta - 7 is availabl e on ly to Jedi t hroug h the Suprem e Cha ncellor's
office, and is not legal ly available o n the o pen market. The prices given are
for a Delta - 7 found on th e black market, which is rare but not unheard of.
ARC-170 The Aggrrssivr RrConnaissancr fighter, Of ARC-170-drvrloped as a joint
STARFIOHTER venlLJrr by ,hr Incom and Subpro Corporations-srrvrs as both a long-range
SCOLlt and a hravy assault fighlrf. Thr ACR-170 is part of a linr of starfight-
ers, including thr l-95 Hradhuntrr, that rvrntually Ird to thr drvrlopmrnt
rncom/Subpro ARC-170 Starfightc:r Cl '1 of thr X-wing. Thr narrow framr. flanked by powrrful twin rnginrs and
Gargantuan starfighter S-foils. was innoyatiyr at thr timr of thr ARC-170's introdLlction. Though it
Init .5; Senses Perception +6 served with distinction during the latrr days of thr Clonr Wars, thr fighter
Defense Rd 17 (flat-footed 131. Fort 28; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat was nryer built in thr vast numbrrs of many other dcsigns.
hp 150: OR 10; SR 25; Threshold 48 Thr ARC-170's ultimatr failing was not lack of fircpowcr or ability. but thr
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,050 km/Ill. fly 4 squares high supply cost to krrp it in combat. Thr starfightrr nccds rcgular main-
(starship scale) Irnancr and rrqLlirH a thrrr-person crrw, making it r xpensiyc in trrms of
Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) and training, prrsonnel. and upkrrp. As a rrsult, oncr thr TIE fightcr rcplacrd it
medium laser cannons +4 (see below) and ifllmprrial squadrons, thcrc was very littlc demand for thr ARC-170. Though
proton to rpedoes +6 (see below) somc werc librrated by thr Rrbrllion, most wrrc mothballrd or scrappr d
Fighting Spac e 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew). +5 simply because thr Rcbrls lackrd thc flight crews and rcpair bays nccessary
(ast romech droid) to kcep the older ARC-t70s ready for combat.
8as e Atk +2; Grp +35 n
Atk Option s au t ofirc (laser cannons, medium laser cannons). f ire-link CAPABILITIES I
(prolon torpedoes) Thc ARC-170 is a heavy-hitting figh tcr, with long-range capabilities and ,
Abilities SIr 46, Dex 18, Con -, Int 14 enough stowage to operatc for 5 days without rrsupply. Though taxing, it ~
Ski ll s Initiative +5, Mechanics +6 (+13·), PC'fceplion +6, Pilot +5, was possible for the crew to slrrp in shifts, allowing the starfightrr to be
alrrt and ready for action for days at a time. This madr it popular as a scout
Use Computer +6 (+13")
"If tM ship has on osrromrch droid, usr rhrsr skill modifirrs ins trod. and a picket ship, kreping an eye on likely targets, enemy forces, or even
Crr w 3 plus astromrch droid (skillrd); Passr ngrrs nonr frirndly planets until larger ships could arriYr for ~rmanent duty. An ARC-
Cargo 110 kg; Consumablrs 5 days; Carr ird Craft nonr 170 cOLlld br srnt deep into cnemy territory, and its shield generator gavc it
Payload 6 proton tor~dot:s a good chance of surviving even if it ran inlo a largcr for~ of fighters whrn
Hypr rdrivr xl.5, 10-jump mrmory (astromrch droid) performing such missions.
Availability Military: Cost 155,000 (70.000 usrd) The durability and range of thr '«Ssel came at a cost. however. The ARC-
170 has slow acceleration and poor manruverability compared to smaller
Lasr r cannons (gLlnnrr) fighlcrs.
Atk +4 I-I aLltofirt:l. Dmg 6dlOx2
Mrd iLlm lasrr cannons (gLlnnrr)
Atk +4 (-1 aLltofirt:l, Dmg 5dlOx2
Proton torp rdors (pilot)
Atk +6, Dmg 9dl0x2, 4-sqLlarr splash
ARCHAIC SHIP Archaic Heavy Cruiser Cl 12
Colossal (cruiser) capital sh i p
(TEMPLATE) Init -4; Senses Perception +6
An archaic ship is one from a much earlier era of technology_ Despite poten- Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 13). Fort 53; +13 armor, Vehicular Combat
tia lly having all the same basic technology as modern vessels (laser cannons, hp 1,680; DR 20; SR 115 (50% fa ilure chance if SR exceeded); Threshold
sh ields, hyperdrives, and so on), an archaic ship suffers some disadvantages 126
when facing vessels f rom higher levels of technology. The archaic ship Sp ee d fly 1 square (starship scale)
template can also be used to represent a starship built by a culture whose Ranged 2 turbolaser batteries +11' (see below) and
technology is less developed tha n the galactic norm. 2 light quad turbolaser batteries + 11 ' (see below) and
Even extremely ancient starships can be sufficiently upgraded that they
2 light turbolasers +3' (see below)
no longer suffer t he disadvantages of the archaic template. This requires 1 Fighting Space 2x2 (starshi p sca'le) ; Cover tota l
week of work x th e ship's cost modifier and credits equa l to 1/10 the ship's Base Atk +2; Grp +65
original cost. For each week. of work, you must succeed on a DC 25 Mechanics
Abilities Str 96, Oex 10, Can , Int 16
check, or that week's effort is lost. If multiple characters work on upgradi ng
Skills Initiative -4, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pi lot - 4,
an archaic ship, divide th e tota l time required by the number of characters
Use Computer +6
who succeed on the Mechanics check,
Crew 16,210 (skilled); Passengers 3,000
n Cargo 9,000 tons ; Cansumabl es 2 years; Carried Craft 12 sta rfighters
All the modifica tions for the archaic sh i p template apply only wh en t he ship
Hyperdrive x2 (backup x I8), navicamputer
Availability Military; Cost not available for sale (black market value
,• is in combat with modern sta rships, If two archaic ships engage in combat,
ignore all changes made by this template.
17,777,500 used)
Development of the A-wing began in secret shortly after the Battle ofYavin,
General Dodonna realized that the speed,of Imperial figh ters had nearly cost
the Alliance its victory, and he intended to remedy the situation by designi ng
a newer, faster starfighter. With the aid of starship engineer Walex Blissex,
the A-wing was born. Although no t as durable as other Allian ce starfighters ,
the A-wing is often considered to be the fas test starf ighter to see service
du ring t he Ga lactic Civil War,
BANKING CL.AN The InterGalactic Banking Clan learned early in its exist ence that security
meant profit. As a result of that philosophy, the clan decided it needed its
FRIGATE own communica tions network separat e from the HoloNet, and military ships
to protect its communica tions and other investments, The result was th e
Banking Clan Munificent-class Frigate Cl 18 Munificent-class star frigate, a ship so close ly associated with the business
Colossal (cruiser) capital ship that custom - ordered its design that it is almost always referred to as the
In it -3; Senses Perception +6 BanKing Clan Frigate,
Defense Ref 13 (fla t-footed 12). Fo rt 49; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat Wh en San Hill brought the Banking Clan into the Separatists' fold, he
hp 1,080; OR 20; SR 165; Thr eshold 249 brought the frigat es with him, After the defeat of the Confederacy, most
Spet d flV 3 squares [starsh ip scald of th e remaining frigates were scuttled. A f ew escap ed with their crews,
Ranged hea.... y lurbolasers +7' (see below) and becoming pirates or (eventually) member; of th e Rebellion. In many cases,
medium ion cannons +7' [see below} and the ships were extensively rebui lt by Rebels, radically changing the ships'
5 twin turbolaser batteri es + 15' (see below) and app earance.
2 ligh t turbolaser batteries +15' (see below) and
3 point-defense laser cannon battNie's + 17 (see below) CAPABILITIES
Fighting Space 2x2 (starship sca le-I; Cover total Banking Clan Frigat es serve as communication ships, troop transports, and
o Base Atk +2: Grp +61 front - li ne ships. In an ideal situation, a star frigate could focus on protect-
I ing larger capital ships and eliminating smal ler, more weakly armed ships.
> Abilities Si r 88, Dex 12, Con ,Int 20
<• Skills Initiative - 3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -3,
Its prow-mounted hea vy turbolasers could punch through the shielding and
•• Use Computer +6 armor of small er capital ships, allowing the Munificent-class ship to take
on military-grade targ ets. In practice, however, th e Banking Clan vesse ls
Crew 200 [skilled); Pas se nger s 150,000 compressed battl e droids
< Cargo 40,000 tons; Con sumables 2 years; Carri ed Craft 12 landing
of ten had to contend with Star Destroyers- conflicts that ra rely went well
for the fr igates.
craft/shutt les
Tacti cal Fire : The Munificent-class frigate is designed to be a disrup -
Hyperdrive xl (backup xlO), navicomputer
tive presence in the midst of an enemy f leet, using jamming arrays and its
Availab i lity Restricted; Cost 57,000,000 (40,000,000 used)
forward weapons to destroy weaker vessels and disrupt the coordina tion of
'Apply 0 -20 penolty on attacks against targets smoller than Colossal size,
incoming vessels. As a standard action, a Munificent- class frigate can forgo
all attacks to provide tactical fi re to all squares in a 2-square radius around
Hea vy turbolas ers (gunn er)
itself. All enemy starships lose any morale or insight bonuses on attack rol ls,
Atk +7 (-13 aga inst targets smal ler than Colossa l), Dmg IidlOx5
defenses, or skill ch ecks while within that area.
M edium ion ca nnon s (gunner)
Atk +7 (-13 against targ ets small er than Colossal). Dmg 9dlOx2 ion
Twin t urbolaser battery (5 gun ners)
Atk + 15 (-5 agains t targets smaller than Colossal), Omg 4dlO x5
light turbola ser battery (5 gunners)
Atk +15 (-5 against targets sma ller than Colossal). Dmg 3dl0x5
Point-d ef ense laser cannon battery (6 gunners)
Atk +17, Omg 3dl0x2
As far as star yachts go, the Baudo is a standard e~ample of conspicuous
STA~ YACHT consump tion. No sing le Baudo is identical with any oth~r one; each is built
accordi ng to the requiremen ts and specificat ions of it s buyer. The differencH
Baudo-class Star Yacht Cl6 rarely affect the performance of the vessel: ra ther, they embellish th~ ship's
Col05sal spac~ transport lu~ury and appeal in ways that only the original owners will appreciate. One
tnit -3; Senses PC'rce:ption +5 Baudo might have the internal bulkheads lined in polished hardwood and
Defense Rd 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 22: +11 armor precious metals, while another might include a full bar complete with rare
hp 60: OR 15; SR \5; Thr~ hold 72 spirits from every system in Ihe Core Worlds.
Speed fly 12 square's (max. velocity 1,200 km/hl. fly 5 squares Though relatively fast given its size, the Baudo is more attuned to a
(starship scald slow and steady pace. It doesn't accelerate particularly quickly al sublight
spe~ds, and it features only a class 2 hyperdrive. Despite these deficiencies,
Ranged light laser cannons +2 (see btlow)
Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square: (starship scale); Cover total Baudos are simple to operate, and ev~n amateur pilots find the controls easy
Base Atk 1"0; Grp +32 to use, Its wea pon and defense systems include only a single laser cannon
and modest sh ields.
Abilities SIr 34, Dcx 14, Con ,In t 14
Skills Init ia tive -3, Mec hanics +5, Perce:p tion +5, Pilot -J,
Use Computer +5 n
Crew 1 (normal ) ; Pa ssengers 8 ,,t
Carg o 35 tons; Con sumable,> 1 month: Carried Craft none ;
Hyperdr ive x2 (backup x l). navicomputer ,•
Availability licenstd: Cost 400,000 (250.000 used)
I torpedo es)
Abilities Sir 38. Dex 15, Con , lnt 18
,• Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3,
Use Computer +6
< Crew 1 (skilled): Passe ngers none
Cargo 45 kg: Consumabl es 1 w~~k: Carr ied Craft non~
I -~I Payloa d 12 proton torp~does
D Hyperdrive x2, limited navicomputer (2-jump memory)
0 II~ Avai l ability R~stricted: Cost 220,000 (120,OOO used)
Atk + 8 (+3 autofif~), Omg 4dlOx2 ion
Proton torp ~does (pilo t)
Atk + 8, Omg 9 dl0x2, 4-squa re splash
Atk Options autofire (light ion cannons)
Slay" Et Korpil B-wing /E2 Starfighter Cl12
Abilities Str 38, Ou 15, Con -. Int 14
Gargantuan starfighter
Skills Initiative +3. Mechanics +6, Pe rception +6, Pilot +3.
Init +3; Senses Perception 1'6
Use Computer +6
Defen se Rd 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 2B; +8 armor. Vehicular Combat
Crew 1 (skillc:d); Passengers 2
hp ISO; OR 10; SR 50; Threshold 48 n
Cargo 45 kg: Co nsumables 1 week: Carried Craft none
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 950 km/h), fly 3 squares
(starship scale)
Hyperdrive x2, limited navicomputer (5.jump memory)
Availabili ty Restricted; Cost 220,000 (120,000 used) ;
Ranged lastr cannons +8 (see below) and
light ion cannons +6 (sec below) or
laser cannons (pilot)
Ranged lase r cannons +8 (sec below) and Atk +6, Dmg 6dl0x2 <
proton torp edoes +6 (sec below)
light ion cannons (pilot)
Fighting Space 4x 4 or 1 squa re (starship sca le); Cover tota l
Atk +6 (+1 autofirel. Omg 4d1Ox2 ion
Base Atk +2: Grp +35
Atk Options autofire (laser cannons, light ion cannons), fire·link (proton
Abilities Str 46, Oe~ IS, Con -, Int 18
Skills I ni t iativ~ +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3,
Usc Computer +6
Crew 2 (skil led); Passengers none
Cargo 50 kg; Consumables 1 wcek; Carried Craft nonc
Payload 8 proton torpedoes
Hyp erd rive x2, limited navicomputer (~-jump memory)
Avai lability Restricted; Cost 250,000 (135,000 ustd)
Use Computer +6
Crew 1,092 (sk illed): Passe ngers 142 (troops)
provide tactical fire to all adjacent squares. Ali allied starships attacking
,• Cargo 3,500 tons; Consumables 1 year; Carried Craft 4 TIE fighters on
targets within that area deal +I die of damage on a successful attack .
~ xt ~rnal
< Hyperdri ve xl (backup )(12), nav icomput~r
Availability Military: Cost not available for sale
'Apply a -20 pt'nairy on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.
The Ca rrack was designed du rin g the waning yea rs of the Old Republic as a
less expensive alternative to other capital ships. Because of its speed and
agility when compared to other Clone Wars-era capital ships, the Carrack was
used as a fast-attack escort fo r larger vessels. The design also saw heavy use
as an arm~d escort for m~rchant convoys, which were continuously targeted
by Separatist forces. A group of Carracks assisted in the destruct ion of the
Separatist flagship Invisible Hand during the Battle of COrllscant.
Aft~r th~ in troduction of la rger and mor~ powerful capital ships, groups
of Carracks were most often utilized as scouts and skirmishers for la rger
fl~~t elements. In addition , the Carrack was popu larly used as a personal
The Nssis-ciass Clawcraf! was intended t o be an improvement over the TIE
in te rcep tor. It had similar armament to a TIE/In. bu t added more armor,
Chiss Nssis- class Clawcraft CL 10
modes t sh ields, and a class 1.5 hyperdrive. Though not as fast on a straight-
Huge st arfighter
out run as a TIE/In, the Clawc raf t was significant ly more maneuverable. With
Init +14; Senses Percep t ion + 8
a week of consumables, the Nssis- class could do anythin g a TIE/ln could,
Def ense Ref 20 (flat-footed 12), Fort 24; +4 armor, Vehicular Combat
additionally ac t ing as a long-range scout or attacking fa r-off targets in la rge
hp 90; DR 10; SR 25; Thresho l d 34
numbers withou t the aid of a carri er ship.
Speed fly 16 squa res {max. Vl':loci t y 1,000 kmfh}, fly 5 squares Ea rly versions of the Claweraf! had neither astromech d roids nor navi-
(starship scale) computers to plo t hyperspace jumps, inst ead depending on data from a
Ranged laser cannons ... 11 (see below) beacon ship. Such ships cou ld not make a hyperspac e ju mp more than a day
Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scald: Cover total away from a beacon ship or similar source of hyperspace coord in ates. Later
Base Atk +5; Grp +29 models crammed a navieomputer into each Clawcraft.
Atk Options autofire (laser cannons)
Abi lities SIr 38, Oex 26, Con ,In! 18
Skill s Initiative +14, Mechan ics +8, Perc eption +8, Pilot + 14.
Use Compuler +8
Crew 1 kxpertJ
Cargo 25 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Th e Chiss use the term "clawcraft " to desc ribe a broad class of fast, maneu-
verab le starfigh t ers popular with the ir pilots and wi t h military st rat egis t s. In
fact, th ere ha ve been dozens of models of clawc raf t over the history of t he
Chiss Ascendancy, as wou ld be e)(pected of any long-lasting galactic govern-
ment. When used by non-Ch iss, however, the term almost always refers to a
Nssis-class Clawc raf t. a fus ion of Imperial and Chiss tech nology.
Th e Nssis-class Clawc raf t can be traced direct ly to the Imperia l forces
und er the comma nd of Grand Admiral Thraw n. Thrawn had access to Ch iss
technology in t he form of his Household Pha lanx and to Imperial reso urces
as a grand admiral. Sometime after t he Battle ofYav in, Thrawn began I ryi ng
to merg e th ese technologies, resul t ing in cus tom-bui lt craft using the ba ll
cockpit of t he TIE design coupled with t he claw-wing design common among
Chiss Clawcraft. ln t im e, this design was per fec ted and standardized, becom-
ing t he Nssis-ciass. Rath er than being a hybrid or · ugly: th e Nssis- class
Clawcraf! is a customized fighter design drawing on the st rong poi nts of two
different lines of t echnology. The design is so efficient t hat it sees use with
Imperial forces, the Chiss Ascendancy, and the Empire of th e Hand.
CITADEL- CLASS and waned during the Galactic Civi l War. Many were converted into luxury
yachts, while others became minor warships for Rebels, freebooters, the
CRUISER CSA, and pirates.
The Kuat Systems Eng ineering Cloa~Shape fighter is a con t emporary of the
Z-95 Headhunter. Originally designed as an atmospheric fi ghter, the Cloak-
Shape has proven to be easily adapted to space conf lict, though always as
a short-rang e fighter. Many Jedi used modified CloakShapes in th e years
bdore the Clone Wars. modi f yin g them with enhanced man euverabilit y and
painting them bright white (causing them to be ca lled Whitedoak f ighters).
When custom Jedi star fi gh t ers cam~ in to produc t ion, th is prac t ice ended.
Sales of t h~ Cloa kShape were initially v~ry good, and vas t numbers were
manufac tu r~d in the fi rst decade of production. When superior designs
came into production, Ku at Systems Engineering licensed the desig n of the
CloakShape so ot her shipya rds (usually sma ll planetary businesses) could
produce them for local ma rkets. Though overshadowed by later figh t ers,
CloakShapes continue to appear in pirate and local plan et ary ddense group s
well into the era of the Galactic Al liance.
Efforts to upgrade Cloa kShapes so they can compete with more modern
starfigh t ers, usually by add ing shield generators and replacing the concussion
The Con federacy produced a large number of Recusant destroyers, deploy-
ing them en masse aga inst the Republic. During th e height of t he Clon e
DESTROYER Wars, it was rare to sec few er than four Recusants deployed at once, each
concen t ra t ing its fire on the same targ et. They were most oft en used in rai ds
Hoersch-Kessel Drive/Free DOle Volunteers agains t Republic shipping , but t he poor judgment of the automated systems
Recusant-class Light Destroyer Cl19 often resulted in the destroyers biti ng off more t han they could chew.
Colossal (cruis~r) capital shi p Afte r the Separatists we re de f eated. t he Recusant still fou nd usc t hro ugh-
Init -2; Senses Perception -1-6 out the galaxy. The Rebel Allia nce ha d at least one such vessel ~albei t heavi ly
Defens e Ref 14 (flat-foote d 12). Fort 50; + 12 armor, Vehicular Combat modified and mor e amenable to orga nic crewmen-while another hal f-doze n
hp 1,290; OR 20; SR 150; Threshol d 250 co nt inue t o serve in the f lee t of the Co rpo rate Sector Aut hority.
Spe ed f ly 3 squa res (sta rship scale]
Ranged heavy t urbolasers +6' (see below) and
The most sig nificant strength of th e Recusant-class ligh t destroyer was its
2 heavy t urbolase r batteries +14' (see below) and
3 point-defense double laser canno n batte ri es + 14 (see below) and heavy arm amen t, includ ing heavy turbo lasers in a fixed moun t on the ship's
prow. If the lig ht des tr oyer had on e weak ness, it was its droid brain's single -
5 point-defense lig ht laser cannon batteries + 16 (see below) and
min dedness. The ship would st ubbornly attack a sin gle t arget. ig norin g al l
2 point-defense doub le light laser ca nnon batteries +14 (see below)
oth ers until the object of it s ire was fin ally destroyed or disabled .
o Fighting Space 2x2 (sta rshi p scale); Cover total
Tact ical Fi re : The Recusan t-class light dest royer is packed to the bulk-
,>< Ba se Atk +2; Grp +62
Ab ilities Sir 91, Dcx. 14, Con ,Int 18
heads with weaponry, much of which can be tur ned against sta rfighters. As
like all Yuuzhan Vong vessels, t heir starfighters are grown rather t han built
and are made of en t irely biolog ical compo nents. Whe n th e Yuuzhan Vong
fig hte r-a nalog vess el s were fi rst encountered by t he New Republic, t heir
t rue name (yorik-et) was unknown, Pilots noted t heir obviously co ral-based
co nstruction and th eir high speed and maneuverability and thus dubbe d t hem
· coralskippers. " Approximately as man euverable in space as X-wings, tho ugh
lacking a hyperd rive and bei ng mu ch less maneuverabl e in an atmosphere,
coralski ppers in la rge numbers spearheaded t he Yuuzhan Vong invasion of
th e gala xy.
Though not signi f ican t ly more dangero us t han a Ne w Republic starfighter in
overal l abilit y, co ralskipp ers i ni t ial ly had t he advan t ag e of being an unknown
and mys terious enemy wi t h st range techno logy. In f act, co ralskippers regist er
as asteroids to comp ute rs not f amiliar w ith th em. As a resu lt, ta rge t ing com-
puters intent ionally don' t lock on to t hem, preve nt ing attackers f rom ad ding
t he Intelligence bonus of their ship to their attack rolls. (R eprogramm in g a
ship's computer to recog ni ze coralskippers as a t hrea t takes 1 minute and a
DC 15 Use Com puter check.)
CORVETTE, CORELLIAN One of the most common and popular v~ssels produced by the Carellian Engi-
neering Corporation, th~ CR90 Corv~tt~ s~rv~s multipl~ purposes in fl~~ts
of aU typ~s throughout thC' gala~y. A smaller capital ship that is just a step
Corellian Engineering Corporation CR90 Corvette el 16
up from a spac~ transpo rt, t h~ Cor~ l lian Corvett~ is largC' eno ugh to carry a
Colossal [frigat~J capital ship
significant compl~m~nt of passeng~rs or troops whil~ requiring a r~latively
lnit +0; Seoses Perception +6
small crew to op~rate. Ourabl~ v~ssels that complement any battle group
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 121. Fori 38; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
(and, indeed, they ar~ often seen in R~bC'1 and pirate fI~~tsl. many Cor~l1ian
hp 800; DR 15; SR 100; Threshold 138
Corv~ttes are own~d by individuals and privat~ organizations. OftC'n ref~rr~d
Sp ee d fly 12 SQuares (max. velocity 950 km{h), fly J squares to as blockad~ runn~rs, th~se ships boast a distinctiv~ ·hamm~ rh ~ad· d~sign
(starship scale) tha t is recognizable almost anywhe r~ in the gala~y.
Rang ed 2 turbolilser batteries +10' (scC' below)
Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale): Cover tolal CAPABIL.ITIES
Bast Atk +2; Grp +50 Though excell~nt as consulars or transport ships, Corell ian Corvettes also
Abilities SIr 66, Dex 18, Con ,Int 18 s~~ c:o:tensive usc as military and pirat~ vessels. Most Corell ian Corvettes
Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +0, are ~asi ly modified (a common trait among many of th~ ships produced by
Use Computer +6 the Corellian E n gin~ering Corporation), and as such they ca n b~ tai lored to
n Crew JO to 165" (skilled); Passengers 600" a specific owner's needs. Th~ ~ase with which CR90 Corvettes are modified
Cargo 3,000 tons" ; Consumables 1 year; C; rried Craft nOnc
Hyperdrive x l , navicompulI:r
makes adding weaponry, shielding, and even sC'condary hull plating a simple
matter, meaning that aft~rmafket modifications that boost the ship's off~n
,• Availability Licensed; Cost 3.5 million [1.5 million us~dl
' Apply a -20 p~naltyon attach against targ~ts smalkr than Colossal siz~.
sive capability are among the most common upgrades made to the vessel.
Pirat~s, gunrunners, shipjackers, and smugg lers favor the CR90 Corvette
< "Maximum valu~s for diff~r~nt configuffJtions; typical valu~5 ar~ cr~w 48, b~cause e~en a heavily modified ship can appear innocuous at first glance,
poss~ngtrs 150, and cargo 3,000 tons with giv~n w~apons.
Turbol as~r
battery (3 gunners) Tt-IE VANGUARD c 2 0
Atk +10 (-10 against targets smalier than Colossal)' Omg 5d1Ox5 RETROFIT
When the Cor~lfian Engineering Corporation began prodUCing th~ CR90
Corvette as its standa rd (rather than as an upgrade), cu rrent owners
of CR70 Cor~ettes were given the option of purchasing an aftermarket
modification suite that brought the vessels up to dale technologically
with th~ CR90 Corvette. Known as the Vanguard c20 retrofit, this
modification enhanced the combat prowess of the CoreHian Corvette
and ensured that the CR70 remained on par with the CR90, essentially
transforming the form C' r into the latter. The Tantlve IV, for example,
began as a CR70 Corvette that was used by Bail Organa at the tail end
of the Clone Wars. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Tantive IV
had undergone retrofitting that transformed it into a CR90 Corvette.
AVanguard c20 retrofit costs 500,000 credits (which includes both
raw materials as well as labor costs for having the re trofit appl ied) and
usual ly takes 2 to J weeks of work by trained professionals. The proc~ss
changes the base statistics for th~ CR70 Corvem to those of the CR90
Corvette, though this does not change the crew quality by default.
The predecessor to the more widely used CR90 Corvette, th e CR70 Corvette
saw frequ ent use in diplomatic and transport rol es. Unarmed and boasting
additional escape pods, the CR70 was among the mos t popular civ ilian
transports in th e gala xy prior to the ris e of the Empire. Th e CR70 Corvette
had been i n service for many years before the outbreak of th e Clon e Wars,
and though it was considered an older design, it was still in production in
large quantities duri ng the yea rs prior to the Bat tle of Oeonosis.
The CR70 Corvetu features an interior layout that is nearly identical to
that of the CR90 Corvette. Th e vessel has escape pods where the CR90's
turbolasers would be, disgu ised to look like weapon emplacem ents in order
to deter pirates and ra iders. Without th e turbo laser batteri es, some inte-
rio r space dedicated t o weapon support syst ems aboa rd the CR90 ac t s as
cargo space or passenger quarters, making space less of a premium aboard
a CR70.
, Use Computer +6
Crew 16.210 (ski lled); Passengers 3,000
heavy cruise rs ar e used as sh ields to protect more delicate ships, soaking up
,• Use Computer +9
Crew 0 kxpert); Pass eng er s none
< Cargo none; Con sumables 2 days; Carried Craft none
Pay load 6 medium concussion missiles
rom ] Availability Restricted; Cost 19,000
laser cannon
Atk +7 (+2 autofireJ. Omg 4dl 0x2
light laser cannons
Atk +7 (+2 autofireJ. Omg 3dl0x2
Medium concussion missiles
Atk +7, Omg 8dl0x2, 4-square splash
I. Cockpit
2. Communications
3. Security/Nain
4. lIIedical Bay
5. Turrel Access
6. Engine Room
7. Cargo Hold
8. Garage
9. Port Dormitory
10. Starboard Onrimlory
n. Storage Compartment
12. Exit Ramp
The Eta-2 Ac!is interceptor packs a lot of firepower into a very small package.
INTERCEPTOR Though stripped of any shielding (and possessing only a very limited amount
of hull strength), the Eta-2 is designed to take advantage of the incredible
Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis Interceptor CL 11 reflexes exhibited by both Jedi as well as expert pilots. Though th e ship is
HUG E STARFIGHTER likely to be destroyed by a solid hi t, the Eta-2 is fast and maneuverable,
Init +18; Senses Perception -+ 12 allowing it to avoid attacks altogeth er rath er than be able 10 absorb and
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed Ill. Fort 22: +3 armor, Vehicula r Combat deflect incoming damage.
hp 70; OR 10; Thresho ld 32 Unlike its predecessor (the Delta-7 Aetherspritefighler) and its successor
(the TIE fighter), the Eta-2 features a complement of ion cannons that allows
Speed fly 16 sq uares (max. velocity 1,500 km{h), fly 6 squares
it to disable foes in combat, adding ·to the versatility of the ship. Though not
(starship scale)
Ranged laser cannons +14 (see below) or as heavily armed as other figh t ers active during the Clone Wars, the Eta-2
Ranged ion cannons +14 (see below) uses its speed and maneuverability to slip past enemy lines and deliver a
Fig hting Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship sca le): Cover total (pilot). +5 concentrated attack on both starfight ers as well as small transport s and
(astromech droid) friga t es.
A li mited number of Eta-2 fighters were outfitted with concussion mis-
Base Atk +10; Grp +32
siles during the Clone Wars. Though such a modification was usually made
n Atk Option s au tofire (laser cannons, ion cannons)
I Abilities SIr 34, Dex 26, Con ,Int 14
on ly for special missions, som e Jedi and other pilots found the increased
armament to be a boon when fighting against droid enemies (since there
Skills Initiative +18, Mechanics +12 (+13 "). Perception +12, Pilot +18,
•< Use Computer +12 (+ 13' )
was no concern for t aki ng lives) . Such a modification was rare, and usually
;; ~
requ i red the removal of the ion cannons to compensate for th e concussion
-Jf the ship has an asrromech droid, use tht se skill modifir rs instrod.
missile launcher and its payload (usually only four missiles).
Crew 1 plus astromech droid (ace); Passengers none
I II; J I Cargo 60 kg; Consumables 2 days (1 week with booster ring); Carried
Craft none
A light and fast starship design ed for use during the Clon e Wars, the Eta-2
Actis interceptor is a predecessor to the TIE fighter and one of the fastest
and smallest ships in th e Republ ic fleet. Popularized by the Jedi during th e
waning days of the Clone Wars (and often referred to col loquia lly as the
"Jedi Interceptor"), th e Eta-2 is a ma rvel of compact engineering. Fea turing
twin S-foils designed to diffuse engine heat and a more impressive arma -
ment than other contemporary starfighters, the Eta-2 is a dangerous, if
fragile, starfighter that helped turn the tide against the onslaught of the
Confederacy's droid starfighter corps.
E-WINO The E-wing was originally conceived as a replacement for t he A-wing
sta rfigh t er. Initial trials of the fighter e)(ce eded all e)(pectations, since
it wa s fast, wel l armed. and quite agi le. After a time, problems with the
FreiTek Inc. E-wing Starfighter. Type B CL 12
design of the E-wi ng's weapon lasers became obvious, requiri ng t hat they
Ga rgantuan sta rfighter
be redesig ned. The result was the Type BE - wing. Though it is still host to a
Init +9; Senses P~rc~ption +8
few minor technical issues, the Type B is a solid design that continues to be
Defen se Ref 19 (fla t-foo ted 13), Fort 28; + 8 armor, Vehicula r Combat
a favorite among Republic figh t er pilots.
hp 150; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 48
Though t hey are available only in sm all numbers, E-wings have nonethe-
Speed fly 16 squares (ma~. velocity 1,300 km/h), fly 6 squares less been distinguished in combat se veral times. They have seen service
(starship scale) against the remnants of the Imperial Navy as led by Grand Admi rill Thrawn,
Ranged triple heavy blaster ca nnons + 10 (see below) or durin g the Black Fleet Crisis, ilnd in the Yuuzhiln Vong Wa r. Given the e)(pense
Ranged proton torpedoes +10 [see below) of thes e starfighters, as well as t heir advan ced capabi lities, t hey are almost
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total (crew), total always f lown by ac e pilots.
{astromech droidJ
Base Atk +5; Grp +38 CAPABILITIES
Atk Option s aulofi re (tri ple heavy blaster cannons), fi re-link (proton The E-wing is e)(tremely maneuverabl e due to its innovative contro l surfaces.
torpedoes) Th ese systems ilre inherently tied to the ship's astromech droid, wh ich must be
Abilities SIr 46, Oex 23, Con ,Int 17 insta lled for them to func tion at peilk efficiency. To make matters somewhilt
Skill s Initiative +9, Mechanics +8 (+13 ' ). Perception +8, Pilot +9, more complicated, the E-wing isn't able to employ standa rd astromech droids
Use Computer +8 (+13°) unless they are retrofitted (at a cost of 10,000 credits). The R7 astromech
' If the ship has on astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead. droid is the standard for which the E-wing was designed. and it can be used
Crew I plus astromech droid (e )(pert); Passengers none with no modi fication whatsoever. So long as t he ship is equipped with an
Cargo 110 kg; Con sumables I week; Carri ed Craft none R7 (or sufficiently modified) astromech droid. the pilot benefi ts from a +2
Payload 16 proton torpedoes equipment bonus on Pilot checks.
Hyperdri ve x2 . 10-jump memory (astrom ech droid)
Availabi li ty Military/Restricted/licensed; Cost 200,000 (SO,OOO used)
Triple heavy blast er cannons (pi lot) r:I
Atk + 10 (+5 autofire). Dmg 6d l Ox2 o
Proton torpedoes (pilot)
Atk + 10, Dmg 9dlOx2, 4-square sp la sh I
Shor tly after the BaUi e of Endor, FreiTek was founded by the engineers
and scientists who had designed the X- wing for Incom. The company's first
design, which was supported by the f ledgli ng New Republic, was the E-wing
starfighter. Given that many of the E- win g's design team had been invol ved
in Incom's X- wing project, the new starfighter had an e)(cellent pedigree
from the very beginning. E)(pectation s were also high. especial ly wh en the
versatility and power of the X-wing fighter were taken into accoun t.
FIRESPRAY-31 of constructing the ships themse lves, since Jango Fett destroyed all of the
officially manufactured pro totype models. Following the rise of the Empire,
PATROL CRAFT Kuat Syst ems Engineering began to produce th e ship in large numbers,
advertising the vessels as highly customizable starships that could be used
Kuat Systems Eng ineering FirespraV-31 Patrol Craft Cl 9 for a number of roles, including patrol, pursuit, and rscort. Kuat Systems
Colossal spac~ transport Engi neering also sold a large number of the craft to Mandalorian mercenar-
Init -2; Senses Perception +6 ies, including the Mandalorian Protectors, who continued to use the ships
Def ense Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; + 13 armor, Vehicular Combat up through th e Yuuzhan Vong War.
hp 150; OR 15; SR 30; Threshold 78
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 850 km/h), fly 3 squa res CA P ABILITIES
(starship scale) The stock Firespray-31 patrol craft boasts a pair of potent blaster cannons
Ra nged blaster cannons +6 (see below) or and a pow erful t ractor beam, allowing buyers who purchase the sh i p right off
Ranged tractor beam +6 (see below) the assembly line to put the vessel into service with minimal modifica t ions.
Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover to t al The ship is modestly armor ed and has a hull integrity that f ew simi lar ships
Base Atk +2; Grp +40 can claim; likewise, the Firespray-31 comes standard with shielding, giving it
Atk Op ti ons aulofi re (blaster cannons) an edge Oller cheaper transport ships such as th e YT-1300. The combination
of a strong hull and moderately powerful shi elds allows the Firespray-31 t o
n Abil itie s SIr 46, Dex 14, Con . Int 14
I take a beating whil e cont i nu ing to fight on .
) Ski ll s Initiat ive -2, Mechanics +6, Pe rception +6, Pi lot -2.
Usc Compute r +6
,• Crew 1 (skilled); Passe ngers 6
Cargo 70 tons; Co nsu mables 1 month; Carried Craft none
< Hyperdrive x3 (backup xIS), nallicomputer
Ava i labi lity Licensed; Cost 120,000
1l Designed to funct ion as a prison er transport and system patrol ship, the
Firespray-31 patrol cra f t is a highly customizabl e vessel that is favo red by
law enforcement officials and bounty hunters alike. With an unorthodox
design and a moderate stod armament, the Firespray-31 is a tough and
durable vessel that can withstand the rigors of patrol and escort duty and
deliver a punishing counterattack against any assailants.
The Fi resp ray-31 boasts an unusual design that keeps th e codpit facing
the sky while landing, bu t facing forward wh ile in flight. Though such an
unusual configurat ion requires some getting used to by the pilot, most owners
of this system patrol craft insist that the design keeps the engi nes from being
damaged when the vessel lands and allows for very rapid vertical takeo f fs.
Though most of the original Firespray-31 prototypes were destroyed
some time before the Clon e Wars, a few of the ships (such as Slavr I) made
their way into t he hands of priva te citizens. Most were constructed from
blueprints sold by Kuat Systems Engineering to buyers who had the means
The case with which the Firespray-31 is modified makes it a favorite ship Slave I Cl17
for bounty hunters, the most famous exampl e being Jango and Boba Feu Colossal" space transport
and their ship, Slave I. Unlik.e most other ships, the Firespray-31 has 3 unused Init +8: Senses Perc~ption +16
emplacement points that can be used to add weapons or oth er equipment to Defense Ref 17 (flat-footed 15). Fort 28: +13 armor
the ship (sec page 38 for more in formation on emplacemen t poin t s). hp 150: DR 15: SR 45: Threshold 78
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squa res
ORIOINAL PROTOTYPES (starship scal e)
When Kuat Systems Engineering began manufacturing the Firespray-31 patrol Ranged blaster cannons +18 (sec below) or
craft, it did so using th e blueprints for the prototype stolen by l ango Felt. Ranged concussion mines +18 [see below} or
However, the blu eprin t s for the other fi ve prototyp e models still remained Ranged medium concussion missiles +18 (sec below) or
in Kuat Systems Engin eering's possession, and for a short while were made Ranged ion cannons + 18 (sec below) or
avai labl e for sa le to those who could afford th em. As a result, many of the Ranged proton torpedoes +18 (se e below) or
Firespray-31 ships in the galaxy prior to their mass production arc actually Ranged tractor beam + 18 (sec bel ow)
different designs based on variant prototype blueprints. Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale) : Cover total
When Kuat Systems Engineering decided to mass- produce th e Firespray- 31, Base Atk +14; Grp +52
it ceased th e sales of its prototype blueprints in order to create a single Atk Options autofire (blaster cannons, ion canno ns), Double Attack
·st ock." model of the vessel for sal e on th e general market. However, many of
Abiliti es Str 46, Oex 14, Con ,Int 14
the original prototyp e blueprints have found th eir way onto the black market
Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +9, Perception 16, Pi lot +8,
over the years, meaning tha t, for th e right price, a buyer cou ld obtain th e
Usc Computer +9
blueprints and bui ld his own reproduction of one of the original six prototype
Crew I (uniqu e: Boba Felt): Panengers 6
variants. Locating these blu eprints usua lly requ ires a week of negotiation on
Carg o 70 tons: Consumabl es I month; Carried Craft none
the black market, a DC 30 Gather Information check, and 12,000 cred its.
Pavload 16 concussion mines, 8 concussion missiles, 4 proton tracking
Th ough the stock Firespray -31, the ship stolen by Jango Felt, is the
most common, the other prototype models had th eir own advan ta ges and
Hyperdrive xl (backup x8), navicomputer
disadvantages as well. On e model boasted increased engine strength at Ihe
Availability Unique Cost not available for sal e
cost of shi eld strength, whi le anoth er included built-in maneuverin g jets
"This ship is treated as a Gargontuon storfighter for the purposes of being
but reduced hull strength. Gamemasters wishing t o introduce these variant
torgeted by capitol ship weapons, dogfighting, and using storship
Fir cspray- 31 prototypes should feel free to tw eak th c ship's basic statistics
without spending any of the vess el 's 3 unused emplacement points.
When the Republic'selone army invaded Geonosis, its assault ships, starfight-
~rs, and gunships were mel in orbit by swarms of Geonosian fighters. Though
the Geo nosian dd~ nse5 we re eventually swept aside, th~ir swift response to
the Republic's invasion force bought the COnfederacy ~nough tim~ to mobilize
its ground forces. Instead of accepting defeat at the hands of the Jedi and
th e ir elone legiOnS, the Geonosian military castes became ev~n more devoted
to the cause of the Confederacy. The defeat of their hom~world polarized
their support for the Separatists and became a rallying cry for the entire
species. Though limited in numbers, the Geonosian Nante¥-elass fighters
were a common sight in just about ev~ry major batll~ to come.
The Ginivex's solar sail is its most distinc tive asset. Although it increases the
STARFIOHTER target silhouette of the fighter and makes it stand out like a small sun on
shipboard sensors, it also serves as a transmission plane for ddlector shield
Huppla Pasa lise Shipwrig hts Collective Ginivex-dass energy. Th e solar sai l increases th e Ginive ~'s shi eld rating from 30 to 45,
Starfighter Cl 10 so long as it is deployed. The extra 15 points of SR are depleted bdore any
Huge starfighter others, and th ey recharge at the norma l rate. If th e solar sail is retracted,
Init "" 13; Senses Perception +8 any SR it provides is immediately lost. As an add ed bonus,the solar sail can
Defe nse ReJ 18 {flat-footed Ill. Fort 23; +3 armor, Vehicular Combat be used to propel the Ginive ~ if its sublight drives are damaged.
hp 80; DR 10; SR 30; Threshol d 33 like other Geonosian fighters, the Ginive~ boasts impressive speed and
Speed fly 16 squares {max. velocity 1,250 km{hl, fly 5 squares maneuverability. Unlike other Geonosian designs. such as the Nantex. the
(starship sca le) Gin ivex is designed specifically for human pilots: none of the standa rd Geono-
Rang ed double las er cannons + 11 (see below) sian avionics are included in the design. In another deviation from Geonosian
Fighting Space 3x3 or 1 squa re (starship scale); Cove r to tal fighter doctrine, the Ginivex-class is equipped with an in t egral hyperdrive
Ba se Atk +5; Grp +28 engine and a limited-use navicomputer. These additions we re incorporat ed
Atk Options auto fi re (doublt laser cannons) at great expense and at the insistence of Count Dooku.
72U Freighter
I Pilot station n
2 Co-Pilot Station
3 S~tem Dperator •><
4 Gunnell Station ,•
S ladder Well <
6 Port Engine Room
7 Starboard Engine Room
8 Cr!W Duarters
9 Refresher
10 loungePort
II Port Cargo lih
12 Port Cargo Hold
13 Starboard CllrgO lift
14 Starboard Cargo Hold
15 EnRineering Station
IS Repair Day/Wachine Shop
17 Port Escape Pod Access
18 Starboard Escape Pod Access
IS Port Escape Pod
20 Starboard Escape Pod
21 Storllge I I
22 Storage 12
23 Reaear Core
24 Exit Ramp/Airlock
OOZANTI CRUISER The Galanti Cruiser was designed by the Corellian Engineering Corpora-
tion, but few were actually buitt by the CEC.lnstead, the design was leased
to numerous other companies for construction, often on a special-order
Gozanti Cruiser CL 8
basis. Because of this, the same basic design was produced under differ-
Colossal space transport
ent names, including the nickname given to the design during ea rl y drafts:
Init -3; Senses Perception +5
"Brocklander" ships.
Defense Ref 16 (flat-fooled 14). Fort 29;.;. 14 armor The Galanti was conceived as an antipiracy freighter; hence the term
hp 180; DR 15; SR 15; Threshold 79 "cruiser: which is something of an overstatement. Though heavily armed
Speed fly 6 squares (ma x. velocity 400 kmfhl, fly 1 square (starship scale) for a civilian vessel, the Galanti is essentially an armed freighter with
Rang ed pro ton torpedoes +4 (see below) and unusually heavy armor and internal hull bracing. First produced during the
2 laser cannon batteries +8 (see below) and Old Republic. the ship was in tentibnally made extremely slow, to prove to
2 quad laser cannon batteries +4 (see below) Republic inspectors that the ship wouldn't be useful as a pirate vessel. The
Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover to tal tactic worked, and while many independents and even some Hutts ended up
Base Atk +0; Grp +39 buying Gozantis for various reasons, none of the ships have ever been used
Atk Options autofire (quad laser cannon batteries) in a direct act of piracy.
Ab ilities SIr 48, Dex 14, Con ,Int 14 The design fell out of favor with shipyards during the reign of the Galactic
Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot - 3, Empire, though the Rebellion happily put any older ships it found into service.
USC' Computer +5 Soon after the fall of the Emperor, the demand for heavily armed and armored
Crew 12 [normal); Pa ssenger s 12 civilian ships shot up, and the Gozanti was rushed back into production.
Cargo 75 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none
Payload 8 proton to rpedoes CA.PA.BILITIES
Hyperdrive x3 (backup x12), navicompu ter The Gozanti is extremely slow for a starship its size-so slow that it cannot
Availability licensed; Cost 150,000 (50,000 used) be used for most perishable cargo deliveries. However, its relative tough-
ness and extremely heavy armament for a civilian ship make it popu lar with
Proton torpedoes (pilot) merchants needing to transpor t valuable materials securely. Although it lacks
Atk +4, Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash the firepower to hold off a large military craft (and certainly can't outrun
Laser canoon battery (4 gunners) one), the Gozanti is more than a match for casua l pirates using second-rate
Atk +8, Dmy 4dlOx2 starfighters and retrofitted space transports.
Quad laser cannon battery [2 gunners) The very fact that the ship is a marginal cargo vessel often makes it a
Atk +4 (- 1 autofire). Dmg 5dlOx2 popular choice for conversion into a noncargo vessel. When such ships did
end up in the hands of criminals and outlaws, they were inevitably turned
in to either prison ships or secure personal transports [often traveling with
several faster escort ships). A few were converted for use as dip lomatic
vessels, especially in the last days of th~ Old Republic and th e early days of Krayt's Honor Cl11
th ~ New R~public. Gozantis ar~ also a popular choic~ for mobil~ command Colossa l space transport
c~nters, and they have be~n uSC'd as flying fortresses by bounty hunt~rs, Init +0: Senses Perception +B
arch~ologists, slav~f5, and even J~di. Defense Rd 20 (flat· footed 14). Fort 32: +18 armor, Vehicular Combat
hp lBO: DR 20; SR 50: Thmhold 82
KRAVT'S HONOR Sp~ed fly 6 squar~s (max. velocity 400 km{h), fly 1 square (s tarship scale)
Krayf's Honor is a Gozanti cruis~r most famous for once def~nding the p~r· Ranged proton torpedo H +13 (see below) and
sonalluxu ry yacht of Jabba th~ Hutt prior 10 Ih~ Clon~ Wars, AI thai time Ranged turbolaser battery +13 (see below) and
it was captain~d by a K~I Oor, Siqo Vass. How~v~r, in an dfort 10 avoid th~ Ranged 2 laser cannon batteries +15 (see below) and
prejudic~s of increasi ng humanoc~ntrism, he oft~n had th~ human f~mal~
Ranged quad laser cannon battery +11 (see below)
layn Wyn~st pose as captain. Captain Vass hired his ship oul as a Q·Ship, a Figh ti ng Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale): Cover tolal
military·grade vessel posing as a common cargo craft to lure pirat~s in close Base Atk +5; Grp +47
enough to desttoy them. Vass was willing to dd~nd legitimate merchant· Atk Options autofire (quad laser cannon batteries)
men from any attack~rs, including Trade Federation starships attempting to
Abilities Str 54, Dex 14, Can ,Int 18
enforce illegal embargoes. The Trade Federation placed a bounty on Vass's
Skills Initiative +0, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +0,
head, but the patronage of a gratefu l Jabba ensured that KfOYt'S HonOfcould
Use Compuler +8
always find a safe harbor.
Crew 6 (expert); Passengers 12
Cargo 65 tons; Consum~bles 1 month; Carried Craft none
Payload 24 proton torpedoes
Krayt's Honorwas significantly upgunned with the addition of three turbo·
Hyperdrive x3 (baCKUp x121, navicompuler
lasers and a seco nd proton torpedo launch~r (and an ~xpanded payload).
Avai lability licensed; Cost 150,000 (50,000 used)
The proton torp~do launchers ar~ fire·link~d and often uSC'd by the captain
as an optning salvo (since the captain is trained in Pilot, he gains a +2
Proton torpedoes (pilot)
on attack rolls with the proton torpedo~s, already add~d into the ship's
Atk +13, Omg 10d10x2. 4·square splash
statistics). Its biggest offensive Su rpris~ was its th r~e turbolasers, able 10
pack a heavy enough punch to damage capital ships. However, Captain Vass Turboluer battery (3 gunners)
tried nollo reveallhe big guns' presence unless forced 10, since they were Atk +13, Omg 5dl0x5
highly illegal. Laser Clnnon battery (4 gunners)
In addition to its expanded offensive capability, Vass had his ship rdn· Atk +15, Omg 4dl0x2
forced and augmented with military·grade deflector shieldS. The resulting Quad lase r cannon battery (2 gunners)
ddenses weren't enough to hold off a capital·class ship, but could absorb Atk +11 (+4 autofire). Omg 5dl0x2
a great deal more starfighter hits Ihan the ship's humble appearance would
The Corellian Gunship is primarily an escort vessel, designed to protect bu lk
Corellian Gunship CL 17 cargo carriers from attacks by sta rfighters and space transports or to cover
Col05sal (frigat e) capital sh i p
larger capital ships from attacks by starfighte rs. Though it lacks long staying
init +0: Senses Perception +6 power and is often overwhel med if acting alone. it has proven a useful part
of many different fleet complements. Although unable to outfight larger
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 12). Fort 39: +12 a rmor, Vehicular Combat
dedica ted mil itary craft, the gunship has the firepower and defenses to
hp 920; DR 15; SR 115; Threshold 139
engage such ships briefly.
Speed fly 12 sq uares (rna,;. velocity 1,000 km/hl, fly 3 squa res Unlike most capita l sh ips, the gu nship does no t arrange its heaviest weap-
(starship scale) ons 10 be fired in batteries. Instead, each double t urbo laser is control led by an
Ranged 8 double turbolasers +5" (se e below) and independent gunner wi th no abili ty to tie in to the fire of the other gunners.
poi nt-d efense quad laser cannon battery + 15 (see below) and This disconnected fi re control allows the gunsh ip to carry a few extra heavy
4 heavy concussion missiles +5" (see below) weapons, but it also means the t urbolasers can't be fired in batteries.
Fighting Space 1 sq uare (starship scale) Tactical Fire: Corellian Gunships are escort vessels designed to deter
Base Atk +2; Grp +51 attacke rs from targeting protected starships while elim inating incoming
Atk Options autofire {doubl e t urbolastrs} threats. As a standard action, a Corellian Gunship can forgo all attacks to
Abiliti es SIr 68, De x 19, COn ,Int 16 provide tactical fire to all adjacent squares. All a l li~d starships within that
I Skills In itiative +0, M echanics +6, Perception +6, Pilo t +0, area gain a +1 bonus to Refl ex Oefense, and ~ nemy starships within that
,>< Use Computer +6 area take a - I penalty to Reflex Defense.
, : Crew 91 (skil led); Passeng ers none
Cargo 300 tons; Consumables 8 months; Carried Craft none
Payload 120 heavy concussion m iss i l~s
Hyp~ rdrive x2 (backup [XI6), navico m put~r
Availability Rest r ict~d; Cost 4.8 million (2.4 mill io n used)
·Apply 0 -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.
The Hapan Battle Dragon is the primary capital ship of the Hapes Consortium,
Because of the consortium's long isolation, Hapan technology developed
With tcchnology and ideas stolen from numerous major shipyards, th ~
Nova-class cruiser is a functional cruiser in its own right, but truly shine~
Hapes Nova Cruiser Cl17
as a support ship. Standard Novo-class tac tics call on focusing firepower
Colossal (frigate) capital ship
on smal ler, faster enemy ships first, and placing the ship between oncoming
lnit + 1: Senses P~rception +6
fighter wings and escorted Battle Dragons. When working in small groups
D(fense Ref 18 (flat-footed 13), Fort 52; + 13 armor, Vehicular Combat the cruisers usc similar tactics, assigning two or three Novo-class ships to
hp 1,000; DR 20; SR 100; Threshold 152
take the · primary· role as if they were a single Battle Dragon, and having
Speed fly 4 squares (5tarship scale) all other cruisers maintain standard tactics.
Ra ng ed 5 turbotaser batteries + 13' (see below) and Refi ts of the Novo-class upgrade the lurbolasers to a standard firing rate,
2 point-ddenst laser cannon batteries +13 (see btlow) and expand consumables to a year, and mount regenerating deflectors, allowing
2 ion cannon batteries +13' (see ~Iow ) its shields to gain + 10 SR when the recharge shields action is taken. This
Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale); Cover total comes at the cost of downgrading to a complement of twelve figh ters. Such
Sase Atk +2; Grp +64 refitted Novo-class ships are CLt9.
Atk Options autofire (laser batteries) Tactical Fire: The Hapes Novo-class battlecru isef is an excelle nt support
Abilities SIr 94, Oex 20, Con -, Int 16 ship designed to work in concert with the Hapan Battle Dragon. As a standard
Skill s Initiative + I, Mechanics +6, Perce ption +6, Pilot +1, action, a Novo-class battlecruiser can forgo all attacks to provide tactical
I Use Computer +6
Crew 1,790 hkillcd) ; Pa sse ngers 600 (troops and suppor t crew )
fire to all squares in a 2-square radius around itself. Any successful attack
against an enemy starfig hter within that area that deals da mage equal to
•< Cargo 600 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft 24 fighters, 6 or exceeding the ta rget ship·s damage threshold automatically moves the
assault bombers, various Support vehicles target ship an additional - 1 step down the condition track (in addition 10
Hyperdrive x1.S, navicomputer the normal-l step from damage).
Availabilit y Military; Cost not available for ~Ie (black mar~et value
20,000,000 used)
'Applyo -20 pt:f!oltyon attacks against targets smolltr than Colossal sizto
Defe nse Ref 18 (flat- footed 16 ), For t 56; +16 a rmo r, Ve hicula r Comba t enough troops and assaul t vehicl~s to s tag~ a n invasion on a lightly d~f~nd~d
h p 2,100; DR 20; SR 125; Threshold 256 planet, and ac ts as a mobile fortress from which the Empire can engage in
Spe ed fly 3 squares (starship scale) entire military campaigns.
Ra nged 5 heavy turbolaser batteries + 15' (see below) and During the height of th~ Empire, Star D~stroyers w~r~ d~ploy~d in ~v~ry
5 turbolase r batteries + IS' (see ~Iow) and sector, and some plan~ts evtn have their own Star Destroy~rs assign~d to
4 htavy ion cannon batteries +15' (see below) and them. The Imp(:rial fortress worlds of the Deep Core often had multiple Sta r
2 tractor beam batteries .15" (see below) and Destroyers assigned to the planet, and important planets such as Corus.cant
Figh t ing Space 2x2 (st a rship scale); Cove r total might hav~ as many as a dozen Star Destroye rs, if not more, in orbit at any
Base At k +2; Grp +68 given time. Unlike the Old Republic, the Em pire built enough ships to exte nd
its reach all the way to the Outer Rim, and multiple Star Destroyers patrolled
Abil i ties SIr 103, Del( 14, Con ,Int 20
the space lanes on a regular basis.
Skills Initiative -2, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1,
Star Destroyers are among the few Yfisels used for orbital bombardment,
Use Computer +6
a favorite tactic of the rUlhless Empire. Entir~ planets have been frightened
Crew 37,085 (skilled); Passengcn 9,700
Cargo 36,000 tons; Co nsumablcs 6 years; Carrie d Craft 72 TIE fighters
lany variant; see pag~ 142),8 Lambda·class shu t tl~s (s~~ pag~ 106),
20 AT- ATs, 20 AT-STs, va rio us suppor t vehid~s USINC3 THE STAR DESTROYER
Hype rd riv~ x21backu p x8), navicampu ter The Star Destroyer is an iconic ship from Star Wars lore that symbolizes
Availability Military; Cost not availabl~ for sal~ the might and power of the Empire. At the same time, Star Destroyers are
'Applya -20 ptnalty on attoch against targets smaller than Colossa/size. incredibly powerful vessels that can put out the kind of firepower thai
can decimate a space transport in an instant. Using Star Destroytrs in
Htavy tu r bolas~r ba tt~ ry (5 gunn~rs) the rol~playing game can be problematic, since although they are easily
Atk + 15 (-5 against targ~ts small~r than Colossal), Omg l1d l0x5 recognizable (and thus help instill a Star Wars feel to the game), they
Turbolas~ r ba tt~ ry 15 g un n~rs) can be inapprop riately powerful for most encounters.
At k + 15 (-5 aga inst targ~ts s m al l ~ r than Col ossal), Omg 8dlOx5 The Imperial Star Dest roye r can be used in two ways. As an individual
H ~a v y
ion ca nno n batte ry (5 g u nn~rs) ship engaging in an ~ncounter. an Imperial Star Destroyer can be a high-
Atk +15 (-5 against targ~ts small~r than Colossal), Omg 3dl0x5 ion level challenge that the heroes intend to disable or destroy. These kinds of
Tracto r be a m batte ry (5 gunn~rs) challenges are high on the Cl s.cale and are appropriate only for equally
At k +15 (-5 against targ~ts small~r than Colossal), high·level heroes. However, including an Imperial Star Destroyer as a set
Dmg - Igrappl~ +68) piece, something that is a pari of the encounter but not a larget to be
destroyed, can be a rewarding way to simulate the action of the movies.
For the latter situation, a Star Destroyer should almost always use the
tactical fire option, I~aving the actual combat to the sh ip's compl~ment
of TIE fighters. This approach allows th~ Gamemaster to include the ship
in an encounter without introducing the potential to wipe out the heroes
with one lucky shot. The Star Destroyer then effectively becomes a - ter-
rain hazard" rather than an opponent, and XP should not be awarded
for the Star Destroyer unless the ship is destroyed.
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into submission by the mere prese nce of an Imperia l Star Des troyer in orbit. CAPABILITIES
Imperia l Star D~stroy~rs ar~ capabl~ of del iver in g pr~cise orbital s t rik~s An Imperial Star Destroyer bristles with weapons, and for good reason. With
d~stroying only a small s~ction of a plan~t-as w~1I as d~liv~ring bombard- twenty turbo laser batteries, a Star Destroyer can pound on other capital
m~nts that wipe out alllif~ and industry on a world (a tactic known as Bas~ ships. reducing their shields in a matter of minutes. likewise, its ion cannons
Delta Zero). Only those planets that have powerful shi~lds can withstand can quickly disable sllips, allowing the Empir~ to tear the ship apart and take
the turbolasers of an Imperial Star Destroyer, and som~ worlds (including tile prison~rs alive. Another ten tractor beam generators ensure that few ships
Caamas) have been devastated by such tactics. will escape its grasp, especially smaller capital ships. Though less effective
against starfigh t ~rs, a Star Destroyer is not to b~ trifled with. Even the best
starfighte r co rps fears the arma ment of an Imperial Star Destroyer, sinc~ a
lucky shot from a turbolaser will turn ~v~n the most nimbl~ starfight~r into
THE STAR DESTRO Y ER a smoldering cloud of debris in an instant.
DESIGNATION Tactical Fire: An Imperial Star Destroyer is designed to provide heavy
Though th~ term ·Star D~stroy~r· is typically used only to describe gunnery support in any situation, and excels at disrupting other capital ships
th~ dagger-shaped capital ships us~d by the Empir~, the designation above all. Its weakness against other ships, sLlch as starfighters, is usually
is general enough that it can be applied to many oth~r h~avily armed overcome by its own complement of starfighters. As a standard action, a
capital ships. How~v~r, during th~ time of the Empir~, the term · Star Star Destroyer can forgo all attacks to provide tactical fire to all squares in
Destroyer" comes to be colloquially associated with the Imperial-class a 2-square radius around itself. Al l allied starsh ips attacking targets within
Star Destroye r. As such, most references to a Star D~stroyer ar~ actually that area gain a +2 bOnUS on attack rolls.
to tile Imperioll- and Imperiol II-class ships. Some larger sllips, sucll as
the Executof-class star dreadnaught and tile Eclipse, are often referred
to as Star Destr~rs, though this is not an official designation and more
of a generic descriptor.
THE VICTORV II -C LASS Rendili StarDrive Victory II-class Star Destroyer CLlS
STAR DESTROYER Colossal (cruis er) capital ship
Produced after the end of the Clone Wars, the Victory /I-class Star Destroyer Init -2; Senses Perception +6
is a deep-space interdiction vesse l designed to serve as a sector patrol ship_ Defense Ref 14 (flat-footed 12). Fort 51; +12 armor, Vehicular Combat
Unlike it s pred eces sor, th e Victory I-class Star Destroyer, this ship boasts hp 1,380; OR 20; SR ISO; Thru hold 251
no limited- resource weapons (such as concussion missiles or proton torpe- Speed fly 2 squares (starship scale)
does) and instead utilizes turbolasers and tractor beams while pa tro lling the Rang ed 4 heavy tu rbolaser batt eries + 14- (see below) and
space lanes. Though smaller and less durable than the Imperio/II-class Star 4 double turbo laser batteries +14 - (see below) and
Destroyer, th e Victory II-class ships afe still incredibly powerfu l and often 2 heavy ion can non batteri es +1 4' (see below) and
operate in pairs. Since the sh ip lacks a la rge TIE fighter complement, the Vic- 2 tractor beam batteries +14- (see below) and
tory II-class Sta r Destroyer is often pa ired with escort sh ips or fl~~t carri ~rs Fighting Space 2x2 (starship scale); Cover total
that hav~ a l arg~ numb~r of starfight~ rs that can b~ quickly d~ploy~d. Ba se Atk +2; Grp +63
Th ~ Victory /I-class Star Destroyer makes e)( tensive use of ion cannons to
Abilities Str 92, De )( 14, Con -,Int 18
halt an enemy vessel without destroying it. Usually assigned to interdic tion
Skills Initiative - 2, M~chanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot - 2,
duty, the Victory /I-class Star Destroyer specializes in cap turing and secur-
Use Computer +6
ing enemy ships while dea ling mi nimal damage to the vessels themselves.
Crew 5,200 (sk. illed): Passengers 2,040 (troops)
For this reason, the Victory /I-class Star Des troyer is often used to cap ture
n Cargo 6,107 tons: Consomabl es 4 years; Carried Craft 24 TIE figh t ers
I smugg lers and pira t es when t he Empire needs information,l ea ving t he heavy
assault work to th e la rger Star Destroyer types.
(any variant; see page 142),5 LamMa - class shuttles (se ~ pag e 106),
10 AT-Als, 15 AT-SIs, 10 j uggernauts, various support vehicl es
,• Hyperdri ve xl (backup xiS), navicomputer
Availability Military; Cost not avai lable for sale
< -Apply a -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.
As the Clone Wars raged and numerous Senators became increasin gly
uncom fo rtable w ith t he political climate of the repub lic, even t he most
peaceful of t raditio ns had to be ree xamin ed. The J-Type star skiff was the
fi rst diplomatic vesse l of Naboo to be arm ed (with a mo dest pair of linked
lasers) and the f irst to have a gunner's conso le. Its design also sacrificed the
slee k, all-chromium hull to place more practical (and stu rdy) access gril ls and
power ful sublig ht engines. Still a t hin g of beauty, the star skiff was clearly
designed with potentia l combat, escape, and repair in mind.
Th ough Queen Apailana of Naboo herself never used the armed star ski f f,
it was loaned out to Senator Am idala, a sign of t he Senator's great popularit y
with her homewor ld and her monarch. After Amidala died. the star skiff was
..JUNKER (TEMPLATE) Patchwork: Th e on e benefit of a junker is that its cobbl ed-together
systems are easier to patch back together into the semifunctional state
Th e junker temp late represents sta rships (most often fighters and space'
th ey normal ly operate in. Reduce th e DC of any Mechanics check made on
transports, though a junker capital ship is certain ly possible) that are badly
a junker by 2.
put tog ether. Many junkers are old er slarships that haven't been properly
maintained for so long that it's simply not possible to bring them back to fully
Th e fo llowing is an examplC' of a j unkC'r TYE-wing, crC'ated by adding the
functiona l status. junkers can also represent ships that are poorly designed,
junker template to a TIEfln fight er (and rep resenting a Y·wing with TIE fighter
making th em jun kers right off thC' assembly line.
wings instead of C'ngine nacel lC's).
Junkers can also be used to represC' nt ·ug lies,· starships constructed from
parts of different ship designs. Th e most common ug lit s are lYE-wings, which
combine the ball cockpit of a TIE figh ter with th e enginn of a V-wing. TYE-
Junker TYE-wing Cl5
Huge starfighter
wings are slower than TIEs and lack th e increased durability of V-wings, but
Init +2; SC'nses Perception +6
because spare parts for those two models are so common, combining th em
into clunky, ugly hybrid starfighters som etimes makes sense. DC' fC'nse Rd 14 (flat- footed II), Fort 20; +3 armor, VC'hicu lar Combat
hp 60; DR 10; ThrC'shold 30
MODIFICATIONS Sp C'C'd fly 16 squarC's (ma)(. velocity 1.200 kmfhl. fly 5 squarC's
CL: Reduce th e Cl of a junker by 20% (round down). (starship scalt!
In iti ativ e: Reduce a junker's Initiative by 5 after all other Rang C' d laser cannons +5 (sC'C' below)
modifications. Fighting SpacC' 3x3 or 1 square (sta rsh ip scal e); CovC'r to tal
Abilities : Reduce Strength by 4, De)(terity by 2 and Intell igence by 2 BasC' Atk +2; Grp +22
(a ll minimum 10). Recalculate all statistics der i ~ed from th ese abilities' Atk Op t ions autofire (lasC'r cannons)
modifiers. Abiliti es Str 30, De)( 16, Con ,Int 12
Systems Failure : A junker is always on the ve rge of fal ling apart, and Skills In i tiati~ e t8, Mechanics +6, P~ rception +6, Pilot +7
som etim es does so in the middle of combat. Evny time a jun ker mo~es down Crew 1 (skil lC'd); Pass C'ngC'rs non~
-1 step on its condition track, on e of its systems fai ls. A fail ed system is Cargo 65 kg; Con sumables 2 days; CarriC'd Craft nonC'
tota lly nonfunctional and remains that way until th e junker mo~ e s back up Ava ilability Military; Cost 60,000 (25,000 used)
th e condition track. Roll percenti le dice to see what system fails (see below) .
If you roll a system your junker does not have (such as rolling a hyperdri~e lasC'r cannons (pilot)
ma lfunction on a ship lading a hyperdrivel. simply ignore th e resu lt-you Atk +5 (+0 autofireJ, Omg 4dl0x2
got ludy.
01-30 Hyperdrive
86-95 Computer core (-5 to all Perception and Compu ter Use checks
made with th e starship's equipment)
96-100 Shields
K-WINO The Ko~nsayr Manufacturing BTL-58 K-wing is an assault starfight~r intro-
duced as part of th~ N~w R~public Oef~nse f leet. These ships are designed to
S~f'Je as bombers and heavy starfighters, rolts previously fitled by increas-
Ko~nsayr Manufacturing BTL-58 K-wing Cl12
ingly aged V-wings. The K-wings serve w~1I during the Black Flett Crisis,
Gargantuan starfighter
though th~ir crew compl~ment of four eventually causes them to become
Init .;. 10; Senses Percc:ption +6
less popular as the New R~public continues to have major cristS (making
Defense Reof 18 (flat-footed 13), Fort 28; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat it difficult to train ~nough bombardiers and gunner> for the whole K-wing
hp 160; OR 10; SR 30; Threshold 48 fle~tl. Though still in use for decades after their d~ployment, they are much
Speed fly 16 squares (ma~ . velocity 1,000 km/h), fly 4 squares less common after the Yuuzhan Vong war.
(starship scale)
Rang ed laser cannons +7 (see below) and CAPABIL.ITIES
quad laser cannon +7 (see b(low) and Th ~ prototyp~s and fi rst production wave have no built-in weaponry; they
medium conCussion missiles +7 (see below) or carry whatever armament is appropria t ~ to an individual mission. A typical
Ranged laser cannons +7 (see below) and load is given in the statistics block. Any normal missile or mine payload (or
quad laser cannon +7 (set beloW) and weapon system d~signed for a star fi gh t ~r, with an emplacement point cost
proton to rpedo(s +7 (set below) or no hig her than 01, can replace anyof the given missile payload choicn with
Ranged laser cannons +7 (see below) and a DC 10 M~chanics check and 5 minutes of work.
quad laser cannon +7 (see below) and A second generation of K-wing designs add~d two tur rets and r~config
shieldbuster torpedoes +7 (see below) or ured the cockpit to increase the bombardier's field of vision. The quad las ~ r
fight ing Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship sca le); Cover lotal in the forward turret was augmented to be a multistage laser and thus is
Sase Atk +2; Grp +35 often called a turbo laser, though it remains a starfighter class weapon, not
Atk Options autofire (laser cannon, quad las~r cannon) a capital ship turbolaser.
Abilities Str 46, Ou 20, Con -,Int 20 K-wings have no hyperdrive, and thus must be carried to striking distance
Skills I nitiativ~ +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6, of each battle. They do have a SLAM system (see page 42), allOwing them to
Use Computer +6 move quickly into attack positions once they are deployed. In case of emer-
Crew 4 (skilled); Passengers none gency, the cockpit of a K-wing can detach and act as an escape pod.
Cargo 440 kg: Consumablu 1 day; Carried Craft none
Payload 18 proton torpedoes, 4 concussion missiles, 6 plasma torp~do(S
Availability Military; Cost 250,000 (120,000 used)
,• USt Compu t er +6
hig h-profile missions t hat require a sig nificant amount of discretion. When
the ship is used as a personal t ransport for Imperial digni t aries and officers,
Crew 6 {skilled}; Passengers 20
< the ca rgo space is often convert ed into a comfortabl e living area with many
- -
Cargo 80 tons; Con sumables 2 months; Carried Craft none
Hyperdrive xl (backup xlO), navi comput~r
Availabi lity Military; Cost not available for sal~ (likely valued at 240,000)
of the amenities of a star yacht. Those Lambdas used to ferry troops are
much less comfortable, and are equipped w ith bench seating and a li mited
number of bucket seats.
Though the ship was designed prim ari ly for space flight, the tri-wing
Blaster cannon battery (2 gunners)
construct ion of t he lambda gives it excellen t stability when flown in an
fl 1!1 Atk +6 (+1 au tofire)' Dmg 5dlOx2
atmosphere. It is a fast sh ip wh en compared t o others of its class. yet it is
fl (Ij) Blaster <:annan (copilot)
especially Vu lnerable to enemy fire wh en landing or taking off. Though it is
)l Atk +4 (-I autofire), Omg 5dlOx2
equipped with a number of effec tive weapon systems, the lambda is unable
Twin laser ca nnons (pi lot)
'ill to outmaneuver most sta rfig ht ers. Because th e lambda is wel l armed, it does
Atk +6 (+1 auto fire), Omg 2dlOx2 not techn ically require a fighter escort. Rega rdless, few of the shuttles trav-
Iii eled alon e, depending on the sensi tivit y of their individual missions.
One ofthc most recognizab le Imperial spacecraft is the Lambda-class shuttle.
A workho rse of the Imperia l fleet, Lambdo-class shuttles have transported
Imperia l lumina ri es such as lord Darth Vader, as well as Emperor Pa lpatine
himself. It is perhaps ironic that one particular lambda, th e Tydirium, was
employed by th e Rebel Alliance to deliv~r a strike force to the forest moon
of Endor. It was this st rik e team that ultimately brought the second Death
Star's defensive sh ields down, allowing the Reb el fleet to converge and
subsequ ently destroy the space sta tion.
The lambda design was developed as th e direct successor to the Theto-
class shuttle by a group of forme r Cygnus Spaceworks engineers. These
engineers had been enticed into def ecting to Sienar, lured by promises of
high pay and tangible benefi t s. Even though Si ena r was respo nsible f or the
Sienar Fleet Systems
Lambda-class Shuttle
I square = 1.5 meters
L Pilot Station
2. Co · Pilot Station
3. System Dp Station
4. Gunnery Station
5. Auxiliary Stalion II
S. Auxiliary Station 12
7. Entry Ramp
B. lower level I-Iainlenance Hatch
9. Emergency ure Support Cabinet!
10. Equipment Storage
U. Passenger Bucket Seats
12. Port Bench Sealing
13. Starboard Hench Seating
14. Refresher
15. Weapons/Storage Locker
IS. Cargo Holds (accessible to lower I
Whtn not u5cd as a troop transport, the Lambda is capable of carrying open to the cargo/passenger area, but a blast doo r can be closed between
up to ao Ions of c3rgo. These cargoes consist primarily of mundane supplies, the two compartments if circumstances dic tate it.
such 35 spare pa rt s and other consumables. It is rare, though not unheard of, Lambda-class shuttles are ra rely mod ified from their base configuration,
for a shuttle to arrive insystem by itself in order to deli ver supplies. Much though some exceptions to this ru le obviously exist. The specifications of the
of t he time, Lambdas fe rry supplies di rectly from orbital stations and ships Emperor's personal shutt le, fo r instance, we re highly classified, and can be
to planetary surfaces, extrapolated based only upon rumors and hearsay. It has been put forth that
The lambda is no rmally operated by a crew of six, including a pilot, a Pa lpatine's shuttle was equipped wi th a cloaking device, as well as a secu re
copilot, a naviga tor, a gunner, a communications officer, and an engineer. Holo Net transceiver, heavier weaponry, and an ultra-efficient hyperdrive.
In a pinch, the ship can be flown by a single individual, though he would be Since it was destroyed with the seeond Death Star. none can say for certain
hard-pressed to monitor all the ship's vital systems. The cockpit is typically if any of these reports are accurate.
L.ANCER-CL.ASS Though no spe-cific Lance-rs in the- Impe-rial Navy have- distinguished the-m-
se-Ive-s, one- frigate-capture-d by the Rebe-l Alliance--has be-e-n made- famous by
FRIOATE its succe-ss. The- Fowlt'f, a late--model Lance-r capture-d by Alliance- forces ne-ar
Malastare, was put into service as an anti-TIE fi ghte-r platform. Retro fi tte-d
Ku at Drive Yards Lancer-class Frigate CL 14 wilh an improved hyperdrive. Ihe Fowler was sent on strike missions, provid-
Colossal (frigate) capital ship ing cover for V-wing fighters. In its role as an antistarfighter plalform, the
Init -3; Senses Perception +5 Re-be-I Lance-r racked up an impreSSive number of kills, surviving long enough
Defense Ref 14 (flat-footC'd 12), Fort 38; .12 armor to be de-commissioned after the formation of the New Republic.
hp 800; DR 15; SR 125; Thresho ld 138
Speed fly 3 squar~ (slarship scale) CAPABILITIES
Ranged 4 point-defense quad laser cannon batteries +12 (sCOt below) Be-cause- it is SIOWe-f than its inte-nded large-ts, Ihe Loncer-class frigate is
Fighting Space 1 square (starship scale); Cover total unable to acliVC'ly se-e-k oul and e-ngage- cone-my slarfighle-rson ils own.lnstC'ad,
Base Atk +0; Grp +48 il is used by the- Empire as a picke-l ve-sse-I, deploye-d on the- outskirts of a
Atk Op t ions autofire (quad laser cannons) fleel's pe-rime-Ier, The- ship's excellent capabilities in an anlistarfighte-r role-
Ab iliti es SIr 66, Oe x 14, Con -, Int 18
are perhaps its greatest weakness whe-n it comes up agains t capital sh ips.
Sk ill s In itiat ive -3, Mec hanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -J,
The relatively light laser cannons it is equ ippe-d wi th cannot compete- with
o Use Computer +5
the armor and shields of capital-scale- ships. Like-wise, the range of capital-
I scale weaponry far exceeds that of the weapons the lancef employs. thus
Crew 850 (normal); Passe ngers 40 (troops)
Cargo 300 tons; Consumable'S 1 week; Carried Craft none
guaranteeing that it is an easy target when piUe-d ilgainst them.
•• Hypc r drive x2 (backup xiS), navicomputcr
Tactical Fire-: The Lancer-class fr igate is exceptionally good at punching
through e-ne-my starfighlers' defense-s, we-akening their shields so that allied
Availa bilit y Military; Cost nOI available for sale
fighte-fs can finish them off. As a standard action, a Lancer-class frigale
can forgo all attacks to provide- tactical fire to all adjace-nt squares. Ene-my
Point-defense quad laser cannon battery (5 gunners)
starships of Gargantuan size- and smaller have- their SR halved while within
Atk +12 (+7 aulofire), Dmg 4dl0x2
th~se- square-so
hp 50; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 41 Galactic Civil War and tends to be used only by civilians looking for a quick
Speed fly 16 square's (max. ,«Iocily 1,450 km/h), fly 6 squares ship, regardless of defenses or armament. Though the Techno Union cared
(starship scale) little for the ship's defenses (after all, most pilots were expendable droids),
Ranged light laser cannons +4 (seC' below) the ship docs have minimal shielding to give it some durability. However, if a
Fighting Space 4)(4 or 1 square {starship scald: Cover total shot penetrates the vessel's shields, the chances of its survival are slim.
Base Atk +0; Grp +26 Hastily put together (and likely engineered just as rapidly). the Mankvim-
Atk Options autofi re (light laser ca nnons) 814 is no t the most survivable ship ever produced, t hough it is fast enough
Abilities SIr 32, Dcx 17. Con .Int 14 tha t many of the models left over from the Clone Wars were converted into n
Skill s Initiative: +3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot ... 3.
one-person courier vessds. Since the ships do not have a hyperdrive, they are I
Use Computer +5
effective only within a star system, and most are used to ferry small cargoes
Crew 1 droid (normal); Pa ssenger s nonc
or sensitive messages between nearby planets and moons.
Cargo none; Consumables 2 hours; Carried Craft none
Avai lab ilit y licensed; Cost 15,000 (6,000 ustd) <
Light l a s~r cannons (pi!ot)
Atk +4 H autofir~), Dmg 2dlOx2
, Cargo 300 tons; Consumables 3 months; Carried Craft 12 starfighters, 2 and replaced wi t h fou r concussion missile launchers. Depen ding on how
The Ma rauder was desig ned by Sienar Technologi es to serve as a light Repub-
lic pa t ro l cr uiser, However, fo r some reason t h~ Republic Senate would not
approve purchase of th e starships, Sales we r~ open~d to ot her governments
and organizations, but never met Si ena r' s high ~ xp e cta t ions . Eventually, the
rig hts to produce the design were sold to th e Co rp orate Sector Aut hority,
w hich like d the ship's co mbina t ion of firepower, range, and economical buil d-
in g and operating costs. As a resu lt. two types of Marauders exist-those built
by Siena r during th e early days of the desig n (wel l prior to t he Clone Wa rs)
and those built by the Co rporate Sector Authori t y sho rt ly after the Clone
Wars. There are few di fferences between t he t wo ty pes externall y, thoug h
the Sienar models genera l ly hav~ nice r (if old('r) int eriors.
MEDIUM TRANSF'DRT As the Clone Wars wound down and the Rise of the Empire began, many
of these venerable transports found themselves in the employ of the Rebel
Alliance. Following the Battle of Endor, many Gallofrees were modified into
Gallofree GR-75 Medium Transport Cl 8
salvage ships. They became in tegral to the New Rep ublic's initial campaig ns
Colossal (f ri ga te) capital ship
against the Imperia l Rem nan t, because parts and eq ui pment sa lvaged from
Init -5; Senses Perception +5
long-dead ships were va luable commodities.
Defense Rc:f 14 (flat-footed 14). Fort 34; +14 armor
hp 400; DR 15; SR 45; Thr eshold 134 CAPABIL.ITIES
Speed fly 12 square's (max. velocity 650 km/h), fly 2 squares In its stock configuration, the Gallofree GR-75 is utilitarian and unexciting.
(slarship scale) Equip~d with a large cargo hold and precious little in the way of defensive
Rang ed 4 point-defense double laser cannons + 1 (sec below) systems, it is a sitting duck on the space lanes unless accompanied by an
Fighting Spa<:c 12x 12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total escort. liS sublight engines and hyperdrive are slow, and it maneuvers like a
Base Atk +0; Grp +44 sick bantha. The ship is relatively easy to modify, however, given the appro-
Alk Options autofirc (double laser cannons) priate parts and mechanical expertise.
Abilities SIr 58, Oex 10, Con , Int 12 The GR-75s used by the Alliance are often equipped with upgraded weap-
Skills Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Percep tion +5, Pilot -5, onry, sh ields, and engines. lnurnal systems are often rearranged, giving each
Use Computer +5 Gallofree a un ique floo r plan depending on its specific func tion. Most often, n
Crew 6 (normal); Pam :ngen 40 the GR-75 is lItilized to move troops and material. Others arc modified to ,
Cargo 19,000 tons; Consumables 6 months; Carried Craft nont serve as hospital ships. landing craft, or salvage vessels. Regardless of its
Hyperdrive x4, navicomputer
Availability Licc:nsC'd; Cost 350,000 (125,000 used)
specific function. the GR-75 rarely looks different from the olltside.
Point-defense double laser cannons (gunner)
Atk '1-1 (-4 autofird, Omg 4dlOx2
Though numerous transport ships are employed across the galaxy, the
Gallofree Yards transport is one of the mos t ubiquitous and often-used.
It is a sleek- looking vessel, especially considering its size, but its outwa rd
appearance belies its slow and ponderous nature. The ships can be used as
freighters, but due to their low speed are most often used as short-range
transports, moving goods and passengers from planet to planet, planet to
station, or star system to star system.
During the Clone Wars, the Gallofree was popular with the Republic Navy
as a resupply craft. large numbers of the transports were used to supple-
ment the Old Republ ic's extensive supply lines, enabling those lines to be
stretched thin without significant interruption to the flow of goods to the
front. A scant few were modified with improved shields and heavy weaponry
and used to lure unwary pirates to their doom.
Mly'TIL. FIOHTER/ Because of the Hapes Consortium's long hi story of isola tionism, it's impos-
sible to say exact ly w hen the Miy'til firs t entered service, but it's ce rtain
BOMBERS to be after the Clone Wars. Many starship engin eers fled t he losin g side of
that conflict, and it seems likely that some took refug e in th e Consortium
Olanji/Charubah Miy'til Fighter CL 9 and brought t heir sta rsh ip design exp ert ise with them. The Miy'til is the
Huge starfighter sta nda rd starfighter of all Hapan military uni ts, carried in fa ir numbers by
Init +10; Senses Perception +6 Battle Dragons and smaller ships. Alt hough X-wings art also valued fo r their
Defense Ref 17 (flal-footed 11). Fort 24; +3 armor, Vehicu lar Comba t better ability to sustain damage, the Miy'til is pi loted w ith pride by it s pilots
hp 90; DR 10; SR 20; Thre shol d 34 as proof of Hapan equa li ty with other starship designers.
Speed fly 16 squares (max. ve locity 1,150 km/h)' f ly 4 squares
(starship scale) CAPABILITIES
Ranged laser cannons +7 (sec below) or Th e Miy' t il fills its role as a space superio ri ty starfighter brillian t ly. As a sma ll,
Rang ed medium concussion missiles +7 (see below) fas t cra ft, th e sh ip make s it easy for the Hapans to get wings of f ighte rs
Fighting Spal:c 3x3 or 1 square (s t arsh ip scale); Cover tolal (pilot) , +5 or whe rever they are needed quickly. Ou t fitted w ith a week·s wort h of supplies
t otal (astromech droid, see des cription) and a good hyperdrive, patrols of Miy'tils can sweep through large volumes
Base Atk +2: Grp +26 of space with ve ry little addi tional support.
o Atk Options autofire (lase r cannons) The origina l generation of Miy'ti l fig hte rs placed an astromech droid in a
Abilities SIr 38, Dex 22, Con ,In! 16 top-moun t ed SOCKet, si milar to haw ARC-170s carry them. Later generations
built a fully enclosed compa rtment f or onb oa rd astramechs, giving t hem
Skills Initiative +10, Mechanics +6 (+ 13' ), Perception + 6, Pilot + l a,
,•< Us t Computer +6 (+13 " )
"If til(' ship has an aslromech droid, usc these skill modifiers instead.
slightly b ett~r protection. Many of the older Miy'til are st il l in s~rvice. Com-
mand figh ters also ~ x is t , wh ich add a thi rd laser cannon, two ion cannans. and
a s~co n d missi le launcher. Such command figh t ~rs are extremely expensive,
Crew 1 plus astromech droid (skil led); Pass engers none
but highly valu ed by wing leaders. Members of Hapan noble f amilies often
Cargo 25 kg; Con sum ables 1 week: Ca rri ed Craft none
own Miy'til fighte rs that they modify yet furthe r, personalizing them as a
Payloa d 6 medium concussion missiles
sign of rank and weal t h.
Hyperdrive x1.5 (backup x12), 5-jump memory (ast romech droid)
Availabi l ity M ilitary; Cost 210,000 (85,000 use d)
The Miy' t il is a small, fast, lightly arm ed starfighter bui lt by Olanji/Cha rubah
fa r use by th e Hapes Consortiu m. The manufacturer enjoys great support
f ram the Hapan roya l fami ly, guaranteeing that no ot her sta rfi ghter is co n-
st ru cted in la rge numbers within the Consortium. Of course, tha t protection
lasts only as long as the Miy' t il is seen as a quality product wo rt hy of t he
Hapan tradition of beauty and excel lence. Although it 's tru e t hat Olanji/
Cha rubah goes to great lengths to polish and decorate eve ry Miy'til, it
also constantly reevaluates t he design to ensure that it remains cur rent
with other sta rfigh t ers.
Though there's nothing revolutionary about the assault bomb~r, it does a
simpl~ thin g ve ry well. Wit h t he pilo t controlling the sta rfig hte r' s lase rs, t h~
gunn~r is free to focus on where to place missiles to do the most damage.
With an impressive payload for a star figh ter, a Miy'til assault bomber can
hammer at large targ~ts numerous times. to either help weaken shields or
finish off ships al ready exposed to turbo laser fire from Battle Dragons.
Capabilitie s
Slower, shorter-ranged, and requiring more support, the assault bomber is
in tended to be pu t into use only when a heavy assau lt (ge nerally against
large capital ships) is called for. The starfighters must b~ carried into battle,
and they are equipped with hyperdri~s only for v~ry shorl-rang~ hyperspace
jumps prior to an attack and as an emergency escape option.
MaN CAL.AMARI No two MCSOs are th e same, despit e the fact tha t they have id entica l
MCSO CRUISER alp hanumeric designations. Th eir ca pabi lities are rough ly the same, but th eir
exte rnal appearanc e and interna l st ructure are quite di f ferent. When plac ed
side by side, t he var iations betw ee n t hese enormo us ships can be no t iced by
Mon Calamari MeSO Star Cruiser Cl19
beings tha t are att en tive enough to see th em.
Colossal (cruiser) capital ship
Th e crew com plem ents of A lliance MCSDs f eat ure a large cross-sect ion
Init - 1; Sen~es Perception +6
of galactic species, but th e command crews of t hese vessels are mad e up
Defense Rd 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 54 ; +13 armor, Vehicula r Combat
exc lusive ly of Man Calamari vo lun tee rs. Th e reasons for this are practical
hp 1,800; OR 20; SR I SO; Thr esho ld 254
rat her than el itist, sinc e the controls and ot her ship sys t ems we re created
Speed fly 3 sq uares (starship sca le ) with Man Ca lama ri phys io logy in mind. A ltho ugh a huma n might be ab le to
Ran ged 4 turbolaser batterin + 15" (se e below) and con t rib ute to t he co nt rol of such a wa rship, he wou ld never be as adept at
5 heavy ion cannon batteries +1 1' (see below) and doing so as his Man Ca lama ri counter parts.
tracto r beam battery + 15* (see be low) It is often sa id by galactic historia ns that t he Rebel All iance wou ld never
Fighting Space 2x2 (s ta rsh ip scale); Cove r to tal have gained victory ov er the Galactic Empire if not f or the generosity and
Base A tk +2; Grp +66 sacri fi ce of the Man Calamari. No on e knows this more than t he Man Ca la-
Abilities SIr 98, De x 16, Con ,I nt 16 mari themselves. Regard less, t he Ma n Calama ri ar e a humble spec ies, and
n Skills Initiative - I, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pi lot -1, they hav e never soug ht glory for th ei r ro le in the conf lict.
) Use Compu t er +6
Cr ew 5,402 (sk illed). Passenge rs 1,200 (troops)
,• Cargo 20,000 tons; Consumab les 2 yea rs; Carried Craft 36 A- , B-.
X-, and/or V-w in g figh t ers, two stoc k light f reig hte rs
< Hyperdr ive xl (backup x9), navicomputer
Availability M ilitary: Cost no t available fo r sal e
"Apply a -20 pt.'no/t y on ottocks against
targt.'ts smallt.'r than Colossal sizt.'.
Base Atk +2: Grp +84
Ab ilities SIr 134, ~x 12, Con ,Int 24
Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pifol -J,
Use Computer +6
Viscount-class caused numerous de lays in its construction, and by the time
the first ship of its type was completed (25 years after the Battle of Yavin),
the threat of enemy Super Star 06troyers was minimal and the Imperial
Remnant was seen as an annoyance ratller than a well·matched foe. Indeed,
many Super Star Destroyers had fallen into the Republic's control. reducing
Crew 68,174 {skilled): Passengers 12,500 (troops). 200,000 (support ship
th e pressing need for Star Defenders. The Viscoun t did track down and engage
crews/ rdugees)
a few war lords who t urned to mass piracy, bu t suc h engagements were rare
Cargo 200,000 tons; Consumabl es 6 years: Carri ed Craft 168
events. Many political agents began to suggest that the Viscount-class had
starfighters, 48 heavy starfighters, up to t,OOO other small craft
been a waste of resou rces, and that the Mon Calamari should cease building
Payload 6,000 medium concussion missiles
the next few in the class.
Hyperdrive xl (backup x12j, navicomputer
TIle Yuuzhan Vong invasion changed tllat opinion. Suddenly the galaxy
Avail a bilit y Military; Cost not available for sale
was once more embroiled in massive warfare, and the need for shi ps able to
'App/ya -20 penalty on attach against targets smaller thon Colossal size. engage entire fleets was again clea r. As the New Republic collapsed and was
replaced by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, the Viscounr~class Star
Heavy turbolaser batte ry (5 gunne rs)
Defenders were among the few ships that could face Vong attack forces with
Atk + 17 (-3 against targets smallerthan Colossal). Dmg l 1dlOx5
a fair expectation of success. Ships of the class formed the backbone of the
Turbolaser battery (5 gunners) Galactic Alliance defense fleet and were crucial to the Alliance's survival at
Atk +17 (-3 against targets smaller than Colossall. Dmg 8dl0xS tile Battle of Mon Calamari.
Point-defense lase r cannon battery (5 gunners)
Atk +17, Omg 4dl0x2 CAPAel~ITIEe
Heavy ion can non batte ry (6 gunne rs) As with the Super Star Destroyers that inspired its creation, it's diff icult
At k +19 (-1 aga inst targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 4dl0xS ion to overstate the power of a Viscount Star Defender. Each ship carried th e
Tractor beam battery (5 gunne rs) firepower of a small fleet, enough suppor t snips to take control of a star
Atk +17 (-3 against targe ts smaller than Colossal), Dmg system, and massive deflector shields to protect the ship itself, In general
- (grapple +84) the electronics, computers. and sensors of a Viscount-class are su perior to
Heavy concussio n missi le battery (5 gunners) those of a Super Star Destroyer. Convtrsely, a Viscount does not carry nearly
Atk +17 (-3 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg 12d l0xS, as many ground troops or heavy walkers, and it completely lacks the mobile
4-sQuare splash garrisons common in Super Star Destroyers. The designers of the Viscount·
class assum~ that its f ights wi ll take place in areas where the plane tary
population supports th~ ship, rath er than in areas whe re the Star Defender C O N C ENTRATE YOUR FIRE
must oppr~ss the populac~. When extremely large ships-such as Super Star Destroyers and Mon
When fu lly stocked, a Star De fender carri~ s a mix of support vesse ls. Calamari Star Defe n ders-~ nter th e fray of battl e, they can pose an
Optimally thi s includes 120 X-wings/ Y-wings/E-wings, 48 A-w ings, and 48 incredibl e threat to other starships, The high number of w~apo n s th~y
6-wings or K-w also has enough troop transports and la nding barges bring to bear ma kes i t statistical ly probable that s~v~ ral of th~ ir attacks
to carry its t roop comp l em~ nt planetside and dozens of shuttles, patrol will resu lt in critica l hits _Smaller ships, such as space t ransports and
craft, and support vessels, allowing t he Star D~ f~nder to carry all it s own starfighters, will almost ce rta in ly be wiped out ins t a n tan~ously thanks
resupply cargo up from a planet or space sta tion. Although t h~ hangar bays to the lik~l ih ood of one of these massive capital ships scoring a critical
and fligh t decks of a Star Defender can support hundreds more starship s, hit, sinc e no size disparity can save t h ~m. When using these massive
its op~rating doctrine calls for these berths to be left open so that damaged vessels in an ~ n coun t e r, Gam~mast~ rs should be careful to limit t h~
ships f lying in the Viscount's support fleet can b~ tak~n in and repaired or number of attacks originating from th~s~ ships that a r~ aimed at vess els
~vacuated, lacking the massive open docking bay of Star Destroy~r designs, occupied by play~r charact ers and import ant NPCs. Instead, co nsider
a Star Defender can carry ships only of Colossal (frigate) size or smal ler, bu t placing oth er large, thr~at e n in g targets on the battlefield fo r th ese ships
it can carry dozens of such ships, If no larg~r support ships are avai lable, a to shoot at. If th ese massive vessels are tied up attacking one anoth er,
Viscount can often carry its entire support fleet interna ll y, they will spare few shots for passing space t ransports and star fi ghters,
allowing player characters to move about th e battlefield without the
risk of errant cri tical hits. I
if additiona l spaceships ar~ carried, esca pe pods are provided for everyon e),
a HoloNet transc eiver, dozens of docking clamps (to directly dock with other (
capital ships), and a droid repair team large enough for the en tire ship.
Tactical Fire: The Star Defen der is the ultimate defense vessel, capable
of protecting its al li~s from incom ing assau lts. As a st anda rd
action, a Star Destroyer can forgo all attacks to provide
tactical fire to al l squares in a 3-square radius
around it self. All allied starships in that
~ Gl
area ga in +20 SR and a + 1 bonus (IjJ ~
to Reflex Defense.
like many Mon Calamari ships, the
Viscount-class Star Defender has backup shield
generators, giving it regenerating shields. Th is makes
it even more difficult to take down than oth~r ships of its
size class, since it s shields can quickly recover from massive bom -
bardment. This capac it y is backed by the incredibly massive armor the
ship carries (which is the reason its hangar bays aren't as large as a Super
Star Destroy~r's) , It is also equipped with hundreds of bacta tanks, enough
lifeboat and lifepod ~scape pods for 500,000 personne l (to ensure that even
NASOO ROYAL. N-l House. Primarily used for defensive missions. the N-l fighter also serves as
part of the monarchy's honor guard when traveling abroad, escorting the
STARFIOHTER Royal Transport ships throughout the galaxy. N-l starfighters are sometimes
loaned to ViPs and other important visitors to escort the ir starships while in
Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps N- l Royal the Naboo system, though this is a relati~ly rare OCCurrence.
Starfighter Cl8
Gargantuan starfighter CAPABIL.ITIES
Init +5; Se nses Perceptio n +6 Un li ke many ot her plane tary ddense fighte rs, the N-l starfighte r is equipped
Defens e Rd IS (flat-footed 11). Fort 22: +6 armor, Vehicular Combat with powerful weapon systems. Despite its outward app~arance as a piece
hp 60; DR 10; SR 15; Thres hold 42 of art. the N-l carries laser cannons and proton torpedoes that rival those
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,100 kmfh). fly 4 squares used by strictly military vessels. The mere presence of proton torpedoes
(slarship scale) puts the vessel in a higher class of combat starships, allowing il to drive off
Rang ed lastr cannons +6 (seC' btlow) or raiders that have competitive weaponry. Though N-l pilots are not always
Rang ed proton torpedoC's +6 (seC' below) the most experienced. the weapons aboard the ship can usually make up
Fi ghting Spa cC' 4x4 or 1 squa re (starship scald: Cover total (crew). +5 for the d iscrepancy.
{astromech droid} At first glance, the N-l's offensive capabilities seem out of place for a
n Bas e Atk +2; Grp +29 world where war and violence art ~schewed. However, the N-l is used as
Atk Opti on s autofire (laser cannons), fire-link (proton torpedoes)
Abilities SIr 34, De)!; 18, Con ,Int 14
a vehicle of deterrence. responding to attacks by pirates and raiders with
enough force to encourage enemies to seek out other star systems to prey
,• Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6 (+13'), Perception +6, Pilot +5,
Use Computer +6 (+13')
upon. Additionally, the N-l starfighler's shields and other defense systems
are robust enough that even persistent attackers will suffer heavy casualties
( in the time it takts to penetrate Naboo's defenses.
' If the ship has on ostromech droid, usc these skill modifiers instead.
@ID Cre w 1 plus astrom~ch droid (sk i ll~d); Pas s~ ng er s none
Cargo 65 kg: Consumables 1 week; Carri ~d Craft none
Payload 10 proton torpedoes
Hype rdrive xt, IO-jump memory (astromech droid)
Ava ila bilit y Restricted; Cos t nOI available for sal~
~ I!l
)( lase r cannons (pilot)
0 Atk +6 (+1 autofirel. Dmg Sdl0x2
Proton torped o ~s (pilot)
Atk +6, Dmg IOdl0x2, 4-square splash
An example of the beauty and artistry of the Naboo people, the N-I
starfighter is the premier space combat vessel for the security volunteers of
that tranquil world. Designed to be aesthetically appealing as well as eco-
logically friendly. the N-l s tarfighter was a moderately armed space combat
vessel crea ted to protec t Naboo and the space arou nd it from pirates and
ra iders. Despite th~ pleasing appearance of the N-l, the vessel is a capable
defense fighter that sees a surprising amount of action while protecting the
peaceful world of Naboo.
Each N-l starfighter is embellished with a ehromium coating on the nose
and forward sections of the engines. a sign that it is a part of the Naboo Royal
NEBULA-CLABS The Nebula-class Star Destroyer is the largest warship in the New Republic's
"New Class' modernization program. The ships were to serve as the backbone
STAR DESTROYER of a new, unified fleet to help the New Republic establish its territori~ and
ddend its new borders. 8ecause of its long design period and high cost,
Nebula-class St ar Dest royer Cl26 relatively few of the snips had been completed by the time of the Yuuzhan
Colossal (cruiS(r) capital ship Vong invasion, and political preSSure kept them close to the Core Worlds as
Init -+ 1; Senses Perception +8 reserves. Once the ships finally saw combat, they acquitted themselves quite
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 16). Fort 56; -+ 16 armor, Vehicular Combat well against the extragalactic invaders.
hp 2,100; DR 20; SR 250: Threshold 256
Speed fly J squares (starship scald CA.PA.BIL.ITIES
Rang ed 4 heavV' turbolas('r baUeries +IS' (see below) and A Nebulo-class can take on anything short of a Super Star Destroyer and is
4 turbo laser batteries T IS' (see below) and designed to act as a respectable threat even to those adversaries. Coupled
4 heavy ion cannon batteries -+ IS' (see below) and with the support ships that almost always accompany it and the ship's own
2 tractor beam batteries +16' (see below) and complement of craft, a Nebula can face down any threat short of a massed
2 heavy concussion missile batteries +16' (see below) armada.
Fighting Space 2x2 (starship sca le); Cover tota l Avariant. the Endurance-class fl eet carrier, also exists. It t rades the heavy
turbo lasers. all but two lurbolaser batteries, half the tractor beams, the io n
Ba se Atk +5; Grp +81
cannons, and t month of consumables for the abi lity to carry an addi tiona l
Ab ilit ies SIr 102, Oex 16, Con , In t 22 I
Skill slniliative +1, Mechanics .;-8, Perception +8, Pilot +1,
two wings of heavy starfi gh ters and four batteries of point-ddense laser
cannons. •
Tact ical Fire: The mere presence of a Nebulo-class Star Destroyer can
turn the tide of battle, thanks to its impressive fire support. As a standard
Ca rg o 15,000 tons; Consuma blu 6 months; Carried Craft 60
action, a Nebula-class Star Destroyer can forgo all attacks to provide tactical
starfighurs (any), 12 space transports (any)
fire to all squares in a 2-square radius around itself. All attacks made against
Payload 240 heavy concussion missiles
a starship of Colossal (frigate) size or larger within tha t area deal triple
Hyperd rive xl (backup xlO), navicomputer
damage on a critical hit. If the attad would normally deal triple damage on
Availability Military; Cost not available for sale
a critical hit, it deals four tim~ as much damage instead.
-Applyo -20 prnoltyon ottocks ogoinst torgrts smollrr thon Co/osso/sizr.
,• Crew 920 (skilled); Passengers 7S (troops) as de:terrents to spac~ pirate:s and smuggle rs. Because the Nebu lon-B was
In the ~arli~st days of the R~bellion, th~ Alliance was hug~ly succ~ssful in its
attacks against Imperial shipping and supply convoys. Much of the reason
b~hind th~s~ succ~ss~s was th~ Empire's r~luctance to assign its valuabl~ Star
D~stroyers to something as menial as escort duty. What the Empire required
was a less ~xpensive capital ship with the capacity to carry TIE fighters.
Well arm ed and able to carry two dozen TIE fighters, the Nebulon -
B quick ly s tymied th~ majority of Al l ia nc ~ ra ids on Imp~r ial shipp ing .
Rebel pilo ts were dismayed to discover that raids on convoys, which
were once considered to be veritable cakewalks, had become much more
Despite the Empire's dominanc~ in regard to the Nebulon-B, the Alliance
has managed to acquire several of the ships for its own use. A number of
The P-38 was specifical ly manufactured to hold Utai pilots, rather than the
taller Pau'an who ruled th~ planet Utapau. With som e effort, the st arfighter
Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices Porax-38 Starfighter CL 10
can be modi fi ed to sui t Medium characters, but th is can be cost ly given th e
Gargantuan starfighter
rarity of spare parts outside Utapau spac~. Smaller species, such as Ewoks
init +6; Senses Pe rception +6
or Jawas, find the f ighter much more com f ort abl e.
Defense Ref 16 (flat-footed 11). Fort 24; +6 armor, Vehicula r Combat
Foremos t among the P-38's strengths is its ad~anced sensor system, wh ich
hp 90; DR 10; SR 25; Threshold 44
grants a +2 equipment bonus on Use Computer checks made wh en operat-
Speed fly 16 squa res (max. veloci t y 1,200 km/hl. fly 5 squares ing sensors. The ship is also outfitted wi th specialized jamm in g equipment
(starship scale) that is k~yed \0 affect droid sensors and avionics. When the jammers are
Ranged laser canno ns +6 (see below) employed, a P-38 pilot gains a +2 equipm ent bonus on attack ro lls against
Fighting Space 4x4 or , square (starship scale); Cover total automa t ed craft, such as the droid starfighters and t ri - fighters employed by
Base Atk +2; Grp +31 th e Trade Federation. Th~ jamm~rs affect only droid-con trolled spacecraft
Atk Optio ns autofire (laser cannons) wi thin a 5-squar~ radius.
Abilities SIr 38, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14 The jenta ~ariant of th~ P-38 carries the same equipment as the stan-
Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +6, dard fighte r, with the addition of six fin - guided ion bombs. Because of their
Use Computer +6 primitive fin-stabilized guidance system, th ~ bombs are usable only in an
Crew 1 (ski lled); Passengers none atmosphere, and attacks with them ta ke a -4 penalty. On impact, they create
Cargo 65 kg; Consumables 2 days; Carried Craft none a strong ion fie ld that deals 5d 10 points of ion damage within a 20-square ••<
Hyperdrive xl, limited navicomputer (4-jump memory)
Availability Mi lit ary; Cost 120,000 (50,000 us~d)
(charact~r- sca l e) radius.
Las~r cannon~ (pilot)
Atk +6 (+ 1 autofireJ. Dmg 5dlOx2
Prior to th~ occupation of Utapau by the Separatists during the Clone Wars,
the port administrator at the time, Tion Medon, in structed that the planetary
militia was to hide its starfight er fl ee t i n the mu ltitud e of ca~es and
recessed sinkholes that co~ered the planeta ry su rface, With the
arrival of Obi Wan Kenobi, the hidden starfighters (including sev~ ra l
squadrons of P- 38s) were read ied for battle.
When th~ Republic invasion force landed, the fighters wer~ sent
out on sorties in support of clone-piloted ARC-170s. Although th~
Porax-38 was the standard model available to pilots during the Clone
Wars, severa l variants also saw use. Th~ most influential varia nt was the
P-38 "Jenta." The Jenta was the primary ground assau lt craft of the militia,
and it pro~ed invaluable when used to n~utraliz~ droid fo rces on the ground,
thanks \0 it s fin-guided ion bombs.
The Predator-class starfighter sh~res many of the ch~r~cteristics of the
STAF'lFIOHTEF'I TIE series, most notably the TIE defender. Though more lightly armed,
th e Predator-class fighter boasts shields and inc reased hull str ength that
Predator-class Starfighttr Cl " makes a single Predator-class ship last longe r in combat. The Predator-class
Gargantuan s tarfigh t ~r starfighter is also incredibly fast and agile, making it more adept at avoiding
Init +10: Senses Perception +6 incoming attacks than its predecessors. In fact, the combination of enhanced
Defense Rd 21 {flat-footed 121. Fort 24; +7 armor, Vehicular Combat durability with technology designed to avoid taking damage at all makes the
hp 100: DR 10: SR 15; Thresho ld 44 Predator-class starfighter a fearsome ship to face in combat.
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,500 km/h), fly 6 squares The Preda/or-class starfighter is primarily used as a space superiority
(starship scale) fighter. launched out of special hanging racks aboard larger capital ships, a
Ranged laitf cannons +6 (see below) Predator-class starfighter does not need to swarm over its enemies in huge
Fighting Spac e 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total numbers like its predecessors. Instead, small wings or squadrons of Preda-
Base Atk +2: Grp +31 tor-class figh ters are dispatched to handle most problems, with impressive
At k Options au tofire (laser cannons) results. A Predator-class starfighter can sta nd up to nearly any comparable
starfighte r, including the X-83 TwinTai l figh ters, and as such Darth Krayt's
Abilities SIr 39, Dex 28, Con -, In t 14
n Empire has seen a much higher survival rate among pilots of Prl"dator-class
Skills Initiative +10, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +10,
I ships than the Empire ever did with TIE fighter pilots. The Predator-dass
,> Use Compuler +6
Crew I (skilled): Passengers nOnl!
starfighter is also the favored starfighter of the Imperial Knights, whose
,~ Cargo 70 kg; Consumables 1 week; Carried Craft none
Force-assisted piloting makes them as deadly in a cockpit as they are in a
lightsaber duel.
( Hyp erd rivc xl, navicomputer
Availability Military; Cost not available for sale
like the Rebe l Assault Frigate Mk I, the Mil. II usesa large array of automated
ship systems, reducing its relia nce on organic crewme n by an addi tional
REPUBL.IC CRUISER ships, but cou ld rarely afford t nem. (Those: who succeeded in acquiring one,
such as Rebel sympathizer Rif Ta ranu and his Dead Reckoning, we re gener-
al ly ve ry success fuL)
Corellian Engineering Corporation Consular-class Cruiser CL 8
Colossal (frigat e) space transport
Init +0; Senses Percep tion +6
A Consulor-class cruiser is desig ned to be a utilitarian ship, ab lt.': to perform
Def ense Ref 18 (flat-footed 14), Fort 39; +14 armor, Vehicular Combat
multiple types of missions. One major component of the Consular-class is
hp 960; DR 15; SR 100 ; Threshold 139
the salon pod, an easily swapped-out section of the lower fron t of the ship.
Sp ee d fly 3 sq uares (starship sca le) Each pod was an area of luxury accommodations and secure communica tions
Fighting Space 1 squa re (starship scale); Cover total equ ipment. Different salon pods catered to different species, allowing a single
Bas e Atk +2; Grp +51 Consu lar wi th a doz~n or so pods k~ pt in spac~dock to s~ rv~ as a diplomatic
Abiliti es SIr 69, Dex 18, Can ,Int 14 v~ssel for mu ltiple Senatorial groups as th ey needed it. Salon pods can also
Skills Initiat ive +0, Mechanics +6. Percep tion + 6, Pilot +0, be eject ed from t he st arship to act as lif eboa t escape pods.
Use Comput er +6 Other kin ds of pods can be swapped ou t as well, including pods wit h
Crew 8 (skilled); Passengers 16 concussion missi les, bacta tanks, or sensor and jamm ing suites. Such pods
Cargo 1,000 tons; Consumabl es 6 months; Carried Craft non e might have as many as 20 emplacement points' wo rth of systems and
Hyperdrive x2, navicompu t er can be swapped out in a matter of minutes. Combined with the 5 unused
Availability Licensed; Cost 1,250.000 (400.000 used) emplacement points common to most CEC starships, t he ability of a Con-
sular-class to adap t to new missions is only as limi t ed as the mechanics
who are modifying it.
Corellian Engineering Corporation 's Consu/or-class cruiser is in service toward
the end of the Old Republic, t hough decad es bef ore th e Clone Wars. It is
an economic and simple starship. a cha nge from the more grandiose ves-
sels the Rep ublic built before budgets got tight. This simple and ut ilita rian
design does not sit well with all Repub lic diplomats, but it does make the
ships appealing to Jedi negotiators who seek to draw as li tt le atten tion to
themselves as possible.
Th ough they were built to be unarmed diplomatiC vessels, the ease of
chan ging out the salon pod (as well as th e highly modifiable nature of all
CEC vessels) naturall y led to the addition of weapons on Consular-class
cruisers when t im es got ha rd. Modified vessels served in th e Judicial Forces
and made up par t of a war fleet during the St ark Hyperspace War. Several
of the cruisers. including the flagship Invincible, were heavily modi fi ed in to
Republic light assault cruisers (over the cou rse of mon ths in a major ship-
ya rd). while oth ers were given more modest battle pods to replace their
typ ical salon pods.
Duri ng the Clone Wars, Consular-class ships wi th
specialized salon pods served as figh t er car ri ers, missile
cr uisers, medical ships, long-range scouts, and poin t-
defense escorts. After th e war, ships of this typ e were
oft en left for junk, scrapped, or sold to private enterprises.
Many ended up as pirate craft, planetary patrol ships, and Rebel
Alliance cruisers. Smugglers also va lued modified Consulor- class
SCIMITAR Though the ship was effective when used in large numbers, deployment
of the Scimitar was impeded by the fact thallhe Empire's stfC'ngth was at
ASSAUL.T BOMBER the lowest point that it had been in years. The once-powerful war machirlC'
had crumbled, its supply lines either nonuistent or stretched hopelessly thin.
Sit nar Fled Systems Scimitar Assault Bomber CL 11 Those Scimitars that saw combat performed quite well, earning iI reputation
Gargantuan starfighter as dangerous prey among the New Republic pilots who opposed them.
In it +5; Senses Perception +6
Defense Ref 17 (flal-foo ted lJl, Fori 28; +8 armor, Vehicula r Combat CAPABILITIES
hp 150; DR 10; SA 25; Thre shold 48 Despite its Imperial pedigree, the Scimitar is not a TIE design, even though it
Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,150 km/hl, fly 4 squares shares some of the TIE's features. For one, it incorpo rates powerful shields,
(starship scale) something that was nigh unthinkable within the previous Imperial regime.
Rang ed 2 medium concussion missiles +6 hee ~Iow) and Even though it wasn't equipped with a hyperdrive, making it reliant on larger
light laser cannons +8 (se~ below) ships for transport between star systems, il did incorporate anolher feature
Fighting Space 8xS or 1 squa r~ (starship scale); Cover total that was new to experienced pilots: an escape pod. In emergency situations,
Sase Atk +2; Grp +35 the forward section of Ihe ship cou ld be detached, allowing the pilot and
Atk Options autofire (ligh t laser canno ns) copilo t to survive t heir vessel's destruction. Thrawn's reason ing wa s that
the experienced crews tha t manned the bombers were at least as valuable
Abilities Str 46, Dex 19, Con ,Int 18 n
as the ships they flew. I
Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilol +5,
Use Computer +6
When deployed, Scimitars would launch from their mother ship en masse, ,><
descending upon the ir objective in a swarm. Once their targ et had been
Crew 2 (skilled); Passeng ers none
acquired, each bomber would launch its full complement of missil~s in a
Cargo 200 kg; Cons umabl es 2 days; Carried Craft none
Payload 16 medium concussion missiles
single, sustained volley, virtually guaranteeing its destruction. The ship's <
laser cannons could be angled as well, allowing the Scim itar to make brutally
Availabi lit y Military; Cost 120,000 (45,000 used)
effective strafing runs aga inst ground targets.
Med ium concussion missi les (copilo t)
Atk +6, Omg 9dl0x2, 4-square splash
l ig ht lase r ca nn ons (pilot)
Atk +8 (+3 autofire), Omg 4dl0x2
• Cargo 2.5 tOIlS; Co nsumables 1 month; Carrie d Craft 1 5ith spec-der dangC'rous. It is said that Darth Sidious had C'very C'nginC'er and mC'chanic
•• Hyperdr ive XI.5 l backup x I 2). navicomputC'r
Availability Military; Cost not availablC' for salC'
who worked on the Silh Inf iltrator executC'd (l ending credencC' to Raith
Sienar"s claim Ihat he had nothing to do with IhC' ship's design). If the
< ' This ship is tr(,OI('d os 0 Gorgontuon storfight ('r for th(' purpos('s of b('ing plans ever found th eir way into th e hands of anothcr person, chances
torg(' t('d by copito/ ship weopons, dogfighting, ond usi ng slarship arc that th e Sith Lord wou ld be ('qually ruthl('ss-no t to mention what he
maneuvt:rs. would do to someon e who actually tried to build a replica of the ship.
I. Cockpit
2. Passenger Sealing
3. Uh
4. Cargo Hold
5. Maintenance Crawlspace
6. hllineering Access Chamber
7. Ready Room
8. Sleeping Compartment/Holding CeUs
9. Storage 8ays
10. Ah Airlock
CAPABILITIES The Silh Infiltrator is outfiltC'd for stealth as wC'11. 51C'C'k and fast, it can
The Silh Infiltrator itself is a precise and deadlV weapon, much like a light- slip past an C'1lC'my without bC'illg noticed. HowC'vC'r, to C'nsurC' the ship's
saber. Armed with six laser ca nnons tha t can fi re with a combin ed power secrC'cy, it is outfittC'd with a stygium crys tal cloaking device, allowing it to
rivaling that of many turbolasers, the ship is exceptiona lly deadly, and a become effC'c tivC'ly invisiblC'. The ship also boasts an im preSSive sensor suite
single shot from its weapons can vaporize even a durable space transport. tha t grants any cha rac tC'r aboard an addit ional +5 C'quipment bonus on Use
The Silh Infiltrator is designed to leave no witnesses 10 its passing. and the Computer checks whC'n attemp ting to detect other starships with sensors
impressive power of its weapons ensures that anyone who gets a good look (seC' page 19 for marC' rules on detecting starships with sensors).
at the ship doesn't live' to ttll about it. The ship also carries all thC' personal effC'cts of a 5ith lord. ThC'sC' include
Dark EyC' probe droids, bombs, poisons, torture devices, and other weapons
of war.
Those who favor the Sith interceptor might ca ll it "light," but most pilots
5ith Interceptor Cl 5 wou ld merely call it fragil e. A single good hit from a laser cannon is usu-
Huge starfighter ally enough to seriously damage, if not dc-stray, a Sith interceptor. DnpilC'
Init +9; Senses Perception +5 its frag ility, the 5ith interceptor is stil l a dangerous opponent that can
DefC'nse Ref 17 (flat-footed 11), Fort 21; + 3 armor linger in battle for quite some ti me. The ships are relatively nimble and can
hp 50; DR 10; Threshold 31 avoid damage from larger ships. Though they suffer in comparison t o oth er
Speed fly 16 squares {max. vC'locity 1.250 km/hl. f ly 5 squares starsh ips, their numbers 3fC' usual ly enough to make up for th ei r fragile
{starship scale} natu re.
Ranged laser canMns +4 (see below) The pi lots of 5ith in te rc eptors learn quickly t o re ly on one another for
Fighti ng Space 3x3 or 1 square (s t arshi p scal e); Co .... er tota l assistance during combat (often using the aid ano ther ac tion to increase
Bas e Atk +0; Gr p +21 their chances to hit enemy starships or t o suppress incoming fire). Addi tion-
A tk Options autofire (laser cannons) ally, Si th interceptors tend to f ly in smal l groups, or wings, to ensu re that at
least offew of thei r number mak.e it to their target to deal damage upon the
Abilities Str 32, Del<. 22, Con , i nt 14
enemy. The Sith care little for thC' lives of their pilots, and if their interceptors
Skills Init iative +9, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +9,
are destroyed in the process of making an attack run, this is considered an
Use Computer +S
acceptable loss.
I Crew 1 (normal); Passeng ers none
Cargo 40 kg; Consumabl es 1 day; Carried Craft none
ThC' Sith interceptor is a starfighter seen during the days of t hC' Jedi
Ci .... il War. Mass-produced and designed with a philosophy
that wou ld later bC' embraced by the Ga lactic Empire,
a 5ith intercC'ptor is both light and agi le, relying on
the strength of numbers o.... C'r that of its hull or sh ields.
Thousands of Sith in t erceptors might be used in any given
battle, and some en emy pilots even refer to squadrons of
the ships as ·swarms" because of the overwhelming number
of sh ip s the 5ith might field at any time. Though most pi lots
conside r a single 5ith intercep tor to be little cha ll enge, the odds are
rarely so favorab le; many battles see Sith in t ercep tors ou tnumbering
th eir opposition by a ratio of ten to one.
SKIPRAY BL.ASTBCJAT handful of TIE prototypes) to be equipped with hyperdrivc engines. The
original design was intended to be used as an unescorted system patrol craft,
capable of fending off starfighters and small capital ships.
Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-1 2h Cl1S
Even tho ugh the naval uni ts that used the Ski pray raved abou t the vessel's
Colossal' space tra nsport
awesome performance, it never quite caught on with Imperial high command.
In it -I; Se nses Perception +6
Despite its capabilities, the ship was never accepted. and became another
OeJense Rd 17 (flat-footed 14). Fort 33; + 14 armor, Vehicular Combat victim of the volatile politics that often controlled Imperial Naval doctrine.
hp 230; OR 15; SR 100; Threshold 83
As a res ult, a large number of Skiprays wound up in service to pl ane ta ry
Speed fly 16 squares (max. ve locity 1,200 km!h). fly 4 squa res mili tias, corporate navies, m('rcenaries, pira tes, and smugglers.
(5ta~hip scale)
Ranged laser Ca"flOnS +5 (~e below) and CAPABI~ITIEe
heavy ion cannons +5 ' (sec below) Of The Skipray blast boa t was intended to fill the void be tw('en smaller ' snub"
Rang ed laser cannons +5 (see below) and fighters and large r capital-scale ships. In this regard, the Skipray was a
heavy proton torpedOf:s +5 (see below) or complete success. Though a few Imperial fleet elemen ts were e:quippe:d with
Rang ed laser cannons +5 (see below) and Skiprays, the bulk of the ships were assigned to planetary defense forces
heavy concussion missiles +5 (see below) or s pa ce statio ns. When possible, the GAT-12h is deployed in conjunc tion
Fight ing Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cove r total with TI E fighters. or is teamed with one or more other blastboats. When
Base Atk +2; Grp +45
working in tandem, Skiprays team up to disable larger enemy ships before I
Abilities Str 56, Dex 16, Con -, In! 16 j)eeling off to dea l with the: incidental threa t posed by starfigh te rs andlor
Skills Initiative - I, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -1,
Use Computer +6
space t ran sports.
Given its capabilities, it is somewhat su rprising that the GAT-12h hosts
Crew 4 (skilled); Passengers none a crew of only four: a pilot, a copilot/se:nsor operator, and two gun- <
Cargo 20 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none ners. One: gunne:r con trols the ship's laser cannons, while the
Payload 4 heavy proton to rpedoes, 8 heavy co nc ussio n missil es other ope ra te:s its ion cannons, missi les, and proton @l)
Hype rdrive x2, limited navicomputer (4-jump memory) torpedoes. Though it is somewhat sluggish in
Availabi lity Military/Restricted/licensed; Cost 624,000 (250,000 used)
' This ship is treo ted as a Gorgantuan starfighter for the purposes of
being targeted by capital ship weapons, dogfigh ting, and using
stafship man('uVefS.
space, the Skipray is incredibly maneuYer4
able when employed as an atmospheric craft.
In an atmosphere, the blastboat gains a +2
bonus to its Outerity score.
® d
" Apply a -20 p('naltyon attacks against targets smaller thon
Colossal siu. -
Laser cannons (gunner)
Atk +5, Dmg 5dl0x2
Hea vy ion ca nnon s (g unn er)
Atk +5 (- 15 ag a inst ta rgets sma lle r than Colossa l), Dmg 4dl0x5
Heavy proton torpedoes (gunner)
Atk +5, Dmg IOdIOx 2, 4-squa re sp las h
Heavy concussio n mi ssiles (gunner)
Atk +5, Dmg 9d10x2, 4-square splash
Use Compu ter +5
sile wt!'apons. As th e Clone Wa rs spurred development of starfighte rs. the
Crew 1 (norma l); Passe ng e rs none
Cutlass-9 went from cutting- edge to outdated. It was possibl e to upgrade
Cargo 110 kg; Consumables 2 we eks ; Carried Craft none
< Payload 8 medium concussion missiles
it with tht!' unused emplacement points. but few owners bothered.
Th~ Sta r Gall t:o n was ini tially con ceivt:d 015 a transpo rt v ~ss~1 tha t could
escort ilst:lf in hoslilt: spact:. Givt:n tht: ris~ of piracy on major tradt: routes,
combint:d with tht: Navy's nt:t:d to wagt: a civil war on a galact ic scalt:, such
a design was ht:artily embraced by Impt:rial Command. Since ils introduc-
tion, Iht: Star Galleon has earned a r~putation fOr ~ing nearly impossible to
capture. Only tht: most desperate pirate ba nds dare to assault a Star Gallt:on,
and ~vt:n then t h~y do so at great risk.
The Star Viper-class 3553Ult fight~r is distinctive, in larg~ part due to its
four indtpcndtrltly adjusting wing nacelles. Two microthrustcrs within
MandalMotors StarViper Assault Fightc r CL 12
each wing provide tKccptional maneuve rability in space. As the slarfightcr
Gargantuan starfighter
travels th rough space, each wing moves separately from thC' olhers. This
Init +3; Scnses Perception +6
fluid motion gives the Star Viper a shifting, albeit graceful, silhouette as
Defense Ref 19 (flat-footed 12), Fort 27; +7 armor, Vehicular Combat it effortlessly performs complex maneuve rs. Though they are efficient in
hp 140; DR 15; SR 40; Threshold 47 th e vacuum of space, t he w ings an d t hrusters are bnt Idl retracted during
Speed fly 16 squa res (max. velocity 1,200 km{h), fly 5 squares atmospheric fligh l.
(starship scale) In addition to being nimble and fast, the Star Viper is also incredibly well
Rang ed heavy double laser cannons +6 (see below) or armtd. A p<lir of heavy double laser cannons are mourlted on either side of
Rang ed proton torpedoes +6 (see below) the ship's cockpit. The cannons:m mounted on articulated arms that, when
Fighting Space 10x l0 or 1 square (slarship scald; Cover total otended, allow fo r an extremely wide field of fi re. Two forwa rd-firing proton
Base Atk +2; Grp +34 torpedo launchers complete the starfighler's weapons package. The ship is
Atk Options autofire (heavy do uble laser ca nnons), f i re-lin~ (proton well armored and ind udes a form idab le shield generator.
torpedoes) The la test Star Viper desig n lacks some of t he origi nal's mane uver-
Abilities Str 44, Dex 24, Con ,Int 14 abili ty and has a Dexterity score of only 20. In addition, its shield rating
o Skills Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, is only 20.
Use Computer +6
•• Crew 1 (skilled); Passe ngers none
Cargo 1 ton; Consumables 2 mOflths; Carried Craft flOfle
< Payload 6 protOfl torpedoes
Hyperdrive x l (back up x l0), navicomp uter
Availability Mi litary; Cost not ava ilable fo r sale
The Virog o was t he personal starship of Prince Xizor, Black Sun's Underlord.
He personally commissioned Ma ndalMotors to design a unique starfighter
for his personal use. Xizor's demands were steep: He required a ship tha t
could match the TIE interceptor in speed and that was both versatile and
combat-capable. The spacecraft tha t was produced as a r~ult was the first
Star Viper-class assault fighter, and the criminal priflce christened his ship
the Virago. To eflsure that his ship remained unique and unrivaled, Xizor
purchased all righ ts to the new design.
The Virago served Xizor we ll for many yea rs, payi ng for itself ma ny times
over. It was eventtla lly lost overCorusc:ant when Xizor'sskyhook was destroy~d
by the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Executor. MandalMotors wasted little
lime in regaining the rights to the StorViperdesign following Xizor's death. The
flewest iteration of the Star Viper is flot as fast or as agile as Xizor's original
prototype, but MandalMOIors fell Ihal some concessions were unavoidable
in order to bring the price in to line with the mark~t as a whole.
STRIKE - CL.ASS The Strik~-cl ass is designed from the ground up to be a flexible, efficient,
modular starship with half the functionality of a Victory Star Destroyer fOI
MEDIUM CRUISER 251lb of the cost. Strike cruisers became an important tool in the Imperial
fleet, able to \)( equipped fo r any mission and built in numbers great enoogh
loronar Corporation Strike-class Medium Cruiser Cl18 to replenish those lost in battle. The Rebel Alliance valued the few Strike
Colossal (frigate) capital ship cruisers it captured, often modifying them to serve in specific missions.
Init -3; Senses Pw~eplion +6 The Imperial Remnant depends on these ships even mo re heavily than Star
Defense Ref 15 [flat-footed 14) , Fort 54; + 14 armor, Vehicular Comba t Destroyers, since this is one of the few classes of capital ship it still has the
hp 1,200; OR 20; SR 125; Threshold 154 capacity to produce in large numbers.
Speed fly 3 squares (slarship scald
Ranged 2 turbolilscr batteries +13" (see I)(low) and C A PAB I L.IT I ES
4 light turbolascr batteries +13" (SCOt bf:low) ilnd The greatest advantage of the Strike cruiser is its fluible nature. With 6,000
2 ion cannon batteries +13" (see ~Iow) and tons of cargo space and modular troop and hangar sections, it can easily go
2 tractor beam batteries +13" (see btlow) ilnd from being a starfighter carrier to a planetary assault ship or system garrison
Fig ht ing Space 2x2 (slarship scale); Cover Io ta I flagship. The amount of cargo and number of troops, starfighters, or walkers
Base Atk +2. Grp +66 carried by a Strike cruiser can be doubled (along wit h all support craft needed
Abilities SIr 98, Dell: 12, Con ,Int 16 for the increased complement) by reducing some other cargo category by n
Skills Initiative -3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot -J,
501lb. Thus, a ship might have only 510 troops but 36 starfighters, or mry X
Use Computer +6
2,040 troops but have only 4,500 tons of cargo space.
Crew 2,112 {skilltdl; Passengers 1,020 (troops)
Car go 9,000 Ions; Consum ables 2 years; Carried Craft IS starfighters,
Tactical Fire: Strike-class medium cruisers have a modular design that
allows them to fulfill a variety of roles. As a standard action, a Strik~-class ••
cruiser can forgo all attach to provide tactical fire to all sQuares in a 2- <
2 AT-STs and 4 additional AT-STs or 2 AT-ATs, various dropships and
square radius around itself. All allied ships within t hat area gain either a
support craft
+1 bonus to Reflex Defense Of a +1 bonus on attack rolls (commander's
Hyperdrive x2 (x12 backup). navicomputer
choice), but no t both.
Ava ilability Military; Cost not available for sale (black market value
17,000,000 used)
'Applyo -20 p~noltyon ottocks ogoinst torgets smoll~( thon Colossal size.
or star cruiser, A typical St ar Destroyer qualifies as a star cruiser, and a Super
Star Dest royer qualifies as a star dreadnaught.
~ Supe r Star Dest roy~rs som~tim~s se rved as mobile repair bases, st arfighter
carriers, or commun ications ships (carrying dozens of HoloN et transceivers).
but most served t he standard Super Star Destroyer ro le of sector com-
mand ship and mobi le headquarters. Two Super Sta r Destroyers
that fi t this mod el are the Executor (descr ibed be low) and
th e Vengeance. The latter vessel served as the com-
mand ship for the Dark Jedi named Jer ee, and
thoug h visually d istinct ive it had the
sam e specifications as oth er
Super Star Destroy ers.
EXECUTOR ke eping th e ship supplied. More than one hundred times as massive as an
The Executor is Da rlh Vade r's command ship, and th e flagsh ip of the Death Imperiol-class Sta r Destroyer, the Executorcan hold far more reSOurces than
Squadron. Buil t i n secret at Fondor Shipyards, the Executor was designed the Empire norma ll y has available to fill it. The massive hangar of the sh ip can
as a terror weapon just as surely as th e Death Star was. Although it la d ed hold thousands of fighters and a not inconsiderable number of smal l capital
th e Death Star's planet-destroying superweapon, th e Executor became a ships, but such an arrangement is rarely advantageous. St andard practice
harbinger of Imperial aggression and Dar th Vader"s personal attention to a sets th e complement of th e Executor at 144 TIEs of va ri ous types, 200 sup-
problem. More than one Rebel forc e fled a mission as soon as th e Executor port sh ips, t hree pregenerat ed garrisons, and hundreds of heavy walkers. In
arrived insys t em, making the ship in prac tice a more successfu l tool of f ear theory, the ship can carry many times that number of troops and vesse ls,
than th e Death Star. but such resources are never ava ilable.
Th e destru ction of the Executor came at the Battle of Endor. when Nor is it realistically necessary. The Executor always has at least few
Admiral Ackbar had th e entire firepower of the Rebel fleet directed at th e escort ships with it. giving it whatever ground support is required. In space
Executor alone. Although that assault managed to breach the Executor's batt le, the Exocutor is unmatched by anythi ng the Allia nce ca n bring to
shields, the ship survived even that apocalyps e in functional condit ion. It bear short ofa massed fleet, which the Reb els are unli kely to risk in conflict
was not unti l an A-wing fighter smashed into the Executor's bridge that with Vader's ship.
the ship lost functiona l control. It fell into the second Death Star and was Tactical Fire: Super Star Destroyers of all kinds are excep tionally dan-
destroyed on impact. gerous foes that ca n eradicate almost any enemy in mere moments. As a
standard ac tion, a Super Sta r Destroyer can fo rgo all attacks to provide tacti-
Capabilities cal fire to all squa res in a 3-square radius around itself. Al l allied st arships
The mass of the Executor is an advantage in terms of the power of the shields wi thin t hat area gain a +1 bonus on attack ro lls and dea l +1 die of damage
it can carry and the weapons it can mount, but it's a drawback in t erms of on a success fu l attack.
LUSANKYA Lus a nkya Cl36
The Lusankya is the Executor's sister ship. wilh keel laid and final rivet Colossal (station) space station
finished at the same lime as Vader's flagship. By having all cxpc:nSt5 for the Init -4; Senses Perception +6
Lusankya attributed to CQnstrllction of the Exrcutor, the Empire kept the Oden se Ref 17 (flat-footed 17), Fort 74; + 17 armor, Vehi<:ular Combat
existence of the second Super Star Destroyer secret from thc galaxy at largC'. hp 3,000; OR 20; SR 350; Threshold 574
The Lusankya was covered in a superframe of girders and electronics, then Speed fly 1 squar~ (starship scal~)
lowered onlO Coruscant disguised as a massive planetary shield generator Ranged 15 heavy tu rbolase r batteries +15' (sec b~l ow) and
and its rcpulsorlift cradle. The fac t that a Super Star Destroyer was at the 25 turbolas~r batte ries + 15' (se~ b~ l o w ) and
heart of thc "genera tor" was kep t secret, allowing the Lusonkya to serve as 25 point-defense las~r cannon batt~ries + 15 (see b~low) and
a secret prison facility. Exactly why the Emperor went to such great lengths 10 heavy ion cannon batteries +15' (se~ below) and
to hide a Sup(r Star Ocstroytr is unknown, though it's certainly possible that 8 tractor beam batteries +15' (see below) and
he intended the ship to SC'~ as an emergency command v~hicl~, should his 10 h~avy concussion missile batteries + 15' (s~e below)
thron~ world ever come under siege.
Fighting Space 2x2 (starship s<:ale); Cover lotal
As events occurred, the Lusonl'yo was used by intelligenc~ officer Ysann~ Base Atk +2; Grp +86
Isard to fl~~ Coruscan t aft~r th~ Emperor's death. Sh~ bu ilt a command group
Abiliti ~s St r 138, D~x 10, Ca n , Int 20
arou nd t he ship and e n gag~d in such gamb its as t h~ Bacta War. Eve nt ually
Skills In i tiativ~ - 4, Mechanics +6, Pe rc~ption +6, Pi lot -4,
sh~ was defea t ~d and ki Jled, and t h~ Lusonl'ya entered the service of the
n Use Compuler +6
I New R~public. For twenty years the ship acted as a medica) research and
) Crew 207,381 (skilled); Passengers 57,000 (troops), 115,000 (prisoners)
• quarantine ship, a research vessel, and the <:ommand ship of an ~xtensively
Cargo 250,000 tons; Consum ables 6 years; Carried Craft 72 starfighters,
•<• built-up Rogu~ Squadron, During the Yuuzhan Yang invasion, the Lusonl'yo
suff~red extensiv~ damag~ and was stripped of w~apons and turn~d into a
up to 1,000 oth~r small craft
Payload 10,000 heavy concussion missil~s
< sui<:ide w~apon to destroy the larg~st Yong battl~-operational worldship,
Hypudrive xl (backup x8). navicomput~r
Availability Mi li tary ; Cost not ava i labl~ fo r sale
Though the Lusonkyo has few~r h~avy weapons than a typical Super-class
'Applya -20 penalty on ottocks ogoinst torgets smaller thon Colossal siu,
Atk + IS (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal), Omg l1dl0x5
1iI constantly r~ceiving computer upgrades wh ile hidden within Coruscant),
I!iI but can ca rry mor~ troops and thousands of prison~rs, With the addition of Turbolaser battery (5 gunners)
point-d~f~nse las~rs, the Lusonl'yo is perfe<:tly equipp~d to single-handedly
smash thr oug h a pla net's d~f~ nses and tak~ <:om mand of its majo r cities,
Unlike ot her Sup~ r Star D ~stroye rs, which rely on support ships to some
Atk +15 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal), Dmg
Point-dtfense lase r cannon battery (5 g un n~rs)
Atk +15, Omg 7dl0x 2
Bd l0x S
IiiI deg ree, the Lusonl'yo is by its~lf enough to forg~ a new, if small, multi plane! Heavy ion can non battery (5 gunners)
government, Atk +15 (-5 againsl targe ts smaller than Colossal), Omg 4dl0x5 ion
Tr ac t or beam battery (5 gunners)
Atk +15 (-5 against targe ts smaller than Colossal)'
Omg - (grapple +86)
Heavy co ncussio n missi le battery (5 gunne rs)
At k +15 (-5 agai nst targe ts sm all~ r Ihan Colossal)' Omg 10dl0x5,
4 -squa r~ splash
Eel-IPSE they not fallen to sabotage and trick!!ry, it's not unreasonable to think the
Th!! only two Ecfip~-class ships to be built b~g~n construction at ~ppro)li two massive ships might have rebuilt the Empire one system at a time, with
mately th!! s~me time ~s the dHtruction of the first Death St~r, though or without suppor ting starshi!lS.
their d!!velopment was sh rouded in so much s~cr~cy that little els~ can b~
said abou t th~ process. Th~ first of the line bri~f l y fell into th~ hands of Eclipse CL SO
Tyber Zann, h~ad of th~ criminal Zann Conso rtium. but the crime lord r~al Colossal (station) s!lace station
ized the Empire would never allow him to keep the ship (and would place Init -4: Senses Perception +6
his destruction above even that of the Rebel Alliance if he tried). and he Defense Ref 20 (flat-footed 20). Fort 182: +20 armor, Vehkular Combat
abandoned it in space. hp 6,000: DR 20: SR 500: Thres hold 682
Neither ship of the class was completed prio r to the death of the Emperor. Speed fly I square (starship scale]
As the most powerful ships left in the known gala)(y, they natur~lly served as Rang ed superiaser iT" (see below] and
focal points for efforts to pr~nt the Empire from coUapsing. but ultimately 25 h!!avy turbo laser batteries + IS" (s~e below] and
both were d!!stroyed before they could b!!gin reconquering the g~I~)(y. 25 turbolas~r batteries + IS" (se~ below] and
25 point-defense laser cannon batteries + IS (see b~low] and
Capabilities IS heavy ion cannon batteries +15" (see below) and
At 17.5 kilom!!ters in length, th!! Eclipse-class is shorter than the Super- 20 trac tor beam batteries + IS" (see below) and
class Star Oestroy~rs, but it's a mistake to think of them as smaller. In fact, Fighting Space 2x2 (starshi!l scale]; Cover totaf n
an Eclipse masses much more than any other Super Star Destroyer evtr Base Atk +2: Grp + 194 I
built, and uses much of the additional mass to carry a keel-mounted a)lial >
Abilities Str 354. De. 10, Con , Int 20 1
$uperlaser. The Eclipse-class a)(ial superlaser is two-thirds as powerful as <
one of the component proj~ctofs of a Death Star sup~rlaser, and thus lacks
Skills Initiative -4. Mechanics +6, Perce!ltion +6, Pilot -4, ••
Use Comput~r +6
the power to d~stroy a planet-sized target. It can, however, smash through
Crew 712,645 (skilled); Passenge rs 150.000 (troops) <
any conceivable shields and render a planet uninhabitable or destroy any
less!!r target. The weapon is difficult to aim. however, requiring th!! entire
ship to be aligfled to do so. As a result. the sup!!rlaser takes a -20 penalty
Cargo 600,000 tons: Consumables 10 years: Carried Craft 600
starfighters, 96 fighter/bombers, various SU!lport craft CJ.
Hype rdrive x2 (backup x6), navicompuler
on attacks against targets smaUer than Colossal (cruiser].
Ava ilability Military; Cost not available for sale
Th~ fighting capacity of an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer is
"Apply a -20 penalty an attacks ogainst targl::ts small~r than Col055alsizl::.
unmatched, and neither ship was destroyed by conventional forces. Had
-"Apply a -20 penalty on ottacks agoinst targets smaller than Colossa/ !l
(cruiser) size.
Superlase r (gunner]
Atk + IS (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal [cruiserll,
Omg 8dlOx50
Heavy tu rbolaser battery (5 gunners)
Atk +15 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal), Om9 IOdlO x5
Turbolaser battery (5 gunners)
Atk +15 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal). Dmg 7dlOx5
Point-defense laser ca nnon battery (5 gunn~rs)
Atk +15, Omg 6dlOx2
Heavy ion cannon battery (5 gunners]
Atk +15 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal). Omg 3dl0x5 ion
Tract or beam battery (5 gunners]
Atk +15 (-5 against targets smaller than Colossal]'
Omg - (grapp le + 194)
SYSTEM PATROL for years at a time. This situat ion leads to creeping laxity rega rding military
protocol, or eve n corrup tio n and outright rebel lion. An IPV- l ma kes a perfect
CRAFT pirate ship if it can find a vessel ab le to ca rry it th rough hyperspace or can
have a hype rdrive instal led-a fact not los t on the crews of such ships.
IPV-l System Patrol Craft CL 13
Co lossal (f rigat e) capital ship CAPABILITIES
Init +0; Senses Percep tion +5 Though a capita l ship, an IPV-l isn't prima ri ly designed to fight other capital
Defense Ref 17 (flat- footed 12), Fort 36: + 12 armor shi ps. It's an an tipirate vessel, focused on catching and destroying smaller
hp 660; DR 15; SR 165; Th reshol d 136 ships, especial ly armed light freighters. An IPV-l can take a considerable
Speed f ly 4 squares (starship scal e) amount of damage for its size, but its short- ran ge light turbo lasers pose
R~nged point-defense light tu rbolasers +2 (see below) and
little threat to anything bigger t han a frigate. As its crews are fo nd of saying,
medium concussion missi les +2" (see be low) however, an IPV-l can out run anyth ing it can't outfight. lacking a hyperdrive
Figllting Space' squa re (starship scale); Cover total of its own, an IPV-l depends on powerful ion engines to get it into action
Base Atk +0; Grp +46 before targets can escape into hype rspace.
During the Galactic Civil War, numerous IPV-ls we r~ used fo r missions
Abilities SIr 63, OC)( 20, Con ,Int 14
far from thei r original design expectations. Before t he development of the
Ski ll s Initiative +0, Mechanics +5, Perc eption + 5, Pi lot +0,
Lancer-class frigate, some Imperial commanders used spare IPV-ls as escort
n Us e Computer +5
I vessels, either carried inside a Star Destroyer or equipped with ju ry-rigged
) Crew 12 (normal) ; Passengers 10 (t roops or prisoncrs)
• Cargo 200 tons; Consumables 1 month; Carr ied Craft 2 sh uttles
••< Payload 24 med iu m concuss ion missi les
Tact ical Fire: As a standard ac tio n, a~ IPV-l system patrol craft can forgo
all attacks to provide ta ctica l fire to all adjace nt squares. All attacks made
Availability Mil itary; Cost not avai lable for sa le (black market value
< 3,000,000 used)
against enemy starships of Colossal size or smaller within tha t area score a
critical hit on a natura l 19 or 20 (though a natu ral 19 must still be ab le to
' Applya -20 penalty on attacks against targets smaller than Colossal size.
hit the target's Reflex Defense, or else the attack misses).
Point-defense light tur bolasers (gu nn er)
Atk +2, Omg Sdl0xS
Mediu m concussion missiles (gun ner)
Atk +2 (-18 against targets sma ller than Colossal). Omg 8dlOx2,
4-square splash
The IPV-l is a typical system patrol craft, a sta rship designed to guard a single
star system. Built by Sienar, the IPV-l was orig inally designated t he Indepen-
dent Patro l Vehicle to rep resent its primary mission-ope rat ing independently
in antipirate and antismuggling activit ies. Afte r t he rise of the Empire, it was
des ignated an Im perial Patrol Vehicle, though little else changed. Ships of
this type are also often cal led monitors or system frigates.
Since a system wit h a serious problem is likely to have larger and more
powerf ul fleets assigned to it,IPV-ls are used only to ho ld down essential ly
secu re systems and rarely ge t the most promising recruits as crew. IPV-l
crews also develop strong rela tionships with local officia ls and businessmen,
since the IPV-l has no hy perdrive and is no rma ll y assigned to the same system
For t hose who can afford it, a lu xury-upgraded Th eta is perfect both
for short trips with a dozen or so passengers, and for lon ger t ri ps with a
SHUTTLE sma ller complemen t. Some Thetas were conv erted to act as light freigh t ers,
especially after the Ga lactic Senate was disbanded and the Empire sold many
Theta-class Shuttle CL 11 Th et as at auction. Such vessels ra rely have the appoi ntments of an origina l
Colossal space transpor t Theta, however, and are too sma ll to ca rry enou gh cargo to be economica lly
Init +5; Senses Pe rception +5 viabl e in most cases. Some end up bein g repurchased by collecto rs of the
Defense Ref 15 (flat-footed 12 ). Fort 26: + 12 armor, Vehicu lar Combat orig inal, class ic design.
hp 120; DR 10; SR 20; Threshold 76
Speed fly 12 sq uares (max. velocity 825 km/h), fly 3 squ ares CAPABIL..ITIES
(starship scale) Not much larger than a typical snub fighter, a Theta-c lass is designed to
Ranged quad laser cannon +4 (see below) and provide al l the comforts of a luxury transport plus the fighting power of a
laser cannons +4 (see below) mi litary craft and the safety of a major space liner. A Theta is too sma ll t o
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship sca le); Cover total survive against a capital ship, but it has a resp ectable chance against a smal l
Bast Atk +2; Grp +38 number of light attack craft or airspeeders. This fact is particularly remark-
Atk Opti ons autofire (quad laser cannons) able when you cons ider th e amount of space it takes to convey 21 peopl e
in luxurious comfort for a two-month tr ip. In fact, the quarters do become
Abilitie s SIr 42, Dcx 16, Con • Int 14 n
claustrophob ic during any t hing longer than a day t rip, but the knowledge I
Skills In itiative +5, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilo t +5,
Use Computer +6
t hat even a massive hyperd rive fa ilure would not result i n death by sta rvation ••<
was of ten important to Senators.
Cre w 5 (skilled); Passengers 16
A typical Senatorial shuttle includes an extreme luxury upgrade, a Holo-
Cargo 50 tons; Consumables 2 months; Carri ed Craft non c
Hyperdrive xl (backup xiS). navicomputer
Net transceiver. a med ical bed , and slave circuit ry. Individual Senators and <
other wealthy ow ners often added their own modifications, including droid
Availability Restr i c t ~d; Cost t,OOO,OOO (210,000 without lu xury
repair t eams, sensor jammers, cargo jettison systems, and even smugg ler's
compartments. 0
Quad l aser cannon (gunner) ~
Atk +4 (-1 autofird, Dmg 6dl0x2
l!J 0
laser cannons (gunner) I!iI 0
Atk +4, Dmg 4dl0x2
Official ly, th ~ Th~to-c l ass is a "personn el t ransport " rather than a shuttl e,
a sign of how hard its manufacturer (Cygnus Spaceworks) works to prevent
the Theta from being conside red ordinary or pedestrian. The Theto-class
was aimed squa rely at the rich and important, and it quickly became the
shuttl e of choice among Old Republic (and lat er Galactic Empire) Senators.
Its combination of speed, comfort, range, and safety made it a per f ec t choice
for those of rank on Coruscant and elsewhere who needed to travel in both
safety and st yl e. The design elements t hat mad e the Theta such a success
were mi micked in many lat er designs, includ ing t he Lambda-class shuttle.
In orde r to save on production costs, t he TIE/In lacks ma ny of the features
that are considered to be standard on other starfigh t ers _Th e re lat iv ely fragil e
Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/In Fighter Cl7
craft is no t equipped with deflector shields, a hyperdrive, o r a life support
Huge starfighttr
system. In order to survive th e rigors of spac e when piloting their fighters,
Init +8; Senses P~rc~ption +6
TIE pilots must don distinctive, fully sealed flight su its. Without the proper
Defense Ref 15 (fl~t-footed 11). Fort 22; +3 armor, Vehicular Combat
supports or docking scaffo lds, TIE fighters are also unabl e to land in any so rt
hp 60; DR 10; Threshold 32
of conve nt ional manner.
Speed fly 16 squa res (max. ve locity 1,200 km/h), fly 5 squa res Although the TIE's versati lit y is som ewhat limited by these deficienc ies,
(starship scale) it does have several points in its favor. Its agil ity, combin ed with its smal l
Ranged laser cannons +6 (see below) size and speed, ma kes it a difficu lt target for al l but the most ta lented or
Fighting Space 3xJ or 1 squa re (starship scale); Cover total well-trained gunners. TIE fighters, being ine xpensive and easy to produce, are
Base Atk +2; Grp +24 deployed in large quantities. Imperial st arfigh t er tactics stre ss t hat enemies
Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) must be overw helmed by sheer force of numbers, and cas ualty rates among
Abi lities Sir 34, Dex 18, Con ,Int 14 TIE pilots are much high er than average.
Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +8
)1 it is noneth eless effective.
and ground targets_ They are ab le to employ heavy weapons, deliv ering
payloads with uncanny precision. TIE bombers are most often equipped
with a rack of si xt een m~dium concussion missil es. Two f orward-moun t ed
laser cannons, used pr im ari ly for st raf ing runs and se l f-d~fe nse, are also
standard armament.
Severa l other payload configu rations are used, depending on specific
mission parame t ers. Instead of m issiln, as ma ny as eigh t proton torpedoes
can be loaded into the ship's ordnance pod. By decreasin g the missile or
to rp edo payload by ha lf, up to eight proton bombs or si x orbital mines can
also be deployed. W hen prov idin g ground support, a TIE bomber is capabl e
of carrying as many as 64 t herma l detonators that are used to carpet-bomb
enemy infantry formations. Nonconventional payloads include leafle t s filled
After the Battle ofYavin, Imperial Naval commanders demanded a starfighter
that could counter thC' speC'd and firepower of the X-wing fighters that the
Rebel AliiancC' had employed. The TIE interceptor, which incorporated several
of thC' TIE advanced prototypc's fC'atures, was the ultimate reSUlt. Prototypes
similar to the initial interceptor design had undergone testing prior to the
BattlC' of Yavin, but th C'sC' had seC'n little action outside Sienar's test yards.
It was only a short time later that thc: final TIE interceptor desig n was
integ rated into existing starfigh ter squadrons. ThC' Imperial Navy's C'vC'ntual
plan was to replace all standard TIE figh t~r s with TIE interceptors. This
lofty goal was never quite met, with int~rc~ptors repr~sC'nting only twenty
pcrcent of all TIE fighters by the time th~ Battle of Endor took place. As the
number of interceptors in the Imperial Navy increased, it became standard
procedure to include at least one squadron of TlElln starfighters aboa rd
each Star Destroyer.
with d~moraliling Imp~rial propaganda, as w~1 1 as supply canist~rs for iso- Capabilities n
lat~d Imp~rial infantry units, The TIE interceptor is a consummate dogfightc:r, possessed of increased spC'C'd I
and manC'uvC'rability when comparC'd to thC' standard TIE fighler. Not only is •<
Si~ nar FI~~t Systems TIE Bomb~r CL 9 thC' intercC'ptor fast~r and morC' ag ile than the TIE fightC'f, it also incorporatC's
Gargantuan starfighl~r four fir~-linkC'd lasC'r cannons mountC'd on thC' tips of its bC'rli, dagger-shapC'd ;
Init 1"7; S ~nses Pw:~ption +6 solar arrays, ThC' solar arrays themselves featured a horizontal notch that <
Defe ns ~ Rd 15 (fl at-foot~d 12), Fort 26; 1"7 arm or, V~hicu l ar Combat improves pilot visibility to both sidC's. Although it lacks shiC'lds, armor, and
hp 130; DR 10; Thr ~s hold 46 life su pport, th~ TIE interceptor has proven to b~ mor~ than a match for the
Speed fly 12 squar~s (ma~. velocity 850 km/h), fly 3 squares X- wing fighter. Interceptor tactics ar~ nearly identical to those utiliz~d by
(starship scal~) standard TIE fighters.
Ranged las~r cannons +7 (see b~low) or
Ranged m~dium concussion missiles +7 (see below)
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk +2; Grp +33
Abilities Str 43, De ~ 16, Con ,Int 17
Skills Initiativ~ 1"4, Mechanics 1"6, Perception +6, Pilot +4,
Use Computtr 1"6
Crew 1 (skilled): Pass ~ nge r s none
Cargo 15 tons 100mb bay): Consumables 2 days; C;rri ~d Craft none
Payload 16 medium concussion missiles
Availability Military: Cost 150,000 (60,000 used)
The TIE advanced is much more robust than the sta nda rd TIE/In. This is
due to a sturdier frame, which is visually obvious when one e xamines the
fighter's thicker wing struts and elo ngated rear deck. Utiliz ing the same
powerful drive sys tem that would eventually propel the TIE in terceptor, the
TIE advanced was excep tional ly swift for its size. Despite this, the larger
mass of the fighter, further exacerba ted by the presence of a hyperdrive and
shield generators, meant that it was no faster and less maneuverable than
an unmodified TIE fighter.
TIE DEFENDER The TIE defender is much faster than any other TIE variant. An array of
Sienar Flee t Systems, under the direc t supervision of Admiral Demetrius nlan euvering jets on each of the defender's thre( wing assemblies allows it
Zaarin, produced the TI E ddender in complete secrecy shortly before the to p(rform turns, dives, and complex acrobatic maneuvers with case. It is
Battle of Endor. The defende r's design wa s cutting~edge, and completely al so more than five limes as expensive to produce as a standard TIE fighter.
outside the sco pe of standard Imperial sta rfighter doctrine. Because of the As a result, it is rarely deployed except in the most dire and unu sual of
project's secrecy, the upper-echelon Naval officers who had panned the ci rcum stances.
TIE advanced project were never made aware of the TIE defender. Had such
information been made available, it is doubtful that the defender would Sienar Fled Systems TIE Defender Cl 11
have seen the light of day. Huge starfighter
Because only a handful of ddenders were produced, they did not see In it + 15; Senses Perception +8
widespread use during the Ga lactic Civ il War. Ironically, the TIE defender's Defense Ref 2t (flat-footed 12), Fort 24 ; +4 armor, Vehicular Combat
first use in combat was against rogue naval elements commanded by Admiral hp 100; OR 10 ; SR 30; Thres hold 34
Zaarin himself. In th( en d, Ih( defend er was instrum(n ta l in (n gin( ering Speed fly 16 squa res (max. velocity 1,680 km/h), fly B squares
Zaarin's ult imate defeat. At I(as! on( el(me n! of de{(nders from Onyx (starship scale)
Squadron participated in the Battle of Endor, but th(y were too few to swing Ranged lase r cannons + 10 (see below) or
th e battle in the Em pire's favor. Rang ed medium ion cannons +10 (see below) or
Rang ed proton to rpedoes +10 (see below) n
Capabiliti ~s I
The TIE defender deviates from standard Imperialstarfighter design philoso-
fight ing Space 3x3 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk +5; Grp +29
phy in a number of ways. Not on ly is it a heavily armed assau lt fighter, it is At k Optio ns aulofire (laser cannons, ion cannons), fire-link (proton
eq uipped with a hype rdrive, heavy deflector shields, and thick armor plating. torpedoes)
Because of its durability and firepower, the defender is ca pable of facing
Ab ilit ies Str 39, Dex 28, Con ,Int 16
Alliance starfighters, such as the X-wi ng and y-wing, on their own terms. In
Skill s Initiative +15, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot + 15,
addi tion to four fire-linked laser cannons, the d(f(nder comes equipped with
Use Compu ter +8
a pair of medium ion can nons and the ability to fire proton torpedoes.
Crew 1 (expert); Passenge rs none
Cargo 65 kg; Consumables 2 day s; Carried Craft none
Payload 8 proton torpedoes
Hypt rdrive x 2, limited navlcomputer (lO-j ump memory)
Availability Military; Cost 200,000 (80,000 used)
The V-19 Torrent starfighter came into promintnct at tht btginning of the
Clone Wars and was the favorite Ship of the Galactic Republic during the
early days of the conflict. Though the V-wing starfighter and the ARC-170
fighter would later replace it, the V-19 Torrent served as a fast and agile
fighter th at was critical to the Republic's victo ry a t the Battle of Muuni linst.
The V-19 Torrent is a capable ship that draws a great deal of inspirat ion from
folding-wing designs, such as th ose that wou ld later be implemented in the
Theto- and Lambda-class shuttles.
V-19 prototypes saw their first use at the Battle of Geonosis, and were
quickly rushed into production after that success. Though these ships were
Though less durable and more lightly armed than other craft of ils time, the
V-wing starfighter is among the fastest ships in the gala~y and remains so
Kuat Systems Engineering
for '(tars to come. Not quite as agile as its suCttSsor craft, the V-wing makes
Alpha-3 Nimbus V- wing Star fighter Cl B
arl excellerlt pursuit fighter capable to catchirlg up to slower starships and
HU9~ starfighltr
running them dowrl. Similarly, V~wings are often used irl hit-arld~run mis-
Ini t +8; Senses Perception +6
sions where getting past the enemy's defenses is a matter of speed; irl many
Defense Ref 15 {flaHootC'd Ill. Fort 23: ... 3 armor, Vehicular Combat ways, the V-wi ng serves as the inspiration for the Rebel Alliance's guerrilla
hp 80; DR 10: SR 15; Threshold JJ tactics, since some veterans of the Clone Wars will go on to serve under the
Spccd fly 16 squares (max. vc:locity 1,450 km/h), fly 6 squares Alliance banner during the Galactic Civil War.
(slarship scale) The V-wing starfighter also makes an excellent escort fighter. Requiring
Ra nged light laser cannons +6 (~C' below) only a single pilot and capable of ru nning circles around almost any space
Fig ht ing Space 3x3 or 1 square (5tarship scale); Cover total (crew), +5 transport, the V-wing can race ahead to engage any threats while still being
(astromcch droid) quick enough to return and protect the transport if trouble arises. Though
Base Atk +2; Grp +25 weaker than many escort fighters, the V~wing can usually create enough of
Atk Options autofirc (ligh t laser cannons) a diversion for its charge to escape or delay an attack until reinforcements
n Abiliti es SIr 36, Ot)( 18, Con -, Int 14 can arrive. Additionally. since the V~wing doesn't usua lly have hyperdrive
I Skills Initiative +8, Mechanics +6 (+13"). Pcrctption +6, Pilot +8, capability, the ship must be la urlched from a la rger vessel (such as a Star
U~ Computcr +6 (+13") Destroyer), and as such is usually limited to missions within the same star
"/fthe ship has on ostromtth dfOid, uS(' thrse skill modifiers instead.
• system or to escorting shuttlecraft launched from a capital ship.
I lID Designed to act as a short ~ range fighter irl the warlirlg days of the Clon~
Wars, the Alpha~3 Nimbu5V~wing is a solidly built starfighter that remains in
11 service throughout th~ Galactic Civil War. Engineered by Walex 81issex for usc
@ by the Galactic R~public, the V~wing starfighter boasts light armam~nt and
some shielding but leaves heavy assault missions to other starfight ~ rs. Unlike
the TIE fighter, which would replace the V~wing as the Empir~'s starfighter of
I! choice early on, the V~wing makes use of an astromtth droid for r~pairs and
pilot assistance. Oespite the astromech's presence. the V-wing starfighter is
nol, on ils own. hyperspace-capable and must rely on a hyperdrive booster
ring to travel at faster~than-light speeds.
X - S 3 TWINTAIL.. develop a personality as all droids do. Unless its droid receivC's regu lar memory
wipes, a ship can develop idiosyncrasies as the droid C'xC'rts more control
STARFIOI-ITER OVC'f its compulC'r systems. Some X-S3 pilots allow their ships 10 devtlop
pcrsonalitiC'5 in this manner, befiC'ving it makes the ship respond btltC'r whC'n
X-83 TwinTail St arfightt f CL 12 the droid can anticipate thC' pilofs actions.
Gargantuan starfighter
inil +8; Senses Perception +6 CAPABIL.ITIES
Def en se Ref 20 (flat-footed 13), Fort 29 ; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat The strength of the TwinTail lies in its balance between du rability and
hp 170; DR 10; SR 3D; Threshold 49 fi repower. The X-S3 TwinTail has shields comparable in strength to some
Spee d fly 16 squares (mall. velocity 1,200 kmfh), fly 5 squares transports and light frigates, whilC' it boasts a strongC'r hull than most
(starship scale) shultlecraft. Small, dense, and tough, the TwinTail can take a bC'ating, and its
Ranged laser cannons +7 (sec below) or shields can absorb a largC' amount of damagC' bdorC' IhC'y fail, making thesC'
Ranged prolon tor~docs +7 (sec below) fighters C'xcC'ptionally good choices for front-linC' combat. Some squadrons
Fig hting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship scale); Coyer lotal (crew), +5 of TwinTails are used to absorbing thC' brunt of thC' initial damage from
(astromcch dfoid) opposing forces and soaking up attacks so that morC' delicate fighters can
Ba se Atk +2; Grp +36 movC' throug h a ddensive screen unscathed.
Atk Options autofire (laser cannons) Though the TwinTaii has a rC'putation for durability, its weapon systems
Abiliti es SIr 48, Dex 24, Con -, In! 16 are also sC'cond to nonC'.lts laser cannons combine to producC' a high-yiC'ld
Skill s Initiative +8, Mechanics +6 1+ 13' )' Perception +6 (+3'). Pilot +8, energy output that can devastatC' any targC't put before them. ASingle Twin-
Ust Computer +6 (+ 13") Tail ship is more than a match for most 'igMC'rs onC'-on-one, and even whC'n
'If the ship has on osrrom~h droid, use the~ skU! modifiers instead. outmatched it can usually take down most of thC' opposing forces bdore
suceumbing to their assault.
Crew 1 plus astromcch droid (skilled); Passengers none
Cargo 70 kg; Consumables 6 days; Carried Craft none
Hyperdrive xl, navicomputer
Availability licensed; Cost 160,000 (75,000 used)
A T-65BR with sC'nsors active shows up IikC' a bC'acon on C'Ve'n the weakest
intC'rstel1ar dC'tection equipmC'nt. These sensors, whC'n paired with the T-
65BR's high-speC'd hypertransceiver, allow the pilot to transmit sensor data
to base in real time, These sensors provide a +10 equipment bonus on USC'
Computer checks to operate sensors, but impose a -to penalty on Stealth
checks to hide the ship.
The ship's pilot is pairC'd with an astromech droid that can takC' control of
the ship should the pilot require rC'st. Given the sC'nsitivC' natu rC' of the ship's
onboard systC'ms, it is the pilot's obligation to prevent his craft from falling
into enemy hands. This is accomplished through thC' uSC' of a self-destruct
switch. When activated, the switch simultanC'ously erasC's all onboard com-
puter mC'mory, dC'tonalC's a shaped charge that destroys the ship's astromech
droid, and injects the pilot wi th a lethal toxin. A dead man's switch, tied 10
the pilot's vital signs, then detonates a large baradium charge, effectively
destroying whatever remains,
VT-SERIES of collector's clubs and vintage ship shows. Further, because the YT ships
are so easily modified, it's not always easily to tell what stock ship is at the
TRANSPORTS core of a particular customized YT vesSC'1.
The YT-2400 is CEC's bid to produce a -perfect " light freighter. An upgrade
of the YT-2000 design, it incorporates everything learned during the run of
the long and successful YT line. Though it uses many of the same technology
upgrades as the short- run YT-2000. the YT-2400 returned to the off-center
cockpit arrangement. Though for both smaller and larger craft a center-
mounted cockpit makes sense. it turned out that many pilots prderred an
offset cockpit so they could easily dock their ships with the cockpit side
directly against a wall or similar obstruction.
Though the YT-2400 isn't as sturdy as the YT-2000, it has thirty percent
specifications to competing shipyards, leading to CEC putting the YT-2000 more cargo capacity, an escape pod built into the cockpit section (+5 to
into production before all its potential drawbacks had been worked out, As a Acrobatics checks to enter the escape pod from the cockpit if the YT-2400
result, the ship is somewhat touchier than most of the extremely reliable YT is destroyed). and better maneuverability. Since most owners end up adding
designs (a character making a Mechanics check to modify or repair a YT-2000 additional weapons and defenses after purchase anyway. the slightly reduced
takes a - 2 penalty). However, its extensive cargo capacity. good dde nses, martial capability of the YT-2400 does little to discourage sa les.
and amazing maneuverabi lity for a ship its size. coupled with plenty of spare Among the most well-known YT-2400s is the Outrider, the ship of smug-
space and power to make custom modifications, catapul ted the YT-2000 in gler and mercenary Oash Rendar.
popularity among its owners. The line was discontinued early not because of
poor sales, but so CEC could push the new YT-2400 design, which had not
been compromised by espionage or rushed design work.
Crew 3 (normal); Passengers 6 De fense Ref 18 (flat- footed 14), Fort 26; +14 a rmor, VehiCular Combat
hp 180; DR IS; SR 45; Th reshold 76
Cargo 150 tons; Co nsum ables 2 months ; Carried Craft no ne
Hyperdrive x2 (backup x I2), navicomputer Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1,050 km /h)' fly 6 square s
Availability licensed; Cost 130,000 (32,000 used) (starship scale)
Ranged 2 quad laser cannons +13 (see below) and
Laser can nons (gunner) medium concussion missiles +15 (see below) and
Atk +2, Omg 5dl0x2 docking gun (blaster cannon) + 15 (see ~Iow)
Fighting Space 12xl2 or I SQua re (starsh ip scale); Cover total
Base Atk + 10; Grp +56
MILLENNIUM FALC:ON Atk Options autofire (quad laser can nons), fi re-l irlk (medium concussion
The Millennium Falcon is among the most famous stars hips in the galaxy. missiles)
Originally a stock YT-1300, it's not clea r how many hands and technicians
Abilitie5 5tr 42. Dex 18, Con ,Int 16
the vessel went through before it came to the possession of lando Calris-
Skills Initiative +6, Mechanics +12, Perception -t12, Pilot +G,
sian. Though cobbled together from different s hips, the Folcon is proof that
Us~ Computer +12
the whole is often more than the su m of its parts. It is oft~n flown und er
Crew 4 (ace); Passe ng ers 6
false registration, and has been identified at the Argos, Sunlight Franchise,
Cargo 100 tons; Co nsumables 2 months; Carried Craft none
Longshot, and Shadow Bird, among other aliases.
Payload 8 medium concussio n missiles
It served lando Calrissian, Han Solo, and Princess leia and was at vari-
Hype rdri~ x.5 (backup )(1O), navicomputer
ous points piloted by any number of copilots and allies. (For this reason, the
Availability Unique; Cost not available for sale
statistics g iven here assume a "typical" c rew of ace smugglers; if the ship
is encountered with lando, Han Solo, or Chewbacca flying it, their abilities
'This ship is treated as a Gargantuan starfight~r for the purposN of being
may be used rath~ r than those of a generic crew.)
targeted bycopitol ship weapons, dogfighting, and using starship
YT -1300 Stock
light Transport
IFreight Configuration)
I Boarding Ramps
2 Docking Rings
3 Wain Corridor
4 Dbmntion Deck
5 Cockpit Access Corridor
6 Cockpil
7 Nain Hold
8 Circuitry 8ay
9 Refresher
10 freighllolding Room
II Cargo HDlds
12 Engineering Day
V - WINO loo k. the other way if a Hutt or a Rebel manag ed to produce even hal f way
realistic documents supporting a sa le.
As a result, the V- w ing fighter, lovingly called the ' w ishbon e" by Rebel
Koensayr BTL-53 V-wing CL 10
Alliance pilots, was the workho rse and backbone of th e early Rebellion. As
Gargantuan starfignter
the X- wing became i ncreasin gly avail able to the Rebellion, V-wings became
Init +5; Senses Perception +6
second-li ne st arf ighters used only because so many were available. Plans to
Defense Ref 16 {flat-footed 121. Fort 26; +7 armor, Vehicula r Combat
decommission all V- wings are periodica lly drawn up, but some of th e ships
hp 120; OR 10; SR 10; Threshold 46
co ntinu e to serve t hrough the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and the con fl icts
Speed fly 16 squares (ma x. velocity 1,000 km{h), fly 4 squares t hat follow it.
(starship scale)
Ranged laser cannons +7 (see below) and CAPABILITIES
ion cannons +5 (see below) or Although not as swift as an X- wing or as powerful as a B-wing, th e V-wing
Rang ed proton torpedoes +7 (sec: below) and was a stu rdy, well - sh ielded cra f t with a pow erfu l attack in the form of two
ion cannons +5 (s ee below) ion cannons and proton torpedo tubes. Ungainly fo r a snubfighter, th e V- wing
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 sq uare (starship scale) ; Cover total (crew), +5 served as a joint fighter/bomber, able to both enter dogfigh t s with TI E fight-
(astromech droid) ers and take out armored targ ets, such as enemy freighters and planetary
Base: Atk +2; Grp +33 bunkers. Few ships its size mounted ion cannons, an d the success of th e
Atk Options autafirc: (laser can nons, ion canno ns), fire-link (p rot on V-w ing is one reason that th e B-wing was simila rly armed.
to rpedoes)
Abilities Sir 42, Dex 18, Con ,Int 16 V-WINO L.ONOPROBE
Ski lls Initiative +5, Mechanics +6 (+13 ' ), Perception +6, Pilo t +5, Th e "l ongprobe" varia nt of the V- wing is a scouting vessel. It replace s a
Use Co mput er +6 (+13') gunner with additiona l supplies and fue l, a navicomputer, a backup hyper-
' If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead. drive, and a se nsor enhancement package. This is hardly enough to turn it into
Crew 2 plus astramech droid (s killed) ; Passengers none a dedicated long- range scout, t hough it can do a better job at that task than
Cargo 110 kg; Consumabl es I week; Carri ed Craft non e a typical starfig hter. One side effect of this alteration is that Longprobes are
Payload 8 proton torpedoes unusually well armed for a scout, making them more likely t o get home to
Hyperdrive xl , lO-jump memory (astromech droid)
Availability Military; Cost 135,000 (60,000 used)
Cargo 220 kg; Co nsumables 1 month; Carried Craft none Availability Mili tary; Cost 210,000 (90,000 used)
Payload 8 proton torpedoes
Hyper dri~ xl Ix 12 backup). nayicomputer laser ca nnons (pilot)
Ayai lability Military; Cost 185.000 (90,000 used) Atk +7 (+2 autofirel. Omg 4dl0 x 2
Proton torpedo~ (gunner)
laser cannons (pilot) Atk +5, Omg 9dlOx2. 4-square splash
Atk +9 (+4 autofire). Omg 4d1O x2
Ion can non s (pilot)
Atk +9 (+4 autofirel. Omg 4d1Ox 2 ion
Proton torpedoes (pilot)
Atk +9, Om9 9dl0x2, 4-square splash
For its tim e, th e Z-95 Headhunter was a sta t e-of- the- art sta rfighter
that made an indelible mark on the gala)(y. Space combat tactics of the
tim e were designed with the Z-95 in mind, and many modern maneuvers
Incom/Subpro Z-95 Headhunter Cl9
are based on those originally flown in the Headhunter by the starfighter
Gargantuan starfigh t ~ r
aces of yesteryear.
Init +3; Senses Perce ption +6
Defense: Ref 14 (flat- foot ed 12), Fort 26; +7 armor, Vehicu lar Combat
hp 120; DR 10; SR 15; Threshold 46 Th e stock Z-95 is not equipped with hyperdrive engines, but it wasn't long
Speed fly 16 squarcs (max. velocity 1,150 km!h), fly 4 squares before Alliance t echnicians created a number of variant Headhunters that
(starship scale) could traverse hyperspac e. Prior to implementing hyperdrives, the Rebel
Rang ed triple light blaste r cannons +5 (sce bdow) or Alliance was reluctant to assign the craft to its fleet, instead keeping a
Rang cd medium concussion missiles +5 (see below) handful of Headhunters for short- range defense in remo t e sectors. Though
Fighting Space: 4 x 4 or 1 square (s tarshif/ scale); Cover tol al still a relative rarity in th e Allianc e fl eet. they ar e ubiquitous enough to
Base: Atk +2; Grp +33 be utilized for sensitive operations in areas where their discovery will not
Atk Options aulofirc: (trip le: light blaster cannons), fire-link (medium immediately reveal the Al liance's presence the same way that an A- wing or
concussion missiles) X- wing would.
Abilities SIr 42, Dex 14, Con ,Inl 12 Another point in favor of the Z- 95 is its durability and ease of repair. It is
Skill s Initiative +3, Mechanics +6, Perception +6, Pilot +3, a rugged craft that can take a beating and keep flying. Use of th e craft is so
Usc: Computer +6 widespread, and so many have been manufactured over th e years, that it is
Crew 1 (skilled): Passengers none: a simpl e matter to find spare parts, even on most backwater worlds.
Cargo 85 kg; Consumabl es 1 day; Carri ed Craft none
Payl oad 6 mediu m concussion missiles
Ava ilability Restricted; Cost 80,000 (45,000 used)
The Z-95 Headhunter is a venerable starfighter design that still sees use
th roughout the galaxy. Even though it is no longer produced, either by
Incom Industries or 5ubpro Corporation, unlicensed copi es and variants can
be found throughout the Outer Rim territories. Without taking into account
the number of knock- offs in ci rculation, th ere are still more Headhunters in
servic e wi th plan etary fleets, customs personnel, paramilitary organizations,
and law enforcement agencies than any oth er star fighter.
Th e original Headhunt ers were more akin to atmospheric fight ers than
starships. After several generations of continued development, the Z-95
was close to the form and function that it would become famous for. The
T-65 X- wing ow es much of its success to the Z-95, and the two craft are
obvious cousins wh en placed sid e by side. It should come as little surprise
that many of the galaxy's heroes have flown the Headhunter on more than
on e occasion.