Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
2. Attempt any three of the following: 3 x 10 = 30
Q.No. Question Marks CO
a. Define Big O notation, Big Omega and Big Theta Notation. Depict the same 10 CO1
graphically and explain.
b. Show the results of inserting the following keys into an empty B-tree with 10 CO2
minimum degree t= 2,
T, V, W, M, R, N, P, A, B, X, Y, D, Z, E, F, S, Q, K, C, L, H
c. Write and explain Dijkstra’s algorithm and apply it on the graph given 10 CO3
d. Write the algorithm for finding all pair shortest path in a graph. Apply this 10 CO4
algorithm on the graph given in part [2-(c)]. What is the complexity of this
algorithm? Which design strategy the algorithm uses?
e. Write and explain Rabin Karp string matching algorithm. Working modulo q =13, 10 CO5
how many spurious hits does the Rabin-Karp matcher encounter in the text T
= 3141592653589793 when looking for the pattern P = 35?
b. Write short notes on: 10 CO4
i) Backtracking
ii) Hamiltonian Cycles
b. What is the application of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)? Also write the recursive 10 CO5
algorithm for FFT.