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Key Staff CV: Command Area Development Consultants (Cadc) of Jalalpur Irrigation Project

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Muhammad Rizwan


Position Title and No. Design Engineer (K-06)

Name of Firm National Development Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd.
Name of Expert: Muhammad Rizwan
Date of Birth: October 13, 1979
Citizenship Pakistani

- PhD. Remote Sensing and GIS from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2021
(Coursework completed, Thesis submitted)
- M.Sc. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from Hanyang University, South Korea, 2010
- B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 2004
Trainings Attended (Relevant):
- Survey Camp for 15 days held at Islamabad, Pakistan, 2001.
- Internship in Light Engineering Services (LESC), Gujranwala, Pakistan, 2003.
- Six Weeks Training on Watercourse Improvement and Construction under the Scheme “National
Program for Improvement of Watercourses” at Water Management Training Institute, Thokar Niaz
Baig, Lahore, Pakistan, 2005.
- Completed the courses for 2019 Winter School on Frontier and Interdisciplinary Sciences, organized
by International College of UCAS at Guizhou, China.
- Attended one day workshop on Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling, organized by Faculty of
Agricultural Engineering and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan on January
31, 2019.
- Attended one day seminar on Water Resource Management, organized by Faculty of Agricultural
Engineering and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan on February 1, 2019.

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Period Employing Organization and Country Summary of activates performed

title/position. Contact information for relevant to the Assignment
Sept. Project: Water, Land Resources China • Guiding and monitoring graduate
2017 to and Environment students in designing field
Sept. experiments
2020 Employer: University of Chinese • Guidance and monitoring student
Academy of Sciences activities for data collection
• Leading analysis of observed field
Position: Researcher data
• Data analysis and report writing
Location: Lanzhou, China
Contact: 008613088792590

July 2015 Project: Developing guidelines Pakistan • Designing surface and high
to Sept for water soluble (Punjab) efficiency irrigation systems
2017 fertilizers under drip • Testing of locally developed water-
irrigation soluble fertilizer with drip irrigation
(Full Employer: Water Management system on Maize, Tomato and
time) Research Center, Citrus.

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Muhammad Rizwan

Period Employing Organization and Country Summary of activates performed

title/position. Contact information for relevant to the Assignment
University of Agriculture, • Designed drip irrigation systems for
Faisalabad maize, citrus and vegetables.
• Season wise, test water soluble
Position: Research Associate fertilizers (imported and locally
developed) under drip irrigation for
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab above mentioned crops.
• Computation of actual crop water
Contact: 041-9200201 requirement.
(Employer) • Report Writing
April Project: Research and Pakistan • Designing surface and high
2014 to Development (Punjab) efficiency irrigation systems and
June Component lined water courses.
2015 Employer: Water Management • Awareness to farmers regarding
Research Centre, Adaptation of water saving
(Full University of Agriculture, technologies.
time) Faisalabad • Monitoring the operation of laser
land levelling and skimmed wells.
Position: Senior Agricultural • Cost and material estimation of
Engineer the above mention operations.
• Comparative performance
Location: Faisalabad (Punjab) evaluation and report writings of
041-9200201 these activities.
Sept Project: Lower Bari Doab Canal Pakistan • Reviewed the design of drip
2011 to Improvement Project (Punjab) irrigation and Laser Land Leveling.
Jan 2013 • Ascertaining design of project
interventions for cost effectiveness
(Full Employer: Euroconsult, 46K1 Model and technical suitability
time) Town Lahore • Spot Checking for quality assurance
of drip irrigation system and Laser
Position: Agricultural Soil and Land Leveling.
OFWM Assistant • Verification of Implemented Works
Location: Lahore (Punjab) of Laser Land Leveling and drip
irrigation as per design and
Contact: drawings.
(Employer) 92 42 35884432 • Quality checking of agri. Machinery
at the manufacturer site and its
supervision at the farm to ensure
supplier’s compliance with
standards, specifications and
• Project reporting and
Feb 2011 Project: Gambella Alevero Rice Ethiopia • Reviewed the design of watercourse
to Aug Project improvement and Laser Land
2011 Employer: Mint Consulting Group, Leveling.
49 Bridge Colony, Lahore • Spot Checking for quality assurance
(Full Cannt of water channels and Laser Land
time) Leveling.

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Muhammad Rizwan

Period Employing Organization and Country Summary of activates performed

title/position. Contact information for relevant to the Assignment
Field Water Management • Verification of Implemented Works
Location: Specialist of improved watercourses and Laser
Ethiopia Land Leveling as per design and
Contact: drawings.
(Employer) • Maintaining liaison with
(042) 35830003 stakeholders
June Project: Punjab Irrigation Pakistan • Designing of water management
2010 to System Improvement (Punjab) technologies and envisaged
Feb 2011 Project (PISIP) interventions
(Full • Supervised all activities of on-
time) Employer: Irrigation and Power farm demonstration and
Department experiments for appropriate water
saving technologies in the model
Position: Agricultural Engineer area.
• Lead to implement the activities
Location: Punjab of on-farm demonstration and
experiment advised by the
researcher team.
• Ensured effective communication
and coordination between
members of the task team and
farmers and participate in the
activities of on-farm
demonstration and experimental
• Guided the farmers to participate
in the activities for on-farm
demonstration and experiments to
investigate water saving
Oct 2006 Project: Research and Pakistan • Designing surface and high
to Feb Development (Punjab) efficiency irrigation systems and
2008 Component (PISIP) lined water courses.
• Awareness to farmers regarding
(Full Employer: Water Management Adaptation of water saving
time) Research Center, technologies.
University of Agriculture, • Monitoring the operation of laser
Faisalabad land levelling and skimmed wells.
Agricultural Engineer • Cost and material estimation of the
Position: above mention operations.
Location: Faisalabad (Punjab) Comparative performance
evaluation and report writings of
Contact: these activities.
(Employer) 041-9200201

May Project: National Program for Pakistan • Worked as field team head for
2005 to Improvement of (Punjab) execution of project regarding
Sept Watercourses (NPIW) design and construction of
2006 Employer: watercourses in District Okara,
On Farm Water

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Muhammad Rizwan

Period Employing Organization and Country Summary of activates performed

title/position. Contact information for relevant to the Assignment
(Full Management, Okara • Monitored the progress of civil
time) Position: work, Survey and Design of Lined
Assistant Agricultural and Unlined Watercourses /
Engineer Channels, Spot checking in regard
Location: of material and construction of
Okara (Punjab) civil work as per design, financial
Contact: aspects in term of verifying
(Employer) material and labor cost.
• Monitoring change of design
during construction due to various
implementation constraints
• Meetings regarding progress of
work with Director, District
Officer, District Co-ordination
Officer and Project Monitoring

Membership in Professional - Professional member of Pakistan Engineering

Associations and Publications council (AGRI-2386)
- Published twelve research papers in national
and international journal
- Presented seven papers in national and
international conferences

Language Skills English, Urdu, Punjabi, Knowhow of Chinese

(indicate only language in which you can work):

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Detailed Tasks Prior Work/Assignment that Best Illustrates Capability to Handel the
Assigned Assigned Tasks
Name of Assignment / Project: Water, Land Resources and Environment
Year: Sept 2017 to Sept 2020
Location: China
Client: Misc.
Position Held: Researcher
• Guiding and monitoring graduate students in designing field experiments
• Guidance and monitoring student activities for data collection
• Leading analysis of observed field data
• Data analysis and report writing
Name of Assignment / Project: Developing guidelines for water soluble
fertilizers under drip irrigation
Year: July 2015 to Sept 2017
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Client: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Project Description: This project was funded by PARB. The purpose of the

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Muhammad Rizwan

project was the testing of water-soluble fertilizers under drip irrigation systems
and developing guidelines for local farmers.
Position Held: Research Associate
• Designing surface and high efficiency irrigation systems
• Testing of locally developed water-soluble fertilizer with drip irrigation
system on Maize, Tomato and Citrus.
• Designed drip irrigation systems for maize, citrus and vegetables.
• Season wise, test water soluble fertilizers (imported and locally developed)
under drip irrigation for above mentioned crops.
• Computation of actual crop water requirement.
• Report Writing
Name of Assignment / Project: Research and Development Component
Year: April 2014 to June 2015
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Client: Irrigation and Power Department, Government of Punjab
Project Description: This project was funded by JICA, Japan and was about the
introduction of water saving technologies i.e. PLL, bed planting, drip irrigation,
watercourse improvement to the farmers. Three distributaries (Shahkot, Dijkot &
Khikhi) of Lower Chenab Canal was selected under this project.
Position Held: Senior Agricultural Engineer
• Designing surface and high efficiency irrigation systems and lined water
• Awareness to farmers regarding Adaptation of water saving technologies.
• Monitoring the operation of laser land levelling and skimmed wells.
• Cost and material estimation of the above mention operations.
• Comparative performance evaluation and report writings of these activities.
Name of Assignment / Project: Lower Bari Doab Canal Improvement Project
Year: Sept 2011 to Jan 2013
Location: Lahore, Punjab
Client: On Farm Water Management, Agriculture Department
Project Description: This project was funded by Asian Development Bank
(ADB). The basin purpose of this project was command area development of
Position Held: Agricultural Soil and OFWM Specialist
• Reviewed the design of drip irrigation and Laser Land Leveling.
• Ascertaining design of project interventions for cost effectiveness and
technical suitability
• Spot Checking for quality assurance of drip irrigation system and Laser
Land Leveling.
• Verification of Implemented Works of Laser Land Leveling and drip
irrigation as per design and drawings.
• Quality checking of agri. Machinery at the manufacturer site and its
supervision at the farm to ensure supplier’s compliance with standards,
specifications and parameters
• Project reporting and documentation
Name of Assignment / Project: Gambella Alvero Rice Project
Year: Feb 2011 to Aug 2011
Location: Ethiopia
Client: Saudi Star Agricultural Development, a MIDROC Africa company
Project Description: This project was about the cultivation of rice in the hot and

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Muhammad Rizwan

humid region of Ethiopia.

Position Held: Field Water Management Specialist
• Reviewed the design of watercourse improvement and Laser Land
• Spot Checking for quality assurance of water channels and Laser Land
• Verification of Implemented Works of improved watercourses and Laser
Land Leveling as per design and drawings.
• Maintaining liaison with stakeholders
Name of Assignment / Project: Punjab Irrigation System Improvement Project
Year: June 2010 to Feb 2011
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Client: Irrigation and Power Department, Government of Punjab
Project Description: This project was also funded by JICA, Japan. The purpose
of the project to introduce water savings technologies to the farmers of puberwala
distributary. At the head, middle and tail of the distributary, some model farms
were selected and different techniques of water savings were performed there.
The farmers of the surrounding areas were regularly invited at these farms to
demonstrate the project activities.
Position Held: Agricultural Engineer
• Designing of water management technologies
• Supervised all activities of on-farm demonstration and experiments for
appropriate water saving technologies in the model area.
• Lead to implement the activities of on-farm demonstration and experiment
advised by the researcher team.
• Ensured effective communication and coordination between members of the
task team and farmers and participate in the activities of on-farm
demonstration and experimental farms.
• Guided the farmers to participate in the activities for on-farm
demonstration and experiments to investigate water saving technologies
Name of Assignment / Project: Research and Development Component
Year: Oct 2006 to Feb 2008
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Client: Irrigation and Power Department, Government of Punjab
Project Description: This project was funded by JICA, Japan and was about the
introduction of water saving technologies i.e. PLL, bed planting, drip irrigation,
watercourse improvement to the farmers. Three distributaries (Khurrianwala,
Mungi & Killianwala) of Lower Chenab Canal was selected under this project.
Position Held: Agricultural Engineer
• Designing surface and high efficiency irrigation systems and lined water
• Awareness to farmers regarding Adaptation of water saving technologies.
• Monitoring the operation of laser land levelling and skimmed wells.
• Cost and material estimation of the above mention operations.
• Comparative performance evaluation and report writings of these activities.
Name of Assignment / Project: National Program for Improvement of
Watercourses (NPIW)
Year: May 2005 to Sept 2006

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Muhammad Rizwan

Location: Okara, Punjab

Client: Agriculture Department, Government of Punjab
Project Description: This project as the name mentioned “National program for
improvement of watercourses” was about improvement and lining of
watercourses. Under this project some watercourses were selected which were
never lined under any project. In the next step, those watercourses were designed
and then improved and brick lined.
Position Held: Assistant Agricultural Engineer
• Worked as field team head for execution of project regarding design and
construction of watercourses in District Okara, Punjab.
• Monitored the progress of civil work, Survey and Design of Lined and
Unlined Watercourses/Channels, Spot checking in regard of material and
construction of civil work as per design, financial aspects in term of
verifying material and labor cost.
• Meetings regarding progress and quality of work with Director, District
Officer, District Co-ordination Officer and Project Monitoring Units.
Expert’s contact information: Email: ndc@ndcpak.com Phone: +92-42-37135034-7
I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge a n d belief that

(i) This CV correctly describes my qualifications and experience

(ii) I am not a current employee of the Executing or the Implementing Agency
(iii) In the absence o f medical incapacity, I will und ertak e this a s s i g n m e n t for the duration
and in terms of the inputs specified for me in Form TECH 6 provided team mobilization takes place
within the validity of this proposal.
(iv) I was not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting services assignment
(v) I am not currently debarred by a multilateral development bank
(vi) I certify that I have been informed by the firm that it is including my CV in the Proposal for the
{CAD-JIP}. I confirm that I will be available to carry out the assignment for which my CV has
been submitted in accordance with the implementation arrangements and schedule set out in the

___________________ ___________________ Date:___15/10/2020______

[Signature of expert or authorized representative of the firm] Day/Month/Year

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