WH - Question (Question) Ans
WH - Question (Question) Ans
WH - Question (Question) Ans
Who Gi e¨envi
1)) Who Gi A_© ‡K ev Kviv| Subject
wnmv‡e e¨eüZ †Kvb e¨w³ m¤ú‡K 2)) When Gi A_© KLb ev †Kvb mgq|
Rvb‡Z Who Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq| KLb ev †Kvb mgq KvRwU msNwUZ
Who singular and plural Dfq A‡_B nq, n‡qwQj ev n‡e G m¤ú‡K Rvb‡Z
e¨eüZ nq| †hgb;; ‡K KvRwU K‡i? When w`‡q cÖkœ Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb ::
†K hvq ? KLb hv‡e ? KLb KvRwU Ki‡e ?
Structure ;: Who + A.v / m.v + m.v + obj / Structure ;: When + A.v + Sub + m.v + obj
extension + ? / extension + ?
9. They ware sad at the sight of Gallery 4 . 9) Whose A_© Kvi , Kv‡`i ev †Kvb
10. They go to library to practice English . e¨w³i| †Kvb wRwbm / †Kvb wKQz
11. We eat to live. 12. They made a
†Kvb e¨w³i gvwjKvbvq Av‡Q Zv
plan to take Bluster’s voice
13.Fat and oil are used to make food delicious.
Rvbvi Rb¨ Whose Øviv cÖkœ Kiv nq|
14. I can’t eat very much because I have a Structure ;: Whose + noun + A.v + Sub +
stomach ache . m.v + obj / extension + ?
15. My friends can’t visit me here because 1.. I neet his car .
they can get ill easily. 2. This is Rakib’s pen .
16. They first want to sylhet to go there . 3. Ripon is reading shipons cycle .
17. Everyone was afraid of Cyclone Aila .
18. Babul’s father went out to look for his
family members .
19. We usually use medicine to cure diseases.
20. Sima is absent because she is ill .
20. The hare laughed at the tortoise for its
slow motion .
21. She went to school because she is ill .